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St. John of the Cross Parish · 5/5/2019  · St. John of the Cross Parish Third Sunday of Easter...

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St. John of the Cross Parish Third Sunday of Easter May 5, 2019 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org
Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · 5/5/2019  · St. John of the Cross Parish Third Sunday of Easter May 5, 2019 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~

St. John of the Cross Parish

Third Sunday of Easter May 5, 2019

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org

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From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel

ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA Blessings as we continue our fifty-day celebration of Easter, the Season of Resurrection. Congratulations to our parishioners who receive Holy Communion for the first time this weekend and next. With great joy we welcome them to the Eucharistic banquet. While this is an important event for the individual young believers and for their immediate families, it is also a graced moment for all of us who are St. John of the Cross Parish to consider the importance of this source of nourishment for body and spirit. It is our Easter faith that, in the celebration of the Sacraments, we regularly encounter the Risen Christ. As I write, I envision the possibility of being the lone priest assigned to our parish. Our request for an Associate Pastor is before the Priests’ Placement Board awaiting their recommendations to Cardinal Cupich for assignments beginning July 1. The changes to our Mass Schedule (see the back cover of this bulletin) take the reality of limited priest resources into consideration. The new (and hopefully, improved) schedule is intended to foster enhanced cooperation with the other parishes in our Renew My Church grouping. Remember that our neighbors in this local (diocesan) church are our brothers and sisters not our rivals and enemies. Some thoughts regarding daily Mass at 9:00am: Except for the Triduum, we are promising a Mass at 9:00am on every day of the year - seven days a week -

holy days and holidays included. 9:00am allows students in our parish school to attend Mass without adding Masses. It also allows students to

attend Mass as a grade or a class in addition to the all-school liturgies. The rationale for an early Mass, the required fast from Midnight, no longer applies. That is why more

parishioners regularly worship at 9:00am on Sundays than those who worship at 7:30am. The same logic is applied now to Monday through Saturday.

Parish historians might be interested to know that, based on a check of bulletins for the previous five decades of years ending in 9, Masses at 7:45am only appear in 2009 and Masses at 9:00am appear in 1969, 1979, 1989. The schedule for daily Masses never stayed the same from one decade to the next.

Daily Mass will be scheduled for 8:00am at St. Cletus and 8:30am at St. Francis Xavier. Funerals will now be scheduled for 11:00am. This will accommodate the often requested hour of visitation

prior to the funeral Mass. St. John of the Cross Parish annually provides the funeral rites for more than 100 souls.

Regrettably, some will be inconvenienced by this change of daily Mass time. Hopefully we will achieve the desired result of making the Eucharist available to more believers. We might be reassured of this hope when we sing our parish song: Well and Good.

Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish. Father Reszel

Well and Good

Text and Music by James E. Moore, Jr., after St. John of the Cross, © 1987 by GIA Publications, Inc.

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Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Appeal Next Weekend

Your gift to the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection next weekend, May 11-12, will help mothers, children and seniors from our community who are hungry, homeless or hurting and empower them to rebuild their lives. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In the Gospels, Jesus teaches us to be a living expression of God’s kindness, showing the light of God’s goodness and mercy to all of our brothers and sisters, but especially to the poor, the vulnerable, and those facing challenging circumstances. Each year on Mother’s Day, Catholic Charities invites us to be a living expression of God’s goodness through our gift to the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection. With our support, Catholic Charities carries out the important work of the Church to help the poor and vulnerable in the Archdiocese of Chicago. People often come to Catholic Charities at the most difficult times of their lives—hungry, afraid, hurting, alone, homeless, helpless, hopeless. Catholic Charities cares for people at these desperate times, helping them rebuild their lives and restoring hope for the future. Catholic Charities provides a broad range of services to people of all ages and at every stage of life, regardless of religion or background. Whether it’s helping young mothers with pregnancy and parenting services; offering educational and support programs for at-risk children and teens; counseling those facing addiction, mental illness or grief; delivering emergency assistance to families coping with homelessness and hunger; or providing affordable housing and a variety of in-home services for seniors, Catholic Charities brings Christ’s love and mercy to the people and the places that need it most. We each have an important role to play in the Church’s sacred mission to care for those in need. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your past support of the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection, and please consider being as generous as you can again this year. May God bless you and those you love this Mother’s Day and always. With every good wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ,

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A Prayer of Thanks God of our many journeys, we give you thanks for the gift of new life won for all people through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ. Our celebrations of the Triduum, the Three Days, remind us of our own participation in the life, passion, death and resurrection of Christ. This year we especially remember and give thanks for the life and ministry of our dear friend and your humble servant, Fr. David. He now shares in the new life you promised. In this season of new life, we pause to share our gratitude for the dedication of many people who helped to make these liturgies both prayerful and spiritually nourishing so as to live the liturgy in our lives. We are grateful to the Lectors – proclaimers of your living word, whose proclamation of salvation history was filled with conviction and faith. Instruments of your voice, they spoke to us those words which are indeed stronger than a two edge sword. We are grateful to our Communion Ministers who so reverently – gave to others what all of us have become – The Body of Christ – food for our journey. We are grateful to our Altar Servers – the young people of our parish who with great dedication in these special liturgies aided to the flow of the celebrations. We are grateful to Peter Harley and Seth Hostetler who like a shepherds, guided the altar servers in their duties. In gratitude to our Ushers –who welcomed all who crossed through the threshold of the doors of church – as if they were welcoming Christ himself. We are grateful to our Art and Environment team who shared their gifts of creativity in making the environment of our sacred spaces beautiful in imitation of your creation. In gratitude for the gift of music that filled our space with hymnody, song and shouts of praise, lament and joy. Their gift led us into deep prayer with you and each other. We are grateful to Jessica Koch and Ann Maney, the choirs filled with your people of all ages, the cantors, the instrumentalists and accompanists – whose musical talents joined with those of all so that heaven and earth sang out together the praise and glory of your mighty works. We are grateful to the RCIA team, who like Christ on the road to Emmaus walked with, Eric, Jason, Brad and Brian our newest members in the faith. We are grateful to those who like Christ humbled themselves by having their feet washed. In gratitude for all the Oil-Bearers who processed carrying the Oils blessed and consecrated by the gift of your Spirit, for our use in the sacramental moments of our lives. Generous God, giver of all gifts, we are so grateful to all who made our liturgies of Easter inspire us to live the Paschal Mystery in our lives. Loving and merciful God, may the joy of the Resurrection of Christ your Son, continue to fill our lives with hope and joy.

