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St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate...

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REGNO : St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MODEL EXAM III - December 2015 SET-I Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151 Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100 PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks) 1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject. a. Either Ramu or his friends _____ (have/has) the book. b. A pair of scissors _____ (are/is) there. 2. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Burning fosil fuels contribute heavily to global warming, the polution of the air, water and land, as well as the production on acid rain. 3. Frame ‘wh’ questions for the responses given: a. He makes his living by selling books. (how) b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which) 4. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech. Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job. Smith And he doesn't like that? Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work. Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him. 5. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes. a. prove b. match 6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket. The Manager ______ (start) for work when I ______ (reach) his home. His watchman told me, “Sir ______ (just/ leave).” I ______ (head) for the office immediately.
Page 1: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.




MODEL EXAM III - December 2015 SET-I

Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

a. Either Ramu or his friends _____ (have/has) the book.

b. A pair of scissors _____ (are/is) there.

2. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Burning fosil fuels contribute heavily to global warming, the polution of the air, water

and land, as well as the production on acid rain.

3. Frame ‘wh’ questions for the responses given:

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

4. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

5. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. prove b. match

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

The Manager ______ (start) for work when I ______ (reach) his home. His watchman told

me, “Sir ______ (just/ leave).” I ______ (head) for the office immediately.

Page 2: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

7. Write a single line definition of the following terms.

a. detergent b. broadband connection

8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products. We should use ___________that

consume less electricity.

b. The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's _______divisions.

9. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(box, seats, snacks , valve, match, stop, leather)

i. I have to start cooking. Get me the _______.

ii. Only the L version of the car has _____.

10. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence

a. statesmanship b. formalism

c. hierarchy d. protocol

ii. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle

a. disperse b. deploy

c. collocate d. align

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11 Answer both the sub division (a) and (b).

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and is

usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that there

are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt lake that

‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a useful

tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of reducing

contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to help humans

recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the water stays clean

and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored metal

that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The industries


Page 3: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating noxious

by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are_________

2. Antimony and arsenic are______________

3. Industrial waste and human waste_______ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs________________.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

2. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer the

questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV): Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing for

adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always enjoyed

doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is rumored

that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do require a

nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people or

are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens was

known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his family and

relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and localities, but I would

advise you to look around you and create from your very surroundings, Dreams make very

good stories. Of course you tend to forget most. Except for the ones you have early in the

morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting on

the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the front

door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run back and

forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the creature at the

Page 4: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull

up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just in time as the animal

breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And

then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away from

the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run out of

pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule Poirot series.

Do you know that she is one of the most successful authors of all times? Her play ‘Mouse

Trap’, which was first staged in 1952, is still running in London!

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

2. Who does Bond write for?

3. Who among the following is not an author?

4. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

12.a Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into a coherent passage.

(1)Now various nations and their do not think in terms of nationalism

(2) Science has unified the whole world by bringing about speedy means of transport and

communications between different nations.

(3) Nations now do not aim at self-sufficiency.

(4) In fact, the concept of nationalism has undergone a radical change. This has brought

Internationalism in to the front.

(5) This has brought Internationalism in to the front.

(6) They do not crave for expansion at the expense of other nations.

(7) They are alive to the problems of the whole world.

(8) There is also speedier communications of ideas between different countries by means

of the press and the radio.



12.b Write an essay in about 300 words comparing laptop computers with mobile phones.


13.a Imagine that your friend does not like reading newspapers, magazines and short stories.

He is not aware of the importance of reading habit. Write a letter to him about the


Page 5: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

usefulness of reading habit and its positive effects on language proficiency of the



13.b Write an essay not exceeding 300 words on noise pollution in cities and its bad effects on



14.a Write a letter to your principal asking for permission to visit a company related to your

branch of study as a part of your educational programme.



14.b Write eight important recommendations to reduce traffic congestion in a metropolitan like



15.a Write a set of eight important recommendations to protect the ozone layer. (16)


15.b Read the following passages. On the basis of your reading of the passages below make

notes on it. Use a format you consider appropriate Supply a suitable Title.

a) The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been

taken from Dolly’s mother were starved for five days, which caused them to stop

dividing. After five day, the nuclei of these cells were removed and transferred into

an unfertilized sheep egg. In the next step, the egg was grown in the laboratory for

a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a different sheep, where it grew

normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an exact genetic copy, or

clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus, not the sheep that

provided the egg.

b) Most twins are fraternal, which means they developed from two separate eggs

which were fertilized at the same time. Such twins are no more similar in physical

characteristics than are any other brothers or sisters. About one third of twins are

identical, which means they developed from a single fertilized egg, and usually share a

common placenta. Unlike fraternal twins, their genetic makeup is identical, so they

have very similar physical characteristics, and are always the same sex. Twins

conceived from one egg and one sperm are called identical or ‘monozygotic’ (one-cell)

twins. The biological mechanisms that prompt the single fertilised egg to split in two

remain a mystery Approximately one quarter of identical twins are mirror images of

each other, which means the right side of one child matches the left side of their

twin. Some researchers believe there may be a third type of twin, although medical

opinion is still divided. It is proposed that the egg splits in two, and each half is then

fertilised by a different sperm. This theory is an attempt to explain why some fraternal

twins look identical.


Page 6: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.




MODEL EXAM III - December 2015 SET- I

Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks) 1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

a. Either Ramu or his friends _____ (have/has) the book.

b. A pair of scissors _____ (are/is) there.

2. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Burning fossil fuels contributes heavily to global warming, the pollution in the air,

water and land, as well as the production of acid rain.

3. Frame ‘wh’ questions for the responses given:

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

How does he make his living?

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

Which bike does Jana want to buy?

4. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.


Daryl stated with sorrow that he was upset. He added that somebody told his boss that

he had a part-time job. Smith enquired whether his boss did not like that. Daryl replied

that his boss did not and the boss thought that he was too tired to work. Smith

apologised and admitted he told the boss.

5. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. disprove b. mismatch

Page 7: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

The Manager __had started____ (start) for work when I ___reached___ (reach) his home.

His watchman told me, “Sir ___has just left___ (just/ leave).” I ___headed___ (head) for

the office immediately.

7. Write a single line definition of the following terms.

a. detergent : A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleaning

properties in dilute solutions.

b. broadband connection: A Broadband connection is a wide bandwidth data

transmission with an ability to simultaneously transport multiple signals and traffic


8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products. We should use _applications

that consume less electricity.

b. The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's __oceanic_divisions.

9. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(box, seats, snacks , valve, match, stop, leather)

i. I have to start cooking. Get me the ____Match box___.

ii. Only the L version of the car has ___Leather Seats__.

10. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence

a. statesmanship b. formalism

c. hierarchy d. protocol

ii. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle

a. disperse b. deploy

c. collocate d. align

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11 Answer both the sub division (a) and (b).

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and is

usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that there

are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt lake that

‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a useful


Page 8: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of reducing

contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to help humans

recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the water stays clean

and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored metal

that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The industries

convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating noxious

by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are__contaminants__

2. Antimony and arsenic are_______benefical_______

3. Industrial waste and human waste____contaminate___ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs High technology.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

3. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that colonies of bacteria

are buried deep and one day it might become a useful tool for industrial and

environmental protection.

4. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

They are capable of reducing containments including selenium and tellurium

elements in the water. Moreover it is used to help humans recover and recycle

the valuable elements in water.

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer

the questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV): Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing for

adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always enjoyed

doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is rumored

that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do require a

nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people or

Page 9: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens was

known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his family and

relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and localities, but I would

advise you to look around you and create from your very surroundings, Dreams make very

good stories. Of course you tend to forget most. Except for the ones you have early in the

morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting on

the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the front

door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run back and

forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the creature at the

door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull

up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just in time as the animal

breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And

then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away from

the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run out of

pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule Poirot series.

Do you know that she is one of the most successful authors of all times? Her play ‘Mouse

Trap’, which was first staged in 1952, is still running in London!

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him? A bright room 2. Who does Bond write for? Both children and adults. 3. Who among the following is not an author? David copperfield 4. what makes good stories, according to Bond? Real situation. II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

He likes Dickens because Dickens has created from people around him. People had known and met.

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

Bond wants young writers from their very own surroundings instead of searching characters with foreign names and surrounding.

Page 10: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

12.a Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into a coherent passage.

(1)Now various nations and their do not think in terms of nationalism

(2) Science has unified the whole world by bringing about speedy means of transport and

communications between different nations.

(3) Nations now do not aim at self-sufficiency.

(4) In fact, the concept of nationalism has undergone a radical change. This has brought

Internationalism in to the front.

(5) This has brought Internationalism in to the front.

(6) They do not crave for expansion at the expense of other nations.

(7) They are alive to the problems of the whole world.

(8) There is also speedier communications of ideas between different countries by means of

the press and the radio.



