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Stabilization of the Emergency Patient

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  • 8/2/2019 Stabilization of the Emergency Patient


  • 8/2/2019 Stabilization of the Emergency Patient


    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 2

    Class I - most urgent, these patients must receive treatment immediately, within seconds.

    Examples include traumatic respiratory failure, cardiorespiratory arrest, airway obstruction,

    and ALL unconscious animals Class II - are those patients that require treatment within minutes. Examples include all

    patients suffering multiple injuries, shock, or bleeding, but have adequate ventilatory


    Class III - are those patients with serious injury requiring attention within an hour - these

    patients may have fractures, open wounds etc, but without active bleeding, shock, or altered


    Class IV - are those patients that require attention within a few hours and include those

    patients that present several hours following trauma, with lameness, anorexia etc

    Management of Life-Threatening Abnormalities

    Just as the primary survey, and triage classification are performed with systems oriented priorities, so is

    resuscitation. Airway disruption and blockage are the highest priority. Respiratory system difficulties not

    directly associated with airway obstruction are the next priority. Life-threatening cardiovascular

    emergencies are the third priority, and neurological function follows.

    Airway Management Priority 1: Secure a Patent Airway

    Management of Airway Obstruction -

    Etiology of airway obstruction

    Brachycephalic upper airway obstruction syndrome

    Pharyngeal trauma, basilar skull fractures, pharyngeal hematoma, or allergic reaction to an insect

    bite or sting resulting in pharyngeal edema

    Laryngeal edema

    Laryngeal paralysis

    Foreign body in pharynx, larynx, or major airway

    Neurological disorders (central or peripheral) may lead to loss of laryngeal tone and gag and swallow

    responses, resulting in airway obstruction

    Encroachment on proximal airway lumen by an extra-mural mass or foreign object

    Blood clots or mucus present in the larynx, trachea, main-stem bronchi. The source of bleeding can

    be the lungs (results in bubbles or foam seen in the trachea), trachea, larynx, or oral cavity.

    Aspiration of saliva, and/or gastric and esophageal contents may also result in airway obstruction. A

    liquid aspirate of about .25ml/kg with pH of 2.5 can produce a fatal obstructive bronchospasm, and

    acute chemical pneumonitis, direct trauma to larynx induces laryngo-spasm, trauma to airways,

    foreign body

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 3

    Clinical signs of airway obstruction

    Prolonged inspiratory phase, inspiratory dyspnea. (Note: if obstruction is present in the thoracic

    trachea, or bronchi, there is usually an expiratory component to the dyspnea) extended neck, lips

    drawn back (accessory muscles of respiration are activated)

    Cyanosis - is a late and unreliable sign of airway obstruction . The presence of cyanosis demands

    immediate action to secure the patient airway and restore ventilation Note: with complete airway

    obstruction, no breath sounds are heard on thoracic auscultation.

    Partial obstruction may not give rise to clinical signs until over 75% of the airway is compromised

    Treatment of airway obstruction

    Provide supplemental oxygen therapy at all times while evaluating respiratory function, until it is

    confirmed that the patient does not require supplemental oxygen

    Gently extend the head and neck, pull the tongue forward, and clear the mouth of blood, mucus and


    Suction the larynx if required

    Intubation (laryngoscope preferred to minimize damage to the airway during intubation)

    Sedation/anesthesia for intubation patients with airway obstruction are hypoxic and hypoxemic, and

    are EXTREMELY sensitive to the effects of anesthetic and sedative agents frequently used in

    veterinary medicine. In general, the safest anesthetic to use in the emergency is the anesthetic with

    which you are most familiar. However, some anesthetics are safer than others are. The authors

    preference is to sedate any patient in which intubation cannot be achieved without chemical

    restraint, using an intravenous bolus of diazepam at 0.1-0.3 mg/kg. If diazepam alone is insufficient

    to allow endotracheal intubation, addition of ketamine to effect (1-5 mg/kg IV), or fentanyl (1-4

    micrograms/kg IV) are preferred agents

    If orotracheal intubation is not possible, perform an emergency tracheostomy

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 4

    Procedure for Tracheostomy

    Make a ventral midline incision from the manubrium (anterior sternum) to the laryngeal cartilages

    Part the sternohyoid muscles on the midline by blunt dissection

    Continue blunt dissection down to the tracheal rings

    Blunt dissect around the circumference of the trachea, and elevate the trachea using artery forceps

    placed around the trachea

    Make an H incision through the tracheal rings, or transverse incision between tracheal rings

    Place stay sutures through the tracheal rings - one on each side of the incision

    Insert the tracheostomy tube. The tube should be 2/3 to 3/4 the diameter of the trachea, and

    should have a high volume/low pressure cuff. Only inflate the cuff if positive pressure ventilation is

    required, or if it is necessary to prevent aspiration of oropharyngeal contents.

    Fasten the tube to the patient by tying it around the patients neck with umbilical tape or gauze

    Airway Management Priority 2: Restore Normal Intra-pleural Pressure

    Pleural Space Disease - pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, hemothorax and

    diaphragmatic hernia

    Pleural space disease occurs commonly following catastrophic trauma. In addition, intrathoracic

    neoplasia, congestive heart failure, cardiac tamponade, and emphysematous bulla and all lead to the

    presence of pleural space disease in non-traumatic patients. The presence of pleural space disease

    decreases effective pulmonary reserve, and interferes with normal gas exchange and tissue perfusion and

    oxygenation. Animals suffering from pleural space disease appear anxious, and may have an exaggerated

    respiratory effort, frequently with prolonged expiration, or biphasic expiration with an abdominal grunt

    at the end of expiration.

    Pneumothorax is the most common pleural space disease encountered in patients with multi-system

    trauma. A description of the approach to pneumothorax follows

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 5


    Etiology of pneumothorax Trauma with rupture of alveoli secondary to increase in intra-thoracic pressure against a closed


    Direct penetration of thoracic wall (sharp objects, rib fractures)

    Rupture of major airway. Note that major airway rupture will also cause pneumomediastinum

    Pathophysiology of pneumothorax

    The pleural space is normally at sub-atmospheric pressure, with a small amount of fluid forming a

    cohesive bond between the lungs and parietal pleura. If air enters the pleural space, the cohesion is

    lost and the lungs collapse.

    The initial response of the patient is tachypnea, leading to decrease in blood carbon dioxide, and

    increasing blood pH. Hyperventilation increases the efficiency of gas exchange BUT it does increase

    patient energy needs, and compounds cellular hypoxia.

    As a pneumothorax becomes worse, compensatory mechanisms fail, and the patients develop

    hypercapnea, acidosis and death

    It is interesting to note that dogs and cats can increase the degree of chest wall expansion by 2.5-3.5

    x normal during compromised pulmonary function


    Open pneumothorax A pneumothorax in the presence of an open chest wound

    Closed pneumothorax A pneumothorax in the presence of an intact thoracic wall; tears in visceral

    pleura and pulmonary tissue result in pneumothorax

    Valvular pneumothorax is a form of closed pneumothorax, in which air enters the pleural cavity

    chest during inspiration. This causes a tension pneumothorax. Causes include traumatic lung injury,

    emphysematous bulla rupture, lung granulomas, and lung cysts.

    Tension pneumothorax - results in a progressive increase in intra-pleural pressure, resulting in

    impaired chest expansion, and collapse of intra-pleural blood vessels, elimination of the thoracic

    pump of venous return, decreased cardiac output, and rapid patient decompensation and death

    Clinical signs

    Clinical signs of pneumothorax include some or all of the following





    Pale mucous membranes

    Mouth breathing

    Barrel-shaped thorax

    Inspiratory +/- expiratory effort increased

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 3

    Airway Management Priority 3: Restore and Maintain Adequate Ventilation and Tidal Volume

    Administer oxygen with a mask, intranasal, or via endotracheal tube, or trans-tracheal (16-20g needle

    percutaneously into trachea if complete upper airway obstruction is present - prior to tracheostomy

    if required)

    Initiate positive pressure ventilation if indicated (See Table 1). It is important to note that

    oxygenation assessment using pulse oximetry can be misleading. Table 2 may be used as a guide to

    determine when ventilatory assistance is required. We consider ventilation in any patient that is

    receiving oxygen supplementation that has a reliable pulse oximetry reading of less than 90-94%.