In gratitude – Fr. Bill

From the Heart of Fr. Bill: “First, I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is heralded throughout the word” (Romans 1:8). In the words of St. Paul, I am so incredibly grateful to you because of your faith, your prayers, your words of compassion, consolation and hope that you have so generously shared with me over the past two years during Fr. David’s illness. They have been a source of consolation and peace to me. In our common journey with David, your love and support have been and continue to be strength and hope for me. I could not have done what I have done without your love and support and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I look back at last week’s wake and funeral celebration for David and I see the Church, ourselves, you and I, at our very best. What an amazing celebration for our dear friend, and what an amazing community – upholding and supporting one another in sorrow and grief with broken hearts, steadfast in hope and the promise of eternal life. It was this power and grace of the Holy Spirit that inspired the words of my homily and allowed me to deliver it without losing my composure. I am blessed to be part of this community. I love you all. As we move forward on our journey, may we continue to tell stories and share memories of David and may we remember the great wisdom he has written on our hearts. “Grief is like a wave. It will come out of nowhere and wash over you. Sometimes it will knock you over and one wave after another will hit you. But the wave will pull back. Don’t fight them. Let them wash over you. Ride them. In time, the waves will come less frequently, still may be forceful, but there will be more time to breathe in between. They will be most powerful at holidays and anniversaries. And then in more time the waves will just come to remind you of your loved one. The waves always come, but one day they will stop taking you out at the knees.” Together may we ride out these waves, with Jesus, our Risen Savior and each other.

In gratitude, and Until the Breaking of the Bread. Love, Fr. Bill

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Filled with the joy of our Easter Alleluia,

we ask God’s blessing on the newest members

of our Church!

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Grant us, O Lord, your peace: the peace that enables us

to constantly discover your joy; the peace that impels us

to seek your justice in all things; the peace that allows us

to suffer for what is right and good; the peace that invites us

to call every man, woman, and child “friend.”

Hear our prayer for peace— the peace of Jesus Christ, our Lord

and Risen Savior, who lives and reigns with you

for ever and ever. Amen.

Dear Jesus, Recently we’ve been walking together in a special way. We’ve been taking the time to get to know one another more deeply, delving into the heart and soul of who I am and who you are. In my desire to get to know you better and to draw closer to God, I have been reminded of how loved and cherished I am, that I am a beloved daughter of God. God delights in me, in others, and in all of creation. Pondering this again, my heart is filled with joy! I’m deeply aware of my sinfulness and selfishness, and of my humanity, and I want to draw closer to you. I want to open myself up to God’s grace and mercy. Come, Holy Spirit, transform my hard heart. It’s my heart’s desire that I can be a living sign of God’s love and mercy in the world. Jesus, you have shown me how to do this concretely, in the many ways you interacted and made yourself present to those closest to you. In teaching, you shared your wisdom and knowledge in the synagogue, on the mountain, and in the public square. You visited Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, who was sick with fever, and held her hand. In so doing, you helped her up and healed her. Your touch also brought healing to the blind man and to others suffering with leprosy. When the woman who had been bleeding for years touched you, she was healed. You entered the home of outcasts and shared a meal with the tax collector Zacchaeus. You welcomed little children, placing your hands on them and blessing them. You prayed. You questioned those in authority and remained true to yourself and to your call. You challenged those who would inflict harm disguised as an act of justice; as a woman faced being stoned to death, you drew a line in the sand and challenged any man who was without sin to throw the first stone. They all walked away. What strength you showed! What tenderness and compassion! Jesus, I have been so inspired and moved by you—by who you are and by what you did during your days on earth. Your Resurrection, though a mystery, assures me that death does not have the final say and that I can place my hope and trust in you. It is this Good News that I’m called to share with others. I pray that I can be a concrete sign of your love wherever I am, with whomever I’m with. When I visit my elderly neighbor to share a cup of tea and conversation, you are with us, Jesus. When I tenderly embrace a grieving friend or a child who says he has “a sore heart” (which actually happened the other day), you are there with us, Jesus. When I take the time to drop off food, blankets, clothing, and other items to my local parish or opportunity shop, I am answering your call to tend to the poor. In today’s world, making eye contact and sharing a smile with someone on the train or bus could be just what that person needs—an acknowledgement of being seen. Jesus, you are with me in my heart, and in everything and everyone around me. May this wonderful treasure—held deep in my heart—be joyfully and freely shared with all whom I encounter, particularly those who need it most. This is a beautiful gift that I can offer the world! Fiona Basile. Ignatian Spirituality

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Lifelong Learning

Living the Gospel Today’s reading incorporates two stories: one of the appearance on the seashore, followed by another of the rehabilitation of Peter. The Beloved Disciple, who remains nameless, is the first to recognize Jesus with the proclamation, “It is the Lord” (John 21:7). This is an echo of the discovery of the empty tomb when the Beloved Disciple “saw and believed” (John 20:8; NABRE). The Beloved Disciple is portrayed as the true model of discipleship. And he does not appear in any other gospel!

