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St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLV, No. 10
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THE VIA TORIAN Volume XLV DEBATERS COMPLETE SCHEDULE IN CLASH WITH ST. THOMAS Tuesday, June Fifth Set Aside as Date For "Sheil's Day" Alumni to Saturday, April 28, 1928. ST. VIATOR PARISH HONORED BY GIFTS FROM POPE PIUS XI Freshman-Sophomore Dance to be Held on May Eighteenth /1/o. 1 () No. e/Z MISS CLAUDIA MUZIO GIVES CASH AWARDS TO IT ALlAN CLASSES Dual Event. with Marquette Held on Preceding- Evening Meet in Chicago Formulate Pla. ns Tu es day, June the fifth des ignated by the alumn i and faculty of St. Viato r Co ll ege as the date of a "Bishop Sheil's Day," and has, there- fo re, been defini te ly set as ide fo r a cele brati on in honor of o ur di s tin- guished Al umnu s, Bishop-Elect Sheil. Pl ans fo r th e day were for mulated at a meet ing of the oflicers of th e Alum- ni Associat ion held in Chica go on Friday , Apri l J 3 th. Th e mee ti ng wa s a ttended by Fat her LaMarr e, Pres i- dent of the Alumni Assoc iat ion, Fath- er Conway, Father Mag uire, Fath er Rice, Fa th er O'Mahoney, Mr. Lowe ll L awso n, Mr. John Cox, Mr. T. L. Warn er, Mr. Jo seph Bolge r, and Mr. Frank Rainey. A t a me<:!ting of the Fr<:!shman and Sophomore classes last Mond ay even- ing in the Coll ege Club Room, plans for the coming Und ergrad dan ce we re d iscussed. Th e meet in g was presided over by Mr . J ay Watso n, chairman of Socia l Activ ities, a ss isted by Mess rs. Edwar d Cam pbell an d E dward O'Nei l, pres id ents of the Sop homorL ! and Fres hman classes , re s pec tively. Da nt e It a li an Club Highl y Favored by Prima Donna The Debat ing Sc hed- ule of th e St. Viator De bate rs of 1928 was compl eted Wedn esday, April 18th, in a cont es t between the team of St. Thomas Co ll ege, St. Paul, Minn. , and t he lo ca l orators. The debate wa s held before a noon lun cheon meetin g of th e Cosmopo li ta n Club of St. Pau l, and the decision, given in fa, vor of St. Thomas Coll ege, wa s rend ered by ball ot of th e Cl ub. St. Thomas Co ll ege is at pr ese nt, the only Catholi c Co ll ege represented in the National Pi Kappa Del ta Hon- orary Debating Frat ern ity. At a nati onal debating tourn ament held re- centl y by the Fratern i ty, the St. Thoma s Coll ege debater s won th e nat ional c hampi ons hip, an unus ual distinct ion s urely, f or more tha n fo ur hundr ed debating t ea ms were entered in the tournament, and St. Th oma s won from m ost of the hig hl y reputed colleges of th e co untr y. Need less to say , th e di s tinction wa.g we ll merited as our debaters w ill t es tify after the recent debate . Dual De bate with Marqu e tte On Tu es day, April 17th, a dual con- test w ith Marqu ette was held. The St. Via tor Affi rmative team, Mess rs. J. All en Nol an, Maurice LeCla ir e, and Robert 0. Barne tt, met the Nega tive team from Marqu et te at the Uni ver- si ty Sc ience Hall in Mil wa uk ee. At ' the same time, an aff irmat ive team from Marquette journ eyed to Bour- bonna is an d debated wit h St. Via-tor's n egati ve tea m, Messrs . J oh n \V. Stafford , Raymo nd Boy se n, and Arm- and J. Lottin vill e. Honors were evenly for the St. Viator team won the debat e in Kankakee , and the Marquette team won the de- cision in Mil waukee. Th e debate in Kankakee was held at th e Knight s of Columbu s Auditorium, Guests in Milwaukee \Vhile in Milwaukee, Father Ma - guire and his debat ers were t he gue sts of Mr . and Mrs. Berna rd Mul- vaney. Mr . Mul vaney is the brother of Fat her Georg e P. Mulvane y, c. s. V .', who is now teac: hing a.t I ncarnate \Vord Col1 ege , Sa n Antonio, Tex as . Mr. and Mrs. Mul vaney entertain ed th e debaters and their coach r oyall y, and the d ebate rs have been quite at a loss to fitt ingly ex pr ess th eir appre- ciation of t he kindn ess of th eir host and host ess . The debate rs a lso pa id a vis it to the Viator alumn i at St. Paul Semin- ar y af t er the debat e with St. Th omas Coll ege. Th ey re port a most agree- ab le after noon and evening vis it at the Semin ary and fin d th emselves deeply indebted also to the Viator sem ina rian s for their fine recept ion. Va lpa ra is o ' Vin s from Negat ive F;·iday, Apr il 13th, was an unlucky day fo r th e Viat orian s in more re- gards than one. A debate sch edu led with Valparai so Univer s it y for that day ended in a contrary decision , rend - ered by Mr. Rus h Johnson, Chicago attorney, who ac ted as crit ic judge. :I>Ir. Nolan and Mr. Barnett s hift ed to t he negative · side of the Pi Kappa Delta quest ion fo r t hi s debate, and bols tered their case by adding Mr. At ·ma nd J. Lottinvill e to the te.am. Bishop -El ect She il ha s alr eady con- sented to part icip ate in th e day , and to offic iate at the co mmencement ex- erc ises on the eveni ng of Jun e fifth an d on the fo ll owing day. In vitat ions to the spe ak ers se lect ed fo r the oc- Hev. J. F. Hyan, c. s. Given Valua bl e Chalice Very li tt le oppo ist ion met the pro- p osa l that the da nce he held on !Vhy 18, th e nig ht before th e Notre Dam e- St. Viator ba se ba ll game. A unan i- decision r ega rd ing the location of the affa ir wa s reac hed. All agreed that th e Co ll ege gym was the only pla ce t hat po ssessed the attract ions and conveniences that go to make a co ll ege function of this kind at St. Viato r a ge nuin e success. Th e ample room afforded, the co ll egiate a tmo.s - phe re, and the pr eva le nt "at home" sp irit tha t the gy mn as ium holds for St. Viato r st ud ent s, and ot h er factrns decided the iss ue. v ., A ca ll for a di sc uss io n on th e pro- casion ha ve been i ss ued, but we hesi- tate to publi sh the ir names unt il they ha ve definitely accepted the invita- tions. No e ff ort is be ing s pared to make th e "Sheil 's Day" th e gr eatest that the Co ll ege h as ever see n. Further deta ils and announceme nts will be publi shed in the fo rthcoming i ss ues of the Viatorian when th e arrang e- ment s h ave r eac hed a more defini te It is a well kn ow n fac t that the propaga t ion of the Holy Fa ith is a cause that is pa rti cularl y dear to heart of o ur Holy Father Pope Piu s XI, and any outsta nding work to - wa rd s it s accomplishment is certain of being amply rewarded by him. spec tive ente rtain ers fo r the eve ning met with numerous and vari ed sug- gestions. Howevet·, accordi ng t,J th e class of orc hest ra :; we may he s ur e t hat s uperi or mu sic will be pro- vided for the evening. Th e It a li an Cla sses of the college and high sc hool department s of St. Viator Co ll ege have again received ve ry favorab le recognitio n from a s ig nall y renown ed and far-fame d per- so nage. Mi ss Claudia Muzio, Pri ma Don na of the Chi cago , Lon don, Pari s, Rome, and Bu enos Aire s Grand Opera Companies, ha s en dowed the Italian classe s of t hi s in st it uti on with a number of cash awards for s tudents disp laying th e highe st quality of pro- ficien cy and excellen ce in the Itali an language after th ·> comp letion 0f the ens uing schola st ic year, 1928-l:J29. Alth oug h Miss Muzio sings only in the principal citi es of the world , in which her performanc es are eagerly anticipated and long rem e mhcred, neverthel ess Professor Mascar ino Ch aneaux gi ves us wel1 fou nded hopes of ha ving the extraordinary opport un - ity of heari ng Mi:, ; l'ifuzio here at the coll ege so mttime during the com- ing yea r. In the event of an occas ion, the Dant e Italian Cluh ,. ,- ill entertain the distinguished bene- factor and guest wit h a spe.:iA I liter - Th fi . I of t. he event ary program. was two clas ess In th e name of the ent ire faculty unanimou sly voted an ante of three and s tudent body of St. Viator Col - do ll ars a man , with the und erstand- lege , and, in particular, of the Dante fo rm . John Stafford Wins Debating Medal at Intramural Contest Th e Holy Fa ther has gr atef ully ac- knowl edge d th e unu sual act iviti es , in thi s r ega rd, of t hr ee Chi cago parishes, and it is with great pride that we find St. Viator c hurch, Addi so n s tre et and Redva le ave nue, hea ding th e li st and winning first honors. To the Rev . J. F. Ryan, c. s. v., pa s tor of St. Via- tor' s, and th e people of the parish, His Emin ence Geo rge Car idnal Mun - delein prese n ted a beauti f ul chalice Nega ti ve Tea m Wins Affir ma ti ve in Priz e Debate From fr om Pop e Piu s X I wit h the pap al crest in relief and eng ra ved on th e pat en. Th e Pop e himse lf was the la st one to use the chali ce on the of the feast of St . J osep h on March Th e medal fo r the best debate r of 19 _ The chal ic e wi ll not be use d aga in the yea r was wo n la st Wedn es day by unti l the dedication of the n ew St. Mr. John \V. Sta fford , '30, at a pri ze Viator chur ch, a date ye t to be an - deba te held in the Co ll ege Club Room I nounce d. According to the pre sent to det ermin e the winning tea m and ; plan s, Cardinal Mund elein will cele- the out sta nding debater. The Nega- brat e on that occasion. tive Te am, co mpose d of Mes srs. On e may be inclined to th ink that Stafford, Ra ymond Boy se n, and Arm- it is a snw ll task for any Chica go and Lot tinvill e, won the unanimou s pari sh to rai se fund s, but whe n one decision of the judges, who were Mr . considers th e r eal sac rifices th at ihtl Claude Granger, Judg e Bur ns, and St. Viator people had to und e rgo, F'at her Magu ire. not hi ng but the wa rmest congratula - Th e in tramura l co n test to deterrninc tions s hould go to th em and their the best debat er is an innovation thi "; pasto r. Th e New World speaks truth - year , having been introduced by fully w hen it says of St. Viai;Qr par- Father Magu ir e to take the place of ish: "For years the parish ha s been the annua l Oratorica l Co ntes t. Mr . s training eve ry effo rt in ex t ens ive Sta fford will r eceive the meda l tha t building car npaign. Even now a fine wa s for mer ly awa rded at th e co mp le- new church is in th e pr ncess of erec- tion of the Or atori cal Conte s t. tion. Natura ll y t he l'tSOJrces of Th is debat e concluded the season church s upporters are exte nded i· 1 un- for th e Viato r teams . The record o.f usua l prop ort ion:;; . To yie ld to the yea r :.; hows an even balance of their genero us ; lll j) 1 Jl sC's, and to vic torie s and defea tz. TIH• debati ng an extent , is t hen m0sr crc di tahle tn sq uad l oses 'J ut one me mber Uy g"Tacl - St. Viator's peopl e>." uat ion. Mr. Maurice L. LeC lair -:> , a mem ber of debating team fJr the past two year .. \ compete d in his b. sl debate fo r St. '.":ator Coii Pg·c l ast " 'ednesday evening. The drive to Val paraiso was made possible through the courtesy and kindn ess of Mr. Th omas L egris who kindly loaned his automobile for the trip. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE CJreshmdn- - Sophomore $p ring $all It alian Club, the Viatorian e xten ds to ing that a portion of that sum is to be Miss Muzio sinceres t thanks for her r efun ded as soon as a ll debts ge nerous recognition of our I tal ian to th e dance are cance ll ed. The chai rman appointed co ur ses. The awa rds donated by Miss acti ng .Muzio will, no doubt, l en d a powerful thr ee co mmitt ees who are to divide incenti ve to th e students of the Itali an the s up ervision of the variou s activ- classe s, an d w ill urge th em on to iti es connected wit h th e execution of grea t proficiency in th eir stud ies. th e plans: the Ticket and Invi ta tion Co ndu ct Int ercoll egi ate Co rr es pond- Committ ee: Robert Barn ett, Kennet n ence Clothier, Fred Sa ls berger a_nd Byron In order to acq uire g reater pro- E va rd; th e Orch est ra Committee: Bob . . th 1 nd to ins ur e R an Edward Ca mp bell, Edward fi ciency 111 e a nguage, a an d A.l Fur long; the Deco ra- the pra ct ical knowledge con sonant - . with a two yea r co ur se, the st udents tion Co mmi ttee :_ Jay Ir vm of the colle e and high school Italian Ma th ews and Gn·ard L egrts . g . d If we rn a. ·ud e from the a mount courses are on a correspon - y J g ence in Itah an 'vtth the stu de nts of of e nthu sia sm di sp layed at th e meet - ' . ' . . . . y 1 H in and th e he arty good will with the fo ll owmg a e,_ ar- g, . . vard Colum bia, Ilhn01s, Chicago, which each pr oposa l was I VVa shin gton, Brown, Pe nn- approved , w e ca n feel ass ur ed that ' . ' R che ter \Visconsin Mich i- th e l ast dan ce of the year (remember 0 . Cs 1 ' d V ' C 1 . o-an lVIIs so m·I o ora o, assar o- th e date, May 18!) Wll1 be our bes t. l ege ·, Th e university of Torino , Italy, Senioa- Aacdemy Men Fete Coach Barrett To Birthday Dinner a nd the High Schools of New York a.nd San Francisco. Some time next month the It ali an st ude nt s will hold their second li terary me eti ng of this yea r, wit h a program espec iall y replete in conver sation and F ifty A !tend Banquet in Ho nor ex pr ession. of Coach -...,..,.--,-__:;;:::;=:;:;;=. -:::-.=;;::,-;; presi dent of the cl ass, exte nded a Coach \Villiam Barrett, Acade my men tor of ath letics, was fet ed to a bi rth day banquet last Monday at t he Kankake e Hotel by the members of the Senior Academy class. Mr. and Mr s. Ba rr ett were th e gu ests of hon or, toget her with Fath er Phill ips , Fath er Landroche, Father Steph enson and the members of the Academy footba ll an d bas ketball teams . Ap- proximately fifty persons attended the banquet, all of whom a re most enthus iast ic in t heir pra ise of the event. After a s umptuous dinner, toas t- master Step hens took charge of affa irs an d introduced the various speake rs. Mr. Thomas Su lli van, cordial welcome to his guests, and ex presesd th e felicitat ions of the cla ss on the occasion. Rev . L. T. Phillips, principa l of the Acade my DepM·tme nt delivered a discussion on the value of athlet ics in an ed uca- tiona l syste m. Rev. A. J . Landroche, Disciplin a ri an , voiced his a ppr ecia- tion of Coach Barrett 's work in the Academy, an d Rev. W. J . Steph enson extended his greetings and cong rat - ulations to the coach. Mr . J ohn Far- ris spoke on friendship, and :Mr . John Farrell, editor of "The Voyageur" gave a few remarks about the ne"" and greater Academy Annual. uBill" Barrett, respond ed to the and occas ion with an exp ressiOn of Co ntinu ed ?n Poge Three.:
Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28




