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St. Landry clarion (Opelousas, La.) 1890-10-11 [p...

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"Here Shall the Press the people's rights maintain, Unawed by influence and unbrtbed by gain." _________-_-_ L i. NO.. . OPELOUSAS, LA., SAT.DA. 11890. 2T--• -2 7 : -•-7 -- 2-2• . - 2 " " A - ." - -2 2 - __ . --" _ • __.-: _ - _ L -2 _2_• • 5 - ----TZ T .7 2-• 2 - 2 -I • • , .' "•':• ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ff- Or I.rO..OPLUAL.,ST A• Ol:R 1,80.,. " .. . S lrlO' !•. : •' II l I "/i l I l m l l l ll a II i i m l g I l i u I l l l R I fli mn liin l I / ; ' " ' " 7 " - m uau, m n m toniira,,, un u m " "" ua~m,, nnu m nmm ra m nan ,, m ,,•U , no ,,, u m 'u~l "• mn u n n m m mmn n - HE CLARION-. PIublshbed Every Saturtday h the ".SL Ir. PIatIqan Palishinag Co. (LIMITED.) SOPElt sA, :S•, OTOERE 189, lO0. For Congress Sixth District: HON. S. M. ROBERTSON, - Of East Baton Rouge. ling ringsof &1 sizes and stylcs iMorniiin veg's. EV o are some inldiations of imn- ts in our town, and all the nters and builder: are busy. teini Mornhinveg's le and sce stock of Fall e.velry. Ladies' Mission Society of the st C('hurh, ill give a festival for nefit of the church, at the church. kWgdiesday night, October 22d. All .ited. ember we don't keep every- but when you call for anything li• h of goods. you are not met ho usual Chesnut "just out," but ordered, by tc;o. W. Moriarty. ive gun dealer. Iou wish to lie fitted to a pair of go to R. Mornhinveg's jewelry shment on Main St. contractors for the United outt buiklding have :. rrived and n the work of collcting the smaterials at once. They i t they will complete the about ten months. clocks, jewelry, and fine SR. Mornbinveg. the paper to a nlrm have not subse . who do not want it. rn it as evidence of who keep it will b subsription price- .atcbeor je*eir take it to R. Morn- live jeweler of Opelousas. ider many obligations to ng friends for the gener- given us at the outset. ! 'e to make the CLARIos a -t d vahlable aivertising the business public aid etit patronage. ion by the State and parish IOr the quarter ending S09h: Licences $7.31; i184I Itconts; 1887, 12 cents; cents: 1889, .37.93, interest ••, in-• 1 have to de j i upon the in- of our readers to .excuse us eagier appearanee of our columns. Wehave had to u ( his first edition under great lies and will promise to give ie and space thereafter to our tO department. Ik " atbout to begin to set the Sfor this issue of the paper, we' an1d the quantity of accented letters .:ec notbonly insufficient, but some of sorts 'were lacking entirely. A ' has leen ordered from the and French will appear in the to as they are received. ~i_~___ f, ric, 0ot ton and pota- indant in 8t. Iladry this istes na bom; price for all kii `" Prowduce;the is healthy, 'n the general is upon the l tI more en- than we hav erer known z otirsectionof t Mate. idents of prairie have b1fore tho poli jury for an tion to assist in 4 aning out draining the King's Bridge to the Teche. Tesald is a dug ori by the ; and the ppi tepair of egreatest vauli the aye- in t wite k to SALTATORIY. The St. Landry Printing and Pub- lishing ('ompany Limited announce to the public that with this issue of the St. I.andrv ('L.triox, ihley begin the publication of a weekly journal which will be devoted to the dissemiration of news of a general and local character, and to the discussion of all live topics vwhich may concern or interest the public. In its editorial department it will be strickly democratic. It will hold to the Jteffersonian doctrine of 'equal rights to all, special privilieges to none," and will oppose all monopo- lies and lottery- companies, especially t he Louisiana Lottery Company and the proposition to renew its char- ter. The C'LArlo is not started to serve any temrporary purpose bhut it will be a permanent e.ituamlier having ample assurance of a genet s sup- port from every portion of our ish. While the managers of the paper intend to make it a demrrtic journal, they promise also that it shall be a friend and organ of the masses of the people, a medium which they may freely use to reflect their wishes, opin- ions and interests upon all question. DISTRICT COURT. The Fall term of the District Court opened last Monday with a full venire of jurors in attendance. The follow- ing grand jurors were drawn from the box : E. 8. Clements, Edgat Landry, Pierre Vistrie, Dorsin Prud'homme, A. 11. Generes, N. Lastralyes. Joseph Firnberg, John Mudd, A. ('. Kennedy, Cleophas Moreau, Francois J. )'avy, Willie Moreau, Alibe Tate, A. L. Stagg, Dejean .Jean Baptiste, John Kelly. Mr. E. S. Clements was appointed Foreman by the Court. The grand jury has been diligently at work, and will probably not adjourn before this evening. The following is the work of that Idxly as far as re- ported, in cases were the parties were under bond or in jail: TREIE nXLLi. Spencer Joicy cutting and stabbing. Dock Biree, larceny, Henry Griffin and Valmont Thomas carrying concealed weapons, Alexis Fruge horsestealing. Onezime Jaco Fontenot assault with intent to commit rape, Ovide (iodeau assault by wilfidly shooting at, Ovide (lodeau shooting into a house, Eugene Guillory et al. breaking prison, Eu- gene Guillory shooting with intent to commit murder, C. A. Ransom man- 'slaughter, Alex. Nanette assault with a dangerous weapon, Willie Green shooting with intent to commit mur- der, Marry Harrison and Lucien Steen larceny. % * BI Mf IGNORED. Placide Robin asault and hattery. Thomas Briscoe poisoning animals. Joseph Stanton threatening to kill, Alphotise Green 1and Louis Franklin and William Gladst*e violating act aL of 1886, Al srt Esprit- assault with a UlopfSqPe pon with intent to kill. A Aise laumoa and William (il * mry Stephen Lee and Jueesn y and Edison liar- risopand Dlbo: Loas Lejeune and Wil- ii 8 sawi n e, Davis larceny, ;ii Stlen erjury, Josephine IO rsaid Catihras Canste--- , Js e Kipng ise, O.ar Savoie et al. dogaultl wit'- d4angerous weapon, 7aement EngWer.