Another nod to earlier stories in the Gospel of John includes the mention of a “charcoal fire,” as that is the place where Peter denied Jesus three times (John 18:18; NABRE). The presence of a charcoal fire here sets the stage, narratively speaking, for his threefold rehabilitation. Three times Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” and three times Peter responds affirmatively. This three-time inquisition is quite obviously a retort to Peter’s threefold denial during the passion. After the Beloved Disciple died, the Johannine community—for whom the Beloved Disciple was a model of discipleship—was coming to recognize its role in the greater Christian world, which was led (at least figuratively) by Peter. But the last story we heard about Peter was his denial of Christ. Thus, the epilogue, the additional chapter following the conclusion, tells the story of Peter’s rehabilitation. Peter represents the larger Christian community. Though he denied Jesus, unlike the Beloved Disciple who was the ideal, Peter was effectively forgiven and placed in a leadership role. Thus in the Christian imagination, Peter represents the ideals and realities of discipleship. No Christian community is an island unto itself. Even leaders can stumble; when they do they can be forgiven by Jesus himself. Such is the power of the risen Christ. ©Living Liturgy

Monday Acts 6:8-15 Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 John 6:22-29

Tuesday Acts 7:51–8:1a Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 & 7b, 8a, 17 &21ab John 6:30-35

Wednesday Acts 8:1b-8 Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a John 6:35-40

Thursday Acts 8:26-40 Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 John 6:44-51

Friday Acts 9:1-20 Ps 117:1bc, 2 John 6:52-59

Saturday Acts 9:31-42 Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 John 6:60-69

4th Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52 Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5 Rev 7:9, 14b-17 John 10:27-30

Background on the Gospel In Lectionary Cycle C, our Sunday Gospels are usually taken from the Gospel of Luke. The Gospels for the Easter Season, however, are taken from the Gospel of John. Today's Gospel is one of the post-Resurrection appearances reported by John. Recall that in John's Gospel, Jesus appears first to Mary of Magdala, second to all of the disciples except Thomas, and finally to Thomas and the disciples (which we heard last Sunday). After those appearances, John's Gospel seems to conclude with a reference to other signs that Jesus gave after his Resurrection, which have not been recorded. Because it follows this apparent conclusion, most scholars believe today's Gospel passage (and all of John 21) to have been an addition to John's original text. Because there are significant differences between this report and the other appearances described in John's Gospel, it is quite likely that this story is from a different source. There are details in the story that recall Jesus' call to Simon Peter and the other fishermen as well as the miraculous catch of fish (found in the Gospel of Luke, with parallels in the other Synoptic Gospels). The end of the chapter, where Jesus asks Peter three times whether he loves him, most likely is meant to represent the reconciliation that occurred between the community represented by John's Gospel with the larger Christian community represented by Peter. This Gospel reading is a rich and textured story that speaks of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist and our commission to serve others as Jesus did. Last week we heard that Jesus appeared to the gathered disciples in a locked room, probably in Jerusalem. In today's Gospel, the disciples are no longer in Jerusalem; they are in Galilee, returning to their work of fishing. Simon Peter is still presented in the role of leader: when he announces that he is going fishing, the other disciples follow. They spend the night fishing but are unsuccessful. Jesus calls to them from the shore, but just as when Jesus first appeared to Mary of Magdala, the disciples do not recognize him immediately. Still, they follow the stranger's instructions and bring in a large haul of fish. It is at this point that one of the disciples (the “disciple whom Jesus loved”) realizes that Jesus is appearing to them. Upon hearing this news, Simon Peter leads the way again, jumping from the boat and swimming to shore. The other disciples follow in the boat, dragging the fish. The disciples have brought to shore a tremendous catch of fish that Jesus has directed them to find. But once on the shore, they see that Jesus has already prepared fish and bread on a charcoal fire. Jesus directs the disciples to bring their catch of fish as well. Jesus is host at the meal that follows, feeding the disciples the bread and fish. In this detail we see allusions to the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes told in John 6. There are also allusions in the Gospel to our gathering for the celebration of the Mass. In the Eucharist, we too are fed by Jesus in the bread and wine that have become his very Body and Blood. We also find in this story insight about the Presentation of the Gifts at Mass. The gifts we bring to the altar, bread and wine, are made from gifts that God gave first to us: grain and grapes, the fruit of the earth. God has no need of anything further. Yet God accepts the offering we bring—bread and wine, “the work of human hands”—and transforms our offering into the gift of his very presence. After the meal, Jesus directs himself to Simon Peter. The community of John's Gospel probably looked down on Peter because of his denial of Jesus. This dialogue with Simon Peter is a reversal of Peter's three denials. Peter is forgiven. Having been restored to friendship with Jesus, Simon Peter is sent on a mission. “Feed my lambs . . . Tend my sheep . . . Feed my sheep.” These commands indicate that Peter is to be as Jesus, even unto sacrificing for the flock. As Jesus has fed Peter in this meal and as Jesus feeds us in the Eucharist, so he also sends us to follow him, asking that we offer our lives in service and sacrifice. Loyola Press

Lord, Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away

the sins of the world. You rose from the dead

and gave us the command above all others,

to love one another. May our lives be filled with

love for you, our fellow human beings,

and all those we encounter. Unencumbered by sin, may we experience the

fullness of your risen life. We ask this in your name.


