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St Johnsville NY Enterprise 1942-1943

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f _ ^ ' , •_-.-' _ . ..-- .— .—. - - - - -, - ... - ; --.: '„" . Mohawk Valley Genealogy and History ST. JOHNSVILLE, N. Y. $8.00 Per Year AWARDED HONORABLE MENTION, 1M2, BY NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSN. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1948 wmm - c i s t e r n a,xx<ft a-srxesLiogry Catalog of Documents in Clcsel3r lELter'TxroTreri. By Rev. W. N. F. Dailey to Dutch Church. Page 151 Capt If the best history of mankind >s Abram Staes buys a lot in Albany, the history of the best men and wo- Oct. 25, 1643, between Howard men who lived in the world, as we Beaver streets which he later sold to believe it is, then in order to under the Lutherans on March 28, 16S0. On stand the great events in global his- July 22, 1686 Albany gets its charier I helm " wnich included the town of St. tory wa must study the lives and the as a city from Gov. Dongan and Jo- johnsville chim Staats is an alderman mention-1 AssesS me,U Rolls 1835 lxus. Book ed in the charter. Montgomery Co. Archives Genealogy ©I The John Greene am'dy oi Qusdnessevl B. L (Continued from last week) Assessment Rolls 1831-1828. Book T-181. Contains list of names of pro- perty owners in the town of Oppen- services rendered by these persons. Thus we come to see how history and genealogy are so clc3ety interwoven, and how no clear picture of the past or present can be gained unless we carefully research in both these fields. A recent re-reading of one of the volumes of Joel Munsell's "Annals of Albany County" (vol. 1) with the story of the Maj. Abram Staats fam- ily in mind, forcibly illustrates this principle. Many another history, and with some other family in thought, would produce the same results. In the J. H. Reaney Library in St. Johnsville. N. Y. is a collection of Assessment Rolls 1835-1838 T-182. Contains same type of records On page 58 is a reference to the I as above. 168? charter and the pasture of ; Record of Births of Slaves of Pala- Abram Staats. Maj. Abraham Staats, tine and Oppenheim 1802-1823. Book J. P. is absent from a July council T-183. Contains records of the birth meeting 1689 (p. TO) and is present ! of slaves and records of the gradual March 22, 1889 to. 208. Jacob Staats i abolition of" slaves in these towns, is a Council member (Oct. 14, 1687)1 Records of School Districts 1831- <p. 93) and subscribes five pounds 1 1838> Book T * 184 - for defense Sept. 1689 (p. 119) as i Contains records of the laying out CANAJOUARIE Proceedings of the Village Board: 1829-1842, Vol. I. Book V-115. 1843-1855, Vol. II. Book V 116. 1855-1872, Vol. III. Book V-117. 1873-1887, Vol. IV, part 1. Book lsa ^ Z Through His Eldest Son, Captain Edward Greene Compiled by LEORA MAE GREENE HILD^NBRAND, 1941 part 2. Book V-118. 18*3-1887, Vol. V V-119. 1887-1892, Vol. VI. Book V-119A. 1892-1901, Vol. VII, Book V-11«B. (Continued from last week) Revolutionary War Veterans reeinan Isaac Freeman, born September 14, 1747, in Woodbridge, N. J., died May 18, 1824, Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He married Elizabeth Slston. of school districts; apportionment of school money of the Town of Oppen- heim including the Town of St. Johnsville prior to the division of Ful- 1689, a "great multitude of people as- I ton and Montgomery Counties. did also at the same time, Lt. Jochim Staatls. On Sept. 11, 1689 Lt. Jo- chim Staats and nine others fixed the soldiers' pay (p. 116.) Nov. 11, These volumes contain records of She born 1751 > died 182a B °th buried village meetings, village audits, re- *n Methodist Church Yard, Warren, cords of the water commissioners, re- j N. Y. cords of the fire companies and gen- eral village business, ST. JOHNSVILLE Proceedings of the Village Board: 1857-1898, Vol. I. Book V-120. 1898-1909, Vol. II. Book V-121. 1905-1912, Vol. III. Book V-122. These volumes contain records of He served as a private in Captain Samuel Pierson's company. 2nd Reg- iment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia. They settled in Herkimer county, N. Y. 1796. Issue: 1. Elizabeth Freeman born Dec. 6, j cords of the water commissioners; 1826-1847.1 recor ds of the fire companies and t ,- , h . ixtv-two historic* ot the sembled *&&&? at Cit y Ha! l and | TOW N OF SHARON, SCHOHARIE | villa S e meetings; village audits; rel 1771, married Isaac Anderson most ot the sixty-two ^stories ot the chose Lt SLaatg R n d c Wendell COUNTY these" tomes" woind*'rev"earr' i e reat t0 COmmand a wm P a »y of sdftuers, j Town clerk > 3 Minutes tnese tomes would reveal a great come from New York (This a contains minutes of ! general village business. mass ot historical data peculiar to T oi _i__ ,„„,,„ „ , „ „ -, * T.1 KOOK i-*«>. contains minutes ot » = the whole state. ! JSTUL l „ I 7 ™ . A. P P ' " I town meetin S s : election of town offi- I AM& rERI>AM cers and the laying out of road dis- tricts. But, to return to the Staats family, and to Munsell, to whom we owe a debt of immeasurable gratitude for W. N. P. D.) pp. 145- ! 46.) On page 172 is the account of an | "attempt to revolutionize Schenecta- dy" by Jochim Staats and on page 179 Jochim Staats with 30 men were his voluminous and painstaking col-1 „,„.,,..;, t . » t 0 , . . , , .. ._ . Z. * \Z .'appointed to go to Schenectady (Feb. lections. We begin at Albany with m 1 6 9 0 ) t o nurmuk * the year 1642, when Rev. Johannes . French> ^ they"" ' Megapolensis organized the Dutch Church there, and Evarts Pels (Brewer) erected a brewery for the colony, and Dr. Staats, besides follow- ing the pursuit of surgery, was li- censed to trade in furs, and had a large "Bou Werie" of his own. On did not go as it would weaken the Albany force. Feb. IS, 1690 Mayor Schuyler and Jochim Staats orders certain houses and trees and fences to be razed and on Feb. 25, 1689, ordered that no mer- chandise be sent out of the city (p. seli we find this data. On page 84 and jusUce of ^ is an account of the Dutch Church a ... r , , . „ 181-82.) Frequent references to Ja- page 9 of this first volume of Mun- „ . ««.