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St Bees Priory Churchstbees.org.uk/magazine/2013/pm_jun.pdf · St Bees Priory Church The Ministry...

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- 22 - St Bees Priory Church The Ministry Team Vicar The Revd Clifford Swartz (01946 822279) Retired Clergy with the Bishop’s Permission to Officiate: The Revd David Cox (01946) 821601 The Revd Canon Dr Trevor Park (01946) 821799 Lay Readers Chris & Charm Robson (01946) 822468 Services Sundays 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (1st, 3rd & 5th - 1662) 10.30 a.m. Family Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer See Calendar for details of Family Services and Evening Prayer N.B. This pattern may vary at particular seasons of the year. See magazine calendar. The sacrament of baptism is administered at the main service and must be arranged well in advance with the Vicar. Magazine production & distribution This magazine is free but production costs are about 35p per copy. Contributions from the Parish Council and our advertisers, to whom we are most grateful, pay for about 50% of the costs. However this leaves a substantial sum to be paid for by the PCC. Donations to the Treasurer* or your Magazine Distributor are most welcome. Circulation - 900 households in St Bees, Sandwith, Rottington, Linethwaite, Coulderton, Middletown, Nethertown. * - Treasurer - Dr G Burgess, 7Abbey Farm, St Bees, CA27 0DY. DTP & Final Editing - Ian McAndrew Printed by Printpoint (01946) 64305
Page 1: St Bees Priory Churchstbees.org.uk/magazine/2013/pm_jun.pdf · St Bees Priory Church The Ministry Team ... for girls aged from 5 to 7 years. ... and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay had summited

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St Bees Priory ChurchThe Ministry Team

VicarThe Revd Clifford Swartz (01946 822279)

Retired Clergy with the Bishop’s Permission to Offi ciate:The Revd David Cox (01946) 821601

The Revd Canon Dr Trevor Park (01946) 821799

Lay ReadersChris & Charm Robson (01946) 822468


9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (1st, 3rd & 5th - 1662)10.30 a.m. Family Service6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer

See Calendar for details of Family Services and Evening Prayer

N.B. This pattern may vary at particular seasons of the year. See magazine calendar.

The sacrament of baptism is administered at the main service and must

be arranged well in advance with the Vicar.

Magazine production & distributionThis magazine is free but production costs are about 35p per copy. Contributions from theParish Council and our advertisers, to whom we are most grateful, pay for about 50% ofthe costs. However this leaves a substantial sum to be paid for by the PCC. Donations to

the Treasurer* or your Magazine Distributor are most welcome.Circulation - 900 households in St Bees, Sandwith, Rottington, Linethwaite, Coulderton,

Middletown, Nethertown.

* - Treasurer - Dr G Burgess, 7 Abbey Farm, St Bees, CA27 0DY.DTP & Final Editing - Ian McAndrewPrinted by Printpoint (01946) 64305

Page 2: St Bees Priory Churchstbees.org.uk/magazine/2013/pm_jun.pdf · St Bees Priory Church The Ministry Team ... for girls aged from 5 to 7 years. ... and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay had summited

Area Visitor / The parish is divided into 30 small areas each with an offi cial ChurchGood Neighbour Visitor whose task is to welcome and help people in the name of theScheme Priory. Co-ordinator - M Westhead (Tel. 822674).

Arts Society meets every two months on the last Wednesday of the month at theSt Bees Management Centre at 8.00 p.m. Details from DilysBrownrigg (822584) or Alan Hawkins (822330)

Bellringing The Priory has a ring of 8 bells. Those interested in ringing or learningto ring, contact D Sim, 31 Main Street. Practice Wednesdays, 8.00 pmSundays, ring at 10.00 a.m. and Evensong by arrangement.

Bridge Club meets on Tuesday at 6.45 for 7.00 p.m. & Friday afternoons at 1.45for 2.00 p.m. in Bigrigg Hall. Mike Brewer (Tel 019467 25835).

Brownies meet in New College Hall on Tuesday evenings. Details from AmandaSmith 823933.

Cubs, Scouts Cubs for children aged 8 - 10, meet on Thursdays, 6.30 - 8pm.& Beavers Beavers meet on Thursdays (term time) from 5.00 - 6.00 pm. Details

from Sarah Servant, Tel 01946 729687. Scouts meet on Tuesdays from7.15 - 8.45pm. Details from Mike Greene, Tel. 824302. All meetin Youth Centre, Outrigg.

