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StatCon Cases

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Page 1: StatCon Cases


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What is Statutory Construction?

Alenz Avril P. De Torres

Relevant facts Case titles, laws, dates StatCon doctrine

Page 2: StatCon Cases

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Notes: -Indispensable need for statutory construction to determine whether the contest is violative of the prohibitive provisions on Postal Law. -The contest is a gratuitous distribution of property by chance. -Noscitur a sociis - a word is known by the company it keeps. -Statutory Construction is the art or process of discovering and expounding the meaning and intention of the authors of the law with respect to its application to a given case, where the intention is rendered doubtful, among others, by reason of the fact that the given case is not explicitly provided for in the law.

Page 3: StatCon Cases

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When does Statutory Construction come in?

Page 4: StatCon Cases

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Page 5: StatCon Cases


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Page 6: StatCon Cases

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Notes: -Whether De Guzman failed to exhaust all administrative remedies before proceeding to the courts. -Yes, the principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies allows agencies to correct its error and to dispose of the case. -This was violated by De Guzman. -Whether or not De Guzman's act is in violation of P.D. 705, Sec. 68-A as amended by EO 277. -Yes, hence the seizure and confiscation are lawful.

Page 7: StatCon Cases

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Page 8: StatCon Cases

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Page 9: StatCon Cases

People v Nazario GR L-44143, Aug, 31, 1988

Facts: -Nazario failed to pay the taxes of his fishponds in violation of Municipal Ordinance 12 and 15. Issue: -Whether it does not include Nazario -Whether it is unconstitutional for being an ex post facto Held: -DOCTRINE: A "perfectly vague" statute cannot be saved by a saving clause or by construction (Coates v City of Cinnati). However, imprecise language is not perfectly vague and can be saved by proper construction. Nazario is the actual operator of the fishponds hence, is coved under the term "manager". -No, Ordinances 12 and 15 are curative measures intended to enhance the original act, Ordinance 4. It is not applied retroactively.

Page 10: StatCon Cases

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Page 11: StatCon Cases

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Page 12: StatCon Cases

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Article 1702 of the New Civil Code: "In case of doubt, all labor legislation and all labor contracts shall be construed in favor of the safety and decent living of the laborer."

Page 13: StatCon Cases

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Page 14: StatCon Cases

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Page 15: StatCon Cases


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How must legislative intent be ascertained?

Page 16: StatCon Cases


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Page 17: StatCon Cases

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Page 18: StatCon Cases

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Page 19: StatCon Cases

Matabuena v. Cervante GR 28771, March 31, 1971 Facts: -Matabuena donated a parcel of land to Cervantes while they we still cohabiting but not as husband and wife. -The donation is void under Art 133 of the Civil Code. Issue: -Whether or not prohibition applies to donations between live-in partners. Held: -Yes. DOCTRINE: What is within the spirit of the law is as much a part of the law as what is written. The reason for the ban is to prevent the probability of undue influence and improper pressure being exerted by one spouse on the other.

Page 20: StatCon Cases



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Literal Construction -Case

Page 21: StatCon Cases

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Page 22: StatCon Cases

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Page 23: StatCon Cases


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Page 24: StatCon Cases

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Page 25: StatCon Cases

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Page 26: StatCon Cases



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Page 31: StatCon Cases

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Whats is the difference between a rule and an opinion

Page 33: StatCon Cases

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V. Subjects of Construction Meaning of words: Krivenko v Register of Deeds -Facts: --Krivenko bought a residential lot from Magdalena Estate Inc. -Registration was denied by Register of Deeds because he is an alien. -Issue: --Whether or not he can own a land under our Constitution. -Held: --He can't. --Article XIII, Constitution - conservation and utilization of natural resources - "public agricultural lands" - term technically defined in other statues such as The Public Land Act (Act 296) --The term includes residential lands --Section 5 and 1 should be read together as pursuing the policy of nationalization. --DOCTRINE: On meaning of words or phrases, this may be determined through referring to "the long line of decisions of the court." Restricted v General Marcos et. al v Chief of Staff -Facts: --Military Tribunals excluded petitioners' rights to appear as counsel for the accused as it is in violation of Art. 17, Sec. 17 of the Constitution. -Issue: --Whether or not "any court" includes military tribunals. -Held: --Yes, taking into account the intention of the framers of the Constitution, it is obvious that there exists the same reasons for prohibiting senators and reps to appear as counsel in a military tribunal as in civil courts. --DOCTRINE: In construing a Constitution, it must be taken as established that where words are used which have both a restricted and a general meaning, the general must prevail over the restricted unless the nature of the subject matter of the context clearly indicates that the limited sense is intended. The Constitution - How to interpret Francisco v HOR -Facts: --Impeachment proceedings were filed against SC CJ Davide. -2nd impeachment complaint against CJ unconstitutional. -Issues: --Whether or not the 2nd complaint falls within the one year bar provided in the Constitution. --Whether or not this is a political question. -Held: --It is unconstitutional because impeachment proceedings are deemed "initiated" already thus, falls under the one year bar. The bars on impeachment express the intention of the framers not to give sole jurisdiction to Congress. --The Constitution is able to answer the issue unequivocally. --No constitutional basis for the contention that the exercise of judicial review over impeachment proceedings would upset the system of checks and balances. --DOCTRINES: (1) The Constitution is to be interpreted as a whole and one section is not be allowed to defeat another. (2) when suing as a citizen, the interest of the petitioner assailing the constitutionality of a stature must be direct and personal. (3) When the proceeding involves the assertion of a public right, the mere fact that he is a citizen satisfies the requirement of personal interest. (4) In case of a tax payer, he is allowed to sue where the is a claim that public funds are illegally disbursed, or that public money is being deflected to any improper purpose, or wastage, etc. (5) As for a legislator, he is allowed to sue to question the validity of any official action which he claims infringes his prerogatives as a legislator.

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Page 35: StatCon Cases

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Page 36: StatCon Cases

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Page 37: StatCon Cases


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Page 38: StatCon Cases



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Page 39: StatCon Cases

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Page 40: StatCon Cases

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Page 41: StatCon Cases


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May the preamble be referred to in the construction of Constitutional Provision

Page 42: StatCon Cases


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Are the provisions of the Constitution self-executing

Page 43: StatCon Cases

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Page 44: StatCon Cases


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Statute Requirements for the publication of laws

Page 45: StatCon Cases



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Page 46: StatCon Cases

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Ordinances Rules on construction of ordinances vis-a-vis Statute

Page 47: StatCon Cases

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Tax Laws How are tax refunds construed?

Page 48: StatCon Cases


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Who has the burden of proof in tax cases?

Page 49: StatCon Cases

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Note: -Burden of proof to show exemption from tax only arises when it has been proven that there is indeed imposition of tax.

Page 50: StatCon Cases


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Page 51: StatCon Cases

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Note: -The most strict right or law. In general, when a person receives an advantage, as the grant of a license, he is bound to conform strictly to the exercise of the rights given him by it, and in case of a dispute, it will be strictly construed.