„„•. J «.»»<* ° «•"« staats as assessor and alderman peace, etc. (pp. 237-264.) The latter naees of the consistory meeting at which Henry, > llllYW1 ' f . V f Jochim and William Staats were pres-j ^ T • T ^ ""j™™ to ent (May 27, 1805.) Page 75 refers to' ^f^T e ™". "££ and f th * P art the Hooge Berg farm on the «jK£j? i 2*ft J °?"\ f ^ Wh ° side of the Hudson, a little below Al- I ^ ™ f r "fV2??* ^ I acting Governor of the Province of U J l " ivS ' 0iu 'iNew York, hain Staats (p. 99, 103) dees land! -Hevoluiionary Bellinger Family By Lt. Commander T< F . Bellinger. U. S. N„ Retirsd (Continued from last, week) i 1409B Suffrenuss Snell born 261 June, i7S», died 23 Sept. 1872, age 88-3 months, married 1807 to Eva | Fry, born 9 Oct. 1787, died 30 July | 1867. It is his family Bible and his entries in same that are auoted so i freely Children: 12 (Snell) 3162 Peter born 26 Nov. mar- ried Elisa Mann. 5 children: One, Irving, lived in Manheim and had a family. 3162 Anna born 10 July, 1809. 3163 Levi born 20 Jan. 1811, mar- ; ried Julia Rowan. 4 children. 3164 Judge Enoch born 20 Nov., 1812, married Julia H. Dockey. Eight children, Myron and Salem had fam-; ilies. 3165 Elice born 27 April 1814. 3166 Phoebe born 20 Oct. 1816, married 3118 Peterfi P. Snell. 3167 Emily born 31 Jan. 1819. ,1168 Betsy bom 31 Jan. 1821. See 3157 whom she married. 3169A Jehoram born 81 Juty, 1823., died 1907 Oct. 3. in Manheim. His mother "heard the birth of 294 great j grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren." Read more details in Note 62. Jehoram had the Suft'renus Snell Bible with its interesting re- marks. 5 children: 3 remained single. Edward D. Rich of Lansing, Mich, it a son-in-law of the daughter Mrs. Rowena? (Myon) Yonran, Another daughter of Rowena is probably Miss Mary Youran, R. D. 2 Little Falls, owner of the Family Bible. 3169B Edwin born 14 Jsn. 1825. 3169C Elvira born 27 May 1827. Twin. 3109D Suffrenus, twin, born 27 May 1827, died 1860, married Sarah Tim- merman, daughter of George and Lany, St. Johnsville; 4 children: only one George I. left deae#ndant», 4 girls, 1 boy in Minneapolis. The wife of 316PD Sarah married 2d 1869 Ray Hlllabbrnndt. Data is from Fort Plain cemetery. See 439A for extension. Shoemaker Book page 167. 3174 William 1831-1909 married Mary C. 1830-72. Ford's Bush ceme- tery. Authoritty of A. J. Faiche. Numbers 3261 to 3265 are from 402 Appollonia-*, 65 wifea of Frederick Countryman, 7 Adam? 1, 1 Johannes!. 1535 Henrys C. Hart born 25 August, 1792, Stone Arabia Ref. married 14 Jan. 1816 ot 1584 Eve"' Bellinger, daughter of 434 Henry* (Ad.), born about 1794. He was son of Conrad Hart and 402 Appollonia* Countryman. The St. J. Ch. record states they moved 2 April 1849 to Cicero with their son Daniel. Children: 5 (Hart) 3261 John born 23 Oct. 1816. Spons. 601 John 5 Bellinger and MagdaJena St. Arabia Luth. 3262 Daniel born 16 June 1822. Spons. Adam Hillegas and Peggy Hart. St. J. Ch. 3263 Jacob born 30 July 1825. Spons. Henry Heae and July Ann House. 3264 Mary Arm born 29 Aug, 1327, Spuusuia John Heae, Jr. and Nancy Riece, wife. 3285 William born 15 June 1831. Sponsors the parents. St. J. Ch Numbers 3301 to 3354 arc from 68 Lt. Adam« II, 7 AdamS I, 1 Johan- nes!. 15U2 Adam-'* Bellinger IV, born 25 Dec. 1790, died at Manheim 10 Au- gust 1876, age 86-7-15, Bible leaf \ with pension papers W. C. 18642 i War of 1812, married 15 F«b. 1813 to Dhuitha Bidleman, born 8 June 1790 i (Bible Leaf,) died 11 Nov. 1881, tombstone record, age 91-4. Service: Was in Company VILLAGE RECORDS FULTON V1LLE Proceedings of the Village Board. 1848-1865, Vol. 1. Book V-10G. 1865-1886, Vol. 1. Book V-101. 1866-1900, Vol. III. Book V-102. 1901-1919, Vol. IV. Book V-103. 1916-1919, Vol. V. Book V-103A. These volumes contain records of the village meetings; village audits; records of the water commissioners; records of the fire companies; and general village business. FORT PLAIN Proceedings of the Village Board: 1834-1855, Vol. 1 Book V-104. z 1855-1873, Vol. II. Book V-105. 1894-1896, Vol. IV. Book V-107. 1896-1901, Vol. V. Book V-108. 1901-1901, Vol. VI. Book V-109. 1904-1908, Vol. VII. Book V-110.. 1908-1910, Vol. VIII. Book V-11L 1910-1913, Vol. IX. Book V-112. The."e books contain records of vil- lage meetings; village audits; records of the water commissioners; records of fire companies and general village business. Proceedings of the Village Board 1831-1841. Book V-127. Contains the same type of records | as above. ROCKTON Proceedings of the Village Board: 1882-1885. Book V-129. Contains the same type of records as above. AKIN OR FORT JOHNSON Proceedings of the Village Board: 1909-1916. Book V-131. Contains the same type OL l^^ords as above. INDEXES Index Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia, Vol. 1, part 1. Book 1-100A. Contains index of above church book of 100A 2. Rhoda Freeman, born March 23, 1773, married Benjamin Cory, Jr. (q. v.) 3. Muses Freeman, born 1776 mar- ried Rachel Freeman (his 2nd cou- sin.) Their daughter: Rhoda Freeman born March 23, 1773, died June 28, 1840, married Feb. 1911 at Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil- denbrand. He born March 28, 1889. D. A. R. papers complfited and ready to send in to NSDAR, Wash- ington, D. C. for verification and ac- ceptance November, 1941. John P. Gramps John P. Gramps born 1756-58 died August 5, 1819, married Jan. 17, 178:? Nancy (A*^na) Bellinger. Sh" born about 1758-60, died Sept. 5, 1838. Both buried at Stone Arabia, X. Y. in Dutch Reformed Church Yard. John