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St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

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The Viatorian - Vol. LII, No. 12
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EASTER lJiatnrittn GREETINGS e VOL Lll. BOURBONNAIS. ILLINOIS MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1985 NUMBER 12 McNamara Named Football · coach By College . Council =----'1 iF ather Higgins T 0 Conduct Annual Student Retreat Appointment Made on Basis of Young Coa<;h's Past Record; Outstanding Coaches Considered. Warm Reception of Seneca Priest Last Year Recommends His Return on April 17. Appointment of J ohn McNamara, head basket ball coach during the past season and assistant football coach under Ray Murphy l as t year, t0 the position of head football coach Chicago Club To Hold First Sociologists Hear Father The annual S tudent Retreat this yf:ar will commence on Wednesday ..:::vening, April 17, and will close on Saturday morning Apri l 20. It has been announced that the was announced April 4: by the Very Rev. Cl are n ce H iggins of Seneca, n- Rev. E. v. Cardinal, Ph. D., presi- Easter Dance il!f!Ju Ivan ey linois, last year's re tr eat master, dent of the college. Coach MeN am- J. r.J will again direct this important Stu- ara's selection was unanimous. dent Retreat . Father Hi ggins, who The newly · appointed mentor is a - . --- . . distinguished himself as an army Littl e 19 conference man, having ns e s e ng chap lain, is a speaker of wide r e- George Fleming Announces Pla Ar Lard at Frr t M etr I graduated from Northern illinois of Arrangements. of Sociology Club . pute. State Teachers college where he ob- George Fleming, '35, announced The first meeting of the newly I Last year Father Higgins wag en- talned a bachelor of education de- today that the Chicago Club will founded Sociology Club was held l ast thusiast ically received by the col- gree, and where he was captain of hold an elabora te Easter party in DebaterS Reach Friday night. April 5. The organi- 'I lege students. His wade range of the football team in his senior year. Chicago d uring the s pring holidays. zation is made up of students inter- and inherent sympathy Was Grid Star. The exac t date will be determined at eqted in social questions and its a1a h1m greatly in conducting sue- During his collegiate years, Coach a meeting of the students so metime H. gh Marl: In d: ' t 11, h 'h ceqsful re treats His interesting and McNamara was given a place on sev- next week. I "'- · are open ° a w 0 WlS made a l asting im- eral all-star Little 19 el evens. Dur- Holiday parties have been s teadily I 'I The fir st meeting waS condu ct ed by pression upon all of his listeners. ing 1931-32 he attended the Univer- growing m popul arity during the SeaSOn'S WinS the Rev. Bernard Mulvaney, c. s. v., The retreat will open with a con- sity of Iowa where he earned a Mas - past t wo yeyars, and the gala affrur who talk ed on th e sociological in-· ference and Benediction of the Bless- ter of Arts degree. of last Chnstmas was uns urpassed ----- t erests a modern Catholi c should ed Sacrament Wednesday evening. McNamara's experience as a coach in brilliance and gayiety. Confere nce. Appear I have. He chose Frederic Ozona.m as The hours of meeting for convoca- is considerable although thls is his The following bright spots in Chi- Twrce In Chrcago , h io modeL tions and other services will appear first year coaching a collegiate team. cage's night life are being consider- In the future the dicusssion will On the Bulletin Board s hortly. Last season he was St. Viator's line ed as scenes for the party: Walnut The Bergin Debating Society will center around the social lea dership coach in football and turned out one Room in the Bismark Hot el, Boule- close its 1933-1934 forensic season of such modern Catholics as Menni!- of the most formidable lines in .the vard Room of the Stevens Hotel ; Tuesday night when the two Con- lend , Van Ketteler, Ryan, Hass and Noted Dramatist Blac khawk Restaurant, College Inn, ference t eams debat e before the Hol y Chez Paree. Name Society of St. Catherine 6f conference. Before coming to St. Viator, Coach McNamara was athlet - ic dir ec tor and head footbal l, baske t- ball and trackcoach at St. Alban's in Sycamore, illinoi s. He won the majority of his football games while coaching there. Genoa Church in Chicago. From the stnnd,point of victories , this year has Dooling Creates been one of the most successful Via- tor debaters have enjoyed for many years, with . 717 ercent of al l inter- Interest; Science collegiate debates to their credit. Edward O'Brien, '37, and Edward Buttgen, '37, defeated William Cran - nell, '37, and Stephen Gould, '36, by an overwhelming audience decision II II Maguire. Th e interest shown in the fi rst meeting gives promise that the Sociology Club will becom e a popu- lar and profitable discussion group. Corcoran To Preside; I CPA Visits on Campus The Rev. Dawson Byrnes, a stu- dent at the college in 1913-17, · was a recent visitor to the campus. Fa- ther Byrne's friends of that period will remember him for his splendid interpretations of Dicken's charac- ters. Always interested in drama, Father Byrnes gave very convincing character interpretationS of David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and other famous Dicken's characters. Byrnes spent a few days at the col- lege renewing his acquaintance with members of the Viator faculty. This is McNamara's first year at St. Viator, and his efficiency, execu- tive and coaching abilities recom- m ended themselves to t he coll ege au- thoriti es. "Round John," the new mentor, is al so a member of the col- lege faculty and is very popular with th e stud ents. He gained the ap- over such outstanding men as Melinkovich and Carideo, forme r Notre Dame stars, who had applied . 1 for the vacancy left by Ray Mur- phy, last season's colorfu l coach. Buttgen Addresses Bonfield Debaters II Father Cardinal On Springfield Board members of the Association The Very R ev. E. V. Cardinal, a novel idea that is creating a great the l argest schedule in the history of This is the first time for several President of St. Viator College, has in an exhibition debate befo re the Kenneth Corcoran, · ' 35, Editor of St. Robert Bellarmine Holy Name the VIATORIAN, has b een asked by Society in Chicago last week. The the Illinois College Press Associa- decision ,while unimportant in it- tion to serve as presiding' offiCer at self, was cl aimed by th e victors to it!"l annual convention, held this year be a fair es timate of the relative on May 3 and 4 in Carbondale. merits of the two coll ective-bargain- Miss Frances Noel, President of ing cases. This conclusion, how- the I. C. P. A., has bestowed this ever, bas been hotly cont es t ed by honor upon Corcoran because of hi s Crannell and Gould. four years of superior work on the Seaso.l Summary. V1ATORIAN, which has been praised II E d B 37 P 'd t h thE school. These debates r es ulted years the VJ A TORIAN b as been rep- been appointed by the President of th d;ar gin ' S en deal of d t e in 33 victories for Viator, 13 losses, resented at the convention, and the the Federation of illinois Colleges as e er b d g ocle B - He bas ins ale a arge u e m and one tie decision . For four of first time an editor has presided. a m ember of a board to appear in dressed t e e a ng class o on- Board on the third flo or of Marsile tht: meets, no decision was r endered. field High School last week. He Hall that is dally filled with inter- Collective bargaining was the topic art(lNCloet .e: Corcoran did not write thi3 Springfield concerning th e Baker spoke at the r equest of the Bonfield esting and valuable Information. Thank you.) Bills 85 and 86 which deal with debate coach, who is introducing Problems dealing with mathematics (Continued on Page 6 edu cati on. Presidents of other insti- forensic activities in the school and and physics are posted in an endea- Campus Filmed tutions, namely those of Chicago who wanted help in their organiza- vor to stimulate interest in these and Northwes tern Universities, will tion. cour ses. The solvers of these prob- College Officials act with Father Cardinal on this Buttgen outlined at l ength the lems are made members of the First Bro. Dumas McCleary, Dick Doyle board. These bills which will be formalities and tacti cs of debating Solvers' Club formed just for this and W eeger Kr auser were busy last voted upon by the Legi sl ature soon and helped the class to organize a purpose. The club .boasts of three Jn Chicago week filming moving pictures of the may exert a great influence upon negative case on the advisability of members at the present time; these college campus. The pictures are education ,poli cies in Dlinois. the federal government's granting men, Milo Shosser, John Bimmerle being shown to the graduating aid to edu cation. e nd Brother B. Russel, have each The North Central Association held cla sses in nearby high schools. It is The Frosh Edition solved one of th e three problems a meeting in Chicago last Friday the hope of the students here that Sweden's citizens still maintain the presented. nnd Saturday at the stevens Hot el. the shots wi ll be shown in th e Col- custom of addressing eve ryone by The various instruments used in The Very Reverend E. V. Cardinal, the titl e that designates his business the physics classes are pictured and Ph. D. , president, th e Reverend Rich- or profession. For exampl e, they exp lained so that non-phys ists may ard French, vice-president and the say, "Will Mr. The Lawyer Smith receive an idea of the work being R everend L. T. Phillips, d ean of come to dinner ?" As a parting shot, don e in the classes. Another inter- s tudies, represented St. Viator col- I'll say, "Mr. the Prom Chairman esting item is the explanation of dif- lege . A new accrediting system and Swallow is to be commended for ferent instruments that are not in various education proj ects were managing an excell ent dance Friday the laboratory but are being used brought before the meeting for dis- evening. by physists to conduct experiments. cussion by the committees . lege Cllub room soon. In review of the l ast iss ue of the VIATORIAN, the editors and s taff The Western Courier puzzled the ext end their congratulations to Jo e ''Macomb teachers" with the follow- Prokopp and the members of the ing sentence which, incidental ly, is class who aided him in editing the perfec tly correct when punctuated Freshman Number of th e paper. It corr ec tly :Smith where J ones had was well written and was received had had had had had bad had had With much favorab le comment on th e the approval of the auditors. Campus.
Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

I· EASTER mb~ lJiatnrittn GREETINGS e


McNamara Named Football ·coach By

College. Council

~F=oo=tb=al==l'C:::::::o:::::::ac:::::::h =----'1 iF ather Higgins T 0

Conduct Annual Student Retreat

Appointment Made on Basis of Young Coa<;h's Past Record; Outstanding Coaches Considered.

Warm Reception of Seneca Priest Last Year Recommends His Return on April 17.

Appointment of J ohn McNamara, head basketball coach during the past season and assistant football coach under Ray Murphy las t year, t0 the position of head football coach


Chicago Club To Hold First

Sociologists Hear Father

The annual S tudent Retreat this yf:ar will commence on Wednesday ..:::vening, April 17, and will close on Saturday morning April 20.

