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Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark...

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Star Wars IX The Clash of the Fates It is a period of peace and renewal throughout the galaxy. Fifteen years after the deaths of the Emperor Palpatine and his loyal servant, Darth Vader, the galaxy is in a state of renaissance as planets and star systems once again flourish under the tutelage and guardianship of the New Republic and the Jedi Knights. Unfortunately, back on Coruscant, things are not as peaceful as it would seem as the new Supreme Chancellor has uncovered a plot to overthrow his government and destroy the New Republic. As a result, he has summoned Luke Skywalker, former Tatooine farm boy and Jedi Master, back to the Core Worlds to share his suspicions. Racing back aboard his starship, little does Luke know that the Chancellor's plans to maintain peace and order in the galaxy puts the venerable Jedi Master on a collision course with his own destiny and a malignant force that threatens once and for all to return the galaxy to darkness... EXTERIOR SPACE-- PAN DOWN--to reveal the bright, shining planet of Coruscant, the seat of the galactic government. It is the jewel of the Core Worlds, and the center of the known galaxy. Coruscant is a potent symbol, the center of power, authority, and order. Whoever controls it, controls the galaxy. Hunting drums increase their beat as a large Victory-class Star Destroyer, The Republic, moves through space. As it rapidly approaches the planet, it's main hanger bay door slides open underneath the gigantic wedged-shaped ship, and four Incom X-Wing fighters scream out into the stars. Moments later, a small Lambda-class shuttle, draped in diplomatic colors, drops hundreds of feet from the star destroyer’s belly and unfolds its wings. The small shuttle's
Page 1: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

Star Wars IXThe Clash of the Fates

It is a period of peace and renewal throughout the galaxy. Fifteen years after the deaths of the Emperor Palpatine and his loyal servant, Darth Vader, the galaxy is in a state of

renaissance as planets and star systems once again flourish under the tutelage and guardianship of the New Republic and the Jedi Knights.

Unfortunately, back on Coruscant, things are not as peaceful as it would seem as the new Supreme Chancellor has uncovered a plot to overthrow his government and destroy the New Republic. As a result, he has summoned Luke Skywalker, former Tatooine farm boy

and Jedi Master, back to the Core Worlds to share his suspicions.

Racing back aboard his starship, little does Luke know that the Chancellor's plans to maintain peace and order in the galaxy puts the venerable Jedi Master on a

collision course with his own destiny and a malignant force that threatens once and for all to return the galaxy to darkness...

EXTERIOR SPACE--PAN DOWN--to reveal the bright, shining planet of Coruscant, the seat of the galactic government. It is the jewel of the Core Worlds, and the center of the known galaxy. Coruscant is a potent symbol, the center of power, authority, and order. Whoever controls it, controls the galaxy.

Hunting drums increase their beat as a large Victory-class Star Destroyer, The Republic, moves through space. As it rapidly approaches the planet, it's main hanger bay door slides open underneath the gigantic wedged-shaped ship, and four Incom X-Wing fighters scream out into the stars. Moments later, a small Lambda-class shuttle, draped in diplomatic colors, drops hundreds of feet from the star destroyer’s belly and unfolds its wings. The small shuttle's ion engines ignite, and it leaves the huge metal-gray frigate in its wake.

INTERIOR--SHUTTLE PRAXIS--COCKPITThe shuttle captain reaches for the intercom button as the huge marble-green planet fills up the entire view screen in front of him.

SHUTTLE CAPTAINCoruscant Control, this is the shuttle Praxis. We are on final approach, requesting

deactivation of the security shield.

Page 2: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

INT--CORUSCANT CONTROL COMMAND CENTERThe command center is abuzz with activity. A large screen depicting the planet outlined a by a red security web dominates the room. Off to the side, a CONTROLLER stares at his screen. He punches a button and the technical schematic of the Praxis fills his viewing consol.

CONTROLLERShuttle Praxis, deactivation of the security shield will commence upon verification of

your clearance code.

SHUTTLE CAPTAIN (voice-over)Roger, Coruscant Control. Transmitting code...now.

All eyes are focused on the controller's screen as it starts to flash: "NOMINAL."

CONTROLLERShuttle Praxis, code confirmed. Please maintain present course and speed.

The COMMAND OFFICER behind the controller turns to his aide standing next to him.

COMMAND OFFICERInform the Supreme Chancellor that he has a visitor.

The aide shouts "yes, sir" before he turns on his heels and leaves.

EXTERIOR--SPACE/CORUSCANT SKYLINEThe shuttle's engines erupt, propelling the shuttle into the planet's atmosphere. The Coruscant skyline stretches for the eye can see, and is dominated by huge kilometer skyscrapers and spares--some leveled in half, some under reconstruction, some with fully erect spires piercing the heavens. Busy and crowded lanes of traffic ferry hurried passengers back and forth through this metallic jungle of buildings and towers.

We get an awesome view of this Republic city as the shuttle snakes through the landscape. It's engines slow, and its landing claws retract as it approaches the Supreme Chancellor's Palace, a huge majestic building dominated by grandiose arches and columns.

EXT----PALACE LANDING PLATFORM--MORNINGThe sun is rising in the distance as the shuttle approaches a high-rise landing platform that is attached to the main palace via a long narrow bridge. The two pairs of X-Wing fighters on both sides of the shuttle close up rank and head back to the Republic as the Praxis' wings fold up, and the shuttle touches down with a HISS.

EXT--PALACE LANDING PLATFORM--MORNINGAcross the bridge, a large door opens and a squad of helmeted soldiers dressed in official-looking uniforms and cloaks walks out. The Republican Guard forms an honor guard by

Page 3: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

splitting into two rows and taking up positions on either side of the bridge. They are all carrying spear-length vibro-blades—highly dangerous, highly effective weapons at port arms.

A tall, thin man with gray features, hollow eyes, and a flat face waits patiently at the door as the shuttle's landing egress opens with a WHOOSH, revealing only darkness. The man is Vice Chancellor VENEER, the second man in charge of the enter Republic. Veneer's eyes steadfastly narrow as he waits patiently to greet his visitor. He swallows hard as a man dressed only in a dark cloak walks down the ramp. The wind whips up everyone's cloaks as the man purposely strides across the bridge, through the ranks of Republican Guard soldiers, and stops at Vice-Chancellor Veneer.

The dark figure bows his head at Veneer, and Veneer, in turn, bows himself, greeting his guest. He motions for the figure to follow him inside. Behind them, the soldiers close up ranks with military precision and disappear into the palace.

INT--SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALACE--ANTEROOM--DAYThe anteroom to the Supreme Chancellor's office rivals that of any museum, ornate and filled with gifts and tokens of treasures from throughout the Republic. It is in honor of Chancellor's Balin un-dying devotion to his subjects. Veneer circles around the dark figure who still hasn't lowered his hood.

VENEERWe are honored that you have come on such short notice, Master Skywalker. And I have

informed the Chancellor Balin of your arrival.

At the mention of his name, LUKE SKYWALKER, Jedi Master, lowers his hood to reveal his face. Middle-aged and dressed in black, he is not the young farm boy that he used to be, but there is still a look of innocence and wonder in his face. His homemade lightsaber dangles on his belt at his side.

VENEER (con’t)He is very insistent that he talks to you personally.

LUKEThank you, Vice-Chancellor Veneer. The Jedi will always stand ready to serve him and

the Republic.

There is an un-easy and frail smile on Veneer's face.

VENEEROf course.

LUKETell me something, Vice-Chancellor. We have been hearing rumors that the Supreme

Chancellor is on his deathbed. Is that true?

Page 4: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

Veneer composes himself before replying. He puts on a hollow smile.

VENEERI am afraid that the whole Republic is awash with innuendo regarding Chancellor Balin's health. I can sure you that he is not near death. But, he is ill. The doctors—the best in the

whole galaxy—give him at most six months.

LUKEThat is still a long time to get things done.

VENEERYes. PAUSE. Now, if you will excuse me, I shall go see if the Supreme Chancellor is

ready for you.

Luke bows his head as Veneer leaves. His eyes, however, suspiciously follow Veneer.

INT--SUPREME CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE--DAYSupreme Chancellor RAL BALIN is a distinguished-looking human in his early 80s. He is standing directly in front of a window, looking out into the distance. In the background, we see the Galactic Senate Building, left unchanged since the reign of Palaptine. Balin's face is rugged, and his hair is gray. Luke is standing behind him cloak less. Once again, the room is deftly orated.

BALINDead? No. I'm not dead. Not yet. Soon, though.

He turns around to face Luke.

BALIN (con’t)I guess the good news is that I can still make arrangements for the future. For me. For

my children. For the Republic.

Balin moves over to a couch and sits. He motions for Luke to sit down also. As he sits, a SERVING DROID wheels over with a tray of liquids, but Luke motions it away.

BALIN (con’t)Tell me something, my young Luke. What is the Republic?

Luke stares at him, confused. He doesn't understand what Balin is asking him.

BALIN (con’t)It's a simple question. One asked in civics classes throughout the galaxy. What is the


LUKEI don't...

Page 5: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

BALINOh come now! This is not some Jedi Mind Trick. No exercise in the Socratic method.

He leans toward Luke.

BALIN (con’t)What is the first thing that you think of when I ask you this?

LUKEThe people.

BALINThe people?

A smile comes across his face.

BALIN (con’t)Good. I am glad that wisdom and knowledge is not lost on today's youth...eh?

Balin stands up and starts to walk around his office. He comes to a bust of a young man. He stares at it...deep in thought. Luke recognizes it as Balin's son.

BALIN (con’t)You and I have much in common. I, the politician. You, the warrior. That is why I have called you here today. For over sixty years, I have fought for what I believed was the Republic. I watched how Palpatine caused himself to be elected Chancellor.

INTERCUT: Scenes from the Galactic Senate from Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace when Queen Amalida of Naboo calls for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Vallorium. We ANGLE on a very young and a very happy Senator Palpatine standing next to her.

BALIN (con’t)How he used deceit and lies to turn the citizens of the Republic against one another.

INTERCUT: Scenes of the Battle of Geonosis from Star Wars II Attack of the Clones when the cloned Grand Army of the Republic crushes the combined forces of the Separatists.

BALIN (con’t)How he waited for the Senate to be apathetic. How he turned deaf ears to the cries of

injustice and fairness and established his un-holy order. His reign of terror. I have witnessed how those who resisted in the Senate were arrested in the middle of the night

and never heard from again.

Page 6: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

INTERCUT: We cut to a SCENE of cloned soldiers breaking into a senator's house and hauling him away in front of his frightened and scared family. A second SCENE shows cloned guards arresting a young Senator Balin while making a speech in the Senate. We cut to another scene. This one is from Star Wars IV: A New Hope aboard the 1st Death Star when Governor Grand Moff Tarkin walks into the conference room and announces to his staff that the Emperor has just permanently disbanded the Senate.

BALIN (con’t)How he created ships of destruction, his so-called "Death Stars," and enforced edicts

against his own people.

INTERCUT: to a large fleet of Star Destroyers orbiting a planet. Princess Leia's Blockade Runner under attack in from A New Hope. The Death Star destroying Alderann. Princess Leia being lead away in handcuffs surrounded by Imperial Stormtroopers. We cut to another scene from Episode IV as a young Luke Skywalker pulls up to his uncle's home to see black billowy smoke pouring out everywhere and the skeletal remains of his aunt and uncle.


The Supreme Chancellor places a hand on his son's bust and looks out the window.

BALIN (reflective)I have seen a lot. I witnessed how a hero of the Republic was corrupted and destroyed his

own breathen.

INTERCUT: to young Padawan Anakin Skywalker rescuing Senator Amalida from the Geonosis Battle Arena. We cut to another scene of Anakin leading Jedi Knights into battle. We move to another scene from Attack of the Clones where Chancellor Palpatine talks to young Anakin in his office. We cut to the scene in Attack of the Clones where Anakin comes out of the Tuskan Raider hut after his mother dies in his arms and starts killing every Tuskan in the camp. Lastly, we cut to a scene in Revenge of the Sith where Anakin, now known as Darth Vader, leads a legion of Imperial Stormtroopers against outnumbered and retreating Jedi Knights.


BALIN (can’t)Republic battle cruisers on fire off of Balmorra. Soldiers in the snow...their blood turning

the virgin ground red.


Scenes from the Battle of Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back.

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BALIN (voice over)Anarchy in cities in the sky and death on the rich forests moons of Endor.


Scenes from the Battle of Cloud City from The Empire Strikes Back and the Battle of Endor from Return of the Jedi.


Balin with his eyes closed. The memories too painful.

BALIN (con’t)Soon, all of these moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain. Just like the dream of

the Republic, I fear, if something isn't done to insure its existence.

Luke continues to listen to him, unsure where he is going.

BALIN (con’t)I have sacrificed too much Master Skywalker to allow this dream here to be destroyed. A

dream where a free people controls his or her own destiny.

LUKESir, if I may. I really do not understand where you are heading with this.

BALINThe doctors have given me so little time left. As much as I would like it, I know that it is

less than that. I will not let my accomplishments and sacrifices go in vain. I must continue to work for the betterment of the Republic. Make sure that the people are free, and that they have a voice in their own lives. I owe it not so much as the memory of the

past, but to the dreams of the future. Dreams that are in jeopardy when the last of my breath leaves this body.

Luke stands.

LUKEWhatever the problem or situation is, I am sure that Chancellor Veneer can...

BALINI am afraid that Vice Chancellor Veneer is not a moral man. That is the problem. He is

not a man of conscious. There are many things that you don’t know about Vice-Chancellor Veneer. He is corrupt—and I have done everything that I can to expose him as such. But, my efforts have failed. In fact, as we speak here today, he plots against me. Making plans for the future after I am gone. I am afraid that he will bring back that which

we have fought against and sacrificed so much for.

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Balin shakes his head slowly.

BALIN (con’t)No. He cannot rule.

He stops for a moment. A smile appears on his face.

BALIN (con’t)But, do not get too dishearten my friend. I have a plan to make sure that it does not come

to that. A plan to make sure that Veneer will not be elected to this august post. A little clause in the Republic's Constitution. I shall resign my office and nominate my successor.

Someone who will lead the Republic and bring it to the glory that it once was.

LUKENominate? Who?

Balin stares at Luke.


BALINYou and your experience are what the Republic needs. With your wisdom and...

Luke is nervous. He starts to walk around the room. Balin's eyes follow him.

LUKEI am not a politician. I'm...I'm...

BALINYou have lead men before.

LUKEYes. On the battlefield. Not in the Senate.

BALINYou will find that there is hardly a difference. You are also the leader of the Jedi Council.

Given your training and powers, you will be able to use them to seek both peace and justice not only here in these hollow halls, but also throughout the entire galaxy. My


Balin puts his hand on Luke's shoulders.

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BALIN (con’t)Given your unique insights into the hearts and minds of men, you can guide them and

convince them to put their petty differences aside and come together for the good of the entire Republic. We do this not for ourselves, but for our posterity.

EXTERIOR--AKARIS--DAYThe desert world of Akaris is three times the deserted and desolated planet of Tatooine. Three times the heat. Three times the desperation.

The sand and mud are baked to a crisped, caked perfection. There is nothing to see for miles around. There is no sand. No wind. No water. No hope. It is a perfect place for a Jedi Master and her padawan learner.

A beautiful, tanned hand holds a large metal bar.

FEMALE VOICE (off-screen)Now remember what I told you—you must feel the Force flowing through you. Are you

ready my young Padawan?

MALE VOICE (off-screen)Yes Master.

The hand throws the metal bar high into the air. We hear the SNAP HISS of a lightsaber being ignited. The blue blade slices through the air before we hear a series of loud THUMPS hitting the ground—the metal bars.

EXTERIOR--PLANET AKARIS--ENCAMPMENTNOLA RENA, Jedi Master, late 30ish, is stunning woman with a sharp noise and flowing red hair. She looks down at the metal pieces on the ground. She turns to her Jedi Padawan, PLO TOONE, a young innocent-looking boy about nineteen years of age, who is holding his blue-bladed lightsaber at ready. His brown hair is short and he has a braided rats-tail over his shoulder. He has a giddy smile on his face. He is proud of what he has done. The two are standing amid an environmental enclosure.

RENASix pieces. Very impressive.

PLO TOONEThank you, Master Rena.

He extinguishes his lightsaber and clips it to his belt.

RENADon't get the better of yourself.

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She reaches for the smallest piece of metal—which is about a foot-long—and throws it high into the air.

RENA (con’t)If you were a true Jedi...

In a quick flash, Rena flips back her robe, and ignites her own green-bladed lightsaber. She swings it in quick fluid motion, and slices the metal pieces into SEVEN smaller pieces that embedded themselves into the ground.

RENA (con’t)...the bar would be in seven pieces.

Rena extinguishes her lightsaber and clips it back to her belt. All in a manner of milliseconds. There is a look of pure astonishment on Plo Toone's face. He has clearly learned his lesson.

RENA (con’t)You are very good. But, remember, there is always someone better. That is why I am the

Master, and you are the...

She stops. Something's not right. She looks around...and she sees nothing, but a vast wasteland. She is confused. She starts to wheeze. Her hand goes to her forehead. She wants to faint.

PLO TOONEMaster? What is it? What's wrong?

RENAA disturbance...A disturbance in the Force. Can't concentrate.

She looks around again, but once again there is nothing but vast wasteland. She grunts, and starts to sway.

Plo Toone concentrates.

PLO TOONEYes, Master. I can feel...I can feel it too.

Plo Toone also has difficulty standing. He starts to sway.

PLO TOONE (slowly and with great difficulty)I feel danger.

Rena turns around. She is about to say something when she notices something shimmering in the distance, heading straight towards her. At first, she thinks that it is a

Page 11: Star Wars IX - simplyscripts.com  · Web viewOverhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky. CORRAN. Meteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s

mirage, but it isn’t. Something or someone is heading straight for them. The thing is moving faster and faster towards them with each moment. Suddenly, we hear the ominous sound of a lightsaber igniting, and a glowing red blade swings towards them. Even before the creature has finished his leap, his presence is revealed—a figure dressed completely in black from heat to toe.

RENALook out!

Rena ignites her own lightsaber just as Plo Toone ducks out of the way. He rolls out just underneath as Rena's and the dark creature's sabers clash with sound of LIGHTNING. In an instant, Plo Toone springs to his own feet and lights his own saber.

PLO TOONEWhat is it?

RENAI don't know! Take cover! He must have used some sort of mind trick! That's why we

never saw him coming!

The warrior attacks.

RENATake cover!

The young padawan is in total shock as the two warriors start fighting. The dark creature attacks again, lunging forward with his saber out in front of him, moving one foot in front of the other. Rena is taken aback by the warrior's skill.

The creature spins for Rena's feet, but she jumps over the creature, and turns, swinging her saber. The creature blocks it, and he attacks again, driving Rena back. She stumbles on her footing, and falls to the ground. The creature brings his saber down, but Rena knocks it up one-handedly. She pushes herself up from the ground with her other hand and once again leaps over the dark creature.

In the background, Plo Toone's grip on his own lightsaber tightens as nervously awaits an opportunity to help his master. Rena steadies herself and attacks in serious motion and tempo--one, two, three, four. But, the creature deflects all of her blows without any effort. There is the sound of thunder and lightening as the two blades keep connecting. Each warrior grits their teeth as they look deep into each other's eyes. In a sudden instance, the dark creature reaches inside of his cloak with his free hand and takes out another lightsaber handle.

PLO TOONEMaster! Look out!

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But, before Rena can react, the creature ignites his other saber and stabs it into the Jedi's chest. There is a stunned look on Rena's face before she drops her lightsaber and falls to

the ground, slumping to the floor in a dead heat.


The young Jedi looks in shock at his fallen master. But, he has little time as the creature turns toward him. The young Jedi draws his saber back and waits for the creature to attack. The creature swirls the lightsabers above his head in a fluid motion, and stares directly at the young Jedi learner. The young padawan digs his heels into the ground, into an en-guard position before the dark creature leaps towards him.

EXT--JEDI PRAXIUM--YAVIN IV--NIGHTThe lush jungles of Yavin 4, and it's huge and ancient stone Massassi temples have become home to the Jedi Praxium or school where a new generation of Jedi Knights are being trained to serve the New Republic.

INT--MASSASSI TEMPLE--CORRAN HORN'S ROOM--CORRAN HORN, a Jedi in his middle 40s, is quietly mediating on a levitation circle, floating a few feet off of the ground. Horn is tall and distinguished with a rough face and black hair. His grandfather's JedCred medallion hangs around his neck. His eyes are closed, and he is at peace.

Suddenly, something is happening. He deeply exhales and he struggles to maintain control. He grits his teeth when his eyes suddenly open.

HORN (forebodingly)The Dark One is coming.

EXT--JEDI EMBASSY--DUSKThe Jedi Embassy is a massive archaic structure built on the remains of the former Jedi Temple, which was destroyed when the Emperor ruled the galaxy.

INT--HOLOCHAMBER--Luke is sitting in a comfortable chair in a dark empty room. Two three-dimensional holographic figures stand in front of him. The one on Luke's right is Corran Horn while the other is KYP DURRON, 30ish Jedi Master and former student of the Dark Side. They are both dressed in comfortable dark jump suits.

DURRON...this is unprecedented. If you do accept this position, you will have even more power

than Leia Solo had when she was Chief of State. This is a great honor. We can get much accomplished.

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HORNWe? Don't you mean you? (He turns to Luke.) My Master, we must be careful on this.

There are many in the Senate who distrust the Jedi already. If you accept this nomination, they will argue that we will be seeking to impose our will on them. The relationship

between the Senate and the Jedi has always been fragile. All this does is strains it more.

LUKEI haven't said anything yet.

DURRONLet them say what they want. We can do much to help the system.

HORNBetter the system according to your will, Master Durron? Luke, does the Jedi serve the

Republic or does the Republic serve the Jedi?

LUKEHe does have a point, Kyp. On the other hand, Master Horn, we may not have a better

opportunity. You must admit it—it is a very intriguing offer.

HORNToo intriguing if you ask me. That's why I am against it.

DURRON.If I may, since the beginning of the Republic, the Senate has looked to the Jedi to help solve its problems. We have served as peacemakers, diplomats, and warriors. Maybe,

perhaps, maybe we can solve any unnecessary problems before they begin.

HORNHow, by using our powers to influence how the Senate votes? There is an adage—power


LUKEYes, I know. But, I cannot help but feel that there is some good that can come out of this

offer. We will talk about this more when I return. May the Force be with you.

Luke expects the two Jedi to bow and leave, but they don't.

LUKEYou have more news?

INT--JEDI TEMPLE--HOLOGRAM ROOMCorran Horn and Kyp Durron stand in front of the holographic image of their master.

HORNWith your permission?

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LUKEOf course.

HORNWe have felt a great disturbance in the Force. A disturbance full of pain and anguish.

Luke closes his eyes for a moment.

LUKEYes. I have felt it too. Another Jedi and her padawan killed. By whom?

DURRONWe don't know yet. But that makes seven Jedi in the past two and half months. Two

many to be any random disturbance. It's like...It's like we're being hunted down again...one by one.

LUKEHave you felt anything?

DURRON Only the anguished cries of pain and death.

HORNAnd I am afraid that is the problem.

Luke gives them a confused look.

HORNThe biggest problem with evil is that you never know where you will find it. And I

believe that it is closer than we expect it.

EXT--KORRIBAN--DAYKorriban is a hellish planet with high velocity winds. It is a planet incapable of sustaining any life-support. Suddenly, a lone Sith Interceptor—highly advanced and sinister-looking—lands on the barren rock surface. It egress ramp falls, and the Sith Creature—its face still hidden by its black cloak—walks out towards a series of large mosque-shaped monuments.

INT--SITH MONUMENT--The inside is cold, damp, and dark. The only light comes through its open slit windows. The dark creature walks steadily, unabadated and unharmed.

INT-SITH CHAMBER--The creature walks into a highly decorated chamber and kneels before a series of steps that lead up to a throne-like chair.

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MALE-VOICE (offscreen; throaty and raspy)Rise my friend and be welcomed.

The creature rises and lowers his hood only to reveal it to be Darth Malice, a beautiful light skinned dark-haired woman. The figure on the chair stands also and steps into the light, but his face still hidden. His name is LORD MORDRED.

DARTH MALICEThank you, Lord Mordred. I bring you gifts.

Malice reaches into her cloak and pulls out two lightsaber pummels—Nora Rena's and Plo Toone’s. She kneels and places them at her master's feet. Lord Mordred stares at them for a moment and then raises his hand.

MORDREDYou have done well, Lord Malice.

The two lightsabers rise off of the ground, and with another wave of Mordred's hand, they land into a huge pile of lightsaber pummels off to the side.

MORDREDThank you. Two more to add to our collection. Come. Walk with me. We have much to


Lord Mordred starts to walk with his apprentice beside him.

LORD MORDREDOur timetable has been moved up. Our spies on Coruscant have informed me that the

Supreme Chancellor plans to nominate Skywalker to fill his position as soon as possible.

MALICEWill the Senate accept the Jedi as the Supreme Chancellor's successor?

LORD MORDREDUn-likely. They don't trust the Jedi as much as they would like to. As much as they need

to. They’ll see it as an attempt by the Jedi to take-over the Republic. In any event, Skywalker is acting exactly as I anticipated he would.

The two continue walking through the dark palace.

MALICEWhat is it that you wish for me?

They both stop at a huge, towering black-furred Wookiee—KORESH—who growls loudly at them.

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MORDREDYou are to go with Koresh here and proceed to the rendezvous point. There you will

await my orders.

MALICEAs you wish.

The Sith Apprentice and the Wookiee bow their head in compliance.

MORDREDGood. Soon the Jedi will be destroyed and I will have my revenge. Everything is

proceeding exactly as I have foreseen it.

INT--JEDI EMBASSY--CORRIDORSThe Jedi Embassy is abuzz with activity as the door to Luke's suite opens and he starts out. A male voice yells out behind him.

MALEUncle Luke! Uncle Luke!

Luke turns around to see two young Jedi running up to him. The first one is a young human male about 27-years old while the other is a Correllian male who is seven years younger.


JACEN SOLO gives his uncle a big hug.

JACENI heard that you were back. But, I just had to be sure.

LUKEI am. But only for a couple of days. How have you been Jacen?

JACENFine. Fine. Have you seen mother yet?

LUKE I was just about to go visit your mother right now. Did you honestly think that I would

visit Coruscant and not drop by and say hello?

JACENWell, I know how busy you always are.

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LUKEI am never too busy to visit my family. Speaking of which how are they? How is Jaina?

JACENThey are well. Mother is always busy, of course, working as the Special Ambassador to the Imperial Remnant, and father is still tinkering around the Falcon. Jaina is fine, also.

She is with Rogue Squadron again. I think that she likes the traveling.