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Outreach News

Food Pantry Collection Nonperishable food and household paper product donations brought to our church narthex in May will be delivered to Mary Queen of Heaven Parish. For your convenience donations may also be placed in grocery bags under the tables near the handicap door and Caroline Avenue entrance. Items most needed include: cans of protein such as tuna, chili or beet stew, dry pasta, rice, box potatoes, canned or dry beans, mac and cheese, cans of fruit and vegetables, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, juice, baby food, pantry staples, and toilet paper.


Taking place in downtown Chicago along a beautiful, lakefront course, the RACE AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE is the rallying point to raise funds, friends and awareness about what is being done to end gun violence and build Chicago’s future. It is an evening to celebrate the life-changing work of Kolbe House and other nonprofits throughout Chicago, and for the various parishes, individuals, and families of Kolbe House to connect with one another. Sign up to run at stridesforpeace.org--there’s a race for every age and level!

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8k & 5K* Run 2-Mile Walk

Tots for Peace Sprint *USATF Certified Courses

Sharing Parish St. Gall Parish Choir Visits SJC Sunday May 19 ~ 10:45am Mass

Once again we welcome the choirs of St. Gall and their families as they join with our parish traditional choir in celebrating the liturgy. Songs will be sung in English and in Spanish, featuring the St. Gall choir as well as the combined choirs. Please come, so that together we can join our hands, hearts and voices in praise!!! Hospitality for the choir members and their families will follow the liturgy. We could use help in this endeavor. Please check the parish website and use the Sign Up Genius link to volunteer for set up, serving, clean up, or providing desserts. Many thanks for your participation and assistance! Questions? Please email our Sharing Parish Outreach Rep Cathy Pesch at catpesch@gmail.

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Parish News

Illinois Right to Life 51st Annual Banquet All are welcome on Friday, May 17 the Right to Life Banquet at the Carlisle in Lombard. Cocktail hour begins at 6pm, followed by dinner and a program at 7pm. To purchase tickets, go to www.IllinoisRightToLife.org/Banquet or call 312.422.9300.

Travel with Deacon Voytas Join Deacon Rich Voytas on a spectacular 12 day trip to Portugal, Spain, Morocco on September 7-18, 2020! For a complete itinerary and pricing information contact Deacon Rich at 773.537.8834.

Thomas Merton Reflection Group Book Study “New Seeds of Contemplation” Book Study will be held on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm through June 5 in the Parish Center. Join us any evening that fits your schedule. Questions may be directed to our group facilitator and parishioner, Vinny Donnelly at [email protected]

Grief Support When Grieving the Death of a Spouse

After the unthinkable has happened, how do you go on? Finding peace and healing after the death of a spouse can seem impossible. Come learn what this kind of grief looks like, explore where to find God in the midst of it, and gain tips and skills for coping, healing, and embracing new life. It is possible to once again know happiness and live with a full heart. Our Lady of Pompeii presents a spiritual journey for men and women grieving the death of a spouse. On Saturday, June 1 from 8:30am-1pm participants will experience a morning of spiritual comfort, engaging community and hope through prayer, presentation and discussion. Speaker, Amy Florian is a nationally known speaker, author, teacher and retreat director. $25 paid registration is due by Wednesday, May 29 Lunch is included. Call: 312.421.3757 * Online: ourladyofpompeii.org Mail payment to The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, Attn: MOWG 1224 W. Lexington Street, Chicago, IL 60607

Quarterly Resume Review Come in for a helpful one-on-one conversation with a HR or other search related professional on Saturday, May 18 from 9:30-11:30am at St. Cletus Parish Center. Enhance or refresh your resume, receive helpful job search strategies, recraft your elevator speech and get tips on using LinkedIn effectively. Everyone is welcome, and there is no cost for this service.

Pray for Healing Ministry at St. Cletus Our neighbor parish, St. Cletus, has started a ministry to pray for healing in the Church, healing from the wounds resulting from the sexual abuse scandal. The ministry is open to all. There is no commitment other than a desire to offer prayer to the Lord for healing in his Church, for wisdom, guidance and grace to be bestowed upon our Church leaders at all levels. Sign up via the link on our parish website home page, stjohnofthecross.org. You will receive an email once or twice a month, encouraging you to pray. Each email will contain a prayer.

New Communion Minister & Lector Training Training for new communion ministers and lectors will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 9am-1:30pm in the Parish Center. These ministries are open to practicing confirmed Catholics. RSVP by May 14 to the Parish Center office or on our parish website. No walk-ins. Contact Steve Weigand with any questions.

May Topic: Walking with Christ; Nourished by Grace

Regardless of the circumstances and challenges, we can confidently know that the Lord goes before us. Walking with Christ shines light on our path. His grace helps us see the blessings in caring for another as we uncover God moving in the midst of these experiences. Be nourished.