Choir rehearses on Sundays at 9.30 a.m. Details from Frank Bowler, theOrganist (Tel. 825307).

Churchwardens are leading lay Church members who will be pleased to help andadvise on church matters. They are John Kennedy (Tel. 822297),Rosalie McAndrew (Tel.822326), Derek McGee, & Wendy Mellor.

Electoral Roll is the list of all church members qualifi ed to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. E.R. forms are available in church, to bereturned to the Priory.

Finance The Church Treasurer is Dr Geoff Burgess, 7 Abbey Farm, St Bees,

Tel. 824416, who will gladly explain our Christian Giving system.

First Responders provide an immediate Basic Life Support in association with theCumbria Ambulance Service. Contact Phil Buxton 821176 or AndyBrock 823497.

Football Contacts - Seniors Dale Jackson 823631 & Tony Barnett 590640.Association Juniors (U-12) - Alec Morton 823992 & Alastair Billson.

Freemasons St Bega Lodge meet 7:00 p.m. On 2nd Wed of each month, VillageHall. Details: 01946 64275 or www.cumbwestmasons.co.uk

Friends of assists in the conservation of the Priory and encourages interest in itsthe Priory historical and architectural heritage. Contact Philip Barratt or Tom

Rice, Treasurer, Green Ghyll, Greendykes, Egremont.

Funeral Director in the Village is Malcolm Reid (Tel. 822217).

Garden Society Details from Mark Hewertson, (Tel. 01946 841325). Flower Showis held on the 3rd Saturday in August.

St Bees Parish ABC

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Guides meet in New College Hall on Mondays from 6.15 - 8.00 p.m. Forfurther details please contact Lucy Scott (Tel. 821755).

Library is at the Village School (Tel. 822219), Tuesdays from 1.30 - 6.00 p.m.& Fridays from 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.

Local History Research on the Priory and the village continues. Details from HistoryGroup (Ian McAndrew - Tel. 822326 or Chris Robson Tel. 822468).

Methodist ChurchSunday Service & Sunday School is at 11.00 a.m. Family Service onthe second Sunday.

Over 60’s Club meets in Hodgett’s Club on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month:

2.00 - 4.00 p.m. Details - Mrs Gill Richardson Tel. 822394.

Parish Council The Clerk to the Council is Mrs Jane Donaldson, East House,

Coulderton. Tel. (01946) 822560, e.mail [email protected], whowill answer queries on civil parish matters.

Parochial Church meets 10 times a year. Elections for 20 members are held in March

Council at the A.P.C.M. Its task is to spearhead the mission and

ministry of the church in the Parish. PCC Secretary - D McGee,

E-mail - [email protected]

Pre-School meets in the new building next to the Village School, 5 mornings aweek. For children 2 years 9 months +. Contact Pre-School on 823880.

Prayer Group meets on Thursdays from 2.00 - 3.00 p.m. in New College Hall . Alldenominations welcome.

Priory Singers rehearse in Old College Hall, Mondays at 8.00 p.m. Details from HughTurpin (Tel. 828066).

Rainbows meet in the Scout hut every Monday during term time from 5.00 - 6.00for girls aged from 5 to 7 years. Leader is Roz Scott 821 755.

St Bees Triers Triathlon Club meets Seacroft House 7pm Thursdays. Contact AndyBrock (Tel. 823497).

Sunday School for ages 3 - 11 meets during Morning Service New College Hall, at10.30 a.m. Contact - Rosalie McAndrew (822326).

Toddler Group meets every Wednesday in term time only, from 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. inNew College Hall, St Bees Priory. Details from Kylie McCarthy on822473 or Kerry Reid on 07875562107.

Village School exists to raise funds for the school and to foster links between schoolAssociation and community. Secretary - via School - Tel. 822392.

Village Hall Management Committee administers Hodgett’s Club. For details andbooking contact Phil or Valerie Turpin (Tel 823772).

Village in Bloom Details from Eileen B Todd, 14 Main Street. St.Bees. (Tel 822522).