    Table 1: Indications for the Provision of Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV)

    Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction

    1. Tick Paralysis2. Elapid Snake Envenomation

    3. Botulism

    4. Polyradiculoneuropathy

    5. Myasthenia Gravis

    6. Muscle relaxants

    Pulmonary Parenchymal Disease

    1. Pneumonia2. PIE

    3. Neoplasia

    4. Pulmonary edema

    5. Pulmonary interstitial disease

    Central Nervous System Disease

    1. CNS disease causing depression of

    respiratory drive

    a. Head trauma

    b. Neoplasia

    c. Drugs/medications

    d. Toxicity

    e. Seizures

    f. Infection/inflammation

    g. Cerebral edema, increased

    intracranial pressure


    1. Shock

    a. Hypovolemic shock

    b. Hemorrhagic shock

    c. Septic shock

    d. Cardiogenic shock

    e. Non-cardiogenic shock

    2. Pleural space disease

    3. Sepsis

    4. Mediastinal disease

    5. Pain

    Table 2: Interpretation of Pulse Oximetry Readings

    SaO2 PaO2 Interpretations


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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 4

    A Note about Pulmonary Contusions

    Pulmonary contusions are detrimental to the patient, because they impair the oxygenating ability of the

    lungs. Contusions result from a compression-decompression insult to the thoracic wall, and lead to direct

    pulmonary capillary disruption, and alveolar damage.


    Pulmonary contusions result in intra, and extra pulmonary hemorrhage. Hemorrhage into the alveoli

    causes interference with the gas exchange unit, causing hypoxia, and increased ventilatory rate and

    effort mediated via chemoreceptors and the respiratory centre in the brain. Bronchospasm occurs due to

    pulmonary trauma, and the presence of blood and mucus in the larger conducting airways. The

    combination of bronchospasm, and fluid in airways reduces airflow within the larger airways andbronchioles. In addition, the presence of blood and cellular debris in the distal airways dilutes surfactant,

    and results in flooding and collapse of alveoli. The net result is areas within the lung of low and no

    ventilation, ventilation-perfusion mismatching, and a reduced ability of the lungs to oxygenate blood.

    Concurrent traumatic injury to the myocardium, the presence of circulatory shock, and intra-pleural

    diseases (hemorrhage, effusion, pneumothorax, fractured ribs, diaphragmatic hernia, and flail chest) may

    also interfere with gas exchange and respiration. Within the lung tissue, a secondary inflammatory

    reaction occurs in response to extravasation of blood, concussive trauma to the lungs, and tissue hypoxia.

    This reaction is progressive over the first 24-48 hours of injury, and further impairs the ability of the lungs

    to oxygenate effectively


    The management of pulmonary contusions is based on the principles of improving tissue oxygenation,

    improving pulmonary function and gas exchange, and general supportive care.

    Fluid therapy, correction of shock fluid therapy in the patient with pulmonary contusions has

    long been controversial, due to the desire of clinicians not to flood the lungs with large

    quantities of intravenous fluid, which could potentially translocate into the pulmonary

    parenchyma and airways. To date, there are only limited numbers of studies that have evaluated

    the ideal fluid resuscitation plan in patients with pulmonary contusions. Two retrospective

    studies of clinical human patients found no correlation between the nature of fluid resuscitation,

    and the severity of pulmonary lesions found in patients. Currently there is very little evidence to

    make a strong recommendation regarding appropriate fluid therapy in patients with pulmonary

    contusions. However, an understanding of the pathophysiology of pulmonary contusions does

    justify a conservative approach. We currently recommend a carefully titrated fluid plan, to

    achieve adequate cardiac output and tissue perfusion, while avoiding excessive venous pressures.

    Flow past oxygen, nasal oxygen

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 5

    Mechanical ventilation a discussion of ventilation therapy is beyond the scope of this

    presentation, however, ventilation therapy using lung- protective ventilation techniques, +/-

    addition of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may be recommended in patients that remain

    hypoxemic despite oxygen therapy.

    Drainage of pleural fluid, stabilization of flail chest


    Complications of pulmonary contusions may include pulmonary or systemic infection, the development of

    lobar cysts, lung lobe torsion, and spontaneous pneumothorax

    For the remainder of this tutorial, we will concentrate on fluid dynamics during shock, and tissue oxygen


    Pathophysiology and Treatment of Shock

    Shock is a condition of severe hemodynamic and metabolic dysfunction, characterized by reduced tissue

    perfusion, impaired oxygen delivery, and inadequate cellular energy production.

    Many common disorders lead to shock, including those associated with severe heart failure, hypovolemia,

    peripheral vasoconstriction, thromboembolism, sepsis, hypoxia (caused by anemia, methemoglobinemia,

    carboxyhemoglobinemia), heat s tress, severe hypoglycemia, and cyanide poisoning.

    Patient acute response to circulatory failure or shock fall into the following

    phases -

    Multiple afferent stimuli, including arterial and venous pressure and volume, osmolality, pH, hypoxia,

    pain and anxiety, tissue damage, and sepsis, are all integrated by the hypothalamus, which sends signals

    to the sympathetic nervous system, and adrenal medulla. At the same time, the anterior pituitary

    initiates a cascade of hormone release in response to the injury.

    1. Activation of the autonomic nervous system sympathetic autonomic neural activity stimulation is

    immediate, and has the following effects

    a. Increased heart rate beta-1 adrenergic receptor stimulation

    b. Increased myocardial contractility beta-1 adrenergic receptor stimulation

    c. Increased cardiac output

    d. Increased peripheral vascular resistance mediated by alpha-adrenergic arterial

    construction of skin, voluntary muscle, abdominal viscera, and kidneys

    e. Increase in alveolar ventilation mediated by beta-2 adrenergic receptor stimulation

    These effects serve to maintain blood pressure, and increase heart, lung, and

    brain perfusion.

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 6

    2. Release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal glands further augments

    cardiorespiratory stimulation, and causes hyperglycemia, and elevation of plasma free fatty acids,

    which serve as an energy source during stress.

    3. Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) release of renin from the

    juxtoglomerular apparatus occurs in response to decrease pressure in the renal efferent arterioles,

    and adrenergic stimulation of the juxtoglomerular cells. Renin acts on a serum globulin called

    angiotensin, converting it to angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is in turn converted to angiotensin II by

    angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in the lungs. Angiotensin is a potent arteriolar constructor.

    Angiotensin also stimulates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands, which increases

    sodium and water reabsorbtion from the distal tubules in the kidneys, and also augments adrenaline

    secretion and stimulates ADH release.

    4. Release of Antidiuretic Hormone and Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone occurs in response to

    altered serum osmolality, baroreceptors stimulation and physiologic stress response mediated by the

    limbic system. Water retention and corticosteroid release follows.

    5. Tissue hypoxia occurs as a result of tissue vasoconstriction and reduced tissue perfusion,

    mediated by the neurohormonal responses mentioned above. Tissue hypoxia results in decreased ATP

    production, cell swelling, and the release of the metabolites of arachadonic acid, lysosomal

    enzymes, phospholipases and proteases, and oxygen free radicals. Complement and immune system

    activation may also occur in response to tissue invasion by bacteria or their toxins. These compounds

    produce a wide variety of effects, including significant pulmonary vasoconstriction, systemic

    vasodilatation, and increased capillary permeability. They are also associated with disruption of

    capillary endothelial integrity, platelet activation, and the development of disseminated

    intravascular coagulopathy.

    6. Cell and organ death occurs secondary to decreased tissue oxygen delivery, and tissue hypoxia. As

    shock progresses, marked decreases in systemic arterial blood pressure and cardiac output occur,

    forcing more tissues into anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid production. Microthrombi form in

    tissue vascular beds, slowing blood flow through tissues, leading to hyperviscosity of blood,

    hypercoagulation, and organ anoxia and death.

    Shock Effects on Organ Systems

    Shock produces different effects on different organ systems. The progression of the patient from

    apparent compensation to decompensation is accompanied by marked alterations in vital organ function

    these alterations are outlined below.

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 7


    Prolonged shock of any cause leads to a decrease in cardiac function associated with the following

    Decreased coronary perfusion

    Myocardial hypoxia

    Reduced cellular ATP production

    Metabolic acidosis

    Intracellular influx of calcium, and interference with diastolic and systolic function

    As myocardial function and compliance reduce, end diastolic pressures rise, further reducing coronary

    perfusion. Sympathetic activation of the heart increases myocardial oxygen demand in the face of

    reduced oxygen delivery. Peripheral vasoconstriction further increases left ventricular outflow impedance

    (preload). The end result is myocardial ischemia, decreased myocardial output, decreased myocardialcontractility, and the development of arrhythmias.


