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ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que...

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Catholic Church ST. PATRICK 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 978-459-0561 www.stpatricklowell.org [email protected] August 18, 2019
Page 1: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

Catholic Church ST. PATRICK 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854

Phone: 978-459-0561 www.stpatricklowell.org

[email protected]

August 18, 2019

Page 2: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

Celebraciones Litúrgicas

Misas Diarias – Capilla 7:30 AM ING. Lunes a Viernes 6:30 PM ESP. Lunes, Miérc. & Vier.


Sábado: 4:00 PM Ing. - Capilla 6:00 PM Esp.l - Iglesia 7:30 PM Neo-Catecúmenal

Domingo: 8:30 AM Esp.- Iglesia 10:00 AM Ing. - Iglesia 10:00 AM Viet. - Capilla 11:30 AM Esp. - Iglesia 11:30 AM Birm.- Capilla

Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento

Martes 8 am -7 pm — Capilla


Bautizos Último domingo de cada mes

Clase para el Bautismo 3er. Jueves del mes 7:00pm -Rectoría

Reconciliación /Confesión) (30) minutos antes de misa del fin

de semana o por citas

Matrimonio Hacer cita con el Sacerdote seis (6)

meses antes de la Boda

Educación de Fe Martes & Jueves 5 a 7 PM

Unción de los Enfermos Llame a la oficina parroquial para cita


Secretaría: Lunes a Viernes 8:00am - 4:00pm

Contabilidad Lunes a Jueves 10:30am - 2:30pm

Liturgical Celebration

Daily Masses – Chapel 7:30 AM ENG. Monday to Friday 6:30 PM SPA Mon., Wed., & Fri.


Saturday: 4:00 PM Eng. - Chapel 6:00 PM Spa. - Church 7:30 PM Neo-Catechumenal

Sunday: 8:30 AM Spa. - Church 10:00 AM Eng. - Church 10:00 AM Viet. - Chapel 11:30 AM Spa. - Church 11:30 AM Burm. - Chapel

Adoration to the Blessed Sacra-ment

Tuesday 8 am -7 pm — Chapel


Baptisms Last Sunday of each month.

Reconciliation Thirty (30) minutes prior to Mass,

or by appointment

Marriage Call 978-459-0561 to schedule your initial interview with a priest six months in advance.

Faith Formation Tuesday & Thursday 5 to 7 PM

Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office to schedule an



Secretary: Monday to Friday 8:00 am. - 4:00 pm.

Accounting Monday to Thursday 10:30 am. - 2:30pm

Cử Hành Phụng Vụ

Thánh Lễ Hằng Ngày Nhà Nguyện

7:30 AM ENG. Thứ Hai– Thứ Sa u 6:30 PM SPA Thứ Hai, Tứ & Sa u

Thánh Lễ

Thứ Bảy: 4:00 PM Eng. - Chapel

6:00 PM Spa. - Church 7:30 PM Neo-Catechumenal

Chúa Nhật: 8:30 AM Spa. - Church

10:00 AM Eng. - Church 10:00 AM Viet. - Chapel 11:30 AM Spa. - Church 11:30 AM Burm. - Chapel

Chầu Thánh Thể

Thứ Ba: 8AM-7PM

Các Bí Tích

Rửa Tội Xin lie n vớ i va n pho ng gia o xứ

Giải Tội Trứớ c hay sau tha nh le

Lễ Cưới Xin lie n vớ i va n pho ng gia o xứ

6 tha ng trứớ c nga y cứớ i

Giáo Dục Đức Tin/Việt Ngữ

Chu a Nha t sau tha nh le

Xức Dầu Go i va n pho ng gia o xứ


Thứ Hai—Thứ Sa u: 8am - 4pm

St. Patrick Catholic Church Lowell, MA

Priests/ Sacerdotes

Fr. Enrique Martinez, Administrator

Fr. William Acevedo, Vicar

Lina Arenas, Admin, Assist. Norma Diaz, Secretary Roberto Martinez, Maintenance

Sheila Guevara, Faith Formation Maria Cuesta, Music Coordinator


Page 3: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 18, 2019

August 19 to 25, 2019

Monday / Lunes

7:30AM For our parishioners 6:30PM En mem. Jose Gilberto Pino Pp. Familia En mem. Rosalia Arbelaez, Julio Cesar & Roberto Villa Pp. Gabriel Villa

Tuesday /Martes

7:30AM For the sick of our Parish

Wednesday / Miércoles

7:30AM For unborn babies

6:30PM En mem. de Joao & Nathalia D’Ornellas

Thursday / Jueves 7:30AM

Friday / Viernes

7:30AM For those who suffer from Addictions 6:30PM Español

Saturday / Sabado

4:00PM En mem. Kevin Patrick McEvoy Req. His mother and father En mem. Leo H. Conway Jr. (30 Anniv.) Req. Brenda Conway

