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Staad Pro - educadd.co.in

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Steel Design as per IS.800 Overview :STAAD. Pro (STAAD stands for Structural Analysis And Designing) is a 3D structural analysis and design soware widely used to analyze and design structures for bridges, towers, buildings, transportaon, industrial, ulity structures and building structures like culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles etc. It also allows engineers to design and analyse any type of structure through its flexible modelling environment, advanced features, and fluent data collaboraon. STAAD Pro is a comprehensive structural engineering soware from Bentley Systems that addresses all aspects of structural engineering including model development verificaon, analysis, design and review of results. Key Contents Two way slab Creang load Envelop Generang surface meshing Material specificaon Creang models using structure wiz Uniform fence & moment Stair case design Global & local co-ordinate systems Group specificaon Creang a new project using Staad pro Creang load combinaon Over head water tank Design Auto member generaon Co-ordinate systems For mulple member Add beam Staad pro editor Introducon: Staad pro Member offset Concentrated load Slab Design: One way slab Prerequisites: National Skill Development Corporation CADD Edu Leaders Through Quality Education www.educadd.co.in Duraon : 80 Hrs Staad Pro Course Objecve This course will introduce one to STAAD Pro's state of the art user interface, prevailing analysis and design engines with a sophiscated finite element (FEM), visualizaon tools, and dynamic analysis capabilies. This course train learners with various soware funconalies like model generaon and eding; loading analysis; concrete designing and introduce learners on using seismology report generaon and steel and foundaon design features. On successful compleon of the program learners can work as Structure Designers, Project Managers, Building Analysts, Quality Analysts, Bridge, Designers This course is most suited for civil and structural engineering students and professionals. Learners need to have fair idea about materials being used in building construcon. Ÿ Courseware Issued

Steel Design as per IS.800

Overview :STAAD. Pro (STAAD stands

for Structural Analysis And Designing) is a

3D structural analysis and design so�ware

widely used to analyze and design structures for

bridges, towers, buildings, transporta�on,

industrial, u�lity structures and building

structures like culverts, petrochemical plants,

tunnels, bridges, piles etc. It also allows engineers

to design and analyse any type of structure

through its flexible modelling environment,

advanced features, and fluent data collabora�on.

STAAD Pro is a comprehensive structural

engineering so�ware from Bentley Systems that

addresses all aspects of structural engineering

including model development verifica�on,

analysis, design and review of results.

Key Contents

Two way slab

Crea�ng load Envelop

Genera�ng surface meshing

Material specifica�on

Crea�ng models using structure wiz

Uniform fence & moment

Stair case design

Global & local co-ordinate systems

Group specifica�on

Crea�ng a new project using Staad pro

Crea�ng load combina�on

Over head water tank DesignAuto member genera�on

Co-ordinate systems

For mul�ple member Add beam

Staad pro editorIntroduc�on: Staad pro

Member offset

Concentrated load

Slab Design: One way slab


NationalSkill DevelopmentCorporation

CADDEduLeaders Through Quality Education

www.educadd.co.inDura�on : 80 Hrs

Staad Pro

Course Objec�veThis course will introduce one to

STAAD Pro's state of the art user

interface, prevailing analysis and

design engines with a sophis�cated

finite element (FEM), visualiza�on

t o o l s , a n d d y n a m i c a n a l y s i s

capabili�es. This course train

learners with various so�ware

func�onali�es like model genera�on

and edi�ng; loading analysis;

concrete designing and introduce

learners on using seismology report

genera�on and steel and founda�on

design features. On successful

comple�on of the program learners

can work as Structure Designers,

Project Managers, Building Analysts,

Quality Analysts, Bridge, Designers

This course is most suited for civil and

structural engineering students and

professionals. Learners need to have

fair idea about materials being used

in building construc�on.


Courseware Issued
