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SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man

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  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man



    S&ui&ntt i -c feSouthernAsiaDiv

    2 n d Q u a r t e r , 1 9 7 7

    D e a r Fellow Sabbath S c h o o l Members,

    O n c e a g a i n t h e attention o f t h e world church i s focuseworld missions report t h i s quarter, w i l l t h r i l l your ht h e progress of t h e ch urch i n t h e various countries o fDivision. Thre e projects w i l l b e blessed a s a r e s u l t ot h Sabbath Offering.1 . The R a n c h ! Seventh-day Adventist H o s p i t a l was estatwenty-five years a g o . Althou gh situated i n a n i n d u s t rmajor service i s t o r u r a l patients. New additions t h i sb e d capacity f r o m fifty-six t o ninety. A t present t h efull-fledged s c h o o l of nursing. With t h e growth o f t hf e e l s t h e n e e d f o r additional nurses training facilitiquest you t o h e l p u s establish a nurses training pro g2 . Political barriers make i t impossible f o r t h e O r i ei n g House in P o o n a , I n d i a t o suppl y t h e literature n ePakistan. The church there i s literally starving f o r 0 _ a s i d Publishing H o u s e , Lahore h a s b e e n established bgifts t h i s thirteenth Sabbath w i l l make i t possible fi m p o r t a n t function of t h e ch urch i n Pakistan.3 . We present t o you once again t h e n e e d f o r furthersenior college i n Sou thern Asia. T he growing desire ft h e increasingly difficult hurdles placed i n t h e waysecuring a higher edu c ation i n government universitief o r Spicer M e m o r i a l College t o s e e k a n autonomous stau s t o grant recognized degrees t o graduates. O u r gream e n t o f t h e college library and scie nce facilities.

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    O AIDin the study - J , . . .of this.quar- " . ! ' ter's all-impor--tant subject^-a-book- ; -- ,of lesson helps hasbeen prepared by Herbert Douglass and Leo Van

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    D A Y B R E A KERAdult Sabbath School Lessons/No. 328, ApConten ls

    1. G od Wi th U s2. God With U s3. Model Child and Yout h4. M o d e l Overcomer5. Model M an of Prayer6 . M o d e l W i t n e s s7. M o d e l of Integri ty8. M o d e l Teacher9. M o d e l of Sociableness1 0. Model of Faith1 1 . M o d e l of Humil i ty1 2. M o d e l of Love1 3. The M o d e l W a i t i n g to Be R e p r

    The Adult Sabbath School Lessons are prepared by the Saof the G e n e r a l Conference of Seventh-day A d ventists. Theis directed by a worldwide Sabbath School L e s s o n Commitserve as consulting editors.Editorial Off ice: 6 8 4 0 Eastern Ave. , NW , W a s h

    Lesson Author: Herbert E . DougEditor: W . Richard LesherEditorial Secretary: Florence L. W

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    \buELiv,It's possible to survive on one meal aweek. For a few weeks. But within ashort time you'll discover you are suffering a loss of physical strength.

    Likewise, your spiritual strength depends on a regular consistent diet ofspiritual food.A Sabbath m o m -ing serm on and aSabbath Schoolclass discussiononce a week are notenough to providetrie strength needed

    Daily Bspiritual lthe mainSchool lspiritual ffollow an

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    JESUS, T H E MODELI n t r o d u c t i o n

    This quarter's l e s s o n s will focus o n J e s u s , Go d b e c o mGod, Je sus was c o n c e r n e d a bo u t making the mind an d heathe " S o n o f m an, " H is chief goal was to co n v in ce the usafes t , and hea l th ies t way to live is God's way. A n y theologer ing shou ld be s o m e asp ec t o f what Jes us made clear regto s in an d the s i n n e r .O v e r the cen tur ies great biblical t hem es have become i stion with J e s u s . The major r eason forthis misun de rs ta n d inbecame c o n f u s e d about J e s u s . The misun de rs ta n d in g by Cident i ty , or igin , m i s s i o n , an d i n t e r cess i on s e e m s automatheir view of every other biblical topic.This quarterwe shal l s tudy J e s u s as ma n 's mo de l in everythat Go d asks of me n an d w o m e n for which He ha s n o t

    demonstration in J e s u s Chr is t . "We are to l ook t o t hecomplete in the perfection of r i g h t e o u s n e s s an d h o l i n efinisher o f o ur faith. He is the pat tern man. H is ex p er i enexper ience tha t we are to gain. H is character is our mo dm inds off the perplexi t ies an d the difficulties of this l i fe, anbeholding we may be changed i n to H is l i keness . We mp ur p ose . We may safe ly look to Him; forH e is al l -wise. A s wHim, He will be f o r m ed within, the hope of glory."EllenBible Commentary, vo l . 7, p. 970.We shou ld unders tand the great i s sues at stake in tpurpose o f Go d in cre at in g th is world, ho w the great co n t rwas permi t t ed . The plan o f re de mpt io n , God's par t an d maour minds . We mu s t s e e the very persona l aspec t o f s in , thaor poor pe r fo rma n ce ; that it is e sse n t ia l l y the rebe l l ious ths e l f o ver again s t the love an d h o l i n e s s o f God. Up p er m oscentral ro le that J e s u s has played in r eso lv i ng the greatJ e s u s , t he C a rp e n t e r o f Nazareth, came to this earth acworking of the great la w o f heredity." He was "subject to thHe ha d "to fight the batt le as every child o f human i ty mu s t

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    L E S S O N 1 March 27 - April 2

    God With U"They shall cal l his name E m m a n u e l ,which being interpreted is, God withu s" (Matt. f:23).God is at the center ofeverythingthat is the supreme fact.Life's meaning is either clarified bythat conviction or obscured by it sdenial. The first question to as k aboutGod is not what man thinks aboutGod, butwhat God thinks about m a n .It is what God thinks, d o e s , a n dreveals that gives meaning an dpurpose to life. Without that

    In the Word of God today w e c anm e e t the Man w ho walked the dustypaths of P a l e s t i n e t h e M a n w h owas truly God!

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    conviction what m an thinks and doescan at b e s t be only an echo of hisdeepest wishesno more.A question of truth is always aquestion about Jesus Christthat iswhy Jesus Christ is always a challengeto m e n and women. No other personin the history of mankind confronts uswith such a decision. It is in Jesus thatmen an d women come face-to-face

    with God an d H is great invitation.Through Cod alone can Cod beknown. N o amount of historicalresearch, logic, or intuition candiscover God. Whatever is knownabout God has b e e n revea led by God.The sharpest picture, the fullestpresentation, was Jesus of Nazareth,Cod in the flesh.Jus t who Jesus of Nazare th was an dwhere H e is today m u s t be clearly saidin our day. Our world has lost it smoorings. It is overwhelmed byfutureshock that doesn't wait for m e n an dwomen to walk into it casual ly. Ourworld thinks itself to be on thebrink ofnuclear disaster or mass starvation.Theworld n e e d s m a n y c lear voicesdeclaring Jesus an d H is salvation. Thatme s s age will bring direction an d hopeto m a n y in this world who have notyetcommitted themselves to se l f -indulgence.Jesus did not begin lifeas a m an an dthen acquire divinity in some granddisplayof human achievement. He did

    that distinctionmankind.No man or wi dea of the incaunthinkable. Inproblems m e nwith Jesus . H eman's terms bum e n an d womebent to life cutGod's will. He order to hea l thwomen let HimThe Christiangreaterwork than d work of Jesto all m e n . Allimportance. Lifother b le ss i n gschurch m u st dteachings aboumak e H t m Lorddeclare Him foralso reveal theMerely to procrepeat H is wordof the church.unbeliever beChristian's Lorif Christians diof love, joy, p ekindness, goodgentleness, an5:22, 23, RSV) "Godwithuswhat a challeng

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    P a r t 1 How far back in time does Jes"In the beginn ing was the Wordand the Word was God.""And the Word was made flesh,1:1,14) .

    John clearly states that, before Cthere. In fact, before anything thJ e s u s already "was." G e n e s i s 1:1 rplanet, and John declares that JeCreator. ( S e e John 1:3.) In other wthe Godhead, the Word of G o d , alw"became." There was no time whenot created; H e was G o d , this Oknown for the last 2000 years as JY e t , in a special s e n s e , a membeJ e s u s of Nazareth. J e s u s always wa"became" m a n . H e was called "man, an event often referred to asJohn here grapples with almoseternal Go d became flesh, cabinesubject to time an d space that H e Hh e a v e n s ! B e astonished, O earth!Although theWord was an d is evor e n d , He is not a solitary God. Ththe beginning of all things. The GodP e r s o n s , unified in purpose an d s"If Christ made all things, H e ewords spoken in regard to this a re be left in doubt. Christ w a s G o d es e n s e . H e was with Go d from all eforevermore."Ellen G. White Cmentary, vol. 5, p. 1126.

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    God With Us L E S S O N 1Part 2

    J E S U S , T H EWORD O F G O DWhy did John call J e s u s , the Wor"The Word w as made f lesh.""N o man hath s e e n God at any t imwhich is in the bosom of the Father(John 1:14,18) .J u s t as sp ee ch conv ey s thought an

    communication, s o J e s u s , as the WoGo d is l ike. A s man and for man, J e s ucharacter made visible an d audib le.S imply put, Jesus came t o s h o wu n s e e n G o d d id no t c h o o s e to reveathunder. Neither did H e choose theav en ly penmanship across thedreams, v is ions , an d even ange ls werhow much attention H e rece ived duthrough such me th o ds , He was st i l lan d partial reve la t ions . A pe rs o n ca nbe ings only in a physical se l f - reve lacou ld Go d be k n o w n . Go d became ma fair chance to k n o w Him.

    A l m o s t e ve ryo n e has b e e n introduci n t e rmediar ies . Such g o - b e t w e e n s decal f ea tures , hobbies , i n te res ts , dispointermediary were a s o n , a daughter ,description would be more accurate.picture c o r r e s p o n d with the informats o n a l m eet i ng . The se l f - reve la t ion inthe o n l y fair way for a pe rs o n to maO n l y the perso n a l appearance of Goq u e s t i o n s an d fill in the b lank s po t s inCrea to r . A s the "Word" o f Go d declawhat J e s u s did was as reveal ing as

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    God With U s L E S S O N 1Parts

    J E S U S ,T H E C R E A T O R


    What awesome, incomparable to J e s u s ?