Page 52: StatCon Cases


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Tax Sales construed

Page 53: StatCon Cases

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Page 54: StatCon Cases

Surigao Consolidated Mining v. CIR GR 14878, 26 December 1963 Facts: -Due to the interruption of communications at the outbreak of the war, the company lost contact with its mines and never received the production reports. -To avoid incurring any tax liability, it deposited a check payable to the City Treasurer, in payment for as valorem taxes pursuant to CA 772. -Company claimed a refund. Denied. Issue: -Whether or not SCM may recover its tax payment in light of the condonation made under a subsequent law, RA 81. Held: -RA 81 refers to the condonation of unpaid taxes only. Tax liability is equivalent to an exemption. It must be sustained then when expressed in explicit terms Doctrine: -He who claims an exemption from his share of the common burden of taxation must justify his claim by showing that the Legislature intended to exempt him. Maceda v. Macaraig GR 88291, 31 May 1991 Facts: -CA 120 created NAPOCOR and granted it tax and duly exemption privileges. RA 6395 revised its charter. -NAPOCOR claimed for refund for all deliveries of petroleum products to NAPOCOR, regardless of the period of delivery. Issue: -Whether or not NAPOCOR cease to enjoy exemption from indirect tax when PD 938 stated the exemption in general terms. Held: -PD 938's preamble shows that it is not meant to be strictly construed against NAPOCOR. Doctrine: -The rule on strict interpretation does not apply in e case of exemptions in favor of government political subdivision or instrumentality. In the case of property owned by the state or a city or other public corporations, the express exception should not be construed with the same degree of strictness that applies to exemptions contrary to the policy of the state, since as to such property "exception is the rule and taxation is the exception."

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Labor Laws Rule on the construction of labor laws

Page 56: StatCon Cases



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Page 57: StatCon Cases


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Page 58: StatCon Cases

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Page 59: StatCon Cases

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Insurance Rule in the interpretation of insurance provisions

Page 60: StatCon Cases



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Doctrine: - construed in their ordinary and common acceptation.

Page 61: StatCon Cases



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Ambiguous provision interpreted against insurer

Page 62: StatCon Cases

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Page 63: StatCon Cases

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Corporate Law Rule on the interpretation of Corporate Law provisions

Page 64: StatCon Cases

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Page 65: StatCon Cases


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Naturalization Laws Rule on the construction of Naturalizations Law

Page 66: StatCon Cases

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Page 67: StatCon Cases

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Page 68: StatCon Cases


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Agrarian Reform Laws Rule on the Construction of Agrarian Reform Laws

Page 69: StatCon Cases

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Page 70: StatCon Cases


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Rules of Court -procedures which govern the proceedings in the court and which are to be followed by the parties. Rule on the Construction of the provisions of Rules of Court

Page 71: StatCon Cases

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Page 72: StatCon Cases

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Expropriation Laws -The government's right of taking private property for public use or in the interest of the public without the owner's consent.

Page 73: StatCon Cases

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Page 74: StatCon Cases

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Election Laws -discipline falling at the juncture of constitutional law and political science. It researches "the politics of law and the law of politics; rules that govern the voting of officials into government positions.

Page 75: StatCon Cases

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Wills -A document in which a person specifies the method to be applied in the management and distribution of his estate after his death. Rule on the Interpretation of Wills

Page 76: StatCon Cases


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How do you determine the intent of the law? -literal construction -preamble -deliberations

Between the living

Particular Latin Rules Mens Legislatoris - the intention of the law maker;ground upon which historical interpretation of law is given.

Page 77: StatCon Cases

Dura Lex Sed Lex People v Mapa GR L-22301, 30 August 1967 (20 SCRA 1164) Facts: -Mapa was charged for illegal possession of firearm and ammunition in violation of Sec 878 of the RAC in connection with Sec 2692 of the RAC, as amended by CA 56 and further amended by RA 4. Mapa admits possession on grounds that he is a secret agent of Batangas Gov. Feliciano Leviste. He was convicted. Issue: -W/N a secret agent appointed by a Gov is duly exempted from having a license of firearm. Held: -People v. Macarandang no longer speaks wit ph authority. -The law cannot be any clearer, there being no provision made fir a secret agent. The law is explicit that it is unlawful for any person to possess any firearms or ammunitions thereof, or any instrument or implement used... Except when such firearms are in possession of such public officials and public servants for use in the performance of their official duties; as those firearms and ammunitions which are regularly and lawfully issued to officers, soldiers, sailors or marines, the Phil. constabulary, guards in the employment of Bureau of Prisons, municipal police, provincial governors, lieutenant governors, principal treasurers, municipal treasurers, municipal mayors, and guards of provincial prisoners and jails. -[the] law [is] harsh, but [it is the] law.

Page 78: StatCon Cases



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Dura Lex Sed Lex

Community Investigative Support

Prevailing Doctrine then

Page 79: StatCon Cases


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Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius

Notes: -Cadastral Survey - the means by which private and public land is defined, divided, traced, and recorded. The term derives from French cadastre, a register of the survey of lands and is, in effect, the public record of the extent, value, and ownership of land for purposes of taxation.

Page 80: StatCon Cases

Lerum v. Cruz 87 Phil 652 Facts: This is an appeal for a petition for declaratory relief. Attys. Lerum and Fernando filed for this petition in order to test the sufficiency and probative value of a testimony in a bigamy case by (former) Judge Cruz regarding the issuance of a divorce decree. Issue: Can the attorneys file a petition for declaratory relief regarding the sufficiency and probative value of (former) Judge Cruz’s testimony? Held: No, the petition for declaratory relief cannot be granted. Under Sec 1, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court, declaratory relief may only be granted to a person whose rights are affected by a statute or ordinance, or who is interested under a deed, will, contract or other written instrument. The sufficiency and probative value of a testimony, which is the subject matter for declaratory relief in the instant case, is not included in the enumeration. Thus, the assailed order is affirmed. Santos v. Cruz-Pano GR 55130, Jan. 17, 1983 Facts: Petitioner was convicted by respondent judge of the CFI of Rizal (Quezon City Branch) of the crime of estafa for having issued a bouncing check for P5,000.00, and sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of from 7 yrs. and 8 mos .of prision mayor as minimum, to nine years 9 yrs and 4 mos. of prision mayor, as maximum. He appealed to the Court of Appeals which reduced the penalty to 1 yr. and 1 day of prision correccional as minimum, to 1 yr. and 8 mos. as maximum. The petitioner did not appeal after the final decision of the Court of Appeals, but instead filed a petition for probation with respondent judge, who, despite the favorable recommendation of the Probation Office, denied the petition on July 24, 1980, on the following grounds: (a) to grant probation to petitioner will depreciate the seriousness of the offense committed, and (b) petitioner is not a penitent offender. Issue: Whether or not the petitioner is to be granted the probation under PD No. 968 (Probation Law) to depreciate the offense committed. Held: The Court found no sufficient justification for respondent judge's holding petitioner to be a non-penitent offender. Hence this cannot be sufficient to justify a deviation from a policy of liberality with which the law shall be applied. Instead, the petitioner was granted probation by the Court as he is not among the offenders enumerated in the probation law (PD No. 968) from availing of the benefits of probation. Under Section 9 of said law, the disqualified offenders are the following: (a) those sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more than six years; (b) those convicted of any offense against the security of the State; (c) those who have previously been convicted by final judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of not less than one month and one day and/or a fine of not less than two hundred pesos; (d) those who have been once on probation under the provisions of the decree; and (e) those who were already serving sentence at the time the substantive provisions of the decree became applicable, pursuant to Section 33. In expressly enumerating offenders not qualified to enjoy the benefits of probation, the clear intent of the law is to allow said benefits to those not included in the enumeration. The Probation Law should be applied in favor of the applicant for its benefits affords the better means of achieving the purpose of the law.