It has been announced that the was announced April 4: by the Very Rev. Clarence H iggins of Seneca, n-

Rev. E. v. Cardinal, Ph. D., presi- Easter Dance il!f!Ju Ivan ey linois, las t year's r etreat master, dent of the college. Coach MeN am- J. r.J will again direct this important Stu-ara's selection was unanimous. dent Retreat. Father Higgins, who

The newly · appointed mentor is a -. --- . . distinguished himself as an army Little 19 conference man, having ns e s e ng chaplain, is a speaker of wide re-George Fleming Announces Pla Ar Lard at Frr t M etr I graduated from Northern illinois of Arrangements. of Sociology Club. pute.

State Teachers college where he ob- George Fleming, '35, announced The first meeting of the newly I Last year Father Higgins wag en-talned a bachelor of education de- today that the Chicago Club will founded Sociology Club was held last thusiastically received by the col-gree, and where he was captain of hold an elaborate Easter party in DebaterS Reach Friday night. April 5. The organi- 'I lege students. His wade range of the football team in his senior year. Chicago during the spring holidays. zation is made up of students inter- e~~eri.ence and inherent sympathy

Was Grid Star. The exact date will be determined at eqted in social questions and its a1a h1m greatly in conducting sue-During his collegiate years, Coach a meeting of the students sometime H. gh Marl: In d: ' t 11, h 'h ceqsful re treats His interesting and

McNamara was given a place on sev- next week. I "'- · t~sc:t~:~~.s are open ° a w 0

WlS i~piring lectur~s made a lasting im-

eral all-star Little 19 elevens. Dur- Holiday parties have been s teadily I 'I The first meeting waS conduct ed by pression upon all of his listeners. ing 1931-32 he attended the Univer- growing m popularity during the SeaSOn'S WinS the Rev. Bernard Mulvaney, c. s. v., The r etreat will open with a con-sity of Iowa where he earned a Mas- past two yeyars, and the gala affrur who talk ed on the sociological in-· feren ce and Benediction of the Bless-ter of Arts degree. of last Chnstmas was unsurpassed ----- terests a modern Catholic should ed Sacrament Wednesday evening.

McNamara's experience as a coach in brilliance and gayiety. Conference. ~ebat~rs Appear I have. H e chose Frederic Ozona.m as The hours of meeting fo r convoca-is considerable although thls is his The following bright spots in Chi- Twrce In Chrcago, hio modeL tions and other services will appear first year coaching a collegiate team. cage's night life are being consider- In the future the dicusssion will On the Bulletin Board shortly. Last season he was St. Viator's line ed as scenes for the party: Walnut The Bergin Debating Society will center around the social leadership coach in football and turned out one Room in the Bismark Hotel, Boule- close its 1933-1934 forensic season of such modern Catholics as Menni!-of the most formidable lines in .the vard Room of the Stevens Hotel ; Tuesday night when the two Con- lend, Van Ketteler, Ryan, Hass and Noted Dramatist

Blackhaw k Restaurant, College Inn, ference t eams debate before the Holy Chez Paree. Name Society of St. Catherine 6f

conference. Before coming to St. Viator, Coach McNamara was athlet­ic director and head football , basket­ball and track• coach at St. Alban's in Sycamore, illinois. H e won the majority of his football games while coaching there.

Genoa Church in Chicago. From the stnnd,point of victories, this year has Dooling Creates been one of the most successful Via­tor debaters have enjoyed for many years, with . 717 p·ercent of all inter­

Interest; Science collegiate debates to their credit. Edward O'Brien, '37, and Edward

Buttgen, '37, defeated William Cran­nell, '37, and Stephen Gould, '36, by an overwhelming audience decision


Maguire. The interest shown in the first meeting gives promise that the Sociology Club will becom e a popu­lar and profitable discussion group.

Corcoran To

Preside; I CPA

Visits on Campus The Rev. Dawson Byrnes, a stu­

dent at the college in 1913-17, · was a recent visitor to the campus. Fa­ther Byrne's friends of that period will remember him for his splendid interpretations of Dicken's charac­ters. Always interested in drama, Father Byrnes gave very convincing character interpretationS of David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and other famous Dicken's characters. Fr~

Byrnes spent a few days a t the col­lege renewing his acquaintance with members of the Viator faculty .

This is McNamara's first year at St. Viator, and his efficiency, execu­tive and coaching abilities recom­mended themselves to the college au­thorities. "Round John," the new mentor, is a lso a member of the col­lege faculty and is very popular with the students. He gained the ap­point~ent over such outstanding men as Melinkovich and Carideo, former Notre Dame stars, who had applied .

1 for the vacancy left by Ray Mur­phy, last season's colorful coach.

Buttgen Addresses

Bonfield Debaters

II Father Cardinal On

Springfield Board he:~o!;s:: p~~:~s ~~~~~f,;,e:~. h~ le;~~~orde~:~s p~ ~e:: ~~~~co~: ~a::e members of the Association The Very R ev. E. V. Cardinal,

a novel idea that is creating a great the largest schedule in the history of This is the first time for several President of St. Viator College, has

in an exhibition debate before the Kenneth Corcoran,· ' 35, Editor of St. Robert Bellarmine Holy Name the VIATORIAN, has been asked by Society in Chicago last week. The the Illinois College Press Associa­decision ,while unimportant in it- tion to serve as presiding' offiCer at self, was claimed by the victors to it!"l annual convention, held this year be a fair estimate of the relative on May 3 and 4 in Carbondale. merits of the two collective-bargain- Miss Frances Noel, President of ing cases. This conclusion, how- the I . C. P. A., has bestowed this ever, bas been hotly cont es t ed by honor upon Corcoran because of his Crannell and Gould. four years of superior work on the

Seaso.l Summary. V1ATORIAN, which has been praised


E d B 37 P 'd t h thE school. These debates resulted years t he VJ A TORIAN b as been rep- been appointed by the President of th d;ar gin u~g~nt~ ' S r~~nt en ~f deal of inte~e:t d abou~ t e ~ar~t~s. in 33 victories for Viator, 13 losses, resented at the convention, and the the Federation of illinois Colleges as

e er b d ~ ~ g ocle ~· B - He bas ins ale a arge u e m and one tie decision. For four of first time an editor has presided. a m ember of a board to appear in dressed t e e a ng class o on- Board on the third floor of Marsile tht: meets, no decision was rendered. field High School last week. He Hall that is dally filled with inter- Collective bargaining was the topic art(lNCloet.e: Corcoran did not write thi3 Springfield concerning the Baker spoke at the request of the Bonfield esting and valuable Information. Thank you.) Bills 85 and 86 which deal with debat e coach , who is introducing Problems dealing with mathematics (Continued on Page 6 education. Presidents of other insti-forensic activities in the school and and physics are posted in an endea- Campus Filmed tutions, namely those of Chicago who wanted help in their organiza- vor to stimulate interest in these and Northwest ern Universities, will tion. courses. The solvers of these prob- College Officials act with Father Cardinal on this

Buttgen outlined at length the lems are made members of the First Bro. Dumas McCleary, Dick Doyle board. These bills which will be formalities and tactics of debating Solvers' Club formed jus t for this and W eeger Krauser were busy last voted upon by the Legislature soon and helped the class to organize a purpose. The club .boasts of three Jn Chicago week filming moving pictures of the may exert a great influence upon negative case on the advisability of members at the present time; these college campus. The pictures are education ,policies in Dlinois. the federal government's granting men, Milo Shosser, John Bimmerle being shown to the graduating aid to education. e nd Brother B. Russel, have each The North Central Association held classes in nearby high schools. It is The Frosh Edition

solved one of the three problems a meeting in Chicago last Friday the hope of the students here that Sweden's citizens still maintain the presented. nnd Saturday at the stevens Hotel. the shots will be shown in the Col-

custom of addressing everyone by The various instruments used in The Very Reverend E. V. Cardinal, the ti tle that designates his business the physics classes are pictured and Ph. D. , president, the Reverend Rich­or profession. For example, they explained so that non-physists may ard French, vice-president and the say, "Will Mr. The Lawyer Smith receive an idea of the work being Reverend L . T. Phillips, dean of come to dinner ?" As a parting shot, done in the classes. Another inter- s tudies, represented St. Viator col­I'll say, "Mr. the Prom Chairman esting item is the explanation of dif- lege. A new accrediting system and Swallow is to be commended for ferent instruments that are not in various education projects were managing an excellent dance Friday the laboratory but are being used brought before the m eeting for dis-evening. by physists to conduct experiments. cussion by the committees .

lege Cllub room soon. I n review of the last issue of the VIATORIAN, the editors and s taff

The Western Courier puzzled the ex tend their congratulations to Joe ''Macomb teachers" with the follow- Prokopp and the members of the ing sentence which, incidentally, is class who aided him in editing the perfectly correct when punctuated Freshman Number of the paper. It correctly :Smith where J ones had was well written and was received had had had had had bad had had With much favorable comment on the the approval of the auditors. Campus.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

Q:l].e Uiatnrian &nd KANKA.K:EE

Pultf18Lv"-'J t · weekly lbrougbcrot tile y,..a.r by tt.e .:,t: e.Lt.s o! St. VIator O:nJege. ''Th BIG



A ll!Qdaw f;.-Jitm A thlotJ"" Etlltl>r Sororlty f;.-.lJtl>r


~~j ~~=: :~ THREE~. country e r • ru-oClh

:l.Iary Cruise. '3S The support oC Joh.n...<:()n 1.5 llkt\\~"

WUiiam Schuma.cbe r , '37 unkno""'"ll to the pubhc_ but 1 l-farguertte Senesac. '3-3 • Y. btspered tn ht~her c1.n:Ie-~ that ht!