Our Nourish Support Group is for anyone juggling the challenges of life, health, career and caring for an aging parent, grandparent, or spouse, in town or at a distance. Nourish provides family caregivers practical and emotional support, shared experiences and useful tools, all with a Christ-centered view. Discover blessings in caring for another.

Date : Thursday May 9 Location: SJC Parish Center

Time: 1:00pm

God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another. 1John 1:5,7

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Save the Date It’s never too early to put the Women’s Club Fashion Show on your calendar….

November 8, 2019

The Women’s Club is looking for volunteers to lend a hand to the 2019 Women’s Club Fashion Show! Proceeds from this event benefit various local charities who support women and children in our community. Volunteers will have fun and be part of an awesome team of women looking to make an impact in the lives of others. Currently seeking:

Social Media Maven: Market our event on various social media platforms. Frequency of media postings will vary. Will interface with various committee chairs to create messages.

Major Gift Gatherer: Resourceful and entrepreneurial go-getter who can solicit the donation of experiences (sports, recreational, etc.) and other one of a kind items for our auction.

Silent Auction Purveyor: Connecting with local businesses to seek various donations for our onsite silent auction (held during our Fashion Show). Past items have included: gift cards, jewelry, personal services.

Don’t miss the fun! Please consider joining our dynamic team to help make sure this event is a beautiful success! Please contact either Rosaria Becker at [email protected] or 708-309-0351 or Cindy O’Malley at [email protected] or 312-259-4177.

46th Annual Garage Sale Saturday, June 15, 9-3 pm (Note new closing time!) Half-Price/Bag Sale: Monday, June 17, 9-1pm Co–Chairs and Volunteers needed! Come to an Informational meeting on May 9 from 7-8pm Parish Center. Donation Information: Donations will be accepted at the SJC parish school beginning Saturday, June 8 from 10-2pm. Then Monday, June 10—Thursday, June 13 from 10-8 pm, and Friday, June 14 from 10-12pm. Please visit sjcgaragesale.com for specific details on items which we can and cannot accept. Contact Katie Pruitt at 708-822-9427 or Kim Brodnicki at 708-539-4114 for more information.

The Women’s Club Board If you enjoy meeting new women, being part of planning, serving and sharing your time and creative talents then we are looking for you to join us on the Women’s Club Board. The Women’s Club has a number of board positions available so we can find one that fits your talents or interests. The induction ceremony that welcomes incoming board members is in May. A kick-off dinner meeting for the new board is held in August and meetings are held the third Thursday evening of every month at 7pm September thru May excluding December. Contact Ginny Grecco for more information. [email protected].

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Men’s Club News Women’s Club News

The SJC Men’s Club invites all men of the Parish to our annual golf outing on Friday, June 7th at Flagg Creek Golf Course. Cost: $30 includes golf, cart, 2 beverage tickets and entry into contests (low team score, long drive, closest to the pin) Format: Scramble. Tee Times: 1:00 to 2:17pm Sign-up: Forms can be found on our parish website. Questions: Contact John Cisek at 312.327.1295 or Dan Montgomery at 312.952.1435 / [email protected].

The Men’s Club Board The SJC Men’s Club Leadership Team is looking for men of the parish to participate in setting the direction for the Men’s Club and its sponsored activities. We meet on the third Thursday of each month to plan upcoming events which focus on our core mission of promoting Christian fellowship through social interaction and service. If you feel the call or would like more information please contact John Cisek ([email protected]) or talk to anyone on the leadership team: Larry Ansilio, Mike Baron, Bill Bright, Randy Ferrari, Steve Graef, Dick Halm or Dan Montgomery. Men’s Club spiritual, social and service activities through the year include our BBQ and Bags Tournament, Bears Game Tailgate Party, Trivia Night, Stations of the Cross, Men’s Club-Crossroads Fish Fry, Scout Pancake Breakfast, and monthly SAM (Spirituality Among Men) meetings.

Men’s Club Annual

Golf Outing

Our parish is home to a special prayer garden called the Garden of Mary, Mother of Jesus. The focal point of the garden is a beautiful statue of a young Mary at the Annunciation. Mary has one hand over her heart and the other over her womb, physically symbolizing where she accepted the will of God. In 2014 our parish commissioned a replica of our Mother of Jesus statue. Handmade, each cold cast statue is made from Carrara marble and other materials. The statue stands 18 inches tall. It is recommended that it be placed indoors to preserve its coloring and natural beauty. A limited number of statues will be available for sale for $150 in the Parish Center or on our parish website at stjohnofthecross.org. Mary will make a perfect gift for all of the mothers in your life.

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Parish News

SJC stjohnofthecross.org Third Sunday of Easter May 5, 2019 Page 11

St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates Catie and Al Poronsky & Family on the recent baptisms of their grandchildren. Pictured from the left with godparents are Charlee Rose held by Patrick and Kaitlen Poronsky and Dylan Frances held by Brian and Brigitte Poronsky.

Please help us welcome our new members to the St. John of the Cross Parish faith community. Erin and Alexander Panosian and Family Stephanie and Anthony Beres and Family Kim Christianson Diana and John McDevitt and Family Kerry and Christopher Mathis and Family Kristen Leopold and Brendan Kay and Family Mark Francis Michelle and Colin Finn and Family Christina and Matthew Wirig and Family Caroline and Charles Lewis and Family If you recognize the name of a friend or neighbor be sure to extend a welcome and encourage them to become involved at SJC. If you would like to register to become a member, please contact Eliza-beth Russell-Jones in the Welcome Center or visit our website at: www.stjohnofthecross.org/welcome. For more information call 708.246.4404x155 or [email protected] or stop in the Parish Center

SJC recently welcomed new parishioner families at a festive picnic luncheon. Despite the snow storm, our new members enjoyed meeting staff and other new families. Pictured above are some of our youngest members who enjoyed the event. Watch for more new parishioner events!

