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St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

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H o u se C all VOLUME V ISSUE 2 H o u se C all VOLUME VI ISSUE 1 6 0 YEARS | 1954-2014 CELEBRATING Broken Heart Syndrome I From Hospital Gown To Wedding Gown Ask The Doctor I History Minute I Focus On Giving Again Ranked Among The 100 Top Hospitals ® In The Nation Taking the offensive against pain A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO KNEE AND HIP REPLACEMENT inside Urgent Care Opens at Village Square Plus Please see page 18
Page 1: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1




Broken Heart Syndrome I From Hospital Gown To Wedding Gown Ask The Doctor I History Minute I Focus On GivingAgain Ranked Among The 100 Top Hospitals® In The Nation

Taking the offensiveagainst pain



Urgent Care Opensat Village Square


Please see page 18

Page 2: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

Brett C. Perricelli, M.D. specializes in complex hip and knee joint replacement surgery at St. Clair Hospital,

spending his days performing total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In recent

months, he has become a trailblazer in his specialty, pioneering a revolutionary approach to total

joint replacement that holds the promise of a new era in the field. His approach to controlling pain after

hip and knee surgery represents a dramatic departure from the conventional approach. His protocol is

not just innovative; it may be transformative.

Pain. It’s a fundamental issue in joint replacement. The pain

and disability of osteoarthritis eventually become unbearable,

driving people to orthopaedic surgeons in search of relief.

Joint replacement will bring that relief, or at least significant improve-

ment, but first, there’s the procedure itself — generally considered

by surgeons to be among the more painful of all surgeries. Consider

what is involved: to accommodate the implant, the surgeon makes

multiple cuts in large bones, shaping the ends of the femur and tibia,

and cutting out the arthritis to replace it with metal implants. “It’s

literally sawing the bone in multiple places,” Dr. Perricelli explains.

“There is also dissection of the soft tissue that has multiple nerve

endings.” The resulting post-operative pain can actually be an

impediment to recovery, when it keeps patients from adhering to

their physical therapy (PT) regimen.

Dr. Perricelli takes the offensive against this pain, aggressively

treating it before he even begins the surgery. His comprehensive

approach to analgesia is all about altering the patient’s experience

of pain and facilitating a faster, gentler and more comfortable post-

operative recovery process and more successful rehabilitation. His

“Peri-operative Pain Protocol,” is a regimen that is centered on multi-

modal analgesia — “hitting pain from many angles,” he calls it —

and local peri-articular injections, given with exquisite precision into

the surgical site. Pain is controlled for up to three days after surgery,

with effects that can last much longer. The result is less reliance on

narcotics and fewer narcotic-related side effects, which can inhibit

recovery and create complications that prolong length of stay, increase

patient discomfort and drive up costs. “Joint replacement surgery, and

knee replacement in particular, are difficult for patients,” he explains.

“They feel agonizing pain that is traditionally treated with narcotic

painkillers that leave them groggy and nauseated. In the old paradigm,

pain management means narcotics. My goal is to improve pain control

throughout the peri-operative period — before, during and after

surgery — in order to decrease narcotic use and minimize complications

associated with narcotics. It gets patients back on their feet faster.”

TransformingOrthopaedic Surgery

2 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

Pioneering TreaTmenT

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Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 3

“My goal is to iMprove

pain control . . .

before, during and

after surgery . . . it gets

patients back on their

feet faster.


Brett C. Perricelli, M.D.

Page 4: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

no Post-op Pain

Laverne Lewis, R.N., a former St. Clair Hospital nurse, and a resident

of Upper St. Clair, had TKA surgery November 19. “I was out of bed walking

with a walker that night. I had no pain on my first post-op day until I had

physical therapy. During rehab, I just took an anti-inflammatory and now,

if I have pain, I take Tylenol.” Living in a split level house with three floors,

she has a lot of stairs to climb. Thus, she opted to spend three weeks at

a rehab facility before heading home. “Having PT and OT (occupational

therapy) every day was a big advantage. I also had home PT two or three

times a week, and then outpatient PT at St. Clair. They gave me a walker

but I don’t use it, and I only use my cane when I go out.”

4 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

Continued from page 3

Pioneering TreaTmenT

it Didn’t Hurt much at all

When Liza Minnelli was asked on a talk show about her knee replacement,

she said the pain was so horrific that it left her eyes permanently crossed.

She was joking, of course — about her eyes. But the pain can be so severe

that sometimes, patients who need to have both knees done will choose not

to return for the second procedure. That was the case for Deb Gossic, 61, a

retired physical education teacher. “I had knee replacement surgery eight

years ago. The pain was worse than labor and lasted much longer. I decided

that no matter how bad my other knee got, I would not go through that again.”

Her other knee did get worse and she took cortisone shots and

endured it, until she heard about Dr. Perricelli. “It was a completely

different experience this time,” she raves. “It was like night and day.

The first time, I was on Vicodin and morphine and I could not sleep due

to the pain. It took me forever just to get dressed for PT.” Her second

TKA took place in October. “I didn’t realize I would have almost no pain.

I woke up in the Recovery Room and I thought that they had not done the

surgery. I asked, ‘What happened? Did you do it?’ I was waiting for the

medication to wear off and the terrible pain to begin. It never did.”

Gossic recalls that her PT began 15 minutes after she got to her room

on the orthopaedic floor. “I had my surgery Tuesday and I was home Friday.

I never took the narcotic pain medication; most of the time, I did well with

Tylenol. I put off the second surgery for eight years. This time, the experience

was amazing. Dr. Perricelli has perfected this, and I’m grateful to him and

to St. Clair for the excellent care.”

“i was waiting

for the


to wear off

and the

terrible pain

to begin.

it never did.


Deb Gossic

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Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 5

a multimodal approach

The old approach to pain management has

numerous drawbacks that affect recovery and

quality of life. Nerve blocks numb the thigh and

knee joint, leading to a decrease in pain but also

severe weakness of the quadriceps muscles, the

major thigh muscles that rehabilitate the knee.

Patients have difficulty getting up and walking,

and the resultant immobility can produce many

complications, such as falls, blood clots and

urinary retention. There is also risk of injury to

the nerve itself. Once the nerve block has worn

off, usually several hours after surgery, the

patient may have severe pain that requires

narcotic medications. These can produce drowsi-

ness, nausea and constipation. The multimodal

approach employed by Dr. Perricelli relies less

on narcotics and blocks, and instead uses

multiple short and long lasting pain medications,

given in a site-specific, rather than systemic,

manner, combined with low doses of oral and

intravenous medications.

