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SSUSH24A thru F Political and Social Movements of the 60’s...

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SSUSH24A thru F Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

SSUSH24A thru F

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Youth Movement

• Movement grew out of the Baby Boom Generation:

Growing concerns over the Nuclear Arms Race

Increased knowledge and independence gained from college educations

Concerns over injustices in the nation’s social and political systems

• New “Left” Organization formed: Students for a Democratic Society

1962 Declaration: Port Huron Statement

University of Michigan Editor: Tom Hayden

Called for an end to Apathy in America

Urged Americans to stop allowing Big Corporation and Government control them

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Free Speech Movement

• Originated at the University of California at Berkeley due to:

Restriction of Student Rights to distribute literature on political causes

School Policies that made students feel isolated and ignored

• 2 Dec 1964: Students held a massive Sit-In and Protest

California Governor Pat Brown sent in 600 police officers

Protest escalated into a campus wide 2 day strike

• Supreme Court validated student’s right to free speech under the First Amendment

Organized by Mario Savio

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Feminist Movement

• Since 1920’s: Women had been struggling to improve their equal rights with men

Increasing belief that men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially

• By 1960’s: Many women resented the unequal status their received in society

• 47% of American Women Worked . . . . But:

3/4 were paid lower wages than men

Majority were only allowed minimal manual-labor positions

Clerical, Sales, and Domestic Services

Very few held management positions

• The Feminist Movement became better known as the Women’s Liberation Movement

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Feminist Movement

• Two forces helped bring the Women’s Rights Movement to life:

Mass Protests and Government Initiatives

• 1963: Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique

Boosting the Women’s Rights Movement

Highlighting that women felt unfulfilled in life

• 1966: Betty Friedan promoted the formation of the National Organization for Women (NOW)

Demanding greater education opportunities

Denouncing exclusion from certain professions

Lashing out at unequal pay practices

• Female Journalist Gloria Steinem became an active writer and leader who co-founded the Women’s Action Alliance

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Feminist Movement

• 1968: Miss America Pageant Protest

Commercialization and Racism of Pageant

Ludicrous standards of Beauty and Sex Appeal

• 1969: New York Abortion Speak Out

Testimonies by women who experienced issues with abortions

Demanding Congress hear their testimonies

• 1970: Women’s Strike for Equality

Nation Wide women workers strike

Used Creative Tactics to gain media attention

Ritual Chanting (Hindu & Buddhist styled)

Public Speeches (Friedan and Steinem)

Bra-Burnings (Truth or Urban Legend?)

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Feminist Movement

• 1961: President’s Commission on the Status of Women

Established by President John F. Kennedy

Headed by former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt

Helped create a network of feminist activities

Lobbied Congress for women’s rights legislation

• 1963: Congress passed the Equal Pay Act

Outlawed paying men more than women based solely on gender

• 1964: Congress passed the Civil Rights Act

Outlawed discrimination based on Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, Religion, and Gender (Title VII)

Formed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to monitor and enforce implementation

• 1972: Congress passed the Education Amendments to the Civil Rights Act

Prohibited discrimination in federally funded public school activities

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Roe versus Wade

• Until 1973: States had the power to regulate abortions

Women activist’s primary goal was to repeal laws against safe abortions:

Due to serious health reasons that endangered life of mother and/or fetus

Due to being a victim of rape or incest

• 1973: Supreme Court Decision in the case

States could not regulate abortion:

During first 3 months (Right to Privacy)

States could regulate abortion:

During second 3 months based on the health of the mother and fetus

States could ban abortion:

During last 3 months except due to medical emergencies

Decision sparked major debate that goes on today

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Feminist Movement

• 1969: Equal Rights Amendment was proposed

Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm gave her “Equal Rights for Women” speech

• 1972: Amendment passed thru Congress and went to the states for ratification

Constitutional Lawyer and Conservative Activist Phyllis Schlafly spoke out against ratifying the amendment:

Impact on women’s right to alimony

Legal rights of single gender colleges Amendment failed ratification

after 10 year effort (1982)

New Civil Rights Movement

• 1960’s - 1970’s: Increased efforts by several minority groups

African Americans (11% of Pop) Hispanic Americans (4% of Pop)

Native Americans (.3% of Pop)

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

New Civil Rights Movement

• Problems facing most minorities included:

Lack of adequate jobs and salaries

Minimal Educational opportunities

Poor Housing and Health Conditions

• Civil Rights Leaders promoted an initiative known as Affirmative Action

Created through Executive Orders

Enforced by Federal Policies & Laws

Required recruitment and employment of minorities by companies & institutions

• 1971: The Congressional Black Caucus was formed by Shirley Chisholm and other politicians

• 1973: Maynard Jackson became the first African American Mayor in the U.S. (Atlanta, Ga.)

