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St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family...

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February 2018 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Mark’s Messenger Wednesday - February 14 Services:7 AM, 12 Noon, 7 PM The Chapel will be open all day for prayer and devotion. Inside this issue: Grace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February Calendar 15 Daddy Daughter Dance February 10, 2018 National Youth Gathering Dinner & Auction February 24, 6 pm Wednesdays February 21—March 21 Lenten Soup Suppers 5 –6 PM in the Fellowship Hall Wednesdays with the Word (Sr. High Youth) 6PM Lenten Worship Services 6:30PM in the Sanctuary
Page 1: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

February 2018 S t . M a r k ’ s E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

St. Mark’s Messenger

Wednesday - February 14

Services:7 AM, 12 Noon, 7 PM

The Chapel will be open all day for prayer and devotion.

Inside this issue:

Grace & Peace 2

Church Family News 3

Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5

Special Events 6

Opportunities to Serve 9

Wednesdays in Lent 11

February Calendar 15

Daddy Daughter Dance February 10, 2018

National Youth Gathering

Dinner & Auction February 24, 6 pm

Wednesdays February 21—March 21

Lenten Soup Suppers

5 –6 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesdays with the Word (Sr. High Youth) 6PM

Lenten Worship Services 6:30PM in the Sanctuary

Page 2: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

P a g e 2 S t . M a r k ’ s M e s s e n g e r

Several months ago, I was looking at the Church Calendar for 2018 and found this amusing – Ash Wednesday is the same day as Valentine’s Day, February 14, and Easter Sunday is April 1, April Fool’s Day. We could call this season LOL Lent and encourage people to consume their sweets and chocolates on February 13! Instead, as we progress further into Re-Formation 2018, we will seek ways of deepening our daily discipleship through our weekly and seasonal worship services. Our services on Ash Wednesday [7 AM, Noon, and 7 PM] become opportunities for us all to humbly pray on Valentine’s Day, “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” Each Sunday, we will focus upon Jesus and readings from Mark and John provided by the lectionary. His words of wisdom and acts of mercy are so timeless and truthful for these times! Our

Wednesday Evening Services in Lent [February 21 & 28; March 7, 14, & 21] will focus upon Text Messages from God. This series was inspired by words we recently heard from 1 Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” There are important messages in the texts of the scriptures that God inspired and desires for His children of all ages to hear. Slides and a take home list of text messages/scripture readings will enhance your worship experience each Wednesday; these services begin at 6:30 PM. Thank you so much for continuing love, prayers, and support for Mary and me. May the peace of the Lord be with you always! In Christ’s love,

from Pastor Gary


Our 2018 Fall Family Retreat

at Lutheranch will be October 12-14.

Did you know that you can

see past services and

Proclamations of the Word

on our church website?

Visit www.stmarkshsv.org and tell

your friends and neighbors, too!

Page 3: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

Church Family News P a g e 3

Please remember in your prayers these women of our church family who were hospitalized in January: Joyce Ann Brown, Glenda Churchey, Doris Dana, Katy Henley, and Brenda Holsopple.

Long-time member Anne Cortright has moved from Brookdale to be near her son Michael; his address is 4037 Edith Point Rd. – Anacortes, WA 98221

Members of our Nominating Committee will begin meeting soon to discern and determine nominees for Church Council. Please pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for them in their service: Ted Mueller, Robert Burkhardt, Courtney Spadaro, Jim Tevepaugh, Martin Volz, and Jessica Waylander.

St. Mark’s is honored to provide a reception on Thursday, February 1 in honor of Pat Duerr, wife of Rolf Duerr, the oldest son of the late Friedrich and Sigrun Duerr. Pat endeared herself to members of St. Mark’s last winter during Sigrun’s final days and her service and reception. She died suddenly at home on her 76th birthday, January 21st, and was laid to rest at Maple Hill Cemetery.

The following members have accepted Pastor Gary’s invitation to serve with him and Jim Birkholz on the new Church Growth Task Force: Susan Altman, Eric Bale, Bob Boller, Patty Carl, Mark Falkenberg, and Tim Sieja. This group will function as a spiritual think tank and help develop paths for enhancing church growth as we celebrate, serve, and make disciples for Christ.

