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Starbuck Innovation Field Report Parsons the New School for Design Brought to you by Tina Hung & Sejoon Cheon

Starbuck Innovation

Field Report Parsons the New School for Design

Brought to you by Tina Hung &

Sejoon Cheon

Table of content

- 7 things style executive summary

- Introduction to methodology

- Innovation legacy map (attached separately) - 3 graphic depictions of innovation decision process (Innovator, early majority and


- 3 scenarios for each adopter category (Innovator, early majority and laggards)

- Special Report base on Reinvention through interior design

1. “7 things” style

7 Things you should know about Coffee houses & Starbucks

What is it? A coffee house is an establishment which serves coffee and hot/cold beverages. As the name states, coffee house serves to provide coffee and sometimes light snacks. Eg: cookies, pastries. Also, it provides a space for people to socialize and share new ideas

What are the downsides? The downside for big chain coffee stores if consumers strive towards small local stores, will perhaps hurt the economy as investors lose faith in coffee stocks. Since the coffee industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, the chance of it affecting the economy is high

Who is doing it? Coffee houses around the world. It first started in Istanbul. The first Starbucks was open in Washington, Seattle 1971 by English teacher; Jerry Baldwin, writer; Gordon Bowker and History teacher; Zev Siegl. However the CEO is Howard Schultz.

What are the implications of broad diffusion and adoption of this innovation? Due to the high expectations of coffee drinkers about their coffee beans quality, we predict that the consumers will lean more towards boutique local coffee stores instead of chain coffee companies. With the innovation being diffused more in the industry, there will be more experts who know a lot about coffee, which will lead to an exchange of information between people.

How does it work? Coffee houses serves to provide people a place to meet and socialize. Starbucks serves various kinds of coffee and beverages. They have three different cup sizes, Tall, Grande, Trenta. They stopped using rBGH-treated cows’ milk in 2007. In 2009, the company

Where is it going? Perhaps small independent coffee stores will increase popularity as big chain coffee stores are becoming more commercialized. Consumers might start looking for quality coffee beans. As more people start making their coffee at homes, the instant coffee industry might also be seeing growth, along with the espresso machines.

started selling salads and baked goods without high-fructose corn syrup or artificial ingredients. The reason for this was to attract “healthy” customers. Why is it significant? With the popularity of coffee houses and drinkers, it is significant for Starbucks to stand out from the rest. One of their strategies was to create interactive customer service experiences

2. Methodology

For our innovation, we picked Starbucks as an innovation company. We first looked back on the legacy of coffee houses from the 60s to the present. Coffee houses has evolve tremendously as our society evolved, we then look into what makes Starbucks stand out compared to other coffee houses.

We approach this by first noting down our thoughts about Starbucks and our thoughts on what make Starbucks special. After, we created interview questions with a total of 12 questions. The purpose of an interview was for us to find out what people are saying and their thoughts about Starbucks. This allowed us to have a face to face conversation and to depict body languages and facial expressions. We try to avoid yes/no questions in the interview in order to get a more thorough grasp. The interview questions were as follows:

How old are you? Are you a coffee drinker? A: If yes: how many cups of coffee do you drink per day? (Estimate) B: If no: why not? And what do you drink mostly per day? Why do you think people drink coffee? How much do you know about the coffee industry? Do you prefer to sit down for a cup of coffee or take away? Why? How do you think the coffee house has changed from the past to now? How did you know about Starbucks? What do you think about Starbucks as a company? Eg: Marketing strategy etc What do you think about the store design of Starbucks?

