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STARTS WANTED—Situations, Male Furnished IMPOSING ... · Beach. Want residence la Los Angeles....

Date post: 16-Aug-2020
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IMPOSING LETTER STARTS HUNT FOR MISSING GIRL Near-Legal Document Asks Los Angeles Police to Help Find Etta Letchers A peculiar document couched in near- legal phraseology and bearing an im- posing notarial seal affixed to a com- mon sheet of writing paper was re- ceived at the detective bureau last night from Chicamausa, Ga. ( having been issued by a country justice of the peace at that place, who wants to learn the whereabouts of Etta Letchers, who is "lost from that place." The letter is dated Chicamauga, Ga., Nov. 13, and is addressed to the "Po- lice Headquarters, Los Angeles." The letter reads as follows; "Alice Tensely comes Before me and Makes Oath that She is a Blßti Etta Letchers, And that she is lost from Her, and Makes this her Petition That she Might get some information concerning Sister. "This November 13, 1010. (Seal) "H. S. SIMMONS, J. P. "P. S. "If you know Any Thing of Etta Letchers write Mrs. Tensely at Clilck- amauga." The postscript was written in hand- writing somewhat similar to the body of the letter and evidently by tlie same person. A second postscript, written in a scrawl, reads: \u25a0•p. s.—Miss Etta Letchers is the name of the Person Missen." ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE FOR BANQUET TO BISHOP Arrangements have been completed for the banquet to be tendered Bishop W. F. Oldharn by the Methodist Social union of Los Angeies this evening at the Hotel Westminster. W. S. Allen will introduce A, J. Wallace, who will preside. J. K. Hawk and J. E. Carr will give reports from the city mission- ary society. The principal address is to be delivered by Bishop Oldham. Bishop Oldham was elected to the episcopacy at the meeting of the gen- eral conference in Los Angeles six years ago. He is bishop of India With headquarters in Singapore and will re- main in Los Angeles several week* in the Interest of his work. MOTORCYCLIST ESCAPES DEATH UNDER LOCOMOTIVE William Sonntagr, 21 years old, a line- man employed by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, narrowly es- caped being killed last night, when, while riding- his motorcycle across the Southern Pacific tracks at Thirtieth street and Central avenue, he was struck by a switch engine and hurled fifteen feet to the curb. He suffered a fractured right collar hone, a broken right elbow, a sprained neck and nu- merous bruises on the body. Sonntag was picked up by several autolsts who were near the scene of the adcldent and hurried to the receiving hospital, where his injuries were treat- ed by Police Surgeon C. W. Wright. The injured man lives at 544 Bait Twenty-ninth street. GIRL AND BOY BITTEN BY RABIES=INFECfED CANINE Evangeline L.lngenfelcler, B years old, daughter of F. Lingenfelder, 1014 East Fifty-first street, and a boy named Cherry, whose parents live at Flor- ence, ii suburb a short distance south cif the city, were bitten by a dog Tues- day. Later the animal was killed ;ind .-in examination, completed yesterday, showed that it was a victim of rabies. Both thf girl and boy are being \u25a0\u25a0 v n the Pasteur treatment. C. W. Allwood, a grocer at 4913 Cen- tra] avenue, saved the girl from fur- ther Injury after the dog snapped at lior. Two of the animal's teeth | irated her lower lip. The boy was bit- ten about three hours later. THE WEATHER Los angeles, Nov. is, 1*11). Time.!liarom.|Thei.|llum| Wind|Vic. jWeather. 6a.m. I 80.09 I B6 I 8S I N e~\~f~ l Cloudy." 6 p.m.! 30.07 I 57 I S3 | aw | 8 | Clear. Highest temperature 61. Lowest temperature 64. Rainfall for season .!!'.•. Rainfall last season to date .SB. , FORECAST ' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. IS.— San Fran- cisco and vicinity: Fair Saturday; light, west wind, Changing to buUlh. For Santa Clara valley: Fair Saturday, light frost in the morning;; li;;; north wind. For Sacramento valley: iair Saturday; light north wind. For Kan Joaquin valley: Fair Saturday; light frost In the morning; light north wind. For Southern Caliiurijia: Cloudy Satur- day; possibly rain In this morning; light suuln wind. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19,1910. 10 tlve» of Oregon and California; residents of Ocean Park and Colton. BIRTHS BOYS ROSENBERG—To Mori and Rosy Rosenberg, 1319 Palmer street. THOMPSON—To Thoma» and Ruby Thompson, 1611 Newton street. MORTENSON-To Albert and Ida Mortenson, $38 Lake street. GIRLS NINICE—To Albert and Manuala Nlnlce, 329 North Anderson street. ARTHUR—To Frederick and Frances Arthur, Mission hospital. DEATHS PORTER— Frank Porter, county hospital, na- tive of Ohio, age 41; tuberculosis. LlNDSEY—William Lindsey. 527 South Mott street, native nf Virginia, age SO; senility. KlNG—Arthur King, 516 North Coronado street, native of England, age 58; paralysis. 1 RANDALL—Mary Randall, 420 West Selma, Hollywood, native of New York, uge 6(i; dysentery. CRippEN—Myron Crippon. 245 South Flower street, native of Michigan, age 76; pneu- monia^ .^_____«_ (JEAIEI ERIES— INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY Two miles outside the city limits, on th» Los Angeles & Redondo railway; 300 acres of perfect land with improvements outclass- ing any cemetery on the coast. 207 F. BROADWAY, ROOM 202. Phones F3303. Main 4659. Superintendent's phone 10541. ' t-28-Umo ROSEDALE~CEMETERY An endowed memorial park, noted for Its natural beauty; endowment fund for per- pe:ual care, over $250,000; modern receiving vault, chapel, crematory and columbarium; accessible. City office, suite 3u2-306 EX- CHANGE BLDQ., northeast corner Third and 11111 sts. Phone*— Main 909; A3620. Cem- etery office, 1831 W. Washington st. Phones 72SES; West 80. 6-2-12mo Hollywood" CEMETERY Rolling lawns, trees, shrubbery and beautiful lakes. MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Situated in the most beautiful section of Southern California, the ideal location, just inside Los Angelea city limits. Melroae and Colegrove car lino* to grounds. A CEMETERY THAT IS SELECT All3l. 208 Laushlin Bldg. Main 391. Cemetery phones 69055; Hollywood 612. EVERGREEN CEMETERY The Los Angeles Cemetery association, Boyle Heights, rear city limit*. Operated under perpetual charter from Los An&elea city. Modern chapel and crematory. Office, 339 Bradbury Building. Phones—Main 652: A 6466. Cemetery— Home DIOS3; Boyle 9. 6-5-i:mo 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for the price of 8. Ask The Herald counter man 10-18-tf MONEY To LOAN— WE LOAN MONEY To wage-earners and housekeepers, on per- sonal note; $10 and upward. Do you owe the landlord. or the grocer? Do you want money for any purpose? You repay weekly or monthly. No publicity; lowest rates. PARK LOAN & CREDIT CO., 424 80. Broadway. Room 710. 8-23-tf MONEY TO LOAN $30,000 to loan on real estate, city or country, 6 to 7 per cent, amount to suit. MOVER & GILBERT, 302 H. W. Hellman bldg. Home phone ASB27; Main 6474. 10-2-tf PRIVATE MONEY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. NO DELAY. ON CITY OR COUNTRY PROPERTY: STRAIGHT BUILDINO LOANS. LOCKHART & SON, 601 H. W. HELLMAN BLDG. Main 1410; A 7553. 10-39-lmo WANTED—MONEY. WANT $10,000 ON GILT edge city real estate. W. A. ROBERTS REALTY CO., 126 S. Broadway. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. F6524, Main 459. 10-9-tf MONEY TO LOAN—SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub- llrity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 3-14-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDG., will loan you what you need on real es- tate, jFtocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. 6-9-tf UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE- paid, your ad three times for the price of of two, or seven times for the price of rive. 11-2-tf MONEY TO LOAN-FULL VALUE ON diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture, stor- age receipts. G. F. THOMAS, 711 S. Broad- »-ay. lu-ao-tl WANTED—TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOL- lars for one year at good Interest; payable monthly or otherwise. BOX 238, Herald. U-17-2t TO LOAN SALARIED PEOPLE: NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE, 419 Henna bldg. io-4-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN- til you ccc me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 O. T. Johnson bldg. 11-6-tf $500 TO 110,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main. 6-9-tf I^OR EXCHANGE—ReaI Estate COUNTRY PROPERTY Full SALE AND EXCHANGE. $SQOu 2^2 acres chicken ranch; tj-room house, well, windmill, chicken yards and houses; fins soil; In town of Huntington Beach. Want residence la Los Angeles. $17,000 160-acre alfalfa ranch; teami, tools, wagons and plenty of water. Want Los Angeles. $10,000 —SO acres; 20 in alfalfa, balance In grain; house, wagon and team, tools, etc. Flowing well. Want good eastern or Los Angeles. 16 acres, all in alfalfa, on Strawberry Park car line: $600 per acre. Want a farm In Kansas. 40-acre homestead at Yuma; rich land and water on the land: $750. 20 acres of rich Yuma valley land. 10 acres cleared! under tho Laguna dam; good \iacon and team, tools and good cow. Price 18600. SEE McCOY " 446 Chamber of Commerce Bid? phone FI46S, Main 5002. 1 l-17-4t FOR EXCHANGE— TO 640 ACRES IN THE best app a, pear and alfalfa district in Cali- fornia 130 per acre; abundance of water: all line, level land. DU BOrfE, 701 Gross* bldg, 11-10-tt jOOR EXCHANGE—Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS— Good pair of high top rubber boots, prac- tically uwr, for bull pup. Address B. 8., box 162, Herald. Give phone and ad•' dress In letter. 11-J-tl UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, , IF > FRE. paid, your ad three times for the price of two, or (seven times for the price of five. 11-2-tf I CAN MATCH ANY EXCHANGE; WHAT have you? DU BOSE, 701 Urosse Bldg. Flit;;. iu-ii>-ti JJAIR DRESSERS— $ INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for th« mice of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. " —.— 11-1-tf JOINING— BAVH MONET! YOUR ADVT. THREE times fur the rice of two, 01 s«ven times for the price of live. If prepaid. 11-1-tf 31US1CAL INSTRUCTION— 6AVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times fox the price of two, or seven times fur the plica .if fly. If prepaid. 