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Elections for positions on the three consultative bodies, the Parish Advisory Council, the Youth Catechesis Council, and the School Advisory Board will be held on May 18-19 before and after all Masses in church. Ballots can be found at each exit. Please affirm the following parishioners who have submitted applications to serve our parish. Parishioners may also vote on the home page of our parish website between May 16-19.

Parish Advisory Council At Large Parishioner Rep: Brian Cronin Brian and his wife, Barbara, and four children have been parishioners since 2004. Their three daughters are now alumni of our parish school and their youngest son is a member of the class of 2021. Both Brian and Barbara are thrilled to be members of SJC and grateful for the friends they have met along the way. Brian, who is an alumnus of St. Ignatius College Prep and Marquette University, is the Vice President of Knickerbocker Roofing & Paving Co, 2nd Vice President of the Chicago Roofing Contractors Association and Secretary/Treasurer of Design 10 Interiors. Brian is also a member of the Village of WS Liquor Commission Board. He would be honored to serve the parish community as a member of the PAC. Parish Advisory Council At Large Parishioner Rep: Meghan Cahill Meghan and her family reside in Western Springs. Her children Will, Marin and Kevin attend Fenwick High School (9

th), McClure Junior High (7

th) and Laidlaw Elementary School (4

th). She

was a four-year member of the YC council, two of which she served as the chairperson. She is currently volunteering as an aide in Marin’s confirmation home group. A licensed clinical social worker, Meghan has worked in student services for 21 years. She is currently completing her ninth year as a counselor/college advisor at Oak Park and River Forest High School. Prior to this role, she spent 12 years at Proviso Township High Schools, as a school social worker and a department chair for student services. Meghan received her MSW from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her undergraduate degree in sociology was completed at the University of Dayton. She is a graduate of Lyons Township High School. Meghan is looking forward to the opportunity to contribute new ideas, learn about strategic plans and serve on the Parish Advisory Council. School Advisory Board Rep: PI Ebeling PI Ebeling and her family moved to Hinsdale and chose to send their children to St. John of the Cross in July 2017. Carson is in 5th grade, Zoe in 4th grade and Mack is in Kindergarten. They value a Catholic faith-based education and were fortunate to have a strong early elementary school experience at Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts in the city. PI volunteered multiple years as a room mom and served as Senior Communications Chair for the annual Art and Soul Fundraiser. Since 2009, she has been head of investor relations for Treehouse Foods, a $5.5 billion revenue food and beverage manufacturer based in Oak Brook. She has more than 25 years experience in developing and leading in-house corporate financial communication programs, strategic consulting and Wall Street equity research. PI holds a Bachelors of Science from the University of Notre Dame, with a double major in finance and Japanese and earned her MBA in marketing from Loyola University Chicago. School Advisory Board Rep: Meg Nelson Meg Nelson and her family live in Western Springs and have 3 children at St. John of the Cross Parish School - Ryan in 7th grade and twin girls, Cate and Lizzie in 4th grade. Recently, Meg completed a long term substitute assignment for the PK4 teacher at SJC and has previously subbed in many of the grades at the school. Previously, she was a Kindergarten teacher at the Catherine Cook School in Chicago from 2001 to 2007 and during part of that time was also the Assistant Director of Admissions. Prior to that, Meg taught as a 2nd grade assistant at The Latin School of Chicago for three years. Meg holds a Bachelors of Science in Communications and Marketing from St. Mary’s College in Indiana and a Masters in Arts in Teaching from National Louis University. She would welcome the chance to serve on the School Advisory Board and is honored to be considered for the Board.

Parish Elections

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School Advisory Board Rep: Mike Baumel Mike Baumel and his family live in Western Springs and have 5 children. Three children have graduated from St. John of the Cross with one a senior at Indiana University, one a Sophomore at University of Michigan and one currently a Junior at Nazareth Academy. Their daughter, Mia is an 8th grader at SJC and will be going to Nazareth next year and their youngest, Sophia is a 2nd grader at SJC. Mike is active at SJC as a lector and communion minister at Sunday Mass. He and his wife also served as Crossroads Home Group leader for SJC several times in the past. Mike served on the SJC Parish Council under Pastor Richard Hynes. Mike volunteered at the house of the Good Shepherd, a shelter for women and children who were victims of domestic violence, for 20 years, 10 of which were as a board member and 5 as the President of the Board. Mike is a lawyer and currently the Head of North American Claims at AXIS Capital. He earned his Bachelors of Business from University of Iowa and a law degree from DePaul University. Catholic education is very important to Mike, and he would welcome the opportunity to serve on the School Advisory Board. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Jeannine Palm Jeannine Palm joined St. John of the Cross Parish 10 years ago when she moved here from Jacksonville, FL with her husband, Erik, and two children, Eden (now 15) and Anderson (now 12). Eden attended YC and received 1st Communion here before the family moved back to Florida in 2012. Jeannine was involved with the religious education program in Ponte Vedra Beach, where she completed Level I Catechist Certification and taught in a 4

