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State Immunity Cases

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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. L-11154 March 21, 1916 E. MERRITT, plaintiff-appellant, vs. GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, defendant-appellant. Crossfield and O'Brien for plaintiff. Attorney-General Avanceña for defendant.. TRENT, J.: This is an appeal by both parties from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of the city of Manila in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of P14,741, together with the costs of the cause. Counsel for the plaintiff insist that the trial court erred (1) "in limiting the general damages which the plaintiff suffered to P5,000, instead of P25,000 as claimed in the complaint," and (2) "in limiting the time when plaintiff was entirely disabled to two months and twenty-one days and fixing the damage accordingly in the sum of P2,666, instead of P6,000 as claimed by plaintiff in his complaint." The Attorney-General on behalf of the defendant urges that the trial court erred: (a) in finding that the collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle and the ambulance of the General Hospital was due to the negligence of the chauffeur; (b) in holding that the Government of the Philippine Islands is liable for the damages sustained by the plaintiff as a result of the collision, even if it be true that the collision was due to the negligence of the chauffeur; and (c) in rendering judgment against the defendant for the sum of P14,741. The trial court's findings of fact, which are fully supported by the record, are as follows: It is a fact not disputed by counsel for the defendant that when the plaintiff, riding on a motorcycle, was going toward the western part of Calle Padre Faura, passing along the west side thereof at a speed of ten to twelve miles an hour, upon crossing Taft Avenue and when he was ten feet from the southwestern intersection of said streets, the General Hospital ambulance, upon reaching said avenue, instead of turning toward the south, after passing the center thereof, so that it would be on the left side of said avenue, as is prescribed by the ordinance and the Motor Vehicle Act, turned suddenly and unexpectedly and long before reaching the center of the street, into the right side of Taft Avenue, without having sounded any whistle or horn, by which movement it struck the plaintiff, who was already six feet from the southwestern point or from the post place there.
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Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-11154 March 21, 1916

E. MERRITT, plaintiff-appellant,



Crossfield and O'Brien for plaintiff.

Attorney-General Avanceña for defendant..


This is an appeal by both parties from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of the city of

Manila in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of P14,741, together with the costs of the cause.

Counsel for the plaintiff insist that the trial court erred (1) "in limiting the general damages

which the plaintiff suffered to P5,000, instead of P25,000 as claimed in the complaint," and (2)

"in limiting the time when plaintiff was entirely disabled to two months and twenty-one days and

fixing the damage accordingly in the sum of P2,666, instead of P6,000 as claimed by plaintiff in

his complaint."

The Attorney-General on behalf of the defendant urges that the trial court erred: (a) in finding

that the collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle and the ambulance of the General Hospital

was due to the negligence of the chauffeur; (b) in holding that the Government of the Philippine

Islands is liable for the damages sustained by the plaintiff as a result of the collision, even if it be

true that the collision was due to the negligence of the chauffeur; and (c) in rendering judgment

against the defendant for the sum of P14,741.

The trial court's findings of fact, which are fully supported by the record, are as follows:

It is a fact not disputed by counsel for the defendant that when the plaintiff, riding on a

motorcycle, was going toward the western part of Calle Padre Faura, passing along the

west side thereof at a speed of ten to twelve miles an hour, upon crossing Taft Avenue

and when he was ten feet from the southwestern intersection of said streets, the General

Hospital ambulance, upon reaching said avenue, instead of turning toward the south, after

passing the center thereof, so that it would be on the left side of said avenue, as is

prescribed by the ordinance and the Motor Vehicle Act, turned suddenly and

unexpectedly and long before reaching the center of the street, into the right side of Taft

Avenue, without having sounded any whistle or horn, by which movement it struck the

plaintiff, who was already six feet from the southwestern point or from the post place


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By reason of the resulting collision, the plaintiff was so severely injured that, according

to Dr. Saleeby, who examined him on the very same day that he was taken to the General

Hospital, he was suffering from a depression in the left parietal region, a would in the

same place and in the back part of his head, while blood issued from his nose and he was

entirely unconscious.

The marks revealed that he had one or more fractures of the skull and that the grey matter

and brain was had suffered material injury. At ten o'clock of the night in question, which

was the time set for performing the operation, his pulse was so weak and so irregular that,

in his opinion, there was little hope that he would live. His right leg was broken in such a

way that the fracture extended to the outer skin in such manner that it might be regarded

as double and the would be exposed to infection, for which reason it was of the most

serious nature.

At another examination six days before the day of the trial, Dr. Saleeby noticed that the

plaintiff's leg showed a contraction of an inch and a half and a curvature that made his leg

very weak and painful at the point of the fracture. Examination of his head revealed a

notable readjustment of the functions of the brain and nerves. The patient apparently was

slightly deaf, had a light weakness in his eyes and in his mental condition. This latter

weakness was always noticed when the plaintiff had to do any difficult mental labor,

especially when he attempted to use his money for mathematical calculations.

According to the various merchants who testified as witnesses, the plaintiff's mental and

physical condition prior to the accident was excellent, and that after having received the

injuries that have been discussed, his physical condition had undergone a noticeable

depreciation, for he had lost the agility, energy, and ability that he had constantly

displayed before the accident as one of the best constructors of wooden buildings and he

could not now earn even a half of the income that he had secured for his work because he

had lost 50 per cent of his efficiency. As a contractor, he could no longer, as he had

before done, climb up ladders and scaffoldings to reach the highest parts of the building.

As a consequence of the loss the plaintiff suffered in the efficiency of his work as a

contractor, he had to dissolved the partnership he had formed with the engineer. Wilson,

because he was incapacitated from making mathematical calculations on account of the

condition of his leg and of his mental faculties, and he had to give up a contract he had

for the construction of the Uy Chaco building."

We may say at the outset that we are in full accord with the trial court to the effect that the

collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle and the ambulance of the General Hospital was due

solely to the negligence of the chauffeur.

The two items which constitute a part of the P14,741 and which are drawn in question by the

plaintiff are (a) P5,000, the award awarded for permanent injuries, and (b) the P2,666, the

amount allowed for the loss of wages during the time the plaintiff was incapacitated from

pursuing his occupation. We find nothing in the record which would justify us in increasing the

amount of the first. As to the second, the record shows, and the trial court so found, that the

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plaintiff's services as a contractor were worth P1,000 per month. The court, however, limited the

time to two months and twenty-one days, which the plaintiff was actually confined in the

hospital. In this we think there was error, because it was clearly established that the plaintiff was

wholly incapacitated for a period of six months. The mere fact that he remained in the hospital

only two months and twenty-one days while the remainder of the six months was spent in his

home, would not prevent recovery for the whole time. We, therefore, find that the amount of

damages sustained by the plaintiff, without any fault on his part, is P18,075.

As the negligence which caused the collision is a tort committed by an agent or employee of the

Government, the inquiry at once arises whether the Government is legally-liable for the damages

resulting therefrom.

Act No. 2457, effective February 3, 1915, reads:

An Act authorizing E. Merritt to bring suit against the Government of the Philippine

Islands and authorizing the Attorney-General of said Islands to appear in said suit.

Whereas a claim has been filed against the Government of the Philippine Islands by Mr.

E. Merritt, of Manila, for damages resulting from a collision between his motorcycle and

the ambulance of the General Hospital on March twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and


Whereas it is not known who is responsible for the accident nor is it possible to determine

the amount of damages, if any, to which the claimant is entitled; and

Whereas the Director of Public Works and the Attorney-General recommended that an

Act be passed by the Legislature authorizing Mr. E. Merritt to bring suit in the courts

against the Government, in order that said questions may be decided: Now, therefore,

By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

SECTION 1. E. Merritt is hereby authorized to bring suit in the Court of First Instance of

the city of Manila against the Government of the Philippine Islands in order to fix the

responsibility for the collision between his motorcycle and the ambulance of the General

Hospital, and to determine the amount of the damages, if any, to which Mr. E. Merritt is

entitled on account of said collision, and the Attorney-General of the Philippine Islands is

hereby authorized and directed to appear at the trial on the behalf of the Government of

said Islands, to defendant said Government at the same.

SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, February 3, 1915.

Did the defendant, in enacting the above quoted Act, simply waive its immunity from suit or did

it also concede its liability to the plaintiff? If only the former, then it cannot be held that the Act

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created any new cause of action in favor of the plaintiff or extended the defendant's liability to

any case not previously recognized.

All admit that the Insular Government (the defendant) cannot be sued by an individual without

its consent. It is also admitted that the instant case is one against the Government. As the consent

of the Government to be sued by the plaintiff was entirely voluntary on its part, it is our duty to

look carefully into the terms of the consent, and render judgment accordingly.

The plaintiff was authorized to bring this action against the Government "in order to fix the

responsibility for the collision between his motorcycle and the ambulance of the General

Hospital and to determine the amount of the damages, if any, to which Mr. E. Merritt is entitled

on account of said collision, . . . ." These were the two questions submitted to the court for

determination. The Act was passed "in order that said questions may be decided." We have

"decided" that the accident was due solely to the negligence of the chauffeur, who was at the

time an employee of the defendant, and we have also fixed the amount of damages sustained by

the plaintiff as a result of the collision. Does the Act authorize us to hold that the Government is

legally liable for that amount? If not, we must look elsewhere for such authority, if it exists.

The Government of the Philippine Islands having been "modeled after the Federal and State

Governments in the United States," we may look to the decisions of the high courts of that

country for aid in determining the purpose and scope of Act No. 2457.

In the United States the rule that the state is not liable for the torts committed by its officers or

agents whom it employs, except when expressly made so by legislative enactment, is well

settled. "The Government," says Justice Story, "does not undertake to guarantee to any person

the fidelity of the officers or agents whom it employs, since that would involve it in all its

operations in endless embarrassments, difficulties and losses, which would be subversive of the

public interest." (Claussen vs. City of Luverne, 103 Minn., 491, citing U. S. vs. Kirkpatrick, 9

Wheat, 720; 6 L. Ed., 199; and Beers vs. States, 20 How., 527; 15 L. Ed., 991.)

In the case of Melvin vs. State (121 Cal., 16), the plaintiff sought to recover damages from the

state for personal injuries received on account of the negligence of the state officers at the state

fair, a state institution created by the legislature for the purpose of improving agricultural and

kindred industries; to disseminate information calculated to educate and benefit the industrial

classes; and to advance by such means the material interests of the state, being objects similar to

those sought by the public school system. In passing upon the question of the state's liability for

the negligent acts of its officers or agents, the court said:

No claim arises against any government is favor of an individual, by reason of the

misfeasance, laches, or unauthorized exercise of powers by its officers or agents. (Citing

Gibbons vs. U. S., 8 Wall., 269; Clodfelter vs. State, 86 N. C., 51, 53; 41 Am. Rep., 440;

Chapman vs. State, 104 Cal., 690; 43 Am. St. Rep., 158; Green vs. State, 73 Cal., 29;

Bourn vs. Hart, 93 Cal., 321; 27 Am. St. Rep., 203; Story on Agency, sec. 319.)

As to the scope of legislative enactments permitting individuals to sue the state where the cause

of action arises out of either fort or contract, the rule is stated in 36 Cyc., 915, thus:

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By consenting to be sued a state simply waives its immunity from suit. It does not

thereby concede its liability to plaintiff, or create any cause of action in his favor, or

extend its liability to any cause not previously recognized. It merely gives a remedy to

enforce a preexisting liability and submits itself to the jurisdiction of the court, subject to

its right to interpose any lawful defense.

In Apfelbacher vs. State (152 N. W., 144, advanced sheets), decided April 16, 1915, the Act of

1913, which authorized the bringing of this suit, read:

SECTION 1. Authority is hereby given to George Apfelbacher, of the town of Summit,

Waukesha County, Wisconsin, to bring suit in such court or courts and in such form or

forms as he may be advised for the purpose of settling and determining all controversies

which he may now have with the State of Wisconsin, or its duly authorized officers and

agents, relative to the mill property of said George Apfelbacher, the fish hatchery of the

State of Wisconsin on the Bark River, and the mill property of Evan Humphrey at the

lower end of Nagawicka Lake, and relative to the use of the waters of said Bark River

and Nagawicka Lake, all in the county of Waukesha, Wisconsin.

In determining the scope of this act, the court said:

Plaintiff claims that by the enactment of this law the legislature admitted liability on the

part of the state for the acts of its officers, and that the suit now stands just as it would

stand between private parties. It is difficult to see how the act does, or was intended to do,

more than remove the state's immunity from suit. It simply gives authority to commence

suit for the purpose of settling plaintiff's controversies with the estate. Nowhere in the act

is there a whisper or suggestion that the court or courts in the disposition of the suit shall

depart from well established principles of law, or that the amount of damages is the only

question to be settled. The act opened the door of the court to the plaintiff. It did not pass

upon the question of liability, but left the suit just where it would be in the absence of the

state's immunity from suit. If the Legislature had intended to change the rule that

obtained in this state so long and to declare liability on the part of the state, it would not

have left so important a matter to mere inference, but would have done so in express

terms. (Murdock Grate Co. vs. Commonwealth, 152 Mass., 28; 24 N.E., 854; 8 L. R. A.,


In Denning vs. State (123 Cal., 316), the provisions of the Act of 1893, relied upon and

considered, are as follows:

All persons who have, or shall hereafter have, claims on contract or for negligence

against the state not allowed by the state board of examiners, are hereby authorized, on

the terms and conditions herein contained, to bring suit thereon against the state in any of

the courts of this state of competent jurisdiction, and prosecute the same to final

judgment. The rules of practice in civil cases shall apply to such suits, except as herein

otherwise provided.

And the court said:

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This statute has been considered by this court in at least two cases, arising under different

facts, and in both it was held that said statute did not create any liability or cause of

action against the state where none existed before, but merely gave an additional remedy

to enforce such liability as would have existed if the statute had not been enacted.

(Chapman vs. State, 104 Cal., 690; 43 Am. St. Rep., 158; Melvin vs. State, 121 Cal., 16.)

A statute of Massachusetts enacted in 1887 gave to the superior court "jurisdiction of all claims

against the commonwealth, whether at law or in equity," with an exception not necessary to be

here mentioned. In construing this statute the court, in Murdock Grate Co. vs.

Commonwealth (152 Mass., 28), said:

The statute we are discussing disclose no intention to create against the state a new and

heretofore unrecognized class of liabilities, but only an intention to provide a judicial

tribunal where well recognized existing liabilities can be adjudicated.

In Sipple vs. State (99 N. Y., 284), where the board of the canal claims had, by the terms of the

statute of New York, jurisdiction of claims for damages for injuries in the management of the

canals such as the plaintiff had sustained, Chief Justice Ruger remarks: "It must be conceded that

the state can be made liable for injuries arising from the negligence of its agents or servants, only

by force of some positive statute assuming such liability."

It being quite clear that Act No. 2457 does not operate to extend the Government's liability to

any cause not previously recognized, we will now examine the substantive law touching the

defendant's liability for the negligent acts of its officers, agents, and employees. Paragraph 5 of

article 1903 of the Civil Code reads:

The state is liable in this sense when it acts through a special agent, but not when the

damage should have been caused by the official to whom properly it pertained to do the

act performed, in which case the provisions of the preceding article shall be applicable.

The supreme court of Spain in defining the scope of this paragraph said:

That the obligation to indemnify for damages which a third person causes to another by

his fault or negligence is based, as is evidenced by the same Law 3, Title 15, Partida 7, on

that the person obligated, by his own fault or negligence, takes part in the act or omission

of the third party who caused the damage. It follows therefrom that the state, by virtue of

such provisions of law, is not responsible for the damages suffered by private individuals

in consequence of acts performed by its employees in the discharge of the functions

pertaining to their office, because neither fault nor even negligence can be presumed on

the part of the state in the organization of branches of public service and in the

appointment of its agents; on the contrary, we must presuppose all foresight humanly

possible on its part in order that each branch of service serves the general weal an that of

private persons interested in its operation. Between these latter and the state, therefore, no

relations of a private nature governed by the civil law can arise except in a case where the

state acts as a judicial person capable of acquiring rights and contracting obligations.

(Supreme Court of Spain, January 7, 1898; 83 Jur. Civ., 24.)

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That the Civil Code in chapter 2, title 16, book 4, regulates the obligations which arise

out of fault or negligence; and whereas in the first article thereof. No. 1902, where the

general principle is laid down that where a person who by an act or omission causes

damage to another through fault or negligence, shall be obliged to repair the damage so

done, reference is made to acts or omissions of the persons who directly or indirectly

cause the damage, the following articles refers to this persons and imposes an identical

obligation upon those who maintain fixed relations of authority and superiority over the

authors of the damage, because the law presumes that in consequence of such relations

the evil caused by their own fault or negligence is imputable to them. This legal

presumption gives way to proof, however, because, as held in the last paragraph of article

1903, responsibility for acts of third persons ceases when the persons mentioned in said

article prove that they employed all the diligence of a good father of a family to avoid the

damage, and among these persons, called upon to answer in a direct and not a subsidiary

manner, are found, in addition to the mother or the father in a proper case, guardians and

owners or directors of an establishment or enterprise, the state, but not always, except

when it acts through the agency of a special agent, doubtless because and only in this

case, the fault or negligence, which is the original basis of this kind of objections, must

be presumed to lie with the state.

That although in some cases the state might by virtue of the general principle set forth in

article 1902 respond for all the damage that is occasioned to private parties by orders or

resolutions which by fault or negligence are made by branches of the central

administration acting in the name and representation of the state itself and as an external

expression of its sovereignty in the exercise of its executive powers, yet said article is not

applicable in the case of damages said to have been occasioned to the petitioners by an

executive official, acting in the exercise of his powers, in proceedings to enforce the

collections of certain property taxes owing by the owner of the property which they hold

in sublease.

That the responsibility of the state is limited by article 1903 to the case wherein it

acts through a special agent (and a special agent, in the sense in which these words are

employed, is one who receives a definite and fixed order or commission, foreign to the

exercise of the duties of his office if he is a special official) so that in representation of

the state and being bound to act as an agent thereof, he executes the trust confided to him.

This concept does not apply to any executive agent who is an employee of the acting

administration and who on his own responsibility performs the functions which are

inherent in and naturally pertain to his office and which are regulated by law and the

regulations." (Supreme Court of Spain, May 18, 1904; 98 Jur. Civ., 389, 390.)

That according to paragraph 5 of article 1903 of the Civil Code and the principle laid

down in a decision, among others, of the 18th of May, 1904, in a damage case, the

responsibility of the state is limited to that which it contracts through a special agent, duly

empowered by a definite order or commission to perform some act or charged with some

definite purpose which gives rise to the claim, and not where the claim is based on acts or

omissions imputable to a public official charged with some administrative or technical

office who can be held to the proper responsibility in the manner laid down by the law of

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civil responsibility. Consequently, the trial court in not so deciding and in sentencing the

said entity to the payment of damages, caused by an official of the second class referred

to, has by erroneous interpretation infringed the provisions of articles 1902 and 1903 of

the Civil Code. (Supreme Court of Spain, July 30, 1911; 122 Jur. Civ., 146.)

It is, therefore, evidence that the State (the Government of the Philippine Islands) is only liable,

according to the above quoted decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain, for the acts of its agents,

officers and employees when they act as special agents within the meaning of paragraph 5 of

article 1903, supra, and that the chauffeur of the ambulance of the General Hospital was not such

an agent.

For the foregoing reasons, the judgment appealed from must be reversed, without costs in this

instance. Whether the Government intends to make itself legally liable for the amount of

damages above set forth, which the plaintiff has sustained by reason of the negligent acts of one

of its employees, by legislative enactment and by appropriating sufficient funds therefor, we are

not called upon to determine. This matter rests solely with the Legislature and not with the


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Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-35645 May 22, 1985


COLLINS and ROBERT GOHIER,petitioners,


HON. V. M. RUIZ, Presiding Judge of Branch XV, Court of First Instance of Rizal and

ELIGIO DE GUZMAN & CO., INC., respondents.

Sycip, Salazar, Luna & Manalo & Feliciano Law for petitioners.

Albert, Vergara, Benares, Perias & Dominguez Law Office for respondents.


This is a petition to review, set aside certain orders and restrain the respondent judge from trying

Civil Case No. 779M of the defunct Court of First Instance of Rizal.

The factual background is as follows:

At times material to this case, the United States of America had a naval base in Subic, Zambales.

The base was one of those provided in the Military Bases Agreement between the Philippines

and the United States.

Sometime in May, 1972, the United States invited the submission of bids for the following


1. Repair offender system, Alava Wharf at the U.S. Naval Station Subic Bay, Philippines.

2. Repair typhoon damage to NAS Cubi shoreline; repair typhoon damage to shoreline

revetment, NAVBASE Subic; and repair to Leyte Wharf approach, NAVBASE Subic Bay,


Eligio de Guzman & Co., Inc. responded to the invitation and submitted bids. Subsequent

thereto, the company received from the United States two telegrams requesting it to confirm its

price proposals and for the name of its bonding company. The company complied with the

requests. [In its complaint, the company alleges that the United States had accepted its bids

because "A request to confirm a price proposal confirms the acceptance of a bid pursuant to

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defendant United States' bidding practices." (Rollo, p. 30.) The truth of this allegation has not

been tested because the case has not reached the trial stage.]

In June, 1972, the company received a letter which was signed by Wilham I. Collins, Director,

Contracts Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest Pacific, Department of

the Navy of the United States, who is one of the petitioners herein. The letter said that the

company did not qualify to receive an award for the projects because of its previous

unsatisfactory performance rating on a repair contract for the sea wall at the boat landings of the

U.S. Naval Station in Subic Bay. The letter further said that the projects had been awarded to

third parties. In the abovementioned Civil Case No. 779-M, the company sued the United States

of America and Messrs. James E. Galloway, William I. Collins and Robert Gohier all members

of the Engineering Command of the U.S. Navy. The complaint is to order the defendants to

allow the plaintiff to perform the work on the projects and, in the event that specific performance

was no longer possible, to order the defendants to pay damages. The company also asked for the

issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction to restrain the defendants from entering into

contracts with third parties for work on the projects.

The defendants entered their special appearance for the purpose only of questioning the

jurisdiction of this court over the subject matter of the complaint and the persons of defendants,

the subject matter of the complaint being acts and omissions of the individual defendants as

agents of defendant United States of America, a foreign sovereign which has not given her

consent to this suit or any other suit for the causes of action asserted in the complaint." (Rollo, p.


Subsequently the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint which included an

opposition to the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction. The company opposed the

motion. The trial court denied the motion and issued the writ. The defendants moved twice to

reconsider but to no avail. Hence the instant petition which seeks to restrain perpetually the

proceedings in Civil Case No. 779-M for lack of jurisdiction on the part of the trial court.

The petition is highly impressed with merit.

The traditional rule of State immunity exempts a State from being sued in the courts of another

State without its consent or waiver. This rule is a necessary consequence of the principles of

independence and equality of States. However, the rules of International Law are not petrified;

they are constantly developing and evolving. And because the activities of states have multiplied,

it has been necessary to distinguish them-between sovereign and governmental acts (jure

imperii) and private, commercial and proprietary acts (jure gestionis). The result is that State

immunity now extends only to acts jure imperil The restrictive application of State immunity is

now the rule in the United States, the United Kingdom and other states in western Europe. (See

Coquia and Defensor Santiago, Public International Law, pp. 207-209 [1984].)

The respondent judge recognized the restrictive doctrine of State immunity when he said in his

Order denying the defendants' (now petitioners) motion: " A distinction should be made between

a strictly governmental function of the sovereign state from its private, proprietary or non-

governmental acts (Rollo, p. 20.) However, the respondent judge also said: "It is the Court's

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considered opinion that entering into a contract for the repair of wharves or shoreline is certainly

not a governmental function altho it may partake of a public nature or character. As aptly pointed

out by plaintiff's counsel in his reply citing the ruling in the case of Lyons, Inc., [104 Phil. 594

(1958)], and which this Court quotes with approval, viz.:

It is however contended that when a sovereign state enters into a contract with a

private person, the state can be sued upon the theory that it has descended to the

level of an individual from which it can be implied that it has given its consent to

be sued under the contract. ...

xxx xxx xxx

We agree to the above contention, and considering that the United States

government, through its agency at Subic Bay, entered into a contract with

appellant for stevedoring and miscellaneous labor services within the Subic Bay

Area, a U.S. Naval Reservation, it is evident that it can bring an action before our

courts for any contractual liability that that political entity may assume under the

contract. The trial court, therefore, has jurisdiction to entertain this case ... (Rollo,

pp. 20-21.)

The reliance placed on Lyons by the respondent judge is misplaced for the following reasons:

In Harry Lyons, Inc. vs. The United States of America, supra, plaintiff brought suit in the Court

of First Instance of Manila to collect several sums of money on account of a contract between

plaintiff and defendant. The defendant filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the court had

no jurisdiction over defendant and over the subject matter of the action. The court granted the

motion on the grounds that: (a) it had no jurisdiction over the defendant who did not give its

consent to the suit; and (b) plaintiff failed to exhaust the administrative remedies provided in the

contract. The order of dismissal was elevated to this Court for review.

In sustaining the action of the lower court, this Court said:

It appearing in the complaint that appellant has not complied with the procedure

laid down in Article XXI of the contract regarding the prosecution of its claim

against the United States Government, or, stated differently, it has failed to first

exhaust its administrative remedies against said Government, the lower court

acted properly in dismissing this case.(At p. 598.)

It can thus be seen that the statement in respect of the waiver of State immunity from suit was

purely gratuitous and, therefore, obiter so that it has no value as an imperative authority.

The restrictive application of State immunity is proper only when the proceedings arise out of

commercial transactions of the foreign sovereign, its commercial activities or economic affairs.

Stated differently, a State may be said to have descended to the level of an individual and can

thus be deemed to have tacitly given its consent to be sued only when it enters into business

contracts. It does not apply where the contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign functions.

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In this case the projects are an integral part of the naval base which is devoted to the defense of

both the United States and the Philippines, indisputably a function of the government of the

highest order; they are not utilized for nor dedicated to commercial or business purposes.

That the correct test for the application of State immunity is not the conclusion of a contract by a

State but the legal nature of the act is shown in Syquia vs. Lopez, 84 Phil. 312 (1949). In that case

the plaintiffs leased three apartment buildings to the United States of America for the use of its

military officials. The plaintiffs sued to recover possession of the premises on the ground that the

term of the leases had expired. They also asked for increased rentals until the apartments shall

have been vacated.

The defendants who were armed forces officers of the United States moved to dismiss the suit

for lack of jurisdiction in the part of the court. The Municipal Court of Manila granted the

motion to dismiss; sustained by the Court of First Instance, the plaintiffs went to this Court for

review on certiorari. In denying the petition, this Court said:

On the basis of the foregoing considerations we are of the belief and we hold that

the real party defendant in interest is the Government of the United States of

America; that any judgment for back or Increased rentals or damages will have to

be paid not by defendants Moore and Tillman and their 64 co-defendants but by

the said U.S. Government. On the basis of the ruling in the case of Land vs.

Dollar already cited, and on what we have already stated, the present action must

be considered as one against the U.S. Government. It is clear hat the courts of the

Philippines including the Municipal Court of Manila have no jurisdiction over the

present case for unlawful detainer. The question of lack of jurisdiction was raised

and interposed at the very beginning of the action. The U.S. Government has not ,

given its consent to the filing of this suit which is essentially against her, though

not in name. Moreover, this is not only a case of a citizen filing a suit against his

own Government without the latter's consent but it is of a citizen filing an action

against a foreign government without said government's consent, which renders

more obvious the lack of jurisdiction of the courts of his country. The principles

of law behind this rule are so elementary and of such general acceptance that we

deem it unnecessary to cite authorities in support thereof. (At p. 323.)

In Syquia,the United States concluded contracts with private individuals but the contracts

notwithstanding the States was not deemed to have given or waived its consent to be sued for the

reason that the contracts were forjure imperii and not for jure gestionis.

WHEREFORE, the petition is granted; the questioned orders of the respondent judge are set

aside and Civil Case No. is dismissed. Costs against the private respondent.

Teehankee, Aquino, Concepcion, Jr., Melencio-Herrera, Plana, * Escolin, Relova, Gutierrez, Jr.,

De la Fuente, Cuevas and Alampay, JJ., concur.

Fernando, C.J., took no part.

Page 13: State Immunity Cases

Separate Opinions

MAKASIAR, J., dissenting:

The petition should be dismissed and the proceedings in Civil Case No. 779-M in the defunct

CFI (now RTC) of Rizal be allowed to continue therein.

In the case of Lyons vs. the United States of America (104 Phil. 593), where the contract entered

into between the plaintiff (Harry Lyons, Inc.) and the defendant (U.S. Government) involved

stevedoring and labor services within the Subic Bay area, this Court further stated that inasmuch

as ". . . the United States Government. through its agency at Subic Bay, entered into a contract

with appellant for stevedoring and miscellaneous labor services within the Subic Bay area, a U.S.

Navy Reservation, it is evident that it can bring an action before our courts for any contractual

liability that that political entity may assume under the contract."

When the U.S. Government, through its agency at Subic Bay, confirmed the acceptance of a bid

of a private company for the repair of wharves or shoreline in the Subic Bay area, it is deemed to

have entered into a contract and thus waived the mantle of sovereign immunity from suit and

descended to the level of the ordinary citizen. Its consent to be sued, therefore, is implied from

its act of entering into a contract (Santos vs. Santos, 92 Phil. 281, 284).

Justice and fairness dictate that a foreign government that commits a breach of its contractual

obligation in the case at bar by the unilateral cancellation of the award for the project by the

United States government, through its agency at Subic Bay should not be allowed to take undue

advantage of a party who may have legitimate claims against it by seeking refuge behind the

shield of non-suability. A contrary view would render a Filipino citizen, as in the instant case,

helpless and without redress in his own country for violation of his rights committed by the

agents of the foreign government professing to act in its name.

Appropriate are the words of Justice Perfecto in his dissenting opinion in Syquia vs. Almeda

Lopez, 84 Phil. 312, 325:

Although, generally, foreign governments are beyond the jurisdiction of domestic

courts of justice, such rule is inapplicable to cases in which the foreign

government enters into private contracts with the citizens of the court's

jurisdiction. A contrary view would simply run against all principles of decency

and violative of all tenets of morals.