February 4 – New Wine and Fresh Wineskins

February 11 [Transfiguration of Our Lord] –

Shine, Jesus, Shine

February 14 [Ash Wednesday] –

Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God

February 18 – Jesus: Tested and True

February 25 – Jesus and the Way of the Cross

PICTURE THIS: St. Mark’s will be developing its first pictorial church directory in 5 years this spring. Re: MEMBER Church Directories will do the photography and will provide a free directory and 8x10 portrait for each household. They will also manage the appointment schedule and provide a digital version for us. Dates for the photography sessions in fellowship hall will be 3/8—3/11, 3/16 and 3/17, 2018 as well as 2 more dates to be announced.

Page 4: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

Sunday School is for everyone. With fun, interactive lessons for all of our kiddos, we’re making disciples for Christ. Our preschool through 6th grade begin in the chapel before heading to the classroom. Jr. High and Sr. High begin in Room #1 and the youth room, respectively. Back on a regular schedule, Sunday School begins at 9:45 am.

Where does our offering go? This year our offerings will go to benefit the Academy for Learning and Character Development. ALCD is a non-profit community program that serves children from the ages 3 weeks to 12 years of age in Huntsville. Check out their website for more information. (the-alcd.webs.com/) Our current total is approximately $400.

In addition to attending class, confirmands are asked to attend Sunday School;

attend worship and complete worship summaries; as well as participate in

service projects throughout the year…. Please make sure and schedule make

up sessions for any missed classes.

P a g e 4

Parents of Young Children

February’s Memory Verse:

John 3:16 God so loved the world

that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but

have eternal life.

Be ready to recite this month’s verse during chapel on Sunday


Children & Youth

Sunday School Update

Description: Each year the HSO opens our doors to the entire commu-nity for a FREE Family Con-cert, in which we present a symphonic program tailor-made for young people. We are delighted to partner with innovative puppetry of Huntsville M.E.T. with

support from Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theatre for this especially fresh performance of a perennial classic, Prokofiev’s colorful Peter and the Wolf. Fun, FREE activities for the whole family will begin at 9:30 am.in the concert hall lobby.

Outing: Family Concert

Date: February 3 Time: 9:30 am Family Activities 11 am Concert

Address: Mark C. Smith Concert Hall, VBC (700 Monroe St., HSV)

Cost: Free

S t . M a r k ’ s M e s s e n g e r


to bring a

snack to


(Confirmation Super Bowl

Party on February 4)

Page 5: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

All Sr. Youth (9th-12th grade) are encouraged to attend for fellowship, devotion, fun and food… this is a great way to get to know your church

family and a wonderful place to invite a friend!

P a g e 5

Wednesdays With the Word February 7 - 6 pm, youth room February 14 - 6 pm (followed by Ash Wednesday service @ 7 pm) February 21 - LENT, 6 pm & worship at 6:30 pm (dinner @ 5 pm) February 28 - LENT, 6 pm & worship at 6:30 pm (dinner @ 5 pm)

A fun activity for our two youngest youth groups, this is

our bowling month! So get ready for a fun afternoon of strikes, spares and fellowship!

Tweeners - February 11 @ 2 pm

Quarters - February 18 @ 2 pm

The proposed location is Plamor Lanes on Leeman Ferry Rd. - look for ‘This Week’ emails with more up-to-date information.

For our Sr. High outing this month, the plan is to go to a hockey game on February 18. The Havoc are playing Evansville. If you are interested in going to the game, please coordinate with Traci.

National Youth Gathering Update: With 27 people going to the NYG in Houston this year, it is our biggest group yet! Howev-

er, that means a LOT of fundraising - the total ticket price for the Gathering is $32K; we

still have ~$12K to go. Please help support our group by attending the auction (more de-

tails on the next page) and purchasing a car magnet ($5) and/or pop socket ($10) - availa-

ble in the narthex on Sunday.

Make sure

and purchase

your St.

Mark’s swag!

Car magnets

& pop sockets

available in

the narthex

on Sunday


Page 6: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

submitted for bid

including handmade

quilts, afghans, and

furniture; sculpture;

home décor; services

like babysitting and

yard work; and so

much more. All

proceeds from the

event will go towards

The dinner will have

a ‘cowboy’ theme and

offer BBQ, macaroni

& cheese, green

beans, coleslaw and

banana pudding. The

auction will be held

in two parts: silent

and live. Many items

have already been

the National Youth

Gathering in Houston.

There is no cost for

attending the auction,

however, please sign up

in Communication

Central to let us know

you are coming!

P a g e 6

Daddy Daughter Dance February 10, 2018

Put on your dancing shoes for a night of fun and fellowship. Ladies and gentlemen enjoy an evening meal and dessert as well as an opportunity to dance

with each other and socialize with friends. Tickets for the event are $5 each.