Dr. Perricelli describes his three-step

program. “I begin treating pain and nausea

before I start the surgery. We know it’s going

to happen, so why not get a head start on

treatment? The pre-op protocol consists of

giving the anti-inflammatories and an anti-

nausea skin patch in the pre-op holding area.

The second, intra-operative part of the

protocol is more complicated. The patient is

given spinal anesthesia, then IV Tylenol for

pain, IV anti-nausea medication, an anti-bleeding

medication, and steroids to prevent inflammation,

which is a huge factor in pain. I give the two

workhorses — the injections — right into the

operative site. The drug Exparel is suspended

in bubbles of fat, which slowly break down and

release the medicine over 72 hours. I then inject

other anesthetics, anti-inflammatory agents

and epinephrine into the knee at any point where

I think I’m going to cause pain. This is hitting

the pain right where it happens. It’s a painstaking

process and adds time to the procedure, but

it’s worth it.”

The third step is the post-operative care

of the patient. Once on the patient care floor,

the patient receives intravenous Tylenol, oral

Celebrex, Pepcid and Tramadol, a non-narcotic

pain medication. “If the patient needs opioid pain

medication, it’s available,” says Dr. Perricelli.

“Many of my patients don’t need it. They also

don’t need the pain medication pumps for IV

morphine.” Patients are discharged to home

with Celebrex and Tramadol, plus oxycodone

if they need it.

Joint replacement is not pain-free surgery,

Dr. Perricelli emphasizes, but it is far more

comfortable when done in this manner. “The

absence of pain and inflammation is the key.

When you control the immediate pain and

inflammation, the effects are longer lasting.

It’s not like it wears off and then the patient is

miserable. Seeing my patients looking comfort-

able after surgery is the most amazing experience.

One was up and making his own bed when I went

in to his room the day after a hip replacement.

I could hardly believe my eyes.”

Continued on page 6

Dr. Perricelli’s Pain

managemenT Program

Has sHown remarkable

resulTs. His THree-sTeP,

mulTimoDal aPProacH

incluDes Pre- anD

PosT-oP oral, PaTcH anD

inTravenous meDicaTions,

Plus mulTiPle injecTions

aT THe oPeraTive siTe.

Dr. Perricelli, at far right, injects anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents directly into the surgical site during knee replacement surgery to reduce or prevent the pain during recovery.

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6 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

Continued from page 5

Pioneering TreaTmenT

up and walking shortly after Hip replacement

That patient was Roger Kurtz, 60, from Bethel Park, a retired auto-

motive interior repair specialist who spent his workdays outdoors, on his

feet and often in contorted positions that led to osteoarthritis in his hips.

Kurtz had his left hip replaced one year ago, using conventional methods,

and he had the right one done in early November; both were done by

Dr. Perricelli. “I went in with a list of 25 questions and he answered

every one without ever looking at his watch. After my first operation,

I came out of the O.R. with a drain in my hip, a catheter, IVs and morphine.

I was in bed all day and in the hospital for four days. I went home on

crutches. The surgery in November was nothing like that. I was out of

bed that evening and walking. I had PT the next day and I never needed

any morphine. I went home in two days with just a cane; I took oxycodone

for three days and then switched to Tylenol.

In rehab, my PT told me that I was three or four weeks ahead of

schedule with my walking. I can tie my own shoes again! My advice to

people who need joint replacement is this: first, don’t be afraid; second,

don’t put it off too long; and third, go to Dr. Perricelli. He said to me,

‘Roger, I can take care of you.’ And he did.”

Tylenol was all she Took

Barbara Sasser never planned to have joint replacement surgery.

At 77, with an active social life, she had no known history of arthritis or

osteoporosis. But in the wee hours of a Sunday in December, she found

herself in the Emergency Department of St. Clair Hospital with a fractured

hip. She had fallen during the night and, according to Dr. Perricelli, the

orthopaedic surgeon who just happened to be on-call, she needed a new

hip joint. “He’s a great person and a great surgeon; he told me I was his

star patient. I was lucky that he was on call. He gave me a new hip and I

was only in the Hospital for a day and a half. I went to rehab for a week

and came home on Christmas Day. I had almost no pain and I never took

anything but Tylenol.” Sasser came home with a walker but used a cane

instead, for just a few days. She has already finished her physical therapy

and is eager to get back to her activities.

changing old Procedures

Implementation of the multimodal pain protocol was an enormous

endeavor for Dr. Perricelli, involving more than six months of design,

development and research. It required not only a change in procedures,

but also a shift in beliefs and attitudes. He conducted several in-service

trainings for staff, educating the nurses, aides and physical therapists

about the protocol and helping them view pain management in a new

way. “We had to change the way people think,” he says. “In the past, pain

management meant major narcotics like opioids and then managing all

their adverse effects; what I am doing is counter to everything the nurses

and I have been doing for years. I wanted the staff to understand the

process and embrace this. The staff grabbed the concept and ran with it.

They’re with the patients 24/7 and they taught me a lot about how to

make the entire protocol better.”

“It took some getting used to,” says Sandy Stanley, BSN, MS, a

charge nurse for St. Clair’s Center of Orthopaedics, “but the nurses like

it and think it’s working well. It’s been amazing. We’re used to giving

narcotic pain medications, but Dr. Perricelli’s patients don’t even use

the word ‘pain.’ Instead they might say that the knee aches,” she says.

Dr. Perricelli’s patients are getting up and walking on the day of surgery,

and going home one day earlier, in general, she says. “I give him a lot

of credit for preparing his patients so well, too; when the patient knows

what to expect, they experience less stress.”

Cindy Crock, R.N., has been a Recovery Room nurse at St. Clair

Hospital since 2008. She has cared for hundreds of joint replacement

patients and she’s enthusiastic about Dr. Perricelli’s pain regimen.

“It’s wonderful; it solves and prevents problems. Typically, after TKA,

when the spinal anesthesia wears off, the patient needs a femoral nerve

block in the Recovery Room. It takes away some of the pain and lasts a

few hours. They also need a pain pump. This can be hard on the patient.”

Dr. Perricelli's patients do not need either and they are stable enough to

leave recovery in under an hour, while the norm is 90 minutes.

