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St. Christopher Parish 2372 Badger Street Marquette, MI 49855

Date post: 28-Mar-2022
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MI I N TAT M NT As rs f St. Christ ph r C th lic P rish f ily w r c ll t sh r in th issi n f J sus thr ugh ur ptis n ur c it nt t spr ing th sp l. Lik St. Christ ph r, w t will Christ r rs, pr vi ing witn ss f ur li fs t ll with wh w c in c nt ct n ur c n j urn y t s lv ti n n t rn l lif . CA / F LL W HIP F TH ICK AND/ HUT-IN P ri hi ner -if y u kn w f ny ne wh i in the h pit l, nur in h e r hut-in t h e, n wh w ul like t re- ceive H ly C uni n n / r ju t vi it/fell w hip ple e c nt ct inny M tt n t - 2-2 27. Th nk y u W LC M W xtn ur hns n h rts t ll wh c l r t with us. W th nk th t y u r with us. If y u w ul lik t c r gist r r f ur p rish, pl s c ll ur P rish ffic @ 6 65. P tr F ther Gre Heikk l A c te P tr F ther Br o O P t r l A c te e co To Mo eley De c n Steve Gu loi ecret r / kkee er K thy B r er P r h Nur e Te m Myr H o C thy Thorri to Gi y M tt o DI E T Y P ri h Office 226-2265 ectory 226-266 Church H ll 225- 61 Pre chool 225-1 11 P ri h Nur e 226-2265 e co To Mo eley tw o eley56@ il.co Church E il Stchri to her 55 @ il.co MA IA E Arr ngement m e thr ugh P ri h ffice. Mu t be che ule m nth in v nce. APTI M App intment re uire t P ri h ffice. Semin r re uire . Regi tere pr cticing member f P ri h nly. MA HEDULE Tu ay-Fri ay 1 1 pm atur ay 5 pm un ay 9 am FE I atur ay 4 pm un ay 9 am . rso r ar s 2 72 Bad er ree ar e e, I 9 55 PA I H FFI E H U M n ay Cl Tu ay am- pm W n ay am- 1pm Thur ay am- 1pm Fri ay am-1 pm Cl H li ay & H ly ay
01-00326-B-9723.jdfMISSION STATEMENT
As members of St. Christopher Catholic Parish family we are called to
share in the mission of Jesus through our Baptism and our commit-
ment to spreading the Gospel. Like St. Christopher, we too will be
Christ-Bearers, providing witness of our beliefs to all with whom we
come in contact on our common journey to salvation and eternal life.
Parishioners-if you know of anyone who is in the hospital,
nursing home or shut-in at home, and who would like to re-
ceive Holy Communion and/or just a visit/fellowship; please
contact Ginny Mattson at 906-362-2627. Thank you!
We extend our hands and hearts to all who celebrate with us. We
thank God that you are with us. If you would like to become a
registered member of our parish, please call our
Parish Office @ 226-2265.
in advance.
“For it is giving that we receive!” St. Francis of Assisi
Fish Bake—March 29th
Mass Stipends 60.00
Votive Candle 125.00
Divine Mercy Concert
nationally known Catholic recording artist,
Donna Cori Gibson. Her concerts inspire a
great yearning to draw closer to God &
His Mercy. Please join us. Refreshments
and fellowship will follow the celebration.
Preview and get music downloads at
April 27th
St. Louis Spring Rummage Sale!
Luncheon @ 11:30am$6.00 Sloppy Joe, coleslaw, & more!

"The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in
adultery and made her stand in the middle." The episode of the woman
caught in adultery is a powerful story. We have perhaps all felt as the
woman has at some point in our lives, surrounded by those who would
condemn us. The beauty of Christ's mercy at the end is clear ? and a wel-
come relief as we all struggle to be good and holy people. But have we
ever imagined ourselves on the edge of the circle? Have we pictured our-
selves in the sea of dusty robes? Perhaps, we hope, we're hovering at the

How easy it is to be righteous when someone else's reputation is at stake.
When the small child is acting up in the grocery store or on the plane.
When another company has a scandal break or a major error sets back their
profits. Could it be easy to pick up the stone and feel its weight and heft in
our hands? Because if we've got a stone in our hands, our own righteous
category is clear. Our judgment is our insurance that we won't be on the
receiving end of the criticism. If we can point out a wrong, surely we are
firmly in the right.