Tickets for the Daddy

Daughter Dance are sold in the narthex and church


National Youth Gathering

Dinner & Auction February 24, 6 pm

Page 7: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

It’s hard to believe we are half way through the school year. Many of the supplies that were shiny and new when school began have been used up, broken or lost. St. Mark’s is collecting school supplies to replenish consumable items used up during the first half of the school year. Items can be brought to Communication Central and will be distributed to underprivileged children at local schools.

Free Spirits will meet on Thursday, February 15 with

an informative program with Sgt. Dwaine Atkinson of

the Huntsville Police Department, South Precinct.

Remember to sign up in Communication Central.

P a g e 7

Missionary News

St. Mark’s website – www.stmarkshsv.org.

Recent pictures and letters from the Cabiraoan Church of Christ in the Philippines are also posted.

You can learn more about this ministry from our members Ana & Robert Black.

Pastors Eric and Wendolynn Trozzo have sent their latest newsletter which is posted on the Witness and Outreach bulletin board. You can also find a link to their blog on the

Needed Items Include: Pencils/Pens

Notebooks (single subject or 3-subject

Portfolios/folders Tissues (individual packets)

Small bottles of hand sanitizer Glue sticks

Erasers Crayons/markers

Page 8: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

Faith and Discovery:

Will begin Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World by Eric Metaxas. Luther’s monumental faith and courage gave birth to the ideals of liberty, equality, and individualism that today lie at the heart of all modern life. Coordinated by Kathy Sieja. (Basement Choir Room)

Lectionary: What is a lectionary? A lectionary is a list of scripture readings assigned to be read on a particular day. This class will study and discuss the week’s readings used in Sunday worship. Led by Tom Duncan. (old narthex area)

Donuts: Join Donuts as they go through the DVD series, ‘Face to Face Talks With Jesus,’ where Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at what Scripture reveals about the character of Jesus through His encounters with specific men and women. Led by Marlin & Denise Williamson. (SS Room #8)

Committed: This class is for those who are committed to growing in discipleship. This class is for those who are committed to meeting new people. This class is for those who don’t currently attend Sunday School and want to make a change. This class invites you to invite a friend! (Conference Room)

Nurses at Huntsville Hospital for the 2018 Calendar year as an Outreach project. This group of nurses gets overlooked a lot because, if you are seeing them, then something has probably gone wrong with your pregnancy. They deal with an

meets on the first Tuesdays of the month for a meal, fellowship and discussion. For twenty-somethings. This month, L & F will meet at Below the Radar (220 Holmes Ave.) on February 6 at 5:30 pm. Loaves & Fishes is adopting the Antepartum

overwhelming amount of sadness on a regular basis and never really get the appreciation that other nursing branches receive. L&F wanted to love on them for the next year: bring them bagels and coffee, write thank you cards, gift movie theater tickets, etc.

P a g e 8

Adult Education: Mid-week

Adult Education: Sunday School

Loaves & Fishes

Wednesday: 6:06 AM Devotions, Prayer & Fellowship, in the chapel

Thursday: God is my Alpha A DVD study held at the home of Didi Kearney (256-539-5328) at 1 pm. Join this group as they explore the love of God, faith in Him and each other.

Monday: Bible Study ISAIAH. Isaiah contains many passages that foretell the coming of the Messiah who will be anointed with the Spirit of the Lord. Led by Pastor Gary at 11 AM, in the fellowship hall.

S t . M a r k ’ s M e s s e n g e r

Do you have an idea for a class or small group? Something you are passionate about? We’d

love to support you - please see Traci with your


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Rescue Mission

Downtown Rescue Mission - On the third Friday of every month, at 12:30 PM, a group will go into the mission to clean the kitchen. If you would like to participate in this effort, please

contact Janet Duncan.

Now packing 75 bags a week, donations and volunteers are always wel-come. See Jed Deason for more details. Donations needed include pop-top cans of ravioli, vegetables, and fruit; 100% juice boxes; oatmeal pack-ets; pudding cups; pop-tarts; and individual packets of Cheez-its.

Homeless Camps

An ongoing ministry to serve the homeless in our area once a month. Contact Cindy Conrad for more information. Donations of pet food; socks; toiletries; and easy-to-open food stuffs are always welcome.

The next visit will be February 11 at 1 pm.