11-1-tf PHYSICIANS— pa. C C JXUUU. o.suiul Lit o>».,t. may. 8-l»-tt MARRIAGE LICENSES CBUMP-LANDQREN —Allle B. Crump, ago -'•. and Florence H. Landgren, age 15; na- tives of Kentucky uau, Nebraska; residents of La Mirada. WELLER-ECKLE— W. Wellor, atu 30, and Ida L'ckla, a s t: 2S; natives of New York and Ohio; residents of Loa Angeles and Akron, O. CONNELLY-DONALD —Charlie 11. Connelly. ago 42, and Edna G. Donald, a^e 25; na- tives of lowa and Kansas; residents of liandall, Kas., and Mary - ICas. rLANI2LLAS-IiSTOP.GEa Henry l'lanellas, ago 41, and Josephine Estorgi age :ss; natives of Louisiana; resident! of Los An- geles. YQNACEL-YZUEL -Mariano Ygnacel, asre £6, and Josefa Yzuel age 21; natives of Spain; residents of Los Angeles. BALDWIN-GIDLEY —Oscar L. Baldwin, use 47, and Sarah Gidley, v; 43; natives of Indiana find Iowa; residents of Wbittler and Phoenix, Ariz. KADICIAN-EUKSUZIAN —Nigohos I.. M»d- igian, age 34, and tiiranovysh Kuksuziun, age 25; natives of Armenia; residents of Los Angeles and Fresno. HENAN-POTIIIN —John Henan, age 29, and Emille Pothin, age -.; natives of France; residents of San Pedro and Los Angeles. LOCKRIDGK-FLINN— Ben Locltridge, age 20, and Mary E. Fllnn, age 23; natives of Illinois and Colorado; residents of Loa Angeles. NIGH-LITTLEFIELD— DonaId T. Nigh, ase 22, and Maud A. Llttlefleld, use 23; na- tives of Illinois and California; residents of Los Angeles, MAYER-GILLIGAN Henry Mayer, ase 22. and Gertrude GllliKan, ane 20; natives of Kansas and Michigan; resident* of Los Angeles. FAULIN-GODFREY —G. C. Paulin, age 28, and Maud Oodfrey, agfl 25: natives of Turkey and Nebraska; residents of Port- land, Ore. JIONTOYA-ENI ••\u25a0'•• —Francisco Montoya, age 26, and liilza Encinas, aue 21; na- tives of Mexico; residents of Los Ange- VAI.HNZUBLA-BONACHIA Val- enzuela. age 23, and Lucrocia Bonacbla, age 17; natives of California and Mexico; residents of Santa Monica. LAWRENCE-McCLET-LAND— 1. J. Law- rence, age 30. and Laura A. McClelland, aire 20: natives of Oklahoma and Wash- ington;' residents of Jtedlands and Los \u25a0TA^ORD-COr>T,KT— TV. Stafford, *«n <«. and Delia C Cooley, ago 13; na- Classified Business Directory Ready reference list of responsible business firms. Consult it frequently for profit. Live busi- ness firms advertise, and their advertisements are simply invitations direct to you. Patronize Herald advertisers. ASSAYING JOHN HERMAN, KIM B. MAIN. NOT BAT- l»fnctlon, but accuracy guaranteed, 12-22-tf ATTORNEYS SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL injury claims specialty; estates setttled. J. W. MATY. OSS Douglas bldg. Phones: ASS33. Main 8523. ** DIVORCE LAWS. Advice free; no publicity. 122 W. THIRD ft., romm 221. Cull 2 to 6. 11-9-tf AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED AND REBUILT PROMPTLY at 60c per hour. Home AvUSI. D3154 South Hill Street, In rear. AUTO GARAGE MAMMOTH GARAGE—4IO CENTER PLACE. <th, bet. Main and Spring. Open day and night. "^l3-tt BATHS . , PERSONAL SULPHUME, VAPOR, SEA salt baths, scalp treatments. 10 to 10. F7KI9. BADGER TOILET PARLORS, Room £26, 502 S. Spring. 9-24- MAGNETIC TREATMENT FOR RHEUMAT- ISM, NERVOUSNESS AND STOMACH TROUBLES, 655 S. Olive St. Rooms 6-7. MISS ANITA HELDM--N. 814 SANTEE ST., two blocks east of Main. Salt baths, elec- tric baths and treatment. 10-19-tf MISS LOLA HILL. 70S CROCKER ST., tub baths and alcohol rubs. Hours 10 a. in. to 9 p. m. 10-20-tf 119H S. SPRING ST, SUITE CHIROPODY, eiectrlclty, massage, vapor and shower baths. 6-6-tf LOTUS BATHS, 254 S. BROADWAY; SClEN- tltlc massage, manicuring, chiropody. A4513. 11-lti-lmo MASSAGE, BATHS, CHIROPODY. EXPERT assistants. JEAN LUNN. 620 8. Bdway. 2-17-tf BICYCLES BICYCLES—BICYCLES, TIRES AND SUP- plies at caEh prices. KNIGHT'S, 134 North r Spring 9-23-tf "~ BIRD DOCTOR SICK PARROTS AND SMALL BIRDS treated. Pets boarded. 212 S. FIGUEROA. CESSPOOLS IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.— We take out largest load. West 6398; 22040. 2-10-tt ~ DENTISTS DR. BACHMANN, 206-208 MAJESTIC THEA- ter bl'lg., 848 S. Broadway. F6681, Main 8816. - 7-1-tf FENCES: WIRE, IRON, WOOD LOS ANGELES WIRE WORKS', MANUFAC- turers of and dealers In all kinds of wire goods. Floral designs a specialty. 129 E. SEVENTH ST. Phone F5090. 11-13-lmo CITY AND COUNTY WIRE WORKS, 629 WALL ST. _ 11-16-lmo i FURNITURE Furniture Bot, Sold, Exchanged. KANTOR, 723 W. SIXTH. F2625. 11-17-tf INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. ACCIDENT. LIFE, burglary, liability, plate glas, surety bonds. RULE & SONS. Inc., 329-31 Hlgglns bldg. 11-13-tf LADIES' TAILORING S. ZINKO. THE LADIES' TAILOR. OPERA coats, riding habits, etc 456 6. Bdwy. R. 1-2 9-l-6mo MANICURING j BURT TOILET PARLORS. MANICURING A specialty; hrs. 10-10. 316 S. Bdway., room 8. 11-16-lmo OPTICIANS J. P. DELANY. 309 S. SPRING. ESTAB- lished 15 yrs. Glasses guaranteed 2 yrs. - 11-16-lmo PAINTING, PAPER HANGING —.—,—.——» —_, .— —^—^—-—.—-—-—* PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, TINTING, decorating. Estimates; wall paper, paints, J. A. LINNET & CO.. 813 W. Third. Bdwy. 1758. F3260. 11-13-tf —NEALE & BONNELL— PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Sunset 6897. Home 26483 . . il-i»-tr It* a* easy ts secure a tm-ntnln In a nt*4 autc-aobVe. through want advertising, as II o».-i1 to be— still la— \u25a0•onra her** and carriage. . .. .. \\ ANTED—MaIe Help WANTED—MEN WITHOUT EXPERIENCE to work at electricity, plumbing, automo- biles, bricklaying. Your earnings will more than pay preliminary Instruction charge. 200 students last year. $30,000 contract Jobs; only few months required and no expense to learn good trade. Free catalogue. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO.. 658 Pacific Electric bldg. ' WANTED-S7O MONTH; CUSTOMS, INTER- naI revenue, railway mull clerks: list of spring examinations in Los Angeles now ready; common education sufficient; prepara- tion free. Write, immediately. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 13A, Rochester, N. Y. 11-12-13-19-20-26-27-12-3-4-10-11 Cards $1.00 Per 1000 Other printing In proportion. HARRINGTON, Printer, 138*4 S. Spring. Al4OO. 10-20-lmo WANTED—INTELLIGENT. HONEST MEN to work In city. Good steady Job for the right men. Apply to W. H. Jldd, Herald office, before 8 a. m. or after 6:30 p. m. . "-17~" WE TEACH YOU 6 TRADES: AUTOMOBIL- Ing, surveying, electrical engineering, plumb- Ing and bricklaying. Call at 2110 W. SEV- ENTH ST. 10-20-lmo PLUMBER WANTED-APPLT J. A. DAI- LEY, HUNTINGTON PARK. 11-I!)''' IF YOU WANT HELP READ THE HER- aid situation wanted columns. 11-3-tf SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN Th» Herald free of charge. I°-"''' ANTED—Female Help . WANTED—LADIES, BEAUTY CULTURE pays big; learn right, salary guaranteed. "FLORENTINE," the world's largest. 227 Mercantile place, corner Broadway. 8-2-tf WANTED TELEPHONE OPERATORS; experience unnecessary; salary while learning. Apply 321 W. SEVENTH, sixth floor Eshman bldg. 11-8-14 IF YOU WANT HELP READ THE HER- aid situation wanted columns. 11-3-tf SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Herald free of charge. 10-13-tf W ANTED—Help, Male and Female WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed in eight weeks. Catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COL- LEGE, 122 E. Second at. 9-14-tf SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Herald free, of charge. ____!___ \y ANTED—Agents SITUATION WANTED ADS. INSERTED IN THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE. 10-1 a-tl WANTED—Situations, Male WANTED—AT ONCE, BY EXPERIENCED printer anxl newspaper man, situation in a Southern California weekly newspaper of- fice. 21 years old, no booze or cigarettes. Havu had auveral years' experience man- dglug and "hustling" and writing for live v..ieKly taper*. Can come Immediately. "C, \V L. " 4-5 Bryson blk., Los Angeles, Cal. 11-ii-H Yi'UNO -MAN OF 32, WITH 7 YEARS' BUS- lness experience In California, la open for position, preferably with a new concern, where services are wanted of a wideawake man with clean reputation and habits, as asslttiint to manager in the manufacturing or contracting business. Al references and dutaila ut interview. BOX 294, Herald. 11*13-10 I SITUATION, BY A MIDDLE aged man aH night watchman or any kind of light work. Have had experience in and around hotels. Strictly temperate. honest and reliable. Good references. Addreiis W. W. WHITEHEAD, P«nl»l Hal!, 227 South Main st. Phone Bdwy. 2056. 11-18-10 A RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY MAN DE- slrts a position as packer or canvasser fir Bible house. Have had 3 years' ex- perience an general merchandise packer for Montgomery Ward Co. of Chicago; also experlonc* as canvasser. C. E. KTOVER, box 287, Herald. 11-16-10 WANTED—BT. EXrEKIENCfip SALES- mun, position: thoroughly understands sash door and woodworking of any kind for building*: also plan*, estimating, etc. Reasonable salary. J. SHAYLER. 1041 Wall St. U-10-7t WANTED—SITUATION, BY YOUNG MAN as handyman for private place or hotel bar. Small wages, board and room. Speaks French and English. STANLEY TESHEA, 1635 N. Main st. 11-18-11 SITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGED man, wiling to do ulmost anything; handy with tools; can nleo care for heating plant In apartment .•_-•» Address Room 14, 717 MAPLE AYE. 11-18-J RANTED—Situations, Male \u25a0> EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT BOOK- keeper and office man desires position. Excellent references. Willing to go out of city. Address BOX 244. HERALD. v 11-15-tf * MIDDLE-AGED MAN, NOT STRONG, JUST out of hospital, wants some kind of light work and wants It very bad; will work cheap; have to buy medicine; please help me to a light position and you will oblige a needy, honest man; can apeak German. Ad- dress JOHN SCHONEN, 1107 W. Eleventh St., city. 11-18-17 A RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY MAN DE- Fires position at any honorable employment; have had 3 years' experience as general mdse. packer for Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago; also experience as checker; also used to receiving room. Address C. E. STOVER, 1012 E. 47th St. Phone South 687. 11-19-10 A FIRST CLASS, UP-TO-DATE FRENCH and Italian cook; have worked for 6 years in the highest class cafe in Los Angeles; 30 years' experience and never worked only In the'highest class places. Phone Boyle 2133. P. ZAWPPA, 406 N. Bailey st. 11-12-tf AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WHO speaks, reads and writes .Spanish fluent- ly desires to obtain a position in a com- mercial house. Has no objection to re- Bide in Mexico. 610 VIGNES ST. Phones A 4884, Main 6726. 11-15-14t DRUMMER WISHES POSITION IN MOVING picture theater; has had long experience in Chicago theaters with picture effects and vaudeville; low class houses need not an- swer. Address F. A. HOWELL, 830 N. Fair Oaks aye., Pasadena, 11-19-10 A COMPETENT LANDSCAPE GARDENER wishes position in private or commercial place; life experience greenhouse and out- Bide work. Address GARDENER, 227U E. First st. 11-10-lOt WAN"rtSD— SITUATION IN MOVING Pic- ture theater, by middle aged man, either as Janitor, door man or usher. Steady situation desired. Address BOX 200, HERALD. 