Science has unified the whole world by bringing about speedy means of transport and communications between different nations. There is also speedier communications of ideas between different countries by means of the press and the radio. Nations now do not aim at self-sufficiency. They do not crave for expansion at the expense of other nations. They are alive to the problems of the whole world. Now various nations and their citizens do not think in terms of nationalism. In fact, the concept of nationalism has undergone a radical change. This has brought Internationalism in to the front.


12.b Write an essay in about 300 words comparing laptop computers with mobile phones.

Computing Everywhere helps you access the internet and important tools wherever and

whenever you need to do it. Stay online and productive no matter where you are.

We talk a lot about "computing everywhere." Modern technology offers the ability to check

your documents, email, and even finances no matter where you are. You can even stream

movies directly to your mobile computing device, taking some time out from a busy day to

bring in some entertainment.

When we talk about mobile computing, we're talking chiefly about four different types of

devices: smartphones, tablets, netbooks, and laptops. These mobile devices allow you to

access the internet and, more importantly, perform business and home functions like writing

documents, viewing multimedia, and running programs. There's another similar type of device

called a personal internet viewer, like the Sony Dash, which allows you to access many internet

services. But only smartphones, tablets, netbooks, and laptops really open up the entire

computing experience in a way you can call "mobile computing."

There are benefits and drawbacks to each type of mobile computing device, so it's important

to get the right product for you.



Page 11: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

A smartphone is the simplest of the four mobile computing device types. Smartphones offer

the usual mobile phone service, enhanced with other, computer-like functionality. They run

programs called "apps" and use a mobile web browser to access the internet. Apps are

designed by third parties, which means you can find a tool for just about anything at this point.

Smartphones can access the internet using wireless signals from mobile phone carriers,

although they can also use the wireless signal from your home internet.

Pros: Smartphones are as mobile and convenient as you can get. Most smartphones fit

effortlessly in a man's shirt pocket. They can carry a charge for 4 to 8 hours, depending on how

much you use your phone. The variety of apps created by third parties means you can find

hundreds of games, productivity tools, and other gadgets. Most smartphones can access web

tools like Google Docs, allowing you to stay productive even while on the road.

Cons: The small size and portability of a smartphone is also its drawback. Smartphones have

capabilities that emulate keyboards and mice, but the built-in functionality isn't as comfortable

for long-term use. Obviously, the screen on a smartphone is much smaller than that of a

computer monitor. You'll get a lot of mileage out of smartphone, but when you're really doing

head-down work, you'll find a smartphone somewhat inconvenient. Also, many smartphones

require a full home computer to sync and manage their content, which means smartphones

can't be a stand-alone solution to your computing needs.


Laptops are the flagship of mobile computing. Modern laptops sport the same power and

functionality as full desktop computers but do so in a mobile form. While most people keep

laptops in special, protective bags, laptops can pretty easily go on the road with you without

needing much additional setup.

Pros: Many laptops are as powerful as a regular desktop computers and still conveniently fit in

a backpack. They can access the internet, play CDs and DVDs, and run most popular programs.

Cons: The downside of laptops is the price. Laptops aren't as expensive as they were 10 years

ago, but they're still no light expense. Also, laptops are relatively easy to carry around, but

most tend to weigh at least 5 pounds. They're not as convenient to carry on your person as a

smartphone, for example.

Choosing the best mobile computing device requires knowing what you want out of it. If you

want full-fledged computing capability, then a laptop is going to be your best bet. If you just

want to check email and cruise the web without carrying anything inconvenient, then a

smartphone or a tablet might be a better bet. Ultimately, it's just about what you want your

mobile computer to do

Page 12: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

13.a Imagine that your friend does not like reading newspapers, magazines and short stories.

He is not aware of the importance of reading habit. Write a letter to him about the

usefulness of reading habit and its positive effects on language proficiency of the


15/10/2015 My dear friend Chennai How are you? I am fine and I hope everyone is fine at home. I had a busy week in my college with exams and internals. My vacation has started and I have returned home. During my travel I got a book which really inspired me and kindled the fire to read more and more. My dad used to force me read papers but I thought the television can furnish all the necessary information but when I read that book I knew that it gives a whole new feel and I am really carried away. I have decided to buy books of various famous authors and read and find my taste. I am planning to read all the available magazines and newspapers so that I can enjoy the essence of reading. I sincerely advise you to do the same and start today by reading and enjoy the essence of reading. I surprised my daddy and sister by gifting them a book which is quite new in me. It enriches the language skills, vocabulary and also a whole new dimension of thoughtful meaning opens for us. I hope I wasn’t to bore and advise you but just shared what I felt deeply. Do take care and hoping to meet in person very soon. So till then, bye. Yours loving Ravi



13.b Write an essay not exceeding 300 words on noise pollution in cities and its bad effects on


What is Noise Pollution? Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life. Not all noise can be called noise pollution. If it does not happen regularly, it may be termed as 'Nuisance' Scientists also believe that its not only humans who are affected. For example, water animals are subjected to noise by submarines and big ships on the ocean, and chain-saw operations by timber companies also create extreme noise to animals in the forests. Generally, noise is produced by household gadgets, big trucks, vehicles and motorbikes on the road, jet planes and helicopters hovering over cites, loud speakers etc. Noise (or sound) is measured in the units of decibels and is denoted by the dB. Noise which is more than 115 dB is tolerant. The industrial limit of sound in the industries must be 75 dB according to the World Health Organization. Noise is considered as environmental pollution, even though it is thought to have less damage on humans than water, air or land pollution. But people who are affected by severe noise pollution know that it is a massive issue that needs attention. Noise pollution Noise is defined as, "the unwanted, unpleasant or disagreeable sound that causes discomfort to all living beings". Sound intensity is measured in decibels (db) that is the tenth part of the longest unit Bel. One db is the faintest sound that a human ear can hear. TYPES OF NOISE: Environmental noise has been doubling every ten years. Noise is classified as: 1. Industrial Noise


Page 13: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

2. Transport Noise and 3. Neighbourhood noise Industrial Noise: It is sound with a high intensity sound caused by industry machines. Sources of such noise pollution is caused by machines from machines in various factories, industries and mills. Noise from mechanical saws and pneumatic drills is unbearable and a nuisance to the public. The Indian Institute of Oto-Rino Laryngology, Chennai reported that increasing industrial pollution damages the hearing ability by atleast 20%. Workers in steel industry, who work close to heavy industrial blowers are exposed to 112dB for eight hours suffer from occupational pollution. Transport Noise: Transport noise mainly consists of traffic noise from road, rail and aircraft. The number of automobiles on roads like motors, scooters, cars, motor cycles, buses, trucks and diesel engine vehicles have increased enormously in the recent past further aggravating the problem of transport noise. Noise levels in most residential areas in metropolitan cities is hovering around the border line due to increased vehicular noise pollution. This high level of noise pollution leads to deafening in the elderly. Neighbourhood noise: This type of noise includes disturbance from household gadgets and community. Common sources being musical instruments, TV, VCR, Radios, Transistors, Telephones, and loudspeakers etc. Statistically, ever since the industrial revolution, noise in the environment has been doubling every ten years. Effects of Noise pollution 1. Noise pollution affects both human and animal health. It leads to: contraction of blood vessels making skin pale excessive adrenalin in the blood stream which is responsible for high blood pressure. 2. Blaring sounds are known to cause mental distress, Heart attacks, neurological problems, birth defects and abortion muscle contraction leading to nervous breakdown, tension, etc 3. The adverse reactions are coupled with a change in hormone content of blood, which in-turn increases heart beat, constriction of blood vessels, digestive spasms and dilation of the pupil of the eye. 4. Adverse affects health, work efficiency and behaviour. Noise pollution may cause damage to the heart, brain, kidneys, liver and may produce emotional disturbance. 5. The most immediate and acute effect of noise is impairment of hearing that diminishes some part of the auditory system. Prolonged exposure to noise of certain frequency pattern leads to chronic damage to the inner ear. 6. Impulsive noise may cause psychological and pathological disorders 7. Ultrasonic sound can affect the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular system and semicircular canals of the internal ear. 8. The brain is adversely affected by loud and sudden noise by jets and airplanes. People are subjected to psychiatric illness. 9. Recent reports suggest that blood is thickened by excessive noise. causes: 1. Pupullary dilation 2. Impairment of night vision and 3. Decrease in rate of colour perception Control measures: 1. SOURCE CONTROL: This includes source modification such as acoustic treatment to machine surface, design changes, limiting operational timings, etc 2. TRANSMISSION PATH INTERVENTION: This includes containing the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, constructing a noise barrier or provision of sound absorbing materials along the path.

Page 14: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

3. RECEPTOR CONTROL: This includes protection of the receiver by altering the work schedule or provision of personal protection devices such as ear plugs for operating noisy machinery. The measure may include dissipation and deflection methods. 4. OILING: Proper oiling will reduce noise from the machine. Preventive measures: 1. Prescribing noise limits for vehicular traffic 2. Ban on honking (usage of horns) in certain areas 3. Creation of silence zones near schools and hospitals 4. Redesigning buildings to make them noise proof 5. Reduction of traffic density in residential areas 6. Giving preference to mass public transport system.