Tuesday, June Fifth Set Aside as Date

For "Sheil's Day"

Alumni to

Sa turday, Apri l 28, 1928.



Freshman-Sophomore Dance to be Held on

May Eighteenth

/1/o. 1 () No.e/Z


Dual Event. with Marquette Held on Preceding­


Meet in Chicago Formulate P la.ns

Tuesday, June the fifth designated by the a lumn i and faculty of St. Viato r Coll ege as the date of a " Bishop S heil's Day," and has , t he re­fo re, been defini te ly set as ide fo r a cele bration in honor of our di s tin­g uished A lumnus , B ishop-Elect Sheil. Pla ns fo r the day w ere for mulated at a meeting of t he oflicers of th e A lum ­ni Association held in Chicago on Friday , Apri l J 3th. The meeti ng was a ttended by Father LaMarre, Presi­dent of the Alumni Association, Fath­er Conway, Father Maguire, Father Ri ce, F a ther O' Mah oney, Mr. Lowell Lawson, Mr. J ohn Cox, Mr. T. L. Warner , Mr. Joseph Bolger, and Mr. Frank Rainey.

At a me<:!ting of the Fr<:!shm a n and Sophomore classes last Mond ay even­ing in t he Coll ege Club Room, plans for t he co ming U ndergrad dance were d iscussed. Th e meet ing was presided over by Mr. J ay Watson, chairman of Social Activities, assis t ed by Messrs . Edward Cam p bell an d E dward O'Nei l, pres idents of t he Sop homorL! and Fres hman classes , respectively.

Dante Italian Club Highly Favored by Prima Donna

The In tercoll eg i ~>te Debating Sched­ule of the St. Viator Debaters of 1928 was completed Wednesday, April 18th, in a contest between t he team of St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. , and the loca l orators . The debate was held before a noon luncheon meeting of the Cosmopoli ta n Clu b of St. Paul, and the deci sion, g iven in fa,vor of St. Thomas College, was rendered by ballot of the Cl ub.

St. Thomas College is at present, the only Catholic Coll ege represented in the National Pi Kappa Delta Hon­orary Debating Fraternity. At a national debating tournament held re­cently by the Fraternity, the St. Thomas College debaters won the national champi onship, a n unusua l distinction surely, f or more than four hundred debating t eams were entered in the tournament, and St. Thomas won from most of t he highly reputed colleges of the co untry. Need less to say, the di stinction wa.g well merited as our debaters w ill t estify after t he recent debate .

Dual De bate with Marquette On Tuesday, April 17th, a dual con­

test w ith Marquette was held. The St . Viator Affi rmative team, Messrs . J . Allen Nolan, Maurice LeCla ire, and Robert 0. Barnett, met t he Negative team from Marquett e at the U niver­si ty Science Hall in Milwaukee. At

'the same time, an aff irmative team f rom Marquette journeyed to Bour­bonnais and debated with St. Via-tor's negative team, Messrs. J ohn \V. Stafford, Raymo nd Boysen, and Arm­and J. Lottinvill e. Honors were evenly di,~ded, for t he St . Viator team won t he debate in Kankakee, and the Marquette team won the de­cision in Milwaukee. The debate in Kankakee was held at the Knights of Columbus Auditorium,

Guests in Milwaukee \Vhile in Milwaukee, Father Ma­

guire a nd his debaters were t he gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mul­vaney. Mr. Mulvaney is the brother of Father George P. Mulvaney, c. s. V.',

who is now teac:hing a.t I ncarnate \Vord Col1 ege, San Antonio, Texas. Mr. a nd Mrs. Mulvaney entertained the debaters and their coach royall y, and t he debaters have been quite at a loss to fitt ingly express their appre­ciation of t he kindness of the ir host a nd hos tess.

The debate rs a lso pa id a visit to

t he Viator alumn i at St. Paul Semin­ary after t he debate with St . Thomas College. They r eport a most agree­able afternoon and evening vis it at the Semin ary and fin d t hemselves deeply indebted a lso to the Viator sem inarians for their fine reception.

Valpa ra iso ' Vins from Negative F;·iday, April 13th , was an unlucky

day fo r th e Viatorians in more re­gards than one. A debate sch eduled with Valparaiso Univers ity for that day ended in a contrary decision , rend­ered by Mr. Rush Johnson, Chicago attorney, w ho ac ted as critic judge. :I>Ir. Nolan and Mr. Barnett shifted to t he negative · s ide of the Pi Kappa Delta question fo r t his debate, and bol stered their case by adding Mr. At·mand J. Lottinville to the te.am.

Bishop-Elect Sheil has already con­sented to participate in th e day, and to offic iate at t he commencement ex­ercises on the eveni ng of June fifth and on the fo llowing day. In vitations to t he speake rs selected fo r the oc- Hev. J. F. Hyan, c. s .

Given Valua ble Chalice

Very li tt le oppo istion met the pro­p osal that the da nce he held on !Vh y 18, the nig ht before th e Notr e Dam e­St . Viator baseball ga me. A unani­mou~ decis ion rega rding the location of the affa ir was reached . All agreed that the Coll ege gym was the only place t hat possessed the attractions and conveniences that go to make a co llege function of t his kind at St. Viator a genuine success. The ample room afforded, t he collegiate a tmo.s­phere, a nd t he prevalent "at home" sp irit tha t the gymnas ium holds for St. Viator stud ents, and other factrns decided t he issue.

v ., A ca ll for a discussio n on the pro-casion ha ve been issued, but we hesi­tate to publish their names until they have definitely accepted t he invita-t ions.

No effort is being spared to make the " Sheil 's Day" the g reatest that t he Coll ege has ever seen. Further details and a nnouncements will be published in t he fo rthcoming issues of the Viatorian when the arrange­ments have reached a more defini te

It is a w ell know n fac t that the propaga t ion of the Holy F a ith is a cause that is pa rticularl y dear to ~he heart of our Holy Father Pope Pius XI, and any outsta nding work to­wards its a ccomplishm ent is certain of being amply rewarded by him.

spective e nt ertainers for t he evening met with numerous and vari ed sug­ges t ions. Howevet·, according t,J the class of orchestra :; nq~1.eci, we m ay he sure t hat superior mu sic will be pro­vided for t he eveni ng.

The Ita lia n Classes of the college a nd hig h schoo l departments of St. Viator College have again received very favorable recognition from a s ig nally r enowned and far-famed per­sonage. Miss Claudia Muzio, Prima Don na of the Chi cago, London, Pari s, Rom e, and Buenos Aires Grand Opera Companies, has endowed t he Italian classes of thi s institution with a number of cash awards for students disp laying th e highest quality of pro­ficien cy a nd excellence in the Italian language after th ·> completion 0f the ensuing scholastic year, 1928-l:J29. Although Miss Muzio sings only in the principal cities of the world, in which her performances are eagerly anticipated and long rem emhcred, neverthel ess Professor Masca r ino Chaneaux gi ves us wel1 fou nded hopes of having t he extraordinary opport un ­ity of heari ng Mi:, ; l'ifuzio here at t he college somttime during the com­ing yea r. I n the event of ~ ~Kh an occasion , the Dante Italian Cluh ,.,- ill entertain t he distinguished bene­factor a nd guest with a spe.:iA I liter-

Th fi . I of t.he event ary program. was :ss:::c~ l a w~~~cets~e two clasess In the name of the ent ire faculty unanimous ly voted an ante of three and s tudent body of St. Viator Col ­dollars a man, with the understand- lege, and, in particular, of the Dante

fo rm .