11-17-10t WANTED—SITUATION; YOUNG MAN; can speak German and Scandinavian; would like to learn a good trade with small wages to start. BOX 245. HER- ALD. 11-15-12 WANTED —BT MAN PAST MIDDLE AGE, a place to care for horse and cow. Life- time experience. PAT HOBEN. Santa Rosa hotel, cor. Fourth arr^ Ean Pedro sts. U-»-13 COLORED MAN WOULD LIKE WORK IN a garage as washer or brass polisher; am £3 years of age; do not use tobacco or drink at all. Call D. J. HENDERSON, Main 6144. 11-12-10t WANTED—BY AN HONEST, RELIABLE. Blngle American gentleman, work of any kind; am willing to work hard. Address O. X., general delivery, San Pedro, Cal. 11-18-12 CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION IN PRl- vata family; can do repair work; have had city experience and can furnish references; good careful driver. Phone 29251. 11-18-7 WANTED—POSITION, BY AN EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant; hotel work a specialty. First class references. Ad- dress BOX 163. HERALD. 11-13-13t WANTED —BY YOUNG MAN FROM NEW York, a position In drafting office: has had experience In shop work. Address J. M. WISE, general delivery. 11-15-151 WANTED-POSITION AS COTTON RAISER by government expert; best of references; raised In cotton country. W. L. HOWARD, Sl!') 1,:, Central aye.. Los Angeles. 11-9-10 SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN IN moving picture theater as usher, relief oper- ator or effect worker; experienced. JOHN S. MAIBR. Box 161, Herald. 11-12-12 SOBER young MAN wants STEADY employment, light delivery; will do any- thing. Reasonable; best references. EOAN. F2135: 362 W. 9th. 11-13-12 SITUATION WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN, city or country; steady and reliable. Address G. F.. 44116 S. Spring at., Los Angeles. H-10-lOt MILLWRIGHT OF EXPERIENCE WITH references wishes position. Address MILLWRIGHT, \u25a0 box 103. Herald. 11-16-10t YOUNG MAN (23), EMPLOYED NIGHTS, wishes work In the afternoons; good edu- cation. Host of references. Address BOX 362, Herald. 11-13-13t YOUNG MAN 20 YEARS OLD WISHES a position as driver or anything else. FRANK SCHICK, 416 W. Seventy-seventh at. 11-16-10 WANTED—A LIGHT JOB BY AN OLD man; can do almost anything. F. A. BPRAOUE, Parker house, 40» 12. Fifth st. ll*l6-14t WANTED—POSITION AS JANITOR BY young colored man with recommendations, or work of iuw Wfld. Phone MAIN 8-731. 11-15-101 PRINTING THE GERMAIN PRESS, COMMERCIAL printers, 846 SANTEE ST. Main 6990. U-15-lmo ROOFING ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BEST (trade. Closing out, half price. 2902 GRIF- FITH AYE. South 4163. __ 11-6-tf WE FIX ROOFfI TO STAY FIXED. ' Chimney cleaning and repairing. MON- MEKT CO., 1513 W. Pico. West 6886, 62587. 11-2-tf STANDARD ROOFING AND REPAIR CO., repairs any kind of leaky roofs, city or country. Bdwy 37 Hi. 626 B. FLOWER ST. 11-4-tf SANITARIUMS THE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. -1245 SOUTH FLOWKR. F1134. . 8-12-tt SCALP TREATMENT AND ALCOHOL rubs, room 16, Gladstone hotel, 128 West Fifth and 605,4 South Main. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. 11-M-tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES WANTED-STUDENTS, $5 MONTH 'GREGG" shorthand, bookkeeping, banking, day or night. Positions. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 603 Cham. Com L 11-1-3-lmo SUCCESS SHORTHAND INSTITUTE - World's Record System. 327-37 H. W. Hell- man Bldg. "*"'** ' ; STATUARY INTERNATIONAL STATUARY COMPANY— Garden Interior, statues, vases, fountains. 1322 WEST SEVENTH STREET. 11-13-lmo STORAGE LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc; $1.60 and S- per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. $250 to 60c; open vans. SO per day or 750 per hour. We pack and ship household goods i everywhere at re- duced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO., Offices 609-11 S. Main st. Warehouse 416-17 San Pedro st. Phones F3171; Main 1117. . 3-25-tf TAILORING WANTED —MEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN clothes made for Jl2 a suit during No- vember. 132^ W. FIFTH ST. 11-13-lmo ~~ TYPEWRITERS POSITIVELY BRAND NEW BALL-BEAR- Ing back spacer, 2-color L. C. Smith vis- ible. Big bargain for spot cash. Apply ROOM 11, 244 4 B. BROADWAY. 11-13-1 mo WANTED—Situations, Male WANTED—SEVERAL GOOD BOYS TO carry Herald route* south of Twenty-n*ntn street Paper* at Vernon and Long Boach. Bee MR. KLINE, 1629 Maple avenue; aft- ernoon*. , 11-19-4 YOUNG MAN OF 21. AMERICAN, WISHES a position In private family to do chores. Can give reference. Call A 1794. Ai>k tor BEASLY. ._._ WANTED—WINDOW CLEANING AND ALL all kinds short Jobs. JOHN. 1221 B. Figueroa St. , Phone Broadway 4050. 11-17-4t WANTED-YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO work on a farm, but has not had any experi- ence. Address BOX 204. Herald. 11-19-10 WANTED position AS CHECK- Ing clerk or timekeeper. Call A 4594 or Main 6726; BETHLEHEM INSTITUTE. 11-13-13t SITUATION WANTED-BY GERMAN 24 years of age. Willing to do any kind of work. Address BOX 364. Herald. 11-13-8t EXPERIENCED STEWARD AND STORK - keeper, I years In California hotels. A.l- dress BOX 161, HERALD. 11-16-3 WANTED—POSITION BY~IIOISTINa AND boon dorrick engineer. GEO. BBMMER- I.V. 416 Wall st. 11-16-13 WANTED-POSITION BY ELDERLY MAN; work around private place. Address BOX 164. Herald. 11-12-10 CAMP"COOK WANTS SITUATION. AD- dress'TONY HAMMERS. 671 Ceres aye. 11-11-10t WANTED-POSITION BY REGISTERED druggist. 8. F. HODGE, 615 Crocker st. 11-10-10t SITUATION WANTED—BY AN ALL-ROUND candy and Ice cream maker. Address BOX 164. Herald. 11-a-iot WANTED-CARPENTER WORK -DAT. Job or contract. PHONE 82107. 11-13-u SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Herald_free_<)f_charge. 10 : 13^tf \yANTED—Situations, Female WANTED—WHERE 1 OK 2 MAIDS ARE kept, to sew and be generally helpful, or where one maid and a lame family of children, to sew for and look after things generally. Very reasonable. Reference. Go anywhere. BOX 163, HERALD. 11-13-13t WANTED— BY MUSICIAN AND TEACHER of large experience and proficiency, piano work of any kind or pupils in piano play- ing and voice building. Special rate this week to timer or paperhanger. MRS. WILSON, 2314 Maple aye. . 31-5-12 WANTEDPOSITION AS HELPER AND salad maker in a delicacy store, hotel or restaurant, by a competent young wo- man. Address BOX 246, HERALD. 11-15-15t A STENOGRAPHER, FORMERLY BECRB- tary to a urominent New York lawyer, desire* a permanent position where exec- utive ability Is required. Call HOME 11834. U-16-12 ELDERLY LADY DESIRES POSITION IN widower" family or with young couple to make herself generally useful; Is good economical housekeeper BOX 233. HER- ALD. 11-17-10t WANTED—POSITION AS CARETAKER of rooming house for apartments and wages, by widow with son 15. Address MRS. CANNAN. 1020 Colton st. 11-11-10t WANTHD POSITION AS NURSE, COM- panion to Invalid or child, or housekeeper In small family. Experienced. Refer- ences. BOX 167. HERALD. 11-11-10t PLACE TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK OR assist in nice home by refined woman: Ad- dress M X., 225 S. Grand. Phone A 1477 till 11 after 2 p. m. 11-13-10t POSITION IN DELICACY STORE OR BAlC- ery by a line salad maker and thoroughly experienced In the above lines. Address BOX 237, Herald. * . 11-19-10 SITUATION WANTED—THE MANAGEMENT of a lodging house or restaurant by young woman thoroughly experienced. Address BOX 233, Herald. 11-13-10 YOUNG LADY WITH A-l OIL LINE Ex- perience wants position as stenographer, blll- er or price work. Can give reference. Phone EAST 514. 8-1-tf MARRIED LADY WOULD LIKE FIRST class apartment house to manage. Ha* had experience managing hotel. Call up A 4312. ' 10-20-lUt WANTED—POSITION IN PHOTOGRAPH gallery; service* In exchange for experience. References. A. R. M., Box 179 Herald. Jl-13-12t TRAINED NURSE WOULD LIKE CARE OF one or two children or elderly lady. Address V. S., 1414 Twelfth st., Santa Monica, Col. U-19-10t WANTED-BRIGHT YOUNG LADY STEN- ographer will work for $7 week; can use any machine. Phone BDWY. 38S8. 11-4-15 WANTED—GOOD LOCATION FOR PUB- llc stenographer. In exchange for attend- ing office. BOX 162. HERALD. 11-17-7t WANTED-BY QOLORED GIRL. POSITION as cook, house girl or nurse. Phone Main . 8731 or address BOX 110, Herald. 11-10-10 WANTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER in widower's home or In small family; city references. Address BOX 174, Herald. 11-10-10 YOUNG LADY WANTS SITUATION IN country to assist In housework. Address M. E. I- bos 157. Herald. 11-17-10t —WASHING OR CLEANING, BY woman by day or hour. Address 647 CROCKER ST.. flat 4. 11-16-121 WANTED— POSITION AS CHILD'S NURSE by an experienced nurse; city references. Ad- dress BOX 173, Herald. 11-10-1* WANTED-BY WHITE YOUNG WOMAN, 3 days each week cleaning, washing and Iron- ing. 355 W. 66TH. 11-«-16t WOMAN WANTS LIGHT HOUSEWORK IN small plain family; close In preferred. L., 916 Cottage place. U-9-1M MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN with child would like to keep house In country. 627 E. 63D ST. ' 11-11-7 SITUATION WANT ADS. INSERTED IN THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE. 10-18-tf SITUATION WANTED ADS. INSERTED IN THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE. WANTED-BY NEAT, RELIABLE WOMAN, chamber work or housework In small family. Phone TEMPLE 14U1. 18"1? YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE SITUATION In nice office. Handy with typewriter. PHONH WEST f774. 11-6-12 WANTED—Situations, Male & Fern. SITUATION WANTED BY MARRIED MAN 34 years of ago, neat appearing; a compe- tent all around office man and a suc- cessful salesman of ability. Would prefer salary and commission bast*. Address BOX 160, HERALD. 11-ie-1 SITUATION WANTED-BY MAN AND WIFE of business ability to manage rooming or apartment house; can give references. Ad- dress GEO. DEXTER, 810 Kohler St. 11-12-12 WANTED—IF YOU WANT MEN OR WOMEN to da any kind of labor or mechanical work, please call OLIVE BRANCH MISSION, 70« E. Fifth st. Phone Main 2568. 11-12-80 SITUATION WANTED ADS inserted in The He'aid free of charge. 10-18-tf WANTED— To Purchase Stock WANTED— . ' Stock In the Los Angeles Investment com- pany; any amount up to $40,000; will pay within 5 per cent of the company** selllnf price, a F.. oar* Glob* Saving* Bank. **ll*tf ' "r t ANTED—To Purchase Real Estate WANTED—TO BUY A CHEAP LOT. CAN pay $50 cash and $10 per month. Must be 6o fare. Address BOX 243. HERALD. \ 11 - l'fi -8 1 WANTED— ._•__: Wanted, Good Six-Room House Angeleno Heights; will put In $2500 lot at Eagle Rock as first payment. ERIKSON & CO. Room 1, 105 W. Sixth St., Ground Floor. F2374. Broadway 3182. r.