    "All things w e r e made by himanything made that was made" (J e s u s is the C reator o f the univean d was i n de b te d to n o o n e for H is

    was the crea t ive Power that organiin thought an d s p o k e it into ex i s t e"By the word o f the Lord the heand al l their host by the breat"For he sp oke , an d it came to bhe c o m m a n d e d , an d i t s t o o dWhat do w e learn about J e s u st ion? Rom. 1:20.

    We learn much about peop le byteristics o f t he des igne r, maker, o ro r he r handiwork. S o with Jesus aThough marred by the deterioratstill ref lects an a we s o me order , an eable i n t e r d e p e n d e n c y . O n l y a C r epricious; art ist ic, no t o f f ens iv e ; l ovhave made a world such as our o w nf e e l harmony, order, beauty, g o o dsafe ly say, " J e s u s is l ike that, an dW e are c o u n s e l e d to "b e imitatoHow c an I be t ter re f lec t harmony, ogoodness, and s e n s e of purpose

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    God With U s LESSON 1

    Part 4JESUS, L I F EAND LIGHTW h a t c o n n e c t i o n exists between oan d ou r dependent, helpless n a t u r e"In him was l i fe; an d the l i fe was theLife is completely dependent uponcould not have b e e n life o n this planeuniverse, as far as we know. The firbrought light to this earth, making posan d animal life (Gen. 1:3-5).Light is a visible form of energy assoon discovers; n o farmer or orchard

    trees without ample light. Light conand compounds into food which is necit .Light is powerful. Think of the l a sprecise spot o n the moon an d returnonds, or make clean cuts through hara second.Jesus said of Himself, "I am the lightH e did not choose this symbolism wpower and life-sustaining character

    physical light are merely a fingertCreator who is eternal energy, eternWherever J e s u s is , whether preserepresentative, the Holy Spirit, or ththere is life an d power. Spiritual darknin the universe that either obscuresleads to confusion an d death.

    D o e s every person have an op p ormoral darkness of sin an d the m e nignorance? J o h n 1:9 .

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    Gocf With Us L E S S O N 1Parts

    J E S U S , T H ES U S T A I N E RO F L I F E


    How did Paul describe the c oJ e s u s ?

    "All things w e r e c r e a t e d throubefore all things, and in him all t1 : 1 6 , 1 7 ) .Paul adds his witness to John's

    the Creator of the universe but alThe words "hold together" emphanance of our Lord's creative powering particles within theatom and ththeir pinpoint precision orbits.What does the c o n t i n u i n g , susta

    m e a n t o m e ?Go d is not an absentee landlord.

    day e v e n t s . We don't have to wontomorrow, if the birds will return in t100" Celsius, if the laws of aerodynthey did yesterday. There is n o enevents in the world about us that mhave observed them in the past ifsustained. This universe is s o reliabButwithout the hold in g powerof oua spectacular explosion.Furthermore, e v e n the results oan d his followers cannot escape cruel an d selfish choices. Whether of the universe, the results are pceived Go d is not mocked, forwhatalso reap" (Gal. 6:7, R S V ) .There is something profoundlyco

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With Us L E S S O N 1Part6

    J E S U S , T H EG L O R Y O F G O D

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H

    "W e have b ehe ld his glory, glory asFather" (John 1:14, RSV).

    The glory of Go d is H is character, thof H is inward attributes. O n e of theincarnate Himself as Jesus was to reworld what Go d is l ike. H e came to mH is glory to earthbound m e n a n d wo

    W h e n we look at J e s u s , studyingactions, we are getting a picture of ththere are many wonderful aspectsperhaps the all-inclusivedescription isthe face of Jesus is the glory of seDesire of Ages, p. 20 .Although the humanity of J e s u s ospeakable glory of G o d , yet H e reveahow H e feels about m e n a n d women owe are in doubt about what Go d thinhow Jesus dealt with m e n an d womestarry h e a v e n s revea l the glory of Go19:1) s o Jesus reveals the glory of Gpathy, an d grace, especially toward

    As a child of God, do I reveal the gof my h e a ve nl y Father?The light in the parable of the te n bsymbolized the glory of God's charapeople. This will make possible the la

    before probation closes. "By implantciples of H is word, the H o l y Spirit deveof G o d . The light of H is gloryHis chaH is followers."Christ's Object LessThe gospel that stirred the world L E S S O N 2 Apri l 3 - 9

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    With U"And they shall call his n a m eEmmanuel, which being interpretedis, God with u s" (Matt. 1:23).Last week we emphasized that Cod

    had become m a n . Our focus was onour Lord's divine naturethat Jesuswas truly God. This week our focus ison our Lord's human naturethat H ewas truly m a n .Paul se t s forth our Lord's twonatures in that a w e s o m e s e c o n dchapter of his Philippian letter: "Letyour attitude to life be that of ChristJesus himself. Fo r he , who had alwaysb e e n God by nature, did not cling tohis privileges as God's equal, butstripped himself of everyadvantage byconsenting to be a slave by nature an dbeing born a m a n . And, plainlys e e n asa human being, he humbled himselfby living a life of utter obedience, tothe point of death, an d the de a t h hedied was the death of a commoncriminal" (Phi l . 2:5-8, Phillips).Why? The answer to that questionuncovers the great i s sues in thecosmic controversy between God an dSa tan . H e c a m e to prove SatanwrongGod was not ask ing too muchof m e n and.women, when H e a s ke d

    "God loH e gave Hwhosoevehave powChrist proman to layof God."p. 223.Withoucould havpromiseswomen wvictoryp"Thou shashal l save(Matt. 1:2able to k e24); "Buts i n , an d bhave youre n d everl

    The greatis that tman's conof Gali lee

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    Cod became man I H is earthlycontemporaries knew Him as a manwho was totally involved in theircommon humanity, not as a "reverseastronaut" who came to this worldfrom "out of theblue" merelyto tell usthat God was alive and well, that H ewas Creator an d Ju d g e , an d that H eloved us very much.W e can s e n d m e n to the moon, butthey are still "earthmen"; they livewithin space sui ts that k e e p themuntouched by the real conditionsexisting wherethey land. Theylivean deat , perform normal acts common tocreated beings, but yet they areinsulated and exempt from much ofthe moon environment.Jesus was n o "astronaut." A s an

    earlyfollower dmade flesh, an(John 1 :14) .Because H ehave a High Psympathize witLe t us then witto the thronerece ive mercy atime of need"

    DAILY HIGHLI1 . The Word B(John 1: 14)2. Partook of(Heb. 2:14-3 . Tempted as(Heb. 4: 15 )4. Example of(Heb. 5:7, 85 . Complete DHeavenly F(John 5:19,

    6. The Contro(Heb. 6:19,

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With Us L E S S O N 2Parti



    What is John's description of theof the incarnation?

    "The Word became flesh, an d dwJ e s u s , the eternal Word, becameanyonewho e v e n dimlyunderstandGo d do that? What kind of m an dappear to be a man? D id H e haveavailable to all other me n as they coence has H is coming meant to theTo some extent t h e s e questionweek's l e s s o n as well as in the lessothese questions is the greatest subdevote his mind. "The humanity ofto us . ...This is to be our study.Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 244.

    W h a t is Paul 's descript ion of the1:3."Christ did not make believetaketake i t. He did in reality p o s s e s s hu

    s o n of Mary; H e was of the s e e d ofdescent. He is declared to be aJ e s u s . "Selected Messages, bk. 1What di f feren ce would i t have mbecome man, fully an d truly? Do yaltered the idea that God i s mankinGo d did not come halfway to earm e n a n d women; He did not comee v e n as a superman, impregnable tan d weaknesses. The ladder from

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With U s L E S S O N 2P a r t 2



    How much like man did Paul say"S i nc e therefore the children shahimself likewise partook of the samenot with angels that he is c o nc e r ne dof Abraham. Therefore he had to beevery respect" (Heb. 2:14-17, RSV).Jesus e n t e r e d the human family, taother "descendants o f Abraham."" J e s u s accepted humani ty when theby four t h o usa n d years of s i n . Likeaccepted the resu l ts o f the working oWhat t hese r esu l t s were is s h o wn inances t o r s . He came with such a here

    an d temptations, an d to give us tlife."The Desire of Ages, p. 49 .In order to come c lose to s in fu l memit ted H i m s e l f to e n t e r the human faexample He l ived a s i n l e s s life thoughtions other human beings face. "If wetrying conflict than had Chris t , thensuccor us . But our Saviour tookliabilities."The Desire of Ages, p.

    Do I make excuses for my sins, mby appealing to my heredity or the u nI grew u p with? In what danger dobelieving that n o on e could keep thJesus, the S on of God?

    "If C h r i s t had a specia l p o w e r whicman to have, Satan would have made

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    God With Us L E S S O N 2Part3

    T E M P T E D A SW E A R E

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H

    What specia l qual i ficat ion madehigh priest on man's behalf?

    "For w e have n ot a high priest wwith ou r w e a k ne sse s, b u t o ne w h ot empted as w e are, ye t without s iJ e s u s became a real man when2000 years ago . H e was given n o dexempt H im from temptation.This is a crucial point: Biblical wmade it very clear that J e s u s facedto man. H e did not playact, only aThere h a s b e e n confusion within

    the centuries regarding the persoWhiteforthrightlyendorsed the i deaIn early 1890, when somechurch memind-stretching, heart-melting thouvictoriously in spiteof temptation aswrote: "Letters have b e e n coming incould not have ha d the s a m e naturwould have fallen under similar temman's nature, He could not be oupartaker of our nature, H e could nohas b e e n . If it were not possible forH e could not be our helper. It wascame to fight the battles as m a n , in man d victory tell us that humanity mmust become a partaker of the divinsages, bk. 1, p. 408.

    What kind of c o n f i d e n c e wouldm a n d e d me to resist temptat ion wi

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With U s LESSON 2



    How real were ou r Lord's temptatioa n y t h i n g to learn?"In the days of his f l e s h , J e s u ssup p l icat ions, with loud cr ies an d teaS o n , he learned obedience through5:7, 8, R S V ) .J e s u s developed H is character throtation and obeying the law of God. A

    reality sweeps into a person's soul whtime the realization that Jesus "knowthe weaknesses of humanity."Theknows this because H e "took uponhuman nature, degraded an d defiledThe Youth's Instructor, D e c . 20, 1900

    W h e n G o d a s k s m e n an d womenabove sinning, H e is not asking thetalizing them. J e s u s proved what a mJesus not only gave mankind "an ealso settled the question once and fous also to obey the law of God."Th

    M u s t a person withdraw from noran d generally accepted respon sib isafe from temptation and more l ike

    The rea l J e s u s w a s a rea l M a n , exchungry, weary, an d p r e s s e d by friendan d women. H e knew the routine of wof business in order to provide for Hslivers an d bruised knuckles were.

