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Starters Final

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  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final





  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    Cooking or Today oers the chance

    to prepare, cook and taste unique

    combinations o ingredients to create

    surprisingly simple dishes.

    Perhaps you have something special

    to celebrate or just a cosy evening in.

    For those days when you want to try

    something light and healthy, or need

    inspiration or something equally

    simple, but more substantial.

    A collection o dishes, which are nothing

    short o perection or your palatte.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    1 Jawbone o a Moose

    1 Onion; sliced

    1 Garlic clove

    1tb Mixed pickling spice

    1tsp Salt

    tsp Pepper

    c Vinegar

    Jellied Mooe Noe

    1 Cut the upper jaw bone o the moose

    just below the eyes. 2 Boil or 45 minutes.

    3 Remove and chill in cold water. 4 Pull

    out all the hairs (like plucking a duck).

    5 Wash thoroughly until no hairs remain.

    6 Place the nose in a kettle and cover

    with resh water. 7 Add onion, garlic,

    spices and vinegar. 8 Bring to a boil, then

    reduce heat and simmer until the meatis tender. 9 When cool, discard the bones.

    You will have two kinds o meat, white meat

    rom the bulb o the nose, and thin strips

    o dark meat rom along the bones.

    10 Slice the meat thinly and alternate

    layers o white and dark meat in a loa

    pan. 11 Reheat the broth to boiling, then

    pour the broth over the meat in the loa

    pan. 12 Let cool until jelly has set. Slice

    and serve cold.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    24 Pesticide-ree nasturtiums

    c Cream cheese

    24 Capers

    c Pesto

    Stuffed Bloom

    1 Place nasturtiums on a tray or large

    platter. 2 With butter knie, press about

    teaspoon cream cheese into center

    o each nasturtium. 3 Pat capers dry

    on paper towels. Push a caper into the

    center o the cream cheese in each ower.

    4 Dress with pesto. 5 Serve stued

    nasturtiums immediately or rerigerate

    until ready to serve.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    12 resh lean cow udders

    1pt whipping cream

    1c brown sugar

    1c artichoke hearts

    1 stick butter

    1 small flleted smelt

    1 Nair

    Cow Udder Eclair

    1 Soak the cow udders in Nair to remove

    the hair. Repeat several times i necessary

    until all hair is removed. Rinse in warm

    water. 2 Place a stick o butter into a

    warm rying pan. Wait until all o the butter

    has melted, then add the cow udders.

    Fry them or 15-20 minutes until golden

    brown. 3 Chop the artichoke hearts and

    smelt on a cutting board into fne pieces.4 In a large bowl, add the whipping cream,

    brown sugar and the chopped artichokes

    and smelt. 5 With a mixer on low, whip

    until creamy with a consistency like vanilla

    pudding. 6 Remove the udders rom the

    pan and make a long slice down the side o

    each udder. 7 Spread the pudding mixture

    into each slit. 8 Serve warm or cold

    and have an Udderly Wonderul snack.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    Ants 1 Heat a pan and ry the ants dry.

    They produce a lot o oil rom their bodies.

    2 Remove them rom the pan, and dry in

    the sun or a low oven. 3 Remove the wings

    by winnowing or picking them out and store

    until ready to eat.

    Bee Larvae 1 Remove the bee hive or

    nest rom the tree and boil it. 2 Remove

    larvae rom the comb and dry them.

    3 Fry them with a little salt and eat.

    No oil is required or rying.

    Bush Crickets 1 Remove the wings and

    the horned part o the legs. 2 Boil them

    or 5 minutes and then dry in the sun

    or at a low temperature in the oven.3 Winnow away the wings i any remain

    by tossing them gently into the air, allowing

    the wings to blow away. 4 Fry in a pan with

    salt. These may need a touch o added at

    to ry or roast.