If you could change one thing about their design, what will it be? And why? What is most important to you about a coffee house? Eg: Customer service, design etc? Did you know that Starbucks has a mobile app? What do you think about this strategy as a marketing tool? Why do you think Starbucks is so popular? What do you think about Starbucks as compared to other coffee stores? A: No -> what does not attract you to Starbucks? B: Yes -> what attracts you to Starbucks? What do you think about Starbucks as an innovation company? We interviewed a total of 10 people, their age ranges from the 20s to 40s. Each interview last about 5-10 minutes depending on the interviewees’ time and patience. We found out that young adults usually prefer to take away their coffee rather than sit down in the store. One of the common reasons was because they are usually busy and have errands to run, whereas the older interviewees prefer to make their coffee at home using their own espresso machines. From these data we think that this difference in the way people drink coffee might be due to the invention of coffee cups, espresso machines, coffee trays and also the change in society. With the invention of espresso machine, companies start to sell coffee grains in stores to attract coffee drinkers. It allows brewing coffee easier and more intimate. Furthermore, something that really stood out to us was when we asked our interviewees about their awareness of Starbucks mobile app and whether they use it. Most of them said they were aware of it but they do not use it. Therefore, we decided to look into the reason behind the adaptation of Starbucks mobile app. We realize some of the reasons people do not adopt the mobile app is because of the complexity associated with the technology. The interviewees did not think the app benefit them because Starbucks are at every corner of the streets. Moreover, the app is only used on smartphones, so people who did not have smartphones were not able to download it. As stated from the interview questions, there was a questions we asked saying “How did you know about Starbucks,” we got responses such as, “Who doesn’t know about Starbucks?” As Rogers states it, this is a recall problem. Time plays an important role in the diffusion process; however there are times when the interviewees were asked to look back in time in order to remember their past history of adopting Starbucks experience, their estimation fail to be accurate. The respondents fail to remember how they first learned about Starbucks, they never really thought about it. A way that we could have got better results was if we gather data at multiple points in the diffusion process, perhaps back in the 60s when coffee house started to be popular.

3. Legacy Map (The legacy map width was too long to fit on this page, so to see full image you can downloaded it here: ) http://pdfcast.org/pdf/legacy-map

4. Graphic depictions

+ Innovator Phase depiction (Enlarge version: http://bit.ly/VM5fir)

+ Early Majority Phase depiction (Enlarge version: http://bit.ly/Xv9fnd)


Scenario-as-story for early majority: Story of a Regular coffee drinker The world is full of people working like slaves. Getting up at 9am and working till 5pm is their daily routine that last for ¾ of their life. Is this what our world has become? What will keep us awake? Perhaps if we had a form of pill, similar to the pill in the movie called Limitless, which will help our brain function at an explicit level, will perhaps make our lives easier. Coffee is our best chance now, it boost our energy up and make us work like zombies. We could say, caffeine brings people back from the dead. Company’s goal is to achieve their highest productivity, whether through incentives for employees or other substances. Adrianna stretches, trying to wake up her muscles in bed. She turns and tosses like a cat and then she got up. She feels a little drowsy from last night; there was too much incomplete work she had to do. She checked the clock, oh no! It is 9.30am. She is late for work…. how could this be possible? Perhaps the alarm didn’t ring. There was no time to think, she jumped out of bed, got dressed, grabbed her keys and ran out of her apartment. However, like many New Yorkers, coffee has become a tradition. She needed her caffeine, without it she starts shaking, she can’t think straight. How and when she started knowing about Starbuck was ambiguous, it was rather hard for her to recall. It just so happens that drinking coffee has become her habit. Adrianna pop by the nearest Starbucks she could find. As always, the line is long, three baristas stood behind the counter, asking for customers name and drink. “Venti Black coffee with milk!” Adrianna shouted, finally she felt a slight relief. The Starbuck coffee cup seems to complement her green dress today, the round mermaid logo imprinted on the brown coffee sleeves look sophisticated from afar. Holding her coffee, Adrianna looked up into the sky where the sunshine bright and the birds chirp with joy. She pulled down her sunglasses from her head and took a deep breath. If only someone took a photo of her right this moment; she looks like a fashion icon out of a magazine. Arriving in her office at 10am, her coworkers greet her. She walked right into her office. Her office has this beautiful floor to ceiling window overlooking the skyline of Manhattan. As the CEO of New York top Fashion magazine company, her desk is swamped with fashion catalogues. Suddenly there was a knock on her door, Adrianna’s assistant came in. “Could I borrow a few bucks from you to get myself a cup of coffee?” she asked. How rude of her to ask for money from her boss Adrianna thought. “Perhaps you should download the Starbuck mobile app; it lets you to pay with your phone.” Adrianna said. Being a regular drinker herself, Adrianna has a gold Starbuck membership on her IPhone, so it wouldn’t hurt this time to just let her assistant use it. The mobile app is rather convenient; you just have your QR code scanned during purchase and have your money added online whenever money runs out. However, not many people were as fortunate as Adrianna is, they do not have a smartphone. This difference is something Adrianna has to learn and understand. Her day went past like any other day, coffee after coffee, which sums up to a total of 4 cups this particular day. The sun finally set and it is time for Adrianna to head home. On her way home, she decided to drop by Starbucks again to grab a quick salad to go. Is this what society has become? Constantly rushing and dashing to a meeting, conference and being busy, hoping those few sips of coffee could help us go through the entire day and have it repeat all over again the next day like a vicious cycle. But does this even matter? After all we are doomed to be slaves to the big corporate industry if we want to live a decent life.