Moral principles and principles of justice are as valid and applicable as well with

regard to private individuals as with regard to governments either domestic or

Page 14: State Immunity Cases

foreign. Once a foreign government enters into a private contract with the private

citizens of another country, such foreign government cannot shield its non-

performance or contravention of the terms of the contract under the cloak of non-

jurisdiction. To place such foreign government beyond the jurisdiction of the

domestic courts is to give approval to the execution of unilateral contracts,

graphically described in Spanish as 'contratos leoninos', because one party gets

the lion's share to the detriment of the other. To give validity to such contract is to

sanctify bad faith, deceit, fraud. We prefer to adhere to the thesis that all parties in

a private contract, including governments and the most powerful of them, are

amenable to law, and that such contracts are enforceable through the help of the

courts of justice with jurisdiction to take cognizance of any violation of such

contracts if the same had been entered into only by private individuals.

Constant resort by a foreign state or its agents to the doctrine of State immunity in this

jurisdiction impinges unduly upon our sovereignty and dignity as a nation. Its application will

particularly discourage Filipino or domestic contractors from transacting business and entering

into contracts with United States authorities or facilities in the Philippines whether naval, air or

ground forces-because the difficulty, if not impossibility, of enforcing a validly executed contract

and of seeking judicial remedy in our own courts for breaches of contractual obligation

committed by agents of the United States government, always, looms large, thereby hampering

the growth of Filipino enterprises and creating a virtual monopoly in our own country by United

States contractors of contracts for services or supplies with the various U.S. offices and agencies

operating in the Philippines.

The sanctity of upholding agreements freely entered into by the parties cannot be over

emphasized. Whether the parties are nations or private individuals, it is to be reasonably assumed

and expected that the undertakings in the contract will be complied with in good faith.

One glaring fact of modern day civilization is that a big and powerful nation, like the United

States of America, can always overwhelm small and weak nations. The declaration in the United

Nations Charter that its member states are equal and sovereign, becomes hollow and meaningless

because big nations wielding economic and military superiority impose upon and dictate to small

nations, subverting their sovereignty and dignity as nations. Thus, more often than not, when

U.S. interest clashes with the interest of small nations, the American governmental agencies or

its citizens invoke principles of international law for their own benefit.

In the case at bar, the efficacy of the contract between the U.S. Naval authorities at Subic Bay on

one hand, and herein private respondent on the other, was honored more in the breach than in the

compliance The opinion of the majority will certainly open the floodgates of more violations of

contractual obligations. American authorities or any foreign government in the Philippines for

that matter, dealing with the citizens of this country, can conveniently seek protective cover

under the majority opinion. The result is disastrous to the Philippines.

This opinion of the majority manifests a neo-colonial mentality. It fosters economic imperialism

and foreign political ascendancy in our Republic.

Page 15: State Immunity Cases

The doctrine of government immunity from suit cannot and should not serve as an instrument for

perpetrating an injustice on a citizen (Amigable vs. Cuenca, L-26400, February 29, 1972, 43

SCRA 360; Ministerio vs. Court of First Instance, L-31635, August 31, 1971, 40 SCRA 464).

Under the doctrine of implied waiver of its non-suability, the United States government, through

its naval authorities at Subic Bay, should be held amenable to lawsuits in our country like any

other juristic person.

The invocation by the petitioner United States of America is not in accord with paragraph 3 of

Article III of the original RP-US Military Bases Agreement of March 14, 1947, which states that

"in the exercise of the above-mentioned rights, powers and authority, the United States agrees

that the powers granted to it will not be used unreasonably. . ." (Emphasis supplied).

Nor is such posture of the petitioners herein in harmony with the amendment dated May 27,

1968 to the aforesaid RP-US Military Bases Agreement, which recognizes "the need to promote

and maintain sound employment practices which will assure equality of treatment of all

employees ... and continuing favorable employer-employee relations ..." and "(B)elieving that an

agreement will be mutually beneficial and will strengthen the democratic institutions cherished

by both Governments, ... the United States Government agrees to accord preferential

employment of Filipino citizens in the Bases, thus (1) the U.S. Forces in the Philippines shall fill

the needs for civilian employment by employing Filipino citizens, etc." (Par. 1, Art. I of the

Amendment of May 27, 1968).

Neither does the invocation by petitioners of state immunity from suit express fidelity to

paragraph 1 of Article IV of the aforesaid amendment of May 2 7, 1968 which directs that "

contractors and concessionaires performing work for the U.S. Armed Forces shall be required by

their contract or concession agreements to comply with all applicable Philippine labor laws and

regulations, " even though paragraph 2 thereof affirms that "nothing in this Agreement shall

imply any waiver by either of the two Governments of such immunity under international law."

Reliance by petitioners on the non-suability of the United States Government before the local

courts, actually clashes with No. III on respect for Philippine law of the Memorandum of

Agreement signed on January 7, 1979, also amending RP-US Military Bases Agreement, which

stresses that "it is the duty of members of the United States Forces, the civilian component and

their dependents, to respect the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and to abstain from any

activity inconsistent with the spirit of the Military Bases Agreement and, in particular, from any

political activity in the Philippines. The United States shag take all measures within its authority

to insure that they adhere to them (Emphasis supplied).

The foregoing duty imposed by the amendment to the Agreement is further emphasized by No.

IV on the economic and social improvement of areas surrounding the bases, which directs that

"moreover, the United States Forces shall procure goods and services in the Philippines to the

maximum extent feasible" (Emphasis supplied).

Under No. VI on labor and taxation of the said amendment of January 6, 1979 in connection with

the discussions on possible revisions or alterations of the Agreement of May 27, 1968, "the

Page 16: State Immunity Cases

discussions shall be conducted on the basis of the principles of equality of treatment, the right to

organize, and bargain collectively, and respect for the sovereignty of the Republic of the

Philippines" (Emphasis supplied)

The majority opinion seems to mock the provision of paragraph 1 of the joint statement of

President Marcos and Vice-President Mondale of the United States dated May 4, 1978 that "the

United States re-affirms that Philippine sovereignty extends over the bases and that Its base shall

be under the command of a Philippine Base Commander, " which is supposed to underscore the

joint Communique of President Marcos and U.S. President Ford of December 7, 1975, under

which "they affirm that sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political independence of all

States are fundamental principles which both countries scrupulously respect; and that "they

confirm that mutual respect for the dignity of each nation shall characterize their friendship as

well as the alliance between their two countries. "

The majority opinion negates the statement on the delineation of the powers, duties and

responsibilities of both the Philippine and American Base Commanders that "in the performance

of their duties, the Philippine Base Commander and the American Base Commander shall be

guided by full respect for Philippine sovereignty on the one hand and the assurance of

unhampered U.S. military operations on the other hand and that "they shall promote cooperation

understanding and harmonious relations within the Base and with the general public in the

proximate vicinity thereof" (par. 2 & par. 3 of the Annex covered by the exchange of notes,

January 7, 1979, between Ambassador Richard W. Murphy and Minister of Foreign Affairs

Carlos P. Romulo, Emphasis supplied).

Page 17: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. 129406 March 6, 2006





BENEDICTO, Respondents.



Before the Court is this petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court to nullify and

set aside the March 28, 19951 and March 13, 1997

2 Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan, Second

Division, in Civil Case No. 0034, insofar as said resolutions ordered the Presidential

Commission on Good Government (PCGG) to pay private respondent Roberto S. Benedicto or

his corporations the value of 227 shares of stock of the Negros Occidental Golf and Country

Club, Inc. (NOGCCI) at P150,000.00 per share, registered in the name of said private respondent

or his corporations.

The facts:

Civil Case No. 0034 entitled Republic of the Philippines, plaintiff, v. Roberto S. Benedicto, et

al., defendants, is a complaint for reconveyance, reversion, accounting, reconstitution and

damages. The case is one of several suits involving ill-gotten or unexplained wealth that

petitioner Republic, through the PCGG, filed with the Sandiganbayan against private respondent

Roberto S. Benedicto and others pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 14,3 series of 1986.

Pursuant to its mandate under EO No. 1,4 series of 1986, the PCGG issued writs placing under

sequestration all business enterprises, entities and other properties, real and personal, owned or

registered in the name of private respondent Benedicto, or of corporations in which he appeared

to have controlling or majority interest. Among the properties thus sequestered and taken over by

PCGG fiscal agents were the 227 shares in NOGCCI owned by private respondent Benedicto and

registered in his name or under the names of corporations he owned or controlled.

Following the sequestration process, PCGG representatives sat as members of the Board of

Directors of NOGCCI, which passed, sometime in October 1986, a resolution effecting a

corporate policy change. The change consisted of assessing a monthly membership due

of P150.00 for each NOGCCI share. Prior to this resolution, an investor purchasing more than

Page 18: State Immunity Cases

one NOGCCI share was exempt from paying monthly membership due for the second and

subsequent shares that he/she owned.

Subsequently, on March 29, 1987, the NOGCCI Board passed another resolution, this time

increasing the monthly membership due from P150.00 to P250.00 for each share.

As sequestrator of the 227 shares of stock in question, PCGG did not pay the corresponding

monthly membership due thereon totaling P2,959,471.00. On account thereof, the 227

sequestered shares were declared delinquent to be disposed of in an auction sale.

Apprised of the above development and evidently to prevent the projected auction sale of the

same shares, PCGG filed a complaint for injunction with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of

Bacolod City, thereat docketed as Civil Case No. 5348. The complaint, however, was dismissed,

paving the way for the auction sale for the delinquent 227 shares of stock. On August 5, 1989, an

auction sale was conducted.

On November 3, 1990, petitioner Republic and private respondent Benedicto entered into a

Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. 0034. The agreement contained a general release

clause5 whereunder petitioner Republic agreed and bound itself to lift the sequestration on the

227 NOGCCI shares, among other Benedicto’s properties, petitioner Republic acknowledging

that it was within private respondent Benedicto’s capacity to acquire the same shares out of his

income from business and the exercise of his profession.6 Implied in this undertaking is the

recognition by petitioner Republic that the subject shares of stock could not have been ill-gotten.

In a decision dated October 2, 1992, the Sandiganbayan approved the Compromise Agreement

and accordingly rendered judgment in accordance with its terms.

In the process of implementing the Compromise Agreement, either of the parties would, from

time to time, move for a ruling by the Sandiganbayan on the proper manner of implementing or

interpreting a specific provision therein.

On February 22, 1994, Benedicto filed in Civil Case No. 0034 a "Motion for Release from

Sequestration and Return of Sequestered Shares/Dividends" praying, inter alia, that his NOGCCI

shares of stock be specifically released from sequestration and returned, delivered or paid to him

as part of the parties’ Compromise Agreement in that case. In a Resolution7 promulgated on

December 6, 1994, the Sandiganbayan granted Benedicto’s aforementioned motion but placed

the subject shares under the custody of its Clerk of Court, thus:

WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the said "Motion for Release From Sequestration

and Return of Sequestered Shares/Dividends" is hereby GRANTED and it is directed that said

shares/dividends be delivered/placed under the custody of the Clerk of Court, Sandiganbayan,

Manila subject to this Court’s disposition.

On March 28, 1995, the Sandiganbayan came out with the herein first assailed

Resolution,8 which clarified its aforementioned December 6, 1994 Resolution and directed the

immediate implementation thereof by requiring PCGG, among other things:

Page 19: State Immunity Cases

(b) To deliver to the Clerk of Court the 227 sequestered shares of [NOGCCI] registered in the

name of nominees of ROBERTO S. BENEDICTO free from all liens and encumbrances, or in

default thereof, to pay their value at P150,000.00 per share which can be deducted from [the

Republic’s] cash share in the Compromise Agreement. [Words in bracket added] (Emphasis


Owing to PCGG’s failure to comply with the above directive, Benedicto filed in Civil Case No.

0034 a Motion for Compliance dated July 25, 1995, followed by an Ex-Parte Motion for Early

Resolution dated February 12, 1996. Acting thereon, the Sandiganbayan promulgated yet another

Resolution9 on February 23, 1996, dispositively reading:

WHEREFORE, finding merit in the instant motion for early resolution and considering that,

indeed, the PCGG has not shown any justifiable ground as to why it has not complied with its

obligation as set forth in the Order of December 6, 1994 up to this date and which Order was

issued pursuant to the Compromise Agreement and has already become final and executory,

accordingly, the Presidential Commission on Good Government is hereby given a final extension

of fifteen (15) days from receipt hereof within which to comply with the Order of December 6,

1994 as stated hereinabove.

On April 1, 1996, PCGG filed a Manifestation with Motion for Reconsideration,10

praying for

the setting aside of the Resolution of February 23, 1996. On April 11, 1996, private respondent

Benedicto filed a Motion to Enforce Judgment Levy. Resolving these two motions, the

Sandiganbayan, in its second assailed Resolution11

dated March 13, 1997, denied that portion of

the PCGG’s Manifestation with Motion for Reconsideration concerning the subject 227

NOGCCI shares and granted Benedicto’s Motion to Enforce Judgment Levy.

Hence, the Republic’s present recourse on the sole issue of whether or not the public respondent

Sandiganbayan, Second Division, gravely abused its discretion in holding that the PCGG is at

fault for not paying the membership dues on the 227 sequestered NOGCCI shares of stock, a

failing which eventually led to the foreclosure sale thereof.

The petition lacks merit.

To begin with, PCGG itself does not dispute its being considered as a receiver insofar as the

sequestered 227 NOGCCI shares of stock are concerned.12

PCGG also acknowledges that as

such receiver, one of its functions is to pay outstanding debts pertaining to the sequestered entity

or property,13

in this case the 227 NOGCCI shares in question. It contends, however, that

membership dues owing to a golf club cannot be considered as an outstanding debt for which

PCGG, as receiver, must pay. It also claims to have exercised due diligence to prevent the loss

through delinquency sale of the subject NOGCCI shares, specifically inviting attention to the

injunctive suit, i.e., Civil Case No. 5348, it filed before the RTC of Bacolod City to enjoin the

foreclosure sale of the shares.

The filing of the injunction complaint adverted to, without more, cannot plausibly tilt the balance

in favor of PCGG. To the mind of the Court, such filing is a case of acting too little and too late.

It cannot be over-emphasized that it behooved the PCGG’s fiscal agents to preserve, like a

Page 20: State Immunity Cases

responsible father of the family, the value of the shares of stock under their administration. But

far from acting as such father, what the fiscal agents did under the premises was to allow the

element of delinquency to set in before acting by embarking on a tedious process of going to

court after the auction sale had been announced and scheduled.

The PCGG’s posture that to the owner of the sequestered shares rests the burden of paying the

membership dues is untenable. For one, it lost sight of the reality that such dues are basically

obligations attached to the shares, which, in the final analysis, shall be made liable, thru

delinquency sale in case of default in payment of the dues. For another, the PCGG as

sequestrator-receiver of such shares is, as stressed earlier, duty bound to preserve the value of

such shares. Needless to state, adopting timely measures to obviate the loss of those shares forms

part of such duty and due diligence.

The Sandiganbayan, to be sure, cannot plausibly be faulted for finding the PCGG liable for the

loss of the 227 NOGCCI shares. There can be no quibbling, as indeed the graft court so declared

in its assailed and related resolutions respecting the NOGCCI shares of stock, that PCGG’s fiscal

agents, while sitting in the NOGCCI Board of Directors agreed to the amendment of the rule

pertaining to membership dues. Hence, it is not amiss to state, as did the Sandiganbayan, that the

PCGG-designated fiscal agents, no less, had a direct hand in the loss of the sequestered shares

through delinquency and their eventual sale through public auction. While perhaps anti-climactic

to so mention it at this stage, the unfortunate loss of the shares ought not to have come to pass

had those fiscal agents prudently not agreed to the passage of the NOGCCI board resolutions

charging membership dues on shares without playing representatives.

Given the circumstances leading to the auction sale of the subject NOGCCI shares, PCGG’s

lament about public respondent Sandiganbayan having erred or, worse still, having gravely

abused its discretion in its determination as to who is at fault for the loss of the shares in question

can hardly be given cogency.

For sure, even if the Sandiganbayan were wrong in its findings, which does not seem to be in this

case, it is a well-settled rule of jurisprudence that certiorari will issue only to correct errors of

jurisdiction, not errors of judgment. Corollarily, errors of procedure or mistakes in the court’s

findings and conclusions are beyond the corrective hand of certiorari.14

The extraordinary writ of

certiorari may be availed only upon a showing, in the minimum, that the respondent tribunal or

officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has acted without or in excess of its or his

jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion.15

The term "grave abuse of discretion" connotes capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment as

is equivalent to excess, or a lack of jurisdiction.16

The abuse must be so patent and gross as to

amount to an evasion of a positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law, or

to act at all in contemplation of law as where the power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic

manner by reason of passion or hostility.17

Sadly, this is completely absent in the present case.

For, at bottom, the assailed resolutions of the Sandiganbayan did no more than to direct PCGG to

comply with its part of the bargain under the compromise agreement it freely entered into with

private respondent Benedicto. Simply put, the assailed resolutions of the Sandiganbayan have

firm basis in fact and in law.

Page 21: State Immunity Cases

Lest it be overlooked, the issue of liability for the shares in question had, as both public and

private respondents asserted, long become final and executory. Petitioner’s narration of facts in

its present petition is even misleading as it conveniently fails to make reference to two (2)

resolutions issued by the Sandiganbayan. We refer to that court’s resolutions of December 6,


and February 23, 199619

as well as several intervening pleadings which served as basis

for the decisions reached therein. As it were, the present petition questions only and focuses on

the March 28, 199520

and March 13, 199721

resolutions, which merely reiterated and clarified the

graft court’s underlying resolution of December 6, 1994. And to place matters in the proper

perspective, PCGG’s failure to comply with the December 6, 1994 resolution prompted the

issuance of the clarificatory and/or reiteratory resolutions aforementioned.

In a last-ditch attempt to escape liability, petitioner Republic, through the PCGG, invokes state

immunity from suit.22

As argued, the order for it to pay the value of the delinquent shares would

fix monetary liability on a government agency, thus necessitating the appropriation of public

funds to satisfy the judgment claim.23

But, as private respondent Benedicto correctly countered,

the PCGG fails to take stock of one of the exceptions to the state immunity principle, i.e., when

the government itself is the suitor, as in Civil Case No. 0034. Where, as here, the State itself is

no less the plaintiff in the main case, immunity from suit cannot be effectively invoked.24

For, as

jurisprudence teaches, when the State, through its duly authorized officers, takes the initiative in

a suit against a private party, it thereby descends to the level of a private individual and thus

opens itself to whatever counterclaims or defenses the latter may have against it.25


Republic’s act of filing its complaint in Civil Case No. 0034 constitutes a waiver of its immunity

from suit. Being itself the plaintiff in that case, petitioner Republic cannot set up its immunity

against private respondent Benedicto’s prayers in the same case.

In fact, by entering into a Compromise Agreement with private respondent Benedicto, petitioner

Republic thereby stripped itself of its immunity from suit and placed itself in the same level of its

adversary. When the State enters into contract, through its officers or agents, in furtherance of a

legitimate aim and purpose and pursuant to constitutional legislative authority, whereby mutual

or reciprocal benefits accrue and rights and obligations arise therefrom, the State may be sued

even without its express consent, precisely because by entering into a contract the sovereign

descends to the level of the citizen. Its consent to be sued is implied from the very act of entering

into such contract,26

breach of which on its part gives the corresponding right to the other party

to the agreement.

Finally, it is apropos to stress that the Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. 0034 envisaged

the immediate recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth without further litigation by the government,

and buying peace on the part of the aging Benedicto.27

Sadly, that stated objective has come to

naught as not only had the litigation continued to ensue, but, worse, private respondent

Benedicto passed away on May 15, 2000,28

with the trial of Civil Case No. 0034 still in swing, so

much so that the late Benedicto had to be substituted by the administratrix of his estate.29

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED.


Page 22: State Immunity Cases
Page 23: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-23139 December 17, 1966




Alejandro Basin, Jr. and Associates for plaintiff-appellant.

Felipe T. Cuison for defendants-appellees.


Four cases of rotary drill parts were shipped from abroad on S.S. "Leoville" sometime in

November of 1962, consigned to Mobil Philippines Exploration, Inc., Manila. The shipment

arrived at the Port of Manila on April 10, 1963, and was discharged to the custody of the

Customs Arrastre Service, the unit of the Bureau of Customs then handling arrastre operations

therein. The Customs Arrastre Service later delivered to the broker of the consignee three cases

only of the shipment.

On April 4, 1964 Mobil Philippines Exploration, Inc., filed suit in the Court of First Instance of

Manila against the Customs Arrastre Service and the Bureau of Customs to recover the value of

the undelivered case in the amount of P18,493.37 plus other damages.

On April 20, 1964 the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that not

being persons under the law, defendants cannot be sued.

After plaintiff opposed the motion, the court, on April 25, 1964, dismissed the complaint on the

ground that neither the Customs Arrastre Service nor the Bureau of Customs is suable. Plaintiff

appealed to Us from the order of dismissal.

Raised, therefore, in this appeal is the purely legal question of the defendants' suability under the

facts stated.

Appellant contends that not all government entities are immune from suit; that defendant Bureau

of Customs as operator of the arrastre service at the Port of Manila, is discharging proprietary

functions and as such, can be sued by private individuals.

The Rules of Court, in Section 1, Rule 3, provide:

SECTION 1. Who may be parties.—Only natural or juridical persons or entities

authorized by law may be parties in a civil action.

Page 24: State Immunity Cases

Accordingly, a defendant in a civil suit must be (1) a natural person; (2) a juridical person or (3)

an entity authorized by law to be sued. Neither the Bureau of Customs nor (a fortiori) its

function unit, the Customs Arrastre Service, is a person. They are merely parts of the machinery

of Government. The Bureau of Customs is a bureau under the Department of Finance (Sec. 81,

Revised Administrative Code); and as stated, the Customs Arrastre Service is a unit of the

Bureau of Custom, set up under Customs Administrative Order No. 8-62 of November 9, 1962

(Annex "A" to Motion to Dismiss, pp. 13-15, Record an Appeal). It follows that the defendants

herein cannot he sued under the first two abovementioned categories of natural or juridical


Nonetheless it is urged that by authorizing the Bureau of Customs to engage in arrastre service,

the law therebyimpliedly authorizes it to be sued as arrastre operator, for the reason that the

nature of this function (arrastre service) is proprietary, not governmental. Thus, insofar as

arrastre operation is concerned, appellant would put defendants under the third category of

"entities authorized by law" to be sued. Stated differently, it is argued that while there is no law

expressly authorizing the Bureau of Customs to sue or be sued, still its capacity to be sued is

implied from its very power to render arrastre service at the Port of Manila, which it is alleged,

amounts to the transaction of a private business.

The statutory provision on arrastre service is found in Section 1213 of Republic Act 1937 (Tariff

and Customs Code, effective June 1, 1957), and it states:

SEC. 1213. Receiving, Handling, Custody and Delivery of Articles.—The Bureau of

Customs shall have exclusive supervision and control over the receiving, handling,

custody and delivery of articles on the wharves and piers at all ports of entry and in the

exercise of its functions it is hereby authorized to acquire, take over, operate and

superintend such plants and facilities as may be necessary for the receiving, handling,

custody and delivery of articles, and the convenience and comfort of passengers and the

handling of baggage; as well as to acquire fire protection equipment for use in the

piers: Provided, That whenever in his judgment the receiving, handling, custody and

delivery of articles can be carried on by private parties with greater efficiency, the

Commissioner may, after public bidding and subject to the approval of the department

head, contract with any private party for the service of receiving, handling, custody and

delivery of articles, and in such event, the contract may include the sale or lease of

government-owned equipment and facilities used in such service.

In Associated Workers Union, et al. vs. Bureau of Customs, et al., L-21397, resolution of August

6, 1963, this Court indeed held "that the foregoing statutory provisions authorizing the grant by

contract to any private party of the right to render said arrastre services necessarily imply that the

same is deemed by Congress to be proprietary or non-governmental function." The issue in said

case, however, was whether laborers engaged in arrastre service fall under the concept of

employees in the Government employed in governmental functions for purposes of the

prohibition in Section 11, Republic Act 875 to the effect that "employees in the Government . . .

shall not strike," but "may belong to any labor organization which does not impose the obligation

to strike or to join in strike," which prohibition "shall apply only to employees employed in

governmental functions of the Government . . . .

Page 25: State Immunity Cases

Thus, the ruling therein was that the Court of Industrial Relations had jurisdiction over the

subject matter of the case, but not that the Bureau of Customs can be sued. Said issue of suability

was not resolved, the resolution stating only that "the issue on the personality or lack of

personality of the Bureau of Customs to be sued does not affect the jurisdiction of the lower

court over the subject matter of the case, aside from the fact that amendment may be made in the

pleadings by the inclusion as respondents of the public officers deemed responsible, for the

unfair labor practice acts charged by petitioning Unions".

Now, the fact that a non-corporate government entity performs a function proprietary in nature

does not necessarily result in its being suable. If said non-governmental function is undertaken as

an incident to its governmental function, there is no waiver thereby of the sovereign immunity

from suit extended to such government entity. This is the doctrine recognized in Bureau of

Printing, et al. vs. Bureau of Printing Employees Association, et al., L-15751, January 28, 1961:

The Bureau of Printing is an office of the Government created by the Administrative

Code of 1916 (Act No. 2657). As such instrumentality of the Government, it operates

under the direct supervision of the Executive Secretary, Office of the President, and is

"charged with the execution of all printing and binding, including work incidental to

those processes, required by the National Government and such other work of the same

character as said Bureau may, by law or by order of the (Secretary of Finance) Executive

Secretary, be authorized to undertake . . . ." (Sec. 1644, Rev. Adm. Code.) It has no

corporate existence, and its appropriations are provided for in the General Appropriations

Act. Designed to meet the printing needs of the Government, it is primarily a service

bureau and, obviously, not engaged in business or occupation for pecuniary profit.

xxx xxx xxx

. . . Clearly, while the Bureau of Printing is allowed to undertake private printing jobs, it

cannot be pretended that it is thereby an industrial or business concern. The additional

work it executes for private parties is merely incidental to its function, and although such

work may be deemed proprietary in character, there is no showing that the employees

performing said proprietary function are separate and distinct from those emoloyed in its

general governmental functions.

xxx xxx xxx

Indeed, as an office of the Government, without any corporate or juridical personality, the

Bureau of Printing cannot be sued (Sec. 1, Rule 3, Rules of Court.) Any suit, action or

proceeding against it, if it were to produce any effect, would actually be a suit, action or

proceeding against the Government itself, and the rule is settled that the Government

cannot be sued without its consent, much less over its objection. (See Metran vs. Paredes,

45 Off. Gaz. 2835; Angat River Irrigation System, et al. vs. Angat River Workers Union,

et al., G.R. Nos. L-10943-44, December 28, 1957.)

The situation here is not materially different. The Bureau of Customs, to repeat, is part of the

Department of Finance (Sec. 81, Rev. Adm. Code), with no personality of its own apart from that

Page 26: State Immunity Cases

of the national government. Its primary function is governmental, that of assessing and collecting

lawful revenues from imported articles and all other tariff and customs duties, fees, charges,

fines and penalties (Sec. 602, R.A. 1937). To this function, arrastre service is a necessary

incident. For practical reasons said revenues and customs duties can not be assessed and

collected by simply receiving the importer's or ship agent's or consignee's declaration of

merchandise being imported and imposing the duty provided in the Tariff law. Customs

authorities and officers must see to it that the declaration tallies with the merchandise actually

landed. And this checking up requires that the landed merchandise be hauled from the ship's side

to a suitable place in the customs premises to enable said customs officers to make it, that is, it

requires arrastre operations.1

Clearly, therefore, although said arrastre function may be deemed proprietary, it is a necessary

incident of the primary and governmental function of the Bureau of Customs, so that engaging in

the same does not necessarily render said Bureau liable to suit. For otherwise, it could not

perform its governmental function without necessarily exposing itself to suit. Sovereign

immunity, granted as to the end, should not be denied as to the necessary means to that end.

And herein lies the distinction between the present case and that of National Airports

Corporation vs. Teodoro, 91 Phil. 203, on which appellant would rely. For there, the Civil

Aeronautics Administration was found have for its prime reason for existence not a

governmental but a proprietary function, so that to it the latter was not a mere incidental


Among the general powers of the Civil Aeronautics Administration are, under Section 3,

to execute contracts of any kind, to purchase property, and to grant concessions rights,

and under Section 4, to charge landing fees, royalties on sales to aircraft of aviation

gasoline, accessories and supplies, and rentals for the use of any property under its


These provisions confer upon the Civil Aeronautics Administration, in our opinion, the

power to sue and be sued. The power to sue and be sued is implied from the power to

transact private business. . . .

xxx xxx xxx

The Civil Aeronautics Administration comes under the category of a private entity.

Although not a body corporate it was created, like the National Airports Corporation, not

to maintain a necessary function of government, but to run what is essentially a business,

even if revenues be not its prime objective but rather the promotion of travel and the

convenience of the travelling public. . . .

Regardless of the merits of the claim against it, the State, for obvious reasons of public policy,

cannot be sued without its consent. Plaintiff should have filed its present claim to the General

Auditing Office, it being for money under the provisions of Commonwealth Act 327, which state

the conditions under which money claims against the Government may be filed.

Page 27: State Immunity Cases

It must be remembered that statutory provisions waiving State immunity from suit are strictly

construed and that waiver of immunity, being in derogation of sovereignty, will not be lightly

inferred. (49 Am. Jur., States, Territories and Dependencies, Sec. 96, p. 314; Petty vs.

Tennessee-Missouri Bridge Com., 359 U.S. 275, 3 L. Ed. 804, 79 S. Ct. 785). From the provision

authorizing the Bureau of Customs to lease arrastre operations to private parties, We see no

authority to sue the said Bureau in the instances where it undertakes to conduct said operation

itself. The Bureau of Customs, acting as part of the machinery of the national government in the

operation of the arrastre service, pursuant to express legislative mandate and as a necessary

incident of its prime governmental function, is immune from suit, there being no statute to the


WHEREFORE, the order of dismissal appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs against

appellant. So ordered.

Page 28: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-33112 June 15, 1978



HON. JUDGE JAVIER PABALAN, Judge of the Court of First Instance, Branch III, La



Union, respondents.

Conrado E. Medina, Edgardo M. Magtalas & Walfrido Climaco for petitioner.

Felimon A. Aspirin fit respondent Agoo 'Tobacco Planters Association, Inc.

Virgilio C. Abejo for respondent Phil. Virginia Tobacco Administration.