David Mayer, CRNP, has worked in orthopaedics for 33 years. As the

nurse practitioner with Dr. Perricelli’s practice, South Hills Orthopaedic

Surgery Associates, he makes daily post-op rounds on knee and hip

replacement patients. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” he says.

“i was out of bed

that evening and

walking, and had

physical therapy

the next day.


Roger Kurtz

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Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 7

It’s making an enormous difference for patients.

I was at St. Clair when they started doing joint

replacement in the 70s, so I have seen all the

advances over the years. It’s wonderful to see

patients who are not writhing in pain or taking

narcotics, especially the elderly patients. They

don’t have a glazed, groggy look. Patients now

want to go home earlier. Most are discharged

in one or two days.” Mayer says Dr. Perricelli is

an exceptional surgeon. “He has an incredible

knowledge of the knee. He has great surgical

technique and takes his time. He calls every

patient on the night before surgery to see if

they feel ready and to answer last minute

questions. Patients appreciate that.”

Dr. Perricelli is a Pittsburgh native who

graduated from the University of Pittsburgh

School of Medicine. He completed three years

of a general surgery residency at UPMC,

followed by a complete orthopaedic surgery

residency there, under Freddie Fu, M.D.

He served as chief orthopaedic resident in

2009–2010, then completed a fellowship in hip

and knee replacement at OrthoCarolina Hip

and Knee Center in Charlotte, N.C., under

Thomas K. Fehring, M.D. He serves as a

reviewer of research for the Journal of

Arthroplasty and was recently selected by the

American Academy of Hip and Knee Surgeons

for a national leadership program. Through

his training and travels, he has encountered

orthopaedic surgeon colleagues across the

country; they share information about evolving

pain control techniques and review the literature,

and put it all together to create and enhance

this multimodal protocol. “It has a cumulative

effect; it’s synergistic,” he says. “I’m stunned

at how well the protocol solves problems

associated with conventional pain management.

It’s fun for me because my patients are

ecstatic. This approach produces happy patients,

good outcomes, shorter stays and lower costs.

It has surpassed my hopes and expectations,

and it feels awesome to me as a surgeon.

Part of being a physician is to keep learning,

to know and apply the research and stay on top

of things.”

Apparently, it sometimes means choosing

to be an agent of change, a gentle and caring

revolutionary, who brings in new concepts and

practices, and illuminates the path toward a

new direction. “The suffering that patients were

experiencing was unacceptable,” Dr. Perricelli

says. “We needed a new paradigm for joint

replacement surgery.”

“this pain regiMen solves and

prevents probleMs that can

be hard on patients.



Dr. Perricelli earned his medical degree at the University of PittsburghSchool of Medicine. He completed his residency in orthopaedic surgeryat the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Dr. Perricelli thencompleted a fellowship in hip and knee replacement at OrthoCarolinaHip and Knee Center, Charlotte, N.C. He practices with South HillsOrthopaedic Surgery Associates, P.C.

To contact Dr. Perricelli, please call 412.283.0260.

Cindy Crock, R.N.

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8 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

HealingBroken Hearts

sTress carDiomyoPaTHy

Accurate diagnosis is key to

THROUGHOUT THE AGES, poets have given metaphorical meaning to the human heart. The heart, they say, holds theessence of a person; a kind person is softhearted, and a brave one, lionhearted. The heart aches when one suffers a loss,and it sings with joy when something wonderful happens. Every human emotion seems to find expression through the heart.

Modern medical science has told us something different. The heart, we have learned, is simply an organ, a muscle composedof soft tissue. It is nevertheless a vital organ, simple in structure but complex, even wondrous, in function. The healthy heartis a workhorse, an engine that never rests, its chambers and valves pumping life-sustaining blood throughout the body ina constant, rhythmic choreography. The heart is so essential that we ascertain the presence of life by the presence of theheartbeat. Encasing it within a bony cage of ribs, vertebrae and sternum, the body protects the heart, in an acknowledgementof this importance, and also vulnerability.

Hearts, cardiologists tell us, do not break. They weaken, they fail, their rhythms go awry and they become damaged whentheir own blood supply is compromised. But hearts don’t actually break. Or do they?

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Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 9

According to Jeffrey Friedel, M.D., Chief of Cardiology at St. Clair

Hospital, there is in fact a clinical condition known as Broken

Heart Syndrome, or Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. First described

in Japan almost 20 years ago, it is caused by extreme, sudden emotional

trauma or distress, and it causes damage to the heart, sometimes

permanently. “In Broken Heart Syndrome, there is a characteristic pattern

of damage to the heart muscle,” Dr. Friedel says. “The patients who

experience this are predominantly women, over age 65, who present

with symptoms similar to those of a heart attack: sudden chest pain,

shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and sometimes an irregular

heartbeat. An EKG will most often be

abnormal, with a pattern that looks

like a heart attack, and cardiac

enzymes will be elevated, indicating

the injury to the muscle. A cardiac

catheterization will show no blockages,

but a ventriculogram (a diagnostic test

in which the heart is filled with dye

so it can be visualized on X-ray as it

contracts) will show that the apex of

the heart (the bottom front of the

muscle) is enlarged and ballooned

out. It doesn’t move, so it cannot

pump effectively, but other parts of

the heart move normally.”

If detected in time and treated

appropriately, this damage will most

likely heal, although Dr. Friedel says

that a small percentage of patients will

have permanent damage to their hearts

and may require more specialized,

ongoing treatment. “We treat this like

we treat congestive heart failure,

with ace inhibitors, beta blockers and

diuretics. The patient will be admitted

to the hospital, probably for several

days in the ICU or CCU (Coronary

Care Unit), until the EKG is normal

and symptoms are improved.”

Broken Heart Syndrome is believed to be the result of a sudden surge

of the stress hormones adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

“These cause spasms of the arterial blood vessels of the heart, which

cause the damage to the heart muscle,” Dr. Friedel explains. “Any sudden

and intense emotional upset or shock can cause this surge of stress

hormones. The classic event is the sudden death of a spouse, but it

can also be triggered by the death of any loved one.” It can be brought

on by extreme rage or fear as well. A heated argument, domestic abuse,

a home invasion, a car accident — even a surprise party — can be the

triggering event. But most often, it is brought on by the sudden, unbearable

loss of a loved one.

suffering the loss of a beloved Pet

Janet Ghise, 70, a resident of Bethel Park, knows all too well that

Broken Heart Syndrome is real. She and her husband, Cornell, traveled to

Cooperstown, N.Y., last summer to see their grandson play in a baseball

tournament, and left their beloved 14-year-old Peekapoo, Maggie, in the

care of a kennel. It was tough to leave Maggie behind, Janet recalls.