~slandtr, Johnnie IrijWs at wijhhinte* to klil, uet al . is The case of Brown tutor vs. Mrs. Dugas, was tried by a jury and a ver- dict rendered on Thursday in favor of the plaintiff for the tract of land in contest and for rent to the amount of $750. The case of Simon Bloch vs. Sol. Loeb was on trial before a jury at the time we went to press. We have received for publication too late for this issue the proceedings of the parish convention of the farmers' Union held at Bayou (Chicot last week, and will publish them in full next week. These proceedings will be found to be interesting, especially theiaction taken in reference to the attempt to get out an independent canadidate against Mr. Blanchard in the fourth district. The convention condemned that move in very strong language and there by shows that the Alliances of this great parish are true and sound to the core in their allegiance to the democratic party. It is a timely utterance and demonstrates that this organisation in our parish is in safe hands. Capt. J. J. Thompson and Mr. P. D. Williams attended as delegates from the Opelousas Alliance. The races, an eye witness tells us. that took place on the Opelousas race course, on the 4th and 5th insts., were numerous, but the horses, with a few exceptions, were not very fast. But little money was bet, and consequently there was not much excitement. The fastest trotting, one mile, was done by P. D. Williams' brown stallion, King William, in 3:10; and it is thought that, with practice and training, he can do it in 2:40. The track is new, but it is in good condition; and there is no reason, with the well bred young stock that is coming on in this see- tion, why it should not be well patronized in the near future. Ceo. W. Moriarty's gunstore is head- quarters for breech and muzzle loading guns. Rifles and revolvers and ear- tridges of all kinds. Powder, shot, roger knives, razors, scissors, -fishing tackle, always on hand. The largest stock and only regular dealer outside of New Orleans. Prices as low as the lowest, and can sell all quality of goods,. Romirnj g oa gwvedsayma v etc., in the best style and waranted. The Attakalpas Family and -Planta- tion Remedies for sale by all Druggists. C. B. ANDRUS, -DEALER IN- Groceries, Fulton Market Beef, Western Beet in half barrels Pigs' Feet, Tripe. Saddles, HIr SS, WINES, And Liquor s of all brands, EVERYTHING FRISH AND CHEAP. otUl ROBERT CHACHERE, -DEALER IN- General Merchandise. Groceries, Plantation Supples, Hardaroe, Croceryware, Tin Ware Kitoken outfits at a bar gain, Liquors of all brands. Skoes for Farmers that will keep out the dirt itn plowlng. My Stock is large and will be sold very CHEAP. Come and see it octif The "How Will TYo Have 'em" OYSTER SALOON And Ladies' Restaurant -- KEPT BY- MAURICE VILAS8QA, Has re-opened its doors to its anumeros customers, where Osters Jlsh1a Crabs, Veetables a id Frits be kapt throughout the season. All aders entrms- ted to him will be careftlly flled at whole- sale or retalL oIn onectiom, he baa alo •!n strock of (eneral Merchandise. .Drv Good. Gro- ceries, Wines and Liquors; also oct11EE ''~a ~~~Z) e H-L$ A. J. BERCIEZ t 3 Meyers (o. o IMR41g , a{ $L , o A New Deal .M T frte VrV XP EL f ert New Goods! New Prices! ALL CASH DOWN! These are the -methods upon which we propose to carry on our busine's hereafter. SBy this chan• we will be enabled to sell our goods on a small margin, as we will have.no na collector to pay, 'hor have we to add to the cost of our goods the usual.lses arising from credit sales. Positively no-goods delivered unless paid for. We are now receiving new goods. Our Mr. Meginley and our Mr. Euge.ne S. Bloch ar• at p 4 ent in the market to hunt bargains and the latest styles. They are purehas3i for cash, and you may look out for big things ahead. We still carrya full assortment of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats. caps, notions, millinery goods, hardware, groceries, sewing machines, stoves, furniture, wagons, letc. We invite an pection ofour goods, both as to quality and prices. Money refund&d for any goods purchased which do not come up to what is prpresented. A hay press a ost new, with gatherer and stacker for sale at a low price. I am also age for Reaper and Binders, Mowers, Engines, and Threshers. with latest improv teCs. JOS. BLOCH, oct11 Corner Main and Bellevue Streets. E VQRDENBAUMEN, -- DEALER IN- Cypress* Pine Lumber and Shingles, SA DOORS AND BLINDS, -- Q-=: o: du-u•4 RSe( i I sLos to all points beltween Morgan City and bi irpn, lnclusive. Oct Y11 y TMaas, @pouss , ~t ~1a::: Successors to Black & Morris, General Fre Insuraaoe Agents, Offioe with Thos. H. Lewis, Esq., Opeousas. The followinj old and reliable companies represented:-Liverpool and London andiGlobe Ins. Co. of Englan'; Home Insurance Company of NewYork; Fire Assoic- ation of Philadelphia; Home Insurance Co. of New Orleans; Mechanics' and Traders' Ins. Co. of New Orleaas; St. P: ,u German Security of New Haven, Conn.; Southern Insurance Co. of New Orleans: P•lican Insurance Co. of New Orleans; Union Insu- rance Co. of San Frenicsco: ;louthern California of Los Angeles, Cal.; Providence Washington of Providence, R. L ; Knoxville Insurance Company of Knoxvtle, Tenn.; Sun Mutual Insurance Compmly and Equitable Life Insurance Company etd t York. ALPHONSE LEVY, 1 S. JOS. W~'IRON, J. T. .. , President. Vice-President. ier. The first National Bank OF