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. THE LEADER CO. .ta From the High " T WB An( , Nw |h# Rent District. 1422-1426 First Ave. Market* Economical Suits (or Fall and New Plaid Waists?Just in Wintei Wear $ 14.98 at $ 1.25 ? , , , . , .... , Some Smart Seco Silk Waists in plaids, in Good looking and practical little suits of , ... . ... green, brown and blue color combinations; serge and gabardine, in blue or black. ma<Je (|) , allored , ty|# wi , h , djustJlble col . Well made, of good material; in tailored iar >n( j long sleeves. These are very new and Norfolk effects. $18.50 values for and easily worth $i.OO. We have marked them at $ I .'J'i Sateen Petticoats New Seperate Skirts for Fall 59c, 69c, 98c YlFam* dJO Oft Durable Petticoat* "f >atreu . |>lcate<l flounce, in a number of -tile* Mine, gieen. Skirts of Tweed. Storm and French Serge ~l;u' k- Lu l ,in - l>urple. ctc. and Granite Cloth, in blue, green, gray, «??? brown, black, mixtures and plaid: some I Children's Play Aprons 10c made with pockets extra belts; some children's Play Aprons and Rompers, of pleated; some plain. Worth $5 00. for blue or tan chambray. piped in contrasting 93.08 color; 10<* each, or 3 for ISIiC SHOES Children's Eiffel NOTIONS mm Shoo lacH. 6 imlis for Jr Ursula, $«.??> 100 »2 gc liose Sh *" "?' r ~,n" ,0r onp " for Tr and IS 00 for on ?, f? r | Hr ... ~ ~ M """* ' " IMr " " '|u«rk or While Thread. No »» 111 »?"?'"* »l> Hi 1.. ? l , ..it, Kl.i. king. I. ihle ... _ or buttoned Th»rt « .. , f j HM y a j? n - *or Itltnlt kid slid tunmiul with ' - ? K: ? \u25a0 medium <»r !<»w h#*l» f Zbc I lOr There are all alaea, but not a HOSfcl anil RXM PW < anl complete raimr of wise* 'n rn- i Vli**- « i4'' I'' » ' in* ivun Ironlm ler <!oien ?tvle. W.mderfu v.lu. - offer. I 1M >-l ? ??*«<?\u25a0» *!?>-km«. \l| Silk Thread reaular Hk-. ,>»r <|.. ihle heel ami «<?<\u25a0 \ reaat.n- ?_~,i MH. I *o oc . . |C? , ? »\u2666 value* for W«>o9 ~ IOC Button* Art All Half Prlc* 'Trilby" coming . A Columbia Hit I'll Take Ton Home Again, Kathleen No. A-143S 65c 1 v \u25a0> May he purchased from any I Columbia Dealer. Columbia Graphophone - Company ini rir»i NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apoly Crtlm In Nostrils To Open Up Air Patsagea *** Ah' What relief' Your clofcged strils open right op. the air pas- sage* of jour head are clear and ?JOU ran breathe freely. No more snuffling, mucous dls- m*h»rge. headache. dryness ? no ??fttrtiggling for hreath at night, your 2"oi'! or > atarrh la gone a. Don't stav stuffed up' Get a ??mail bottle of Ely's Cresm Halm 2Jrr>m your druggist now. Apply a jittle of this fragrant, antiseptic htmtii In your nostrils, let It rene "*traie through every air passage of 3he head: soothe and h*al the -swollen. Inflamed mucous mem 3rane. giving you Instant relief lly's Cream Halm Is Just what ev «ery cold and catarrh sufferer has >en seeking It s Just splendid i mouiFim I CIIH THIRD & UNIVERSITY I DRESSES MEN-WOMEN I ""i-VfttK YOUR CREDIT IS O.K. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 BOTHELL A FLUTTER OVER ELOPEMENT Martha I kept company with her for three year* ' "AntJ," wald Mr* McQuarre. It wa* right In tht* houac that Pen field met Martha. about two month* ago They fell In love quicker than anybody I ever a*w Penfle'd hate* going <o *' he*'.. He'd raiher work So when he went to »ork In a mill In Port Angele*. nothing would do hut Martha must go to Port Anaele* to vlali friend* Thev were cute about It, tho. We didn't dream of their getting married *o noon " Girl Like* to Hunt t ahotild nay they were cute," *atd young Mr McQuarre I uw Martha at the dance .Saturday be fore l**t.,and 1 aaked her If (he an'i Pen were engaged, and ahe jtiat laughed and (book her head I thought *he meant they weren't. We were diking about going hunt Ing Marthad rather go hunting than anything Hear, dear! Aren't elopement* eicitlng. tho' llothell btitiea Martha, it *e«m*. la a remarkable girl Everybody like" her. She OUCH! LUMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM SORE,LAME BACK Rub Backache Away With Small Trial Bottle of Old "St. Jacobs Oil" Hack hurt you* Can t straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or may In from * strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with sriothlng. [<enetr»tlng Ht. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else t»ke* out soreness, lameness snd Btlffne** «o quickly. You simply rub it on your back and out come* the pain It Is harmless and doe«n t burn the skin Umber up' Don't suffer' <!et a small trial bottle of old, honest "St Jacobs f>ll from any drug store, and after using It Just once, you'll forget that you ever had back- it he. lumbago or sciatica, because your bark will never hurt or cause anv more misery. It never dlsap points and his been recommended for 60 years Trilby" coming Ladies' Shoes at ry] Special Sale Prices ' /&/^\ TURRELL'S DOWNSTAIRS DEPARTMENT ft / W 500 pair* of l,adle*' High Shoe* In patent, kid. gun metal and lin calf are to he gold very cheap to make rpiick clearance. One lot of Mack Suede. Itlack. tlray and Itrown Velvet, Tan and Oun Metal ind Patent, regularly prlcad .it tf> I nr jinn, fs.oo and K.OO, now «p 1 .JO Patent Mutton and l,a"e Shoe*, with 1 A C $ 1 ?T'O latent and Kid Welt and Turn Hole Shoe*, with f uhan afid French heel*; regularly priced at f4.00, $5.90 and A | /v/v 00 A Mg Kna(i now at «p 1 ,UU Some good bargain* In Olrli* Shoe*, al»o TURRELL'S Downstairs Dept. SALE STARTS THURBDAY MORNING 120 MARION ST.. OR 903 SECOND AVE didn't care for school She tHe.l one Seattle high arhooi after another, tho *he mlghi have gone to 'he one In Hot hell She *lepi alcn<> night* in 'he garage at th> Stewart* town hou*e at !ft!