“Maggie cried so much when we left her. We weren’t worried, though.

Despite her age, she was healthy and had been to the vet for a check-up

recently. She was fine.”

At the tournament, they enjoyed seeing their grandson hit three

home runs. As they were leaving the

park, both Janet and Cornell found

messages on their cell phones from

the kennel. “As I was reading the

message —‘please call right away’ —

I overheard my husband, on his phone,

say, ‘She’s dead?’ Our dear little Maggie

had died suddenly at the kennel. They

didn’t know what happened to her,

but they could not revive her.”

For Janet, the unexpected death of

her precious pet was a profound loss,

shocking and deeply felt. “Maggie was

special, a good little dog; all the neigh-

bors loved her. It was also a terrible

loss for my husband, but he handled it

differently; Maggie went to work with

him every day and was a constant

companion.” Janet had experienced

other losses in her life but this one,

she says, felt different. “I cried all the

time; I couldn’t seem to stop. I just

could not bear it. I couldn’t talk about

her without crying. I wasn’t myself;

now i know that a broken heart

is real . . . broken hearts can

also be healed.


Continued on page 10

Janet Ghise

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I felt very tired.” It happened that Janet already had an appointment

scheduled with Dr. Friedel. She had had a stent placed in her artery

following a heart attack in the past, and he was her regular cardiologist.

“I had missed my July appointment and rescheduled for August, and

that turned out to be a good thing. If I had gone to the July appointment,

before Maggie died, I may not have been diagnosed and I could have died.”

Dr. Friedel did an EKG in the office, but he knew as soon as he saw

her that Janet was in trouble. “She is normally energetic and smiling,

but she was ashen and sweating. I sent her directly to the Emergency

Room at St. Clair. A cardiac catheterization showed that her stent looked

fine and there was no blockage. But the bottom of her heart muscle was

destroyed, in a classic Takotsubo presentation.”

Janet is receiving close follow-up care from Dr. Friedel and her heart

is almost back to normal. “Dr. Friedel told me that my heart was healing

itself, but I know that he is healing me, too. I told him about Maggie,

and he understood; he said I lost a family member when I lost Maggie.

I was worried that people would think I was crazy to grieve like this over

a pet, but now I know that lots of people do. I decided to tell my story

because it might help someone else and even save another life. People

need to know about this.”

Broken heart syndrome is a legitimate clinical diagnosis, Dr. Friedel

says. “This is not junk science. It’s well described in the literature and

widely accepted among physicians. Doctors are more aware of the

condition, but it’s probably underdiagnosed. You have to know what you

are looking for and once you see it, there is no mistaking it. The heart

actually changes shape.” That characteristic change in the heart — the

apical ballooning — is the source of the name Takotsubo, which means

“octopus trap” in Japanese. The affected heart closely resembles the

trap that Japanese fishermen use to catch octopuses.

Broken heart syndrome should be taken seriously and treated as

an emergency. People who have the classic symptoms — chest pain,

shortness of breath, weakness — should call 911. Although Broken

Heart Syndrome is not a heart attack, the symptoms are similar and

the condition can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

an emotional malady

Broken heart syndrome is so similar in presentation to a heart attack

that it’s often initially misdiagnosed. That was the case for Rose Corrado,

72, of Mt. Washington, a semi-retired electrologist whose symptoms

developed after an intense emotional upset. “I was in the shower afterwards

and I felt a twinge in my chest that hit me really hard. I wasn’t afraid;

I thought I had the world’s worst case of indigestion. But I cancelled my

clients and drove myself to an urgent care center, where they immediately

called an ambulance and sent me right to St. Clair Hospital. I was taken

to the Cath Lab and they told me that if there was a blockage I would

either get a stent or have open heart surgery.”

As it turned out, Rose did not have a heart attack, and did not need a

stent or surgery. Instead, she learned that she had Broken Heart Syndrome.

“Dr. Friedel told me that my heart was only working at 30 percent capacity,

as though it was frozen, nearly standing still. He gave me medication to

strengthen my heart and encouraged me to quit working. But I felt okay

and wanted to go back to work; I like to be around people. I have clients

who depend on me.”

Rose says that she has learned an important life lesson from her

experience. “It wasn’t like me to get that upset and now I know that it

is not worth it. Nothing is worth dying over. I’m trying to stay mellow,

because if it happens again, I could die. I like to stay busy with my husband

Tako-tsuboTako tsubo [noun, Japanese] fishing pot for trapping octopus.

In Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as Broken Heart

Syndrome, the heart, affected by acute or sudden distress

or loss, results in apical ballooning. The shape closely

resembles the trap that Japanese fishermen use to catch

octopuses. Broken Heart Syndrome should be taken

seriously and treated as an emergency.

Continued from page 9

Cardiologist Jeffrey Friedel showswhat a broken heart looks like.

10 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

“broken heart syndroMe is a legitiMate

clinical diagnosis widely accepted

aMong physicians . . . the heart actually

changes shape.


sTress carDiomyoPaTHy





Page 11: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

Anthony, my four kids and seven grandkids, but I have less energy now.

I have to stop to sit and rest. I am working part-time and I make jewelry.”

Dr. Friedel says that Rose is recovering well. Like Janet Ghise, she

was already his patient, being treated for an aortic valve problem.

“Rose’s underlying heart disease made it easy to assume at first that

she was having a heart attack,” Dr. Friedel says. “Her enzymes were

elevated and she had EKG changes, but it was from extreme stress and

not a blockage.

“Stress is a direct trigger of a lot of serious problems. We know now

that severe physical or emotional stress, even in the absence of significant

plaque, can cause a heart attack through this same mechanism. That surge

of catecholamines (adrenaline hormones) raises the blood pressure and

can cause plaque to rupture and act like a blood clot. We’ve changed our

thinking about heart attacks over the past 10 years. It is not that the plaque

grows and becomes an obstruction, but that it ruptures.”

This has implications for diagnosing heart disease, Dr. Friedel says.

A stress test will not reveal the presence of plaque build-up, so cardiologists

are not relying on them as in the past. Instead, they prefer a cardiac CT scan

or calcium scoring, which looks at plaque within the coronary arteries.

Broken Heart Syndrome can be treated and is usually reversible.