John Stafford Wins Debating Medal at

Intramural Contest

The Holy Fat her has g ratefully ac­knowl edged the unus ua l act ivities, in this rega rd, of three Chicago parishes, and it is with great pride that we find St. Viator church, Addison street and Redvale avenue , heading the li st and winning first honors. To the Rev. J . F . Ryan, c. s. v., pa stor of St. Via­tor's , a nd th e peop le of the parish, Hi s Eminence George Caridna l Mun-dele in presented a beautif ul chalice

Nega ti ve Team Wins Affirma tive in Prize


From from Pope Pius X I with the papal crest in relief a nd engraved on the paten. The Pope himself was the la st one to use t he chalice on t he occ<.,~icn

of the feast of St. J osep h on March Th e medal for the best debater of 19_ Th e chal ice wi ll not be used aga in

the yea r was won las t Wedn esday by unti l t he dedication of the new St. Mr. John \V. Stafford , '30, at a pri ze Viator church, a date yet to be an­debate held in the College Clu b Room I nounced. According to the present to determine t he winning team a nd ; plans , Cardinal Mundelein w ill cele­t he outsta nding debater. The Nega- brate on that occasion . t ive Team, composed of Messr s. On e may be inclined to th ink that Stafford, Raymond Boyse n, and Arm- it is a snw ll task for an y Chicago and Lottinvill e, won the unanimous pari sh to raise fund s, but when one decision of t he judges, who were Mr. considers the r eal sacrifices t hat ihtl Claude Granger, Judge Burns, and St. Viator peop le had to undergo, F'ather Maguire. not hi ng but t he wa rmest congratula -

The in tramura l co ntest to deterrninc tions should go to them and their the best debater is an innovation thi "; pastor. The New World speaks truth­year, having been introduced by fully when it says of St. Viai;Qr par­Father Maguire to take the place of ish: "For years t he pa ri sh has been t he annual Oratorica l Contest. Mr. straining every effort in extensive Sta fford will r eceive the medal tha t building ca rnpaign. Even now a fine was for merly awa rded at the comple - new church is in the prncess of erec­tion of the Oratorical Contes t. tion. Natura ll y t he l'tSOJrces of

Th is debate concluded t he season church supporters are extended i· 1 un­for the Viato r teams . The record o.f usual proport ion:;; . To yie ld a~ain to the yea r :.; hows an even ba la nce of their genero us ; lll j) 1J lsC's, and t o ~u..::h vic tories a nd defeat z. TIH• debati ng an extent , is t hen m0sr crcdi tahle tn sq uad loses 'Jut one me mber Uy g"Tacl - St. Viator's p eo ple>." uat ion. Mr. Maurice L. LeC lair -:> , a mem ber of thr~ debating team fJr the past two year .. \ competed in his b.sl debate fo r St. '.":ator Coii Pg·c last " 'ednesday eveni ng .

The drive to Valparaiso was made possible through the courtesy and kindness of Mr. Thomas Legris who kindly loaned his automobile for the trip.

PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE CJreshmdn--Sophomore

$pring $all

Italian Club, the Viatorian extends to ing that a portion of that sum is to be Miss Muzio s inceres t thanks for her refunded as soon as a ll debts rel ~tive generous recognition of our I tal ian to th e dance are cancell ed.

The chai rman appointed co urses. The award s donated by Miss acting .Muzio will , no doubt, lend a powerful

three committees who a re to divide incenti ve to the students of the Italian t he super vis ion of t he various activ- classes, and w ill urge them on t o ities connected with the execution of grea t proficiency in their studies. th e plans: the Ticket a nd Invi ta tion Condu ct Intercollegiate Corres pond-Committee : Rober t Barnett, Ken netn ence

Clothier, Fred Salsberger a_nd Byron In order to acquire g reater pro-E va rd; the Orchestra Committee: Bob . . th

1 nd to insure

R a n Edward Ca mpbell , Edward fi ciency 111 e a nguage, a O~'Jeii and A.l Furlong; the Decora- the practical knowledge consonant

- . with a two year course, the students tion Commi ttee :_ Jay \Va ~son, Irvm of t he colle e and high school Italian Ma thews and Gn·ard Legrts. g . d

If we rn a. ·ud e from t he a mount courses are ~arry1~g on a correspon -y J g ence in Itaha n 'vtth the students of of enthu sia sm displayed at the meet - ' . ' . . . . y

1 H

in and the hearty good will with the fo llowmg ~mvens~e~ . a e,_ ar-g , . . vard Colum bia, Ilhn01 s, Chicago,

which each worth-wl~Ile proposal was I Toro~to VVashington, Brown, Penn-approved, w e can feel assured that ' . ' R che ter \Visconsin Mich i-th e last dance of t he year (remember syham~, 0 . Cs

1 ' d V ' C

1 . o-an lVIIsso m·I o ora o, assar o-the date, May 18!) Wll1 be our best. lege·, The university of Torino, Italy,

Senioa- Aacdemy Men Fete Coach Barrett

To Birthday Dinner

a nd t he High Schools of New York a.nd San Francisco.

Sometime next month the Italian students wi ll hold their second literary meeti ng of t his year, with a program especially replete in conversation and

F ifty A !tend Banquet in Honor ex pression.

of Coach -...,..,.--,-__:;;:::;=:;:;;=.-:::-.=;;::,-;; president of the class, extended a

Coach \Villiam Barrett, Academy

mentor of athletics, was fet ed to a bi rth day banquet last Monday at the Kankakee Hotel by t he members of t he Senior Academy class. Mr. and Mrs. Ba rrett were the g uests of honor, together wi t h Father Phill ips , Father Landroche , Father Stephenson and the members of the Academy footba ll an d bas ketball teams. Ap­proximately fifty persons attended the banquet, all of whom a re most enthusiastic in t heir pra ise of the event.

After a sumptuous dinner, toast­master Stephens took charge of affairs and introduced t he various speake rs . Mr. Thomas Sullivan,

cordial welcome to his guests, and expresesd the felicitat ions of the class on the occasion . Rev. L. T. Phillips, principa l of the Academy DepM·tm ent deliver ed a discussion on the va lue of athletics in a n educa­tiona l system. R ev. A. J . Landroche, Disciplin a rian , voiced his a pprecia­tion of Coach Barrett's work in the Academy, and Rev. W. J . St ephenson extended his greetings and congrat­ulations to the coach. Mr. J ohn Far­ri s spoke on friendship, and :Mr. John Farrell , editor of "The Voyageur" gave a few remarks about the ne"" and greater Academy Annual. uBill" Barrett, responded to the gre~tings

and occasion with an expressiOn of

Continued ?n Poge Three.:

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28


Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28

Saturday, April 28, 1928. THE VIATORIAN Page 3

- clever_boxing. _ The last bout of t he e~eni~~· fe-;,~~ - ··REV ;::-H 0 RSBB-RG.l=l. St .. John..Berchman' SAlt-BOXING CONTINUES


ured "Cicero Kid" Koukes and "Bat- - ar Society Holds Ninth BISHOP-E-LEGf.-SUElL~~ TO BE CONSECRATED. TUESDAY, MAY FIRST

tling" Murphy. Another knockout RECEIVES HIGH Meeting of the Year· was expected from "Cicero Kid" • • ' Koukes, but the bout ended in a draw. PAPAL HONOR Ptcruc Next Month

After the third bout, the Second

Tonight's Card to Conclude the Corridor Quartette composed of Bob Series Ryan, Eddie O'Neil, AI Furlong and

Bud Price entertained by rendering

The boxing match held Saturday evening, April 14, in t he gym was a t­tended by nearly a ll the student body and several visitors. These bouts were held under Father Kelly 's a nd Broth­er Harbauer 's capabl e management. Mr. Dona ld McOarthy carefully plan­ned the matches, introduced each box­er and rendered the decision of the judges. Mr. Harvey Brosseau of Kankakee refereed the bouts and Mr. Walsko acted as timekeeper.

The boxing match opened w ith a bout between uEddie" O'Neil and "Kid" Cinquina. Alt hough this in­troductory scrap ended in a draw, both contestants displayed good

a few choice selections among which were: "Moonl ight and Roses," "Via­tor Loya lty Song" and "Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again. 11 The fifth bout was followed by Larry O'Shea, the famed warbler ·of the O'Connor K. of C. Counci l of Chicago smgmg a selection from 11The Desert Song."