th grade classroom. Since returning to

Western Springs and SJC in 2017, Eden has received the Sacrament of Confirmation, Anderson attends YC, and Jeannine has sponsored Erik through his journey to become Catholic at this year’s Easter Vigil Mass. Jeannine grew up near Philadelphia, PA, has a B.A. in Philosophy from Boston College and a J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law. She has been active in the parish through YC volunteer work, Flourish meetings, and the RCIA program, and is looking forward to serving the parish as a member of the YC Council. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Michael Coglianese Michael and Marleen Coglianese joined St. John of the Cross Parish in 2011 when they moved to Western Springs from Chicago. They have three children, Ryan, a 4

th grader, Brendan, a 2

nd grader

and Kate, a Kindergartener all at Laidlaw and all are currently in the YC Program at SJC. Michael earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University and MBA from Northwestern University. He currently serves as the Director of Financial Planning & Analysis for USG Corporation in Chicago and has been with the Company for nearly 20 years. Outside of work, Michael volunteers for his kids’ various activities through the school, athletics and the Western Springs Theatre and looks forward to participating on the YC Council. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Tim Woods Tim Woods and his wife Nancy Burke joined St. John of the Cross in 2001 and live in Ridge Acres with their twin 8

thgrade boys, Patrick and Jeremiah. Tim earned his B.A. from Niles College

Seminary, and loved teaching high school religion in Chicago for years. He also has been a corporate trainer in various industries for over 20 years. Tim has volunteered in YC since 2010; he has enjoyed working as a catechist aide and catechist. Tim is looking forward to joining the YC Council and supporting the programs that do such great work for the parish. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Meg Vorpahl Meg Vorpahl has been a St. John of the Cross parishioner for 17 years. She and her husband, Brian, raise their two daughters, Elise (17) and Greta (14) together. During her childhood, her faith family was one of inclusion and involvement at all ages. Teaching YC at pre-school, 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades has been especially fun and rewarding, giving back and welcoming families at all stages of faith. She looks forward to sharing her experiences as she works with the YC Council.

Parish Elections

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We are all, I suspect, familiar with the famous expression from Julian of Norwich, now an axiom in our language. She once famously wrote: In the end all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of being shall be well. To which Oscar Wilde is reported to have added: “And if it isn’t well, then it’s still not the end”. Few words better express what we celebrate in the resurrection of Jesus. Belief in the resurrection, belief that God raised Jesus from the dead, constitutes the very ground of our Christian faith. Everything else we believe in as Christians is grounded on that truth and, as St. Paul says, if that isn’t true, if Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, we are the most deluded of all people. But if God did raise Jesus, and we believe that he did, then not only can the rest of Jesus’ message be trusted, we can then live with the ultimate consolation that the end of our story has already been written and it is a happy, ecstatic ending. We will in the end, live happily ever after. Life is indeed a fairy tale. How does the resurrection of Jesus guarantee that? Here’s how Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, that wonderful scientist and mystic from the previous generation, answered. Once, having just made a presentation within which he presented a vision of how the cosmos and all of life will come together in one final harmony inside the Cosmic Christ at the end of time, he was challenged by a skeptic to this effect: “That’s a lot of wishful thinking and optimism. But suppose we blow up the world with a nuclear bomb, what happens to your wishful thinking then?” Teilhard’s answer wonderfully distinguishes genuine Christian hope both from wishful thinking and natural optimism, even as it affirms what the resurrection of Jesus guarantees. He responded in words to this effect: “If we blow up the world with a nuclear bomb, well that would be a two-million-year setback. But what I’m proposing will happen, not because I wish it so or have empirical evidence to warrant it. It will happen because Christ promised it, and in the resurrection, God showed that God has the power to deliver on that promise.” What we believe in as Christians is not based on wishful thinking or natural optimism, it’s based on the word and promises of Jesus and the trustworthiness of that word and those promises is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus. When we believe this, we can live our lives without undue anxiety about anything, confident that the end of our story is already written and that it’s a happy

ending. If we believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, if we believe in the resurrection, then, in essence, we believe that the world is already saved. We don’t have to save the world; we only have to live in face of the fact that we believe it has already been saved. And if we live in face of that belief we can risk everything, risk our very lives, knowing that our ending of our story has already been written and that it’s a happy one, no matter how dire things might look at present. We see a wonderful example of this kind of belief in Archbishop Desmond Tutu, one of the key figures in opposing and eventually bringing down apartheid in South Africa. At the heart of the struggle to bring down apartheid, facing every kind of threat, he remained steadfast and even joyful in face of threats and overwhelming odds. What anchored him in his steadiness and joy? Belief in the resurrection of Jesus. Occasionally on a Sunday morning when he would be preaching, armed soldiers would come into the church and line-up along the isles with their weapons in hand, hoping to intimidate him. Tutu, for his part, would smile at them and say: “I am glad you’ve come to join the winning side! We’ve already won!” In saying this, he wasn’t talking about the battle over apartheid which, at that point, was still far from won. He was talking about the resurrection of Jesus, the definitive triumph of goodness over evil, which assures that, in the end, goodness will eventually triumph over evil, love over division, justice over injustice, and life over death. Knowing that, we can live life in confidence and hope. It will end well, not because we wish it so or because things are looking that way for us. It will end well because Jesus promised it would and in the resurrection, God backs up that promise. Hence there’s nothing to fear, nothing – not defeat, not threat, not loss, not sickness, not even death. The resurrection of Jesus assures us that in the end all shall be well, and all shall be well, and every manner of being shall be well; and if it isn’t well … well, then it’s still not the end!