6:00PM En mem. Alfonso Lopez Pp. Gloria Lopez Accion de gracias a Jesus Sacramentado Pp. Maria Rave Por el cumpleaños # 15 de Katherine A. Perreira

Sunday / Domingo

8:30AM En mem. de Gladys Rodriguez Pp. Su hermana Sr. Anna Por la Salud de Wilberto Burgos En mem. de Luis Cesar Cabezas Pp. Lucy Colon


10:00AM For

11:30AM En mem. de Jose Gilberto Pino & las almas del Purgatorio Pp. Fam. En mem. Emilia Giraldo & Daniel Paba Pp. Elizabeth Bedoya En mem. de Yonni Gallardo, Beni More & Horacio Millan Por Ivette Gonzalez & Nathalia Rivera

Renewal of CORI Forms

One of the requirements of service to the parish is to renew your CORI form every year. It is a require-ment form the Archdiocese and helps to make sure that the people who offer their service have not conflicted with the law especially about minors. We ask all Catechists, Ministers of the Word (Lectors), Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Hospitality, and Choir members, all those who are in contact with Altar Servers, or anyone offering their service, please re-new your CORI. This year Sheila Polanco is going to be in charge of

all CORI requirements


Llego el tiempo para todos los colaboradores de nuestra Parroquia llenar el CORI. Todos los que trabajen en algún ministerio (Coordinador de gru-po, Lector, Ministro de Comunión, Catequista, Ujier, Coro, Folk Festival, visita a los enfermos… etc. ) están requridos por la Arquidiócesis de Boston a llenar el CORI.

Sheila Polanco esta encargada del CORI,

Agradecemos su colaboración.

St. Patrick Parish Stewardship Collections Weekend of

August 11, 2019 $2,838.00

Thank You for Your Continuous Financial Support. May God Reward Your Generosity!

Scripture for the

week of August

18, 2019

18 SUN Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53

19 Mon Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22 20 Tue Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30 21 Wed Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16 22 Thu Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14 23 Fri Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40 24 Sat Rv 21:9b-14/Jn 1:45-51 25 SUN Is 66:18-21/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/Lk 13:22-30

Page 4: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en


Consuming Fire Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

Our God is a consuming fire, the Scriptures tell us (see

Hebrews 12:29; Deuteronomy 4:24).

And in this week’s Gospel, Jesus uses the image of fire to describe the demands of discipleship.

The fire he has come to cast on the earth is the fire that he wants to blaze in each of our hearts. He made us from the dust of the earth (see Genesis 2:7), and filled us with the fire of the Holy Spirit in baptism (see Luke 3:16). We were baptized into his death (see Romans 6:3). This is the

baptism our Lord speaks of in the Gospel this week. The baptism with which He must be baptized is His passion and death, by which He accomplished our redemption and sent forth the fire of the Spirit on the earth .

The fire has been set, but it is not yet blazing. We are called to enter deeper into the consuming love of God. We must examine our consciences and our actions, submitting ourselves to the revaling fire of God’s Word .In our struggle against sin, we have not yet resisted to the point of shedding our own blood, Paul tells us in this week’s Epistle. We have not undergone the suffering that Jeremiah suffers in the First Reading this week.

But this is what true discipleship requires. To be a disciple is to be inflamed with the love of the God. It is to have an unquenchable desire for holiness and zeal for the salvation of our brothers and sisters.

Being His disciple does not bring peace in the false way that the world proclaims peace (see Jeremiah 8:11). It means division and hardship. It may bring us to conflict with our own flesh and blood. But Christ is our peace (see Ephesians 2:14). By his cross, he has lifted us up from the mire of sin and death—as he will rescue the prophet Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 38:10).

And as we sing in the Psalm this week, we trust in our deliverer. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology / www.SalvationHistory.com

Page 5: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

Oremos por los Enfermos

Oración: Señor Jesucristo, que para redimir a los hombres y sanar a los enfermos quisiste asumir nuestra condición humana, mira con piedad a : Paula Rodriguez, Santa Sanchez , Rubén Herrera, Lucy M., Geraldine N. , Carmen Martínez, Jose Rivera, Maria Cruz, Evelia Ramírez, Alfonso Valencia, Doris Yolanda, , Juana Cruz, Altagracia Mena, Natividad Falcon, Ana Ocasio, Maria Rivera, Alicia Morales, Jose Morales, Maria Tavares, Jorge Figueroa, familia Perez-Garcia. _______, que están enfermos y necesita ser curados en el cuerpo y en el espíritu. Reconfórtalo con tu poder para que levante su ánimo y pueda superar todos sus males; y, ya que has querido asociarlo a tu Pasión redentora, haz que confíen en la eficacia del dolor para la salvación del mundo. Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Padre Nuestro… Dios te salve Maria…Gloria…

Volunteers for Jesus Volunteers needed for maintaining and beautifying our

lawns, parking lots, and surrounding areas. We meet on Saturday at 8 AM in front of the garage next to the rectory.