P a g e 9

Food Pantry

A long-time ministry to

serve hungry families and

individuals in the

Huntsville area. Please

see Becky Hamilton to

volunteer. Make food

donations by bringing

this month’s food pantry


Food Truck Ministry

We are partnering with Manna House to prepare &

serve a hot supper at Johnson Towers (216 Seminole Dr.)

once a month on the first Thursday. We will begin

serving at 5 pm. If you are part of the serving team,

please arrive by 4:50 pm at Johnson Towers.

There are opportunities to serve by preparing food;

donating food or supplies; and physically serving from

the truck. If you would like to help in any capacity,

please provide your email address to be added to our

distribution list by signing up in Communication

Central. Our next serving day is February 1.

This month’s food pantry

item is… Lenten

Food Bags

Opportunities to Serve

These are opportunities for you to share your time, money, and of course, your prayers all year long.

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P a g e 1 0 S t . M a r k ’ s M e s s e n g e r

Circle Meetings

Rachel Circle

will meet on Monday,

February 12th at 6:30

pm at church in Room

8. We will continue our

study of "The Book of

Joy" by Douglas Abrams,

Desmond Tutu, and the

Dalai Lama. We will

discuss pages 171-213. We

always welcome new

members and guests. Martha Circle meets on Thursday, February 8th at 6:30 PM in the Old Narthex at St. Mark’s. Barbara Knighton is the hostess this month and will lead the book study, Chapters 5 and 6.

Deborah Circle will meet Tuesday February 13 at 10:00 AM in room #8 at church. Sandy Ingalls will be the hostess and we will begin a 5 part video series "Lord Teach Me To Pray" by Kay Arthur. Join us for friendship, fellowship and refreshments. Everyone is welcome.

Ruth Circle will meet Wednesday, February 7 at 9:00 AM at the home of Dot Boerner. Our Bible Study is from Gather magazine. Please note we will not meet at the church for car pools before going to Dot’s home. New members and guests are always welcome.

Hannah Circle will meet at

the church at 6 pm on Monday,

February 5. We will meet in the

youth room - Heather White is

hosting with a devotion and

snack. Please continue to bring

your offerings to support the

Academy for Learning and

Character Development. We’d

love to see and welcome new

faces. Childcare available.

Thank you to our faithful team members, Karen Fletcher, Kila Strohl, and Dave Mann for their January visit to the homeless camps. Thank you also to newcomers, Janey Knutson, Susan and Larry Partesotti for their first visit in January. Our visit on January 14th was an especially cold day but we found people in good spirits. Rocco and Heidi de Gregory, are also new to the Homeless Ministry Team.

Welcome to our new team members!

Please consider joining us for our next visit to the camps on Sunday, February 11 at 1:00 p.m. Pastor Soop will be joining us and offering communion to those who are interested. If you would like more information about the ministry, please contact me.

Dear St. Mark’s Family,

Thank you for all the prayers, calls, cards, and texts sent my way before and after my thyroid surgery. They were greatly appreciated and have helped to lift my spirits.

In Christ’s Love,

Brenda Holsopple

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P a g e 1 1

Thank you to our St. Mark’s family for your eagerness to sign up to bring soups for our upcoming Lenten Soup Suppers. All 40 slots were filled right after the 11:00 service was over. I was so excited to see so many willing participants and many new people getting involved. Now I don’t have to stress over soup! I will give each of you a call the Sunday before your designated Wednesday to remind


Thanks again, Gwen Dornbos - Congregational Care

Wednesday Evening Services in Lent:

Text Messages from God

From February 21-March 21, St. Mark’s gathers weekly for soup suppers from 5-6 PM and worship from 6:30 – 7:00 PM. Pastor

Gary has created a teaching series for Lent, Text Messages from God, that is designed to inspire, encourage, and instruct God’s children of all ages. Listed below is the focus for each evening:

Week 1, February 21: “Learn from Me” – Matthew 11:28-30 Week 2, February 28: “Love like Me” – John 13:34-35 Week 3, March 7: “Live for Me” – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Week 4, March 14: “Be of the Same Mind” – Philippians 2:1-5 Week 5, March 21: “Be My Witnesses” – Acts 1:4-5, 8

Each week there will be additional texts read and shown on slides to provide clarity.