<i North "*th ave Swim* and Ride* She'd rather go hunting or fl*h Ing than go to *cboo! She *wim* like a ft*I. ride* like a centaur, and can plow a* well m any farm hand Mr* Stewart I* a busy woman She run* the dairy, wear* overall* boe*e* the farmhand* about, and drive* to the city In a big llud*of> car Her htt*b*nd ha* rharce of the milk route* The neighbor* *ald probably Mr* Ste«.»rt wanted to aee Martha married lx<aui>e *h< heraelf wa* too bn*y to look after her, and what »ith Martha dlcllklng achool. and being *o high *plrlted and all. ?he needed a huaband Mr*. Stewart In on It The nelihbor* like Penfleld Pea body. too. bat they aaM they couldn't wee ? hat. Kather peabody wa* making all the fuaa for. Chey *-»ld Mr* Stewart heraelf drorn the young folka to Chehalla early Saturday to get married, and that later the aanie day, when Father Peabody came to the dairv In hi* car, and aald iie w«a afraid the young folk* had elo|>ed. Mr* Stewart, to fool him. pretended to l>e *urt>rlaed. and hopped In be«tde father Peabody and chaaed all over the country looking for the eloi>er» ?when *he knew where they were all the tlTie' Hot hell laughs w h»n It comes ti this part of the story Witness la A-restsd William J. Flannery, arrested on a charge of perjuty. because as It Is alleged, he was * witness of the marriage and »*ore young Pea body wa« of legal age. w*« taken to Centralis verterday snd a* ralgnet before Justice lloss He plea<l»d not guilty, and the hearing w n s set for Friday Will |( Morrl". attorney for (?"tannery, says he knows where Peatiody and hla bride are, but he won't tell. They are not hiding." he aaya. They #re simply enjoying their honeymoon.' The father of the groom. Charles K f'eabody, capitalist, swears he will attempt lo have the marriage annulled Th« Law of tbs Case 1-jwyers refer to the Cushman vs Cushman case, whlrh was decided by the supreme court of the sta'e siitne months ago Young Cushman married a girl to whom his father objected Hoth boy and girl were under age. The bov. some time after the marriage, f ued to hav B It annulled Me lost the sill' The present esse Is not atrlctly parallel Here the wife !? of age, the husband under age And hern the husband haa not asked for an annulment LAFE DENIES C. OF C. CHARGES County CommlPAlonrr Hamilton! testified Wednesday in Injunction 1 proceeding* to r»ntraln the county from purch**lng The Willow* fann.i that he believed the county could! *ave a month on milk alone 1 If It operated Its own farm and dairy. Th« Chamber of Commerce I* *eeklng legal annulment of the county commissioner*' agreement to purchase The Willow* from r l> Htlmaon for $in,"o7, on the ground that the commlmioner* who voted for It never Intended to u*« the farm a* a home for the count y n (K»or, M»milfoil *»ld hp had Intended all along to move the inmate* of ithe tieorgetown almahou*n to The 1 Willow* JAP CUTS CHINESE A lap Kallor cut a Chinese *»llor ou Ixiard thi Olshl Maru it I'ier ... where ttey «(>re botb %m§lOyn6 The police trloi| in learn what Iho trouble van, but none on hoard a poke Kngllsh \u25a0tl" «'«il>rr it War Tmla; '' 19H. fitlr Temper*! tire, hla'i r '< n Ui* tf." IteniiTiitier I ,n* wtM* flrnrnn Quinine ? ur*« n » olrl In <1111- itai Tliere la only one "Hrnmn 'Julnlnt- for nignnture K w OHoVK :r,< .STAR?WEDNESDAY. OCT. 27. 1915. PAGE 2- 'MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR' OPERA A HIT AT MOORE Alternating rich night thi* week. The Merrv WlVee of Wlndaor and | "The Hying Dutchman." the Stand «rd (irand Opera compan\ will re peat Wedneadav night the latter oprm. auui; with audi aurreaa on the open hi g night of Ihn *ea*on, Mondat. it the Moore thealfe j In "The Nteiry Wlvra of Wind ?or," the lompany acored a decided | hit Tu»ada> evening Noticeable hecau*r It «a* her flrat appearance, hut more un a' - count of her elceptlonul noprano | voice. Mr* Daniel llemlon. In 'he role rif Mra Pord. found heraelf an Immediate favorite j Mia* tluendolyn tieary'* Anne i I'age wa* wonderfully *'ins. a*wa* | \ A Nordako<;'a Kenton It Sprotte ma*tered Kalataff eually and |dea«urahl> In fact, the en 'tire company ahowed aplendldly DEMOCRATS SEE 1 M f ADOO IN ROOM AT WASHINGTON CANAL TO TURN LAKES TO SALT WATER BODIES? The Washington ranal will In time change both Ijike I'nloii and' l.ake Washington (ruin fresh in *alt water l«>dlea," "aid K M Mi-hark, naval architect, with of-1 flees on the Colman dork. Wi-d i neaday How nturh lime will lie con \u25a0 Mimed befor» the change la com pleted. I do not know-, but It will tie a matter of a few yeara for a few yeara after the canal la put !in operation, ahlpa will uae the lakes to "lean Ihelr bottom* Hut n* the lakr* gradually Iw oiue Im pr<*gnated with "alt the barnacles will aurvlve the visits to the lake* and the chief value of the canal to shipping *111 )>e loat Ma>or filll received a letter Wed neaday fron. Jacob I* Miller, ar, HyraruM. N V saying he baa a plan w hereby all danger of salt i **ter getting Into Ijike Washing ton can be removed He wanta ?ketches nf the 'ock» ao be ran 'nubmlt hla plan, which la to add a, 'coupie moie lock a I j _______ BEWARE THE GOBLIN It II be all right, fellers. to duck i I tour head* In the waah tub for ap I plea ard do all the ordinary, harm less Halloween stunts but don't vou dant atari any rough stuff, or | the goblin* imeanltig Chief Ung > co|»ai will gel you. aore as ahootln' An order ha« Issued out of bead quarters bidding Juvenile Seattle In I refrain from all rough stuff. ne»t J S inday r.ight. on [»aln of arrest A ne*«jr reserve army of copper* Is to >»e mobilised at the p'llre station ready to rush m auto* to th* cen !er of any trouble thst may de {velop TREAT PIMPLES AND REDNESS WITH POSLAM atipfiltia pra larlv thr mm |l** lnflti#tt- |o *Mi I) lnflim*«l and irrttatrd akin la uauaHt Incllnrd l#> yt+ld Thr rf* mfort »ha» rnm»« «ltli rallrf In thr ' raiallon of th* ftM-fiil UrMm la aaparlally walron»» and thr ttndor rrdnr«» of thr akin nfi#n rr«t»onda l»» T*oalam o%rr Blah! Thotiaanda toda% know of t|>r rf flr|*n< «»f t*oatam In thr trratinrnt of fvarm* r>«* llrrp«»a l.aai- I'lm pim 11 rh Hoalt-*(*calt> and klndrrd ? kin dla«*«ar* \n to Bo«p for Ihr akin Toalim Aoap It, rt« h, tliilMnmi- *j»ial- ttloa Tr\ dally. onr month. for Toll#i and lltlh. I #>r urn'l 4 «tO't>pa »«» F.inrr*rnr\ I.* i.or alorl a?, 1: W Zbth at Nrw York city. Hold i>> all drug - fflata. Hecieiittt of thr Treaaur) Wit- llain (i McAdoo «?>» route Wed lieaday to Mlaaoula, Mont , follow Ing h «acrel conference with prom Inetil Heallle democrat >? at the New Waahlngt .>ll hotel Tue*day after noon ClOWl'd With McAdoo were John D WViiinr, prealdant of the King County I>fino< i atlc «lult; ,!iiilk«' J T Ronald. Col J H Maw thorne e\ Mayor Cotterlll, llobert Hrldge*. t'harlea l> filler. W. II Merrltt, Henry M. White and other* * l)r. I 11. I lark Our Guarantee Is Backed by Graduate Registered Dentists When \on K«'t our guarantor, whlrh wr *!«.» with all <lrntal work you c-t aomrthlng whlrh pmto« ta you in rv«t> wa\ it la nlicnrd h> thr oporator who did thr work. aa wrll aa h\ L It riatk i> D ownrr ami mnnnicrr of thla offlrr, a man who la lhorottKhl\ raaponalhlr Thla nuarantra n.rana that If for any rraaon your work doaa not «l\»* an- lira aat lafa<t tori, wa will ?nakr It rliciii And w* turn out work bar# that nrr n<»t afraid |o Kuamntrr lit work fnanahlp, material nnd flnlah. I'.atlt and a\arv oparntOr nnplovrd In thla offh ?? la m KrinhiMtr and rri<- tatr>r«*'l d'-ntlaf. who lium KtrH'luatr 1 from tha haat danta) rolli»ur« and who haa paaaad tha axainlnatlon of tha Mtati drnlal hoard Karh and »wtv opat it tor In thla offh.- haa hta 1 art I flrat r from fha Mtatr dantal hoard hatiKltiß right ..n tk« ?? wall In front of hla . |f>n tnl rhali In pin In ?Iklit of Hll You inkf no rhanrra of havlnir voui work doni by attj danta or hunfflrra In thla offlrr. < iiiiar wr do not ami will not rmploy that typr of propli- You fß|i r«-i unaatiafartorv dan- tal work nonr harr Wo plraar and ? »»tlaf\ our patlanta wr hnvr tratl- tnonlu la from hundrrda of auhatan tlal <ltl*rna of Houttla himl vlrlnltv. hoth man and wnmrn, t 111 it r how nail plraa<d tho\ arr with thr work vr hnva dona for thrin Wr tan plraar and aatlafy von llir aamr wa\ And our prh-ra arr the low< at aa It la our Invarlahln ruI»? that wr will not ho on prh-o, Regal Dental Offices I>r. It. 11. ( lark, Haaagrri 140ft I bird Ata., \\. Cor. Third ?ad l alon. hat plan* wirt mail* for the coming poi'tlcal campaign were not mide public Nearly every |xi >*jri present Hpokf. H la *ald McAdoo, during the day. vlalted the once propo*»d »iio for a uaw po*tofr|. e. .11 Keatlle boulevard unci Hl*lh »>??. which haa been aban- doned, and rullad at the t'otnmer clal Club, wkfia he waa accorded a roualng reception. Mr* MrAiloo w»« enlarlalned. meanwhile, by prominent women at ihr New Wgahlnfton. The party left (be lily at 7 (i. m. PUN CHARITY SALE 'lie- t'harlt) Organisation nnri'li tiling a monitor rummage »*le at Ihr lll|i|MKlronic. from Mmnliv. No* *, tinill W»dnN4i> nlglit of that work. The money will bay fix i<l. furl anil happlnea* for needy famlll»» WANT TO SEE CHAMP WAMMINOTON. t»< t 27 I'resl dent Wilson today >ml a letter to rilieaker Champ ? lark, asking lilm to torn- In Washington a* aaxiu a* |*>**lble to dl*ritps t 1 e the leglsla tl*e program AMERICAN KILLED roi.t Mill 8. N M . Oct 27 Hen) Thomas «ia killed In --old lilood today near Agua f'rleta. ac- cording to re|>orta recel»ed here by arniy men Thomas realsted ef forta of Vllllataa to burn III*house whereupon they furred an entranre and killed him IW OaJy Ci'ruhtJ Eilcmiial* iStaaraa' Elaalrfa f Rat Roach Pasta > iMurttaamtw TyrXVlZvxr&r*** «ttif|Mw «»wi \u25a0>»»» WettUke, Pine and Fifth. INTIATES IT WAS PLOT TO 'GET HIM Intimation that the dog salmon 111 quektlo't was dellberitely |>ta<ed on his property to get him, m made by Herman C Hi«ark. a fish ernmu. testifying In hi* own de ieu , v Wednesday, before Judge (iordon on a charge of taking fl*h I from their lawful owner Klmer Sanford, IK, who had Haari arresteil. I raced the i-almon by a small bottle he had shoved down It* throat while It wa» still In his net Ipalde the bottle w*a a slip of i>aper with hi* name wrltien on it. lie aaaerta he «*» Haack take the f|*h lliiark say* there 1»a» been trou- Many, many thousand* have seen "The Soul of a Woman ( romh arc -«t 111 filling the Melbourne. It ha» I>ceu here ten day* It will rcm.iin until Saturday night. It ha- made a new record for a high-class film in Seattle. It i* the real merit that has kept the crowd* coming to *ee this great picture If you ha\e not >-ecn this won- derful film (M.rtraval of \ I RY III'MAN beings in a \ IKY III'MAN manner that Mir* your VI'.KY 11 I'M \N self, you must *ee jj witln it the next three davs?or bet- ter still tonight. Sunday The husband, an artist, uses his own beautiful wife and hand- some