The fin al event of the evening was an exhibi tion wrestling match be­

' tween Mr. Ha r vey Brossea u and Mr. Linus B. Meis , both of whom ably

1 displayed t he art of wrestling.

Mr. Delaney and Mr. Kelly ac ted as judges during the evening and their decision s met the approval of a ll.

sportsmanship. The second bout was carried out by The third boxing show of the sea -

;~;:"b!~~c~:: :~:s:~ig;0t~~;~:e~ui~:i :~~a~~~:r ~~~lye~~~en~;:~nearge~:~~ Mr. Quille won the decis ion of the bauer, was run off las t Saturday judges with the approval of a ll. night in the College Gymnasium. Tho

In the third scrap, uJack" Dempsey, bouts proved to be the rnost in terest­after fl oori ng his opponent "Harry" ing of t he year. Don McCarthy, the McKeown twice was declared the win- only rival of C. C. Pyle, acted as an­ner by t he judges. nouncer and generally supervised the

The fourth bout was contested in battles. Mr. Harvey Bro,;scau of by "J iffy" H odge a nd " Red" Phelan. Kanka kee filled the ~o O of r eferee. They st aged a hotly contested battle No decisions were given. of two rounds of which the judges The demontsration opened w;th a declared Mr. Hodge the winner. hot li ttle battle between K. 0 . Quil!e

The fifth bout was put on by Red and Mi.ckey O'Brien that had t he fans Drew and HChicago" Paris. The on then: feet rnost of the ttme. Both laurels of this bout were won by Mr boys la id them m ~ard a •ld showed Drew although the bout was clos~ their abi li ty to take em . and interesting. Ftrst blood of the eVC" ltlng wRs

14 Knockout" Furlan and uch " drawn m the second bout wh.an " Cy"

pu on e eavywetg t match Denver" 11Ktd" Maroney on thE: heal: iHoog t th h g . h uck I McMahon tapped the "W ild Cat of

of the evening. This fini shed in a er. The 41 Wildcat's" feroctO l!S looks draw, both contestants dtspla ying slowed 41 Cy" down but they wer e both



Bonducted by the CUiatorian CJathers







Rev. James J. Horsburgh

Our es t eemed friend, The Very Rev. James J. Horsburg h, Director of the Society for the Propagation of t he Faith in the Archdiocese of Chi­cago, is one of t he s ix pries ts of the Archdiocese w ho have been made Private Chamberla ins wit h t he t itle of Monsignor. Monsignor Horsburgh has received t his distinction in re­cognition of his tireless efforts t o spread the cause of t he Society throughout the Archdiocese. He has served as Diocesan Director since January, 1925, a,nd, under his general­ship, the cause of the missions both home and abroad has been ex;ended in to- every pari sh of t he Archdiocese.

·we offer our s incerest congratula ­t ions to t he new Monsignor on hi s recent, fu lly merited elevation. Mon­s ignor Horsburgh has ever been a close fri end of St. Viator College, and the faculty and student body r ejoice in the fact that he has been so hi g hl y honored.

going strong when t.he bunt ended-:-In the third encounter Bill Beard

a pleasant diversion. "Swede" Flynn wrestle rl with a Uke a nd Rodriguez sang. Their numbers werP. weli re­ceived by t he spectato1·s and 1:roved and "Jiffy" Hodge followed the mel­ody tw ins with a hot bout in which they displayed plenty of action.

The fifth battle, between "Billy" Gallagher, "the bad ma n from St. Lou is," a nd "Battling" Rascher, the Beeche r fl ash, put on the bes t bout of the show. "Bil ly" showed Rascher a mean left t hat loca ted Rascher's jaw a 'f ew tim es. Rasch er reta liated with effective body punches t hat had Billy in a bad hole at t imes . Earl J enkins ass isted by Bi ll Beard and his Uke: gave th e boxers a few lessons in f oot work when he dernonstra ted som e of the la tes t dance ste ps. Hi s da nce was up to h_is usua l standard of skill, and would have done cr edit to some professiona ls that we ha ve seen .

uChicago'' Pa ri s met Tommy O'Neil in t he s ixth bout . The bout was fas t and fudous w it h Tornmy carr:1i ng an easy adva ntage at t he clasP. "Jack" Dempsey and Harry McKeown dem­onst rated some fi ne techn i•:.JUC in an art which we hope to emp~o ·t on the ni ght of May 18th.

" Miller and Mills, the Melody Boys" sang a couple of songs as their con­tri!:>ution to t he program. "Ernie" offi f! iated at the "Mighty Gra nd1'--uke .

T he show wound up with ' "Red" Drew and "Mexican Bill ' ' D!az trad­

ing pt;nches. Drew didn't give Piaz a. chance to do very much, for he carried the battle to his opponent throughout the entire l'Ontest.

Brother Harbauer prr,mi3cs us ~ real exhibition tonight at 8 :00 o'clock in the form of a bout between two Kankakee boxers, who, it is rumored, "know their onions.u ~r l'1 :rt'::. gr~at!

We'll all be there.

At t he ninth meeting of the Altar Society held las t Sunday morning, Rev. Brother Cracknell continued his dis-

W. J. Bergin, c. s. v., Will Preach at

courses on the conduct of acolytes in and a round the Sacristy. The subject of his talk at this gathering was the proper manner of assistin g at Bene­diction. He corrected some of the f a ulty customs which a few of the members had fallen into when serving a t t his ceremony .

The society has existed quietly for the past few months. The excit ement caused by t he formal r eception of candidates last March, has long s ince died down. However, t he announce­ment that the annual picnic will be held some t ime next month, if a ll goes wel1, has somewhat livened the spirit of the members . The history of the Altar boys' picnics goes back t o the days of the old college. Early this year it was thought, that, be­cause of t he financia l difficu lties, this annua l custom could not be observed. However, it has since been ascertained that the idea of abandoning the picnic would work to the detriment rather than for the benefit of t he society.

Semi-Public Debate to Be Held by Fourth Year Academy T earns

At some t ime in the near f uture , a definite da te has not yet been settled

upon, two three-man teams, compused

of members of t he Academy graduat­ing cl.ass, w ill debate one of t he lead­in g questions of the da.y. The teams ha ve not yet been picked but the se­lection of t he s ix men who are to

make up the squads will be made

within a f ew days . According to

present plans, Father Stephenson is 'to coach one t eam, while Brother Sullivan will coach the other. The judges wi1l be three members of the coll ege faculty.

It is very likely that a p<ize, to be g iven a t commenceme nt, will be awarded to the speaker making the bes t individual showing. The college club r ooms w ill probably be the scene of the affair, and, of course, the entire Academy s tudent body wi ll be invited to attend .




The Right Rever end Bishop-Elett Sheil will be consecrated at Holy Name Cathedra l, Chi cago, on Tues­day, May firs t , by Cardinal Archbishop Mundelein. The sermon on the· occa­s ion of the consecration will be. de­li vered by Rev. V{. J. Bergin, c. s. v., form er president of St. Viator Col­lege. Immediately a f t er the consecra­tion, the new bi shop will entertain his fri ends at a banquet to be h eld at · the Drake Hotel. Facu lty a nd S1tudents Wi ll Be

Represented The faculty a nd s tudent body of St.

Viato1· Coll ege will be represen.ted at the consecration and at the banquet. Bishop-Elect Sheil has kindly tender­ed invitations to representatives of the lay fac ulty and the college class­es. Two members of each college cla ss will attend both functions. The representatives of the student bod¥, elected by ba llot in each class are as follows :

Senior class representatives : -Mr. William J . Siebert and Mr. Leo .Fitz­gerald.

Junior class represe ntatives: · Mr. J. Allen Nolan and Mr. John T. Smith .