Scenerio-as-recollection for early majority Story of a Starbucks mobile app user

You know, I really like Starbuck. I don’t quite know why. I just like the way their ice latte taste, I always make them put no ice in my drinks. I use to tell them to put only one ice cube in it, and the barista always look at me in a funny way. Sometimes they even laugh a little, and I will start some random joke to make it less awkward. However, they can’t say anything though, because Starbucks emphasis about their customer service, customer satisfaction is very important to them. With all honesty, I use to work at Starbucks. It the first full-time job I had when I was in High School. I put a lot of effort into that job, making sure I learn everything I needed to learn in order to be the best. Till now, I am still amazed by the way they trained their employees; we all had a training program which lasted for 2 weeks I believe. Each of us had a training textbook that Starbucks gave us. The contexts are about the rules of Starbucks, how each drinks are made, what the standard fridge temperature should be, how long the food can be stayed out for and a lot more. We also had to learn the descriptions for each coffee beans being sold at Starbucks. From their location to the manufacturing process, we had to memorize them. However, I wish there was a better way to teach us those information rather than the old school way. Now that I have left Starbucks, I am still intrigue by their products and especially their mobile app. What made Starbuck stand out from other stores such as Dunkin Donuts? It is without a doubt their marketing strategy. The Starbuck mobile app is definitely something to talk about. Starbuck has two kind of mobile app, one of which is the Mobile Square; it allows customers to use the square wallet to pay with their mobile phones at stores around the United States. Starbucks invested $25 million in Square in August 2012. Square processes credit and debit card transactions, this significantly expanded Square’s scale while reducing their payment processing costs. Their white labels mobile payments platform allows consumer to prepay for products with their integrated and commerce-enable app but some customers still choose to pay with credit card. I personally prefer to pay with my credit card, mainly because I find it irritating to use my phone. The benefit of Square means that baristas could just move down the line and take orders and swipe cards, this help increase efficiency and also wait times. Furthermore, Starbucks has also integrated their mobile application with Apple’s new passbook feature, which allows customers Starbucks digital loyal cards to appear on their IPhone screen automatically after they enter a Starbucks location. It’s also said that Starbucks will include a tip section when customer pay for their drinks via mobile payments or Square wallet. Another Starbucks mobile app is called The Starbucks; it lets me pay using Starbucks Card so I can earn stars in the My Starbucks Award program. However, this app doesn’t seem to be that popular as compared to Square Wallet. I prefer Square too though. There seems to be more information about it on the internet as compared to The Starbucks (perhaps if they change the name for this app it will be less confusing) However, this mobile application is definitely targeted to technology intelligent consumers. Those who are in an older generation might stick with credit and debit cards or even cash. Not to be bias, but technology can be confusing for some people. Also, this app is only used on Iphones or Andriod, so those who use other phones might not be able to download this app. I think this creates a form of segregation in society, dividing the middle class and upper class from the lower class, as people will have to be in an average finance standing to be able to purchase expensive phones. Perhaps this form of problem has not been analyzed yet by Starbucks.

Scenerio-as-story for early majority Story of an old man Bob was born in America; he works at General Motors for his entire life. Now that he has retired, he had been approached by numerous magazines for interviews. Let just say that he was a well-known leader that big business look up to. Interview questions ranges from his personal life to his success and failure. One of the interview questions was rather silly, “How many cups of coffee do you drink?” asks the interviewer. “3-4 cups per day” says Bob. The interviewer looked at him and digested that sentence for a second. She looked around…. “It seems like you are a big coffee fan Bob, you have a collection of coffee machines in your kitchen” says the interviewer.