P. Gramps served as private in Try- on County. N. Y. Militia. Their daughter Magdalena Gramps living 1855 married Nov. 19, 1809 Samuel Cook. He born Aug. S, 1780, died May 24, 1856 (g. s.) Their daughter Lavina Cook born Julv 4, 1821 died Feb. 11, 1901 mar- ried Oct. 28, 1841 William Greene, Jr. he born Aug. 9, 1820, died Feb. 14, 1903. Their son William Cook Green born Oct. 4, 1859, living 1941, married No- vember 11, 1885 Leora A. Leavitt, she born April 28, 1866, died Nov. 15, 1928. Their daughter Leora Mae Greene 9, 1792 Benjamin Cory, Jr. He borni born Ma J' 4 > 1887 married Aug. 30, Sept. 12, 1771, died March 31, 1841 (g. s.) Both buried in Tuttle Ceme- tery, Salisbury Center, N. Y. Their daughter: Eliza Ann Cory Dec. 5, 1809, died April 14, 1888, married 1st Mrrch 22, 1827 Henry Madison. He born Feb. 22, 1802, died Feb. 27, 1857 (g. s.) Their daughter: Jennett B. Madison born Sept. 2, 1911 at Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil- denbbrand. He born March 28, 1880. Service of John P. Gramps accepted by NSDAR. Sergeant Josiah Gold Leavitt Sergt. Josiah Gold Leavitt born June 15, 1753 died Sept. 11, 1830, married Sarah Sherwood June 22, 1775. She born Sept. 29, 1757 died af- ter 1786. Sergt. Josiah Gold Leaviaa served as private and sergeant in \ r nV,'*' VrJ 1 r>art ° Bonk 1-101 A Contains index of church book 101A. Arabia, Vol. II. Book 1-102A. Contains index of church book 102A. Index Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia. Vol. III. Book 1-103A. Contains index of church book 103A. Index Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia. Vol. IV. Book 1-104A. Index of St. Johnsville Dutch Re- formed Church. Vol. I. Book 1-105A. Contains an index of church book 105A. Index Records Dutch Reformed Church of St. Johnsville. Vol. II. Book 1-106A. Index Cemetery Records of Mout- of-war till the peace and arrived | gomery County. Vo. 1. Book 1-1300A. home just in time to see his father) Index of Cemetery Records of He afterwards fol-; Montgomery County. Vol. II. Book John Bouton (Continued from last week) Joshua enlisted in the army at the age of 14 as a drummer, was taken prisoner and kept on board a man- 1835, died Dec. 25, 1907, married 1st | Capt. Naiah Bennett's Company, Jan. 24, 1854 Simon B. Leavitt. He | Conn. Their son Sherwood G. Leavitt born Dec 22 1780 died T\ilv 24 T*60 mar- ried Jan. 8, 1800 Hannah Bennett,, she born Jan. 23, 1775, died July 15, 1826. Their son Joseph B. Leavitt born Oct. 19, 1802 died April 5, 1860, mar- Leora Mae Grene ried June 15, 1826 Lydia Bliss, she Index Lutheran Church of Stone born Nov - 18 - 1832, died May 31, 1873. iuoir daughter Leora A. Leavitt born April 28, 1866 died Nov 15, 1928, married Nov. 11, 1885 William Cook Greene. He born Oct. 4, 1859, living 1941. Their daughter born May 4, 1887 married August 30. 1911 at Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil- denbrand. He bom March 28, 1SS0. D. A. R, papers completed and born Jan. 13, 1807, died April 9, 1860. Their son Simon B. Leavitt born Nov. IS, 1S52 died May 31, 1873, married Jan. 24, 1854 Jennett B. before he died. lowed the sea, and was a skillful and able captain. Page 76 Aditional Tables of Es- tates 1655 John Bouton Sr. Page 349 John, 8nd born Sept. 30, 1659. Matthew, 1st born Dec. 24, 1661 (went to Danbury.) Elizabeth (Mrs, Edmund Warren.) Joseph 1. Rachel born Dec. 16, 1667, (Mrs. Matthias St. John.) Abigail born April 1 Ebenezer Smith 1st.) Thomas (an incorporator Wilton Parish in 1726.) Hannah born 1675 (Mrs. Bets. ) Richard. (Concluded) I Snell born 2 Jan. 1853 Jacob Kyser born 29 July 1823, died 21 Feb. 1907. The eight children of Eliza are: Samuel married Nellie Cunningham: Charles: Adam, married Lucinda of Walrath: Mary Ann, married Aionzo Capt. Bant (Banta?) Little Falls, 63 Hotallng: Jacob, died In infancy: a«y« in W a r of 1812. Descriptive list: "Senie" (Rosina), married W. S. Bar- Height, 5 feet 6 inches, dark h«lr, blue eyes, florid complexion. 1-301A. Index of Cemetery Records of Ful- ton County. Vol. II. Book 1-304A. Index Cemetery Records of Sara- toga, Herkimer and Hamilton Coun- ties. Vol. I. Book 1-305A. Index Records Dutch Reformed ! Church of Stone Arabia, Vol. T. Book ! 1-107A, Contains index of Church Book 107A. i Church of Stone Arabia. Voi. II. 1670 (Mrs, j Book 1-108A. Contains index of church book 108A. Index records Reformed Church of Caughnawaga. Vol. 1. Book 1-162A. Contains index of church Book 162A. Index records Reformed Church of Caughnawaga. Vol. II. Book 1-163A. Contains inde of church book 1163A, Index records Reformed Church of Caughnawaga. Xol. III. Book 1-164A. Contains inde of church book 164A. Index to Superviaor'a Minutes 1920- 1935. Book C-7, index to Supervisor's Minutes 1920- 1939. Book C-8. Index to St. Johnsville Enterprise ready to send in to NSDAR, Wash- i Madison, she born Sept. 2, 1S35, died ington, D. C. for verification and ac- Dec. 25, 1907. ceptance November, 1941. I Their daughter Leora A. Leavitt Ambrose Greene |born April 28, 1866 died Nov. 15, 192S Ambrose Greene born April 9, 1746 i married NoV. 11, 1885 William Cook in Suffolk county, N. Y., died August Greene, he born Oct. 4, 1859, living 29, 1837 in Herkimer county, N. Y. He married 1766 Gula Elma Lester of Dutchess county, N. Y. She born June 8, 1746, died June 1, 1826. Am- brose Greene served as privite in 4th Albany County, N. Y. Regiment. Their son William Greene born May 27, 1789 died April 24, 1852, married March 8, 1808 Hannah 1941. Their daughter Leora Mae Greene born May 4, 1887 married August 30, 1911 at Johnstown, N. Y. George HU- denbrandt. He born March 28, 1880. Service of Sergt, Josiah Gold Leav- itt accepted by NSDAR. Sergeant John Richmond, Jr. Sergt. John Richmond, Jr. born Cronkhite, she born March 23, 1790, j about 1749, died Feb. 2, 1797 married died Oct. 31, 1882. (about 1776 Celia Lincoln, she born Their son William Greene, Jr. born j about 1760. Sergt. John Richmond. August 9, 1820 died Feb. 14, 1903, j Jr. served in Capt. Oliver Soper's Co, married Oct. 28, 1841 Lavina Cook. | "Mass. Soldiers and sailors of the She born July 4, 1821, died Feb. 11, 1901. Their son William Cook Greene horn Oct. 4, 1859 living 1941, mar- of the James j t i e d iNuV, 11, 18S5 Lt;<>Di A. Leaviii, j 1839, married Jan Revolutionary War," Boston, 1905, p. 288. Their daughter Celia Richmond born March 8. 