14.a Write a letter to your principal asking for permission to visit a company related to your

branch of study as a part of your educational programme.

From The student representative Department of Mechanical Engineering Abc College of Engineering Chennai To The Principal Abc College of Engineering Chennai

Sir Sub: seeking permission for industrial visit- reg. Sir, I am writing this letter on behalf of third year mechanical engineering students, seeking permission for Industrial Visit at MRF tyre series in Arakkonam. As a third year mechanical student, it is a part of our curriculum to go for an industry because there we see our theoretical knowledge implied practically. We get to learn the manufacturing of tyres and the various processes that are involved in it. We get to see and understand these things in a much deeper and clearer manner. The orientation that they give is quite useful in the later days even during the recruitment procedure. Our class comprises of 45 students and two faculty members would go for this visit on or before 30/10/215 as we will have exams after these dates. Thanking you Yours obediently Suresh (The student representative) 16/10/15 Chennai



14.b Write eight important recommendations to reduce traffic congestion in a metropolitan like


Recommendations to control traffic in metropolitan cities. 1. Traffic rules should be strictly followed.

2. The use of CCTV and other means of monitoring devices need to be included Traffic

control department.


Page 15: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

3. Traffic flows and providing advice concerning traffic congestion must be managed.

4. The movement of people, goods, or vehicles ought to be supervised to ensure

efficiency and safety.

5. Roads could be laid properly and a strict supervision by the authority is necessary

so that there is no traffic congestion because of bad roads.

6. People could be encouraged to use public transport in order to reduce traffic

7. The construction of highways with board roads, fly-overs and increasing the electric

train frequency might reduce traffic.

8. Reflectors ought to be used on the rear of the vehicle.

15.a Write a set of eight important recommendations to protect the ozone layer.

Recommendations to protect ozone layer

1. Driving Vehicular emissions should be limited or reduced .

2. Eco-friendly and natural cleaning products for household chores must be used to prevent ozone depletion.

3. Natural remedies should be used instead of pesticides.

4. Stringent regulations should be developed for rocket launches.

5., Use of dangerous nitrous oxide must be banned.

6. Ozone depletion products need to be avoided in house hold usages.

7. Lumber, wood products and plywood that were not treated with methyl bromide ought to be used.

8. Energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances should be utilized.



15.b Read the following passages. On the basis of your reading of the passages below make

notes on it. Use a format you consider appropriate Supply a suitable Title.

c) The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been

taken from Dolly’s mother were starved for five days, which caused them to stop

dividing. After five day, the nuclei of these cells were removed and transferred into

an unfertilized sheep egg. In the next step, the egg was grown in the laboratory for

a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a different sheep, where it grew

normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an exact genetic copy, or

clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus, not the sheep that

provided the egg.

d) Most twins are fraternal, which means they developed from two separate eggs

which were fertilized at the same time. Such twins are no more similar in physical

characteristics than are any other brothers or sisters. About one third of twins are

identical, which means they developed from a single fertilized egg, and usually share a

common placenta. Unlike fraternal twins, their genetic makeup is identical, so they

have very similar physical characteristics, and are always the same sex. Twins


Page 16: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

conceived from one egg and one sperm are called identical or ‘monozygotic’ (one-cell)

twins. The biological mechanisms that prompt the single fertilised egg to split in two

remain a mystery Approximately one quarter of identical twins are mirror images of

each other, which means the right side of one child matches the left side of their

twin. Some researchers believe there may be a third type of twin, although medical

opinion is still divided. It is proposed that the egg splits in two, and each half is then

fertilised by a different sperm. This theory is an attempt to explain why some fraternal

twins look identical.

Cloning of Dolly I. The procedure followed in the cloning.

A. Cloning involved various steps

B. Cells of Dolly’s mother starved.

C. Nuclei of cells transferred into unfertilized sheep egg.

D. Egg kept in lab implanted into sheep.

E. Sheep gave birth to a cloned lamb.

b) Different types of twins I. Fraternal twins

A. They develop from two separate eggs.

B. Those twins are different in physical characteristics.

II. Identical twins

A. They develop from a single fertilized egg.

B. Their genetic makeup is similar.

III. There may be a third type.

A. Egg splits in two and fertilized by different sperm.

Page 17: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.





Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(basket, ticket, brush, board, ball, flight, key, tooth)

(a) You should play ___________________to become a tall and slim person.

(b) I can’t use my computer now because the _______________________and mouse

need to be replaced.

(c) I can attend the international conference, which is to be held in Australia if the

company is ready to pay for my ___________________________.

(d) My dentist advised me to use a good _____________________ to avoid dental


2. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

3. Frame ‘wh’ questions for the responses given:

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

4. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Coal oil and natural gas collectively called fosil fuels are commonly included in the group but

are not strictly minarels as they are of organic origin.

5. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

(a) Suresh or Joseph _____ (is/are) likely to be voted this year’s president of the students’


(b) An electric computer _________ (solve/solves) difficult problems quickly.

Page 18: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

6. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. calculate b. place

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

I ..................... (not do) household work on Sundays normally but tomorrow I

.................. (tidy) my room, because my friend Jim ...................... (come). He

......................... (arrive) at 10.

8. Write a single-line definition of the following terms.

a. incinerator b. Bluetooth headset

9. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Present opposing arguments or evidence

a. Criticise b. rebuff c. reprimand d. rebut

ii. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence

a. Communism b. internationalism c. capitalism d. impearlism

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. We should use appliances that consume less electricity since reducing energy

_____________ is easier than energy production.

b. During monsoon, rainwater stagnates in several places which leads to the

production of mosquitoes. Hence rainwater _________________ should be stopped.

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11. Answer both the sub division (a) and (b). (16)

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and is

usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that there are

colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt lake that

‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a useful tool

for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of reducing

contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to help humans

recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the water stays clean and

industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony and

arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored metal that is

widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The industries convert

antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a consequence

Page 19: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating noxious by products or

requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are_________

2. Antimony and arsenic are______________

3. Industrial waste and human waste_______

the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into

antimony trioxide needs________________.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

2. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer

the questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV) : Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing for

adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always enjoyed

doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is rumored

that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do require a

nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people or are

they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens was

known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his family and

relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and localities, but I would

advise you to look around you and create from your very surroundings, Dreams make very

good stories. Of course you tend to forget most. Except for the ones you have early in the

morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting on the

deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the front door

behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run back and forth,

trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the creature at the door.

Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull up a table

and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just in time as the animal breaks in,

pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And then I wake up,

Page 20: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away from the

home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run out of pocket

money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule Poirot series. Do you

know that she is one of the most successful authors of all times? Her play ‘Mouse Trap’,

which was first staged in 1952, is still running in London!

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

2. Who does Bond write for?

3. Who among the following is not an author?

4. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

12. Interpret the following pie chart on the UK household energy consumption in a

paragraph of about 150 words.

UK Household Energy Consumption

1st Qtr: space (room) heating 58%

2nd Qtr: water heating 24%

3rd Qtr: lighting and home 13%

4th Qtr: cooking 5%


1st Qtr, 58%

2nd Qtr, 24%

3rd Qtr, 13%

4th Qtr, 5%

Page 21: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

13. Power cut is a major problem in southern parts of India and it badly affects small

scale industries. Write a set of 8 recommendations to ensure continuous power

supply to the small scale industries.


14. Write a letter to your principal asking for permission to visit a company related to

your branch of study as a part of your educational programme.


15. Read the following passage and draw a flowchart

Pure water is not found in nature. Unlike ground water, surface water requires

different treatment processes as bacteria, chemicals and other contaminants enter

lakes, rivers, and reservoirs through run off. Before water enters the plant for

treatment, it flows through intake screens that remove large objects such as plants

and logs. Next step is chemical treatment, which is called pre-treatment process.

Now chlorine, ammonia together form a chemical called chloromines which

disinfects the water by killing harmful bacteria and viruses. Then lime is added to

adjust the pH of water. The third step is physical treatment after the injection of pre-

treatment chemicals, water is rapidly mixed with aluminium sulphate to evenly

distribute the chemicals. Aluminium sulphate acts as a coagulate and it neutralizes

particles and other impurities in water to form large, heavy particles called floc. This

is called flocculation and it takes place in flocculation basins. From the flocculation

basins, the water flows into sedimentation basins, where the floc comes to the

bottom and the resulting residuals are removed. Then water travels through large

filters made of sand, gravel, and anthractic. This removes the suspended particles

which cannot be removed during sedimentation. Once the water collected adjust pH.

Chlorine is added as the primary disinfectant. Lime is injected to adjust the pH to

normal levels and fluoride is added for the prevention of tooth decay.

Orthosphosphate is also added to water to prevent corrosion of water pipes. Finally,

chlorine and ammonia are added to disinfect the storage tanks and distribution



Page 22: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.





Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(basket, ticket, brush, board, ball, flight, key, tooth)

(e) You should play _______basket ball______to become a tall and slim person.

