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STARDROPS JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2021 STARDROPS JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2021 The ongoing theme of the square between Uranus and Saturn (Revolutionary truth and disruption of the old agenda inciting dramatic acts from some to contain it) made its first peak February 2021 and could possibly be the reason for an escalation of information and exposure conflicts. The nature of these two planets tends to try to contain and re- directing activities that are abnormal, disruptive, even if facts emerge regarding them, it will result in either Uranus scrambling the actions or information or Saturn attempt to crack down by controlling and monitoring information,. Uranus might threaten to release truth in several ways including Uranian tech and other massive organized networking . As quickly as there is pressure to contain, control or oppress, some puzzle solving personages rally to bring exposure and challenge. And it goes back and forth like this, becoming more dramatic and multiplying in hundreds of arenas. This isn't simply about media and journalism, although the pressure of this cycle ends up appearing on the internet media we're left to filter through for validation etc..but the tension is rising with what seems to be an escalation several postures sensing a desperation to maintain control and escalate their vision of what should be. if you're one of those people paying attention, every single day, if you know where to look, really serious reveals and counter measures to strangle it, is going on. Before we go on to our weekly rundown, it's important to re-visit the Saturn/Uranus square under the larger umbrella of Pluto transits hitting both the United States Mercurys . i guess, my motive for re-visting this astrological cycle is to warn everyone, it's only going to get more dramatic, interesting, disruptive and illogical. Unless you're finding clues and have the time to dig, strange disruptive events going on throughout the world might appear random, independent from each other, but many times they are connected. Yes, we could say its coincidence..and what does it matter anyway. Working towards creating, loving and preserving a beautiful world where people have time and opportunity to discover and increase their internal happiness and light before they leave this earth seems pretty important to me. By paying attention to things that would try to thwart this opportunity seems like just the right thing to do. So, these astro - cycles are giving us timing clues as to what is going on and for how long. We need that. In my world, it feels like we're in a race



JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2021

The ongoing theme of the square between Uranus and Saturn (Revolutionary truth and disruption of the old agenda inciting dramatic acts from some to contain it) made its first peak February 2021 and could possibly be the reason for an escalation of information and exposure conflicts. The nature of these two planets tends to try to contain and re-directing activities that are abnormal, disruptive, even if facts emerge regarding them, it will result in either Uranus scrambling the actions or information or Saturn attempt to crack down by controlling and monitoring information,.

Uranus might threaten to release truth in several ways including Uranian tech and other massive organized networking . As quickly as there is pressure to contain, control or oppress, some puzzle solving personages rally to bring exposure and challenge. And it goes back and forth like this, becoming more dramatic and multiplying in hundreds of arenas.

This isn't simply about media and journalism, although the pressure of this cycle ends up appearing on the internet media we're left to filter through for validation etc..but the tension is rising with what seems to be an escalation several postures sensing a desperation to maintain control and escalate their vision of what should be. if you're one of those people paying attention, every single day, if you know where to look, really serious reveals and counter measures to strangle it, is going on.

Before we go on to our weekly rundown, it's important to re-visit the Saturn/Uranus square under the larger umbrella of Pluto transits hitting both the United States Mercurys . i guess, my motive for re-visting this astrological cycle is to warn everyone, it's only going to get more dramatic, interesting, disruptive and illogical. Unless you're finding clues and have the time to dig, strange disruptive events going on throughout the world might appear random, independent from each other, but many times they are connected. Yes, we could say its coincidence..and what does it matter anyway.