1779 died August 29, 9, 1797 Elkkanaii she born April 28, 1866, died Nov. Bliss, he born March 11, 1770, died IS. 1928. j Sept. 25, 1845. Their daugghter Leora Mae Greene ; Their daughter Lydia BHss bom horn May 4, 1887 married August 30, j Jan. 13, 1807 died April P. 1860 mar- 1911 at Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil-! ried June 15, 1826 Joseph B. Leavitt, denhhrnnd. He born March 28, 1880.; He born Oct. 19, 1802, died April 5, Services of Ambrose Greene ac- 1860 . 1 ICifIC Anna Jiiilv 1787 married Conrad Tinuner- man 1785-1855. See his will in Fonda. It was a ronrad m another genera- tion who became 1802, father-in-law to 1074 John?. B. Klock. Children: 5 or more iTlmmermnn) 3171 Catharine 1S04-67 married 1206 Philip* C. Bellinger. See 1206 for extension, ,1173 Anna 1817*95 married Ran- dolph Dockey, H17.T ElfJtftbnth 1819-83 married 1§2« Henry*- P. Bellinger 1815-93. His parents are given as Philip, horn 11 August 1773, died April 25, 1866, married Anna fipormable born 24 Jan. 1780, died 1846. She may have been a iaeond wife to 4SSA, Philip*. ker: Jane, married Douglas Newman: | and News 1932-1936. Book 1-300, (See the Isaac Nefman family of Bel-1 Contains an index of historical ar- Note: The 1*50 census gives ago' lingertown Enos): Rlisabeth, mar-! tide* and obituary notices appearing of both parents as. 56. The St. ried 13 Sept. 1856 to J. D. Sadler of | in the paper during the year 1932 Johnsville church gives twins, bant the Sadler Pible family, Herkimer. 27 Dec, 1793, Henry J. and Adam to He comes from 2088 lavina, 616 John -13 Joat••- BwiiiiKer, This was a puis- j F„ 83 Frederick, 12 Frederick, 2 %l« until Mrs. Ricer of Little Falls : Frederick the Patentee. Bald she heard hor brother-in-law j 3303 Nathan b«rn 22 Feb. 1824, 3308 Adamf> V. born 1835 (below,) : married Amy Keller, say his father and grandfather were 8204 Lucy born 29 August 1826, both named Adam and "waa quite married Hall 2 mm, 1 daughter, Had cepted bv NSDAR. Ensign Peter GmmpM, Mr, Ensign Peter Gramps, Sr.. Will dated June 30, 1801, proved July 24, 1807,i married about 1738 Elizabeth Mmple, she bom about Oct., 1716, died Feb. 8, 1793, aged 76 years, 4 mos., Their son Simon B. Leavitt born Nov. 18, 1832, died May 81, 1873, married Jan. 24, 1854 Jennett B. Madison, she born Sept. 2, 1835, died Der\ 25, 1907 Their daughter Leora A. Leavitt, born April 28, 1868, died Nov. 15, sure hU grandmother was Lena Elm-; a brickyard in Oneida merman," This information came from Mrs. Edward Goodell, Little Falifl, N. Y. Children: 8 or more (Bollinger) Bi- ble leaf record. Beera' Hurk, Co. pngr- 270. 3301 Hiram born 22 March 1818, married Anna Davis, No children: 1 ad*»pt«l daughter Charlotte, SUM RHM. born 15 Feb. 1832, pen- •km ree. d, April, 1891, married 31 3305 Nancy horn 25 Nov. 1828 m;ir- rted Michael Lovco. Willard IJOVOO of Little Falls is one of many children In thin line. 3306 Diantha born 87 June 18.10 married Wallace Bralnard. 1 ton, 2 daughters. Moved to Carthage. 3307 Belay born 5 Dec, 1832, died August 185*. H»rtUn« Hwrkifriw Herkimer County pagt* 63, (To b# continued) 1936. Alphabetical Index of Questions and Answera m St, ,Juhn«viUe Enter* prise and News 1936. Book 1-300. Index of Documents. Vol. 1. Book 1-301. Tndi'x of Documents. Vol. 1-302. Index of Documents, Vol. lit. Book 1-303. Index of Document*. Vol. IV. B«K)h 1-304. !fld«X of Documents, Vol. V. Book 1-305 Index to Judgment* on file in Co. Clerk's Office 1787-1905. Vol I A-G Book 1-325. Wl II H-R. Book 1826. Vol. Ill B-E Book 1-337. THE END at Stone Arabia, N. Y. Ensign Peter : 1°28. married Nov, 11, 1885 William Gramps (Kremps, Grems.) "Stttiglt C«* Greene he born Oct. 4, 1839, in Tryon County Militia 2nd. Regt, (Hvlng 1941. under Col. Jacob Klock, p. 175. (Tnj Their daughter Leora Mae Greene, saJiie regiment as sons Peter, Jr. andjb° T n M » y 4. 1887 married August 30, John Grems " 1911 at Johnstown, N. V. George Hil- Thelr mm John P. Gramps born , denbrand, he born March 28, 1880. 1756 died August 5, 1819, married; Service of Sergt. John Richmond Jan, 17. 1783 Nancy (Anna) Bollin- J accepted by NSDAR. ger. She born about 1758-60, died j THE END Hept, 5, 18»S. Their daughter Magdalena Gramps living 1855, married Nov. 19, 1809, Samuel Cook Book He born Aug 8. 1780, died May 24, 1856. (f, »J Their daughter I^avina Cook born July 4, 1821 died Feb, 11, 1901 mar- ried Oct, 28, 1741 William Greene, Jr, Ho born August 9, 1830, died Feb 14, 1903. In addition to being cheap, plenti- ful, and universally liked, cereals are important sources of protein, snd the whole grains ajr»> tuming the richest source* of the B vitamins Slip cover material Bhouki be «trong enough to pull off and on the furniture and to withstand u»e for a reasonable length of time. The eel- ora should be fade resistant and with- Their son William Cook Greene,' stand washing or dry cleaning. born Oct. 4, 1858, living 1941 m # H Poor house planning Is the unre- ried Nov. 11, 18H5 Leora A, leavitt, : cognized can* of m#ny home »eel- she born April 28. 1868, died Nov 16,1 dent*, The h»memake«\ tired by IMS. much walking. In doing household du- Thelr dau&htrr Leora Mae Greene i ties through carelBSBiiwi* in..thi» up- born May 4, 1887. mmrried Aug. SO.Jeet condition m«y have an nriimrxt. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

