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St. Augustine Catholic Church 375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 staugch.org JANUARY 27, 2019
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St. Augustine Catholic Church 375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707

407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 staugch.org

JANUARY 27, 2019

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Church (CHU) Parish Life Center (PLC) Office (OF) Chapel (CHP) Good Counsel Room (GCR) Grotto (GRO) Religious Education Building (RE)

Third Week in Ordinary Time MON 28 Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98; Mk 3:22-30 9:00am HELEN NAVRATIL

TUE 29 Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40; Mk 3:31-35 9:00am IRMA MENDEZ-GONZALEZ

WED 30 Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110; Mk 4:1-20 9:00am VALENTINA MEDINA

THU 31 Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24; Mk 4:21-25 9:00am FILIMON VIVAR

FRI 01 Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37; Mk 4:26-34 9:00am BLASINA GONZALEZ

SAT 02 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or Lk 2:22-32 9:00am SOULS IN PURGATORY


SUN 03 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 or 1 Cor 13:4-13; Lk 4:21-30 8:30am GLYN JACKSON 10:30am LUIS A. GONZALEZ-QUINONES (Esp) 12:30pm IVETTE ACEVEDO














BAPTISM (Bautismo) For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for children, please contact Denise Kriscunas at 407-695-3262, ext. 104. Para información en español sobre el Sacramento del Bautismo

para niños, comuníquese con Santiago & Virginia Gonzalez al


MATRIMONY (Matrimonio) Marriage arrangements must be made at least nine months to a year before the tentative marriage date. Please contact the parish office at 407-695-3262 to schedule an appointment with the priest. Los arreglos matrimoniales deben hacerse por lo menos

nueve meses a un año antes de la fecha tentativa de matrimonio. Por

favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 407-695-3262 para

programar una cita con el sacerdote.

BECOMING CATHOLIC (Convertirse en Católico) Are you a non-Catholic adult interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Contact Jorge Medina 407-695-3262, ext. 105 for information. ¿Es usted un adulto no católico interesado en

conocer más sobre la fe católica? Comuníquese con Jorge Medina al

407-695-3262 para información.

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 6:00pm Faith Formation (GCR & REL ED BLDG) 6:30pm HS Youth Ministry Dinner (PLC) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal—8:30am (CHU) 6:30pm Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe (Room next to Gift Shop 7:00pm HS Youth Ministry Session (PLC) 7:45pm Clase de Biblia: Vagando por el Desierto (RE3) 7:45pm Grupo de Oración—Fuente de Vida (GCR) 7:45pm Liturgy Committee Meeting (RE2) 8:30pm Ensayo Coro—12:30pm (CHU)

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 9:30am Legión de María-Ntra. Sra. de Fátima (RE3) 7:00pm Youth Ministry Parent’s Meeting (GCR) 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal—10:30am (CHU) 7:30pm Divine Mercy Group (RE1)


01 8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 9:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Vigil (CHP)

9:30am Rosary after Daily Mass (CHU) 10:30am Entrenamiento de Monaguillos (CHU) 3:30pm Reconciliation (CHU) 4:25pm Rosary (CHU) 4:30pm Choir Rehearsal—5pm (RE1) 6:15pm Santo Rosario (GRO)

10:00am Ensayo Coro—7:00pm (RE5 & 6) 10:30am RCIA Classes (RE2 & 3) 11:30am Santo Rosario (GRO) 2:30pm Renovación Conyugal (GCR, RE1 & 2)

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 6:00pm Faith Formation (GCR & REL ED BLDG) 7:30pm 15 Minutos Adoración (CHP) 7:45pm Hermandad Una Gota de Vida (GCR)


8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 6:00pm Legion of Mary—Mary, Cause of our Joy (RE3) 7:00pm Events Committee Meeting (GCR) 7:00pm Healing Ministry (RE5 & 6) 7:00pm Legión de María—Inmac. Concepción (RE1) 7:30pm Grupo del Rosario (RE2)

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VIERNES, 1 de febrero comenzando con Misa a las 9:00am hasta

SÁBADO, 2 de febrero finalizando con Misa a las 9:00am.

