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ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH 17...ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH (Mother Cabrini) 3018 Davis Avenue,...

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ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH (Mother Cabrini) 3018 Davis Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040-1660 • Phone: (956) 722-2919, (956) 722-3481 • Fax: (956) 724-5232 , Religious Education Office: (956) 722-8315 Established Since 1958 Administrator: Rev. Msgr. James E. Harris Bookkeeper/Secretary: Mrs. Sonia Y. Gutierrez Email: [email protected] Website: stfrancescabrinilaredo.org Custodian/Janitor: Mr. Leo Garcia HORARIO DE OFICINA: Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am-12 pm y 1pm—5pm Cerrado los Sabados y Domingos MISAS DOMINICALES – SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Sabado 8:00 am (español) Sábado (Misa de Domingo) 6:30 pm (español) Domingo 8:00 am (español) 10:00 am (English) 12:00 pm (español) 4:00 pm (English) MISAS ENTRE SEMANA – CAPILLA: Lunes a Viernes 6:30 pm (español) MISAS DE OBLIGACIÓN: Revisen el boletin LOS DIAS NACIONALES: Revisen el boletin RECONCILIACIÓN/CONFESSIONS: Lunes a Viernes 30 min antes de Misa MINISTERIO DE SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Deacon Raymundo Guevara—722-2919 SOCIEDAD DEL ALTAR: Celsa Vela – 722-2807 GRUPO DE ORACION: Tere Palacios – 723-3190 CHOIR—Carlos Morales CORO DE SABADO: Hector & Tony Meza CORO DOMINGOS: Terry Perez y Jose Valenzuela MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Coordinadora para Niños: Mrs. Cecilia Garcia-Rios Coordinadora para Jóvenes: Mrs. Myrna Rodman Mrs. Lupita Cisneros Coordinadora para Adultos: Mrs. Tere Palacios, Mrs. Amelia Martínez Sacristanes: Mr. Martin Magaña & Mr. Francisco Valero ORGANIZACIÓNES: Sociedad del Altar, Adoración Nocturna, Ministerio de Servidores del Altar, Evangelización, Renovación Cristiana, Youth Group, Hijas de Maria, Men’s Group NUEVOS FELIGRESES: Bienvenidos! Favor de inscribirse como miembro de la parroquia en la oficina. MATRIMONIO: Llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer cita con el sacerdote seis (6) meses antes de la fecha de la boda. No haga ningun arreglo antes de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial. BAUTISMOS: Los padre deben estar actualmente registrados en la parroquia. Los padrinos deben de ser catolicos practicantes. Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la catequesis bautismal. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información. MINISTERIO A LOS ENFERMOS: Favor de comunicar a la oficina parroquial el nombre del enfermo que se encuentra en el hospital o en casa, dirección y teléfono para que se le visite y reciban los sacramentos. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Heleodoro Lozano Rev. Deacon Raymundo Guevara
Page 1: ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH 17...ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH (Mother Cabrini) 3018 Davis Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040-1660 • Phone: (956) 722-2919, (956) 722-3481 • Fax: (956) 724-5232


3018 Davis Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040-1660 • Phone: (956) 722-2919, (956) 722-3481 • Fax: (956) 724-5232 , Religious Education Office: (956) 722-8315

Established Since 1958

Administrator: Rev. Msgr. James E. Harris

Bookkeeper/Secretary: Mrs. Sonia Y. Gutierrez Email: [email protected] Website: stfrancescabrinilaredo.org Custodian/Janitor: Mr. Leo Garcia

HORARIO DE OFICINA: Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am-12 pm y 1pm—5pm Cerrado los Sabados y Domingos

MISAS DOMINICALES – SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Sabado 8:00 am (español) Sábado (Misa de Domingo) 6:30 pm (español) Domingo 8:00 am (español) 10:00 am (English) 12:00 pm (español) 4:00 pm (English)

MISAS ENTRE SEMANA – CAPILLA: Lunes a Viernes 6:30 pm (español)

MISAS DE OBLIGACIÓN: Revisen el boletin LOS DIAS NACIONALES: Revisen el boletin

RECONCILIACIÓN/CONFESSIONS: Lunes a Viernes 30 min antes de Misa

MINISTERIO DE SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Deacon Raymundo Guevara—722-2919 SOCIEDAD DEL ALTAR: Celsa Vela – 722-2807 GRUPO DE ORACION: Tere Palacios – 723-3190 CHOIR—Carlos Morales CORO DE SABADO: Hector & Tony Meza CORO DOMINGOS: Terry Perez y Jose Valenzuela