6 U8JN Jc8. DEPARTM£S 'I Is as50Ciated with Baruch and other; Martin :McLaughlin. '38 Ether waves crackle vdth healM ,f \Yall treet repute It is a.loo f:Su;,fnlli! IJIJ Ma.na.g-Pr

A.MI !IJt.a.nt Bu• in,.. Manager Cl rcula.llon Manager Aulatanl Circulation MllllAgCr

(A) I,CM N IS'fS

Day Hopping rn terco ll cglnlc

Stephen Gould. '36 argument. Polltlcally Important tele- n1mored that J ohn_qoo cto..::s not ad

Bernard Benoit. '3j grams flash across the nation. Am- of his own volition ln condemnin!:' Patrick Hayes. '3-3 bttious men :::.dd ress huge throngs of Father Coughlin s.nd Lon but rath­

people. Newspapers dedicate many er at the tnstigat10n of those mon ­L.ester Soucie, '36 columru~ to America's most talked eyed interests who fear the grov..i.n~ Harold Selle rs, '36 about men. Yes, it would seem that power oi these leaders

our fiery advocates of economic jus- The whole affn.ir is a taog-lt.*d web Richard Doyle. '35 Uce, Father Coughlin, Huey Long,, of complications, and tt would be

Joseph Prokopp, ' 38 and Gen. Hugh Johnson, have engag~ df' ngerous to say what the resul l!:l of cd themselves in a btt of old !ash~ it will be. However, it ts safe to

A 00 RohiMky, •as Harry Hodgins, '38 110ned mud-slrngtog ;ay that ther Is dynamite in the -~---~------------------------- For the pnst few months. several Situation. and no malter what the

forces have ananged themselves lD I results may be, they will be of tre-Subscrl pUoo Rate $2.00 per annum. st•pport of or m opposttion to out mendous interes t and Importance to

Mory Anthony, '37 Ralph Cel lto, '38


u present government mgs ave s the nation . A ""dreaa a ll correspondence referring either to advertising or .subscnptlon to Tb h 01 Th e Viatori an, Bourbonnais, I llinois Gcveloped that, at the present day, Enl&r~d u :~econd elMS matter a.t the Post Office of Bourbonnais, I llinois, we find our ev-N.R.A . chief, General

under the Ac t of March 3rd, 1879. Johnson, in raclical clisagreemen~

with Father Coughlin and Huey _:_:A:.:C:.:M:::_:::E __ P_R_IN_TI_N_G_c_o_. _ ______ l_2_l_ S_o_U_T_H __ w_ A_S_HI_ N_G_T_O_N __ A_VE_ . Long. At le._,t, that Js wha t John-

Dolph Guy. '38.

L ibrary Echoes



: t Hour "'ef'\1.'----e Ttl

D~X DINER 1, . \ V. Rh e r St1'('('t

Route 49 Kank l\1< Ul [ J ui~lcy " .. t\.$


~ l t"t;"t Tbt' lJ.Q) ._ ,\t

!orella & a ~ e.Y ' Clg rs. Cigarettes and To~\l'I.:O

.. ewspape.rs and }..fari.!"a.zlnes

T c\ \'LOH TR.\ NS FJI;H co .. Jnc. l nsun xl l"l'elg ht FO r\\ 1.\.fdN·~


And .\II l nte rrnNJ.l l\ tO P otnlt' K.a.nkn.k c~. Chlcugo. JoU c t

H. E. Coyer E. A . Clason TELEPHONE MAIN 202

De Luxe Clea ner sou says. According to General Johnson, "Fathe r Coughli n is an im­po~sible fanatic who preaches hai r ·

B y Bro. Leo Nolan, 0. S. V. " ~eglectos vidi libros multos

Qued minim e mirandum,

I C le aning, PrCoSS ing & H.ep n.l r l ng

. brained economic theor ies under the protection of the cross," while Hu ey Long is "just a plain foo l who read­ily admits his own asininity." This is strong language, but General H ugh, not in the least a~ashed, con­tinues with, "Coughlin and Long have aligned themselves in a comm unis tic at tem,pt to rule our country."

Nam inter bardos Tot et s tultos There's few could understand 'em.' The 1i brarian expresses the hope

that this bit of macaronic verse by a Royalist poet may never be trul_v said of the College Library as it w~ once said of t he famo us Bodleian Li -bra r y.

In un ndd r'l'SH lwl\) rT a lnn(l' g-;:ll h{·r·i n g- in \\'a s hiug-ton last wrl'i<, 'J'I11• ~ l os! H1'l'. ~ l i " l mt• l .J. ( ' ~t rley, .\r('iJhisliop of !Saltimorr

assui l<> d l li !' Jl t' I'See u l io n o f ll 1<· Cat li o li r (' hu l'<·h in :\ l rx i1·0. l i t• pt·u­

/H>R<'d l hat ~0 111 <'l hin g be d otH' to ltr·,•ak ll'hat he !'H llPd tlir ·' ignoble•

Hi i,· IH·<• " of t hP l ' nit{:d ~l..a i <'S in ord er that a move lll ight be madt~

t o JH'I' tll it Ull i ii VL'St igatiOJI 0 11 t he par l of t hi s gon' l'll ll l('lll to h(' t ake n. . . . l"u ll owin g t he ad d n·ss of t lH· .\re hhishop . 7000 lll<">ll­

lt e rs o f vari o us Ca t hol ic: o r ganiza t io ns volell o n a reso lu tion p r otest . in g agai nsl ''the in human t 1·cat mcu/ aee·ordPd to the• p l' ople of .\ I ex­

il.'o ~ l ' l u· g-ovl· t·nt n r n t tn ust J o sOIIll'th in g soon for· mi l lionH H. I' L'

U~ l< in ~ H i t l ' Xp lnna t iO II o f t he <'OUdlld of { h (' ~\ft•Xicau g-O\"C 1'111lWI1t.

tn i ll ions or I I H'Sl~ l 'l'SOlut io us IIH\' 1' 1-!U lH.' d in·d to Pri.'sidcnt HoosP­I't' l l a nd ot h t• rs / o Se·e· rdary ol' Stal v l 'onlt-11 ll ull. C'an the,1· i){ nor,•

th is pl ea of 111 illi o nsY

\\' ,· al l admire courage and the• spirit o/' adl't'ntur1• that mHk es

lll l' Jl d o Lli l· unt lsu a l. .1\ p enw n to h .. · so adtn i r e<.l · is F'ather H c- rn anl H. l l u b b>tl'd, oue• of t he wo rltl ·s g l·catcst e xplol'l'rs. !l is l ife n•arls

lik(' un aLh'L'niure of a pioneer , t. h is da r ing man has uu eo,·e r cU morr

v ir g iu lt• r ri to ry t lwn a ny ot he r t•x pl on·•· living. H e ll'as t he first nltlU lo t >~d dl l' a canoe in 11 lakt• in t h,· tiel')' pit of ~ I t. Katmai in

. \ las lm . I k took t h t' fi rs t pi t· tu rr insid e tht• 1·olcauo . In the wi n ter

h is li l'l' is ra th t• r sedH t l' fo r he t ~athes geo logy at the• L'ni1·ersity of

Snn ta C la ra , Ca li fo rni a. ll ~ has made six exped it iou s into ~\ Iaska,

L' r ossi ng grl'Ht ut ou n tai n ra nges ne,·e r heCon~ seen by white men.

Coll ected im p ort a u l d ata, •·ar e minerals, rarer fish and had a great t ime w hile doing it. Need less to say. h e likes lh<• ad,·cuture of this

li l\' n nd ha tes lhL' Jh'UC(' a nd quiL'I of the t:ities. To you, Fat her. al ll'ays 11 hnpp'' laudin"'.

1 1~u rope is pt't.'Sl' tdiug a p robkm as. sht.> ,.e ,·olves through a series ur cri li l'ni situations l hnt leal'e us p erpl exed and bcll'ilLh'rcd as to

ll'httt is n•ally happe•ni n g a nd ll'iutt "·ill happ en in the futur e ... rl'lw mi nds nnd L~fforts o[ t.hc gn'\at diplomats are searching f ranti ~

e•n ll,· J'or au ;liiSII"<'r to this pe noramit· display pt·odnced h>• the na­

tious l)f Euro~w. no~·'{ it llll"'an war " Th .. • logil'al HllS 'W('l' at this time is. no. German)~ is uot foo l i~h enoug-h to Yenture in to a war. e,·en

if he•r ekmaud of 500,0()(1 me•n were n••·tain. she cou ld not. "·ith t l11•

slightl'St hop .. • 1) f Sl1l'l'C'S4. wagl' a~g-resSi\·l' warfare against any of

A t this point, perhaps it would N ew Bool<s. bl· best to investigate the Coughlin- Day by day, th rough the medium Long "communis tic" views. cf the new exhibition case, s tuUent s

Coughlin holds tha t this country a re becoming acquainted Wi th th is sti ll being controlled by a money- t reasures of rare books, Autograp cd few, and that there should be a let t ers and MMS which the Li bra r redistribu tion of wea lth. Long con· Amongst those on exhi

e It y

tends tha t no man should be al - possesses. h ~5 bilion a t presen t a re some th a t hav

lowed to accum ulate more t an 'f ,- in ter esting backgrounds. 000 000 while every man shou ld ha ve . .


' ' . . d h. P erhaps the most mte restmg of a enough to provide ht mself an IS is a volume of Homer's Odyssey i

!I 11

family with a decen t living, good I Greek published by Froben in 155 clothes and a home. Compare : esc at sa:sel Switzerland, 109 years af "Red" views with Johns~n's N. . A., tcr the 'inven tion of printing wit wherein worke: s :eceive $12 and movable type. Its an tiquity is re Sl::S a week, whtch ~~ su pposedly suf- membered more impressive when ficient for any fami ly. The conclu- is remem bered that the study o sian is obvious! Greek on a scientific basis was no



it f

The forces at grip a re exceedingly ill troduced into Oxford unti l the be t

powerful ones, and every sane per-son in the count ry should be vi t all y in terested in th e outcome of the s truggle.