    Hyperventilation is common in patients with shock, and initially results from catecholamine-mediated

    stimulation. Hyperventilation initially produces a respiratory alkalosis. As shock progresses,

    hyperventilation occurs secondary to metabolic acidosis.

    Pulmonary blood flow decreases in untreated shock due to decreased venous return of blood to the heart,

    and contributes to decreased oxygen transfer at the level of the alveoli and predisposes the lungs to

    atelectasis. Respiratory failure in untreated shock is multifactorial, and is thought to arise from

    respiratory muscle fatigue secondary to ischemia and lactic acidosis, failure of the respiratory centre, and

    the development of pulmonary edema and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), characterized by

    interstitial and alveolar edema.

    Multiple pathologic factors are involved in the development of ARDS, including the following

    Increased alveolar capillary membrane permeability

    Cardiac failure leading to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure in the lungs

    Reduced Colloid Oncotic Pressure due to extravasation of plasma proteins resulting from

    increased capillary permeability

    Reduced pulmonary lymphatic function due to decreased lung compliance, and the development

    of atelectasis

    Decreased surfactant production due to hypoxia

    Loss of type I alveolar cells (gas exchange), and replacement by type II alveoli resulting in

    thickened alveolar septa and impaired gas exchange

    Complement activation, cell damage, and lysosomal enzyme release.

    Reduced pulmonary compliance, ventilation perfusion (V/Q) mismatching, and right to left

    intrapulmonary shunts

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 8

    Clinical signs include tachypnea, inspiratory crackles, hypoxemia, and depression


    Initial compensation for decreased renal blood flow is provided by efferent arteriolar constriction,

    mediated by angiotensin II, which helps to maintain glomerular filtration rate, and through redistribution

    of intra-renal blood flow to deep cortical nephrons, which is mediated by prostaglandin E 1. However, in

    untreated shock, continued afferent arteriolar constriction, renal ischemia and necrosis will occur, and is

    characterized by injured tubular epithelium, interstitial edema, tubular collapse and tubular obstruction

    with casts and cellular debris

    Gastrointestinal tract

    Liver - vasoconstriction and ischemia result in centrilobular necrosis, compromised

    reticuloendothelial cell function, allowing entry of bacteria into the systemic circulation.

    Intestine - vasoconstriction and ischemia produce intestinal mucosal hypoxia and necrosis.

    Hemorrhage and pooling of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract lumen occurs. Damage to the intestinal

    myenteric plexus results in gastrointestinal tract stasis, which enhances translocation of bacteria and

    their toxins from the intestinal lumen.

    Pancreas - intense vasoconstriction in the pancreas causes cell necrosis, release of vasoactive

    peptides, and other mediators of inflammation

    Central nervous system

    Vasodilatation of cerebral afferent vessels occurs in response to central nervous system hypoxia and

    hypercapnea. Hypoxia occurs secondary to reduced blood flow and oxygen delivery; hypercapnea occurs

    secondary to increased cerebral metabolic rate, and decreased cerebral perfusion during sustained shock.

    Cerebral blood flow remains relatively constant until systemic arterial pressure drops below 60mmHg, but

    becomes directly dependant on systemic blood pressure below this blood pressure. Note that this constant

    blood flow mechanism ceases to exist in patients with severe hypoxia, hypercapnea and cranio-cerebral


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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 9

    Specific responses for specific shock states

    Hemorrhagic shock

    Significant blood loss results in the following

    Decreased arterial blood pressure initially, followed by peripheral vasoconstriction and a return to

    normal arterial blood pressure

    Decreased cardiac output

    Decreased central venous pressure

    Decreased blood volume reduces perfusion of the lungs, brain and heart

    Increased systemic vascular resistance, heart rate, and oxygen extraction by tissues

    Physiologic responses increase myocardial contractility, heart rate, and peripheral vasoconstriction.

    If blood volume is not restored, poor tissue perfusion and inadequate tissue oxygenation lead to

    metabolic acidosis, increased lactate levels, and base deficits. The initial compensatory response

    includes increasing heart rate, and myocardial contractility, through the sympathoadrenal axis, and

    increasing systemic vascular resistance. This tends to maintain arterial pressure in the presence of

    decreasing blood flow, together with increased oxygen extraction ratios, which improve tissue

    oxygenation when blood flow is reduced. If blood loss continues, arteriolar vasodilatation caused by

    local decreases in pH due to lactic acidosis, and falling arterial blood pressure occur. Persistent

    venular constriction, sludging of blood in capillary beds, and rapid leakage of plasma into the

    interstitial compartment also occur.

    Cardiogenic shock

    Acute heart failure from causes other than heart block produce the following


    Elevated heart rate secondary to increased sympathetic neural stimulation

    Elevated central venous pressure

    Elevated oxygen extraction

    Decreased cardiac output

    Activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; hypervolemia and edema

    An improvement in survival in these patients is dependant on improving stroke volume and cardiac

    output, and hence improving tissue perfusion.

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    Sta bilization of the Emergency Patient Massey University Seminar May 2006

    Philip R Judge 2006 10

    Traumatic shock

    Traumatic shock is often complicated by hypovolemia, and sepsis. Traumatic injury on its own produces

    hemodynamic changes similar to those produced by stress and exercise.

    Increased sympathetic activity - increased heart rate, cardiac contractility.

    Increased blood pressure (especially if hemorrhage is not present)

    Decreased central venous pressure (CVP)

    Decreased systemic vascular resistance

    Decreased oxygen extraction

    Increased respiratory rate, hypocapnea and respiratory alkalosis

    Progression to decompensation occurs due to tissue injury, tissue hypoxia, release of systemic mediators

    of inflammation, sepsis, or continued hemorrhage (if present)

    The surgical operation represents a controlled form of trauma, and has been used extensively in human

    patients to study the temporal (time) patterns of circulatory dysfunction and shock. In a large study

    involving 356 high-risk elective surgical patients, survivors and non-survivors were found to have mean

    arterial blood pressure measurements and heart rates within the normal range. Peripheral

    vasoconstriction by the adreno-medullary stress response is an initial response to pain and blood loss that

    maintains blood pressure in the presence of falling blood flow. However, this vasoconstriction is uneven,

    and leads to unevenly distributed microcirculatory flow about the body. In non-survivors, prolonged stress

    and vasoconstriction preceded the development of post-operative organ failure. In the presence of

    continued hypovolemia, the stress response may lead to poor tissue perfusion, tissue hypoxia, covert

    clinical shock, and organ dysfunction and failure. Lethal circulatory dysfunction begins in the intra-

    operative period, but becomes more apparent as organs fail in later post-operative stages.

    Septic shock

    Sepsis usually has a more subtle and insidious time of onset than, for example, traumatic or hemorrhagic

    shock. Sepsis may be the primary disorder, or it may be a complication of the traumatic, post-operative,

    urologic, respiratory or internal medicine patient.

    The initial response to sepsis includes

    Increased cardiac output, tachycardia, increased cardiac contractility

    Decreased systemic vascular resistance (warm shock)

    Regardless of origin, septic shock causes maldistribution of blood flow that results in decrease in cerebral,

    renal and coronary blood flow, and effective circulating blood volume. Compensatory mechanisms include

    neurohormonal responses that increased myocardial contractility, heart rate and alveolar ventilation, and

    activation of humoral and compliment immune systems. Systemic dissemination of mediators of

    inflammation such as cytokines, nitric oxide, bacteria and their toxins, and platelet-activating factor,

    play a crucial role in the progression of sepsis to organ failure and death. In several human studies of

    patients with sepsis, cardiac output, oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption were higher than normal in

    both survivors and non-survivors. Non-survivors had values that were lower than survivors, and these

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    values fell abruptly only within the last 24 hrs prior to death. This highlights the difficulty of predicting

    survivability using methods of blood pressure and blood gas determinations, and stresses the need for

    having a high index of suspicion that sepsis will occur in a given patient. In early stages of sepsis, several

    human studies have documented improved survivability in patients aggressively treated early in the

    course of sepsis with intravenous fluid therapy and dobutamine to improve cardiac output. No

    improvement in outcome was noted in patients when this treatment was started in the middle and late

    stages of sepsis. Similar results were noted when plasma transfusions were given in early, middle and late

    stages of sepsis, with a greater improvement noted in patients when transfused early in the disease


    Decompensation of the Patient in Shock

    The initial physiologic response to shock is that of compensatory increases in cardiorespiratory

    function in an attempt to maintain tissue perfusion and ventilation and oxygenation. As mentioned

    earlier, the end result is the uneven distribution of blood flow to microcirculatory bed. When there is

    disparity between the metabolic demands of tissue or illness that overwhelms the capacity of the

    circulatory system to meet these demands, decompensation occurs. Decompensation is more likely to

    occur in those patients where there is pre-existing cardiac, pulmonary or other organ impairments.