f _ ^ ' , •_-.-' _ . . . - - . — . — . - - - - ™ - , - . . . - ; --.: ' „ " .

Mohawk Valley Genealogy and History ST. JOHNSVILLE, N . Y. $8.00 Pe r Year AWARDED HONORABLE MENTION, 1M2, BY N E W YORK S T A T E HISTORICAL ASSN. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1948

wmm -cistern a,xx<ft a-srxesLiogry Catalog of Documents in Clcsel3r lELter'TxroTreri. By Rev. W. N. F . Dailey t o Dutch Church. Page 151 Capt

If the best his tory of mankind >s A b r a m S taes buys a lot in Albany, the his tory of the best men and wo- Oct. 25, 1643, between Howard men who lived in the world, a s we Beaver s t r ee t s which he la te r sold to believe it is, then in order to under the Lu the rans on March 28, 16S0. On s tand the g rea t events in global his- Ju ly 22, 1686 Albany ge ts i ts cha r i e r I h e l m " w n i c h included the town of St. to ry wa mus t s tudy the lives and the as a city from Gov. Dongan and Jo- johnsville

chim S t a a t s is an a lderman mention-1 A s s e s S m e , U Rolls 1835 lxus. Book ed in the char ter .

Montgomery Co. Archives Genealogy ©I The John Greene am'dy oi Qusdnessevl B. L

(Continued from last week)

Assessment Rolls 1831-1828. Book T-181. Contains list of names of pro­per ty owners in the town of Oppen-

services rendered by these persons. Thus we come to see how history and genealogy a re so clc3ety interwoven, and how no clear pic ture of the past or present can be gained unless we carefully research in both these fields.

A recent re-reading of one of the volumes of Joel Munsell 's "Annals of Albany County" (vol. 1) with the story of the Maj. Abram S t a a t s fam­ily in mind, forcibly i l lus t ra tes this principle. Many another history, and with some other family in thought, would produce the same results . In the J. H. Reaney Libra ry in St. Johnsville. N. Y. is a collection of

Assessment Rolls 1835-1838 T-182. Contains same type of records

On page 58 is a reference to the I a s above. 168? cha r t e r and the pas tu re of ; Record of Bir ths of Slaves of Pala-A b r a m S taa t s . Maj. Abraham S taa t s , t i n e a n d Oppenheim 1802-1823. Book J. P . is absent from a July council T-183. Contains records of the birth mee t ing 1689 (p. TO) and is present ! o f slaves and records of the gradual March 22, 1889 to. 208. Jacob S t a a t s i abolition of" slaves in these towns, is a Council member (Oct. 14, 1687)1 Records of School Districts 1831-<p. 93) and subscribes five pounds 1 1 8 3 8 > B o o k T * 1 8 4 -for defense Sept. 1689 (p. 119) as i Contains records of the laying out

CANAJOUARIE Proceedings of the Village Board : 1829-1842, Vol. I. Book V-115. 1843-1855, Vol. II. Book V 116. 1855-1872, Vol. III . Book V-117. 1873-1887, Vol. IV, par t 1. Book l s a ^ Z

Through His Eldest Son, Captain Edward Greene

Compiled by


par t 2. Book V-118.

18*3-1887, Vol. V V-119.

1887-1892, Vol. VI. Book V-119A. 1892-1901, Vol. VII, Book V-11«B.

(Continued from last week) Revolutionary W a r Veterans

reeinan Isaac Freeman, born September 14,

1747, in Woodbridge, N. J., died May 18, 1824, Warren , Herkimer Co., N. Y. He marr ied Elizabeth Slston.

of school distr icts; apport ionment of school money of the Town of Oppen­heim including the Town of St. Johnsville prior to the division of Ful-

1689, a "g rea t mult i tude of people as - I t o n a n d Montgomery Counties.

did also at the same time, Lt. Jochim S t a a t l s . On Sept. 11, 1689 Lt . Jo­chim S t a a t s and nine o thers fixed the soldiers ' pay (p. 116.) Nov. 11,

These volumes contain records of S h e b o r n 1 7 5 1 > d i e d 1 8 2 a B ° t h buried village meetings, village audits , re - *n Methodist Church Yard, Warren, cords of the wate r commissioners, re - j N. Y. cords of the fire companies and gen­eral village business,


Proceedings of the Village Board : 1857-1898, Vol. I. Book V-120. 1898-1909, Vol. I I . Book V-121. 1905-1912, Vol. III . Book V-122. These volumes contain records of

He served as a private in Captain Samuel Pierson's company. 2nd Reg­iment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia.

They settled in Herkimer county, N. Y. 1796.

I s sue : 1. Elizabeth F reeman born Dec. 6,

j cords of the water commissioners; 1826-1847.1 r e c o r d s of the fire companies and

t , - , h . ix tv- two historic* ot the s e m b l e d *&&&? a t C i t y H a ! l and | T O W N O F SHARON, SCHOHARIE | v i l l a S e meet ings ; village audi t s ; r e l 1771, married Isaac Anderson most ot the sixty-two ^ s t o r i e s ot the c h o s e L t S L a a t g R n d c Wendell COUNTY

these" tomes" w o i n d * ' r e v " e a r r ' ie r e a t t 0 C O m m a n d a w m P a » y of sdftuers, j T o w n c l e r k > 3 M i n u t e s

tnese tomes would reveal a great c o m e f r o m N e w Y o r k „ ( T h i s a con ta ins minutes of! general village business. mass ot historical da ta peculiar to T o i _i__ ,„„,,„ „ , „ „ - , * T.1 K O O K i-*«>. con ta ins minutes ot » = the whole s ta te . ! J S T U L l „ I 7 ™ . A. P P ' " I t o w n m e e t i n S s : election of town offi- I A M & rERI>AM

cers and the laying out of road dis­tr icts .

But, to r e tu rn to the S t a a t s family, and to Munsell, to whom we owe a debt of immeasurable g ra t i tude for

W. N. P . D.) pp. 145-! 46.) On page 172 is the account of an | " a t t e m p t to revolutionize Schenecta­dy" by Jochim S taa t s and on page 179 Jochim S taa t s with 30 men were

his voluminous and pa ins tak ing col-1 „,„.,,..;, t . » t 0 , . . , , .. . _ . Z. * \Z . ' a p p o i n t e d t o go to Schenectady (Feb. lections. We begin a t Albany with m 1 6 9 0 ) t o nurmuk * the year 1642, when Rev. Johannes . F r e n c h > ^ they"" ' Megapolensis organized the Dutch Church there, and E v a r t s Pels (Brewer) erected a brewery for the colony, and Dr. S taa t s , besides follow­ing the pursui t of surgery, was li­censed to t rade in furs, and had a la rge "Bou Werie" of his own. On

did not go a s it would weaken the Albany force. Feb. IS, 1690 Mayor Schuyler and Jochim S t a a t s orders cer tain houses and t rees and fences to be razed and on Feb. 25, 1689, ordered t ha t no mer­chandise be sent out of the ci ty (p.

seli we find this da ta . On page 84 a n d j u s U c e o f ^ is an account of the Dutch Church

a . . . r , , . „ 181-82.) F requen t references to Ja -page 9 of this f irst volume of Mun- „ . ««.„„•. J «.»»<*

° «•"« s t a a t s a s assessor and alderman peace, e tc . (pp.

237-264.) The la t te r naees of the consistory meet ing a t which Henry, > llllYW1 ' f . V f Jochim and William S t a a t s were pres-j ^ T • T ^ ""j™™ t o

ent (May 27, 1805.) P a g e 75 refers t o ' ̂ f ^ T e ™ " . " £ £ a n df t h * P a r t

the Hooge Berg farm on the « j K £ j ? i 2 * f t J ° ? " \ f ^ W h ° side of the Hudson, a li t t le below Al- I ^ ™ f r "fV2??* ^

I ac t ing Governor of the Province of UJ • l " i v S ' • 0 i u ' i N e w York,

hain S t a a t s (p. 99, 103) dees land!