Probably like many other older people, it is not a surprise that they choose the traditional way of drinking coffee. Bob use to buy coffee from big chain coffee stores like Starbucks. It was convenient; after all there was a Starbucks right around the corner of GM office in Midtown New York. Bob was a busy man; his desk was always full of papers and proposals that he had to read about in order to make a strong argued decision for the company. He spend his weekends working till late at night, therefore coffee was the only thing that could make him stay up. It was better and healthier than energy drinks such as Red Bull. Bob didn’t put too much attention into the quality of his coffee; he just needed something to sip on while he is at work. Sitting in the office can be rather boring, and sometimes he falls asleep. Starbucks coffee is $2 more than the usual coffee you buy at delis, but it didn’t matter to Bob. He has a lot of money. His daily routine basically evolved around his work. He doesn’t have a family either. It is rather typical of New York men. Now that he is in his 60s, quality of products seems to be of relative importance in his life. His routine now involves around leisure, he is happily retired. Now he has more time to play golf, to collect his favorite antiques, and also his coffee machines. Being a caffeine addict, Bob now prefers to make his own coffee at home. He feels like it adds an organic feeling into the drinking process. Waking up early in the morning in his penthouse in Central Park, he goes to his espresso machine and made himself a shot. He then gets the daily newspaper in front of his doorstep, with a cigar in his mouth. Sitting on his balcony, he enjoys his morning. In this technology generation, he buys his coffee machines from Amazon and sometimes coffee companies where there are experts whom Bob could interact with and brush up on his coffee knowledge. Furthermore, Bob doesn’t know about the Mobile app, even though he was a regular customer at Starbucks. Time was an issue, he just didn’t have time. Plus Starbuck didn’t promote their Mobile app in a visible way either. Unless Bob visited their website then perhaps he would have realize what the mobile app was all about. Where does he buy his coffee beans from? People wonder. Well…Bob have them imported from around the world but he only buys coffee beans if they are by Fair Trade organization. He likes to know that his money is going to good places. Perhaps rich people just like to feel that they are “helping” the world by “donating” their money to charities. It makes them feel like they are good people. Aren’t we all just living in self-deceptions? Yes, I can get very cynical about the world. Bob started his own fundraising organization to help farmers in poor countries. He understands that the coffee industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. The coffee industry in the US includes 20,000 stores with combined annual revenue of about $11billion. 1 Starbucks company stock is at $50+ currently. Bob understands that all these start from the manufacturing of coffee beans, from planting to roasting. The work credit should go to the farmers, without them our economic will be effected. He believes by donating money to them, will help them live a better life, rather than consuming from big chain companies like Starbucks; that already made tremendous revenue. Whether drinking coffee at home is a form of trend for old people is still debatable but there is without doubt an age difference when it comes to the way people drink coffee, where they drink coffee and how they drink their coffee.

Scenario-as-story for Laggard: Story of a man from Japan who rarely drinks coffee Kazuya just graduated from college recently and is looking for a job in Tokyo while he is doing 2 part time jobs at a restaurant as a part-time server and at a convenience store as a cashier. Kazuya wakes up at 10 am and gets into a bathroom to take a shower to get ready to go out for work. Once he is ready to go out, he takes subway to go to the restaurant to work. He works from Monday to Wednesday and from 4 pm to 11pm in the restaurant and works from Thursday to Saturday from 5 pm to 10 pm in the convenience store. Since he does not need to work up early in the morning, he rarely drinks coffee. When he drinks coffee, it is mostly in summer. He is also trying to save money as much as he can so that he that he can buy a car later. This is one of the reasons why Kazuya is not having coffee. After work, he enjoys his time relaxing at home with watching a TV. He watches a movie every night until late night which is one of his hobbies. For buying a car later, he tries to eat at home as much as he can. While he works, the

1 http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/111348/coffee-shop-industry-a-strategic-analysis

convenience store where he works provides a meal and so does the restaurant. He is Christian and goes to church on every Sunday morning. The church he goes offers lunch so he has a lunch at the church and is enjoying to socialize with others and all the activities the church provides. The rest of the time in weekends, he spends time on looking for a job and going out for job interviews in suit. He just started to go to an English institute before his work to study English to get a better job with hoping he will get a job soon.

Scenario-as-story for Laggard: Story of a Brazilian trainer who rarely drinks coffee Antonio works as a personal trainer at a gym in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He likes work-out and martial arts. His favorite martial art is kick boxing. He teaches a kick boxing class at the gym and he has a sparring with his friends at the gym after work time to time. He knows what he should eat for a healthier life and to keep being in a good shape. Between each meal he drinks tea whenever he feels hunger but does not drink coffee because he does not feel it is necessary to drink. He cares a lot about what he eats and the right time and the right amount of food. Because of this reason, he became interested in cooking to cook health food for himself. He started buying kitchen appliance one by one as his cooking skill develops. As his cooking technique gets better, he invites his friends to his house and having a home party time to time. He works out 5 days a week before or after works depending on his schedule at the gym he works. This consistent work-out for a long time helps him to keep high metabolism which can be the reason why he might not feel drinking coffee is not necessary to him. His routine goes unbelievably same every day because he does not want to lose his perfect body shape since he already got an extremely toned body. He does not smoke or drink alcohol either due to the same reason. Everyone can tell he has a nice body even he is wearing loose-fit clothes. He goes to Panama beach to surf whenever he has time from his work since his gym is just 5 minutes away from the beach. He enjoys having coconut water on the beach after his surfing. He gets every girl’s attention when he is on the beach and he enjoys it.