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Exc. Manabat v. Aquino 92 Phil 1025 Facts: This is a petition for mandamus to require the respondent judge of first instance to give due course to, and hear the petitioners' appeal from the decision of a justice of the peace which he dismissed believing it had not been perfected in due time. Sued on a promissory note in the peace court of Tarlac, Tarlac, Enrique Manabat and his wife, denied liability, alleging usury. Having failed to appear and present evidence at the hearing, they were ordered to pay the amount of P1,261.74 plus interest, upon the proofs and introduced by the plaintiffs, spouses Roxas. The Manabats were notified of the decision and they in turn, sent their notice of appeal, their docket fees and a surety bond. However, the Roxas couple submitted a motion to dismiss the appeal of the Manabats on the grounds: (a) that the appeal documents had been received by the inferior court of Tarlac, on September 24, i.e., two days after the expiration of the time prescribed by law for appeals from that court and (b) because the appeal was frivolous, interposed obviously for delay. Noting that the 15-day period expired on September 22, and that the appeal papers were actually received on September 24, the judge of first instance declared the appeal was late and dismissed it for lack of jurisdiction. He refused to apply section 1 Rule 27 of the Rules of Court on which the Manabats relied to sustain the timeliness of their move. That section provides that "the date of the mailing" of the court papers "as shown by the post-office registry receipt shall be considered as the date of their filing" in court. His honor opined that this section does not regulate inferior courts, since it is found only among rules governing courts of first instance, and, unlike other rules, it is not extended to inferior courts — and therefore excluded — by section 19 Rule 4, which for convenience is quoted hereunder: SEC. 19. Application of certain rules. — Rules 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 28, 29, 30, and 39 are applicable in inferior courts in cases falling within their jurisdictions and in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this rule. Hence this petition for mandamus, appeal being inadequate, because the defendants in the case, (petitioners herein) have not introduced evidence. Issue: Whether or not the appeal papers are deemed filed in court on September 22 when they were deposited in the mails by registered mail, or on September 24 when they were actually received. Held: The Court ruled that the Manabats appealed on time. If section 1 Rule 27 is applied, the appeal papers would be deemed filed on September 22, and therefore the appeal would have been seasonably perfected. His Honor, however, and the other respondents, maintain that Rule 27 is not applicable because it is not mentioned in section 19 Rule 4 hereinbefore quoted, and inclusio unius est exclusio alterius, enumeration of certain rules, excludes others. That legal maxim is well-known, and respondents' position seems at first blush tenable. But the maxim is not more than an auxiliary rule of interpretation to be ignored where other circumstances indicate the enumeration was not intended to be exclusive. Now, if section 19 Rule 4 is exclusive, justices of the peace may disregard, (a) the principles of evidence prescribed in Rule 123, (b) Rule 131 as to costs and (c) the fundamental principles about splitting or joinder of causes of action in Rule 2, and the theories about parties in interest, necessary parties, married women etc. in Rule 3. These undesirable consequences could not have been overlooked by the framers of the Rules. They could not have intended, therefore, to make the enumeration in section 19 Rule 4 as all-inclusive and exclusive

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Escribano v. Avila (GR L-30375, Sept. 12, 1978) Facts: Congressman Salipada Pendatun of Cotobato, filed a complaint for libel against Mayor Jose Escribano of Tacurong before the Court of First Instance (now theRTC) to Judge David Avila. Escribano questioned Judge Avila’s authority to conduct the preliminary investigation of the offense. He contended that the city fiscal of Cotobato is the only one empowered to conduct the preliminary investigation, pursuant of RA 4363 and Art. 360 of the RPC which does not empower the Court of First Issuance to conduct preliminary investigations of written defamations due to an amendment made for Art 360 ("shall be conducted by the provincial or city fiscal of the province or city, or by the municipal court of the city or capital of the province where such action may be instituted in accordance with the provisions of this article.") Issue: Whether the Court of First Issuance is invested with the authority to conduct the preliminary investigation of the crime of libel or whether that power is lodged exclusively in the city attorney of that city. Held: Yes. The Court of First Issuance may conduct preliminary investigations because this power is not lodged exclusively in the city attorney. The enumeration in the law of the public officers and the courts that may conduct preliminary investigations was designed to divest the ordinary municipal court of that power but not to deprive the Court of First Instance of that same power. The power of the CFI to conduct a preliminary investigation is derived from the constitutional grant of power for a judge to hold a preliminary examination and to issue warrants of arrest and search warrants. What is important to remember is that preliminary investigations by the CFI are the exception to the rule and not the general rule.

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Ejusdem Generis When do you apply this rule?

Page 84: StatCon Cases

Vera vs. Cuevas GR L-33693-94, 31 May 1979 Facts: Consolidated Philippines Inc., General Milk Co. (Phil.) Inc., and Milk Industries Inc. are engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of filled milk products throughout the Philippines. The Institute of Evaporated Filled Milk Manufacturers of the Philippines is a corporation organized to uphold and maintain the highest standards of local filled milk industries, of which the companies are members. The Commissioner required the companies to withdraw from the market all of their filled milk products which do not bear the inscription required by Section 169 (Inscription to be placed on skimmed milk) of the Tax Code within 15 days from receipt of order with explicit warning of prosecution for non-compliance. The companies filed an action for prohibition and injunction. Issue: Whether Section 169 of the Tax Code can be enforced against the companies. Held: With Section 141 (specific tax imposed on skimmed milk) and Section 177 (penalty on sale of skimmed milk without payment of specific tax and legend required in Section 169) repealed by RA 344 and RA 463, respectively; Section 169 has lost its tax purpose, and thus the Commissioner necessary lost his authority to enforce the same. Further, Section 169 applies to skimmed milk, which is different to filled milk. Furthermore, Section 169 is only being enforced against the respondent companies and not against manufacturers, distributors or sellers of condensed skimmed milk such as SIMILAC, SMA, BREMIL, ENFAMIL, and OLAC. Such kind of enforcement amounts to an unconstitutional denial of the equal protection of the laws, for the law, if not equally enforced to persons similarly situated, would offend against the Constitution.

