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Page 1: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtionfebruAry 2011 nAtionAL sAiLing committee

2. Announcements


4. cAlendArs, senecA lAke

6. who wAs rolf Armstrong, fay jordaens

8. looking bAck, by north shore yacht club’s charles Murphy

9. fAther of AmericAn cAnoe sAiling

10. phoenix cAnoe club, fay jordaens

11. rAce results

14. AcA nAtionAl sAiling report

15. nAtionAl sAiling committee

16. sugAr islAnd sAiling vAcAtion

Page 2: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

A n n o u n c e m e n t s


frost bite sAiLing



cold shock – Immersion in cold water causes a powerful gasping reflex. If momentum drives the victim underwater, water inhaled due to such gasping may cause unconsciousness and/or drowning within minutes. Exposure of the head andchesttocoldwatercausessuddenincreasesinheartrateandbloodpressure,whichmaycausecardiacarrest.

Hypothermia (reduced body core temperature) develops more slowly than the immediate effects of cold-waterimmersion.Survivaltablesshowthatanadultdressedinaverageclothingmayremainconsciousfor30minutesat40ºFandperhaps1hourinwaterat50ºF.Anymovementinthewateracceleratesheatloss.Withoutthermalprotection,thevictim,thoughconscious,issoonhelplessduetoswimmingfailure.WithoutthePFD,drowningisunavoidable.

Prevention Dressforthewatertemperature;dressforimmersion.WearingaPfdcansaveyourlife!Wearingawetsuitordrysuitbuystime.Neopreneheadgearandbootieshelptoo!Clothesthatdonotabsorbwaterareonesthatdryfast.Formoreinformationgotowww.enter.net/~skimmer/coldwater

symptoms Handsand/orbodyareshaking,speechisslurred,judgmentisirrational.rescue Ifsomeoneneedshelp,keepthemlyingdown,faceup,immobile,nocaffeine,noalcoholandgetanambulance.



Canoe Sailor 37 page 2

Page 3: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

canoe sailor subscriptions:$5 year pay to charles sutherland2210FinlandRoad,GreenLane,PA18054USA

submit articles for the next issue of canoe sailor

to marilyn vogel, editor , 2210 finland road,

green lane, pA 18054 or e-mail to [email protected]

Hardware Parts -- You can use parts for a Sunfish and a Laser for the gooseneck, blocks, rudder and other fittings. dealer locations from

Aps (Annapolis performance sailing) www.apsLtd.com

ACA SAIL: 44 sq. ft. lateen the price is now $299 us.

plus postage.Includes free rig plans, canoe sailor newsletter for 1 year and other information.

from and pay to: m. vogel, 2210 finland road, green lane, pA 18054

for SALe

old town wood/canvas sailing canoeforsale:18’longby34”wide,withalloriginalsailingequipment,mapleleeboards,brace,rudder,originalcottonsail(foruseaspattern)andspars.HasanOTserial#.Ingoodconditionbutneedsrestorationtosail.Itisasoliddryboat.Pleaseemailorcallforphotosandmoreinfo.$2700orbestoffer.ContactEricat315-831-5339ormolerceli@gmail.com 3 cAnoe HuLLs for sALe

Dragonfly hull, new, super-cored layup, -29 lb, 17’6” X 35.5 “ Larry Zuk: ( 978) 369-6668unused MohawkUltimahullonly:$450JimBotamer,294CrockerSt.,Amherst,OH44001

Mohawk mold for fiberglass Ultima with one bare hull, $1000,Fasthullinweather,181/2feetlong.VictorBarnet, E-mail: [email protected] Mohawk is not building in fiberglass anymore.

for sALeHull,coldmolded,pictured above,withrudderandleeboard, hull needs a patch of epoxy, comes with an ACAsailslightlyused.Needsmastandboomandhardware.$700,orbestofferRodMincher:[email protected]

usedACArig,ACA(AmericanCanoeAssn)sailandspars,goodcondition,Binghamton,NY.$200DougShavere-mail:[email protected]

Canoe Sailor 37 page 3

race rules fromus sAiLing,MEMBERSHIP,15 Maritime Drive, PO Box 1260, Portsmouth,RI02871www.ussailing.org

CoLd wAter SAIL-Ing is not to be sneezed at. when the wAter temperature is 68 degrees f or less,dress to swim!