FERNANDO, Acting C.J.:

The reliance of petitioner Philippine National Bank in this certiorari and prohibition proceeding

against respondent Judge Javier Pabalan who issued a writ of execution, 1 followed thereafter by

a notice of garnishment of the funds of respondent Philippine Virginia Tobacco

Administration, 2 deposited with it, is on the fundamental constitutional law doctrine of non-

suability of a state, it being alleged that such funds are public in character. This is not the first

time petitioner raised that issue. It did so before in Philippine National Bank v. Court of

industrial Relations, 3 decided only last January. It did not meet with success, this Court ruling in

accordance with the two previous cases of National Shipyard and Steel Corporation 4and Manila

Hotel Employees Association v. Manila Hotel Company, 5 that funds of public corporations

which can sue and be sued were not exempt from garnishment. As respondent Philippine

Virginia Tobacco Administration is likewise a public corporation possessed of the same

attributes, 6 a similar outcome is indicated. This petition must be dismissed.

It is undisputed that the judgment against respondent Philippine Virginia Tobacco

Administration had reached the stage of finality. A writ of execution was, therefore, in order. It

was accordingly issued on December 17, 1970. 7There was a notice of garnishment for the full

amount mentioned in such writ of execution in the sum of P12,724,66. 8 In view of the objection,

however, by petitioner Philippine National Bank on the above ground, coupled with an inquiry as

to whether or not respondent Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration had funds deposited

with petitioner's La Union branch, it was not until January 25, 1971 that the order sought to be

set aside in this certiorari proceeding was issued by respondent Judge. 9 Its dispositive portion

Page 29: State Immunity Cases

reads as follows: Conformably with the foregoing, it is now ordered, in accordance with law, that

sufficient funds of the Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration now deposited with the

Philippine National Bank, La Union Branch, shall be garnished and delivered to the plaintiff

immediately to satisfy the Writ of Execution for one-half of the amount awarded in the decision

of November 16, 1970." 10

Hence this certiorari and prohibition proceeding.

As noted at the outset, petitioner Philippine National Bank would invoke the doctrine of non-

suability. It is to be admitted that under the present Constitution, what was formerly implicit as a

fundamental doctrine in constitutional law has been set forth in express terms: "The State may

not be sued without its consent." 11

If the funds appertained to one of the regular departments or

offices in the government, then, certainly, such a provision would be a bar to garnishment. Such

is not the case here. Garnishment would lie. Only last January, as noted in the opening paragraph

of this decision, this Court, in a case brought by the same petitioner precisely invoking such a

doctrine, left no doubt that the funds of public corporations could properly be made the object of

a notice of garnishment. Accordingly, this petition must fail.

1. The alleged grave abuse of discretion, the basis of this certiorari proceeding, was sought to be

justified on the failure of respondent Judge to set aside the notice of garnishment of funds

belonging to respondent Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration. This excerpt from the

aforecited decision of Philippine National Bank v. Court of Industrial Relations makes manifest

why such an argument is far from persuasive. "The premise that the funds could be spoken as

public character may be accepted in the sense that the People Homesite and Housing Corporation

was a government-owned entity. It does not follow though that they were exempt. from

garnishment. National Shipyard and Steel Corporation v. Court of Industrial Relations is

squarely in point. As was explicitly stated in the opinion of the then Justice, later Chief Justice,

Concepcion: "The allegation to the effect that the funds of the NASSCO are public funds of the

government, and that, as such, the same may not be garnished, attached or levied upon, is

untenable for, as a government owned and controlled corporation, the NASSCO has a

personality of its own. distinct and separate from that of the Government. It has — pursuant to

Section 2 of Executive Order No. 356, dated October 23, 1950 ... , pursuant to which The

NASSCO has been established — all the powers of a corporation under the Corporation Law ...

." Accordingly, it may be sue and be sued and may be subjected to court processes just like any

other corporation (Section 13, Act No. 1459, as amended.)" ... To repeat, the ruling was the

appropriate remedy for the prevailing party which could proceed against the funds of a corporate

entity even if owned or controlled by the government." 12

2. The National Shipyard and Steel Corporation decision was not the first of its kind. The ruling

therein could be inferred from the judgment announced in Manila Hotel Employees Association

v. Manila Hotel Company, decided as far back as 1941. 13

In the language of its ponente Justice

Ozaeta "On the other hand, it is well-settled that when the government enters into commercial

business, it abandons its sovereign capacity and is to be treated like any other corporation. (Bank

of the United States v. Planters' Bank, 9 Wheat. 904, 6 L.ed. 244). By engaging in a particular

business thru the instrumentality of a corporation, the government divests itself pro hac vice of

its sovereign character, so as to render the corporation subject to the rules of law governing

private corporations." 14

It is worth mentioning that Justice Ozaeta could find support for such a

pronouncement from the leading American Supreme Court case of united States v. Planters'

Page 30: State Immunity Cases

Bank, 15

with the opinion coming from the illustrious Chief Justice Marshall. It was handed down

more than one hundred fifty years ago, 1824 to be exact. It is apparent, therefore, that petitioner

Bank could it legally set forth as a bar or impediment to a notice of garnishment the doctrine of


WHEREFORE, this petition for certiorari and prohibition is dismissed. No costs.

Page 31: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-31635 August 31, 1971



THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CEBU, Fourth Branch, Presided by the


and THE AUDITOR GENERAL, respondents.

Eriberto Seno for petitioners.

Office of the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Acting First Assistant Solicitor General Antonio

A. Torres and Solicitor Norberto P. Eduardo for respondents.


What is before this Court for determination in this appeal by certiorari to review a decision of

the Court of First Instance of Cebu is the question of whether or not plaintiffs, now petitioners,

seeking the just compensation to which they are entitled under the Constitution for the

expropriation of their property necessary for the widening of a street, no condemnation

proceeding having been filed, could sue defendants Public Highway Commissioner and the

Auditor General, in their capacity as public officials without thereby violating the principle of

government immunity from suit without its consent. The lower court, relying on what it

considered to be authoritative precedents, held that they could not and dismissed the suit. The

matter was then elevated to us. After a careful consideration and with a view to avoiding the

grave inconvenience, not to say possible injustice contrary to the constitutional mandate, that

would be the result if no such suit were permitted, this Court arrives at a different conclusion,

and sustains the right of the plaintiff to file a suit of this character. Accordingly, we reverse.

Petitioners as plaintiffs in a complaint filed with the Court of First Instance of Cebu, dated April

13, 1966, sought the payment of just compensation for a registered lot, containing an area of

1045 square meters, alleging that in 1927 the National Government through its authorized

representatives took physical and material possession of it and used it for the widening of the

Gorordo Avenue, a national road, Cebu City, without paying just compensation and without any

agreement, either written or verbal. There was an allegation of repeated demands for the payment

of its price or return of its possession, but defendants Public Highway Commissioner and the

Auditor General refused to restore its possession. It was further alleged that on August 25, 1965,

Page 32: State Immunity Cases

the appraisal committee of the City of Cebu approved Resolution No. 90, appraising the

reasonable and just price of Lot No. 647-B at P50.00 per square meter or a total price of

P52,250.00. Thereafter, the complaint was amended on June 30, 1966 in the sense that the

remedy prayed for was in the alternative, either the restoration of possession or the payment of

the just compensation.

In the answer filed by defendants, now respondents, through the then Solicitor General, now

Associate Justice, Antonio P. Barredo, the principal defense relied upon was that the suit in

reality was one against the government and therefore should be dismissed, no consent having

been shown. Then on July 11, 1969, the parties submitted a stipulation of facts to this effect:

"That the plaintiffs are the registered owners of Lot 647-B of the Banilad estate described in the

Survey plan RS-600 GLRO Record No. 5988 and more particularly described in Transfer

Certificate of Title No. RT-5963 containing an area of 1,045 square meters; That the National

Government in 1927 took possession of Lot 647-B Banilad estate, and used the same for the

widening of Gorordo Avenue; That the Appraisal Committee of Cebu City approved Resolution

No. 90, Series of 1965 fixing the price of Lot No. 647-B at P50.00 per square meter; That Lot

No. 647-B is still in the possession of the National Government the same being utilized as part of

the Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City, and that the National Government has not as yet paid the value

of the land which is being utilized for public use." 1

The lower court decision now under review was promulgated on January 30, 1969. As is evident

from the excerpt to be cited, the plea that the suit was against the government without its consent

having been manifested met with a favorable response. Thus: "It is uncontroverted that the land

in question is used by the National Government for road purposes. No evidence was presented

whether or not there was an agreement or contract between the government and the original

owner and whether payment was paid or not to the original owner of the land. It may be

presumed that when the land was taken by the government the payment of its value was made

thereafter and no satisfactory explanation was given why this case was filed only in 1966. But

granting that no compensation was given to the owner of the land, the case is undoubtedly

against the National Government and there is no showing that the government has consented to

be sued in this case. It may be contended that the present case is brought against the Public

Highway Commissioner and the Auditor General and not against the National Government.

Considering that the herein defendants are sued in their official capacity the action is one against

the National Government who should have been made a party in this case, but, as stated before,

with its consent." 2

Then came this petition for certiorari to review the above decision. The principal error assigned

would impugn the holding that the case being against the national government which was sued

without its consent should be dismissed, as it was in fact dismissed. As was indicated in the

opening paragraph of this opinion, this assignment of error is justified. The decision of the lower

court cannot stand. We shall proceed to explain why.

1. The government is immune from suit without its consent. 3 Nor is it indispensable that it be the

party proceeded against. If it appears that the action, would in fact hold it liable, the doctrine

calls for application. It follows then that even if the defendants named were public officials, such

a principle could still be an effective bar. This is clearly so where a litigation would result in a

Page 33: State Immunity Cases

financial responsibility for the government, whether in the disbursements of funds or loss of

property. Under such circumstances, the liability of the official sued is not personal. The party

that could be adversely affected is government. Hence the defense of non-suability may be

interposed. 4

So it has been categorically set forth in Syquia v. Almeda Lopez: 5

"However, and this is

important, where the judgment in such a case would result not only in the recovery of possession

of the property in favor of said citizen but also in a charge against or financial liability to the

Government, then the suit should be regarded as one against the government itself, and,

consequently, it cannot prosper or be validly entertained by the courts except with the consent of

said Government." 6

2. It is a different matter where the public official is made to account in his capacity as such for

acts contrary to law and injurious to the rights of plaintiff. As was clearly set forth by Justice

Zaldivar in Director of the Bureau of Telecommunications v. Aligean: 7 "Inasmuch as the State

authorizes only legal acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of government officials or officers are

not acts of the State, and an action against the officials or officers by one whose rights have been

invaded or violated by such acts, for the protection of his rights, is not a suit against the State

within the rule of immunity of the State from suit. In the same tenor, it has been said that an

action at law or suit in equity against a State officer or the director of a State department on the

ground that, while claiming to act for the State, he violates or invades the personal and property

rights of the plaintiff, under an unconstitutional act or under an assumption of authority which he

does not have, is not a suit against the State within the constitutional provision that the State may

not be sued without its consent." 8

3. It would follow then that the prayer in the amended complaint of petitioners being in the

alternative, the lower court, instead of dismissing the same, could have passed upon the claim of

plaintiffs there, now petitioners, for the recovery of the possession of the disputed lot, since no

proceeding for eminent domain, as required by the then Code of Civil Procedure, was

instituted. 9 However, as noted in Alfonso v. Pasay City,

10 this Court speaking through Justice

Montemayor, restoration would be "neither convenient nor feasible because it is now and has

been used for road purposes." 11

The only relief, in the opinion of this Court, would be for the

government "to make due compensation, ..."12

It was made clear in such decision that

compensation should have been made "as far back as the date of the taking." Does it result,

therefore, that petitioners would be absolutely remediless since recovery of possession is in

effect barred by the above decision? If the constitutional mandate that the owner be compensated

for property taken for public use 13

were to be respected, as it should, then a suit of this character

should not be summarily dismissed. The doctrine of governmental immunity from suit cannot

serve as an instrument for perpetrating an injustice on a citizen. Had the government followed

the procedure indicated by the governing law at the time, a complaint would have been filed by

it, and only upon payment of the compensation fixed by the judgment, or after tender to the party

entitled to such payment of the amount fixed, may it "have the right to enter in and upon the land

so condemned" to appropriate the same to the public use defined in the judgment." 14

If there

were an observance of procedural regularity, petitioners would not be in the sad plaint they are

now. It is unthinkable then that precisely because there was a failure to abide by what the law

requires, the government would stand to benefit. It is just as important, if not more so, that there

Page 34: State Immunity Cases

be fidelity to legal norms on the part of officialdom if the rule of law were to be maintained. It is

not too much to say that when the government takes any property for public use, which is

conditioned upon the payment of just compensation, to be judicially ascertained, it makes

manifest that it submits to the jurisdiction of a court. There is no thought then that the doctrine of

immunity from suit could still be appropriately invoked. 15

Accordingly, the lower court decision is reversed so that the court may proceed with the

complaint and determine the compensation to which petitioners are entitled, taking into account

the ruling in the above Alfonso case: "As to the value of the property, although the plaintiff

claims the present market value thereof, the rule is that to determine due compensation for lands

appropriated by the Government, the basis should be the price or value at the time that it was

taken from the owner and appropriated by the Government." 16

WHEREFORE, the lower court decision of January 30, 1969 dismissing the complaint is

reversed and the case remanded to the lower court for proceedings in accordance with law.

Page 35: State Immunity Cases






LOPEZ, Petitioners,

- versus -



G.R. No. 169304


QUISUMBING, J., Chairperson,



TINGA, and


Promulgated: March 13, 2007

x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



Assailed via petition for review are issuances of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.

84457, to wit: a) Decision[1]

dated May 12, 2005 which affirmed the order issued by Judge

Leoncio M. Janolo, Jr. of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 264 denying petitioners

motion to dismiss Civil Case No. 68208; and b) Resolution[2]

dated August 9, 2005 which denied

petitioners motion for reconsideration.

Phil. Pharmawealth, Inc. (respondent) is a domestic corporation engaged in the business

of manufacturing and supplying pharmaceutical products to government hospitals in


On December 22, 1998, then Secretary of Health Alberto G. Romualdez, Jr. issued

Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 27,[3]

Series of 1998, outlining the guidelines and procedures on

the accreditation of government suppliers for pharmaceutical products.

A.O. No. 27 was later amended by A.O. No. 10,[4]

Series of 2000, providing for

additional guidelines for accreditation of drug suppliers aimed at ensuring that only qualified

Page 36: State Immunity Cases

bidders can transact business with petitioner Department of Health (DOH). Part V of A.O. No.

10 reads, in part:

1. Drug Manufacturer, Drug Trader and Drug Importer shall be allowed

to apply for accreditation.

2. Accreditation shall be done by the Central Office-Department of


3. A separate accreditation is required for the drug suppliers and for

their specific products.

x x x x

12. Only products accredited by the Committee shall be allowed to be procured

by the DOH and all other entities under its jurisdiction.[5]



On May 9, 2000[6]

and May 29, 2000,[7]

respondent submitted to petitioner DOH a

request for the inclusion of additional items in its list of accredited drug products, including the

antibiotic Penicillin G Benzathine. Based on the schedule provided by petitioner DOH, it appears

that processing of and release of the result of respondents request were due on September 2000,

the last month of the quarter following the date of its filing.[8]

Sometime in September 2000, petitioner DOH, through petitioner Antonio M. Lopez,

chairperson of the pre-qualifications, bids and awards committee, issued an Invitation for


for the procurement of 1.2 million units vials of Penicillin G Benzathine (Penicillin G

Benzathine contract).

Despite the lack of response from petitioner DOH regarding respondents request for

inclusion of additional items in its list of accredited products, respondent submitted its bid for the

Penicillin G Benzathine contract. When the bids were opened on October 11, 2000, only two

companies participated, with respondent submitting the lower bid at P82.24 per unit, compared

to Cathay/YSS Laboratories (YSS) bid of P95.00 per unit. In view, however, of the non-

accreditation of respondents Penicillin G Benzathine product, the contract was awarded to YSS.

Respondent thus filed a complaint[10]

for injunction, mandamus and damages with prayer

for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and/or temporary restraining order with

Page 37: State Immunity Cases

the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City praying, inter alia, that the trial court nullify the award of

the Penicillin G Benzathine contract (IFB No. 2000-10-11 [14]) to YSS Laboratories, Inc. and

direct defendant DOH, defendant Romualdez, defendant Galon and defendant Lopez to declare

plaintiff Pharmawealth as

Page 38: State Immunity Cases

the lowest complying responsible bidder for the Benzathine contract, and that they accordingly

award the same to plaintiff company and adjudge defendants Romualdez, Galon and Lopez

liable, jointly and severally to plaintiff, for [the therein specified damages].[11]

In their Comment,[12]

petitioner DOH, Secretary Alberto Romualdez, Jr. who was later

succeeded by petitioner Secretary Manuel M. Dayrit, and individual petitioners Undersecretaries

Margarita Galon and Antonio Lopez argued for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of merit

in view of the express reservation made by petitioner DOH to accept or reject any or all bids

without incurring liability to the bidders, they positing that government agencies have such full


Petitioners subsequently filed a Manifestation and Motion[13]

(motion to dismiss) praying

for the outright dismissal of the complaint based on the doctrine of state immunity.Additionally,

they alleged that respondents representative was not duly authorized by its board of directors to

file the complaint.

To petitioners motion to dismiss, respondent filed its comment/opposition[14]


in the main, that the doctrine of state immunity is not applicable considering that individual

petitioners are being sued both in their official and personal capacities, hence, they, not the state,

would be liable for damages.

By Order of December 8, 2003, the trial court[15]

denied petitioners motion to dismiss.

Their motion for reconsideration having been denied,[16]

petitioners filed a petition for


with the Court of Appeals, before which they maintained that the suit is against the


By the assailed Decision[18]

of May 12, 2005, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial

courts Order. And by Resolution of August 9, 2005, it denied petitioners motion for


Hence, the instant petition for review which raises the sole issue of whether the Court of

Appeals erred in upholding the denial of petitioners motion to dismiss.

The petition fails.

Page 39: State Immunity Cases

The suability of a government official depends on whether the official concerned was

acting within his official or jurisdictional capacity, and whether the acts done in the performance

of official functions will result in a charge or financial liability against the government. In the

first case, the Constitution itself assures the availability of judicial review,[19]

and it is the official

concerned who should be impleaded as the proper party.[20]

In its complaint, respondent sufficiently imputes grave abuse of discretion against

petitioners in their official capacity. Since judicial review of acts alleged to have been tainted

with grave abuse of discretion is guaranteed by the Constitution, it necessarily follows that it is

the official concerned who should be impleaded as defendant or respondent in an appropriate


Moreover, part of the reliefs prayed for by respondent is the enjoinment of the

implementation, as well as the nullification of the award to YSS, the grant of which may not be

enforced against individual petitioners and their successors except in their official capacities as

officials of the DOH.[22]

As regards petitioner DOH, the defense of immunity from suit will not avail despite its

being an unincorporated agency of the government, for the only causes of action directed against

it are preliminary injunction and mandamus. Under Section 1, Rule 58[23]

of the Rules of Court,

preliminary injunction may be directed against a party or a court, agency or a person. Moreover,

the defense of state immunity from suit does not apply in causes of action which do not seek to

impose a charge or financial liability against the State.[24]

As regards individual petitioners suability for damages, the following discussion on the

applicability of the defense of state immunity from suit is relevant.

The rule that a state may not be sued without its consent, now embodied in Section 3,

Article XVI of the 1987 Constitution, is one of the generally accepted principles of international

law, which we have now adopted as part of the law of the land.[25]

While the doctrine of state immunity appears to prohibit only suits against the state

without its consent, it is also applicable to complaints filed against officials of the state for acts

allegedly performed by them in the discharge of their duties.[26]

The suit is regarded as one

against the state where satisfaction of the judgment against the officials will require the state

Page 40: State Immunity Cases

itself to perform a positive act, such as the appropriation of the amount necessary to pay the

damages awarded against them.[27]

The rule, however, is not so all-encompassing as to be applicable under all

circumstances. Shauf v. Court of Appeals[28]


It is a different matter where the public official is made to account in

his capacity as such for acts contrary to law and injurious to the rights of

plaintiff. As was clearly set forth by Justice Zaldivar in Director of the Bureau

of Telecommunications, et al. vs. Aligaen, etc., et al.,[29]

Inasmuch as the

State authorizes only legal acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of

government officials or officers are not acts of the State, and an action

against the officials or officers by one whose rights have been invaded or

violated by such acts, for the protection of his rights, is not a suit against

the State within the rule of immunity of the State from suit. In the same

tenor, it has been said that an action at law or suit in equity against a State

officer or the director of a State department on the ground that, while

claiming to act for the State, he violates or invades the personal and

property rights of the plaintiff, under an unconstitutional act or under an

assumption of authority which he does not have, is not a suit against the

State within the constitutional provision that the State may not be sued

without its consent. The rationale for this ruling is that the doctrine of state

immunity cannot be used as an instrument for perpetrating an injustice.

(Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

Hence, the rule does not apply where the public official is charged in his official capacity

for acts that are unauthorized or unlawful and injurious to the rights of others. Neither does it

apply where the public official is clearly being sued not in his official capacity but in his

personal capacity, although the acts complained of may have been committed while he occupied

a public position.[30]

In the present case, suing individual petitioners in their personal capacities for damages in

connection with their alleged act of illegal[ly] abus[ing] their official positions to make sure that

plaintiff Pharmawealth would not be awarded the Benzathine contract [which act was] done in

bad faith and with full knowledge of the limits and breadth of their powers given by law[31]


permissible, in consonance with the foregoing principles. For an officer who exceeds the power

conferred on him by law cannot hide behind the plea of sovereign immunity and must bear the

liability personally.[32]

Page 41: State Immunity Cases

It bears stressing, however, that the statements in the immediately foregoing paragraph in

no way reflect a ruling on the actual liability of petitioners to respondent. The mere allegation

that a government official is being sued in his personal capacity does not automatically remove

the same from the protection of the doctrine of state immunity. Neither, upon the other hand,

does the mere invocation of official character suffice to insulate such official from suability and

liability for an act committed without or in

Page 42: State Immunity Cases

excess of his or her authority.[33]

These are matters of evidence which should be presented and

proven at the trial.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision dated May 12, 2005 and

Resolution dated August 9, 2005 issued by the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED.


Page 43: State Immunity Cases

l\epublic of t~e fl~ihpplnr~ ~upreme QI:ourt Jlllanila SECOND DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF


-versusG.R. No. 182358 Present: CARPIO, ChaiiJJerson, BRION, PERALTA,* DEL

CASTILLO, and PHil~ PHARMA WEALTH, INC., Promulgated: ( :_i'IJ --, PEREZ,JJ ~ .

Respondent. FEB 2 D 2013 - _]_ ... --- ... ---"" X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X DECISION DEL CASTILLO, J.: The state may not be sued

~ithout its consent. Likewise, public officials may not be sued for acts done in the perfom1ance

of their official functions or within the scope of their authority. " This Petition for ·Review on

Certiormi assails the October 25, 2007 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV

No. 85670, and its March 31, 2008 Reso1ution3 denying petitioners' Motion for

Reconsideration.4 Factual Antecedents On December 22, 1998, Administrative Order (AO) No.

27 series of 19985 was•issued by then Department of Health ([X)II) Secretary Alfredo G.

Romuald~~ ' Per Raffle dated February 4, 2013. Rollo, pp. 27-44. !d. at 7-21; penned by

Associate Justice Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa and concurred in by Presiding Justice Conrado M.

Vasquez, Jr. and Associate Justice Edgardo F. Sundiam. !d. at 22-23. CA rolla, pp. 156-164.

Records, pp. 16-17. Decision G.R. No. 182358 2 (Romualdez). AO 27 set the guidelines and

procedure for accreditation of government suppliers of pharmaceutical products for sale or

distribution to the public, such accreditation to be valid for three years but subject to annual

review. On January 25, 2000, Secretary Romualdez issued AO 10 series of 20006 which

amended AO 27. Under Section VII7 of AO 10, the accreditation period for government

suppliers of pharmaceutical products was reduced to two years. Moreover, such accreditation

may be recalled, suspended or revoked after due deliberation and proper notice by the DOH

Accreditation Committee, through its Chairman. Section VII of AO 10 was later amended by AO

66 series of 2000,8 which provided that the two-year accreditation period may be recalled,

suspended or revoked only after due deliberation, hearing and notice by the DOH Accreditation

Committee, through its Chairman. On August 28, 2000, the DOH issued Memorandum No. 171-

C9 which provided for a list and category of sanctions to be imposed on accredited government

suppliers of pharmaceutical products in case of adverse findings regarding their products (e.g.

substandard, fake, or misbranded) or violations committed by them during their accreditation. In

line with Memorandum No. 171-C, the DOH, through former Undersecretary Ma. Margarita M.

Galon (Galon), issued Memorandum No. 209 series of 2000,10 inviting representatives of 24

accredited drug companies, including herein respondent Phil Pharmawealth, Inc. (PPI) to a

meeting on October 27, 2000. During the meeting, Undersecretary Galon handed them copies of

a document entitled “Report on Violative Products”11 issued by the Bureau of Food and

Drugs12 (BFAD), which detailed violations or adverse findings relative to these accredited drug

companies’ products. Specifically, the BFAD found that PPI’s products which were being sold to

the public were unfit for human consumption. During the October 27, 2000 meeting, the 24 drug

companies were directed to submit within 10 days, or until November 6, 2000, their respective

explanations on the adverse findings covering their respective products contained in the Report 6

Id. at 19-25. 7 Id. at 24. 8 Id. at 26. 9 Id. at 111. 10 Id. at 27. 11 Id. at 28-40. 12 Per Republic Act

Page 44: State Immunity Cases

No. 9711 or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Act of 2009 which was signed by the

President on August 18, 2009, the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) was renamed and is now

called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Decision G.R. No. 182358 3 on Violative

Products. Instead of submitting its written explanation within the 10-day period as required, PPI

belatedly sent a letter13 dated November 13, 2000 addressed to Undersecretary Galon, informing

her that PPI has referred the Report on Violative Products to its lawyers with instructions to

prepare the corresponding reply. However, PPI did not indicate when its reply would be

submitted; nor did it seek an extension of the 10-day period, which had previously expired on

November 6, 2000, much less offer any explanation for its failure to timely submit its reply.

PPI’s November 13, 2000 letter states: Madam, This refers to your directive on 27 October 2000,

on the occasion of the meeting with selected accredited suppliers, during which you made known

to the attendees of your requirement for them to submit their individual comments on the Report

on Violative Products (the “Report”) compiled by your office and disseminated on that date. In

this connection, we inform you that we have already instructed our lawyers to prepare on our

behalf the appropriate reply to the Report furnished to us. Our lawyers in time shall revert to you

and furnish you the said reply. Please be guided accordingly. Very truly yours, (signed) ATTY.

ALAN A.B. ALAMBRA Vice-President for Legal and Administrative Affairs14 In a letter-

reply15 dated November 23, 2000 Undersecretary Galon found “untenable” PPI’s November 13,

2000 letter and therein informed PPI that, effective immediately, its accreditation has been

suspended for two years pursuant to AO 10 and Memorandum No. 171-C. In another December

14, 2000 letter16 addressed to Undersecretary Galon, PPI through counsel questioned the

suspension of its accreditation, saying that the same was made pursuant to Section VII of AO 10

which it claimed was patently illegal and null and void because it arrogated unto the DOH

Accreditation Committee powers and functions which were granted to the BFAD under Republic

Act (RA) No. 372017 and Executive Order (EO) No. 175.18 PPI added 13 Records, p. 41. 14 Id.

15 Id. at 42. 16 Id. at 43-44. 17 FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT. June 22, 1963. 18



AVAILABLE TO Decision G.R. No. 182358 4 that its accreditation was suspended without the

benefit of notice and hearing, in violation of its right to substantive and administrative due

process. It thus demanded that the DOH desist from implementing the suspension of its

accreditation, under pain of legal redress. On December 28, 2000, PPI filed before the Regional

Trial Court of Pasig City a Complaint19 seeking to declare null and void certain DOH

administrative issuances, with prayer for damages and injunction against the DOH, former

Secretary Romualdez and DOH Undersecretary Galon. Docketed as Civil Case No. 68200, the

case was raffled to Branch 160. On February 8, 2002, PPI filed an Amended and Supplemental

Complaint,20 this time impleading DOH Secretary Manuel Dayrit (Dayrit). PPI claimed that AO

10, Memorandum No. 171-C, Undersecretary Galon’s suspension order contained in her

November 23, 2000 letter, and AO 14 series of 200121 are null and void for being in

contravention of Section 26(d) of RA 3720 as amended by EO 175, which states as follows:

Page 45: State Immunity Cases

SEC. 26. x x x (d) When it appears to the Director [of the BFAD] that the report of the Bureau

that any article of food or any drug, device, or cosmetic secured pursuant to Section twenty-eight

of this Act is adulterated, misbranded, or not registered, he shall cause notice thereof to be given

to the person or persons concerned and such person or persons shall be given an opportunity to

be heard before the Bureau and to submit evidence impeaching the correctness of the finding or

charge in question. For what it claims was an undue suspension of its accreditation, PPI prayed

that AO 10, Memorandum No. 171-C, Undersecretary Galon’s suspension order contained in her

November 23, 2000 letter, and AO 14 be declared null and void, and that it be awarded moral

damages of P5 million, exemplary damages of P1 million, attorney’s fees of P1 million, and

costs of suit. PPI likewise prayed for the issuance of temporary and permanent injunctive relief.

In their Amended Answer,22 the DOH, former Secretary Romualdez, then Secretary Dayrit, and

Undersecretary Galon sought the dismissal of the Complaint, stressing that PPI’s accreditation

was suspended because most of the drugs it was importing and distributing/selling to the public




19 Records, pp. 2-15. 20 Id. at 400-424. 21 Id. at 454-457. Administrative Order No. 14 was a

later issuance by DOH Secretary Dayrit which was subsequently included in PPI’s amended and

supplemental complaint as one of the issuances sought to be nullified. It provided for new

accreditation guidelines and granted the Accreditation Committee the power to suspend or

revoke a supplier’s accreditation after deliberation and notice, and without need of a hearing. 22

Id. at 489-505. Decision G.R. No. 182358 5 BFAD to be substandard for human consumption.