Village Web Site Information for inclusion should be sent to Ian McAndrew (822326)or [email protected] Address is http://www.stbees.org.uk

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Calendar for June2 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer & Baptism8 Saturday 1.00 p.m. Village Fete start, Fairladies turning circle 6.30 p.m. Hog Roast and Band Night, Village School fi eld9 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Healing Prayers

4.00 p.m. Festival Choral Evensong in the Priory and5.00 p.m. Buffet Tea in NCH

10 Monday 7.00 p.m. St Bees Parish Council AGM & Open Meeting, Hodgetts11 Tuesday 10.30 a.m. Over 60s Coffee Morning, Oddfellows Arms15 Saturday 10.00 - 2.00 p.m. St Bees School Speech Day

8.00 p.m. La’al Big Band, Seacote16 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Fathers Day All Age Service23 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion25 Tuesday Over 60s Coach trip, Details later27 Thursday 7.30 p.m. St Bees School Summer Concert, Priory29 Saturday 12.30 for 1.00 p.m. Amnesty Group Buffet Lunch, Windergate30 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Family Service

2.00 p.m. St Bees in Bloom Open Gardens Tour & Teas

Start at Fernbank - fi nish at New College hall

July3 Wednesday 7.30 p.m. School Play, Memorial Hall4 Thursday 7.30 p.m. School Play, Memorial Hall6 Saturday Children’s Day at Fern Bank

Claiming Dates6 Saturday 7.30 p.m. Roof Celebration Three Organists Recital (inc. CCTV

of Organists playing)! Priory.Wine & strawberries served

13 Saturday 7.30 p.m. Wordsworth Singers, Priory

July EditorThe July 2013 issue of St Bees News will be edited by Phil Barratt, 16 Finkle Streetwho would appreciate all contributions not later than Saturday 8 June please.Email: [email protected]

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From the Vicar

“Do nothing out of selfi sh ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

News was received on the day Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in June 1953. It wasperceived as something of a coronation gift to the nation: New Zealander Edmund Hillaryand Sherpa Tenzing Norgay had summited Mount Everest.

On their descent, the two looked for signs of George Mallory and Sandy Irvine, who diedwhile attempting the summit in 1924. Isn’t that extraordinary? Having accomplished thisgreat feat, the plan of the fi rst men to conquer Everest was to seek out the remains of those who perished on the mountain. Hillary worked in subsequent years to benefi t the people of Nepal by founding the Himalayan Trust.

Things have changed in the years since: In 2006, British climber David Sharp died onEverest, and was passed by as many as forty climbers, some on their ascent. Hillaryspoke of those who were apparently focused on their own glory: “I think the wholeattitude towards climbing Mount Everest has become rather horrifying. The people justwant to get to the top. It was wrong if there was a man suffering altitude problems andwas huddled under a rock, just to lift your hat, say good morning and pass on by.” “Theydon’t give a d-mn for anybody else who may be in distress and it doesn’t impress me atall that they leave someone lying under a rock to die.” This modern day tale of the GoodSamaritan (Luke 10) is complicated by the extreme conditions, of course; however,another climber who was near death only days later was rescued by four men whoabandoned their own summit attempt in order to save him.

This year, a fi ght broke out near the summit. The details are scant and confl icted, but it seems that a few European climbers refused to wait while a group of Sherpa were fi xing ropes for their expedition. Later at the base camp, those climbers were surrounded andassaulted by dozens of Sherpa.

According to a climber who witnessed the events: “The Sherpas told the team not toclimb above them while they were fi xing the ropes but they did it anyway. Then some ice fell and hit the Sherpas, which made them angry.”

In the police report, the European climbers do not accept they provoked the attack, butacknowledge that the situation has changed a great deal since 1953:

“The three climbers feel that they don’t believe that their actions were the reasons behindsuch a mass attack. They believe that the reaction was from a far more deep rootedand long term problem, which is the way that Nepalis feel treated by westerners on themountain and this was a uprising against that.”

What caused the fi ght? Commercialism of the mountain, some say. What caused as many as forty climbers to walk by a man trapped on the mountain in terrible distress? There aremany unknowns, but the general observation may hold that, in this day and age, “I paidfor my expedition, no one will stop me” attitude is present.

Many in our parish have mountaineering or climbing experience, and will be able to offerinsight into these matters. However, each of us can consider our choices today: in our

St Bees News June 2013

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Priory NewsMany Thanks to Alistair and Barbara Hewetson for creating the beautiful Easter Gardenin the Priory this year, in memory of a very special lady Evelyn Barwise who made this withher grandchildren every Easter.

The Priory Rookery was inspected last month by a keen surveyor of rookeries in WestCumbria who pronounced ours in good shape (whatever that means!) At present we have12 nests in 3 sycamores. It’s a mystery how these untidy nests stay put in ferocious galesthrough the year. Apparently rooks prefer tall trees in isolation but near some humanhabitation, but not in towns or built-up areas. Here they gain protection from the Priorybuildings and access to the beck and fi elds. Rooks are sociable gregarious birds that benefi t from living in a colony.

