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ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The...

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Phone: 6882 2677 Fax: 6884 4500 Email: [email protected] Fees Enquiries: 6884 8504 Email: [email protected] Term 3 Week 2 July 24, 2017 ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER www.stjohnsprimarydubbo.catholic.edu.au 138 Sheraton Road P.O. Box 4914 SCHOOL MANAGER Father Greg Kennedy SCHOOL CHAPLAIN Father Greg Kennedy PRINCIPAL Mr Anthony O’Leary ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Mr Adam Foley REC Mr David Schwager PRIMARY COORDINATOR Mrs Paula Clifford TEACHING STAFF: KINDERGARTEN Mrs Maria Brice Mrs Teagan Hoper YEAR 1 Mrs Paula Clifford / Ms Kara Mawbey Miss Cassandra Hawke YEAR 2 Miss Madeleine Redden Mrs Laura Emery Mrs Angela Benton/ Mrs Sarah Davis YEAR 3 Ms Anna Veech Mrs Kim English/Mrs Erin Carney YEAR 4 Mrs Judith Gibson/Mrs Aimee Rose Mrs Shannon Lea . YEAR 5 Miss Emma Bolton/Mrs Amanda Shields Mr George Sayers YEAR 6 Mrs Mickaela Wright/Mrs Karyn King Mr David Schwager/ Mrs Gabrielle Jones SPECIAL EDUCATION: Mrs Patricia Toohey, Mr Adam Foley Mrs Amanda Shields TEACHER’S AIDES: Mrs Deanna Swanson, Mrs Bronwyn Harper, Mrs Tracey Duncan Mrs Maricon Suckling, Mr Trevor Thomas, Mrs Belinda Montague, Mrs Paula Campbell, Mrs Kristie Scott, Mrs Megan Jones LIBRARIAN: Mrs Maree Williams ABORIGINAL EDUCATION WORKER: Ms Tiffany Lucas CREATIVE ARTS: Ms Louise Lindsay SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION: Mrs Margo Green, Mrs Karen Meredith CANTEEN MANAGER: Mrs Cathy Dries GENERAL HAND : Mr Mark Bradford CLEANER: Mrs Kerry Iverach P&F MEETINGS: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each Term PARENTS/GUARDIANS Please note that photographs of students may be used in this publication. Please advise the School Office if you do not approve of your child’s photo being used. From the Principal’s desk…. Welcome to Week 2. I would like to sincerely congratulate the enre school on a very smooth start to the new term. When I visited the classrooms last week, from Kinder to Year 6, the energy and enthusiasm towards learning was evident. Well done St John’s Primary. Last Tuesday, the Bathurst Catholic Educaon Office held their inaugural ‘Educaon Showcase’. Twelve schools from the Diocese shared innovaon and successes from their teaching and learn- ing programs. Our school was represented by Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright, who presented a workshop on our school’s iniaves in STEM. Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright demonstrated the use of ICT, with a focus on Robocs. The feedback from their workshop was extremely posive. Con- gratulaons Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright. Tomorrow, Tuesday at 1pm the P&F will be holding their P&F meeng at the Cultural Centre. I applaud the P&F with this iniave to expand the opportunies for parcipaon. I know it can be difficult to get to a meeng at 7pm in the colder winter months. Your aendance will be very well received and your input valued. This Wednesday, the Northern Region Athlecs will be held at Barden Park. The best of luck to all of our athletes. Mahew 13:24-43 Jesus put a parable before the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While everyone was asleep his enemy came, sowed darnel all among the wheat, and made off. When the new wheat sprouted and ripened, the darnel appeared as well. The owner’s servants went to him and said, ‘Sir, was it not good seed that you sowed in your field? If so, where does the darnel come from?” “Some enemy has done this” he answered. And the servants said, “Do you want us to go and weed it out?” But he said, “No, because when you weed out the darnel you might pull up the wheat with it. Let them both grow ll the harvest; and at harvest me I shall say to the reapers: First collect the darnel and e it in bundles to be burnt, then gather the wheat into my barn.”’ VISION STATEMENT To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light and hope.
Page 1: ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the celebration of the death and resurrection of

Phone: 6882 2677

Fax: 6884 4500

Email: [email protected]

Fees Enquiries: 6884 8504

Email: [email protected]

Term 3 Week 2 July 24, 2017



138 Sheraton Road

P.O. Box 4914

S C H O O L M A N A G E R F a t h e r G r eg Ken n ed y

S C H O O L C H A P L A I N F a t h e r G r eg Ken n ed y

P R I N C I P A L M r A n t h o n y O ’ L e a r y

A S S I S T A N T P R I N C I P A L M r A d am F o l e y

R E C M r D a v i d S c h w ag e r


Mrs Paula Clifford TEACHING STAFF:

KINDERGARTEN Mrs Maria Brice Mrs Teagan Hoper

YEAR 1 Mrs Paula Clifford / Ms Kara Mawbey

Miss Cassandra Hawke


Miss Madeleine Redden Mrs Laura Emery Mrs Angela Benton/ Mrs Sarah Davis

YEAR 3 Ms Anna Veech

Mrs Kim English/Mrs Erin Carney


Mrs Judith Gibson/Mrs Aimee Rose Mrs Shannon Lea .