F a ther Coughlin's s trength is not easily estimated, bu t it is well k nown that he controls the opinions of a very s trong g roup. For example, the recent defeat of the United


t --

• r


ginning of the sixteen th century Basel was one of the earliest prin mg and publishing centers in E u rope and Froben one of its most fa mous publishers. He is said to hav done more than any other publishe to further the development of Scho a rship and Literature. It is interes ing to note tha t Erasmus, who wa

States' entra nce into the World Cour t one of the most noted of the Re was charged to Father Coughlin. Im ­mediately af t er the Detroi t priest 's speech against the W€)rld Court, sen­a tors and represen ta tives a t Wash­ington received over 40,000 tele­grams conseling agai ns t World Cour t entrance. Forty-efght hours befor~

the votes were cast , no one, not even the opponents of the World Court, dreamed that the bill would be de-

s D-

n-aissance Scholars, and who wa.s i strumenta l in introducing the s tud of Greek into England, was a mem bcr of F roben's household. It said tha t E rasmus often gave Fr ben assis tance in su.pervising tex

y -

is o-ts

and in corr ecting proof. is Samuel Johnson 's Pr eface to h

edi tion of Shakespear e is another f mcus work on exhibi tion. Publish

feated, but Father Coughlin's speech 1765, it was virulently attacked b


turned the tide. Yes, Father Cough-y

lin has a powerful weapon in hls (Continued on P age 5)

lS of Catholic : \ctiYity and Catholic :\ clion . ·' Catholi" . \ et i ,·i t y

as old as the Catholic Church. Catholic _\ ction is a newer thin

Catholic _\ ct ion is the part tlw on;anizet l layman perform for· th church under the diret·tiou of the hierarchy .. , .\nd this inter~>stin

" e g

st her tH.~ighbor$ . l.-1-atll..'e is pluyiug a cagy game. l'xaggerating article goe-s on to say: " This mobilization <·ampaign is hut th~ fir lil•rnwu prep::tr ~..'duess anrl roueealiug her own military strength un- phas~..• of their work. )fen mobilize to gain strPngth and unity tl<'l' !l pka of ll't•aku~S$. She e•ould place nenrl>· fo ur milliou trained accomp lish something. The purpos~ of the mobilization is ac·tio

m~u on tht• tid,l and her art ill er~- is tbe most poll'erful iu the \1-orlcl In this .;ase the Knights of Colurnbu are mobilizing their gr~ate whil,• iu tanks aud machin~ f:Uns she has no rind. ITer air fo r ce man power in support of and defense of the ideals of H oly _\foth has tl<l sup<•riut'---<.'X~ept perhaps Russia. France. in the opinion of Chu r ch. the nation and the home. HaYing mobilized they are in

<'XPt'r!s is immuue from G~rtuan attack. It a! , · is much stronger position to carry on in such lines of Catholic _\ction a are delega than when sht' h<•:tt ~\ nstria in 1818. Herr Hitler is not going to ed to them by the hierarchy... This is an important step in the o

put hi$ h,•ad into a noose from whil'l1 there is uo escape but disaster. ganization of Ca tholi c manhood and should recei1·e the support an

to IJ.



a t-r-rl

l u the Columbian. the Knigh ts of Colmnbu Chi~ago ~\rea offi- coop eration of e,·ery Catholic &hool and organization in e i:ll publication. w e find an inter esti ng explanatio n of the meaning country. he I

Work Cal led Fo r and Delivered 161 N . chuyler , Knnknkec. Ill.

F or Bet ter B utter Ask F o r

Delicious Br and KANH.AKEE B UTTER 0 0 .

P hone 410

H uff & Wolf Jewelr y Co.

172 E . Court S troot

B u y S ch ool P ens N ow Nnm e P u t on Free!

Amedee T. Betourne P h armacy

CUT RA T E D R UGS 119 Cour t t ., K a n l<al{ee, lll.

D . J . O 'L OUOHLIN · M . D . ---

E YE , EAR . NOSE & THROAT 602 City Na t iona l B ank Bldg .


Philip T. Lambert H ardw are

Har dwar e - Sport ing Oooda 129 E . Co urt S t. - P hono 930

P racticed Li mited to

V ANDERW ATERS Young !\ol en's Cloth ...

Furnishings an d S hoes





Schuyler Ave. - North of Cour t

Hotel Kankakee Sidney Herbst, Manager.


A hearty welcome await_., the students and tnends ot St.

VIator College.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15


Campus Comment

Spring Raises

Barrier To Thesis ·worker


C. /. Kennedy Critique l j Leaves Viator -~-E-dl-to_r_N-ot_e_: _T_hl_s-Ie-tt_e_r_w_as-re­

cetvect by the Viatorian In answer

DOr 7\ TeW DOS{ to the article written by J. c. c . .c' ~ .1 f 4 £ 1 entitled "Areopagus Bourbonnensis",

w hich was given so much attention


College Men

Criticized By N. Y. ·writer

The song of the lark, th e f rag- Has Been Affiliated With College by the readers of the Viatcrian. W " College m en are matrimonial push' ranee of the bud, burst into bloom For 21 Years. venture no opinions on the subject. overs ,according to Inez R.obb, prom-

After wading through the debris and once more tha t d rowsy, care- It is your paper , students and a1um- inent N ew York society writer . " One scattered about by the Freshmen free spirit, King Spring Fever, r eigns Clarence J. Kennedy, who w ill take ni, and we w~::::u:~'i)s letter from way or another, college m en are set-during their herculean efforts to supreme on the campus . There's ro- O\"er the position of county surer- "J.D. F., an ups for romance," she says. produce the last issue of the Via- mance in the a ir. But not for some intenden t of public schools at the torian, I finally arrived at my desk. twenty-two dignified Seniors, for with beginning of the fall t er m, has k'een Chicago, Illinois . "That's the reason why society What a. mess these Freshmen left- just seven more weeks befor e that a member of the faculty of the col- Apri l 15, 1935. J pages in metropolitan dailies during dolls, monkeys-on-strings, rubber Day of Days, they find themselves l iege s ince 1914 . With the excep- Viatorian Editor , the gladsome Easter tide are filled balls, crossword puzzles halfworked, in a position where they can no tion of the year 1918-1919, Mr. Ken- S l. Viator College, with announcements of engagements,

::~e ~~e ~~~=: r~:e!~e ~~~:~ :.~iscs~ *~ge~i jusltf ' 'thin~· abohu~ t:.;ri~~sis~~ nedy has continued uninterruptly at Bourbonnais ,Illinois. a ll of whlch end witn the statement

ing the ice, leaping from crag to fac~, . ~: ~~o~~ I~7x months o~er- hi~~~st ~:n~~~~gic~lr~~e~~~ tea~~oe: Dear Editor; that 'The Wedding will take place crag of rejected manuscript. By the due. And so the Seniors are hard Notre Dame University, South Bend. It was with much interest that Jon June 25, two days after the way Frosh, your t oys will be re- a t work on the ma.s ter-pieces-fi- Indiana, with a Bathelor of Science I read the a rticle in your March future bridegroom is graduated from t urned if you just stop in the office. nally. in Biology in 1905. He returned to 28th issue of th e Viatorian written Princeton (for Princeton substitute

. . Now that the three cornered 1 f th di Notre Daine to obtain his Master's by J. C. C., entitled "Arepagus. a ny of the institutions of higher Following is a 1st o e can - B b . " I t th t 1 learning )'." '

air battle featuring Father Coughlin, dates for degrees to be received in Degree in 1907. After receiving his our onnensts · mus say a Lcng and J ohnson has been t emper- June, and the titles of their respec- :h!Iaster's Degree he spent two years heartily disapprove of this young Mrs. Robb writes of the "E. B." r.rily discontinued, <fur poor s tudents tive Theses: at Northwestern Medical College con- I student's attitude <lispite the fact (E ligible Bachelor) in the April 18-

are forced to listen to Wayne King, Orvi lle P. Berns- "A Comparison tinuing his varied s tudies. that he has 15-16 of his college suE' of a magazine for young we-F red Allen and Walter O'Keefe. Such of the Sensivity of Two Qualitative T h ' E .


course completed. I am not a rna- men : "Eligible bachelors are a Uto-is life, one cruel blow af ter another. . , eac · mg xperte~ce jor in Education nor do I aspire to matically divided into two age

. can you blame the Freshmen e eac mg pro ess10n, owever, groups. It's imperative to cat ch one Determmat10ns fo r ChromiUm ' I Before coming to St. Vtators, Pro- th t h ' f . h I

for adopting "On The Good Ship Byron K Burke- "The Catholic fessor Kennedy spent two years as I do thmk that said student should off guard before he's thirty. After Lolly Pop" as the

1r theme song? View on Sterlllzati~n."

1, a member of the faculty of th~ bE' frur to the work the Infant he's passed that fateful mtlestone, tt

1 John F Btmmerlle - Improved Umverstty of Notre Dame. While I Sctence of Education is undertaking i :~ a bitter, bitter struggle to make Well, Well spring is in the air Method fo r Determ1mng Iron a nd there he mstructed the Analytic r h

and the boys are p-etting out their Sulphate I ron " Physiogra phy, Botany, Zoology, Bac- to accomp IS . him give up his life of pampered skipping ropes and jack s and it look s Kenneth w Corcoran- "A Con- tenology Intelligent t ests are not made for ease and freedom, and by the time like a busy time for all con cerned. tra.st of English Rural Life as De- teaching ca- the measurement of man's soul a s he's thi rty-five nothing short of a

It ought t o be easy to write picted in the Works of Shelia Kay re:rro~e::o~nc~e:e~ed;:~ years at St. J . C. C. indicates but merely a s shot gun is a pt to introduce matri-di rt in this room. . Someone said Smith and Thomas H ardy." Ca therine College, S t. Paul , ·Minne- <.:. measurement of the use man mony into his way of life." lbat Gould was so ba:5hful about the J ohn P . Cronin- "The Life and sota, and he served as principal of makes of his intellectual faculties or fair sex that his voice blushes when Works of Louis Venillot." St. John's Township H igh School what Spearman calls "General Dis-h (. uses i t , they jus t doD.•t know B crimination and General I ntelli-

steVI·e or haven' t seen him when h. e J ame,s J. Crowley- "Collective ar- for two years. gence."

gaining Under the N. R. A." 1 d · ' has his voice oiled a little Mary P . Cruise- "Browning: Apol - In the field 0~ educationa a mm- I sugges t also that J C C fa Krauklis is Gerling around qui te a agist for the Despicable." is tration , the Vtator professor filled miliarize himself as to .the. co~rec ~ bit lately ..... I guess this will Maurice A. Dailey- "Role of Art the position of Director in the Teach- meaning of Divine Right of Presi­hold you fellows that say a College in Education ." er's. Association in Northern Indiana dents . The power or authority which educatior. isn' t worth anything; War- Richard H. Doyle-"Accounting fo r with great efficiency for one year. the President possesses is truly of deu Lawes, of Sing Sing Prison, says Depreciation and Obsolescence under H e was Registrar of St. Viat or Col- Divine Origin, proceeding, as J. C. C. that college men make the best pris- the 1934 Income Tax Law." lege in 1920- 21• in fact, Prefessor should know, from God and inves t ed