(f) I can’t use my computer now because the ________keyboard________and

mouse need to be replaced.

(g) I can attend the international conference, which is to be held in Australia if the

company is ready to pay for my _______flight ticket________.

(h) My dentist advised me to use a good ______tooth brush______ to avoid dental


2. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

Answer: Daryl stated with sorrow that he was upset. He added that somebody told

his boss that he had a part-time job. Smith enquired whether his boss did not like

that. Daryl replied that his boss did not and the boss thought that he was too tired

to work. Smith apologised and admitted he told the boss.

3. Frame ‘wh’ questions for the responses given:

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

How does he make his living?

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

Which bike does Jana want to buy?

4. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Page 23: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.


Coal oil and natural gas collectively called fosil fuels are commonly included in the group but

are not strictly minarels as they are of organic origin.

Ans: Coal, oil, and natural gas collectively called fossil fuels are commonly included in the

group but are not strictly minerals as they are of organic origin.

5. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

(c) Suresh or Joseph _____ (is/are) likely to be voted this year’s president of the students’


(d) An electric computer _________ (solve/solves) difficult problems quickly.

6. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. calculate - Miscalculate

b. place - displace

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

I ....don’t do............. (not do) household work on Sundays normally but tomorrow I

........will tidy........ (tidy) my room, because my friend Jim ..........is coming.........

(come). He ............will arrive............. (arrive) at 10.

8. Write a single-line definition of the following terms.

a. incinerator b. Bluetooth headset

a) An incinerator is an apparatus for burning waste material, especially industrial waste, at

high temperatures until it is reduced to ash.

b) A headset is a device which provides a two-way connection to the user's cell phone via


9. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

iii. Present opposing arguments or evidence

b. Criticise b. rebuff c. reprimand d. rebut

iv. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence

b. Communism b. internationalism c. capitalism d. Imperialism

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. We should use appliances that consume less electricity since reducing energy

___consumption__________ is easier than energy production.

b. During monsoon, rainwater stagnates in several places which leads to the

production of mosquitoes. Hence rainwater ___stagnation________ should be


Page 24: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11. Answer both the sub division (a) and (b). (16)

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste

and is usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say

that there are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a

remote salt lake that ‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a

useful tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of

reducing contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to

help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the

water stays clean and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as

antimony and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver –

colored metal that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic

components. The industries convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum


The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating

noxious by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage: (4x1=4)

1. Selenium and tellurium are____ contaminants _____.

2. Antimony and arsenic are______ benefical ________.

3. Industrial waste and human waste____ contaminate ___ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs_______ High


II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two: (2x2=4)

3. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that colonies of bacteria are buried deep and one day it might become a useful tool for industrial and environmental protection.

4. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

They are capable of reducing containments including selenium and tellurium elements in the water. Moreover it is used to help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in water.

Page 25: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer

the questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV) : Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing

for adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always

enjoyed doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is

rumored that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do

require a nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real

people or are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens

was known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his

family and relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and

localities, but I would advise you to look around you and create from your very

surroundings, Dreams make very good stories. Of course you tend to forget most.

Except for the ones you have early in the morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting

on the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting

the front door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open.

I run back and forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I

hear the creature at the door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its

enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull up a table and try getting out of sky light on to

the roof. I am just in time as the animal breaks in, pounces and knocks over my

thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all

a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away

from the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run

out of pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule

Poirot series. Do you know that she is one of the most successful authors of all

times? Her play ‘Mouse Trap’, which was first staged in 1952, is still running in


Page 26: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

A bright room

2. Who does Bond write for?

Both children and adults.

5. Who among the following is not an author?

David copperfield

6. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

Real situation.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

He likes Dickens because Dickens has created from people around him. People had known and met.

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

Bond wants young writers from their very own surroundings instead of searching for characters with foreign names and surrounding.

12. Interpret the following pie chart on the UK household energy consumption in a

paragraph of about 150 words.

UK Household Energy Consumption

1st Qtr: space (room) heating 58%

2nd Qtr: water heating 24%

3rd Qtr: lighting and home 13%

4th Qtr: cooking 5%

Method I


Page 27: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

The given chart is identified as a Pie chart and it explains the UK household energy

consumption in various appliances used in home.

The pie chart is divided into four sections and the variations are given in percentage.

Four different quarters of classifications are given and their usage to the following

appliances. The first quarter is on Space room heating with the highest percentage of

58%. And the second highest appliance in consumption of electricity is Water heating

with 24%. The second lowest appliances to use consumable energy is lighting and

home with 13% and the lowest appliances in consuming energy is for cooking with

5% of usage.

Government has taken various measures to curb the usage of energy and has

implemented many innovative ideas to bring renewable energy for the country. The

most consumption of energy of space heating which takes 58% in consumption stand

highest mostly because of the weather condition.

Method II The given pie chart is a pictorial representation on the energy consumption in the UK

household. From the given pie chart the maximum power is consumed bin heating the space

room. 58% of the electricity is utilised in this process. UK being a cold country, every house

has a heating system to keep them warm and protect from cold. So the centralised heating is

required and it is a necessity. Next 24% of the electricity is utilised for the purpose of water

heating. The weather being cold, it becomes necessary to heat the water for various

purposes. In the line, then comes the lighting and home requirement which consumes nearly

13% of the electricity. Various electrical appliances come under this category yet the

consumption rate is very less. The least electricity is consumed for cooking. Only 5% is

utilised for the cooking purpose. UK power consumption for heating the rooms are relatively

very high and for cooking it is very less.

13. Power cut is a major problem in southern parts of India and it badly affects small

scale industries. Write a set of 8 recommendations to ensure continuous power

supply to the small scale industries.

a) Gadget Chargers should be switched off when not in use.

b) Computers must be set to auto-sleep or hibernate automatically when not in


c) Laser Printers ought to be turned to power save mode as it consumes

electricity to warm up.

d) LED Bulbs must be used.

e) Star ratings must be checked before purchasing electrical gadgets.

f) Efficient heaters should be used.

g) Alternate energy has to be used.

h) The Doors of the Air conditioned rooms need to be closed.


Page 28: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

14. Write a letter to your principal asking for permission to visit a company related to

your branch of study as a part of your educational programme.

From The student representative Department of Mechanical Engineering Abc College of Engineering Chennai To The Principal Abc College of Engineering Chennai

Sir Sub: seeking permission for industrial visit- reg. Sir, I am writing this letter on behalf of third year mechanical engineering students, seeking permission for Industrial Visit at MRF tyre series in Arakkonam. As a third year mechanical student, it is a part of our curriculum to go for an industry because there we see our theoretical knowledge implied practically. We get to learn the manufacturing of tyres and the various processes that are involved in it. We get to see and understand these things in a much deeper and clearer manner. The orientation that they give is quite useful in the later days even during the recruitment procedure. Our class comprises of 45 students and two faculty members would go for this visit on or before 30/10/215 as we will have exams after these dates. Thanking you Yours obediently Suresh (The student representative) 16/10/15 Chennai


15. Read the following passage and draw a flowchart

Pure water is not found in nature. Unlike ground water, surface water requires

different treatment processes as bacteria, chemicals and other contaminants enter

lakes, rivers, and reservoirs through run off. Before water enters the plant for

treatment, it flows through intake screens that remove large objects such as plants

and logs. Next step is chemical treatment, which is called pre-treatment process.

Now chlorine, ammonia together form a chemical called chloromines which

disinfects the water by killing harmful bacteria and viruses. Then lime is added to

adjust the pH of water. The third step is physical treatment after the injection of pre-

treatment chemicals, water is rapidly mixed with aluminium sulphate to evenly

distribute the chemicals. Aluminium sulphate acts as a coagulate and it neutralizes

particles and other impurities in water to form large, heavy particles called floc. This

is called flocculation and it takes place in flocculation basins. From the flocculation

basins, the water flows into sedimentation basins, where the floc comes to the

bottom and the resulting residuals are removed. Then water travels through large

filters made of sand, gravel, and anthractic. This removes the suspended particles


Page 29: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

which cannot be removed during sedimentation. Once the water collected adjust pH.

Chlorine is added as the primary disinfectant. Lime is injected to adjust the pH to

normal levels and fluoride is added for the prevention of tooth decay.

Orthosphosphate is also added to water to prevent corrosion of water pipes. Finally,

chlorine and ammonia are added to disinfect the storage tanks and distribution


Remove large objects such as plants and logs before treating the water

Add Chlorine and ammonia to disinfect the water

Add lime to adjust the PH of water

Mix Aluminium Sulphate to form heavy particles called as flocculation

Remove residuals from the floc in the sedimentation basins

Remove the suspended particles by using filters made of sand, gravel and anthractic

Add chlorine, ammonia, orthosphosphate and fluoride

Page 30: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.




MODEL EXAM III - December 2015 SET –II

Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

a. Either Ramu or his friends _____ (have/has) the book.

b. A pair of scissors _____ (are/is) there.

2. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Burning fosil fuels contribute heavily to global warming, the polution of the air, water

and land, as well as the production on acid rain.