“Yo estoy con vosotros todos los días hasta el fin del mundo”. Mateo 28:20

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT VIGIL FRIDAY, February 1 beginning with Mass at 9:00am until

SATURDAY, February 2 ending with Mass at 9:00am.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20


A s we hear the readings this week, we can stand in awe at the faith of our ancestors. In the Book of Nehemiah, it is clear that the people believe and are

just overcome with reverence and strong feelings when they hear the Word of God read out to them. They truly believe that it is God speaking to them in the word that is read.

In the Gospel, we have this account of Jesus preaching in the synagogue of his home town. We are at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel and the small section we read today only tells us that Jesus proclaims to his own people that the Scripture that He is reading is fulfilled right in front of them. We can only try to imagine his friends and neighbors trying to understand Him! Here is this young man, probably likable and normal for the most part—but now claiming that he is the fulfillment of the Scriptures of their religion.

Both of these passages focus on the power of the Word of God. Both of the readings show us people who are willing to give their lives for their belief that God is present in these Holy Scriptures.

We must ask ourselves today about our own beliefs. Sunday after Sunday or even day after day we hear the Sacred Scriptures or we read them on our own. Do we allow these Scriptures to have any power in our lives at all? How do we read the Scriptures? How do we listen to them?

Let us pray today that the Word of God can move us to tears! Let us pray that we will know the strength of God’s presence in His Word read to us! Let us ask that we can know personally the fulfillment of the Scriptures in Jesus Christ! He is our Lord and our God.

A medida que escuchamos las lecturas de esta semana, podemos admirar la fe de nuestros antepasados. En el Libro de Nehemías, está claro que

las personas creen y son superadas con reverencia y sentimientos fuertes cuando escuchan la Palabra de Dios en voz alta. Ellos realmente creen que es Dios hablándoles en la palabra que se lee.

En el Evangelio, tenemos este relato de Jesús predicando en la sinagoga de su ciudad natal. Estamos al comienzo del Evangelio de Lucas y la pequeña sección que leemos hoy sólo nos dice que Jesús proclama a su propia gente y que la Escritura que está leyendo se cumple justo delante de ellos. ¡Sólo podemos tratar de imaginar a sus amigos y vecinos tratando de entenderlo! Aquí está este joven, probablemente agradable y normal en su mayor parte, pero ahora afirma que Él es el cumplimiento de las Escrituras de su religión.

Ambos pasajes se enfocan en el poder de la Palabra de Dios. Ambas lecturas nos muestran personas que están dispuestas a dar su vida por su creencia de que Dios está presente en estas Sagradas Escrituras.

Debemos preguntarnos hoy sobre nuestras propias creencias. Domingo tras domingo o incluso día tras día escuchamos las Sagradas Escrituras o las leemos por nuestra cuenta. ¿Permitimos que estas Escrituras tengan algún poder en nuestras vidas? ¿Cómo leemos las Escrituras? ¿Cómo las escuchamos?

¡Oremos hoy para que la Palabra de Dios nos emocione! ¡Oremos para que conozcamos la fuerza de la presencia de Dios en Su Palabra que nos es leída! ¡Pidamos que podamos conocer personalmente el cumplimiento de las Escrituras en Jesucristo! Él es nuestro Señor y nuestro Dios.

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PANS DROP OFF This weekend we will be collecting the pans with cooked meals. Please bring them to the Parish Life Center Saturday, January 26th between 4:30pm—7:30pm or Sunday 27th by 2:30pm. Thank you all for your generosity!


Este fin de semana estaremos recogiendo las bandejas con las comidas. Por favor traerlas al Centro de Vida Parroquial el sábado, 26 de enero entre las 4:30pm—7:30pm o el domingo 27 antes de las 2:30pm. Gracias a todos por su generosidad.

SIGN-UP WEEKEND—FEBRUARY 2 & 3. As Lent approaches, our parish is preparing for Living the Eucharist. This spiritual renewal

experience will involve our parishioners in a number of special activities during Lent, such as small groups for adults, teen groups, family activities, and reading the Lenten

devotional booklet titled From Exodus to Easter: My Daily Journey Through Lent. Pray about participating in one or more of these Lenten activities.