Alumnus Dies Rev. Patrick Creel, a graduate of

St. Viator College in 1923, died at White Lake, South Dakota, April 13. Father Creel s t udied theology here for several years under Via­"torian teachers . From here he wen t to St. P aul Seminary and finishing oners, maybe it's because they're use Louis Drassler- "Old Age Pensions. Kennedy was the first Registrar -of in the President by the State and

t o the fou r wall enclosures. William J . Gibbons- ''Literary Sur - the College. his Superiors. Thus all subjects are his studies there he spent several Its open season tor Cupid and his vival of Cicero." As Professor Kennedy leaves St. obliged to obey all commands that years at the American College a t

little darts but mos t of the boys are Eugene ~earney-"A Criti cism of Viator, the good wishes of the stu- fall within his jurisdiction. I do not Rome. "While a college s tudent here s till convalescing from his las t year's William Butler Yeats of Irish Peas- dent body ,faculty and a lumni go think tha t J. c. C.'s objections are Father Creel taught several sub-shot s. A s tooge t ells us that ant Life." with him. basis for his contentious atti tude, jects to the academy students. Fatb-Ray Roche will need a few mm·e Thomas Kelly- "A Critique of the but rather that he fea rs the resul t er Creel was pastor at White Lake, darts of Cupid's arrows to carry on Methods Used to Avert Cyclical E m- T of the t es t ; in other words his •·Pride" South Dakota, at the time of his his village work' 'Ray Cavanagh ployment." Graduate 0 prompts his objections. death. ~pends much time in dus ting off her Michael Malone - "Iniluea.ces of As for his s tatement that intelli-p1cture every day and writes letters Lily on the works of Shakespeare.'' R d F • M One of the best s tories of the t gence tests do not serve as a basis ~aV:tw;~~es~~yst~;~its that h~oni~ Dumas L. McCleary-"Sys t ems of I ea ffS ass for advice to students. might I sug - year comes from Armour Tech. I t

Acco~.nting fo r Collegiate Institu - ~ ___ get that had J . C. C. taken a test concerns a group of pickled politi-the original Woman H a ter but that tions. I Charles Clifford, a gradua te of the upon entering his coll ege career he cians who lurched out of a night they jus t won' t leave him a lone, ha Leo~ard McManamon - "Pers.~cu - Class of 1931, will read his first migh t have seventeen-eighteenths of clu~ and se_t out_ arm in arm, on ha . . . , . . Normile, who sings in a tion of the J ews from 1910-1934. Hoi Mass on May 19 in Farmer hi~ education successfully completed their precanous JOurney homeward. Cab Callawayish manner, can really John RipstrBr-"Action of Some I Cit:. Illinois, his home parish. instead of fif t een-sixteenths. After traversing several blocks they make a Jot of noise a nd is very en- Catiplis ts on I so-amyl H a lides." The Ve ry Rev. E. V. Cardinal , C. . . . . . ... 1 stopped before a large mansion and tertaining to Normile. . George Bernard M. Russell- "His tory of I S v. has received word that this I This VICious tira~e of J. C. c . held a heated and hiccuppy confer­Fleming is "Chicago-bound," don ' t t he Development of the Imaginary · · . . . . would lead one to thml< that J . C. C. ence. Finally one of the heavily­take us wrong, we mean that his Into the Field of Reality.'' former s tudent Wtll a rnve m New is aspiring to become "the" Huey burdened broke away from the group

~~c~:;s 1~n s~~:c~~~t oft~~Bi~~~~~h~ Bi;~:nc:~t~~-"Cathollc View on ~~~~h fr";. hR~m~ee~o:e~::~en~e7~ ~~~=geinca~;u~il:~te~e ci;: ~!co~: :!s~~:~;e~e:~ j:t~~: cl~~~~g s~~ that mood about the coed . . Francis W. S mith- "State LeP"is- the American College in Rome. '' t he Areopagite of Areopagus Bour- eral unsuccessfUl a ttemp ts he reached

o · Father Car dinal wi ll head a dele-J ohnny Morris is trying to tell us la t ures Regulation of Unemployment gation of Viator ians who will a t- bonnensis.'' the door and, bestowing a woozy that the Dlinois coeds are better Insurance." t end the first Mass. Thanking you dear Editor I r e- grin of triumph on his f riends be-looking on U1e average' than our Leo M. Weiland- "The Correlation main yours for a better Viator and low, pushed the bell-button half way

through the wall. Immediately ~

window wa.s opened and a feminine voice yelled:

coeds, oh Johnny h ow ca.n you be so fickle. . Corcoran and Roche hnve applied logic to explain their la te appearance in Origin of Man ; It goes this way: Life begins at 8:40. Thi~ class is my life. Therefore this class begins a t 8:40 (If you could only con vince the teacher that the class doesn't start at 8:00) Barzan­tny explains his close-cropped hair­cut: "I don't want hair in my eyes \Vhen I'm looking around."

If you find S teve Gould 's name in this column, don't read about it for we promised not to use his name; it ~1on't do you any good to beg us for we won't t ell you that his room­

Between High School Religion Marks and Character .''

Welsh is an expert at interior decor­atiilg, he decorates a certain parlor

I'd lik e to be a college boy, He lives a life of ease; For when he g radua tes, , H e does it by degr ees.

a greater Viatorian, Sincerely yours,

J . D . F ., an Alumnus.

about three n.igbts a week. Straub The few miles , seem like thousandg Not long ago, the girls of the get s the sweetest letters from that to me dc.rmitary at Sioux FaJl s, S. D., Springfield gir l-fri end. Jim Away from the girl I long to see. were surprised by a visi t from a ()"Mara influenced by a few balmy Spri ng is g rand. Love is grand. I brighteyed, curly headed little young­days dashed off this beautif ul little Bu t what word can be uSed to ex- s t er who said she was lost. No one composition: plain the combination of Sp~g and


could identify her and her assertion 0 Dorothy Love ? The best answer to this qu es- tha t "Mamma's name is Mamma and

0 Dorothy, 0 Dorothy, spring .is t ion will receive a free pass to the Daddy' s name is Daddy'' wasn't coming soon, next Dexter pool tournament. much help. She was very happy

And with it brings a sweet fu ll Unlike the bears who hibernate· in with her adopted mammas and moon. the winter some of our boys jus t lisped , "Me likes it here.' ' The child's

With the Easter vacation c=ing seem to fold up ana go into a semi- mother soon learned of her where-nigh, coma as warm breezes make their abouts and whisked her home.

I'il be With you soon, don' t you sigh. debuts. Coach McNamara was

"What in h- do you want?" The bleary one n eiow answered

with angelic sweetness:

"Ish thish Misslsh- hlc- Shml th ?"

"Yes!! What do you want?" ''Will you pl eesh come down and-

hie- pick out your hushband . The rest of ush want to go home.''

When both James and Frank lin Roosevelt, Jr., fi lled in matricula tion records a t Harvard last year, they gave as their "perman ent address,· ~ Ie, Bill Fleming, stu1fs cottcn in his

ears so that he can go to sleep at night without the echo of Gould' s crooning in his ears. . . And an­other thing, for a change I don't think WE"'ll associate Ken Wiser·~

name with Miss Lock e, for It hasn't o m1ssed an issue yet, just as Ken

And his roommate Nor b ElHs fell in the latest movie taken on the in with Jim' s mood long enough produce this s tirring verse :

to college campus-someone said that

I "The White House, Washing ton .' ' Optimis tic ?--or propheti c?

Unannounced he rea ched her side. I ---

hasn't missed a date yet. . AI If

0 Seneca! Seneca! 0 Seneca! City of my

childhood, I could be there I would.

it was certainly a 'Big Shot' . . . Ray Roche when interviewed about spring football had this to say aoout Its merits:.

''Thank you very much Ray.11

But his soothing touch provoked her The University of Mani toba ques-And she k icked and raised a fu ss . tioned their s tudents about whe ther

So he smiled and gently choked her a wheel-barrow or an old maid was - She was jus t his motor bus. more useful on a farm. The old

- Auburn. maid lost by three votes.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

ra::E VIATORIA...>; )1 0 1\1>.\ Y. APRIL 1- 19!1,;

Day Hopping I' Alumni And • Inter~collemate ~"'""'originated much of the pre~-t:"J...... • ent day slang ~e.<:~ such as. ··.-ut-

I B 1 -f. t throat". ''flat tire··. r..nd .. you don't

'C'banka to the f'reshman Cla.~g and ene, ac ors Someone has discovered that the don't. They stay single. "01Ul :Mil- say'', -lOUtbu t. Kansas Clty,

eapeda.Uy to the Hon .• Martin Me- ' 'A" students make lhe teachers, th~ ler'·. Kansas). LaughUn for the much welcomed P....ev. J. T. Mulgrew, life-long " B" men make the judges, and the It is better to remain silent and The twenty four columns which breathing spe:ll. It also gave an- fnend and benefactor of the Viator- 'C" men mcl<e the m~~e.~·· To which I keep the professors in doubt than support the nave of anta Bablna other person a res May I add th.i3, w.ns, died recently at Lincoln, llli- they shyly add, tbe D men make to say something and let them be church in Rome, Italy, we_re t.a.ke.n Andy told me that Mousey hke3 no is. Father O'~lahoney, C. S. V .. the congressmen. but the simple "F'' sure. from the ruins of the pagn..n temple (.."hf.:cse. Father .Moisant C. S. V. and Father just make the students and the par- y ad . of Juno Regina which stood near the

It 18

In lhe sack as far as J o Tobin, C. S. V., attended the funeral. en ma . but you can't make it think. (Tech- s .- qwn. . a . 1-..unnesotu L ' ' I ts d I ou can re a pony m class pot 1 A . St p ul " '

Schmidt 18

concerned But ask Rev. John A. Kelly, who studied So ""'bat? nique. AUanta. Georgia). A fraternity at .Mtcnign.n recen tly MouHcy why he has been enthralled at St. Viator in the late '90S's, died

1 at


~!iss Ellen Fitz Pendleton, presi- Michigan State College ( Lansingl sen t its curt.a.ins to the cleaners by the trickling straJ ns of "Rain." j St. Mary's Hospital, La alle, lli- d£-nt of Wellesley college, r ecently and the house remained unveiled for