Heart disease in general is far easier to prevent than to treat, says

Dr. Friedel. He encourages everyone to live a healthful lifestyle, learn

to manage stress, and become aware of the symptoms of heart disease.

And, if you have an experience of extreme emotional distress and you

don’t feel right afterwards, seek medical attention. “At St. Clair, we have

all the most advanced tools to treat heart disease. If you have symptoms,

don’t hesitate to come to the Emergency Room so we can make a diagnosis

and begin treatment.”

It may well be that the poets who have found love, courage and character

in the heart were not wrong after all. We are complex beings, and research

into the mind-body connection, a new frontier in medicine, is fascinating

in its possibilities and implications. Before her appointment with Dr. Friedel,

Janet Ghise told her husband Cornell that she hoped her cardiologist

could fix her broken heart. It was, she thought then, just an expression.

“Now I know that a broken heart is real, and it was actually a relief to

know that. It’s real, and it can be life threatening. But broken hearts

can also be healed.”


Dr. Friedel earned his medical degree at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and completed his residency at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. He also completed fellowships in cardiologyand interventional cardiology at Allegheny General Hospital. He is board-certified and practices with South Hills Cardiology Associates, a division of St. Clair MedicalServices.

To contact Dr. Friedel, please call 412.942.7900.

My heart was only working at

30 percent . . . as though it was frozen,

nearly standing still.


Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 11

Rose Corrado

Page 12: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

Wedding GownFrom Hospital Gown

in 48 hours


minimally invasive surgery

12 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

Jacki Fury Hennon was a beautiful, beaming bride on October 2, 2010. Escorted by her parents,

and preceded by a procession of seven bridesmaids, Jacki walked slowly down the aisle toward

her waiting fiancé, Christopher Hennon. It was a remarkable sight — not just because Jacki

was a beautiful bride, but because just 48 hours before, she was wearing a very different

kind of gown: a hospital gown, as she lay intubated and under general anesthesia

on the operating table of a St. Clair Hospital surgical suite, in the capable hands

of St. Clair Hospital Obstetrician/Gynecologist Douglas H. MacKay, M.D.

Page 13: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

acki’s fantasy wedding almostdidn’t happen. A project

administrator/financial analyst forBayer Corporation in Robinson Township,with a side business as a floral designer, Jackiwas a detail-oriented young woman who knewhow to make things happen. She spent 18months meticulously planning every detail ofthe wedding of her dreams. The reception wasplanned for Jacki’s favorite Pittsburgh place:PNC Park. She did not overlook a single detail, and as the wedding date approached,she felt confident, excited and very happy.Things were going perfectly.

Until wedding week. On the Saturday before the wedding, as Jacki was running lastminute errands with her mother, MaribethFury, she began to feel sick, with nausea andstomach pain. She stayed home all weekend,hoping to feel better with rest. No such luck— her condition grew worse, and on Sundaynight, a worried Chris took her to the Emergency Room at St. Clair Hospital. Bythen, Jacki had a fever and her abdominal painwas severe. “The pain was agonizing, beyondanything in my experience,” Jacki recalls.

An ultrasound showed that Jacki had an ovarian cyst and was advised to see her gynecologist about the cyst as soon as possible.

Jacki felt increasingly anxious; the weddingwas now just days away, and her rehearsal dinner was scheduled for Thursday — a choiceshe made so that she could spend Friday creating bouquets of flowers.

On Wednesday, she and her mother returned to the ER. Doctors there ordered aCT scan and another ultrasound. These testsshowed that the ovarian cyst was so largewithin Jacki’s pelvis that it had created arare, extremely painful and potentially life-threatening condition known as ovarian torsion. Ovarian torsion occurs when theovary and the fallopian tube become twisted,cutting off blood flow to the ovary itself. It can be a surgical emergency.

And so, early Thursday morning, with lessthan 72 hours to go until the wedding, Jackiand Chris met Dr. MacKay, a board-certified

obstetrician/gynecologist who practices in Mt. Lebanon and Peters Township with Advanced Women’s Care of Pittsburgh, P.C.“Dr. MacKay was on-call, and was called in for consultation,” Jacki recalls, “and every-thing changed for the better when he arrived.He reviewed all my tests and labs and toldme I needed surgery; he warned me that Imight lose my left ovary. But I felt hopeful; I knew I was in good hands. I had immediateconfidence in Dr. MacKay. He told me thathe would do the procedure using minimallyinvasive techniques and I would still have mybeautiful wedding.”

Jacki went into surgery almost immediately.The procedure that Dr. MacKay performedwas a “salpingo-oopherectomy” — the removalof the ovary and fallopian tube. Unfortunately,Jacki’s ovarian cyst had twisted tightly aroundthe ovary. “Sometimes, we’re able to twistthe vessels back and then observe to see ifthere is perfusion (blood flow) to the ovary,”Dr. MacKay explains. “It’s similar to a heart

attack, in that the blood supply to the organ is cut off, causing the tissue to die. In Jacki’scase, the ovary and tube could not be saved.”

On Thursday evening, while her guests enjoyed the rehearsal dinner, sans the bride,Jacki recovered at St. Clair. “I woke up in therecovery room to a different world,” she says.“Despite pain from the surgery, my four daysof agony were over.” Her mother and Chriswent to the dinner, but Jacki was not alone;bridesmaid Marlene Hedberg sent her ownmother, Cheryl Rieland, to St. Clair to sitwith Jacki. “I was so grateful. Afterwards,Chris, my sister, bridal party members andmy cousins all came to see me.”

Cancelling the wedding was not an optionfor Jacki. “I was going forward with my wedding,even if it meant being pushed down the aislein a wheelchair with an IV. My gown wasstrapless; an IV would be no problem! I spent18 months planning my wedding and I had 200people coming. Dr. MacKay told me I coulddo it, and I had no doubts. I was a bride.”

“i always try to do this

laparoscopically, for the

sake of the patient. recovery

is faster and there’s less

post-op pain.



Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 13

Continued on page 14

Douglas H. MacKay, M.D.