Changing Light bulbs

Have you ever considered how one changes light bulbsin the Priory – at a height of around 25-30 feet? Giventhe safety measures that need to be in place, the answeris “with great diffi culty!” Special thanks to our expert mountaineers with ropes lashed to them and ladders,which are also lashed to the pillars. A major feat ofskill, tenacity and a head for heights! Thanks to SteveBridgman and David Kennedy with support from Ianand Frank. Some lights are still inaccessible, as withoutadjacent pillars to lash ropes to, or space for scaffoldingtowers, cannot be accessed safely. A custom builtscaffold would be required for each bulb making thecost of replacing a single bulb well into 3 fi gures!

A Fortress Among My People - A Novel ofAncient Israel is a very good example of its genre. Localauthor Jill Francis Hudson, teacher at St Bees School, enters the mind of each of the maincharacters to move the story forward, while remaining faithful to the relevant informationin the Bible. The imagery used is appropriate to the time and there are many ideas whichare worth refl ecting upon. The historical note points to the writings of Jeremiah and the historical books of the Bible relating to his time. The book is available as a paperback fromCornerstone Christian Bookshop, the author via her web-site or Amazon and also as ane-book. Susan Sanderson

daily routine, whether driving through the village or greeting someone on the street, tolook not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others (Phil 2:4).Warmly in Christ,

Clifford Swartz

New Zealand Herald (24 May 2006)

www.adventure-journal.com “Violence Hits Mt. Everest” (28 April 2013)

From the Vicar (Cont.)

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St Bees School

The Summer Term always promises to be a busy period at St Bees School. Our Fifth andSixth Form pupils are currently revising for their GCSE and A Level examinations. Wewish them all the best of luck!

The past few weeks have been jam-packed with events and activities including; the HouseCup and Staff Tug of War, Open Day, 3rd to 6th Form Sports Day and fi nally on Friday 10th May we were honoured to welcome Paul Lewis, internationally recognized as one ofthe leading pianists of his generation to the Priory for an outstanding piano recital as partof our partnership with Rosehill Theatre. We were delighted to welcome over 50 guestswho enjoyed a 2 course dinner and drinks within our traditional Dining Room prior to theperformance.

*** Limited spaces available for Summerfest! ***Summerfest returns this August, 5th – 9th August and 12th – 6th August.

It promises to be a fun-fi lled two weeks of entertainment. Week 1 is ‘Multi Fun’ week for ages 5 – 15 years. It is an opportunity for your children to mix and have so much funwhilst helping them learn and develop new skills. Week 1 ends with an ‘It’s a Knockout’style competition, where teams compete for small prizes.

Week 2 is ‘Specialised Activities’, which includes, Street Dance, Funky Labs, Smart Art& Jewellery Workshops, Sporting Activities and fi nally Golf with our residential PGA golf professional Stuart Hemmings.

If you would like more information regarding Summerfest please contact us on 01946828000 or [email protected]. Alternatively you can visit www.st-bees-school.org

St Bees School steps into 21st Century CommunicationWe are currently strengthening our online presence through Social Media, you can nowfollow and like us on our Twitter and Facebook pages. These will be updated on a regularbasis and will include, news, events and photos.

Show your support and join us online…

Facebook: www.facebook.com/stbeesschool

Twitter: www.twitter.com/stbeesschool

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Friends of the Priory Festival SundaySunday 9 June at 4.00 p.m. Choral Evensong to mark Friends of the Priory Festival Sundayin the Priory. This will be followed by delicious afternoon tea in NCH at 5.00p.m. Allwelcome.

Thursday 3 October at 7.00 p.m. NCH. The Friends have organised a Wine Tasting. Placesare limited and admission will be by Ticket only. Details will be given closer to the event.

MaraisthonOn 16 June, Charm Robson is intending, (God willing) to run the Maraisthon, 26 miles ina beautiful area of S W France, in aid of Freedom from Torture. This organisation existsto provide medical treatment, counselling and other therapy to adults, young people andchildren who have survived torture and organised violence. Take, for example, Layla. Aged9 she witnessed the murder of 3 brothers and was abducted by rebels, who scalded her feetto stop her crying, and raped her nightly for 10 years. When the war was over she tried toreturn home but was shunned and persecuted. To escape this she married an Englishmanwho then beat and raped her. Eventually she escaped again and, suffering from chronicdepression, constant headaches and vivid fl ashbacks, was referred to Freedom from Torture. She now has a new, loving partner, a baby and, most importantly, hope for a better future,but she still needs many more hours of therapy.