3. F a e h uestio s fo the esponses given:

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

4. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.


I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time


Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

5. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. prove b. match

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

The Manager ______ (start) for work when I ______ (reach) his home. His watchman told

e, “ir ______ just/ lea e . I ______ head for the offi e i ediatel .

Page 31: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

7. Write a single line definition of the following terms.

a. detergent b. broadband connection

8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products. We should use ___________that

consume less electricity.

b. The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's _______divisions.

9. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(box, seats, snacks , valve, match, stop, leather)

i. I have to start cooking. Get me the _______.

ii. Only the L version of the car has _____.

10. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence

a. statesmanship b. formalism

c. hierarchy d. protocol

ii. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle

a. disperse b. deploy

c. collocate d. align

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11 Answer both the sub division (a) and (b).

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and is

usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that there

are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt lake that

reathe a to i etal to sur i e.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a useful

tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of reducing

o ta i a ts, i ludi g sele iu ad telluriu . Besides, it ould e used to help hu a s

recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the water stays clean

and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored metal

that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The industries

convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.


Page 32: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating noxious

by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are_________

2. Antimony and arsenic are______________

3. Industrial waste and human waste_______ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs________________.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

2. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer the

questions given at the end.

Ma a Var a MV : Do ou e jo ei g alled a hildre s author despite riti g for

adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always enjoyed

doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is rumored

that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do require a

nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people or

are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens was

known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his family and

relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and localities, but I would

advise you to look around you and create from your very surroundings, Dreams make very

good stories. Of course you tend to forget most. Except for the ones you have early in the

morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting on

the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the front

door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run back and

forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the creature at the

door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull

up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just in time as the animal

Page 33: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And

then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away from

the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run out of

pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule Poirot series.

Do ou k o that she is o e of the ost su essful authors of all ti es? Her pla Mouse

Trap , hi h as first staged i 95 , is still ru i g i Lo do !

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

2. Who does Bond write for?

3. Who among the following is not an author?

4. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

12.a Write a brief autobiography of yourself as a scientist in about 300 words. (16)


12.b Write an email to a friend describing your visit to a place of importance for example

museum, planetarium, etc. Your text may be in about 300 words. Sign in as Suhas.


13.a Your brother is going to appear for the +2 examination that is to be conducted in 2016.

Write a letter to him about the study strategies to score high marks in the examination.



13.b Write an essay not exceeding 300 words describing the uses of internet in education. (16)

14.a Write a paragraph of 200 words on the use of computers in a modern life.



14.b Write a set of eight instructions that are to be followed by the students in a chemistry lab.


15.a Write two paragraphs on the following topic.

Traffic problems in cities.


Page 34: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.


15.b Read the following passages. On the basis of your reading of the passages below make

notes on it. Use a format you consider appropriate Supply a suitable Title.

a) The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been

take fro Doll s other ere star ed for fi e da s, hich caused them to stop

dividing. After five day, the nuclei of these cells were removed and transferred into

an unfertilized sheep egg. In the next step, the egg was grown in the laboratory for

a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a different sheep, where it grew

normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an exact genetic copy, or

clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus, not the sheep that

provided the egg.

b) Most twins are fraternal, which means they developed from two separate eggs

which were fertilized at the same time. Such twins are no more similar in physical

characteristics than are any other brothers or sisters. About one third of twins are

identical, which means they developed from a single fertilized egg, and usually share a

common placenta. Unlike fraternal twins, their genetic makeup is identical, so they

have very similar physical characteristics, and are always the same sex. Twins

o ei ed fro o e egg a d o e sper are alled ide ti al or o oz goti o e-cell)

twins. The biological mechanisms that prompt the single fertilised egg to split in two

remain a mystery Approximately one quarter of identical twins are mirror images of

each other, which means the right side of one child matches the left side of their

twin. Some researchers believe there may be a third type of twin, although medical

opinion is still divided. It is proposed that the egg splits in two, and each half is then

fertilised by a different sperm. This theory is an attempt to explain why some fraternal

twins look identical.


Page 35: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.




MODEL EXAM III - December 2015 SET -II

Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

a. Either Ramu or his friends _____ (have/has) the book.

b. A pair of scissors _____ (are/is) there.

2. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Burning fossil fuels contributes heavily to global warming, the pollution in the air,

water and land, as well as the production of acid rain.

3. F a e h uestio s fo the espo ses gi e :

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

How does he make his living?

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

Which bike does Jana want to buy?

4. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.


I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time


Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.


Daryl stated with sorrow that he was upset. He added that somebody told his boss that

he had a part-time job. Smith enquired whether his boss did not like that. Daryl replied

that his boss did not and the boss thought that he was too tired to work. Smith

apologised and admitted he told the boss.

5. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. disprove b. mismatch

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

Page 36: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

The Manager __had started____ (start) for work when I ___reached___ (reach) his home.

His at h a told e, “ir ___has just left___ just/ lea e . I ___headed___ (head) for

the office immediately.

7. Write a single line definition of the following terms.

a. detergent : A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleaning

properties in dilute solutions.

b. broadband connection: A Broadband connection is a wide bandwidth data

transmission with an ability to simultaneously transport multiple signals and traffic


8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products. We should use _applications

that consume less electricity.

b. The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's __oceanic_divisions.

9. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(box, seats, snacks , valve, match, stop, leather)

i. I have to start cooking. Get me the ____Match box___.

ii. Only the L version of the car has ___Leather Seats__.

10. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence

a. statesmanship b. formalism

c. hierarchy d. protocol

ii. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle

a. disperse b. deploy

c. collocate d. align

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11 Answer both the sub division (a) and (b).

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and is

usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that there

are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt lake that

reathe a to i etal to sur i e.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a useful

tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of reducing


Page 37: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

o ta i a ts, i ludi g sele iu ad telluriu . Besides, it ould e used to help hu a s

recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the water stays clean

and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored metal

that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The industries

convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating noxious

by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are____ contaminants______

2. Antimony and arsenic are_____ benefical _________

3. Industrial waste and human waste___ contaminate ____ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs___ High technology _.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

3. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that colonies of bacteria are buried deep and one day it might become a useful tool for industrial and environmental protection.

4. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

They are capable of reducing containments including selenium and tellurium elements in the water. Moreover it is used to help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in water.

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer the

questions given at the end.

Ma a Var a MV : Do ou e jo ei g alled a hildre s author despite riti g for

adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always enjoyed

doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is rumored

that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do require a

nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people or

are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens was

known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his family and

relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and localities, but I would

Page 38: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

advise you to look around you and create from your very surroundings, Dreams make very

good stories. Of course you tend to forget most. Except for the ones you have early in the

morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting on

the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the front

door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run back and

forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the creature at the

door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws. Panic stricken, I pull

up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just in time as the animal

breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets stuck in its throat. And

then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away from

the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run out of

pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule Poirot series.

Do ou k o that she is o e of the ost su essful authors of all ti es? Her pla Mouse

Trap , hi h as first staged i 95 , is still ru i g i Lo do !

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

A bright room 2. Who does Bond write for?

Both children and adults. 3. Who among the following is not an author?

David copperfield 4. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

Real situation

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

2. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

He likes Dickens because Dickens has created from people around him. People had known and met.

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

Bond wants young writers from their very own surroundings instead of searching for characters with foreign names and surrounding.

12.a Write a brief autobiography of yourself as a scientist in about 300 words.

Autobiography of a scientist As a young girl I use to love to reverse the time and sort the wrong things. This

thought first occurred to me in standard 5th when after my exams I knew that my answer for a math problem is wrong due to one small error in my formula. That whole night how I wished I had a machine that would reverse time and set things right. As days passed by I noticed how other people also had the same feeling as mine as how many wanted to correct the mistakes in their past to set right the future. I started analysising various stuff


Page 39: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

and i made my parents built a small lab for me where i use to spend my time calculating and experimenting. I was different from other girls of my age. Test tubes and chemical became my friends. My classmates discussed and read fashion magazine but i read science journals. My parents understood and supported my passion. After school all went home chatting but I use to spend endlessly in the library. I had read various books on science and physics and metaphysics. I was not a bright student but an average student who had profound knowledge in physics.

After schooling i was clear that physics is my future and I graduated and post graduated from reputed institutions. My teachers and professors guided and helped me and I experimented endlessly. My aim was a Time Machine. The little mistake in 5th standard has got me this long followed by the death of my dear grandparents whom I had no time to say goodbye and also losing my dog... various factors made me work towards my goal.

I had three assistance and they were really good and helpful. It’s a funded program and the success was near. On a rainy night when wind banged my windows and doors we first experimented on the time machine at 10.20pm and to our boundless joy it was a success. We were able to travel back for one hour and we came back safely with no damage and yes I received my noble prize. I’m still working on the perfection and i hope in the future i would build a machine which will take me back in time and space.......


12.b Write an email to a friend describing your visit to a place of importance for example

museum, planetarium, etc. Your text may be in about 300 words. Sign in as Suhas.

