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St Monica's F.C.J. Skipton 1865 – 1968

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St Monica’s F.C.J. Skipton 1865 – 1968 Blessing of the Memorial Stone In the Cemetery May 19 th 2007
Page 1: St Monica's F.C.J. Skipton 1865 – 1968

St Monica’s F.C.J. Skipton

1865 – 1968

Blessing of the Memorial Stone In the Cemetery

May 19th 2007

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School Song

1960s On through life with dauntless footsteps The Holy Spirit be our guide In the rising storm hold fast the helm And in our faith abide Loyal and faithful true to our school Constant in prayer each day May we prove strong as we journey along St. Monica guard and defend us, we pray. Brightly burn our hearts within us As with joy we meet the fray Banners unfurled we fight for honour Heeding not what others may say Extract from an earlier version “Not distant far, an abbey stands, Alone on Wharfe’s green shore, The happy hours of play-days there, Full oft, we’ve spent in sport, And lingering near the foaming Strid Its perils longed to court.”

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Living Sisters who served at St Monica’s Marie Thérèse Atkinson 1960-61 Convent F.C.J. Church Hill Crook DL15 9DN Josephine Barron 1951-52 4 Thornfield Road, Middlesbrough TS5 5LB Bridget Halligan 1967-68 27 York Ave., Liverpool L17 2AS Helen Bresnihan 1950-51; 1952-68 Flat 3, 55 Hutton Ave. Hartlepool TS26 9PW Magdalen Branwood 1953-54; 1957 – 67 Josephine Clayton 1945 Carmella Malone 1945 Monica Murtagh 1942 – 67 Kersal Hill, 22 Singleton Rd. Salford M7 4WL Mary (Margaret Mary) Costello 1961-67 17 Rue Marie-Anne du Boccage, 44000 Nantes, France Mary Philomena Lyons 1958-59 32 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA Philomena O’Grady 1954- 58; 1959-68 Flat 3, 55 Hutton Ave. Hartlepool TS26 9PW Elizabeth Philips 1939-42 Redriff, North Foreland Ave. Broadstairs CT10 3QT Margaret (Agnes) Quirke 1962-68 211 Ave. Winston Churchill, 1180 Brussels, Belgium

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North View

East and West View

Study Hall. 1891 Building

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Dining Room 1913 Building

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Where we stand to day… 1909 Late in September, the Cemetery Cross was completed. The figure of Our Lord, 4 ft in length is of bronze, beautifully designed and placed on a handsome Cross of Aberdeen granite. The ceremony of unveiling and blessing it took place on Sunday the 26h, the Bishop (Gordon) presiding. At 3 p.m. the Community and pupils assembled in the Cemetery near the Cross, and the children of the Elementary Schools walked up the avenue in procession, followed by the Children of Mary and the members of the Men’s Guild, all singing Faith of our Fathers. Under a handsome canopy borne by four men of the Guild, walked His Lordship, arrayed in full pontificals, and followed at a short distance by the rest of the congregation. When all had reached the foot of the Cross, the hymn O turn to Jesus, Mother turn,’ was sung with touching fervour and devotion. Then His Lordship assisted by Father Sharp, and Father Ratcliffe, read the prayers prescribed by the Liturgy; the Cross was unveiled and blessed and a short but eloquent sermon delivered by Father Bliss S.J. who had come from Leeds for the occasion. He took for his text the words inscribed on the base of the Cross: In devout memory of the Passion of Christ. This Cross, the ensign of our faith, was erected by us, who soon beneath its shadow will rest in peace. When some verses of ‘Ye Souls of the Faithful’ had been sung, the Bishop recited the ‘De Profundis’, all present devoutly making the responses, after which, His Lordship, crozier in hand, arose and addressed the Men’s Guild; very earnestly exhorting them to be true, practical Catholics, staunch and loyal to our Holy Faith.

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Buried in St Stephen’s Cemetery

1892 M. Josephine Lennon 1893 Sr.Anne Joseph Balshaw 1898 Sr. Philomena Atkinson 1899 Sr. Stephanie Brown 1908 M. Teresa Doyle 1913 M. Mary Joseph Stokes 1913 M. Annunciata Fattorini

(died Birkenhead) 1913 M. John Roche 1915 M. M. Agnes Magoris 1915 Sr Josephine Mortier 1917 M. Anna Talbot 1919 M. Elizabeth Ryan (died and buried in Liverpool) 1922 Sr. Philomena O’Grady 1923 Sr. Stanislaus Casey 1925 Sr Josephine McCabe 1925 Sr. Melanie Ryan 1927 Sr. Aloysius O’Connell 1928 Sr. Catherine Quinn 1929 M. Xavier Delaney 1929 M. Agnes Higgins 1929 M. Josephine Lenihan 1932 Sr. Lucy Dunn 1933 Sr. M. Catherine Fagan (died and buried n Preston) 1934 M. Xavier Read

1934 M. Angela Connolly 1935 M. Aloysius Conway 1936 M. Gertrude Dehoff 1936 Sr. Veronica Stanton 1937 Sr. Bridget Molloy 1941 M. Angela Clancy 1942 Sr. Victoire Palmer 1943 M. Borgia McMahon 1944 Sr. Bernadette Danson 1945 Sr. Berchmans Davies 1946 Sr. Aloysius Belloni 1946 Sr. Patricia McMahon 1949 Sr. Veronica Mottram 1951 M.ClareCasey 1951 M. Cecilia Crangle 1957 M. Agnes Hourigan 1957 M.Anastasia Johnson (died and buried in Gumley) 1957 M. Stanislaus Mather 1960 Sr. M. Clare Caulfield 1960 M. Eustochium Tyler 1964 M. Rose Merron 1964 Sr. Dorothy Minogue 1964 M. Lioba Murphy 1966 Sr. M. Clare McDonnell 1967 Sr. M. Ellen Moore 1967. Sr. Barbara Wilders

Bold indicates a member of the founding party Italics indicates those buried in the Lower Cemetery

May they all rest in peace.

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Faithful Companions of Jesus

who served at St Monica’s for more than 25 years

A conservative calculation suggests

that some 250 FCJs together served for over 2,500 years M. Xavier Delaney (63) Sr. Catherine Quinn (57) Sr. Aloysius O’Connell(56) Sr. Xavier Read (55) M. John Roche (53) M. Agnes Higgins (54) Sr. Stanislaus Casey (53 M. Mélanie Ryan (53) M. Josephine Lenihan (49) Sr. Josephine McCabe (49) M. Joseph Stokes ( 47) Sr. Winefride Brian (44) M. Milburga Kay (43) M. Lioba Murphy (41) M. Berchmans Daly (39) Sr. M.Clare McDonnell (39) Sr. M. Ellen Moore (39) M. Martina Flynn (38) Sr. Veronica Stanton (38) Sr. Bernadette Danson (34) M. Martina Hill (33) M. Gertrude Hannon (32)

Sr. Xavier Roe (32) M. Frances Adnett (31) M. Angela Clancy ( 30) M. Clotilde Robinson (30) M. Breda Breen (29) M. Philippa de Vere (29) Sr. Philomena O’Grady (29) Sr. Mary Caulfield (28) Sr. Patricia McMahon (28) S.M. Joseph O’Keefe (28) M. Stephanie Brown (27) M. Anna Duffy (27) M. Winefride Knowles (27) M. Cleophas Quish (27) Sr. Philomena Atkinson (26) M.Monica Murtagh (26) Sr. Barbara Wilders (26)

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