The young Correllian coughs under his breath, waiting to be properly introduced.

SECOND JEDINot as much as she likes flying that X-wing of hers.

JACENOh...I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Uncle Luke. I believe that you know my apprentice,

Kam Nash.

The young KAM NASH bows slightly in front of the Jedi Master.

KAM NASHPleased to see you again, Master Skywalker. And, or course, congratulations.

LUKEOf course. Congratulations? Congratulations for what?

JACENHmm. We sort of heard about why the Supreme Chancellor wanted to speak to you.

LUKEHeard? How did you?

NASHIt is quite an honor, Master Skywalker. And quite a responsibility.

JACENObliviously, you haven't stayed on Coruscant long enough to know a couple of things. One of which is things are very rarely kept a secret. Especially when it concerns the

Supreme Chancellor.

NASHThere is an old saying, my Master. "If two people know it, it is no longer a secret."

Luke stares at the two before they start walking.

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NASHMy master and I have been talking and we believe that Vice-Chancellor Veneer quietly

slipped the reason for your visit into the media. It's all over Coruscant.

LUKEWell, it's good to know they’re people looking out for me.

The trio leaves the building, and enters a waiting air taxi. The trio sits down in the back and the air taxi takes off, flying in between the tall buildings.

JACENWell, Uncle Luke, we don't believe so. We think that the Vice-Chancellor is trying to undercut Chancellor Balin's announcement so that he can dump you and find a more

suitable replacement.

NASHThe rumors that we have been hearing is the Senate already wants to hold hearings into

whether or not Chancellor Balin is acting in accordance with the Constitution.

JACENAnd that takes lawyers and judges and delays.

LUKEI didn't say that I would take the job. I'm just saying that I'll think it over.

JACENWell, with do respect uncle, the more you think it over, the more those in Senate who

oppose the Jedi grow stronger.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--EVENINGThe air taxi continues flying through the crowded skyline of Coruscant until it comes to a huge towering and regal apartment building. The air taxi lands on a platform and the three Jedi leave the vehicle.

EXT--YAVIN 4--TEMPLE COURTYARD--DUSKIt is the time for vespers, and the Jedi are preparing to mediate for the evening.

HORNI don't like it. I have a bad feeling about the whole entire situation.

DURRONI don't see what is wrong with it. Personally, I am surprised that it hasn't happened earlier. Master Skywalker will make a great Chancellor. He clearly has the skills and the wisdom to be a great leader. You haven't made such a fuss about this when his sister was Chief of


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HORNLeia Organa Solo is not a full-fledged Jedi. Remember, she hasn't taken the trials, has yet

to take on a Padawan learner, and doesn't even carry a lightsaber. She is totally un-like her brother when it comes to the mastery of the Force and has completely lost all interest in furthering her training. To compare her to her brother is a mistake. Luke Skywalker’s

been more powerful in the Force since the beginning, and like his father before him, more susceptible to the Dark Side. A person with so much power...there is a chance of

corruption once again.

DURRONThat's preposterous. The people are with us.

HORNAnd don't try to sugarcoat this, Kyp. The Republic has no love for us. They were barely behind us when the Vong took over half of the galaxy. What makes you think that they

will love us now?

The two Jedi Masters size each other up. Clearly, there is no love lost between them.

HORNBesides, I know why you really want Luke to become Chancellor.

DURRONYes. I think that he would make an excellent leader for the Republic. We have been

waiting for a leader like him for the longest time.

HORNWe or you?

DURRONWhat do you mean?

HORNYou know full well that the Code forbids taking on another position of responsibility. If

Luke accepts Chancellor Balin's offer, he will have to resign from the Jedi Council, leaving you in a position to take his place.

A chilling smile appears on Kyp's face.

DURRONIt's not that I love Luke less. But, I love the Council more.

HORNWell, I am afraid that the Council will be no more if we don't discover the identity of this

mysterious attacker.

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DURRONDo you have any idea who it could be?

HORNMy instincts tell me only one thing.

DURRONWho? Surely not the Sith? They were destroyed with Palaptine. They cannot be a threat

to us now.

HORNSo sure you are, hmm? Given the nature between good and evil, there cannot be one

without the other.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--SOLO APARTMENT--NIGHTPrincess Leia Organa Solo greets her brother with a warm hug. The apartment is huge, but messy with clothes and large metallic suitcases thrown about everywhere. Jacen hugs his mother and then motions for Kam to follow him into the kitchen.

LEIALuke! Long time no see, huh? How are you doing? How are Mara and my nephew doing?

LUKEThey are both fine. You know how it is. This is a very dangerous time for Ben. So, Mara took him someplace...out of the way...so no one can find him. I would've wished that she had brought him here to the Embassy, but from what I hear, Coruscant is going to be very


A C-3PO-type protocol droid is carrying a large pile of clothes towards Leia. She motions for it to put them into a luggage box. She goes about straightening out clothes.

LEIAYes, I know. I heard.

LUKEHow did...? You know I am not going to ask.

Luke sits down and takes a deep breath.LUKE

What am I going to do? I don't know. One half tells me to do it while the other half tells me not to do it. That I'm just asking for trouble. Jacen even told me that half the Senate is

plotting against me, and I haven't even said "yes" yet.

LEIAIt's a difficult choice, and a very difficult job. Not one entered into lightly. And you are

talking to one who came from the world of politics ever since she was born.

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C-3PO and his counterpart, R2-D2 enters.

C-3POOh Master Luke. It is so good to see you again. Isn't that right Artoo?

The little droid beeps “hello” before following C-3PO into the other room. Luke nods “hello” to C-3PO.

LUKEWell, I didn't. I grew up around sand and moisture vaporators and...and...ahh...Jawas and

Tuskan Raiders...

LEIAWell, sometimes there is hardly a difference between the two.

She puts another set of clothing into a travel box.

LUKEWhat's this?

LEIAOfficial New Republic mission. Even though I am officially retired, Chancellor Balin

asked me to go on a diplomatic mission for him. Since it was I who negotiated the peace treaty with the Imperial Remnant, they want me to keep the diplomatic lines of

communication opening. Given the weakened state of the Imperial fleet, they fear that Admiral Pellaeon could be overthrown. They want me to keep the pressure on the

Admiral so he will be able to hunt down and pacify those renegade elements that think that the Emperor will rise again and restore the Empire to its former glory.

LUKEThe Empire won't rise again unless they have a strong visible figure to lead them. Like

the Emperor or Thrawn.

LEIAI know. But it helps to have allies. You never know when you may need them.

EXT--DOCKING BAY--NIGHTLuke walks through a narrow passageway that opens to reveal a large cavernous bay that is currently the home for a large, round, beat-up, pieced together hulk of a spaceship that Han Solo calls the Millennium Falcon.

Luke looks around, but sees nobody. He stops at the bottom of the egress ramp, and listens. Suddenly, we see large flashes of blue lightening inside the ship, and we hear a loud scream of frustration and anger. Luke smiles and shakes his head.

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INT--MILLENNIUM FALCON--MAIN HOLDLuke stops at the top and the ramp and finds HAN SOLO standing in a maintenance pit in the main hold. A Rodian mechanic dressed in overalls is standing right above him.

HANWhat? You did what?

RODIAN (subtitled in English)I switched the lifters on the sub-space assembly.

HANWhy did you do that? Did I tell you to do that?

Luke clears his throat. A very pissed off Han Solo turns around.

HANHi, kid, how's it going?


Even before Luke can finish his sentence, Han turns around.

HANNow, listen, when I hired you guys, you told me that you knew what you were doing.

The Rodian just stares back at him with an empty expression on his face. Han throws up his hands in disgust.

HANOkay...okay. As soon as I get done with the inertial dampers we'll take a look at the


Han raises himself out of the hold.

HANTell you men to take five...and don't touch anything else.

The Rodian leaves as both Han and Luke take seats across from each other at the game table.

HANHey kid, how's it going?


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HANYeah, I know what you mean.

LUKELet me guess. The hyperdrive.

LUKEIf there is one constant in the universe, it's that things never work when you want them to.

LUKEYou should tell that to Artoo.

HANWhere are those two, anyways? They can help me better than that Rodian and his cronies

I hired from that garage. I could even put up with --3PO. Well, for a while anyway.

LUKEThey are back at the apartment helping your wife pack.

HANIf only Chewie...

There is a moment of reflective silence over their dear departed friend.

LUKEI know.

HANSo, what are you up to these days, kid? Or shall I call you Mr. President?

LUKELeia told you didn't she?

HANOne of the benefits of being the husband of a New Republic politico. You get to know all

of the juicy details before the common folk do.

Han grabs a rag and starts to clean his hands.

HANSo, what are you going to do?

LUKEI don't know.

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HANIf you want my advice, and trust me, being the husband of a former Chief of State, I would decline it. You don't want that job. It's like being the biggest whomp rat in the

entire galaxy. You argue most of the time, cannot get anything done, and nobody is ever to be your friend.

LUKEIt's a little bit more complicated than that.

HANThe Jedi thing?

LUKEYeah. I always wanted the Jedi to be free of politics. To be independent. To not to take sides. The Empire happened because the Jedi got too involved in the internal policies of

the Republic. We can hold a lot of sway.

HANEspecially at the business end of lightsaber.

Luke nods in agreement.

HANBut, isn't it just a matter of who holds the power? You know, I'll never understand it. The Jedi have the power to do great things, but you're always too afraid to do it. I mean you

all can't turn into Darth Vader, can you?

Luke gives Han a scowl look. Clearly Darth Vader is a touchy subject.

HANHey, Luke. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to open old wounds.

LUKENo. It's all right. I mean...I think that is basically the problem.

HANWhat do you mean?

LUKEYou don't think that I don't know people look at me as Darth Vader's son instead of

Anakin Skywalker's?

HANTo be truthful, kid, if my father turned out to be one of galaxy's biggest bad, do you think

that I would go around mentioning it? It doesn't exactly look great on a resume.

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Luke hunches his shoulders.

LUKE (reflectively)You know, Han. When I first found out that Darth Vader was my father, I thought that it was a cruel, awful joke. It was as if my worst nightmare had come true. He told me that we could rule the galaxy together. Just the two of us. Father and son. I was so shocked that I didn't want to believe him. But, somehow, I knew that it was true. Even before I

asked Yoda and Ben about it. I told them...I told them that I couldn't kill my own father...no matter how evil he was.

HANLucky for you. I never knew my father.

Luke stands and starts to pace.

LUKEWhen the Supreme Chancellor told me that he wanted me to take his place, I just froze, realizing how simple I could become my father. How evil I could become. I truly never

forgave him for all the evil that he has done. I don't think that I ever could.

HANWell, this is going to go over real well in the Senate, anyway. So, I really wouldn't worry

about it.

Luke stops.

LUKEHan, do you believe in redemption?

The two look at each other understanding what he means.

HANAll I know is this, kid. Remember, when I was in carbonite? When I was going down into

that pit on Cloud City, I thought, "This is it." After all the scamming and the conning, this was how a useless orphan who cared for nothing but himself ended up. Halfway

between life and death. There was no slick trick, no quick draw of the cards, no jumping into hyperspace that was going to get me out of this one.

Han stops for a moment as Luke looks at him, sullen.

HANThe kick of it was that after I got the hyperdrive fixed, I was going to drop the Princess off at the Rebel fleet and take off. I was going to pay off Jabba the Hutt in whatever I

could, and then just spend the rest of my days smuggling whatever I could get my hands on. I mean, I had no family. Outside of Chewie, anyway. What was I to do? I certainly never saw myself as a husband or a father or a respectable member of society. I was a

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scoundrel. But, as I was going down into that pit, I made a promise to myself that if I ever got out of that living hell, I would change. And when you guys came and rescued me...

Han starts to get emotional. No crying, but he gets overwhelmed.

HANAnyways, Han Solo always pays his debts...one way or the other. And I owed you guys.

Especially after all the times that I got you and Leia out of trouble. That meant something. If it had been just regular smugglers that I hung around with...you know the type...the kind that hung around Mos Eisley, they would've left me to hang on Jabba's wall for the rest of my life. I guess that the opportunity for redemption just presented

itself and I grabbed on.

INT--GALATIC SENATE--VISTOR LOUNGEThe Senate chambers are filled with activity as thousands of Senators, Dignitaries, and Pages from different systems and species work the vast majestic dome. In the center, a tiny empty platform awaits the arrival of the President of the Senate to call the august body to order so it can begin its day's business.

Off to the sides is the Special Visitor Section. More or less, it is composed of huge luxuries lounges complete with the regalia and trappings of being a "Special Vistor." A huge view screen dominates one wall while several small video screens for private viewing are incorporated into the backs of the regal lounge seats.

LANDO CALRISSIAN, card-shark, cutthroat, scoundrel, businessman and hero of the Republic, sits patiently in the front row of one of the visitor lounges to get the best possible view. Three beautiful, exquisite blonde triplets—Thalia, Nadia, and Alguria—dressed in slinky comfort dresses are sitting beside him. They are his “traveling companions,” and they are in total awe of the power that they see in front of them.

Lando, being Lando, is calm, collective, laid back. This is nothing compared to some of the other arenas he has seen in his life.


The door opens behind him and Luke Skywalker strides in, purposefully. C-3P0, R2-D2, Jacen and Kam Nash enter after him. Luke has the look of anticipated drama on his face as he enters.


Lando rises and walks over to his friend.

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They shake hands. Immediately, the three blondes start to check Luke out. They start to talk among themselves, pointing at someone behind him.

LUKEWhat are you doing here?

LANDOYou know me, kid. I like to be where the action is.

LUKE (suspiciously)And when you heard that power in the galaxy might change hands, you just wanted to

show your support?

Lando points innocently to himself, mouthing "Me?"

LANDOWhen are you Jedi going to start believing that everyone is not always out for him- or herself? I just wanted to see how my buddy is. And tell him that if he ever needs my


He pats Luke on his arm. Behind Lando, the triplets start to devilishly flirt with someone behind Luke. Thalia and Nadia rush over to C-3PO and start rubbing their hands all over his gold body.

THALIAOh…and what is your name?

C-3POAhh…ahh…How do you do? My name is C-3PO. Human/cyborg relations.

NADIARelations? What kind of relations? We just love strong handsome men like you.

THALIAAnd gold. Who doesn’t love gold?

C-3POYes. thank you…ahh.. I am programmed and fluent in over six million forms of


NADIADon’t you think that languages are so exciting?

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C-3POWell…ahh…they do have their place….oh dear…well, I am glad that I am not naked.

Alguria goes over to R2-D2. The little droid starts to whistle and get nervous.

ALGURIAI don’t know about you two, but I like the little one better. He’s just so cute…

She draws her hand over R2’s top, and his head starts to spin around.

ALGUIRAAnd remember, girls, size isn’t all that important.

The two droids start to get flummoxed before the attention goes back to Luke and Lando.

LUKEUh-huh? And, of course, if you can benefit off of this transfer of power...New trade

routes? New employment laws regarding miners? Maybe a nice juicy tax cut to "stimulate" the economy?

LANDOI am just a citizen of the Republic exercising his constitutional right to participate in his


LUKEThan why don’t you run for Supreme Chancellor?

Lando pulls him close.

LANDOLet me tell you something about politics, my friend. Everyone says that it is important to know who your enemies are. I say it is better to know who your friends are because you

can never trust your enemies in the first place.

LUKE (smiling)Spoken like a true con artist. Thanks for being here. I would stick close. I have a feeling

that it is going to get interesting very soon.

The Senate chambers are filled with activity. The doors open again, and Chancellor Balin walks in…by himself. Luke goes to him.

LUKEChancellor Balin, where are your bodyguards? You shouldn’t be walking around

unprotected like that.

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BALINI do have the Republican Guard but most of the time they are nuisances. It is absolute

insane to put your life into the hands of others. All that someone needs is a willingness to trade his life for mine. The lottery of my destiny Bars me the right of voluntary choosing.

Luke looks grim faced as Balin takes a seat up front. He sits down right next to him.

BALIN (cont)Shh...The President of the Senate is calling the session to order.

The view screen off to the side comes on, and the President of the Senate, Vice-Chancellor Veneer approaches his podium. Everyone else takes his or her seat.


VENEERThe Chair recognizes the Senator from the Sovereign System of Polan, Senator Brin.


BALINNow, keep your eyes on Senator Brin. He is lean and hungry. And an important ally of

the Vice-Chancellor's.

INT--GALATIC SENATE--SENATOR BRIN'S BOOTH--DAYA middle-aged human male, Senator Brin touches the control panel and his booth starts to float around the huge Senate gallery. Two small, robotic Senate cams follow him. He speaks directly out to the Senate.

SENATOR BRINFriends, Senators, Fellow Citizens, lend me your ears. It is with great reluctance that I have called this session today to announce to you that I have uncovered secret plans

enacted by the Supreme Chancellor to subvert the Constitution and cement his power and his influence long after his own demise. It is a bloodless coup; mind you, but

nevertheless, an ugly and real one. It has been discovered that Chancellor Balin is planning to subvert the power of the Supreme Constitution and appoint--without the

designs of the democratic process--his own successor.

Throughout the entire Senate, people start to stir.

BRIN (con’t)And to complicate the matters at hands, it has been discovered that his replacement has

already been selected. And he is none other than a Jedi Master. One Jedi Master in particular. Luke Skywalker...the son of Darth Vader, the Republic's greatest enemy!

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The President of the Senate bangs his gavel. The chamber quiets down.

SENATOR BRINNow, the Jedi Order has existed since the beginning of the Republic. In fact, I would dare

say that the Republic wouldn't exist with the Jedi's help and protection. But, how much do we really know about the Jedi? In the past, they have always been there to answer the

call of the Republic, but what about the future? A future in which they rule? A future where the son of Vader is in charge? Now, the Jedi claim to be independent of politics. But, have they become too independent? Too secretive? We all know deep down inside

that they have all become a cult of superheroes...or dare I say...gods? Hiding in their towers brandishing their authority and power as they do their lightsabers. I need not

remind this August body that when the Vong attacked us from beyond the galaxy, the Jedi refused to listen to the wisdom of the Senate and foolishly attacked them. It was the

Jedi who placed it upon themselves as saviors of the Republic, bypassing any and all input from the Senate. Is this a sign of things to come? And who was in charge of the Jedi

at this time? Who leads them in their moment of glory? Luke Skywalker. We all knew what happened the last time Palaptine put the Jedi in charge of the Republic. Tell me,

Master Skywalker. How many people did your father really kill?

A second platform rushes into the middle of Senate Rotunda, carrying the JEDI AMBASSADOR TO THE REPULIC, SENATOR SKAROO. He is a distinguished man in his early sixties with a commanding voice and ebony skin.

SENATOR SKARROI object to this un-called for attack upon Master Skywalker and the Jedi.

The two Senators eye each other with steel in their eyes. Clearly, this isn't the 1st confrontation between the two.

SKARRO (continued)The esteemed Senator is shameless in both his accusations and his remembrance of the

past! The Jedi are honorable servants of the people, dedicated to peace and justice in the galaxy. For over a thousand generations, they have performed this duty admirable.

Without the hint of reward or remuneration. Never once have they sought to expand their power or influence. The Jedi serves the Republic and the Republic serves the people.

There has never been a more dedicated group of individuals who have sacrificed not only their fortunes abet their lives to see that the Republic remains strong and free. In fact, it is

Master Skywalker who has sacrificed the most of any of us. His own father--corrupted and destroyed as a rational and loving man by a sinister charlatan who--I say for

everyone here--fooled us all with his promises of peace and order. His sister's world--her own people--wiped out in an instance by the Death Star. His own beloved Uncle and

Aunt, killed by the Emperor's own troops. His entire life changed in an instant by the evil that he has dedicated to destroy. It was he who returned the Jedi to their rightful place as

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Protectors of the Republic. He has given more to this idea, this notion, that people should rightful govern themselves than anyone of us in this esteemed body...including may I say

my colleague Senator Brin...

CUT TO: Senator Brin, standing headfast against any accusations.

SKARRO (continued)...who may we never forget was himself a member of the Peace Brigade. Peace, my

fellow Senators, is a noble idea, but to surrender your core ideas in the hopes that the enemy may spare you is not courageous but brazen and foolhardily. Time and time again

Luke Skywalker has risked his own life AND the lives of his friends to see that justice and freedom reign throughout the galaxy. Why, he is one of the Republic's greatest


SENATOR BRINAnd, so was his father before he betrayed us and swore allegiance to the Emperor!

Once again, the Senate breaks out into a ferocious chaos. Vice-Chancellor Veneer starts banging his gavel and cries out for order.


BALIN (wide-eyed)Well...I do believe that I have seen enough of this spectacle.

Luke, Lando, and Balin leave the booth with Jacen and Kam following close behind.

EXT--FREEDOM PLAZA--DAYThe group starts to walk across Freedom Plaza where the statutes of the Heroes of the Republic stand.

BALINTell me, young Luke, what do you think?

LUKEIf that was what a typical day was like, then I don't want any part of it.

BALINSo, you have been thinking about my offer?

LUKETruthfully? Yes. Maybe...maybe I can do some good for the Republic. But, my only

concerns are those in the Senate who hate the Jedi. I'm a uniter, not a divider.

BALIN (smiling)Is that you campaign slogan?

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The group continues walking toward the far side of the plaza.

EXT--OPPOSITE SIDE OF FREEDOM PLAZA--DAYA pair of hands opens a metal case. The components of a blaster rifle are inside. The hands reach forward and take out the main body of the rifle. Then they reach in for the long barrel and connect it to the rifle.



BALINYou have to understand how politics works. It's not all show. It's not all shaking hands

and kissing babies. It's about making most of the people happy...not everybody.

CUT TO:The hands slide a telescopic scope onto the top of the long-range rifle. It CLICKS into place. The hands turn the scope on and it starts to WHIRRR. We POV--peer the through the crosshairs of the scope. It looks directly down into the crowd in Freedom Plaza.


BALINThat is the nature of politics. That is the nature of life.

LUKEWhat about compromise? Building consensus?

BALINAlso, a necessity. But, compromise is nothing but a tool to accomplish an end.


POV-- THROUGH THE TELESCOPIC LENS. The view keeps on moving until it settles on the dark cloak of Luke Skywalker. The crosshairs tighten around the Jedi Master. A man's THUMB flicks the safety switch to "OFF."


BALINBut, the trick there is not to compromise on those things that you believe in. Don't let

others interfere with your destiny.

Luke turns just as a blast of light hits the Chancellor. He falls in slow motion. Luke is stunned, frozen in time as everybody reacts.

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LANDOSniper! Take cover!

Lando pushes Luke out of the way just as a furry of laser blasts hit all around him. Luke falls on the Supreme Chancellor, covering him from more deadly fire. Both Jacen and Kam ignite their lightsabers and parry into an en guard position, waiting to deflect anymore laser blasts that come their way.

KAM (pointing)There! Over there! On the top of the building!

Everyone turns to see a red-cloaked man running away from the scene with a large sniper rifle in his hand. Kam extinguishes his lightsaber and takes off in the direction of the

running man.

JACENKam! Wait!

But, it is too late as Kam runs across the Plaza. Jacen runs after him. Meanwhile, Lando crawls over to where Luke is covering the Chancellor's body.

LANDOLuke? Luke? Are you okay?

Luke rolls off of the Chancellor and pats himself down.

LUKEI'm fine. I'm fine. Chancellor Balin!

Luke rolls the Chancellor onto his back. His face is ashen. A river of blood and froth trickles down from his mouth. There is a huge blaster wound in the middle of Balin's chest. Luke covers the wound and starts to apply direct pressure.

EXT--CORUSCANT STREET--DOWN THE AVENUE--EVENINGThe two young Jedi continue to chase the assassin with their lightsabers in their hands. Using the Force, Jacen and Kam both Jedi-jump onto a gantry way and run towards the rooftops, once again igniting their lightsabers on the way.

EXT--BUILDING ROOFTOPS--The assassin continues to run, but stops and spins on his heels, sending a volume of laser fire towards the two on-coming Jedi. The two continue running as they harmlessly deflect the laser bolts off to the side.

EXT--FREEDOM PLAZAA blue-coated Medical skiff circles and lands near the crowd that has gathered around the fallen Supreme Chancellor. Security guards keep the crowds at bay as Luke gathers up

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his cloak and places it underneath Balin's head. A pool of blood is collecting underneath the prone Chancellor. Lando peaks underneath Balin's robes. He shakes his head "no" at Luke.

LUKESomeone get a doctor! The Supreme Chancellor's been wounded.

BALINNo...no...it's too late. It’s too late. It's time...it's time for me to go.

He looks at Luke.

BALINThis is such a beautiful city...look at it will you? Look at what we have created.

Only...only a free people could've created this...

Luke continues cradling the Chancellor's head.

BALIN (warning)Don't let them take it away from us. Promise me?

LUKE (serious)I won't. I promise.

BALINThe Republic stands for so much. I won't...

Balin reacts as another spasm shoots through his body. He smiles as he starts to stroke Luke hair. The Chancellor then lets out a cry and then collapses. Suddenly, the doctor and medical team surround the Chancellor, and we PULL BACK from ABOVE to see the lifeless body of Chancellor Balin lying in a pool of his own dark blood.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--EVENINGThe two Jedi continue running along the rooftops. Down the way, the red-cloaked man continues his escape as he crosses over a connecting bridge between buildings. Two Republic single-seat CLOUD SKIMMERS fly into view, ready to cut the assassin off.

INT-SKY-CAR COCKPIT 1--The pilot tracks the assassin on his screen.

PILOTRoger control. I have the suspect in my sights. He is running along the south side of

building, heading away from the plaza. We have him.

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EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--Seeing the cloud-skimmers, the cloaked man turns on his heels, and fires one laser blast. The bolt flies right through the cockpit of the lead car and instantly kills the pilot. The cloud skimmer immediately loses control, and clips his wingman who immediately explodes into thousands of pieces. The first cloud skimmer continues heading toward the long metal bridge with the two Jedi running across it.

Kam sees the cloud skimmer about to crash into the bridge and Jedi-leaps onto the building. He turns around.

KAMJacen! Jump!

The Jedi Knight reaches out and jumps just as the Cloud Skimmer smacks right into the middle of the bridge. There is a huge explosion as the bridge collapses out from underneath Jacen who reaches out and manages to grab the building’s ledge with his hand. Kam kneels down to help his master up.

KAMMaster, are you okay?

JACENI'm all right. Pull me up.

KAMWell, I personally think we’re giving him a run for his credits!

Kam grabs Jacen and lifts him up.

JACENThis guy has to be good if he can knock out a Cloud Skimmer with one shot like that.

KAMHe probably has some sort of military training. Come on.

They continue running but stop as they come to a corner. Jacen is the first to look around the corner. But, he sees nothing.

JACENI don't see anyone. I think that we've lost...

Suddenly, a large red blurry image rushes past them.