-Hevoluiionary Bellinger Family By Lt. Commander T< F. Bellinger. U. S. N„ Retirsd

(Continued from last, week) i

1 4 0 9 B Suffrenuss Snell born 261 June, i7S», died 23 Sept. 1872, age 88-3 months , mar r ied 1807 to Eva | F ry , born 9 Oct. 1787, died 30 July | 1867. I t is his family Bible and his entr ies in same t h a t a re auoted so i freely

Children: 12 (Snell) 3162 Pe te r born 26 Nov. mar­

ried Elisa Mann. 5 children: One, Irving, lived in Manheim and had a family.

3162 Anna born 10 July, 1809. 3163 Levi born 20 Jan . 1811, m a r - ;

ried Jul ia Rowan. 4 children. 3164 Judge Enoch born 20 Nov.,

1812, marr ied Jul ia H. Dockey. Eight children, Myron and Salem had fam-; ilies.

3165 Elice born 27 April 1814. 3166 Phoebe born 20 Oct. 1816,

marr ied 3118 Peterfi P. Snell. 3167 Emily born 31 Jan. 1819. ,1168 Betsy b o m 31 Jan . 1821. See

3157 whom she marr ied. 3169A Jehoram born 81 Juty, 1823.,

died 1907 Oct. 3. in Manheim. His mother "heard the bir th of 294 great j grandchildren and 6 g rea t great grandchildren." Read more details in Note 62. Jehoram had the Suft'renus Snell Bible with its interest ing re­marks . 5 children: 3 remained single. Edward D. Rich of Lansing, Mich, i t a son-in-law of the daughte r Mrs. Rowena? (Myon) Yonran, Another daugh te r of Rowena is probably Miss Mary Youran, R. D. 2 Lit t le Falls, owner of the Family Bible.

3169B Edwin born 14 J sn . 1825. 3169C Elvira born 27 May 1827.

Twin. 3109D Suffrenus, twin, born 27 May

1827, died 1860, mar r ied Sarah Tim-merman, daugh te r of George and Lany, St. Johnsvil le; 4 children: only one George I. left deae#ndant», 4 girls, 1 boy in Minneapolis.

The wife of 316PD Sarah married 2d 1869 Ray Hlllabbrnndt.

D a t a is from F o r t Plain cemetery. See 439A for extension. Shoemaker Book page 167.

3174 William 1831-1909 marr ied M a r y C. 1830-72. Ford 's Bush ceme­tery. Au thor i t t y of A. J. Faiche.

N u m b e r s 3261 to 3265 are from 402 Appollonia-*, 65 wifea of Freder ick Count ryman , 7 Adam? 1, 1 Johannes! .

1 5 3 5 Henrys C. H a r t born 25 August , 1792, Stone Arabia Ref. marr ied 14 Jan . 1816 ot 1584 Eve"' Bellinger, daugh te r of 434 Henry* (Ad.) , born about 1794. He was son of Conrad H a r t and 402 Appollonia* Count ryman . The St. J. Ch. record s t a t e s they moved 2 April 1849 to Cicero with their son Daniel.

Children: 5 (Har t )

3261 John born 23 Oct. 1816. Spons. 601 John 5 Bellinger and MagdaJena St. Arabia Luth.

3262 Daniel born 16 June 1822. Spons. Adam Hillegas and Peggy Har t . St. J. Ch.

3263 Jacob born 30 July 1825. Spons. Henry Heae and July Ann House.

3264 Mary Arm born 29 Aug, 1327, Spuusuia John Heae, Jr . and Nancy Riece, wife.

3285 William born 15 June 1831. Sponsors the parents . St. J. Ch

Number s 3301 to 3354 arc from 68 Lt. Adam« II, 7 AdamS I, 1 Johan­nes!.

1 5 U 2 Adam-'* Bellinger IV, born 25 Dec. 1790, died at Manheim 10 Au­gus t 1876, age 86-7-15, Bible leaf

\ with pension papers W. C. 18642 i War of 1812, marr ied 15 F«b. 1813 to Dhui tha Bidleman, born 8 June 1790

i (Bible Leaf,) died 11 Nov. 1881, tombstone record, age 91-4.

Service: Was in Company


Proceedings of the Village Board. 1848-1865, Vol. 1. Book V-10G. 1865-1886, Vol. 1. Book V-101. 1866-1900, Vol. I I I . Book V-102. 1901-1919, Vol. IV. Book V-103. 1916-1919, Vol. V. Book V-103A. These volumes contain records of

the village meetings; village audi ts ; records of the water commissioners; records of the fire companies; and general village business.


Proceedings of the Village Board: 1834-1855, Vol. 1 Book V-104. z 1855-1873, Vol. I I . Book V-105.

1894-1896, Vol. IV. Book V-107. 1896-1901, Vol. V. Book V-108. 1901-1901, Vol. VI. Book V-109. 1904-1908, Vol. VII. Book V-110.. 1908-1910, Vol. VIII . Book V-11L 1910-1913, Vol. IX. Book V-112. The."e books contain records of vil­

lage meet ings; village audits; records of the w a t e r commissioners; records of fire companies and general village business.

Proceedings of the Village Board 1831-1841. Book V-127. Contains the same type of records |

as above. ROCKTON

Proceedings of the Village Board : 1882-1885. Book V-129. Contains t he same type of records


Proceedings of the Village Board : 1909-1916. Book V-131. Contains the same type OL l^^ords

as above.


Index Lu the ran Church of Stone Arabia, Vol. 1, pa r t 1. Book 1-100A.

Contains index of above church book of 100A

2. Rhoda Freeman, born March 23, 1773, married Benjamin Cory, Jr . (q. v.)

3. Muses Freeman, born 1776 mar­ried Rachel F reeman (his 2nd cou­sin.)

Their daugh te r :

Rhoda F reeman born March 23, 1773, died June 28, 1840, married Feb.

1911 a t Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil-denbrand. He born March 28, 1889.

D. A. R. papers complfited and ready to send in to NSDAR, Wash­ington, D. C. for verification and a c ­ceptance November, 1941. John P. Gramps

John P . G r a m p s born 1756-58 died August 5, 1819, marr ied Jan. 17, 178:? Nancy (A*^na) Bellinger. Sh" born about 1758-60, died Sept. 5, 1838. Both buried a t Stone Arabia, X. Y. in Dutch Reformed Church Yard. John P. Gramps served a s private in T r y -on County. N. Y. Militia.

Their daugh te r Magdalena G r a m p s living 1855 mar r ied Nov. 19, 1809 Samuel Cook. He born Aug. S, 1780, died May 24, 1856 (g. s.)

Their daugh te r Lavina Cook born Julv 4, 1821 died Feb. 11, 1901 m a r ­ried Oct. 28, 1841 William Greene, J r . he born Aug. 9, 1820, died Feb. 14, 1903.

Their son William Cook Green born Oct. 4, 1859, living 1941, married No­vember 11, 1885 Leora A. Leavitt , she born April 28, 1866, died Nov. 15, 1928.

Their daugh te r Leora Mae Greene 9, 1792 Benjamin Cory, Jr . He b o r n i b o r n M a J ' 4> 1 8 8 7 marr ied Aug. 30, Sept. 12, 1771, died March 31, 1841 (g. s.) Both buried in Tutt le Ceme­tery, Salisbury Center, N. Y.