If you would like to sponsor me please go to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CharmRobsonThere will also be a sponsorship form in Church. Every £25 I raise will pay for an hour ofcounselling for Layla or another client whose story will be equally shocking.

From the RegistersChristian Funeral22 April Arthur Haig Jackson 11 Seaview, Seamill Lane24 April George Clemenson Doran 20 Sunnyview, Egremont9 May Grace Marian Fry High Walton Farm, St Bees

We remember you all and your families in our Priory prayers.

Flower RotaJune 2 Mrs S. Kennedy 9 Miss E. Lamb 16 Mrs J. Edgar

23 Mrs J. Hewertson 30 Mrs L. Edlington

July 7 The Barwise Family 14 Mrs J. Haile 21 Mrs Margaret Atkinson28 Mrs M. Westhead

Love and PrayersOur love and prayers for health and strength go out to all who are ill at home or in hospital.We remember Edie Butler, Betty Robertson, Olaug Park, Peter Lowe, and Bill Young.Warmest wishes to those recuperating from operations or time in hospital - Alan Thurlwell,Harold Wilson, and Phil Stanwix. We pray especially for Leah Barnett, daughter of Sue &John Barnett, who is in Newcastle Hospital after a serious accident.

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Fairladies Barn Guest HouseMain Street, St Bees

Family run Guest HouseFully Licenced

Beer Garden to the rearSmall parties catered for by

arrangementTel. (01946) 822718

E-mail - [email protected]

Seacote Hotel, St BeesHeadlands Restaurant

6.00 - 9 p.m. - Sunday Lunch from 12.001 Course £6.95, 2 Courses £7.95 , 3 Courses £8.95

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Bar Meals daily from 12.00 to 9.00 p.m.

Live EntertainmentTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday

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Carpet & Vinyl fi ttingPainting & Decorating

(01946) 823050 after 5:00 p.m.

St Bees Post Offi ceMain Street, St Bees

Newsagent, groceries,Off-licence, gifts, etc.Car Tax & LotteryTel. (01946) 822343

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Village School NewsResidential visit to Hawkshead

Our Y3 children recently had their fi rst residential experience, which is a really big step for them, at Hawkshead Youth Hostel. They took part in lots of activities organisedby staff at the centre including, orienteering, archery and problem solving. They alsodesigned and launched rockets with an ‘eggstranout’ on board which they hoped wouldsurvive the fl ight - three did!! The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and all the staff, both from school and at the centre, were so impressed by the good behaviour of the chil-dren and how well they settled down at bedtime!

Pre-School lunches

To help with the transition from Pre-School to Primary, we invite parents to come along,with their child, to have a school lunch. We do fi nd that eating in the school hall with lots of other children, who at times can be a little noisy, is the most diffi cult adjustment to school life children have to cope with. We do post up a list in the Pre-School entrance foryou to place your order in advance. Alternatively, if your child doesn’t attend Pre-School,please contact the school offi ce. Adult meals are £2.64 and children’s meals are £1.25. We are happy for one adult to bring and be responsible for more than one child. We lookforward to seeing new faces!


Many thanks to our VSA and Mrs Swinburn in particular for the recent Bingo evening inschool. I’m sure everyone who came along would agree it was fun evening and raisedover £500 for VSA funds, which is amazing! Many thanks to all parents and friends fromthe village who donated prizes or came along to join in the fun.

Rugby Tournament

Some of our Y5/6 children took part in a Copeland District school tag rugby tournamenthosted at St Bees Independent School. Although they didn’t lose a game they weren’t suc-cessful in gaining a place in the next round. Well done to them all.

Diary DatesThursday, 6th June - New starters EveningSaturday, 8th June - FETE DAY!Sunday, 9th June - Y5/6 leave for residential visit to YorkThursday, 13th June - Y5/6 return from the residentialTuesday, 25th June - Governors MeetingMonday, 8th July - Junior Play evening performanceTuesday, 9th July - Junior Play afternoon performance for grandparents

- Junior Play evening performanceThursday, 11th July - Rcp & Y2 children tripMonday, 15th July - Reports to parentsTuesday, 16th July - Y6 leavers eveningFriday, 19th July - School closes at 1.30pm for summer holidaysThursday, 5th September - Start of the new academic year!