Page 14: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

14 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

She got through it, she says, with adrenaline, teamwork, strengthand a lot of love. “I left the hospital on Friday and went immediately to have a pedicure. I spent that afternoon on my patio, surrounded by relatives and hundreds of flowers and ribbons. I pointed to the flowers I needed, and they handed them to me. I made all my bouquets, just as planned.”

in sickness

anD in HealTH

On wedding day,Jacki had some anxiousmoments as she donnedher gown. Would it still fit over her threeincisions and sore,swollen belly? “Therewas a moment of panic,as the dress was tight,but it fit. My hair andmakeup were done at

the house and everyone helped me. When I walked down the aisle,my parents were pretty much holding me up. During the ceremony,there was a lighthearted moment when we got to the words ‘… in sicknessand in health.’ Everybody in the church laughed.” Fortuitously, Jackiand Chris, an asset integration technician at Crown Castle Internationalin Southpointe, had planned a delayed honeymoon. “I could not havegotten on a plane, so it worked out. And yes, I danced at my wedding!Just not much!”

Jacki’s experience illustrates the beauty of minimally invasive surgery, says Dr. MacKay. “The cyst was so large that I might have done a large abdominal incision, but I always try to do this laparoscopically, for the sake of the patient. Recovery is faster and there’s less post-op pain. Pain is related to the length of the incision. With a large, openincision, Jacki could not have had her wedding.This was a challenging diagnosis becauseoften, with ovarian torsion, the torsion isintermittent. It comes and goes, twistingand untwisting, and the ultrasound may actually have been normal when theylooked. It’s best to be conservative with a young woman and not rush to operate, because she is in her child-bearing years.”

Jacki and Chris definitely wanted a family, and she became pregnantthe following May. “It was reassuring to us that I became pregnant so easily. We were thrilled. But then I miscarried in July, and we kepttrying, but had no luck for over a year. We had testing done and wewere preparing for me to start Clomid (a prescription medication thatstimulates ovulation). We had an appointment with Dr. MacKay todiscuss that, and when he walked into the room, he greeted us by saying, ‘Congratulations.’ We were confused — he’s congratulating us for deciding to go on Clomid? But then he said, ‘You’re pregnant!’”

That was December 14, 2012. Eight months later, Madelyn Hennonwas born, on August 16, at St. Clair Hospital. She was delivered byDr. MacKay, and she is a happy, healthy baby.

“For the past three years, Dr. MacKay has just happened to be on call every time I needed him, even though there are six doctors inhis practice,” says Jacki. “He’s an excellent surgeon, and he has a kind,warm bedside manner. He’s been there for me through every step of this journey. I’m so grateful to him, and my family loves him. Dr. MacKay is my hero.”


Dr. MacKay earned his medical degree at the Ohio State University School of Medicineand completed his residency in obstetricsand gynecology at West Penn Hospital, Pittsburgh. Dr. MacKay is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He practices with AdvancedWomen’s Care of Pittsburgh, P.C.

To contact Dr. MacKay, please call 724 .941.1866 or 412.561.5666.

minimally invasive surgery

Continued from page 13

Christopher and Jacki Hennon with daughter Madelyn.

Page 15: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

ask THe DocTor


Ask the Doctor Q


Is it a sign of something serious if I notice

blood while using the bathroom?

Bleeding is a common reason why patients visit a

colorectal surgeon’s office. Patients may experience

significant blood in the toilet bowl; it may be mixed

in their stool, they may pass blood clots, or they may

notice it on toilet paper. Some have bleeding that

is not obvious, otherwise known as occult. In these

cases, a primary care physician discovers it with

simple blood or stool tests. Bleeding may accompany

constipation, diarrhea, or be spread throughout the

day; and it may or may not be associated with pain.

Although common causes of rectal bleeding

include benign conditions such as

hemorrhoids and fissures, we

must always be vigilant for risk

factors of colon polyps or

cancer, which can also cause

bleeding. The gold standard for

examining the entire colon is

the colonoscopy. Although

the American Cancer Society

recommends a screening

colonoscopy starting at age 50

for the general population, the

risk of having a polyp or

cancer is influenced by

age, medical history,

and family history.

We consider these

factors when determining at what age patients should

undergo their first and subsequent colonoscopies.

After ruling out more serious causes, a simple

history and physical will diagnose the majority of

rectal bleeding. Internal hemorrhoids tend to bleed

painlessly and have bright red blood. Anal fissures

can also have bright red bleeding, but are generally

accompanied by excruciating pain with bowel

movements. External hemorrhoids generally present

with pain instead of bleeding.

Dietary and bowel habits significantly affect the

incidence of hemorrhoids and fissures. Making sure

that the patient’s stools are soft and regular is key

to successful symptom management. In addition,

medical therapies can help reduce the inflammation

and muscle spasm that exacerbate symptoms. For

internal hemorrhoids, painless office procedures

such as banding or infrared coagulation can act as

an adjunct to medical and dietary therapy. Finally,

surgical therapy is an option for patients who have

continued symptoms despite dietary, medical and

office treatment. By looking for and addressing the

underlying cause of a patient’s symptoms, we are

able to offer a more durable solution.

As with any medical condition, it is important

to talk to your doctor if you are having any of these

symptoms, including bleeding or changes in

bowel habits.

Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 15


Dr. Holekamp specializes in colorectal surgery. He earned his medical degree at theUniversity of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He completed his residency in generalsurgery at the Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City, and a fellowship in colonand rectal surgery at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital.Dr. Holekamp practices with Colorectal Surgical Associates, a division of St. ClairMedical Services.

To contact Dr. Holekamp, please call 412.572.6192.

Scott A. Holekamp, M.D.

Page 16: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

Focus on givingHisTory minuTe

For decades, Jack Bogut has graced the radio airwaves of

southwestern Pennsylvania with humor, creativity and an

exceptional talent for storytelling. Highly honored, Jack

is a Pittsburgh institution, familiar and beloved to legions of fans.

Raconteur, interviewer, host, speaker and author, the versatile

radio man is the recipient of numerous

prestigious awards: he was inducted

in 2011 to the Broadcasters Hall of

Fame; he was given the Pittsburgh

Radio and Television Club’s Lifetime

Achievement Award; and he was honored

by the March of Dimes with their AIR

(Achievement in Radio) Lifetime

Achievement Award. And in 2014, he

has received yet another honor, this one

from the hospital that he fondly calls

“St. Care Hospital.” Jack is serving as

a member of St. Clair Hospital’s 60th

Anniversary Honorary Committee, and

he is delighted to do so.

There is a story about this renowned

storyteller, this very public man, which

may come as a surprise to Pittsburghers.