They added that the DOH is primarily responsible for the formulation, planning, implementation,

and coordination of policies and programs in the field of health; it is vested with the

comprehensive power to make essential health services and goods available to the people,

including accreditation of drug suppliers and regulation of importation and distribution of basic

medicines for the public. Petitioners added that, contrary to PPI’s claim, it was given the

opportunity to present its side within the 10-day period or until November 6, 2000, but it failed

to submit the required comment/reply. Instead, it belatedly submitted a November 13, 2000 letter

which did not even constitute a reply, as it merely informed petitioners that the matter had been

referred by PPI to its lawyer. Petitioners argued that due process was afforded PPI, but because it

did not timely avail of the opportunity to explain its side, the DOH had to act immediately – by

suspending PPI’s accreditation – to stop the distribution and sale of substandard drug products

which posed a serious health risk to the public. By exercising DOH’s mandate to promote health,

it cannot be said that petitioners committed grave abuse of discretion. In a January 8, 2001

Order,23 the trial court partially granted PPI’s prayer for a temporary restraining order, but only

covering PPI’s products which were not included in the list of violative products or drugs as

found by the BFAD. In a Manifestation and Motion24 dated July 8, 2003, petitioners moved for

the dismissal of Civil Case No. 68200, claiming that the case was one against the State; that the

Complaint was improperly verified; and lack of authority of the corporate officer to commence

Page 46: State Immunity Cases

the suit, as the requisite resolution of PPI’s board of directors granting to the commencing officer

– PPI’s Vice President for Legal and Administrative Affairs, Alan Alambra, – the authority to

file Civil Case No. 68200 was lacking. To this, PPI filed its Comment/Opposition.25 Ruling of

the Regional Trial Court In a June 14, 2004 Order,26 the trial court dismissed Civil Case No.

68200, declaring the case to be one instituted against the State, in which case the principle of

state immunity from suit is applicable. PPI moved for reconsideration,27 but the trial court

remained steadfast.28 23 Id. at 124. 24 Id. at 500-513. 25 Id. at 532-541. 26 Id. at 555-561;

penned by Judge Amelia A. Fabros. 27 Id. at 562-569. 28 See Order dated April 19, 2005, id. at

593. Decision G.R. No. 182358 6 PPI appealed to the CA. Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 85670, PPI’s appeal centered on the issue of whether it was

proper for the trial court to dismiss Civil Case No. 68200. The CA, in the herein assailed

Decision,29 reversed the trial court ruling and ordered the remand of the case for the conduct of

further proceedings. The CA concluded that it was premature for the trial court to have dismissed

the Complaint. Examining the Complaint, the CA found that a cause of action was sufficiently

alleged – that due to defendants’ (petitioners’) acts which were beyond the scope of their

authority, PPI’s accreditation as a government supplier of pharmaceutical products was

suspended without the required notice and hearing as required by Section 26(d) of RA 3720 as

amended by EO 175. Moreover, the CA held that by filing a motion to dismiss, petitioners were

deemed to have hypothetically admitted the allegations in the Complaint – which state that

petitioners were being sued in their individual and personal capacities – thus negating their claim

that Civil Case No. 68200 is an unauthorized suit against the State. The CA further held that

instead of dismissing the case, the trial court should have deferred the hearing and resolution of

the motion to dismiss and proceeded to trial. It added that it was apparent from the Complaint

that petitioners were being sued in their private and personal capacities for acts done beyond the

scope of their official functions. Thus, the issue of whether the suit is against the State could best

be threshed out during trial on the merits, rather than in proceedings covering a motion to

dismiss. The dispositive portion of the CA Decision reads: WHEREFORE, the appeal is hereby

GRANTED. The Order dated June 14, 2004 of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch

160, is hereby REVERSED and SET-ASIDE. ACCORDINGLY, this case is REMANDED to

the trial court for further proceedings. SO ORDERED. 30 Petitioners sought, but failed, to obtain

a reconsideration of the Decision. Hence, they filed the present Petition. 29 Rollo, pp. 7-21. 30

Id. at 21. Emphases in the original. Decision G.R. No. 182358 7 Issue Petitioners now raise the

following lone issue for the Court’s resolution: Should Civil Case No. 68200 be dismissed for

being a suit against the State?31 Petitioners’ Arguments Petitioners submit that because PPI’s

Complaint prays for the award of damages against the DOH, Civil Case No. 68200 should be

considered a suit against the State, for it would require the appropriation of the needed amount to

satisfy PPI’s claim, should it win the case. Since the State did not give its consent to be sued,

Civil Case No. 68200 must be dismissed. They add that in issuing and implementing the

questioned issuances, individual petitioners acted officially and within their authority, for which

reason they should not be held to account individually. Respondent’s Arguments Apart from

Page 47: State Immunity Cases

echoing the pronouncement of the CA, respondent insists that Civil Case No. 68200 is a suit

against the petitioners in their personal capacity for acts committed outside the scope of their

authority. Our Ruling The Petition is granted. The doctrine of non-suability. The discussion of

this Court in Department of Agriculture v. National Labor Relations Commission32 on the

doctrine of non-suability is enlightening. The basic postulate enshrined in the constitution that

‘(t)he State may not be sued without its consent,’ reflects nothing less than a recognition of the

sovereign character of the State and an express affirmation of the unwritten rule effectively

insulating it from the jurisdiction of courts. It is based on the very essence of sovereignty. x x x

[A] sovereign is exempt from suit, not because of any formal conception or obsolete theory, but

on the logical and practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that

makes the law on 31 Id. at 730. 32 G.R. No. 104269, November 11, 1993, 227 SCRA 693.

Decision G.R. No. 182358 8 which the right depends. True, the doctrine, not too infrequently, is

derisively called ‘the royal prerogative of dishonesty’ because it grants the state the prerogative

to defeat any legitimate claim against it by simply invoking its nonsuability. We have had

occasion to explain in its defense, however, that a continued adherence to the doctrine of non-

suability cannot be deplored, for the loss of governmental efficiency and the obstacle to the

performance of its multifarious functions would be far greater in severity than the inconvenience

that may be caused private parties, if such fundamental principle is to be abandoned and the

availability of judicial remedy is not to be accordingly restricted. The rule, in any case, is not

really absolute for it does not say that the state may not be sued under any circumstance. On the

contrary, as correctly phrased, the doctrine only conveys, ‘the state may not be sued without its

consent;’ its clear import then is that the State may at times be sued. The State’s consent may be

given either expressly or impliedly. Express consent may be made through a general law or a

special law. x x x Implied consent, on the other hand, is conceded when the State itself

commences litigation, thus opening itself to a counterclaim or when it enters into a contract. In

this situation, the government is deemed to have descended to the level of the other contracting

party and to have divested itself of its sovereign immunity. This rule, x x x is not, however,

without qualification. Not all contracts entered into by the government operate as a waiver of its

non-suability; distinction must still be made between one which is executed in the exercise of its

sovereign function and another which is done in its proprietary capacity.33 As a general rule, a

state may not be sued. However, if it consents, either expressly or impliedly, then it may be the

subject of a suit.34 There is express consent when a law, either special or general, so provides.

On the other hand, there is implied consent when the state “enters into a contract or it itself

commences litigation.”35 However, it must be clarified that when a state enters into a contract, it

does not automatically mean that it has waived its nonsuability.36 The State “will be deemed to

have impliedly waived its non-suability [only] if it has entered into a contract in its proprietary or

private capacity. [However,] when the contract involves its sovereign or governmental

capacity[,] x x x no such waiver may be implied.”37 “Statutory provisions waiving [s]tate

immunity are construed in strictissimi juris. For, waiver of immunity is in derogation of

sovereignty.”38 The DOH can validly invoke state immunity. a) DOH is an unincorporated

Page 48: State Immunity Cases

agency which performs sovereign or governmental functions. 33 Id. at 698-699. Citations

omitted. 34 United States of America v. Judge Guinto, 261 Phil. 777, 790 (1990). 35 Id. at 792.

36 Id. at 793. 37 Id. at 795. 38 Equitable Insurance and Casualty Co., Inc. v. Smith, Bell & Co.

(Phils.), Inc., 127 Phil. 547, 549 (1967). Decision G.R. No. 182358 9 In this case, the DOH,

being an “unincorporated agency of the government”39 can validly invoke the defense of

immunity from suit because it has not consented, either expressly or impliedly, to be sued.

Significantly, the DOH is an unincorporated agency which performs functions of governmental

character. The ruling in Air Transportation Office v. Ramos40 is relevant, viz: An

unincorporated government agency without any separate juridical personality of its own enjoys

immunity from suit because it is invested with an inherent power of sovereignty. Accordingly, a

claim for damages against the agency cannot prosper; otherwise, the doctrine of sovereign

immunity is violated. However, the need to distinguish between an unincorporated government

agency performing governmental function and one performing proprietary functions has arisen.

The immunity has been upheld in favor of the former because its function is governmental or

incidental to such function; it has not been upheld in favor of the latter whose function was not in

pursuit of a necessary function of government but was essentially a business.41 b) The

Complaint seeks to hold the DOH solidarily and jointly liable with the other defendants for

damages which constitutes a charge or financial liability against the state. Moreover, it is settled

that if a Complaint seeks to “impose a charge or financial liability against the state,”42 the

defense of non-suability may be properly invoked. In this case, PPI specifically prayed, in its

Complaint and Amended and Supplemental Complaint, for the DOH, together with Secretaries

Romualdez and Dayrit as well as Undersecretary Galon, to be held jointly and severally liable for

moral damages, exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and costs of suit.43 Undoubtedly, in the

event that PPI succeeds in its suit, the government or the state through the DOH would become

vulnerable to an imposition or financial charge in the form of damages. This would require an

appropriation from the national treasury which is precisely the situation which the doctrine of

state immunity aims to protect the state from. The mantle of non-suability extends to complaints

filed against public officials for acts done in the performance of their official functions. 39

Department of Health v. Phil Pharmawealth, Inc., 547 Phil. 148, 154 (2007). 40 G.R. No.

159402, February 23, 2011, 644 SCRA 36. 41 Id. at 42-43. Citations omitted. 42 Department of

Health v. Phil Pharmawealth, Inc., supra at 154. 43 See Complaint, pp. 12-13, records, pp. 13-14;

Amended and Supplemental Complaint, p. 13, records, p. 422. Decision G.R. No. 182358 10 As

regards the other petitioners, to wit, Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit, and Undersecretary

Galon, it must be stressed that the doctrine of state immunity extends its protective mantle also to

complaints filed against state officials for acts done in the discharge and performance of their

duties.44 “The suability of a government official depends on whether the official concerned was

acting within his official or jurisdictional capacity, and whether the acts done in the performance

of official functions will result in a charge or financial liability against the government.”45

Otherwise stated, “public officials can be held personally accountable for acts claimed to have

been performed in connection with official duties where they have acted ultra vires or where

Page 49: State Immunity Cases

there is showing of bad faith.”46 Moreover, “[t]he rule is that if the judgment against such

officials will require the state itself to perform an affirmative act to satisfy the same, such as the

appropriation of the amount needed to pay the damages awarded against them, the suit must be

regarded as against the state x x x. In such a situation, the state may move to dismiss the

[C]omplaint on the ground that it has been filed without its consent.” 47 It is beyond doubt that

the acts imputed against Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit, as well as Undersecretary Galon,

were done while in the performance and discharge of their official functions or in their official

capacities, and not in their personal or individual capacities. Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit

were being charged with the issuance of the assailed orders. On the other hand, Undersecretary

Galon was being charged with implementing the assailed issuances. By no stretch of imagination

could the same be categorized as ultra vires simply because the said acts are well within the

scope of their authority. Section 4 of RA 3720 specifically provides that the BFAD is an office

under the Office of the Health Secretary. Also, the Health Secretary is authorized to issue rules

and regulations as may be necessary to effectively enforce the provisions of RA 3720.48 As

regards Undersecretary Galon, she is authorized by law to supervise the offices under the DOH’s

authority,49 such as the BFAD. Moreover, there was also no showing of bad faith on their part.

The assailed issuances were not directed only against PPI. The suspension of PPI’s accreditation

only came about after it failed to submit its comment as directed by Undersecretary Galon. It 44

United States of America v. Judge Guinto, supra note 34 at 791. 45 Department of Health v. Phil

Pharmawealth, Inc., supra note 39 at 153. 46 M. H. Wylie v. Rarang, G.R. No. 74135, May 28,

1992, 209 SCRA 357, 368. Citation omitted. See also United States of America v. Reyes, G.R.

No. 79253, March 1, 1993, 219 SCRA 192, 209 where the Court held: x x x [T]he doctrine of

immunity from suit will not apply and may not be invoked where the public official is being sued

in his private and personal capacity as an ordinary citizen. The cloak of protection afforded the

officers and agents of the government is removed the moment they are sued in their individual

capacity. This situation usually arises where the public official acts without authority or in excess

of the powers vested in him. It is a well-settled principle of law that a public official may be

liable in his personal private capacity for whatever damage he may have caused by his act done

with malice and in bad faith, or beyond the scope of his authority or jurisdiction. (Citations

omitted) 47 United States of America v. Judge Guinto, supra note 34 at 791-792. See also

Department of Health v. Phil Pharmawealth, Inc., supra note 39 at 155. 48 See Section 26,

Republic Act No. 3720. 49 See Section 12, Chapter 3, Title IX, Book IV, Administrative Code of

1987. Decision G.R. No. 182358 11 is also beyond dispute that if found wanting, a financial

charge will be imposed upon them which will require an appropriation from the state of the

needed amount. Thus, based on the foregoing considerations, the Complaint against them should

likewise be dismissed for being a suit against the state which absolutely did not give its consent

to be sued. Based on the foregoing considerations, and regardless of the merits of PPI’s case, this

case deserves a dismissal. Evidently, the very foundation of Civil Case No. 68200 has crumbled

at this initial juncture. PPI was not denied due process. However, we cannot end without a

discussion of PPI’s contention that it was denied due process when its accreditation was

Page 50: State Immunity Cases

suspended “without due notice and hearing.” It is undisputed that during the October 27, 2000

meeting, Undersecretary Galon directed representatives of pharmaceutical companies, PPI

included, to submit their comment and/or reactions to the Report on Violative Products furnished

them within a period of 10 days. PPI, instead of submitting its comment or explanation, wrote a

letter addressed to Undersecretary Galon informing her that the matter had already been referred

to its lawyer for the drafting of an appropriate reply. Aside from the fact that the said letter was

belatedly submitted, it also failed to specifically mention when such reply would be forthcoming.

Finding the foregoing explanation to be unmeritorious, Undersecretary Galon ordered the

suspension of PPI’s accreditation for two years. Clearly these facts show that PPI was not denied

due process. It was given the opportunity to explain its side. Prior to the suspension of its

accreditation, PPI had the chance to rebut, explain, or comment on the findings contained in the

Report on Violative Products that several of PPI’s products are not fit for human consumption.

However, PPI squandered its opportunity to explain. Instead of complying with the directive of

the DOH Undersecretary within the time allotted, it instead haughtily informed Undersecretary

Galon that the matter had been referred to its lawyers. Worse, it impliedly told Undersecretary

Galon to just wait until its lawyers shall have prepared the appropriate reply. PPI however failed

to mention when it will submit its “appropriate reply” or how long Undersecretary Galon should

wait. In the meantime, PPI’s drugs which are included in the Report on Violative Products are

out and being sold in the market. Based on the foregoing, we find PPI’s contention of denial of

due process totally unfair and absolutely lacking in basis. At this juncture, it would be trite to

mention that “[t]he essence of due process in administrative proceedings is the opportunity to

explain one’s side or seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of. As long as the

parties are given the opportunity to be heard before judgment is rendered, the demands of due

process are sufficiently met. What is offensive to due process is the denial of the opportunity to

be heard. The Court has repeatedly stressed that Decision G.H. No. 182358 parties who chose

not to avail themselves of the opportunity to answer charges against them cannot complain of a

denial of due process."50 Incidentally, we find it inieresting that in the earlier case of

Department q( Health v. Phil Pharmawealth, Inc. 51 respondent filed a Complaint against DOH

anchored on the same issuances which it assails in the present case. In the earlier case of

Department (~f Health v. Phil Pharmawealth, Jnc., 52 PPI submitted to the DOH a request for

the inclusion of its products in the list of accredited drugs as required by AO 27 series of 1998

which was later amended by AO 10 series of 2000. In the instant case, however, PPI

interestingly claims that these issuances are null and void. WHEREFORE, premises considered,

the Petition is GRANTED. Civil Case No. 68200 is ordered DISMISSED. SO ORDERED.

Page 51: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-29993 October 23, 1978




Municipal Council of Malasiqui in 1959, Malasiqui, Pangasinan, petitioners,





G.R. No. L-30183 October 23, 1978





FONTANILLA, and the Honorable COURT OF APPEALS, respondents.

Julian M. Armas, Assistant Provincial Fiscal for petitioners.

Isidro L. Padilla for respondents.


These Petitions for review present the issue of whether or not the celebration of a town fiesta

authorized by a municipal council under Sec. 2282 of the Municipal Law as embodied in the

Revised Administrative Code is a governmental or a corporate or proprietary function of the


A resolution of that issue will lead to another, viz the civil liability for damages of the

Municipality of Malasiqui, and the members of the Municipal Council of Malasiqui, province of

Pangasinan, for a death which occurred during the celebration of the town fiesta on January 22,

1959, and which was attributed to the negligence of the municipality and its council members.

The following facts are not in dispute:

Page 52: State Immunity Cases

On October 21, 1958, the Municipal Council of Malasiqui, Pangasinan, passed Resolution No.

159 whereby "it resolved to manage the 1959 Malasiqui town fiesta celebration on January 21,

22, and 23, 1959." Resolution No. 182 was also passed creating the "1959 Malasiqui 'Town

Fiesta Executive Committee" which in turn organized a sub-committee on entertainment and

stage, with Jose Macaraeg as Chairman. the council appropriated the amount of P100.00 for the

construction of 2 stages, one for the "zarzuela" and another for the cancionan Jose Macaraeg

supervised the construction of the stage and as constructed the stage for the "zarzuela" was "5-½

meters by 8 meters in size, had a wooden floor high at the rear and was supported by 24 bamboo

posts — 4 in a row in front, 4 in the rear and 5 on each side — with bamboo braces." 1

The "zarzuela" entitled "Midas Extravaganza" was donated by an association of Malasiqui

employees of the Manila Railroad Company in Caloocan, Rizal. The troupe arrived in the

evening of January 22 for the performance and one of the members of the group was Vicente

Fontanilla. The program started at about 10:15 o'clock that evening with some speeches, and

many persons went up the stage. The "zarzuela" then began but before the dramatic part of the

play was reached, the stage collapsed and Vicente Fontanilla who was at the rear of the stage was

pinned underneath. Fontanilia was taken to tile San Carlos General Hospital where he died in the

afternoon of the following day.

The heirs of Vicente Fontanilia filed a complaint with the Court of First Instance of Manila on

September 11, 1959 to recover damages. Named party-defendants were the Municipality of

Malasiqui, the Municipal Council of Malasiqui and all the individual members of the Municipal

Council in 1959.

Answering the complaint defendant municipality invoked inter alia the principal defense that as a

legally and duly organized public corporation it performs sovereign functions and the holding of

a town fiesta was an exercise of its governmental functions from which no liability can arise to

answer for the negligence of any of its agents.

The defendant councilors inturn maintained that they merely acted as agents of the municipality

in carrying out the municipal ordinance providing for the management of the town fiesta

celebration and as such they are likewise not liable for damages as the undertaking was not one

for profit; furthermore, they had exercised due care and diligence in implementing the municipal

ordinance. 2

After trial, the Presiding Judge, Hon. Gregorio T. Lantin narrowed the issue to whether or not the

defendants exercised due diligence 'm the construction of the stage. From his findings he arrived

at the conclusion that the Executive Committee appointed by the municipal council had

exercised due diligence and care like a good father of the family in selecting a competent man to

construct a stage strong enough for the occasion and that if it collapsed that was due to forces

beyond the control of the committee on entertainment, consequently, the defendants were not

liable for damages for the death of Vicente Fontanilla. The complaint was accordingly dismissed

in a decision dated July 10, 1962. 3

The Fontanillas appealed to the Court of Appeals. In a decision Promulgated on October 31,

1968, the Court of Appeals through its Fourth Division composed at the time of Justices

Page 53: State Immunity Cases

Salvador V. Esguerra, Nicasio A. Yatco and Eulogio S. Serrano reversed the trial court's decision

and ordered all the defendants-appellees to pay jointly and severally the heirs of Vicente

Fontanilla the sums of P12,000.00 by way of moral and actual damages: P1200.00 its attorney's

fees; and the costs. 4

The case is now before Us on various assignments of errors all of which center on the

proposition stated at the sentence of this Opinion and which We repeat:

Is the celebration of a town fiesta an undertaking in the excercise of a municipality's

governmental or public function or is it or a private or proprietary character?

1. Under Philippine laws municipalities are political bodies corporate and as such ag endowed

with the faculties of municipal corporations to be exercised by and through their respective

municipal governments in conformity with law, and in their proper corporate name, they may

inter alia sue and be sued, and contract and be contracted with. 5

The powers of a municipality are twofold in character public, governmental or political on the

one hand, and corporate, private, or proprietary on the other. Governmental powers are those

exercised by the corporation in administering the powers of the state and promoting the public

welfare and they include the legislative, judicial public, and political Municipal powers on the

other hand are exercised for the special benefit and advantage of the community and include

those which are ministerial private and corporate. 6

As to when a certain activity is governmental and when proprietary or private, that is generally a

difficult matter to determine. The evolution of the municipal law in American Jurisprudence, for

instance, has shown that; none of the tests which have evolved and are stated in textbooks have

set down a conclusive principle or rule, so that each case will have to be determined on the basis

of attending circumstances.

In McQuillin on Municipal Corporations, the rule is stated thus: "A municipal corporation proper

has ... a public character as regards the state at large insofar as it is its agent in government, and

private (so-called) insofar as it is to promote local necessities and conveniences for its own

community. 7

Another statement of the test is given in City of Kokomo v. Loy, decided by the Supreme Court of

Indiana in 1916, thus:

Municipal corporations exist in a dual capacity, and their functions are two fold.

In one they exercise the right springing from sovereignty, and while in the

performance of the duties pertaining thereto, their acts are political and

governmental Their officers and agents in such capacity, though elected or

appointed by the are nevertheless public functionaries performing a public

service, and as such they are officers, agents, and servants of the state. In the other

capacity the municipalities exercise a private. proprietary or corporate right,

arising from their existence as legal persons and not as public agencies. Their

officers and agents in the performance of such functions act in behalf of the

Page 54: State Immunity Cases

municipalities in their corporate or in. individual capacity, and not for the state or

sovereign power. (112 N. E 994-995)

In the early Philippine case of Mendoza v. de Leon 1916, the Supreme Court, through Justice

Grant T. Trent, relying mainly on American Jurisprudence classified certain activities of the

municipality as governmental, e.g.: regulations against fire, disease, preservation of public peace,

maintenance of municipal prisons, establishment of schools, post-offices, etc. while the

following are corporate or proprietary in character, viz: municipal waterwork, slaughter houses,

markets, stables, bathing establishments, wharves, ferries, and fisheries. 8 Maintenance of parks,

golf courses, cemeteries and airports among others, are also recognized as municipal or city

activities of a proprietary character. 9

2. This distinction of powers becomes important for purposes of determining the liability of the

municipality for the acts of its agents which result in an injury to third persons.

If the injury is caused in the course of the performance of a governmental function or duty no

recovery, as a rule, can be. had from the municipality unless there is an existing statute on the

matter, 10

nor from its officers, so long as they performed their duties honestly and in good faith

or that they did not act wantonly and maliciously. 11

In Palafox, et al., v. Province of Ilocos

Norte, et al., 1958, a truck driver employed by the provincial government of Ilocos Norte ran

over Proceto Palafox in the course of his work at the construction of a road. The Supreme Court

in affirming the trial court's dismissal of the complaint for damages held that the province could

not be made liable because its employee was in the performance of a governmental function —

the construction and maintenance of roads — and however tragic and deplorable it may be, the

death of Palafox imposed on the province no duty to pay monetary consideration. 12

With respect to proprietary functions, the settled rule is that a municipal corporation can be held

liable to third persons ex contract 13

or ex delicto. 14

Municipal corporations are subject to be sued upon contracts and in tort. ...

xxx xxx xxx

The rule of law is a general one, that the superior or employer must answer civilly

for the negligence or want of skill of its agent or servant in the course or fine of

his employment, by which another, who is free from contributory fault, is injured.

Municipal corporations under the conditions herein stated, fall within the

operation of this rule of law, and are liable, accordingly, to civil actions for

damages when the requisite elements of liability co-exist. ... (Dillon on Municipal

Corporations, 5th ed. Sec. 1610,1647, cited in Mendoza v. de Leon, supra. 514)

3. Coming to the cam before Us, and applying the general tests given above, We hold that the ho

of the town fiesta in 1959 by the municipality of Malsiqui Pangasinan was an exercise of a

private or proprietary function of the municipality.

Section 2282 of the Chatter on Municipal Law of the Revised Administrative Code provides:

Page 55: State Immunity Cases

Section 2282. Celebration of fiesta. — fiesta may be held in each municipality not

oftener than once a year upon a date fixed by the municipal council A fiesta s not

be held upon any other date than that lawfully fixed therefor, except when, for

weighty reasons, such as typhoons, foundations, earthquakes, epidemics, or other

public ties, the fiesta cannot be hold in the date fixed in which case it may be held

at a later date in the same year, by resolution of the council.

This provision simply gives authority to the municipality to accelebrate a yearly fiesta but it does

not impose upon it a duty to observe one. Holding a fiesta even if the purpose is to commemorate

a religious or historical event of the town is in essence an act for the special benefit of the

community and not for the general welfare of the public performed in pursuance of a policy of

the state. The mere fact that the celebration, as claimed was not to secure profit or gain but

merely to provide entertainment to the town inhabitants is not a conclusive test. For instance, the

maintenance of parks is not a source of income for the nonetheless it is private undertaking as

distinguished from the maintenance of public schools, jails, and the like which are for public


As stated earlier, there can be no hard and fast rule for purposes of determining the true nature of

an undertaking or function of a municipality; the surrounding circumstances of a particular case

are to be considered and will be decisive. The basic element, however beneficial to the public the

undertaking may be, is that it is governmental in essence, otherwise. the function becomes

private or proprietary in character. Easily, no overnmental or public policy of the state is

involved in the celebration of a town fiesta. 15

4. It follows that under the doctrine of respondent superior, petitioner-municipality is to be held

liable for damages for the death of Vicente Fontanilia if that was at- tributable to the negligence

of the municipality's officers, employees, or agents.

Art. 2176, Civil Code: Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another,

there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done. . .

Art. 2180, Civil Code: The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not

only for one's own acts or omission, but also for those of persons for whom one is

responsible. . .

On this point, the Court of Appeals found and held that there was negligence.

The trial court gave credence to the testimony of Angel Novado, a witness of the defendants

(now petitioners), that a member of the "extravaganza troupe removed two principal braces

located on the front portion of the stage and u them to hang the screen or "telon", and that when

many people went up the stage the latter collapsed. This testimony was not believed however by

respondent appellate court, and rightly so. According to said defendants, those two braces were

"mother" or "principal" braces located semi-diagonally from the front ends of the stage to the

front posts of the ticket booth located at the rear of the stage and were fastened with a bamboo

twine. 16

That being the case, it becomes incredible that any person in his right mind would

remove those principal braces and leave the front portion of the stage practically unsuported

Page 56: State Immunity Cases

Moreover, if that did happen, there was indeed negligence as there was lack of suspension over

the use of the stage to prevent such an occurrence.

At any rate, the guitarist who was pointed to by Novado as the person who removed the two

bamboo braces denied having done go. The Court of Appeals said "Amor by himself alone could

not have removed the two braces which must be about ten meters long and fastened them on top

of the stags for the curtain. The stage was only five and a half meters wide. Surely, it, would be

impractical and unwieldy to use a ten meter bamboo pole, much more two poles for the stage

curtain. 17

The appellate court also found that the stage was not strong enough considering that only

P100.00 was appropriate for the construction of two stages and while the floor of the "zarzuela"

stage was of wooden planks, the Post and braces used were of bamboo material We likewise

observe that although the stage was described by the Petitioners as being supported by "24"

posts, nevertheless there were only 4 in front, 4 at the rear, and 5 on each side. Where were the


The Court of Appeals thus concluded

The court a quo itself attributed the collapse of the stage to the great number of

onlookers who mounted the stage. The municipality and/or its agents had the

necessary means within its command to prevent such an occurrence. Having filed

to take the necessary steps to maintain the safety of the stage for the use of the

participants in the stage presentation prepared in connection with the celebration

of the town fiesta, particularly, in preventing non participants or spectators from

mounting and accumulating on the stage which was not constructed to meet the

additional weight- the defendant-appellees were negligent and are liable for the

death of Vicente Fontanilla . (pp. 30-31, rollo, L-29993)

The findings of the respondent appellate court that the facts as presented to it establish

negligence as a matter of law and that the Municipality failed to exercise the due diligence of a

good father of the family, will not disturbed by Us in the absence of a clear showing of an abuse

of discretion or a gross misapprehension of facts." 18

Liability rests on negligence which is "the want of such care as a person of ordinary prudence

would exercise under the circumstances of the case." 19

Thus, private respondents argue that the "Midas Extravaganza" which was to be performed

during the town fiesta was a "donation" offered by an association of Malasiqui employees of the

Manila Railroad Co. in Caloocan, and that when the Municipality of Malasiqui accepted the

donation of services and constructed precisely a "zarzuela stage" for the purpose, the participants

in the stage show had the right to expect that the Municipality through its "Committee on

entertainment and stage" would build or put up a stage or platform strong enough to sustain the

weight or burden of the performance and take the necessary measures to insure the personal

safety of the participants. 20

We agree.

Page 57: State Immunity Cases

Quite relevant to that argument is the American case of Sanders v. City of Long Beach, 1942,

which was an action against the city for injuries sustained from a fall when plaintiff was

descending the steps of the city auditorium. The city was conducting a "Know your City Week"

and one of the features was the showing of a motion picture in the city auditorium to which the

general public was invited and plaintiff Sanders was one of those who attended. In sustaining the

award for Damages in favor of plaintiff, the District Court of Appeal, Second district, California,

held inter alia that the "Know your City Week" was a "proprietary activity" and not a

"governmental one" of the city, that defendant owed to plaintiff, an invitee the duty of exercising

ordinary care for her safety, and plaintiff was entitled to assume that she would not be exposed to

a danger (which in this case consisted of lack of sufficient illumination of the premises) that

would come to her through a violation of defendant duty. 21

We can say that the deceased Vicente Fontanilla was similarly situated as Sander The

Municipality of Malasiqui resolved to celebrate the town fiesta in January of 1959; it created a

committee in charge of the entertainment and stage; an association of Malasiqui residents

responded to the call for the festivities and volunteered to present a stage show; Vicente

Fontanilla was one of the participants who like Sanders had the right to expect that he would be

exposed to danger on that occasion.