Sophomore class representatives : Mr. Thomas R. Doyle a nd Mr. P aul H ; Mills.

Freshman class representatives: Mr. Kenneth Clothier and Mr. T . La.wrence O'Shea.

Professor C. J. Kennedy a nd Mr. Edward Gallahue will represent the lay facul t y.

Needless to sa y, the s t udent body of the college is very grateful to Monsignor Sheil for his kindly con:· sideration in inviting representatives of t he college department. His action is exemp la ry of the char acteristic , thoughtfuln ess that he has always had for St . Viator Coll ege .

P rovincial Chapter of Viatorians Holds Important Conference

·E lec ts


Delegates to Chapter Meeting in Belg ium

Wednesday, April 11t h, the his appreciat ion, and a re view of t he pas t sports seasons. He further re- Provincial Chapter of th e Viatoria n viewed hi s pla ns fo r the ensuing year Fathers met here. The delegates re­and voiced hi s assurance of champi on- presenting the t erritory outs ide of ship team s in bot h footbrd l an d bask- the Stat J of Illinois were Re,v. George etball .

The banquet was held in the HGold P. Mulva ut-::·, c. s. v., Sa n Antonio, Room" of the Ka nkakee Hotel. Table Texas ; Rev. F. J . Moisant, Norman , deco rations were in the class color s Okla homa; Rev. M. J. Breen, Enter ­of g-reen a nd g old, wi th flora l embel- prise, Oregon. li shmen ts. The ta bl es were set in The fo rthco ming Quinquennia l the form of a " V,' ' and, to complete Chapter of t he Congregation, which the effect, the eve nt closed with t he s inging of t he "Via tor Loy.alty Song." will be held in Br ussels, Belgium, at

the headquarter s of t he Community

Mrs. D. H. Kamman,

D . .A.Kamman

D. H . KAMMAN & CO. llinufacluren of

High Life Ginger A le a nd Grape

and all Kinda of Soft Drinks

Kankakee Illinois

was the principa l subject of discus- ··

s ion. Three delegat es were e lected a t the meeting who, togeth er with the Provi ncial Rev. W. J . Surp renant, will repreesnt the American provin ce. The delega.tes a re Rev. J ohn P . O'Ma­honey, c. s . v., Rev. C. Ma rza no, c. s . v., a nd Rev. Richard J. F rench, a nd the a lternates are Rev. J. W . R. Maguire, c. s . v., Rev. G. P. M ulvaney, c. s. v. , and Rev. J. E. Belair, c. s . v. Matter of ve ry vital importance to the Community will be decided a t t he chapter which is, incidentally, th • supreme legislative body of the Order .

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28

Page 4

"If I should live to be, t he last leaf on the tree, in th e spring,

You may laugh as I do now, and the old fo rsaken bow, wh ere I cling."

Holmes Surely he is a poor humorist who finds material for his humor

in things th at we hold sacred. Certa inly, it would be far better if such men sought to increase t he love and reverence which we hold for th e beauti f ul in life; especially th e beauties of old age. Today many students fail to look up for light and guidance to old age. They have no place in their hearts for that which is venerable. The young man who says, "The Old Lady" needs a lesson that College wi ll never teach him. He mu st look into his own heart and learn how truly beautiful, yes al~ost divin e Mother is , and if in the past he has been lax he should on that "Mother's Day" which is soon to come make amends and promise to bring happiness into the heart of his "Mother;" and to Jet other men know he loves her.

Perhaps a more common expression is, "The Old Man," one t hat every College man should avoid in speaking of his Father. I ran across a wonderfu lly appropriate paragraph which I believe is not out of place in this column. It is,

DAD "He may wear a two-year hat, his finger nails may need mani­

curing; his vest may hang a little loose, and his pants may bag a li ttle at the knees ; his face may show sign s of a second day's growth, and t he tin dinner bucket he carries may be f ull of dents and doughnuts ; but don't call him "the old man," he's your father.

For years he has been r ushing around to get things together. Never once has he fa iled to do the r ight th ing by you. He thinks you are the greatest boy on earth, barrin g none, even though you plaster your l1air back, wear smart clothes, smoke cigarettes, and fail to bring home a cent. He is the man who won the love and li fe partnership of the greatest woman on earth, your MOTHER.

"He is 'SOME' man, and not 'the old man.' If you win as good a wife as he did you wi ll have to go some, boy."

We r emember dis tinctly that the ground hog did not see hi s shadow, but when we consider the w eather we wondel' wheth er t hat counts in these more modern tim es.

This shall be one column that will not comment on the fact that a certain Irishman flew across the Atlantic "East to West" and brought two Germans with him. ' '

Mr. " Cross Country" P yle is now WT~ting a poem entiled, "The Charge of the Bunion Brigade,IJ to immortalize his · latest vent ure. He did not remem­ber that "He who runs, mu st eat."

Hymn of 'Love A guy I l!ove,

Is Sinqacl Fog, Always yelling,

Lucky ! Dog.

The Texas toad evident ly woke up and croaked . ___ I_

Evidentl y Professo r So-and-So who contempla ted projecting him self to the planet Mars has abandoned t he " Rock et-racket."

Calvin Coolidge is going south for his vacation in an effort to avoid the "Draft.'' Ho! Ho! Ha! Ha! we too!

Perhaps, Bill y DeBeck, uBa rney Google" et. a l. would be surpr ised t o know tha t horses do not have fe a t hers. Can you imagine curry-combing a feathered equine.

~Note) _R. H. L., conduct or of "The Line," will go to England for h1s vaca tion. My. but we columnists lead a tough life.

They have just unveiled a statue of Andrew J ackson at the Capitol. Tha nks to Andy, they found nothing to unveil but his statue.

If yo~ are ~ot pleased with this column we spurn you will all our collegmte d1gmty and use a classic phraze in our murmuring "De gustibus non disputandum ." '

W. J. McClelland

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, Pres. and General Manager.

DINING ROOM MAGNIFICENT BALL ROOM A hearty welcome await.• the srudents and

friends of St. Viator College.

Northeast Corner, Schuyler at Merchant.


Campus fl3riefs (From the Kankakee Republican

Twenty-five years ago.) (April 16, 1903). The Bourbonnais

sub-postoffice station was moved in a wheelbarrow f r om the L awrence building, on the main street to the Sanasack building, on t he s treet fro nting t he college.


All mention of spring's arrival will be excluded fro m th is column until we can be cer tain that the long-looked for season is here.

Messrs. J erry Brady, Bud Price a nd Ea rl Hu ghes have s igned up with "H earst's Magazines'' fo r their sum­mer occupa tion. All s tudents desir­ous of subscribing f or 11Good House­keeping," ~~cosmopolitan,, etc., apply to t he a l;>O ve mentioned young g entle­rn en.

Tenni s parti sa ns ha iled with delight t he advent of "Slim" Muccelli on the t ennis courts last Sunday. All agreed that, wi t h a little training down, the cvlph-like racquet swinging demon of the courts would make the numerous cla y area f ans s it up and take notice.

Coach Barrett has his warriors in action again . Each day of Spring football pract ice is revealing f uture High School gridiron heroes.

In speaking of a thlet ics, of recent date pug ilism is getting a big hand every Satm·day night, while many a would-be-pugilis t is r eceiving a big hand closed. This is another example of the truth of t he axiom that 11Tis better to give than to r eceive."

W e acknowledge, with thanks, Bro­ther H arbau er's patient and arduous endeavors t o make each of t he boxing ~erformances a worthwhile drawing card.

Some action in organizing a base ball league is much to be desired. The fa ct t hat a tombstone was placed, by some rnystic hand, on t he pitcher's box is no r eason why we should hang a crepe on our throwing arm. Do we hear a second?

N ow that five-o'clock study has been relegated t o the past, t he cam­pus again resounds each evening with 11 Aves ' ' 3.s the s tudents recite the

. rosary a t 5:45.