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Gaanan v. IAC and People of the Philippines G.R. No. L-69809 October 16, 1986 Facts: Leonardo Laconico telephoned appellant, Edgardo Gaanan, who is a lawyer, to come to his office and advise him on the settlement of the direct assault case because his regular lawyer, Atty. Leon Gonzaga, went on a business trip. According to the request, appellant went to the office of Laconico where he was briefed about the problem. When complainant called up, Laconico requested appellant to secretly listen to the telephone conversation through a telephone extension so as to hear personally the proposed conditions for the settlement. Appellant heard complainant enumerate the following conditions for withdrawal of the complaint for direct assault. (a) the P5,000.00 was no longer acceptable, and that the figure had been increased to P8,000.00. A breakdown of the P8,000.00 had been made together with other demands, to wit: (a) P5,000.00 no longer for the teacher Manuel Montebon, but for Atty. Pintor himself in persuading his client to withdraw the case for Direct Assault against Atty. Laconico before the Cebu City Fiscal's Office; (b) Public apology to be made by Atty. Laconico before the students of Don Bosco Technical High School; (c) Pl,000.00 to be given to the Don Bosco Faculty club; (d) transfer of son of Atty. Laconico to another school or another section of Don Bosco Technical High School; (e) Affidavit of desistance by Atty. Laconico on the Maltreatment case earlier filed against Manuel Montebon at the Cebu City Fiscal's Office, whereas Montebon's affidavit of desistance on the Direct Assault Case against Atty. Laconico to be filed later; (f) Allow Manuel Montebon to continue teaching at the Don Bosco Technical School; (g) Not to divulge the truth about the settlement of the Direct Assault Case to the mass media; (h) P2,000.00 attorney s fees for Atty. Pintor. (tsn, August 26, 1981, pp. 47-48). Complainant called up again and instructed Laconico to give the money to his wife at the office of the then Department of Public Highways. Laconico who earlier alerted his friend Colonel Zulueta of the Criminal Investigation Service of the Philippine Constabulary, insisted that complainant himself should receive the money. (tsn, March 10, 1982, pp. 26-33). When he received the money at the Igloo Restaurant, complainant was arrested by agents of the Philippine Constabulary. Appellant executed on the following day an affidavit stating that he heard complainant demand P8,000.00 for the withdrawal of the case for direct assault. Laconico attached the affidavit of appellant to the complainant for robbery/extortion which he filed against complainant. Since appellant listened to the telephone conversation without complainant's consent, complainant charged appellant and Laconico with violation of the Anti-Wiretapping Act. Issues: a. Whether or not the telephone conversation between the complainant and accused Laconico was private in nature b. Whether or not an extension telephone is covered by the term "device or arrangement" under Rep. Act No. 4200. Held: There is no question that the telephone conversation between complainant Atty. Pintor and accused Atty. Laconico was "private" in the sense that the words uttered were made between one person and another as distinguished from words between a speaker and a public. It is also undisputed that only one of the parties gave the petitioner the authority to listen to and overhear the caller's message with the use of an extension telephone line. Obviously, complainant Pintor, a member of the Philippine bar, would not have discussed the alleged demand for an P8,000.00 consideration in order to have his client withdraw a direct assault charge against Atty. Laconico filed with the Cebu City Fiscal's Office if he knew that another lawyer was also listening. We have to consider, however, that affirmance of the criminal conviction would, in effect, mean that a caller by merely using a telephone line can force the listener to secrecy no matter how obscene, criminal, or annoying the call may be. It would be the word of the caller against the listener's.

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When the bill was finalized into a statute, no mention was made of telephones in the enumeration of devices "commonly known as a dictaphone or dictagraph, detectaphone or walkie talkie or tape recorder or however otherwise described." The omission was not a mere oversight. Telephone party lines were intentionally deleted from the provisions of the Act. An extension telephone cannot be placed in the same category as a dictaphone, dictagraph or the other devices enumerated in Section 1 of RA No. 4200 as the use thereof cannot be considered as "tapping" the wire or cable of a telephone line. The telephone extension in this case was not installed for that purpose. It just happened to be there for ordinary office use. It is a rule in statutory construction that in order to determine the true intent of the legislature, the particular clauses and phrases of the statute should not be taken as detached and isolated expressions, but the whole and every part thereof must be considered in fixing the meaning of any of its parts. The phrase "device or arrangement" in Section 1 of RA No. 4200, although not exclusive to that enumerated therein, should be construed to comprehend instruments of the same or similar nature, that is, instruments the use of which would be tantamount to tapping the main line of a telephone. It refers to instruments whose installation or presence cannot be presumed by the party or parties being overheard because, by their very nature, they are not of common usage and their purpose is precisely for tapping, intercepting or recording a telephone conversation.

Page 87: StatCon Cases

Republic v. Migrino GR 89483, Aug. 30, 1990 Facts: - This case puts in issue the authority of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), through the New Armed Forces of the Philippines Anti-Graft Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), to investigate and cause the prosecution of petitioner, a retired military officer, for violation of RA 3019 and 1379. - May 13, 1986 > PCGG Chairman Jovito R. Salonga created, through an order, the New Armed Forces of the Philippines Anti-Graft Board which > investigated the unexplained wealth and corrupt practices of AFP personnel, both retired and in active service > primarily charged with the task of investigating cases of alleged violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (RA 3019) > make necessary recommendations to appropriate government agencies and instrumentalities with respect to the action to be taken thereon based on its findings - October 31, 1987 > Acting on information received by the Board, which indicated the acquisition of wealth beyond his lawful income Lt. Col. Troadio Tecson (ret.) was required by the Board to submit his explanation/comment together with his supporting evidence by this date. Tecson requested, and was granted, several postponements, but was unable to produce his supporting evidence because they were allegedly in the custody of his bookkeeper who had gone abroad. - June 30, 1988 > The Board proceeded with its investigation and submitted its resolution recommending that Tecson be prosecuted and tried for violation of RA 3019 and RA 1379. - The case was set for preliminary investigation by the PCGG. Tecson moved to dismiss the case on the ff grounds that: (1) PCGG has no jurisdiction over his person (2) action against him under RA 1379 has already prescribed (3) EO 14, insofar as it suspended the provisions of RA 1379 on prescription of actions, was inapplicable to his case (4) having retired from the AFP on May 9, 1984, he was now beyond the reach of RA 3019. The Board opposed the motion to dismiss. - February 8, 1989 > In a resolution, PCGG denied the motion to dismiss for lack of merit. - March 8, 1989 > Tecson moved for reconsideration but was denied by the PCGG in a resolution - March 20, 1989 at 2:00 p.m. > Tecson was directed to submit his counter-affidavit and other controverting evidence - March 13, 1989 > Tecson filed a petition for prohibition with preliminary injunction with RTC Pasig. PCGG filed a motion to dismiss and opposed the application for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction on the principal ground that RTC had no jurisdiction over the Board. Tecson opposed the motion to dismiss. PCGG replied to the opposition. - June 23, 1989 >Judge Migrino denied PCGG’s motion to dismiss - June 26, 1989 > Judge Migrino granted the application for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, enjoining PCGG from investigating or prosecuting Tecson under RA 3019 and 1379 upon the filing of a bond of P20,000.00 - August 29, 1989 > SC issued a restraining order enjoining Judge Migrino from enforcing his orders dated June 23, 1989 and June 26, 1989 and from proceeding with the Civil Case - Tecson filed his comment, to which PCGG filed a reply. A rejoinder to the reply was filed by PCGG. The Court gave due course to the petition and the parties filed their memoranda. Thereafter, the case was deemed submitted. Issue: WON Judge Migrino gravely abused his discretion or acted without or in excess of jurisdiction in issuing the assailed order dated June 26, 1989 enjoining PCGG, the Board from investigating and prosecuting Tecson for violation of RA 3019, otherwise known as Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and RA 1379, otherwise known as An Act for the Forfeiture of Unlawfully Acquired Property.