Lastly, petitioner or appellant Municipality cannot evade ability and/or liability under the c that it

was Jose Macaraeg who constructed the stage. The municipality acting through its municipal

council appointed Macaraeg as chairman of the sub-committee on entertainment and in charge of

the construction of the "zarzuela" stage. Macaraeg acted merely as an agent of the Municipality.

Under the doctrine of respondent superior mentioned earlier, petitioner is responsible or liable

for the negligence of its agent acting within his assigned tasks. 22

... when it is sought to render a municipal corporation liable for the act of servants or agents, a

cardinal inquiry is, whether they are the servants or agents of the corporation. If the corporation

appoints or elects them, can control them in the discharge of their duties, can continue or remove

the can hold them responsible for the manner in which they discharge their trust, and if those

duties relate to the exercise of corporate powers, and are for the benefit of the corporation in its

local or special interest, they may justly be regarded as its agents or servants, and the maxim of

respondent superior applies." ... (Dillon on Municipal Corporations, 5th Ed., Vol IV, p. 2879)

5. The remaining question to be resolved centers on the liability of the municipal councilors who

enacted the ordinance and created the fiesta committee.

The Court of Appeals held the councilors jointly and solidarity liable with the municipality for

damages under Article 27 of the Civil Code which provides that d any person suffering ing

material or moral loss because a public servant or employee refuses or neglects, without just

cause to perform his official duty may file an action for damages and other relief at the latter. 23

In their Petition for review the municipal councilors allege that the Court of Appeals erred in

ruling that the holding of a town fiesta is not a governmental function and that there was

negligence on their part for not maintaining and supervising the safe use of the stage, in applying

Page 58: State Immunity Cases

Article 27 of the Civil Code against them and in not holding Jose Macaraeg liable for the

collapse of the stage and the consequent death of Vicente Fontanilla. 24

We agree with petitioners that the Court of Appeals erred in applying Article 27 of the Civil

Code against the for this particular article covers a case of nonfeasance or non-performance by a

public officer of his official duty; it does not apply to a case of negligence or misfeasance in

carrying out an official duty.

If We are led to set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals insofar as these petitioners are

concerned, it is because of a plain error committed by respondent court which however is not

invoked in petitioners' brief.

In Miguel v. The Court of appeal. et al., the Court, through Justice, now Chief Justice, Fred Ruiz

Castro, held that the Supreme Court is vested with ample authority to review matters not

assigned as errors in an appeal if it finds that their consideration and resolution are indispensable

or necessary in arriving at a just decision in a given case, and that tills is author under Sec. 7,

Rule 51 of the Rules of Court. 25

We believe that this pronouncement can well be applied in the

instant case.

The Court of Appeals in its decision now under review held that the celebration of a town fiesta

by the Municipality of Malasiqui was not a governmental function. We upheld that ruling. The

legal consequence thereof is that the Municipality stands on the same footing as an ordinary

private corporation with the municipal council acting as its board of directors. It is an elementary

principle that a corporation has a personality, separate and distinct from its officers, directors, or

persons composing it 26

and the latter are not as a rule co-responsible in an action for damages

for tort or negligence culpa aquilla committed by the corporation's employees or agents unless

there is a showing of bad faith or gross or wanton negligence on their part. 27

xxx xxx xxx

The ordinary doctrine is that a director, merely by reason of his office, is not

personally Stable for the torts of his corporation; he Must be shown to have

personally voted for or otherwise participated in them ... Fletcher Encyclopedia

Corporations, Vol 3A Chapt 11, p. 207)

Officers of a corporation 'are not held liable for the negligence of the corporation

merely because of their official relation to it, but because of some wrongful or

negligent act by such officer amounting to a breach of duty which resulted in an

injury ... To make an officer of a corporation liable for the negligence of the

corporation there must have been upon his part such a breach of duty as

contributed to, or helped to bring about, the injury; that is to say, he must be a

participant in the wrongful act. ... (pp. 207-208, Ibid.)

xxx xxx xxx

Page 59: State Immunity Cases

Directors who merely employ one to give a fireworks Ambition on the corporate

are not personally liable for the negligent acts of the exhibitor. (p. 211, Ibid.)

On these people We absolve Use municipal councilors from any liability for the death of Vicente

Fontanilla. The records do not show that said petitioners directly participated in the defective

construction of the "zarzuela" stage or that they personally permitted spectators to go up the


6. One last point We have to resolve is on the award of attorney's fees by respondent court.

Petitioner-municipality assails the award.

Under paragraph 11, Art. 2208 of the Civil Code attorney's fees and expenses of litigation may

be granted when the court deems it just and equitable. In this case of Vicente Fontanilla,

although respondent appellate court failed to state the grounds for awarding attorney's fees, the

records show however that attempts were made by plaintiffs, now private respondents, to secure

an extrajudicial compensation from the municipality: that the latter gave prorases and assurances

of assistance but failed to comply; and it was only eight month after the incident that the

bereaved family of Vicente Fontanilla was compelled to seek relief from the courts to ventilate

what was believed to be a just cause. 28

We hold, therefore, that there is no error committed in the grant of attorney's fees which after all

is a matter of judicial discretion. The amount of P1,200.00 is fair and reasonable.

PREMISES CONSIDERED, We AFFIRM in toto the decision of the Court of Appeals insofar as

the Municipality of Malasiqui is concerned (L-30183), and We absolve the municipal councilors

from liability and SET ASIDE the judgment against them (L-9993).

Without pronouncement as to costs.


Page 60: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. L-52179 April 8, 1991





BANIÑA, respondents.

Mauro C. Cabading, Jr. for petitioner.

Simeon G. Hipol for private respondent.


This is a petition for certiorari with prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory

injunction seeking the nullification or modification of the proceedings and the orders issued by

the respondent Judge Romeo N. Firme, in his capacity as the presiding judge of the Court of First

Instance of La Union, Second Judicial District, Branch IV, Bauang, La Union in Civil Case No.

107-BG, entitled "Juana Rimando Baniña, et al. vs. Macario Nieveras, et al." dated November 4,

1975; July 13, 1976; August 23,1976; February 23, 1977; March 16, 1977; July 26, 1979;

September 7, 1979; November 7, 1979 and December 3, 1979 and the decision dated October 10,

1979 ordering defendants Municipality of San Fernando, La Union and Alfredo Bislig to pay,

jointly and severally, the plaintiffs for funeral expenses, actual damages consisting of the loss of

earning capacity of the deceased, attorney's fees and costs of suit and dismissing the complaint

against the Estate of Macario Nieveras and Bernardo Balagot.

The antecedent facts are as follows:

Petitioner Municipality of San Fernando, La Union is a municipal corporation existing under and

in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Respondent Honorable Judge

Romeo N. Firme is impleaded in his official capacity as the presiding judge of the Court of First

Instance of La Union, Branch IV, Bauang, La Union. While private respondents Juana Rimando-

Baniña, Laureano Baniña, Jr., Sor Marietta Baniña, Montano Baniña, Orja Baniña and Lydia R.

Baniña are heirs of the deceased Laureano Baniña Sr. and plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 107-Bg

before the aforesaid court.

At about 7 o'clock in the morning of December 16, 1965, a collision occurred involving a

passenger jeepney driven by Bernardo Balagot and owned by the Estate of Macario Nieveras, a

Page 61: State Immunity Cases

gravel and sand truck driven by Jose Manandeg and owned by Tanquilino Velasquez and a dump

truck of the Municipality of San Fernando, La Union and driven by Alfredo Bislig. Due to the

impact, several passengers of the jeepney including Laureano Baniña Sr. died as a result of the

injuries they sustained and four (4) others suffered varying degrees of physical injuries.

On December 11, 1966, the private respondents instituted a compliant for damages against the

Estate of Macario Nieveras and Bernardo Balagot, owner and driver, respectively, of the

passenger jeepney, which was docketed Civil Case No. 2183 in the Court of First Instance of La

Union, Branch I, San Fernando, La Union. However, the aforesaid defendants filed a Third Party

Complaint against the petitioner and the driver of a dump truck of petitioner.

Thereafter, the case was subsequently transferred to Branch IV, presided over by respondent

judge and was subsequently docketed as Civil Case No. 107-Bg. By virtue of a court order dated

May 7, 1975, the private respondents amended the complaint wherein the petitioner and its

regular employee, Alfredo Bislig were impleaded for the first time as defendants. Petitioner filed

its answer and raised affirmative defenses such as lack of cause of action, non-suability of the

State, prescription of cause of action and the negligence of the owner and driver of the passenger

jeepney as the proximate cause of the collision.

In the course of the proceedings, the respondent judge issued the following questioned orders, to


(1) Order dated November 4, 1975 dismissing the cross-claim against Bernardo Balagot;

(2) Order dated July 13, 1976 admitting the Amended Answer of the Municipality of San

Fernando, La Union and Bislig and setting the hearing on the affirmative defenses only

with respect to the supposed lack of jurisdiction;

(3) Order dated August 23, 1976 deferring there resolution of the grounds for the Motion

to Dismiss until the trial;

(4) Order dated February 23, 1977 denying the motion for reconsideration of the order of

July 13, 1976 filed by the Municipality and Bislig for having been filed out of time;

(5) Order dated March 16, 1977 reiterating the denial of the motion for reconsideration of

the order of July 13, 1976;

(6) Order dated July 26, 1979 declaring the case deemed submitted for decision it

appearing that parties have not yet submitted their respective memoranda despite the

court's direction; and

(7) Order dated September 7, 1979 denying the petitioner's motion for reconsideration

and/or order to recall prosecution witnesses for cross examination.

On October 10, 1979 the trial court rendered a decision, the dispositive portion is hereunder

quoted as follows:

Page 62: State Immunity Cases

IN VIEW OF ALL OF (sic) THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered for the

plaintiffs, and defendants Municipality of San Fernando, La Union and Alfredo Bislig are

ordered to pay jointly and severally, plaintiffs Juana Rimando-Baniña, Mrs. Priscilla B.

Surell, Laureano Baniña Jr., Sor Marietta Baniña, Mrs. Fe B. Soriano, Montano Baniña,

Orja Baniña and Lydia B. Baniña the sums of P1,500.00 as funeral expenses and

P24,744.24 as the lost expected earnings of the late Laureano Baniña Sr., P30,000.00 as

moral damages, and P2,500.00 as attorney's fees. Costs against said defendants.

The Complaint is dismissed as to defendants Estate of Macario Nieveras and Bernardo


SO ORDERED. (Rollo, p. 30)

Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration and for a new trial without prejudice to another

motion which was then pending. However, respondent judge issued another order dated

November 7, 1979 denying the motion for reconsideration of the order of September 7, 1979 for

having been filed out of time.

Finally, the respondent judge issued an order dated December 3, 1979 providing that if

defendants municipality and Bislig further wish to pursue the matter disposed of in the order of

July 26, 1979, such should be elevated to a higher court in accordance with the Rules of Court.

Hence, this petition.

Petitioner maintains that the respondent judge committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to

excess of jurisdiction in issuing the aforesaid orders and in rendering a decision. Furthermore,

petitioner asserts that while appeal of the decision maybe available, the same is not the speedy

and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.

On the other hand, private respondents controvert the position of the petitioner and allege that the

petition is devoid of merit, utterly lacking the good faith which is indispensable in a petition

for certiorari and prohibition. (Rollo, p. 42.) In addition, the private respondents stress that

petitioner has not considered that every court, including respondent court, has the inherent power

to amend and control its process and orders so as to make them conformable to law and justice.

(Rollo, p. 43.)

The controversy boils down to the main issue of whether or not the respondent court committed

grave abuse of discretion when it deferred and failed to resolve the defense of non-suability of

the State amounting to lack of jurisdiction in a motion to dismiss.

In the case at bar, the respondent judge deferred the resolution of the defense of non-suability of

the State amounting to lack of jurisdiction until trial. However, said respondent judge failed to

resolve such defense, proceeded with the trial and thereafter rendered a decision against the

municipality and its driver.

The respondent judge did not commit grave abuse of discretion when in the exercise of its

judgment it arbitrarily failed to resolve the vital issue of non-suability of the State in the guise of

Page 63: State Immunity Cases

the municipality. However, said judge acted in excess of his jurisdiction when in his decision

dated October 10, 1979 he held the municipality liable for the quasi-delict committed by its

regular employee.

The doctrine of non-suability of the State is expressly provided for in Article XVI, Section 3 of

the Constitution, to wit: "the State may not be sued without its consent."

Stated in simple parlance, the general rule is that the State may not be sued except when it gives

consent to be sued. Consent takes the form of express or implied consent.

Express consent may be embodied in a general law or a special law. The standing consent of the

State to be sued in case of money claims involving liability arising from contracts is found in Act

No. 3083. A special law may be passed to enable a person to sue the government for an alleged

quasi-delict, as in Merritt v. Government of the Philippine Islands (34 Phil 311). (see United

States of America v. Guinto, G.R. No. 76607, February 26, 1990, 182 SCRA 644, 654.)

Consent is implied when the government enters into business contracts, thereby descending to

the level of the other contracting party, and also when the State files a complaint, thus opening

itself to a counterclaim. (Ibid)

Municipal corporations, for example, like provinces and cities, are agencies of the State when

they are engaged in governmental functions and therefore should enjoy the sovereign immunity

from suit. Nevertheless, they are subject to suit even in the performance of such functions

because their charter provided that they can sue and be sued. (Cruz, Philippine Political Law,

1987 Edition, p. 39)

A distinction should first be made between suability and liability. "Suability depends on the

consent of the state to be sued, liability on the applicable law and the established facts. The

circumstance that a state is suable does not necessarily mean that it is liable; on the other hand, it

can never be held liable if it does not first consent to be sued. Liability is not conceded by the

mere fact that the state has allowed itself to be sued. When the state does waive its sovereign

immunity, it is only giving the plaintiff the chance to prove, if it can, that the defendant is liable."

(United States of America vs. Guinto, supra, p. 659-660)

Anent the issue of whether or not the municipality is liable for the torts committed by its

employee, the test of liability of the municipality depends on whether or not the driver, acting in

behalf of the municipality, is performing governmental or proprietary functions. As emphasized

in the case of Torio vs. Fontanilla (G. R. No. L-29993, October 23, 1978. 85 SCRA 599, 606),

the distinction of powers becomes important for purposes of determining the liability of the

municipality for the acts of its agents which result in an injury to third persons.

Another statement of the test is given in City of Kokomo vs. Loy, decided by the Supreme Court

of Indiana in 1916, thus:

Municipal corporations exist in a dual capacity, and their functions are twofold. In one

they exercise the right springing from sovereignty, and while in the performance of the

Page 64: State Immunity Cases

duties pertaining thereto, their acts are political and governmental. Their officers and

agents in such capacity, though elected or appointed by them, are nevertheless public

functionaries performing a public service, and as such they are officers, agents, and

servants of the state. In the other capacity the municipalities exercise a private,

proprietary or corporate right, arising from their existence as legal persons and not as

public agencies. Their officers and agents in the performance of such functions act in

behalf of the municipalities in their corporate or individual capacity, and not for the state

or sovereign power." (112 N.E., 994-995) (Ibid, pp. 605-606.)

It has already been remarked that municipal corporations are suable because their charters grant

them the competence to sue and be sued. Nevertheless, they are generally not liable for torts

committed by them in the discharge of governmental functions and can be held answerable only

if it can be shown that they were acting in a proprietary capacity. In permitting such entities to be

sued, the State merely gives the claimant the right to show that the defendant was not acting in

its governmental capacity when the injury was committed or that the case comes under the

exceptions recognized by law. Failing this, the claimant cannot recover. (Cruz, supra, p. 44.)

In the case at bar, the driver of the dump truck of the municipality insists that "he was on his way

to the Naguilian river to get a load of sand and gravel for the repair of San Fernando's municipal

streets." (Rollo, p. 29.)

In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the regularity of the performance of official duty

is presumed pursuant to Section 3(m) of Rule 131 of the Revised Rules of Court. Hence, We rule

that the driver of the dump truck was performing duties or tasks pertaining to his office.

We already stressed in the case of Palafox, et. al. vs. Province of Ilocos Norte, the District

Engineer, and the Provincial Treasurer (102 Phil 1186) that "the construction or maintenance of

roads in which the truck and the driver worked at the time of the accident are admittedly

governmental activities."

After a careful examination of existing laws and jurisprudence, We arrive at the conclusion that

the municipality cannot be held liable for the torts committed by its regular employee, who was

then engaged in the discharge of governmental functions. Hence, the death of the passenger ––

tragic and deplorable though it may be –– imposed on the municipality no duty to pay monetary


All premises considered, the Court is convinced that the respondent judge's dereliction in failing

to resolve the issue of non-suability did not amount to grave abuse of discretion. But said judge

exceeded his jurisdiction when it ruled on the issue of liability.

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is GRANTED and the decision of the respondent court is hereby

modified, absolving the petitioner municipality of any liability in favor of private respondents.


Page 65: State Immunity Cases




- versus -

HON. VICENTE A. HIDALGO, in his capacity

as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court

of Manila, Branch 37, CARMELO

V. CACHERO, in his capacity as Sheriff IV,

Regional Trial Court of Manila, and TARCILA



G.R. No. 161657


PUNO, C.J.,Chairperson,






October 4, 2007




Via this verified petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, the

Republic of the Philippines (Republic, for short), thru the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),

comes to this Court to nullify and set aside the decision dated August 27, 2003 and other related

issuances of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 37, in its Civil Case No. 99-

94075. In directly invoking the Courts original jurisdiction to issue the extraordinary writs

of certiorari and prohibition, without challenge from any of the respondents, the Republic gave

as justification therefor the fact that the case involves an over TWO BILLION PESO judgment

against the State, allegedly rendered in blatant violation of the Constitution, law and


By any standard, the case indeed involves a colossal sum of money which, on the face of the

assailed decision, shall be the liability of the national government or, in fine, the taxpayers. This

consideration, juxtaposed with the constitutional and legal questions surrounding the

controversy, presents special and compelling reasons of public interests why direct recourse to

the Court should be allowed, as an exception to the policy on hierarchy of courts.

Page 66: State Immunity Cases

At the core of the litigation is a 4,924.60-square meter lot once covered by Transfer Certificate of

Title (TCT) No. 118527 of the Registry of Deeds of Manila in the name of the herein private

respondent Tarcila Laperal Mendoza (Mendoza), married to Perfecto Mendoza. The lot is

situated at No. 1440 Arlegui St., San Miguel, Manila, near the Malacaang Palace complex. On

this lot, hereinafter referred to as the Arlegui property, now stands the Presidential Guest House

which was home to two (2) former Presidents of the Republic and now appears to be used as

office building of the Office of the President.[1]

The facts:

Sometime in June 1999, Mendoza filed a suit with the RTC of Manila for reconveyance and the

corresponding declaration of nullity of a deed of sale and title against the Republic, the Register

of Deeds of Manila and one Atty. Fidel Vivar. In her complaint, as later amended, docketed

as Civil Case No. 99-94075 and eventually raffled to Branch 35 of the court, Mendoza

essentially alleged being the owner of the disputed Arlegui property which the Republic

forcibly dispossessed her of and over which the Register of Deeds of Manila issued TCT No.

118911 in the name of the Republic.

Answering, the Republic set up, among other affirmative defenses, the States immunity from


The intervening legal tussles are not essential to this narration. What is material is that in an

Order of March 17, 2000, the RTC of Manila, Branch 35, dismissed Mendozas complaint. The

court would also deny, in another order dated May 12, 2000, Mendozas omnibus motion for

reconsideration. On a petition for certiorari, however, the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP

No. 60749, reversed the trial courts assailed orders and remanded the case to the court a quo for

further proceedings.[2]

On appeal, this Court, in G.R. No. 155231, sustained the CAs reversal


From Branch 35 of the trial court whose then presiding judge inhibited himself from hearing the

remanded Civil Case No. 99-94075, the case was re-raffled to Branch 37 thereof, presided by the

respondent judge.

On May 5, 2003, Mendoza filed a Motion for Leave of Court to file a Third Amended

Complaint with a copy of the intended third amended complaint thereto attached. In the May 16,

2003 setting to hear the motion, the RTC, in open court and in the presence of the Republics

Page 67: State Immunity Cases

counsel, admitted the third amended complaint, ordered the Republic to file its answer thereto

within five (5) days from May 16, 2003 and set a date for pre-trial.

In her adverted third amended complaint for recovery and reconveyance of the Arlegui

property, Mendoza sought the declaration of nullity of a supposed deed of sale dated July 15,

1975 which provided the instrumentation toward the issuance of TCT No. 118911 in the name of

the Republic. And aside from the cancellation of TCT No. 118911, Mendoza also asked for the

reinstatement of her TCT No. 118527.[4]

In the same third amended complaint, Mendoza averred

that, since time immemorial, she and her predecessors-in-interest had been in peaceful and

adverse possession of the property as well as of the owners duplicate copy of TCT No. 118527.

Such possession, she added, continued until the first week of July 1975 when a group of armed

men representing themselves to be members of the Presidential Security Group [PSG] of the then

President Ferdinand E. Marcos, had forcibly entered [her] residence and ordered [her] to turn

over to them her Copy of TCT No. 118525 and compelled her and the members of her household

to vacate the same ; thus, out of fear for their lives, [she] handed her Owners Duplicate

Certificate Copy of TCT No. 118527 and had left and/or vacated the subject property. Mendoza

further alleged the following:

1. Per verification, TCT No. 118527 had already been cancelled by virtue of a deed of sale in

favor of the Republic allegedly executed by her and her deceased husband on July 15, 1975 and

acknowledged before Fidel Vivar which deed was annotated at the back of TCT No. 118527

under PE: 2035/T-118911 dated July 28, 1975; and

2. That the aforementioned deed of sale is fictitious as she (Mendoza) and her husband have not

executed any deed of conveyance covering the disputed property in favor of the Republic, let

alone appearing before Fidel Vivar.

Inter alia, she prayed for the following:

4. Ordering the Republic to pay plaintiff [Mendoza] a reasonable compensation or rental

for the use or occupancy of the subject property in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED

THOUSAND (P500,000.00) PESOS a month with a five (5%) per cent yearly

increase, plus interest thereon at the legal rate, beginning July 1975 until it finally

vacates the same;

5. Ordering the Republic to pay plaintiffs counsel a sum equivalent to TWENTY FIVE

(25%) PER CENT of the current value of the subject property and/or whatever

amount is recovered under the premises; Further, plaintiff prays for such other

relief, just and equitable under the premises.

Page 68: State Immunity Cases

On May 21, 2003, the Republic, represented by the OSG, filed a Motion for Extension (With

Motion for Cancellation of scheduled pre-trial). In it, the Republic manifested its inability to

simply adopt its previous answer and, accordingly, asked that it be given a period of thirty (30)

days from May 21, 2003 or until June 20, 2003 within which to submit an Answer.[5]

June 20,

2003 came and went, but no answer was filed. On July 18, 2003 and again on August 19, 2003,

the OSG moved for a 30-day extension at each instance. The filing of the last two motions for

extension proved to be an idle gesture, however, since the trial court had meanwhile issued an


dated July 7, 2003 declaring the petitioner Republic as in default and allowing the private

respondent to present her evidence ex-parte.

The evidence for the private respondent, as plaintiff a quo, consisted of her testimony denying

having executed the alleged deed of sale dated July 15, 1975 which paved the way for the

issuance of TCT No. 118911. According to her, said deed is fictitious or inexistent, as evidenced

by separate certifications, the first (Exh. E), issued by the Register of Deeds for Manila and the

second (Exh. F), by the Office of Clerk of Court, RTC Manila. Exhibit E[7]

states that a copy of

the supposed conveying deed cannot, despite diligent efforts of records personnel, be located,

while Exhibit F[8]

states that Fidel Vivar was not a commissioned notary public for and in the

City of Manila for the year 1975. Three other witnesses[9]

testified, albeit their testimonies

revolved around the appraisal and rental values of the Arlegui property.

Eventually, the trial court rendered a judgment by default[10]

for Mendoza and against the

Republic. To the trial court, the Republic had veritably confiscated Mendozas property, and

deprived her not only of the use thereof but also denied her of the income she could have had

otherwise realized during all the years she was illegally dispossessed of the same.

Dated August 27, 2003, the trial courts decision dispositively reads as follows:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:

1. Declaring the deed of sale dated July 15, 1975, annotated at

the back of [TCT] No. 118527 as PE:2035/T-118911, as non-

existent and/or fictitious, and, therefore, null and void from the


2. Declaring that [TCT] No. 118911 of the defendant Republic

of the Philippines has no basis, thereby making it null and void

from the beginning;

Page 69: State Immunity Cases

3. Ordering the defendant Register of Deeds for the City of

Manila to reinstate plaintiff [Mendozas TCT] No. 118527;

4. Ordering the defendant Republic to pay just compensation in


HUNDRED THOUSAND (P143,600,000.00) PESOS, plus

interest at the legal rate, until the whole amount is paid in full for

the acquisition of the subject property;

5. Ordering the plaintiff, upon payment of the just

compensation for the acquisition of her property, to execute the

necessary deed of conveyance in favor of the defendant Republic ;

and, on the other hand, directing the defendant Register of Deeds,

upon presentation of the said deed of conveyance, to cancel

plaintiffs TCT No. 118527 and to issue, in lieu thereof, a new

Transfer Certificate of Title in favor of the defendant Republic;

6. Ordering the defendant Republic to pay the plaintiff the sum



EIGHTY EIGHT (P1,480,627,688.00) PESOS, representing the

reasonable rental for the use of the subject property, the interest

thereon at the legal rate, and the opportunity cost at the rate of

three (3%) per cent per annum, commencing July 1975

continuously up to July 30, 2003, plus an additional interest at the

legal rate, commencing from this date until the whole amount is

paid in full;

7. Ordering the defendant Republic to pay the plaintiff

attorneys fee, in an amount equivalent to FIFTEEN (15%) PER

CENT of the amount due to the plaintiff.

With pronouncement as to the costs of suit.

SO ORDERED. (Words in bracket and emphasis added.)

Subsequently, the Republic moved for, but was denied, a new trial per order of the trial court of

October 7, 2003.[11]

Denied also was its subsequent plea for reconsideration.[12]

These twin denial

orders were followed by several orders and processes issued by the trial court on separate dates

as hereunder indicated:

1. November 27, 2003 - - Certificate of Finality declaring the August 27, 2003

decision final and executory.[13]

Page 70: State Immunity Cases

2. December 17, 2003 - - Order denying the Notice of Appeal filed on November 27,

2003, the same having been filed beyond the reglementary period.[14]

3. December 19, 2003 - - Order[15]

granting the private respondents motion for


4. December 22, 2003 - - Writ of Execution.[16]

Hence, this petition for certiorari.

By Resolution[17]

of November 20, 2006, the case was set for oral arguments. On January 22,

2007, when this case was called for the purpose, both parties manifested their willingness to

settle the case amicably, for which reason the Court gave them up to February 28, 2007 to submit

the compromise agreement for approval. Following several approved extensions of the February

28, 2007 deadline, the OSG, on August 6, 2007, manifested that it is submitting the case for

resolution on the merits owing to the inability of the parties to agree on an acceptable


In this recourse, the petitioner urges the Court to strike down as a nullity the trial courts order

declaring it in default and the judgment by default that followed. Sought to be nullified, too, also

on the ground that they were issued in grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or in excess

of jurisdiction, are the orders and processes enumerated immediately above issued after the

rendition of the default judgment.

Petitioner lists five (5) overlapping grounds for allowing its petition. It starts off by impugning

the order of default and the judgment by default. To the petitioner, the respondent judge

committed serious jurisdictional error when he proceeded to hear the case and eventually

awarded the private respondent a staggering amount without so much as giving the petitioner the

opportunity to present its defense.

Petitioners posture is simply without merit.

Deprivation of procedural due process is obviously the petitioners threshold theme. Due process,

in its procedural aspect, guarantees in the minimum the opportunity to be heard.[18]

Grave abuse

of discretion, however, cannot plausibly be laid at the doorstep of the respondent judge on

account of his having issued the default order against the petitioner, then proceeding with the

hearing and eventually rendering a default judgment. For, what the respondent judge did hew

Page 71: State Immunity Cases

with what Section 3, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court prescribes and allows in the event the

defending party fails to seasonably file a responsive pleading. The provision reads:

SEC. 3. Default; declaration of.- If the defending party fails to answer within the time

allowed therefor, the court shall, upon motion of the claiming party with notice to

the defending party, and proof of such failure, declare the defending party in

default. Thereupon, the court shall proceed to render judgment granting the

claimant such relief as his pleading may warrant, unless the court in its discretion

requires the claimant to submit evidence .[19]

While the ideal lies in avoiding orders of default,[20]

the policy of the law being to have every

litigated case tried on its full merits,[21]

the act of the respondent judge in rendering the default

judgment after an order of default was properly issued cannot be struck down as a case of grave

abuse of discretion.

The term grave abuse of discretion, in its juridical sense, connotes capricious, despotic,

oppressive or whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.[22]


abuse must be of such degree as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or a virtual refusal to

perform a duty enjoined by law, as where the power is exercised in a capricious manner. The

word capricious, usually used in tandem with arbitrary, conveys the notion of willful and

unreasoning action.[23]

Under the premises, the mere issuance by the trial court of the order of default followed by a

judgment by default can easily be sustained as correct and doubtless within its jurisdiction.

Surely, a disposition directing the Republic to pay an enormous sum without the trial court

hearing its side does not, without more, vitiate, on due procedural ground, the validity of the

default judgment. The petitioner may have indeed been deprived of such hearing, but this does

not mean that its right to due process had been violated. For, consequent to being declared in

default, the defaulting defendant is deemed to have waived his right to be heard or to take part in

the trial. The handling solicitors simply squandered the Republics opportunity to be heard. But

more importantly, the law itself imposes such deprivation of the right to participate as a form of

penalty against one unwilling without justification to join issue upon the allegations tendered by

the plaintiff.

And going to another point, the petitioner would ascribe jurisdictional error on the respondent

judge for denying its motion for new trial based on any or a mix of the following factors, viz., (1)

the failure to file an answer is attributable to the negligence of the former handling solicitor; (2)

the meritorious nature of the petitioners defense; and (3) the value of the property involved.

Page 72: State Immunity Cases

The Court is not convinced. Even as the Court particularly notes what the trial court had said on

the matter of negligence: that all of the petitioners pleadings below bear at least three signatures,

that of the handling solicitor, the assistant solicitor and the Solicitor General himself, and hence

accountability should go up all the way to the top of the totem pole of authority, the cited reasons

advanced by the petitioner for a new trial are not recognized under Section 1, Rule 37 of the

Rules of Court for such recourse.[24]

Withal, there is no cogent reason to disturb the denial by the

trial court of the motion for new trial and the denial of the reiterative motion for reconsideration.