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0". 11-18-2t WANTED—Situations, Male WANTED—POSITION 'AS SUPERINTEND- ent or foreman of light mfg. by a middle-aged man with wide experience In designing and making dies, tools. Jigs, npeclal light ma- chinery, etc.; strictly temperate and reliable; pood eastern reference. Address BOX 201, Herald. 11-13-5 SITUATION WANTED—A NO. 1 COOK IN wealthy family; best of references. Address CHAS. VAN METER, General Delivery, city. 11-18-10 A STEADY, RELIABLE MAN DESIRES PO- sltlon as storekeeper, shipping clerk, coet clerk or general office work; 14 years' experi- ence in the machinery line; reference Al. H. O. 8., 807 N. Bunker Hill aye. 11-18-10 I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A POSITION BE- tween the hours of 10:30 a. in. and 4 p. m. I am a conductor on one of the street curs the remaineder of the time. What have you to offer? Address BOX 202, Herald. 11-10-7 YOUNG EASTERN MAN, 28, ACTIVE AND capable, desires position in office or store; willing to start low, where there Is chance for advancement. Address BOX 175, Herald. 11-19-3 AUTO EXPERT, 7 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, factory and garage, wants position as chauf- feur, repair man or demonstrator; in or out of city. Address BOX 234, Herald. 11-ls-10 POSITION WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN. 22 years, experienced as punch press hand and handy around machinery. Address BOX 13, Dolgevile, Cal. JOHN PESLIN. 11-19-10 WANTED-EMPLOYMENT BY FIRST CLASS paper hanger and decorator; private parties preferred; will take room rent for part pay. C. E. BROOKS, 126 E. Eighth Bt. 11-18-3 LIGHT WORK WANTED BY MAN WlLL- ing to work but not able to do heavy work. Wagea $1.50 per day. Homo Phons 28445. Residence, 1338 4STH PLACE. 11-13-13t I WOULD LIKE TO GET A POSITION driving a grocery wagon; experienced with horses; have driven wagon before ago of 16. Address BOX 235, Herald. 11-IS-1 BETHLEHEM FREE EMPLOYMENT agency, 510 Vlgnes street. Main 6726; Home A4SB4. Men for houSecleanlng, yard work and general labor. 3-24-tf LIVE, SOBER, RELIABLE EASTERN MAN, S7, single, seeks work with Christian people in city or country; please state particulars. Address BOX 171, Herald. 11-10-10t WANTED—GARDENS TO CARE "OH monthly, trimming and planting, by ex- perienced gardener. Send card to ROSS, 1060 W. Fifty-third. 11-17-10t WANTED-POSITION AS GARDENER OR handy man around house. Want a good home; salary no object. Plione 4584; Main E72li. JACOB HERRING. 11-13-13 A GERMAN. MIDDLE AGED AND SINGLE, wilhai work as houseman, Janitor or bed- maker. References. W. BOHLINO, 193 N. Kern St.. city. \u25a0 11-16-0 A GERMAN. MIDDLE-AGED AND KIXGU:, wishes work as houseman, janitor or borl- maker. References. W. BOHLING, Ui N. Kern at., city. U-13-11 SITUATION . WANTED-BY CHAUFFEUR and gardener or coachman on private place; city or country; wages moderate. Address BOX 54, Hemld. 11-l!j-3t WANTED—IF YOU CAN USE AN EXPERl- encejd time clerk, cashier or collector, ;i reli- able, married man .of 30, address ROSSER, 1353 E. 20th St. U-10-10t POSITION—AS AN ALL AROUND MAX lIV v. strong, healthy German. Address BOX Ut, Herald. 11-ls-10 WANTED—SITUATION. A CHAUFFEUR, 2 years' experience; can do own repair work; first class references. BOX 110, HERALD. 11-ii-13 YOUNG MAN 18 YEARS OF AGE WISHES position In any kind of store; wages to siart (8 por week. PHONE Ftiti:6. 11-17-4t BOOKKEEPER WANTS PERMANENT OR temporary position; reliable, accurate; high- cat references. HEATH, 133 S. Flgueroa. 11-IL' 17t YOUNG MAN, 23, MARRIED; HAS HAD 10 years' experience clerking and clerical work; references. Address P. L. BRTJNER, 247 W. 23d at., city. 11-10-10t YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO WORK on a farm, but has not had any exp*:- rienco. HOX 102, HERALD. 11-17-10t SITUATION WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED installment collector; references; married. E. A. FOUNTAINE, 611 San Julian st. 11-9-10 WANTED—A POSITION BY A RELIABLE young man with motorcycle. Beat of ref- erences. 1320 E. FITTIVSH ST. 11-11-llt WANTKD —SET OF BOOKS TO KEEP AJ 1 night, by an experienced bookkeeper. Ad- dress BOX 168. HERALD. 11-17-7t EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER WISHES steady position; will go out of city. Phone MAIN 6031. 1 ring. H-10-lOt I WANT CARPENTER WORK WITH CON- tractor who can furnish tools to start with. Address BOX 172. Herald. 11-IU-Wt TO LET—Rooms, Furnished ' Hotel Seville 732-734 SOUTH FLOWER BT. One of the finest family hotels In the city. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat, hot and cold water; electric lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones Main 1613; F6538. 4-1-tf The St. Regis Housekeeping apartments. 237 8. Flower at. Main 22.*), A 7336. Near business center; at- tractive building, porches, room phones, clean, nicely furnished apartments. $12 to $30: single rooms $2.60 to $4.60 weekly, $9.60 to $18 monthly; no children. ' 11-6-tt HOTEL fedora 126 K. Socond St. Steam heat, hot and cold water In each room; best room* in city for the money. 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-te HOTEL FEDORA. 325 BAST SECOND ST. Hot and cold water; (team heat. Rooms $1 per week and up. 11-M-tt TO LET-BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, HIGH LO- cation; fine lawn, trees. 416 N. Broadway. _ 11-17-lmo NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. IN "an upper flat; select neighborhood; between two car linos; walking distance; permanent guest desired. Phono F3903 from 9 to 6. ' 11-19-3t FOR RENT-SUNNY FRONT ROOM, WELL furnished, bath privileges, private family; one block of Westlnke park; 3 cur lines; gen- tleman preferred. Phone 51740. 11-19-3t HOTEL GAREY NICELY FURNISHED clean, outside, sunny rooms, 2 blocks Santa Fe station, between Second and Third. 204 GAREY. Call Broadway 6326. 11-19-31 BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FOR two people; breakfast If desired; no other roomers. 944 BUNBURY AYE. W. Ninth st. line. Phone 54700. . 11-19-J ONE BRIGHT FURNISHED HOUBEKIEEF- ing room, with kitchenette; gas, electricity, bath; $8 month; no children. 1400 VALEN- CIA. Pico car. _ 11-19-3t $9 MONTHLY. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED sunny room, with heating stove, gas and electricity and small kitchen. 1374 S. FIO- UEROA. - 11-19-3t FOR RENT—NICE, NEWLY FURNISHED outside, sunny rooms, single or en suite; walking distance. 450 W. TENTH, corner Grand aye. 11-l:i-3t NICELY FURNISHED, PLEASANT ROOM: running water; suitable for gentleman; 2 doors from Y. M. C. A. 739 S. HOPE ST. 11-19-3t TWO GOOD ROOMS; PRIVATE BATH AND private entrance; sleeping porch; 'close in; rent reasonable. Inquire 973% W. SIXTH. 11-13-3t OUTSIDE BEDROOMS, LARGE WINDOWS: clean, quiet residence for nice roomers, $1.25 to $2 per week. 1117 8. HILL. 11-19-3t LARGE. SUNNY/, FURNISHED ROOM. BATH and phone; family of two people. 926 COT- TAGE PLACE, Ninth and Flgueroa. 11-19-1 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE home, with nur without board; $10, $15; fur- nace heat. 1630 Ingraham st. 64247. 11-19-3 PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM; MORNING sun; lower floor; phone, bath; close In; $10 per month. 828 S. FLOWER. 11-19-3t FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms and for housekeeping; $12 month: bftth. 309 N. UNION AYE. 11-19-3t CLEAN. SUNNY, FRONT ROOM FOR ONTO or two men; bath; good car service. 1*519 S. UNION. Phone 22520. 11-19-3 RENT—AT TH RINGWOOD, 802 SAN Pedro st., Bleeping rooms; close In; price, reasonable. 11-19-3 WELL FURNISHED, CLEAN ROOMS: sleeping porch; privilege of kitchen; private family. 1132 8. Flgueroa. U-19-3t 1413 S. UNION— ROOMS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished; gas, electric light, water, good lawn. Phone 23311. 11-19-31 FOR RENT—BEAUTIFUL BOOMS. HIGH location; fine lawn and trees. 416 N. BROAD- WAY. . H-19-3t ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM! In private family; walking distance. 616 RUTH AYE. 11-19-3t FOR RENT—LARGE. SUNNY. FURNISHED front room. Phone 63149. 832 FRANCISCO. 11-19-3t 1 —i NICE UPSTAIRS SLEEPING ROOMS; RENT $4 a month. 622 W. FIFTEENTH ST. 11-19-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS, 423 W. EIGHTH ST. Call upstair?. 11-19-lt TO LET—Houses, Furnished FOR RENT— 6-ROOM COTTAGE COMPLETELY KITKNISHED. Barn and chicken corral; close In; lawn and flowers; Instantaneous heater in bath room; $50 a month, Including water and telephone. 1441 ALBANY, between Pico and Sixteenth at. 11-19-7t WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS. HOUSES, office*. flats or apartments 7 Us* HERALD want column*. « 10-i-tt TO LET—Houses, Unfurnished THE 810 GREEN PADDED VANS FOR moving. "They know how." Fireproof storage for household good*. L. A. WAREHOUSE CO. SAVES WORRY, lit Commercial it. Main 30(, A 8727. 10-15-tf. WANT TO BENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Usa HERALD want column*. 10->-tf TO LET—Ap't's., Fur, and Unfur. HOUSEKEEPING ~~ APARTMENTS Furnished Complete, (8 to 160 Month. 700 happy families live In our apartment*. VENTILATION. CLEANLINESS, HOME- LIKE EFFECTS are unexcelled. T. WIESENDANGER, Owner and Operator. Rental Department. Room* 111-11, 201 ft, Broadway. Branch Office. 1017 W. First St. —; 10-4-tt FOR RENT—ON HILLSIDE. CITY. NICK 3-room suite and bath; only $2.25 week, water Included; fine view; use of some furniture free. Phone TEMPLE 1161 11-18-3 WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, office*, flats or apartment* Use HERALD want columns. > 10-8-tf TO LET— Unfurnished 1 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions ton the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. U-l-tt TO LET— Furnished WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartment* 7 Usa HERALD want columns. 10-8-tt TO LET—Rooms and Board i INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD ' for the price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. ( U-l-tf HOTEL SOUTHERN— BEST FAMILY HO- tel in the city. Home 51640. Seventh, and Westlake aye. Bdwy. 0665. 10-30-lmo TO LET—Housekeeping Rooms 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT Alt for toe price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for tha price of 5. Auk Xbe Herald counter mv 10-12-tt '_ t) LET—Storerooms WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, office*, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. ' 10-t-tf TO Offices fi\ ' ' \u25a0"*-.! > ,i_i__i^ WANT to RENT your ROOMS, houses, office*, flat* or apartment*? Us* HERALD want column*, W-t/tl
Page 1: STARTS WANTED—Situations, Male Furnished IMPOSING ... · Beach. Want residence la Los Angeles. $17,000 — 160-acre alfalfa ranch; teami, tools, wagons and plenty of water. Want