It won't be long before Poor Jim oois, April 5, and was buried at U.- d:clared that the average college girl ~~eth:0°:1~~st~~~~:~tu~~v~~~~~~e ~~ two days. On the second day the will be stru., lin Into the future Sulle several d~ys later. Father 01: today is more frank, more ap- ~laryland the second oldesL AI- sorority across the street sent over with a hurd:~ :C a lifetime- and Kelly was a !ruthful <..:.nd .g~nerou s pr~ach~ble and less willing to acce~t though Michigan State was not this notice:

b I alumnus and a constant VlSttor on cpmions banded out to her than her Dear Sirs: I'm te lling you that it wid not c lhf' college campus. He was always predecessors, which is a good thing. opened untiJ 1857, it was created by I M t th t hla B C S an act of Jeo-islature passed in 1855. ay. we sugges . a you procure

· · · 1ntcrested in the college activitie3 Also the modern college P"irl is c· t f d "


o· - (Augustana Observer). cu r SJns or you r WlD ows? Vve do Norman '"PhomaH Ripstra bas b€en and the varying fortunes of the Via· mor e serious minded than 25 yea rs not care for a course in anatomy

advised to res trict his diet to mJ\l< to.:· t:.thletic teams. H e was serving ego. According to figu r es complied One of the brother s who had l ef ~ a nd c rackers- Our pet problem has a;; Chaplain at St. Mary's hospital a~ Enrollment Falls. from the r egistration cards, approx.i- his shaving to read the note, an-not been feeling so well lately. the time of his death. For many Total enrollment in 569 college3 mately 45 per cent of the freshmen swe red :

It Js rumored t11at Lh e leading ye.ars he was pastor of the Immacu- and universities holding member- at Washington University (St. Louis ) Dear Girls: The course is optional.

ro le played by Alessanctri w ill soon late Conception Church a t Gilman, Bh ip in the American Association of ~~~t ~:~~~tio~.~::g:st~~d~::er~~ - (Technique). be taken over by a chemist. The Illinois. Father E. M . Kell y, C. ;3. Collegiate Registrars was 1,165,831 newcomer is ver y mucb acquain ted V. attended the funeral. ih 1932-44. In 1933-34 it w;..:._, 1 _ e r ). with his r ole as be h as had previous The prayers of th e Communi ty 085,448, which is a d ecrease of 6.8'9 Professor Klaus Hansen, 39-year-exporience. were requested fo r the d eparted souls I per cen t. old Osl~ Unive~ity (Norway) ~ro-

An e igh t-legged . three-eared, two­tailed, s ingle-headed sheep was rec­ently g iven to the biology depart­m ent of Washing ton and Lee. (Technique).

of the fo llow ing: Mr. Frank Rebe- Close To Home. fessor, l S the ftrst human to dnnk Egyp t can have her Cleopatra- deau, fa ther of Rev. J . Rebedeau, a I ten grams of heavy water .

h J f A b t St v · I A travele r out from Kansas way . F r ance . er oan o rc u · la- former s tudent and ~Irs. Marie Arlee . The aver age student s leeps twtce to r will keep its- er - Libra ry. Mayr und g r andmother of Brothe r s :eports a church 5 1gn board bear- [as much as he studies. Take n otice,

.F rancis 'and Edward Des Laurier-3, mg the sermon annou~cement: "Do Waldron. (Technique, Atlanta, Geor-lDil MJrovitz and Slmmy Bercolo:3 you l<now what He ll 1s ?" followed . H ave your Clothes Made-to-Order

by are natu ra l opponents-They use en- who died rccentty in K~nkakee. with the invitation a t the bottom of g-ta.) llrc ly diffe rent methods and a lways The R ev . E. V. Cardmal, C . S. V., the s ign : "Come and hear our or- There is a Smith born every elev-ta l<e to U1 e 6pposi te side of every- t he Rev. J . P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., g~nist."-Marqu ette Tribune. en minutes. - (T echnique , Atlanta, Chicago's Great Mer chant Tailor


thing exce,pt th e tab le at which they and the Rev. W. J. Be rgin, C. S. V., Georgia). Fi( and Satisfaction Guaranteed

a re playi.ng bridge. a ttended the funeral of Fr. Cava- Hanover, N. H., th e hom e of Dart- ~=T~o=w~h~o~m~~is~m~a~y~c~o~n~c~er~n~:~S~h~ak~e~s-~~=============~ Damle r has b een awarded a V. na ugh, th e beloved pri est of Notre mouth college, is the s ki capital of

Cong ra tul ations Stub, and m any mor<.:! Dame Univer s ity. Father Cava- ~~:~s ~~r~~-e ~~~~ are 1,700 pairs of of th em. nuugh was a g r eat friend 't>f St.

It s ure looks as tr Be rns will fol- Via tor· a ncl on several occas ions \ It is estimated that more than spoke at college ceremonies her e. 1 .. $1~0,000,000 ~hang.e~ hand s in the

low c lose ly the foo ts t eps of M.is t er Viator ian Activities. Umted States rn gnd1ron betting dur-Jim. Nulr s afd. The Rev. J . P. O'Mahoney, c. s. mg the nine weeks of the last foot-

Bade h as been s uffe ring from a v .. preach ed a months-mind Mass at ball season. sore throat. H e has been advised to Rantoul, March 28, for the Rev. Me- It is a well-known t'act that a ma:1 c ut down on his m eals in orde r that Mullin who w as a studen t here in with a college aiplom a and a nick e l his throat n1a0' get a res t. N eed we 1903. can ge t a cup of coffee anywhere. say that he Wi ll prob5.bly n ever lose The Rev. J ohn Staffo rd, C. S :-- V., is Gordon Harman, University of Lhis sore throat. preach ing a Lenten series a t St. Wisconsin 155 pound boxer, has lost

When s ta rs feU on Alabama- Bere - Rita's Church, Chicago, on Wednes- only one fi g ht in his car eer. H e's olos was there and IL was his luck days, and the R ev. J. W. R. Mag uire fought in more than 65 bouts. to be sitting under a tree working preaches on Sundays a t the sarn.z University of K entucky cheer lead-Trigonometry in the moonlig ht when Church. e rs have to take ~ s ix week s co urse the terrib le catras trophe took place. The R ev. J. E. Surprenant, C. S. in training before being allowed to

Some g reat learned m en haven't V., r ecently preached a fo rty-hour try out for the jobs. (Perhaps our any thing on Ti culka- h e has studied devotion at Decatur, Illinois. n ew physical ed. dept. wi ll help us ubroad too- instead of being punish- The Rev. J. B. Bradac, C. S . V., lr a in ours in like manner. ) ed by the writing of disse rtations- concluded forty-hou rs devotion a t his class was punished by kneeling the Sacred H eart Church, Rock I s- \-Vor ds From T he W ise on dry peas. Frank attended ele- l ~cmd, Illinois. bachelor is a man who doesn't m entary school fo r one year , near The Rev. F. A. Rinella, C. S. V., make the same mis take twice. K avos, Lithuania, when h e was about conduc ted forty -hours devotion ser- A woman writer advises women eight years old. vices at Piper City, Illinois several not to marry conceited men. Some

Damler states that h e doesn't build weeks ago ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;. up his manly figure with Wheaties The Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S.[ l but he does admit that Bade's sand- I\'., spent several days at Taylorville wiches and dessert help a lot. where he conduc ted forty-hours d e­

H err H erman S chnee has been re­straining himself- but h e did give in and I sti ll don't see why h e should Leav-itt alone.

vo tion cer emonies.

Einstein woulO have education "A

free and living process, witll no drilling of the memory, and no ex-

I magine Gerritys embarrassm ent aminations, mainly a process of ap­wben h e goes out calling and finds peal to the senses in order to draw that Lang ilas called first. Ed will out de licate reactions". h ave to call loud and long to beat Mr. Lang's boy. The names. addresses and tele­



We carry complete line for The Institution

Your Grocer can sup,ply You


251 E. Grand Ave. - Chicago

Did you l{_now that: MarcOtt' s phone numbers of all the fresh wo- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tires wi ll hold up on only one condi- men at Pitt can be bought for 10c- - : t ion- hot air seems to r e-seal the Am~rican Campus. patches. Poor Marty Me-La ug hlin, our little Ger man, will soon have no fie lds to conquer-a natural Alexande r Johnson is a real Caesar---always doing four things at once. Dra.ssle r is

The Lafayette College faculty has decided that th e g raduate of a small college has a bette r chance of mak­ing "\-Vho's w ho".

hound up in thought to the extent Since 1929 N. Y. U. graduates that he is unable to croon but still have held street auctions at which whistles to the tune of the very they sell their textbooks, athletic thought of you Hebert is on passes and laboratory material. a strict diet-he has gained· fifteen A fraternity man at H anover pounds already . . . It's hard to get College foolishly allowed his girl scandal, but \\·~en you do, you get 1t friend to give him a manicur e. In

right. the process she thoughtlessly paint-All fellows who would Like to par- ed his nails a vivid and permanent

tlcipate in a "fish story'' contest car mine. When he appeared at the please ,place your entry \Vi.th rue be- frate rnity house for dinner, all eat­fore the publishing of the ne..xt issue. ing was suspended while the brothers Let's see who can tell the biggest escor ted him to the showers for an one! 1 impromptu bath.


Insu rance of A ll K inds


Phone 1933


Perfect Preservation


Emulsified AsphaJt

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A perfect protective coating for brushing, sp raying or trowell­ing, being a high grade :Mexican asphalt dispersed as minute parti­cles in water for convenient handling. It is applied cold. As the moisture evaporates. a black, flexible rubberl ike film r emains which i3 water-proof, acid, alkaline a nd fire resistant , and shuts out Jn­filrations of air.

Mortex 5 does not crack or peel in coldest weather, n or blis ter, sag nor run on hottest days and always remains elastic. It is odor­less, tasteless and noninflammable and can be safely used in con­fined. places. It readily bonds to all clean surfaces, and also to damp surfaces, but should never be applied over rusty, dirty, greasy or oily surfa ces or an imperfect bond will result. Use only on clean surfaces to obtain perfect satisfaction.

Used for DAMPPROOFING WALLS and FLOORS, PAINTING GALVANIZED IRON, PROTECTING CLEAN IRON AND STEEL, ROOF REPAIRING and as an ADHESIVE. It can be mixed wi th Portland Cement and dries out a soft gray color for patchin g de­teriorating concrete.