Page 4: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced


ACA Atlantic division Sailing Schedule 2011ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY

Saturday,June18 10-4pm.sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced sailors to learn thetechniquesofcruisingclasssailing,usingapaddleinsteadofarudder.Co-sponsoredbytheSailingCommitteeandtheSheepsheadCanoeClub

Sunday,June19“free sail”10-4pmSailingCanoeswillberiggedandavailableforinterestedsailors(orwant-to-besailors)totakeoutonthewater.Giveitatry–you’llenjoyit!(SponsoredbySheepsheadCanoeClub)

July2-3Lady bug trophy –DivisionalCruisingClassChampionships.Sat.10amand2pm;Sun.11am. July10sebago series race #1-CruisingClass(SponsoredbySheepsheadCanoeClub)Sunday,11a.m.

July16-17ADK trophy-CruisingClass-Twosailorstoaboat(rescheduled)Sat.10amand2pm;Sun.11am. July23“free sail”–(SponsoredbySheepsheadCanoeClub)10-4pmJuly24sebago series race #2-11am,CruisingClass(SponsoredbySheepsheadCanoeClub)Aug.7 sebago series race #3-11am,CruisingClass(SponsoredbySheepsheadCanoeClub)

Aug.13-14 John Komp trophy-CruisingClass,Sat.10amand2pm;Sun.11am.Aug.20- Divisional championships Saturday, 10 am first race. c class (5 meter)

Sunday, Aug. 21 10 am first race. AcA class

Sept.3-4 Wilkinson trophy-NationalCruisingClassChampionships,Sat.10amand2pm;Sun.11am.Contacts:JoanieKrilla201-825-9350orSherrieWinkworth,E-mail:[email protected],Telephone:973-252-3484

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Page 5: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

July 22-23, 2011 canoe sailing and northern new york Division race, seneca Lake, geneva, ny in the finger Lakes of ny.AtthenorthendofSenecaLakeisapublicboatlaunch,nowlookslikeapark.

AnAnnual finger Lakes showsincethemid90’shasbeeninPennYan,NY,withsailing,thankstotheSenecaYachtClub,onthenortheastsideoftheLakehttp://www.senecayc.org/TheYachtClubwillhelp.


from the east: 50 miles west of Syracuse, NY off Route 90, exit 41, south route 414. Cross rtes 5 & 20, afterBargeCanaltoWestonRiverRoad5.5milesto96AandcrosstoBoody’sHillRd.,passCrowsNestrestaurantandStiversMarine.Contact:[email protected](315)597.2593andMarilynVogel

Canoe Sailor 37 page 5

Canoe Sail Calendar 2011

May7,(May8raindate)AnnualBobCelifarcoCanoeSailGet-together,NJStatePark,SpruceRun,Clinton,NJ,meetatnoonattheCartopBoatLaunch,newbieswelcome!Campingavailable,Wetsuitsadvised.M.Vogel,E-mail:[email protected],215.453.9084

HavredeGrace,MD.Datetobedetermined.CruiseneartheSusquehannaRiver,DonKerrE-mail:[email protected]

June11-12,UnionLake,Millville,NJ.9ammeet.DelawareValleyDiv.5meterandACAClassChampionshipsChampionshipRaces.JohnDepaE-mail:[email protected],Tel:609-294-2213


July9-10,Ohio-PennDiv..Sam-MyersRegatta,PymatuningSailingClub,www.PymatuningSailingClub.orgDanReiberE:mail:[email protected]:440.461.8511

July13-16,WoodenCanoeHeritageAssembly,PaulSmith’s,ADK,NYwww.wcha.orgMarilynVogelE:mail:[email protected]