Near-Legal Document Asks LosAngeles Police to Help

Find Etta Letchers

A peculiar document couched in near-legal phraseology and bearing an im-posing notarial seal affixed to a com-mon sheet of writing paper was re-ceived at the detective bureau lastnight from Chicamausa, Ga. ( having

been issued by a country justice of thepeace at that place, who wants to learnthe whereabouts of Etta Letchers, whois "lost from that place."

The letter is dated Chicamauga, Ga.,Nov. 13, and is addressed to the "Po-lice Headquarters, Los Angeles." Theletter reads as follows;

"Alice Tensely comes Before me andMakes Oath that She is a BlßtiEtta Letchers, And that she is lostfrom Her, and Makes this her PetitionThat she Might get some informationconcerning Sister.

"This November 13, 1010.(Seal) "H. S. SIMMONS, J. P.

"P. S."If you know Any Thing of Etta

Letchers write Mrs. Tensely at Clilck-amauga."

The postscript was written in hand-writing somewhat similar to the bodyof the letter and evidently by tlie sameperson. A second postscript, written ina scrawl, reads:

\u25a0•p. s.—Miss Etta Letchers is thename of the Person Missen."


Arrangements have been completedfor the banquet to be tendered BishopW. F. Oldharn by the Methodist Socialunion of Los Angeies this evening at

the Hotel Westminster. W. S. Allenwill introduce A, J. Wallace, who willpreside. J. K. Hawk and J. E. Carrwill give reports from the city mission-ary society. The principal address isto be delivered by Bishop Oldham.

Bishop Oldham was elected to theepiscopacy at the meeting of the gen-eral conference in Los Angeles sixyears ago. He is bishop of India Withheadquarters in Singapore and will re-main in Los Angeles several week* inthe Interest of his work.



William Sonntagr, 21 years old, a line-man employed by the Pacific Telephoneand Telegraph company, narrowly es-caped being killed last night, when,

while riding- his motorcycle across theSouthern Pacific tracks at Thirtiethstreet and Central avenue, he wasstruck by a switch engine and hurledfifteen feet to the curb. He suffered afractured right collar hone, a brokenright elbow, a sprained neck and nu-merous bruises on the body.

Sonntag was picked up by severalautolsts who were near the scene of theadcldent and hurried to the receivinghospital, where his injuries were treat-ed by Police Surgeon C. W. Wright.The injured man lives at 544 BaitTwenty-ninth street.



Evangeline L.lngenfelcler, B years old,daughter of F. Lingenfelder, 1014 EastFifty-first street, and a boy namedCherry, whose parents live at Flor-ence, ii suburb a short distance southcif the city, were bitten by a dog Tues-day. Later the animal was killed ;ind

.-in examination, completed yesterday,showed that it was a victim of rabies.Both thf girl and boy are being \u25a0\u25a0 v nthe Pasteur treatment.

C. W. Allwood, a grocer at 4913 Cen-tra] avenue, saved the girl from fur-ther Injury after the dog snapped atlior. Two of the animal's teeth |

irated her lower lip. The boy was bit-ten about three hours later.

THE WEATHERLos angeles, Nov. is, 1*11).

Time.!liarom.|Thei.|llum| Wind|Vic. jWeather.6a.m. I 80.09 I B6 I 8S I Ne~\~f~ l Cloudy."6 p.m.! 30.07 I 57 I S3 | aw | 8 | Clear.

Highest temperature 61.Lowest temperature 64.Rainfall for season .!!'.•.Rainfall last season to date .SB. ,

FORECAST' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. IS.— San Fran-cisco and vicinity: Fair Saturday; light, westwind, Changing to buUlh.

For Santa Clara valley: Fair Saturday,light frost in the morning;; li;;; north wind.

For Sacramento valley: iair Saturday;light north wind.

For Kan Joaquin valley: Fair Saturday;light frost In the morning; light north wind.

For Southern Caliiurijia: Cloudy Satur-day; possibly rain In this morning; light suulnwind.


tlve» of Oregon and California; residentsof Ocean Park and Colton.


BOYSROSENBERG—To Mori and Rosy Rosenberg,

1319 Palmer street.THOMPSON—To Thoma» and Ruby Thompson,

1611 Newton street.MORTENSON-To Albert and Ida Mortenson,

$38 Lake street.

GIRLSNINICE—To Albert and Manuala Nlnlce, 329

North Anderson street.ARTHUR—To Frederick and Frances Arthur,

Mission hospital.


PORTER— Frank Porter, county hospital, na-tive of Ohio, age 41; tuberculosis.

LlNDSEY—William Lindsey. 527 South Mottstreet, native nf Virginia, age SO; senility.

KlNG—Arthur King, 516 North Coronado street,native of England, age 58; paralysis.

1 RANDALL—Mary Randall, 420 West Selma,Hollywood, native of New York, uge 6(i;dysentery.

CRippEN—Myron Crippon. 245 South Flowerstreet, native of Michigan, age 76; pneu-monia^ .^_____«_



Two miles outside the city limits, on th»Los Angeles & Redondo railway; 300 acresof perfect land with improvements outclass-ing any cemetery on the coast.

207 F. BROADWAY, ROOM 202.Phones F3303. Main 4659.

Superintendent's phone 10541. 't-28-Umo

ROSEDALE~CEMETERYAn endowed memorial park, noted for Itsnatural beauty; endowment fund for per-pe:ual care, over $250,000; modern receivingvault, chapel, crematory and columbarium;accessible. City office, suite 3u2-306 EX-CHANGE BLDQ., northeast corner Thirdand 11111 sts. Phone*— Main 909; A3620. Cem-etery office, 1831 W. Washington st. Phones72SES; West 80. 6-2-12mo

Hollywood" CEMETERYRolling lawns, trees, shrubbery and beautifullakes.

MODERN IN EVERY RESPECTSituated in the most beautiful section ofSouthern California, the ideal location, justinside Los Angelea city limits.

Melroae and Colegrove car lino* to grounds.

A CEMETERY THAT IS SELECTAll3l. 208 Laushlin Bldg. Main 391.

Cemetery phones 69055; Hollywood 612.

EVERGREEN CEMETERYThe Los Angeles Cemetery association, BoyleHeights, rear city limit*. Operated underperpetual charter from Los An&elea city.Modern chapel and crematory.

Office, 339 Bradbury Building.Phones—Main 652: A6466.

Cemetery— Home DIOS3; Boyle 9.6-5-i:mo

8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT ADfor the price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for theprice of 8. Ask The Herald counter man



WE LOAN MONEYTo wage-earners and housekeepers, on per-sonal note; $10 and upward. Do you owethe landlord. or the grocer? Do you wantmoney for any purpose? You repay weeklyor monthly. No publicity; lowest rates.

PARK LOAN & CREDIT CO.,424 80. Broadway. Room 710.


MONEY TO LOAN$30,000 to loan on real estate, city or country,6 to 7 per cent, amount to suit. MOVER& GILBERT, 302 H. W. Hellman bldg.Home phone ASB27; Main 6474. 10-2-tf



WANTED—MONEY. WANT $10,000 ON GILTedge city real estate. W. A. ROBERTSREALTY CO., 126 S. Broadway. Groundfloor Chamber of Commerce bldg. F6524,Main 459. 10-9-tf

MONEY TO LOAN—SALARIED MEN ANDwomen accommodated without delay or pub-

• llrity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T.Johnson Bldg. 3-14-tf

R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDG.,will loan you what you need on real es-tate, jFtocks and bonds. Building loans aspecialty. 6-9-tf

UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE-paid, your ad three times for the price ofof two, or seven times for the price ofrive. 11-2-tf

MONEY TO LOAN-FULL VALUE ONdiamonds, watches, pianos, furniture, stor-age receipts. G. F. THOMAS, 711 S. Broad-»-ay. lu-ao-tl

WANTED—TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOL-lars for one year at good Interest; payablemonthly or otherwise. BOX 238, Herald.


TO LOAN SALARIED PEOPLE: NO REDtape; without security; confidential. WESTCOAST EXCHANGE, 419 Henna bldg. io-4-tf

DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN-til you ccc me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 O. T.Johnson bldg. 11-6-tf

$500 TO 110,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT.T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main.




$SQOu —2^2 acres chicken ranch; tj-roomhouse, well, windmill, chicken yards andhouses; fins soil; In town of HuntingtonBeach. Want residence la Los Angeles.

$17,000 — 160-acre alfalfa ranch; teami,

tools, wagons and plenty of water. WantLos Angeles.

$10,000 —SO acres; 20 in alfalfa, balanceIn grain; house, wagon and team, tools,etc. Flowing well. Want good easternor Los Angeles.

16 acres, all in alfalfa, on StrawberryPark car line: $600 per acre. Want afarm In Kansas.

40-acre homestead at Yuma; rich landand water on the land: $750.

20 acres of rich Yuma valley land. 10acres cleared! under tho Laguna dam;

good \iacon and team, tools and goodcow. Price 18600.

SEE McCOY "446 Chamber of Commerce Bid?

phone FI46S, Main 5002. 1 l-17-4t

FOR EXCHANGE— TO 640 ACRES IN THEbest app a, pear and alfalfa district in Cali-fornia 130 per acre; abundance of water: allline, level land. DU BOrfE, 701 Gross* bldg,


jOOR EXCHANGE—Miscellaneous

FOR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS—Good pair of high top rubber boots, prac-

tically uwr, for bull pup. Address B. 8.,box 162, Herald. Give phone and ad•'dress In letter. 11-J-tl

UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION,, IF > FRE.paid, your ad three times for the priceof two, or (seven times for the price offive. 11-2-tf

I CAN MATCH ANY EXCHANGE; WHAThave you? DU BOSE, 701 Urosse Bldg.

Flit;;. iu-ii>-ti


for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for th«

mice of 6. Ask The Herald counter man.

" —.— 11-1-tf


times fur the rice of two, 01 s«ven timesfor the price of live. If prepaid. 11-1-tf


times fox the price of two, or seven timesfur the plica .if fly. If prepaid. 11-1-tf

PHYSICIANS—pa. C C JXUUU. o.suiul Lit o>».,t. may.



CBUMP-LANDQREN —Allle B. Crump, ago

-'•. and Florence H. Landgren, age 15; na-tives of Kentucky uau, Nebraska; residentsof La Mirada.

WELLER-ECKLE— W. Wellor, atu30, and Ida L'ckla, a st: 2S; natives of

New York and Ohio; residents of LoaAngeles and Akron, O.