"'Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at
her' ? they went away one by one." This Lent, not only are we invited to
receive God's mercy, but to show God's mercy. As the season begins to
wind to a close, consider those in your life you tend to judge the most
harshly. What is one concrete way you can drop your stone?
St. Christopher SVdP Conference
Financial ReportFebruary 2019
$4063.64 *$472.99 $261.26 $4275.37

Dear St. Christopher SVdP Conference
Thank you with the recent help with my electric bill. I frac-
tured my wrist in December. I’m 71 years old with some
health issues. Thanks for helping those in need.

opportunities? To help support these vibrant programs,
FMCA is hosting its annual Spring Jam fundraiser. The
event is family friendly, featuring fabulous music, local mu-
sicians, craft beer, dinner options & raffles. Please join us at
this fun event! Call 2251129 for more information.
Special Thanks to

Sister Colleen’s Memorial Mass was appreciat-
ed. From participation in the Mass, to the organizing of food, and
the beautiful invitations inviting all the parishioners. The hall was
humming with joy as the conversations and laughter grew. Sister
Colleen would have so wanted to have that done for someone else.
Thank you for your leadership.
Franciscan Sisters
This Week’s Calendar
April 8April 14
4:00pm6:00pm Church
PASTY Dough Prep 6:00pmHall

5:30pm Soup Supper Hall
Gerry Larsson Pearl Perry
Eleaine Heaviland Mickey Tasson
Henry Croschere Dan McCarthy
Marge Kloka Rhett Dulany
If you would like to make a donation towards our
new Altar; please include the name/names of loved
ones living or deceased.
memorial plaque and will be
placed in the Sacristy.
the Parish Office or give to
Deacon Tom Moseley direct-
tentions. Thank you!!
penitential season for forgiveness & healing.
April 10 @6:30pm Ishpeming
April 16 @7:00pm Harvey

Some celebrities do a lot to help out various causes that are meaningful
to them. Sometimes they give of their time, talent, or treasure, while
other times they create giving opportunities for the rest of us to be gener-
ous. The celebrity then does much to highlight the cause, and the hope is
that enough people will give to make a difference.

I never judge another's motive when they choose to give to or support a
cause. However, I hear many times a criticism levied against seemingly
rich people who start a fundraiser and ask the rest of us to give: "Since
they have so much money, they could simply give all the money needed
themselves!" This exclamation often comes with disdain and a tone of

Stewardship begins with the person in the mirror. You and I are account-
able to each other, but at the end of the day, the only one who knows the
true level of our generosity is God. As this Lent draws to a close, it is
time to take a good long look in the mirror. You probably aren't famous,
so there probably won't be a crowd of people to question the level of
your sacrifice, devotion, and generosity this Lent. Of course, God knows

Dear Deacon Moseley & Friends at St. Christopher’s:
On Behalf of our members at the D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veter-
ans, we wish to thank you for your support and extend our appre-
ciation of the Valentine Poster for Veterans.
We strongly believe our veterans deserve the best. Through your
assistance, that’s precisely what they receive.
Sincerely, Sarah Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
St. Christopher Paschal Candle
Sister Colleen Sweeting Memorial
It was donated in memory of Sister Colleen
Sweeting. Thank you so much!!!
APRIL 13/14
For the People of the Parish
April 7th/Sun 9:30am- Maurice Donnelly
By-Bob & Bobbi Donnelly
in Purgatory
By-Paulita Korby
Palm Sunday
By-Family Faith Formation Team
For the People of the Parish
Readings for the week of April 7, 2019
Sunday: Is 43:1621/Ps 126:12, 23, 45, 6 [3]/Phil 3:814/Jn
Monday: Dn 13:19, 1517, 1930, 3362 or 13:41c62/Ps
23:13a, 3b4, 5, 6 [4ab]/Jn 8:1220
Tuesday: Nm 21:49/Ps 102:23, 1618, 1921 [2]/Jn 8:2130
Wednesday: Dn 3:1420, 9192, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
[52b]/Jn 8:3142
Thursday: Gn 17:39/Ps 105:45, 67, 89 [8a]/Jn 8:5159
Friday: Jer 20:1013/Ps 18:23a, 3bc4, 56, 7 [cf. 7]/Jn
Saturday: Ez 37:2128/Jer 31:10, 1112abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/Jn
Next Sunday: Lk 19:2840/Is 50:47/Ps 22:89, 1718, 1920, 2324
[2a]/Phil 2:611/Lk 22:1423:56 or 23:149

Sunday: 5th Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
APRIL 13/14
For the People of the Parish
April 7th/Sun 9:30am- Maurice Donnelly
By-Bob & Bobbi Donnelly
in Purgatory
By-Paulita Korby
Palm Sunday
By-Family Faith Formation Team
For the People of the Parish
Readings for the week of April 7, 2019
Sunday: Is 43:1621/Ps 126:12, 23, 45, 6 [3]/Phil 3:814/Jn
Monday: Dn 13:19, 1517, 1930, 3362 or 13:41c62/Ps
23:13a, 3b4, 5, 6 [4ab]/Jn 8:1220
Tuesday: Nm 21:49/Ps 102:23, 1618, 1921 [2]/Jn 8:2130
Wednesday: Dn 3:1420, 9192, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
[52b]/Jn 8:3142
Thursday: Gn 17:39/Ps 105:45, 67, 89 [8a]/Jn 8:5159
Friday: Jer 20:1013/Ps 18:23a, 3bc4, 56, 7 [cf. 7]/Jn
Saturday: Ez 37:2128/Jer 31:10, 1112abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/Jn
Next Sunday: Lk 19:2840/Is 50:47/Ps 22:89, 1718, 1920, 2324
[2a]/Phil 2:611/Lk 22:1423:56 or 23:149

Sunday: 5th Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
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