REGÍSTRESE EL PRÓXIMO FIN DE SEMANA — 2 & 3 DE FEBRERO Con la cercanía de la Cuaresma, nuestra parroquia se está preparando para Vive la Eucaristía. Esta experiencia de renovación incorporará a nuestros fieles en varias actividades durante la

Cuaresma, tales como grupos de adultos y grupos de jóvenes, actividades en familia y la lectura de un librito devocional titulado: Del Éxodo a la Pascua. Mi caminar diario durante la Cuaresma.

Recen para decidir si deben participar en una o más de estas actividades cuaresmales.

A Prayer for Living the Eucharist Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Body of Christ, embolden me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me.

Within your wounds hide me. Let me never be separated from you.

From the evil enemy defend me. At the hour of my death call me

and bid me come to you, that with your saints I may praise you

forever and ever. Amen.

Oración para Vive la Eucaristía Alma de Cristo, santifícame. Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame.

Sangre de Cristo, embriágame. Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame.

Pasión de Cristo, confórtame. ¡Oh, buen Jesús!, óyeme.

Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme. No permitas que me aparte de Ti.

Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme. En la hora de mi muerte,

llámame y mándame ir a Ti. Para que con tus santos te alabe. Por los siglos de los siglos. Amén

THE BIBLE TIMELINE: Bible Class for Adults The next class will be Wednesday, February, 6th at 7:45pm, Room #3 in the Religious Education Building. Topic: Conquest and Judges—Part 1 Joshua; Judges.

LÍNEA DE TIEMPO DE LA BIBLIA: Clases de Biblia para Adultos—La próxima clase será el miércoles, 30 de enero, a las 7:45pm en el salón #3 del Edificio de Educación Religiosa. Tema: Vagando por el Desierto—Números.

HEALING MINISTRY MEETING The Healing Ministry invites you on Monday, January 28th, from 7:00pm—9:00 pm, Rooms 5 & 6 to their first meeting of the new year. There is prayer, a teaching and more prayer. Come join us! Also, a reminder to anyone who received a healing or answered prayer during the parish mission with Fr. Albert MacPherson, please send an email to: [email protected].

VALENTINES’S DAY—FAMILY DINNER DANCE The Knights of Columbus invite the whole community for their Family Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 9th, 2019 from 7:00pm until Midnight in the Parish Life Center. Ticket: $20 per person. For information, contact Jamie Aponte 321-444-3599.

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January 27

Spiritual Movie

March 6

Long Sleeve Shirts

Drive for Farmworkers

March 23

Church Grounds


March 24

Spiritual Movie

March 30

Church Grounds


May 24

50’s & 60’s Dance

June 7

Pentecost Concert

July 1

Supplies Collection for

the Diocesan Mission

Office & Ronald

McDonald House

July 28

Spiritual Movie

August 23

50th Anniversary


August 25

50th Anniversary

Mass & Celebration

Miracles and Their Meaning

What does Science have to say?

What Science discovers will inspire,

educate, and uplift the mind and heart

of every person!

This video presentation will greatly

strengthen the faith of your family and

friends. It is an excellent tool for helping

lukewarm and/or fallen away Catholics

to return.

Join us Sunday, January 27 at 4:00pm in the Church!

Where was

the original



Answer: page 7.

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Bishop Noonan honors and blesses married couples in Mass for Marriage The Mass for Marriage is an annual celebration held during National Marriage Week to highlight the sacrament and vocation of marriage. Married couples, their families and all who support marriage are invited to attend.

Saturday, February 9 at 10:00am St. James Cathedral 215 N. Orange Ave., Orlando

Reception to follow. Limited free parking available on the northwest corner of North Orange Avenue and West Robinson Street.

FIND YOUR GREATNESS Come and discover how four life-changing habits can point you towards discovering incredible possibilities for your life. Please join Dynamic Catholic speaker Dr. Allen Hunt

Friday, February 22, 2019 6:30pm—10:30pm St. Francis of Assisi Church 834 S.O.B.T. Apopka, FL 32703

Tickets can be purchased online: www.dynamiccatholic.com/apopka or contact Christine Stillings at 407-886-4602 ext 308 or [email protected].

St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Needs You! Great service hours! - Volunteer opportunities are available in our stores and food pantries – great for young people needing community service hours! Continues through the end of July. Check us out at svdporlando.org.