    Tissue oxygen debt resulting from reduced tissue perfusion is the primary underlying physiological

    mechanism that subsequently leads to organ failure and death

    Arteriolar and venular constriction in renal, mesenteric, and hepatic circulation causes ischemic injury

    in these organs, cellular hypoxia, anaerobic metabolism, lactic acidosis, and release of cellular and

    bacterial mediators of inflammation. Sustained venuloconstriction, arteriolar dilation (caused by

    decreased pH, release of local vasodilator substances) increases capillary hydrostatic pressure, and

    contributes to regional extravasation of fluid into the interstitial space.

    Continued activation of immunologic mechanisms, activation of arachadonic acid cascade and increased

    release of other mediators of shock, including histamines, kinins, bradykinin, seratonin, oxygen free

    radicals, and lysosomal enzymes, perpetuate maldistribution of blood flow away from central circulation,

    and contribute to loss of intravascular fluid volume, and tissue hypoxia and death.

    Disruption to vascular wall integrity causes activation of clotting cascade, resulting in the deposition

    of fibrin thrombi throughout the vascular system, contributing to further ischaemia, hypoxia and

    acidosis. The coagulation activation eventually consumes clotting factors, resulting in systemic

    fibrinolysis and continued hemorrhage; symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC).

    Following fluid therapy, patients with postoperative, post traumatic, and volume-depleted states,

    including dehydration, may remain hypovolemic, have increased interstitial water, decreased

    intracellular water, and increased total body water. This may or may not be manifested as peripheral

    or pulmonary edema.

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    What Does the Patient in Shock Look Like?

    Symptoms of shock are indicative of decreases in tissue blood flow, exaggerated sympathetic autonomic

    responses, and the presence of circulating mediators of shock

    Symptoms of Patients with Circulatory Dysfunction


    Dry, clammy, pale, cold mucous membranes; mucous membranes may also be red and warm

    Cyanosis due to low oxygen saturation, sluggish capillary blood flow

    Slow capillary refill time due to vasoconstriction, and reduced blood volume

    Initial euphoria mediated by increased sympathetic tone, followed by mental depression due

    to hypoxia and hypotension

    Rapid pulses, becoming weak (decreased cardiac output)

    ECG changes include S-T segment slurring; ventricular premature depolarizations or

    ventricular tachycardia, especially following blunt chest trauma. Sinus tachycardia

    progressing to bradycardia is a poor prognostic sign

    Reduced urine output, reduced urine sodium, acute renal failure

    Depressed liver blood flow is characterized by centrilobular necrosis, with leakage of liver

    cytosol enzymes, and increasing blood clotting times

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    Goals of fluid therapy in Small Animal Medicine

    The primary goal of fluid therapy in illness is the delivery of oxygen to tissues

    The rationale for this goal is that oxygen delivery to tissues, and oxygen consumption are measurable

    parameters that determine whether a patient lives or dies. This has been proven in several multi-center

    randomized studies in human medicine. Time is the major factor that determines the outcome of

    intervention and therapy in patients with shock. When early, or primary events are ignored, temporal

    patterns are lost, and therapy is then directed to the consequences of, rather than the causes of,

    circulatory dysfunction.

    In order to evaluate underlying circulatory mechanisms, it is necessary to describe the time course, or

    sequence of events that has occurred in a given patient, and to differential primary events from

    secondary or tertiary events

    Intravenous fluid therapy and circulatory support is aimed at achieving the following

    I. Immediate intravascular volume resuscitation

    II. Immediate restoration of normal blood hemoglobin concentration

    III. Immediate restoration of colloid oncotic pressure

    IV. Rehydration

    V. Maintenance of fluid balance

    Although cardiac and respiratory functions are directly measurable, tissue perfusion and oxygenation are

    not quantifiable. However, tissue perfusion and oxygenation are of greater consequence in terms of

    outcome. Inadequate tissue perfusion with either low of high blood flow, leads to tissue hypoxia, which,

    when extensive in degree or protracted time, produces organ dysfunction, multiple organ failure, and

    death. When the early manifestations of shock are alleviated by therapy that is insufficient to correct

    poor tissue oxygenation, the resultant oxygen debt may not be recognized until the appearance of organ

    failure, including ARDS, sepsis, acute cardiac failure, renal failure, hepatic failure, DIC or coma.

    Tissue oxygen delivery is defined by the following equation

    Oxygen delivery (DO2) = CO x [Hb] x SaO2 x 1.3 + 0.03 x PaO 2

    The variables we can alter in this equation are

    Cardiac output (CO) is defined by the following equation

    Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate

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    Stroke volume is further defined by the following equation

    Stroke volume = end diastolic volume - end systolic volume

    Improving end diastolic volume is achieved by improving the patients volume loading. Improving end

    systolic volume is achieved by improving contractility of the heart using positive inotropes. It is possible

    to increase cardiac output by as much as 50% by using fluid therapy and positive inotropes.

    Hemoglobin concentration [Hb]

    Oxygen delivery is directly proportional to hemoglobin concentration. Hemoglobin concentration is

    approximately one third of the patients hematocrit. Optimal hemoglobin concentrations in dogs and cats

    have not been established. In humans, a hemoglobin concentration of greater than 12 g/L is considered

    optimal for patients with shock and critical illness. The optimal hematocrit for cats is 0.35, and for dogs is

    0.37. A patient with a hematocrit of lower than 0.20 will suffer from oxygen debt to tissues that is

    incompatible with normal tissue function.

    Oxygen saturation (SaO2)

    Provision of supplemental oxygen may increase the patients SaO2 by 10-12%.

    Effective Use of Fluid and Transfusion Therapy

    Fluid therapy in small animal practice is usually directed at correcting a maldistribution of blood flow due

    to many conditions, including hypovolemia, dehydration, vascular space alterations, poor cardiac

    performance, and sepsis in order to optimize tissue oxygen delivery.

    Effective Fluid Therapy

    Having considered the determinants of tissue oxygen delivery, a rational approach to fluid therapy can be

    made with the knowledge that

    1. The patient requires a functional respiratory tract

    2. The patient requires adequate cardiac output

    3. The patient requires adequate hemoglobin concentrations

    4. The patient requires appropriate vascular tone to ensure oxygenated blood is received by the tissues

    5. The patient requires adequate blood flow through capillary beds to enable oxygenated blood to be

    extracted into the tissues

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    Fluid therapy in small animal practice is usually directed at correcting a maldistribution of blood flow,

    and the improvement of tissue perfusion, so that tissue oxygen delivery can be optimized.

    Therapeutic objectives in the therapy of shock are outlined below, in order of temporal priority. At all

    times, the goals of fluid therapy are the achievement of supra-normal values of cardiac output, and

    oxygen delivery to tissues.

    1. Circulatory support begins by control of internal and external bleeding. Thereafter, the primary method

    of circulatory support is fluid therapy (except in cardiogenic shock). Intravenous fluid therapy is

    typically administered through a large bore venous catheter. Initially, a cephalic or saphenous catheter

    is used. However, if the patient is expected to remain hospitalized for longer than 24 hours, a jugular

    catheter may be placed at the earliest opportunity.

    Intravenous fluid therapy and circulatory support is aimed at achieving the following

    VI. Immediate intravascular volume resuscitation

    VII. Immediate restoration of normal blood hemoglobin concentration

    VIII. Immediate restoration of colloid oncotic pressure

    IX. Rehydration

    X. Maintenance of fluid balance

    Fluids available for resuscitation and support of the circulatory system include isotonic crystalloid

    solutions (Lactated Ringers Solution, PlasmaLyte A), hypertonic saline (administered as a 7-7.5%

    solution), and colloids (plasma, whole blood, dextran 70, pentaspan). Several comparisons between

    crystalloids and synthetic colloids have shown no difference in survival in human patients suffering

    from hypovolemic shock. However, colloids do provide superior intravascular volume support and may

    lead to a decrease in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, in experimental

    models of hemorrhagic shock, resuscitation with colloids and hypertonic saline has been shown to

    result in reduced oxygen tension and delivery to intestinal and hepatic tissues, when compared to

    resuscitation isotonic crystalloid fluids, either alone or in combination with dextran 70.