baby boy as lb** model for tola masterpiece a Madonna picture When n iiartv comes to buy the picture for a gift to (he new I'itholle chapel. he recognises bin former deceived wife" In the picture. Hp tell# the artlai of the fact The wife overbear* The artl"t husband, after selling the plctuie, rushes to hi* wife, cursp* hpr for deceiving him. She tplla all 8h» was not to blame. The husband, unrelenting. turtia her and the baby out Into thp street She trip* hard Thp vision of thp pa*y way come* Shp lea*es the baby at thp monastery door Kntpr* the Mouse of l-ost Souls. The Monks, 'I.lke ns a father pltieth his children.'' take the baby. I.OVK him Italse hltn to young manhood Invite him to be a tn left Thp bo\ wants to *pp the world first Hp goes out to thp city with thr good Monk* blessing and prayers lie goes to the House of Ix>st Souls (NOW IIIK MOTHKH'S IIOUSKi Tliph lip I* tempted Avarlep, rum. and Hie training holds hlm for a while, but lip fall* Thp mlstrps* of thp hoiifp rescues the \outh fmm the rpvelrv, not knowing lip I* her son until Hip old crucifix bparlng hpr own nam# fall* from hi* |>ocket *he recognizes the lad Kmlly Stevens. Thp Woman," Is Immeiu'e In thp Intense situation She get* hi in In go bwk to the monastery He bei-miies a prle*! at Hip I'hapPl of Hip Madonna She becomes an old hag, an outcast She la thrown out of the house where once she ruled She take* refuge from a terrific storm in the Chapel of the Madonna As hlip kneels In prayer at the altar she nee* her own picture, holding her baby (The Midonnnl above the altar. Her heart breaking scream bring* the priest (her son) from hi* study Hp gives her. his own unknown mother. "A cup of cold water In MY NAMK Again the crucifix telle the mother she recognize* The boy doesn't know 9he die* In his arms The soul is seen to rise from the body and depart with the (irlm lt««per The film ends If you like spice, t picturc has it If you like human interest, you will find it here. And for the por- trayal of I.OVK MOTI IKK I.OX I'. IMoTIOX Til \T (iKTS TO YofK \ KRV IIK ART CHORDS, this great |»icture is the (|ticeii of them all. TODAY?TOMORROW?FRIDAY AND SATUR- DAY ARE POSITIVELY THE LAST. Wednesday Until Saturday Night ALHAMBRA Continuous?ll a. m. to 11 p. m. Maurice Costello in The Man Who Couldn't Beat God A Vltagraph Blue Ribbon Feature in Five Acts A story that embodies all the thrills known to the screen play?a force- ful example of the accusing power of conscience. ANIMATED EDDIE'S LITTLE WEEKLY LQVE AFFAIR \\ urlH - \rw» in Motion I'jctures. A \r-tor Comedy, featuring Kddie Lyons lile betwi-in them alnre he ordered 'the Sanford* off hla flahlng ground The raae wa* continued ESCAPED GERMAN SEEN IN EVERETT? C S Immigration Inspector John II Sargent and other federal off! \u25a0 Uil* are following up a tip Wed nesdny tliat one of the German of- ficer* who escaped from the in- terned veaael i'rlnit Kltel ljried erlch may be at Kverett A nian anawerlng a description of such an officer was seen by W. A Karrell, 22* W Rom at., who Im- mediately notified the authorities The officer ha* lieen de*crll>ed In dispatches aa a man of about 32, who ha* a *<-ar extending from the lobe of hi* left e*r to the mouth. Trilby" coming OREGON TOWN HAS FIRE WOODBfRN. Or, Oct. IT.?Kir* early today destroyed lMrnirka KaraK*-, »Hh an eMlmaled los» of t-'-.WK'. Trilby" coming. HORLICK'S THC ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Th« F»od-dr!nk for All Apt. Mate hraJlhfiJ lh«n Tra or Coftey Agrret with the weakeil IVKkmii mviporatmf and nutntioua. Rich miik. mailed grim, powder form. A Quick Luck Prepared ia a Mint* Umtmmm you may-HOmJOtTS* you may gat a Submiltutm. DESTINY The Soul of a Woman COMING irTDII DVW SUNDAY 1 IxlLiDI LISTEN! Something absolutely NEW in the North- west. and just recently inaugurated in New York and a few other big Eastern cities, i* g"ing to happen in Seattle The MELBOURNE going to make it happen. We believe you will like it. Watch MELBOURNE ad*. "Trilby," the great picturization of the drama devel- oped ironi I'ti Maimer's famous and still popular novel of tlie Mine name, will have .1 l>i£ part 111 this BIG NEW THING. \\ c solicit your criticism of what we do. Write us your opinion when you see the Big Announcement. It a revolution! Scattlc. \\ ash , Oct 27, 1915. I >ea; Ma: / I 3K V I so bus) showing John and have time to write Hut Ma, now don't k<'| sketrtd, but I have made .ill tlit* arrangements ler Mary t«> sing here at .the Melbourne next work; ami believe me, Ma, I'm proud of her. I'm sending John Wr? '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0i s home tonight so as yer km run in \u25a0 w^Kt and see this liere "Soul of a X,Wh Woman.' cause it sure is going to .? I, leave Saturday Now John kin take JJ? cart of tlie apples yer are of a / ?_5 M ' drying all right, and you jest must iTinie. I'm going to stay .ill week to hear Man sing. \ our old alpaca will be all light, and ye kin get ,1 new dress after Mary gets her pay fcr sittging nc\t week. Dont let the Jones know as how Mary may be on the stage; let 'em read it in the papers; gess that'll sprise 'etn. Hring me in a little of my appro jack, I'm kiada gone Bring me in a little of my apple jack ; I'm kinda gone hear Mary sing Sunday. I'll meet ye at the train. l'A. 2 MFI ROT IR IMF s«?d- "lf, Worth U" ITILLDUUIVIIL University
Page 1: .STAR?WEDNESDAY. THE LEADER CO. DEMOCRATS .ta ADOO … · THE LEADER CO..ta From the High " T WB An(, Nw |h#Rent District. 1422-1426 First Ave. Market* Economical Suits (or Fall and