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Held: Yes. Those who wish to question or challenge the PCGG's acts or orders must seek recourse in the Sandiganbayan, which is vested with exclusive and original jurisdiction. - SC is confronted with a situation wherein the PCGG acted in excess of its jurisdiction and, hence, may be enjoined from doing so, but the court that issued the injunction against the PCGG has not been vested by law with jurisdiction over it and, thus, the injunction issued was null and void. - Judge Migrino clearly acted without or in excess of his jurisdiction when he took cognizance of Civil Case No. 57092 and issued the writ of preliminary injunction against the PCGG. The nullification of the assailed order of Judge Migrino issuing the writ of preliminary injunction is therefore in order. Likewise, Judge Migrino must be enjoined from proceeding with Civil Case No. 57092. - But in view of the patent lack of authority of the PCGG to investigate and cause the prosecution of private respondent for violation of RA 3019 and 1379, the PCGG must also be enjoined from proceeding with the case, without prejudice to any action that may be taken by the proper prosecutory agency. The rule of law mandates that an agency of government be allowed to exercise only the powers granted it. > PCGG (EO 1), was created due to the urgent need to recover the ill-gotten wealth amassed by former President Ferdinand E. Marcos, his immediate family, relatives, and close associates both here and abroad including the takeover or sequestration of all business enterprises and entities owned or controlled by them, during his administration, directly or through nominees, by taking undue advantage of their public office and/or using their powers, authority, influence, connections or relationship. Even though the alleged unlawful accumulation of wealth was done during the administration of Pres. Marcos, what has to be inquired into is WON private respondent acted as a "subordinate" of Pres. Marcos within the contemplation of EO 1 when he allegedly unlawfully acquired the properties. > It does not suffice that Tecson is or was a government official or employee during the administration of former Pres. Marcos. There must be a prima facie showing that the respondent unlawfully accumulated wealth by virtue of his close association or relation with former Pres. Marcos and/or his wife. This is so because otherwise the respondent's case will fall under existing general laws and procedures on the matter. RA 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, penalizes the corrupt practices of any public officer. Under RA 1379 (An Act Declaring Forfeited in Favor of the State Any Property Found to Have Been Unlawfully Acquired By Any Public Officer or Employee and Providing for the Procedure Therefor), whenever any public officer or employee has acquired during his incumbency an amount of property which is manifestly out of proportion to his salary as such public officer or employee and to his other lawful income and the income from legitimately acquired property, said property shall be presumed prima facie to have been unlawfully acquired. [Sec.2]. The Solicitor General shall file the petition and prosecute the case in behalf of the Republic, after preliminary investigation by the provincial or city prosecutor. > Moreover, the record shows that private respondent was being investigated for unlawfully acquired wealth under RA 3019 and 1379, and not under EO1, 2, 14 and 14-A. - The PCGG cannot do more than what it was empowered to do. Its task is limited to the recovery of the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses, their relatives and cronies. - The defense of prescription as Tecson already retired 6 years ago cannot hold water. It must be pointed out that Sec 2 of RA 1379 should be deemed amended or repealed by Article XI, section 15 of the 1987 Constitution which provides that "The right of the State to recover properties unlawfully acquired by public officials or employees, from them or from their nominees or transferees, shall not be barred by prescription, laches, or estoppel." Considering that Sec 2 of RA 1379 was deemed amended or repealed before the prescriptive period provided therein had lapsed insofar as Tecson is concerned, we cannot say that he had already acquired a vested right that may not be prejudiced by a subsequent enactment. Moreover, to bar the Government from recovering ill-gotten wealth would result in the validation or legitimization of the unlawful acquisition, a consequence at variance with the clear intent of RA 1379, which provides: SEC. 11. Laws on Prescription. The laws concerning acquisitive prescription and limitation of actions cannot be invoked by, nor shall they benefit the respondent, in respect to any property unlawfully acquired by him. Thus, we hold that the appropriate prosecutory agencies, i.e., the city or provincial prosecutor and the Solicitor General under Sec 2 of RA 1379, may still investigate the case and file the petition for the forfeiture of unlawfully acquired wealth against private respondent, now a private citizen.

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Exc. US v. Sto. Nino 13 Phil 141 Facts: Victor Sto.Niňo was caught possessing a deadly weapon, to wit: Iron bar, 15 inches in length, with an iron ball on one end and a string on the other end tied to the wrist. He was prosecuted under Act No. 1780, “An Act to regulate the Importation, Acquisition, Use and Transfer of Deadly Weapons.” Section 26 of said Act provides: “It shall be unlawful for any person to carry concealed upon his person any bowie knife, dirk dagger, kris or other deadly weapons, Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply to firearms in the possession of persons who have secured a license therefor or who are entitled to carry the same under the provisions of this Act.” The trial court ruled that the weapon carried by Sto. Niňo was not included in the prohibition citing the rule of EJUSDEM GENERIS. The trial court argued that the specifically enumerated terms refer to bladed weapons (bowie knife, dirk dagger, kris) and therefore, the general phrase “or other deadly weapons” should be construed to mean ‘and all other bladed deadly weapons.’ Issue: Whether or not the application of the rule of EJUSDEM GENERIS was proper in this case. Held: The rule of EJUSDEM GENERIS does not apply in this case since the proviso clearly indicates the Legislature’s intention to include in the prohibition weapons other than the bladed weapons therein specified.

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Notes: Section 54 - active intervention of public officers and employees - no justice, judge, fiscal, treasurer, or assessor of any province, no officer or employee of the army, no member of the national, provincial, city, municipal, or rural police force, and no classified civil service officer or employee shall aid in any candidate, or exert influence in any manner in any election or take part therein, except to vote, if entitled thereto, or to preserve public peace, if he is a peace officer.

Casus Omissus Casus Omissus pro omisso Habendus est (restrictive rule)

Page 91: StatCon Cases


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Permissive Rule

Page 92: StatCon Cases

*Redendo Singula Singulis PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. TEODORO TAMANI, accused-appellant. GR L-22160 & 22161, 21 Jan 1974 Issue as to dismissal of the appeal. After the appellant had filed his brief, the Solicitor General filed a motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground that the notice of appeal was 47 days late. Appellant's counsel de oficio did not oppose the motion. Action thereon was "deferred until this case is considered on the merits".(Resolution of March 7, 1967). The motion to dismiss is reiterated in appellee's brief. The lower court's decision convicting defendant Tamani was promulgated on February 14,1963. A copy thereof was served on his counsel on February 25, 1963. On March 1, 1963, he filed a motion for reconsideration. It was denied. A copy of the order of denial was served by registered mail on July 13, 1963 on defendant's counsel through his wife. He had eleven days or up to July 24, 1963 within which to appeal (if the reglementary 15 day period for appeal should be computed from the date of notification and not from the date of promulgation of the decision). He filed his notice of appeal only on September10, 1963 or forty eight days from July 24th Rule 122 of the Rules of Court provides: SEC. 6. - When appeal to be taken. An appeal must be taken within fifteen (15) days from promulgation or notice of the judgment or order appealed from. This period for perfecting an appeal shall be interrupted from the time a motion for new trial is filed until notice of the order overruling the motion shall have been served upon the defendant or his attorney Stat Con: 1. The word “must” in Section 6 is synonymous with “ought”. It connotes compulsion or mandatoriness. The clear terms of section 6 leave no room for doubt that the appeal should be effected within fifteen days from the promulgation of the judgment The counsel for appellant Tamani must have so understood that import of section 6 (which is confirmed by the practice in trial courts) as evinced by the fact that his motion for reconsideration was filed on March 1st, which was the fifteenth or last day of the reglementary period. The assumption that the 15-day period should be counted from February 25, 1963, when a copy of the decision was allegedly served on appellant's counsel by registered mail, is not well-taken 2) The word "promulgation" in section 6 should be construed as referring to "judgment" while the word "notice" should be construed as referring to "order". That construction is sanctioned by the rule of reddendo singula singulis: "referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate object", or "let each be put in its proper place, that is, the words should be taken distributively". Therefore, when the order denying appellant's motion for reconsideration was served by registered mail on July 13th on appellant's counsel, he had only one (1) day within which to file his notice of appeal and not eleven days. That construction is an application by analogy or in a suppletory character of the rule governing appeals in civil cases which is embodied in section 3,Rule 41 of the Rules of Court. Appellant Tamani's notice of appeal, filed on September 10, 1963, was fifty-eight days late. Arigoristic application of section 6 justifies the dismissal of his appeal, as prayed for by the prosecution. However, considering that appellants right to seek a review of his case was lost by reason of his counsel's inadvertence and considering further that the briefs have been submitted, the Court has resolved to review the record to obviate any possible miscarriage of justice.