July22-23,Friday-Saturday,NorthernNewYorkCruiseandDivisionRace-SenecaLakeintheFingerLakes,Geneva,NYContact:M.VogelE:mail:seashell@entermail.net.July24-week.SugarIslandCanoesailraceweekstarts.AmericanCanoeAssociationEncampment.Canoesailinstructionisavailableaswellascruising,campinginthebeautiful1000Islands.TheislandislocatednearGananoque,Ontario,Canada,2hoursnorthofSyracuse,NY.Contact:M.VogelE:mail:[email protected],17-18,tentative, 5 meter and AcA class national championshipsLake Nockamixon, Quakertown PA. contact: Marilyn Vogel E-mail: [email protected]

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bit of History

ItwasanaturalevolutionthatcanoecruisingwhichwaspopularizedinEnglandinthe1860’swouldleadtotheestablishmentofEngland’sRoyalCanoeClubandsubsequently,tothenew york canoe clubinNewYorkCity,thusleadingtonationalandInternationalclassraces.OrganizedCanoesailingstartedintheUSin1870inFlushingBay,whereNewYork’sLaGuardiaairportisnow,thankstoWilliamAlden..

rolf ArmstrongwasoneofAmerica’searlyNationalChampionsintheInternationalCanoesportwithhisraceresultsloggedinTheNewYorkTimes.Hesailedhis‘Mannequin’inthe1934Internatioalcompetitionagainst Uffa Fox and Roger De Quincy of England. Rolf was also a world famous artist who gifted the picture,belowright,ofthe‘ACAGirl’totheAmericanCanoeAssociation--shownhereasitappearedonthecoverofthe1950ACAYearbook.

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Page 8: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

Looking Back Charles Murphy

Here’s to… It’s the season for toasts. We express our hope for health and happiness, for love and leisure, and for fair winds and fairer yard fees. In that spirit let’s raise a glass to the man whose vision and work nearly a century and a half ago created the Club we enjoy today. Few yacht clubs can point to a founder with a resume like that of W. L. Alden: lawyer, newspaper man, editorialist, short story writer, essayist, novelist, sailing enthusiast, club organizer, executive and diplomat. In all these areas he gained honor and fame both at home and abroad. The surname brings to mind the famous John Alden of Colonial America, whose celebrated proposal of marriage to Priscilla came only after she chided him to, “Speak for yourself, John.” In fact he was a direct descendent of the well-known couple. His father was an academic, president of Jefferson College in Massachusetts when John was graduated, and later president of what is now SUNY Albany. Following his graduation in 1858, he read the law and practiced in Massachusetts. After four years he moved to New York and began his career as a newspaper man. After stints at The World and the Daily Graphic he eventually became an editorial writer for The New York Times. From 1874 to 1885 he wrote editorials—lively, trenchant, humorous—that were so popular that two collections were published in book form. But even before achieving recognition at The Times, Alden was making his name writing both fiction and non-fiction. For young readers he wrote several novels such as The Cruise of the Ghost. In non-fiction he wrote a biography of Columbus and contributed essays to magazines such as Harpers, to which for four years, he also wrote a series of adventure stories. Also, for Harper’s, he published “The Perfect Canoe” (it was yawl-rigged) which highlighted the interest that would dominate his life for many years. By the late 1860s Alden had developed a keen interest in the sailing canoe. He saw in the sailing canoe a “yacht” that could be owned and sailed by the average man. Then in 1870 he brought over from the Royal Canoe Club a Nautilus sailing canoe. This vessel became the archetype of the canoes to follow. In 1871 he, along with several fellow canoe sailors, founded the New York Canoe Club. The Times wrote that in doing so he “set off a craze (for canoe sailing) that spread across the country,” reaching as far as the Mississippi River. Although his is the first name recorded in the 1871 minutes of the Club’s founding meeting, he did not accept the Commodoreship, probably because he was working to spread the gospel of canoe sailing across the state and beyond. He did, however, serve as the Club’s fourth Commodore in 1874 and 1875. His importance to the sport was such that he was chosen Commodore of the newly founded American Canoe Association as well. Although he began with the English Nautilus Canoe, he soon designed his own canoe, the Shadow. Ultimately he was recognized in the Times obituary as “the father of modern (sail) canoeing in this country.” Later in his live, he was named American Consul General in Rome. After serving in this post, where he was honored by King Humbert, he moved to Paris, where he wrote as foreign correspondent to the Herald, and then to London, where his books and articles gave him entre into London literary life. Late in his stay in London, according to his Jefferson College obituary, an appeal for funds appeared in a London newspaper, noting that he was gravely ill and lacked sufficient funds for the necessary surgery. Literary London—in the persons of J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan; Rudyard Kipling, the famous poet and novelist; and Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, all expressed support. The details of the matter remain murky. However, after he returned to the U.S. Alden said that he did not authorize the appeal and that he had not been penniless. If nothing else, the response to the article indicated the high esteem with which he was held in English literary circles. After returning to America, he moved to Buffalo to live with his daughter. He died there in 1907. Today, few readers are aware of Alden’s books. Our last sailing canoe was laid to rest in Mystic Seaport and Museum fifty years ago. Yet the great achievement of William L. Alden—our Club—remains, a tribute to his vision and his values. And so, I give you: William L. Alden. Questions or comments: [email protected]