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

New Civil Rights Movement

• 1974: Affirmative Action came under attack

Allan Bakke sued the University of California at Davis for discrimination

He was denied admission due to affirmative action quotas at the school

Slots set aside to admit only minorities

• 1978: University of California Regents –vs- Bakke

University had violated Bakke’s rights

Affirmative Action w/o Fixed Quotas

• 1960’s: School systems began Busing students to comply with laws on desegregation

Forcing students to go to school miles from homes

Causing a “White Flight” by white families taking their children out of public schools

• 1971: Supreme Court upheld the use of busing

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

New Civil Rights Movement

• Early 1960’s: Notable Hispanic Movement began

Founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta

• 1965: They organized a farm workers strike against California growers demanding

Recognition of the worker’s union

Increased wages for farm laborers

Better health and insurance benefits

• 1966: Chavez and Huerta joined forces to create the United Farm Workers

1966-1970: Coordinated a National Boycott by thousands of Americans to obtain recognition and negotiations with farm owners

• 1968: Congress passed the Bilingual Education Act

• 1969: Jose Angel Gutierrez formed La Raza Unida , “The United People’s Party” to:

Organize Hispanic Voters and improve housing, education, and wages

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

New Civil Rights Movement

• By 1960’s: Native Americans were the smallest minority group in America

• 1961: 400 members from 67 tribes met in Chicago, Ill.

Issued a Manifesto: Declaration of Indian Purpose

It was a statement supporting Self Determination

• 1968: Congress passed the Indian Civil Rights Act

Guaranteed protection under the U.S. Bill of Rights

Recognized authority of Local Reservation Laws

• 1969: Formation of militant American Indian Movement

Occupied Alcatraz Island in SF Bay (19 Months)

Seized town of Wounded Knee, SD (70 Days)

Demanded better admin of Reservations

Demanded government honoring past treaties

• 1975: Congress passed the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Grassroots Movement

• 1960’s: Americans became concerned with the nation’s environment

Lumber Companies destroying forests

Smog smothering the nations cities

Garbage and sewage polluting lakes/rivers

Pesticides killing endangered species

• 1970: Americans held their first Earth Day Celebration to bring attention to the environment

Spontaneous Grassroots Movement grew out of a natural desire to protect the earth’s resources and environment

Among the organizations involved were:

Sierra Club (1892) – Environmental protection

Audubon Society (1905) – Nature Conservation

Wilderness Society (1935) – Land Preservation

Greenpeace (1972) – Protection of Biodiversity

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Environmental Legislation

• 1970: National Environmental Policy Act

Setting and Enforcing Pollution Standards

Promoting Research and Anti-Pollution activities

• 1970: Clean Air Act

Establishing and Enforcing Emission Standards

• 1972: Clean Water Act

Restricting and Monitoring the discharge of pollutants into the nation’s lakes and rivers

• 1973: Endangered Species Act

Established measures for saving endangered species

• Congress and President Nixon listened and acted on America’s calls for action

Political and Social Movements of the 60’s and 70’s

Toxic and Radioactive Concerns

• 1954-1962: Schools and Residential area was built over a toxic dump site in Niagara Falls, NY

• 1976: Two reporters tested water sump- pumps and found toxic chemicals

• 1976-1978: 56% of all children born in the area had birth defects

• 1978: President Jimmy Carter announced a National Heath Emergency and the State of NY relocated 200+ families

• 1979: Nuclear Reactor at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, PA overheated

Low levels of radiation escaped Nearby Residents were evacuated Reactor was eventually closed down

• U.S. Closed down 60 Nuclear Power Plants