YEAR 5 Miss Emma Bolton/Mrs Amanda Shields Mr George Sayers

YEAR 6 Mrs Mickaela Wright/Mrs Karyn King

Mr David Schwager/ Mrs Gabrielle Jones

SPECIAL EDUCATION: Mrs Patricia Toohey, Mr Adam Foley Mrs Amanda Shields

TEACHER’S AIDES: Mrs Deanna Swanson, Mrs Bronwyn

Harper, Mrs Tracey Duncan Mrs Maricon Suckling, Mr Trevor

Thomas, Mrs Belinda Montague, Mrs Paula Campbell, Mrs Kristie Scott, Mrs Megan Jones

LIBRARIAN: Mrs Maree Williams


CREATIVE ARTS: Ms Louise Lindsay

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION: Mrs Margo Green, Mrs Karen Meredith


GENERAL HAND : Mr Mark Bradford

CLEANER: Mrs Kerry Iverach

P&F MEETINGS: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each Term PARENTS/GUARDIANS Please note that photographs of students may be used in this publication. Please advise the School Office if you do not approve of your child’s photo being used.

From the Principal’s desk…. Welcome to Week 2. I would like to sincerely congratulate the entire school on a very smooth

start to the new term. When I visited the classrooms last week, from Kinder to Year 6, the energy

and enthusiasm towards learning was evident. Well done St John’s Primary.

Last Tuesday, the Bathurst Catholic Education Office held their inaugural ‘Education Showcase’.

Twelve schools from the Diocese shared innovation and successes from their teaching and learn-

ing programs. Our school was represented by Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright, who presented a

workshop on our school’s initiatives in STEM. Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright demonstrated the use

of ICT, with a focus on Robotics. The feedback from their workshop was extremely positive. Con-

gratulations Miss Bolton and Mrs Wright.

Tomorrow, Tuesday at 1pm the P&F will be holding their P&F meeting at the Cultural Centre. I

applaud the P&F with this initiative to expand the opportunities for participation. I know it can be

difficult to get to a meeting at 7pm in the colder winter months. Your attendance will be very

well received and your input valued.

This Wednesday, the Northern Region Athletics will be held at Barden Park. The best of luck to all

of our athletes.

Matthew 13:24-43

Jesus put a parable before the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven

may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.

While everyone was asleep his enemy came, sowed darnel all

among the wheat, and made off. When the new wheat sprouted

and ripened, the darnel appeared as well. The owner’s servants

went to him and said, ‘Sir, was it not good seed that you sowed in

your field? If so, where does the darnel come from?” “Some enemy has done this” he answered.

And the servants said, “Do you want us to go and weed it out?” But he said, “No, because when

you weed out the darnel you might pull up the wheat with it. Let them both grow till the harvest;

and at harvest time I shall say to the reapers: First collect the darnel and tie it in bundles to be

burnt, then gather the wheat into my barn.”’


To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light and hope.

Page 2: ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the celebration of the death and resurrection of

He put another parable before them, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. It

is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it is grown it is the biggest shrub of all and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air

come and shelter in its branches.’

He told them another parable, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like the yeast a woman took and mixed in with three measures of

flour until it was leavened all through.’

In all this Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables; indeed, he would never speak to them except in parables. This was to fulfil

the prophecy:

'I will speak to you in parables and expound things hidden since the foundation of the world.'

Then, leaving the crowds, he went to the house; and his disciples came to him and said, ‘Explain the parable about the darnel

in the field to us.’ He said in reply, ‘The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world; the good seed is the

subjects of the kingdom; the darnel, the subjects of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them, the devil; the harvest is the end

of the world; the reapers are the angels. Well then, just as the darnel is gathered up and burnt in the fire, so it will be at the

end of time. The Son of Man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that provoke offences and

all who do evil, and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. Then the virtuous

will shine like sun in the kingdom of their Father. Listen, anyone who has ears!’