OP TJSOUSAS. Receives money .on deposit. Loans money on goodxl security. app 'and sells exchange. Makes a specialty of collections; and in fact transacts a general banking business. The patronage of merchants, planters, and the public at large respectfully solicited. octlt COME TO TIME ! IN COMPETITION WITH ALL, I WILL HELL YOU BEST CYPRESS LUMBER, FOR CASH, AT Pine $12 ahd-$14 per M ; Shingles $1 per M and up ; Posts fron 5i to 12 cents each. Special prices on ear-load lots. .ask, Bltutls, Poo.i, ae. M lCuklgs of a sizes, always ou kaud. octll J. T. STEWART, near Depot, O(pelosas. $2,000,000 I To Loah on Improved Plantations. Panter wishing to borrow moneyfor a term of years, on easy t oerm, can icure these by a e l.ng to 5. .A ail Once opt e1evue Street, opposite Market gouse. Agent amt Attorney. N. D. LIWIS,,. _ 3.; P. SATZAN. Z1VWiS & SAIZ AN, p o niA nqn Street r. m o etw s, Main~arliat~et Stret oct11 v * L UETT, y.we M i iyin44 rgl~ ei~"Jiff ss~ad prrpIve sb ' ,I+#1e . toof laud.. V~r ~ i~~rtr~~s~t ~ --- OaF TH8- St. Landry Printing and Puliablag Co. (LIMITED.) STATE OF LiOUISIANA, Parish of 't. Landry. Be it known, That on this f2th day of J uly, in the year one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety, and of the I ndependence of the United ~tates of America the one hundredth and tiftcenth, before me, Oco. 0. Elms, a notary public in and for the parish of St. Liundrv, State of Louisiana, duly commissioned and qualified, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared the several personsA whose names arc hereunto subscribed, who de- clared that, availing themselves of the pro- visions of toe laws of this State relattve to the formation of corporations, t do by these presents covenant, eg bind themselves as well as sutih ans as may hereafter become fth them, to form and co on and- body politic hin and purplmses and under th~ygreeb nts and stipulatioins following, to.•IL: ARTICLE FIRST. The name and style of this corporation shall be TinE ST. LANDRY PaRINTIeO AND PUBcILISiING COMIPANY LIMITED, and under its corporate name it shall have full powem and authority to have and enjoy corporate existenlce and succession for the term o0 ninety-nine years from and after the d bereo ; anllt during its corporate-eTastenee it shall also have l,•wer -• -imotract, sue and be sued; to make and use a corporate teal, and the same to break or alter at pleasure; to hold, receive, lease, let, pur- chase, sell and convey, as well as mortgage and bypothecate property, real and per- sonal and mixed; to ,lpUr an a .• l.end monev, and to give and receve securities therefor; to name and appoint such man- agers. d(irectors, ollleers, overseers and agents as the interests and convenience ot said cCorlJsration may require; 1to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regu- lations for the management and regulation of the affairs of said corporat on, as may be necessary and proper, an de same to alter and amend at pleasure. ARTICLE SECOND. The domicile of said corporation shall be in the town of ()elousas, parish of St. Landry, and a!l citatatlons and legal pro- cess shall be served upon the president t said corporation, or in case'of i absence upon the secretary thereof. ARTICLE 1THRD, The objects and purposes for which this corporatton is es~tabised, are't print and putblish in the town roft Opelousss a etv paper and to ~cry on a inewslper -. d jol pruntingu business, anti ts odtel of wB newspaper and the publication -ti ethe matter so dissemnate news and lairuis atia; and fo said.prposles to purchase or establish a news• per. ARTICLE FOIUTR . Tld caidta intoek of this eqpsaUtista hereby Sized at Tena hosas_ d bollrs dl Transfers of stock shall be M~oid only when mde on the b s ooks the subject to such conditions- s t•t•ard i directors muay pecribe, aed pr eiallay that no atoekhalder hllsell of transfer his stock until he' shil have giveon to the president of the comkpany the optionv of purchasing said stock for tloen csoary at its par value. The stoekholder deains to dispose of his stock hall give the e dent written notice of lbsl tlen•ion to.do MoA and said option shall continue for tese days from he date of servlapngid w•.r-ti notice npl the rside t ad no R of stock shall be valid except to Meaa- pany until the expiration ot said tea t T'his iwvision of the charter testnprinted asc. the fs s fer- tilicate of stock. ARTICLE S191t . All corporate powers f e aki simpan shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors osed of seve stockholders of said cw dlon, to 1 elected annually on then January. All such elc b ballqt and shall be held at of the company, under the superint ene Om three com:nmissioners, to be appointte r hr the board of directors. Tent days' ptrio t tice of such electionthlall be given (y pub iication in one of the newspapers publmi. in Opelousas; and the directors tahe - ted shall serve and continue in otie aile their successors shall have been elected. Each sto:kholder shall be entitled to cast eijther in person or by proxy one vote for each share of stock held by him, -and tht majority of votes cast at such election shall elect the directors for the ensuing year. If at any time there should be a failure to elect directors as anote arovided, such fail- ure shall not dissolve the corporation, but the then existing board of dtrectors shall continue to hold otltee; anti as soon as may be thereafter another, election shall be held, whereof ten days' prior notice shall begiven by publication ina newspa per published in the town of Opelousas. Any vacancy occuring in the board of di rectors front any cause whatever, shall be tilled by the remaining directors. Five di-. rectors shall constitute a quorunm for the transaction af business. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The following named persmns shall con- stitute the firsthboaf-r a detmtors, to-wit: Theophile 8 Fontenot, James Jackson Thompson, Edward T. Lewis, Gei. O. Elas, and shall hold olhe mutil the first Mon- day of January, 18WL. 'i'he board of directi at its firstmeeting shall elect -fromn its members a president and a veevpresident, and aPlpout a semt- tary and a treasurer or one person to be secretary and treasurer who need not b a member of the Ieart; ad also, if it seems proper, It shall rae lr to appoint a ener mshag•q, t or m not be t• . the bo empllM-4 sad should the detr It shall have power to * e fult sal w tot a terfeiene w au of and policyof the the ,theseiektion of its eaployees aeade of its bIsinese, of dirseesos shylt hase atoity .to qhit:a tract withe Heurl ae od not edi Stts reeyears conapeaion in money * Ine k may deem beat. the a = lei ravor off;w emh i thseacsIa ri i aaeetor~ L~Y~fot The capital stock of said corpirad may be inses ed as occasion may :reiu , t ao l m me the uire r~n s aof An act to provide the manner in wlieh -• •m mtium ay. Icrease their-• the constitution, apprved on June :, Hli&.. ARTICLE TENTI. - No stockholder shall ever be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults odss said corpolraCtion, In amy further anmt• ' the unpaild balance that may irb dati the- :o m p a n v o n s h a r e s o f s t o c k o w~ e d:t hh i m , nor shall any mere informality itn u-- cation have the effect of rendering this charter null or exljtlin any stockholder to any liability beyond the amount of such unlaid bnlanse due upon his st ock. ARTICLE ET EVENTH, No stocnk shall be hereafter sold except " u on alproval of the board of directors. ARTICLE TWIELI TH. In case of neglect or failure of the) t.. dent or board of directors to call tn el' o11 for directors as pun lied ii 1this char- ter, anl tive stockholders shall. have ,the lhtt, by publication in a newslpa er in, th'. t.own of Ohlounis , . to cBll such ele•tio byC, ten days" notice. Thus do.ne and signed in iresenice so•.f qpolid ('ahanin and Austin Lacombe sIuh- ,rnbhiing witnesses hereto, and in presea, of thel uontrsiPmed not4ry, on the day ,and (late first above written. Witnesses: THOS. H LEW1~i A. LACOMBE, T .:s 1 -NROT,`" '~r J. L. U~rn.s ..-- ^ , WILSON, J J. TIIOMPSON, ii. II ENEthR A. J. BlERCIER;GV;` * J. LASALLE. `T GEO. O. ELMS, Notary Public. octil PIERRE TITAVID, Opelousas Old Bkery, EkNs•e d 188, . CORNER NORTH $ COURT ST6 y, octil ly . ,. .- i .~ JACOB U. P.iYZ4W CO. V&. A. C. TOWV. n~o~ 148 tinws~r (t~.ua, YPbwlw iop . y Fht.x. I .l B0. n 6 e04t By Ie;oat':I` Mme :i . mrule, one m ;i 1 w mule; a~;j~ ! -a nsti in bd to uit. Opekmrui oti 191 00 040 i..:.iS PAMThT N O ?i~o. 4?SA PaORATNIE*Y XaCi3 biIYW T i~~i~: Wbereas, hJepy Aumia n 4L Landry. nyrgd;t iAdatoba, stt Aitled estate,' has. mopd a. beal 4aid estate, aoutpn sd' bI:y his praying for the hob okigatkp of the And, whereas, ate. 0' lung, Of, ,ietition - tableau , ip et o i an ordertof court bearing do is t1 `Meri Now therefo.", notice is berebnr veii~*' dl persons inewested to make opm) i o $saod tn leii. In altragx.+f " t 1,3 8 v ;he tow if of 4)eloiisas, witbin &iOS iaired by law, why said tableat sho4* : ;kbe hosnilogatkd a8e sne4 Notko e *f7 iHSU. - ETAT1 E OF ST. CLAIRE IrOUGEAU. (o. 480T PaosrTa DoeXrr, DUrI wr Co(ait, PFassn o0 8?. La"nr, Whereas, Iaeai Ronmeaus of the parish of St, Land, traator of the ahoy, entitled eatoe, h a a final tah a of " said estate, aeeuoaa nied by his petition ig for the Boonlogati., of the same• Aind wheireas," notien of lng of s•, d _4. petithmn aud tableau has been ordered w an orer of court bearing date October .li, sow, therefore, notice is hereby plven to -M Wons• Interested to make opposition teiEd tableau, in writing, at fsy oflion t aem rn of Opelnusas, within the time •t by law, why said tableau should tbe humokigated and confiurmed. l. L. TUOMPQ ON, t)t' 11, iirn. Clerk. notioe of Tableau. ErTATEP OF SIMON DAPTISTE MANWUEL SR. No. 4868 ?3O5AWs DOC, Dimze CoVw, PASsamOar Of. LAWDXY. Whereas, Jean flahe. Sheom Maa K oithe pariah of . Iadtlabs hu. of th bo veea~t~tsd~8i bY"aa S4ia potinbleau of ~d saw ertefi6 saao 1 h And, whereas, noule of I pai~ a d tabileu ho s bes4 aap 0rI1.arLPt bead4IaglrC Oerkrl*,U.g mil Da -- of They furthermore promise that it: influence will be exerted to maintain harmony within the ranks of the de- mocracy local and state, and that it will not be the partisan of any clique or fajct ion, whether in office or out of office, but it will frely criticise the conduct of all public officials or bodies but al- ways in a spirit of fairness and with the sole object of securing the public goo- Recognising the fact that the agri- cultural classes embrace within their ranks in great part the bone, sinew, patriotism and intelligenceof thecom- monwealth as well as the voting strength upon which depends the weal or woe of the democratic party, the C•RlIow will open wide its columns to Farmers' Alliance for the publica- tion of its official proeeedingsas well as kor the discussion of its principles and aims. While making mention from week to week of important news of a general character, the'CLaIox will take special-pains -o keep its-readers-posted as to all local matters of interest, and it solicits short communications touch- lnfg the needs andmiSa e 4ei ifut-' sia t in every neighborlood of our great parish and finally with malice toward none bI,t with charity and good will for all, we confidently launch out journalistic enterprise e--1 most res- pet-tftlly solicit for it tL i,,ispport of the public. TTIE ST. LANDIIY P'RINTING ( AND PI'usIIlSIIXU COM.IANY LIMITED.