Ron Rolheiser

And All Manner of Being Shall Be Well

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Rev. Marc Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Peter Galek, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. William Vollmer, Associate Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Mass Schedule through June 8 Monday-Friday 7:45am Saturday 8:00am, 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, 12:15pm, 5pm No 12:15pm Mass beginning May 26 Confessions Saturdays 8:30am or upon request Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 2:30-8:45pm No Adoration on Holidays Christian Meditation Mondays 10:30am (11th Step), Tuesdays 7:30pm, Wednesdays 2:30pm, Saturdays 7:00am St. John of the Cross Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404 Parish Center Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00am-8:00pm Weekends 8:00am-6:00pm Parish School Office 708-246-4454 Youth Catechesis Office 708-246-6760

Saturday, May 4, 2019 Evening Mass 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Robert Plechaty † Edward Laude † Larry Marciniak † Sunday, May 5, 2019 7:30am Mass Remembrances: Krupski & Wisniewski Families † Sobek & Virgilio Families † 9:00am Mass Remembrances: Janice Craig † Anna Howells † Ellen Lee McCarthy † 10:45am Mass Remembrances: Thomas Donnelly † Evelyn Ozog † Lois Goralka † Anita Smith † Greta Kinsella † 12:15pm Mass Remembrances: Sylvester Okuofu † Thomas Schneider † Bernette Harris † 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Agnes Grabacki † Pat Maley † Monday, May 6, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Dick Baum † Muriel Albertson † Robert & Evon Clawsen † Tuesday, May 7, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Bridget Dowdle † Maryann Scalise † Virginia Woodlock † Wednesday, May 8, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Gerald Supple † Carolyn Supple † Thursday, May 9, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Mary Ann Hardek † Maryann Anglim † Fr. David Dowdle † 40th Ordination Anniversary Friday, May 10 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Connie Ptak † Steven Welsh † Saturday, May 11, 2019 8:00am Mass Remembrances: Wayne Baker † Anil Agaswal † Evening Mass 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Susanne Walsh † Joan Kalish † Madigan & O’Malley Families † James Schuler † Sunday, May 12, 2019 7:30am Mass Remembrances: Tom McGorey † Joanne Duffy † 9:00am Mass Remembrances: Joe Majerick † Stella Ernat † Patrick McNaughton † Ellen Lee McCarthy † 10:45am Mass Remembrances: Jessie Norville † Steven Welsh † Marita Pahnke † Anita Smith † Norma Menendez † Mary Jean Longueil † 12:15pm Mass Remembrances: John Rupar † Michael Malecek † Mary Dufficy † 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Mary Joe Henry † Erin Lively †

Honor a loved one (deceased or living) with a Mass Remembrance. The person’s name will be printed in the Sunday bulletin, mentioned at Mass, and a card will be given to you or sent to the person you designate. The cost is $10 per Mass Remembrance. Call or stop in the Parish Center office for Mass

Remembrances in 2019 and 2020. Sign Up to Receive our Weekly Newsletter and Bulletin: [email protected] Low gluten hosts are available by contacting a Sacristan before Mass in the sacristy. Nursery Service is available during the 9:00am and 10:45am Masses in the Rectory Garden Room. Enter at the north Rectory doors. No sitting on May 12, May 26, June 23, July 1 and September 1.

Prayer Requests We Pray for Our Sick Sam Cibula, Amanda Cook, Helen DiNuzzo, Linda Dorminey, Aggie Frolik, Frank Gembala, Fran Halisz, Karen Hult, Thomas Ivaska, John Kost, Peggy Koucky, Tom Laskey, Lorraine Majerick, Sophie Ann McDaniel, Bobbie Misiora, Ernie Misiora, Gail O’Toole, Blanche Terry Pepin, Jeff Reitmeier, John Ryan, Rachael Schopp, Shawn Sweeney, Roselynn Wicklander, Dominic Yocius

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Staff Sgt. Steven Foody, Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki, Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler USAF Pararescue, Corporal Daniel Pett, MAJ. James Maicke, Sgt. Robert Marburger, Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci, Lance Corporal David Strafaci, Seaman Emily Strafaci, Sgt. Michael Grabarek, Spc. Douglas Junius, PFC Kevin Lawinger, Lieutenant James Viano, First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini, Captain Emily Kopec, Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg, LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy, Rev. Filbert Ngwila, Chaplain US Army

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Frances Bielawski, mother of Dave Bennett, grandmother of 2

Marriage Banns Lauren Wall & Omar Vasquez

Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of Youth Catechesis [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Manager [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Manager [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Communications Coordinator [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Parish Operations [email protected] Katie Nicholson, Crossroads Coordinator [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Front Office Coordinator [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome Coordinator [email protected] Pat Surdyk, Liturgy & Music Assistant [email protected] Christina Turlek, Financial Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

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New Mass Schedule Effective Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 2019

Saturday Evening Mass: 4:00pm Sunday Mass:

7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm

Monday-Saturday Weekday Mass: 9:00am

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org

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009239 St John of the Cross Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170


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Tina TzinaresAgentAUTO • HOME • LIFE • BANK

201 E. Ogden Ave., Unit 15Hinsdale, IL 60521630-789-1866www.tinainsuresme.com


Jim Gruszka, Handyman(708) 601 8833

[email protected]

Anthony BaroneCPA, MBA, MST

AB CPA, Inc.Personal and Individual Income

Tax PreparationBusiness Accounting and

Payroll Services

[email protected]


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