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Beaver & Cub NewsSarah Servant who has been running Beavers as well as Cubs for the last 18 months isstepping down as Beaver Leader. She will continue her role as Cub Leader. Andy James,father of Beaver Adam, who had innocently been coming along as a parent helper hasbeen roped in as the new Beaver Leader. Sarah will continue to support Andy as he fi nds his feet and undertakes his Beaver Leader training. The weekly activities will continueto be led by Clare Dugdale, with assistance from Lauren Dye, who both have lots ofexperience with the group and an excellent rapport with the Beavers. Andy is lookingforward to continuing Sarah`s good work and feels working with the group will be arewarding experience.In recent weeks there have been some excitingactivities for the Beavers. Chris Denwood, alocal Karate instructor came along with somestudents and gave some demonstrations, then putthe Beavers through their paces doing rigorous,punch, block and kick routines. Several Beaversand parents have subsequently signed up with hisKarate classes. There has been a trip to LonglandsLake where the Beavers had a lot of fun lookingunder rocks for bugs and creepy crawlies andlearning about their habitats. Unfortunately, theywere too noisy and the resident otters did not put in an appearance. The latest adventurewas to Uldale and Dent forest where they explored, climbed trees, built dens and made abridge across a beck.The Beavers will enter a fl oat in the village fete and will spend time in the next few weeks planning and making decorations for it, hopefully with the help of some of the parents.

Village Fete - The Cubs are running a bric-a-brac and second-hand book stall at thevillage fete on 8 June. If you have anything suitable for the stall, can you please bring it

along to a Cub meeting any time between now and the fete. Sarah Servant, Cub Leader

St Bees BroadbandThe project “Connecting Cumbria”aims to deliver superfast broadband to 93% of thecounty and at least a 2 Mb/s connection to the rest. BT and funding was theoretically inplace, but nothing could go ahead until the European Commission gave Cumbria the fullMajor Projects Approval. This they have now done. Recently the project teams have beenworking on the planning and preparation work necessary to ensure there would be nodelay to the start of the program once approval was received. The plan is now to build thenetwork over the next 2 ½ years.

To ensure the program delivers to its original timescale, initial preparation and surveywork is already underway. See the Connecting Cumbria website more information - www.connectingcumbria.org.uk. This website will provide more detailed information to supportresidents and businesses in making the most of the opportunities the delivery of thisprogram offers. The roll-out details however will not be available until late June. That iswhat everyone is waiting for – when will St Bees get a decent broadband connection.

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St Bees in Bloom Open Garden EventSt Bees in Bloom Open Garden Event will take place on Sunday 30th June 2013, from2 p.m. – 5 p.m., starting at Fern Bank with other gardens open on High House Road,Cross Hill & Main Street, including an entry in the NGS. Finish with a visit to The PriorySleeping Child Garden, with refreshments available in New College Hall where you canspend your money on cakes, Tombola & raffl e whilst supporting Village in Bloom 2014.

Detailed Garden Guides will be available with a suggested route. £5 per guide includesentry to all listed gardens & refreshments (accompanied children under 16yrs free). Lookout for posters with more detail & the local press will remind you of the event.

Free parking is available in Station car park, Stonehouse Farm yard & in the Barony carpark by the Priory. No parking on Priory grounds please.

If you need more details please ring Eileen Todd on 01946 822522.

St Bees Calendar 2013Another year goes by! Sales were good, although expenses have gone up as usual. Sothe Priory, Village in Bloom and the St Bees Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows willreceive £200 each.

Thanks to the sponsors:-John & Linda Lowrey, Alan Glass at the Manor, Phil & ValTurpin, Mathew Stephenson, Tom Milburn at Seacote Park, Alex and Amanda at thePost Offi ce, Moreen and Mike at Fleatham House, Tommy Biglands, Mark and Sue at the Queens, Peter Graham and Jill Radford, Carol Stainton (Carol’s mother Traceydied peacefully last year: she was over 100, and has left her daughter her diaries etc. ofher early life in the village which she will share with us when the time is ripe), NapierButchers at Egremont, Richard and Margaret Stout, Hartley’s Ice Cream, Geoff andKay Steele, Anne and David Hope, John and Hilary Booth, Margaret Thompson at TheOddfellows, Peter and Annette Brownrigg, Neil and Gay Bettinson, John & Eleanor Haile,Louise at Lu Lu’s. Also to Carol Woodman, St Bees PO, Egremont PO, Lowes Court,Oddfellows, The Priory, Boonwood Garden Centre and everyone else who has helped tosell the calendars.