"Here Shall the Press the people's rights maintain, Unawed by influence and unbrtbed by gain." _________-_-_

L i. NO.. . OPELOUSAS, LA., SAT.DA. 11890.2T--• -2 7 : -•-7 --2-2• . - 2 " " A - ." --2 2 - __ . --" _ • _ _.-: _ - _ L -2 _2_• • 5 - - - --T Z T .7 2-• 2 - 2 -I • • , .'"•':• ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..ff- Or I.rO..OPLUAL.,ST A• Ol:R 1,80.,. " .. .S • lrlO' !•. : •'II l I "/i l I l m l l l ll a II i i m l g I l i u I l l l


fli mn liin l I

/ ; ' " ' " 7 "- • m uau, m n m toniira,,, un u m " "" ua~m,, nnu m nmm ra m na n ,, m ,,• U , no ,,, u m 'u~l "• mn u n n m m mmn n -

HE CLARION-.PIublshbed Every Saturtday h the

".SL Ir. PIatIqan Palishinag Co.(LIMITED.)

SOPElt sA, :S•, OTOERE 189, lO0.

For Congress Sixth District:

HON. S. M. ROBERTSON,- Of East Baton Rouge.

ling ringsof &1 sizes and stylcsiMorniiin veg's.

EV o are some inldiations of imn-ts in our town, and all thenters and builder: are busy.

teini Mornhinveg's le and scestock of Fall e.velry.

Ladies' Mission Society of thest C('hurh, ill give a festival fornefit of the church, at the church.

kWgdiesday night, October 22d. All.ited.ember we don't keep every-but when you call for anythingli• h of goods. you are not metho usual Chesnut "just out," butordered, by tc;o. W. Moriarty.ive gun dealer.Iou wish to lie fitted to a pair ofgo to R. Mornhinveg's jewelryshment on Main St.

contractors for the Unitedoutt buiklding have :. rrived andn the work of collcting the

smaterials at once. Theyi t they will complete the

about ten months.

clocks, jewelry, and fineSR. Mornbinveg.

the paper to a nlrmhave not subse .who do not want it.rn it as evidence of

who keep it will

b subsription price-

.atcbeor je*eirtake it to R. Morn-

live jeweler of Opelousas.

ider many obligations tong friends for the gener-given us at the outset.

! 'e to make the CLARIos a-t d vahlable aivertisingthe business public aid

etit patronage.

ion by the State and parishIOr the quarter ending

S09h: Licences $7.31;i184I Itconts; 1887, 12 cents;

cents: 1889, .37.93, interest••, in-•

1 have to de j i upon the in-of our readers to .excuse us

eagier appearanee of ourcolumns. Wehave had to

u ( his first edition under greatlies and will promise to giveie and space thereafter to our

tO department.Ik "

atbout to begin to set theSfor this issue of the paper, we'

an1d the quantity of accented letters.:ec notbonly insufficient, but some of

sorts 'were lacking entirely. A' has leen ordered from the

and French will appear in theto as they are received.~i_~___

f, ric, 0ot ton and pota-indant in 8t. Iladry thisistes na bom; price

for all kii `" Prowduce;theis healthy, 'n the generalis upon the l tI more en-

than we hav erer knownz otirsectionof t Mate.

idents of prairie haveb1fore tho poli jury for an

tion to assist in 4 aning outdraining the King's Bridgeto the Teche. Tesald is a

dug ori by the; and the ppi tepair ofegreatest vauli the aye-

in t wite k



The St. Landry Printing and Pub-lishing ('ompany Limited announce tothe public that with this issue of theSt. I.andrv ('L.triox, ihley begin thepublication of a weekly journal whichwill be devoted to the dissemiration ofnews of a general and local character,and to the discussion of all live topicsvwhich may concern or interest the

public. In its editorial department itwill be strickly democratic. It willhold to the Jteffersonian doctrine of'equal rights to all, special priviliegesto none," and will oppose all monopo-lies and lottery- companies, especiallyt he Louisiana Lottery Companyand the proposition to renew its char-ter. The C'LArlo is not started toserve any temrporary purpose bhut it willbe a permanent e.ituamlier havingample assurance of a genet s sup-

port from every portion of our ish.While the managers of the paper

intend to make it a demrrtic journal,they promise also that it shall be afriend and organ of the masses of thepeople, a medium which they mayfreely use to reflect their wishes, opin-ions and interests upon all question.


The Fall term of the District Courtopened last Monday with a full venireof jurors in attendance. The follow-ing grand jurors were drawn from thebox : E. 8. Clements, Edgat Landry,Pierre Vistrie, Dorsin Prud'homme,A. 11. Generes, N. Lastralyes. JosephFirnberg, John Mudd, A. ('. Kennedy,Cleophas Moreau, Francois J. )'avy,Willie Moreau, Alibe Tate, A. L.Stagg, Dejean .Jean Baptiste, JohnKelly.

Mr. E. S. Clements was appointedForeman by the Court.

The grand jury has been diligentlyat work, and will probably not adjournbefore this evening. The following isthe work of that Idxly as far as re-ported, in cases were the parties wereunder bond or in jail:


Spencer Joicy cutting and stabbing.Dock Biree, larceny, Henry Griffin andValmont Thomas carrying concealedweapons, Alexis Fruge horsestealing.Onezime Jaco Fontenot assault with

intent to commit rape, Ovide (iodeau

assault by wilfidly shooting at, Ovide(lodeau shooting into a house, EugeneGuillory et al. breaking prison, Eu-gene Guillory shooting with intent to

commit murder, C. A. Ransom man-'slaughter, Alex. Nanette assault witha dangerous weapon, Willie Green

shooting with intent to commit mur-der, Marry Harrison and Lucien Steenlarceny.% * BI Mf IGNORED.