KAMThere he is!

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Kam points to the blurred image as it arcs around and slows down--it's the assassin on a speeder bike, heading straight towards them, it's CANNONS ready to open fire.

KAMGet down!

The two Jedi hit the pavement as the speeder bike opens fire, punching holes into the metal and concrete behind the Jedi.

JACENWhere did he get that thing?

KAMWho cares! Get down! He's coming around for another pass!

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLING--TWO MILES AWAYTwo Republican Guard patrol speeder bikes race to the scene.

LANCE ONERoger Control. This is Lance One. We are on our way.

The two lances hit their accelerators.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--JACEN AND KAMJacen and Kam start to run along the top of the buildings as the assassin has turned the tide and is now chasing them.

POV--Jacen and Kam retreating around the barrage of cannon fire.

The assassin flies over the two Jedi as they hit the deck. He arcs around and starts another attack.

POV--the assassin looks down at his scanner and "locks" one of the Jedi up in his crosshairs. He is about to push the trigger when:

The two Lances arrive shooting full force at the assassin. One of the bolts hits the assassin's speeder bike, and he is knocked off course.


He turns to see the two speeder bikes approaching him from the left. The assassin hits the accelerator and curves in the opposite direction, leaving the two Lances behind.

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EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--JACEN AND KAMJacen and Kam have taken cover behind an alcove on the building’s roof. The two patrol lances pull up.

LANCE ONEAre two okay?

JACENWe're fine.

LANCE TWOIs there anything that we can do to help?

The two Jedi look at each other.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKYLINE--EVENING--SPEEDER BIKE CHASEThe assassin slows down his bike, confident that he has made his escape. Suddenly, out of nowhere, two laser bolts explodes near him. He turns around to see that Jacen is hot on his tail on one of the Republican Guard’s speeder bike.

ASSASSIN'S POV--Jacen lets loose another volley of laser fire.

The assassin tightens his grip on his handlebars and the ion engines kick in. He reaches down for a pistol and shoots a volley of shots back at Jacen. He hits a BUTTON and puts the speeder bike on automatic pilot. This time he takes his time as he tries to line Jacen up for a shot. The bike rises over an obstruction and then falls back onto its original course. The assassin is about to pull the TRIGGER when suddenly, his bike shakes violently and his pistol goes flying.

Out of the blue, Kam crosses across the assassin's bow on his own speeder bike. Kam arcs and ends up side by side with Jacen. They both open up full cannon on the assassin as he tries to get away.

ASSASSINYou two are become quite the pain.

Another both laser bolts shakes the assassin's speeder bike.

ASSASSINIf that's the case, death will be the both of you.

Once again, he hits the accelerator as he hits a button on the control throttles. Two small GRENADES pop out of the back of the speeder bike.

JACENLook out!

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The two Jedi push the throttles forward, and the speeders duck out of the way of the grenades that explode harmlessly above them. The three speeders fly over the metallic city plateau.

Jacen and Kam floor the accelerator, finally catching up and squeezing the assassin in the middle. Suddenly, the assassin hits a button on his control throttles, and flames shoot out from both sides of the speeder bike.

JACENLook out!

Immediately the two Jedi peel off to the sides as the assassin punches the accelerator and speeds out in front.

KAMHe's heading for the lower levels!

JACENIf he gets in there, we'll lose him!

The two hit the accelerators as the two bikes continue the chase.

EXT--CORUSCANT--LOWER LEVELSThe ground opens up underneath the assassin's bike, and he pushes the throttle forward. The bike angles down into the sub-terrain dwellings of Coruscant. Kam fires off two more laser bolts, but they miss as the assassin nosedives into the underground city. Moments later, the two Jedi follow him as the three curve around office buildings and apartments.

The lower levels of Coruscant are a dense urban sprawl of narrow canyon-like thoroughfares and alleyways. It is a place where people who don't want to be found go. Kam opens fire again, each time narrowly missing the assassin's bike.

JACENWatch out Kam! We need him alive!

On his bike, the assassin hits the accelerator and, the three zigzag in between buildings, air cars, and other pedestrians. The three fly over another large city plateau.


Kam closes his eyes, concentrating, and fires. Three laser blasts hit the side of the assassin's bike, and it starts to fly out of control, heading straight for the side of a building. But, the assassin is in pure control as he flips off of his bike at the last moment.

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…and lands gently down onto the ground with both feet. He twirls his cape around him, and reaches for a large metal stick

KAMThat got him!

JACENGood shooting, Kam.

The two Jedi back off to the side in a pair and circle back heading toward the assassin.

KAMHe's heading for that building complex!

In one smooth move, the two Jedi both flip-off of their bikes, and they land gently on two feet with their lightsabers blazing. Jacen looks around and is hit immediately in the head with a large club yielded by a huge Klatoonian vigilante ward man.


Kam immediately covers his master's body with his own as he looks up to see the two of them surrounded by a gang of vigilante Klatoonian wardmen.

KLATOONAIN WARDMANJedi Scum! We don't need you down here. Go back to your pearly gates where you


With that, the five wardmen immediately start to beat the living Midichlorians out of the two Jedi.


Enraged, Kam quickly lashes out and swings his lightsaber around in a clear circle, slicing all of the clubs in half. The wardmen look at their decapitated weapons with surprise...but they are not undaunted. They each chuck their clubs off to the side, and start to grab at the young Jedi and his master. With a quick wave of his hand, Kam Force-pushes everyone single one of the ganglums into the nearest city walls. He grips his saber with both hands, and gets into the Jedi -ready attack stance—with his dominant foot back and his lightsaber held in parry position.

KAM (warning)Leave. Now.

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Almost immediately, the group of Underworld thugs looks at one another and run away into the darkness.


KAMMaster. You okay?

JACENI'm fine.

Kam extinguishes his lightsaber, and helps his master get up. Jacen feels the back of his head.

JACENThat's going to leave a mark.

KAMMaster, the assassin ran into that building there.

Jacen and Kam focus on the abandon chemical factory.

KAMDo you think that he went in there to hide?

JACENNo. To regroup.

KAMWith whom?


INT--ABANDON FACTORY--The two Jedi enter the building and look around. The only light is coming from the dim light of sundown that is penetrating the windows. Jacen moves off to his left while he points to Kam to go to his right.

INT--FACTORY--EVENINGThe assassin, Kir Kanos, is standing in a darkened corner, hiding in the shadows. He is mediating, reaching out to hear the two Jedi coming after him. We don't get a good look at him--not until later--but he slows his breathing down to a nil.

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INT--FACTORY--WEST CORNERKam slowly moves around the garage carefully checking corner. His lightsaber is out in front of him. He looks slowly to the left, then to the right. He stops to collect himself, and then suddenly without warning, he dives as a large metal blade slices through the air behind him. He cries out in pain as the sharp blade cuts him across his back.


Jacen races over to where Kam is lying on the floor. He ignites his sabre and twirls it in a SHUN move to gain speed for any impeding attack. He starts to slash the area with his lightsaber. But, no one is there.

He deactivates his saber and rushes over to his apprentice. There is a large bleeding gash on Kam's back.

KAMMy saber? Where's my saber?

Kam tries to move, but Jacen calms him down.

JACENHold on. You are not going anywhere.

KAMYes, I am. Where's my saber?

Kam starts to look frantically around him, but Jacen just reaches out and touches him on the shoulder. Kam goes limp, unconscious from Jacen's calming touch. Jacen gets up and looks around. He ignites his saber once more, and starts searching the factory for the assassin.

He instinctively turns as a series of laser bolts fly at him. He deflects the first three, but the fourth hits its mark—his lighsaber handle. Jacen is thrown completely onto his back as his lightsaber flies out of his hand and splits into two charred pieces.

Jacen lies motionless on the ground as his POV--his attacker stands above him. For the first time, we get a good glimpse of Kir Kanos. He is tall with brown hair and a weathered face, which is distinguishable by the neat diagonal scar that crisscrosses from top to bottom. A gift in humility from Darth Vader.

Kanos points his blaster rifle down at Jacen who is still reeling from the shock of the blast.

JACENWho? Who are you?

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KANOSSomeone who will avenge my master's death.

Jacen looks around and across the room, he sees Kam's lightsaber on the floor.

KANOSAll the enemies of the Empire must be destroyed.

Kanos cocks his blaster, ready to pull the trigger. In a split-second, Jacen reaches out for his padawan's lightsaber. In a flash, the handle sails across the room and into Jacen's hand. He ignites it and cuts Kanos' rifle into two pieces. Another second later, Jacen leaps up and kicks Kanos in the face. The former Imperial Guardsman’s flips up and over as Jacen lands on two feet, his saber in en gaurde position.

Kenos staggers back for a moment, gazed. But, he is ready. He reaches behind him and pulls out a large metal staff. With the flick of a button, two large metal blades come out from either side.

Jacen's face bristles with determination as Kanos attacks, swinging the weapon with the grace of an expert. He lunges forward on one side, then the next. Jacen, however, expertly blocks each attack with his saber.

Kanos sweeps for Jacen's head. The Jedi ducks as he swings his saber at Kanos' mid-section. Kanos blocks Jacen's attack. The Jedi attacks once more, and drives Kanos back further and further to the large circular bay window. Jacen swings once more, right, and then left, holding Kanos' staff at bay before he turns around in the blink of an eye, and kicks Kanos directly in the face. Kanos lets out a scream as Jacen's kick throws him through the glass window. Kanos screams as he falls, and the heavy wind picks at Jacen's hair.

Jacen's heart is pounding, and he is covered with sweat. He deactivates the lightsaber and cautiously peers over the side of the ledge of the building. He sees nothing but more of the underworld beneath him.

INT--THE GALATIC SENATE--HOLDING ROOM--DAYThe doors open, and Han Solo rushes in. Luke, Lando, Ambassador Skarro, the two droids, and a handful of senators and their aides are waiting patiently for news regarding Supreme Chancellor Balin. Security is noticeable tight by evidence of the number of guards that have tripled since the incident. A pair of security guards runs a sweeper of Han's body.

HANI came as soon as I could.

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LUKEThanks Han.

HANHow is the Chancellor doing?

LANDOWe don't know. But, it doesn't look good. They have been in surgery ever since...

HANWhere's my son?

LUKEThe assassin wounded Kam. Jacen took him down to medical.

The doors open up and SENJANUS, the Captain of the Republican Guard, enters. He is tall and dignified with an air of superiority around him.

SKARROCaptain Senjanus? Do you have...?

SENJANUS (interrupting)I have an announcement to make.

The place quiets down.

SENJANUSI have just been informed that Chancellor Balin is dead.

C-3POOh dear. This is troubling news.

Artoo whistles in agreement. There is a moment of silence.

LANDOExcuse me. I have something that I must attend to.

The heroes acknowledge Lando as he rushes out the doors.

SENJANUSAmbassador Skarro, Vice-Chancellor...excuse me, I apologize, Chancellor Veneer will be make a statement to the Galactic Senate in approximately twenty minutes. He wishes you

to be there. As a sign of unity.

Luke and Han look at each other.

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SENJANUSAccording to Article II, Amendment V or the Republican Constitution, the Vice-

Chancellor immediately becomes the new president upon the death of the Supreme Chancellor. Chancellor Veneer will publicly take the oath of office and address the


SKARROExcuse me, Captain. Will the ceremony be broadcasted?

SENAJUSYes, it will. The new Chancellor wants to insure the Republic and the Senate that there is

a continuity of government.

SKARROWhat about the assassin? Any clues to who he is?

SENJANUSMy men are conducting a full investigation. We will leave no stone un-turned. Please

excuse me, Mr. Ambassador, your Honor. I am willing to answer any more questions that you have. But, I am in charge of security for the transfer of power ceremony, and I must

be there.

LUKECaptain, where is the ceremony to take place?

SENJANUSIn Statutory Hall. The new Chancellor has also asked me to invite you to the ceremony.

He wants to assure the Republic that there is no ill between the Senate and the Jedi. Please excuse me now.

Senjanus turns to leave.

HANWhat a two-face, lying, hypocritical nerf herder. His allies attack you publicly in the

Senate gallery, and then he turns around and invites you to his swearing in ceremony. I'd like to swear-in a word or two with him.

SKARROPolitics is theater.

LUKEI understand that Veneer has no love for us, but whatever the situation is, Veneer is

legitimately the new chancellor.

The doors open and Lando enters. The Senate Sergeant-At-Arms follows closely behind him.

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LANDOOh. I wouldn’t' count on that.

Lando hands Luke a message-wafer carrying the crest of the Supreme Chancellor. He turns to the Sergeant at arms, a Nautolan.

SERGEANT-AT-ARMSChancellor Balin instructed me to give this to you should anything--nefarious--happen to


HAN (this time)What is it?

All eyes focus on the disk as we SCREENWIPE:

INT--STATUARY HALL--DAYChancellor--Successor Veneer stares intensely at the oversize bust of Chancellor Lamphere, the first Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. He is lost in the moment totally unaware of the activity around him. Senators and dignitaries of every race, color, and creed shuffle back and forth through the crowded hall, waiting for this historic moment to be underway. Senate guards with their noticeably large rifles keep their eyes on the crowds as holo-reporters and holo-cams try to find the right camera angles to record this historic moment.

VENEERI never wanted it to be like this. Chancellor Balin was a good man. A decent man.

Veneer turns around to face his Senate ally, Senator Brin.

VENEERHe didn't deserve to die like this.

BRINNobody does. But, the annuals of fate have been written. And there is nothing that either

you or I could've done about it.

VENEERI just wished that the Senate accepted me on my merits and not on Chancellor Balin's


BRINThe die has been cast. You must either play with them or fight against them. Chancellor Balin would have never nominated you as Vice-Chancellor if he didn't see you fit to fill

its position.

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INT--SENATE HOLDING ROOMSkarro hands the message-wafer back to Luke.

SKARROIf the message-wafer is correct, we cannot stall a moment longer. We must stop the

swear-in ceremony.

HANWhoa! Hang on here, folks. Before we go can storming the castle, how do we know that

it is even legitimate? I mean do we even have a legal leg to stand on?

All eyes turn to C-3PO.

C-3POWell...I mean...I mean according to my reading of the Galactic Constitution and it's

subsequent four hundred and thirty amendments...

HANOut with it, Professor. We don't have all day.

C-3POYes. Yes. It can be argued that the transfer of power is in doubt by this message, and that

Chancellor Veneer may not be entitled to claim the title of Chancellor Successor.


The little droid whistles in agreement.

C-3POWell, thank you for agreeing with me, Artoo.

HANWe have to stop that ceremony.

LANDONo. We have to get to the Secretary of State. Only he has the legal power to stop the


HANAnd, he is going to be at the swearing-in ceremony.

Luke checks his chronometer.

LUKESeven minutes to go. We won't make it through that crowd, and security is going to be


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LANDOI know a shortcut. Let's go.

Lando leads the group out of the room, leaving only the two droids alone in their wake. Artoo whistles.

C-3POI would hardly say that constitutional crisis's are exciting Artoo.

He plunks his hand on Artoo's dome.

C-3POOh dear...oh dear...This is another fine mess that we've gotten ourselves into.

INT--STATUARY HALL--DAYThe crowd is gathering as the big moment has arrived. Suddenly, Secretary of State, MULA, a lean-white skinned Tweik, suddenly approaches the viewing area. A small emcee translator droid interprets for him as he speaks.

MULAMy fellow citizens, I have just received an important message from Ambassador Skaroo, the Jedi Representative of the Galactic Senate, regarding the rightful transfer of power of Senator Veneer. He has at the last moment delivered into my hands--as per Constitutional Procedure and his right as a citizen of the Republic--a writ of Mandamus ordering me to fulfill Supreme Chancellor Balin's last instructions and appoint his own successor, Luke Skywalker. Given the sudden nature of the crisis and the ambiguities that it has entailed, however, I have deferred this matter to the courts for their own opinion and advice in this


EXT--SUPREME CHANCELLOR'S PALACEA crowd of supporters and demonstrators has gathered around the palace. The crowd is calm but collective. Security forces have separated the two disagreeing camps. In one of the windows of the palace, the silhouette of Vice-Chancellor Veneer paces nervously back and forth.

INT--VICE-CHANCELLOR'S VENEER OFFICE--NIGHTVeneer angrily paces back and forth.

VENEERI knew it! I knew it! Balin never cared for me. The Jedi either.

Enraged, he throws everything on his desk onto the floor with one giant push. It crashes with a loud sound. Senator Brin is calmly sitting on a couch.

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BRINWill you calm down? Everything will be okay.

VENEERReally. If you haven't noticed, I am not the Supreme Chancellor. I am not...I am not even

fit to wear these robes...

BRINEverything will be fine. There is no way that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Jedi.

Whether or not their legal claim has any merit. The people do not trust the Jedi. That is why they are placed the control of the Supreme Chancellor and not some independent


VENEERBut, what if their claim is legitimate? The Supreme Chancellor does have the constitution authority to appoint anyone he sees fit to replace him--if there is an emergency or another

special incident. And I do believe that he getting assassinated is a special incident. The people are not that stupid as we wish them to believe.

BRINThat is why I will take care of it.

EXT--JEDI SANCTUARY--NIGHTThe scene is the same in front of the Jedi Sanctuary. Ambassador Skarro looks down upon the crowd from a balcony with an aide.

SKARROThis is not good. The people will never accept a Jedi as the Supreme Chancellor. I am

afraid that there are going to be difficult times ahead for us.

He turns.

SKARROWe must prepare.

The aide slowly nods his head in approval.

INT--MEDICAL CENTERKam is inside the bacta tank. He is dressed in what looks like a large white diaper and is wearing a breathing mask. Two 223 Medical droids--the latest in surgical robotics--monitor his treatment.

INT--COMMAND CENTERThe command center is dark and quiet.

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JACENArtoo, plug into the central command computer. I want to search the database for known

assassins, hit men, and bounty hunters.

Artoo's arm comes out of his body casing, and he inserts it into the computer terminal. Hundreds of thousands of nefarious rogues and villains--the most wretched scum of the galaxy--flash on the screen in front of him.

JACENSpecifically, I am searching for a human male, approximately 35-40 years of age with a

huge scar running diagonally across his face from left to right.

Arturo whistles as the gallery of rogues flash across the screen. Luke walks in and joins his nephew at the terminal.


JACENUncle Luke.

LUKEHow are you doing?

JACENI am fine. Not unlike my padawan-learner.

LUKEYou seem upset at him.

JACENHe almost got himself killed earlier. He's reckless.

Luke takes a seat.

LUKEUn-like you.

JACENI just don't want him to do something stupid and get him or someone else--like me--


LUKEYou can't pick on him like that. We were all young and restless. You are not responsible for his actions. No matter how irresponsible they may seem. He has to follow his own

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path. But, one day, he will learn what it takes to be a Jedi. Discipline. Control. You cannot force something onto someone until her or she is ready for it.

JACENI just don't want him to get hurt.

LUKEFrom what I heard, it was you who need some help. Besides with you as his Master, how

could that be? What's going on here?

JACENI asked Artoo to access the central computer to see if he can help identify Chancellor

Balin's assassin.

LUKEIsn't Captain Senjanus running that investigation?

JACENWell, he is...except that I didn't tell him everything.

LUKEWhat? Why not?

JACENI don't know. Call it Jedi intuition but...

LUKEBut what?

JACENI didn't get a good...vibe...from Captain Senjanus.

LUKEA vibe?

JACENA vibe. Remember when you told us to trust our instincts. Well, I am trusting my

instincts, and they are telling me that Captain Senjanus doesn't really want to find out what happened yesterday afternoon.

There is a moment of silence before Artoo starts to whistle.

JACENArtoo has something. Punch it up on the screen.

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On the screen is a picture and biography data of the man who assassinated the Supreme Chancellor.

LUKEKir Kanos

JACENJust as I thought. A member of Palaptine's Royal Guard

LUKEBut they were destroyed on Yinchorr. If Kanos is the last surviving member of the Royal


JACENThen maybe Kir Kanos wasn't after Chancellor Balin at all. Maybe he was after...

Luke's face turns ashen.


INT--A DARK ROOMKir Kanos, dressed in white garb, steps onto a holo-projector platform. He bows and the platform lights up as a hologram of Lord Mordred appears.

LORD MORDREDIs Skywalker still alive?

KIR KANOSYes. My Master. He is.

A sub-dued moment as we hold our breath.


KIR KANOSMy Lord, wouldn't it be prudent to kill Skywalker while we had the chance?

LORD MORDREDAnd miss an opportunity to give Skywalker a chance to run and hide? He'll appear more guilty if did. And I don’t want a martyr. Do not worry. Everything is going according to

my plans.

The hologram disappears, and Kir Kanos turns around and leaves the room. The door closes shut behind him and we

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EXT--HYPERSPACE--A lone shuttle--The OrganaSky--a converted Imperial Landing ship that is draped in diplomatic colors flies through hyperspace. A strange surreal light show surrounds the ship.

INT—The OrganaSkyThe shuttle is quiet. Princess Leia is sitting peacefully across the aisle from two Jedi Knights. One of the Jedi, a beautiful young girl about 21 years old with blonde hair, stares at the Princess. She is also wearing her hair in a rat-tail down the right side of her neck--the signature of a Jedi Padawan. Leia notices her staring.

LEIAMay I help you?

The other Jedi, OLAM TELL, a Cerean and a member of the New Jedi Order, sits next to her.

OLAMPlease forgive my padawan-learner, Mistress. She means no harm. She was merely

wondering about something. I'll tell her now to keep her suspicions to herself. She should be preparing herself for the mission at hand.

LEIANo. It's all right. Jedi Nix, what do you want to ask me?

JENNA NIX, Jedi Padawan, answers.JENNA

I was wondering whether or not you are a Jedi?


JENNAI was wondering whether or not you are a true Jedi? I mean I don't see the lightsaber that

you are supposed to be wearing. Is that an indication that you are not a Jedi?

TELLJedi Nix, I would watch it if I were you. You yourself are hardly qualified. Your tone

smacks of hypocrisy and avarice. I apologize, my mistress.

LEIANo. I am not a Jedi, and no, I haven’t taken the trials. In fact, I don't even remember the

last time that I held a lightsaber. It just isn’t important to me than it is to others.

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JENNAThen, you have rejected your calling? Your destiny?

TELLMistress Leia, once again, I must apologize. I am afraid that I have not yet taught my

apprentice here diplomacy and tactfulness.

LEIANo need to apologize, Master Tell. Some of us grow by making mistakes. I once told my brother that we alone choose the path we are given. My destiny lies along a different path

than yours, Jedi Nix.

INT--COCKPIT--The cockpit is dark, illuminated only by the lights and instruments of the control panels. The pilot reaches for the throttles.

PILOTHere we go. Cut into sub-light engines.

EXT--SPACEThe small shuttle enters normal space.


CO-PILOTWe are receiving an incoming transmission from the Star Destroyer, the Chimerra.

PILOTRoger. Inform the Princess that we have arrived.

EXT--SPACEThe shuttle breezes through space along its way, unmolested by any fighters or sentry ships.


TELLHmm? That's odd.

LEIAWhat's that?

JENNAYes. I've felt it too.

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JENNANo sentry ships. And where are the TIE interceptors? The Empire maybe on its last leg, but I still would expect them to send out fighters to intercept any ship that is intruding in

their space.

LEIAMaybe they know that we are not a threat to them. We are flying diplomatic colors.

JENNAThen where are our escorts? From what I've read, Admiral Palleaon is a man steeped in naval tradition. He would've at least given the courtesy to welcome us with an official


TELLThere it is...

POV--THROUGH THE SHUTTLE'S VIEWSCREENThe last remnants of the Imperial fleet hang over them.


JENNAThe rest of the Imperial Fleet. They never did have a chance to rebuild after Thrawn's

defeat, did they?

TELLThose star destroyers still have enough firepower to threaten any world into submission.

EXT--SPACEThe small shuttle rapidly approaches a huge fleet of Star Destroyers of every size, combination, and shape. At the center of the fleet, however, one ship dominates them all—the Chimerra.


LEIAHail the Chimerra. Extend our greetings to Admiral Pelleaon.

PILOTStar Destroyer Chimerra, this is the OrganaSky, hailing Admiral Pelleaon. Please


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No response. The pilot calls out again. Nothing.

JENNAI'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

There is another moment of silence before the view screen switches to the smiling face of Admiral of the Fleet Gilad Pallaeon.

PALLAEONGreetings Leia Organa Solo. I hope that we haven't kept you waiting too long?

LEIANo. Admiral. You haven't.

PALLAEONGood. Please come aboard, and we are happy to receive you. Pallaeon out.

The screen goes blank. Leia turns to her escorts.

LEIASee. Nothing to worry about. Full speed ahead, Captain.

EXT—SPACE The shuttle speeds ahead through the maze of Star Destroyers. The wings fold up as the shuttle lands in the Chimerra's docking bay.


PALLAEONThey have landed, my master. They suspect nothing.

He turns to face Darth Malice, who has a sinister smile on her face.

MALCEExcellent Admiral. You have done well. I may spare your life yet.

Malice turns around and gazes up at a large towering blackish Wookiee--Koresh. He is standing next to a man wearing a suped-up version of Mandalorian battle-armor.

MALICEMandalorian, go down and bring the Solo woman to me. Destroy anyone who gets in the


MANDALORIANYes. My master.

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The battlelord turns and leaves the bridge. He approaches a squad of black-suited Supertroopers waiting patiently.

MANDALORIANCome with me.

The troopers simultaneously turn right face and follow him.

INT--THE CHIMERRA--DOCKING BAYThe huge doors open, and an Imperial Protocol Droid greets the Princess' party. He bows before the party as he leads them down the hall, which is notably deserted.


PROTOCAL DROIDPlease forgive the Admiral. He is occupied by a present duty. I shall inform him that you

are waiting.

The droid glances over at the table.

PROTOCAL DROIDIn the mean time, please feel free to have something to eat and drink while you wait.

The droid leaves. Leia reluctantly sits down. The two Jedi stand while Jenna closes her eyes and mediates.

JENNAThe good admiral is taking his time.

Leia turns to Tell.

LEIAYour padawan is being very rude. Perhaps patience is another thing that she needs to be


TELLI agree...

Suddenly, he stops as they hear a loud BOLTING sound—the doors to the room being locked. Jenna moves to the door, expecting them to open, but she stops just short of them.

JENNAThey're locked.

She moves over to the door controls. Nothing.

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JENNAThe controls are jammed.

She closes her eyes and reaches out to the Force.

JENNASomeone's coming.

INT---CHIMERRA CORRIDOR--OUTSIDE OF THE CONFERENCE ROOMOutside the door, Supertroopers are taking up positions alongside the corridor walls. They are ready to barge the doors. They CLICK the safety off of their blasters.

MANDALORIAN BATTLELORDVaporize whatever's on the other side of those doors.