On r ecent examina tion, we find that "Baldy" ·Miller's hair shows some signs of returning. We expect that

by next chris tmas, Mr. Miller will once more begin visiting barbers.












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:l\{_ew Kankakee Hotel BARBER SHOP

J A. LAMB' Prop.

It Pays to Look Well We Solicit cheCollege Men's


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Everybody Likes



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No charge for extras.

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4 per cent Interest on Saving Deposits




l] __ :_:_r_:_o_~_Sc_ll_~_a_:_~er_r_•_n_d_:_el_.~:_.,._z-c;,..-3_

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28

Saturday, Apri l 28, 1928. THE VIA TORIAN Page 5

Viator Defeats Western Normal U. 12to 7







Insurance, Loans and Bonds

J 11 C ity National Bank Building

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN M . D. Pnctfc.e Limited to


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Always d rink pasteurized milk. Our wagons pass your door every moming before you have breakfast


Both Pbona 45


Bulgario ua Butter Milk

W ILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attendin g Su rgeon to S t u d en ts and Faculty o f

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Drink Mille

2 to 4 p.m.

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Office, Main 337


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Accredited to Illino is U niversiry

A Select Boarding School for Girls and Young Ladies

This institution is conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame, and oftcrs every opportunity to young lad ies fo r a thorough Christia n ""d .,e<ular education. Pdces rea.,onable. For catalogue address

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Bourbo nnais, lllino is --------------------------------------------~

W e have clothes for young men, mature men, U niversity men-in shore we're now howing

Good Clothes for Everyman



Plant,.Kerqer Co. the hou e of Kuppenheimer good Clothes



H igh School Base Ball T earn Books

Two Tough Games

Although Coach Barrett has tried


Lack of Practice, Because Rainy Weather, Blamed

his best to secure a goodly number of ---of extra-mural encounters for his Acad- Varsity Plays Rem arkable Ball ;

emy baseball tea m, yet, up to the time Score 12-7

The training trip of the Viator nine resulted in a compl ete washout for one J. Pluvius and t he opponents of the Green. Lest our fans be down­hearted let it be remembered that the

of the prese nt w1·iting, the only ones __ _

he has succeeded in la nding are two, The St. Viator nine opened its home one with 'Vilmington Public High, . . and one with Loyola Academy of Chi- season. ·w ednesday by s mashmg- out a cago. 12-7 VICtor y over the \Vestern s:ate

Nothing da unted, Bill will soon be- !'lormal t~am f rom Kalamazoo, :Mtch­gin the task of getting his cr ew in lgan. Mike Delaney s tarted on. the shape for these two games, both of hill for Viator a nd las ted for mght which will be played around the mid- mnmgs. but was. force~ to h a nd over die of next month. He has a goodly the a ssignment m the eighth when h e number of regulars left from last weakened. and several base knocks ye ar's sq uad, and indications point, to coupled With two errors gave t he Ka ­a successful season. Th e men who zoo entry four tallies . Delaney show­

games played w ere completed under it

great ha ndicap, t hat of lack of the necessar y practice. The weather so far has not proved conducive to prac­tice of the right kind and a s a result the play of the Via.torians was ragged in a ll departm ents of the ga me.

At Jacksonville the old hitting power was stra ngely lacking and th J fi elding and all a round team play con­spicuous by its absence. Harrington s tarted in the box but his r egime was sad because he suffered fron·1 lack of control and some very classical er ­rors by hi s mates . As the game pro­gressed " Pete" showed flashes of his real form a nd when he rounds into real shape it w ill bode ill for t he op­position.

At St. Louis Jupiter Pluvius tossed

appear certa in to win regular berths on the nine, and the berths which ap­pear certain to be fill ed by them a re : pitchers, Sul livan and Rascher; sec­ond base, Anderhub; third base, KeEs ; center fi eld, Larea u; a nd first base uLong John" Cornyn. H owever, there will be a g reat battle for a ll the other positions a nd, it is just barely possi­ble, that some of the above ment<oned men may be forced to yie ld their posts to others more profi cient.

t he athletes for a loss by opening the Wes tern State (7) AB R H p A

heave ns and flooding the Concordia McCa.r thy, c. . .......... .4 I 2 3 0 Field. Another day passed with Muma, lb. . ......... ..4 1 1 13 0 neither gam e nor practice. Ne ster, 3b. .5 0 1 0 2

Sunday, Viator squared off to face Olendorf, cf. . .... 5 0 1 I 0

the Bloomington Club of the Three-! Roe, rf. -· ..4 l 0 0 0 League. 14 Honest John" H erbert was VanLowen, rf. . ... 1 0 0 0 0

the Viator s lab choice a nd John kept John son, If. .4 l 0 2 0 the trust given to him by holding the Corbat, 3b. . . ..... ..4 2 1 3 4

leaguers to s ix hits during hi s seven- Cornell, 2b. .. ... _ .. ..4 1 2 2 2

inning stay on the hill. But his mates Hagen, p. ······-· .2 0 1 0 6

were not so f ortunate and they kick- Kimbell , p. . .. 2 0 0 0 2

ed the pellet here a nd there w ith great - - - - -gusto. On ly during the first inning 39 7 9 24 17 did the "Pros" bunch their hits when Western State 000 002 230- 7 three solid clouts a nd severa.] equally St. Viator 112 040 04x- 12 subs tantial errors helped the Bloom- Errors: Muma, VV a lsko , E vard, ers to t hree tallies . To enter into a Phillips . Two ba se hits : F e rri s , Muma, detailed account of t he pastime is be- Cornell. Three base hits : Todd , Camp­yon d the powers of your correspond- bell, Delaney. Sacrifice: Furlong. ent so he w ill di smi ss the trip w ith a Base on balls : off Delaney 1, off Bar­promise that if ha rd work and r eal rington 1, off Hagen 1, off Kimbell 5. effor t will wi n for Viator we will Struck out: by Delaney 7, by Barring­finish the remainder of the season ton 3, by Hagen 1 , by Kimbell 2. undefeated.

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ed remarkable form during his st 9.y in the box. He had a fast ball t hat hopped a nd zipped across t he plate and he mixed it \vith a slow curve that struck out s ix of the opposition in the fir s t four ca ntos . Bill Todd and Lou Phillips by several bits of sterling fi elding a ided Mike over t he r ough spot s .

O'Mall ey led off in the scoring by beating out a hit down the t hird base line. He s tol e seco nd and scored on Wal sko's Texas Leaguer to right. Vi a.tor sco red again in the second when Ca mpbell s in g led a nd counted when the Normalite infi eld tossed FurlongJs bunt around th e premises. Two more ta ll ies s lid around in the t hird on safe raps by Walsko, Phil-1ips and Campbell. It wa s the s ix th inning before the Kazoo boys took an active intet·est in t he ga me. In thiR fram e and th e two follow ing, aided by several hi ts, scratchy a nd otherwise, and several boots by the Viator in­fi eld, t hey managed to make the score eig ht to seven in Viator's favo r. In the eig hth Han ington replaced De­laney a nd by th e proper use of hi s strikeout ba ll re ndered t he vis itors' ba ts useless.

Haning ton led off the Viator eig hth with a wa lk a nd Kimball a lso pres­ented Dela ney, now in ri g ht fi eld, with a free pass a nd after getting two s t rikes on Evard, l{ irnbul l, the Kazoo hurl er, lost contro l a nd jam­med the sacks. O'Ma lley then pump· ed a line sing le to right a nd th e game was oi-t ice . Ferris fo ll owed with an ­oth e t· hi t that scored two rnore a nd t he game was over. Harringto n sub· dued t he tat hiLLers in the n inth a nd th e Viato r opener was a co mple te success.