Worship Wednesday, March 7


Wednesday, March 14


Wednesday, March 21


Acolyte Emma Myers Holly Hiller Ryan McNeill

Greeters/Ushers Frank & Carol Craig Brandon & Mandy Hiller Bob Dornbos & Phil Grimm

Worship Wednesday, February 21


Wednesday, February 28

Acolyte Lorelee Black Luke Falkenberg

Greeters/Ushers Robert Black & Chris Myers Wayne & Polly Falkenberg

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P a g e 1 2

February 4, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Roberts Abele Jim Birkholz

Lector Tate Schappell Jed Deason

Acolyte Olivia Schappell Noah Satterfeal

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Anya Schappell, Gabe Pittman Sesalie Satterfeal, Isabel Folgmann,

Sarah Thornton

Greeters Staci Hackenberg & Cheryl Garrison Jim French & Craig Satterfeal

Ushers Bob Dornbos & Bill Weiler Wayne Falkenberg & Gloria Woody

February 11, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Barry Rogers Susan Wright

Lector Karen Petersen Kathy Emmerson

Acolyte Serina Petersen Lilly Myers

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Wyatt Billman & Grace Billman Polly Falkenberg & Zoë Falkenberg

Greeters Liz & Bruce Hiller Jim French & Craig Satterfeal

Ushers Norwood Cutter & Marlin Williamson Tim Sieja & Andy Sieja

February 18, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Brenda Holsopple Kathy Sieja

Lector Aija Abele Dane Williams

Acolyte Ryan McNeill Emma Myers

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Lija Abele & Haley Bodin Peg Skrenes. Austin Harris,

Katie Folgmann

Greeters Allen & Penny Krell Jim French & Craig Satterfeal

Ushers Mary & Harry Wiley Steve & Deb Williams

February 25, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Gwen Dornbos Chris Myers

Lector Robert Burkhardt Nancy Lorine

Acolyte Abagail Stangle Philip Altman

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Jessica & Jared Waylander Mary Soop & Anne Knowles

Greeters Karen Szymczyk & Carol Cutter Jim French & Craig Satterfeal

Ushers Mike & Michelle Price Janet Duncan & Glenn Dasher

Mid Week Lenten Service Assistants, Page 11 Holy Week Assistants, Page 16

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P a g e 1 3

March 4, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Mary Soop Susan Wright

Lector Dane Williams Derek Spadaro

Acolyte Lija Abele Lorelee Black

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Gabe Pittman

Abby Williamson

Isabel Folgmann, Gracie Banks

Sarah Thornton

Greeters Cheryl Garrison & Bob Dornbos Anna & Robert Black

Ushers Brian & Staci Hackenberg Norm & Peg Skrenes

March 11, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Traci Billman Pam Birkholz

Lector Bruce Hiller Carol Tevepaugh

Acolyte Olivia Schappell Luke Falkenberg

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Wyatt Billman & Grace Billman Polly Falkenberg & Wayne Falkenberg

Greeters Carol & Norwood Cutter Meg Jones & Herb Hocutt

Ushers Marilyn & Barry Rogers Jim Mullin & Gloria Woody

March 18, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Wyatt Billman Kathy Sieja

Lector Judy Jung Brianna Sieja

Acolyte Regan Caple Noah Satterfeal

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Haley Bodin & Lynnsey Bodin Sesalie Satterfeal

Josh & Rachel Cutter

Greeters Karen Fletcher & Judy Weiler Janey Knutson & Rocco deGregory

Ushers Bill Weiler & Eric Bale Andy Sieja & Tim Sieja

March 25, 2018 8:30AM 11AM

Asst. Minister Grace Billman Dane Williams

Lector Lynn Redington Jim Ganoe

Acolyte Edee Hiller Philip Altman

Lay Communion Asst/Servers Jessica & Jared Waylander Deb & Steve Williams

Greeters Mandy Hiller & Liz Hiller Tom Duncan & Susan Altman

Ushers Mike & Michelle Price Janet Duncan & Don Sieja

If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please arrange a substitute and notify the church office.

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Reed Alexander

Gracie Banks

Irene Bartlett

Grace Billman

Robert Black

Kim (Meeks) Carroll

Seth Coleman

P a g e 1 4 S t . M a r k ’ s M e s s e n g e r

March 29, 2018 7PM

Asst. Minister Jim Birkholz

Lector Robert Burkhardt

Acolyte Lilly Myers

Lay Assist Frank & Carol Craig

Greeters/Ushers Chris Myers &

Wayne Falkenberg

Doris Dana

Sonia Erickson

Wayne Falkenberg

Cheryl Garrison

Brian Hackenberg

Betty Hampton

Austin Harris

Charles Ise

Mira Kruja

Luke Lawlor

Mary Lawlor

Peter Loux

Jim Mullin

Elliott Nafe

Bonnie Pearson

John Peugeot

Ben Sieja

Oliver Sieja

Tom Sykstus

Judy Weiler

Heather White

Steve Williams

March 30, 2018 7PM Noon

Lectors Tom Duncan &

Julie Satterfeal

Acolyte Wyatt Billman

Greeters/Ushers Harry & Mary Wiley Gwen

Dornbos &

Jim Mullin

Page 15: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


12PM - Duerr Visit.