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With U s LESSON 2

    PartsC O M P L E T ED E P E N D E N C YO N H E A V E N L YF A T H E R

    How di d Jesus descr ibe His n ec o n s t a n t strength and grace from"The S on c an do nothing of himFather do.""I c an of m i ne ow n self do nothinj u d g m e n t is just; b e c a u s e I s e e k n oof the Father which hath s e nt m eW h e n Jesus became flesh, H e divof deity an d became absolutely dep

    the H o l y Spirit. The Father promishuman situation where grace wasthought! Truly J e s u s w a s "a gift" wprehend. ( S e e John 3:16 and Phi l .Although J e s u s could have retainp o s s e s s e d throughout eternity, H eGo d as all other human beings areO n e of the reasons why Go d becan d women a picture of what it m e alife o n earth H e has shown us whcovered; He pulled back thecurtainhad meant for m e n an d women to l ivcompletely dependent upon Go d foto do thetruth. Such a gloriously freour Lord J e s u s Christ.

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H D o e s the thought of complete anon e M e m b e r of the Godhead to aunspeakable response of gratitudWhat does this towering ac t of lovmy relationship to God?

  • 7/30/2019 SSQ 1970s Jesus the Model Man


    God With U s L E S S O N 2P a r t 6 "W e have this as a sure and stead

    T H E hope that e n t e r s in to the i n n e r shC O N T R O V E R S Y w h e r e J e s u s has gone as a f o r e r unS E T T L E D b e c o m e a high priest for e v e r " (HeIn becoming mankind's High Priescrucial q u e s t i o n s in the great co n t roev i l? God became man in order t

    charge that He ha s b e e n unfair withfa l le n ange l s ors i n n e r s o n earth. "Chvindicate the character o f Go dPatriarchs and Prophets, p. 68.Severa l aspec ts o f Satan ' s chargethe l i fe of Jesus . "In the opening of thhad dec lared that the law o f Go d cjusticewas inconsistentwith mercy,b r oken , it would be imposs ib le for the"By H is lifean d H is death, Christ prn o t d e s t r o y His mercy, but that s in cthe law is r igh teous, an d ca n be perfeof Ages, pp. 761, 762.I f God had c o m e to earth an d onlyperformance would n o t have a n s wiss ue was n o t what Go d could do . Tcou ld keep the law an d res i s t s i n . J eprove that me n an d w o m e n , b e s e t wworking of the great law o f heredity"can k e e p the law o f Go d through gr"Christ's humani ty wo u ld de mo n sq ues t i on which s e t t l e d the controvebk. 1 , pp. 255, 256.

    THINK I T T H R O U G H Am I permit t ing the grace of God

    L E S S O N 3 April 1 0 - 1 6

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    ChidYouth"My s o n , forget not m y law; but letthine heart keep m y commandments;for length of days, and long life, andpeace, shall they add to thee. Le t n otmercy an d truth forsake thee: bindthem about thy neck; write them upon

    the table of thine heart: so shalt tnoufind favour and good understanding inthe sight of God and man" (Prov.3:1-4).

    "The Fconsultaticome to ththe life thafrom childthe trials tthe same tm e n mighwhat theymight knohelp themsin."ElleTimes, M aOften wmature an

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    Him with a beard an d with all themarks of full manhood. Certainly H ewas all this when H e b e gan H i s publicministry at the age of 30.B u t H e did not suddenly becomemature. Nor was His ability to inspirerugged fishermen an d sophisticatedscho lars a miraculous development.Our Lord's three wonderfulyearsthree years of teaching an dhealing as no man everministeredwere not the result ofHeaven's spec ia l favor beyond whatGod was willing to do for others.R a t h e r they were the fruitage and

    As a child, a s t ude nt , an d a youngm an, J esu s d emon st ra t ed t he impa ct of a l ife of compassion an dcommit men t .

    continuationto God's wayteen-ager. H isthose difficulattempt to idefaced youth'sthem, as youfaced them.There is hopyoung personthis stark factproblems thethat the bettepersonality fuobedience toTruly JesusFr iend . "He kwhat are thewwhat are ourwstrength of owas 'in all poare, yet withoof Healing, pThis undermodel youth and t eachersshoulders atimpulsivenesoften parentsfa lse hope thawill be time fhis life out.A s long as tof course. B udifference be

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    Model Child and Youth L E S S O N 3Parti

    T H E L A W S O FC H I L D H O O DWhat indicat ion do w e have that

    In g to the normal laws of growth a"And the child grew an d b e c a m ean d the favor of God w as upon him"And J e s u s i n c r e as e d in wisdomwith God an d man" (Luke 2:40, 52B e c au s e J e s u s "was made flesh"l ike his brethren in every re spe c t "subject to the limitations an d susct een-ager . Even though we m o s t o ffect M a n , we must a lso r e m e m b e rfancy, "in keep ing with the laws o f cAges, p. 68.Did ou r Lord's sinless life e x e mgrowing boy?Go d did n o t "rig" the "great contrfrom the temptations that would comAlthough "no trace o f s in marred the

    ye t "H e was subject to al l the conflicthat He might be an example t o usmanhood."The Desire of Ages, p."Christ was a child; he had the e xthe disappointments an d trials thattemptations of children an d youth."the Times, June 23, 1881."Let children bear in mind thatup on himse l f human nature, an d wflesh, and was tempted of Satempted."Ellen G. White, Youth's

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    Model Child and Youth L E S S O N 3P a r t 2 "J e sus i nc r e a se d in wisdom" (LuI N C R E A S E DI N WISDOM How do w e know that J e s u s w a sdowed with wisdom, insight, and all

    Wis do m is more t han know ledge ;l ence in it s highes t fo rm whereby k n os t o o d an d appl ied. Be f o re He becams c i e n t ( that is , all-knowing); when Hecling to his pr iv i leges as God's equaevery advantage" (Phil. 2:6, 7, Phil l ip

    The wonderful manifestation ofwords an d acts of Jesus was thecapabilities available to all childrethought that "every child may gain kThe Desire of Ages, p. 70.H o w did He do it ? What were H iswere H is first t eachers , an d they follo"that even f rom babyhood the childreg o o d n e s s an d H is g re a tn e s s , espec iaan d s h o w n in the history o f Israel . S ofrom the Scriptures were to be adapFathers an d m ot her s were to instructo f Go d is an ex p r ess i on of H is chreceived the principles of the la w i nGo d was t raced o n mind an d soul."

    W h a t i n c i d e n t suggests that J e sJohn 7:15.

    The scholars were a s t o u n d e d at oue d g e , especia l ly when they k n e w Hs c h o o l s . H is men ta l d e v e l o p m e n t h

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    Model Child and Youth L E S S O N 3Parts


    What n e w phase of our Lord's dHis visit to the temple w h e n He w

    "How is it that ye sought me ? wismy Father's b us i ne s s ? An d theywhich he spake u n t o t h e m " (LukeThis was the first timeJ e s u s s a w

    bleeding sacrificial animals , the cother s o l e m n an d impress ive r i tes oby day He s aw their m e a n i n g more be b o u n d up with H is o wn l i fe. Newithin Him. S i l e n t an d a bs o rbe d, Ha gre at pro b le m. The mystery of H isSaviour." The Desire of Ages, p.O ur Lord's reply to H is paren ts "sHeunderstood H is re la tion t o God."Sin c e J e s u s gained kn o wle dge aho w did He make it poss ib le for GM e s s i a n i c r o l e?"As He walked a m o n g m e n , He w

    the Father's will. H e d i d n o t hes i ta teWith the same submission H ecome."The Desire of Ages, p. 14A s man, He was as d e p e n d e n t upoin g information as al l other m e n . Fas d e p e n d e n t up on Go d for spec ia lGod's plan for H im as every man"The S o n can do n o t h i n g of h imsFather do" (John 5:19)this is thChr is t ian l iving.

    THINK IT T H R O U G H How c an I know my role in l i fe as

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    Model Child and Youth L E S S O N 3Part 4 What kind of example did J e s uO B E D I E N T daughters?S O N "And he w e n t down with t h e m an dw as o b e d i e n t to t h e m " (Luke 2:51, R

    E v e n though Jesus was recognizedH is years , H e did not assume self-imindependence. H e did not ignore Hearthly parents. H e l e a r n e d well the lei n the carpenter's shop; for 18 years H eH is mission while H e contributed to thfamily. In s o doing He left an examplethat theyshould share h o m e expensestheir parents' roof.Apparently sometime after the Jeruadding further responsibilities to J e s umaking a living, Jesus filled out H isan d meditating. H is deep perceptionapplication to e v e r y facet of the dailybrothers an d sisters as well as from

    Because H e placed a high premiuman d opportunities, H e brought forthwanted an easier program. The misuphasized when the rabbis joined withcontrol Jesus with a firmer h a n d . H e rreassured when H e quietly presentedpractices.

