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stand out in a crowd.pps

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Today s market is overcrowded and competitive. Everyonewants to be different from the other ,i.e., stand out fromthe crowd.

    But is everyone successful in doing this?

    Standing out from the crowd means to be yourself, beingconfident, not hesitate in speaking your mind, do thingsdifferently and/or do different things.

    It can sometimes be difficult to achieve being differentbut not impossible, if your goal is set.

    Let us look at some ways in which you can surely stand out

    from the crowd.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Everyone has a different definition for life. The veryfirst step of being different is to look at yourself andask what does standing out from the crowd mean forme?

    This involves looking at your inner self and acceptingyourself as you are.

    When you accept yourself, you gain more confidence

    and that projects through your behavior.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    The author of the famous series Harry Potter - J.K.Rowling s life was never a bed of roses.

    She wrote the very first manuscript of Harry Potter on atypewriter at a time when she was recently divorced andstruggling to work to earn for her child.

    She struggled to get her manuscript published for a wholeyear.

    She had a fighting spirit in her and a positive attitude thatdrove her to publications even after twelve rejections.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Take risks at work to show that you arenot afraid of failure but are ready tolearn from your mistakes.

    Only if you take risks will you be able todo something different and get ahead in


    Initiate- take action while everyone atwork keeps wondering over what is to bedone.Volunteer to help others in need.

    Don t keep waiting for help to come yourway, go ahead and do the work yourself.

    Fear of failure will only pull you down.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Tanya was a new employee, an outgoing

    person who was never afraid of hard work,appointed as the Corporate communicationmanager with a famous company.

    She wanted more from her workplace andwanted to be recognized by everyone.

    She made a proposal to start a new, internalchannel for the employees, where they cantake bytes from different divisional heads andshow weekly updates to each division, postedon the intranet of the company.

    Her boss gave her the chance to try the ideaout.

    She worked hard towards it and within amonth, a video was uploaded on the companyintranet.

    Thereafter every week a new video wasuploaded and this initiative was loved by all,thus making Tanya an unique employee .

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Do things differently and findnew ways of doing things thatother people are just wondering about.

    Take some unique ideas and put them into action.

    This will not only add to you being different, but willalso get you noticed by other employees and seniors.

    Another way of being innovative is to do the same taskin a different manner, i.e., to find alterative ways to getthe desired results.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Chetan Bhagat can be termed as oneof India s young, innovative writers.

    When the entire nation was eitherhung up on the internet or readingself-help books, a writer came upwith a fantastic book which studentscould relate to.

    Five Point Someone the first book byChetan Bhagat was liked by all.

    Written in simple language, it gave thetrue picture of the life of an IITian.

    His stories of young people theirfears and ambitions captivated theyoung Indians.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    By communication written/oral you can convey your ideas ,thoughts and opinionsImportance of communication can never beunderestimated.You can impress any body by giving a goodspeech/presentation or a plain memo, proposal.Communication also means being a good listenerobserving, learning

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Arjun Khanna was a bright young engineerwho was posted in the remote factory of amaintenance department.Once the CEO visited the factory and in aninformal exchange with the employees, Arjunimpressed the CEO with his ideas aboutincreasing the efficiency of the particularmachine by some innovate practice.The CEO asked him to send a one pageproposal and subsequently asked him to givea presentation to the R& D committee.His suggestions were taken into account andhe was made the part of new technologycommittee at the Head Office.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Understand people- place yourself in theother person s shoes in order to understandtheir feelings.

    Sympathy is when you listen to them but do not understand whatthey are going through.

    It is very important to make the other person feel important andunderstandable.Do not take anyone for granted as every person is important for

    the organization.

    Build a good rapport with everyone.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    A man gets in with his two sons, the sons arerunning all over the place bothering the people,this continues, so one young man finally getsirritated enough to ask the father why he doesn'tdo something to control his kids. The fatherreplies, "We just got back from the hospitalwhere their mother died. I don't know how tohandle it and I guess they don't either."Suddenly you see everything differently. That is

    the power of empathy. The same kids yelling andscreaming in the subway, but you look at themand understand them in a differently.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    It is very easy to follow thefootsteps of the crowd but it meansyou are lost in the crowd.

    Be different ..create your ownpersonality, image

    Bring out your uniqueness in you

    strengths, weaknesses, experience,talent etcHave the conviction to back youruniqueness.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Aamir Khan makes his own statements. He does not followthe trends/rules of the film industry

    He is a person who always experiments whether it is hischoice of movies, role, appearance or promotion

    Whether it is the cute college boy look of 3 idiots or therugged look in Gajani or the tough Police Officer look inTalaash . Aamir Khan makes his own style


  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Do not let the behavior of other s destroyyour inner peace; the Dalai Lama.

    There is a lot that we can learn from the lifeof His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso- the 14 th Dalai Lama.

    A man of peace, who constantly advocatesnon-violence, even during the aggressionperiod in Tibet.

    He has spread the message of non-violence, peace, understanding, universalresponsibility and compassion towards allliving beings.

  • 7/30/2019 stand out in a crowd.pps


    Standing out from the crowd doesn t mean that youwould make changes in your behavior for a few days ormonths.

    It means to be consistent and bring a good change inyour behavior for the rest of your life.

    You need to develop a strong identity that people canlook up to and count on when necessary.

    To succeed, you need to stand out from the crowd in agood, polite and correct way.