    Fried Bug

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    10 resh slugs

    c cornmeal

    c high protein our

    3 eggs

    2 egg yolks

    c heavy cream

    4tbs butter

    4tsp sour cream

    Slug Fritter

    1 First chop the slugs into fne mince.

    2 Beat the eggs and egg yolks with the

    heavy cream together. 3 Sit the dry

    ingredients and then cut 2 tbs o butter

    into that mixture. 4 Add the egg and

    cream mixture to the dry ingredients

    and whip with a whisk vigorously or one

    to two minutes. 5 Melt one tbs o butterin a saut pan and pure the batter into

    21/2 inch cakes in two batches. 6 Serve

    warm with a dollop o sour cream.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    Cherry tomatoes



    Celery stalks



    2c Cottage cheese

    1 Onion soup mix

    c Milk

    Yellow ood colouring

    Crudit with Vomit

    1 Rinse the vegetables in warm water,

    except the mushrooms. Wipe those gently

    with a damp paper towel. 2 Slice the

    carrots, zucchini and celery into thin

    sticks. 3 The cherry tomatoes can be

    served whole, but you may want toremove any green stems. 4 The radishes

    and mushrooms can be halved or served

    whole. 5 In a small bowl, mix the cottage

    cheese, onion soup mix and milk. 6 Stir

    in some ood coloring until you get the

    desired yellowish color. 7 Do not overmix!

    Lumpy is more realistic! 8 Arrange your

    vegetables on a platter surrounding the

    Vomit Vinaigrette.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    4qt Water

    1tb Alum

    2c Distilled white vinegar

    2c Granulated sugar

    1ts Salt

    2lb Pigs ears

    Pickled Pig Ear

    1 Boil 2 quarts o the water with the alum

    or 5 minutes, then remove rom the heat

    and allow to cool. 2 Boil the vinegar with

    the sugar and salt or a ew minutes, or

    until the sugar is completely dissolved. 3

    Remove rom the heat and cool. 4 Boil the

    remaining 2 quarts water and drop in the

    pigs ears. 5 Boil or 20 minutes. 6 Remove

    the pigs ears and cut them into lengthwise

    slices 1/4 inch wide. 7 Ater the sliced pigsears have cooled, return them to the alum

    water to soak or 2 hours, then drain and

    rinse under cold water. 9 Dry lightly. Place

    the pigs ears in a jar, pressing them down.

    9 Pour in enough cooled vinegar mixture

    to completely cover the contents o the jar.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    1 Snapping Turtle

    2tsp Ground Ginger

    1 Onion

    Salt & Pepper

    Turtle Soup

    1 To butcher a turtle you start by chopping

    o the turtles head. Be careul becausethe

    head will still bite even ater it is removed

    rom the body and the body will still crawl

    away ater the head is removed. Turtles

    dont die right away. 2 When the body

    stops trying to crawl away, dip it in boiling

    water and scrape o the exterior layer

    o skin, including the shell. 3 Remove

    the shell. Cut along grove on each side

    between the ront and back legs. It is the

    narrowest part o the shell. The tail, neckand all our legs are attached to the top o

    the shell. Remove rom shell and you have

    the bulk o the meat. However, there will

    be some meat on the bottom shell and top

    shell. 5 It is at this point that you remove

    the at. Just roll back the skin and with a

    paring knie and your index fnger scrape

    out the at. 6 Just cook it long with lots

    o vegetables and it will be good i you

    removed all o the at.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    3 Fruit bats


    1tb Finely sliced resh ginger,

    1lg Onion

    Sea salt to taste

    Chopped scallions

    Soy sauce

    Fruit Bat Soup

    1 Place the bats in a large kettle and add

    water to cover, the ginger, onion, and salt.

    Bring to the boil and cook or 40 minutes.

    Strain broth into a second kettle. 2 Take

    the bats, skin them and discard the skin.

    Remove meat rom the bones and return

    meat, and any o the viscera you ancy, to

    the broth. Heat. 3 Serve liberally sprinkled

    with scallions and urther seasoned withsoy sauce and/or coconut cream.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


    1 gallon locust shells

    2 onions, roughly chopped

    1 clove garlic, chopped

    1 celery stalk

    2 carrots

    tsp powdered mace

    salt and pepper to taste

    1c whipping cream

    Locus Bique

    1 Put all ingredients except whipping

    cream into a large stew pot, and fll with

    water. 2 Bring to the boil, reduce heat, and

    simmer or 3 hours. 3 Process in blender or

    ood processor in batches, and strain beore

    returning to clean pot. 4 Add whipping

    cream, being sure not to allow it to boil.

    5 Serve with animal crackers.

  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final


  • 7/31/2019 Starters Final



    74 120mm

    Graphic Design by Aaron Skipper


    Illustration by Alice Vine


    Set in the ollowing typeaces:

    Adobe Caslon Regular

    LL Brown Regular

    Other titles in this series:

    Tastes o TodayDrink

    Tastes o TodayMains

    Tastes o TodayDesserts