    What t e n d e r indicat ion of a son's deJ e s u s ' c o n c e r n for His mother whecross? Joh n 19:26 , 27.M a n y sons an d daughters forget the

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    Model Child and Youth L E S S O N 3P a r t 5 How does Luke descr ibe the

    I N C R E A S E D fel low m e n ?I N F A V O RWITH M E N " J e s u s i n c r e a s e d ... in favou2:52).A s a youth, J e s u s s o l ived that n ohigh s tandard of living; H e was

    neighborhood. Fo r this He was a"Through all t hose s e c lu de d ye aout in currents of sympathy an dsorrowing, an d the s i n -b ur dened ,innocent joy, the littlecreatures ofof burden,al l were happier for H"... He drew the sympathy of acapab le o f sympathiz ing with all. courage that sur r ounded H im mah o m e . " The Desire of Ages, p. 7N o n be l i e ve rs react in different wfaith be c o me k n o w n for their s tanl ievers are c o m m e n d e d if they k eevange l ize act ive ly . O r the be l ievt hose wh o s e c o n s c i e n c e s are c o nY e t godly l iv ing from the times e n t e d by uncommitted p eop le evfault with the bel iever 's life habitsc o m m a n d m e n t breaker.B ecause H e was no t exc lus ive ,n e s t l y for the well-being o f al l hreligious c o n n e c t i o n s , H e aroused"He inculcated the principle that Bin the mortification o f the body....he mani fes ted a l ov in g i n t e r es t in mlight of a cheerful piety. All

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    P a n eY E A R S O FP R E P A R A T I O NHow did the Father express His apof human development?"This is my beloved Son, wi th w(Matt. 3:17, RSV).The Bib le is silent in regard to thPa s s o ve r visit an d J e s u s ' bapt ism bmaking a tragic mistake i f we o v e r l ot een -age an d y o u n g m a n h o o d yearstraining for H is public minis t ry . ThereG o s p e l writers k n e w Him, without thl e s s n e s s an d character developmeyears.Those 30 years prepared J e s u s forwellno o n e can be a l e a de r overnighthis reason, the home educationthroughout a person's "silent yeawo rds . " J e s u s is our example . Therei n t e r e s t upon the per iod o f H is publicunnoticed the t each ing of His early ylife that He is the pat tern for all child

    doing God's service just as much whter's be n c h as when working miracevery youth who follows Christ's exobedience in His l owly home may claH im by the Father through the H o l y Sw hom I upho ld; Mi ne E l ec t , in w hom42:1." The Desire of Ages, p. 74.What a we s o me trust is placed o nsider the importance of paren ta l instro f J e s u s ."It is in the early years that we havs o w i n g g o o d seed in their [children's

    L E S S O N 4 April 1 7 - 23

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    Mode l Ove r"Now is m y so ul troubled; an d whatshall I say? Father , save me from thishour: but for this c a u s e c a m e I untothis hour" (John 12:27).One of the primary resu l t s of theincarnation is that Jesus proved thatm e n a n d women in their fallencondition, in connection with thesame divine power that kept Him fromfalling, ca n obey the law of God,thwart every satan ic temptation, an dtruly glorify their heavenly Father's"name." On this fact res ts the plan ofsalvation; for, without our Lord'sperformance, Satan would have wonhis argument regarding the unfairnessof Cod in requiring created be ings to

    k e e p an impossible law.Jesus opened the door of hope forall menandwomen. "Thosewho claimthat it was not possible for Christ tos i n , cannot believe that H e reallytookupon Himself human nature. B ut wasnot Christ actually tempted, not onlyby Satan in the wilderness, but allthrough H is life, from childhood tomanhood? In a l l points H e wastempted as we are, an d because H esuccessfully res i s t ed temptation

    When wheavenlyassurancewe have ad o e s notwith tempan d be finan d sorrowfrom morthear H is vwith you.dead; an dforevermoendured yyour strugtemptatiohave weptto be breaknow. Thian d forsakn o responearth, looDesire of"Hedidby a thougtemptatioChrist's hdivinity; Hby the indAnd H e ca

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    DAILY HIGHL1. Sinless, Th(John 14:302. I n d u l g e n c e(Matt . 4:3)3. Presu mptu(Matt . 4:5,4. Ambit ion a(Luke 4:5,5. Spir i tual W(Luke 4:4)6 . T e m p t e d a( H e b . 4:15

    Throughoutto u s the o v e r c o m i ngof communi

    Model Overcomer L E S S O N 4

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    PartiS I N L E S ST H O U G H T E M P T E D

    What is the m arvelous fact regartemptat ion?

    "The prince of this world comet(John 14:30).We n e e d n e v e r tire repeat ing theby Satan with his worst temptations

    n e v e r s i n n e d .We hasten to add, however , thatHe exper ienced the rea l i t y o f temhigh pr ies t who is unable to sympabut o n e who in every r esp ec t has without sinning" (Heb. 4:15, RSV) .At what point does sin occur: wJ a m e s 1:14, 15.God has placed natural an d legsuch as the desire for food, fopreservat ion , for pa re n th o o d, an doccurs when a pe rs o n chooses t o

    outs ide o f an d contrary to the wilforced to t ransgress . H is o wn c o n sso u l ,mus t purpose the sinful act bo v e r r eason o r iniquity triumph o vhow ev er s t ro n g, is n e v e r an excusk n o w s ho w s t r o n g are the inclinatioHe will help in every t ime of temptat177."Satan s h o we d his kn o wle dgehuman heart, an d put forth his u tm oo f the w e a k n e s s of the humani ty worder to ov er com e his temptations

    Model Overcomer L E S S O N 4

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    P a r t 2I N D U L G E N C EO F A P P E T I T E

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H

    What basic human n e e d di d Satanw h e n he t e m p t e d Christ in the wild"If you are the S on of God, commcome loaves of bread" (Matt . 4:3, RThere sure ly is nothing evi l aboucomfort, an d whatever e l se contribute

    th e s e dr ives, based o n physical n e e dthat ultimately d e s t r o y the k e e n n e s ss o n ' s menta l , physical, moral, an d sEve's s i n c o n s i s t e d of indulging hmani fes ted distrust in God. E v er s i nappet i te for physical sat is fact ion a l obasic s i n s an d o n e of the chief re as ta te . "Christ k n e w that the world wathat this indulgence would perver tindulgence o f appet i te was s o stronorderto break it s power , the divine S owas required to fas t near ly s ix we e ksChris t ian in order that he may o ve rccame! . . ."... In order to impress upon manla w o f God, Chr i s t began H is work o fthe physical habi ts of man. The d e cd e g e n e r ac y o f the race are chief ly atto f perver ted appetite."TestimoniesIn what ways do I c o n c e d e to t h e

    appeti te an d comfort? What doesc l u d e ?We cannot a n s w e r t hese q u e s t i oa lone k n o w when we p am p er our ph

    Model Overcomer L E S S O N 4

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    How did Satan meet J e s u s on ohe appealed to Him to prove h o w

    "Then the devil.. .said to him,throw yourself do w n ; fo r it is w r i t tcharge of you." ' " (Matt. 4:5, 6 , RStill appearing as an angel of ligh

    tions that he indeed was the ev i l onby quoting well-known scripture.desirable e n d s through improperFor the second time Satan teidentity"If yo u are the S o n of Godwith the temptation for Jesus to jumthetemple are a and to trust in Go d tS a t a n r e v e r s e d reality. H e temptedGo d ha d declared truethat J e s u shand, Satan tempted H im to believenever saidthat H e would protect ahis life to n o purpose but to accthrough both parts of the temptatGod said, an d H e would not act inby God's word.H o w subtle the appeal! N o t foowealth an d fameto satisfy the lust foprove H is divine appointment an dM a n y human beings have fallen fospiritual pride, e v e n vanity. But Jesexample H e would be presenting torighteous life if H e should try byidentity an d faith.

    W h a t is the clear difference bet ion?

    Model O v e r c o m e / - L E S S O N 4

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    P a r t 4 What marvelously subt le temptatioAMBITION A N D would suggest how J e s u s could aP L E A S U R E S world's R e de e m e r ?"And the devil... showed him all tin a m o m e n t of t ime, and said to himauthority and the ir glory' " (Luke 4:J e s u s was a poor m an without esubsidize H is n e w movement. How codence of m e n a n d women that servindecision? The Jews thought of the Mtemporal kingdom; they a lso knew

    health would follow the reign of theirJesus satisfy the deep wish of H iscredible?What a subtle temptation! To be gworld immediately would eliminateopportunity an d an almost overpowewith the best of motives.Christ's rejection of Satan's schemthe kingdom H e was setting up. The kbe advanced by external m e a n s ; not bintimidate the decision of m e n a n d wyield to Sa t a n , e v e n though in exchathe world, would be cooperatingweapons were intrigue, force, an d v

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H How does Satan pr e se nt this samTheallure of the shortcut to reachis perhaps the most successful of alle n d does not justify the m e a n s . B y

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    How di d J e s u s ef fec t ive ly thwart ions of S a t a n ?

    " J e s u s a n s w e r e d him, 'It is wri tThe temptations p r e s e n t e d to J ebates . There was nothing in the firsphysical p re s e n c e of the ange l of li

    e n c e of Satan. This was g e n u i n e temobservat ion that it was Satan conhave b e e n n o real temptation, an y mthat the beautiful s e r p e n t was the dThe physical p r e s e n c e , the begulegi t imate human wantsal l createme n an d w o m e n have wres t led withThe first an d on ly l i ne o f d e f e n s ein g temptations is the Bib le. Satanmiracles to sat is fy physical h un ge ri n d e e d the Mess iah. But the greatehuman be ing to thwart Satan by s imBib le .There is a we s o me p o w e r in the B

    t hose fearful days in the w i lde r nesbread a lo n e , but by every word ofChrist is brought where he c a n n o t shis worldly en t e r p r i ses . Perhaps i t s o m e plain re qu i re me n t o f Go d will cSatan would make him bel ieve thatscientious convictions. B ut t he on lwhich we can re ly is the word of Gop o w e r of H is word, we shal l n o t folloin order to obta in f o o d o r to saveAges, p. 121.

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    PartsT E M P T E DA S W E A R E

    Are Christ's t emptat ions to b e cocategory from ours?"W e have n ot a high priest w ho is uou r w e a k ne sse s, b u t on e w ho in etempted as w e are, ye t without sinn

    "Christ was t em p t ed by Satan in a hn e r than was Adam, an d unde r c ircumstrying. The de ce ive r p r e s e n t e d h im seChr is t withstood his t e mpta t i o n s . Mgraceful fa l l , and saved the wor ld . . ."Christ's victorywas as co mple t e asS o we may res i s t temptation, an d fous."My Life Today, p. 323.

    We ca n n e v e r s ay it o f t e n e n o u g hthought or d e e d . B ut a s o n g o f the agsinned while facing and thwarting th efallen man. " I p r esen t before yo u threal ly did He m e e t an d res i s t the tempthe children of humani ty . In this s eper fec t example for man. He sub jec teb ecom e acquain ted with all the tempbe s e t . He took upon H im the infirmitiethe s o n s of Adam."Our High Callin

    How does Christ's victorious humthe pe r f e c t High Priest?J e s u s as man's High Pr ies t is our gkno w s t he weight o f our t e mpta t i o n s .w i t ness that temptations can an d muveri ly, I s ay unto you,... He that be l ievdo shal l he do also . ' The Sav iour wa


    LESSON 5 April 24 - 30

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    Model ManPrayer"In the days of his f lesh, Jesusof fered u p prayers an d supplications,wit h loud cr ies an d tears, to him w howas able to save him from death, an dhe was heard for his godly f ear" (Heb.5:7, RSV).

