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Sspp seminar 2014 #1

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a PDF file of the slides used in Session #1 of the "Shaping Spiritual Practices Program" seminar (SSPP) at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tauranga, New Zealand on the 4th August 2014.
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SSPP Seminar 2014 (Version #2) Session Visuals for a “seven session” delivery ©SSPP/JCD2014
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SSPP Seminar 2014 (Version #2)

Session Visuals for a “seven session” delivery


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Session #1Session #1

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Christian Spiritual Formation

“The process of being conformed to

the Image of Christ for the sake of

others” Robert Mulholland

Session #1

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Our logo . . . LUKE 24:13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him . . .

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

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This seminar is about spiritual disciplines . . .

Christian spiritual Christian spiritual disciplines disciplines

Identifying, understanding, observing, attending, experimenting, modelling, practicing, developing, choosing, changing, reproducing, habituating, renewing, scheduling, engaging

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What are Christian spiritual disciplines? Simply put . . .

– spiritual disciplines are;

• historically accepted essential practices of,

• habitual relationships and experiences

– through which Christian disciples routinely engage in the pursuit of . . .

• maintaining faith,

• nurturing and growing spirituality, and

• developing conformity with the image of Christ

– All spiritual disciplines contain both rhythm and rule.

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Spiritual disciplines as devotional

spiritual formation practices

disciples apply consistently will help

maintain and nurture faith, grow

spirituality, and build up Christ-


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Commencement exercise as an act of fellowship and worship in which the teacher will model the skill/behavior of the previous teaching session in sharing spiritual thought/reflection.

TEACHING Interactive teaching supported by visual media, and examples.


A planned activity to enable personal and group processing of the teaching’s focus

EPILOGUE Closing exercise of session-summary as an act of corporate worship

Each seminar session contains four aspects

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Our time together today . . .

Welcome and Introductions

Teaching - Spirituality

Teaching – Meditation

Praxis Activity

Epilogue – Modeling

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Christian Spirituality is

Lifelong Growth; it’s Discipleship

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Christian spirituality is the holistic relating of one’s

entire life as understood, felt, imagined and

decided upon in relationship to God as Father by

being united to Him through Jesus Christ, and

empowered by the Spirit’s indwelling presence.

“It’s the quest for a fulfilled and authentic Christian existence,

involving the bringing together of the basic ideas of Christianity and the whole experience of living within the

Christian faith.”

Alister E. McGrath, Christian Spirituality: An Introduction (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999), 1.

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When Jesus called followers to . . .

“come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”


He wasn’t calling them to detachment from religious pursuit, or offering freedom from all constraints, but rather into engagement with Himself uttered in the

expression “my yoke” (v:29), a metaphor for the discipline of discipleship.

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• Biblical spiritual growth works to enable us to realise our personal and corporate humanity

• Spiritual growth is observable

• Spiritual growth is subject to both progression and regression.

• Purposefully supported spiritual growth evidences maturity

• Discipleship is not only an intention it’s also action within a self-disciplined structure

• Spiritual disciplines practices enable effective spiritual formation/ discipleship growth, especially when supported by Rule of Life regula and rhythms.

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Meditation as a Christian spiritual discipline

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MEDITATION DESIRE To more deeply gaze on God’s works

and words

DEFINITION Meditation is a long, ardent gaze at God, His

work and His Word. Slowing down and giving one's undivided

attention to God lies at the core of Christian meditation.

Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2005, p.172-175.

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• developing sight for the interior things of God in the natural external world

• seeing beyond a first glance and first impression gazing into the heart of God

• developing depth of insight

• developing a love for gazing on God

• experiencing calmness, serenity and quietness stemming from an awareness of God’s nearness.

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1. How would you characterize your ability to pay attention?

2. When do you find it easiest to focus your mind or heart?

3. How might the tendency to do everything quickly affect your ability to meditate?

4. What is your gut reaction to the word meditation?

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Doing Biblical meditation/reflection from

applied VARK learning styles

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You are about to give directions to a person who is with you. She wants to visit your house later. She has a car. I would:

1. Draw, or give her a map.

2. Provide transportation for her

3. Tell her the directions

4. Write down the directions -without a map

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You are about to give directions to a person who is with you. She wants to visit your house later. She has a car. I would:

1. Draw, or give her a map. (V or seeing)

2. Provide transportation for her (K or doing)

3. Tell her the directions (A or hearing)

4. Write down the directions -without a map (R or analyzing)

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Here’s a question to guide our “reading the passage” . . .

1. “What do you see in the text?” or,

2. “What do you hear in the text, what’s it saying?” or,

3. “Why are the things in the text happening, what’s behind the directions and actions?” or, .

4. “What is being done in the text, how is it happening?”

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Here’s a question to guide our “reading the passage” . . .

1. “What do you see in the text?” (V group) or,

2. “What do you hear in the text, what’s it saying?” (A group) or,

3. “Why are the things in the text happening, what’s behind the directions and actions?” (R group) or,

4. “What is being done in the text, how is it happening?” (K group)

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MARK 6:30 The apostles gathered around

Jesus and reported to him all they had

done and taught. 31Then, because so

many people were coming and going that

they did not even have a chance to eat, he

said to them, "Come with me by

yourselves to a quiet place and get some

rest“ . . .

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My daily-weekly Exercises and Devotional activity

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Click here for our Web-blog . . . http://spiritmentor12.blogspot.co.nz/

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LUKE 2:51 Then he went down to Nazareth

with them and was obedient to them.

But his mother treasured all these

things in her heart. 52And Jesus grew in

wisdom and stature, and in favour

with God and men.

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Samuel 1 Sam. 2:21b -- -- grew up in

the presence of the LORD


Samuel 1 Sam. 2:26 -- Grow in stature

favour with the LORD

favour with men

John B Luke 1:80 -- Child grew became

strong in spirit --

Jesus Luke 2:40 filled with wisdom

became strong;

grace of God was upon him


Jesus Luke 2:52 Wisdom stature favour with

God favour with


2 4 5 2

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But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the

Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord

Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

JUDE 1:20-21

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