This passage is packed with parables. The disciples must have commented on Jesus’ use of parables because he felt the need

to explain his reason for using them. The parables would have intrigued the disciples, especially as so many of the parables

used situations and items that were familiar to them. The disciples would have speculated about their meaning, but obviously

needed to ask Jesus many times for an explanation.

Jesus teaches us in the same way. Our lives are full of parables. Simple (and sometimes amazing) situations have the power to

help us to know Jesus and to follow him with greater faith and understanding. We need to have open eyes and listening ears

in order to find and understand the parables present in our lives.

Taking time on a daily or weekly basis to reflect in a prayerful way upon the events of our lives – ordinary or extraordinary –

can also provide the moment when we have listening ears and open eyes and the parables become apparent. It is not always

easy to do this, as these very same events can propel us onwards to the next thing as if we are on an escalator, and the op-

portunity for engaging with the parables in our lives slips away.

The meaning of the parables Jesus used was not always obvious to the disciples. They asked about them and Jesus responded

with explanations. Accessing our personal parables is as simple as wanting to, and seeking the help of the Teacher who pre-

pared them for us.

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES Regular school attendance is an important factor in successful learning and social development for all children.

Unfortunately, genuine illness or injury necessitates absence for shorter or sometimes longer periods – this is part

of life and totally understandable. Prompt explanation of absence by parents and carers is required either by

dated note or email to the school. We are required to provide regular reporting to Commonwealth Government

authorities on attendance via our electronic roll and to assess explanations for absence as justifiable or

unjustifiable. We are also required to follow up on unexplained absences. Providing an explanation for absence

saves your teacher a considerable amount of time.

Extended absences are not encouraged for the reasons mentioned above. An application for extended absence

Page 3: ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the celebration of the death and resurrection of

(10 days or more) must be completed and submitted for approval to the principal prior to the absence taking place.

Please note that morning assembly is part of the school day. Children are expected to attend. We encourage children to be at school for the full day unless there is a justifiable and fully explainable reason (note or email) for them to leave school early or arrive late; or special arrangements have been put in place by the school.


This week is Book Week. There will be activities each day to support this celebration, with the Book Parade this Friday. Have fun!

God Bless and have a wonderful week

Anthony O’Leary

Important Dates to Remember July 25 Year 6 attending Portrait lessons at Western Plains Cultural Centre

July 25 P&F Meeting 1pm at the Western Plains Cultural Centre

July 26 Chess Competition St Mary’s

July 26 Northern Region Athletics

July 28 Book Fair & Book Character Parade 10am

July 29/30 First Communion at weekend Masses

Aug 1 ICAS English Exam

Aug 1 Year 6 Debating in the Hall

Aug 3 Years 3-6 attending Dubbo Christian School Musical

Aug 4 St Laurence’s Gala Soccer Day

Aug 5/6 First Communion at weekend Masses

Aug 7-10 Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Aug 8 Mary Mackillop Liturgy

Aug 9 Year 1 Mass in the Hall 2pm

Aug 13 Celebration Mass for First Communion followed by family bbq

Aug 15 Assumption Mass with St Pius X 10am at St Brigid’s

Aug 15 ICAS Maths Examination

Aug 18 Bathurst Diocesan Athletics Carnival (DCL Park Dubbo)


Our banking volunteer for this week is Lauren

Hawkins. Please remember to bring your bank books

in before Wednesday.

Canteen News

Friday helpers this week are Karen Saunders and Michelle Carlon

Enjoy your week!

Brooke and Cathy 0458550747

Page 4: ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the celebration of the death and resurrection of

Religious Education News Term 3, Week Two 2017

First Communion

On the weekend, we had some of our Year 3 students receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first

time, (commonly referred to as First Communion). This will continue at Parish Masses over the next 2

weekends, followed by a Celebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the

celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ in the Mass and is the central act of worship in the

Catholic community. Please keep these children in your thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks.

With Deepest Sympathy

On behalf of the St John’s School community, I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family

and friends of Jake Fardell who recently passed away in an automobile accident. Jake was a valued

member of our Year 6 class in 2011 and is fondly remembered as a kind-hearted boy who always looked

for the positive in every situation.

Give me Five for Kids

Last week, our School Captains and Vice-captains enjoyed meeting Michael, Pippa and Jimi, the local ra-

dio team from hit 93.5, to hand-over the $615 our school raised for the “Give Me Five for Kids” mufti-

day which goes towards the Children’s ward at Dubbo Hospital. Thank you everyone for your support

with this important fund-raising activity.

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Our very special week celebrating books and reading has arrived! The children are very excited and look forward to a week full of fabulous activities!