The tension mounts as the doors open revealing...nothing. The Supertrooper Commander waves for his troops to move in…

INT--CONFERENCE ROOMThe troopers enter the room to find it...EMPTY.



The Battlelord enters the room. He looks around.


Suddenly, Leia and the two Jedi drop to the floor. The Jedi immediately ignite their lightsabers, and in a surprising move, cut the first two troopers down. The Mandolarian shoots at Leia, but she ducks just as Tell swoops up and takes his head off with one swing from his sword. Leia picks up a blaster off of the floor.

TELLLet's go. We have a whole entire squad of these guys on the other side of the door.

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INT--CHIMERRA CORRIDORIn the corridor, the Supertroopers slowly move from their concealed positions and cautiously approach the door. One trooper nods to another trooper to open the door, but just as he goes to do it, the doors open, revealing Leia standing there with a blaster in her hand.

She fires one shot and the point man goes down. The troopers all react but they are all too slow as the two Jedi cut them down.

INT--CHIMERRA'S BRIDGEMalice is staring at the video screens on the bridge when suddenly they go blank with snow.

MALICESomething's wrong. Sound the alert!

A sub-dued and hypnotized Pallaeon reaches for a button.

PALLAEONYes. Master.

INT--CHIMERRA'S CORRIDORThe three stand over the bodies of the dead Supertroopers. Jenna kneels over one looking for any identification marks.

JENNAWho are these guys?

TELLI don't know. Some sort of supertrooper. But one of them was a Mandalorian Battlelord.

LEIAThe Mandalorians have been extinct for over forty years.

TELLTell that to them. We have to get out of here.

Suddenly, the ship klaxon blares.

JENNABack this way to the shuttle.

LEIAI just cannot believe that Admiral Pallaeon would betray me like this.

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TELLI don't think that the admiral is in charge anymore.

The group turns the corner, and immediately runs into another squad of Supertroopers. A firefight opens up as Leia hugs the walls. Tell and Jenna meanwhile just deflect the laser bolts back to their owners.

JENNAReinforcements on the way!

In the background, we can see more Supertroopers racing down the corridors to join their comrades.

LEIAThis way!

She blasts another Supertrooper, and the three take off in the opposite direction.

INT--CHIMERRA CORRIDOR--BLASTDOORSLeia turns a corner and runs into a pair of blast doors. Random blasts of fire shoot past the dead-end corridor. Suddenly, the laser fire stops and the two Jedi emerge around the corner, abet bloodied and covered with sweat.

The blast doors open, revealing the mighty Koresh and Darth Malice. Leia is stunned at the sight of the huge Wookiee in front of her. He growls as she raises her weapon. But she is not fast enough as the Wookiee knocks it out of her hand. She reaches forward, trying to punch at him, to gnaw at him, anything to attack him. Malice waves her hand in front of the Princess and she is knocked-out cold. Koresh catches her body just as she falls.

JENNAThe Princess!

The two Jedi run forward but Malice reaches out with her hand and Jedi pushes the two knights against the far bulkhead. They both get the wind knocked out of them as their lightsabers fall useless to the ground. Malice turns to Koresh.

MALICEWe are leaving. Take her.

Koresh growls in support, and two leave with the blast doors closing behind him. Jenna is the first to get up. She reaches out and her saber flies into her hand, its blade shining bright green. But, she is too late. The doors close, its echo bouncing off of the walls like a tomb. Tell quickly joins her. He looks at the control panel, but Jenna just shakes her head "no." Tell ignites his saber and he stabs into the metal door. Then, Jenna takes her

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lightsaber, and thrusts it into the metal door as the two of them cut a sharp burning arc in the door.

INT--HANGER BAYThe Sith Interceptor patiently waits for lift off.

INT--INTERCEPTOR COCKPITKoresh mans the front seat as the impulse engines kick in.

INT--HANGER BAYThe ship rises off from the ground, and drops into space.


MALICEHurry, we do not have much time.

Koresh quickly makes calculations on the nav-computer. Malice looks out the window at the space in front of her.

EXT--GALAXY--A small dark spot--devoid of any stars or light--starts forming in the distance. At first, it is small, but it keeps growing larger and larger with each passing moment. A Force Wave.

INT--CHIMERRA CORRIDOR--Jenna and Tell finish cutting through the door. The sliced out section of the door drops off and hits the ground with a metal CLANG. Ever being the gentleman, Tell allows Jenna to go first through the hole. They race down the corridor.

INT—HANGER BAY—The two Jedi race into an Imperial shuttle.

INT—IMPERIAL SHUTTLE COCKPIT--Jenna reaches the control panel first and locks herself into the pilot's seat. Calmly she and Tell switch on the main power.

TELLLet's get out of here!

She punches the control panel and ship rises.

EXT--THE CHIMERRA--THE HANGER BAYThe shuttle drops out of the bay and unfolds its wings.

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JENNAThere it is.

The two Jedi watch as the Sith Interceptor gathers itself and then shoots into hyperspace.

JENNAThey were out of here in a hurry.

Tell is looking off to his right.

TELLI can see why.

JENNAWhat the...?

She looks to see that the black hole is getting larger and larger with each moment. In fact, it has almost reached the edge of the Imperial fleet.

TELLStrap yourself in. It's a Force Wave.

JENNAA what?

TELLIt's a Force Wave. An enormous burst of power generated by using the Force. It acts like

a ripple in space. It's fifty...a hundred times powerful than any Death Star.

JENNAWhat...what do I do?

TELLMatch bearing and set. Prepare for the jump to lightspeed.

Jenna begins to strap herself in as her hands dance over the controls.

JENNALet's hope that they keep these things up to maintenance.

EXT--SPACEThe Force Wave keeps on growing with each moment as it reaches the first of the outer sentry Star Destroyers. Almost immediately, the huge ships--vessels considered to be

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invincible--start to explode into fiery pieces and fragments as the waves touch their outer hulls.

INT—IMPERIAL SHUTTLEJenna looks. She is totally memorized by what she is seeing...

EXT--SPACE...as the Force Wave finally reaches the Chimerra. It's starts to explode into a million pieces. Explosions buffet the tiny shuttle. Around them, Imperial ships try evasive maneuvers but it is too late...

INT—IMPERIAL SHUTTLEThe two Jedi try to keep their wits as explosions rock the ship.

EXT—SPACEIn one huge explosive moment, the Chimerra is no more. Swallowed up by the Force Wave, which is now barring down on the tiny ship. Closer and closer it comes...

JENNASet navi-corridinates.


EXT--SPACEThe tiny shuttle gathers itself and then slingshots into hyperspace leaving the Force-wave in its rearview mirror.

EXT--SPACE--THE PLANETS OF SULLASTA motley group of spaceships, battle cruisers, and dreadnoughts form the bulk of the New Republic fleet as it plows through space. At its center is a captured SuperStar Destroyer that bears the markings of the New Republic--the Lysankya.

INT--JAINA SOLO QUARTERS--The room is dark as JAINA SOLO, the first child of Han and Leia Solo, is sleeping. At first, she is perfectly still, but then she stirs. Slightly at first before she quickly thrusts herself up in her bed. She is breathing heavily.


INT--THE LUSANKYA--MAIN BRIDGEThe bridge is bustling with activity. WEDGE ANTILLES, former X-wing pilot, destroyer of two Death Stars, commander of Rogue Squadron, Hero of the Republic, and Admiral of the Fleet, slowly paces back and forth. TYCHO CELCHU, former Imperial Pilot, now New Republic Hero and Captain, is at his side. He turns from the communication station.

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COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER 1Nothing, Admiral. Still no contact with Coruscant.

JAINA'S VOICE (off-screen)What's wrong?

They all turn to see Jaina. There is a distraught look on her face.

WEDGEJaina, what is it?

JAINAI had a vision about my mother. She’s in danger. What’s wrong with the com-systems?

TYCHONothing that we can tell. We can receive and transmit, but...

JAINABut, what?

WEDGEBut, nobody is responding. All the lines are dead. As if no one is at home.

JAINAWhat about the Jedi Embassy?

Both Wedge and Tycho glance at one another.

TYCHONo. We haven’t been able to reach them either. Jammed at the source.


A comm technician looks up from his place.

TECHNICIANYes. Ma'am. And we haven't been able to raise Yavin IV either.

JAINAWhat about my mother?

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The technician shakes his head.


INT--LUSANKYA--BRIDGE--MAIN CONTROL DECKThe three move off to another area of the bridge.

WEDGEDeck officer. Bring the fleet to yellow alert.

The Deck Officer turns around and snaps to attention.


He moves off to carry out his orders. The three stare out of the main view screen. Starships of various shapes and sizes move in tandem with the huge star destroyer.

TYCHOYellow alert? Do you think that is a good idea?

WEDGEWe cannot reach either Coruscant or Yavin IV. If they are both under attack, and the lines of communications have been cut, the next logical target for any attacker will be the fleet.

I want to be ready for anything.

JAINASir, if I may, request permission to leave the fleet and go to Yavin IV. I must get into

contact with my family.

WEDGERequest denied.

JAINA (surprised)Denied?

WEDGEWith all due respect to you and your family, the fleet needs its best star pilot here just in case of trouble. Besides, if your uncle and the rest of your family are in trouble, I think that they will be doing their best to contact us. And I don't think that your uncle would

forgive me if I ever let something happen to you. Jedi Knight or not.

EXT--YAVIN IV--DUSKCorran and Kyp are standing on top of the Great Massassi Temple. Winds blow through their hair.

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KYPAny news?

CORRANOnly what Master Skywalker told me earlier this morning. That the Secretary of State is

going to ask the Sovereign Court to hear oral arguments tomorrow.

KYPThe Sovereign Court? Do you know what they call a politician with a law degree?


KYPA judge. They will take their time and rule in favor of the status quo. Whether or not we

have a valid legal argument.

CORRANThey will rule in the best accordance with the Constitution. In the meantime...

KYPVeneer is in charge.

CORRANHe could quite possibly be the legitimate successor.

KYPEven if he is behind Chancellor Balin's assassination? At least Palpatine used Senate

procedures to get himself elected. Besides, it's not the constitution that I fear for. It's the Jedi.

Overhead, dozens of streaks of light pierce the dark evening sky.

CORRANMeteor shower. If there is one constant in the universe, it’s that leaders may come and go,

but the galaxy never changes.

EXT--YAVIN SKYThe meteor shower continues to fall through the evening sky. One streaks across the sky and lands hard in the Massassi jungle, leaving a huge crater. We look closer. It isn't a piece of rock that survived this fall, but something hard and metallic. Suddenly, the metal starts to crack. The shell breaks open, and a white DarkSuperTrooper (DST) peels its way out of its metal casing.

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DARKSUPERTROOPER-POV--INFAREDA digitalized infrared scan of the Jungle, overlaid with alphanumeric readouts. In POV, we see hundreds of other DSTs breaking out of their metal skins. A message runs across the bottom of POV in red characters: "AVOID CONTACT, PROCEED TO STAGING AREA."

EXT--CORUSCANT--MORNINGThe Sovereign Court Building

INT--MAIN CHAMBER--The main chamber of the court is a huge round chamber with a bench that curves around the back of the room. Two circular platforms stand in the middle of the room. A door off to the side opens, and a court bailiff walks out into the center of the room. Two holo-cams record and transmit every word.

BALIFFOyez...oyez...All those with matters before this honorable court come forth and be


The door opens, and Senator Brin and C-3PO unceremoniously walk out. They both go to their own podiums.

BALIFFOyez...oyez...Please rise and stand as the Honorable Court is now in Session. May the

Republic live forever.

Behind the curved bench, a large door opens, and members of the Sovereign Court--eleven in all--walk out in judicial robes and take seats before the table. The Sovereign Court Chief Justice, an Umbaran, bangs his gavel as a floating interpreting droid translates before him.

CHIEF JUSTICEI call this special session to order. In the matter of Balin v. Veneer, who will speak first?

C-3P0I do your honor. C-3PO, human cyborg relations.

CHIEF JUSTICEVery well. You may begin your deliberations. You have thirty standard minutes.

C-3P0Thank you, your honor. May it please the court—I am here today to argue the merits of the facts of Balin v. Veneer. The history of the case is pedestrian and well known, so I

will dispense with the reading of the facts, and move on to my main argument, which is based on Amendment Three Zero Seven of the Galactic Constitution and Three Zero


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But, before C-3PO can finish speaking, there is a huge EXPLOSION! A bomb!

BRINIt's an assassination attempt!

Immediately, there is another explosion as a number of judges are thrown forward out of their seats. A third explosion follows, killing more Judges. There is total chaos! An alarm sounds as Threepio continues looking around, trying to find cover. Senator Brin crouches under his lectern as members of the Republican Guard rush in, just as another bomb explodes, decimating a number of them.

BRINIt's a trap! We are all going to die!

Another bomb explodes, sending more shrapnel into the Judiciary.

INT--MAIN CHAMBER--The explosions are over, but there are dead and mangled bodies everywhere. R2 and Threepio are searching the chamber for any wounded. Medical crews race bodies out of the door on stretchers. Detectives and evidence collecting droids are shifting through the rubble for any evidence to find out who is behind the bombing. A huge billowy smoke cloud permeates the place as Senjanus stands over Senator Brin who is being checked out by a medical tech. Lando, Jacen, and Kam arrive at the scene, passing through more security personnel.

JACENOh my...

LANDOWhat in the world could do this much damage?

C-3PO and R2 walk over to the trio.

C-3POAccording to my on-scene analysis, the explosive was trididium.

LANDOTrididium? That's a pretty scarce material. It can only be found on certain planets.

A capable Senator Brin joins the conversation.

BRINSuch as Yavin IV!

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C-3POThat is one of many sources found throughout the galaxy. The odds of this particular

substance coming from such a place as Yavin IV are one…

Everyone is quietly looking at C-3PO, and he gets the message to be quiet.

C-3POAnyway, according to my further analysis, the explosives were triggered by a high-

frequency pitch-wave.

KAMA remote-control device.

JACENWhy wasn't this place swept before the proceedings began? Where are the Sovereign

Marshals? Why wasn't...

SENJANUSIt was. My men completed a thorough sweep of this place just hours before the

proceedings would begin. And I had men stationed at the doors of the chamber. But, we had people in this building since this morning. It is a public building after all.


SENJANUSUnless what?

BRINUnless someone was able to sneak in the explosives after your security sweep.

SENJANUSImpossible. I had men stationed at all entrances. Along with security droids.

BRINYet, someone managed to sneak the explosives in. Perhaps maybe your guards were

fooled. Perhaps by someone using a mind trick…

Lando begins to respond angrily at where Senator Brin is heading.

LANDOWhat are you saying?

Brin is about to speak but he is interrupted off-screen.

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CHANCELLOR VENEER (off-screen)Oh my!!

Everyone turns around to see the Chancellor-elect in the doorway. Senjanus and Brin move over to him.

SENJANUSChancellor, you shouldn't be here! My men haven't secured this place.

VENEERI will not stand around, Captain, and be a coward while those who seek to undermine and destroy the very institutions that I have vowed to defend. Senator Brin, my friend, are you


BRINI am fine, although, I cannot say that much for the Chief Justice or other members of this

honorable court. We cannot stand around and let this happen to us. We must seek out those who are responsible and swiftly punish them!

VENEERYes, of course. Captain Senjanus?

LANDOWhoa! With all due respect Chancellor, we don't have a clue who is responsible for

this...this massacre. The killer or killers could be long gone by now.

BRINNo. But we do have plenty of suspects. Don't we Captain Senjanus?

All eyes turn to Captain Senjanus.

EXT--JEDI EMBASSY--NIGHTA larger crowd than before has gathered outside of the Chancellery. Suddenly, a huge file of Republican soldiers carrying lighted torches start marching towards the Jedi gates. The crowd breaks into a huge cheer, egging the soldiers onward.

EXT--JEDI EMBASSY--NIGHTA contingent of Jedi Knights led by Ambassador Skarro march out towards the gate. They ignore the jeers of the crowd, who start to throw sticks and stones at them.

SKARROWhat is the meaning of this?

REPUBLICAN SERGEANTStand aside, Ambassador. We have orders to arrest Luke Skywalker.

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SKARROReally? What are the charges and on whose orders?

REPUBLICAN SERGEANTThe charge is treason against the Republic! Now stand aside or you will be arrested. We

have authority to use force!

The crowd behind them applauds. Finally, someone is doing something about these meddlesome Jedi.

SKARROReally now?

In an instance, Skarro ignites his lightsaber and swings at the sergeant, taking off his left ear.

INT--LUKE'S BEDROOMIt is dark and quiet in Luke's bedroom. A shadow slowly looms over Luke's body. A hand reaches down. Luke grabs it.

HANLuke! It's me, Han!

LUKE (groggily)Han? What's going on?

HANIt's the Guard. They’re coming to arrest you.

Luke springs up.


Han goes to the table and gathers Luke's clothes in his hands.

HANThe Chancellor has ordered Senjanus to place the Jedi under arrest. They are coming for


LUKEBut, they don't have any...

HANThey don't need any evidence where a mob is concerned.

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Skarro appears at the doorway. His robes are ragged and tattered. His face is dirty and sweaty. He speaks in between breaths.

SKARROMaster Skywalker. It's the Guard. They have surrounded the Citadel. Senjanus is

preparing to bust down the doors. You must leave.

LUKENo. I am staying.

HANListen, kid, you may be a Jedi Master and all that, but you are no politician. If they arrest

you, you’ll never be heard from again. "Shot while trying to escape."

We hear the SOUNDS of soldiers trying to beat down the doors. A group of Jedi knights stops at Luke's door. They are all sweaty and haggard, and carrying lightsaber hilts.

SKARROMaster you must go. We will hold them off.

LUKEWhat about my nephew?

HANJacen and Kam are waiting at the Falcon. We'll meet Lando and the droids there. C'mon,

we'll use the tunnels underneath the Sanctuary.

Luke stands at the door.

JEDI 1You must hurry sir. We will put up a fight, but we cannot stop all of them.

Luke slowly, reflectively nods. He turns to Skarro, and places his hand on the ambassador's forearm.

LUKEGo. And May the Force be with you.

A silent moment before Luke and Han take off in the opposite direction. Skarro lights his own lightsaber.

SKARROStand and prepare for battle.

INT—DOCKING BAY 704--The droids and the two Jedi wait patiently for Luke and Han to arrive.

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C-3POOh dear...oh dear...where can they be?

Jacen closes his eyes and reaches out with the Force.

JACENThey are on their way. Wait. There is a squad of soldier following them. They're in


EXT--ENTRANCEWAY--Han turns around and blasts a Republican Guard at close range. He turns around and heads up the entranceway. Luke reaches the entranceway and seals the door shut with the Force.

LUKEThat will hold them for a couple of minutes.

EXT--DOCKING BAY 704The Millennium Falcon is sitting peacefully as the two men run into the hanger.

JACENDad! Where have you been? There are soldiers on the way!

HANI know. I know. Where's Lando?

KAMHe's in the cockpit, getting the Falcon ready.

HANWell, what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here.

C-3POI for one totally agree with you.

The two droids are the first ones up the Falcon's ramp followed by Luke and Han. The two Jedi are last, protecting the rear with their lightsabers.

INT--MILLENNIUM FALCONThe landing ramp closes, and everyone rushes to take a seat.

INT--COCKPITHan settles into his seat, and Luke takes the one behind him. Han stops, looking confused.

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LANDOWhat is it?

HANWhy does this seem awfully familiar?

A laser bolt shoots past the window.

LANDOBecause we have done this all before!

HANOkay. Hit it!

He punches the button and the cockpit shakes.

EXT--CORUSCANT SKY--In an instant, the Falcon bolts out of its cage and speeds off into outer space.


HANSet coordinates!

The radar warning alarm starts to beep. Lando looks down at the screen.

LANDOX-wings coming in.

EXT--SPACEEight X-wing fighters scream towards the Falcon. They expand their wings; their laser cannons ready to rip the Falcon into pieces.


LANDOThey're moving into attack formation. Are we ready?

HANReady as we’ll ever be.

He throws back the throttle and the ship races into hyperspace.

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DARKSUPERTROOPER--POV--Through infrared, we see the grounds of the temple. A message runs across the bottom of POV in red characters which says: "LIFE SIGNS: 0"

EXT--COURTYARD--NIGHTA squad of DSTs quietly searches the courtyard.

INT--JEDI TEMPLE--HALLWAYSIn various stone-layered hallways, DSTs search inside the massive temples.

INT--TEMPLE ROOM 1The doors to a room open, and two DSTs stand ready with rifles drawn to blast anyone. But, it is empty--just books, a candle, and an empty bed.

INT--TEMPLE ROOM 2The doors to another room open, and two more DSTs also find that room empty.

INT--TEMPLE HALLWAYTwo DSTs turn the corner and walk out into the courtyard.

EXT--COURTYARD--NIGHTThe two-man patrol walks over to their squad leader.

DARKSUPERTROOPER ONE (metallic robotic voice)My men have checked both temples, and they are empty.

DARKSUPERTROOPER LEADER (metallic robotic voice)Any life signs?

DST ONE (metallic robotic voice)Negative.

DST LEADER (metallic robotic voice)Interesting. Where could they have gone?

Suddenly, he hears sounds-- lightsabers being ignited. The DSTs turn around to see that they are surrounded by Jedi Knights brandishing lightsabers.

DST LEADER (metallic robotic voice)It's them! Blast them!

Every DST opens up with their blaster rifles, but it is futile as the Jedi just deflect them back. The Jedi inch forward and attack. It is a one-sided battle as lighted swords sweep

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down and cut the super-robots in half. Corran Horn deflects a laser bolt back to a trooper before he sweeps around and cuts a trooper into two halves. Kyp does the same with the three troopers he is fighting. Soon, piles of armored Dark SuperTroopers shells are burning in the courtyard as the Jedi Knights await their next attackers.

EXT--TEMPLE COURTYARD--MORNINGSmoke is still rising from a pile of DST debris as a heavy black boot crushes down on it. A black-gloved hand reaches down and picks up a severed robot head. Luke holds the head in the palm of his hand, and looks down at it in deep thought.

LUKEWhere's Kyp Durron?

PULL BACK to see Corran Horn and a group of Jedi Knights surrounding him. In the distance, the two droids, Lando, and Han survey the damage.

CORRANHe left. He took a group of knights--about a hundred or so--anyone who would listen to him, and left. He said that they couldn't count on your leadership anymore. He said that

he is going to fight Chancellor Veneer on his own terms. With or without your help.

Luke turns to face Corran.

CORRANHe took a majority of the Council with him.

Luke throws down the robotic head.

LUKEWhat about you, Corran? What are you going to do?

CORRANI choose to stay, Master Skywalker.

In the background, the two droids move over to examine the super-robots more closely. Luke puts his hand on Corran's shoulder.

LUKEAre you sure that is a wise move...considering that we are now all traitors to the


CORRANWith all due respect, Master. I am a Jedi...as my father before me. I choose to stay and

fight...just like he would've done.

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LUKEI sure hope that it won't lead to that.

HANWell, it looks like they--I mean Chancellor Veneer--are not going to argue with you on

that issue.

LUKEI am afraid that Chancellor Veneer is the least of our worries.

LANDOWhat do you mean by that?

In the background, the two droids are whistling and arguing at each other. Luke starts shaking his head.

LUKEThere is more. Just before we left Coruscant, I felt a great disturbance in the Force. The

entire Imperial fleet has just been destroyed. Millions of lives wiped out in a fleeting instance.


What about Leia? She was supposed to be on a mission...if anything has happened to her.

LANDOHow? It would take the firepower of the entire Republic fleet...

Luke places his hand on Han's shoulder. Han is sullen as he hears what Luke tells him.

LUKEI am sorry, Han...but I cannot feel her. I am afraid that she is grave danger. A giant Force Wave destroyed the fleet...like a great tidal wave of dark power in space. I am afraid that Chancellor Veneer doesn't have the power, let alone the cunning or the brilliance to pull

this coup off.


LUKEI am afraid that our greatest enemy has not even shown his face yet.

EXT--KORRIBAN--SPACEThe Sith Interceptor orbits Korriban.

INT--SITH TEMPLEKoresh growls as he raises his hand in anger. Leia just stands there as she rises from the ground and levitates towards a glowing energy cage, the type of mobile prisons that use

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to house Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. She is thrown in and the door closes. Defiant, she races towards the door, and is SHOCKED with thousands of volts of electricity. She hits the ground HARD.

DARTH MALICEPerhaps next time you will do what you are told.

The two Sith masters continue down the dark corridor in a solemn march. Behind them, the energy cage follows.

INT--AUDIENCE ROOMLeia looks around her as the prison cage carries her through the palace. Even though the place is run-down, she sees beautiful pieces of sculpture, art, and icons, all dedicated to the Dark Lords of the Sith. Even after the death of Palpatine, it would seem that another Dark Lord has taken up their mantle of evil.

The cage comes to rest between Koresh and Malice as they stand in front of a figure dressed in black. She is curious. She has seen the shape before...

LORD MORDREDWelcome Lady Skywalker. I have been expecting you. We have much to discuss.

The figure turns around, and Leia is stunned as the figure removes his hood.


EXT—TEMPLE COURTYARD—YAVIN IVA2-D2 and C-3PO are examining the pile of dead DSTs when suddenly R2 starts whistling.

C-3POMaster Luke, Master Solo...over here. I do believe that Artoo and I have found


The group moves over to the two droids.

HANWhat is it, -3P0?

C-3POWell sir...Artoo and I have done a complete spectral analysis of these troopers, and have

come to the conclusion that they are made completely out of detreum.


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C-3POWell, Master Solo, Artoo and I crosschecked the material that we discovered here with

the material of the bomb that destroyed the Sovereign Court, and have come to the conclusion that both materials can be found on the Planet Ashacour.

LANDOAshacour? That's near the middle worlds.

JACEN (off-screen)Dad!

The group turns around to see Jacen and Kam running towards them.

HANWhat is it?

JACENIt's Jaina!

HANWhat about her?

KAMWell...she had managed to get in contact with us. Well...him.

HANHow? I thought that all the comm systems were down?

Jacen just looks at his father.

HANWhat's going on?

JACENWell...she says that she knows that mother is in trouble, but that the fleet has lost total

communication with home.

HANDid you tell her what has happened?

JACENWell, I was going to, but something interrupted us from telling her.

HANLike what?

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The two Jedi glance at each other.

JACENLike the huge Star Destroyer that just dropped out of hyperspace.

EXT--YAVIN IV--The planet of Yavin IV is calm and peaceful looking just as a massive keel-shaped TARKIN-class star destroyer appears out of Hyperspace.

INT—THE RAVAGER--BRIDGEThe Captain of the lead Star Destroyer stands in front of a hologram of Lord Morderd.

LORD MORDREDExcellent Commander. Begin your bombardment of the planet.