Next year is the 14th year of the calendar so if you have any old photos of villagers or

village life please let me know. Donald Brownrigg

Methodist NewsThis month sees the return of Rev Philip Peacock from his sabbatical - and we lookforward to hearing all about it in the weeks to come.

For June, we are pleased to welcome the following preachers to St Bees MethodistChurch:June 2nd Fishing Stone June 9th David AndrewsJune 16th Rev Charles Nicholson June 23rd Rev Philip Peacock (Communion)June 30th Keith BradshawAlso, please come along to St Nicholas Church in Whitehaven on Saturday 8th June forour fundraising day - including a chocolate tombola!

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Julie CoxPilates Instruction

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The Vicar’s mangleIn local history one thing generally leads to another. My brief mention last month of theUlverston lady who “kept a mangle” has resulted in quite a few queries. It might be useful,therefore, to add a little more here.

The wringer-type mangle someof us remember from childhoodwas a fairly late invention. Beforeit came the “box mangle”, datingback to the 1600s. This consistedof a stout wooden frame on whicha heavy box could be moved overa set of rollers. The laundry wentunder the rollers, partly to have thewater squeezed out of it, but moreto smooth away the wrinkles.

Pam Barnes of our History Grouptells us that in 1907 the Armyand Navy Stores were offeringa seven-foot model – which wasnot a particularly large one – at259 shillings. Clearly mostvillage families could not haveafforded such a machine, even if they had room for it. Box-mangles were intended forlarge establishments, or were owned by people who took in washing for a living. Old St.Bees had its share of washerwomen, and Pam has traced one who lived near the station:Elizabeth Fletcher, a widow, listed in 1861 as “keeper of the mangle”. Her 13 year olddaughter was “assistant keeper”.

The mangle pictured here spent many years in a dark and gloomy cellar at the Vicarage.Its box is still loaded with large pebbles from the beach. We wonder whether anyoneknows when it was last used, and whether it served more than just the Vicarage? Pam saysthat when the late Mary Clark of Fairladies Farm was maidservant at the Vicarage, one ofher tasks was to go down to the cellar to put the washing “under the cobbles”.

In still earlier times might this have been the mangle Widow Fletcher and her daughtertended? If anyone here knows more of it, Pam and I would be delighted to hear.

Bob Jopling, Village History Group

St Bees Village School Out of School ClubIs looking for an assistant play leader to start as soon as possible.The hours are two mornings a week, Monday and Tuesday from 7.50 a.m. to 8.50 a.m. withextra sessions when needed either on a morning or after school.Requirements - A friendly and caring person who enjoys working with children aged 4 to11. Qualifi cations - NVQ level 3 in Childcare or prepared to undertake the training to gain the award.

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GrassrootsOver 60’s Club - The next meeting of theOver 60s will be a coffee morning to be heldin The Oddfellows Pub on Tuesday 11 Juneat 10 30 a.m. This is a fundraiser for thegroup .Please come and support us – all arewelcome. The meeting for 25 June will be acoach trip - to be arranged.

The Sandwith School Trust has fundsavailable for young people in Sandwith,Rottington and Abbey Vale for such thingsas their academic materials, educationalexperiences, and Christian instruction. Grantapplications are available from [email protected] or by ringing theVicarage (822279). The trustees encouragechildren and young people to take advantageof this resource, and submit applications.

St Bees School Summer Concert willtake place in the Priory on Thursday 27June at 7.30 p.m. with a retirement tribute toDirector of Music Hugh Turpin.

St Bees RNLI receives a helping handfrom Sellafi eld Ltd Apprentices. In National Apprentice Week a project supportingthe St Bees RNLI was completed, alsopromoting the Brathay Challenge entriesfor Apprentice Team of the Year. RyanRickerby, a Mechanical Fitter at Sellafi eld Ltd and also a crew member, identifi ed the

need for a permanent Charity box outsidethe Lifeboat Station – to boost fundraisingand support the apprentices in developingnew skills. The Apprentices Manager JohnFleming agreed to the project, working withdesigner Sam Grima. The steel pillar charitybox was presented to the St Bees RNLI inApril and is now in situ at the Station, nearthe Wainwright Wall.