    Men anothers withtheology; indicationsB ut the s ureally thinkfaith is in hprayer.what a preveals theGod is an

    Jesus' l i fe, l ike ours, was busy . B utHe se t His priori t ies properlytimes p e n t with God each day is essentialto a spir i tual l i fe .

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    "within" or "above" H is creation,then the "worshiper" can only"brood" back, thinking through them a n y ways that such a "God" d e s e r v e srespect. Butwhatever the fertilemindof such a "worshiper" c o m e s up with,it will still be the product of humanre a s o n or intuition.B ut if Cod is the self-revealingCreator of the universe, a spiritualP e r s o n who created m an in His ownimage (Gen. 1:27), then He is a Godwho speaks , who makes Himselfheard, who s t e p s into human historyi n m a n y different ways. The God whospeaks to H is creation is a God whosolicits a reply.Men an d women were made tocommunicate with God. We weremade to respond with loveto love. Thecommunication breaks down whenwe rebel and a s s e r t our will overagains t our Lord's. Distrust rep lacesfaith that is revealed in love (Gal . 5:6).

    Prayer becomes impossiblewhen m e nan a women distrust God an d choosewhat s e e m s to them a better way.B ut when prayer g o e s , p e ac e , joy,an d health go too. We were made topray e v e n as we were made tobreatheif wetrulywant to make themost out of human existence. It wasthe solitary, lonely, selfish, hopelessperson whom God loved, e v e n in hisor her l o v e l e s s condition. H e s e n tJesus to theworld to awaken in us our

    mature persocan s e e whatman or womam an offeringto H is heaveCod Jesus knevokesuch trAnd prayerthe life of Jesas H e did, H eHe did."Satan hasnot keep theTo prove thabecame a m aperfect obedsinful humanunfallen, an dthat man couthrough the abundantly pbelieve. In orworld, to dewhich SatanvolunteeredH is power, hu"Satan exua human beinpath with evtemptation.tears were Hunto God, psoul, with strH e was hearsubtlety of the n s n a r e Him

    Mode l M an of Prayer L E S S O N 5

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    PartiPRAYER,AL I F E H A B I TWhat was one of the dist inguispersonal l i fe?"And in the morning, rising u p aw e n t out, and d ep art ed in to a sprayed" (Mark 1:35).O ur Lord's e n e m i e s w e r e fo rcedspake l ike this m a n " (John 7:46). Wman pray l ike this man! H is exampleus ho w Go d would pray but ho w m"Prayer in secre t , prayer whilelabor, prayer while walking by thes e a s o n , the heart 's de s i re s e v e r a s co n l y safety. In this ma n n e r En o c hm a n n e r our Exemplar ob ta ined s tpath from Nazareth to Calvary."Christ, th e s i n l e s s O n e , up on wb e s t o w e d without measure , constap e n d e n c e up on God, an d soughtSource o f strength an d w isdom . . . " .. .W e must look to Chr is t ; we mmust pray as he prayed; we must agwould conquer as he conquered."Herald, Nov. 8, 1887.M an that He was, J e s us n e e d e d cofrom H is heaven ly Father in order tov e r com er . He n e e d e d physical strcreas ing dem ands upon H is t ime an dc le a rn e s s to s e e without distortion thHe n e e d e d spiritual s t r eng t h to remHe shared the ins ight , hop e , an d cotemporar ies ."H e was unsu l l i ed with corruptio

    Model M an of Prayer L E S S O N 5

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    P a r t 2" C O M E Y E. APART"

    By what i n c i d e n t did J e s u s make cnecessary to sustain spir i tual act iv

    "He said u n t o t h e m , C ome y e y ou rplace, an d rest a while: for theregoing, and t h e y had n o l e isu re sodeparted in to a desert place b y shipThe disciples had just re turned fr

    s io n a ry journeys apart from Chris t .se lves to their labors an d were n o w emany da n ge rs arise when me n an dwork for o thers when they are physicwill is w e a k e r an d temptations mo re"It is n o t wise to be always unde x c i t e m e n t , even in min is t e r i n g to mthis way p e r s o n a l pie ty is neg lec t edan d s o u l an d bo dy are over taxed. Sedisciples of Chr is t , an d sacrif ices mualso be ex er c i sed l e s t through theirtage of the we a kn e s s o f humani ty ,marred."The Desire of Ages, p. 36B e s i d e s , J e s u s k n e w that withoutm e n t it is very easy for m e n a n d w o mscious ly , that their success is the reperseverance o n ly . Spiritual pride isSpec ia l s e a s o n s for prayer, in ads e e m e d to be as necessary for the dt oday; we n e e d specia l t ime "to cnature , an d with their [our] o wn hear360.The church n e e d s o cca s io n s to cGo d ex p ec t s from H is pe o p le , l i s t e n ito the heart an d n o t through human

    Model M an of Prayer L E S S O N 5

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    P a r t 3 What i nc i d e n t in the life of J e sP O W E R O F prayer?P R A Y E R "When J e s u s also had b e e n b a pheaven w as opened,... an d a voiceart my beloved S o n ; with t h e e I am22, RSV).Christ's prayer at this time was aof how near H e a v e n m a y come toI n s t e a d of an angel's answering thesent an acknowledgement"a light."The Desire of Ages, p. 112This incident in the lifeof Christ is"of the power of prayer,how the he ar of God, and our petitions find aheaven.... The light which fell fromhead of ourSaviourwill fall upon ustemptation."The Desire of Ages,Our Lord's prayer life is an exampraying amidst ourearthlydifficultiein our n e e d s an d weaknesses, H e wG o d , an d in the secret place of prayethat He might go forth braced for duJesus endured struggles an d tortureGo d He would unburden the sorrowH e r e H e found comfort and joy."In Christ the cry of humanity reapity. A s a man H e supplicated the thrwas charged with a heavenly curremanity with divinity. Through conce ived life from G o d , that H e might

    experience is to be ours."The De

    Model M an of Prayer L E S S O N 5

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    P a r t 4 At what terrible m o m e n t in ou rT H Y WILL prayer to God for help?B E D O N E "0 my Father, if it b e possible, lene ve r t h e l e ss n ot as I will, but as th

    Gethsemane was n o sham affair. Afend off satanic doubt was the truthsH is own experience.The outlook, humanly speaking,s e e m e d , from all outward evidence,mission. Guilty an d ungrateful m e n aredemption.H is humanity cried out three tim

    words: "If it be possible, le t this cadded. "Nevertheless, not as I will, buwas the temptation to le t the humquences of it s own guilt."The DesH e prayed "for H is own tempted,times has humanity shrunk frsacrifice."The Desire of Ages, p. 69submissionthe last stretch of trustIn answer to H is prayers help camtaken from that terrible ordealstrengthened to drink this last cupothers.After hours of anguish such a s n obloodied in the duel with Sa t a n , weconceding the field to S a t a n a n d padversaries. Hard ly. We find H im inawakening H is disciples. Then H e famob coming from the city, le d by Judglory before the hardened soldiers aproduct of prayer.

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    PartsP R A Y F O RY O U R E N E M I E SWhat remarkable command di dregarding their at t i tude toward th"Love your e n e m i e s , bless themthem that hate you, and pray for tyou, and pe r se c ut e you" (Matt . 5:Lov ing one ' s e n e m i e s , extendingan o f f ender , is u n c o m m o n behav ioto the J e w s , God's pe o p le , this wathey cult ivated a spirit o f re ta l ia t ionJesus is no t sugges t i ng , howevee n e m i e s , H is followers are to accwithout appropriate r e s p o n s e . "Ws e e that Go d is d i s h o n o r e d , an d H ispute, w hen they s e e the innocent o pnat ion stirs the so u l . S uch ange r, boa s i n . B ut t h o s e who at an y s u p p o s eto i ndu lge a n g e r or r e s e n t m e n t areB i t t e r n e s s an d an im os i t y mu s t be bwould be in har m ony with heaven . "To pray for o n e ' s e n e m i e s requa lmo s t a re f lex act ion for n o n -C h rrevenge . B ut the Spirit o f Go d willGo d; H is followers will s e e o therse ve n when we rebe l in the face of H iGo d that gives love for hatred. To beto the evi l , to d o g o o d hoping fornotthe ro yalty of heaven, the sure t o k e nHighes t reveal their high estate."TBlessing, p. 75.In what e x p e r i e n c e do w e se e mothe principles He taught in Matthe

    Model M an of Prayer L E S S O N 5

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    Part6A DIVINES C I E N C E

    What pract ical c o u n s e l did J e s ut h e y asked Him to t e a c h them how"For e ve r y on e that asketh receif indeth; and to him that knocketh11:10).After Jesus outlined a model pr

    illustrated H is lesson with a parable.who, when suddenly visited by guesimplored some bread in order to f eB y contrast Jesus taught that if arequest to a troublesome neighbor, hanswer our requests when we as k iThe instruction given regarding pmirror of our Lord's way of life. He sserve better H is fellowmen. But Hp a s s e d over quickly. "There is a divH is illustration brings to view principstand. H e shows what is the true spirnecessity of perseverance in preseand assures us of His willingneprayer."Christ's Object Lessons,

    What is the t ru e spirit of prayer thof the host wi thout bread? Luke 11"We are to as k that we may give. Tmust be the principle of our l ives . . s a m e self-sacrifice, the s a m e subjeword of God, that were manifest inservants. Our mission to the world

    ourselves; we are to glorify Go d bysave sinners. We are to as k blessin

    L E S S O N 6 May 1 - 7

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    Model Witne"I, when I am lifted u p from theearth, will draw all men to myself"(John 1 2: 32 , R S V ) .Jesus included everyone as a

    possible candidate for eternal life;exclusivism is not a characteristic ofgenuine Christianity.How s t range an d tragic it is that theChristian church has often becomeexclusive. I n m a n y lands, politicall eaders an d thewealthyare asso c ia t e dwith a particular denomination;middle c lass, smal l b u s i n e s s operatorscall to mind another denomination;an d s o it g o e s through the varioussocial, economic, an d intellectuall eve ls of society. In too m a n y cases ,nonbelievers as well as believers arefrozen out of those churches whichcater to a different soc ia l class.When Jesus c h o s e the nuc l eus ofthe church, H e attempted the grandexperimentand eventually wassuccessfu l . The r ich an d poor, thephilosophical an d the naive, therefined an d the crudeall gathered atthecall of Onewho said, "Follow Me."And all their n e e d s were supplied,varied as they were.