CAPTAINMy Lord, what about the Millennium Falcon?

LORD MORDREDIf you find them buried alive in the rubble, bring them to me.

CAPTAINYes, my Lord.

The hologram disappears. The captain turns to his Chief Gunnery Officer.

CAPTAINYou may fire when ready.

The Gunnery Officer turns on his heels and leaves.

EXT--GALAXY--YAVIN IVThe Star Destroyer opens fire, sending turbo-lasers and proton torpedoes down toward the moon.

EXT--JEDI PRAXIUM--MORNINGThe stone Manassi temples are reduced to dust as turbo-lasers and proton torpedoes hit their targets. Rubble and stones fall everywhere as the planet shakes under the relentless bombardment. The Jedi run for safe places of cover. Explosions hit everywhere sending debris into the air.

LUKEFind cover!

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CORRANWe have to get out of here!


CORRANCome on! We'll head for the catacombs!

Horn cautiously leads the group through the bombardment. The ground relentlessly shakes as explosions hit all around. Dead bodies are flung everywhere as the group tries to find cover.

EXT--SPACE--THE RAVAGERThe huge starship continues its relentless bombardment of the moon.

INT—THE RAVAGER--BRIDGE--MAIN CONTROL DECKThe Captain moves over to the sensor station.


WEAPONS OFFICERNo, sir. Our sensors have encountered no enemy ships from the surface. It would seem

that we have caught them by surprise.

CAPTAINGood. Continue with the bombardment.

A second officer turns around.

SENSOR OFFICERSir, our scopes are picking up a new group of signals!

The captain has a puzzled look on his face.

CAPTAINOn screen.

The image on the main viewing screen shifts to a sea of black stars.

CAPTAINI don't see anything. Are you...?

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He turns back to the officer just as the entire New Republic fleet appears out of hyperspace. Ships and frigates of various sizes and shapes appear in front of the huge Star Destroyer. Leading the way is the Lusankya.

INT--BRIDGE--THE LUSANKYAWedge is calm at the center of activity as he takes the fleet into battle. The bridge is bathed in an eerie red glow--RED ALERT

WEDGERaise the shields! And launch the fighters on my command.

EXT--SPACE--THE LUSANKYAX-Wing fighters swarm out of the main hanger bay and regroup with New Republic fighters of every kind--B-Wings, E-Wings, and R-Wings. They form up and start to attack the huge Star Destroyer.


TYCHOAll wings report in.


JAINARed leader standing by.


GREEN LEADERGreen leader standing by.


GRAY LEADERGray leader standing by.


BLUE LEADERBlue leader, standing by.


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TYCHOLock S-foils into attack position.

The S-wings of all the fighters lock into attack position as they rapidly approach the huge Star Destroyer.


JAINAMay the Force Be With Us.

EXT—THE RAVAGERWaves and waves of Shadow-Droid fighters--malevolent machines that are piloted by surgically implanted organic brains of former Imperial tie fighter pilots--are launched out of the massive bellies of the huge ship. They engage the New Republic fighters as massive dogfights begin.

NEW REPUBLIC FIGHTERS begin to swarm into two-man flights as individual dogfights break out all over.


STAR DESTROYER CAPTAIN Maintain position, and continue bombardment of the planet. Shields at maximum. Deck officer, warm-up the main gun.

EXT—SPACE BATTLETwo E-Wing fighters latch onto a pair of Shadow Droids and follow them around a Correllian Battlecrusier.


GRAY THREE (to Gray Four)Close up formation and lock-on.

CLOSE IN--on the HUD (Heads up Display). The HUD locks on to the target and the pilot fires.


One. Two. Both Shadow droids explode into a mass of flames.


GRAY THREEGood shooting, Gray Four.

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JAINALook out, Red Four. Three of them on your tail.

EXT—SPACE BATTLEA lone X-wing dodges the cannon fire of three Shadow Droids.


RED FOURI can't shake them...


RED FOUR does a complete loop but the Shadow Droids don't miss a beat.


JAINAHold on Red Four. I'm on my way.

She pulls her throttle up to the right.

EXT—SPACE BATTLERed Four screams past with three enemy fighters on his tail. Suddenly, Jaina's fighter comes out of nowhere.


JAINAHold on, Red Four. A few more moments.

Jaina looks down at her HUD. The targets lock up. She pulls the trigger.

EXT—SPACE BATTLEThe three enemy fighters explode into pieces.


TYCHO (v.o) Good shooting Red Leader.

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JAINAThank you.

Jaina turns the throttle around. HER POV--Tons of Shadow Droids are swarming all over the fleet.

JAINAThey are all attacking the fleet!


TYCHORoger Red Leader. Rogue Groups, this is Rogue Leader. Separate and concentrate your

attacks in two teams. Red Group, Blue Group re-group and protect the fleet. Green group, Gray group, you're with me. All forward shields to maximum power. We need to give the

fleet time to move into position. Re-group and attack their main body!


GREEN LEADERRoger, Rogue Leader.


BLUE LEADERRoger, Rogue Leader.

EXT—SPACE BATTLEThe battle is joined as swarms of B-wings and E-wings re-group and attack the Tarkin-class Star Destroyer.


JAINARed Group, Blue Group follow me!

EXT—SPACE BATTLEThe tiny New Republic fighters swerve around and fly back to protect the fleet.

EXT--SPACE--THE LUSANKYAEnemy Shadow Droids launch a massive attack on the New Republic ship. Anti-aircraft batteries positioned all over the surface open up with their laser cannons.

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CONTROLLERWe are under attack by enemy fighters!

WEDGEConcentrate all power to the shields. Our cannons aren't fast enough for their fighters.

We'll have to let our little friends worry about them. It's that gigantic Star Destroyer that we have to worry about. Prepare to channel all auxiliary power into the weapons.


STAR DESTROYER DECK OFFICERSir, the main gun is ready to fire.

The captain looks down at the officer in the well.

STAR DESTROYER CAPTAINExcellent. You may fire when ready!

EXT—THE RAVAGEROn the bow of the ship, a small circular port opens up, and begins to glow. Moments later, a large green super laser shoots out. A New Republic capital ship explodes into millions of fiery pieces.


WEDGEWhat the?? That thing’s active!

SECOND OFFICERSir, take a look at this.

Wedge moves over to look at the crewman’s scanner. It is a detailed schematic of the Ravager. The schematic shows a large laser tube running down the length of the ship’s keel. Wedge has seen a laser like that before.

WEDGEIt’s just like the laser they had on the Death Star.

SECOND OFFICERSir, we can’t fight that thing!

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WEDGEHelm…take evasive maneuvers. Communications, instruct the fleet to split up. We can’t

retreat. We can’t leave Luke down there all by himself.

INT—RAVAGER BRIDGEA gunnery officer walks over to the captain.

WEAPONS OFFICERThe laser is working at one hundred percent, captain.

STAR DESTROYERGood. I am sure that I have offered you plenty of targets. Wouldn’t you agree?


STAR DESTROYER CAPTAINGood. When the weapon powers up again, you and your crews have free reign.

EXT—SPACE BATTLETwo Shadow Droids bear down on an X-wing fighter.


RED SEVENI can't shake them!

THE SHADOW DROIDS fire again and destroy the X-wing into millions of pieces.


BLUE THREEWatch it Blue Two. You have one on your tail.

ANOTHER SHADOW DROID bears down on an unsuspecting R-wing fighter.

BLUE TWOI know...

BLUE TWO'S words are cut short as his fighter explodes around him. The SHADOW DROIDS swoop around and pick up another target--a lone X-Wing.

INT--JAINA'S COCKPITJaina is consumed by the battle around her when she instinctively moves her throttle.

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RED THREE'S VOICE (off-screen; filtered)Jaina look out! You have two on your six!

JAINA'S X-wing curves over, upside down, and around. But the Shadow Droids are still on her tail. A burst of cannon fires hits her backside.

JAINAI'm hit, but I'm okay!

JAINA moves the stick forward. Her X-WING plunges straight down, but the Shadow Droids are relentless.


JAINA'S VOICE (off-screen; filtered)I can't shake them!

RED THREEHold on Jaina. I'm on my way!

EXT—SPACE BATTLEJaina's X-wing zooms around a New Republic battlecruiser.

INT--JAINA'S COCKPITThere is a look of fear and desperation on her face. She turns the throttle one way, then another, but the THE SHADOW DROIDS keep on her tail, firing away at her.

POV--SHADOW DROID BATTLE COMPUTER.Jaina's X-wing bounces back and forth between the Shadow Droids’ crosshairs. Suddenly, Jaina's ship locks on. The computer reads (in basic) FIRE.

EXT—SPACE BATTLESuddenly, just as the Shadow Droids are about to destroy Jaina's ship, the first one explodes into a fireball. Then, the second, and then the third.

INT--JAINA'S COCKPITJaina is breathing heavily when she hears...

JACEN VOICE (off-screen; filtered)Whoa! I got him! I got all three!

JAINA turns around to see…THE MILLENNIUM FALCON plunging through the stellar debris.

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THE MILLENNIUM FALCON comes cruising into the dogfight, right behind Red Leader.


JACENYeah! I got them!


HAN (holding headset against his ear)Great Shooting, kid! Jaina, have your squadron form up around us!


JAINARoger Falcon! Blue Group, re-group around the Millennium Falcon!



EXT—SPACE BATTLEOnce again, the laser at the bow of the Ravager glows again. A giant laser bolt hits another New Republic ship, and it explodes into pieces.


WEDGEShields at full power. Helm, get us as far away from that thing as you can. Don’t give

them a direct shot!

EXT—SPACE BATTLE—New Republic ships break up, trying not to be sitting ducks. The Ravager fires again, and another NR ship explodes.

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HANThere’s no way we can penetrate those shields.

LANDOWe have to come up with a way to destroy that thing. Wedge…

WEDGEWhat do you got Lando?

LANDOThat Star Destroyer has to be expending tons of energy to keep that main gun firing and

its shields up.


WEDGERoger, our analysis shows that the main gun needs about ten standard minutes to warm

up before it can fire again.

LANDO (v.o)Then we have to hit it before it fires again. We have to throw everything that we got

against that thing.

WEDGERight. New Republic fleet…

The view screen in front of Wedge breaks into a dozen screens within a screen, showing the captains of all the New Republic battle fleet.

WEDGE…stand down and prepare to power up again. On my mark, we’ll fire everything that we

got in one giant burst.

NEW REPUBLIC CAPTAIN ONERoger, Admiral Antilles.

NEW REPUBLIC CAPTAIN TWOOn your mark, Admiral.

EXT—SPACE BATTLE—The Ravager’s main gun fires once more. But, this time, it misses its target.

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STAR DESTROYER CAPTAINGunners, seek a new firing solution, and fire on my mark.

WEAPONS OFFICERAye, captain. Main gun recharging. Ready in seven minutes.

He bends over a station, checking the re-charging status of the main gun.


SECOND OFFICERAll ships signal ready, Admiral.


EXT—SPACE BATTLE—Every single New Republic ship fires at the same time. The Ravager’s shields start to buckle underneath the stress.


SECOND OFFICERSir, our shields are failing!

CAPTAINCharge down the main gun, and switch the power to the shields. And hurry before they

have a chance to fire again!


EXT—SPACE BATTLE—Once again, every single New Republic ship fires at the same time. Small multiple explosions break out on the Ravager.


LANDOThat got it! Tycho, Jaina, follow us in.

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EXT—SPACE BATTLETycho’s X-wing and Jaina’s X-wing line up right behind the Millennium Falcon. The three cross over the Ravager’s bow and flip over to start a line-of-sight attack on the huge Star Destroyer. The Millennium Falcon fires its concussion missiles while both Tycho and Jaina launch proton torpedoes.

TYCHOThat should do it!

EXT—SPACE BATTLEAll the incoming projectiles hit dead center. A massive explosion results, and the Star Destroyer starts to come apart.


JAINAShe’s going to blow!


WEDGEAll engines engage. Helm, bring the fleet around the far side of the planet.

HELM OFFICERWith pleasure, Commander. Helm—set new coordinates: seven-three-two- mark-five.

EXT—SPACE—Slowly but surely, every ship in the New Republic fleet turns to transverse Yavin IV.

EXT—SPACE BATTLEExplosions erupt everywhere all over the Ravager. Suddenly, one giant explosion rips the ship into a two huge pieces. The first one continues falling out of control into space while the second piece starts to burn up in Yavin IV’s atmosphere.

EXT--JEDI PRAXIUM--DAYBlack smoke rises upwards toward the sky from the ruined Jedi Temple. Jaina leads a bunch of New Republic soldiers including Wedge and Tycho into the compound. They are all armed with blaster rifles.

JAINAFan out. Look for survivors.

A large pile of rubble falls behind them, and they all twirl on their feet, leveling blasters.

JACEN/KAMWhoa! It's us!

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Jacen rushes over, and hugs his sister. Behind them are Han and Lando.


The two embrace.

JAINAIt's so great to see you!

HANMe too kiddo. Me too!

JAINA (serious)Dad...It's Mom! She's in trouble.

HANI know. Your uncle Luke told me. He also told me that she was fine. For the moment


The group gathers in the middle of the compound.

WEDGELook at this place. That Star Destroyer sure did its job.

TYCHOI know.

Tycho picks up a rock that just crumbles in his hand.

TYCHOI sure hope that Luke got to safety.

INT--CATACOMBS--NARROW PASSAGEWAYThe entire group slowly makes their way through a narrow underground passageway. Most of them are carrying torches to light the way. Jacen is leading the way as they follow a narrow path that gets bigger with each moment.

JACENBe careful and watch your step!

Suddenly, the group comes upon a huge open pit. Beneath the surface of Yavin IV, Luke and the other Jedi have dug out the catacombs and established a hidden refuge complete with generators, moisture evaporators, and electricity.

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LUKE VOICE (o.s.)Jacen! Han! We're down here!

The group looks down and sees Luke waving at them. Wounded Jedi and medical droids are all over the place. On stretchers. On crutches. In the corner, Corran Horn is helping a group of Jedi assemble a generator.



The two embrace.

LUKEHow is my favorite niece doing?

JAINAFine. I'm fine. Uncle Luke...except for...well...you know.

Luke nods his head. He sees Wedge and Tycho, and shakes their hands.

LUKEWedge! How are you doing? And Tycho?

WEDGEGood...good...considering that we just took hundreds of casualties.

TYCHOAt least we took that bugger down.

LUKEWhat about the fleet? How bad is it?

TYCHOOver three-quarters of the fleet are still operational. But, I'm pretty sure they have a

couple more of those behemoths somewhere between here and Coruscant.

WEDGENo doubt somebody ordered them back home just before this little coup de ‘etat took


TYCHOOf course, that begs the question--who's really in charge and what do we do about it?

Everyone turns to Luke.

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LUKEI don't know. But, the first thing that we do is that we get off of this moon.

EXT-SPACELuke's X-Wing, the Millennium Falcon, and several fast transport ships fly through space away from Yavin IV.


HAN (voice-over)So, you really think that you can convince Kyp to join you again? He always was a loose


LUKEI don't think that we have a choice in the matter. We need those Jedi to help us defeat

Chancellor Veener.

HAN (voice-over)Well, good-luck convincing him. I have a feeling that he's not going to help just because

you asked.

LUKEWe'll see. Good luck yourself. I'll see you back at the fleet. And May the Force Be With


EXT--SPACEThe two ships peel away from each other.


LORD MORDREDGreetings, Lady Vader. We meet again.

LEIA (surprised)Nom Anor. I thought that you were destroyed.

NOM ANOR walks around the energy cage.

NOM ANORI was. But, I have been...resurrected.

He smiles. The dark figure walks up to the cage.

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NOM ANORYou do not know how it feels to be dead...to be defeated...destroyed? It is


LEIASo, you have discovered the Force?

NOM ANORI have always been a student of the Force...mind you. Oh, nothing serious. A little

dabbling here...a little dabbling there. It wasn't until the Jedi defeated the Vong that I seriously understood the power of the Force. I embraced the teachings of the Dark Side.

Like the two that you see around you, it has shown me the path...the only path.

LEIAYou cannot possibly fathom the power that you are dealing with.

NOM ANORBut, I do, Princess. I do.

Anor sits down on a throne.

NOM ANORThe Vong were foolish to underestimate the power of the Jedi. We were defeated.

Thrown out of the galaxy that we conquered with our tails between our legs.

LEIASo, now you're back for revenge.

NOM ANORRevenge? No. Absolution. But, this time I will be sure not to make the same mistakes. This time, I have moved cautiously, quickly, under the covers of darkness. I have used my guile and my influence in places that you have never thought. You see, it was I who

poisoned Chancellor Balin. It was I who started him on his path to find a new successor--your brother. And it was I who manipulated the Senate into escalating this constitutional crisis, and framed the Jedi for the destruction of the Sovereign Court. The public hates the Jedi. They are paranoid about the power that the Jedi hold. Yet, it is the Jedi, who

protect them. It would be such a farce, if it weren’t so true.

Anor walks over to the energy cage. He places his hand through it, and smugly grabs the Princess' face.

LEIAAnd where do I fit in this?

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NOM ANORIn due time, my princess. In due time. My plans to take control of the Republic have been planted. But, I will not make the same mistake that Palpatine did. They will rise up from their roots, ensnarling and choking the life out of all that good and holy. Soon, I will rule the galaxy, and star systems will kneel before me. And soon, yes, my dear Princess, you

and your Jedi friends will die like leaves on the vine.

Anor turns to his two Sith students.

NOM ANORTake her away.

EXT--CORUSCANT--MORNINGThe chaos has died down. There is calm throughout the streets. Automated street sweepers collect trash and clean debris from city streets.

INT--CHANCELLORY--VENEER'S OFFICEVeneer stares out his window at the city below him. His back is to Captain Senjanus as he enters and kneels.

VENEEERWhat is it?

SENJANUSThe city is secure, my Master. Martial Law has been established.

VENEERExcellent. Are the preparations underway for the transfer of power ceremony?

SENJANUSYes, my Lord. The Swearing-in ceremony is scheduled to take place a few days from


VENEERGood. Now, I have another need for you. Return to Ashacour. There, you will take

control of the army, and we will defeat the Jedi once and for all. You have done well, Captain. See to it that you continue to do so.

Senjanus bows again and leaves. Veneer turns to a hologram projector. A projection of Nom Anor appears.

VENEEREverything is going according to plan, my Master.

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INT--SITH TEMPLELeia sits alone in her cell, pondering her situation. She has been in tougher situations before. She tries to sleep. Suddenly, she hears a voice. Someone is saying something. She looks around. Nothing. There is a moment of silence before she hears it again. It sounds like the word: "Mother." She crawls over to the door. She pushes on it. To her surprise, it opens. She looks both ways before she crawls out of her cage. She hears a familiar vibrating noise. She goes down the darkened hallway. The vibrating noise gets louder. It is the sound of a lightsaber in action. Leia peers around the corner.

INT--TEMPLE ROOMThree animate objects—people—are fighting with lightsabers. A large dominating figure in black is fighting two smaller opponents. Leia moves closer, sticking to the shadows. She squints trying to focus on the image. The figures move out into the light. It is Jacen and Anakin Solo, Leia's two sons. (The Yuuzhan Vong killed Anakin during their invasion into New Republic territory during the New Jedi Order series) But, they are fighting a figure who has a deep breathing mechanical sound--DARTH VADER!

LEIA (silently)No!

Anakin and Jacen attack the dark robed figure. But, he merely shrugs them off. In an instant, he catches both of the young Jedi off guard, and in one clean swipe, Vader kills them both. The two bodies go limp. They fall to the ground, dead.


Darth Vader turns around as she screams at the top of her lungs. Vader moves hauntingly towards her with his lightsaber activated.

DARTH VADERNow, Princess, I will show you the true power of the Dark Side!

Leia is stunned, speechless at what just happened. The form of Darth Vader rapidly approaches her.

JAINA'S VOICE (off-screen)Mom here! Mom, over here!

Leia looks down to see little Jaina about five years old, sweet and innocent tugging on her dress.

JAINAHere mom, take this!

Jaina is holding a lightsaber in her hand.

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JAINA (insistent)Here mom, take this! Take this!

Leia is confused. She doesn't know what to do.

LEIANo, this can’t be happening.

JAINAHere mom, take this! Take this!

All of a sudden, Jaina's voice is echoing throughout the room. Leia falls to the ground, covering her ears, trying to block out the sound. She shakes her head, still screaming, "No!"

Suddenly Darth Vader is towering over her. He ignites his green lightsaber, and swings at her. Leia rolls out of the way as Vader swings down, and she manages to roll into Jaina.

JAINAHere mother take this!

Once again, her daughter holds up a lightsaber. Darth Vader is right behind her and swings once again. This time, Jaina disappears into air as if she was never there in the first place.

DARTH VADERTake your lightsaber, and strike me down. It is your destiny!

Vader swings again, but Leia rolls out of the way. She reaches out for the lightsaber. It ignites in her hand. Vader swings his saber one more time, but Leia blocks the blow.

Leia swings for Vader's helmet, and she knocks it clean off. There is a cloud of smoke and sparks, and when it clears, Luke’s head is sitting atop Vader’s mechanical body.


LUKE (smiling)Yes, my sister. It's me...Defend yourself or meet your destiny.

Luke swings his lightsaber up and around. Leia knows that there is no way that she can deflect his blows. She falls to the ground, stunned and weakened. She is barely able to hold her saber high as Luke arcs his forward...

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INT--SITH TEMPLE--AUDIENCE CHAMBERA startled Leia wakes up on a bed in the middle of the chamber. She clutches her chest and she is covered with sweat. There is a ghastly expression on her face.

NOM ANORA bad dream?

Leia turns to see Nom Anor standing over her. She turns to the other side of the bed.

LEIAYes, a bad dream.

NOM ANORThe future you see.


She turns to face him.

NOM ANORStrong you are in the force, Lady Vader. Strong enough to see the future.

LEIAHow could that be? My brother would never...

NOM ANORJoined the Dark Side he has once already. Follow in his father's footstep, he will.

LEIANo. My brother is a good man. He will never join the Dark Side.

NOM ANORToo late already. The future is in motion.

Nom waves his hand, and a picture of a moon appears in front of them.

NOM ANOROn the Saygon moon, he will confront and kill Kyp Durron for control of the Jedi Order. From there he will defeat the Chancellor's army gathering on Tatooine. He will return to

Coruscant victorious like a god and kill the Chancellor, establishing himself as the Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy. Just like his father before him, he will not be able to resist

it. When he is challenged by your offspring, he will kill them...

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LEIANo. You're wrong!

NOM ANORAm I? That is what your father thought also. But, he murdered his own wife and his

friends. He destroyed your home planet and tortured you endlessly for hours. The Dark Side lies deep in the Skywalker bloodline.

Leia just looks at him.NOM ANOR

Doubt, you have already.

LEIA (softly)No.

NOM ANORDo not lie to me, child. I see it in your face. I feel it throughout your body. We always

betray the ones that we love. Like father, like son.

Nom waves his hand again. A lightsaber floats in front of Leia's face.

NOM ANORTake your weapon. Kill your brother. He will not suspect you. Someone who cares for

him. Someone who loves him.

In an instant, Nom Anor is behind Leia, whispering into her ear.

NOM ANORYou have seen what will happen if you do not act. Your son. Your daughter. The labors

of your love.

Leia turns over her shoulder, but there is no one there. She grabs the lightsaber and throws it to the ground. Nom Anor is suddenly in front of her.

NOM ANORYou cannot resist. It is your destiny.

EXT--SPACELuke's X-Wing soars through space.

INT—LUKE’S X-WING—COCKPITLuke is scanning the controls when Artoo whistles. He looks down at the translation screen.

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LUKEI'm fine.

Artoo beeps again.

LUKEYes, I know where we are. We are in the Saygan system.

Artoo beeps once more.

LUKEI know that we haven't looked here before, but I am getting strong readings from Force-

users here.

Artoo whistles.

LUKENo. I don't know what I am going to do when I meet up with him.

Artoo beeps inquisitively.

LUKEYes, I am pretty sure that I won't have to kill him, but I need him now. Now, please hold

on. We are almost there.

EXT--SAYGAN--DAYSaygan is a jungle planet that is more dense and crowded with vegetation than Dagaboh. Luke settles his X-Wing down into a clearing. As his canopy rises, he looks around as Artoo starts to extract himself from his hole in the back.

LUKEHe's here, Artoo. I can feel him.

Artoo chirps, agreeing with his master.

EXT--JUNGLE--DUSKLuke cautiously moves through the jungle scanning everywhere. He stops at a dangerous river crossing. He looks down at the river, whose raging waters are no match for no man. He looks across to the other side. It is at least half a mile. He notices a row of boulders that stick out like sore thumbs in the river. Like giant stepping-stones. He looks around and, taking a running leap, lands on the first boulder. He turns around and sees Artoo at the water's edge. The little droid whistles.

LUKEI'll be all right. Go back to the ship, and keep her safe.

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The droid just stands there like a little puppy dog that lost its master.

LUKENow go on.

The little droid turns around and moves back into the jungle. Luke smiles and turns around. He leaps on to the second boulder. Suddenly, three laser bolts shoot at him. He ignites his lightsaber and deflects them off to the side. He looks around, but sees nothing. Suddenly, another volley of laser bolts shoot at him. He tries to deflect them, but they knock him off balance, and he falls. His body bounces off of the rocks, and hislightsaber goes flying. Luke tumbles downward and he hits the water—hard. His body starts to float downstream.

EXT--BEACH--DAYLuke wakes up to find himself face down on a sandy beach. He looks both ways before he sees three men approaching him. They are wearing brown robes.

JEDI #1There he is!

JEDI #2Get him before he gets away.

Luke immediately goes for his lightsaber, but it isn't there. He looks once more at the men approaching him. He is defenseless, and he starts to run in the other direction.

One of the men brings out a gun and fires a metal ball, which quickly expands into a net. The net covers Luke, and once again, he falls to the ground.

JEDI #3Pick him up. The Master is waiting for him.

EXT--THE RIVER--DAYA small boat slowly makes its way up river. Luke is sitting in the back, his hands shackled behind his back. One of the Jedi walks over to him, holding a stun gun.

JEDI #3I would rest if I were you. You are going to need it once the Master gets through with


EXT--KYP'S CAMP--END OF THE RIVER--DUSKThe day's journey is at its end. Luke looks up to see a ruined temple of an alien species. It reminds him of the Jedi Praxium, but it looks like there has been no one there for millions of years. Torches light up the landing dock as the boat moors itself to the landing. A huge crowd of Jedi Knights, who look more like refugees--all scruffy looking and bandaged--than Jedi, greet them.

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The boat lands, and almost immediately the crowd rushes forward to greet them. A couple of them grab Luke and immediately tie him to a yoke. They drag him through the crowd as the Jedi spit on him and throw stones at him.