Page 93: StatCon Cases



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Noscitur a sociis -the meaning of an unclear word or phrase is to be determined (construed) on the basis of its context the words or phrases surrounding it.

Page 94: StatCon Cases

People v. Santiago G.R. No. L-17663 Facts: The information herein alleges that defendant Isauro Santiago has committed the crime of “libel” as follows: That on or about the 5th day of October 1959, in the City of Manila, Philippines, the said accused, for the evident purpose of injuring the name and reputation of Arsenio H. Lacson, and of impeaching and besmirching the latter’s virtue, honesty, honor and reputation, and with the malicious intent of exposing him to public hatred, contempt and ridicule, did then and there wilfully, feloniously, maliciously and publicly call said Mayor Arsenio H. Lacson, in the course of a political speech delivered at 392 Fraternal, Quiapo, in said city, thru the medium of an amplifier system and before a crowd of around a hundred persons, the following, to wit: “Arsenio Hayop Lacson, pinakawalang hiyang Alkalde, Mayor Lacson raped a woman at the Aroma Cafe and another City Hall employee in Shellborne Hotel”, which are false, malicious and highly defamatory statements against Mayor Arsenio H. Lacson, delivered with no good intentions or justifiable motive, but solely for the purpose of injuring the name and reputation of said Mayor Arsenio H. Lacson and to expose him to public hatred, contempt and ridicule. Defendant moved to quash this information upon the ground that the crime charged therein is, not libel, but oral defamation, which has already prescribed, it having been allegedly committed on October 5, 1959, or more than six (6) months prior to the filing of the information on August 11, 1960. The Court of First Instance of Manila granted this motion and, accordingly, quashed the information, with costs de oficio. Hence, this appeal by the prosecution. The only issue in this case is whether the crime charged in the information is oral defamation, under Article 358 of the Revised Penal Code, or libel, under Article 355, in relation to Article 353, of the same Code. Said provisions read: ART. 358. Slander. – Oral defamation shall be punished by arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period if it is of a serious and insulting nature; otherwise the penalty shall bearresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos”. ART. 355. Libel by means of writings or similar means. – A libel committed by means of writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means, shall be punished by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods or a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both, in addition to the civil action which may be brought by the offended party. ART. 353. Definition of libel. – A libel is a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead. The prosecution maintains that “the medium of an amplifier system”, thru which the defamatory statements imputed to the accused were allegedly made, falls within the purview of the terms “writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means”, appearing in said Article 355, in the sense, at least, that in “amplifier system” is a means “similar” to “radio”. Held: This pretense is untenable. To begin with, as correctly stated in defendant’s brief, “radio as a means of publication is “the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves without conducting wires intervening between transmitter and receiver” (Library of Universal Knowledge)” (see, also, 18 Encyclopedia Britanica, p. 285), “while transmission of words by means of an amplifier system”, such as the one mentioned in the information, “is not thru “electromagnetic waves” and is with the use of “conducting wires” intervening between the transmitter . . . and the receiver . . . .

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Secondly, even the word “radio” used in said Article 355, should be considered in relation to the terms with which it is associated – “writing, printing, lithography, engraving . . . phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition or cinematographical exhibition” – all of which have a common characteristic, namely, their permanent nature as a means of publication, and this explains the graver penalty for libel than that prescribed for oral defamation. Thus, it has been held that slanderous statements forming part of a manuscript read by a speaker over the radio constitute libel (Sorensen vs. Wood, 243 N.W. 82, 82 A.L.R. 1109; Nules vs. Wasner, 20 P. [2d] 487, 104 A.L.R. 877), whereas the rules governing such offense were declared inapplicable to extemporaneous remarks of scurrilous nature, made ad libitum in the course of a radio broadcast by a person hired to read a prepared text, but not appearing thereon (Summit Hotel Co. vs. National Broadcasting Co., PA-124 A.L.R. 963). IN SHORT, the facts alleged in the information constitute the crime of oral defamation punished in Article 358 of the Revised Penal Code, which prescribed six (6) months after its commission, or on April 5, 1960 (Articles 90 and 91, Revised Penal Code), over four (4) months before the filing of said information, in view of which the order appealed from is affirmed, without special pronouncement as to costs. It is so ordered.

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Construction of Words and Phrases -"May" and "Shall"

Notes: May - may provide options to choose from but which one may opt not to Shall - may provide options to mandatorily choose from

Page 97: StatCon Cases

Diokno v. Rehabilitation Finance Corporation  G.R. No. L-4712 (July 11, 1952) FACTS: Petitioner, the holder of a back pay certificate of indebtedness issued under  RA 304, sought to compel Respondent company to accept his back pay certificate as payment of his loan from the latter.  His basis was  Sec. 2 of RA 304, which provides that “investment funds or banks or other financial institutions owned or controlled by the government  shall subject to availability of loanable funds … accept or discount at  not  more  than two per  centum per  annum for  ten years  such certificate”  for certain  specified purposes.   Respondent  company  contended however  that  the word “shall” used in this  particular section of the law is merely directory.   The lower court sustained Respondent company. ISSUE: W/N  Petitioner  can  use  his  back  pay  certificate  to  pay  for  his  loan  to  Respondent company. HELD: No.   It is  true that  in its  ordinary signification,  the word “shall” is  imperative.  However, the rule is not absolute; it may be construed as “may” when required by the context or by the intention of the statute.   The modifier, “at not more than two per  centum per  annum for  ten years.”,  the interest  to be charged,  that  the verb phrase is mandatory because not only the law uses “at not more” but the legislative purpose and intent, to conserve the value of the back pay certificate for the benefit  of the holders, for whose benefit the same have been issued, can be carried out by fixing a maximum limit for discounts. But as to when the discounting or acceptance shall be made, the context and the sense demand a contrary interpretation. If the acceptance or discount of the certificate is to be “subject” to the condition of the availability  of  loanable  funds,  it  is  evident  the  legislature  intended  that  the acceptance shall  be allowed on the condition that  there are “available loanable funds.”  In other words, acceptance or discount is to be permitted only if there are loanable funds. 