To : [email protected]

Bcc/ Cc

Subject: My Visit to the National Museum

Hi Pal, I am so excited to share with you my experience about my visit to a museum. You

know that I have never seen a museum and always wished to visit one. Recently during my

vacation I visited Singapore I got thrilled when Mother told me that we would be visiting a

museum in town. I asked Mother which museum we were planning to visit and she said that

it was the National Museum.

When we got there, Mother paid for the entrance tickets and we walked into a dimly lit

room. There, a brief history of Singapore, made more interesting by figurines, was on

display. I learnt more by looking at the modelled displays than I could in textbooks. Mother

also explained some scenes which they portrayed to help me understand the past.

At the time of my visit, a huge section of the museum was devoted to exhibiting toys of

previous years. There were tops, toy cars, marbles, airplanes and even a whole collection of

Barbie dolls from various decades. It struck me that the toys of today are nothing like what

Mother and Father played with when they were children. I tried to spin a top at one corner

of the room but it was not as easy as I thought. There was a special way to throw the top so

that it would not land on its side. After several tedious and frustrating tries, I beamed with

pride to watch the top spinning on its pin.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself that day at the National Museum. I realise how valuable

museums are because they can teach people about so many things. All I had to do was to

walk through the museum to learn a great deal.




Page 40: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

13.a Your brother is going to appear for the +2 examination that is to be conducted in 2016.

Write a letter to him about the study strategies to score high marks in the examination.

13 December 2015


Dear Bro,

Hi . I just now came across the board exam time table and got a thought of sharing you

a few tips to score good marks. The 12th board exam, although marks the end of your school life,

opens the door to a greater arena where you step in to pursue an education that matches your

career aspirations. Thus, this exam holds prominence in life as a deciding factor for you, and a

selection factor for different colleges, institutes and entrance exams that can open up new


Effective study skills must be practiced in order for you to improve. It is not enough to

simply think about studying; you have to actually do it, and in the process work hard right

from the beginning to get better. Know the syllabus of different subjects clearly. Attend your

class lessons properly, which will help you to cover the syllabus in a systematic manner.

Revise the lessons taught in class each day after coming back home, as these will still be

fresh in your mind. Even the slightest of doubt should be clarified with the teacher the very

next day. This will help you before the exams as you can just grab a particular notebook for

a subject and revise the portions you have to. Chalk out a well laid time table for your

Board exam preparation so that you allot ample time for each subject. Choose the time that

is most convenient for you to study, whether early in the morning or at night. It is always for

you to solve as many question papers and practice books as possible. Follow the previous

years' question papers to know the trend and type of questions that are frequently asked.

When you feel so low do not hesitate to take guidance and suggestions from your teachers.

Revise whatever you have studied and do not take up or study anything new just

before the exams as you may get confused. Keep yourself fit during the exams. Eat healthy

and take ample rest. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours in a day. Take some time out in the day to

relax. A fresh mind and body will help you to work accurately and efficiently.

Do not get stressed out or nervous before the exams, as this will only waste your quality

time. Be patient and keep practicing. Reach the examination hall a little earlier instead of

scrambling in at the last moment. Ensure that you carry all the important things like admit

card, pen, pencil, eraser, etc. Settle down in your seat and keep everything properly in place.

Stay calm and composed. Be mentally alert and read the questions carefully as any silly

mistake or misinterpretation of questions can be quite damaging. Glance at the paper for

five minutes after you get it. Start with the ones that you are more confident with, instead of

wasting time with difficult ones. If you get stuck with a question, move forward with the

others instead of lingering on it for too long. Once you have completed the easier and

moderate ones, attempt the others. Revise and re-check the paper carefully if you have time.

Dear Bro I assure if you are going to follow my strategies you will be the State Topper and I

would love to see that. Wish you all success. Take care.

Love & Prayers




13.b Write an essay not exceeding 300 words describing the uses of internet in education.

The uses of Internet in education

Internet is a computer system that can connect one computer to other computers

through links. Almost everybody have ever heard the word internet, but not every of them use

internet. Nowadays, internet not only can be accessed through computers, but also through

mobile phones. People who do not have a computer or mobile phone but they want to get

information from internet can access internet in the internet cafe. The internet cafe has

provided an internet access with different charges and facilities. Internet is not only used for

single person, but also for institutions. If internet is used to connect in a world wide access,

there is intranet which is the system of computer that connects one computer to the others in


Page 41: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

a local area. Usually an institution uses both of internet and intranet to do its job. There are

many benefits of internet to people or institutions. For educational institutions such as

schools, they use internet to get information in the worldwide and intranet to teach ICT. There

are several benefits of internet to students in the learning process such as: get information or

materials of the lesson, get attracted in learning second language, and get an easier mobility.

First, the main benefit of internet in the learning process is that internet gives

information and materials about the lesson. Of course students need sources for their study.

Usually, the materials from books are not enough yet, so they have to find other sources. For

example: students learn about bones in human body and they need to find the name of bones

in human body. They can look for the materials about bones in their books. The materials have

not enough yet, so they need to find another source. They can look for it in the internet. If they

do not know about the website which provides those materials, they can look for it by using a

search engine. The materials that they get can be more up to date than the materials from

books. Beside they get the materials about the lesson, they also can get the exercise about that

lesson. Sometimes, websites also provide electronic books that well known as (E-book) for


Second, by learning from internet, students will be attracted to learn second language. It

is caused by the language that is used in internet is not always their mother language. Most

websites use English to give information for students. As an illustration, students need to find

information. They have found one, but it was presented in English. If they do not know English,

of course it will be hard for them to understand the contents. Through internet they can try to

have a conversation with natives to increase their English abilities. Students can get

information about the culture in some nations in the world. This will give more courage for

students to know and learn second language.

Third, learning through internet can get an easier mobility. Sometimes by using internet,

we do not need to buy books for reference and sources of study. They can get more up to date

information than the information from the books. This is caused by the information from a

book has not enough yet, that is why student need to find another book to complete the

information. Students do not need to bring many thick books because they can download e-

books from internet and save it into flash drives or disks. Students just need to bring notebook

or open the e-book in the computer at the library.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of internet whether for students or everyone who

use internet. Three of them have been mentioned above, they are get information or materials

of the lesson, get attracted in learning second language, and get an easier mobility. It will be

wise if students use internet for educational purpose and do not access the websites which

have certain terms and conditions to access. Because the websites that have certain conditions

like age contain information for people who have reach that age. Students also have to

maintain their schedule in access internet. It is not wise if they keep access internet and forget

their responsibility to study.

14.a Write a paragraph of 200 words on the use of computers in a modern life. The present age is very aptly called the age of science and technology . It has made our daily life pleasant, easy and comfortable. The dream of a push-button existence has come

true for us. We have conquered distance with the help of science. Thus the world is becoming a single whole or a Global Village . We feel the persistent impact of machines in our everyday

life. The invention of computer is another milestone in scientific achievements. It is one of the

most important events in human history of the twentieth century. It has added to develop and

improve the effectiveness and accuracy of all the scientific machines of the present world. It

has helped in bringing the distance closer with respect to information and development taking

place all around the globe. Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data,

making calculations or controlling machines. It can process at a very high speed with

remarkable accuracy. It can also perform all arithmetic and logical function to solve any

problem and produce processed information. From research to space world and from

entertainment to laboratories, offices and homes, it is a machine that never gets tired and is

ready to serve us at our commands. It has gained such a high degree of importance in

everyday life today that no sphere of activity around us can afford to ignore it. It is only

computer that can help us live and compete with the rapidly changing world. This is possible

only through exchange of information and knowledge abreast with the latest development.

Computer education enables the artists in creating realistic images. Musicians having

computer education can create multiple voice composition and play back music with hundreds

of variations. Computer has changed the life of modern man. A man sitting in the room can

have the latest information about politics, sports, and scientific inventions and can do business


Page 42: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

with people at the other corner of the world. Through internet we can learn about the affairs

of the world and can get all information about the happenings all around the world. It helps to

enhance the talents and knowledge of the new generation. It opens their eyes and mind to the

wonders and vastness of the universe around us. It has proved a phenomenon of revalidation

of the present age exhibiting in its modern form.


14.b Write a set of eight instructions that are to be followed by the students in a chemistry


Instructions to be followed in Chemistry Lab:

i. Do not perform unauthorized experiments or work in a laboratory alone.

ii. Wear shoes inside the lab.

iii. Handle strong acids carefully.

iv. Use the fume hoods when toxic or irritating vapours are involved.

v. Learn the proper procedure for igniting and operating a laboratory burner.

vi. Extinguish the flame when the burner is not in use.

vii. Make sure that all flammable reagents are well removed before lighting the


viii. Report any accident and/or injury, however minor, to your instructor



15.a Write two paragraphs on the following topic.

Traffic problems in cities.