INT--A DARK ROOM--A door opens and Luke is thrown into it. He falls down on his knees, and he keels over from the weight of the yoke. He takes a couple of deep breaths, and there is absolute SILENCE.

KYP'S VOICEI trust that they didn't hurt you. My men can get very agitated if not properly controlled.

Kyp Durron steps out from the shadows. He is confidant and strong looking.

LUKESo do you.

Kyp shakes his head.KYP

Tsk...tsk...Luke. You think that you have wallowed in your humility long enough? It doesn't become you.

LUKEPlenty. It's my humility that stops me from getting myself killed.

KYPPlease, Luke, don't lecture me with your platitudes. Allow me.

Kyp waves his hands. The ropes around Luke's wrist break, and the heavy yoke falls to the ground. Luke is relieved from the exhaustive, backbreaking device. But, he is still hurting. Kyp circles around him.

KYPTell me something...how long were you going to stay tied up like that? How long were

you going to let them push you around like that?

Luke just stares back at him.

KYPThat's the difference between you and me. I can control my power. I understand what it

is. You are afraid of yours.

Kyp goes over a chair and sits in it. Next to him is a bowl of water. He dips his hands in it, and wipes his brow.

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KYPI don't know if you have been paying attention, but much has happened since the Praxium was destroyed. Chancellor Veneer's influence has already taken control of the Senate. Of course, there is still a democracy in that august body, but since he has an overwhelming

majority, it is useless.

LUKEBut, there still is opposition.

KYPYou know how little influence that they have. Legislation has already been introduced to ban the Jedi as a religion.

LUKEBut, there is still hope.

KYPHope? If your idea of hope is to be chased out of your sanctuary and hunted down to

extermination, then I think that we have serious problem.

LUKEYou haven't helped them by seeking refuge on this forsaken planet.

KYPAt least, I have lead. At least, I have the courage to make decisions. Not like you who are afraid of his own shadow. We have chosen to fight back. We will not lie down and let the

Supreme Chancellor run us out of the galaxy.

Kyp leans in.

KYPYou don't get it, do you? We are princes of the universe, and you choose to hide behind

hidden fortresses while the galaxy burns. Guards!

Two Jedi enter, brandishing their laser swords.

KYPTake Master Skywalker to the pit. Hopefully, there you will think about what you have to

do...or what you have failed to.

The guards grab Luke, and take him away.

EXT--SPACE--ASHACOURThe Millennium Falcon enters orbit around the planet.

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INT--MILLENNIUM FALCON--COCKPITEveryone is settled in the cockpit.

HANI sure hope that you are right about this, professor. We are out in the middle of nowhere.

C-3POMaster Solo, sir. Artoo is correct approximately one hundred and seventy three times.

HANWell, that's good to know.

Han gets out of his seat, and heads for the door.

HANLand on the far side of the planet. I don't want to let anyone know that we are here.

LANDOI hear ya.

EXT--ASHACOUR--GRASSY PLAINThe Falcon lands as the hatchway opens. Han and the kids are the first ones out. They look around at the vast wasteland.

HANNo one to meet us. I don't know if that is a good or bad sign. What do we know about this

planet anyway?

The group turns to C-3PO.

C-3POWell, according to all known sources, Ashacour was a mining colony until the settlers

stripped the planet bare--so to speak. Then, they left. It is also famous for it's underground rivers that they use to transport supplies from place to place.

HANGreat, more caves.

LANDOWell, somebody's been here recently. Recent enough for someone to mine enough

detreum and construct those bombs that destroyed the Sovereign Court.

HANWhat about settlements?

Jacen points over the horizon.

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JACENThe Falcon's sensors picked up a couple of old mining ones. They are in that direction.

KAMMaybe they know what is going on.

ELECTROBINOCULARS--POVA pair of eyes watches the group leave the Falcon.

INT--SITH TEMPLELeia wakes up from another nightmare, breathing rapidly.

NOM ANORAnother nightmare. You can’t escape that fact that you and your brother's fate are


Nom Anor hands Leia a lightsaber.

NOM ANORTake this. Strike down your brother.

Leia focuses on the lightsaber. But, she turns away from it, deeply upset.

NOM ANORIt is un-avoidable. It is your destiny.

Leia hides her eyes.


Her body begins to shake as every objects in the room starts to vibrate. Suddenly, vases and plates and other artifacts break into pieces. The furniture starts to rattle. The floor starts to shake.


Suddenly, the lightsaber flies into her hand. She ignites it, and swings her arms back. She swings forward. Another lightsaber ignites; Darth Malice's lightsaber swings into view, blocking Leia's slashing attack. In the background, his face illuminated by the two glowing sabers, Nom Anor smiles.

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EXT--SAYGON--THE PIT--NOONThe sun is high in the sky as Luke is being held naked suspended in a mud pit. He is tanned-almost burnt--half asleep, his strength being drained from the hot sun. Off to the side is R2-D2, who is also being hung upside down by his legs. Insects buzz all around him. He looks up and notices the shadow of a man approaching. It is Kyp Durron.

KYPLook at the son of Vader. What do you have to say for yourself now? Hmm?

Luke just stares at him. Artoo swirls his head around.

KYPYou know. I once admired you. Luke Skywalker. Your name was legendary throughout

the galaxy. Kids emulated you. Wanted to be like you. Now, look where you are. How do you feel about that?

Kyp stares for a moment before he starts to turn to leave.

LUKEI think that everyday you become more and more seduced by the Dark Side of the Force.

KYPDon't try to frighten me with your Sorcery ways. The Force is no more than a tool as the

lightsaber that I wear on my belt.

Luke looks up to see his lightsaber around his belt.

KYPYours. I figure that only a true Jedi should wear it.

LUKEI would like that back.

KYPWould you?

LUKEI'll fight you for it.

Artoo turns his head and whistles in surprise.

LUKEDo you think that you can beat me, Kyp? That's what you want, isn't it. To beat me? To

show everyone that you are stronger than I am?

Kyp is almost taken in, but he knows better.

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KYPA true leader doesn't play games.

LUKETo the death then. The day after tomorrow. When the sun is upon the field. Winner takes all.

Kyp is at first startled by the offer. Then, he starts to contemplate it. Luke is serious. Then, he agrees.

KYPSo, be it then. The day after tomorrow. At sunrise. The two of us. To the death.

INT--SITH TEMPLEJenna and Olam quietly make their way through the temple. They are in awe at the majesty of it all.

TELLThe Sith built these temples as burial places for the Dark Lords. It is said that their spirits are entombed here, waiting for someone to come along and release them. It's said that the

power in the Dark Side can transcend even Death itself.

JENNAWell, let's not do anything stupid and wake them up.

Tell suddenly stops. He hears something.

TELLWhat's that?

The two Jedi race ahead. They turn a corner and see Leia and Darth Malice fighting with their lightsabers.


Leia looks to see the two Jedi.

JENNAThis way!

Leia focuses back on the fight at hand. She twirls her saber, and in a desperate move, she pushes Darth Malice down to the floor. Darth Malice growls in anger as Leia extinguishes her lightsaber and runs toward the Jedi.

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LEIALet's go!

Darth Malice stands up and is about to pursue when Nom Anor reaches forward and grabs her. He shakes his head "no." The three Jedi start down the dark corridor when laser blasts start to fly around them.

TELLSithtroopers. Too many for us to handle.

LEIALet's get out of here!

TELLYou heard the Princess. Back to the shuttle.

EXT--KORRIBAN—IMPERIAL SHUTTLEThe three run up into the shuttle. The ramp closes behind them. A squad of Sithtroopers continues to fire their blasters at the shuttle. The shuttle lifts off the ground, and unfolding its wings, shoots out into the upper atmosphere.


DARTH MALICEWhy didn't you let me go after them?

NOM ANORIt is not necessary.

DARTH MALICEYou allowed them to escape. Why?

NOM ANORLeia Solo has a strong mind, but even the strongest walls fall over time. I have implanted a memory queue in her mind. She will strike out and kill her brother the first chance she

gets. Everything is going exactly as I have foreseen it.

There is a moment of silence.

NOM ANORCome, we must prepare for our journey.



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The group is hiding behind a sea of boulders waiting for Jacen and Kam who are running back from a reconnaissance mission of the nearest settlement.

JACENNobody knows anything. I did a mind probe of every person that I came into contact

with, and they don't know a thing.

KAMThe caves. We have to check the caves.

INT--UNDERGROUND CAVERN--CONTROL ROOMSenjanus is standing over a consol. The screen behind him flickers on. A Mandolorian Battlelord fills it.


MANDOLORIAN BATTLELORDSolo and his family have searched each settlement and found nothing. I suspect that they

will start to investigate the caves next.


MANDOLORIAN BATTLELORDMy lord, what are your orders?

SENAJANUSReturn to your station and prepare for your journey to Tatooine.


JACENAccording to the maps, these caves will lead us into the underground caverns.

C-3POSir, with all do respect, I don't think that my poor body can fit through these openings.

HANIts okay, -3PO. I don't want to find out what is down there anymore than you do. Stay

here, and watch the Falcon. You guys ready?

Lando pulls out his blaster.

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LANDOReady as I'll ever be.

The crew light glow-torches and head down into the cave.

EXT--SPACE--The Imperial shuttle races through space.

INT—IMPERIAL SHUTTLE—PASSENGER COMPARTMENTLeia is sitting peacefully in the passenger compartment. She is staring out into space, almost in a hypnotized state. The door opens, and Jenna walks in. She sits down next to her, and places her hand on Leia's arm.

JENNAPrincess Leia, are you all right?

There is a moment of silence.


LEIAHmm? Oh yes. I am fine. I am just...just trying to figure out what happened?

JENNAWhat do you mean?

LEIAI don't know. It was...it was weird.

Leia is holding the lightsaber tightly in her hand. She squeezes it.

LEIAThe moment that this flew into my hand...something happened. It was like I was totally at peace...but it was also like I was some sort of mad-person...fighting the Dark Lord. It was

like something else was controlling me.

Jenna is about to speak, but doesn't...

LEIAIt was so calm...as if I knew what I was doing. But, I have never done anything like that


JENNAYou are right. You did know what you were doing. You did feel something. Through this


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Jenna takes it away from her.

JENNAThis is more than just a weapon. It is a way that a Jedi connects himself to the Force. At

times, when you are truly at peace, you can feel the Force guide your weapon in your hands. And at the same time, you guide it also. It is a symbiotic relationship between the

Force and us.

LEIAYou seem to know much about this.

JENNAI have a good teacher.

LEIAYou just taught me more about the Force than my brother has in ten years.

JENNAYour brother?

LEIAYes. Yes, my brother.

Leia stops. There is a look of concern on Jenna's face.

JENNAAre you okay?

LEIAYes. Yes. I'm fine.

But, there is a look of dread on Leia's face as the shuttle sails through the stars.

INT--ASHACOUR--UNDERGROUND CAVESHan's group suddenly finds themselves in a huge hanger-like room.

JAINALook at the size of this place!

JACENI bet you could fit thousands of people in this room.

Everyone turns to see Lando off in the far corner of the room. They all race over. Lando throws a huge piece of metal at them. It lands in front of them. It is a laser cannon.

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LANDOLook, what I found.

Lando throws some more stuff at them.

LANDOJet packs...and blaster rifles.

The group looks down at the equipment at their feet.

LANDOSoldiers. This is a staging area. The rooms back there--armories. And they are all empty.

KAMA staging area? A staging area for what?


HANBut who? Or what?

LANDOI have a feeling that if we keep looking around, we'll find out.

Han turns around just as a Mandalorian Battlelord appears at the door. He points his rifle at Han, and fires.

HANGet down!

Everyone hits the deck as the battlelord opens fire. Han and Lando quickly draw their blasters and return fire---but the battlelord is gone.

JACENWhat was that? More of those Supertroopers?

HANSomething else. Kind of reminded me...


HANBoba Fett.

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LANDOBoba Fett is dead. Well…that’s what I heard.

HANI know that. But he looked kind of like him. With the armor and all.

JAINAAll right. I think that the best way to search this place is to split into two groups. Dad and

I will go this way...

Jaina points to her left.

JAINA...while Lando, Kam, and Jacen will go the other way. We'll keep in contact with each

other by comlinks.

INT--ASHACOUR--UNDERGROUND CAVERNJacen, Kam, and Lando continue to make their way through the caverns. They come to a door. The two Jedi grab their lightsaber handles.

JACENOpen it.

Lando opens the door, and they charge in, it is a...

INT--KITCHEN/MESS HALLThe room is large enough to feed thousands. Kam goes over to a machine, and pulls a lever. A thick, yellowish glop of stuff comes out. Kam tastes it with his fingers. The other two look at him.

KAMIt's a protein, carbohydrate, and sugar composition.

JACENLooks like something I ate before I had teeth.

LANDOProcessed food source. All that you need for healthy growing bones and muscle.

KAMLook at this place--they could feed thousands in a single seating.

The trio looks around the place. It is immaculately clean. No dishes or plates or utensils.

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INT--UNDERGROUND CAVERN--CLONING ROOMA door opens, and Han and Jaina look in. Han nods to Jaina to stay still as he walks in. Immediately, the lights go on to reveal a dark room that stretches as far as the eyes could see. Alongside the wall are Spartan Cloning Cylinders connected to one another via small tubes and wiring. A blue florescent bulb glows in each cylinder. Han takes a deep breath. He has seen this before.


The two quietly and delicately make their way through the room. Jaina goes to a computer terminal, and pushes a button. Immediately, the screen in front of her snaps on, showing a three-dimensional diagram of a human male outfitted with supped-up battle armor.

JAINAFather, take a look at this.

INT--ASHACOUR--UNDERGROUND CAVERN--DORMITORYThe three are walking quietly through a dormitory of steel bed frames that are stacked five-high.

LANDOWhoever is behind this, he or she must have enough credits and resources to train and

feed and equip an army.

KAMOver here.

He goes to a wall and pushes a button. The door opens up to reveal a huge armory of Boba-Fett-like armor. Lando' s intercom beeps.

LANDOLando. What's up old buddy?

HAN”S VOICE (filtered)I think that Jaina and I just found a large piece to this very huge puzzle.

LANDOUs too.

HANGood. I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

LANDOThat sounds fair.

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INT--STAGING AREABoth groups meet back in the staging area, amid the weapons and supplies that they had found.


JACENBut, I thought that cloning was outlawed.

JAINAIt was. But, just because something is outlawed or illegal doesn't mean that people won't

do it.

LANDOThe only people who ever tried cloning on this mass scale was the Empire. And that

ended with Thrawn.

KAMThe Emperor used the genetic material of that bounty hunter, Jango Fett.

JAINAWell, it looks like they are using some of him again. But, with some twists.

KAMIf I recall, Jango Fett was a Mandolorian Warrior. They were some of the greatest soldiers of all time. From the moment that they were born, they were trained to be

soldiers. They moved from star system to star system offering their services to the highest bidder.

HANUntil one day, they realized that they didn't have to answer to anyone but themselves.

They conquered half of the galaxy until the Jedi stopped them. Rumors have it that only a few survived before they were chased out of the galaxy.

JACENDidn’t the Emperor use Jango’s DNA as a template for his stormtroopers?

HANYeah. I don’t know why, though? Sure, they looked tough, but they couldn’t hit the side

of a star destroyer if their lives depended on it.

KAMWell, maybe they settled here. And then, in order to continue their race, they had to clone


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JAINANo. As I said before, all of these clones are based on the genetic material of Jango Fett,

but with some twists.

She holds up her hand. A tiny holo-projector is in it. She hits the button on the side. A three-dimensional image of a figure dressed in Boba-Fettish armor turns around in Jaina's hand.

JAINAOn the surface, each of these clones appears to be nearly identical to the test subject.

The hologram BLINKS to show a man resembling Jango Fett dressed only a white tunic around his waist.

JAINA (con't)But, if you look closely, there are some new dimensions.

The hologram BLINKS again to show the man stripped of his skin, and covered only in interlocking sheath of steel, mesh, electronics, and human flesh.


JAINAClose. Cyber-droids. Half man/half android. Cy-clones. Clearly, someone has found a way to meld the human half of Jango Fett onto the body of a droid. The components

work together to produce a Mandolarian warrior twenty times as powerful as the original.

LANDOAnd smarter. From what I read here, these cy-clones have an advantage over their

original template.

HANWhat’s that?

LANDOThey can think, and learn from their mistakes.

HANSo, what you are saying is that we are going to go up against soldiers who have the brain

and skills of Jango Fett, and the toughness and durability of a battle droid?

Kam throws a Mandolarian battle-helmet and a suit of battle-armor to the ground. There is silence for a moment before...

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HANDoes anyone else have a bad feeling about this?

EXT--SAYGON--DAWNThe Sun is climbing above the jungle planet.

EXT--KYP'S HIDEOUT--At the end of the river, the two Jedi Knights prepare to fight each other to the death. They both have their shirts off, and circle one other. This is, after all, a battle to the death. Another Jedi Knight motions for the two to step forward. The referee silently asks if both men are ready. They both nod their head in agreement. He holds up both hands, each one carrying each's respective lightsaber. They both take them.

The Referee walks away as the crowd silently watches with interest. Kyp is the first to ignite his saber. Luke follows in response as they continue to circle one another. They both know that only one man will leave this place alive.

Kyp rushes forward, but Luke vertically leaps over him. Luke lands and swings his saber about. Kyp blocks it, and he swings for Luke's head. Luke ducks and rolls to the ground with Kyp slashing away after him. Around them the wind starts to pick up. Clouds start to converge, and block out the sun.

Luke reaches out and Force Pushes Kyp back. Luke regains his footing, and the two Jedi once again circle each other. Kyp attacks with a high-strike. Luke blocks, and then swings for Kyp's feet. Kyp summersaults backwards...once...then twice as Luke swing it around. Kyp reaches for the Force, and a huge tree branch comes out from Luke's side, and it knocks him to the ground.

Kyp twirls his saber in his hand, and is about to cut Luke into pieces, when Luke once again reaches out with his hand. A large tree TRUNK rips off of the ground and flies towards Kyp's back. Kyp spins around on his axis, and slices the tree in two down the middle with his saber. Both pieces of wood fall on either side of him. Luke springs up and attacks again, reigning blow after blow upon Kyp. The wind continues to pick up as Luke continues his attack.

Luke lunges forward, but Kyp moves out of the way. He jumps up and kicks Luke in the back of the head. Luke falls forward and lets go of his lightsaber. Luke reaches out for it, but Kyp waves his hand.


The lightsaber moves forward out of Luke's reach. Luke dives again to reach for it, but Kyp waves his hand again, and the lightsaber jumps out of reach one more time.

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Luke points his finger to a huge bolder off to the side, and the boulder lifts off the ground, and hurtles itself toward Kyp. Kyp turns and waves his hand again as the boulder just explodes into dust.

Luke reaches for his lightsaber, and it flies into his hand. He ignites it and twists to connect once again with Kyp's. Their lightsaber clash with thunder as both men try to wrestle the advantage over the other.

Kyp head butts Luke, and the Jedi Master staggers back. Kyp readies his lightsaber in en gaurde position as he flies forward. Luke waits in anticipation as he holds his sword at ready, and swings as Kyp flies past him.

Kyp summersaults in the air, and in the process, cuts Luke's lightsaber in half. Luke throws the pummel to the ground, and stands in a defensive position as Kyp screams forward with his saber. Luke grabs Kyp's arm just as it arcs downward. The two men turn with the momentum, and Luke throws Kyp up against a stonewall.

Kyp recovers for a moment just to discover that Luke now has HIS lightsaber in his hand, and the blade at his throat. Kyp takes a deep breath as his eyes focus on Luke.

KYPDo it. Kill me. You've won.

Luke's eyes narrow as the crowd around him starts to shout: KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!

Luke grits his teeth as he struggles to maintain his composure. His hands start to shake. Finally, at the last moment, he switches off the lightsaber.

LUKENo. You and I always had a different outlook on the way of the Force. But, underneath it

all, you are a Jedi. And I need you.

He looks around.

LUKE (continued)And your men. If we are ever going to win against the Sith, I am going to need you at my

side. Take your place there as my brothers-in-arms, and let us forget that this ever happened.

He stretches out his hand. Kyp stares at it for a few moments.


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Kyp reaches forward and Luke grabs it, pulling up from the ground, and into his embrace. The crowd erupts into a loud cheer.


INT--CHANCELLOR'S PALACE--HALLWAYSupreme Chancellor Veneer is standing in front of a hologram of Senjanus.

VENEERIs everything prepared?

SENJANUSYes. The army is in place awaiting your command.

VENEERGood. Once we have destroyed the Jedi, our rule should be cemented when I take the

oath of office.


INT--THE LUSANKYA--HANGER BAY 3ALuke's X-Wing lands alongside Kyp's X-Wing and various other spaceships.

INT--THE LUSANKYA--LUKE'S QUARTERSThe room is dark as Luke sleeps oblivious to the shadow that falls over him. A HAND holds a lightsaber directly above him. Luke snaps awake.

LUKEWho's there?


She ignites her saber and swings at Luke, but it is too late as he rolls out of bed, and stands up. The light flicks on, and Leia Organa Solo is completely transformed. Her long hair is jet BLACK and her eyes are consumed with darkness.

LUKELeia what are you doing?

LEIASomething that I should've done long before you killed my son!

EXT--THE LUSANKYA--COMMAND CENTER--Wedge, Han, Lando, and Tycho are standing on the bridge.

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C-3POMaster Solo, sir! Master Solo!

Han looks down to see C-3PO in one of the command bays.

HANWhat is it Goldenrod?

C-3POSensors indicate an Intruder Alert!


C-3PO glances over the Deck Officer.

C-3PODeck 12, Section 15.

HANThat's Luke quarters.

Han glances at Wedge before he breaks into a run.

HANHave security meet me down there.


LUKEYou're not my sister!

LEIAI am the one who occupies her body.

Leia swings again and barely misses Luke.

EXT--THE LUSANKYA--HALLWAYHan and three security troopers race around the corner and stop at Luke's door. Han moves forward, but the door remains closed. Han pushes the over-ride button.

HANIt's locked.

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INT--THE LUSANKYA--LUKE'S ROOM--Leia twirls her saber in her hand, and is about ready to pounce when Luke raises his hand, and her saber flies into his hand. Leia looks incredulously at him.

LEIAI don't need that to kill you.

She looks over at an assortment of bladed weapons hanging in a collection on the wall. She points at them, and they all become animated.

LEIAThis is for Anakin!

She flings her arm forward, and the knives and daggers and hatchets fly toward Luke. Once again, Luke raises his hand, and the flying objects stop suddenly as if they have hit an invisible wall. They fall to the ground. Luke looks at Leia as she once again raises her hand. Sparks of Force Energy crackle at her fingertips. She lets loose a bolt of Force Lightening. But, Luke raises his hand, and deflects the lightening back at Leia, who is thrown clearly through the bulkhead. Her body rests at the feet of her husband, who has just arrived, blaster drawn, with a fleet security team.

Han peers through the hole in the wall at Luke, and then at Leia. He puts his blaster into his holster, and kneels at the body of his wife. He checks for a pulse as Leia's hair turns back to its original color, and her eyes become clear. She smiles at Han, and her eyes slowly close as she slips into unconsciousness.


LUKE (off-screen)That's not Leia.

Han turns to see Luke peering through the hole in the bulkhead. He looks down at Leia again, and then back at Luke with a confused look on his face.

INT---THE LUSANSYA--FORWARD OBSERVATION DECKStars pass through space as Luke, Han, Lando, and the rest of the heroes sit around a table.

HANCan you explain that to me again?

LUKELeia was possessed with the essence of a Dark Lord of the Sith. A very powerful one, I

might add.

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CORRANI knew it. I knew that the Sith were involved with this.

LUKEWhen she was captured, the Sith Lord must have possessed her, and inserted a 'trigger

key' into her sub-conscious to kill me at the best possible moment.

HANBut, it's gone now?

LUKEYes. Of course, I would like to know who this Sith Lord is.

LEIA (off-screen)Nom Anor. It is Nom Anor.

Everyone turns to see Leia standing there. Han races over to her.

HANLeia! Are you all right?

He hugs her.

C-3POOh...Princess Leia. It is good to see that you are all right.

R2 whistles in acknowledgement.

LEIAI'm fine. I'm fine. And Luke?

LUKEI'm okay.

He looks at her, and she goes over to embrace him.

LEIAI don't know what happened. I remember lying down in my quarters resting. The next

thing I know, I'm being thrown through a bulkhead.

HANLuke says that you are safe now.

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LUKEThe blast must've been strong enough to throw the possessing spirit out of your body. I'm

just glad that you are okay too.

LEIAI'm glad that I didn't hurt you.

LUKEWell, it helps that I know a few things about the Force.

HANNom Anor, huh? I thought that he was dead.

LEIAApparently so did we. It turns out that he has discovered the powers of the Dark Side,

and he wants to relive the glory of the Sith Empire.

TYCHOAt least now, we know what we are up against. What do we do about it?

Jacen moves forward to the screen. It flicks on.

JACENAs we were examining the Sovereign Court Chamber after the explosion, I noticed that

Captain Senjanus said something that made me curious. So, I had R2 tap into the Security Net, and I discovered this.

The camera focuses on the screen as it show Captain Senjanus placing a small, rectangular device underneath the Sovereign Justices' bench.

LANDOIt was Senjanus who planted those bombs?

JACENHe mentioned that he personally swept the Sovereign Court Chamber for any explosives.

So, I just checked out a hunch that I had.

HANSo, he's involved. That must mean that the whole entire Guard is working for Veneer


KYP DURRONThat’s not the half of it. Veneer is using the assassination of Chancellor Balin as a pretext

to declaring Martial Law. He has placed commanders loyal to him in charge of the majority of the fleet. He's threatening another civil war, and has declared the Jedi Knights

as 'suspect' to the cause of the New Republic.

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HAN SOLOThings never change, do they?

LUKEWhat about the fleet?

WEDGEI'm guessing that most of the fleet will be dispersed during the inauguration to put down

any trouble that would likely arise. But, Veneer will keep the main force of the battle fleet at home at Coruscant.

He waves his hand over the table, and an image of Wedge's battle fleet appears over the table.

WEDGEI am prepared to split the fleet in half to provide close support for both the mission to

Coruscant and Luke's mission to Tatooine.


Leia looks up at him in surprise. Luke waves his hand and the hologram changes to a map that shows the distance between Coruscant and Tatooine.

LUKEOnce I reach Tatooine, I'm going to call a Jedi Council of War. It may take a week for everyone to assemble, but I am afraid that only the Jedi can defeat Nom Anor and win.

He’ll have the Dark Side of the Force on his side. In any case, that should be enough time to infiltrate the palace on Coruscant and stop the Inauguration before it happens. Han and Leia will need the Lusankya and her escorts to defeat the fleet—should they try and battle

it out.