. THE LEADER CO. .taFrom the High " T WBAn(, Nw |h#

Rent District. 1422-1426 First Ave. Market*

Economical Suits (or Fall and New Plaid Waists?Just inWintei Wear $ 14.98 at $ 1.25

? , , , . , .... , Some Smart Seco Silk Waists in plaids, inGood looking and practical little suits of , ... . ...green, brown and blue color combinations;serge and gabardine, in blue or black. ma<Je (|) , allored , ty|# wi, h , djustJlble col .

Well made, of good material; in tailored iar >n( j long sleeves. These are very newand Norfolk effects. $18.50 values for and easily worth $i.OO. We have marked

them at $ I .'J'i

Sateen PetticoatsNew Seperate Skirts for Fall 59c, 69c, 98c

YlFam* dJO Oft Durable Petticoat* "f >atreu . |>lcate<lflounce, in a number of -tile* Mine, gieen.

Skirts of Tweed. Storm and French Serge ~l;u'k- Lu l,in - l>urple. ctc.

and Granite Cloth, in blue, green, gray,«???

brown, black, mixtures and plaid: some I Children's Play Aprons 10cmade with pockets extra belts; some children's Play Aprons and Rompers, ofpleated; some plain. Worth $5 00. for blue or tan chambray. piped in contrasting

93.08 color; 10<* each, or 3 for ISIiC

SHOES Children's Eiffel NOTIONSmm Shoo lacH. 6 imlis for Jr

Ursula, $«.??> 100 »2 gc liose Sh *" "?' r ~,n" ,0r onp " for Trand IS 00 for on ?, f? r | Hr

... ~ ~M """* ' " IMr" " '|u«rk or While Thread. No »»111 »?"?'"* »l> ?« Hi 1.. ? l , ..it, Kl.i. king. I. ihle ... _

or buttoned Th»rt « .. ,f jHMya j? n-

*° *or

Itltnlt kid slid tunmiul with ' - ?K: ? \u25a0 medium <»r !<»w h#*l» f Zbc I lOrThere are all alaea, but not a HOSfcl anil RXM PW < anlcomplete raimr of wise* 'n rn- i Vli**-« i4'' I'' » ' in* ivun Ironlm ler <!oien

?tvle. W.mderfu v.lu. - offer. I 1M >-l ? ??*«<?\u25a0» *!?>-km«. \l| Silk Thread reaular Hk-. ,>»r<|.. ihle heel ami «<?<\u25a0 \ reaat.n- ?_~,i

MH. I *o oc .. |C? , ?

»\u2666value* for W«>o9 ~ IOC Button* Art All Half Prlc*

'Trilby" coming

. A


I'll Take TonHome Again,

KathleenNo. A-143S

65c1 v \u25a0>

May he purchasedfrom any

I Columbia Dealer.


- Companyini rir»i


Apoly Crtlm In Nostrils ToOpen Up Air Patsagea

*** Ah' What relief' Your clofcgedstrils open right op. the air pas-

sage* of jour head are clear and?JOU ran breathe freely. No more

snuffling, mucous dls-m*h»rge. headache. dryness ? no??fttrtiggling for hreath at night, your

2"oi'! or > atarrh la gonea. Don't stav stuffed up' Get a??mail bottle of Ely's Cresm Halm2Jrr>m your druggist now. Apply ajittle of this fragrant, antiseptichtmtii In your nostrils, let It rene"*traie through every air passage of

3he head: soothe and h*al the-swollen. Inflamed mucous mem

3rane. giving you Instant relieflly's Cream Halm Is Just what ev

«ery cold and catarrh sufferer has>en seeking It s Just splendid






Martha I kept company with herfor three year*


"AntJ," wald Mr* McQuarre. Itwa* right In tht* houac that Penfield met Martha. about two

month* ago They fell In lovequicker than anybody I ever a*w

Penfle'd hate* going <o *' he*'..He'd raiher work So when he

went to »ork In a mill In PortAngele*. nothing would do hutMartha must go to Port Anaele*to vlali friend* Thev were cuteabout It, tho. We didn't dream oftheir getting married *o noon


Girl Like* to Hunt

t ahotild nay they were cute,"*atd young Mr McQuarre I uwMartha at the dance .Saturday before l**t.,and 1 aaked her If (he

an'i Pen were engaged, and ahejtiat laughed and (book her headI thought *he meant they weren't.We were diking about going huntIng Marthad rather go hunting

than anythingHear, dear! Aren't elopement*

eicitlng. tho' llothell btitieaMartha, it *e«m*. la a remarkablegirl Everybody like" her. She


Small Trial Bottle of Old"St. Jacobs Oil"

Hack hurt you* Can t straightenup without feeling sudden pains,sharp aches and twinges? Nowlisten! That's lumbago, sciatica ormay In from * strain, and you'll getrelief the moment you rub yourback with sriothlng. [<enetr»tlng

Ht. Jacobs Oil." Nothing elset»ke* out soreness, lameness sndBtlffne** «o quickly. You simplyrub it on your back and out come*

the pain It Is harmless and doe«n tburn the skin

Umber up' Don't suffer' <!et asmall trial bottle of old, honest "StJacobs f>ll from any drug store,and after using It Just once, you'llforget that you ever had back-it he. lumbago or sciatica, becauseyour bark will never hurt or causeanv more misery. It never dlsappoints and his been recommendedfor 60 years

Trilby" coming

Ladies' Shoes at ry]Special Sale Prices )§ '



500 pair* of l,adle*' High Shoe* In patent, kid. gun metal andlin calf are to he gold very cheap to make rpiick clearance.One lot of Mack Suede. Itlack. tlray and Itrown Velvet, Tanand Oun Metal ind Patent, regularly prlcad .it tf> I nrjinn, fs.oo and K.OO, now «p 1 .JOPatent Mutton and l,a"e Shoe*, with 1 A C$ 1 ?T'Olatent and Kid Welt and Turn Hole Shoe*, with f uhan afidFrench heel*; regularly priced at f4.00, $5.90 and A | /v/v