Then, too, the issuance by the trial court of the Order dated December 17, 2003[25]

denying the

petitioners notice of appeal after the court caused the issuance on November 27, 2003 of a

certificate of finality of its August 27, 2003 decision can hardly be described as arbitrary, as the

petitioner would have this Court believe. In this regard, the Court takes stock of the following

key events and material dates set forth in the assailed December 17, 2003 order, supra: (a) The

petitioner, thru the OSG, received on August 29, 2003 a copy of the RTC decision in this case,

hence had up to September 13, 2003, a Saturday, within which to perfect an appeal; (b)

On September 15, 2003, a Monday, the OSG filed its motion for new trial, which the RTC

denied, the OSG receiving a copy of the order of denial on October 9, 2003; and (c) On October

24, 2003, the OSG sought reconsideration of the order denying the motion for new trial. The

motion for reconsideration was denied per Order dated November 25, 2003, a copy of which the

OSG received on the same date.

Given the foregoing time perspective, what the trial court wrote in its aforementioned impugned

order of December 17, 2003 merits approval:

In the case at bar, it is clear that the motion for new trial filed on the fifteenth (15th

) day

after the decision was received on August 29, 2003 was denied and the moving

party has only the remaining period from notice of notice of denial within which

to file a notice of appeal. xxx

Accordingly, when defendants [Republic et al.] filed their motion for new trial on the last

day of the fifteen day (15) prescribed for taking an appeal, which motion was

subsequently denied, they had one (1) day from receipt of a copy of the order

denying new trial within which to perfect [an] appeal . Since defendants had

received a copy of the order denying their motion for new trial on 09 October

2003, reckoned from that date, they only have one (1) day left within which to

file the notice of appeal. But instead of doing so, the defendants filed a motion

for reconsideration which was later declared by the Court as pro forma

motion in the Order dated 25 November 2003. The running of the prescriptive

period, therefore, can not be interrupted by a pro forma motion. Hence the filing

Page 73: State Immunity Cases

of the notice of appeal on 27 November 2007 came much too late for by then the

judgment had already become final and executory.[26]

(Words in bracket added;

Emphasis in the original.)

It cannot be over-emphasized at this stage that the special civil action of certiorari is limited to

resolving only errors of jurisdiction; it is not a remedy to correct errors of judgment. Hence, the

petitioners lament, partly covered by and discussed under the first ground for allowing its

petition, about the trial court taking cognizance of the case notwithstanding private respondents

claim or action being barred by prescription and/or laches cannot be considered favorably. For,

let alone the fact that an action for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract, as here, does

not prescribe;[27]

that a void transfer of property can be recovered by accion


and that the legal fiction of indefeasibility of a Torrens title cannot be used as

a shield to perpetuate fraud,[29]

the trial courts disinclination not to appreciate in favor of the

Republic the general principles of prescription or laches constitutes, at best, errors of judgment

not correctable by certiorari.

The evidence adduced below indeed adequately supports a conclusion that the Office of the

President, during the administration of then President Marcos, wrested possession of the property

in question and somehow secured a certificate of title over it without a conveying deed having

been executed to legally justify the cancellation of the old title (TCT No. 118527) in the name of

the private respondent and the issuance of a new one (TCT No. 118911) in the name of petitioner

Republic. Accordingly, granting private respondents basic plea for recovery of the Arlegui

property, which was legally hers all along, and the reinstatement of her cancelled certificate of

title are legally correct as they are morally right. While not exactly convenient because the Office

of the President presently uses it for mix residence and office purposes, restoring private

respondent to her possession of the Arlegui property is still legally and physically feasible. For

what is before us, after all, is a registered owner of a piece of land who, during the early days of

the martial law regime, lost possession thereof to the Government which appropriated the same

for some public use, but without going through the legal process of expropriation, let alone

paying such owner just compensation.

The Court cannot, however, stop with just restoring the private respondent to her possession and

ownership of her property. The restoration ought to be complemented by some form of monetary

compensation for having been unjustly deprived of the beneficial use thereof, but not, however,

in the varying amounts and level fixed in the assailed decision of the trial court and set to be

executed by the equally assailed writ of execution. The Court finds the monetary award set forth

therein to be erroneous. And the error relates to basic fundamentals of law as to constitute grave

abuse of discretion.

Page 74: State Immunity Cases

As may be noted, private respondent fixed the assessed value of her Arlegui

property at P2,388,990.00. And in the prayer portion of her third amended complaint for

recovery, she asked to be restored to the possession of her property and that the petitioner be

ordered to pay her, as reasonable compensation or rental use or occupancy thereof, the sum

of P500,000.00 a month, or P6 Million a year, with a five percent (5%) yearly increase plus

interest at the legal rate beginning July 1975. From July 1975 when the PSG allegedly took over

the subject property to July 2003, a month before the trial court rendered judgment, or a period

of 28 years, private respondents total rental claim would, per the OSGs computation, only

amount toP371,440,426.00. In its assailed decision, however, the trial court ordered the

petitioner to pay private respondent the total amount of over P1.48 Billion or the mind-boggling

amount ofP1,480,627,688.00, to be exact, representing the reasonable rental for the property, the

interest rate thereon at the legal rate and the opportunity cost. This figure is on top of

theP143,600,000.00 which represents the acquisition cost of the disputed property. All told, the

trial court would have the Republic pay the total amount of about P1.624 Billion, exclusive of

interest, for the taking of a property with a declared assessed value of P2,388,900.00. This is not

to mention the award of attorneys fees in an amount equivalent to 15% of the amount due the

private respondent.

In doing so, the respondent judge brazenly went around the explicit command of Rule 9, Section

3(d) of the Rules of Court[30]

which defines the extent of the relief that may be awarded in a

judgment by default, i.e., only so much as has been alleged and proved. The court acts in excess

of jurisdiction if it awards an amount beyond the claim made in the complaint or beyond that

proved by the evidence.[31]

While a defaulted defendant may be said to be at the mercy of the

trial court, the Rules of Court and certainly the imperatives of fair play see to it that any decision

against him must be in accordance with law.[32]

In the abstract, this means that the judgment must

not be characterized by outrageous one-sidedness, but by what is fair, just and equitable that

always underlie the enactment of a law.

Given the above perspective, the obvious question that comes to mind is the level of

compensation which for the use and occupancy of the Arlegui property - would be fair to both

the petitioner and the private respondent and, at the same time, be within acceptable legal

bounds. The process of balancing the interests of both parties is not an easy one. But surely,

theArlegui property cannot possibly be assigned, even perhaps at the present real estate

business standards, a monthly rental value of at least P500,000.00 or P6,000,000.00 a year, the

amount private respondent particularly sought and attempted to prove. This asking figure is

clearly unconscionable, if not downright ridiculous, attendant circumstances considered. To the

Page 75: State Immunity Cases

Court, an award of P20,000.00 a month for the use and occupancy of the Arlegui property,

while perhaps a little bit arbitrary, is reasonable and may be granted pro hac vice considering the

following hard realities which the Court takes stock of:

1. The property is relatively small in terms of actual area and had an assessed value of

only P2,388,900.00;

2. What the martial law regime took over was not exactly an area with a new and

imposing structure, if there was any; and

3. The Arlegui property had minimal rental value during the

relatively long martial law years, given the very restrictive entry and egress

conditions prevailing at the vicinity at that time and even after.

To be sure, the grant of monetary award is not without parallel. In Alfonso v. Pasay City,[33]


case where a registered owner also lost possession of a piece of lot to a municipality which took

it for a public purposes without instituting expropriation proceedings or paying any

compensation for the lot, the Court, citing Herrera v. Auditor General,[34]

ordered payment of

just compensation but in the form of interest when a return of the property was no longer


The award of attorneys fees equivalent to 15% of the amount due the private respondent, as

reduced herein, is affirmed.

The assessment of costs of suit against the petitioner is, however, nullified, costs not being

allowed against the Republic, unless otherwise provided by law.[35]

The assailed trial courts issuance of the writ of execution[36]

against government funds to satisfy

its money judgment is also nullified. It is basic that government funds and properties may not be

seized under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy such judgments.[37]

Republic v.


teaches that a judgment against the State generally operates merely to liquidate and

establish the plaintiffs claim in the absence of express provision; otherwise, they can not be

enforced by processes of law.

Albeit title to the Arlegui property remains in the name of the petitioner Republic, it is actually

the Office of the President which has beneficial possession of and use over it since the 1975

takeover. Accordingly, and in accord with the elementary sense of justice, it behooves that office

to make the appropriate budgetary arrangements towards paying private respondent what is due

her under the premises. This, to us, is the right thing to do. The imperatives of fair dealing

Page 76: State Immunity Cases

demand no less. And the Court would be remiss in the discharge of its duties as dispenser of

justice if it does not exhort the Office of the President to comply with what, in law and equity, is

its obligation. If the same office will undertake to pay its obligation with reasonable dispatch or

in a manner acceptable to the private respondent, then simple justice, while perhaps delayed, will

have its day. Private respondent is in the twilight of her life, being now over 90 years of


Any delay in the implementation of this disposition would be a bitter cut.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila dated August 27, 2003

insofar as it nullified TCT No. 118911 of petitioner Republic of the Philippines and ordered the

Register of Deeds of Manila to reinstate private respondent Tarcila L. Mendozas TCT No.

118527, or to issue her a new certificate of title is AFFIRMED. Should it be necessary, the

Register of Deeds of Manila shall execute the necessary conveying deed to effect the

reinstatement of title or the issuance of a new title to her.

It is MODIFIED in the sense that for the use and occupancy of the Arlegui property, petitioner

Republic is ordered to pay private respondent the reasonable amount of P20,000.00 a month

beginning July 1975 until it vacates the same and the possession thereof restored to the private

respondent, plus an additional interest of 6% per annum on the total amount due upon the finality

of this Decision until the same is fully paid. Petitioner is further ordered to pay private

respondent attorney's fees equivalent to 15% of the amount due her under the premises.

Accordingly, a writ of certiorari is hereby ISSUED in the sense that:

1. The respondent courts assailed decision of August 27, 2003 insofar as it ordered the petitioner

Republic of the Philippines to pay private respondent Tarcila L. Mendoza the sum of One Billion

Four Hundred Eighty Million Six Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Eight

Pesos (P1,480,627,688.00) representing the purported rental use of the property in question, the

interest thereon and the opportunity cost at the rate of 3% per annum plus the interest at the legal

rate added thereon is nullified. The portion assessing the petitioner Republic for costs of suit is

also declared null and void.

2. The Order of the respondent court dated December 19, 2003 for the issuance of a writ of

execution and the Writ of Execution dated December 22, 2003 against government funds are

hereby declared null and void. Accordingly, the presiding judge of the respondent court, the

private respondent, their agents and persons acting for and in their behalves are permanently

enjoined from enforcing said writ of execution.

Page 77: State Immunity Cases

However, consistent with the basic tenets of justice, fairness and equity, petitioner Republic, thru

the Office of the President, is hereby strongly enjoined to take the necessary steps, and, with

reasonable dispatch, make the appropriate budgetary arrangements to pay private respondent

Tarcila L. Mendoza or her assigns the amount adjudged due her under this disposition.


Page 78: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. Nos. 89898-99 October 1, 1990






Defante & Elegado for petitioner.

Roberto B. Lugue for private respondent Admiral Finance Creditors' Consortium, Inc.



The present petition for review is an off-shoot of expropriation proceedings initiated by

petitioner Municipality of Makati against private respondent Admiral Finance Creditors

Consortium, Inc., Home Building System & Realty Corporation and one Arceli P. Jo, involving a

parcel of land and improvements thereon located at Mayapis St., San Antonio Village, Makati

and registered in the name of Arceli P. Jo under TCT No. S-5499.

It appears that the action for eminent domain was filed on May 20, 1986, docketed as Civil Case

No. 13699. Attached to petitioner's complaint was a certification that a bank account (Account

No. S/A 265-537154-3) had been opened with the PNB Buendia Branch under petitioner's name

containing the sum of P417,510.00, made pursuant to the provisions of Pres. Decree No. 42.

After due hearing where the parties presented their respective appraisal reports regarding the

value of the property, respondent RTC judge rendered a decision on June 4, 1987, fixing the

appraised value of the property at P5,291,666.00, and ordering petitioner to pay this amount

minus the advanced payment of P338,160.00 which was earlier released to private respondent.

After this decision became final and executory, private respondent moved for the issuance of a

writ of execution. This motion was granted by respondent RTC judge. After issuance of the writ

of execution, a Notice of Garnishment dated January 14, 1988 was served by respondent sheriff

Silvino R. Pastrana upon the manager of the PNB Buendia Branch. However, respondent sheriff

was informed that a "hold code" was placed on the account of petitioner. As a result of this,

Page 79: State Immunity Cases

private respondent filed a motion dated January 27, 1988 praying that an order be issued

directing the bank to deliver to respondent sheriff the amount equivalent to the unpaid balance

due under the RTC decision dated June 4, 1987.

Petitioner filed a motion to lift the garnishment, on the ground that the manner of payment of the

expropriation amount should be done in installments which the respondent RTC judge failed to

state in his decision. Private respondent filed its opposition to the motion.

Pending resolution of the above motions, petitioner filed on July 20, 1988 a "Manifestation"

informing the court that private respondent was no longer the true and lawful owner of the

subject property because a new title over the property had been registered in the name of

Philippine Savings Bank, Inc. (PSB) Respondent RTC judge issued an order requiring PSB to

make available the documents pertaining to its transactions over the subject property, and the

PNB Buendia Branch to reveal the amount in petitioner's account which was garnished by

respondent sheriff. In compliance with this order, PSB filed a manifestation informing the court

that it had consolidated its ownership over the property as mortgagee/purchaser at an

extrajudicial foreclosure sale held on April 20, 1987. After several conferences, PSB and private

respondent entered into a compromise agreement whereby they agreed to divide between

themselves the compensation due from the expropriation proceedings.

Respondent trial judge subsequently issued an order dated September 8, 1988 which: (1)

approved the compromise agreement; (2) ordered PNB Buendia Branch to immediately release

to PSB the sum of P4,953,506.45 which corresponds to the balance of the appraised value of the

subject property under the RTC decision dated June 4, 1987, from the garnished account of

petitioner; and, (3) ordered PSB and private respondent to execute the necessary deed of

conveyance over the subject property in favor of petitioner. Petitioner's motion to lift the

garnishment was denied.

Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which was duly opposed by private respondent. On

the other hand, for failure of the manager of the PNB Buendia Branch to comply with the order

dated September 8, 1988, private respondent filed two succeeding motions to require the bank

manager to show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court. During the hearings

conducted for the above motions, the general manager of the PNB Buendia Branch, a Mr.

Antonio Bautista, informed the court that he was still waiting for proper authorization from the

PNB head office enabling him to make a disbursement for the amount so ordered. For its part,

petitioner contended that its funds at the PNB Buendia Branch could neither be garnished nor

levied upon execution, for to do so would result in the disbursement of public funds without the

proper appropriation required under the law, citing the case of Republic of the Philippines v.

Palacio [G.R. No. L-20322, May 29, 1968, 23 SCRA 899].

Respondent trial judge issued an order dated December 21, 1988 denying petitioner's motion for

reconsideration on the ground that the doctrine enunciated in Republic v. Palacio did not apply to

the case because petitioner's PNB Account No. S/A 265-537154-3 was an account specifically

opened for the expropriation proceedings of the subject property pursuant to Pres. Decree No.

42. Respondent RTC judge likewise declared Mr. Antonio Bautista guilty of contempt of court

Page 80: State Immunity Cases

for his inexcusable refusal to obey the order dated September 8, 1988, and thus ordered his arrest

and detention until his compliance with the said order.

Petitioner and the bank manager of PNB Buendia Branch then filed separate petitions

for certiorari with the Court of Appeals, which were eventually consolidated. In a decision

promulgated on June 28, 1989, the Court of Appeals dismissed both petitions for lack of merit,

sustained the jurisdiction of respondent RTC judge over the funds contained in petitioner's PNB

Account No. 265-537154-3, and affirmed his authority to levy on such funds.

Its motion for reconsideration having been denied by the Court of Appeals, petitioner now files

the present petition for review with prayer for preliminary injunction.

On November 20, 1989, the Court resolved to issue a temporary restraining order enjoining

respondent RTC judge, respondent sheriff, and their representatives, from enforcing and/or

carrying out the RTC order dated December 21, 1988 and the writ of garnishment issued

pursuant thereto. Private respondent then filed its comment to the petition, while petitioner filed

its reply.

Petitioner not only reiterates the arguments adduced in its petition before the Court of Appeals,

but also alleges for the first time that it has actually two accounts with the PNB Buendia Branch,

to wit:

xxx xxx xxx

(1) Account No. S/A 265-537154-3 — exclusively for the expropriation of the

subject property, with an outstanding balance of P99,743.94.

(2) Account No. S/A 263-530850-7 — for statutory obligations and other

purposes of the municipal government, with a balance of P170,098,421.72, as of

July 12, 1989.

xxx xxx xxx

[Petition, pp. 6-7; Rollo, pp. 11-12.]

Because the petitioner has belatedly alleged only in this Court the existence of two bank

accounts, it may fairly be asked whether the second account was opened only for the purpose of

undermining the legal basis of the assailed orders of respondent RTC judge and the decision of

the Court of Appeals, and strengthening its reliance on the doctrine that public funds are

exempted from garnishment or execution as enunciated in Republic v. Palacio [supra.] At any

rate, the Court will give petitioner the benefit of the doubt, and proceed to resolve the principal

issues presented based on the factual circumstances thus alleged by petitioner.

Admitting that its PNB Account No. S/A 265-537154-3 was specifically opened for

expropriation proceedings it had initiated over the subject property, petitioner poses no objection

to the garnishment or the levy under execution of the funds deposited therein amounting to

Page 81: State Immunity Cases

P99,743.94. However, it is petitioner's main contention that inasmuch as the assailed orders of

respondent RTC judge involved the net amount of P4,965,506.45, the funds garnished by

respondent sheriff in excess of P99,743.94, which are public funds earmarked for the municipal

government's other statutory obligations, are exempted from execution without the proper

appropriation required under the law.

There is merit in this contention. The funds deposited in the second PNB Account No. S/A 263-

530850-7 are public funds of the municipal government. In this jurisdiction, well-settled is the

rule that public funds are not subject to levy and execution, unless otherwise provided for by

statute [Republic v. Palacio, supra.; The Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego, G.R.

No. L-30098, February 18, 1970, 31 SCRA 616]. More particularly, the properties of a

municipality, whether real or personal, which are necessary for public use cannot be attached and

sold at execution sale to satisfy a money judgment against the municipality. Municipal revenues

derived from taxes, licenses and market fees, and which are intended primarily and exclusively

for the purpose of financing the governmental activities and functions of the municipality, are

exempt from execution [See Viuda De Tan Toco v. The Municipal Council of Iloilo, 49 Phil. 52

(1926): The Municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte v. Manaois, 86 Phil. 629 (1950); Municipality

of San Miguel, Bulacan v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 61744, June 25, 1984, 130 SCRA 56]. The

foregoing rule finds application in the case at bar. Absent a showing that the municipal council

of Makati has passed an ordinance appropriating from its public funds an amount corresponding

to the balance due under the RTC decision dated June 4, 1987, less the sum of P99,743.94

deposited in Account No. S/A 265-537154-3, no levy under execution may be validly effected on

the public funds of petitioner deposited in Account No. S/A 263-530850-7.

Nevertheless, this is not to say that private respondent and PSB are left with no legal recourse.

Where a municipality fails or refuses, without justifiable reason, to effect payment of a final

money judgment rendered against it, the claimant may avail of the remedy of mandamus in order

to compel the enactment and approval of the necessary appropriation ordinance, and the

corresponding disbursement of municipal funds therefor [SeeViuda De Tan Toco v. The

Municipal Council of Iloilo, supra; Baldivia v. Lota, 107 Phil. 1099 (1960); Yuviengco v.

Gonzales, 108 Phil. 247 (1960)].

In the case at bar, the validity of the RTC decision dated June 4, 1987 is not disputed by

petitioner. No appeal was taken therefrom. For three years now, petitioner has enjoyed

possession and use of the subject property notwithstanding its inexcusable failure to comply with

its legal obligation to pay just compensation. Petitioner has benefited from its possession of the

property since the same has been the site of Makati West High School since the school year

1986-1987. This Court will not condone petitioner's blatant refusal to settle its legal obligation

arising from expropriation proceedings it had in fact initiated. It cannot be over-emphasized that,

within the context of the State's inherent power of eminent domain,

. . . [j]ust compensation means not only the correct determination of the amount to

be paid to the owner of the land but also the payment of the land within a

reasonable time from its taking. Without prompt payment, compensation cannot

be considered "just" for the property owner is made to suffer the consequence of

being immediately deprived of his land while being made to wait for a decade or

Page 82: State Immunity Cases

more before actually receiving the amount necessary to cope with his loss

[Cosculluela v. The Honorable Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 77765, August 15,

1988, 164 SCRA 393, 400. See also Provincial Government of Sorsogon v. Vda.

de Villaroya, G.R. No. 64037, August 27, 1987, 153 SCRA 291].

The State's power of eminent domain should be exercised within the bounds of fair play and

justice. In the case at bar, considering that valuable property has been taken, the compensation to

be paid fixed and the municipality is in full possession and utilizing the property for public

purpose, for three (3) years, the Court finds that the municipality has had more than reasonable

time to pay full compensation.

WHEREFORE, the Court Resolved to ORDER petitioner Municipality of Makati to immediately

pay Philippine Savings Bank, Inc. and private respondent the amount of P4,953,506.45.

Petitioner is hereby required to submit to this Court a report of its compliance with the foregoing

order within a non-extendible period of SIXTY (60) DAYS from the date of receipt of this


The order of respondent RTC judge dated December 21, 1988, which was rendered in Civil Case

No. 13699, is SET ASIDE and the temporary restraining order issued by the Court on November

20, 1989 is MADE PERMANENT.


Page 83: State Immunity Cases

3Repui.Jlir of t(Je l)(Jtlipptnes5 ~upreme QCourt ;iflllantla FIRST DIVISION UNIVERSITY



JOSEFINA R. LICUANAN, Petitioners, -versusHON. AGUSTIN S. DIZON, m his capacity as

Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 80, STERN BUILDERS,

INC., and SERVILLANO DELA CRUZ, Respondents. G.R. No. 171182 Present: LEONARDO-


PERLAS-BERNABE, JJ. · Promulgated: 2 3 AUG 2012, X---------------------------------------------

---------------------------- ---------------X DECISION BERSAMIN, J.: Trial judges should not

immediately tssue writs of execution or garnishment against the Government or any of its

subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities to enforce money judgments. 1 They should bear in

mind that the primary jurisdiction to examine, audit and settle all claims of any sort due from the

Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities pertains to the

Commission on Audit (COA) pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1445 (Government Auditing

Code of the Philippines). Administrative Circular No. I 0-2000 dated October 25. 2000 Decision

G.R. No. 171182 2 The Case On appeal by the University of the Philippines and its then

incumbent officials (collectively, the UP) is the decision promulgated on September 16, 2005,2

whereby the Court of Appeals (CA) upheld the order of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch

80, in Quezon City that directed the garnishment of public funds amounting to P16,370,191.74

belonging to the UP to satisfy the writ of execution issued to enforce the already final and

executory judgment against the UP. Antecedents On August 30, 1990, the UP, through its then

President Jose V. Abueva, entered into a General Construction Agreement with respondent Stern

Builders Corporation (Stern Builders), represented by its President and General Manager

Servillano dela Cruz, for the construction of the extension building and the renovation of the

College of Arts and Sciences Building in the campus of the University of the Philippines in Los

Baños (UPLB).3 In the course of the implementation of the contract, Stern Builders submitted

three progress billings corresponding to the work accomplished, but the UP paid only two of the

billings. The third billing worth P273,729.47 was not paid due to its disallowance by the

Commission on Audit (COA). Despite the lifting of the disallowance, the UP failed to pay the

billing, prompting Stern Builders and dela Cruz to sue the UP and its corespondent officials to

collect the unpaid billing and to recover various damages. The suit, entitled Stern Builders

Corporation and Servillano R. Dela Cruz v. University of the Philippines Systems, Jose V.

Abueva, Raul P. de Guzman, Ruben P. Aspiras, Emmanuel P. Bello, Wilfredo P. David, 2 Rollo,

pp. 39-54; penned by Associate Justice Ruben T. Reyes (later Presiding Justice and Member of

the Court, but now retired), with Associate Justice Josefina Guevara-Salonga (retired) and

Associate Justice Fernanda Lampas-Peralta concurring. 3 Id. at 92-105. Decision G.R. No.

171182 3 Casiano S. Abrigo, and Josefina R. Licuanan, was docketed as Civil Case No. Q-93-

14971 of the Regional Trial Court in Quezon City (RTC).4 After trial, on November 28, 2001,

the RTC rendered its decision in favor of the plaintiffs,5 viz: Wherefore, in the light of the

foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants

Page 84: State Immunity Cases

ordering the latter to pay plaintiff, jointly and severally, the following, to wit: 1. P503,462.74

amount of the third billing, additional accomplished work and retention money 2. P5,716,729.00

in actual damages 3. P10,000,000.00 in moral damages 4. P150,000.00 and P1,500.00 per

appearance as attorney’s fees; and 5. Costs of suit. SO ORDERED. Following the RTC’s denial

of its motion for reconsideration on May 7, 2002,6 the UP filed a notice of appeal on June 3,

2002.7 Stern Builders and dela Cruz opposed the notice of appeal on the ground of its filing

being belated, and moved for the execution of the decision. The UP countered that the notice of

appeal was filed within the reglementary period because the UP’s Office of Legal Affairs (OLS)

in Diliman, Quezon City received the order of denial only on May 31, 2002. On September 26,

2002, the RTC denied due course to the notice of appeal for having been filed out of time and

granted the private respondents’ motion for execution.8 The RTC issued the writ of execution on

October 4, 2002,9 and the sheriff of the RTC served the writ of execution and notice of demand

upon 4 Id. at 75-83. 5 Id. at 133-138. 6 Id. at 162. 7 Id. at 163-164. 8 Id. at 169-171. 9 Id. at 172-

173. Decision G.R. No. 171182 4 the UP, through its counsel, on October 9, 2002.10 The UP

filed an urgent motion to reconsider the order dated September 26, 2002, to quash the writ of

execution dated October 4, 2002, and to restrain the proceedings.11 However, the RTC denied

the urgent motion on April 1, 2003.12 On June 24, 2003, the UP assailed the denial of due course

to its appeal through a petition for certiorari in the Court of Appeals (CA), docketed as CA-G.R.

No. 77395.13 On February 24, 2004, the CA dismissed the petition for certiorari upon finding

that the UP’s notice of appeal had been filed late,14 stating: Records clearly show that petitioners

received a copy of the Decision dated November 28, 2001 and January 7, 2002, thus, they had

until January 22, 2002 within which to file their appeal. On January 16, 2002 or after the lapse of

nine (9) days, petitioners through their counsel Atty. Nolasco filed a Motion for Reconsideration

of the aforesaid decision, hence, pursuant to the rules, petitioners still had six (6) remaining days

to file their appeal. As admitted by the petitioners in their petition (Rollo, p. 25), Atty. Nolasco

received a copy of the Order denying their motion for reconsideration on May 17, 2002, thus,

petitioners still has until May 23, 2002 (the remaining six (6) days) within which to file their

appeal. Obviously, petitioners were not able to file their Notice of Appeal on May 23, 2002 as it

was only filed on June 3, 2002. In view of the said circumstances, We are of the belief and so

holds that the Notice of Appeal filed by the petitioners was really filed out of time, the same

having been filed seventeen (17) days late of the reglementary period. By reason of which, the

decision dated November 28, 2001 had already become final and executory. “Settled is the rule

that the perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the period permitted by law is not only

mandatory but jurisdictional, and failure to perfect that appeal renders the challenged judgment

final and executory. This is not an empty procedural rule but is grounded on fundamental

considerations of public policy and sound practice.” (Ram’s Studio and Photographic

Equipment, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 346 SCRA 691, 696). Indeed, Atty. Nolasco received the

order of denial of the Motion for Reconsideration on May 17, 2002 but filed a Notice of Appeal

only on June 3, 3003. As such, the decision of the lower court ipso facto became final when no

appeal 10 Id. at 174. 11 Id. at 174-182. 12 Id. at 185-187. 13 Id. at 188-213. 14 Id. at 217-223;

Page 85: State Immunity Cases

penned by Associate Justice B.A. Adefuin-Dela Cruz (retired), with Associate Justice Eliezer R.

delos Santos (deceased) and Associate Justice Jose Catral Mendoza (now a Member of the

Court) concurring. Decision G.R. No. 171182 5 was perfected after the lapse of the reglementary

period. This procedural caveat cannot be trifled with, not even by the High Court.15 The UP

sought a reconsideration, but the CA denied the UP’s motion for reconsideration on April 19,

2004.16 On May 11, 2004, the UP appealed to the Court by petition for review on certiorari

(G.R. No. 163501). On June 23, 2004, the Court denied the petition for review.17 The UP moved

for the reconsideration of the denial of its petition for review on August 29, 2004,18 but the

Court denied the motion on October 6, 2004. 19 The denial became final and executory on

November 12, 2004.20 In the meanwhile that the UP was exhausting the available remedies to

overturn the denial of due course to the appeal and the issuance of the writ of execution, Stern

Builders and dela Cruz filed in the RTC their motions for execution despite their previous

motion having already been granted and despite the writ of execution having already issued. On

June 11, 2003, the RTC granted another motion for execution filed on May 9, 2003 (although the

RTC had already issued the writ of execution on October 4, 2002).21 On June 23, 2003 and July

25, 2003, respectively, the sheriff served notices of garnishment on the UP’s depository banks,

namely: Land Bank of the Philippines (Buendia Branch) and the Development Bank of the

Philippines (DBP), Commonwealth Branch.22 The UP assailed the garnishment through an

urgent motion to quash the notices of garnishment;23 and a motion to quash the writ of execution

dated May 9, 2003.24 15 Id. at 221. 16 Id. at 243. 17 Id. at 282. 18 Id. at 283-291. 19 Id. at 293.