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Coordinadora para Niños: Mrs. Cecilia Garcia-Rios Coordinadora para Jóvenes: Mrs. Myrna Rodman Mrs. Lupita Cisneros Coordinadora para Adultos: Mrs. Tere Palacios, Mrs. Amelia Martínez Sacristanes: Mr. Martin Magaña & Mr. Francisco Valero ORGANIZACIÓNES: Sociedad del Altar, Adoración Nocturna, Ministerio de Servidores del Altar, Evangelización, Renovación Cristiana, Youth Group, Hijas de Maria, Men’s Group NUEVOS FELIGRESES: Bienvenidos! Favor de inscribirse como miembro de la parroquia en la oficina. MATRIMONIO: Llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer cita con el sacerdote seis (6) meses antes de la fecha de la boda. No haga ningun arreglo antes de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial. BAUTISMOS: Los padre deben estar actualmente registrados en la parroquia. Los padrinos deben de ser catolicos practicantes. Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la catequesis bautismal. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información. MINISTERIO A LOS ENFERMOS: Favor de comunicar a la oficina parroquial el nombre del enfermo que se encuentra en el hospital o en casa, dirección y teléfono para que se le visite y reciban los sacramentos.

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Heleodoro Lozano Rev. Deacon Raymundo Guevara

Page 2: ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH 17...ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH (Mother Cabrini) 3018 Davis Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040-1660 • Phone: (956) 722-2919, (956) 722-3481 • Fax: (956) 724-5232

Sab. 16/ 6:30 p.m. † Luis Alejandro & José Domingo Díaz, de Rosa, Mildred & Alejandra † José Ángel Huerta, de Familia Alcantar † Luis & Juanita Basurto, de su nieta † Agustina González, de sus hijas † Martina Ortiz, de Familia Maldonado † James Gloria Sr & James Gloria Jr. , de su familia † Martin S. Cruz, de Familia Cruz & Guajardo † Martin & Leonor Díaz, de su nieta † Rafael & Cristina Vidaurri, de Rosa Vidaurri Dom. 17/ 8:00 a.m. † Martha Ramírez & Guadalupe Macías, de su hija y nieta

10:00 a.m. † Reyes & Micaela Ruiz , de Reyes Ruiz Jr. y familia

12:00 p.m. Para todas las familias de la parroquia 4:00 p.m. † Fernando & Barbará Uribe, de sus nietos y bisnietos † Ángel Jesús Palomo, de sus padres y familia † Olga Navarro, de su nieta Acc. de Gra., Joshua Palomo, de sus padres, en su cumpleaños Acc. de Gra., Jonathan Palomo, de sus padres, en su cumpleaños Lun. 18/6:30 p.m. † Roberto O. González, de Alma Cavazos Mar. 19/ 6:30 p.m. Acc. de Gra., a Dios nuestro Señor, de María Luisa Hernández Mier. 20/6:30 p.m. † Juan Herrera, de su familia Jue. 21/ 6:30 p.m. † José Jesús Martínez, de su mama y hermanas Vier. 22/ 6:30 p.m. † Juventina Villarreal, de Familia Pineda Sab. 23/ 8:00 a.m. † Toribio Ortega, de su sobrina


LUNES 18 / 6:30 p.m.

Maricela Fimbres0

MARTES 19 / 6:30 p.m.

Ricardo Hernandez

MIERCOLES 20 / 6:30 p.m. Maria Solano

JUEVES 21 / 6:30 p.m. Lucy Ibarra

VIERNES 22 / 6:30 p.m. Amelia Lopez

SABADO 23 / 6:30 p.m. Francisco Valero Consuelo Valero

Evangelina Hernandez Victoria Ramon Mario Ramon

DOMINGO 24 / 8:00 a.m. Olivia Aranda

Raquel De La Rosa Maria Peña

Daniel Blanco Luis Villasana

10:00 a.m. Amanda Ramon

Eva Mitchell Maria Elena Ibarra

Francisco Cantu, Alejandro Aguil-era, Jonathan Martinez

12:00 p.m. Luis Salas Cynthia Mercado

Alma Cavazos Francis Reyna

Alejandro Moctezuma Jesus Moctezuma

4:00 p.m. David Moreno, Marco Rodriguez,Atziri SantaMaria

Chris Zavala,Abigail Martinez,Marcos Saldi-var,,Karolina Cisneros

Pedro Lopez, Miguel Angel Lopez, Reynaldo Lopez

Page 3: ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH 17...ST. FRANCES CABRINI CHURCH (Mother Cabrini) 3018 Davis Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040-1660 • Phone: (956) 722-2919, (956) 722-3481 • Fax: (956) 724-5232