00 A Mg Kna(i now at «p 1 ,UUSome good bargain* In Olrli* Shoe*, al»o

TURRELL'SDownstairs Dept.


didn't care for schoolShe tHe.l one Seattle high arhooi

after another, tho *he mlghi havegone to 'he one In Hot hell She*lepi alcn<> night* in 'he garage atth> Stewart* town hou*e at !ft!<iNorth "*th ave

Swim* and Ride*She'd rather go hunting or fl*h

Ing than go to *cboo! She *wim*like a ft*I. ride* like a centaur,and can plow a* well m any farmhand

Mr* Stewart I* a busy womanShe run* the dairy, wear* overall*boe*e* the farmhand* about, anddrive* to the city In a big llud*of>car Her htt*b*nd ha* rharce ofthe milk route*

The neighbor* *ald probablyMr* Ste«.»rt wanted to aee Marthamarried lx<aui>e *h< heraelf wa*

too bn*y to look after her, andwhat »ith Martha dlcllklng achool.and being *o high *plrlted and all.?he needed a huaband

Mr*. Stewart In on ItThe nelihbor* like Penfleld Pea

body. too. bat they aaM they

couldn't wee ? hat. Kather peabodywa* making all the fuaa for.

Chey *-»ld Mr* Stewart heraelfdrorn the young folka to Chehallaearly Saturday to get married, andthat later the aanie day, whenFather Peabody came to the dairvIn hi* car, and aald iie w«a afraidthe young folk* had elo|>ed. Mr*Stewart, to fool him. pretended tol>e *urt>rlaed. and hopped In be«tdefather Peabody and chaaed allover the country looking for theeloi>er» ?when *he knew wherethey were all the tlTie'

Hot hell laughs w h»n It comes tithis part of the story

Witness la A-restsdWilliam J. Flannery, arrested on

a charge of perjuty. because as ItIs alleged, he was * witness of themarriage and »*ore young Peabody wa« of legal age. w*« takento Centralis verterday snd a*ralgnet before Justice lloss

He plea<l»d not guilty, and thehearing wn s set for Friday

Will |( Morrl". attorney for(?"tannery, says he knows wherePeatiody and hla bride are, but hewon't tell.

They are not hiding." he aaya.They #re simply enjoying their

honeymoon.'The father of the groom. Charles

K f'eabody, capitalist, swears hewill attempt lo have the marriage

annulledTh« Law of tbs Case

1-jwyers refer to the Cushmanvs Cushman case, whlrh wasdecided by the supreme court ofthe sta'e siitne months ago

Young Cushman married a girlto whom his father objected Hothboy and girl were under age.

The bov. some time after themarriage, f ued to hav B It annulledMe lost the sill'

The present esse Is not atrlctlyparallel Here the wife !? of age,the husband under age And hernthe husband haa not asked for anannulment


County CommlPAlonrr Hamilton!testified Wednesday in Injunction 1proceeding* to r»ntraln the countyfrom purch**lng The Willow* fann.ithat he believed the county could!*ave a month on milk alone 1If It operated Its own farm anddairy.

Th« Chamber of Commerce I**eeklng legal annulment of thecounty commissioner*' agreementto purchase The Willow* from rl> Htlmaon for $in,"o7, on theground that the commlmioner*who voted for It never Intended tou*« the farm a* a home for thecount y n (K»or,

M»milfoil *»ld hp had Intendedall along to move the inmate* of

ithe tieorgetown almahou*n to The1 Willow*

JAP CUTS CHINESEA lap Kallor cut a Chinese *»llor

ou Ixiard thi Olshl Maru it I'ier ...

where ttey «(>re botb %m§lOyn6The police trloi| in learn what Ihotrouble van, but none on hoarda poke Kngllsh

\u25a0tl" «'«il>rr it War Tmla;'' 19H. fitlr Temper*! tire,

hla'i r'< n Ui* tf." IteniiTiitier I ,n*

wtM* flrnrnn Quinine ? ur*« n » olrl In<1111- itai Tliere la only one "Hrnmn'Julnlnt- for nignnture K wOHoVK :r,<



Alternating rich night thi* week.The Merrv WlVee of Wlndaor and

| "The Hying Dutchman." the Stand«rd (irand Opera compan\ will repeat Wedneadav night the latteroprm. auui; with audi aurreaa onthe open hi g night of Ihn *ea*on,

Mondat. it the Moore thealfe

j In "The Nteiry Wlvra of Wind?or," the lompany acored a decided

| hit Tu»ada> eveningNoticeable hecau*r It «a* her

flrat appearance, hut more un a'-

count of her elceptlonul noprano| voice. Mr* Daniel llemlon. In 'herole rif Mra Pord. found heraelf anImmediate favorite

j Mia* tluendolyn tieary'* Annei I'age wa* wonderfully *'ins. a*wa*| \ A Nordako<;'a Kenton ItSprotte ma*tered Kalataff eually

and |dea«urahl> In fact, the en'tire company ahowed aplendldly




WATER BODIES?The Washington ranal will In

time change both Ijike I'nloii and'l.ake Washington (ruin fresh in

*alt water l«>dlea," "aid K MMi-hark, naval architect, with of-1flees on the Colman dork. Wi-d ineaday

How nturh lime will lie con\u25a0 Mimed befor» the change la completed. I do not know-, but It willtie a matter of a few yeara fora few yeara after the canal la put

!in operation, ahlpa will uae the

lakes to "lean Ihelr bottom* Hutn* the lakr* gradually Iw oiue Impr<*gnated with "alt the barnacleswill aurvlve the visits to the lake*

and the chief value of the canal toshipping *111 )>e loat

Ma>or filll received a letter Wedneaday fron. Jacob I* Miller, ar,HyraruM. N V saying he baa a

plan w hereby all danger of salt i**ter getting Into Ijike Washing

ton can be removed He wanta?ketches nf the 'ock» ao be ran

'nubmlt hla plan, which la to add a,'coupie moie lock aIj _______

BEWARE THE GOBLINIt II be all right, fellers. to duck i

I tour head* In the waah tub for ap

I plea ard do all the ordinary, harmless Halloween stunts but don'tvou dant atari any rough stuff, or |the goblin* imeanltig Chief Ung >

co|»ai will gel you. aore as ahootln'An order ha« Issued out of beadquarters bidding Juvenile Seattle In

I refrain from all rough stuff. ne»t

J S inday r.ight. on [»aln of arrest Ane*«jr reserve army of copper* Is to>»e mobilised at the p'llre stationready to rush m auto* to th* cen!er of any trouble thst may de



WITH POSLAMatipfiltia pra larlv thr mm

|l** lnflti#tt- |o *MiI) lnflim*«land irrttatrd akin la uauaHt Incllnrdl#> yt+ld Thr rf* mfort »ha» rnm»««ltli rallrf In thr ' raiallon of th*ftM-fiil UrMm la aaparlally walron»»and thr ttndor rrdnr«» of thr akinnfi#n rr«t»onda l»» T*oalam o%rrBlah!