Notes: Shall - limited to the options provided

Page 98: StatCon Cases

"Of" and "May" "And" and "Or" GMCR v. Bell Telecommunication Phil GR 126496, 30 April 1997 Facts: On 19 October, 1993, BellTel filed with the National Telecommunications Commission an application for a certificate of public convenience with a further request for the issuance of a provisional authority (NTC Case 93-481). On 25 March 1994, RA 7692 was enacted granting BellTel a legislative franchise to operate business of providing telecommunication services. O. 12 July 1994, BellTel filed a second application for a certificate of public convenience, proposing to install 2.6 Million telephone lines in 10 years and to provide a 100% digital local exchange network (NTC case 94-229). I also moved for the withdrawal of the first application, without prejudice, which was granted by the NTC. BellTel's 2nd application was opposed by various telecommunication companies. BellTel's application was referred to the Common Carriers Authorization Department (CCAD), which found BellTel's proposal technically feasible and BellTel to be financially capable. The two deputy commissioners of the NTC signified their approval of the CCAD recommendation. The working draft was prepared by the legal department, was initiated by the two deputy commissioners, but was not signed by NTC Commissioner Simeon Kintanar. BellTel filed a motion to promulgate, after previously filing two urgent esparte motion to resolve application which were not acted upon by the NTC. On 4 July 1995, the NTC denied the motion in an order signed solely by Commissioner Kintanar. On 17 July 1995, BellTel filed a petition for certiorari, mandamus, and prohibition against NTC before the SC. The court referred the case to the CA pursuant to paragraph 1, Section 9 of BP 129. The CA granted BellTel's position. Hence, the petitions for review by the opposing telecommunication companies and Commissioner Kintanar.

Issue: W/N the vote of the Chairman of the Commission is sufficient to legally render an NTC order resolution or decision. Held: Having been organized under EO 146 as "composed of a Commissioner and two deputy commissioners," the NTC is a collegial body. The "and" means in addition to and it must be accepted as binding together and as relating to one another. Every part must be given effect. The thing may rather ahve effect than be destroyed. Thus, it requires a majority vote out of three members of the commission in order to validly decide a case or any incident therein. The vote alone of the chairman is not sufficient to legally render an NTC order, resolution or decision. The NTC Circulars and Order of Kintanar, declaring the NTC as a single entity or non-collegial entity, are contrary to law and thus are null and void.

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"Principally" and "Exclusively" Alfon v. Republic GR L-51201, 29 May 1980

Facts: Maria Estrella Veronica Primitiva Duterte was born on 15 May, 1952 to Filomeno Duterte and Estrella. She was taken care of her uncle and aunt, Mr. And Mrs. Hector Alfon. When she started schooling, she used the name Estrella Alfon. She used the same name in schools, universities, and in voting. She filed a verified petition on 28 April 1978 praying that her anne be changed to Estrella Alfon. The CFI partially denied her petition, granting only a change of first name but not the surname, on the ground that Article 364 of the Civil Code provides: "Legitimate and legitimated children shall principally use the surname of their father.

Issue: W/N the court should grant the petition.

Held: The court grants the petition. The word "principally" is synonymous to primarily and indicates choice. It is not equivalent to "exclusively," which means solely, so that there is no legal obstacle if a legitimate or legitimated child should choose to use the surname of its mother to which it is equally entitled. One of the grounds for change of name is when the change is necessary to svoid confusion. This applies in the case at bar since Estrella has long used the name of her uncle.

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"Principally" and "Exclusively"

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"Every" NHA v. Juco 134 SCRA 172

Facts: Juco was an employee of the NHA. He filed a complaint for illegal dismissal w/ MOLE but his case was dismissed by the labor arbiter on the ground that the NHA is a govt-owned corp. and jurisdiction over its employees is vested in the CSC. On appeal, the NLRC reversed the decision and remanded the case to the labor arbiter for further proceedings. NHA in turn appealed to the SC Issue: Are employees of the National Housing Corporation, a GOCC without original charter, covered by the Labor Code or by laws and regulations governing the civil service? Held: Sec. 11, Art XII-B of the Constitution specifically provides: "The Civil Service embraces every branch, agency, subdivision and instrumentality of the Government, including every government owned and controlled corporation. The inclusion of GOCC within the embrace of the civil service shows a deliberate effort at the framers to plug an earlier loophole which allowed GOCC to avoid the full consequences of the civil service system. All offices and firms of the government are covered. This consti provision has been implemented by statute PD 807 is unequivocal that personnel of GOCC belong to the civil service and subject to civil service requirements. "Every" means each one of a group, without exception. This case refers to a GOCC. It does not cover cases involving private firms taken over by the government in foreclosure or similar proceedings. xxx For purposes of coverage in the Civil Service, employees of govt- owned or controlled corps. whether created by special law or formed as subsidiaries are covered by the Civil Service Law, not the Labor Code, and the fact that pvt. corps. owned or controlled by the govt may be created by special charter does not mean that such corps. not created by special law are not covered by the Civil Service.

Notes: There is no need to enumerate.

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Surplusages -1. Redundant words in a statute or legal instrument; language that does not add meaning <the court must give effect to every word, reading nothing as mere surplusage>. [Cases: Statutes 202, 206.] 2. Extraneous matter in a pleading <allegations that are irrelevant to the case will be treated as surplusage>.

Demafiles v. COMELEC GR L-28396, 29 Dec 1987

Facts: Respondent Galido won over Petitioner due to the Provincial Board voting to reject returns. Petitioner challenged the right of 2 board members to sit, considering that they were reelectionists. Respondent Commission ruled in favor of Petitioner. Galido then asked for reconsideration, stating that the 2 board members in question were disqualified only when the board was acting as a provincial but not as municipal. In light of this, Respondent Commission reversed its previous decision. Issues: 1. W/N this case is moot and the board had the authority to reject the returns from Precinct 7. 2. W/N the board members who were candidates for reelection were disqualified from sitting in the board in its capacity as a municipal board of canvassers. 3. W/N Respondent Commission can order the board of canvassers to count a return. Held:   RA 4970 reads:  “the first mayor, vice-mayor and councilors of the municipalityof Sebaste shall be elected in the next general elections for local officials and shall have qualified” The Supreme Court ruled that “and shall have qualified” is devoid of meaning. The term of office of municipals shall begin in the 1st day of January following their election, despite the fact that Sebaste was a newly created municipality. No, a canvassing board may not reject any returns due to whatever cause. However, since there is a possibility of fraud, the canvass made and proclamation should be annulled. The law states “any member of a provincial board or of municipal council who is a candidate for office in any election, shall be incompetent to act on the said body” Since Respondent Commission has the power to annul and illegal canvass and proclamation, there is no reason as to why it cannot order canvassing bodies to count all returns which are otherwise regular..

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Punctuations Arabay v. CFI of Zamboanga del Norte 66 SCRA 617

Facts: The Municipality of Dipolog enacted Ordinance 19 that charged tax for the selling and distribution of gasoline, lubricating oils, diesel fuel oils, and petroleum-based products. Arabay, Inc, distributor of as, oil, and other petroleum products, contested the validity of such on the ground that the tax is beyond the power of a municipality to levy under Sec. 2 of RA No. 2264, which provides that "municipalities may not (1) impose any percentage tax on sales or other taxes... (2) nor impose taxes on articles subject to specific tax, except gasoline..."

Issue: W/N Arabay, Inc is entitled to a refund.