Traffic Problems in Cities

Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai had to deal with thousands of cars

running through their streets each day. Traffic congestion is a big problem for everyone within

the city. The main reasons why traffic congestion occurs are more cars, poor road

management, and poor practices on behalf of employers. One of the main reasons why there’s more congestion is due to more cars on the road. The adult population is increasing and

therefore more people want their own personal transport to get around with. As the number

of cars increase the chance of congestion also increases. It’s why in smaller towns and villages congestion is almost unheard of. This is coupled with a lack of proper infrastructure. Councils

and national governments fail to act on the looming threat of heavy congestion until it

happens. The city doesn’t expand along with an increasingly car reliant population. A single street with a lane on each side before might not suffice in ten years after the population has

increased. Authorities often fail to convert this into a dual carriageway.

Alternate routes are also a problem. Cities have limited capacity to expand due to poor

funding and planning restrictions preventing building on green belt spaces. Cities are forced to work with the routes they already have. If they can’t increase the number of lanes it leads to

congestion. Employers can also play a part in dealing with congestion. Congestion almost

always happens when people are travelling to and from work. Traffic congestion has eased in

recent years as a result of growing unemployment and the introduction of more flexible work

hours. By adhering to the traditional 9-5 routines, there’s a greater chance of congestion. Everyone has to travel to and from work at the same time each day. A lack of public transport,

or poor public transport options, will also cause problems. If there isn’t enough buses, trams, or local trains people are forced to take their cars to work. The ratio of passengers to vehicles

decreases, whereas if they were able to take the bus people would feel less of a need to drive

their cars. In many places, commuters are forced away from public transport by the private

companies which run them. Increasing fare prices, especially on the trains, make driving a car

with its associated high fuel costs cheaper than public transport. By pushing people back to

their cars again they only exasperate the congestion problem. In conclusion, congestion is

mainly caused by a desire for people to drive their cars coupled with a failure by local


Page 43: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

government to act. If they invested in more affordable public transport options and a better

infrastructure the incidence of congestion would decrease in major cities.


15.b Read the following passages. On the basis of your reading of the passages below make

notes on it. Use a format you consider appropriate Supply a suitable Title.

c) The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been

take fro Doll s other ere star ed for fi e da s, hi h aused the to stop dividing. After five day, the nuclei of these cells were removed and transferred into

an unfertilized sheep egg. In the next step, the egg was grown in the laboratory for

a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a different sheep, where it grew

normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an exact genetic copy, or

clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus, not the sheep that

provided the egg.

d) Most twins are fraternal, which means they developed from two separate eggs

which were fertilized at the same time. Such twins are no more similar in physical

characteristics than are any other brothers or sisters. About one third of twins are

identical, which means they developed from a single fertilized egg, and usually share a

common placenta. Unlike fraternal twins, their genetic makeup is identical, so they

have very similar physical characteristics, and are always the same sex. Twins

o ei ed fro o e egg a d o e sper are alled ide ti al or o oz goti o e-cell)

twins. The biological mechanisms that prompt the single fertilised egg to split in two

remain a mystery Approximately one quarter of identical twins are mirror images

of each other, which means the right side of one child matches the left side of their

twin. Some researchers believe there may be a third type of twin, although medical

opinion is still divided. It is proposed that the egg splits in two, and each half is then

fertilised by a different sperm. This theory is an attempt to explain why some fraternal

twins look identical.




Cloning of Dolly

I. The procedure followed in the cloning.

A. Cloning involved various steps

B. Cells of Dolly’s mother starved. C. Nuclei of cells transferred into unfertilized sheep egg.

D. Egg kept in lab implanted into sheep.

E. Sheep gave birth to a cloned lamb.


Different types of twins

I. Fraternal twins

A. They develop from two separate eggs.

B. Those twins are different in physical characteristics.

II. Identical twins

A. They develop from a single fertilized egg.

B. Their genetic makeup is similar.

III. There may be a third type.

A. Egg splits in two and fertilized by different sperm.

Page 44: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.





Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(basket, ticket, brush, board, ball, flight, key, tooth)

(a) You should play ___________________to become a tall and slim person.

(b) I can’t use my computer now because the _______________________and mouse need to be replaced.

(c) I can attend the international conference, which is to be held in Australia if the

company is ready to pay for my ___________________________.

(d) My dentist advised me to use a good _____________________ to avoid dental


2. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-

time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to


Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

3. F a e h uestio s fo the espo ses gi e :

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

4. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Coal oil and natural gas collectively called fosil fuels are commonly included in the group but

are not strictly minarels as they are of organic origin.

5. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

(a) Suresh or Joseph _____ is/are likely to e oted this year’s preside t of the stude ts’


(b) An electric computer _________ (solve/solves) difficult problems quickly.

Page 45: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

6. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. calculate b. place

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

I ..................... (not do) household work on Sundays normally but tomorrow I

.................. (tidy) my room, because my friend Jim ...................... (come). He

......................... (arrive) at 10.

8. Write a single-line definition of the following terms.

a. incinerator b. Bluetooth headset

9. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

i. Present opposing arguments or evidence

a. Criticise b. rebuff c. reprimand d. rebut

ii. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence

a. Communism b. internationalism c. capitalism d. impearlism

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. We should use appliances that consume less electricity since reducing energy

_____________ is easier than energy production.

b. During monsoon, rainwater stagnates in several places which leads to the

production of mosquitoes. Hence rainwater _________________ should be stopped.

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11. Answer both the sub division (a) and (b). (16)

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and

is usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that

there are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt

lake that ‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a

useful tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of

reducing contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to

help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the

water stays clean and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored

metal that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The

industries convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating

Page 46: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

noxious by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are_________

2. Antimony and arsenic are______________

3. Industrial waste and human waste_______ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide


II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

2. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer

the questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV) : Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing

for adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always

enjoyed doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is

rumored that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do

require a nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people

or are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens

was known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his

family and relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and

localities, but I would advise you to look around you and create from your very

surroundings, Dreams make very good stories. Of course you tend to forget most.

Except for the ones you have early in the morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting

on the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the

front door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run

back and forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the

creature at the door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws.

Panic stricken, I pull up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just

in time as the animal breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets

stuck in its throat. And then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

Page 47: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away

from the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run

out of pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule

Poirot series. Do you know that she is one of the most successful authors of all times?

Her play ‘Mouse Trap’, which was first staged in 1952, is still running in London!

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

2. Who does Bond write for?

3. Who among the following is not an author?

4. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

12. Write a brief autobiography of yourself as a scientist in about 300 words. (16)

13. Imagine that you are the controller of examinations. Write a set of 8 instructions for

the students in the examination hall. .


14. Write a set of instructions for using your cell phone safely.


15. Write two paragraphs on the following topic.

Impact of electronic media on society.


Page 48: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.





Subject : TECHNICAL ENGLISH-I Code : HS6151

Branch : Common to B.E/B.TECH Sem : I

DURATION : 3 hours MAX MARKS: 100

PART - A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Form compound words from the list of words given and fill in the blanks.

(basket, ticket, brush, board, ball, flight, key, tooth)

(e) You should play _______basket ball______to become a tall and slim person.

(f) I a ’t use y o puter o e ause the ________keyboard________and

mouse need to be replaced.

(g) I can attend the international conference, which is to be held in Australia if the

company is ready to pay for my _______flight ticket________.

(h) My dentist advised me to use a good ______tooth brush______ to avoid dental


2. Rewrite the following conversation in the reported speech.

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

Answer: Daryl stated with sorrow that he was upset. He added that somebody told

his boss that he had a part-time job. Smith enquired whether his boss did not like

that. Daryl replied that his boss did not and the boss thought that he was too tired

to work. Smith apologised and admitted he told the boss.

3. F a e h uestio s fo the espo ses gi e :

a. He makes his living by selling books. (how)

How does he make his living?

b. Jana wants to buy Yamaha R15. (which)

Which bike does Jana want to buy?

4. Edit the following passage by correcting the mistakes in spelling, grammar and


Coal oil and natural gas collectively called fosil fuels are commonly included in the group but

are not strictly minarels as they are of organic origin.

Page 49: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

Ans: Coal, oil, and natural gas collectively called fossil fuels are commonly included in the

group but are not strictly minerals as they are of organic origin.

5. Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

(c) Suresh or Joseph _____ (is/are likely to e oted this year’s preside t of the stude ts’


(d) An electric computer _________ (solve/solves) difficult problems quickly.

6. Give the antonyms of the following words using negative prefixes.

a. calculate - Miscalculate

b. place - displace

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the given verbs in the bracket.

I ....do t do............. (not do) household work on Sundays normally but tomorrow I

........will tidy........ (tidy) my room, because my friend Jim ..........is coming.........

(come). He ............will arrive............. (arrive) at 10.