TheFounderofmoderncanoesailing,TheFounderoftheAmericanCanoeAssociationWho was W. L. Alden ? Whatever happened to the New York Canoe Club?

Charles Murphy, historian of the North Shore Yacht Club in New York’s Long Island explains.

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Lindenhurst was the home of Lou Whitman’s Phoenix Canoe Club. Manychampionshipracesincluding1949Nationalswereheldthere.

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nAtionAL cHAmPionsHiPs cruising - roger WiLKinson troPHy

sePtember 4-5, 2010 sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2

Race 3


Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pts.Tom Uebel 2 1 1 1 4Sherrie Winkworth 4 2 5 2 11Don Uebel 1 DNF 6 3 14Joanie Krilla 3 DNF 4 4 14Dave Sherman DNS DNS 2 5 16Don Crouse DNS DNS 3 6 17

Race 1 Race 2 FinalTom Uebel 1 1 2M Vogel 2 3 5Larry Haff 6 2 8Mike Piro 3 5 8Larry Zuk 4 7 11John Depa 5 6 11C Sutherland 8 4 12Bill Covert 7 8 15Don Uebel 9 DNS 19

nAtionAL cHAmPionsHiPs AcA cLAsssePtember 19, 2010

LAKe sebAgo, sLoAtsburg, nytom ZuK troPHy

Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 FinalTom Uebel 1 1 1 3John Depa 3 2 4 9C Sutherland 4 3 3 10Larry Haff 2 4 5 11Mike Piro 5 5 2 12M Vogel 6 6 6 18Bill Covert 8 7 7 22Larry Zuk 7 DNS DNS 29Don Uebel DNS 8 DNS 30John Allen 9 DNS DNS 31

nAtionAL cHAmPionsHiPs 5 meter cLAsssePtember 18, 2010 (LigHt WinDs),

mALLison troPHyLAKe sebAgo, sLoAtsburg, ny

Page 12: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

AtLAntic Division cHAmPionsHiP AcA cLAss August 22 , 2010

sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2

Race 3


Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pts.Tom Uebel 2 1 1 1 4Don Uebel 3 3 2 2 8Sherrie Winkworth 5 2 4 3 11

Larry Zuk 1 4 DNS 4 11Joan Krilla 4 5 3 5 12

AtLAntic Division JoHn KomP troPHy cruising cLAss August 14-15, 2010

sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2

Race 3

FINAL Points

Tom Uebel 1 1 1 1 3Joan Krilla 2 4 2 2 8Don Uebel 3 2 3 3 8Sherrie Winkworth 4 3 4 4 11 Canoe Sailor 37 page 12

AtLAntic Division cHAmPionsHiP cruising cLAss, LADybug troPHy

JuLy 3-4 , 2010 sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 FINAL

Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pts.Tom Uebel 1 1 1 1 3Don Uebel 2 3 2 2 7Larry Zuk 3 2 DNF 3 12Joanie Krilla 5 5 4 4 14Sherrie Winkworth 4 4 DNF 5 15Don Crouse 6 DNF 3 6 16