Book Week is a wonderful opportunity to promote and celebrate books, reading and the power of story telling.

Book Week is promoted by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA), a not-for-profit, volunteer run organization which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians. The CBCA presents annual awards to books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to Australian children’s literature. In 2015, the CBCA celebrated 70 years of enjoying and promoting the best of Australian literature for children and young people.

The 2017 theme ESCAPE TO EVERYWHERE opens up a whole new world to meet new and old book characters and escape into their world. When you read a book you have adventures, escape from baddies, save people’s lives, laugh aloud, blink away tears, meet dragons and unicorns journey to other lands and outer space. Through books you can escape to all sorts of places – Hogwarts, Narnia, Neverland, Middle Earth, Wonderland, The Emerald City, Whoville… When you are reading it feels like you are someplace else – you can hear the mournful hoot of an owl, smell the salt of the ocean or feel the thunder of hooves approaching. What does Escape to Everywhere Mean to You?

Visit our library to experience books and stories from everywhere!!! Enter the world of Narnia from our very own magical wardrobe door!

Our Book Character Parade will be held at 10:00am on Friday 28th July. Children come to school dressed as a book character. Parents and friends are invited to attend the Book Character Parade and meet an amazing array of Book Characters. Everyone is also invited to visit the library to view the Book Week Displays and decorations and to support the Book Fair. Come and join us for a great morning!!!

A big highlight of our Book Week Celebrations will be the Book Fair taking place in the library. Our library is transformed into a book shop and all children have the opportunity to view and buy books from our Scholastic Book Fair on Wednesday. Everyone in the family will find that special book from the great selection of quality books – exclusive editions, the newest titles and award-winning books. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to encourage your child’s love of reading and support our library at the same time, as our school receives a percentage of all sales. Each purchase will receive a raffle ticket to go in the drawer for a book prize from the Book Fair. Books may be purchased during the week before and after school and at lunch time as well as before and after the Book Character Parade on Friday! Credit Card facilities available.

Please join us this week for a wonderful Celebration of Reading and Literature.

Maree Williams


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Learn to Swim and Water Safety 2017

(preliminary information)

As part of the PDHPE program at St John’s Primary students in Years K,1,2 & 3 will be participating in a

one week intensive learn to swim and water safety activities in Weeks 9 & 10 of Term 3. (The week &

times that the different grades will be going to the pool will be confirmed when permission notes come

home with the students.)

The program will be conducted at the RSL Aquatic and Leisure Centre. Children will participate in ability

group lessons that will be conducted by Austswim qualified instructors provided by the RSL’s award win-

ning Swim School.

The swimming ability groups will range from the non swimming ability category through to the capable

swimmer. All ability levels are appropriately catered for by the instructors.

Students will attend each day, in either Week 9 or 10, for one week of 5 intensive swimming and water

safety lessons. The cost of the lessons will be $80 which includes transport by bus to and from the pool

each day. The $80 cost for the learn to swim and water safety program will be invoiced with the Term 3

school fees.

Permission notes and information regarding to your child/childrens swimming ability will be sent home

soon for you to fill out and return to school.

If you have any queries, concerns or would like to discuss any aspect of the program please do not hesi-

tate to contact the school.

THURSDAY / FRIDAY MUNCHIES AT THE CANTEEN Don’t forget our new menu items which are available each Thursday & Friday for afternoon tea (second break)

Afternoon Tea

These items are managed differently so as to minimise wastage.

Please follow this procedure for Afternoon Tea Thursday & Friday Munchies:

1. You can put in an order marked ‘Afternoon Tea,’ or children are most welcome to order during lunch (1st break) by speak-ing to the ladies in the canteen and prepaying for break 2 foods.

2. Advise your child that they must come and collect their break 2 food from the canteen (normal lunch tubs are not used for distribution of afternoon tea items)

Fruit Salad Bowl $3 Meatball Sub $3-00

Egg Salad Tray $4 Hamburger, lettuce & tomato $4-00

Chicken Salad Tray $4.50 Hamburger + salad $5

Ham Salad Tray $4.50 Vegie Sushi $2-50

Page 7: ST JOHNS PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERweekends, followed by a elebration Mass on Sunday 13th August. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the celebration of the death and resurrection of


The Woolworths Earn and Learn Programme will

commence this Wednesday,26 July 2017, so please

remind your neighbours and extended family to

collect the stickers and pop them in the St John’s

Primary box which will be at each of the three Woolworths

supermarkets. There will also be a box here at school if you

want to send the stickers in with your children.

Remember, the more stickers that are collected, the more

resources the school will be able to claim for your children.

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