CONNELLY-DONALD—Charlie 11. Connelly.ago 42, and Edna G. Donald, a^e 25; na-tives of lowa and Kansas; residents ofliandall, Kas., and Mary - ICas.

rLANI2LLAS-IiSTOP.GEa Henry l'lanellas,ago 41, and Josephine Estorgi age :ss;natives of Louisiana; resident! of Los An-geles.

YQNACEL-YZUEL -Mariano Ygnacel, asre£6, and Josefa Yzuel age 21; natives ofSpain; residents of Los Angeles.

BALDWIN-GIDLEY—Oscar L. Baldwin, use47, and Sarah Gidley, v; 43; natives ofIndiana find Iowa; residents of Wbittlerand Phoenix, Ariz.

KADICIAN-EUKSUZIAN—Nigohos I.. M»d-igian, age 34, and tiiranovysh Kuksuziun,age 25; natives of Armenia; residents of LosAngeles and Fresno.

HENAN-POTIIIN—John Henan, age 29, andEmille Pothin, age -.; natives of France;residents of San Pedro and Los Angeles.

LOCKRIDGK-FLINN—Ben Locltridge, age20, and Mary E. Fllnn, age 23; nativesof Illinois and Colorado; residents of LoaAngeles.

NIGH-LITTLEFIELD—DonaId T. Nigh, ase22, and Maud A. Llttlefleld, use 23; na-tives of Illinois and California; residentsof Los Angeles,

MAYER-GILLIGAN Henry Mayer, ase 22.and Gertrude GllliKan, ane 20; nativesof Kansas and Michigan; resident* ofLos Angeles.

FAULIN-GODFREY —G. C. Paulin, age 28,and Maud Oodfrey, agfl 25: natives ofTurkey and Nebraska; residents of Port-land, Ore.

JIONTOYA-ENI ••\u25a0'•• —Francisco Montoya,

age 26, and liilza Encinas, aue 21; na-tives of Mexico; residents of Los Ange-

VAI.HNZUBLA-BONACHIA Val-enzuela. age 23, and Lucrocia Bonacbla,age 17; natives of California and Mexico;residents of Santa Monica.

LAWRENCE-McCLET-LAND— 1. J. Law-rence, age 30. and Laura A. McClelland,aire 20: natives of Oklahoma and Wash-ington;' residents of Jtedlands and Los

\u25a0TA^ORD-COr>T,KT— TV. Stafford,

*«n <«. and Delia C Cooley, ago 13; na-

Classified Business DirectoryReady reference list of responsible business firms. Consult it frequently for profit. Live busi-ness firms advertise, and their advertisements are simply invitations direct to you. PatronizeHerald advertisers.


JOHN HERMAN, KIM B. MAIN. NOT BAT-l»fnctlon, but accuracy guaranteed, 12-22-tf


SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS — PERSONALinjury claims specialty; estates setttled. J.W. MATY. OSS Douglas bldg. Phones: ASS33.Main 8523. **

DIVORCE LAWS.Advice free; no publicity. 122 W. THIRD

ft., romm 221. Cull 2 to 6. 11-9-tf



D3154 South Hill Street, In rear.


MAMMOTH GARAGE—4IO CENTER PLACE.<th, bet. Main and Spring. Open day andnight. • "^l3-tt


salt baths, scalp treatments. 10 to 10. F7KI9.BADGER TOILET PARLORS, Room £26,502 S. Spring. 9-24-


MISS ANITA HELDM--N. 814 SANTEE ST.,two blocks east of Main. Salt baths, elec-tric baths and treatment. 10-19-tf

MISS LOLA HILL. 70S CROCKER ST.,tub baths and alcohol rubs. Hours 10 a.in. to 9 p. m. 10-20-tf

119H S. SPRING ST, SUITE CHIROPODY,eiectrlclty, massage, vapor and showerbaths. 6-6-tf

LOTUS BATHS, 254 S. BROADWAY; SClEN-tltlc massage, manicuring, chiropody. A4513.





BICYCLES—BICYCLES, TIRES AND SUP-plies at caEh prices. KNIGHT'S, 134 North

rSpring 9-23-tf




IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.—We take out largest load. West 6398; 22040.



DR. BACHMANN, 206-208 MAJESTIC THEA-ter bl'lg., 848 S. Broadway. F6681, Main 8816.

- 7-1-tf


LOS ANGELES WIRE WORKS', MANUFAC-turers of and dealers In all kinds of wiregoods. Floral designs a specialty. 129E. SEVENTH ST. Phone F5090.




Furniture Bot, Sold, Exchanged.KANTOR, 723 W. SIXTH. F2625. 11-17-tf


FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. ACCIDENT. LIFE,burglary, liability, plate glas, surety bonds.RULE & SONS. Inc., 329-31 Hlgglns bldg.



S. ZINKO. THE LADIES' TAILOR. OPERAcoats, riding habits, etc 456 6. Bdwy. R. 1-2



jBURT TOILET PARLORS. MANICURING Aspecialty; hrs. 10-10. 316 S. Bdway., room 8.



J. P. DELANY. 309 S. SPRING. ESTAB-lished 15 yrs. Glasses guaranteed 2 yrs.- 11-16-lmo

PAINTING, PAPER HANGING—.—,—.——» —_, .— —^—^—-—.—-—-—*

PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, TINTING,decorating. Estimates; wall paper, paints,J. A. LINNET & CO.. 813 W. Third.Bdwy. 1758. F3260. 11-13-tf


Sunset 6897. Home 26483. . il-i»-tr

It* a* easy ts secure a tm-ntnln In a nt*4autc-aobVe. through want advertising, as IIo».-i1 to be— still la— \u25a0•onra • her**and carriage. . .. ..

\\ ANTED—MaIe Help

WANTED—MEN WITHOUT EXPERIENCEto work at electricity, plumbing, automo-biles, bricklaying. Your earnings willmore than pay preliminary Instructioncharge. 200 students last year. $30,000contract Jobs; only few months requiredand no expense to learn good trade. Freecatalogue. UNITED TRADE SCHOOLCONTRACTING CO.. 658 Pacific Electricbldg. ' „

WANTED-S7O MONTH; CUSTOMS, INTER-naI revenue, railway mull clerks: list ofspring examinations in Los Angeles nowready; common education sufficient; prepara-tion free. Write, immediately. FRANKLININSTITUTE, Dept. 13A, Rochester, N. Y.


Cards $1.00 Per 1000Other printing In proportion. HARRINGTON,Printer, 138*4 S. Spring. Al4OO. 10-20-lmo

WANTED—INTELLIGENT. HONEST MENto work In city. Good steady Job forthe right men. Apply to W. H. Jldd,

Herald office, before 8 a. m. or after6:30 p. m. . "-17~"

WE TEACH YOU 6 TRADES: AUTOMOBIL-Ing, surveying, electrical engineering, plumb-Ing and bricklaying. Call at 2110 W. SEV-ENTH ST. 10-20-lmo


IF YOU WANT HELP READ THE HER-aid situation wanted columns. 11-3-tf

SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED INTh» Herald free of charge. I°-"'''


pays big; learn right, salary guaranteed."FLORENTINE," the world's largest. 227Mercantile place, corner Broadway. 8-2-tf

WANTED — TELEPHONE OPERATORS;experience unnecessary; salary whilelearning. Apply 321 W. SEVENTH, sixthfloor Eshman bldg. 11-8-14

IF YOU WANT HELP READ THE HER-aid situation wanted columns. 11-3-tf

SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED INThe Herald free of charge. 10-13-tf

WANTED—Help, Male and Female

WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARNthe barber trade; guaranteed in eight weeks.Catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COL-LEGE, 122 E. Second at. 9-14-tf

SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED INThe Herald free, of charge. ____!___



10-1 a-tl

WANTED—Situations, Male

WANTED—AT ONCE, BY EXPERIENCEDprinter anxl newspaper man, situation in aSouthern California weekly newspaper of-fice. 21 years old, no booze or cigarettes.Havu had auveral years' experience man-dglug and "hustling" and writing for livev..ieKly taper*. Can come Immediately."C, \V L. " 4-5 Bryson blk., Los Angeles,

Cal. 11-ii-H

Yi'UNO -MAN OF 32, WITH 7 YEARS' BUS-lness experience In California, la open forposition, preferably with a new concern,

where services are wanted of a wideawakeman with clean reputation and habits, asasslttiint to manager in the manufacturingor contracting business. Al references anddutaila ut interview. BOX 294, Herald.


SITUATION, BY A MIDDLEaged man aH night watchman or any kindof light work. Have had experience inand around hotels. Strictly temperate.honest and reliable. Good references.Addreiis W. W. WHITEHEAD, P«nl»l

Hal!, 227 South Main st. Phone Bdwy. 2056.11-18-10

A RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY MAN DE-slrts a position as packer or canvasserfir Bible house. Have had 3 years' ex-perience an general merchandise packer

for Montgomery Ward Co. of Chicago;also experlonc* as canvasser. C. E.KTOVER, box 287, Herald. 11-16-10

WANTED—BT. EXrEKIENCfip SALES-mun, position: thoroughly understandssash door and woodworking of any kindfor building*: also plan*, estimating, etc.

Reasonable salary. J. SHAYLER. 1041Wall St. U-10-7t

WANTED—SITUATION, BY YOUNG MANas handyman for private place or hotelbar. Small wages, board and room.Speaks French and English. STANLEYTESHEA, 1635 N. Main st. 11-18-11

SITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGEDman, wiling to do ulmost anything; handywith tools; can nleo care for heating plantIn apartment .•_-•» Address Room 14, 717MAPLE AYE. 11-18-J

RANTED—Situations, Male \u25a0>

EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT BOOK-keeper and office man desires position.Excellent references. Willingto go out ofcity. Address BOX 244. HERALD. v


• *

MIDDLE-AGED MAN, NOT STRONG, JUSTout of hospital, wants some kind of lightwork and wants It very bad; will workcheap; have to buy medicine; please helpme to a light position and you will oblige aneedy, honest man; can apeak German. Ad-dress JOHN SCHONEN, 1107 W. EleventhSt., city. 11-18-17

A RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY MAN DE-Fires position at any honorable employment;have had 3 years' experience as generalmdse. packer for Montgomery Ward & Co.,Chicago; also experience as checker; alsoused to receiving room. Address C. E.STOVER, 1012 E. 47th St. Phone South 687.


A FIRST CLASS, UP-TO-DATE FRENCHand Italian cook; have worked for 6 years inthe highest class cafe in Los Angeles; 30years' experience and never worked only Inthe'highest class places. Phone Boyle 2133.P. ZAWPPA, 406 N. Bailey st. 11-12-tf

AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WHOspeaks, reads and writes .Spanish fluent-ly desires to obtain a position in a com-mercial house. Has no objection to re-Bide in Mexico. 610 VIGNES ST. PhonesA4884, Main 6726. 11-15-14t

DRUMMER WISHES POSITION IN MOVINGpicture theater; has had long experience inChicago theaters with picture effects andvaudeville; low class houses need not an-swer. Address F. A. HOWELL, 830 N. FairOaks aye., Pasadena, 11-19-10

A COMPETENT LANDSCAPE GARDENERwishes position in private or commercialplace; life experience greenhouse and out-Bide work. Address GARDENER, 227U E.First st. 11-10-lOt

WAN"rtSD—SITUATION IN MOVING Pic-ture theater, by middle aged man, eitheras Janitor, door man or usher. Steadysituation desired. Address BOX 200,HERALD. 11-17-10t

WANTED—SITUATION; YOUNG MAN;can speak German and Scandinavian;would like to learn a good trade withsmall wages to start. BOX 245. HER-ALD. 11-15-12

WANTED—BT MAN PAST MIDDLE AGE,a place to care for horse and cow. Life-time experience. PAT HOBEN. SantaRosa hotel, cor. Fourth arr^ Ean Pedrosts. U-»-13

COLORED MAN WOULD LIKE WORK INa garage as washer or brass polisher; am£3 years of age; do not use tobacco or drinkat all. Call D. J. HENDERSON, Main 6144.