20 Id. at 417. 21 Id. at 172-173; and 301. 22 Id. at 312. 23 Id. at 302-309. 24 Id. at 314-319.

Decision G.R. No. 171182 6 On their part, Stern Builders and dela Cruz filed their ex parte

motion for issuance of a release order.25 On October 14, 2003, the RTC denied the UP’s urgent

motion to quash, and granted Stern Builders and dela Cruz’s ex parte motion for issuance of a

release order.26 The UP moved for the reconsideration of the order of October 14, 2003, but the

RTC denied the motion on November 7, 2003.27 On January 12, 2004, Stern Builders and dela

Cruz again sought the release of the garnished funds.28 Despite the UP’s opposition,29 the RTC

granted the motion to release the garnished funds on March 16, 2004.30 On April 20, 2004,

however, the RTC held in abeyance the enforcement of the writs of execution issued on October

4, 2002 and June 3, 2003 and all the ensuing notices of garnishment, citing Section 4, Rule 52,

Rules of Court, which provided that the pendency of a timely motion for reconsideration stayed

the execution of the judgment.31 On December 21, 2004, the RTC, through respondent Judge

Agustin S. Dizon, authorized the release of the garnished funds of the UP,32 to wit:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, there being no more legal impediment for the release of the

garnished amount in satisfaction of the judgment award in the instant case, let the amount

garnished be immediately released by the Development Bank of the Philippines, Commonwealth

Branch, Quezon City in favor of the plaintiff. SO ORDERED. 25 Id. at 321-322. 26 Id. at 323-

325. 27 Id. at 326-328. 28 Id. at 332-333. 29 Id. at 334-336. 30 Id. at 339. 31 Id. at 340. 32 Id. at

341. Decision G.R. No. 171182 7 The UP was served on January 3, 2005 with the order of

December 21, 2004 directing DBP to release the garnished funds.33 On January 6, 2005, Stern

Page 86: State Immunity Cases

Builders and dela Cruz moved to cite DBP in direct contempt of court for its non-compliance

with the order of release.34 Thereupon, on January 10, 2005, the UP brought a petition for

certiorari in the CA to challenge the jurisdiction of the RTC in issuing the order of December 21,

2004 (CA-G.R. CV No. 88125). 35 Aside from raising the denial of due process, the UP averred

that the RTC committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in

ruling that there was no longer any legal impediment to the release of the garnished funds. The

UP argued that government funds and properties could not be seized by virtue of writs of

execution or garnishment, as held in Department of Agriculture v. National Labor Relations

Commission, 36 and citing Section 84 of Presidential Decree No. 1445 to the effect that

“[r]evenue funds shall not be paid out of any public treasury or depository except in pursuance of

an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority;” and that the order of garnishment

clashed with the ruling in University of the Philippines Board of Regents v. Ligot-Telan37 to the

effect that the funds belonging to the UP were public funds. On January 19, 2005, the CA issued

a temporary restraining order (TRO) upon application by the UP.38 On March 22, 2005, Stern

Builders and dela Cruz filed in the RTC their amended motion for sheriff’s assistance to

implement the release order dated December 21, 2004, stating that the 60-day period of the TRO

of the 33 Id. at 341. 34 Id. at 342-344. 35 Id. at 346-360. 36 G.R. No. 104269, November 11,

1993, 227 SCRA 693. 37 G.R. No. 110280, October 21, 1993, 227 SCRA 342. 38 Rollo, pp.

366-367; penned by Associate Justice Reyes, with Associate Justice Tria Tirona (retired) and

Associate Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. concurring. Decision G.R. No. 171182 8 CA had already

lapsed.39 The UP opposed the amended motion and countered that the implementation of the

release order be suspended. 40 On May 3, 2005, the RTC granted the amended motion for

sheriff’s assistance and directed the sheriff to proceed to the DBP to receive the check in

satisfaction of the judgment.41 The UP sought the reconsideration of the order of May 3,

2005.42 On May 16, 2005, DBP filed a motion to consign the check representing the judgment

award and to dismiss the motion to cite its officials in contempt of court. 43 On May 23, 2005,

the UP presented a motion to withhold the release of the payment of the judgment award. 44 On

July 8, 2005, the RTC resolved all the pending matters,45 noting that the DBP had already

delivered to the sheriff Manager’s Check No. 811941 for P16,370,191.74 representing the

garnished funds payable to the order of Stern Builders and dela Cruz as its compliance with the

RTC’s order dated December 21, 2004.46 However, the RTC directed in the same order that

Stern Builders and dela Cruz should not encash the check or withdraw its amount pending the

final resolution of the UP’s petition for certiorari, to wit:47 To enable the money represented in

the check in question (No. 00008119411) to earn interest during the pendency of the defendant

University of the Philippines application for a writ of injunction with the Court of Appeals the

same may now be deposited by the plaintiff at the garnishee Bank (Development Bank of the

Philippines), the disposition of the amount represented therein being subject to the final outcome

of the 39 Id. at 452-453. 40 Id. at 455-460. 41 Id. at 472-476. 42 Id. at 477-482. 43 Id. at 484. 44

Id. at 485-489. 45 Id. at 492-494. 46 Id. at 484. 47 Id. at 492-494. Decision G.R. No. 171182 9

case of the University of the Philippines et al., vs. Hon. Agustin S. Dizon et al., (CA G.R. 88125)

Page 87: State Immunity Cases

before the Court of Appeals. Let it be stated herein that the plaintiff is not authorized to encash

and withdraw the amount represented in the check in question and enjoy the same in the fashion

of an owner during the pendency of the case between the parties before the Court of Appeals

which may or may not be resolved in plaintiff’s favor. With the end in view of seeing to it that

the check in question is deposited by the plaintiff at the Development Bank of the Philippines

(garnishee bank), Branch Sheriff Herlan Velasco is directed to accompany and/or escort the

plaintiff in making the deposit of the check in question. SO ORDERED. On September 16, 2005,

the CA promulgated its assailed decision dismissing the UP’s petition for certiorari, ruling that

the UP had been given ample opportunity to contest the motion to direct the DBP to deposit the

check in the name of Stern Builders and dela Cruz; and that the garnished funds could be the

proper subject of garnishment because they had been already earmarked for the project, with the

UP holding the funds only in a fiduciary capacity,48 viz: Petitioners next argue that the UP funds

may not be seized for execution or garnishment to satisfy the judgment award. Citing

Department of Agriculture vs. NLRC, University of the Philippines Board of Regents vs. Hon.

Ligot-Telan, petitioners contend that UP deposits at Land Bank and the Development Bank of

the Philippines, being government funds, may not be released absent an appropriations bill from

Congress. The argument is specious. UP entered into a contract with private respondents for the

expansion and renovation of the Arts and Sciences Building of its campus in Los Baños, Laguna.

Decidedly, there was already an appropriations earmarked for the said project. The said funds are

retained by UP, in a fiduciary capacity, pending completion of the construction project. We agree

with the trial Court [sic] observation on this score: “4. Executive Order No. 109 (Directing all

National Government Agencies to Revert Certain Accounts Payable to the Cumulative Result of

Operations of the National Government and for Other Purposes) Section 9. Reversion of

Accounts Payable, provides that, all 1995 and prior years documented accounts payable and all

undocumented accounts regardless of the year they were incurred shall be reverted to 48 Id. at

51. Decision G.R. No. 171182 10 the Cumulative Result of Operations of the National

Government (CROU). This shall apply to accounts payable of all funds, except fiduciary funds,

as long as the purpose for which the funds were created have not been accomplished and

accounts payable under foreign assisted projects for the duration of the said project. In this

regard, the Department of Budget and Management issued Joint-Circular No. 99-6 4.0 (4.3)

Procedural Guidelines which provides that all accounts payable that reverted to the CROU may

be considered for payment upon determination thru administrative process, of the existence,

validity and legality of the claim. Thus, the allegation of the defendants that considering no

appropriation for the payment of any amount awarded to plaintiffs appellee the funds of

defendant-appellants may not be seized pursuant to a writ of execution issued by the regular

court is misplaced. Surely when the defendants and the plaintiff entered into the General

Construction of Agreement there is an amount already allocated by the latter for the said project

which is no longer subject of future appropriation.”49 After the CA denied their motion for

reconsideration on December 23, 2005, the petitioners appealed by petition for review. Matters

Arising During the Pendency of the Petition On January 30, 2006, Judge Dizon of the RTC

Page 88: State Immunity Cases

(Branch 80) denied Stern Builders and dela Cruz’s motion to withdraw the deposit, in

consideration of the UP’s intention to appeal to the CA,50 stating: Since it appears that the

defendants are intending to file a petition for review of the Court of Appeals resolution in CA-

G.R. No. 88125 within the reglementary period of fifteen (15) days from receipt of resolution,

the Court agrees with the defendants stand that the granting of plaintiffs’ subject motion is

premature. Let it be stated that what the Court meant by its Order dated July 8, 2005 which states

in part that the “disposition of the amount represented therein being subject to the final outcome

of the case of the University of the Philippines, et. al., vs. Hon. Agustin S. Dizon et al., (CA G.R.

No. 88125 before the Court of Appeals) is that the judgment or resolution of said court has to be

final and executory, for if the same will still be elevated to the Supreme Court, it will not attain

finality yet until the highest court has rendered its own final judgment or resolution.51 49 Id. at

51-52. 50 Id. at 569. 51 Id. Decision G.R. No. 171182 11 However, on January 22, 2007, the UP

filed an Urgent Application for A Temporary Restraining Order and/or A Writ of Preliminary

Injunction, 52 averring that on January 3, 2007, Judge Maria Theresa dela Torre-Yadao (who

had meanwhile replaced Judge Dizon upon the latter’s appointment to the CA) had issued

another order allowing Stern Builders and dela Cruz to withdraw the deposit,53 to wit: It bears

stressing that defendants’ liability for the payment of the judgment obligation has become

indubitable due to the final and executory nature of the Decision dated November 28, 2001.

Insofar as the payment of the [sic] judgment obligation is concerned, the Court believes that

there is nothing more the defendant can do to escape liability. It is observed that there is nothing

more the defendant can do to escape liability. It is observed that defendant U.P. System had

already exhausted all its legal remedies to overturn, set aside or modify the decision (dated

November 28, 2001( rendered against it. The way the Court sees it, defendant U.P. System’s

petition before the Supreme Court concerns only with the manner by which said judgment award

should be satisfied. It has nothing to do with the legality or propriety thereof, although it prays

for the deletion of [sic] reduction of the award of moral damages. It must be emphasized that this

Court’s finding, i.e., that there was sufficient appropriation earmarked for the project, was upheld

by the Court of Appeals in its decision dated September 16, 2005. Being a finding of fact, the

Supreme Court will, ordinarily, not disturb the same was said Court is not a trier of fact. Such

being the case, defendants’ arguments that there was no sufficient appropriation for the payment

of the judgment obligation must fail. While it is true that the former Presiding Judge of this Court

in its Order dated January 30, 2006 had stated that: Let it be stated that what the Court meant by

its Order dated July 8, 2005 which states in part that the “disposition of the amount represented

therein being subject to the final outcome of the case of the University of the Philippines, et. al.,

vs. Hon. Agustin S. Dizon et al., (CA G.R. No. 88125 before the Court of Appeals) is that the

judgment or resolution of said court has to be final and executory, for if the same will still be

elevated to the Supreme Court, it will not attain finality yet until the highest court has rendered

its own final judgment or resolution. it should be noted that neither the Court of Appeals nor the

Supreme Court issued a preliminary injunction enjoining the release or withdrawal of the

garnished amount. In fact, in its present petition for review before the Supreme Court, U.P.

Page 89: State Immunity Cases

System has not prayed for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. Thus, the Court

doubts whether such writ is forthcoming. 52 Id. at 556-561. 53 Id. at 562-565. Decision G.R. No.

171182 12 The Court honestly believes that if defendants’ petition assailing the Order of this

Court dated December 31, 2004 granting the motion for the release of the garnished amount was

meritorious, the Court of Appeals would have issued a writ of injunction enjoining the same.

Instead, said appellate [c]ourt not only refused to issue a wit of preliminary injunction prayed for

by U.P. System but denied the petition, as well.54 The UP contended that Judge Yadao thereby

effectively reversed the January 30, 2006 order of Judge Dizon disallowing the withdrawal of the

garnished amount until after the decision in the case would have become final and executory.

Although the Court issued a TRO on January 24, 2007 to enjoin Judge Yadao and all persons

acting pursuant to her authority from enforcing her order of January 3, 2007,55 it appears that on

January 16, 2007, or prior to the issuance of the TRO, she had already directed the DBP to

forthwith release the garnished amount to Stern Builders and dela Cruz; 56 and that DBP had

forthwith complied with the order on January 17, 2007 upon the sheriff’s service of the order of

Judge Yadao.57 These intervening developments impelled the UP to file in this Court a

supplemental petition on January 26, 2007,58 alleging that the RTC (Judge Yadao) gravely erred

in ordering the immediate release of the garnished amount despite the pendency of the petition

for review in this Court. The UP filed a second supplemental petition59 after the RTC (Judge

Yadao) denied the UP’s motion for the redeposit of the withdrawn amount on April 10, 2007,60

to wit: This resolves defendant U.P. System’s Urgent Motion to Redeposit Judgment Award

praying that plaintiffs be directed to redeposit the judgment award to DBP pursuant to the

Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Supreme Court. Plaintiffs opposed the motion and

countered 54 Id. at 563-564. 55 Id. at 576-581. 56 Id. at 625-628. 57 Id. at 687-688. 58 Id. at

605-615. 59 Id. at 705-714. 60 Id. at 719-721. Decision G.R. No. 171182 13 that the Temporary

Restraining Order issued by the Supreme Court has become moot and academic considering that

the act sought to be restrained by it has already been performed. They also alleged that the

redeposit of the judgment award was no longer feasible as they have already spent the same. It

bears stressing, if only to set the record straight, that this Court did not – in its Order dated

January 3, 2007 (the implementation of which was restrained by the Supreme Court in its

Resolution dated January 24, 2002) – direct that that garnished amount “be deposited with the

garnishee bank (Development Bank of the Philippines)”. In the first place, there was no need to

order DBP to make such deposit, as the garnished amount was already deposited in the account

of plaintiffs with the DBP as early as May 13, 2005. What the Court granted in its Order dated

January 3, 2007 was plaintiff’s motion to allow the release of said deposit. It must be recalled

that the Court found plaintiff’s motion meritorious and, at that time, there was no restraining

order or preliminary injunction from either the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court which

could have enjoined the release of plaintiffs’ deposit. The Court also took into account the

following factors: a) the Decision in this case had long been final and executory after it was

rendered on November 28, 2001; b) the propriety of the dismissal of U.P. System’s appeal was

upheld by the Supreme Court; c) a writ of execution had been issued; d) defendant U.P. System’s

Page 90: State Immunity Cases

deposit with DBP was garnished pursuant to a lawful writ of execution issued by the Court; and

e) the garnished amount had already been turned over to the plaintiffs and deposited in their

account with DBP. The garnished amount, as discussed in the Order dated January 16, 2007, was

already owned by the plaintiffs, having been delivered to them by the Deputy Sheriff of this

Court pursuant to par. (c), Section 9, Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. Moreover,

the judgment obligation has already been fully satisfied as per Report of the Deputy Sheriff.

Anent the Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Supreme Court, the same has become

functus oficio, having been issued after the garnished amount had been released to the plaintiffs.

The judgment debt was released to the plaintiffs on January 17, 2007, while the Temporary

Restraining Order issued by the Supreme Court was received by this Court on February 2, 2007.

At the time of the issuance of the Restraining Order, the act sought to be restrained had already

been done, thereby rendering the said Order ineffectual. After a careful and thorough study of the

arguments advanced by the parties, the Court is of the considered opinion that there is no legal

basis to grant defendant U.P. System’s motion to redeposit the judgment amount. Granting said

motion is not only contrary to law, but it will also render this Court’s final executory judgment

nugatory. Litigation must end and terminate sometime and somewhere, and it is essential to an

Decision G.R. No. 171182 14 effective administration of justice that once a judgment has

become final the issue or cause involved therein should be laid to rest. This doctrine of finality of

judgment is grounded on fundamental considerations of public policy and sound practice. In fact,

nothing is more settled in law than that once a judgment attains finality it thereby becomes

immutable and unalterable. It may no longer be modified in any respect, even if the modification

is meant to correct what is perceived to be an erroneous conclusion of fact or law, and regardless

of whether the modification is attempted to be made by the court rendering it or by the highest

court of the land. WHEREFORE, premises considered, finding defendant U.P. System’s Urgent

Motion to Redeposit Judgment Award devoid of merit, the same is hereby DENIED. SO
















Page 91: State Immunity Cases


ORDER DATED 3 JANUARY 2007. Decision G.R. No. 171182 15 VI THE RTC-BRANCH 80




amount earmarked for the construction project had been purposely set aside only for the aborted

project and did not include incidental matters like the awards of actual damages, moral damages

and attorney’s fees. In support of its argument, the UP cited Article 12.2 of the General

Construction Agreement, which stipulated that no deductions would be allowed for the payment

of claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees, in case of any litigation

arising out of the performance of the work. The UP insists that the CA decision was inconsistent

with the rulings in Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego61 and Department of

Agriculture v. NLRC62 to the effect that government funds and properties could not be seized

under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy judgment awards. Furthermore, the UP

contends that the CA contravened Section 5, Article XIV of the Constitution by allowing the

garnishment of UP funds, because the garnishment resulted in a substantial reduction of the UP’s

limited budget allocated for the remuneration, job satisfaction and fulfillment of the best

available teachers; that Judge Yadao should have exhibited judicial courtesy towards the Court

due to the pendency of the UP’s petition for review; and that she should have also desisted from

declaring that the TRO issued by this Court had become functus officio. Lastly, the UP states

that the awards of actual damages of P5,716,729.00 and moral damages of P10 million should be

reduced, if not 61 G.R. No. L-30098, February 18, 1970, 31 SCRA 616, 625. 62 G.R. No.

104269, November 11, 1993, 227 SCRA 693, 701-702. Decision G.R. No. 171182 16 entirely

deleted, due to its being unconscionable, inequitable and detrimental to public service. In

contrast, Stern Builders and dela Cruz aver that the petition for review was fatally defective for

its failure to mention the other cases upon the same issues pending between the parties (i.e., CA-

G.R. No. 77395 and G.R No. 163501); that the UP was evidently resorting to forum shopping,

and to delaying the satisfaction of the final judgment by the filing of its petition for review; that

the ruling in Commissioner of Public Works v. San Diego had no application because there was

an appropriation for the project; that the UP retained the funds allotted for the project only in a

fiduciary capacity; that the contract price had been meanwhile adjusted to P22,338,553.25, an

amount already more than sufficient to cover the judgment award; that the UP’s prayer to reduce

or delete the award of damages had no factual basis, because they had been gravely wronged,

had been deprived of their source of income, and had suffered untold miseries, discomfort,

humiliation and sleepless years; that dela Cruz had even been constrained to sell his house, his

equipment and the implements of his trade, and together with his family had been forced to live

miserably because of the wrongful actuations of the UP; and that the RTC correctly declared the

Court’s TRO to be already functus officio by reason of the withdrawal of the garnished amount

from the DBP. The decisive issues to be considered and passed upon are, therefore: (a) whether

the funds of the UP were the proper subject of garnishment in order to satisfy the judgment

Page 92: State Immunity Cases

award; and (b) whether the UP’s prayer for the deletion of the awards of actual damages of

P5,716,729.00, moral damages of P10,000,000.00 and attorney’s fees of P150,000.00 plus

P1,500.00 per appearance could be granted despite the finality of the judgment of the RTC.

Ruling The petition for review is meritorious. Decision G.R. No. 171182 17 I. UP’s funds, being

government funds, are not subject to garnishment The UP was founded on June 18, 1908 through

Act 1870 to provide advanced instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences, and arts, and to

give professional and technical training to deserving students.63 Despite its establishment as a

body corporate,64 the UP remains to be a “chartered institution”65 performing a legitimate

government function. It is an institution of higher learning, not a corporation established for

profit and declaring any dividends.66 In enacting Republic Act No. 9500 (The University of the

Philippines Charter of 2008), Congress has declared the UP as the national university67

“dedicated to the search for truth and knowledge as well as the development of future leaders.”68

Irrefragably, the UP is a government instrumentality,69 performing the State’s constitutional

mandate of promoting quality and accessible education.70 As a government instrumentality, the

UP administers special funds sourced from the fees and income enumerated under Act No. 1870

and Section 1 of Executive Order No. 714,71 and from the yearly appropriations, to achieve the

purposes laid down by Section 2 of Act 1870, as expanded in 63 Section 2, Act No. 1870. 64

Section 1, Act No. 1870. 65 Section 2(12) of Executive Order No. 292 reads: xxx xxx Chartered

institution refers to any agency organized or operating under a special charter, and vested by law

with functions relating to specific constitutional policies or objectives. This term includes the

state universities and colleges and the monetary authority of the State. xxx 66 University of the

Philippines and Anonas v. Court of Industrial Relations, 107 Phil 848, 850 (1960). 67 Section 2,

R.A. No. 9500. 68 Section 3, R.A. No. 9500. 69 Section 2(10), of Executive Order No. 292

provides: xxx xxx Instrumentality refers to any agency of the National Government, not

integrated within the department framework, vested with special functions or jurisdiction by law,

endowed with some if not all corporate powers, administering special funds, and enjoying

operational autonomy, usually through a charter. This term includes regulatory agencies,

chartered institutions and government-owned or controlled corporations. xxx 70 Section 1,

Article XIV, 1987 Constitution. 71 Entitled Fiscal Control and Management of the Funds of the

University of the Philippines, promulgated on August 1, 1981. Decision G.R. No. 171182 18

Republic Act No. 9500.72 All the funds going into the possession of the UP, including any

interest accruing from the deposit of such funds in any banking institution, constitute a “special

trust fund,” the disbursement of which should always be aligned with the UP’s mission and

purpose,73 and should always be subject to auditing by the COA.74 Presidential Decree No.

1445 defines a “trust fund” as a fund that officially comes in the possession of an agency of the

government or of a public officer as trustee, agent or administrator, or that is received for the

fulfillment of some obligation.75 A trust fund may be utilized only for the “specific purpose for

which the trust was created or the funds received.”76 The funds of the UP are government funds

that are public in character. They include the income accruing from the use of real property

ceded to the UP that may be spent only for the attainment of its institutional objectives.77 Hence,

Page 93: State Immunity Cases

the funds subject of this action could not be validly made the subject of the RTC’s writ of

execution or garnishment. The adverse judgment rendered against the UP in a suit to which it

had impliedly consented was not immediately enforceable by execution against the UP,78

because suability of the State did not necessarily mean its liability.79 A marked distinction exists

between suability of the State and its liability. As the Court succinctly stated in Municipality of

San Fernando, La Union v. Firme: 80 A distinction should first be made between suability and

liability. “Suability depends on the consent of the state to be sued, liability on the applicable law

and the established facts. The circumstance that a state is 72 Section 3, R.A. No. 9500. 73

Section 13(m), R.A. No. 9500. 74 Section 13, Act 1870; Section 6, Executive Order No. 714;

Section 26, R.A. No. 9500. 75 Section 3(4), P.D. No. 1445. 76 Section 4(3), P.D. No. 1445. 77

Section 22(a), R.A. No. 9500. 78 Philippine Rock Industries, Inc. v. Board of Liquidators, G.R.

No. 84992, December 15, 1989, 180 SCRA 171, 175. 79 Republic v. National Labor Relations

Commission, G.R. No. 120385, October 17, 1996, 263 SCRA 290, 300. 80 G.R. No. L-52179,

April 8, 1991, 195 SCRA 692, 697. Decision G.R. No. 171182 19 suable does not necessarily

mean that it is liable; on the other hand, it can never be held liable if it does not first consent to

be sued. Liability is not conceded by the mere fact that the state has allowed itself to be sued.

When the state does waive its sovereign immunity, it is only giving the plaintiff the chance to

prove, if it can, that the defendant is liable. Also, in Republic v. Villasor, 81 where the issuance

of an alias writ of execution directed against the funds of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to

satisfy a final and executory judgment was nullified, the Court said: xxx The universal rule that

where the State gives its consent to be sued by private parties either by general or special law, it

may limit claimant’s action “only up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage of

execution” and that the power of the Courts ends when the judgment is rendered, since

government funds and properties may not be seized under writs of execution or garnishment to

satisfy such judgments, is based on obvious considerations of public policy. Disbursements of

public funds must be covered by the corresponding appropriation as required by law. The

functions and public services rendered by the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or

disrupted by the diversion of public funds from their legitimate and specific objects, as

appropriated by law. The UP correctly submits here that the garnishment of its funds to satisfy

the judgment awards of actual and moral damages (including attorney’s fees) was not validly

made if there was no special appropriation by Congress to cover the liability. It was, therefore,

legally unwarranted for the CA to agree with the RTC’s holding in the order issued on April 1,

2003 that no appropriation by Congress to allocate and set aside the payment of the judgment

awards was necessary because “there (were) already an appropriations (sic) earmarked for the

said project.”82 The CA and the RTC thereby unjustifiably ignored the legal restriction imposed

on the trust funds of the Government and its agencies and instrumentalities to be used

exclusively to fulfill the purposes for which the trusts were created or for which the funds were

received except upon express authorization by Congress or by the head of a government agency

in control of the funds, and subject to pertinent budgetary laws, rules and regulations.83 81 G.R.

No. L-30671, November 28, 1973, 54 SCRA 83, 87. 82 Rollo, p. 51. 83 Section 84(2), P.D. No.

Page 94: State Immunity Cases

1445. Decision G.R. No. 171182 20 Indeed, an appropriation by Congress was required before

the judgment that rendered the UP liable for moral and actual damages (including attorney’s

fees) would be satisfied considering that such monetary liabilities were not covered by the

“appropriations earmarked for the said project.” The Constitution strictly mandated that “(n)o

money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by

law.”84 II COA must adjudicate private respondents’ claim before execution should proceed The

execution of the monetary judgment against the UP was within the primary jurisdiction of the

COA. This was expressly provided in Section 26 of Presidential Decree No. 1445, to wit: Section

26. General jurisdiction. - The authority and powers of the Commission shall extend to and

comprehend all matters relating to auditing procedures, systems and controls, the keeping of the

general accounts of the Government, the preservation of vouchers pertaining thereto for a period

of ten years, the examination and inspection of the books, records, and papers relating to those

accounts; and the audit and settlement of the accounts of all persons respecting funds or property

received or held by them in an accountable capacity, as well as the examination, audit, and

settlement of all debts and claims of any sort due from or owing to the Government or any of its

subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities. The said jurisdiction extends to all government-

owned or controlled corporations, including their subsidiaries, and other self-governing boards,

commissions, or agencies of the Government, and as herein prescribed, including

nongovernmental entities subsidized by the government, those funded by donations through the

government, those required to pay levies or government share, and those for which the

government has put up a counterpart fund or those partly funded by the government. It was of no

moment that a final and executory decision already validated the claim against the UP. The

settlement of the monetary claim was still subject to the primary jurisdiction of the COA despite

the final decision of the RTC having already validated the claim.85 As such, Stern 84 Section 29

(1), Article VI, Constitution. 85 National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation v. Abayari, G.R.

No. 166508, October 2, 2009, 602 SCRA 242, 256. Decision G.R. No. 171182 21 Builders and

dela Cruz as the claimants had no alternative except to first seek the approval of the COA of their

monetary claim. On its part, the RTC should have exercised utmost caution, prudence and

judiciousness in dealing with the motions for execution against the UP and the garnishment of

the UP’s funds. The RTC had no authority to direct the immediate withdrawal of any portion of

the garnished funds from the depository banks of the UP. By eschewing utmost caution,

prudence and judiciousness in dealing with the execution and garnishment, and by authorizing

the withdrawal of the garnished funds of the UP, the RTC acted beyond its jurisdiction, and all

its orders and issuances thereon were void and of no legal effect, specifically: (a) the order Judge

Yadao issued on January 3, 2007 allowing Stern Builders and dela Cruz to withdraw the

deposited garnished amount; (b) the order Judge Yadao issued on January 16, 2007 directing

DBP to forthwith release the garnish amount to Stern Builders and dela Cruz; (c) the sheriff’s

report of January 17, 2007 manifesting the full satisfaction of the writ of execution; and (d) the

order of April 10, 2007 deying the UP’s motion for the redeposit of the withdrawn amount.

Hence, such orders and issuances should be struck down without exception. Nothing extenuated

Page 95: State Immunity Cases

Judge Yadao’s successive violations of Presidential Decree No. 1445. She was aware of

Presidential Decree No. 1445, considering that the Court circulated to all judges its

Administrative Circular No. 10-2000,86 issued on October 25, 2000, enjoining them “to observe

utmost caution, prudence and judiciousness in the issuance of writs of execution to satisfy money

judgments against government agencies and local government units” precisely in order to

prevent the circumvention of Presidential Decree No. 1445, as well as of the rules and

procedures of the COA, to wit: 86 Entitled EXERCISE OF UTMOST CAUTION, PRUDENCE



GOVERNMENT UNITS. Decision G.R. No. 171182 22 In order to prevent possible

circumvention of the rules and procedures of the Commission on Audit, judges are hereby

enjoined to observe utmost caution, prudence and judiciousness in the issuance of writs of

execution to satisfy money judgments against government agencies and local government units.

Judges should bear in mind that in Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego (31 SCRA

617, 625 [1970]), this Court explicitly stated: “The universal rule that where the State gives its

consent to be sued by private parties either by general or special law, it may limit claimant’s

action ‘only up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage of execution’ and that the

power of the Court ends when the judgment is rendered, since government funds and properties

may not be seized under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy such judgments, is based on

obvious considerations of public policy. Disbursements of public funds must be covered by the

corresponding appropriation as required by law. The functions and public services rendered by

the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion of public funds from

their legitimate and specific objects, as appropriated by law. Moreover, it is settled jurisprudence

that upon determination of State liability, the prosecution, enforcement or satisfaction thereof

must still be pursued in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down in P.D. No. 1445,

otherwise known as the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines (Department of

Agriculture v. NLRC, 227 SCRA 693, 701-02 [1993] citing Republic vs. Villasor, 54 SCRA 84

[1973]). All money claims against the Government must first be filed with the Commission on

Audit which must act upon it within sixty days. Rejection of the claim will authorize the

claimant to elevate the matter to the Supreme Court on certiorari and in effect, sue the State

thereby (P.D. 1445, Sections 49-50). However, notwithstanding the rule that government

properties are not subject to levy and execution unless otherwise provided for by statute

(Republic v. Palacio, 23 SCRA 899 [1968]; Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego,

supra) or municipal ordinance (Municipality of Makati v. Court of Appeals, 190 SCRA 206

[1990]), the Court has, in various instances, distinguished between government funds and

properties for public use and those not held for public use. Thus, in Viuda de Tan Toco v.