C-3POMaster Luke, sir. I am positive that R2 can help accomplish that task.

LUKEI have no doubt about it, -3PO.

INT--THE LUSANKYA--FORWARD OBSERVATION DECK--LATERLeia stands quietly as the galaxy passes by. A lone figure quietly approaches from behind...in the shadows.


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General Skywalker, dressed in Jedi black, steps into the light.

LUKEI see that you have been practicing your Jedi skills again. You’ve found your old


Jedi brother and sister stand side-by-side as the universe passes by in front of them. Leia grabs her lightsaber. She palms it, getting use to its feel.

LEIAYes. I had at in some boxes on the Falcon. I think…I think that I have finally accepted

my destiny as a Jedi Knight.


LEIAI cannot believe that we are still doing this. Fighting.

LUKEMe either. But, if it weren’t you or me, who would it be?

LEIAI don't know. Sometimes, I cannot help thinking about how different things were...or

could be.

Leia turns away from the window.

LEIASometimes, every now and then, I think of what could've happened if I had made another

choice. I remember when I was on Alderann when I was young. I would always remember my father taking care of things. And no matter how bad things were my father

would always make it safe. And when he was killed, I was crushed. I remember how I had to rely on myself. And how scared I was. And how I just wanted to surrender and not

gotten involved.

She stops for a moment.

LEIA (continued)Sometimes, I just wish that things were different. That I lived a normal life.

LUKEDo you really think that? What about the Empire? Who would stop them?

Leia looks deeply at her brother. He gently put his arm on hers.

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LUKEIt's an enormous burden that we carry. We've both had to sacrifice alot. But...

LEIABut what?

LUKEBut, our stories are the stuff of legends. Long after we are gone, people will talk about us.

About what happened, and they will realize, that you cannot just sit back and let things happen. That you have to get involved. And you have to do your best to make sure those

good triumphs.

LEIAHaven't you ever felt that way? I mean…just not to get involved?

LUKEI once did. But, I have seen what could happen if people like us didn’t.

The door opens behind them, and R2-D2 and C-3PO enter.

C-3POGeneral Skywalker, sir. We have been looking all over for you.

LUKEI've been right here, -3PO.

C-3POAhh...right. I have been sent to tell you that your shuttle is ready and awaiting your


LUKEThank you, -3PO.

C-3POAnd Mistress Leia, I have been told that your husband is looking for you too.

LEIAThank you.

She turns to Luke.

LEIAWell, I guess that this is it. Once more into the breech.

Luke nods at her. There is a smile on Luke's face. Leia reaches over and hugs him.

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LEIATake care of yourself, and may the Force be with you.

LUKEYou too.

Leia looks at Luke for a moment longer before she leaves, R2 and C-3PO in tow.

EXT--SPACE--THE LUSANKYALuke's shuttle The Jedi Explorer, flies out from the Lusankya's main hanger bay.

INT--SHUTTLE COCKPIT--Luke is at the controls and Wedge is on the comm-screen.

WEDGEYou're all clear, Luke. Good luck.

LUKEThanks, Wedge. May the Force be with you.

Wedge's face disappears from the screen.

LUKEEveryone all set back there?

Luke turns around to see Jacen, Jaina, Olem Tell, Corran Horn, Jenna Nix, and Kyp Durron sitting tightly in the back of his ship.

LUKEGood. Here we go.

He pulls a lever back as the viewscreen changes colors.

EXT--SPACEThe Jedi Explorer gathers itself and shoots into hyperspace.

INT--CHANCELLOR VENEER'S PALACE--MAIN AUDIENCE ROOMChancellor Veneer is sitting in an ornate chair with Senator Brin standing next to him. A hologram of Lord Mordred appears in front of them.


VENEERAll is ready, my master. The inauguration plans are on schedule. But...

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SENATOR BRINMy lord...we fear that Skywalker may interfere with our plans.

LORD MORDREDLeave Skywalker to me. The one you should be worried about is his sister. Soon, she will

be on Coruscant. You must not let her interrupt the ceremony.

VENEERShe is coming here, my lord?

LORD MORDREDPrepare for anything, Chancellor. She must be stopped.

VENEERYes, my Master.

Lord Mordred's hologram disappears.

VENEERDispatch the fleet around Coruscant. Make sure that the Millennium Falcon never reaches


SENATOR BRINYes, my lord.


INT—THE LUSANKYA--MAIN BRIDGETycho walks up to Wedge.

TYCHOAll systems check out. We are ready.

WEDGEGood. Officer of the Deck, turn us around. Let's go home.

EXT--SPACEThe fleet. Slowly but surely, the huge ships turn around, and then shoot into hyperspace.

EXT--TATOOINE --TUSKEN RAIDER ENCAMPMENT--MORNINGThe camp is quiet as hundreds of Tusken Raiders rise with the morning sun. On the edge of the camp, silhouetted against the twin morning suns, a lone Tuskan Raider stands watch with his long-barrel rifle. He turns around and looks at the peacefulness of the

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camp. The men are gathered together in one group around a large, roaring fire as the women feed their young.

Suddenly, without warning, the sand starts to kick up around the lone sentry. He turns around, but all he sees is a mighty sand storm heading right towards him. He reaches for a pair of electrobinoculars that hang around his neck.

THE SENTRY--POVWe see nothing but a great big wind of sand and dirt. The view holds for a few moments as the sand slowly dissipates and reveals a giant armada of soldiers and weapon-laden battle skiffs heading towards the Sand People--Mandalorian battlelords!

The sentry turns around and runs to the edge of his post. He cups his hand around his mouth, and belts out a wailing high-pitched scream. At first, the Tuskans do not react. They look strangely at the sentry, but in a quick moment, they snap into action. Fathers reach for rifles and gaffi sticks while mothers grab their young and run into a nearby cave.

EXT--SENTRYThe sentry loads his rifle and steadies it on his shoulder as more Tuskens arrive to take up positions along the ridgeline. The CLAN LEADER barks out instructions in Huttees. The Raiders dig into the sand as the first laser bolts hit around them.

EXT--TATOOINE--JEDI ENCAMPMENTJacen runs over to his sister, who is standing atop a dune.


JAINANothing. Nothing for two whole days.

JACENUncle Luke did tell us that he had something to take care of.

JAINASuch as?

Jacen shrugs his shoulders.

JAINA (con’t)It's just since that ever since we arrived on Tatooine, Uncle Luke just has been acting

kind of weird. I mean, he takes off, saying that he has something important to take care of, and we haven't seen him sense.

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She looks at her brother. Then back at the encampment. Small, miniature porta-tents fill the whole entire landscape.

JAINAHow many more today?

KAMThirty-five more Jedi have arrived today. Making the total about six hundred. Kyp

Durron is making sure that they are being acclimated.

JACENWe are expecting a thousand more to be here by the end of the week. I just hope that the

Clone Army takes its time moving through the desert. Any more reports?

Jaina slowly shakes her head.

JAINANo. Not since they wiped out that entire tribe of Sandpeople. I sent out probe droids, and

ordered scouts out on dewbacks and speeder bikes, but all their reports have been negative. It's like the desert just swallowed them up.

KAMThey are probably using the Force to cloak our attempts at finding them.

JACENA good observation, my Padawan. I just cannot believe that they left no one alive. Men.

Women. Children. They killed them all.

JAINAThey killed anyone that we were in their way.

She turns back around and raises a pair of electrobinoculars to her eyes.

JAINAI just hope Uncle Luke gets back soon. Because I, for one, don't know how we are going

to stop them.

EXT--TATOOINE--OBI-WAN KENOBI'S DWELLING--DAYA small spartan hovel that has seen better days. The small concrete home is falling apart, and dust and animal webs are everywhere.

INT--OBI-WAN'S HOVELThe door opens, and a beam of light shines through the place. Luke walks in and, immediately turns on a glow-light. The room is illuminated, but all that is seen is the sparse furniture and equipment that Obi Wan had collected over the years before his

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death. Luke moves forward, and pulls back a curtain, revealing a secret door in the floor. He bends down and opens it. He climbs down.

INT--WORKBENCH--OBI-WAN'S HOVELA variety of items come into view: a durasteel metal handle roughly 30cm to 35cm in length; three green Adegan crystals, a curved concave durasteel metal disc, a power battery, and five circuit boards.

Luke looks at the items in front of him and takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes, and his hands reach forward...

Hour’s later, Luke steps back, holding in his hand a new LIGHTSABER. He increases his grip around the saber, and ignites the weapon in his hand. The glow of the blade lights up the entire room, and Luke twirls the blade around in his hand, practicing with it until he feels that it is up to par. He puts the saber on to his belt, and leaves.

EXT--OBI-WAN'S DWELLING--TATOOINE--EVENINGLuke starts out from Obi-Wan's dwellings, and he stops. He takes a small hexagonal box out of his pockets. He waves his hand over it, and a hologram of Obi-Wan Kenobi appears. The hologram starts to talk.

OBI-WAN KENOBI…is another way to defeat your enemy in battle. The Jedi Battle Meditation will allow the Force to guide a Jedi in battle. It will allow one to be conscious of the action around him, and to act accordingly. Another advantage in fighting is the use of wind or the conjuring

of storms to camouflage your advance on an enemy position…

Luke waves his hand over the Holocron again, and the hologram disappears. He turns around just as the glow-light goes out, and he takes a deep breath. Then, suddenly, the entire hovel disappears into nothingness. He looks up at the twin suns ebbing on the horizon, and walks away.

EXT—TATOOINE DESERT--NIGHTLuke continues walking through the desert. Suddenly, he stops as he sees a large Green Krayt Dragon moving in front. The dragon slithers around in the sand, and then turns to see Luke. The Dragon's eyes shoot wide open in surprise as it moves around for attack. The dragon brakes into a half-run and approaches Luke, but Luke just stand there, and stretches his hand.

The Dragon stops and snaps its teeth. Suddenly, it comes under the influence of Luke's thrall, and plops down in front of the Jedi in submission, the way a dog would come up and lay down in front of it's master. Luke walks forward and jumps onto the dragon's back. The dragon once again snaps its teeth, but Luke politely kicks him with his heels and the dragon moves off.

POV--Through a pair of electrobincolars--

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She turns to Jacen.

JAINAWhere in the world can he be?

EXT--TATOOINE DESERT--NIGHTThe Kryat dragon continues moving through the countryside. Suddenly, he stops as he comes upon a dead Tuskan raider half covered in the sand. Luke looks around, and he sees the devastation of the camp. He slides off of the dragon, and moves forward. Suddenly, he reaches forward, and a gaffi stick flies into his hands. He turns around and deflects the blow of a Tusked Raider wielding another gaffi stick.

The Tusked Raider circles just as Luke notices that a clan of Tusken Raiders surrounds him. The Tuskan Raider attacks, but Luke throws down his weapon, and raises his hand. The Tuskan Raider stops. Suddenly, Luke begins to speak to the Sandpeople...in their native Huttese.

LUKEI know what happened to your people, and I am sorry. I understand and feel your pain.

Around him, the Sandpeople grow uncomfortable around Luke. They listen to him, but they are still ready to attack him. They do not understand him yet.

LUKE (cont.d)I too am seeking the people who caused you this pain and this agony. They too—

like yourselves—are also strong and mighty warriors. But, unlike you, they do not wish to be alone and conquer the desert. They wish to conquer the galaxy, and once again, enslave it as they wish to enslave you. I know that many of your brave warriors died protecting your families and homes. But, unlike your tradition of wandering the vast wastelands of the desert when your Bantha has died, I propose to you a new tradition.

Once again, the sandpeople look skeptic.

LUKEA tradition of honoring your dead by fighting those who did this. By overcoming your

selfless sacrifices, and honor them with your noble courage. I will lead you to these people who killed your brave souls. The only question that I have is—will you follow

me? Will you set aside your hate and your vengeance, and seek justice? Will you allow me to show you the way to defeat the people who did this? Will you allow me to help you avenge these deaths by showing you the right way to fight those who wish to enslave us?

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The Tusken Raider in front of Luke cocks his head to the side in a question. He raises his gaffi stick high in front of Luke. But, Luke just stares forcefully at the Tusken, barely flinching. Suddenly, the Tusken turns around, and lets out a high-pitched wail. There is a moment of silence before the Tusken horde one by one lets loose a high-pitched wail. Then, as if on cue, they all fall to their knees in front of Luke. Lastly, the lead Tusken gives his gaffi stick to Luke, and kneels in front of him. Luke reaches forward.

LUKERise my friend. We have much to do.

EXT--TATOOINE DESERT--THE HORIZONThere is nothing to see with the naked eye. In the distance, though, we see movement. Nothing large...yet. But, something is moving closer. With each blink of the eye, it gets closer, and closer. A huge army of Tusken Raiders, Banthas, and, of course, Jawas. All carrying weapons and arms. Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master and General, is at the front of the mighty pack, riding astride his Krayt dragon.

INT--CORUSCANT CONTROL COMMAND CENTERThe command center is abuzz with subdued activity. Republican guards in battle uniforms are stationed throughout the command center. A BLIP appears on a controller's screen. The CONTROLLER punches a button, and a technical schematic of the ship--the GLADFLY--appears the screen.

CONTROLLERApproaching starship, please identify.

A sinister-looking COMMAND OFFICER looks over the controller's shoulder.

PILOT'S VOICE (over speakers)This is the transport frigate Gladfly. Request deactivation of the security shield.

CONTROLLERDeactivation of the security shield will commence upon verification of your clearance


GLADFLY'S PILOT (over speakers)Roger, Control. Transmitting code now.

All eyes are focused on the controller's screen as it starts to flash: "NOMINAL."

CONTROLLERCode confirmed. Please maintain present course and speed. Security shield de-activating


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INT--MILLENNIUM FALCON--COCKPITR2-D2 twirls his head and whistles. His computer-interfacing arm disconnects from the Falcon's computer and telescopes back into his robotic shell.

HANWell, they bought it. Thanks to R2 here, they think that we are an ore hauler out of


C-3POI told you, General Solo, sir, that R2 would perform to your expectations.

LEIANow, we just need a place to hide this thing so that no one knows that we are here.

HANI know the perfect place. Chewie and I used to hide the Falcon there whenever we visited


EXT--CORUSCANT--MORNINGThe Falcon dives into the lower reaches of the city, hugging the earth to avoid scanners and patrols. It heads into Old Coruscant.

INT--MILLENNIUM FALCON--COCKPITEveryone watches as the large freighter approaches a large building. Han hits a switch on the control console, and a building rises out of the ground in front of them. Han hits another button and a huge hanger door opens up on the building.

EXT--OLD CORUSCANT—THE WORKS--MORNINGThe Falcon flies into the hanger and rests on an old landing platform. Moments later, the building sinks into the ground.

EXT—JEDI CAMP—DUSKKam is on guard duty. He raises his electrobinoculars, and looks around 360degrees. He lowers them, and then takes a deep breath. He hears something off to the side. He reaches for his lightsaber and ignites it. He swings, and Jenna’s lightsaber immediately connects with his. They both lovingly smile at each other before they extinguish their laser swords.

KAMYou know, I heard you coming.

JENNAI’m sure that you did.

The two look at each other for a long moment before they embrace each other. They kiss passionately for a few moments.

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KAMI’m so glad to see you again. I missed you.

JENNAMe too.

From the look in their eyes, one can tell that they are very much in love with each other.

KAMSo, what’s going on?

JENNAI just wanted to drop in and give you some company. I know how tedious guard duty can

be…especially when you are out here alone by yourself.

Kam moves over to her, and strokes her hair. He notices that her Padawan braid is no longer there.

KAMI can’t believe that you are a Jedi now.

JENNAAnd you a mere Padawan? Don’t worry, lover, you’ll be a Jedi soon enough.

KAMMaster Jaina said that I should be patient. She said that I shouldn’t hurry that which will

eventually come in time.

JENNAIt’s good advice. I just hope that Master Skywalker returns soon. Everyone is starting to


KAMHe knows what he is doing. I am just wondering what we could be doing in the mean


Jenna has a naughty, flirty smile on her face.


She brings him in, and kisses him.

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KAMJust wait…just wait one moment. I have to take one more look—just to make sure that


Kam turns and scans the horizon again.

KAM…that nothing…

Jenna looks at him.

JENNAWhat’s wrong?

But, Kam is just thunderstruck at what he sees. Jenna grabs the electrobinoculars, and peers through them. Her jaw falls open at what she sees:

POV—through electrobinoculars---It’s Luke Skywalker and his large herd of followers.

INT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—DAYVeneer is standing in front of a mirror, admiring his regal clothing for his inauguration. The door open, and COMMANDER MAXIL, second in command of the Republican Guard walks in.

COMMANDER MAXILYou called for me, Supreme Chancellor.

VENEERHave you located the Millennium Falcon?

COMMANDER MAXILChancellor Veneer, I have run a thorough check on our systems, and I have to conclude

that the Millennium Falcon is not on Coruscant.

Veneer looks at Maxil with utter contempt.

VENEERMaxil, you fool. My Master is never wrong. The Millennium Falcon is here, now on

Coruscant. I want you to double—triple the guard—if you have to, but find that ship, and bring Leia Organa Solo to me.

Maxil gives him a look.VENEER

Well, what are you waiting for?

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Maxil leaves while Veneer turns back to the mirror admiring his appearance in the mirror.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUSKA small natural amphitheater surrounded on all sides by rock. A black-gloved hand carrying a flaming torch reaches forward and lights another torch. The flames in turn travel down the torch and into the crevasse of the rock. Within, seconds, the whole entire area is surrounded by a flaming chandelier that shines on the people gathered there. There is a whole laundry list of Jedi who have gathered there including everyone who has survived the battles with the Vong. It is a Jedi Council of War…an event only called when it is a dire necessity. Everyone is staring up at the large, smooth rock plateau that Luke is standing on.

LUKEMy friends…my fellow Jedi. I have asked you all here today because once again the

Republic needs our help. And once again, the Jedi have answered the call. The Jedi are strong, and we are united. Only then can we destroy the Sith once and for all.

We CLOSE ON the faces of individual Jedi---Jenna, Jacen, Jaina, Kam, Corran, Kyp.

LUKEMy fellow Jedi, the battle that we will fight tomorrow is not a new one. It is a

continuation of the battle between good and evil. Between the light and the dark. If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly.

Many Jedi will die tomorrow. And tonight, I can feel the fear within you. I too am afraid. I am not afraid that I will run away and cower. I am afraid that I will not do my duty. Not to the Republic. But to myself. It is a fear that I must let go of. The fear of loss…the fear of death can only lead to the dark side of the Force, and you must train yourself tonight to

let go of everything you fear to lose. There are some who are alive at this moment who will not be alive shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send,

and we will not speak of them again.

PAN ACROSS—the faces of more Jedi, listening intensely to Luke’s speech. There is no stirring. We gaze upon Kam Solusar, Tionne, Zekk, Lowbacca.

LUKEOld men forget, but tomorrow’s battle will go down in the annuals of the Jedi Order. It will be among the battles of Onderon and Fredon Nadd in it intensity, and the battles of Ruusan in its destruction. We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever

faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars. And it has been said that if we lose this war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record

with the greatest astonishment that those who had the least to lose did the most to prevent its happening. Historians will look back upon this day and will tell tall tales of the Jedi. They will speak of Jacen Solo and his sister, Jaina. Of the Padawan Kam Nash, and of Jenna Nix, his sister in arms. And they will not forget the strong Jedi Masters who lead

these men and women into battle—Kyp Durron and Corran Horn and Kyle Katarn

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We continue PANNING across more Jedi faces: Saba and Tesar Sebatyne, Izal Waz, Tekli, Alema Rar, and Waxarn Kel.

LUKESo, be brave and be courageous and let the Force flow through you. We have no doubt

tonight—right here, right now—that our enemy is in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are going to bring about his rightful destruction. A day may come when the

courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and turn our backs on the Republic, but it will not be tomorrow! Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and go forth, in knowing that we are united. And though we may walk through the valley of death, we

have no fear because the Force is our ally!

We CONTINUE to PAN ACROSS more Jedi: Tresk Im’nel, Wometun, Tyria and Doran Sarkin, Tahiri Velia, and Sannah.

Luke raises his lightsaber over his head and ignites it. Suddenly, row upon row of Jedi including Marke Medjev, Keyan Farlander, Kenth Hamner, Octa Ramis, Cilghal, and Streen do the same, and a wave of bright burning lightsabers fills the entire area.

EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—NORTH PORTICOEverything is in order for the swearing in ceremony. People have gathered below the North Portico and are awaiting the noon-hour when Chancellor Veneer is sworn in as the New Supreme Chancellor of the Galaxy. Commander Maxil walks back and forth in anticipation. In the background, two red-robed Praetorian guards stand ready at a doorway. The door opens, and another pair of guards approaches.


GUARD 1No, sir. We have searched everywhere but we didn’t find them.

Maxil is clearly upset. He continues to walk back and forth.

MAXILDouble the guards at every entrance. Double-check every pass. Hand check them if you

have to. Just make sure that the Princess and her party doesn’t get in here.

EXT—TATOOINE—THE EDGE OF THE DUNE SEA—MORNINGKyle Katarn is standing next to Luke, who is on top of the Krayt dragon that he has named Padme. All of the Jedi are looking down into the valley at the Clone Army.

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KYLEI don’t know, Luke. I have never seen an army this big before. We are outgunned and

outnumbered by three to one.

Luke just smiles.

LUKEAn old dear friend told me that you should always attack where they expect it the least.

But, do you want to know what the most important thing that he ever told me was?

Luke circles the Jedi on Padme.

LUKEHe told me to trust in yourself, and never, ever tell me the odds!

With that, he kicks Padme, and the huge lizard takes off, kicking up dust. She lets out a high-pitched scream, and the Jedi start to run, following their master, lighting their laser swords along the way.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA—CLONE ARMY CAMPIt is morning, and everyone is at his tent, getting breakfast. Huge brown rocks surround them. Suddenly, they hear a high pitch SCREAM followed by two more.

An officer looks up at a sentry, standing on a rock over-hang.

CLONE OFFICERWhat was that?

The sentry raises his electro binoculars to his eyes.

CLONE SENTRYI can’t see a thing. Must be the wind. There’s a sandstorm on its way.

The two clones stare at each other before the officer realizes what is coming. He turns to his non-com officer.

CLONE OFFICERSergeant, gather your men! We are under attack!


But, his words are drowned out as Padme jumps down right on top of him. The clone officer turns to run, but Padme slams him up against the rock wall with her tail.

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The sentry tries to climb down to the ground, but before he can, a Jedi lightsaber cuts him in two. Suddenly, every clone in the camp is grabbing for their rifles before they realize the Jedi are right in front of them. Luke kicks Padme again, and the lizard runs through a crowd of clone soldiers, killing them all. At the entrance of the canyon, the Jedi run forward, cutting a swath through the clone soldiers. The battle has begun.

EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—NORTH PORTICOEverything is all set. Vice-Chancellor Veneer along with Senator Brin is waiting for the swearing in ceremony. The Secretary of State, Mula, wearing his ceremonial mask and robes, is standing in the doorway behind them. A series of bells ring. The crowd grows silent as Mula approaches the two men. He is carrying a copy of the Republic Constitution in his hand. Video-droids project the ceremony onto two huge video screens on either side of the portico.

MULAFellow Citizens, the noon hour is upon us, and the inauguration ceremony is about to

begin. But, before, we begin, as is custom, I must ask: is there anyone here who disputes this claim? If so, please speak now or forever hold you peace.

Suddenly, one of the Republican Guards runs forward and flips up and over the Vice-Chancellor, igniting her lightsaber along the way. Leia Organa Solo holds the blade at the Vice-Chancellor’s throat.

LEIAI have something to say…if you don’t mind, Vice-Chancellor.

SENATOR BRINGuards! Guards! Assassin!

But, before Commander Maxil and more guards come out onto the portico, Leia raises her hands and close both access doors. Seeing this, Senator Brin turns to run, but he runs into the second Republican Guard, who is none other than Han Solo. Solo points his blaster at the Senator.

SENATOR BRINThis is treason. Secretary Mula, do something about this.

SECRETARY MULAI wish I could, but…

He reaches up and pulls up his mask…revealing Lando’s face.

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LANDOSecretary Mula doesn’t live here anymore.

VENEERYou won’t get away with this. The Jedi are trying to take control of the government.

This is being broadcast throughout the galaxy on the Holo-net.

LEIAI know. That just makes my job so much easier.

She reaches up and rips off Vice-Chancellor Veneer’s face. Or what was covering it.

LEIAYou’re a droid!

Veneer’s face has been replaced a silver metallic skull with bright red eyes. The crowd behind them gasps in surprise.

VENEER (metallic voice)So, you’ve figured out our little plot, have you? Too bad you won’t be alive to see how it


Veneer reaches for a small blaster that he has hidden underneath his robe. He shoots Lando square in the chest and he goes down. Next, he brings a small radio up to his mouth.

VENEERCommander Maxil, take control of the city. Destroy those who get in your way.

EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACESuddenly, all of the Republican Guards turn on the crowd gathered there and start to open fire. The crowd panics.

INT—BANTHA-CLASS SHUTTLE—LCS 632General DAVIN FELTH, the former Imperial Stormtrooper turned Rebel leader, stares at Admiral Antilles on the screen in front of him.

WEDGEYou may begin landing your troops now, General.

FELTHAye, Aye Admiral

The screen goes off, and the general turns around to the men behind him in the shuttle’s cargo bay.

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FELTHFive minutes, men.

NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERYou heard the man, hook up and prepare for landing!

The New Republic soldiers decked to the teeth with weapons and battle webbings stand up and check their gear.

EXT—ABOVE CORUSCANT--THE LUSKYANA—Shuttle after shuttle of Bantha-class landing ships drop out of the main bay of the huge Star Destroyer. They plunge into the atmosphere.

EXT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—NORTH PORTICOThe Veneer droid turns its pistol on Leia. But with the swing of her saber, she takes off his hand. She spins around, and then cuts the droid into pieces.

She goes over to Lando.

LANDOI’m okay…I’m okay.

She lifts Lando up, and he stands against the edge of the balcony.

LANDOThankfully, I was wearing protection.

He takes off his chest armor and looks at it. He throws it to the ground, and then turns around. He looks down at the people getting slaughtered.

LANDOWhat are we going to do?

Leia is about to say something, but she stops.

LEIANothing. We have more important things to take care of here.

She turns around to see Darth Malice land right in front of her.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEAPadme runs through another squad of soldiers just as Luke ignites his own lightsaber and swings effortlessly into the crowd, killing as many clones as the can. Suddenly, a lone clone trooper lands on top of Padme and points his weapon at Luke’s back. But, the Jedi is to fast. Within, seconds, the clone trooper is in two pieces. Luke looks about the battlefield as Jedi and Clones go at it. The battle is just a total free-for-all. No one is

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gaining ground. Everyone is just fighting for survival. He brings his hand up to his mouth, and lets out a loud whistle.