    Combinations of fluids appear to be the most effective method of providing fluid therapy, especially

    in early decompensatory (stage II) shock, end stage (stage III) shock, and shock secondary to

    dehydration and third space losses of fluids. The use of pentaspan or dextran 70 lowers the amount of

    isotonic crystalloid required by 40-60%.

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    So, how much fluid are we going to administer to our patients? This depends largely on the clinical

    state of the patient, the type of fluid lost, and the presence of shock.

    a. Fluid therapy for shock: Traditionally, it was suggested that one blood volume of

    isotonic crystalloid be administered by rapid intravenous infusion to the patient showing

    clinical signs of shock, within the first hour of patient presentation to provide

    intravascular support. More recently, the practice of small volume resuscitation with

    fluids has been advocated - that is, titrating the volume of fluid a patient receives,

    whether it be crystalloid, colloid, blood products, or a combination of these, to achieve

    a set of end-points. In the patient showing clinical signs of shock, these end-points


    i. Normal mucous membrane color

    ii. Normal heart rate, normal respiratory rate

    iii. Return of normal pulse pressuresiv. Central venous pressure of 5-10cm water

    v. Normal blood gas analysis

    vi. Establishment of normal or supra-normal urine output

    b. Fluid therapy for Rehydration administer isotonic crystalloid solutions such as

    Hartmans solution to replace hydration deficits over 6-12 hours

    c. Fluid therapy for hospital maintenance is dictated by the clinical status of the patient.

    Typically, most critically ill patients require between 1.5 and 4 times their normal daily

    intake of fluids, in order to cope with fluid losses resulting from their illness

    2. Maintenance of optimum hemoglobin concentration. The ideal packed red cell mass in critically

    ill patients is 25-27%. This level of red cell mass provides adequate blood hemoglobin concentrations,

    while producing a reduction in blood viscosity. In humans, the incidence of thromboembolism in

    critical patients is lower when patients are mildly anemic. In critically ill animals, packed red blood

    cells or whole blood should be administered to maintain a hematocrit of approximately 27%.

    Transfusion to a higher hematocrit does not improve tissue oxygen delivery significantly. The rate of

    infusion of whole blood or packed red cells should not exceed 20ml/kg/hr unless the clinical state of

    the patient dictates a faster rate of infusion is required e.g. during exsanguination following arterial

    laceration. Blood products should not be administered concurrently with calcium-containing fluids as

    calcium may cause in-line clotting of the blood product.

    3. Maintenance of colloid oncotic pressure may be achieved by using plasma products such as fresh

    frozen plasma, or by using synthetic colloids such as dextran 70 or pentaspan. Administration of

    synthetic or naturally occurring colloids aids in the maintenance of an effective colloid oncotic

    pressure within the blood vessel lumen, which, in turn influences circulating blood volume and blood

    flow, venous return, and cardiac output.

    4. Maintenance of cardiac output and tissue blood flow. This is achieved through adequate

    intravascular volume resuscitation using crystalloids and colloids, and by the use of positive

    inotropic support after the maximum effect of intravenous fluid administration has been obtained.

    How do we know when the maximal effect of intravenous fluid therapy has been reached? In most

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    emergency patients, we use an assessment of the presence or absence of the clinical signs of shock

    to determine if we have given sufficient fluid to a patient to restore normal tissue blood flow. In

    critical patients that have jugular catheter in place, measurement of central venous pressure

    provides a useful index as to the relative fullness of the vascular system. Normal central venous

    pressure in the dog is between 2 and 2 cm water. In most critically ill patients, we aim to provide

    mild hyper-volemia, and a central venous pressure of +5-+10 cm water. Central venous pressure

    should also be interpreted in conjunction with mixed venous lactate concentrations. Lactate is a bi-

    product of the anaerobic metabolism of pyruvate. Serial measurements of venous blood lactate can

    be used to assess a return of body tissues to aerobic metabolism this provides a more accurate

    measure of the success of out fluid therapy in achieving cardiac output and tissue oxygenation.

    Regardless of the monitoring technique used, failure of the patient to show signs of improving tissue

    perfusion despite seemingly adequate amounts of intravenous fluid support indicate that the

    cardiovascular system requires assistance to improve cardiac output and blood vessel tone. The mosteffective drug therapy if poor cardiac output is suspected despite adequate fluid therapy is the use

    of the positive inotropic agent dobutamine. The starting dose is 2 g/kg/min this dose is titrated

    according to the patient s tatus. Dobutamine produces marked increased in cardiac output and stroke

    volume, as well as decreases in systemic and pulmonary vascular resistances, and venous flow

    pressures. Hypotension can occur in patients that are inadequately volume resuscitated prior to

    commencement of therapy. If this occurs, the dobutamine infusion should be stopped, and the

    patient given a bolus of intravenous fluids. Dopamine also has positive inotropic properties, as well

    as being a potent vasopressor. Administration of a vasopressor such as dopamine will produce

    greater increases in blood pressure than dobutamine; however, dopamine does not improve tissue

    oxygen delivery to the same extent as dobutamine. For this reason, dobutamine is preferred over

    dopamine in the therapy of shock and circulatory dysfunction.

    How do we as clinicians decide when we have restored adequate cardiac output, tissue perfusion,

    and oxygen delivery? Without the use of pulmonary arterial catheters as are widely used in intensive

    care units in human medicine, we as veterinarians rely on measurements of clinical parameters such

    as heart rate, respiratory rate, neurological function, blood lactate levels, blood gas analysis, urine

    output and central venous and arterial blood pressure


    5. Maintenance of pulmonary function and adequate gas exchange involves the provision of oxygen

    supplementation by nasal catheter or oxygen-enriched air. Ensuring the patient has an optimal

    hemoglobin level is also critical in ensuring adequacy of gas exchange in the lungs. Mechanical

    ventilation is indicated in those patients where oxygen supplementation fails to increase SpO2 above

    90-95%, or in patients where excessive work of breathing is present. Strenuous use of the accessory

    muscles of respiration can increase oxygen consumption by 50-100%, and decrease cerebral blood

    flow by as much as 50%. In addition, any increase in the work of breathing creates a greater negative

    pressure within the thorax during inspiration, which results in an increase in impedance to ventricular

    ejection. Ventilation of these patients is critical in reducing oxygen demand, and improving cardiac

    output it could make the difference between life and death.

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    6. Maintenance of adequate mean arterial blood pressure. Hypotension is defined as a mean arterial

    pressure below 70 mm Hg, and diastolic pressures less than 50 mm Hg. How do we treat hypotension

    in the critical patient? The short answer is to administer intravenous fluid therapy until the patient is

    volume replete, and to administer a vasopressor if hypotension persists in the face of adequate

    volume resuscitation. However, alpha-adrenergic vasopressors must be used with caution, because

    they may intensify the uneven vasoconstriction produced by neural mechanisms, sepsis and critical

    illness. Vasoconstriction produced by vasopressors does raise blood pressure, but may further

    exacerbate the uneven microcirculatory flow present in patients with shock and circulatory

    dysfunction. The effect of vasopressors such as dopamine isoproterenol, and epinephrine, because

    they also have inotropic actions that improve cardiac performance, is a balance between favorable

    increase in blood pressure, and unfavorable uneven maldistribution of blood flow. If the decision is

    taken to use a vasopressor, the smallest doses needed to maintain satisfactory blood pressure should

    be used, because no amount of vasopressor can make up for inadequate blood volume. Dopamine isused at a starting dose of 1-3 g/kg/min.