    people. Theas one whoshowed H isministered ttheirconfide'Follow Me.Healing, p .Jesus reacH e sought osocietywiththe lower.H e knewexclusivelyc l a s s e s " or otheworld d ewould in thepower and acame to savOften thehas i s su e d a"Much hathrough follthat the mobetter-educareached. Tos o conducteunbelieversconsequencreligious enttheir notice.want of wise


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    1. To the E(John 3:12. To the Le(Mark 123. To S i n n eSocial Sc(John 4:94. To S inneScale

    (Acts 10:5. To Crass(Matt . 5:6 . W i t h S o m(Luke 5:3

    The ministrwords. Hisconstant tel ight into a

    Model Witness L E S S O N 6

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    PartiT O T H E E D U C A T E D What part icular e x pe r i e nc e in ounderstand how to presen t the gos" J e s u s a nsw e r e d and said u n t oIsrael, an d k no w e s t n ot these th ingR e a d v e r s e s 1-10.Nicodemus represents a vast numbhave attained a noble, moral charac

    They have reached this achievemdiscipline, an d high religious i dea ltained life at it s b e s t , as this worldsatisfactions an d privileges. Neverthguished teacher, a leader of respecthe Sanhedrin, was strangely m o v e dNazareth, who aroused serious doubin "the good life."Nicodemus arranged for an uninteH e shrank from the scorn that wouldence to a traveling teacher withoutH is complimentary address w a s m ewent directly to the point. Nicodemuk e e n discussion about truth, but Jeparrying theory. Although Nicodemuknew that he n e e d e d a Saviour. ( S eThough a skillful persuader, J e s ument with argument or force submfrom the known to the unknown. H e ain Jewish history ( J o h n 3:14) that than d le d him to as k from his hear t , HThen with expert handling of the hing to life's highest motivation, answ"BecauseGod s o loved." E v e n thethan indoctrination an d argument; t

    Model Witness L E S S O N 6

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    P a r t 2 How did less e duc a t e d pe o pl e rT O T H E

    L E S S E D U C A T E D "And the common people heardThe wisdom that is heaven-born an o t gained by the usual avenues of awisdo m mu s t be grasped, appreciaeducated an d uneduca t ed al ike.O n e o f the r e a s o n s why more edu

    J e s u s is that the truths o f Christianityt hose who distrust t hem se lv es an dnouncing every s in that the SpiritDesire of Ages, p. 455.)B ut o n e of the r e a s o n s why morefollow J e s u s is that truth c a n n o t grotive hearer .J e s u s d id n o t belittle manual larugged n e s s o f a hard-working carpeto the toiling farmer, art isan, or f i shek n e w the thoughts that cr oss the mifor l i fe's n e c e s s i t i e s . He cou ld speakus ing "the s imp le s t t e rms an d theMinistry of Healing, p. 443.O n e of the secr e t s of Christ'ss c h o o l e d is that He could s e e greatn o t h i n g specia l . "In the c o m m o n wman patiently t reading the ro und o fhe p o s s e s s e s po we rs which, if cal lhim to an equal i ty with the world't ouch of a skillful hand is n e e d e d

    faculties."The Desire of Ages, p.This k e e n appreciation o f u n s e e nuneduca t ed , is o n e o f the s t r o n g e s tdeve lop . Trus t be g e ts t rust . When a

    Model Witness L E S S O N 6

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    PartsT O SINNERS A T


    In what experience did J e s u s s hought to relate to those w h o m theycases"?

    "The Samaritan woman said toJ e w , ask a drink of me, a w o m a nR S V ) .Because fellow countrymen wer

    ficult, J e s u s took the opportunity togospel of the kingdom could be appthe l e a s t might be expectedsocca s e s . With the Samaritan woman Jepower could l eap over an y social, rJesus was always alert to anotheskill, he arrested he r attention by athen he aroused her curiosity by mments; an d by a process of self-reintense desire for soul-satisfactionmissed."Gaines S . Dobbins, Evan( N e w York: Harper an d B r o s . , 1949Kindly but firmly J e s u s helpedrealistically. H e did not cover up herbefore s h e s a w the depths of her prepent. Although s he tried to divertH e appealed to those motivations thof m e n a n d women: l ove , worship, The stirring of her deepest humanthat this Friend of the nonbelieverThe Samaritan woman reminds ushave l ived in the mire of s i n , there msalvaged. In that noonday conversabout our lord's m e s s a g e than NicJerusalem, or e v e n thedisciples had

    Model Witness L E S S O N 6

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    P a r t 4TO SINNERS A T


    W h a t o u t s t a n d i n g N e w Testamenterested G od is in the salvation of"At Caesarea there was a m and e v o u t m an w ho feared God with allliberally to the people, an d prayedthe n i n t h ho u r of the day he saw cleGod" (Acts 10: 1 -3 , R S V ) ."So today Go d is seeking for soulsthe low. Thereare many likeCorneliuconnect with H is church. Their symppeople. But the ties that bind them to I t requires moral courage for thesewith the lowly ones."The MinistryJ e s u s understood the n e e d s an d d

    equally as well as He understood thosH is approach to the rich with n o l e ssthe acquaintance of the wealthy aJewish nobleman, an d the Roman rutations, attended their f e a s t s , madeinterests and occupations, that H ehear ts , and revea l to them the imMinistry of Healing, pp. 24, 25.The wealthy are more often neglectheir riches s e e m to indicate that thThe instruction to the church is clethe higher ranks of society are to baffection an d brotherly regard. M epositions of trust, me n with large invtific insight, m e n of genius, teachershave not b e e n called to the specialshould be the first to hear the call."p. 230.

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    PartsT O C R A S SM A T E R I A L I S T S

    "If ye love the m which love you,n ot even the publicans the same?The publican was the local collem e m b e r o f the class of soc ie t y m o s tR o m a n go ve rn me n t a uc t i o n e d offtaxes within a city o r province to thco l l e c t e d the pa yme n t either directlthe Jews, t he p ay m en t o f taxes wa

    cause it re pre s e n te d the ty rann y o f Rwas usual ly an extortionist who dtrafficwould bear. "A J e w who acceo f the R o m a n s wa s l o o ke d u po n asna t i on . He was de s p i s e d as an aposthe vi les t o f society."The Desire oWhat remarkable invitation by Jmaterialists everywhere? Matt. 9:9Mat thew was the fifth man to heaserv ice. Although a lmo s t e ve ryo n ecording to his occupation, J e s u s s awhis n e e d for spiritual help.What further act , though infurichurch members, indicates howChristian church must be? Matt. 9:"Jesus s at as an h o n o r e d g u e s t atby His sympathy an d soc ia l k in d l i n e

    n ized the dignity of humani ty ; andworthy of H is c o n f i d e n c e . Up on thefell with blessed, life-giving powawakened, an d the possibility o f a

    Model Witness L E S S O N 6

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    P a n eW I T HS O M E T H I N GF O RE V E R Y B O D Y

    What words of J e s u s throw open thclasses of society?"Those w ho are wel l have n o n e e dw ho are sick; I have n ot c o m e to callto r e p e n t a n c e " (Luke 5:31, 32, RSVJ e s u s broke through ma n y soc ia l abehavior as wel l as by H is t each ings

    o r e d seat in Mat thew's h o m e , sur ro ude s p i s e d of His day, He was signalie n o u g h to rece ive anyone who s e nhelp, regardless o f his soc ia l ci rcumJ e s u s n e v e r re fused an opportunitThrough the art of winning co n ve rsaerat ion for every pe rs o n He met , He do n e was ex c luded from fellowship w

    What approach di d J e s u s u se in"Hed id n o t make a direct attack oHe s aw the misery of the world o n acp r e s e n t before them a vivid delinea

    He taught them o f s o m e t h i n g infink n o w n . Without co mba t in g their ideH e told them theconditions of en t r andraw their o wn conclusions as to itAges, p. 299.What value is there to me in stud

    J e s u s , especial ly in regard to m e e"In the training of the disciples thlife was far more ef fect ive than any


    L E S S O N 7 May 8 - 1 4

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    Model of Int"A bruised reed he will n ot break,an d a dimly burning wick he willnot quench;he will faithfully bring forthjustice.He will not fa i l or be d i sc o ur a g e dtill he has e sta bl i she d j u s t i ce i nthe earth." Isa. 42:3, 4, RSV.

    Over /OOyears beforeChrist's birth,Isaiah prophesied that H e would be aman of great integrity. Though H eneeded to get the attention of theworld, He would not employ an y ofthe self-serving methods that were

    traditionallywhich the wwealth, or taS o n of man .m e n employcommand ho"In markethe life of J edisputation,no act to gaiwitnessed. CGod was r e vH is S o n . To

    desired the mdirected, an df iven."The61.

    There is little test to integrity if aperson ha s no power or wealtn or the price a phis integrity

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    advantage that others want, or if thereis no rea l opportunity to makepersonal gain by moral shortcuts. ButJ e s u s could have had everything thatothers coveted and could use to theiradvantageHe could gain theattention of men and womeneverywhere by appealing to andsatifying their selfish desires. Hecould, if Hewanted to rationalize, tellHimself that such would be fulfillingHis mission as God's emissary to winthe hearts of humanity.But J e s u s , the model for man waskept true to duty because Hepermitted nothing to divideHis loyaltyto Cod; the wholeness of His fidelity,the undeviating allegiance toprinciple, was a reflection of what wecall integrity.He gave us a personal example of

    know that "and a marchrelease; theand persevendeavor thover the teChristian inwith resistlewith a resopurpose."p. 453.There areby which "gtake moralattemptinghuman minproductivefor such iteaccounts, cor customsofferings, oothers are faOur life recand regrettamodel.No wond"The greatewant of mebought orinmost soulwho do notname, mentrue to dutymen who w

    Mode l of Integrity L ESSON 7

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    PartiH E T A U G H TL O Y A L T Y

    W h at f u n d a m e n t al principle of mdid Jesus state c learly?"N o man can serve tw o mastersThe English word "integrity" is defor "wholeness." We maintain integ

    vided loyalty; integrity exists whenwhen all is together an d complete. Ws e e m s devoted to one set of principconflicting principles, we s ay that sintegrity; he lives a divided life.