Voluntarios para Jesús

Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a mantener limpio los alrededores de la iglesia y el jardín. Nos reunimos los

Sábados 8AM frente al garaje al lado de la rectoría.

Reflexion Lucas 12, 49-53

El evangelio de esta semana no es fácil de inter-pretar. Muchos verán que el evangelista nos presenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en el que nos hemos instalados, ritos y cumplimientos, en lugar de practicar su máxima: “amar al prójimo”.Hoy más que nunca se nos llama a alzar nuestra voz contra las injusticias so-ciales, pero seguimos como si tal cosa, eso sí, mientras no nos toquen a nosotros, entonces es-tallamos y queremos que todos nos apoyen y se pongan en nuestros zapatos. Tenemos que dejar de mirar nuestro ombligo, de vivir ritos y cumpli-mientos y empezar a encender el fuego del amor, a trabajar por un mundo más igualitario porque el sistema actual no nos lleva a buen puer-to, cada vez la sociedad está más pérdida y hun-dida.

Es momento de reflexionar, ahondar en la Palabra de Dios y empezar a trabajar por toda la humani-dad, ¡qué mejor ejemplo de amor, justicia y cari-dad! No dejemos para mañana el trabajar por el Reino de Dios, hagámoslo hoy. Fuente: /eltallerdelaserenidad.wordpress.com


Faith Formation—Every Sunday

Mass at 10:00am

Sunday School Program

Sept. 14 at 10am — Parent’s meeting upper church

Sept. 14 at 10am - Conference for Children –Chapel


Page 6: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

BÀI ĐỌC 1: Gr 38:4-6, 8-10

Lời Chúa trong sách ngôn sứ Giê-rê-mi-a.

Ho i a y, ca c thu la nh thứa vớ i vua Xí t-ki-gia-hu: "Xin nga i cho gie t Gie -re -mi-a đi, ví nhứ ng lua n đie u cu a o ng ta đa la m na n lo ng ca c binh sí co n la i trong tha nh na y, cu ng nhứ toa n da n. Tha t va y, con ngứớ i a y cha ng mứu hoa bí nh cho da n na y, ma chí ga y tai hoa ." Vua Xí t-ki-gia-hu no i: "Đa y o ng ta đang ớ trong tay ca c ngứới; nha vua cu ng cha ng co the la m gí tra i y ca c ngứới đứớ c." Ho lie n đie u o ng Gie -re -mi-a đi, va bo xuo ng mo t ca i ha m nứớ c cu a hoa ng tứ Man-ki-gia-hu, trong sa n ve binh. Ho la y da y thứ ng tha o ng Gie -re -mi-a xuo ng. Ví trong ha m kho ng co nứớ c, ma chí co bu n, ne n o ng bi lu n sa u."

Ô ng E-ve t Me-le c đi ra kho i đe n vua va thứa vớ i vua ra ng: "Thứa đứ c vua, chu a thứớ ng to i, nhứ ng ngứớ i na y la m toa n nhứ ng chuye n tai a c cho ngo n sứ Gie -re -mi-a. Ho đa tha o ng xuo ng ha m, va o ng đang che t đo i ớ dứớ i a y, ví trong tha nh kho ng co n ba nh nứ a. Vua lie n truye n cho o ng E-ve t Me-le c, ngứớ i Cu t ra ng: "Ngứới ha y đem theo ba mứới ngứớ i ớ đa y, đi ke o ngo n sứ Gie -re -mi-a le n kho i ha m, ke o o ng che t ma t."

Đó là Lời Chúa.

Co ng đoa n: Tạ ơn Chúa.

ĐÁP CA: Tv 39:2, 3, 4, 18

Đáp: Lạy Chúa! xin cấp tốc trợ phù con!