    7. Maintenance of cardiac rhythm and the synergy of cardiac conduction and contraction. Cardiac

    dysrrhythmias are common in emergency and critically ill patients. Cardiac rhythm may be abnormal

    in patients due to a wide variety of causes, including the presence of cardiac disease, myocardial

    contusions, hypovolemia, pain, electrolyte and acid-base balance abnormalities, and systemic

    circulation of mediators of inflammation, infectious organisms. In all cases, a search for, and

    management of the underlying disease process that has lead to the abnormal cardiac rhythm is the

    most effective means of managing the abnormal rhythm. Many anti-arrhythmic drugs have toxic or

    undesirable side effects if they are administered inappropriately to patients. Prior to starting anti-

    arrhythmic therapy, it is therefore recommended that all patients have normal intravascular volume

    and hydration, electrolyte and acid-base status, analgesia, and adequate management of the

    underlying disease process (e.g. sepsis, infection, heart failure etc.). In addition, it is wise to

    document that the abnormal cardiac rhythm is causing hemodynamic compromise to the patient prior

    to starting anti-arrhythmic therapy, so that an assessment of the effectiveness of therapy can be

    made, using clinical parameters as well as ECG parameters.

    8. Maintenance of adequate urine volume is achieved through management of hypovolemia and

    maldistribution of blood flow as outlined above. Oliguria or anuria are managed by the addition of

    furosemide at 2-4 mg/kg IV, mannitol at 0.5 1.0 gm/kg IV over 10 minutes, and dopamine at 1-3

    g/kg/min IV. The goal is urine output of 2-4 ml/kg/hr.

    9. Body temperature control is achieved through normal tissue perfusion, and the provision of warm

    humidified air, and warming of intravenous fluids. The goal is a normal rectal temperature of 38.0-


    10. Manage sepsis through ensuring adequate tissue perfusion and tissue oxygen delivery as outlined

    above. Selection of antibiotics should be based on culture and sensitivity from isolated organisms.

    11. Maintain normal blood glucose, electrolyte, and acid-base balance electrolyte balance is essential

    to ensure normal tissue metabolism, cell function, normal cardiac rhythm and vascular tone.

    Supplementation of intravenous fluids with electrolytes such as potassium magnesium, and glucose is

    usually based on measurement of serum levels. However, because most body potassium and

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    magnesium is located within the intracellular space, serum measurements poorly reflect total body

    levels. Supplementation of potassium and magnesium may be based on expected urinary losses, or

    based on urinary electrolyte measurement.

    The Patient That Does Not Stabilize What to Do?

    Failure of a patient to show clinical signs of improvement following adequate intravenous fluid

    therapy, or stabilization of the patients clinical signs for only a short period of time indicates the

    presence of one or more of the following, and warrants immediate attention

    Greater than 40% blood loss

    Undetected ongoing hemorrhage e.g. into fracture sites, pleural cavity, abdominal cavity, fascial

    planes etc


    Aspiration pneumonia

    Pericardial effusion


    Cardiac dysrrhythmias




    Myocardial contusion

    Severe Sepsis


    The clinician should immediately mount a systematic search for the cause of the poor response to

    therapy. Use a systematic body-systems approach, beginning with the respiratory system, cardiovascular

    system, neurological system, urinary, gastrointestinal, Hematological and skeletal and muscular systems,

    in accordance with the patients clinical signs, underlying disease.

    Catastrophic hemorrhage is an immediate life-threatening abnormality and results in vascular collapse,

    decreased oxygen delivery to the tissues, and loss of blood into an anatomical area where space

    occupation by blood causes secondary cardiovascular or neurological malfunction (e.g. cardiac

    tamponade, intracranial bleeding). Cardiovascular collapse from exsanguination hemorrhage results in

    insufficient blood flow to the brain, and profound vasodilatation from persistent hypoxemia and

    hypercapnea, decreased cellular energy production, and metabolic acidosis. Animals with catastrophic

    hemorrhage may rapidly develop hypotension, bradycardia, coma, and death.

    The compensatory response to catastrophic hemorrhage depends on the rate of bleeding. Rapid

    hemorrhage in a short period of time leads to a blunting of the normal compensatory response. The

    normal response to hemorrhage is a centrally mediated sympathetic nervous system stimulation of

    contraction of venules, and splenic vessels, allowing mobilization of red blood cells pooled in these

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    areas. This response is depressed with rapid hemorrhage, due to hypoxia of the respiratory and vasomotor

    centers in the brain. In addition, species differences in splenic capacity also impact on the extent of the

    compensatory response to catastrophic hemorrhage. Dogs are able to store up to 10-20 ml/kg of blood in

    the spleen, vs. 5 ml/kg in the cat.

    Irrespective of the degree of compensation present, ongoing hemorrhage in traumatized patients will

    manifest itself in the following manner

    Progressive delay in capillary refill time

    Increased heart rate and respiratory rate (early hemorrhage)

    Decreased heart rate and respiratory rate (late hemorrhage)

    Apprehension, fright

    Progressive decrease in body temperature

    Progressive decrease in patient mentation

    Severe abdominal pain if hemorrhage is occurring into the peritoneal cavity

    Dyspnea, and respiratory distress with both intrapleural of intra-abdominal hemorrhage.

    A clinically useful rule of thumb in patients with severe trauma is as follows

    If hemorrhage is unapparent in animals presented following a history of recent trauma, it should

    be assumed that these animals have serious ongoing internal hemorrhage until proven otherwise

    Obviously, external hemorrhage is easily diagnosed. However, internal hemorrhage is hidden from sight,

    and may occur within the thorax, peritoneum, retro-peritoneum, osseofascial compartments of the

    cervical area, or at fracture sites. In traumatized patients manifesting shock without evidence of severe

    external hemorrhage, these areas must be investigated for evidence of blood accumulation.

    The management of catastrophic hemorrhage and the shock syndrome that accompanies it is outlined

    below using four basic principles

    Volume resuscitation - using blood, plasma, synthetic colloids, and hypertonic or isotonic

    crystalloids. The volume of fluid administered will vary depending on the individual patient

    requirements. Most authors currently recommend low volume resuscitation with a combination of

    blood products, synthetic colloids, and crystalloid solutions in order to reduce the chances of further

    bleeding from these patients, as their blood pressure increases following fluid therapy. Following

    definitive control of hemorrhage, patients are resuscitated to a normo or slightly hypertensive state.

    In patients with severe blood loss, restoration of intravascular blood volume is ideally obtained with

    whole blood transfusions, auto-transfusion of pooled thoracic or abdominal blood, or packed red

    blood cells and plasma/synthetic colloid.

    Rapid surgical exploration of the thorax, abdomen, or limbs - and internal control of hemorrhage

    by occlusion of the arterial blood supply leading to the site of hemorrhage

    Identification, ligation/repair of bleeding vessels. A brief outline of a suggested approach to the

    patient with an acute hemabdomen is presented below

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    Surgery of the Patient with Acute Hemabdomen

    A thorough and systematic approach to exploration of the abdominal cavity should be performed.

    Techniques of various surgeons vary - the following is a guide

    Uncontrollable arterial bleeding can temporarily be stopped by compressing the aorta cranial to the

    celiac artery. During suctioning, the entire abdominal cavity should be packed with surgical towels

    or laparotomy pads. This will control venous hemorrhage.

    The towels or pads are removed one at a time until the source of the bleeding is located. Once

    located, the source can be ligated, or affected organ, or segment of affected organ removed. It is

    best to preserve as much of a bleeding organ as possible unless it is severely injured, is infected, orpotentially neoplastic

    Once hemorrhage is controlled, each quadrant of the abdomen is carefully examined. Tissues found

    to be injured should be isolated with moist laparotomy pads prior to definitive surgical repair.

    Tissue and fluid samples should be obtained for both aerobic and anaerobic culture and sensitivity,

    and biopsies taken from liver, pancreas, kidney, stomach, small intestine, mesenteric lymph node,

    and abdominal muscle as indicated by the patients condition

    Once surgery is complete, lavage the abdomen with copious amounts of warmed 0.9% NaCl. Ensure

    complete suctioning of lavage fluid

    Placement of a jejunostomy tube, or gastrotomy tube to allow post operative feeding if a prolonged

    convalescence is anticipated, or if the patient has sepsis, or was malnourished prior to presentation

    Neurological Assessment

    Following stabilization of airway, respiratory function, and cardiovascular function, a complete

    neurological assessment of the patient should be carried out, and a coma score evaluation completed.

    Particular attention should be given to the patients level of consciousness, ocular responses, and ability

    to effectively guard its airway and prevent aspiration of gastric, esophageal, and oral secretions. In

    addition, a complete evaluation of spinal reflexes, presence of superficial, and deep pain, anal tone, and

    bladder function should be carried out and repeated if results are inconclusive at presentation.

    Subsequent neurological assessment should be scheduled every 6 -12 hours.