Their daughte r : Eliza Ann Cory Dec. 5, 1809, died

April 14, 1888, married 1st Mrrch 22, 1827 Henry Madison. He born Feb. 22, 1802, died Feb. 27, 1857 (g. s.)

Their daugh te r : Jenne t t B. Madison born Sept. 2,

1911 a t Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil-denbbrand. He born March 28, 1880. Service of John P . Gramps accepted by NSDAR. Sergeant Jos iah Gold Leavitt

Sergt . Jos iah Gold Leavi t t born June 15, 1753 died Sept. 11, 1830, marr ied Sa rah Sherwood June 22, 1775. She born Sept. 29, 1757 died af­te r 1786. Sergt . Josiah Gold Leaviaa served a s pr iva te and sergeant in

\rnV,'*' VrJ 1 r>art ° Bonk 1-101 A Contains index of church book


Arabia, Vol. I I . Book 1-102A. Conta ins index of church book

102A. Index L u t h e r a n Church of Stone

Arabia. Vol. I I I . Book 1-103A. Contains index of church book

103A. Index L u t h e r a n Church of Stone

Arabia. Vol. IV. Book 1-104A. Index of St . Johnsville Dutch Re-

formed Church. Vol. I. Book 1-105A. Contains an index of church book

105A. Index Records Dutch Reformed

Church of St. Johnsville. Vol. I I . Book 1-106A.

Index Cemetery Records of Mout-of-war till the peace and arrived | gomery County. Vo. 1. Book 1-1300A. home jus t in time to see his fa ther) Index of Cemetery Records of

He af terwards fol-; Montgomery County. Vol. II . Book

John Bouton (Continued from last week)

Joshua enlisted in the a rmy a t the age of 14 as a drummer, was taken prisoner and kept on board a man-

1835, died Dec. 25, 1907, married 1st | Capt. N a i a h Bennet t ' s Company, Jan . 24, 1854 Simon B. Leavitt. He | Conn.

Their son Sherwood G. Leavit t born Dec 22 1780 died T\ilv 24 T*60 mar ­ried Jan . 8, 1800 Hannah Bennett , , she born Jan . 23, 1775, died July 15, 1826.

Their son Joseph B. Leavi t t born Oct. 19, 1802 died April 5, 1860, m a r -

Leora Mae Grene ried June 15, 1826 Lydia Bliss, she

Index Lu the ran Church of Stone b o r n N o v - 1 8- 1832, died May 31, 1873.

iuoi r daughter Leora A. Leavit t born April 28, 1866 died Nov 15, 1928, married Nov. 11, 1885 William Cook Greene. He born Oct. 4, 1859, living 1941.

Their daughter born May 4, 1887 married August 30. 1911 a t Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil-denbrand. He b o m March 28, 1SS0.

D. A. R, papers completed and

born Jan . 13, 1807, died April 9, 1860. Their son Simon B. Leavit t born

Nov. IS, 1S52 died May 31, 1873, marr ied J an . 24, 1854 Jennet t B.

before he died. lowed the sea, and was a skillful and able captain.

Page 76 Aditional Tables of Es­tates 1655 John Bouton Sr.

Page 349 John, 8nd born Sept. 30, 1659.

Matthew, 1st born Dec. 24, 1661 (went to Danbury.)

Elizabeth (Mrs, Edmund Warren.) Joseph 1. Rachel born Dec. 16, 1667, (Mrs.

Matthias St. John.) Abigail born April 1

Ebenezer Smith 1st.) Thomas (an incorporator

Wilton Par i sh in 1726.) Hannah born 1675 (Mrs.

Bets.) Richard.


I Snell born 2

Jan. 1853 Jacob Kyser born 29 July 1823, died 21 Feb. 1907.

The e ight children of Eliza a re : Samuel married Nellie Cunningham: Charles: Adam, married Lucinda

of Walra th : Mary Ann, married Aionzo Capt . Bant ( B a n t a ? ) Lit t le Fal ls , 63 Hotal lng: Jacob, died In infancy: a«y« in W a r of 1812. Descriptive list: "Senie" (Rosina), married W. S. Bar-Height, 5 feet 6 inches, d a r k h«lr, blue eyes, florid complexion.

1-301A. Index of Cemetery Records of Ful ­

ton County. Vol. II. Book 1-304A. Index Cemetery Records of Sara ­

toga, Herk imer and Hamilton Coun­t i e s . Vol. I. Book 1-305A.

Index Records Dutch Reformed ! Church of Stone Arabia, Vol. T. Book ! 1-107A, Contains index of Church Book 107A.

i Church of Stone Arabia. Voi. I I . 1670 (Mrs, j Book 1-108A. Contains index of

church book 108A. Index records Reformed Church of

Caughnawaga . Vol. 1. Book 1-162A. Contains index of church Book

162A. Index records Reformed Church of

Caughnawaga . Vol. II. Book 1-163A. Contains inde of church book

1163A, Index records Reformed Church of

Caughnawaga . Xol. III . Book 1-164A. Contains inde of church book 164A. Index to Superviaor'a Minutes 1920-

1935. Book C-7, index to Supervisor's Minutes 1920-

1939. Book C-8. Index to St. Johnsville Enterpr i se

ready to send in to NSDAR, Wash- i Madison, she born Sept. 2, 1S35, died ington, D. C. for verification and ac- Dec. 25, 1907. ceptance November, 1941. I Their d a u g h t e r Leora A. Leavi t t Ambrose Greene |born April 28, 1866 died Nov. 15, 192S

Ambrose Greene born April 9, 1746 i marr ied NoV. 11, 1885 William Cook in Suffolk county, N . Y., died August Greene, he born Oct. 4, 1859, living 29, 1837 in Herk imer county, N. Y. He marr ied 1766 Gula Elma Lester of Dutchess county, N. Y. She born June 8, 1746, died June 1, 1826. Am­brose Greene served as p r iv i t e in 4th Albany County, N. Y. Regiment.

Their son William Greene born May 27, 1789 died April 24, 1852, marr ied March 8, 1808 Hannah

1941. Their daugh te r Leora Mae Greene

born May 4, 1887 married August 30, 1911 a t Johnstown, N . Y. George HU-denbrandt . He born March 28, 1880.

Service of Sergt , Josiah Gold Leav­i t t accepted by NSDAR. Sergean t John Richmond, J r .

Sergt . John Richmond, Jr . born Cronkhite, she born March 23, 1790, j about 1749, died Feb. 2, 1797 marr ied died Oct. 31, 1882. (about 1776 Celia Lincoln, she born

Their son William Greene, J r . born j about 1760. Sergt . John Richmond. Augus t 9, 1820 died Feb. 14, 1903, j J r . served in Capt. Oliver Soper 's Co, marr ied Oct. 28, 1841 Lavina Cook. | "Mass. Soldiers and sailors of the She born July 4, 1821, died Feb. 11, 1901.