For Sale at. Local Dealers

J. W. Mortell Co. Kankakee, Ill.

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

MONDAY, i\ PRIL 15, 1935

Bloomington 'Y" Boxers Invade St. Viator Gym

Joe Kalkowski Leads Combined Vickery A. C. and Green Wave Squad Into Battle. .,. ______________ _


Saint Viator Tankmen Cancel

Swimming Meet Swimming meets that had been

sch eduled for the month of April

a nd May have been cance led , it was


St. Viator Gridders Hold Late Spring Practice

New Mentor Takes Hold of Veteran Material; Co-Captains Roche and Krauklis Aid Coach. _ _______________ .,.

' t bo b. d announced today by Broth er Edward I di t 1 aft St. Viator varsl y xers com m e Bro. Deslaurl"ers M To mme a e y er his appointment

with a few local punchers of the DesLauriers, coach, and Harold Sel- l onograms ns head football coach, John Mc-Vicker A. C . wi ll meet a Y. M. C. lers, manager. This action was t a- Namara, issued a call for spring

A. squad of Bloomington in the St. D c dit ken as the result of the announce- v· t c practice. The first day was given to Viator gymnasium on the evenin&" of eserves re 1a or agemen equipping the thirty-flee candidat es April 16. Brother DesLauriers, coach ment made by the board of athletic who responded.

of the Irish, and Bi ll Schumacher, control that there would be spri ng Coach McNamara began active manager, announce that the card Students B e nefit Throug h His A c- football. " S treaky" B urke Only Letter- re id practice with his large squad on

will contain many of the state's out- tlVlty. B rother DesLauriers and Harold man to be L ost. April 4th when he gave them an standing amateurs. Twelve bouts The Intra-mural sports program Sellers, both pointed out, that the hour and a half of setting up exer-have been arranged, two of which program according to schedu le will call for a ll football men to report The boa rd of a thletic control has cises and other fundamentals. Each

:::s:~il~~ e:i~~~e05be:~ ~hde;:d.is a ~:gi:~!:~~dth~e~:ft ~e:l~ le:~~e ::~ fol' spring practice had virtua lly ~:~~r~~:Y:~n~~a~:oto m:ag:::~e~~ ~::gu;0:fchth:r~~ac~:e ~C:s~::d u~i~ Bloomington Squad Strong. the running off of the Billiard tour- destroyed the swimming team since was announced by the Rev. F. J. now the squad is spending the reg-

The BloomingtGn squad, which is nament. At present Brother Des- such stars as Don Betou rn e, Dolph Harbau er, C. S. V., director of ath- ula-r two and a half to three hours the first to replace the Viator Gym - Lauriers is busy forming the soft-~ Guy, Basil Nicholson, Ralph Celotto, letics. on th e field every afternoon. nasium in many years, contains ball teams and Emerson Dexter, pro- J erry O'Lear y and George Rogers Of the ten letters awarded to play- Veter an Material. many of the Pantagraph's Golden rooter par excellent, is fini shing ar- the e rs, five were arned by f reshmen. Only five of last years lettermen Glove champions. Notable among rangements for the Billiards Tour- were thus taken away from Byron Burke, diminutive forward, have been lost to the squad · and these are: Ray Wheat, featherweight nament. sv.irnming squad. was the only senior to be given a there are twenty-one monogram men cham.pion this year and for three Coming Events. The St. Viator pool will be open monogram, . while Frankie Krauklis who will be available for next sea-years the Illinois State Y. M. C. A. Besides the two events nameU afternoons now for the use of the was the only junior. The remaining son. Coach McNamara is going to champion; Burt Yount, welterweight above the Intra-mural schedule calls students as there WJ. Jl be team prac- monograms earned went to sopho- h~ve a hard time filling the plaoes champion ; Russ Whittinghill, feath- for a Track and Field Meet between I meres or Emerson Dext er , last year's cap-erweight champion in the Novice the classes, a sw1mmmg meet , tennis I lice Brother DesLauners requests I tain and center, Tom Kelly and Chet tcumament ; and Frank Williams, 118 and golf tournaments as well as an- that studen ts usmg the pool be sure Evenly Davided. Newburg. tackles and Ficus Quinn pound Golden Glove champion. other pool tournament Brother to read the rules and regulations Coach McNamara and the athletlC and Ken Corcoran, guard and end

To oppose these men, St. Viator DesLauners plans upon holdmg a ll of that are posted 10 the locker rooms board divlded the letters evenly, I cr::~pectively. and the Vickery Athletic Club are these Intra-mural activi ties al t er the After April 16 there wi ll be regular giving two to centers, Don Betourne At center it has been noticed in putting such s tars as: Joe Kalkows- Easter vacation. swimming classes for those that are and Wee Willie Damler; four to for- the practice sessions that Bob Schu-ki, Tom Gibbons, Bill Churchill, and Splendid Record. not students of the college. wards, Byron Burke, John Burke, macher, a guard last year, and Basil Jimmie Masterson, of the Viato r var- During the past school year, B roth- Frank Straub, and Tom Gibbons; Nicholson, substitute center have sity; and George Dion, Vearl Davis, cr Eddie has held up the tradition F h L. four to guards, Frank Krauklis, been receiving the call. Marik and Benny Vickery, H endricks and De- 1 of well orga.iuzed and ably promoted at er owney George Rogers (honorary captain), Roche seem to be the logical choice Mara, of the Vickery A. C. [Intra-mural activities. Appointed to William Knox, and Danny Blazen- to fi ll the guard positions ; the tackle

Officials. , succeed Father Harbauer who bad N G ]f c h vich. I br:: rths will be the big problem as Judger for the boutts will be Pack- I been promoted to the ,position of I ew 0 oac The remaining monograms were Krauklis is the only experienced one

ey McFarland, State boxing com- Athletic Director, Brother DesLau- earned by Joseph Kalkowski , equip- to report. It is probable that an end mlssioner, and two of the local men riers with tireless energy has added ment manager , and William Schu- or two may be converted into tack-from Kankakee, Jimmy Lamb and many features to the Intra -mural Geo. Fleming Named Captain. macher, business manager. Both of les. O'Leary and Tu.res, along with Fritz Trudeau. Bill Gibbons and sports. To date he has successfully I . M . Meet Next. these s tudents have been active as Dolph Guy, Fahey, and Danny Blaze-Clare Noonan, two of Viator's out- pro_moted a bowling touz:n.ament ir. St. Viator golf team, captained by managers for all sports this year and vich are the cream of tbe ends. standing athletes wi ll act as an- v.:Juch 200 students partiCipated; a I George Fleming, is rapidly rounding so their monograms really are in The backfield material is plentiful nouncers. pmg. pong tournament that had 174 into shape under the direction of the recognition of thhii and not just for witb such stars as AI Paladino, Clare

The referee for the bouts has not entn es; a basketball league compos- neWly appoin ted facu lty moderator their services during the basketball Noonan, Bill Walsh, Aeillo and Me-been secured as yet but Brother Des- ed of 20 teams of 10 players each; and coach, the Rev. J . A. Lowney, season. Grath vieing for the quarterback po-Lauriers has exprssed a hope that a pool tournam ent in which 100 con- dean of the philosophy department. sition; J oe Saia, Abe Rohinski, Tom his negotiations for Barney Ross , ju- testants vied for the championship; Candidates for tbe team include Gibbons, Frank Straub, Don Be-pjor welterweight champion, v.ill be and a boxing meet that de'lreloped such stars as Eddie O'Brien, twice N etmen Faces tourne and many others are battling successful. If Ross can not be oiJ- another major sport at St. Viator. holder of the Rockford county club for the half back berths, while Jim-tained, some other prominent man To Brother DesLauriers a lso goes mie Masterson is the only experienc-

the credit of reorganizing track, ten- caddy championship ; Bill Crannell , a B s ed fullback left on the squad. Ken will be secured in time. . fin I' t . th M'd t J usy eaSOll rJs, boxing and golf sports among senn- a IS 1n e 1 \\<·es ern u- Wiser, letterman in '33, has also re-

Bouts Scheduled To Da te. t~te students. The inter es t that bas nion open tournament last year; Jim ported and may be convert ed into a ( Exh) 147 Neudecker (St. V. ) vs. boen displayed by the student body Crowley, noted Kankakee golfer; fu llback.

147 Sprafka (St. V.) leaves little doubt if any that these George Fleming, one of the outstand- St. Viator tennis varsity wilt jour-126 Churchill (St. V.) vs. 126 Whit--~ will soon be reco~zed b~ the board iug younger 'pill-pushers' of the Chi- ney to Naperville on April 16 to During the past season the fresh-

t . h'll (Y) l d d th hi h meet members of North Central col - men of the college supplied the pow-, mg 1 · of athletic contro l as major sports cago an a r ea; an many 0 er g er to the Green Wave. Of the fifty

135 J?eMara (Kankakee) vs. 134 and that monograms will be award- school stars of last year. lege in the Irish's first match of the candidates on the squad thirty-eight Joe Dennis (Y) . I · h 1 .season. As we go to press the R ev . .. ed, if not thi s year, in the near fu - 1 Fleming, w o a so acts as manager of them were frosh and when letters

126 H endricks (Kankakee) vs. 12o ture. j of the team, announces that he is E. V. Cardinal, coach and president Ray Wheat (Y). . s lowly but surely filling the schedule. cf the college, has not decided who were award ed 13 of the 26 went to

157 B. Vickery (Kankakee) vs. 155 Such outst anding colleges as Normal, shall make the trip. the same class. Coach McNamara as a result is looking forward to

C. Payne (Y). Takes VI"ator Notre Dame and Valparaiso are al- Captain Jimmie Crowley is the 160 Mast erson (S t . V.) vs. 172 L. ready on this years bookings. only one who seems any way cert ain next years class with g reat ho,pes

Hendryz (Y ). U1at it also will supply him with 135 Ike Klemits (Kankakee ) vs. c u e c of being selected. Others of the some good material just as it did for

r 0 Wn squad who may go are Harold Sel- R M h I · h t 1 t lers, Ray Cavanaugh and perha,ps son. 135 c. Hens ley (Y). --- Excuse, Please ay urp y, TIS men or as sea-

147 G. Dion (Kankakee) vs. 147 Louie Wuchner. The rest of the B. Foli (Y). candidates need much more practice

160 T . Gibbons (S t. V.) vs. 160 ~hooting with ;arvSelous .pre~isio~ No douUt due to inexperience the before Lhey can ever hope to corn- Drama Club Selects Casts For Plays

S. Stanich (Y). 'ian accuracy, · u~prenan o. freshmen editing staff failed to print pete in collegiate cir cles. 118 v. Davis (Kankakee) vs. 118 Kankakee, overcame a 7 to 4 lead

F w·lr (Y) to beat Frechette, a lso of Kanka- an important news item. (We give Matches that have been definitely . 1 lams . kee, in the first annual open billi- them the benefit of the doubt you arranged are: Valparaiso University (Exh) 170 R. Vickery (i nstructor) a rd tournament conducted by the St. will notice and don't claim that they at Bourbonnais on May 4 and Valpa- At a meeting last week, the St.