Scenario-as-story for Laggards: Story of a Chinese man who rarely drinks coffee Wang lives in Shanghai, China and he works as a salsa teacher. He is a very positive-minded person, easy going, and always full of energy. He has a small dance studio in the center of Shanghai and all the students are female. Even though he is straight, he is often misunderstood by gay because he gets along well with all the female students. The dance community in China is growing fast and he attends all the dance events to socialize though a website that contains all the events information. This stress-free life can be one of the reasons of why he does not drink coffee often. He grew up at home where nobody drinks coffee. Therefore, he does not know how to make coffee and does not have any preference either. The first time he drank coffee was when he was in high school. He did not enjoy the taste of coffee a lot because that was the taste that he had never tasted before. He understands the fact that coffee helps you keep awake however drinking more than a cup of coffee every day looked like unnecessary to him. Also, people in China where he lives drink tea frequently. Thus Wang drinks tea a lot for many different reasons. After every meal as a dessert, whenever he meets his friends for socializing, and to warm up when he feels cold in winter. This is also another reason why he does not need to drink coffee frequently. In China, there are not many local cafes but many restaurants have many different teas. Therefore, he does not need to go to Starbucks or other café when he meets someone. Also, he does not like to go to Starbucks because he rarely drinks coffee and other local restaurants carry more number of teas and he still thinks coffee is bitter drink in his mind.

Scenario-as-history for Innovator: Jim Stewart (Inventor of Seattle’s Best Coffee)

Seattle is often thought of the city that is known for coffee. However, it was not always the coffee center and Seattle was same as other cities in the US that sell coffee that is nothing special or even worse. In the beginning of 1970’s, with several passionate coffee drinkers, the city was changed gradually. Jim Stewart, the founder of “Seattle’s Best Coffee”, opened his first coffee house “Wet Whisker” in Coupeville on Whidbey Island in 1970. People in the little town liked his first coffee store mainly because the successful idea of the combination of coffee house and ice cream. He purchased a coffee roaster from a vendor of a beach in California. He learned how to roast coffee from the expert roaster Alan Mckay. They roasted the highest quality coffee beans to get a soft and mellow taste but also full flavor and thick. As his brother Dave joins to Jim’s coffee house, his coffee house sold coffee about 500 pounds by the beginning of fall. A bit later, his first store was purchased by a local family. However, Jim started another store with the same concept of mix of ice cream and coffee house on Pier 70 on Seattle’s waterfront. This was the beginning of Stewart Brothers Coffee as the company started to roast coffee in the store. The new store was popular especially for tourists. A bit later, Jim opened a retail store in Pike Place Market which is one of the most famous tourist destinations with a long history in Seattle. He was able to differentiate his coffee slightly but clearly from many other local coffee houses by using Northern European’s roasting style. Jim also travelled to buy coffee beans directly from the coffee industry of all the different places. After 1983 when he moved his roasting facilities to Vashon Island, he keeps roasting his coffee over there. In 1988, he shortened his company name to “SBC”. In 1991, his company won a competition of the best quality coffee in Seattle by a local restaurant. After the winning, he renamed his company to “Seattle’s Best Coffee” to celebrate the winning from the competition.2

Scenario- as-history for Innovator Henri Nestle (The founder of Nestle)

With the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930’s, the coffee sales remarkably decreased so the workers in the coffee industry tried to find solutions to boost the coffee industry.