Their son William Cook Greene horn Oct. 4, 1859 living 1941, mar-

of the

James j

t ied iNuV, 11, 18S5 Lt;<>Di A. Leavii i , j 1839, marr ied J a n

Revolutionary War , " Boston, 1905, p. 288.

Their d a u g h t e r Celia Richmond born March 8. 1779 died August 29,

9, 1797 Elkkanai i she born April 28, 1866, died Nov. Bliss, he born March 11, 1770, died IS. 1928. j Sept. 25, 1845.

Their daugghter Leora Mae Greene ; Their daughte r Lydia BHss b o m horn May 4, 1887 married August 30, j Jan. 13, 1807 died April P. 1860 mar -1911 a t Johnstown, N. Y. George Hil - ! ried June 15, 1826 Joseph B. Leavit t , denhhrnnd. He born March 28, 1880.; He born Oct. 19, 1802, died April 5,

Services of Ambrose Greene ac- 1860 .

1 ICifIC Anna Jiiilv 1787 marr ied Conrad Tinuner-man 1785-1855. See his will in Fonda. It was a r o n r a d m another genera­tion who became 1802, father-in-law to 1074 John?. B. Klock.

Children: 5 or more iT lmmermnn) 3171 Cathar ine 1S04-67 married

1206 Philip* C. Bellinger. See 1206 for extension,

,1173 Anna 1817*95 married Ran­dolph Dockey,

H17.T ElfJtftbnth 1819-83 married 1§2« Henry*- P. Bellinger 1815-93.

His paren t s a r e given as Philip, horn 11 Augus t 1773, died April 25, 1866, marr ied Anna fipormable born 24 Jan . 1780, died 1846. She may have been a iaeond wife to 4SSA, Philip*.

ker: Jane, married Douglas Newman: | and News 1932-1936. Book 1-300, (See the Isaac Nefman family of Bel-1 Contains an index of historical a r -

N o t e : The 1*50 census gives a g o ' l ingertown Enos ) : Rlisabeth, mar-! t i d e * and obituary notices appear ing of both parents as. 56. The St. ried 13 Sept. 1856 to J. D. Sadler of | in the paper dur ing the year 1932 Johnsvil le church gives twins, bant the Sadler Pible family, Herkimer. 27 Dec, 1793, Henry J. and Adam to He comes from 2088 l av ina , 616 John -13 Joat••- BwiiiiKer, This was a puis- j F„ 83 Frederick, 12 Frederick, 2 %l« until Mrs. Ricer of Litt le Falls : Frederick the Patentee. Bald she heard hor brother-in-law j 3303 N a t h a n b«rn 22 Feb. 1824, 3308 Adamf> V. born 1835 (below,) : married Amy Keller, say his father and grandfa ther were • 8204 Lucy born 29 Augus t 1826, both named Adam and "waa quite married Hall 2 mm, 1 daughter , Had

cepted bv NSDAR. Ensign Peter GmmpM, Mr,

Ensign Pe te r Gramps, Sr.. Will dated June 30, 1801, proved July 24, 1807,i married about 1738 Elizabeth Mmple, she b o m about Oct., 1716, died Feb. 8, 1793, aged 76 years, 4 mos.,

Their son Simon B. Leavit t born Nov. 18, 1832, died May 81, 1873, married Jan. 24, 1854 Jenne t t B. Madison, she born Sept. 2, 1835, died Der\ 25, 1907

Their daugh te r Leora A. Leavi t t , born April 28, 1868, died Nov. 15,

sure hU grandmother was Lena Elm-; a brickyard in Oneida merman , " This information came from Mrs. Edward Goodell, Little Falifl, N. Y.

Children: 8 or more (Bollinger) Bi­ble leaf record. Beera' Hurk, Co. pngr-270.

3301 Hi ram born 22 March 1818, mar r ied Anna Davis, No children: 1 ad*»pt«l daughter Charlot te ,

SUM R H M . born 15 Feb. 1832, pen-•km ree. d, April , 1891, marr ied 31

3305 Nancy horn 25 Nov. 1828 m;ir-rted Michael Lovco. Willard IJOVOO of Little Fal ls is one of many children In thin line.

3306 Diantha born 87 June 18.10 married Wallace Bralnard. 1 ton, 2 daughters . Moved to Car thage .

3307 Belay born 5 Dec, 1832, died August 185*. H»rtUn« Hwrkifriw Herkimer County pagt* 63,

(To b# continued)

1936. Alphabetical Index of Questions

and Answera m St, ,Juhn«viUe Enter* prise and News 1936. Book 1-300.

Index of Documents. Vol. 1. Book 1-301.

Tndi'x of Documents. Vol. 1-302.

Index of Documents, Vol. l i t . Book 1-303.

Index of Document*. Vol. IV. B«K)h 1-304.

!fld«X of Documents, Vol. V. Book 1-305

Index to Judgment* on file in Co. Clerk 's Office 1787-1905.

Vol I A-G Book 1-325. W l II H-R. Book 1826. Vol. I l l B-E Book 1-337.


a t Stone Arabia, N. Y. Ensign Peter : 1°28. marr ied Nov, 11, 1885 William Gramps (Kremps, Grems.) "Stttiglt C « * Greene he born Oct. 4, 1839, in Tryon County Militia 2nd. R e g t , (Hvlng 1941. under Col. Jacob Klock, p. 175. (Tnj Their daughte r Leora Mae Greene, saJiie regiment as sons Peter, Jr . and jb° T n M » y 4. 1887 married August 30, John Grems " 1911 a t Johnstown, N. V. George Hil-

Thelr mm John P. Gramps born , denbrand, he born March 28, 1880. 1756 died Augus t 5, 1819, marr ied; Service of Sergt . John Richmond Jan , 17. 1783 Nancy (Anna) Bollin- J accepted by NSDAR. ger. She born about 1758-60, died j T H E END

Hept, 5, 18»S. Their daughte r Magdalena Gramps living 1855,

married Nov. 19, 1809, Samuel Cook Book He born Aug 8. 1780, died May 24,

1856. (f, »J Their daugh te r I^avina Cook born

July 4, 1821 died Feb, 11, 1901 mar­ried Oct, 28, 1741 William Greene, Jr , Ho born August 9, 1830, died Feb 14, 1903.

In addition to being cheap, plent i­ful, and universally liked, cereals a re impor tant sources of protein, snd the whole gra ins ajr»> tuming the r ichest source* of the B vitamins

Slip cover material Bhouki be «trong enough to pull off and on t h e furniture and to withs tand u»e for a reasonable length of time. The eel-ora should be fade resistant and wi th-

Their son William Cook Greene, ' s tand washing or dry cleaning. born Oct. 4, 1858, living 1941 m # H Poor house planning Is the un re -ried Nov. 11, 18H5 Leora A, l e a v i t t , : cognized c a n * of m#ny home »eel-she born April 28. 1868, died Nov 16,1 dent*, The h»memake«\ t ired by IMS. much walking. In doing household du-

Thelr dau&htrr Leora Mae Greene i ties through carelBSBiiwi* in..thi» up­born May 4, 1887. mmrried Aug. SO.Jeet condition m«y have an nriimrxt.

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