\"iator Drama Club selected casts for vs. Monk Meyers (Y instructor). Viator Billiard Club las t Sunday a£- .purposely left the news out because paiso at Valparaiso on May 22. The ... (S t . V.) St. Viator. ternoon, March the 7th. Fifty-five it envolved two of their traditional team also plans upon entering the two one-act plays and a minstrel to

be presented during th e first week of May.

(KKK) Vickery A. C. of Kanka- billiard aces competed and over 100 enemies from the sophomore class.) Little 19 tournament in May. kee. spectators witnessed the matches. On March 28, Joe Kalkowski and

(Y) Bloomington Y. M. C. A. In the finals , Surprenant beat Tom Gibbons, varsity boxers, fight-Frechette, 100 to 97. Surprenant led I ing a t the local Knights of Columbus F rechette by 23 in the first 50 Hall won thetr bouts. Kalkowskt de­points. In the second 50, Frechette cisioned Virgil Prai rie of Momence managed to Ue the score with some while Tom Gibbons K. O.ed Demlar fancy shooting. With the score 97- Prairie in the second round.

The Associated Collegiate Press carries a s tory about a young man at the Univers.ity of Texas who got nn "A" for the first time in his school career. He wired home to tell his parents of his triumph and added humorously that he had suf­fered a nervous breakdown as a re­sult. Four hours later the frantic parents appeared at the fraternity house. Their son's telegram read, "Offspring Gets a Nervous Break-down; Ma:t Recover.''

all, Frechette missed an easy shot and Surprenant ran out on him. Among a group of the University

The tournament was under the of P enn. students, who were asked, supervision of Emerson Dexter, r e- "Who is the vice-president of the nowned Irish athlete and last sea~ U. S. A." were three seniors, who son's captain of the footb8.ll team. had not the slighest idea. One said Dex announced after the meet that he knew it wasn't Roosevelt, an­in the near future he will hold an other thought it might be a guy Intra-mural billiards tournament. J named Robinson".

The law s tudents of the Universi ty Miss Mary Cruise, Jack Cronin, of Texas do not wear the usual and Edward s Bu ttgen ac t in a sl< it cap and gown at graduation. They portraying the inconsistencies in the wear linen suit;s with sun flowers in character of Woman. the lapels because the tradition be~ "The Confess ional" will be drama­gun in the '90's by the professor tized by: Martin McLaugh li n, Miss of law. He suggested- "Just as the I Claire Legris , Weeger Krauser, Miss sunflower takes in im,purities and Mary Anthony, Harold Sellers and itves off purity, as it tu.ms its Miss Evelyn Lanoue. head toward the sun, so we want Seven men have been selec ted to our lawyers to be the sim, so we entertain in a clever, joks-filled min­want our lawyers to be fair and strel : John Madig an, John Normile, square, to turn to the light and Ralph Celetto, Ray Cavanaugh, Tom bring justice to all people every- Fahey, William Fleming, and George where". Fleming.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-04-15

Library E choes

Mr. W tllhtm K...-nr1r:k, a prominent cziUc o1 tbe day. John.oon was ln­llignant a the lnj1Htice oJ Kenrlck's r ntfd•m anr.l became blghly lncenaed wb n a. young aturJ~>nt at OxlorrJ 11too~d to nt.JUcr th'! en ttcbm )D

writing a reply V> K•nr1ck's crlti­tl•rn. Voltaire s.Joo atta.cl<e<l this

r.a Wllh a.n Angel." a book o• •~­

a.y~ by &Uoc.. The 6nt Easay n

t...e brni< Ia an lmag1LAry ccnversa.­bon wtlh an Angel on Cb.aractrea

flDding the book cata-

k;gued ln rather & range company Father M Ull.IC.b wrote and recel ved lbls aeml-bu:morom letter lD reply.

Even 0. K th.etnes as tbc of one ot hl.o Weekly shows.

bas to correct bi.s ozigtnal manuscript .,.ays for 0. K's Il Is lD tbe exh!-

farn<.>Ull " Prt::fa.ce'' beUJ.use of cert.a.l:n bitlon case and lhougb mooly typed

B erchman '

ty Hold ~Ieeting

O Cl

Ci ca

l"'&.l:Cent.. and R~!qleet Car \'"o f!;J.

e. That e,·ery"One be;nn ~'1lb

himself. striving to culU,·at" e de­votion to the Blessed acrament by prayer, Holy a.so and frequent

Communion "'"" lhe tone at lhe cloo­i.n.g remarks of tbe moderator

A small but searocst group of students ma.de a bow to Clsna on

April 11, lD the CQUege Club room. ! Debater Stephent Gould, president of lhe S<>-

clety, lead the opeolog prayer and (Continued from Page 11 uocompUmr-ntary QJJusiona r:ontaJned ha..."::l many corrections l.o G. K.'s mag­th••reln. nl:icent and artlBtlc band writing

announced the topic tor discussion· "What can we do to promote de,·o-1 discussed In 34 of the platform de­lion to lhe Holy Eucharist? Wher~ bates, lhe tv.-o exceptions being lhe shall be begin?" I debates "~lh Mundelein CoUege and

A lelt•r of the Irll!h poet and cs- amounting to some very fine prlnt­~>ayl•l. Aubrey De Verc, may aJso l ing at tim~. No "walking sticks bQ .lf"·en t. lhP exhlbfUon case. De gone mad" here as William Ward Father Cracknell, the moderator, 1 llilDols Wesleyan University. From

informed the society that it is to do lhe forensic plalform, Viator sue­the work of a Eucllarlslic-Our Lady cessfully upheld lheir stand lD ~0

Vr rr· numberer:l among hla !rinds, WordRWorth, TennyROn, CardinaJ Newman and Cardinal Manning. He was rccf'"lved Into tho church 1n the rompa.ny of 'ardJnal MMning. For IWVC.ro.J ycanJ he was a. professor in the Catholic University of Dublin un<ler Cardlnal Newman.

A rlhur Chrlslophcr Benson's lel­Lf'r Ia a.J.so very 1ntc rcallng. H e wa.a prcHl dC'nt, Jcclurer and !ciJow of Mag­<lo.lrnc College, Cambridge. As s novcllal, poet s.nd biographer t.e o.chlovcd a mca...qure of fame but It IH IU! an caaaylsl that he ls best re­membered . He was an older brother of Monsignor flobc r t Hugh Benson o.nd son of the Arch~op of Cant er ­bury.

Ther e Ia an a u tograph letter from HUoJre Bclloc conceming "Converea-

said of Tennyson's writing.

ACKNOWLJl:D<l~fE'I'l'S commi ttee ; that this has the ap- of the 32 decision debates, lost lo The Ubrarla.n wishes to expres.s proval of Father Carrabine, the 11 teams and tied one. thereby

hi• appreciation lo the Rev. WaJte r moderator of Cisna. St. John Berch- ! achleviog a .645 percentage lD plat-8urpr na.nt. c. S. V., for two very man's Society is to continue as an fonn appeara.nces. The Affirmative c.. ld books ''The EngUsb Learner by organization of those who will serve I teams won .667 percent of their de­Thoma.s Ewing and a religious book. Lbt priest at Holy Mass. bates, and the Negative won .621

Also the reception of volumes The following proJects we re dis- , percent.. promised by the Rev. Stephen Moore cu..ed by the members In an lD- In tile 15 debates over Rad.lo sta­of Bloomiogton-"Tbe Post Nicene formal manner: The Roman Missal, tlon W CFL, Viator was the victor Fathers" and a set of St. 'I'homas Knights and Haodms.Jds of the lD 13, or ln .876 percent. A differ­Aquinas' "Summa Theologian." Blessed Sacrament, The Calvary ent proposition was discussed in

Reporters of Columbia University were assigned to question those whom they met about their opirtion of college students. Five out of six p(>rsons think college students a re loafer s. The sixth person questioned spoke Chloese.

Guild, eDvoUon to our Lady, and each debate. Respect for Women Crusade. W eeeg- The BerglD Debatlog Society rep· er Krauser. Raymond Cavc..naugh and resentatives defeated the following M iss Mary Anthony gave their im- school s in p latform discussions: Oli­pressions of Ciscora meetings they vet College (three times); Wheaton had attended. Coll ege; Illinois S tate Normal U D.i­

A Poster Committee is to be ap- versity (three times); Charleston pointed and the followlog subjects 1 Teachers' College; Ill!nols W esleyan


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versity; Hanov"r Colle~: Nortbw~t~ ern lllvernly, W ba..'<b CoU ; ou­,·et Colle~re: DePaul nh'lml!ly

The lone tie wa.s ~ith llli.noU. \Vt~· Iegan UD.iversity.

Over lhe radio. VIator dcleste<l. L>eKaJb Teacbe~· College (tWic ) : Olivet College; Loyola lllv<:rs!ty: Wheaton Colle~re (thrte times): Mun­deleiD College ( twice); UD.iversJty of Dlinols; Shurtlel'l' College; Elmhurt~t

College; llilnols College. VIator was defeated by DePaul and L.oyola Unl­versJUes.

The oon-decisloo plallorm dcbatt·s were with Loyola. University; .Mun· deleln College; and two debates wltb the- University of llllnois.

All students \vho milke straJgh "A's" at the University of CaJlfor­nia a.re given a refund ot $5 on their tuition fee.

Wesleyan students 1\l'e managing chapel programs fo r a. month. A Tech follower suggests cocktaJle at ten to replace chapels.

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