Henri Nestle, a German born chemist and confectioner living in Switzerland, saw women who cannot nurse so he made a baby formula for them. He installed production facilities not only in the United States, but also in multiple countries by 1990. By 1930, he added more products to his company including powered chocolate milk mix and other confectionary products. On the same year, the Brazilian government asked him to invent a new instant coffee to increase Brazil’s coffee export and give more option to coffee drinkers. Since then, 8 years later, finally he invented and launched a new instant coffee Nescafe in 1938. It was not a completely a new product because instant coffee was invented in 1901 by a Japanese chemist but it was not selling well. However, Henri was able to make a success by changing the making process of instant coffee. Also, he was able to get a better coffee quality with his new way of making instant coffee. He had a hard time to make a name for his new product but then he came up with café which means coffee in Italian and combined it with his company Nestle. Due to his aggressive and a big investment in advertising toward housewife, it was extremely successful especially to his company. 3

8. “Special report” section


Since our topic is about coffee and the focus of Starbucks as a chain coffee company. We decided to write a special report that focuses on the different style of interior design Starbucks used in their stores for reinventing or promoting their brand. Starbucks interior design is design in a way that corresponds to their environment; therefore each coffee store around the world has a different style. Unlike in some states such as New York, their coffee stores designs are similar. “Reinvention is defined as the degree to

2 http://www.visitstarboards.com/About-Our-Coffee.html 3 http://www.streetdirectory.com/food_editorials/beverages/coffee/history_of_nescafe_coffee.html

which an innovation is changed or modified by a user in the process of its adoption and implementation”-Rogers. So, let us take a look at the different Starbuck stores with unique interior design from around the world.

Like once Arthur Rubinfeld; the now president of global development once said, ““When I joined in ‘92, we were under 100 stores. And we had an understanding that espresso-based beverages were on trend. We knew this from the loyalty of our customer base at the time, but our category--specialty beverages--was not in itself a business driver. At that point it was about establishing the American idea of the coffee house. Hundreds and hundreds of years old in Europe, it was mostly about community.”4 Therefore, the typical Starbuck design is crafted into what we know today, with soft couches, tables, dark wooded walls with paintings and a small of coffee aroma fills the air. This kind of design seems to be the common standard for Starbucks. Perhaps this kind of design is targeting to people who are tech savvy. As people only visit the store for a short break or a to-go beverage, the design is kept simple yet cozy. However, in the following photos you will there are certain places where Starbucks has reinvented their style using their store design.

4 http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670889/an-experimental-new-starbucks-store-tiny-portable-and-hyper-local#-7

Since coffee is popularized during industrial revolution it is obvious why Starbucks interior design style had always been an industrialized style. However, this store in Amsterdam took the design to a whole new level. It gives of a very organic feeling, the multilevel space is awash in recycled and local materials, the walls are lined antique tiles, bicycle inner tubes and wooden gingerbread models. 5 This Starbucks store reinvented itself in a way similar to a theatre, where the baristas are visible from every point of the multi-tiered spaces. The coffeehouse will also send out new updates and information through social media channels such as twitter, Facebook and emails. If this new design concept is implemented, it will find its’ way around Europe to other stores. This form of approach is Starbucks revamping its’ approach to appeal to foreign tasted and markets. Instead of the typical design, fast food chains seem to be leaning towards a more “design” approach in enhancing their brand, making it more interesting to people.

5 http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669192/starbucks-concept-store-is-a-lab-for-reinventing-the-brand#-8

Furthermore, there is another unique store in Colorado. This is rather different because the typical leather chair that you see in every other Starbuck does not exist in this Colorado Starbuck, neither does free power outlets could be find in this store. In fact, there is no space for customers at all. 6 Starbucks has named this coffee store as “modern module”, it is somewhat similar to McDonalds, in the sense that you could drive through or walk-up to the store. It seems to be targeted to late night customers or to-go customers. Since it is located in a subtle location, it is not surprising that customers who come in are those who have a car. This building was constructed in a factory and delivered from a truck. This form of store has been “reinvented” to a form of art. This facade is constructed using local materials that are found no more than 500- mile radius away from the site. The materials could be anything from corrugated metals to lumber. The purpose of the chosen material is so that the exterior feels part of the environment. After all, people seem more incline towards organic feeling. With the exclusions of power outlets helps save a lot of energy in one day without feeding electricity to laptops, this store could be a reinvention of low footprint design.

6 http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670889/an-experimental-new-starbucks-store-tiny-portable-and-hyper-local#-7

Last but not least, this magnificent Starbucks store is located in Japan; it is design by Kengo Kuma. Walls are covered in a matrix of wood planks, a complete reinvention of Starbucks typical friendly interior design. More than 2000 wooden batons line the 2260 square foot shop,7 creating woven lattice that extends outside of the storefronts edge. This store design was design in a way to blend with the other buildings surrounding it. However, with such prominent design, one wonders if this structure stands out too much from the other buildings, but from this design we can see that Starbucks has become more aware of the culture difference.

7 http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669480/an-ultra-cool-japanese-starbucks-leaves-the-seattle-vibe-far-behind#2