    1. Patients that present with seizures and status epilepticus patients that are in status

    epilepticus present a unique challenge to the emergency clinician. A protocol for management of

    seizures is included (Appendix A)

    2. Patients that present with Stupor and Coma are managed in accordance with the protocol in

    Appendix B

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    Supportive Care of the Critically Ill or Traumatized Patient

    During and following stabilization of the critically ill patient, the patient must be adequately supported to

    ensure recovery. In many instances of illness and severe trauma, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines,

    vasoactive mediators of inflammation, and infectious organisms will impact on patient recovery several

    days following the initial trauma. These mediators of systemic inflammation and sepsis cause

    maldistribution of blood flow, arteriovenous shunting of blood flow through organs such as the

    gastrointestinal tract; increased capillary permeability, and third space loss of intravascular fluid. The net

    result is decreased tissue blood flow and tissue oxygen delivery to the tissues, resulting in organ

    dysfunction and eventually organ failure. Every effort should be made to ensure that tissue oxygen

    delivery remains adequate through maintaining adequate blood pressure, central venous pressure, heart

    rate and rhythm, urine output, control of infection, and maintenance of colloid oncotic pressure and

    hemoglobin concentrations.General nursing care, including pain management, prevention of aspiration pneumonia, decubital ulcer

    prevention, and management of intestinal ileus and gastroparesis is critical in the management of these


    Early provision of nutritional support in critically ill patients has been shown to reduce mortality and

    morbidity, infection rates, and hospital stays in numerous human studies. There are currently a large

    number of human and veterinary products available for enteral nutrition in critically ill patients.

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    Appendix 1: Protocol for the Management of Seizures

    P.R. Judge,

    Animal Emergency Centre

    37 Blackburn Rd

    Mt Waverley, VIC 3149


    A seizure is a manifestation of an excessive discharge of hyper-excitable cerebrocortical neurons. The

    appearance of seizures varies with the location and extent of seizure activity. Seizures are generally

    classified according to their clinical manifestations.

    Generalized seizures have widespread onset within both cerebral hemispheres, and manifest in the

    following manner

    Loss of consciousness


    Generalized motor signs, including convulsions, tonic (sustained) or clonic (repetitive) muscle

    contractions, limb paddling, and trembling.

    Jaw chomping and facial twitching.

    Autonomic hyperactivity including pupillary dilatation, salivation, piloerection, micturition, and


    Occasionally, atonic seizures occur, which must be distinguished from syncope and narcolepsy-


    Partial seizures have a focal onset in one cerebral hemisphere, and limited spreading within the brain.

    Their occurrence indicates the presence of acquired structural deformity. Partial seizures may be either

    simple or complex, depending on whether consciousness is disturbed.

    Simple partial seizures manifest in the following manner

    Unilateral motor signs such as facial twitching, tonic or clonic movements of one or both limbs

    on one side, spasmodic turning of the head to one side. Movements are contra-lateral to the side

    of the lesion or seizures focus.

    Complex partial seizures spread to allocortical areas, and consciousness is either lost or impaired. Other

    symptoms of complex partial seizures include

    Contra-lateral or bilateral asymmetric or symmetric motor signs, usually limited to a particular

    area of the body; for example twitching, jaw chomping, tremor of the neck.

    Bizarre behaviors, growling, hissing, circling, panic, or attacking real or imaginary objects.

    Consciousness is diminished or lost, however, seizure motor activity is usually not sufficient to

    cause recumbency.

    Presence of aura. Aura corresponds to the onset of a simple partial seizure before it evolves into

    a complex partial seizure or generalized seizure.

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    Localized post-ictal motor deficits may occur in partial seizures, and occurs on the contra-lateral

    side to the seizure focus.


    Seizures result from an imbalance between the normal excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms of

    nervous tissue in the brain. Idiopathic seizures result from a functional disturbance in the

    neurons. Primary intra-cranial causes of seizures usually result from lesions that irritate the

    surrounding neurons, for example neoplasia, glial scarring following trauma. Extracranial causes

    of seizures alter brain biochemical homeostasis in favor of excitation.

    Seizures cause increased cerebral metabolic rate, increasing the rate of oxidative metabolism.

    This causes elevated carbon dioxide production, potentiating CNS acidosis and resultant CNS

    edema due to local vasodilatation. Increased cerebral metabolism results in decreasing PO2 andoxygen deficiency. Neuronal calcium concentrations increase, and arachadonic acid metabolites,

    prostaglandins, and leukotrines lead to brain edema and cell death. Elevated CSF pressure may

    also result

    Systemic signs Sympathetic nervous system activation and adrenal release of catecholamines

    result in hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hyperthermia, dehydration, lactic acidosis, cardiac

    arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, edema, and hemorrhage.



    o Secure a patent airway

    o Provide oxygen by flow past system

    o Orotracheal intubation reduces the chances of aspiration of gastric and oral secretions

    and blood


    o Assess mucous membrane color

    o If patient comatose, intubate and provide supplemental oxygen

    o If patient is semi-comatose, anesthetize with thiobarbituate or propofol, intubate and

    ventilate; provide supplemental oxygen.

    o If patient is conscious, provide oxygen if ventilating adequately; if not, consider

    anesthetizing and ventilating

    Patient Assessment

    o Airway and breathing as above

    o Auscultate heart, determine heart rate, assess pulses

    o Determine patient temperature

    o Observe the seizure - symmetrical and generalized vs. focal and asymmetrical.

    Lateralizing signs (head tilt, turning to one side, unilateral twitching or clonus) are

    suggestive of secondary epilepsy.

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    Circulation and Data Collection

    Place cephalic catheter and begin fluid therapy with LRS to replace intravascular

    volume deficits.

    Administer diazepam at 0.1-0.5 mg/kg IV (t1/2 = 15-60 min); may be repeated 2-3

    times over 5-10 minutes.

    If an intravenous line cannot be established, administer diazepam at 0.5 mg/kg per

    rectum via a tomcat catheter.

    Draw blood for CBC, glucose (stat) PCV/TP, electrolytes and biochemistry profile, and

    anticonvulsant levels (if patient is already current receiving medication).

    Obtain and ECG tracing from the patient

    Patient Management Post-Diazepam

    If diazepam is ineffective in controlling seizures, give and anticonvulsant dose of

    phenobarbital - 5mg/kg IV, and repeat every 30-40 minutes for up to 3 doses.

    Phenobarbital will take approx. 20-30 minutes to reduce seizure activity.

    If seizure clustering or status epilepticus continues, one of the following regimens may

    be used

    Midazolam 0.5 mg/kg IV bolus, followed by constant rate infusion is the

    preferred agent to use in combination with phenobarbitone and/or propofol

    Thiopental given as 2-4 mg/kg IV boluses to effect, up to 10-20 mg/kg,

    endotracheal intubation, isoflurane anesthesia. Pay attention to ventilation and


    Propofol given as 1-2 mg/kg IV boluses to effect, followed by a CRI of propofol

    at 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/min IV.

    Pentobarbital given as IV bolus of 2-6 mg/kg

    Diazepam CRI at 1-2 mg/kg/hr in a 5% dextrose solution

    NB: focal seizures can lead to life threatening hyperthermia if they are not controlled, and should be

    managed as for status epilepticus

    Correction of Underlying disease and/or Secondary Effects -

    Metabolic acidosis - will usually correct once seizures stop and with fluid and oxygen


    Hypoglycemia - treat with 0.5 g/kg of 50% dextrose, diluted to a 10% solution, and given

    slowly IV over 10 minutes. Avoid hyperglycemia as this may exacerbate toxic brain


    Hypocalcemia - give 15 mg/kg of 10% calcium gluconate IV slowly over 30 minutes.

    Thiamine deficiency in cats thiamine is administered at 2 mg/kg IM if diet or history

    (anorexia, treatment with antibiotic therapy, etc. suggestive of deficiency.

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    Hyperthermia - cold ice packs on trunk, inguinal, axilla regions, moist towels, cool fan.

    Cool body temperature to 39.5o C - hypothermia will rapidly develop if patients are

    actively cooled beyond this point.