P.very ma n in the Viator line up hit safely. Th e attack s howed mucl1

power and Lhc de fense was a lso fair except for severa l Rpots whe n il cracked und er t he J')l 'CSS U rc. Todd looked especia ll y good and made Lwo s tops t hat brough t the fa ns to their feet. Captain Wal •ko pl ayed hiK usual s teady game and hammcrc•l out two tim ely bingl cs that drove in runs. Phillips , a lthough a bit s haky in the fi eld ga ve promi se of c oll ti n~~

greatness w hen he caught a line,· that he turned into a double play. On ce again we ca n repeat Lhat ttw foll owers of the Viator diamond ft,r ~

tunes can look forward Lo an othc: banner sca~10n and watch '€·m go! 'fh<· lid is off! St. Viator ( 12) AIJ R If I' A Evard, ss. 4 I 0 0 I O'il!all cy, d. 4 2 2 I 0 Ferris, I h. r, 0 I 8 (J

Wal•ko, c. 4 2 2 10 I Phillip•, 2b. r, 2 ~ a I Todd, 3b. r, I 2 2

,, Campbell, If. 4 2 2 I (J

Furlong, rl. 2 0 I 2 0 Delaney, p. 3 I I 0 11 Harrington, p. 0 I 0 0 6

3~ 12 13 27 20

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-04-28


SE. MORS WJN COLD Seoi01· Academy Men Busy on Lincoln Euays

Fa.i.r...Size.d Squad Turns Out for Spring

Football P ractice CONTEST FROM JHE I ~6w that the thJTd quarnr exarn

FRESHMAN SACKERS \are gon~. and, perhap•, pa& ed, quite

. I :r~~:~ s ~~:~ p::0nc;•v: ~!hi:th':~ ln trnmural BaM!ball JW!I(un fort to produce. a priz.,-wtnnmg e •aY

)though the Ja.•t Academy ioo ball .sPa~on was quite sat& actory from a standpoint of lo. es anrl .,..;Ill! , yet Bill Barrett ems determined to pro­duce a te-am that will do even better next >·ear. Hi$ late t mow toward f ulfilling this ambition is the inaug­uration of spring football practice for his academy proteges. Tbi; early re­vhal of a late fall game has been re­ceived favora bly by the cademy •tud nts.

, ''" Ahraham Lmc-oln. The medal ot -La.~t Sunday fer,..d !or thl· Wlnning L"~"-BY in this

contellt ; . d•>nated annually by tbe \ litl l)r'" rnltjt)r *P')rt, ba dm.ll, flaW Lmf'oln \\-'at.ch rompa ny o1 Spring·

f l"' VIVIid fr,r thil' IH'llYYn Jut Hun~ tiny wht·n Sh•·rrly'a ~nior Sarkt•u ruf'l .. nrt •l•·ff'£tlNI O'Ncii'A f'r'·..,.hmcn h~<ht.... At •hout 1o:ao A. ) J. , •• a f'hiJ11nf,( wind AW•·Pl thl· diamond, 1h1· two l•·JmH' flloyNI , .. f•mnrkah1•· I("HIOI, f•vitkntly to dt·lermitJ(' which tcHm c·c,u1d ''Hllfl'lit lh<• mo~t error ....

Th•· Frf•,..hnu·n ""'''"• 1n t}'lat dcpnrt· ftH•nt nf the· j(Uifi•' 1 O.fl(J cOn~ •·qU('O\o•lf

t he· ~c•nll) r Wt•n• nhlt• to pilt• up a ·•nntnll" numtwr of ·•~rrrf run,..

Pt·rhnpP. it woultl i)t \'.'t•ll no\o.,.· tn

n·mnrk t hat holh num(tM () ( t he learn!-> on· mi IJOITIPT , for h•· St•nHir~ wc•r<'

not n11 Sc· ni!Jrl'; n~ith cr were the F r 1•,.htr1f'!l all J· rt>i\hme n. 'T'om Jl ana­hnn, who hail~ fr<ttll t h nt <'(JTri clor whh·h lht· l' rt·M hnwn rhnOKt· to a,.oi cl1 pltchNI for thtl ycnrli nl-(8, und 1 1fOAt.' n' Pf~ ·(f,.,. JH'1-forrncd al lhl' firin g line rnr tlw St·niors.

T ht• FroRh opcnf.'cl t he J;(U llH! w ith u 111n ill th<· f\rs t lrlll inf( . The Sen ior f4 rduliutNI with t wo scores, und suc­n•t·tlN I in moin t.a ining n !cu d throu~h ­

nul tlw •· nl.hc ga me, whi ch, by the wn~·, t•ndl•d wi th t h e> MCO r f• Mhow ing 10 to 7.

Thc rl' were muny highlights in the llUlli C, principal among which were Wnlkowiok'" home r un, S heedy's bat· t ln.g twc ra gc, nnd onway'!i <l oublc . It miJ.ChL be r emnrkcd thut. nil the pn rti ­r ipnnt~ hnd 0 nne t ime , but the poor Kfwctotor~ n l m o~t pcr i ~he rl from the \'Old .

Thl• lirH.' UIHC r~ r ·s hm C' n : \Vulkowiok. ~~. \Y Nril , lb. ll nrbuurr. ::! h. ll nnnh u n, p. l>rl'w, d. Lo~nn, t',

t'o nlt~ y~ rf. lll'ltlfll:{C'Y, au.

Seniol's: Lcmnn, lb. Brown, 2b. .t\t c ,overnJ 3b. LeClaire, ss. ~J cC'urlhy, c. F'il?.gcrnld, If . Conway, r f. She ed y cf. Pfl'rfer , p .

~llti71J1i! In. T uch \'\' irh

ST. \ i. cor

Throuch The "'


field , ! llinoi . 1 i• a wry large. ovu l­ar, hrOOZP pJet~, Wit h 9 h U t Of thr> (}r~·at F.:mandpator f•mho"~""d upon it~ face.

The Lincol n F;ssay contest i~ a ~tr-ictly intra-m ural a ffair, limited to otud!·nt• of t he Academy g raduatinJ< da~.. It waR inau~u ra tcd in 132:L in which year Joseph ;\[cGovern hancie<i in the best pa pe r . Si nce that year Joh n McAndrews, Arma nd Lvttin­vi JJ ,., and Edward Drolet have won t he prized firRt place meda ls . Th e j ud~re• a rc u•ua lly t hree of th.: col­l c~re facu lty me mbers or of th e Sl. Via tor al umn i. The winning of lhe co ntest ta r ries with it the additiona l honor of havi n ~r tho es••Y published in th(' Voyageur.

Th is spring practice has now t ce:n going on for t he better pa rt of three weeks, and a squad of twenty odd ca ndidates has reported da ily. Coach BarreL has not. ::.een fit to uc ut " a ny of the members from hi s spri ng squa d, w hich fac t has been a source of secre l satisfact ion to many of !h~ Jess p rofi cient cand ida tes. It is not improbr;ble tha t qu ite a number of these happy mdi viduals a re nightly drea min g of scoring lhe w inni ng touchdown against St . Bedes, or of running wild a round the St. Mary'~ e nds in next year's encounter~ with those squads.

!<'ather Stephe nson shocked hi s Fourth High Engli sh class someth ing terrible last Saturday morning when he a nnounced that every class m em­ber would be expected to ma ke an effort at writin g poetry for the Voy­a geur. However , the boys gamely rallied from th e blow and are now, with cha ra cteris tic energy, attempt­ing to put their innermost thoughts into verse. Jack Casey is sa id t o have written some so called Hfree" ve rse which nearly caused him t o lose his bel oved roornmate, Roger Stevens , who complai ned to Brother Ha rbnuer that he couldn't stand such unpoet:c nonsense. Bill Mnrr appears lhoui!f1,l­fu l at the breakfas t table of la te, Ray \Vcnthc hag been repor-ted to have ga zed upon the ris ing moon for nfteen minutes in one pos t ure and Bugs

Stillwell is often heard mumbli ng I rh ythmi c sounds t o him self.

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