Thotiaanda toda% know of t|>r rfflr|*n< «»f t*oatam In thr trratinrntof fvarm* r>«* llrrp«»a l.aai- I'lmpim 11 rh Hoalt-*(*calt> and klndrrd? kin dla«*«ar*

\n to Bo«p for Ihr akin ToalimAoap It, rt« h, tliilMnmi-*j»ial-ttloa Tr\ dally. onr month. forToll#i and lltlh.

I #>r urn'l 4 «tO't>pa »«»

F.inrr*rnr\ I.*i.or alorl a?, 1: W Zbthat Nrw York city. Hold i>> all drug -


Hecieiittt of thr Treaaur) Wit-llain (i McAdoo «?>» route Wedlieaday to Mlaaoula, Mont , followIng h «acrel conference with promInetil Heallle democrat >? at the NewWaahlngt .>ll hotel Tue*day afternoon

ClOWl'd With McAdoo wereJohn D WViiinr, prealdant of theKing County I>fino< i atlc «lult;,!iiilk«' J T Ronald. Col J H Mawthorne e\ Mayor Cotterlll, llobertHrldge*. t'harlea l> filler. W. IIMerrltt, Henry M. White andother*


l)r. I 11. I lark

Our Guarantee Is Backedby Graduate Registered

DentistsWhen \on K«'t our guarantor,

whlrh wr *!«.» with all <lrntal workyou c-t aomrthlng whlrh pmto« tayou in rv«t> wa\ it la nlicnrd h>thr oporator who did thr work. aa

wrll aa h\ L It riatk i> Downrr ami mnnnicrr of thla offlrr, aman who la lhorottKhl\ raaponalhlrThla nuarantra n.rana that If for anyrraaon your work doaa not «l\»* an-lira aat lafa<t tori, wa will ?nakr Itrliciii

And w* turn out work bar# thatnrr n<»t afraid |o Kuamntrr lit

work fnanahlp, material nnd flnlah.I'.atlt and a\arv oparntOr nnplovrdIn thla offh ?? la m KrinhiMtr and rri<-tatr>r«*'l d'-ntlaf. who lium KtrH'luatr 1from tha haat danta) rolli»ur« andwho haa paaaad tha axainlnatlon oftha Mtati drnlal hoard Karh and»wtv opat it tor In thla offh.- haa hta1 art I flrat r from fha Mtatr dantalhoard hatiKltiß right ..n tk« ?? wall Infront of hla . |f>n tnl rhali In pinIn?Iklit of Hll You inkf no rhanrraof havlnir voui work doni by attjdanta or hunfflrra In thla offlrr.< iiiiar wr do not ami will not rmploythat typr of propli-

You fß|i r«-i unaatiafartorv dan-tal work nonr harr Wo plraar and

? »»tlaf\ our patlanta wr hnvr tratl-tnonlu la from hundrrda of auhatantlal <ltl*rna of Houttla himl vlrlnltv.hoth man and wnmrn, t 111 itr hownail plraa<d tho\ arr with thr workvr hnva dona for thrin Wr tanplraar and aatlafy von lliraamr wa\And our prh-ra arr the low< at aa Itla our Invarlahln ruI»? that wr willnot ho on prh-o,

Regal Dental OfficesI>r. It. 11. ( lark, Haaagrri

140ft I bird Ata., \\. Cor. Third?ad l alon.

hat plan* wirt mail* for thecoming poi'tlcal campaign were notmide public Nearly every |xi >*jri

present Hpokf. H la *aldMcAdoo, during the day. vlalted

the once propo*»d »iio for a uawpo*tofr|. e. .11 Keatlle boulevard unci

Hl*lh »>??. which haa been aban-doned, and rullad at the t'otnmerclal Club, wkfia he waa accordeda roualng reception.

Mr* MrAiloo w»« enlarlalned.meanwhile, by prominent women atihr New Wgahlnfton. The partyleft (be lily at 7 (i. m.

PUN CHARITY SALE'lie- t'harlt) Organisation nnri'li

tiling a monitor rummage »*le atIhr lll|i|MKlronic. from Mmnliv.No* *, tinill W»dnN4i> nlglit ofthat work. The money will bayfix i<l. furl anil happlnea* forneedy famlll»»


dent Wilson today >ml a letter to

rilieaker Champ ? lark, asking lilmto torn- In Washington a* aaxiu a*

|*>**lble to dl*ritps t 1 e the leglsla

tl*e program

AMERICAN KILLEDroi.t Mill 8. N M . Oct 27

Hen) Thomas «ia killed In --oldlilood today near Agua f'rleta. ac-cording to re|>orta recel»ed hereby arniy men Thomas realsted efforta of Vllllataa to burn III*housewhereupon they furred an entranreand killed him

IW OaJy Ci'ruhtJ Eilcmiial*

iStaaraa' Elaalrfa

fRat Roach Pasta> iMurttaamtw

TyrXVlZvxr&r***«ttif|Mw «»wi \u25a0>»»»

WettUke, Pine and Fifth.


Intimation that the dog salmon111 quektlo't was dellberitely |>ta<edon his property to get him, mmade by Herman C Hi«ark. a fishernmu. testifying In hi* own deieu ,v Wednesday, before Judge(iordon on a charge of taking fl*h

I from their lawful ownerKlmer Sanford, IK, who had

Haari arresteil. Iraced the i-almonby a small bottle he had shoveddown It* throat while It wa» stillIn his net Ipalde the bottle w*a

a slip of i>aper with hi* namewrltien on it. lie aaaerta he «*»

Haack take the f|*h

lliiark say* there 1»a» been trou-

Many, many thousand* have seen "The Soul of aWoman ( romh arc -«t 111 filling the Melbourne. It ha»I>ceu here ten day* It will rcm.iin until Saturday night.It ha- made a new record for a high-class film in Seattle.

