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Start Your Story Here // FICCI Verbal & Visual Identities

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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Start your North EaSt Story hErE.

FICCI North EaSt advISory CouNCIl.

WE arE EIght StatES. WE arE oNE voICE. WE arE WhErE INduStry mEEtS SoCIEty. PolICy mEEtS INduStry. WhErE INdIa INC mEEtS thE North EaSt.

What you hold IN your haNd IS aN INvItatIoN to bE a Part oF thE North EaSt Story.

FICCI North EaSt advISory CouNCIl (NEaC) WElComES you to North EaSt INdIa.

a North EaSt WhErE INduStry IS rEady to roCkEt.

a North EaSt FIllEd WIth FrIENdly aNd FabulouS PEoPlE.

PoWErINg FICCI NEaC to makE thE North EaSt INdIa INC’S NExt bIg dEStINatIoN.

Read on to see why.FICCI NEaC.Proudly madE IN thE North EaSt.

hErE to CoNNECt aNd CatalyzE INduStry aNd SoCIEty. thE bESt oF FICCI. hErE For thE North EaSt.

at FICCI NEaC, our goal IS to FurthEr FICCI’S maNdatE IN thE North EaSt. WE’rE hErE to Fully rEalIzE thE North EaSt’S PotENtIal oF tradE, tourISm, aNd talENt.

Since our founding in the spring of 2012 in Guwahati, we’ve received coverage from all major media publications and houses, conducted over 40 programmes, published discussion papers, and written recommendations for both central and state governments.

thE North EaSt advISory CouNCIl lEadS FICCI’S aCtIvItIES IN thE rEgIoN, aNd IS ComPrISEd oF SomE oF thE lEadINg buSINESSmEN, aCadEmICS aNd ProFESSIoNalS From thE NE.

Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business organisation in India. Its history is closely interwoven with India’s struggle for independence, its industrialization, and its emergence as one of the most rapidly growing global economies. FICCI has contributed to this historical process by encouraging debate, articulating the private sector’s views and influencing policy.

A non-government, not-for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry.

FICCI draws its membership from the corporate sector, both private and public, including SMEs and MNCs; FICCI enjoys an indirect membership of over 2,50,000 companies from various regional chambers of commerce.

SINCE 2012

CovEragE From all major mEdIa

PublICatIoNS aNd houSES

ovEr 40 ProgrammES

largESt aNd oldESt aPEx buSINESS orgaNISatIoN

ENCouragINg dEbatE, artICulatINg thE PrIvatE SECtor’S vIEWS aNd INFluENCINg PolICy

NoN-govErNmENt, Not-For-ProFIt orgaNISatIoN, voICE oF INdIa’S buSINESS aNd INduStry

WrIttEN rECommENdatIoNS

For both CENtral & StatE govt.



02/ 03/

1927 CoNtrIbutE thE voICE

FICCI ENjoyS aN INdIrECt mEmbErShIP oF ovEr 2,50,000 ComPaNIES From varIouS

rEgIoNal ChambErS oF CommErCE


“WE havE to look at thE North EaSt PotENtIal to bE lIkE SWItzErlaNd SurrouNdEd by maNy CouNtrIES, laNdloCkEd yEt uSINg that to ItS advaNtagE. thE North EaSt muSt bE alloWEd to bENEFIt From ItS advaNta-gEouS loCatIoN WIth aSEaN thuS brINgINg INdIa INto thE aSEaN Fold.” Naina Lal KidwaiOpportunity North East: Emerging International Connectivity, FICCI NEAC Round Table Discussion, December 2013

our 6 CorE arEaS oF FoCuS



INFraStruCturE dEvEloPmENt

02 06


04 05


INvEStmENtS aNd tourISm



oF loCal INduStry IN SECtorS lIkE tourISm aNd Food ProCESSINg

SkIll dEvEloPmENt

North EaSt NumbErS: oN thE rISE

06/our PEoPlE


raNjIt barthakurChaIrmaN

ChaIrmaN, globally maNagEd SErvICESmumbaI

Prabhat d SaWyaNCo-ChaIrmaN

ChaIrmaN, CENtrE PoINt grouP ENtErPrISEhotEl CENtrE PoINtPolICE bazaarShIlloNg

major rIvEr SyStEm (brahmaPutra) oF INdIa’S gdP

oF INdIa’S gEograPhICal arEa

oF INtErNatIoNal bordErS (ChINa, myaNmar, bhutaN,

baNgladESh aNd NEPal)



oPEratIoNal aIrPortS



5300kms / 98%



2,62,179sq km 45,587,982

CrouChINg aNd hIddEN: Why North EaSt IS SEt to Soar


a WorkForCE rEady to roll

A very high literacy rate (over 70%) and with many people fluent in English makes it an attractive proposition for information technology enabled services

a dIStINCt dEmograPhIC EdgE

8% of the country’s total land space and only 3.7% of the country’s population!

aN EmErgINg markEt

An emerging market of 400 million people, including the neighbouring nations of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal

WhErE tourIStS ComE FIrSt

Wildlife sanctuaries, adventure tourism, eco-tourism, hill stations, lakes, historical heritage sites—the North East has it all

bottom-lINE SuPPort

Attractive fiscal packages, subsidies on capital investment, transport and working capital all available in Bhutan and Nepal

uNmatChEd bIo-dIvErSIty

Forest wealth, agro base, fruits and vegetables, herbs, aromatic plants, exotic flowers, other flora and fauna all present

ProduCE, ProduCE EvEryWhErE

A variety of agricultural produce —rice, maize, millets, sugarcane, jute, cotton, rubber, tea, mustard, grapes, guava, coconut, coffee, apples, pineapples, passion fruit, walnut, brinjal and a vast range of fruits and vegetables

thE NExt PoWErhouSE

Hydropower potential estimated at nearly 50,000 MW, natural gas reserves of 190 billion cubic metres, coal reserves of over 900 million tonnes and oil reserves of over 500 million tonnes

major mINEral rESourCES

Large mineral resources including limestone reserves of around 5000 million tonnes and forest cover of 25% of the country’s forest area


4 9 105

6 7 832

loCatIoN, loCatIoN, loCatIoN

Strategically located for foreign and domestic investors to tap the vast contiguous markets of Myanmar, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia and other East and South East Asian countries


maNy StatES. oNE voICE.

aruNaChal PradESh. aSSam. maNIPur. mEghalaya. mIzoram. NagalaNd. SIkkIm. trIPura

a NotE oN thE graPhIC dEvICE:

The shape of the North East leads to the triangle’s creation. Eight triangles make the octagon—each triangle representing a state. The colours are inspired by FICCI’s symbol.

thErE’S No tImE lIkE NoW to makE your mark oN thE North EaSt Story.

Call uS to ExPlorE oPPortuNItIES aNd to bE Part oF thE North EaSt Story.Biswajit ChakrabartyHead –North EastFICCIIndustry’s Voice for Policy ChangeH19, Opp. Bhanu Apartments, Lamb Road, AmbariGuwahati

M: +91-9435017906T: +91 361 2733010F: +91 361 2733011W: www.ficci.com

FICCI Corporate Identity Number (CIN): U99999DL1956NPL002635

makE It yourS.

FICCI North EaSt advISory CouNCIl.