Jack has had a long and happy relation-

ship with St. Clair Hospital — almost as

long as his radio career, which, of course,

included his long-running morning

drive-time show on KDKA-Radio. He

has had a lasting impact on the Hospital,

as a longtime member of the board of

directors, donor, vocal cheerleader for

the Hospital, and, perhaps unexpectedly,

as the designer of the iconic St. Clair

Hospital logo. Bogut explains how this came about.

“I was invited to join the board of directors at St. Clair in 1976,

during the period when the size of the Hospital was being doubled.

I was chairman of the Public Relations Committee, and we were

seeking a strong, clear identity for the Hospital within the community.

The board was concerned that doubling the size of the Hospital could

compromise the quality of care, especially as the construction took

place and created inconvenience for staff, patients and visitors. I felt

that we needed to send a message of a caring hospital. I thought about

how medicine is the “laying on of hands” and that patients come to

St. Clair and place themselves in the hands of the staff. So the image

of a pair of hands came to me.”

It was a stroke of genius. The simplicity of the image — those caring

hands, upright and open, facing each other like parentheses — conveys

much. The hands represent the caregivers who lay their skilled hands

upon the ill, the suffering and the vulnerable, offering sublime care

and compassion. They are the hands of surgeons, nurses, therapists

and many others. The logo color (originally a subtle shade of brown),

has come to be known as “St. Clair blue,” suggesting the hope and

optimism of a sunny, cloudless sky.

Distinctive and memorable, the logo has endured, and is readily

recognizable throughout the community. It greets visitors who enter

the Hospital through the front doors, where the door handles are

shaped like the two sides of the logo. “Every time the door closes

behind someone, the hands come back together,” Jack says.

His love for St. Clair is personal. “My mother was a nurse, so I was

always around medical people growing up, and I love nurses, who are

the heart and soul of the Hospital. My wife Joanie and I have been

patients at St. Clair, and we received excellent care. There’s very little

waiting at the Emergency Department, and the people are warm

and friendly. St. Clair’s growth has been amazing, and people in the

South Hills choose to go to St. Clair Hospital, with good reason —

it’s the best.”

1 9 5 4 - 2 0 1 4



jack boguT:THe making oF an icon

16 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

“Medicine is the

‘laying on of hands’

. . . patients coMe to

st. clair and place

theMselves in the hands

of the staff. so the

iMage of a pair of hands

caMe to Me.

Photo courtesy of John Altdorfer/Mt. Lebanon Magazine.

Iconic radio personality Jack Bogut, host of the “Bogut in The Morning Show,” heard

on WJAS 1320 AM. Jack is the designer of the original St. Clair Hospital logo.

Original St. Clair Hospital logo created

by Pittsburgh radio personality

Jack Bogut in the 1970s.

Jack’s original logotype has evolvedover the years into a major brand icon.


Page 17: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

wHy i give

Conrad Rossetti is a Washington County

resident and an avid fly fisherman for whom

the sport is restorative and relaxing. So, while

at St. Clair Hospital’s Outpatient Center in Peters

Township, he saw the framed photograph of fishermen

on Canonsburg Lake hanging behind the reception

desk, it resonated with him. “I was inspired when I

saw that photograph,” he explains. “I’m passionate

about fly fishing. My wife Gerrie and I love the outdoors

and anything to do with water and boats. I saw myself

in the picture.”

The Rossettis decided to make a donation to

sponsor the colorful photograph, one of a collection

of 13 created by regional artist Leroy G. Pettis and

hanging in prominent locations throughout the Center.

The photographs feature 12 Washington County sites,

plus a picture of St. Clair Hospital that adorns the

Center’s Community Room. They are all available

for sponsorship through the St. Clair Hospital

Foundation. Small plaques bearing the donor’s name

will be placed beside each photograph. The Rossettis

were moved to donate by the quality of the photograph

and their high regard for St. Clair Hospital.

“Gerrie and I were impressed by the

Outpatient Center,” Rossetti says. “It

exceeded our expectations: the advanced

technology, the convenience and location of

all the departments, and the addition of the

café. It’s well thought-out and beautiful.”

Conrad Rossetti’s relationship with

St. Clair Hospital grew out of his volunteer

involvement with the Washington affiliate

of Habitat for Humanity. Following a 44-year

career in industrial sales and marketing,

Rossetti retired to his Nottingham County

home in 2005 and was eager to find a new

purpose. “I wanted to remain active and

give back. I’ve been blessed with good

health, a good life and good family. I read a

story about Habitat for Humanity seeking

to establish a “ReStore” for Washington

County. A ReStore is a non-profit home

improvement store and donation center that sells

new and gently used furniture, accessories, building

materials and appliances to the public at a fraction

of the retail cost. When St. Clair began demolition on

the site of the Peters Outpatient Center they donated

the salvage and recyclable items from the previous

structure to the Habitat for Humanity store. As some-

one who spent so much time on that site, overseeing

the salvage operation and literally watching the

Hospital’s vision for the Outpatient Center come to

life, I wanted to ‘pay it forward’ by sponsoring the

Canonsburg Lake photograph.”

Family is important to the Rossettis, whose

children and grandchildren all live within five miles

of their home. Sponsoring artwork at the Outpatient

Center creates a legacy for the close family and, for

Conrad, is a way of honoring his marriage to Gerrie.

“This is a special year — we’ve planned a year-long

series of trips and activities to celebrate our 50th

wedding anniversary. Sponsoring the photograph is

part of that; it’s a nice feeling to know that something

lasting exists to honor my marriage and family.”

CREATEYOUR OWNLEGACYSupport the continued growth of St. Clair Hospital by sponsoring one of 13 picturesque scenes ofour local community displayed in the St. Clair Hospital Outpatient Center-Peters Township. Sponsors will be recognized with a plaque placed near theselected artwork.

For information about sponsoring artwork, please contact the St. Clair Hospital Foundation at 412.942.2465 or [email protected].

making aPersonal connection

Bednar’s Farm & Greenhouse

Henry Covered Bridge

Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 17

jack boguT:THe making oF an icon

Conrad Rossetti

Washington Courthouse

Page 18: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

St. Clair Hospital is bringing the same innovative

processes that helped make its Emergency

Department number one in the nation to

urgent care. The new St. Clair Urgent Care, located

on the ground floor of the St. Clair Hospital Outpatient

Center–Village Square in Bethel Park, is providing

care to people in need of immediate but not emergency

care, says Rachel L. Schroer, D.O., Medical Director

at Urgent Care. “In urgent care, we treat people who

come in with a focused problem that we are able to

fix. The most common problems that we treat are

upper respiratory infections, flu and sore throats;

cuts requiring sutures; sprains and uncomplicated

fractures; and skin infections. We can do X-rays and

point-of-care lab testing on-site for blood sugar,

strep throat, mononucleosis and urinary tract

infections. Urgent care is not a mini-emergency

department; we take care of urgent illnesses and

injuries. If a patient is more critically ill or needs

higher level testing or monitoring, such as with chest

pain or abdominal pain, they need to be evaluated

in our Emergency Room.”