8. Write a single-line definition of the following terms.

a. incinerator b. Bluetooth headset

a) An incinerator is an apparatus for burning waste material, especially industrial waste,

at high temperatures until it is reduced to ash.

b) A headset is a device which provides a two-way connection to the user's cell phone via


9. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.

iii. Present opposing arguments or evidence

b. Criticise b. rebuff c. reprimand d. rebut

iv. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence

b. Communism b. internationalism c. capitalism d. Imperialism

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word.

a. We should use appliances that consume less electricity since reducing energy

___consumption__________ is easier than energy production.

b. During monsoon, rainwater stagnates in several places which leads to the

production of mosquitoes. Hence rainwater ___stagnation________ should be


Page 50: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

PART - B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

11. Answer both the sub division (a) and (b). (16)

a) Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

The Yamuna River is polluted daily by untreated industrial waste ad human waste and

is usually too dirty to be used. But researchers from the university of Georgia say that

there are colonies of bacteria buried deep in the mud along the banks of a remote salt

lake that ‘breathe’ a toxic metal to survive.

Their experiments with this unusual organism show that it may one day become a

useful tool for industry and environmental protection. The bacteria are capable of

reducing contaminants, including selenium ad tellurium. “Besides, it could be used to

help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in the water. This way, the

water stays clean and industry does not waste a valuable strategic resource.

The bacteria use elements that are notoriously poisonous to humans-such as antimony

and arsenic – in place of oxygen. Antimony is a naturally occurring silver – colored

metal that is widely used to make plastics, and a host of electronic components. The

industries convert antimony into antimony trioxide for optimum use.

The researchers found that the bacteria make antimony trioxide naturally as a

consequence of respiration – creating a useful industrial product without creating

noxious by products or requiring legions of specialized equipment.

I. Complete the following sentences with details from the passage:

1. Selenium and tellurium are____ contaminants _____

2. Antimony and arsenic are______ benefical ________

3. Industrial waste and human waste____ contaminate ___ the Yamuna River.

4. Industrial conversion of antimony into antimony trioxide needs_______ High technology.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

3. What solution is given by the researchers to cleanse the Yamuna River?

Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that colonies of bacteria are buried deep and one day it might become a useful tool for industrial and environmental protection.

4. What are the two benefits of the bacteria, according to the researchers?

They are capable of reducing containments including selenium and tellurium elements in the water. Moreover it is used to help humans recover and recycle the valuable elements in water.

Page 51: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

(b) Read the piece of conversation between Manav Varma and Ruskin Bond and answer

the questions given at the end.

Manav Varma (MV) : Do you enjoy being called a children’s author despite writing

for adults as well?

Ruskin Bond (RB): Of course I do! Writing for children is something I have always

enjoyed doing even though I do write an occasional adult novel.

MV: How do you go about your writing? Are you superstitious? For example, it is

rumored that Shakespeare kept a rotting apple next to him while he wrote.

RB: (chuckles) No. I do not have any such superstitions as far as I know. But I do

require a nice sunny room due to my failing eyesight.

MV: How do you create the characters for your stories? Are they based on real people

or are they mostly fictional?

RB: My characters are always based on real people I know and I draw upon their

personalities. They are not exact replicas but there are similarities. Charles Dickens

was known to have created a lot of his characters from the people around him his

family and relatives. I did a lot of children write stories with foreign names and

localities, but I would advise you to look around you and create from your very

surroundings, Dreams make very good stories. Of course you tend to forget most.

Except for the ones you have early in the morning just before you wake up.

MV: Do you remember any of your dreams?

RB: Yes. I have had this recurring dream – I am in this big jungle lodge all aloe, sitting

on the deck and reading, when I see a lone tiger approaching, I rush inside, bolting the

front door behind me! I then remember that the back door is conveniently open. I run

back and forth, trying to shut all the doors and windows around. Just them I hear the

creature at the door. Snarling and hitting on the glass pane with its enormous paws.

Panic stricken, I pull up a table and try getting out of sky light on to the roof. I am just

in time as the animal breaks in, pounces and knocks over my thermos flask which gets

stuck in its throat. And then I wake up, Boy, I am glad it is all a dream!

MV: Who are your favorite authors?

RB: I have always liked the classics. Charles Dickens is a favourite. I even ran away

from the home like David Copperfield did, only to be back the next day as I had run

out of pocket money! Agatha Christie is one of my favorites, especially the Hercule

Poirot series. Do you know that she is one of the most successful authors of all times?

Her play ‘Mouse Trap’, which was first staged in 1952, is still running in London!

I. Answer the following:

1. What does Bond need for inspiring him?

A bright room

2. Who does Bond write for?

Both children and adults.

5. Who among the following is not an author?

Page 52: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

David copperfield

6. What makes good stories, according to Bond?

Real situation.

II. Answer briefly in a sentence or two:

1. Why does Bond refer to Dickens?

He likes Dickens because Dickens has created from people around him. People had known and met.

2. What suggestion does Bond give to young writers?

Bond wants young writers from their very own surroundings instead of searching for characters with foreign names and surrounding.

12. Write a brief autobiography of yourself as a scientist in about 300 words.

As a young girl I used to love to reverse the time and sort the wrong things. This thought first occurred to me in standard 5th when after my exams I knew that my answer for a math problem was wrong due to one small error in my formula. That whole night how I wished I had a machine that would reverse time and set things right. As days passed by I noticed how other people also had the same feeling as mine as how many wanted to correct the mistakes in their past to set right the future. I started analysing various stuff and I made my parents built a small lab for me where I used to spend my time calculating and experimenting. I was different from other girls of my age. Test tubes and chemical became my friends. My classmates discussed and read fashion magazine but I read science journals. My parents understood and supported my passion. After school all went home chatting but I used to spend time endlessly in the library. I had read various books on science and physics and metaphysics. I was not a bright student but an average student who had profound knowledge in physics. After schooling I was clear that physics is my future and I graduated and post graduated from reputed institutions. My teachers and professors guided and helped me and I experimented endlessly. My aim was a Time Machine. The little mistake in 5th standard has got me this long followed by the death of my dear grandparents whom I had no time to say goodbye and also losing my dog... various factors made me work towards my goal. I had three assistants and they were really good and helpful. It’s a funded program and the success was near. On a rainy night when wind banged my windows and doors we first experimented on the time machine at 10.20pm and to our boundless joy it was a success. We were able to travel back for one hour and we came back safely with no damage and yes I received my noble prize. I’m still working on the perfection and i hope in the future I would build a machine which will take me back in time and space.


13. Imagine that you are the controller of examinations. Write a set of 8 instructions for

the students in the examination hall. .

Enter the examination hall with identity card issued by the college

Occupy the allotted seats 10 minutes before the commencement of


Maintain discipline and silence inside the examination hall.

Give due attention to the instructions given by the Hall Superintendent

before the commencement and also during the examination.

Bring own pens, pencils, eraser, geometrical instruments, calculators, etc.

Use only blue or black ink or ball pen while answering their papers.

Use non-programmable calculators only.

Do not possess cell phone, pager and any such Communication


Page 53: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.

instruments inside the examination hall.

14. Write a set of instructions for using your cell phone safely.

a)Consider having a centralized resting place for the phones to charge up

b) Make sure that anything you post using social networking apps or websites is


c) Do not text, send email, use apps or o figure the pho e’s GPS hile dri i g, ridi g a bicycle or on a skateboard.

d) Consider software that not only provides some security but also helps avoid loss.

e) Be careful around water and be gentle with the screen.

f) Read the reviews and make sure that the app is from a legitimate source.

g Co sider other people’s pri a y he taki g a d pi tures of those arou d you. h) Be aware that smart phones have web browsers so whatever rules apply to Internet

use at home should also apply to browsing on smart phones.


15. Write two paragraphs on the following topic.

Impact of electronic media on society.

Media has played an important role in our society and will continue to influence and shape our

culture for ages to come. Three very prominent and diverse decades illustrates how media has

influenced our culture. During the time periods of 1905, 1930 and 1950, media has played an

important role in technology, society and politics. Three articles from the New York Times

will show and explain how media has shaped our society. The history of media has many

cultural contexts. During three different generations (1905, 1930, 1950) media has provided a

technological, cultural and political influence on America, particularly New York City.

The media like television, radio and the Internet increase an overall awareness of the

masses. They enhance the general knowledge by providing us with information from

all over the world. News broadcast through different media helps us know about the

day-to-day events in the world.

News, telefilms and documentaries revolving around social issues increase a social

awareness in children and develop their concern towards society. They also contribute

to the enhancement of our knowledge, language and vocabulary.

Quiz-based TV and radio shows, and the many programmes on history, literature,

science, philosophy and art and culture on channels like Discovery, BBC and the

National Geographic contribute to development of people’s minds and attitudes, widening knowledge and culture.

The development efforts taken by radio and television in the context of rural India

need to be mentioned. Some recent experiments in television have successfully helped

in transforming lives of the rural people. For instance, TV programmes on health,

agriculture, employment, especially those produced by Doordarshan, have created

awareness among people and motivated efforts for upliftmen of the deprived in

society. Programmes have inspired people to tackle illness and disease and other

problems in society.

Some talk shows on TV have had a similar impact, for instance, talk shows, and

serials that deal with the ill-effects of practices like dowry, sati, child marriage, and

drug abuse in society.


Page 54: St. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH'S … · Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the underlined word. a. Latest technology is applied even in domestic products.