Page 13: ssue 37 AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtion februAry 2011 nAtionAL ... · ACA Camp, Lake Sebago, nY Saturday, June 18 10 - 4 pm. sailing Workshop An opportunity for novice and experienced

AtLAntic Division cruising cLAss sebAgo series JuLy, 2010

toP 3 finisHers from Prior yeAr’s nAtionALs Are not eLigibLe sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2

Race 3


Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.Sherrie Winkworth * 3 3 4 4 1 1 * 8Joanie Krilla 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 9

Don Uebel 2 2 1 1 DNS 3 1 6

Tom Uebel * 1 1 DNS 5 DNS 3 * 9

Don Crouse DNS 6 2 2 DNS 3 3 11

AtLAntic Division cHAmPionsHiP series 5 meter, c cLAss, not HeLD, 2010

Canoe Sailor 37 page 13

AtLAntic Division cruising cLAss JuLy 17-18, 2010ADK troPHy 2 PeoPLe to A boAt

sLoAtsburg, ny

Race 1 Race 2

Race 3


Tom Uebel and 1 1 1 1 3 Tiffany Peterson (2), Jacob Boxer (1)Joan Krilla and 3 2 2 2 7 Kathleen 'Sullivan

Sherrie Winkworth & 2 3 4 3 9

C. Loomis (2),Liz Scott (1)

Don and Elizabeth Crouse DNS DNF 3 4 17Karen and Alain Perreault DNS 4 DNS 5 18Gary Feldman & Linda Horowitz DNS DNF DNS 6 21

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Canoe Sailor 37 page 14


Despite a fleet of aging canoe sailors, the open canoe sailors (5 meter, ACA Class, and CruisingClass)havemanagedtomaintainanactivescheduleandevenattractafewnewsailorsandyoungerbloodtothesport.ThemostactivedivisionsaretheAtlanticandDelawareValleyDivisions.WeregretthelossoflongtimecanoesailorsBobHalseyandKayRyan.

TheCanoe SailorNewsletterhasbeenroutinelypublishedbyMarilynandChuckSutherlandwithnewsoftheraceschedule,raceresults,itemsforsaleandinstructionopportunities.ItisnowdistributedviaE-mailaswellasprinted.OneofourarticleswasreprintedintheAsh Breeze Magazine of the National Traditional Small Craft.

NationalClassChampionships(WilkinsonTrophy)and5meter(MallisonTrophy)andACAClass(TomZukTrophy)wereconductedthisyearatSebegoCampinNewYorkState.TheNationalSailCommitteeMeetingwasheldafterthe race, and a few rule changes were propagated altering the specifications for the open canoes. An active race schedulewasmaintainedattheSugarIslandencampmentthisyear,withtrophiesbeingawardedinthe5meterandACAclass,andthefamousTwice-around-Sugar Islandrace.TomUebelcontinuestodominatethetrophycollectionforallthreeclasses:Cruising,5meterandACAClass.

A3-DbeautifulnewwoodtrophywasdonatedfortheSugarIslandaroundtheIslandACAClassRacebyLarryHaff.John Depa carved keeper plaques for some of the races. An exploratory sailing canoe/camping cruise was also hosted atStillwaterReservoirpriortotheSugarIslandEncampment.

TheACAcampatLakeSebegoremainsanactivehotbedofcanoesailingfortheeasternUnitedStates,andthisyearnotonlyhostedtheNationalChampionshipsbutofferedaninstructionweekendincanoesailing.TheDelawareValleyDivision also hosted an early summer event at Union Lake Sailing and Tennis Club in Millville, NJ, an excellent venue forcanoesailing.AnumberofcanoesailorsalsoattendedtheJohn Gardner Small Boat FestivalatMysticSeaportinConnecticut,whichincludedashortcruiseaswellastheWoodenCanoeHeritageAnnualAssemblyatFranklinPierceCollegeinNewHampshire.