Placide Robin asault and hattery.Thomas Briscoe poisoning animals.Joseph Stanton threatening to kill,Alphotise Green 1and Louis Franklinand William Gladst*e violating act aLof 1886, Al srt Esprit- assault with a

UlopfSqPe pon with intent to kill.A Aise laumoa and William

(il * • mry Stephen Leeand Jueesn y and Edison liar-risopand Dlbo: Loas Lejeune and Wil-

ii 8 sawi n e, Davis larceny,;ii Stlen erjury, Josephine

IO rsaid Catihras Canste--- ,Js e Kipng ise, O.ar Savoie et al.dogaultl wit'- d4angerous weapon,7aement EngWer.~slandtr, JohnnieIrijWs at wijhhinte* to klil,

uet al . is

The case of Brown tutor vs. Mrs.Dugas, was tried by a jury and a ver-dict rendered on Thursday in favor ofthe plaintiff for the tract of land incontest and for rent to the amount of

$750. The case of Simon Bloch vs.Sol. Loeb was on trial before a jury atthe time we went to press.

We have received for publication toolate for this issue the proceedings ofthe parish convention of the farmers'Union held at Bayou (Chicot last week,and will publish them in full next week.These proceedings will be found to beinteresting, especially theiaction takenin reference to the attempt to get outan independent canadidate against Mr.Blanchard in the fourth district. Theconvention condemned that move invery strong language and there byshows that the Alliances of this greatparish are true and sound to the corein their allegiance to the democraticparty. It is a timely utterance anddemonstrates that this organisation inour parish is in safe hands.

Capt. J. J. Thompson and Mr. P. D.Williams attended as delegates fromthe Opelousas Alliance.

The races, an eye witness tells us.that took place on the Opelousas racecourse, on the 4th and 5th insts., werenumerous, but the horses, with a fewexceptions, were not very fast. Butlittle money was bet, and consequentlythere was not much excitement. Thefastest trotting, one mile, was done byP. D. Williams' brown stallion, KingWilliam, in 3:10; and it is thoughtthat, with practice and training, hecan do it in 2:40. The track is new,but it is in good condition; and thereis no reason, with the well bred youngstock that is coming on in this see-tion, why it should not be wellpatronized in the near future.

Ceo. W. Moriarty's gunstore is head-quarters for breech and muzzle loadingguns. Rifles and revolvers and ear-tridges of all kinds. Powder, shot,roger knives, razors, scissors, -fishingtackle, always on hand. The largeststock and only regular dealer outsideof New Orleans. Prices as low as thelowest, and can sell all quality ofgoods,. Romirnj g oa gwvedsayma vetc., in the best style and waranted.

The Attakalpas Family and -Planta-tion Remedies for sale by all Druggists.


Groceries,Fulton Market Beef,Western Beet in half barrelsPigs' Feet, Tripe.

Saddles, HIr SS,WINES,

And Liquor s of all brands,EVERYTHING FRISH AND CHEAP.



General Merchandise.

Groceries, Plantation Supples,Hardaroe, Croceryware, TinWare Kitoken outfits at a bargain, Liquors of all brands.Skoes for Farmers that will keep

out the dirt itn plowlng.

My Stock is large and will be sold veryCHEAP. Come and see it octif

The "How Will TYo Have 'em"OYSTER SALOON

And Ladies' Restaurant-- KEPT BY-

MAURICE VILAS8QA,Has re-opened its doors to its anumeros

customers, where Osters Jlsh1aCrabs, Veetables a id Frits be kaptthroughout the season. All aders entrms-ted to him will be careftlly flled at whole-sale or retalLoIn onectiom, he baa alo •!n strock

of (eneral Merchandise. .Drv Good. Gro-ceries, Wines and Liquors; also

oct11EE ''~a ~~~Z) e H-L$

A. J. BERCIEZt 3 Meyers (o.

o IMR41g , a{ $L , o

A New Deal.M T frte VrV XP EL f ert

New Goods! New Prices!ALL CASH DOWN!

These are the -methods upon which we propose to carry on our busine'shereafter.

SBy this chan• we will be enabled to sell our goods on a small margin, aswe will have.no na collector to pay, 'hor have we to add to the cost of ourgoods the usual.lses arising from credit sales.

Positively no-goods delivered unless paid for.We are now receiving new goods. Our Mr. Meginley and our Mr. Euge.ne

S. Bloch ar• at p4

ent in the market to hunt bargains and the latest styles.They are purehas3i for cash, and you may look out for big things ahead.

We still carrya full assortment of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats.caps, notions, millinery goods, hardware, groceries, sewing machines, stoves,furniture, wagons, letc.

We invite an pection ofour goods, both as to quality and prices.Money refund&d for any goods purchased which do not come up to what is


A hay press a ost new, with gatherer and stacker for sale at a low price.I am also age for Reaper and Binders, Mowers, Engines, and Threshers.

with latest improv teCs.

JOS. BLOCH,oct11 Corner Main and Bellevue Streets.


Cypress* Pine Lumber and Shingles,SA DOORS AND BLINDS,

• -- Q-=: o:

du-u•4 RSe( i I sLos to all points beltween Morgan City and

bi irpn, lnclusive.

Oct Y11 y TMaas, @pouss ,~t ~1a:::

Successors to Black & Morris,

General Fre Insuraaoe Agents,Offioe with Thos. H. Lewis, Esq., Opeousas.

The followinj old and reliable companies represented:-Liverpool and LondonandiGlobe Ins. Co. of Englan'; Home Insurance Company of NewYork; Fire Assoic-ation of Philadelphia; Home Insurance Co. of New Orleans; Mechanics' and Traders'Ins. Co. of New Orleaas; St. P: ,u German Security of New Haven, Conn.; SouthernInsurance Co. of New Orleans: P•lican Insurance Co. of New Orleans; Union Insu-rance Co. of San Frenicsco: ;louthern California of Los Angeles, Cal.; ProvidenceWashington of Providence, R. L ; Knoxville Insurance Company of Knoxvtle, Tenn.;Sun Mutual Insurance Compmly and Equitable Life Insurance Company etd t York.