Amnesty International West CumbriaBuffet Lunch – the Group is celebrating its36th Anniversary with a South-east AsianBuffet Lunch, in a member’s home &garden, on Saturday 29 June. Please contactRosalie McAndrew on 822326 for tickets @£8 each – for a lavish 2-course buffet!

St Bees School Drama: The SeniorSchool Play “The Art of Coarse Acting”will be performed in the Memorial Hall onWednesday and Thursday, 3 & 4 July, at7.30 p.m. All welcome.

Children’s Day will be on Saturdayafternoon, July 6th at Fern Bank, HighHouse Road. Children of any age, with anadult who will be responsible for them, areinvited to come and play in our large andadventurous garden, and look for curiousthings hidden therein. There will certainlybe refreshments and almost certainly a cake

Serve the community, enjoy the sweat of your brow!A group of volunteers who cut the grass at the Priory Church are looking for some newmembers of their team. This entails a couple of hours on weeksduring the grass cutting season, weather permitting. Our parish’schurchyard is “open”, meaning that we have responsibility for itrather than the council (which is good, since they now only cutthe grass once a year in closed churchyards). This is a serviceto our whole community, including those who regularly attendchurch, those who don’t, and those who have family buried inthe churchyard. If you would like to fi nd out more, talk to Tim Jones (Tel 822242) or Ian Watson.

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Lowside Quarter Parish CouncilLowside Quarter Parish Council (which covers Nethertown, Middletown, Coulderton andBraystones) is looking for a new Clerk. Hours : 6 - 8 per month, with pay in line withthe national pay scales. The parish council meets 9 to 11 times per year. Training will beprovided. If anyone is interested, please contact the Chairman, Stephen Clague by emailstephen.e.clague@sellafi eldsites.com or for an informal chat about the duties of a parish clerk Tel. Jane Donaldson on 822560.

stall and a Traidcraft Stall. Entrance is freebut if the children have enjoyed themselvesa donation to Christian Aid will be gratefullyreceived.

Thanks – Paula Hughes would like tothank everyone for the kind wishes and giftsfor the birth of her daughter Ani-Ina AngelHughes on 2 April 2013. Thank you all.

Jane Craig writes: At a recent BIGbirthday celebration, £500 was raised byfamily and friends, near and far, for the StBees RNLI. Very many thanks.

Garden Show - The St Bees and DistrictGarden Society Annual Show will be heldon Saturday 17 August and the classes thathave a theme which changes each yearare listed below. Please note the followingchanges:

FloralArt:- fl ower arrangement “Vegetables and Flowers”.

Graphic Art:- colour photographs not lessthan 3x3 or greater than 9x7 inches. Fiveclasses - titles “Hot Summer”, “WinterSnow”, “Non Stop Rain”, “Gardening inBloom” & “Woodland Scene”.

Children’s classes - age up to and including9 year old. A drawing or painting, adecorated pebble, painting of a face done ona paper plate and a vegetable monster.

Age 10 to 15 inclusive - A fl ower arrangement in a vase, a painted pebble paper weight,three cup-cakes and a homemade greetingcard.

St Bees Village School Fete will takeplace on Saturday 8 June. Fancy dressparade to leave at 1 p.m. from the Fairladies’turning circle. Judging on the school fi eld, along with many stalls, hot and cold food,bouncy castles, coconut shy and beer tent.Dance displays, tug of war, and music.Hog Roast & Band Night on the schoolfi eld from 6:30 p.m. with various local bands. Veggie option! All Welcome!

Blood Donors - for those of you whodonate blood, please note the followingopportunities:- Tuesday 4 June 2013.Civic Hall, Whitehaven. 3.00 p.m. – 7.00p.m. Friday 21 June 2013. Civic Hall,Whitehaven. 2.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

The La’al Big Band plays Basie StraightAhead, The Music of Count Basie, onSaturday 15 June at 8 p.m. at The SeacoteHotel. Tickets £4 on the door. Dancing, barand raffl e.


ST BEES PARISH COUNCILApplications are invited for a service toopen/close/clean the public toilets at StBees Beach from 1 October 2013 for 1 yearin the fi rst instance. A copy of the schedule of work and contract details are availablefrom:The Clerk to St Bees Parish CouncilEast House, Coulderton, Egremont,

CA22 2UR or email [email protected]

Closing date for applications:12 noon Monday 15 July 2013.