1:45PM Reception

1PM Bible Study

5PM Food Truck Min.

5:30PM Nom. Comm.

5:30PM & 6:30PM

Praise Team



9AM Youth

Standards Class

9:30AM Faith &


9:30AM PoYC


8:30AM Contemporary


9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional


1:15PM Confirmation


4:30PM Confirmation

Super Bowl Party


9:30AM Staff Mtg

11AM Bible Study

12PM Quilt Guild

6:30PM Hannah



1PM Knit & Crochet

2PM Bal./Tai Chi

4:30PM Strings

5:30PM Handbells

5:30PM Loaves &


6:30PM Winds


6:06 AM Group

9AM Ruth Circle

12:45PM Ukulele



7PM Choir


1PM Women’s Bible


5:30PM & 6:30PM

Praise Teams

6:30PM Martha Circle

7PM Bd of W&O





6PM Daddy/

Daughter Dance


8:30AM Contemporary


9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional


1PM Homeless Camps

2PM Tweeners Event


9:30AM Staff Mtg.

11AM Bible Study

12PM Quilt Guild

5PM Executive


6PM Bd/Learning

6:30PM Rachel



10AM Deborah


1PM Knit & Crochet

2PM Bal./Tai Chi

5:30PM Handbells

6PM Bd of Admin

6:30PM Winds



Ash Wednesday

6:06 AM Group

7AM Service

12Noon Service

12:45PM Ukulele


7PM Service


11AM Free Spirits

1PM Women’s Bible


5:30PM & 6:30PM

Praise Teams


8A-5P FH










8:30AM Contemporary


9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional


2PM Qtrs Event

5PM Sr. Youth Event


9:30AM Staff Mtg

11AM Bible Study

12PM Quilt Guild

5:30PM Church

Council Meeting


10:30AM Deliver

Meals on Wheels

1PM Knit & Crochet

2PM Bal./Tai Chi

5:30PM Handbells

6:30PM Winds


6:06 AM Group

10AM Brookdale

12:45PM Ukulele

5PM Soup Supper


6:30PM Lenten Svc.

7PM Choir




1PM Women’s Bible


5:30PM & 6:30PM

Praise Teams

23 24


NYG Dinner &



8:30AM Contemporary


9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional


1:15PM Confirmation



9:30AM Staff Mtg

11AM Bible Study

12PM Quilt Guild

4PM Bd of Worship


9:30AM EGA

1PM Knit & Crochet

2PM Bal./Tai Chi

5:30PM Handbells

6:30PM Winds



6:06 AM Group

12:45PM Ukulele


5PM Soup Supper


6:30PM Lenten Svc.

7PM Choir

For Updated Information, Please See the Calendar on Our Webpage at www stmarkshsv.org

Page 16: St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace & Peace 2 Church Family News 3 Children, Youth, Family 4 & 5 Special Events 6 Opportunities to Serve 9 Wednesdays in Lent 11 February

St. Mark’s supports the Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP) through the Board of Witness & Outreach. Amazon shoppers can support (HAP) by logging on at http://smile.amazon.com, selecting Huntsville Assistance Program as your charity, and then placing your order. HAP will receive 0.5% of the purchase price on eligible items. (Charity selection is only needed once, after that it will be in the system.)

After selecting HAP as your charity as noted above, you will need to start each shopping session at the URL http://smile.amazon.com, and Amazon will continue to donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the Huntsville Assistance Program.

HAP thanks you for your support.

S t . M a r k ’ s E v a n g e l i c a l

L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

February 10: Daddy/Daughter Dance

February 14: Ash Wednesday

February 24: National Youth Gathering Auction

March 2 - 4: Spring Confirmation Retreat

March 29: Maundy Thursday/Seder Meal

March 30: Good Friday

March 31: Easter Egg Hunt

April 1: Easter

May 6: Unity Service/Fellowship Meal/Congregational Meeting

May 20: Confirmation Sunday

Quick Calendar

200 Longwood Dr. SE

Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 539-4361

[email protected]

“ C a l l e d t o

C e l e b r a t e ,

S e r v e a n d M a k e

D i s c i p l e s f o r

C h r i s t ”