    Gastric lavage and colonic enema for ingested toxins

    Increased intra-cranial pressure usually the result of a structural brain disease;

    manage with intravenous fluid therapy, adequate ventilation strategies, followed by

    mannitol 1 g/kg IV PRN, furosemide 2 mg/kg IV, +/- methylprednisolone sodium

    phosphate 10 mg/kg IV

    Monitoring the patient - pay close attention to the following

    Airway patency

    Ventilation - SpO2, blood gases, mucus membrane color

    Tissue perfusion - mucus membrane color, thermoregulation, blood pressure, pulsecharacter, ECG rhythm.

    Electrolytes, PCV/TP

    Neurological status - evidence of raised intracranial pressure, lateralizing signs, and

    abnormal inter- ictal signs.

    ARDS, neurogenic pulmonary edema.

    Further diagnostic testing is advised for the following patients

    Animals under 1 year of age, or older than 5 years of age

    Abnormal neurologic behavior in the inter-ictal phase

    Animals with systemic disease, animals with focal seizures

    Further diagnostic tests include

    Serum bile acids

    Ammonia tolerance test

    Abdominal ultrasound

    Thoracic radiographs

    CSF analysis

    Intracranial imaging (CT or MRI)

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    Appendix 2: Protocol for the Management of Stupor and Coma

    Philip R Judge

    Animal Emergency Centre

    37 Blackburn Rd

    Mt Waverley

    VIC 3149


    Stupor and coma are pathological abnormalities caused by an interruption in the structural, metabolic,

    and/or physiological integrity of the cerebrum or brainstem.

    Coma is characterized by an unconscious state from which the animal cannot be aroused by any externalstimuli, including those that are noxious.

    Stupor is clinically similar to coma, except that the animal can be aroused by external stimuli, but may

    quickly relapse into its sleep-like state as soon as the stimuli are withdrawn.



    o Ensure the patient has a patent airway.

    o Provide oxygen by flow-past, mask, or endotracheal tube or catheter.

    o Avoid nasal oxygen - sneezing increases intracranial pressure.

    o Intubation reduces the chances of aspiration of gastric and oral secretions and should be

    performed if the patient has depressed gag reflexes.


    In comatose patients, intubate, and provide supplemental oxygen.

    If patient is semi-comatose, anesthetize, intubate, and ventilate; provide supplemental


    If patient is conscious, provide oxygen if ventilating adequately; if not, consider

    anesthetizing and ventilating.

    Ventilate to achieve PaCO2 of 30-37 mmHg.

    Circulation -

    Place a peripheral intravenous catheter - avoid struggling and stress.

    Do not occlude jugular veins.

    Begin administration of isotonic crystalloid solution (LRS initially) until blood test results

    available, at rate of 40-60 ml/kg/hr for patients that are hypovolemic.

    Elevate the head no more than 30 degrees from horizontal to aid in increasing venous

    drainage from the brain, and reduce intracranial pressure

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    Data Collection - draw blood for the following tests - do not occlude the jugular veins - use

    peripheral vein for blood collection

    PCV/TP/Glucose - test immediately

    Electrolyte levels, full biochemical profile, CBC

    Determine serum osmolality

    Treatment - begin therapy for specific abnormalities as indicated by blood test results, for

    example hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia. If the patient is not hypernatremic,

    administration of hypertonic saline and pentaspan or dextran 70 as intravascular replacement

    fluids may improve blood flow through microvascular beds, and reduce extravasation of

    administered fluids.

    Management of Cerebral Edema - Conduct a neurologic examination, and determine the

    following Level of consciousness, pupil responses, pupil position

    Cranial nerve assessment

    Respiratory pattern

    Motor responses

    Response to noxious stimuli

    Oculocephalic reflex

    Localize lesion and determine s everity

    Record the results

    Following intravascular volume replacement therapy, treat cerebral edema using the following

    Furosemide at 1-2 mg/kg IV followed in 10 minutes by

    Mannitol 0.5 g/kg IV given over 5-10 minutes. Contraindication to mannitol administration is

    hyper-osmolality. Indications include a declining level of consciousness, evidence of

    brainstem lesion, and craniotomy.

    If poisoning is suspected cause, perform a gastric lavage, +/- activated charcoal administration

    (1-2g/kg) PO and colonic irrigation, and provide specific antidotes as indicated.

    Perform Coma Scale q 30 minutes during stabilization

    Patient Monitoring

    Turn the patient every 2-4 hours

    Eye lubricant

    Soft bedding

    Insert urinary catheter and connect to closed collection system

    Elevate head no more than 30 degrees above horizontal

    Maintain blood pressure at 100 - 120 mmHg

    Monitor LOC every 2 hours, perform coma score

    Control seizures with diazepam at 0.5-2 mg/kg IV - (caution in hepatic encephalopathy, as

    these patients are more sensitive to benzodiazepines)

    Control body temperature in low normal range

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    Monitor renal, hepatic, and gastrointestinal function

    Monitor PCV/TP/ACT

    Nutritional support is indicated if patient comatose for >12 hours

    Avoid tight cervical, thoracic, abdominal dressings

    Differential Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

    Primary Brain Disease Secondary Encephalopathy Abnormal Osmotic States

    1. Neoplasia primary or

    secondary Abscessation

    2. Hemorrhage

    3. Concussion, hematoma4. Cerebral edema

    5. Contusion - brain stem

    6. Infarction - cerebral,


    7. Degenerative disease

    8. Hydrocephalus

    9. Lysosomal Storage Diseases

    10. Lissencephalopathy

    11. Status Epilepticus

    12. Canine distemper virus

    13. Rabies

    14. Feline infectious peritonitis

    15. Fungal, protozoal and

    bacterial infections

    16. Granulomatous


    1. Renal disease (uremia,


    2. Liver disease (hypoglycemia,

    hyperammonemia)3. Pancreatic disease -

    Insulinoma, diabetes

    mellitus, hypoglycemia

    4. Myocardial disease

    ischaemic. Cardiomyopathy

    5. Hypertension

    6. Bacterial embolism

    7. Feline ischemic


    8. Anoxia

    9. Pulmonary disease

    10. Coagulopathies

    11. Nutritional deficiency


    12. Anemia, blood loss

    13. Carbon monoxide poisoning

    14. Hypoadrenocorticism

    15. Hypothyroidism

    16. Post-ictal depression

    17. Toxicity ethylene glycol,

    lead, barbituates,

    cannabinoids, alcohol

    Hyper-osmolar states

    1. Hyperglycemia

    2. Diabetes mellitus

    3. Hypernatremia4. Diarrhea

    5. Diabetes insipidus

    6. Severe water loss

    Hypo-osmolar states

    1. Water intoxication

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    Clinical Signs in Coma

    L oc at ion of Les ion Mot or Func tion Pupillar y L ight Reflex Ey e Mov ement s

    Diffuse Cerebral Disease tetraparesis, may have

    locomotor movements but

    posturalr eactions are


    normal normal but no visual




    tetraparesis, reflexes may

    be depressed

    may be normalor abnormal

    depending on etiology

    normal or abnormal

    depending on etiology

    Bilateral Tentorial


    tetraparesis, increased

    extensor tone

    (decerebrate rigidity)

    dilated or mid-position


    bilateral ventrolateral


    poor vestibular eye


    Unilateral Tentorial


    hemiparesis or

    tetraparesis, increased

    extensor tone on affected


    dilated ipsilateral ipsilateralventrolateral


    poor vestibular eye


    Brainstem Hemorrhage tetraparesis with

    decerebrate rigidity

    bilateralmidposition no vestibular eye


    may have bilatera l

    ventr olateral str abismus

    Location of Lesions Causing Stupor and Coma

    Location of lesion Possible Clinical Signs

    Cerebrum Seizures

    Normal or constricted pupils that respond to light

    Roving eye movements

    Cheyne-Stokes respirations

    Midbrain Hyperventilation

    Loss of oculocephalic response

    Negative caloric test

    Pinpoint or dilated pupils that do not respond to light

    Medulla Irregular respiration pattern

    Cardiac arrhythmias, or irregular heart rate and rhythm

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    Diagnostic Approach to the Patient with Stupor and Coma

    Stupor and coma

    History and physical examination

    No trauma Trauma

    CBC, biochemistry, urinalysis Pursue evaluation

    Normal Normal Abnormal

    Extracranial possibilities Intracranial possibilities Diabetes mellitus



    Hepatic Encephalopathy



    Hepatic Encephalopathy

    No neurological signs Neurological Signs

    Ischemia Neoplasia

    Hemorrhage Encephalitis

    Trauma Granulomatous meningoencephalitis

    Granulomatous meningoencephalitis Thiamine deficiency

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