WANTED—BY AN HONEST, RELIABLE.Blngle American gentleman, work of anykind; am willingto work hard. Address O.X., general delivery, San Pedro, Cal. 11-18-12

CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION IN PRl-vata family; can do repair work; have hadcity experience and can furnish references;good careful driver. Phone 29251. 11-18-7

WANTED—POSITION, BY AN EXPERTbookkeeper and accountant; hotel worka specialty. First class references. Ad-dress BOX 163. HERALD. 11-13-13t

WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN FROM NEWYork, a position In drafting office: hashad experience In shop work. AddressJ. M. WISE, general delivery. 11-15-151

WANTED-POSITION AS COTTON RAISERby government expert; best of references;raised In cotton country. W. L. HOWARD,Sl!') 1,:, Central aye.. Los Angeles. 11-9-10

SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN INmoving picture theater as usher, relief oper-

ator or effect worker; experienced. JOHN S.MAIBR. Box 161, Herald. 11-12-12

SOBER young MAN wants STEADYemployment, light delivery; will do any-thing. Reasonable; best references. EOAN.F2135: 362 W. 9th. 11-13-12

SITUATION WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN,city or country; steady and reliable. AddressG. F.. 44116 S. Spring at., Los Angeles.


MILLWRIGHT OF EXPERIENCE WITHreferences wishes position. AddressMILLWRIGHT, \u25a0 box 103. Herald.


YOUNG MAN (23), EMPLOYED NIGHTS,wishes work In the afternoons; good edu-cation. Host of references. Address BOX362, Herald. 11-13-13t

YOUNG MAN 20 YEARS OLD WISHESa position as driver or anything else.FRANK SCHICK, 416 W. Seventy-seventhat. 11-16-10

WANTED—A LIGHT JOB BY AN OLDman; can do almost anything. F. A.BPRAOUE, Parker house, 40» 12. Fifth st.


WANTED—POSITION AS JANITOR BYyoung colored man with recommendations,or work of iuw Wfld. Phone MAIN 8-731.






ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, BEST(trade. Closing out, half price. 2902 GRIF-FITH AYE. South 4163. __ 11-6-tf

WE FIX ROOFfI TO STAY FIXED. 'Chimney cleaning and repairing. MON-MEKT CO., 1513 W. Pico. West 6886, 62587.


repairs any kind of leaky roofs, city orcountry. Bdwy 37 Hi. 626 B. FLOWER ST.



THE WOMAN'S HOSPITALExclusively for women and children. Bestequipped and homelike hospital In the cityfor confinement cases. Terms to suit. -1245SOUTH FLOWKR. F1134. . 8-12-tt

SCALP TREATMENT AND ALCOHOLrubs, room 16, Gladstone hotel, 128 WestFifth and 605,4 South Main. Hours, 9 a. m.to 9:30 p. m. 11-M-tf


WANTED-STUDENTS, $5 MONTH 'GREGG"shorthand, bookkeeping, banking, day ornight. Positions. NATIONAL BUSINESSCOLLEGE, 603 Cham. ComL


SUCCESS SHORTHAND INSTITUTE -World's Record System. 327-37 H. W. Hell-man Bldg. "*"'**' ; STATUARY

INTERNATIONAL STATUARY COMPANY—Garden Interior, statues, vases, fountains.1322 WEST SEVENTH STREET. 11-13-lmo


LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED IRON ROOMSfor furniture, etc; $1.60 and S- per month.Trunks, boxes, etc.. $250 to 60c; open vans.SO per day or 750 per hour. We pack andship household goods i everywhere at re-duced rates.

COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO.,Offices 609-11 S. Main st. Warehouse 416-17San Pedro st. Phones F3171; Main 1117.

. 3-25-tf


WANTED—MEN TO HAVE THEIR OWNclothes made for Jl2 a suit during No-vember. 132^ W. FIFTH ST. 11-13-lmo


POSITIVELY BRAND NEW BALL-BEAR-Ing back spacer, 2-color L. C. Smith vis-ible. Big bargain for spot cash. ApplyROOM 11, 244 4 B. BROADWAY.

11-13-1 mo

WANTED—Situations, Male

WANTED—SEVERAL GOOD BOYS TOcarry Herald route* south of Twenty-n*ntnstreet Paper* at Vernon and Long Boach.Bee MR. KLINE, 1629 Maple avenue; aft-ernoon*. , 11-19-4

YOUNG MAN OF 21. AMERICAN, WISHESa position In private family to do chores.Can give reference. Call A1794. Ai>k tor

BEASLY. ._._

WANTED—WINDOW CLEANING AND ALLall kinds short Jobs. JOHN. 1221 B. FigueroaSt. , Phone Broadway 4050. 11-17-4t

WANTED-YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TOwork on a farm, but has not had any experi-ence. Address BOX 204. Herald. 11-19-10

WANTED position AS CHECK-Ing clerk or timekeeper. Call A4594 or Main6726; BETHLEHEM INSTITUTE. 11-13-13t

SITUATION WANTED-BY GERMAN 24years of age. Willing to do any kind of

work. Address BOX 364. Herald. 11-13-8t

EXPERIENCED STEWARD AND STORK -keeper, I years In California hotels. A.l-dress BOX 161, HERALD. 11-16-3

WANTED—POSITION BY~IIOISTINa ANDboon dorrick engineer. GEO. BBMMER-I.V. 416 Wall st. 11-16-13

WANTED-POSITION BY ELDERLY MAN;work around private place. Address BOX164. Herald. 11-12-10



WANTED-POSITION BY REGISTEREDdruggist. 8. F. HODGE, 615 Crocker st.


SITUATION WANTED—BY AN ALL-ROUNDcandy and Ice cream maker. Address BOX164. Herald. 11-a-iot

WANTED-CARPENTER WORK -DAT.Job or contract. PHONE 82107. 11-13-u

SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED INThe Herald_free_<)f_charge. 10 :13^tf

\yANTED—Situations, Female

WANTED—WHERE 1 OK 2 MAIDS AREkept, to sew and be generally helpful, orwhere one maid and a lame family ofchildren, to sew for and look after thingsgenerally. Very reasonable. Reference.Go anywhere. BOX 163, HERALD.


WANTED—BY MUSICIAN AND TEACHERof large experience and proficiency, pianowork of any kind or pupils in piano play-ing and voice building. Special rate thisweek to timer or paperhanger. MRS.WILSON, 2314 Maple aye. . 31-5-12

WANTEDPOSITION AS HELPER ANDsalad maker in a delicacy store, hotel orrestaurant, by a competent young wo-man. Address BOX 246, HERALD.


A STENOGRAPHER, FORMERLY BECRB-tary to a urominent New York lawyer,

desire* a permanent position where exec-utive ability Is required. Call HOME11834. U-16-12

ELDERLY LADY DESIRES POSITION INwidower" family or with young coupleto make herself generally useful; Is goodeconomical housekeeper BOX 233. HER-ALD. 11-17-10t

WANTED—POSITION AS CARETAKERof rooming house for apartments andwages, by widow with son 15. AddressMRS. CANNAN. 1020 Colton st. 11-11-10t

WANTHD—POSITION AS NURSE, COM-panion to Invalid or child, or housekeeperIn small family. Experienced. Refer-ences. BOX 167. HERALD. 11-11-10t

PLACE TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK ORassist in nice home by refined woman: Ad-dress M X., 225 S. Grand. Phone A 1477 till11 after 2 p. m. 11-13-10t

POSITION IN DELICACY STORE OR BAlC-ery by a line salad maker and thoroughlyexperienced In the above lines. Address BOX237, Herald. * . 11-19-10

SITUATION WANTED—THE MANAGEMENTof a lodging house or restaurant by youngwoman thoroughly experienced. Address BOX233, Herald. 11-13-10

YOUNG LADY WITH A-l OIL LINE Ex-perience wants position as stenographer, blll-er or price work. Can give reference. PhoneEAST 514. 8-1-tf

MARRIED LADY WOULD LIKE FIRSTclass apartment house to manage. Ha*had experience managing hotel. Call upA4312. ' 10-20-lUt

WANTED—POSITION IN PHOTOGRAPHgallery; service* In exchange for experience.References. A. R. M., Box 179 Herald.


one or two children or elderly lady. AddressV. S., 1414 Twelfth st., Santa Monica, Col.


WANTED-BRIGHT YOUNG LADY STEN-ographer will work for $7 week; can useany machine. Phone BDWY. 38S8. 11-4-15

WANTED—GOOD LOCATION FOR PUB-llc stenographer. In exchange for attend-ing office. BOX 162. HERALD. 11-17-7t

WANTED-BY QOLORED GIRL. POSITIONas cook, house girl or nurse. Phone Main. 8731 or address BOX 110, Herald. 11-10-10

WANTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPERin widower's home or In small family; cityreferences. Address BOX 174, Herald. 11-10-10

YOUNG LADY WANTS SITUATION INcountry to assist In housework. AddressM. E. I- bos 157. Herald. 11-17-10t

—WASHING OR CLEANING, BYwoman by day or hour. Address 647CROCKER ST.. flat 4. 11-16-121

WANTED—POSITION AS CHILD'S NURSEby an experienced nurse; city references. Ad-dress BOX 173, Herald. 11-10-1*

WANTED-BY WHITE YOUNG WOMAN, 3days each week cleaning, washing and Iron-ing. 355 W. 66TH. 11-«-16t

WOMAN WANTS LIGHT HOUSEWORK INsmall plain family; close In preferred. L.,916 Cottage place. U-9-1M

MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN with childwould like to keep house In country. 627E. 63D ST. ' 11-11-7




WANTED-BY NEAT, RELIABLE WOMAN,chamber work or housework In small family.


In nice office. Handy with typewriter.PHONH WEST f774. 11-6-12

WANTED—Situations, Male & Fern.

SITUATION WANTED BY MARRIED MAN34 years of ago, neat appearing; a compe-tent all around office man and a suc-cessful salesman of ability. Would prefersalary and commission bast*. AddressBOX 160, HERALD. 11-ie-1

SITUATION WANTED-BY MAN AND WIFEof business ability to manage rooming orapartment house; can give references. Ad-dress GEO. DEXTER, 810 Kohler St. 11-12-12

WANTED—IF YOU WANT MEN OR WOMENto da any kind of labor or mechanical work,

please call OLIVE BRANCH MISSION, 70«E. Fifth st. Phone Main 2568. 11-12-80

SITUATION WANTED ADS inserted inThe He'aid free of charge. 10-18-tf

WANTED—To Purchase Stock

WANTED— . 'Stock In the Los Angeles Investment com-

pany; any amount up to $40,000; will paywithin 5 per cent of the company** selllnfprice, a F.. oar* Glob* Saving* Bank.




ANTED—To Purchase Real Estate

WANTED—TO BUY A CHEAP LOT. CANpay $50 cash and $10 per month. Mustbe 6o fare. Address BOX 243. HERALD.

\ 11-l'fi-8 1

WANTED— ._•__:

Wanted, Good Six-Room HouseAngeleno Heights; will put In $2500 lot atEagle Rock as first payment.