Held: The ordinance levied a sales tax not only because of the character of the ordinance as s sales tax ordinance but also because the phraseology of the provision reveals in clear terms the intention to impose a tax on sale. It is evident from the terms that the amount of the tax that may be collected is directly dependent upon the volume of sales. Since Sec. 2 of the Local Autonomy Act prohibits the municipality from imposing sales and specific tax, with the exception of gasoline, there subsists the right of Arabay, Inc to a refund. The reasonable and practical interpretation of the terms of the proviso in question resulted in the conclusion that Congress, in excluding gasoline, deliberately and intentionally meant to put it within the power of such local governments to impose whatever type or form of taxes. Punctuations are not decisive or controlling elements. Construction should be based on something more substantial than mere punctuation.

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Other Examples People v. Mejia GR 118940-41 and GR 119407, 7 July 1997

Facts: On March 10, 1994 at an expressway at Barangay Ventinilla, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan, the accused attacked the Jeepney driven by Landingin and attacked him and passenger Catugas, inflicting multiple stab wounds. Catugas, who was thrown out of the middle of the road, survived while Landingin died. Three separate criminal complaints were filed against them: murder, frustrated murder, and violation of RA 6539 or the Anti-Carnapping Act of 1992.

Sec. 14 of the RA 6539 states: "Any person who is found guilty of carnapping shall, irrespective of the value of the motor vehicle taken, be punished by imprisonment for not les than seventeen years and four months and not more than thirty years, when the carnapping is committed by means of violence or in intimidation of persons or force upon things; and the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, when the owner, driver, or occupant is killed or raped in the course of the commission of the carnapping or on the occasion thereof."

Issue: W/N the phrase "is killed" covers both homicide and murder. If the crime is frustrated murder, would the penalty be life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua to death? W/N frustrated homicide would be treated as a separate offense.

Held: The words "is killed" make no distinction between homicide and murder. Whether it is one or the other which is committed "in the course of carnapping or on the occasion thereof" makes no difference in so far as the penalty is concerned. The killing. Whether it is homicide or murder, cannot be treated as a separate offense and only serves to qualify the carnapping. The phrase "is killed" refers only to consummated murder, and not frustrated murder. Frustrated homicide or murder is not treated as a separate offense as it is deemed to fall under the clause of Sec. 14 "by means of violence or intimidation of persons."

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Number, Gender, and Tense Santillon v. Miranda GR L-19281, 30 July, 1965

Facts: On Nov 1, 1953, Santillon died without testament and left his wife, Perfecta, and son, Claro, several parcels of land located in the province. 4 years after, Claro filed a petition for letters of administration, which was opposed by Perfected and souses Miranda and Corrales on the grounds of: (1) all the properties in the petition were conjugal (2) Perfecta conveyed 3/4 of her undivided shares to the spouses (3) administration was not necessary there being a case on partition pending (4) Perfecta would be the more appropriate administrator. Perfecta was appoint administratix.

Claro claims 3/4 of 1/2 of his father's estate in accordance with Art. 892 of the New Civil Code: "If only the legitimate child or descendant of the deceased survives the widow or widower shall be entitled to one-fourth of the hereditary estate. Perfecta claims 1/2 in accordance with Art. 996: "if a widow or widower and legitimate children or descendants are left, surviving spouse has in the succession the same share as that of each children.

Issue: W/N Claro is entitled to 3/4 of the share.

Held: Claro is not entitled because Art. 892 falls under the chapter on Testamentary Succession while Art. 996 comes under the chapter on Legal or Intestate Succession. Further, even though the provision states "children or descendants," it is understood to include the singular "child."

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Special over General What is the rule regarding conflicting provisions of the same statute?

According to value

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Amended Section 12 reads: "...The Vice Mayor shall appoint all the employees of the Board who may be suspended or removed in accordance with law, and shall approve the payroll of the said employees." "ut magis valeat quam pereat" (that construction [is to be] sought which gives effect to the whole of the statute--its every word) Section 14 limits the power of the Vice Mayor to appoint all the employees under Section 12 other than the secretary.

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What is the rule regarding conflicting provisions of different statues?

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Or else would result in double taxation

No city, municipality, district may levy the following: 1 taxes on persons operating waterworks, irrigation and other PU except electric light, heat and power. 2 taxes on persons paying franchise

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What is the rule in case of conflict between a special provision of a general law and a general provision of a special law?

The other law in conflict with the CC is RA 409 (Charter of the City of Manila), Section 4: The city shall not be liable or held for damages or injuries to persons or property arising from the failure of the mayor, the municipal board, or any other city officer, to enforce the provisions of this chapter, or any other law or ordinance, or from negligence of said Mayor, etc, while enforcing or attempting to enforce said provisions. The special provision of the general law prevails.

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*also, contemporaneous acts of the legislature

The Constitutional Commission discussed that the term of barangay officials will be "as may be determined by law" thus, as may be determined by the Local Autonomy Code, which is a 3-year limit.

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External Aids Origin of the State

Sections 34, 35, and 36 of General Orders 58: 34. When two or more persons shall be included in the same charge, the court, at any time before the defendants have entered upon their defense or upon the application of the counsel of the government, may direct any defendant to be discharged, that he may be a witness for the United States. 35. When tow or more persons shall be included in the same charge, and the court shall be of opinion in respect to a particular defendant that there is not sufficient evidence to put him on his defense, it must order him to be discharged before the evidence is closed, that he may be a witness for his codefendant. 36. The order indicated in sections thirty-four and thirty-five shall amount to an acquittal of the defendant discharged, and shall be a bar to future prosecution for the same offense. "only granted to those who testify in good faith... (those who do otherwise would commit) an outrage on law, and a prostitution of justice." The defendants failure to perform his duty deprived him of the right to plead his former dismissal as a bar to his prosecution in this case. He is convicted and sentenced. "It is a general rule of statcon that courts may take judicial notice of the origin and history of the statues which they are called upon to construe and administer, and of the facts which affect their derivation, validity, and operation." In accordance to the common law of England, of which the practice originates, the FAITHFUL performance of the agreement entitled him to an equitable rights to a recommendation of executive clemency.

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Legislative debates

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Section 9 of RA 1161 In the System shall be compulsory upon all members between the age of 16 and 60 years inclusive, if they have been for atleast 6 months at the service if an employer who is a member of the system,

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Presumptions In favor of validity of Legislative acts

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Check pp. 5-6

In favor of beneficial operation of statutes

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Repeals Rule on retroactivity of repeals

Tac-an v. CA GR 62251, 29 July 1985 Facts: Petitioners and respondent are brothers and sisters. Their mother managed the entire estate, including an agricultural land when their father died. Upon the mother's death, they partitioned the estate thru a compromise agreement because of Alfonso's complaints. Alfonso claims to be the owner of the coconut trees in their land which he planted upon agreement between him and his mother. He received half of his produce.The petitioners contend that he is barred by prior judgment of the intestate proceedings. Issue: W/N he can claim his share. Held: Yes, he has reserved his right to recovery of ownership of coconuts. He is also not barred by prescription because he filed his complaint 2 years after the intestate proceedings. Art. 1144 of the Cc provides 10 years before the right accrues. He cannot claim his share because he conceded in a compromise agreement.

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Implied Repeals

"...offices entirely paid out of city funds and their resoective assistants shall be appointd by the mayor provided that this does not apply to city treasurers.

Appointment is governed by RAC.

1987 1967

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