Suddenly, the brown “rocks” strewn about in the canyon come alive. Tusken Raiders spring up from their natural camouflage and start hand-to-hand combat with the Clones. One Raider grabs his gaffi stick and shoves it clean through a clone’s body. The clone screams out in pain, and then crumples to his knees. The Raider pulls his weapon out and goes after another clone. Luke kicks Padme in the sides again, and brings the huge lizard about. He is trying to find Nom Anor, but he doesn’t see him.

INT—LANDING CRAFT LCS 362—COCKPITThe pilot looks out his window to see the planet approaching in his view screen.

CO-PILOTCommander, the planetary shield is still up!

PILOTI know, Lieutenant. Maintain full speed ahead.

The co-pilot pushes the controls to full power.

INT—COMMAND CENTER—The door to the command center opens, and R2-D2 and C-3PO carrying a blaster walk in.


But, before the officer can reach for his weapon, C-3PO presses the trigger. Concentric blue rings of energy shoot out from the barrel. The officer hits the floor, stunned. Suddenly, everyone in the room turns around and trains their weapons on R2 and –3PO.

C-3POOh dear…I knew this wouldn’t work.

FEMALE VOICE (off screen)What wouldn’t work?

The two droids turn around to find Thalia, Nadia, and Alguria behind them, carrying blaster pistols. The three walk into the command center, and before everyone can get over their stunning good looks, the blondes knock out everyone with stun blasts.

ALGURIANow, hurry R2. We need to disable the shield before the landing ships crash into it.

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R2 goes over to a command consol as the three blonde triplets man the stations. The droid extends his arm and plugs into the computer outlet.

THALIAGet General Felth on the main viewer.

Seconds later, General Felth’s face is up on the screen.

THALIAGeneral Felth, the shield will be down momentarily.

R2 whistles and pulls out of the computer terminal.


CO-PILOTCommander, the shield is down.

PILOTExcellent. (speaking into mic) All pilots, this is the command shuttle. The shield is down. Land your craft between the crowd and the clones. Disembark your men, and then stay on

station. General Felth’s men may need air support.

EXT—CORUSCANT—LANDING ZONEThe shuttles break through the atmosphere, and approach the Chancellor’s Palace. The landing zone is HOT as Republican Guard units continue to attack the civilians. Within minutes, the drop ships hover over the soldiers and the citizens, separating them into two crowds with their powerful engines.



The large door opens, and New Republic soldiers pour out, returning fire on the Republican guardsmen who have taken positions in front of the Palace.


DARTH MALICELady Vader, we meet again.

HANLeia, who is this?

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LEIAHan get out here.

HANNo. Tell me. Who is this?

LEIAShe’s a Dark Lord of the Sith. Now, get out of here. You can’t fight her.

Han looks at Darth Malice then at Leia.

HANLike Hell, I will.

Han points his blaster at Darth Malice, but he’s done this before. He knows that it is useless, but he has to do something to protect Leia. Behind him, the doors open. Before Han can fire, however, Leia force-pushes him, Lando, and Senator Brin out the door and into the hallway. Han is shaken for a moment and tries to run out onto the balcony again, but the door closes in his face.

DARTH MALICEI thought that we would never be alone.

Leia readies herself for the fight, her lightsaber in en guard position.

LEIAI must warn you—I fought and won against a Sith lord before.

Darth Malice just smiles. She ignites her own lightsaber.

DARTH MALICEYes. I know. But, this time, you won’t have your brother to help you.

Darth Malice ignites her lightsaber and attacks.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA—AFTERNOONThe battle is still raging. Luke slices through another Clone warrior as the Jedi and Tuskan Raiders maintain their tempo. Individual battles break out everywhere—some Jedi survive, some do not, including Olem Tell, who is overwhelmed by laser blasts. Another Jedi is killed as a clone warrior ignites his wrist's flamethrower, and is engulfed in flames. Jedi and clones fall everywhere.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA—PLATEAUUp above the battle on a large, rock mesa, miles away, Darth Mordred watches along with Senjanus and Kir Kanos. Darth Mordred is viewing the battle through a pair of electrobinoculars. He is carrying a large wooden staff.

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DARTH MORDREDCry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Suddenly, Kir Kanos and Senjanus go over to their swoop bikes, and drop into the battle. They both open fire with their swoop cannons, cutting down both Jedi and their Sandpeople allies. Kir Kanos hits a switch on his bike, and two medium-sized laser blades ignite on both ends of the bike. He pushes the throttle, and he flies through the thick of the battle, slicing off the heads of both the clone troopers and their Jedi enemies.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA--Kam Nash slashes another clone trooper and turns around just as Kir Kanos rushes towards him. At the last second, he ducks just as Jacen races up a large rock, and jumps onto Kanos’ back. Jacen ignites his lightsaber and cuts into the swoop bike, sending it out of control. Kanos jumps off the bike and comes off face to face with Jacen once again.

JACENYou got away last time, Kir Kanos…

Kam rushes up and joins his master.

JACEN (con’t)…but you won’t this time.

Kanos reaches for his double-edge weapons, and locks its sharp blades into place.

KANOSI may not escape, but I’ll take the both of you down with me.

The two Jedi dig in, their blades inches away from their faces. Kam edges forward, but it is a fake as Jacen attacks.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEAJaina deflects a laser bolt back to its clone owner just as Senjanus rushes past her on his swoop. The clone leader activates the laser blades on his bike and careens around—his sights set on the female Jedi. Jaina reaches her hand forward, and a blaster flies into it. She takes aim, and fires, knocking Senjanus off of his bike. Three Jedi knights chase after Senjanus, but one by one they are thrown back by Senjanus firing from his heavy blaster rifle. Luke sees this, and he turns Padme in that direction. The huge lizard charges forward. Senjanus raises his rifle and fires. Blaster bolts deflect off of the lizard’s tough hide, but it is not tough enough as Padme wails in pain, throwing Luke clear of the animal. The huge lizard takes a big deep breath and falls down in the sand, dead.

Luke re-ignites his lightsaber, and is joined by Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, and Kyle Katran.

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LUKEForm a circle…fight back to back.

The Jedi comply as more lightsaber yielding warriors join in, forming an enormous defensive circle.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEAKir Kanos slashes at Jacen, but misses. He twirls his staff, slashing at Kam, but misses him also. Suddenly, Jacen attacks high, but it is blocked just as Kam attacks low. Kanos jumps at the last moment, and Kam misses. The three men circle each other when suddenly Jacen leaps forward, and jumps clear onto the other side of Kanos.

Kanos retreats into a narrow passage, trying to figure out a new strategy. He lunges toward Kam, but it is a trap as Jacen sees an opportunity to strike. Kanos pulls back and cuts Jacen right across the chest. A lucky strike. The Jedi knight cries out in pain, but he is still all right, still on the attack. Suddenly, the two Jedi stop and look at one another. They concentrate, communicating with each other through the Force. Kir Kanos is at first mystified, confused. He doesn’t know what is going on. He twirls his weapon back into a defensive position, but it is too late—the two Jedi leap over him at the same time, and slice through the air with their lightsabers, slicing off Kanos’ head and torso o They both fall on the desert floor with a heavy thud.

EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACEThe battle between the New Republic (NR) army and the Republican Guard (RG) continues as both sides try to maneuver for positions. Everyone is hunkered down behind battlements as NR soldiers try to storm the palace. Suddenly, a lone NR soldiers hits a button on his thermal-grenade and rushes forward, throwing it toward the RG positions. There is a huge explosion.

GENERAL FELTHLet’s go…follow me!

He waves forward, and the NR soldiers leap up from behind their coverings and race forward following their general. Within minutes, the Republican Guard soldiers are overwhelmed, and they start surrendering.

NR REPUBLIC SOLDIERGeneral, we have captured the Palace.

General Felth nods his head in both satisfaction and exhaustion.

GENERAL FELTHGood. Collect the prisoners, and send a squad to relieve the command center.

He takes off his helmet, and he looks up towards the North Portico, towering above his head.

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EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—NORTH PORTICODarth Malice leaps up and attacks, but Leia blocks the blow. The Princess sidesteps her opponent and attacks, but Malice is faster than she is and blocks it. The Sith Lord reaches forward and lifts Leia up, throwing her up against the wall. The wind is knocked out of her, but Leia moves out of the way as Darth Malice races towards her, slashing away with her saber. Malice’s saber slices straight into the walls of the Palace where it gets stuck. Leia attacks, but she is not fast enough as Malice pulls out her blade, and deflects the blow.

Leia attacks again, again, and again. But Darth Malice is clearly prepared for her. The wind starts to pick up, and Darth Malice thrusts forward. Leia deflects the lightsaber strike and sweeps at Darth Malice’s legs. The Sith Lord twirls over her, and Force-pushes Leia once more to the other side of the balcony.

DARTH MALICEStrong you are in the Force, Lady Vader. But, not strong enough.

Malice reaches forward, and a huge stone boulder comes out of the wall. The boulder hovers for a moment in the air before it streaks toward Leia. Leia raises her hand, and pushes against the huge boulder, destroying it in a cloud of rocks and dust. Both warriors are obstructed from one another. Darth Malice takes advantage of the opportunity, and ignites another lightsaber from her cloak. She races forward and leaps over Leia, knocking her to the ground. Malice looms over the Princess.

Darth Malice takes a deep breath, and then strikes. But, Leia strikes forward with her blade, cutting off Malice’s left leg at the knee. Malice howls out in pain. Leia picks herself up, and circles the wounded Sith, ready to attack again.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA—EVENINGThe battle is still continuing, but it has turned into one of attrition. The Jedi have formed a huge defensive circle, beating back the onslaught of the Clone Army. But, many Jedi have fallen, and their ranks are getting diminished. After a Jedi has fallen in the circle, another Jedi takes his or her place. The Clone Army creeps closer and closer towards them.

JAINAI am starting to get a bad feeling about this!

JENNAWell, my master did tell me that today would be a good day to die!

She deflects a laser blast back to its owner, and he falls to the ground dead. Corran Horn turns to Kyp Durron.

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CORRANMaster Durron?

KYP DURRONYes, Master Horn.

Horn deflects another blaster bolt out of the way.

CORRANI have just been thinking.

JAINALess thinking. More fighting.

KAM NASHYes. I agree with Mistress Jaina.

CORRAN HORNI just wanted to tell you…that…that…if you would’ve been made leader of the Jedi



Corran stops for a moment as laser bolts pass by him.

CORRANI would’ve followed you anywhere.

Kyp stops fighting and stares at his friend and fellow Jedi. He nods his head in appreciation just as laser bolts explode all around him.

KYPWell, too bad, we won’t survive to see that. I think that I would’ve made a pretty good

leader myself.

Corran smiles at his friend for a moment before re-igniting his laser sword, and deflecting laser blasts.

LUKEI wouldn’t count this battle over yet…not by a long shot.

JENNAWhat do you mean by that?

There is a low rumble in the background.

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LUKEI still have some more tricks up my sleeve.

The rumbling behind them gets louder with each moment. Suddenly, a huge pack of hairy banthas with Tusken Raiders on top of them rumbles into the valley. Luke points up to a Tusken Raider sitting on the first bantha. The raider stands up, and then ignites a lightsaber.

KYP DURRONWho’s that?

LUKEHave you ever heard of Sharad Hett?

KYPI remember reading about him once. He was a Jedi Master who became a Tusken Raider.

LUKEWell, that’s his son…A Sharad Hett. He is also a Jedi Master. He left the Order to return

here and lead his people. I tracked him down, and convinced him to help us!

A SHARAD HETT turns around on his bantha, and screams into the air. Suddenly, the five other banthas break rank, and start charging the clone warriors.

LUKENow! While they’re on the run!

The Jedi circle breaks, and the Jedi charge forward with their sabers raised high, cutting down the retreating clone troopers.

LUKECome with me! I can't take Nom Anor alone!

He signals for Kyp, Corran, Kyle, and Jacen to follow him as A Shared Hett’s bantha kneels. They all climb on board and into the saddle with the masked Jedi Master. Luke nods to his new friend, and the bantha rises on all four feet.

EXT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—NORTH PORTICO—EVENINGDarth Malice looks down at where the rest of her leg used to be. She looks up at Leia and smiles.

DARTH MALICEDo you think that even this could stop me?

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Leia just looks at her opponent in silence. Darth Malice smiles and raises her hand. She reaches out with the Force, and then the severed leg miraculous sets itself into place underneath the battered knee. Cartilage, bone, and tissue start to grow and attach itself to the severed leg. Muscle and skin start to form and over-lap onto another until the leg is whole again.

DARTH MALICEBetter than new.

Darth Malice takes a step forward as Leia takes a step backward.

DARTH MALICEYou see, my powers even surpass those of your father’s. Join me Leia, and I’ll show you how you can be more powerful than he ever was. We can rule together and solve all of

the galaxy’s problems. No more fear. No more anger. No more hate.

Leia just stares at her. She is defiant.

LEIAI’ll never join the Dark Side.

Darth Malice breaks into another smile.

DARTH MALICEThen you shall die.

She throws her one lightsaber, and then quickly throws her second one. Leia digs in as the lightsabers twirl toward her. She catches her breath and deflects the first one, but she misses the second and it cuts off her right hand that held her lightsaber. The hand flies across the portico, and smacks up against the balcony wall. Leia screams out in pain.

INT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE--COMMAND CENTER—R2-D2, C-3PO, and three triplets are monitoring the situation when the door bursts open, and Han, Lando, and Senator Brin walk in.

C-3POOh…General Solo. It is so good to see you…where’s Mistress Leia?

HANShe’s still up there with that Sith Lord.

He goes over to the console while Lando keeps his blaster pointed at the Senator.

HANCan we punch up a monitor to see what is going on up there?

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NADIAHere you go, sir.

The stunning blonde punches a button. The screen switches. Darth Malice is bearing down on a wounded Princess Leia. She is sitting up against the wall, holding her bloody arm.

C3-POOh dear! We’re too late.

HANWe’ve got to find a way to get up there.

There is a huge commotion at the door as a squad of NR soldiers burst through.

NR COMMANDERGeneral Solo! Is everyone all right here?

HANNo. My wife is in trouble on the north balcony. We have to get up there. Did anyone of

you guys bring blastacord?


HANMy wife sealed the doors shut to save us. Looks like that I am going to need it to save

her. C’mon.

Han runs down the corridor followed by the four NR soldiers.

EXT—CHANCELLOR PALACE—NORTH PORTICO—DUSKDarth Malice reaches forward and one of her lightsaber falls into her hands.

DARTH MALICEMy master never believed me when I told him that you would never turn to the Dark

Side. I guess that legacy was only reserved for your father.

Leia sinks down to the floor.

LEIAMy father was a great man. He was a kind man.

DARTH MALICEYes. I am sure he was. Try telling that to all the people that he killed…including those

who were on Alderran.

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Leia’s eyes narrow.

DARTH MALICEYes. I can feel your anger. I can feel your hate. Join me, and I’ll show you how to use it.

Leia looks across the way and sees her lighsaber, still in the palm of her severed hand.


DARTH MALICEI could’ve given you everything that you needed. I can give you those things that you

need to save your brother, your husband, and more importantly, your children. Now, you can’t even save yourself. Looks like I’ll be adding one more lightsaber to my collection.

LEIAI wouldn’t count on that.

DARTH MALINCEOh? And why is that?

LEIABecause, it’s still mine!

With her other hand, Leia reaches out, and her lightsaber on the other side of the balcony starts to vibrate. The fingers on Leia’s severed hand release their grip one finger at a time, and the lightsaber shoots out of the palm of the hand. The blade ignites in mid-air, and it slams into Darth Malice’s back, piercing her chest. The Sith Lord screams out in pain, and drops her saber. She looks at Leia before she falls to the ground dead.

INT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACE—Han and the NR soldiers race up the long corridor just as Koresh opens fire with his bow-caster at the long end of the hallway.

NR SOLDIER 1Watch out!

Everyone backs up around the corner, and returns fire. All this does, however, is anger the mighty Wookiee more. He continues laying down a suppressing fire from his bow-caster. He growls in anger as the door to the portico behind him opens. He turns quickly around, and fires off a quick burst from his weapon, but they are all deflected back, one of which hits him directly in the middle. He is thrown up against the wall, and dies instantly.

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Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Knight, extinguishes her lightsaber with her left hand and clips it to her belt.

HANLeia! Are you all right?

The entire squad races down the corridor. Leia continues holding her right stump.

LEIAI’m all right…I’m all right.

Husband and wife look into each other’s eyes for a moment before they both passionately embrace.

LEIAI’m all right.

EXT—TATOOINE—DUNE SEA—EVENINGThe clone army is on the run as Jedi Knights finish off the last of them. Only one thing remains—Nom Anor.

The huge hairy bantha carrying Luke and the others stops at the large rock mesa. Luke and his followers jump off of the bantha onto the rock plateau, and cautiously approach Nom Anor. They all form a line a meter or so in front of the Dark Lord of the Sith. Fire illuminates the rock from various pits in their surface. One by one, the Jedi ignite their lightsabers in a row.

LUKEIt’s over Nom Anor. Surrender now, and we will show mercy.

NOM ANORSurrender? I think not. I know that I am too dangerous to be kept alive. It is I who will be

the merciful one. I shall make your deaths as painless as possible.

He waves his hand. Suddenly, a squad of DSTs appears out of nowhere. This time, they are all painted red and carrying vibrating force pikes instead of blasters. The DSTs attack and the Jedi defend themselves.

On the ground below, Jaina, Kam, and Jenna finish the last of the clone army. Jaina turns to another Jedi.

JAINAFollow them, and destroy them as fast as possible.

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The Jedi nods and continues his fighting. The three Jedi look at one another, and leap up onto the rock plateau. They join in the fighting, and minutes later all of the DSTs are destroyed. Luke nods to Kyp.

LUKEWe’ll have to rush him. Even though he is a Sith Lord, he can’t fight us all at one time.

KYPI agree.

Kyp turns to Corran Horn, who acknowledges the other Jedi. In one sudden movement, the Jedi rush the Dark Lord of the Sith, their lightsabers blazing away.

But, Nom Anor stays perfectly calm. Just before all of the Jedi reaches him, he reaches out with his hands and FORCE LIGHTENING springs forth from them. All of the Jedi except Luke are thrown back to the place where they started. They all hit the ground hard and down for the count.

NOM ANORCome now, Master Skywalker. Nine Jedi against an old man such as myself. Not

particularly fair, is it?

LUKEYou’re not a man. And when did the Sith believe in fairness?

Nom Anor raises his hand again, and shoots another volley of FORCE LIGHTENING at Luke. But, Luke raises his hand, and deflects it off to the side. He then reaches out himself, and Force-pushes Darth Mordred up against the wall of a huge mountain. Luke then slashes at Nom Anor with his saber in the Vaapad form even before the Dark Lord can catch his breath. But, Luke misses and then Nom Anor squirts out a bit of poison from his left eye at the Jedi Master. The poison strikes Luke in the left arm, and it begins to burn like acid. He howls out in pain for a moment.

Suddenly, Nom Anor has the advantage. He swipes at Luke with his large wooden staff, and kicks Luke’s legs out from underneath him. Luke falls, and Nom Anor breaks his staff into two pieces and ignites the ends of them. Luke twists to the left and then to the right as Nom Anor swipes at him. But, Luke lifts himself up in the air, and spins around, kicking Nom Anor in the face. Nom Anor staggers back, and then looks around. He sees nothing. Luke has disappeared. He twirls his two blades with anticipation.

NOM ANORCome out, come out, wherever you are…

Nom Anor looks skyward and ducks just as Luke just misses him from above. Nom swirls the two lightsabers in his hands, and attacks Luke from behind. But, Luke is quick

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and blocks this attack. The two attack each other, each trying to get the advantage from their positions.

On the far end of the boulder, the seven Jedi lay unmoved except for Kyp Durron, who struggles to get up. Vestiges of force lightening dance over his body. He grits his teeth, and falls back down.

Nom Anor raises his hand over a pit of fire, and holds a fireball in his hand. He throws it at Luke. Luke deflects it with his saber. Nom Anor produces a second one, then a third one, and then finally, a fourth one. But, Luke just knocks them away with his lightsaber like Babe Ruth on a good day.

Luke and Nom Anor parry blow for blow. Suddenly, Nom Anor flips the handle of his lightsaber around and connects it the other one—forming a double bladed lightsaber. Luke is surprised, but not shocked. The two enemies continue to block strikes against each other.

On the ground, Kyp continues to try to get up, but he is still having trouble breathing. He grabs his saber and reaches through the Force for Corran’s. The lightsaber flies into his hand, and with the Force, he fuses the two lighsabers together end to end.

Nom Anor leaps for a higher rock, and spins around slicing mid-level at Luke. The Jedi master summersaults backward forcing Nom Anor to follow him. But, Luke loses his lightsaber again.


Kyp throws the double-saber to Luke, and the standing Jedi Master catches it. He ignites it, and starts to twirl it like a cheerleader on acid. Nom Anor continues his assault on Luke. The blades become a blur of lights as the two masters in the Force continue to parry and block.

Again and again, the blades connect just as Luke head-butts his opponent. Nom Anor staggers back. Luke then Force-pushes Nom Anor once again against the wall. And this time he hits the wall…HARD. He struggles to stay on his feet. He attacks Luke one more time, rushing forward, using his lightsaber as a spear. Luke pushes Nom Anor’s blade to the ground, and backhands him with his left fist. The Dark Lord of the Sith staggers back.

The two opponents circle one another, twirling their sabers around in a frenzy of light. Nom Anor stops and swings for Luke’s feet. Luke blocks it and then swings for Nom Anor’s head. But, the creature ducks.

Nom Anor rises, and he knocks Luke in the chin with his lightsaber handle. Luke is thrown off-guard. He falls back a few paces as Nom Anor swings around about to impale

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Luke with a lightsaber blade. But, out of nowhere, Kyp Durron leaps forward and blocks Nom Anor’s blade down with Luke’s discarded lightsaber.

Nom Anor spits out another shot of poison from his left eye, but Kyp drops and the poison misses. This time both Kyp and Luke circle the Dark Lord of the Sith, but he is unmoved. Once again, Nom Anor raises his free hand, and shoots out a bolt of FORCE LIGHTENING at Kyp. But, Kyp is fast, and brings up his saber. The lightening dissipates into the saber. The Dark Lord of the Sith tries again. The lightening almost knocks the lightsaber out of Kyp’s hand. The lightening dissipates for one more time, before Nom Anor lets out another blast of FORCE LIGHTENING. But, this time, Kyp is strong enough and is able to deflect the lightening back to its owner, and Nom Anor is shot full blast with his own weapon. He screams out in agony as wrinkles of blue lightening attack his body.

Luke takes advantage of the opportunity and attacks. Nom Anor raises his lightsaber with two hands, but Luke’s blade crashes through the handle and cuts downward. Nom Anor stays silent for a minute in front of the two Jedi before his body slices into two pieces.

The two Jedi stop to collect their breath just before Luke screams out in pain. He falls to the ground.

KYPLuke! What is it?

Kyp rushes over to his master. Behind him, the other Jedi start to wake and rush over to their fallen leader. His skin is covered with black spidery lines. The poison is making its way through his system.

JACENUncle Luke! What’s wrong? Where are you hurt?

Jacen and Jaina check their uncle for lightsaber cuts, but find none. Jacen cradles his dying uncle in his arms as the rest of the Jedi look down on him.

LUKEPoison…killing me…

He points to his arm where Nom Anor’s poison hit him.

JAINAWe have to get you to a doctor…

LUKENo. Too late. Too much poison. I can feel it…I can feel it inside of me…spreading like


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He looks up at the people kneeling around him. They just can’t believe that this is happening.

LUKE (softly)Do not grieve…Do not fear my loss…Believe in the Force, and you can never die.

Luke’s body starts to spasm. Jacen and Jaina try to comfortable him, but they cannot. There are tears in everyone’s eyes. He turns to Kyp.

LUKE (con’t)Powerful, you have become, my student. Do not…do not be afraid to lead the Jedi…But,

always be aware of the Dark Side of the Force. Do not let it tempt you or any of your students.

Luke then turns to his niece and nephew, who are now openly weeping.

LUKEDon’t worry. It is the end…but…the moment has been prepared for….

And with that Luke Skywalker dies. A few seconds later, his body disappears into the Force.

EXT—CORUSCANT—CHANCELLOR’S PALACEINT—MEDICAL BAY—A medical droid is looking at Leia’s new mechanical hand. She flexes it, and sees that it works better than new. The doors open up, and Han, Lando, R2-D2, and C-3PO.

C-3POOh…Mistress Leia, I am so thankful that you are still in one piece.

R2 whistles.

C-3POR2 wishes you well also.

LEIAThank you, you two.

Han looks at his wife’s new hand.

HANThis isn’t going to run in the family, is it?

LEIAI hope not.

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HANLeia…Leia…um…I’m sorry about Luke.

LANDOMe too. That kid and I have been through a lot together.

LEIAThank you, but don’t be sad. He is one with the Force now.

Leia and Han look into each other’s eyes for a moment. Then, C-3PO interrupts them.

C-3POMistress Leia, you will never guess whom they have nominated for Supreme Chancellor.

Leia looks at Han and Lando.

LEIAShould I be worried?

HANI don’t think so. I think Lando will make an excellent Supreme Chancellor.

LANDOWell, I have the charm, the popularity, the good looks, and I did destroy a Death Star.

HANHey, I helped to destroy one too.

LANDOI don’t think that really counts. You actually have to have been pressing the trigger.

HANYeah, but you did it with my ship.

Leia smiles. She gets up and goes over to the large observation window. Everyone follows.

LEIAOh, I’m sure that you will do a great job, Lando. Just as long as the Jedi continue to serve

and protect the Republic. I’m sure that you will do a great job.

There are smiles all around as the five peer out over the Coruscant skyline.

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EXT—ENDOR—DAYThe Endor forest is quiet as ever since the Empire was destroyed. Quiet enough for a small, Spartan hut built among the trees.

INT—HUT—DAYMARA JADE SKYWALKER is putting away a large leather tome just as she comes across a small holopic projector. She runs her hand over it, and the image of her and Luke on their wedding day appears. She smiles for a moment before she turns it off. She puts it on a shelf.

MARA (shouting)Ben? Ben? Its time to eat.

EXT—ENDOR—DAYA young boy, roughly seven years old, BEN SKYWALKER, is out fighting imaginary monsters with a long tree branch when suddenly he stops. He sees something out of the corner of his eyes, and he looks over. At first, he is startled, but then recognizes the images in front of him. He smiles at them, and the blue shining images of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, and, finally, his father, Luke Skywalker smile back at him.

LUKE (vo)Remember, the Force will be with you...always!