    What did J a m e s say about a persJ a m e s 1:8."We cannot se rve Go d with a dividnot o n e influence among many othsupreme, pervading an d controllinglike a d a s h of color brushed h e re a n d

    it is to pervade the whole life, as if ththe color, until e v e r y thread of theunfading hue."The Desire of Ages

    There are many ways to be a rebloyal. J e s u s , from H is earliest expemake choices, s e t the pattern for hearly age, J e s u s had begun to act forH is character, an d not e v e n respeccould turn H im from obedience to GoH is r e a s o n for e v e r y act that varied frothe influenceof the rabbis made H isyouth H e had to learn the hard lesendurance."The Desire of Ages, p

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    P a r t 2H E R E F U S E DT O T A K EA D V A N T A G E

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H

    What simple statement revealedm e n t to s e e k the glory of God alon"I do n ot r e c e i ve glory from m eFather's n a m e , a n d you do n ot rece ihis own n a m e , him you will r e c e i v"Jesus came by the authority offulfilling H is word, an d seeking H is

    cepted by the leaders in Israel; but assuming the character of Christ, butan d seeking their own glory, theywoBecause he who is seeking his ownfor self-exaltation in others."TheIf ever there was a man who coumen with brilliant mental excursionsory, or the most charming graciousneveryone f e e l that all was wellJesuwould not have given us an example of the means that m e n employ to whomage did Jesus use."The MinisJesus did not s e e k attention by daglory; H e did not s e e k distinction bygained by great mental or physicaltion of H is listeners to the l ove of G o dgive glory to G o d , not applause for Hliving the Christian life.

    How c an we appeal to the wealthycourt ing the i r favor an d rece iv ingThe test of integrity comes whenalike, giving courtesies an d time t

    There is a difference between court

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    Part 3 W h a t c i r c u m s t a n c e d e m o n s t r a t eH E WAS N O lo w a course of ac t ion merely be

    POLICY M A N p e c t e d of Him?"Then drew near u n t o him all theto hear him. An d the P har isees an dThis man r e c e i v e t h s i n n e r s , an d15:1,2).The church leaders insinuatedsocialize with well-known sinners.they said, H e would harmonize wwould treat thepublicans an d sinned e s e r v e d . It angered t h e s e guardiawhom they were continually in contlife awed an d condemned them, sho

    sympathy, with social outcasts. Thmethods."Christ's Object LessonIn otherwords, Jesus was not a polife in accordance with mere humaformity with what Go d wished wouW h e n J e s u s ate with the p u b l i

    w h a t crisis did He cause? Matt . 9"He well knew that this would gi

    party, an d would also compromispeople. But n o question of policy m e n t s . With H im external distinctioDesire of Ages, p. 274.

    A man guided merely by policy wdistinction of race, or rank, or creeda clear e ye what J e s u s would do,p lease those who can return his fa

    Model of Integrity L E S S O N 7Part 4 What winsome invi tat ion from J e s

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    H E JOINED TRUTH, l i fe jo ins t ru t h, peace, and humil i tyP E A C E , ANDHUMILITY "Take my yoke up on you, an d learlowly in heart : and ye shal l f i nd res1 1 :29 ) .

    Learning of Jesus implies truth. Hcombine in humility, an d peace is thewere combined in H is life an d offerePerfect peace reigned in the heartm an of integrity; that is, He l ived bindecision or division of interest. TrH e did not b e n d H is behavior to pleawe will practice too if we learn of H"We cannot follow Christ withoutlifting the cross an d bearing it afteaccord with thedivine requirements,tions, give up our darling desirefootsteps."Ellen G. White Commetary, vo l . 5, pp. 1090, 1091.Peace, humility, and integrity arWithout integrity there can be n o p

    The person who looks for recogngood d e e d will often look in vain; hturbed because he feels slighted. Suimmature, partial understanding ofJesus, brings peace an d i s s u e s fort

    THINK I T THROUGH Do I see the c o n n e c t i o n betweenless in tegr i ty and t he absence of o

    The Jewish leaders, as well as mJesus largely because H e did not co

    Model of Integrity L E S S O N 7P a r t 5 What di d J e s u s t e a c h about self

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    H E R E Q U I R E SD E V O T I O N "If an y man will come af ter me ,T O D U T Y take u p his cross daily, an d follow

    It s e e m s natural for the uncommcommitted heart to s e e k self-gratifian d spiritual duties into opportunitwhen J e s u s tells us to take H is yoke aof giving up thewill to G o d , He is ask"Hewas never e l a t e d by applause,disappointment. Amid the greatestcruel treatment, H e was still of gooprofess to be H is followers have abecause they are afraid to trust thenot make a complete surrender to Hconsequences that such a surrendedo make this surrender, they cannoof Ages, p. 330.When we walk in H is s teps , wehighest place. The Christian is morsweet fragrance of J e s u s than havunderstand that the value of our woing a show an d noise in the worldzealous in our own strength."The

    The burden of life is very heavy wwith seeking proper recognition. Anbe due to an excess of concern foafflictions can be immeasurably reduthe O n e to whom all credit is due.

    T H IN K I T T H R O U G H How c an I know that w h e n I do ac e r n e d about w ho gets the credit , oappreciated or not?

    Model of Integrity L E S S O N 7P a r t 6 What react ion of many of Christ's

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    H E P A I D T H EP R I C E O F T R U T H

    revealed the high price that a man o"From that t ime many of his dwalked n o more with him. Then saiWill ye also go away?" (John 6:66,After Jesus fe d the 5000 m e n fromha d all kinds of visions regarding th

    easily l ead them in overthrowing theto make H im their king o n thespot; thean d power as extraordinary, an d theH is abilities. I s rae l had at last found tout question, had captured the attI s rae l .But a m an of integrity prizes truthrecognition, a n d p e a ce : "Perceivingto comeand take him by forceto makagain to the hills by himself" ( J o h n"Praise an d flattery would be pleatruth is unwelcome; they cannot heal ow, an d the multitudes are fed , andheard, theirvoices are loud in praise;God's Spirit revea ls their s i n , an d bitheir backs upon the truth, an d walkDesire of Ages, p. 392.

    What would I do if f r iends an d eveto part company with me b e c a u s e"Jesus Himself never purchased pheart overflowed with l ove for the ww a s n e v e r indulgent to their s i n s . H eto remain silent while they were pur

    T H I N K I T T H R O U G H

    L E S S O N 8 May 1 5 - 21

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    Model Teach"Learn from me" (Matt. 1 1 : 29 , R S V ) .If what Jesus said about Himself wastrue then we would expect that themethods H e u s e d to gain acceptancewould be very importantespeciallyto those whom H e commissioned torepresent Him. Jesus is surely them a s t e r disciple winner, and H ismethods of awakening interest,convincing reasonable m e n a n dwomen, an d finally persuading themto follow Him in e v e r y r es pec t , aresurely the pattern for all modernwitnesses to H is truth about life.N o wonder El l en Whitesaid: "A s the

    . highest preparation for your work, Ipoint you to the words, the life, themethods, of the'Prince of t eachers . Ibid you consider Him. H e r e is yourtrue ideal. Behold it, dwell upon it,until the Spirit of the divine teachershal l take p o s s e s s i o n of yourheartan dlife."Education, p. 282.This week we shal l study severa laspec t s of the Model Teacher. N oteacher ca n truly fulfill his role u n le s shis students can beconvinced that hepract ices what he t e ac he s . Jesus was aliving illustration of the me s s age H etaught.

    Samari tan wwarm consid( w h o s e s o nhe lp l e ss cripconsideratioteacher m u sparticular nepeople.R e s p e c t fotactfulness aModel Tea cbecause H isby His courteof human feabruptly intothat H e hadmessage in ademonstratea k e e n s e n s ething to say

    B ut the Mthan skillfulcraftof publim e s s a g e . Sthave a way owhether the"subject" anLord's enthudepth of thodirectnessindicate a Te

    their own homes under the influenceof His divine presence. His strongpersonal sympathy helped to winD A IL Y HIGH1 . Himself t

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    hearts. He often repaired to themountains for solitaryprayer, but thiswas a preparation for H is labor amongmen in active life. From these s e a s o n sHe came forth to relieve the sick, toinstruct the ignorant, and to break thechains from the captives ofSatan."The Desire of Ages, p. 151.

    (John 13:2. Each Pers(L uk e 19:3 . Involvem(1 John 14. Concentr(L uk e 4:35 . Model M(John 13:6 . Model M(L uk e 5:1

    Model Teacher L E S S O N 8Parti W h a t s u c c e s s f u l teaching met h

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    HIMSELF THEILLUSTRATION "For I have g iven yo u an examhave d o n e t o y o u " ( J o hn 13: 15 ) .