Working towards creating, loving and preserving a beautiful world where people have time and opportunity to discover and increase their internal happiness and light before they leave this earth seems pretty important to me. By paying attention to things that would try to thwart this opportunity seems like just the right thing to do. So, these astro - cycles are giving us timing clues as to what is going on and for how long. We need that. In my world, it feels like we're in a race

to the finish line - or a race to contain and transmute as much dysfunction as fast as possible, before that epic February 2022 arrives. I completely understand this is a fragile balance between maintaining optimism and filtering out the negative, in order to magnify the good everywhere. Actually this does help. But when you're also facing some aberrations of human kind with a lot of power, someone needs to keep that in check to preserve our platform of love onthis amazing planet. More about these most interesting cycles below, but for now - let's go through this weeks events:

WEEK OF JUNE 27 - JULY 3Jun 26 - July 21 Venus enters Leo

Increased confidence, courage, sharing love and leadership is available to you now. Much creativity funneled into your projects, your future and career or life purpose. Children are high focus in all ways. What is going on with your children,with the worlds' children? Planning how one desires to live their life – for what purpose? Creating your own script. Exercising your will to make dreams happen and increasing your creative and bold statements.

Downtime, events, gatherings, art and musical abilities increase – design and color, style and social activities might be on your mind. In general, this period opens the heart chakra towards greater love and beauty and what you truly value. It inspires action to launch something, arrange something, reach out and connect. It is excellent for that inner conviction and strength we need to advance our life just a little bit better than yesterday.

June 27-29 Mars at 9-11* Leo sextile the North Node at 10* Gemini.

Opportunity to engage in truly prosperous successful meetings with key people right now. Communication and decisionsare strong, precise and pragmatic. All forms of paperwork, files, data and information are helpful and usually we can count on them as reliable now.

Globally, expect a widespread network of dramatic information being released from several sources beginning now as this planet is activating a Gemini Node. Each source has credible data, coming from their own unique place, crisscrossing and collaborating with others' information. It's a match. This week might arrange certain situations the key sharing or reveal of information in a pretty big way, to other people who need it to make high level decisions now. Will we ever know what it was? At least your own communications will be productive, your mind is sharp and clear, and you logically see the way to create your next move.

June 28 Venus at 2* Leo inconjunct Jupiter at 2* Pisces

This week, some disconnected social friendship or relationship problems can occur, usually based upon assumptions, each person's filters and beliefs about this or that etc...in general, not so easy to coordinate or seeing things the same way. Some financial obligations can't be avoided right now, shift, adjust and go with the flow.

Jul 1-4 Sun in Cancer at 10 - 12 degrees conjoins Hades at 10* Cancer square Chiron at 12* Aries

The days are strange in the area of more global confrontations and indisputable past actions coming to light. For the sake of the people, Hellish things brought to light, the unthinkable, in order to transform and transmute them. A bittersweet few days in some way.

July 2-4 Mars at 11-13* Leo trines Chiron at 12* Aries and square Uranus at 13* Taurus

Mars pours protective power into any situation that was broken, dysfunctional or outworn. It creates a plan, organizes how to change it, fix it, take charge with a vision for the end result, and moves forward with confidence in the creative process. Assists with all creative work that was once at a stalemate. This is key as there might be unpredictable and unusual financial economic activity going on globally this July 1 - 5, peaking on 2nd through the 4th, with Mars square toUranus in Taurus, and Sun ( above) conjoin Hades in Cancer, which has much to do with security, money, expenses, inflation, protection, land and real estate.

July 3 Venus at 8* Leo sesquiquadrate Neptune at 23* Pisces

Nuances of mystical dreams, feelings immersed in old captivating books or movies Some possible disappointments, frustrations and attempts to figure out how to resolve. These are simply ideas in your mind and heart, attempts to move this way and that way, walking carefully feeling out how to proceed. Sentimental day with wishful dreams and idealistic outcomes prayed for. Inspiring for artists, writers, musicians or for engaging in lovely conversations, yet not completely reliable.

July 3 Sun at 12* Cancer inconjunct Saturn at 12* Aquarius

This is more of a sharper shift day in an attempt for the Universe to Adjust life back in line with the highest blueprint forall of us. The day might have some disconnects with others such as responsibilities not taken care of pulls one off courseto handle these things while your internal clock is ticking, hours or minutes are going by not getting that thing done you set out to do this day. Simply handle each situation as best as possible and excuse oneself as needing to return to one's project.

for the U.S, Saturn has been inconjunct the U.S. Sun from May on through July 4, creating continual distractions, traumatic events and realities which are the antithesis of the country's security and protective common sense. A disconnect and lack of pragmatic solutions, decisions and order has been ongoing with this incongruency with ultimate Cancer protection for all. This cycle returns again Christmas time up through January 2022.