ALL SOULS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Sunday, January 27, 2019 10:00am - 2:00pm 810 South Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771 407-322-7090 www.allsoulscatholicschool.org PreK 3 - 8th GRADE

National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Florida Certified Teachers

State Of The Art Technology

Tuition Assistance & Step Up for Students Scholarship

For Those Who Qualify

ST. MARY MAGDALEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Monday, January 28 | 7:00pm Tuesday, January 29 | 8:30am 869 Maitland Ave., Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 | 407-339-7301 www.smmschool.org K—8th GRADE

Open House and Curriculum Fair in the school cafeteria to share all we have to offer!

We will hold a presentation on both dates and a campus tours will be offered on the 29th. We hope to see you there!

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Located in the Parish Life Center. We offer a wide selection of religious items, rosaries, crucifixes, statues and more.

COME AND SEE US! ¡VENGA Y VISÍTENOS! Saturdays | Sábados (4:30pm—6:30pm)

Sundays | Domingos (9:00am—2:30pm)

PARISH STAFF PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Tomas Hurtado (x 100) [email protected]

DEACONS Pedro Laboy [email protected]

Félix Montañez [email protected]

Antero Santos [email protected]


PARISH CATECHETICAL LEADER Denise Kriscunas (x 104) [email protected]

YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER Iliani Perez (x 106) [email protected]

MUSIC & LITURGY LEADER Leo Mikan (x 112) [email protected]

BUSINESS OFFICE Ruth Griffin (x 101) [email protected]

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Edna Miro (x 100) [email protected]

PARISH LIFE Actividades Hispanas Crucita Rivera 407-788-6837 Altar Servers Parish Office 407-695-3262 (Eng) Paula Rivera 407-283-3499 (Esp) Audio-Visual Leo Mikan 407-695-3262 Bereavement Pedro Laboy 407-580-5236 Comité Hispano Lourdes Sánchez 407-766-7146 Divine Mercy Group Jorge Ulate 407-448-0506 Ext. Min. Holy Comm. Elizabeth Ocampo 407-620-3125 (Eng) Albert Choo-Kang 407-695-7154 (Eng Saidy Ossers 407-715-0776 (Esp-Sáb) María Elena Ramírez 407-227-8335 (Esp-Dom) Grupo de Oración Johanny Pimentel 617-872-0443 Grupo del Rosario Tomas Cañuela 321-439-2583 Healing Ministry Barbara Koory 407-366-5379 Hermandad UGDV Santiago González 954-401-6829 Kairos Prison Ministry Rafael Salado (Clermont) 407-902-5052 Cástulo Ramírez (Orlando) 407-416-5466 Kitchen Ministry J. Aponte & S. Barrows 321-444-3599 Knights of Columbus Richard Rivera 407-252-9505 Lectors Vicky Kirkpatrick 407-831-2471 (Eng) Marie Ockman 407-682-3647 (Eng) Estéfano Crisafi 407-927-3270 (Esp) Legion of Mary Maria Paulovich 407-695-3075 (Eng) María Elena Ramírez 407-227-8335 (Esp) Carmen Rosado 321-277-2195 (Esp) Ministers to the Sick Kelvin Berberena 407-242-8646 Pastoral Council Mariana Simonelli 407-260-5532 SIS—Sisters in Service Linda Rivera 407-618-3512 Maria Castello Mahant 407-808-0988 Ultreya Cástulo Ramírez 407-416-5466 Ushers John & Maria Paulovich 407-695-3075 (Eng) Jairo Gomez 786-473-8795 (Esp-Sáb) Salvador Corona 407-448-2132 (Esp-Dom)

PRAYER LINE : If you have a special need of prayer, please call Rosemarie at 407-695-9221.


375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 | 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00am-5:00pm | www.staugch.org



(Closed on Holidays)



The US bishop’s pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from 1 Corinthians: “Because its individual members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the members—the personal responsibility of

each one of us. We all are stewards of the Church.”

In Pew $ 8,332.96

Online $ 1,787.00 January 19-20, 2019

Parish Trivia Answer: Crystal Bowl Circle, Casselberry

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