    Teachers should be living illustraJesus had not united words with llong remembered. "What He taughChrist's words had perfect illustrathan this; what H e taught, H e was.sion, not only of H is own lifeexperit er . Not only did H e teach the truththis that gave H is teaching powerTruth is morethan a s y s t e m of belife and can be understood only tdemonstration m a k e s Christianity

    "Christ cameto demonstratetheby revealing their power for the recame to teach how these principleapplied."Education, p. 77.As the modern fol lowers of J e s usion, what pr in c iples should guid"We are to acknowledge H is grathe holy me n of old; but that which

    testimony of our own experience.we revea l in ourselves the workinE v e r y individual has a lifedistinct frence differing essentially from thpraise shall ascend to Him, markedT h e s e precious acknowledgementsH is grace, when supported by a Chible power that works for the salva

    Model Teacher L E S S O N 8

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    P a r t 2E A C H P E R S O NI M P O R T A N T

    What occasion i l lustrates ou r Lordthe individual and his spec ial needs"W h e n J e s u s c am e to the place, hhim, 'Zacchaeus, make haste an d c oat your house today' " (Luke 19:5 RJ e s u s related to H is followers in a

    from that of many teachers sinceHpersonal life and needs of each pslightest interest in H i s m e s s a g e . Somb e e n unable to m e e t at the usua l gathchurch or schools, because of geconomic problems. M a n y are p a s s e dor lacking in self-respect. J e s u s souoneby one, an d they responded to thisThere is always the tendency for m etian work "wholesale"; it is easier tothan to encourage dialogueand feedbsage to people, one by one, is more dway to determine whether an y learni"Everywhere there is a tendency torganizations for individual effort. Hconsolidation, to centralization, tochurches and institutions. . . ."Christ commits to H is followers anthat cannot be done by proxy."The MJesus talked to the multitudes whentunity, but H e got farther with the inwork of Christ was largely composedhad a faithful regard for the one-sousoul has carried to thousands theEvangelism, p. 58.E v e n when J e s u s talked to the mu

    Model Teacher L E S S O N 8

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    By what steps w e r e J o h n a ndtest i fy of J e s u s ?"The life was made manifest , an( 1 John 1:2, RSV) .Christ's method of teaching H is

    the most complete case study of hwho n e e d s to hear the gospel. "ThH e impressed Himself upon these"Only by such communionthmind an d heart with heart , of the hucommunicated that vitalizing energeducation to impart. It is only life thp. 84.O n e of the prerequisites for likinhave to teach is to learn all we caknow about the hope s , fe ars , an d bis to sympathize an d identify. Thawhat was in m an ( s e e John 2:25), nm a n , butalso because H e studied tcontemporaries. "He taught in a wcompleteness of H is identificatiohappiness."The Ministry of HeaThe story of Peter can be told todgave up. Peter had so much to unle"Patiently, with discriminating l o vimpetuous disciple, seeking to cheto teach him humility, obedience, aThe secret of great teachers anknow how to awaken interest andvidual students. M a s s i v e suppliefreely does not , in itself, guarantee

    Model Teacher L E S S O N 868Part 4 What w as the dramatic dist inc t i

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    C O N C E N T R A T E DO N E S S E N T I A L S

    t each ing?"They w e r e astonished at his teawith authority" (Luke 4:32, RSV)."N o m an e v e r spoke l ike this maJ e s u s had a f r e s h n e s s an d poweper ience with the truth cou ld give H

    way of l i fe, a life in right relationshu n s e e n .I ns tead of co ld, formal lecturing aregarding the great i s sues o f l i fe, J ebeho ld Go d "as m ani f es t ed in His wH is p r ov idences . He brought their mmind of the infinite."Education, pThere is a vast difference in l ea rabout Go d an d what Go d H i m s e l f ha sare l earned when they k n o w o n l y whsaid about G od and life's bigges t i sO ur Lord's secr e t of p o w e r wasgratifycuriosityor to stimulate se l f i sh

    in abstract theor ies , but in that whiv e l o p m e n t of character; that which wforknowing God, an d increase his p oo f t hose truths that relate t o the conman with eternity."Education, p. 8Another feature of Christ's teachinn o t minimize the c o m m o n l ife an d thble tasks. "The things of this life He pas subordinate t o t ho se o f e t e rna l i n t e-their importance."Education, p. 82The fact that He s p o k e from p er s

    Model Teacher LE S S ON 8Parts In what capacity did J e s u s c o n

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    M O D E L METHODS1 ples?"You call me T e a c h e r an d Lordam " (John 13:13, RSV).If there was n o l earn ing when J e sb e e n n o Chris t ian church. The susa lva tion kno w n t o t he world d e p e

    teaching m et hods .The fact that the high an d theun le t t e r ed , y o u n g an d o ld all heardk n e w the art o f adapting H is messaexpectations of a great cr oss s e csecr e t of success fu l disciple makeit , ev en a very l ea rned p er son is te"His [our Lord 's ] messages of maud ience . . . ."... The m o s t highly educated wan d the uneducated were always prthe illiterate; an d He made e ve n t heHe had a message for them."ThA hallmark of Christ's t each ing mo f parables whereby He a w a k e narouse the care less , an d impress tteaching was popular , an d c o m m ation, n o t o n ly o f the Jews, but of themore effective method of insemployed."Christ's Object LessoIn us ing parables He was able toof l i fe, thus capturing the i n t e re s thearers. Illustrations from nature ato l earn ing. In H is day as w el l as o

    Model Teacher L E S S O N 8PartB What e x p e r i e n c e , among other

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    M O D E L METHODS2 method of t each ing had great publi"And it c a m e to pass, that, as theto h e a r the word of God, he stood ban d saw two ships standing b y theA n essential feature of an effectiveThe best of presentations can be adv

    rejected because the voice is offenability to speak plainlyan d clearly, inable in any line of work. . . . The trubeing communicated through dEvangelism, p. 665.Ellen White learned that loud, rapra ised to an unnatural pitch, is notLord. "Christ was presented beforetalking; an d there was a s w e e t meloda slow, calm manner, reached thoswords penetrated their hear ts , an d thewhat H e sa id before the next sentencto think they must race right straightthe inspiration an d the people will l oinspiration, let them l o s e it, an d tEvangelism, p. 670.A teacher's skill is also measuresimplicity. "In Christ's teaching thecomplicated reasoning. H e comeEvangelism, p. 171.The manner in which truth is givencontent. "Jesus uttered truth in a plvital force and impressiveness toEvangelism, p. 56.Although J e s u s knew that H e spo

    L E S S O N 9 May 22 - 28

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    Model ofSodabtenes" J e s us i n c r e a s e d in wisdom an dstature, an d in favour with God an dman" ( L u k e 2:52).Somehow through the centuries anunfortunate falsehood has infiltratedthe Christian church. It rears it sperverse head enough to confuseserious people who indeed want tofollow in thefootsteps of their Master.The perversity: that religion madeJesus gloomy.

    Althoughserious Chrsilly laughtebetter rightinnocent lavery chillingsmile eas i lyhumor in thP e o p le arhave no s e nrepulsive toprobably no

    had a more varied list of friends. Thinkof the scholar Nicodemus, the ruler ofthe synagogue, the Roman centurion,carefully baitescribes and Pboomerangs b

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    the Ph a r i se e s who sought Hiscompany, the fishermen who becameH is disciples, the publicans andprostitutes who found hope andself-respect through Him.He attracted the high and lowbecause He was "highly social.""Christ carried out in His life His owndivine teachings. His zeal never ledHim to become passionate. Hemanifested consistency withoutobstinacy, benevolence withoutweakness, tenderness and sympathywithout sentimentalism. He washighly social; yet He possessed areserved dignity that did notencourage undue familiarity. Histemperance never led to bigotry orausterity. He was not conformed tothis world; yet He was not indifferentto the wants of the least among men.H e was awake to the needs ofall."Evangelism, p. 636.Think of the children who ra n to H iswaiting arms. Children do notspontaneously gather around agrouch. Their instincts cut throughpomp and phoniness; theyrecognized this cheerful Man as theirfriend.In fact, He said that H is followersmust become as little children if theywere to be fit to join His eternal

    SomethingChristian chuof Jesus was tprove their spwomen hid thand conventsbeat themselvthe most uncChristianity wgloomy, forbSuch perveof the Dark Agbut even todavision of thehow to relatepersons with awhom religionas with a rodconstantly mdepravityandevil. Love doehearts; a frowcountenanceinnocent lauganyone. Theyor amusemenmind must beto just such aTestimonies,

    This week'sLord's highlyopened doorelse substitut

    Mode l of Sociableness LESSON 9Part 1 What social event did Jesus at

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    J O Y A T T H EW E D D I N G "There was a marriage at Canaw as invited to the marr iage" (Joh

    In spite of the distortions thatyears regarding our Lord, H e was inone that others wanted in their prewanted H im around if H e were notand pleasantness that m e n a n d wB y H is first miracle the proud parfrom great embarrassment. For mfamily had sacrificed, cutting livingsaving for that onesocial event in ths e e n , the refreshments were deplehappy parents crashed. But M a ry leone Person who always s e e m e d top e r e d , "Son, thewine is gone." Sea household gathering in a little Gaput forth to add to the joy of a wedH is sympathy with m e n , an d H ishappiness."The Desire of Ages,

    D o you think that there is a conding miracle and His life theme: "have life,. . . more abundantly" (It was not a great sermon by wh

    three years to follow. Nor was it ahand . Rather it was the glorious inteto show God's attitude toward life'sfamily from embarrassment andbreaking up. Could yo u imagine thor a superior air of condescension

    Model of Sociableness L E S S O N 9Part 2 How important to Jesus was doin

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    THIRST F O RR E C O G N I T I O N "H e said to them, 'I have food toknow.... My food is to do the will oaccomplish his work" (John 4:32-3

    M e e t i n g the Samari tan w om an at Jbeautiful aspects o f o ur Lord's huchange was n o t me re ly on e-way. Je sbone-weary . Th e water was n e a r but an d a jar. J e s u s n e e d e d what the SaHim, and s he n e e d e d what J e s u s coue ve r dre a me d.The exchange was more than mcou ld n e ve r do anything halfway othrough t o t he w om an as a very spe cman, a tactful, cons ide r a t e human bappreciated H is spiritual probing, Hin g up he r human po ten t ia l . He re jo ics e e i n g he r take the first s ips o f theWhen the disciples re turned f romday lunch, they were surpr ised withhappy contentment. What had madewithout food? J e s u s ha d ea ten thean d a n e e d y human be ing had r e s psa lvat ion . ( S e e The Desire of Ages,"Our R e d e e m e r thirsts for recogsympathy an d love of t ho s e w ho m Ho wn blood."The Desire of Ages, p

    What other occasions provided social satisfactions? Luke 10:38-42To the home of Mary, Martha, an

    Mode l of Sociableness L E S S ON 9P a r t 3 What social occasion demonstra

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    with social classes other than His"Lev! m a d e him a great feast in

    large c o m p a n y of tax col lectors andthem" (Luke 5:29, RSV).

    Perhaps Je sus had the m o s t variedf r iends in all Pales t i ne . It s e e m e d thby H is pre s e n c e an d conv er sa t i onscr ibes who were i m m e n s e l y j ea louS n e e r i n g as they sp oke , the Phafor Christ's hearty soc ia l l i fe, compBapt is t . But our Lord's reply s h o w"Can you make we dd in g gues ts fawith them?" (Luke 5:34, RSV). Bridtheir s a d n e s s or g l o o m y l o o ks . B y lithe world that the k in gdo m o f Gohearted.Although J o h n the Bapt is t had hiauster i ty an d isolation o f his life wpeople."The Desire of Ages, p. 1Jes us made it very cle ar that theof the s o c ia l wi tn e s s , no t that o f theChr is t ian church for centuries pervan d service! They emphas ized the hcloud o v e r the happy, i nvo lved s