Dear Christifideles, Again, I wish to thank so many people who helped to make our annual jamaica a great success. God gave us beautiful weather and I thank him also for this great help inducing people to leave their homes to partake of great weather and great food at our parish festival. Many thanks are also owed to those who organized the celebration of our parish patron, St. Frances Cabrini on Wednesday. I write this letter on Tuesday morning, before the event, but I have full confidence that the organizers will have done a great job and all who attended will have good memories of the evening. November is the month that ends the liturgical year. As we move toward the last days of the Church year, the liturgy leads us to contemplate the last things: death, judgment, heaven, hell. The readings for the Masses of this month concentrate on these most important of questions. I remember a story that my mother used to read to my brothers and sisters and me when she was trying to put us down for a nap at midday. I don't remember the name, but it was about a grasshopper and an ant. The grasshopper was enjoying the sunny warmth and abundant food of the summertime. He observed an ant, busily carrying food to his underground home. He invited the ant to join him in lolling about. The grasshopper told him that it was no time to be working so hard, when there was so much sunshine and food to enjoy. The ant told him that he had to work in order to have food stored up for the winter months, when the warmth of the sun and the abundance of food will have vanished. The grasshopper over the course of the story continues to try to convince the ant to frolic with him. The ant continues to give the grasshopper the same response. The warm, green days of summer eventually give way to the cooler days of autumn and the ant continues his daily toil, while the grasshopper continues to say that there is still plenty of time to get ready for the rigors of winter. Then, inevitably, the cold of winter sets in. The grasshopper who hadn't stored up food found himself hungry. He happened to catch a glimpse of the ants distributing among themselves the corn and grain that they had collected during the summer. The story ends: "Then the grasshopper knew: 'It's best to prepare for the day of need.'" This story is a retelling of the famous fable by Aesop: The Ant and the Grasshopper. I always enjoyed hearing the stories read by my mother. (She didn't always finish them, however. There were eight of us and she started her day rather early, taking care of my elderly and sickly grandparents who lived in a house behind ours before turning here attention toward us. By one o'clock in the afternoon, she was pretty tired. She sometimes fell asleep before we did. After awhile she didn't have to finish the story (I had heard the stories so many times that I knew the endings.) Anyway, this story, like other Aesop fables, was easy enough for a child to understand and taught such an invaluable lesson. We do well to ask ourselves in the month of November, along with Holy Mother Church, if we are ready for our last day on this earth (our death). Are we ready for judgment? Have we stored up treasures in heaven or have we only stored up earthly riches that will worthless to us on the last day? What will be our response to God when he calls us to enter into his heavenly kingdom? Have I learned to love the things of heaven more than the things of earth? Our life on earth, even a rather long one, is very brief when


FAITH FORMATION NEWS JUNTA PARA PADRES– Domingo 17 de Noviembre a las 8:45 a.m. en el salón parroquial.(es para los programas de Pri-mera Comunión y Confirmación)

MISA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS Jueves 28 de noviembre

Están cordialmente invitados a una Misa especial el día 28 de noviembre a las 11:00 a.m. La misa de 6:30 p.m. no será celebrada ese día. La oficina pa-rroquial estará cerrada el jueves 28 y viernes 29 de noviembre.

There will be no CCD & Confirma-tion Classes on Sunday, Nov. 24, 2019. Classes will resume on Sun-day, Dec. 1, 2019. No habra clases de CCD y Confir-

macion el Domingo, 24 de Nov. 2019. Regre-saran a clases el domingo 1 de Diciembre.


El Sábado 23 de Noviem-bre la Sociedad Adoración Noctur-na de nuestra parroquia, celebrara la vigilia de aniversario numero 33 iniciando a las 3 pm en el salón parroquial para terminar con la Mi-

sa de 6:30 p.m. y un pequeño convivio a con-cluir la vigilia. El Santísimo Sacramento estará expuesto desde las 8:30 a.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. Todos están invitados.

compared to eternity. We would do well to follow the ex-ample of the ant and not that of the grasshopper. If we stop for a second to give it some thought, we recognize instantly, as a child instantly understands the story, whether we are the ant or the grasshopper. It's still not too late! When Jesus tells us to prepare for our death and the end of the world (which ever comes first) he is not threatening us. He is asking us to choose eternal life over eternal death. Which will I choose? For which one am I now pre-paring by the manner in which I am living my life? Do I strive to know and live the Gospel: to love God and neighbor? That is the path to Eternal life and joy. We do well to start today to follow that path beginning today. I remain In Christ, Msgr. James E. Harris