With this cycle occurring around the fourth of July, possible disjointed and a cognitive dissonance situation might be felt throughout the week up to the fourth and a bit after. Something is off.


Since the last peak of the transiting Uranus square transiting Saturn June 13-15th, the escalation of unprecedented mediacrisis, the alleged defecting of top officials holding key information and threats of information exposure of a potentially epic serious nature, along with the scrambling re-direct or sensor and control of the news and data, resulting in the escalation of certain global dramas, finance manipulations and sudden elimination or disruption of public figures is off the charts.

If you aren't paying attention to deeper news you're missing all the good stuff, not to say our mainstream doesn't have some helpful issues, but the issues going on, on a daily basis is unbelievable.

Uranus appears to be funneling its power through individuals to either radically disrupt systems, communities or regions and people in an attempt to create chaos and severe loss and dispersion or Uranus can be the intensity pouring through individuals or groups gathering together to espouse love, oneness and a higher truth, challenging those that desires to alienate any way possible. Almost all of humanity, in so many ways are included somehow in this increase of disruption or attempt to containment. it would take pages to list all the machinations here that must be challenged and turned

around. Every lie that is attempted to interfere with the electric progression of our Universe towards the Central Sun, is thwarted by some one instantly confronting that lie and pushing back. In order to handle this increase of confrontations,you've just got to create your own ritual of increasing inner power.



Because we are also continuing to move through an incredible period of time which is separating reality from illusion, Two Corridors or Timelines, (you're either on one or the other timeline) with the highest most purest timeline remaining in the end, of this cycle of world awakening, our purpose is to be in the heart, with intention to shine, align oneself with True Values and push oneself to be better, do better, continue to love, share and create each day, all of the time.

This isn't a game. This is very real, the external pressure escalating, and your necessity to increase your power, light and confidence something big and amazing is at the end of this Path.. and it's happening inside of you and all around you right now. You know it, you can see it. Choices. Uranus square Saturn has us sandwiched in between clashes within global events, began February 2021, returned end of May and culminated between June 14 – up through the end of June2021.

This tense astrology cycle IS IN PLAY all the way up to the end of December 2021,the last peak on December 24, 2021.

We're going to witness a continual unbelievable fight between several narratives, intensify and upping each sides push back.

Do you understand 2020-2021 (the Pluto in square to U.S. Natal 1789 Mercury in Aries and the Pluto in opposition to the U.S. Conceptional Mercury (1776 Chart) and the 2021 transit of Saturn square Uranus ( above), could trigger exposures of everything that could possibly need to be brought to the light from the depths of whatever you want to call it on this planet. The Saturn square Uranus in 2021 creates a pressure globally which hasn't been felt in an incredibly long time to expose, change, challenge and turn around for the better, before the epic Pluto return in the U.S. 1776 Chart on the date of February 2022? We have seven months. And these two planets in square are not to be blamed really. These planes are simply amplifying this theme within a much larger event where an increase of Electric Energy seems to be flooding our solar system, our Sun, and stepping up a quickening within people-causing them to either accelerate one direction or another, hence the two timeline example. Because this event is escalating energy, every significant astrological cycle would be amplified, making a larger impact upon humanity. These Stardrops are never to create anxiety but help explain possibly why things are happening the way they are. It is always a good idea to start one's day with an empowering AFFIRMATION.

AFFIRMATION“ I AM in pure alignment now with highest truth, all seeing, all loving action within and all around me

now. No thing can interfere with my truth and inner values one with the highest laws of love. I AMradiating this integrity everywhere. I AM the invincible protection, order, practical action enhancing theabundant life in all ways, multiplied now through every living being on Earth today and I AM grateful!”



U.S. NATAL CHART 1789 (George Washington's Inauguration)


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