Dr. Schroer transitioned into urgent care after

five years in private practice. She finds urgent care

challenging and satisfying. “It’s wonderful to be able

to see a patient quickly and resolve the problem right

away. There is always a lot of variety. This facility is a

great work setting; we have top-of-the-line technology

and beautiful aesthetics. All the physicians who work

here are board-certified. Patients love the facility, the

excellent care and the convenience.”

David Kish, R.N., Director of Emergency Services

and Patient Logistics for St. Clair Hospital, manages

St. Clair Urgent Care. To Dave, urgent care has many

benefits. “St. Clair has a great network of primary

care physicians. But if patients need to be seen after

hours, urgent care is here to fulfill that need.

18 I HouseCall I Volume VI Issue 1

conTinueD growTH

Urgent Care provides quick, convenient, quality care

close to home.

“the care provided

at urgent care

is designed to

integrate with

our priMary care

and specialty





Staffed by board-certified physicians, registered nursesand radiology technologists, St. Clair Urgent Care at Village Square welcomes patients seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Page 19: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

“St. Clair Urgent Care is open seven

days a week and is staffed by a physician,

registered nurse, X-ray technologist and

patient registrars. The staff is cross-trained

to provide support to each other. Urgent

Care’s goal is to examine and treat each

patient in less than an hour. Our current

average is 56 minutes.”

St. Clair Urgent Care also facilitates

continuity of care, Dave explains. “The

care provided at Urgent Care is designed

to be seamless. For example, St. Clair Urgent Care has treated patients with

orthopedic injuries who were referred and seen immediately by orthopedic

surgeons whose practices are in the same building. In a similar fashion, several

patients who did not have a primary care physician were able to be connected

with PCPs and seen very quickly. Urgent Care’s location inside the Outpatient

Center is ideal, since patients using our lab and diagnostic imaging center can

also benefit from Urgent Care services.”

Both Dr. Schroer and Dave say the key to a smooth continuum of care is

communication, via the electronic health record, or EHR. “A summary of a

patient’s visit to St. Clair Urgent Care is easily accessed electronically by physicians

and facilitates communication between the primary care physician and the staff

at Urgent Care.”

St. Clair Hospital has a commitment to serve the community, says Dr. Schroer,

and St. Clair Urgent Care exemplifies that commitment. “Patients appreciate the

quality and immediacy of the services. People in the St. Clair communities are

accustomed to top-notch care; they expect a high quality of care. St. Clair Urgent

Care is unique because it's integrated. We offer streamlined care, excellent

communication with your own physician, and a convenient, comfortable location.”


Dr. Schroer earned her medical degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM).She completed her residency at UPMC–St. Margaret.Dr. Schroer is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.


Dr. Cooper earned his medical degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM). He completed his residency at UPMC-Shadyside. Dr. Cooper is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.


Dr. Montoya earned her medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She completed her residency at Washington Hospital. Dr. Montoya is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.



Eat’n Park








St. ClairUrgent


South HillsVillage Mall


St. ThomasMore ChurchT-line



Norman Center

Giant EagleMarket District


• 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.(9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ON MAJOR HOLIDAYS)


URGENT CARE STAFF AND SERVICESSt. Clair Urgent Care, which opened January 13 in the

St. Clair Hospital Outpatient Center–Village Square in

Bethel Park, is staffed by board-certified physicians,

registered nurses, radiology technologists, and patient

registrars. It is open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on

major holidays) seven days a week, 365 days a year,

no appointment necessary.

There are six examination rooms, two procedure rooms,

and an X-ray room. St. Clair Urgent Care also has a lab

offering, among other things, urine analysis and rapid

strep testing. St. Clair Urgent Care treats minor injuries

and illnesses. Below is a list of some of the common

ailments and conditions treated there:

St. Clair Urgent Care accepts most major health insurances

and can fill selected prescriptions on-site.


• Allergies and asthma

• Colds, pneumonia and flu

• Coughs and sore throats

• Cuts requiring stitches

• Dehydration

• Earaches

• Eye infections

• Fever

• Fractures and minor

broken bones

• Skin rashes/infections

• Stomach ailments

• Urinary tract infections

Also available:

• Flu shots

• Sports physicals


Volume VI Issue 1 I HouseCall I 19

Page 20: St. Clair Hospital HouseCall Vol VI Issue 1

St.Clair Hospital1000 Bower Hill RoadPittsburgh, PA 15243www.stclair.org

General & Patient Information: 412.942.4000

is a publication of St. Clair Hospital. Articles are for informational purposes and arenot intended to serve as medical advice. Please consult your personal physician.

Follow us on twitter at: www.twitter.com/stclairhospitalHouseCall

Outpatient Center–Village Square: 412.942.7100Physician Referral Service: 412.942.6560

Urgent Care–Village Square: 412.942.8800Medical Imaging Scheduling: 412.942.8150

Outpatient Center–Peters Township: 412.942.8400

St. Clair Hospital has again been named one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals®. The annual award — now in its 21st year — is givenby Truven Health Analytics (formerly a division of Thomson Reuters)based on an objective analysis of patient safety, clinical outcomes,patient satisfaction, and value. Hospitals do not apply, nor do theypay, for this honor.

Jean Chenowith, senior vice president of Truven, noted that thewinners are “hospitals that deliver higher quality, higher satisfaction,and lower cost.” Among the other notable honorees in 2014 areDuke University Hospital (Durham, NC) and Vanderbilt UniversityMedical Center (Nashville, TN).

Truven calculates that if all Medicare inpatients had received thesame level of care as those treated in the award-winning hospitals:

• More than 165,000 additional lives could be saved;• Nearly 90,000 additional patients could have avoided medicalcomplications;

• And $5.4 billion could have been saved.St. Clair salutes its outstanding physicians and employees for this

prestigious achievement. To learn more about this honor, visit ourwebsite at www.stclair.org.