President. Vice-President. ier.

The first National BankOF OP TJSOUSAS.

Receives money .on deposit. Loans money on goodxl security. app 'and sellsexchange. Makes a specialty of collections; and in fact transacts a general bankingbusiness. The patronage of merchants, planters, and the public at large respectfullysolicited. octlt



Pine $12 ahd-$14 per M ; Shingles $1 per M and up ; Posts fron5i to 12 cents each. Special prices on ear-load lots.

.ask, Bltutls, Poo.i, ae. M lCuklgs of a sizes, always ou kaud.octll J. T. STEWART, near Depot, O(pelosas.

$2,000,000 ITo Loah on Improved Plantations.

Panter wishing to borrow moneyfor a term of years, on easy t oerm, can icurethese by a e l.ng to 5. .A ail

Once opt e1evue Street, opposite Market gouse. Agent amt Attorney.

N. D. LIWIS,,. _ 3.; P. SATZAN.


p o niA nqn Street r. m o etw s,Main~arliat~et Stret oct11

v * L UETT,

y.we M i iyin44

rgl~ ei~"Jiff ss~ad prrpIve sb' ,I+#1e . toof laud..V~r ~ i~~rtr~~s~t ~

--- OaF TH8-

St. Landry Printing and Puliablag Co.(LIMITED.)

STATE OF LiOUISIANA,Parish of 't. Landry.

Be it known, That on this f2th day ofJ uly, in the year one thousand eight hun-dred and ninety, and of the I ndependenceof the United ~tates of America the onehundredth and tiftcenth, before me, Oco.0. Elms, a notary public in and for theparish of St. Liundrv, State of Louisiana,duly commissioned and qualified, and inthe presence of the witnesses hereinafternamed and undersigned, personally cameand appeared the several personsA whosenames arc hereunto subscribed, who de-clared that, availing themselves of the pro-visions of toe laws of this State relattve tothe formation of corporations, t do bythese presents covenant, eg bindthemselves as well as sutih ansas may hereafter become fththem, to form and co onand- body politic hin andpurplmses and under th~ygreeb nts andstipulatioins following, to.•IL:

ARTICLE FIRST.The name and style of this corporation

shall be TinE ST. LANDRY PaRINTIeO ANDPUBcILISiING COMIPANY LIMITED, and underits corporate name it shall have full powemand authority to have and enjoy corporateexistenlce and succession for the term o0ninety-nine years from and after the dbereo ; anllt during its corporate-eTasteneeit shall also have l,•wer -• -imotract, sueand be sued; to make and use a corporateteal, and the same to break or alter atpleasure; to hold, receive, lease, let, pur-chase, sell and convey, as well as mortgageand bypothecate property, real and per-sonal and mixed; to ,lpUr an a .• l.endmonev, and to give and receve securitiestherefor; to name and appoint such man-agers. d(irectors, ollleers, overseers andagents as the interests and convenience otsaid cCorlJsration may require; 1to makeand establish such by-laws, rules and regu-lations for the management and regulationof the affairs of said corporat on, as maybe necessary and proper, an de same toalter and amend at pleasure.

ARTICLE SECOND.The domicile of said corporation shall

be in the town of ()elousas, parish of St.Landry, and a!l citatatlons and legal pro-cess shall be served upon the president tsaid corporation, or in case'of i absenceupon the secretary thereof.


The objects and purposes for which thiscorporatton is es~tabised, are't print andputblish in the town roft Opelousss a etvpaper and to ~cry on a inewslper -.d jolpruntingu business, anti ts odtel of wBnewspaper and the publication -ti ethematter so dissemnate news and lairuisatia; and fo said.prposles to purchaseor establish a news• per.

ARTICLE FOIUTR .Tld caidta intoek of this eqpsaUtista

hereby Sized at Tena hosas_ d bollrs dl

Transfers of stock shall be M~oid onlywhen mde on the b s ooks thesubject to such conditions- s t•t•ard idirectors muay pecribe, aed preiallay that no atoekhalder hllsell oftransfer his stock until he' shil have giveonto the president of the comkpany the optionvof purchasing said stock for tloen csoaryat its par value. The stoekholder deainsto dispose of his stock hall give the edent written notice of lbsl tlen•ion to.do MoAand said option shall continue for tesedays from he date of servlapngid w•.r-tinotice npl the rside t ad no Rof stock shall be valid except to Meaa-pany until the expiration ot said tea tT'his iwvision of the chartertestnprinted asc. the fs s fer-tilicate of stock.

ARTICLE S191t .All corporate powers f e aki simpan

shall be vested in and exercised by aBoard of Directors osed of sevestockholders of said cw dlon, to 1elected annually on thenJanuary. All such elc bballqt and shall be held at of thecompany, under the superint ene Omthree com:nmissioners, to be appointte r hrthe board of directors. Tent days' ptrio ttice of such electionthlall be given (y pubiication in one of the newspapers publmi.in Opelousas; and the directors tahe • -ted shall serve and continue in otie ailetheir successors shall have been elected.Each sto:kholder shall be entitled to casteijther in person or by proxy one vote foreach share of stock held by him, -and thtmajority of votes cast at such election shallelect the directors for the ensuing year. Ifat any time there should be a failure toelect directors as anote arovided, such fail-ure shall not dissolve the corporation, butthe then existing board of dtrectors shallcontinue to hold otltee; anti as soon asmay be thereafter another, election shallbe held, whereof ten days' prior noticeshall begiven by publication ina newspaper published in the town of Opelousas.Any vacancy occuring in the board of directors front any cause whatever, shall betilled by the remaining directors. Five di-.rectors shall constitute a quorunm for thetransaction af business.