Anewbook,Sailing with Champions,byFayJordaenswithlong-timeopencanoesailorLarryZukhasbeenpublisheddescribingandillustratingthedeckedcanoeracing1950’seraofLouWhitmanandAdolphMorse,primarilyintheNewYorkCityarea.LarryZukremainstheelderstatesmanofopencanoesailing.AlthoughhehasthreatenedtoretireandmovetoColorado,hestillparticipatesincanoesailingandracingandmaintainshisrecordattendanceattheyearlySugarIslandencampment.


Next year, in additional to our usual racing schedule, we plan to attend an event for canoe sailing on the north end of SenecaLake,Geneva,NYwiththeFingerLakesBoatingplannedmuseum.October27,2010

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National Sailing Committee Officers 2010, American Canoe Association:

Chairperson: LarryHaff,15SmithSt.,Westborough,MA01581E:mail:[email protected](508)981-1302

ViceChairperson: LarryHaff,15SmithSt.,Westborough,MA01581E:mail:[email protected]

Secretary: MarilynVogel,2210FinlandRd,GreenLane,PA18054(215)453-9084

Treasurer: CharlesSutherland,2210FinlandRd,GreenLane,PA18054(215)453-9084

Measurer-MasterofRecords:LarryZuk,2VikingCourt,Apt7,,Arlington,MA02427781-643-0413OpenCanoeMeasurer: LarryZuk,2VikingCourt,Apt7,,Arlington,MA02427781-643-0413Historian: LarryZuk,2VikingCourt,Apt7,,Arlington,MA02427781-643-0413

your Division cHAirPeoPLe

NewEnglandDivision: LarryHaff,15SmithSt.,Westborough,MA01581E::[email protected]: ChuckDurgin,4MillardAve.,Binghamton,NY13905(607)723-4122or E-mail:[email protected]: JohnDepa,124EastSchuylkillRoad,LittleEggHarborTwp.,NJ08087-1132 E-mail:[email protected],Tel:609-294-2213

AtlanticDivision: JoanKrilla,141Raintree,MahwahNJ07430 Tel:201.825.9350

E-mail:[email protected]

MidWestDivision: RogerCorinth,127ProviderSt.,Gwinn,MI49841E-mail:[email protected]: DanReiber,874BeechersBrookRd.,Cleveland,OH44143 E:mail:[email protected]:440.461.8511Appeals: DanReiber,874BeechersBrookRd.,Cleveland,OH44143AmericAn cAnoe AssociAtionMEMBERSHIP www.americancanoe.org newaddress ACA, 108 Hanover st Fredericksburg,VA22401 telephone: 540.907.4460 fax: 888.229.3792

Canoe Sailing Websites ACACanoeSailor www.enter.net/~skimmerAmericanCanoeAssociation www.americancanoe.orgLakeSebagocanoesailing http://aca-atlanticdivision.net/Activities/Sailing/sailing_committee.htmOnlineCanoeSailingMagazine www.canoesailingmagazine.com

USSailing www.ussailing.orgSugarIsland http://sugar.islandertalk.comMistyIslesLodge www.mistyisles.caFinland Canoe sailing http://www.canoesailing.fi/InternationalDeckedSailors http://www.EnglandOpenCanoeSailGr http://www.ocsg.uk.

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2005 richard

greene, union Lake

sugAr isLAnDcAnoe sAiLing, cAmPing

AnnuAL encAmPmentoPening DAy JuLy 24, 2011


Theislandistwomilesfromthemainland.YoucanlaunchatMistyIslesLodge,lessthan10milesfromNY’sborderatRte.81,whichhasparking,rentalkayakandmotorboatservices.SinceSugarIslandisontheCanadiansideoftheNYborder,youwillneedeitheraPassportor a Customs Card, which is for Mexico or Canada.


www.AMERICANCANOE.org – join/ member benefitswww.Paddle1000.com seewaterRouteGuide4MistyIslesLodge www.mistyisles.caCampsitereservations [email protected]