Lạy Chúa! xin cấp tốc trợ phù con

1. To i đa he t lo ng tro ng đớ i Chu a Ngứớ i nghie ng mí nh xuo ng va nghe tie ng to i ke u!" Đáp

2. Ngứớ i ke o to i ra kho i ho die t vong, kho i vu ng la y nhớ nhớ p, đa t cha n to i đứ ng tre n ta ng đa , la m cho to i bứớ c đi vứ ng va ng. Đáp

3. Chu a cho mie ng to i ha t ba i ca mớ i, ba i ca tu ng Thie n Chu a chu ng ta. Tha y the , nhie u ngứớ i se kí nh sớ va tin tứớ ng va o Chu a. Đáp

4. Tha n pha n con kho n kho nghe o he n, nhứng Chu a ha ng nghí tớ i. Nga i la Đa ng phu trớ , la Đa ng gia i thoa t con, la y Thie n Chu a con thớ , xin đứ ng trí hoa n! Đáp

BÀI ĐỌC 2: Dt 12:1-4

Lời Chúa trong thư gửi tín hữu Do Thái.

Thứa anh em, pha n chu ng ta, đứớ c nga n a y nha n chứ ng đứ c tin nhứ đa m ma y bao quanh, chu ng ta ha y cớ i bo mo i ga nh na ng va to i lo i đang tro i buo c mí nh, va ha y kie n trí cha y trong cuo c đua da nh cho ta, ma t hứớ ng ve Đứ c Gie -su la Đa ng khai mớ va kie n toa n lo ng tin. Chí nh Ngứớ i đa khứớ c tứ nie m vui da nh cho mí nh, ma cam chi u kho hí nh tha p gia , cha ng ne chi o nhu c, va nay đang ngứ be n hứ u ngai Thie n Chu a. Anh em ha y tứớ ng nhớ Đa ng đa cam chi u đe cho nhứ ng ngứớ i to i lo i cho ng đo i mí nh nhứ the , đe anh em kho i sớ n lo ng na n chí . Qua tha t, trong cuo c chie n đa u vớ i to i lo i, anh em chứa cho ng tra đe n mứ c đo ma u đa u.

Đó là Lời Chúa. Co ng đoa n: Tạ ơn Chúa.

TUNG HÔ TIN MỪNG: Ha-lê-lui-a. Ha-lê-lui-a.

Chu a no i: Chie n cu a to i thí nghe tie ng to i; to i bie t chu ng, va chu ng theo to i. Ha-lê-lui-a.

PHÚC ÂM: Lc 12:49-53

Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo thánh Lu-ca.

Mo t ho m, Đứ c Gie -su no i vớ i ca c mo n đe ra ng: "Tha y đa đe n ne m lứ a va o ma t đa t, va Tha y nhứ ng ứớ c mong pha i chi lứ a a y đa bu ng le n! Tha y co n mo t phe p rứ a pha i chi u, va lo ng Tha y kha c khoa i bie t bao cho đe n khi vie c na y hoa n ta t!

"Anh em tứớ ng ra ng Tha y đe n đe ban hoa bí nh cho tra i đa t sao? Tha y ba o cho anh em bie t: kho ng pha i the đa u, nhứng la đem sứ chia re . Ví tứ nay, na m ngứớ i trong cu ng mo t nha se chia re nhau, ba cho ng la i hai, hai cho ng la i ba. Ho se chia re nhau: cha cho ng la i con trai, con trai cho ng la i cha; me cho ng la i con ga i, con ga i cho ng la i me ; me cho ng cho ng la i na ng da u, na ng da u cho ng la i me cho ng."

Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Lạy Chúa Kitô, ngợi khen Chúa.

Chúa Nhật 20 Thường Niên August 18, 2019

Lửa Trên Mặt Đất L.m. Nguyễn Cao Siêu, S.J. Lạy Chúa Giêsu, Xin cho chúng con ngọn lửa trong Trái Tim Chúa, ngọn lửa của tình yêu Cha và nhân loại. Xin làm tim con ấm lại mỗi ngày, nhờ được nghe Chúa nói như hai môn đệ về Emmau, và được Chúa nuôi bằng bánh ban sự sống. Xin soi sáng chúng con bằng ngọn lửa rực rỡ mỗi khi chúng con cầu nguyện hay quyết định. Xin thanh luyện chúng con bằng ngọn lửa hồng của những thất bại đắng cay trên đường đời. Ước gì chúng con luôn có lửa nhiệt thành để hết lòng phụng sự Nước Chúa, lửa tình yêu để vượt qua những hận thù đố kỵ. Amen

Page 7: ST. PATRICK - The Pilotpresenta a un Jesús, belicoso, separatista, pero en realidad Jesús lo que hace es dar un zamarreo a nuestro corazón adormilado, despertarnos del letargo en

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Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

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What’s Inside

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Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up



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Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities.

The strength of our communities depends on the well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others.

Please support clergytrust.org

An independently managed trust for the care of active and senior priests in good standing.

Fr. Michael Zimmerman Ordained 2017.

Serving St. Agnes Parish in Arlington.