It i* the real merit that has kept the crowd* comingto *ee this great picture If you ha\e not >-ecn this won-derful film (M.rtraval of \ I RY III'MAN beings in a\ IKY III'MAN manner that Mir* your VI'.KY 11 I'M \Nself, you must *ee jj witlnit the next three davs?or bet-ter still tonight.


The husband, an artist, uses his own beautiful wife and hand-some baby boy as lb** model for tola masterpiece a Madonna picture

When n iiartv comes to buy the picture for a gift to (he newI'itholle chapel. he recognises bin former deceived wife" In thepicture. Hp tell# the artlai of the fact The wife overbear* Theartl"t husband, after selling the plctuie, rushes to hi* wife, cursp*

hpr for deceiving him. She tplla all 8h» was not to blame. Thehusband, unrelenting. turtia her and the baby out Into thp streetShe trip* hard Thp vision of thp pa*y way come* Shp lea*es

the baby at thp monastery door Kntpr* the Mouse of l-ost Souls.The Monks, 'I.lke ns a father pltieth his children.'' take the baby.I.OVK him Italse hltn to young manhood Invite him to be atn left Thp bo\ wants to *pp the world first Hp goes out tothp city with thr good Monk* blessing and prayers lie goes tothe House of Ix>st Souls (NOW IIIK MOTHKH'S IIOUSKi Tliphlip I* tempted Avarlep, rum. and Hie training holds hlm fora while, but lip fall* Thp mlstrps* of thp hoiifp rescues the \outhfmm the rpvelrv, not knowing lip I* her son until Hip old crucifixbparlng hpr own nam# fall* from hi* |>ocket *he recognizes thelad Kmlly Stevens. Thp Woman," Is Immeiu'e In thp Intensesituation She get* hiin In go bwk to the monastery He bei-miiesa prle*! at Hip I'hapPl of Hip Madonna She becomes an old hag,an outcast She la thrown out of the house where once she ruledShe take* refuge from a terrific storm in the Chapel of theMadonna As hlip kneels In prayer at the altar she nee* her ownpicture, holding her baby (The Midonnnl above the altar. Herheart breaking scream bring* the priest (her son) from hi* studyHp gives her. his own unknown mother. "A cup of cold water InMY NAMK Again the crucifix telle the mother she recognize*The boy doesn't know 9he die* In his arms The soul is seen torise from the body and depart with the (irlm lt««per The film ends

If you like spice, t picturc has it If you likehuman interest, you will find it here. And for the por-trayal of I.OVK MOTI IKK I.OX I'. IMoTIOX Til\T(iKTS TO YofK \ KRV IIKART CHORDS, this great|»icture is the (|ticeii of them all.


Wednesday Until Saturday Night

ALHAMBRAContinuous?ll a. m. to 11 p. m.

Maurice Costello in

The Man WhoCouldn't Beat God

A Vltagraph Blue RibbonFeature in Five Acts

A story that embodies all the thrills known to the screen play?a force-ful example of the accusing power of conscience.


\\ urlH - \rw» in MotionI'jctures. A \r-tor Comedy, featuring Kddie Lyons

lile betwi-in them alnre he ordered'the Sanford* off hla flahlng ground

The raae wa* continued


C S Immigration Inspector JohnII Sargent and other federal off!

\u25a0 Uil* are following up a tip Wednesdny tliat one of the German of-ficer* who escaped from the in-terned veaael i'rlnit Kltel ljriederlch may be at Kverett

A nian anawerlng a description ofsuch an officer was seen by W. AKarrell, 22* W Rom at., who Im-mediately notified the authoritiesThe officer ha* lieen de*crll>ed Indispatches aa a man of about 32,

who ha* a *<-ar extending from thelobe of hi* left e*r to the mouth.

Trilby" coming


early today destroyed lMrnirkaKaraK*-, »Hh an eMlmaled los» oft-'-.WK'.

Trilby" coming.


MALTED MILKTh« F»od-dr!nk for All Apt.

Mate hraJlhfiJ lh«n Tra or CofteyAgrret with the weakeilIVKkmii mviporatmf and nutntioua.Rich miik. mailed grim, powder form.A Quick Luck Prepared ia a Mint*Umtmmm you may-HOmJOtTS*you may gat a Submiltutm.

DESTINYThe Soul of a Woman

COMING irTDII DVWSUNDAY 1 IxlLiDILISTEN! Something absolutely NEW in the North-

west. and just recently inaugurated in New York and afew other big Eastern cities, i* g"ing to happen in Seattle

The MELBOURNE i« going to make it happen.We believe you will like it.Watch MELBOURNE ad*."Trilby," the great picturization of the drama devel-

oped ironi I'ti Maimer's famous and still popular novel oftlie Mine name, will have .1 l>i£ part 111 this BIG NEWTHING.

\\ c solicit your criticism of what we do. Write usyour opinion when you see the Big Announcement. Iti« a revolution!

Scattlc. \\ ash , Oct 27, 1915.I >ea; Ma: / I 3KV

I so bus) showing John and

have time to write Hut Ma, nowdon't k<'| sketrtd, but I have made.ill tlit* arrangements ler Mary t«>sing here at .the Melbourne nextwork; ami believe me, Ma, I'mproud of her. I'm sending John Wr? '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0i s

home tonight so as yer km run in \u25a0 w^Ktand see this liere "Soul of a X,WhWoman.' cause it sure is going to .? I,leave Saturday Now John kin take JJ?cart of tlie apples yer are of a / ?_5 M '

drying all right, and you jestmust iTinie. I'm going to stay.ill week to hear Man sing. \ our old alpaca will be alllight, and ye kin get ,1 new dress after Mary gets her payfcr sittging nc\t week.

Dont let the Jones know as how Mary may be onthe stage; let 'em read it in the papers; gess that'llsprise 'etn.

Hring me in a little of my appro jack, I'm kiada goneBring me in a little of my apple jack ; I'm kinda gone

hear Mary sing Sunday. I'll meet ye at the train. l'A.

2 MFI ROT IRIMF s«?d-"lf, Worth U" ITILLDUUIVIILUniversity