ARTICLE SEVENTH.The following named persmns shall con-

stitute the firsthboaf-r a detmtors, to-wit:Theophile 8 Fontenot, James JacksonThompson, Edward T. Lewis, Gei. O. Elas,and shall hold olhe mutil the first Mon-day of January, 18WL.'i'he board of directi at its firstmeeting

shall elect -fromn its members a presidentand a veevpresident, and aPlpout a semt-tary and a treasurer or one person to besecretary and treasurer who need not b amember of the Ieart; ad also, if it seemsproper, It shall rae lr to appoint a

ener mshag•q, • t or m not bet• .the bo empllM-4

sad should the detr It shallhave power to * efult sal w tot aterfeiene w au of andpolicyof the the ,theseiektionof its eaployees aeadeof its bIsinese, of dirseesosshylt hase atoity .to qhit:atract withe Heurl aeod not edi Stts reeyearsconapeaion in money * Ine kmay deem beat.

the a = lei

ravor off;w emh ithseacsIa

ri iaaeetor~ L~Y~fot

The capital stock of said corpiradmay be inses ed as occasion may :reiu ,t ao l m me the uire r~n s aof

An act to provide the manner in wlieh-• •m mtium ay. Icrease their-•

the constitution, apprved on June :, Hli&..ARTICLE TENTI. -

No stockholder shall ever be held liableor responsible for the contracts or faults odsssaid corpolraCtion, In amy further anmt• 'the unpaild balance that may irb dati the-:o m p a n v o n s h a r e s o f s t o c k o w~ e d:t hh i m ,nor shall any mere informality itn u--cation have the effect of rendering thischarter null or exljtlin any stockholderto any liability beyond the amount of suchunlaid bnlanse due upon his st ock.

ARTICLE ET EVENTH,No stocnk shall be hereafter sold except "u on alproval of the board of directors.ARTICLE TWIELI TH.

In case of neglect or failure of the) t..dent or board of directors to call tn el'o11 for directors as pun lied ii 1this char-ter, anl tive stockholders shall. have ,thelhtt, by publication in a newslpa er in, th'.

t.own of Ohlounis,. to cBll such ele•tio byC,ten days" notice.

Thus do.ne and signed in iresenice so•.fqpolid ('ahanin and Austin Lacombe sIuh-,rnbhiing witnesses hereto, and in presea,

of thel uontrsiPmed not4ry, on the day ,and(late first above written.Witnesses: THOS. H LEW1~i

A. LACOMBE, T .:s 1 -NROT,`" '~r

J. L. U~rn.s ..-- ^ , WILSON,J J. TIIOMPSON,


* J. LASALLE. `TGEO. O. ELMS, Notary Public.


PIERRE TITAVID,Opelousas Old Bkery,

EkNs•e d 188, .CORNER NORTH $ COURT ST6 y,

octil ly

.,. .- i .~


n~o~ 148 tinws~r (t~.ua, YPbwlw iop

. y Fht.x. I .l

B0. n 6 e04tBy Ie;oat':I` Mme :i .

mrule, one m ;i 1 wmule; a~;j~

! -a nsti in bd to uit.

Opekmrui oti 191 00 040 i..:.iS

PAMThT N O?i~o. 4?SA PaORATNIE*Y XaCi3 biIYW T i~~i~:

Wbereas, hJepy Aumia n4L Landry. nyrgd;t iAdatoba,sttAitled estate,' has. mopd a. beal

4aid estate, aoutpn sd' bI:y hispraying for the hob okigatkp of the

And, whereas, ate. 0' lung, Of,,ietition - tableau , ip et o ian ordertof court bearing do is t1 `Meri

Now therefo.", notice is berebnr veii~*'dl persons inewested to make opm) io $saod tn leii. In altragx.+f " t 1,3 8 v;he tow if of 4)eloiisas, witbin &iOS

iaired by law, why said tableat sho4*: ;kbe hosnilogatkd a8e sne4


(o. 480T PaosrTa DoeXrr, DUrI wr Co(ait,PFassn o0 8?. La"nr,

Whereas, Iaeai Ronmeaus of the parishof St, Land, traator of the ahoy,entitled eatoe, h a a final tah a of "said estate, aeeuoaa nied by his petition

ig for the Boonlogati., of the same•Aind wheireas," notien of lng of s•, d _4.

petithmn aud tableau has been ordered wan orer of court bearing date October .li,

sow, therefore, notice is hereby plven to-M Wons• Interested to make oppositionteiEd tableau, in writing, at fsy oflion taem rn of Opelnusas, within the time •t

by law, why said tableau shouldtbe humokigated and confiurmed.

l. L. TUOMPQ ON,t)t' 11, iirn. Clerk.



No. 4868 ?3O5AWs DOC, Dimze CoVw, PASsamOar Of. LAWDXY.

Whereas, Jean flahe. Sheom Maa Koithe pariah of .Iadtlabs hu.of th bo veea~t~tsd~8i bY"aa S4ia

potinbleau of ~d saw ertefi6 saao 1 h

And, whereas, noule of Ipai~ a d tabileu ho s bes4

aap 0rI1.arLPt bead4IaglrC


milDa --


They furthermore promise that it:influence will be exerted to maintainharmony within the ranks of the de-mocracy local and state, and that it willnot be the partisan of any clique orfajct ion, whether in office or out of office,but it will frely criticise the conductof all public officials or bodies but al-ways in a spirit of fairness and with thesole object of securing the public goo-

Recognising the fact that the agri-cultural classes embrace within theirranks in great part the bone, sinew,patriotism and intelligenceof thecom-monwealth as well as the votingstrength upon which depends the wealor woe of the democratic party, theC•RlIow will open wide its columns to

Farmers' Alliance for the publica-tion of its official proeeedingsas well askor the discussion of its principles andaims. While making mention fromweek to week of important news of ageneral character, the'CLaIox will takespecial-pains -o keep its-readers-postedas to all local matters of interest, andit solicits short communications touch-lnfg the needs andmiSa e 4ei ifut-' sia tin every neighborlood of our greatparish and finally with malice towardnone bI,t with charity and good willfor all, we confidently launch outjournalistic enterprise e--1 most res-pet-tftlly solicit for it tL i,,ispport ofthe public.