ERIKSON & CO.Room 1, 105 W. Sixth St., Ground Floor.

F2374. Broadway 3182. r.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0". 11-18-2t

WANTED—Situations, Male

WANTED—POSITION 'AS SUPERINTEND-ent or foreman of light mfg. by a middle-agedman with wide experience In designing andmaking dies, tools. Jigs, npeclal light ma-chinery, etc.; strictly temperate and reliable;pood eastern reference. Address BOX 201,Herald. 11-13-5

SITUATION WANTED—A NO. 1 COOK INwealthy family; best of references. AddressCHAS. VAN METER, General Delivery, city.


A STEADY, RELIABLE MAN DESIRES PO-sltlon as storekeeper, shipping clerk, coetclerk or general office work; 14 years' experi-ence in the machinery line; reference Al.H. O. 8., 807 N. Bunker Hill aye. 11-18-10

I WOULD LIKETO HAVE A POSITION BE-tween the hours of 10:30 a. in. and 4 p. m.I am a conductor on one of the street cursthe remaineder of the time. What have youto offer? Address BOX 202, Herald. 11-10-7

YOUNG EASTERN MAN, 28, ACTIVE ANDcapable, desires position in office or store;willing to start low, where there Is chancefor advancement. Address BOX 175, Herald.


AUTO EXPERT, 7 YEARS' EXPERIENCE,factory and garage, wants position as chauf-feur, repair man or demonstrator; in or out

of city. Address BOX 234, Herald. 11-ls-10

POSITION WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN. 22years, experienced as punch press hand andhandy around machinery. Address BOX 13,Dolgevile, Cal. JOHN PESLIN. 11-19-10

WANTED-EMPLOYMENT BY FIRST CLASSpaper hanger and decorator; private partiespreferred; will take room rent for part pay.C. E. BROOKS, 126 E. Eighth Bt. 11-18-3

LIGHT WORK WANTED BY MAN WlLL-ing to work but not able to do heavy work.Wagea $1.50 per day. Homo Phons 28445.Residence, 1338 4STH PLACE. 11-13-13t

I WOULD LIKE TO GET A POSITIONdriving a grocery wagon; experienced withhorses; have driven wagon before ago of 16.Address BOX 235, Herald. 11-IS-1

BETHLEHEM FREE EMPLOYMENTagency, 510 Vlgnes street. Main 6726; HomeA4SB4. Men for houSecleanlng, yard work andgeneral labor. 3-24-tf

LIVE, SOBER, RELIABLE EASTERN MAN,S7, single, seeks work with Christian peoplein city or country; please state particulars.Address BOX 171, Herald. 11-10-10t

WANTED—GARDENS TO CARE "OHmonthly, trimming and planting, by ex-perienced gardener. Send card to ROSS,

1060 W. Fifty-third. 11-17-10t

WANTED-POSITION AS GARDENER ORhandy man around house. Want a goodhome; salary no object. Plione 4584; MainE72li. JACOB HERRING. 11-13-13

A GERMAN. MIDDLE AGED AND SINGLE,wilhai work as houseman, Janitor or bed-maker. References. W. BOHLINO, 193N. Kern St.. city. \u25a0 11-16-0

A GERMAN. MIDDLE-AGED AND KIXGU:,wishes work as houseman, janitor or borl-maker. References. W. BOHLING, UiN. Kern at., city. U-13-11

SITUATION . WANTED-BY CHAUFFEURand gardener or coachman on private place;city or country; wages moderate. AddressBOX 54, Hemld. 11-l!j-3t

WANTED—IF YOU CAN USE AN EXPERl-encejd time clerk, cashier or collector, ;i reli-able, married man .of 30, address ROSSER,1353 E. 20th St. U-10-10t

POSITION—AS AN ALL AROUND MAX lIVv. strong, healthy German. Address BOXUt, Herald. 11-ls-10

WANTED—SITUATION. A CHAUFFEUR,2 years' experience; can do own repairwork; first class references. BOX 110,HERALD. 11-ii-13

YOUNG MAN 18 YEARS OF AGE WISHESposition In any kind of store; wages tosiart (8 por week. PHONE Ftiti:6.


BOOKKEEPER WANTS PERMANENT ORtemporary position; reliable, accurate; high-cat references. HEATH, 133 S. Flgueroa.

11-IL' 17t

YOUNG MAN, 23, MARRIED; HAS HAD10 years' experience clerking and clericalwork; references. Address P. L. BRTJNER,247 W. 23d at., city. 11-10-10t

YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO WORKon a farm, but has not had any exp*:-

rienco. HOX 102, HERALD. 11-17-10t

SITUATION WANTED-BY EXPERIENCEDinstallment collector; references; married. E.A. FOUNTAINE, 611 San Julian st. 11-9-10

WANTED—A POSITION BY A RELIABLEyoung man with motorcycle. Beat of ref-erences. 1320 E. FITTIVSH ST. 11-11-llt


night, by an experienced bookkeeper. Ad-dress BOX 168. HERALD. 11-17-7t

EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER WISHESsteady position; will go out of city. PhoneMAIN 6031. 1 ring. H-10-lOt

I WANT CARPENTER WORK WITH CON-tractor who can furnish tools to start with.Address BOX 172. Herald. 11-IU-Wt

TO LET—Rooms, Furnished

' Hotel Seville732-734 SOUTH FLOWER BT.

One of the finest family hotels In the city.Newly furnished throughout; steam heat,hot and cold water; electric lights; Europeanplan. Only a short walk from Broadway.Phones Main 1613; F6538. 4-1-tf

The St. RegisHousekeeping apartments. 237 8. Flower at.Main 22.*), A7336. Near business center; at-tractive building, porches, room phones, clean,nicely furnished apartments. $12 to $30: singlerooms $2.60 to $4.60 weekly, $9.60 to $18 monthly;no children. ' 11-6-tt

HOTEL fedora126 K. Socond St.

Steam heat, hot and cold water In eachroom; best room* in city for the money.

8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT ADfor the price of 2, or 7 insertions for theprice of 6. Ask The Herald counter man.


HOTEL FEDORA. 325 BAST SECOND ST.Hot and cold water; (team heat. Rooms $1per week and up. 11-M-tt

TO LET-BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, HIGH LO-cation; fine lawn, trees. 416 N. Broadway._ 11-17-lmo

NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. IN"an upper flat; select neighborhood; between

two car linos; walking distance; permanentguest desired. Phono F3903 from 9 to 6.

' 11-19-3t

FOR RENT-SUNNY FRONT ROOM, WELLfurnished, bath privileges, private family;one block of Westlnke park; 3 cur lines; gen-tleman preferred. Phone 51740. 11-19-3t

HOTEL GAREY — NICELY FURNISHEDclean, outside, sunny rooms, 2 blocks SantaFe station, between Second and Third. 204GAREY. Call Broadway 6326. 11-19-31

BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FORtwo people; breakfast If desired; no otherroomers. 944 BUNBURY AYE. W. Ninth st.line. Phone 54700. . 11-19-J

ONE BRIGHT FURNISHED HOUBEKIEEF-ing room, with kitchenette; gas, electricity,bath; $8 month; no children. 1400 VALEN-CIA. Pico car.


$9 MONTHLY. COMFORTABLY FURNISHEDsunny room, with heating stove, gas andelectricity and small kitchen. 1374 S. FIO-UEROA. - 11-19-3t

FOR RENT—NICE, NEWLY FURNISHEDoutside, sunny rooms, single or en suite;walking distance. 450 W. TENTH, cornerGrand aye. 11-l:i-3t

NICELY FURNISHED, PLEASANT ROOM:running water; suitable for gentleman; 2doors from Y. M. C. A. 739 S. HOPE ST.


private entrance; sleeping porch; 'close in;rent reasonable. Inquire 973% W. SIXTH.


clean, quiet residence for nice roomers, $1.25to $2 per week. 1117 8. HILL. 11-19-3t

LARGE. SUNNY/, FURNISHED ROOM. BATHand phone; family of two people. 926 COT-TAGE PLACE, Ninth and Flgueroa. 11-19-1

NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATEhome, with nur without board; $10, $15; fur-nace heat. 1630 Ingraham st. 64247. 11-19-3

PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM; MORNINGsun; lower floor; phone, bath; close In; $10per month. 828 S. FLOWER. 11-19-3t

FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE FURNISHEDrooms and for housekeeping; $12 month: bftth.309 N. UNION AYE. 11-19-3t

CLEAN. SUNNY, FRONT ROOM FOR ONTOor two men; bath; good car service. 1*519S. UNION. Phone 22520. 11-19-3

RENT—AT TH RINGWOOD, 802 SANPedro st., Bleeping rooms; close In; price,reasonable. 11-19-3

WELL FURNISHED, CLEAN ROOMS:sleeping porch; privilege of kitchen; privatefamily. 1132 8. Flgueroa. U-19-3t

1413 S. UNION— ROOMS, FURNISHED ORunfurnished; gas, electric light, water, goodlawn. Phone 23311. 11-19-31

FOR RENT—BEAUTIFUL BOOMS. HIGHlocation; fine lawn and trees. 416 N. BROAD-WAY. . H-19-3t

ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM!In private family; walking distance. 616RUTH AYE. 11-19-3t


11-19-3t• 1 —i


FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS, 423 W.EIGHTH ST. Call upstair?. 11-19-lt

TO LET—Houses, Furnished


COMPLETELY KITKNISHED.Barn and chicken corral; close In; lawnand flowers; Instantaneous heater in bathroom; $50 a month, Including water andtelephone. 1441 ALBANY, between Picoand Sixteenth at. • 11-19-7t

WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS. HOUSES,office*. flats or apartments 7 Us* HERALDwant column*. « 10-i-tt

TO LET—Houses, Unfurnished

THE 810 GREEN PADDED VANS FORmoving. "They know how." Fireproofstorage for household good*. L. A.

WAREHOUSE CO. SAVES WORRY, litCommercial it. Main 30(, A8727.


WANT TO BENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES,offices, flats or apartments? Usa HERALDwant column*. 10->-tf

TO LET—Ap't's., Fur, and Unfur.


APARTMENTSFurnished Complete, (8 to 160 Month.700 happy families live In our apartment*.


T. WIESENDANGER,Owner and Operator.

Rental Department. Room* 111-11, 201 ft,Broadway.

Branch Office. 1017 W. First St.—; 10-4-tt

FOR RENT—ON HILLSIDE. CITY. NICK3-room suite and bath; only $2.25 week, waterIncluded; fine view; use of some furniturefree. Phone TEMPLE 1161 11-18-3

WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES,office*, flats or apartment* Use HERALDwant columns. > 10-8-tf


for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions ton theprice of 6. Ask The Herald counter man.


TO LET— Furnished

WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES,offices, flats or apartment* 7 Usa HERALDwant columns. 10-8-tt

TO LET—Rooms and Board

i INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD' for the price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for the

price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man.( U-l-tf

HOTEL SOUTHERN— BEST FAMILY HO-tel in the city. Home 51640. Seventh,and Westlake aye. Bdwy. 0665. 10-30-lmo


for toe price of 2, or 7 Insertion* for thaprice of 5. Auk Xbe Herald counter mv



office*, flats or apartments? Use HERALDwant columns. ' 10-t-tf

TO Offices fi\ ''

\u25a0"*-.! > ,i_i__i^

WANT to RENT your ROOMS, houses,office*, flat* or apartment*? Us* HERALDwant column*, W-t/tl