Municipal Council of Iloilo (49 Phil 52 [1926]), the Court ruled that “[w]here property of a

municipal or other public corporation is sought to be subjected to execution to satisfy judgments

recovered against such corporation, the question as to whether such property is leviable or not is

to be determined by the usage and purposes for which it is held.” The following can be culled

Page 96: State Immunity Cases

from Viuda de Tan Toco v. Municipal Council of Iloilo: 1. Properties held for public uses – and

generally everything held for governmental purposes – are not subject to levy and sale under

execution against such corporation. The same rule applies to funds in the hands of a public

officer and taxes due to a municipal corporation. Decision G.R. No. 171182 23 2. Where a

municipal corporation owns in its proprietary capacity, as distinguished from its public or

government capacity, property not used or used for a public purpose but for quasi-private

purposes, it is the general rule that such property may be seized and sold under execution against

the corporation. 3. Property held for public purposes is not subject to execution merely because it

is temporarily used for private purposes. If the public use is wholly abandoned, such property

becomes subject to execution. This Administrative Circular shall take effect immediately and the

Court Administrator shall see to it that it is faithfully implemented. Although Judge Yadao

pointed out that neither the CA nor the Court had issued as of then any writ of preliminary

injunction to enjoin the release or withdrawal of the garnished amount, she did not need any writ

of injunction from a superior court to compel her obedience to the law. The Court is disturbed

that an experienced judge like her should look at public laws like Presidential Decree No. 1445

dismissively instead of loyally following and unquestioningly implementing them. That she did

so turned her court into an oppressive bastion of mindless tyranny instead of having it as a true

haven for the seekers of justice like the UP. III Period of appeal did not start without effective

service of decision upon counsel of record; Fresh-period rule announced in Neypes v. Court of

Appeals can be given retroactive application The UP next pleads that the Court gives due course

to its petition for review in the name of equity in order to reverse or modify the adverse judgment

against it despite its finality. At stake in the UP’s plea for equity was the return of the amount of

P16,370,191.74 illegally garnished from its trust funds. Obstructing the plea is the finality of the

judgment based on the supposed tardiness of UP’s appeal, which the RTC declared on

September 26, 2002. The CA upheld the declaration of finality on February 24, 2004, and the

Court itself denied the UP’s petition for review on that issue on May Decision G.R. No. 171182

24 11, 2004 (G.R. No. 163501). The denial became final on November 12, 2004. It is true that a

decision that has attained finality becomes immutable and unalterable, and cannot be modified in

any respect,87 even if the modification is meant to correct erroneous conclusions of fact and law,

and whether the modification is made by the court that rendered it or by this Court as the highest

court of the land.88 Public policy dictates that once a judgment becomes final, executory and

unappealable, the prevailing party should not be deprived of the fruits of victory by some

subterfuge devised by the losing party. Unjustified delay in the enforcement of such judgment

sets at naught the role and purpose of the courts to resolve justiciable controversies with

finality.89 Indeed, all litigations must at some time end, even at the risk of occasional errors. But

the doctrine of immutability of a final judgment has not been absolute, and has admitted several

exceptions, among them: (a) the correction of clerical errors; (b) the so-called nunc pro tunc

entries that cause no prejudice to any party; (c) void judgments; and (d) whenever circumstances

transpire after the finality of the decision that render its execution unjust and inequitable.90

Moreover, in Heirs of Maura So v. Obliosca, 91 we stated that despite the absence of the

Page 97: State Immunity Cases

preceding circumstances, the Court is not precluded from brushing aside procedural norms if

only to serve the higher interests of justice and equity. Also, in Gumaru v. Quirino State

College,92 the Court nullified the proceedings and the writ of execution issued by the RTC for

the reason that respondent state 87 Airline Pilots Association of the Philippines v. Philippine

Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 168382, June 6, 2011, 650 SCRA 545, 557; Florentino v. Rivera, G.R.

No. 167968, January 23, 2006, 479 SCRA 522, 528; Siy v. National Labor Relations

Commission, G.R. No. 158971, August 25, 2005, 468 SCRA 154, 161-162. 88 FGU Insurance

Corporation v. Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 66, G.R. No. 161282, February 23, 2011,

644 SCRA 50, 56. 89 Edillo v. Dulpina, G.R. No. 188360, January 21, 2010, 610 SCRA 590,

602. 90 Apo Fruits Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 164195, December 4, 2009, 607

SCRA 200, 214. 91 G.R. No. 147082, January 28, 2008, 542 SCRA 406, 418. 92 G.R. No.

164196, June 22, 2007, 525 SCRA 412, 426. Decision G.R. No. 171182 25 college had not been

represented in the litigation by the Office of the Solicitor General. We rule that the UP’s plea for

equity warrants the Court’s exercise of the exceptional power to disregard the declaration of

finality of the judgment of the RTC for being in clear violation of the UP’s right to due process.

Both the CA and the RTC found the filing on June 3, 2002 by the UP of the notice of appeal to

be tardy. They based their finding on the fact that only six days remained of the UP’s

reglementary 15-day period within which to file the notice of appeal because the UP had filed a

motion for reconsideration on January 16, 2002 vis-à-vis the RTC’s decision the UP received on

January 7, 2002; and that because the denial of the motion for reconsideration had been served

upon Atty. Felimon D. Nolasco of the UPLB Legal Office on May 17, 2002, the UP had only

until May 23, 2002 within which to file the notice of appeal. The UP counters that the service of

the denial of the motion for reconsideration upon Atty. Nolasco was defective considering that

its counsel of record was not Atty. Nolasco of the UPLB Legal Office but the OLS in Diliman,

Quezon City; and that the period of appeal should be reckoned from May 31, 2002, the date

when the OLS received the order. The UP submits that the filing of the notice of appeal on June

3, 2002 was well within the reglementary period to appeal. We agree with the submission of the

UP. Firstly, the service of the denial of the motion for reconsideration upon Atty. Nolasco of the

UPLB Legal Office was invalid and ineffectual because he was admittedly not the counsel of

record of the UP. The rule is that it is on the counsel and not the client that the service should be

made.93 That counsel was the OLS in Diliman, Quezon City, which was served with 93 Antonio

v. Court of Appeals, No. L-35434, November 9, 1988, 167 SCRA 127, 131-132. Decision G.R.

No. 171182 26 the denial only on May 31, 2002. As such, the running of the remaining period of

six days resumed only on June 1, 2002,94 rendering the filing of the UP’s notice of appeal on

June 3, 2002 timely and well within the remaining days of the UP’s period to appeal. Verily, the

service of the denial of the motion for reconsideration could only be validly made upon the OLS

in Diliman, and no other. The fact that Atty. Nolasco was in the employ of the UP at the UPLB

Legal Office did not render the service upon him effective. It is settled that where a party has

appeared by counsel, service must be made upon such counsel.95 Service on the party or the

party’s employee is not effective because such notice is not notice in law.96 This is clear enough

Page 98: State Immunity Cases

from Section 2, second paragraph, of Rule 13, Rules of Court, which explicitly states that: “If

any party has appeared by counsel, service upon him shall be made upon his counsel or one of

them, unless service upon the party himself is ordered by the court. Where one counsel appears

for several parties, he shall only be entitled to one copy of any paper served upon him by the

opposite side.” As such, the period to appeal resumed only on June 1, 2002, the date following

the service on May 31, 2002 upon the OLS in Diliman of the copy of the decision of the RTC,

not from the date when the UP was notified.97 Accordingly, the declaration of finality of the

judgment of the RTC, being devoid of factual and legal bases, is set aside. Secondly, even

assuming that the service upon Atty. Nolasco was valid and effective, such that the remaining

period for the UP to take a timely appeal would end by May 23, 2002, it would still not be

correct to 94 Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 22 of the Rules of Court, “the day of the act or event

from which the designated period of time begins to run is to be excluded and the date of

performance included.” 95 Anderson v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No.

111212, January 22, 1996, 252 SCRA 116, 124. 96 Prudential Bank v. Business Assistance

Group, Inc., G.R. No. 158806, December 16, 2004, 447 SCRA 187, 193; Cabili v. Badelles, No.

L-17786, 116 Phil. 494, 497 (1962); Martinez v. Martinez, No. L-4075, 90 Phil. 697, 700 (1952);

Vivero v. Santos, No. L-8105, 98 Phil. 500, 504 (1956); Perez v. Araneta, No. L- 11788, 103

Phil. 1141 (1958); Visayan Surety and Insurance Corp. v. Central Bank of the Philippines, No.

L-12199, 104 Phil. 562, 569 (1958). 97 Notor v. Daza, No. L-320, 76 Phil. 850 (1946). Decision

G.R. No. 171182 27 find that the judgment of the RTC became final and immutable thereafter

due to the notice of appeal being filed too late on June 3, 2002. In so declaring the judgment of

the RTC as final against the UP, the CA and the RTC applied the rule contained in the second

paragraph of Section 3, Rule 41 of the Rules of Court to the effect that the filing of a motion for

reconsideration interrupted the running of the period for filing the appeal; and that the period

resumed upon notice of the denial of the motion for reconsideration. For that reason, the CA and

the RTC might not be taken to task for strictly adhering to the rule then prevailing. However,

equity calls for the retroactive application in the UP’s favor of the fresh-period rule that the

Court first announced in mid-September of 2005 through its ruling in Neypes v. Court of

Appeals, 98 viz: To standardize the appeal periods provided in the Rules and to afford litigants

fair opportunity to appeal their cases, the Court deems it practical to allow a fresh period of 15

days within which to file the notice of appeal in the Regional Trial Court, counted from receipt

of the order dismissing a motion for a new trial or motion for reconsideration. The retroactive

application of the fresh-period rule, a procedural law that aims “to regiment or make the appeal

period uniform, to be counted from receipt of the order denying the motion for new trial, motion

for reconsideration (whether full or partial) or any final order or resolution,”99 is impervious to

any serious challenge. This is because there are no vested rights in rules of procedure.100 A law

or regulation is procedural when it prescribes rules and forms of procedure in order that courts

may be able to administer justice.101 It does not come within the legal conception of a

retroactive law, or is not subject of the general rule prohibiting the retroactive operation of

statues, but is given retroactive effect in actions 98 G.R. No. 141524, September 14, 2005, 469

Page 99: State Immunity Cases

SCRA 633. 99 Id. at 644. 100 Jamero v. Melicor, G.R. No. 140929, May 26, 2005, 459 SCRA

113, 120. 101 Lopez v. Gloria, No. L-13846, 40 Phil 28 (1919). Decision G.R. No. 171182 28

pending and undetermined at the time of its passage without violating any right of a person who

may feel that he is adversely affected. We have further said that a procedural rule that is

amended for the benefit of litigants in furtherance of the administration of justice shall be

retroactively applied to likewise favor actions then pending, as equity delights in equality.102

We may even relax stringent procedural rules in order to serve substantial justice and in the

exercise of this Court’s equity jurisdiction.103 Equity jurisdiction aims to do complete justice in

cases where a court of law is unable to adapt its judgments to the special circumstances of a case

because of the inflexibility of its statutory or legal jurisdiction.104 It is cogent to add in this

regard that to deny the benefit of the freshperiod rule to the UP would amount to injustice and

absurdity – injustice, because the judgment in question was issued on November 28, 2001 as

compared to the judgment in Neypes that was rendered in 1998; absurdity, because parties

receiving notices of judgment and final orders issued in the year 1998 would enjoy the benefit of

the fresh-period rule but the later rulings of the lower courts like that herein would not.105

Consequently, even if the reckoning started from May 17, 2002, when Atty. Nolasco received the

denial, the UP’s filing on June 3, 2002 of the notice of appeal was not tardy within the context of

the fresh-period rule. For the UP, the fresh period of 15-days counted from service of the denial

of the motion for reconsideration would end on June 1, 2002, which was a Saturday. Hence, the

UP had until the next working day, or June 3, 2002, a Monday, within which to appeal,

conformably with Section 1 of Rule 22, Rules of Court, which holds that: “If the last day of the

period, as thus computed, falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday in the place where the

court sits, the time shall not run until the next working day.” 102 Go v. Sunbanun, G.R. No.

168240, February 9, 2011, 642 SCRA 367, 370. 103 Buenaflor v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

142021, November 29, 2000, 346 SCRA 563, 567; Soriano v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

100525, May 25, 1993, 222 SCRA 545, 546-547. 104 Reyes v. Lim, G.R. No. 134241, August

11, 2003, 408 SCRA 560, 560-567. 105 De los Santos v. Vda. de Mangubat, G.R. No. 149508,

October 10, 2007, 535 SCRA 411, 423. Decision G.R. No. 171182 29 IV Awards of monetary

damages, being devoid of factual and legal bases, did not attain finality and should be deleted

Section 14 of Article VIII of the Constitution prescribes that express findings of fact and of law

should be made in the decision rendered by any court, to wit: Section 14. No decision shall be

rendered by any court without expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the law on

which it is based. No petition for review or motion for reconsideration of a decision of the court

shall be refused due course or denied without stating the legal basis therefor. Implementing the

constitutional provision in civil actions is Section 1 of Rule 36, Rules of Court, viz: Section 1.

Rendition of judgments and final orders. — A judgment or final order determining the merits of

the case shall be in writing personally and directly prepared by the judge, stating clearly and

distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based, signed by him, and filed with the clerk of the

court. (1a) The Constitution and the Rules of Court apparently delineate two main essential parts

of a judgment, namely: the body and the decretal portion. Although the latter is the controlling

Page 100: State Immunity Cases

part,106 the importance of the former is not to be lightly regarded because it is there where the

court clearly and distinctly states its findings of fact and of law on which the decision is based.

To state it differently, one without the other is ineffectual and useless. The omission of either

inevitably results in a judgment that violates the letter and the spirit of the Constitution and the

Rules of Court. The term findings of fact that must be found in the body of the decision refers to

statements of fact, not to conclusions of law.107 Unlike in 106 Pelejo v. Court of Appeals, No.

L-60800, August 31, 1982, 116 SCRA 406, 410. 107 Braga v. Millora, No. 1395, 3 Phil. 458

(1904). Decision G.R. No. 171182 30 pleadings where ultimate facts alone need to be stated, the

Constitution and the Rules of Court require not only that a decision should state the ultimate

facts but also that it should specify the supporting evidentiary facts, for they are what are called

the findings of fact. The importance of the findings of fact and of law cannot be overstated. The

reason and purpose of the Constitution and the Rules of Court in that regard are obviously to

inform the parties why they win or lose, and what their rights and obligations are. Only thereby

is the demand of due process met as to the parties. As Justice Isagani A. Cruz explained in Nicos

Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals: 108 It is a requirement of due process that the parties

to a litigation be informed of how it was decided, with an explanation of the factual and legal

reasons that led to the conclusions of the court. The court cannot simply say that judgment is

rendered in favor of X and against Y and just leave it at that without any justification whatsoever

for its action. The losing party is entitled to know why he lost, so he may appeal to a higher

court, if permitted, should he believe that the decision should be reversed. A decision that does

not clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on which it is based leaves the parties in the

dark as to how it was reached and is especially prejudicial to the losing party, who is unable to

pinpoint the possible errors of the court for review by a higher tribunal. Here, the decision of the

RTC justified the grant of actual and moral damages, and attorney’s fees in the following terse

manner, viz: xxx The Court is not unmindful that due to defendants’ unjustified refusal to pay

their outstanding obligation to plaintiff, the same suffered losses and incurred expenses as he was

forced to re-mortgage his house and lot located in Quezon City to Metrobank (Exh. “CC”) and

BPI Bank just to pay its monetary obligations in the form of interest and penalties incurred in the

course of the construction of the subject project.109 The statement that “due to defendants’

unjustified refusal to pay their outstanding obligation to plaintiff, the same suffered losses and

incurred expenses as he was forced to re-mortgage his house and lot located in Quezon City to

Metrobank (Exh. “CC”) and BPI Bank just to pay its 108 G.R. No. 88709, February 11, 1992,

206 SCRA 127, 132. 109 Rollo, p. 137. Decision G.R. No. 171182 31 monetary obligations in

the form of interest and penalties incurred in the course of the construction of the subject project”

was only a conclusion of fact and law that did not comply with the constitutional and statutory

prescription. The statement specified no detailed expenses or losses constituting the

P5,716,729.00 actual damages sustained by Stern Builders in relation to the construction project

or to other pecuniary hardships. The omission of such expenses or losses directly indicated that

Stern Builders did not prove them at all, which then contravened Article 2199, Civil Code, the

statutory basis for the award of actual damages, which entitled a person to an adequate

Page 101: State Immunity Cases

compensation only for such pecuniary loss suffered by him as he has duly proved. As such, the

actual damages allowed by the RTC, being bereft of factual support, were speculative and

whimsical. Without the clear and distinct findings of fact and law, the award amounted only to

an ipse dixit on the part of the RTC,110 and did not attain finality. There was also no clear and

distinct statement of the factual and legal support for the award of moral damages in the

substantial amount of P10,000,000.00. The award was thus also speculative and whimsical. Like

the actual damages, the moral damages constituted another judicial ipse dixit, the inevitable

consequence of which was to render the award of moral damages incapable of attaining finality.

In addition, the grant of moral damages in that manner contravened the law that permitted the

recovery of moral damages as the means to assuage “physical suffering, mental anguish, fright,

serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and

similar injury.”111 The contravention of the law was manifest considering that Stern Builders, as

an artificial person, was incapable of experiencing pain and moral sufferings.112 Assuming that

in granting the substantial amount of P10,000,000.00 as moral damages, the RTC might have had

in mind that dela Cruz had himself suffered mental anguish and anxiety. If that was the case,

then the RTC obviously 110 Translated, the phrase means: “He himself said it.” It refers to an

unsupported statement that rests solely on the authority of the individual asserting the statement.

111 Article 2217, Civil Code. 112 Crystal v. Bank of the Philippine Islands, G.R. No. 172428,

November 28, 2008, 572 SCRA 697, 705. Decision G.R. No. 171182 32 disregarded his separate

and distinct personality from that of Stern Builders.113 Moreover, his moral and emotional

sufferings as the President of Stern Builders were not the sufferings of Stern Builders. Lastly, the

RTC violated the basic principle that moral damages were not intended to enrich the plaintiff at

the expense of the defendant, but to restore the plaintiff to his status quo ante as much as

possible. Taken together, therefore, all these considerations exposed the substantial amount of

P10,000,000.00 allowed as moral damages not only to be factually baseless and legally

indefensible, but also to be unconscionable, inequitable and unreasonable. Like the actual and

moral damages, the P150,000.00, plus P1,500.00 per appearance, granted as attorney’s fees were

factually unwarranted and devoid of legal basis. The general rule is that a successful litigant

cannot recover attorney’s fees as part of the damages to be assessed against the losing party

because of the policy that no premium should be placed on the right to litigate.114 Prior to the

effectivity of the present Civil Code, indeed, such fees could be recovered only when there was a

stipulation to that effect. It was only under the present Civil Code that the right to collect

attorney’s fees in the cases mentioned in Article 2208115 of the Civil Code came to be

recognized.116 Nonetheless, with attorney’s fees being allowed in the concept 113 Section 2,

Corporation Code; Martinez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 131673, September 10, 2004, 438

SCRA 130, 149; Consolidated Bank and Trust Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

114286, April 19, 2001, 356 SCRA 671, 682; Booc v. Bantuas, A.M. No. P-01-1464, March 13,

2001, 354 SCRA 279, 283. 114 Heirs of Justiva v. Gustilo, L-16396, January 31, 1963, 7 SCRA

72, 73; Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. of the Phil. v. Ines Chaves & Co., Ltd., No. L-17106,

October 19, 1996, 18 SCRA 356, 358. 115 Article 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's

Page 102: State Immunity Cases

fees and expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs, cannot be recovered, except: (1) When

exemplary damages are awarded; (2) When the defendant's act or omission has compelled the

plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to incur expenses to protect his interest; (3) In criminal

cases of malicious prosecution against the plaintiff; (4) In case of a clearly unfounded civil

action or proceeding against the plaintiff; (5) Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad

faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable claim; (6) In actions

for legal support; (7) In actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and

skilled workers; (8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's compensation and employer's

liability laws; (9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability arising from a crime; (10)

When at least double judicial costs are awarded; (11) In any other case where the court deems it

just and equitable that attorney's fees and expenses of litigation should be recovered. In all cases,

the attorney's fees and expenses of litigation must be reasonable. 116 See Reyes v. Yatco, No. L-

11425, 100 Phil. 964 (1957); Tan Ti v. Alvear, No. 8228, 26 Phil. 566 (1914); Castueras, et al. v.

Hon. Bayona, et al., No. L-13657, 106 Phil. 340 (1959). Decision G.R. No. 171182 33 of actual

damages,117 their amounts must be factually and legally justified in the body of the decision and

not stated for the first time in the decretal portion.118 Stating the amounts only in the dispositive

portion of the judgment is not enough;119 a rendition of the factual and legal justifications for

them must also be laid out in the body of the decision.120 That the attorney’s fees granted to the

private respondents did not satisfy the foregoing requirement suffices for the Court to undo

them.121 The grant was ineffectual for being contrary to law and public policy, it being clear

that the express findings of fact and law were intended to bring the case within the exception and

thereby justify the award of the attorney’s fees. Devoid of such express findings, the award was a

conclusion without a premise, its basis being improperly left to speculation and conjecture.122

Nonetheless, the absence of findings of fact and of any statement of the law and jurisprudence on

which the awards of actual and moral damages, as well as of attorney’s fees, were based was a

fatal flaw that invalidated the decision of the RTC only as to such awards. As the Court declared

in Velarde v. Social Justice Society, 123 the failure to comply with the constitutional

requirement for a clear and distinct statement of the supporting facts and law “is a grave abuse of

discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction” and that “(d)ecisions or orders issued in

careless disregard of the constitutional mandate are a patent nullity and must be struck down as

void.”124 The other item granted by the RTC (i.e., P503,462.74) shall stand, subject to the action

of the COA as stated herein. WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petition for review on

certiorari; REVERSES and SETS ASIDE the decision of the Court of 117 Fores v. Miranda, No.

L-12163, 105 Phil. 266 (1959). 118 Buduhan v. Pakurao, G.R. No. 168237, February 22, 2006,

483 SCRA 116, 127. 119 Gloria v. De Guzman, Jr., G.R. No. 116183, October 6, 1995, 249

SCRA 126, 136. 120 Policarpio v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 94563, March 5, 1991, 194 SCRA

729, 742. 121 Koa v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 84847, March 5, 1993, 219 SCRA 541, 549;

Central Azucarera de Bais v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 87597, August 3, 1990, 188 SCRA

328, 340. 122 Ballesteros v. Abion, G.R. No. 143361, February 9, 2006, 482 SCRA 23. 123 G.R.

No. 159357, April 28, 2004, 428 SCRA 283. 124 Id. at 309. Decision 34 G.R. No. 171182

Page 103: State Immunity Cases

Appeals under review; ANNULS the orders for the garnishment of the funds '1J of the

University of the Philippines and for the release of the garnished amount to Stern Builders

Corporation and Servillano dela Cruz; and DELETES from the decision of the Regional Trial

Court dated November 28,2001 for being void only the awards of actual damages

of~5,716,729.00, moral damages of ~1 0,000,000.00, and attorney's fees of 1!150,000.00, plus PI

,500.00 per appearance, in favor of Stern Builders Corporation and Servillano dela Cruz. The

Com1 ORDERS Stem Builders Corporation and Servillano dela Cruz to redeposit the amount

ofl!16,370,191.74 within 10 days from receipt of this decision. Costs of suit to be paid by the

private respondents. SO ORDERED

Page 104: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. 77765 August 15, 1988





Pio G. Villoso for petitioner.


This is a petition for review on certiorari which seeks to set aside the decision of the Court of

Appeals nullifying the orders of the trial court on the ground that said orders in effect, sought the

enforcement of a writ of execution against government funds. The petitioner contends that to set

aside the writ of execution would be an abridgment of his right to just compensation and due

process of law. The public respondents on the other hand, state that government funds cannot be

disbursed without proper appropriation and that a writ of execution cannot legally issue against

the State.

On March 8, 1976, the Republic of the Philippines filed a complaint with the Court of First

Instance of Iloilo to expropriate two parcels of land in the municipality of Barotac, Iloilo owned

by petitioner Sebastian Cosculluela and one Mita Lumampao, for the construction of the canal

network of the Barotac Irrigation Project.

On April 4, 1976, the trial court rendered a decision granting the expropriation and ordered the

public respondent to pay the following amounts:

1. To Mita Lumampao, the sum of P20,000 minus P4,001.82 which she had

already withdrawn plus P3,000 attorney's fees; and

2. Sebastian Cosculluela, the sum of P200,000.00 which is the reasonable

estimate of his actual and consequential loss by reason of the taking of his 3

hectares of land, destruction of the sugarcane therein and the reduce in the yield

of his sugarcane farm due to water lagging and seepage; plus attorney's fees of

P10,000 and litigation expenses of P5,000.00. (p. 36, Rollo)

Page 105: State Immunity Cases

On appeal, the Court of Appeals modified the trial court's decision in that the attorney's fees and

litigation expenses were reduced from P10,000.00 and P5,000.00 to P5,000.00 and P2,500.00

respectively. The decision became final and executory on September 21, 1985.

On May 7, 1986, on motion of the petitioner, the trial court ordered the issuance of a writ of

execution to implement the judgment of the appellate court.

On August 11, 1986, the respondent Republic filed a motion to set aside the order of May 7,

1986 as well as the writ of execution issued pursuant thereto, contending that the funds of the

National Irrigation Authority (NIA) are government funds and therefore, cannot be disbursed

without a government appropriation.

On October 6, 1986, the lower court issued an order modifying its order of May 7, 1986,

directing instead that the respondenit Republic deposit with the Philippine National Bank (PNB)

in the name of the petitioner, the amount adjudged in favor of the latter.

The respondent filed a petition with the Court of Appeals to annul the orders of May 7 and

October 6, 1986.

On November 25, 1986, the appellate court rendered the questioned decision setting aside the

aforementioned orders of the trial court on the ground that public or government funds are not

subject to levy and execution.

In this instant petition, the petitioner assails the decision of the appellate court as being violative

of his right to just compensation and due process of law. He maintains that these constitutional

guarantees transcend all administrative and procedural laws and jurisprudence for as between

these said laws and the constitutional rights of private citizens, the latter must prevail.

As admitted by the respondent Republic, the NIA took possession of the expropriated property in

1975 and for around ten (10) years already, it has been servicing the farmers on both sides of the

Barotac Viejo Irrigation Project in Iloilo Province and has been collecting fees therefor by way

of taxes at the expense of the petitioner. On the other hand, the petitioner, who is already more

than eighty (80) years old and sickly, is undergoing frequent hospitalization, and is made to

suffer further by the unconscionable delay in the payment of just compensation based on a final

and executory judgment.

The respondent Republic, on the other hand, argues that while it has no intention of keeping the

land and dishonoring the judgment, the manner by which the same will have to be satisfied must

not be inconsistent with prevailing jurisprudence, and that is, that public funds such as those of

the respondent NIA cannot be disbursed without the proper appropriation.

We rule for the petitioner.

One of the basic principles enshrined in our Constitution is that no person shall be deprived of

his private property without due process of law; and in expropriation cases, an essential element

of due process is that there must be just compensation whenever private property is taken for

Page 106: State Immunity Cases

public use. Thus, in the case of Province of Pangasinan v. CFI Judge of Pangasinan, Branch

VIII (80 SCRA 117, 120-121), this Court speaking through then Chief Justice Fernando ruled:

There is full and ample recognition of the power of eminent domain by Justice

Street in a leading case of Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus (4C) Phil. 550 [1919])

decided prior to the Commonwealth, the matter being governed by the Philippine

Autonomy Act of 1916, otherwise known as the Jones Law. It was characterized

as "inseparable from sovereignty being essential to the existence of the State and

inherent in government even in its most primitive forms." (Ibid, 558) Nonetheless,

he was careful to point out: "In other words, the provisions now generally found

in the modern laws of constitutions of civilized countries to the effect that private

property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation have their

origin in the recognition of a necessity for restraining the sovereign and protecting

the individual. (Ibid, 559) Moreover, he did emphasize: "Nevertheless it should be

noted that the whole problem of expropriation is resolvable in its ultimate analysis

into a constitutional question of due process of law. ... Even were there no organic

or constitutional provision in force requiring compensation to be paid, the seizure

of one's property without payment, even though intended for a public use, would

undoubtedly be held to be a taking without due process of law and a denial of the

equal protection of the laws. That aspect of the matter was stressed in the recent

case of J. M. Tuason and Co., Inc. v. Land Tenure Administration. (31 SCRA

413) Conformably to such a fundamental principle then, in accordance with a

constitutional mandate, this Court has never hesitated to assure that there be just

compensation. If it were otherwise, the element of arbitrariness certainly would

enter. It is bad enough that an owner of a property, in the event of the exercise of

this sovereign prerogative, has no choice but to yield to such a taking. It is

infinitely worse if thereafter, he is denied all these years the payment to which he

is entitled. This is one of the instances where law and morals speak to the same

effect. (Cf. Province of Tayabas v. Perez, 66 Phil. 467 [1938] and other related


The property of the petitioner was taken by the government in 1975. The following year,

respondent NIA made the required deposit of P2,097.30 with the Philippine National Bank and

within the same year, the Barotac Viejo Irrigation Project was finished. Since then, for more than

a period of ten (10) years, the project has been of service to the farmers nearby in the province of

Iloilo. It is, thus, inconceivable how this project could have been started without the necessary

appropriation for just compensation. Needless to state, no government instrumentality, agency,

or subdivision has any business initiating expropriation proceedings unless it has adequate funds,

supported by proper appropriation acts, to pay for the property to be seized from the owner. Not

only was the government able to make an initial deposit of P2,097.30 but the project was

finished in only a year's time. We agree with the petitioner that before the respondent NIA

undertook the construction of the Barotac Viejo Irrigation Project, the same was duly authorized,

with the corresponding funds appropriated for the payment of expropriated land and to pay for

equipment, salaries of personnel, and other expenses incidental to the project. The NIA officials

responsible for the project have to do plenty of explaining as to where they misdirected the funds

intended for the expropriated property.

Page 107: State Immunity Cases

The present case must be distinguished from earlier cases where payment for property

expropriated by the National Government may not be realized upon execution. As a rule, the

legislature must first appropriate the additional amount to pay the award. (See Commissioner of

Public Highways v. San Diego, 31 SCRA 616 and Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus & Paredes, 40

Phil. 550).

In the present case, the Barotac Viejo Project was a package project of government. Money was

allocated for an entire project. Before bulldozers and ditch diggers tore up the place and before

millions of pesos were put into the development of the project, the basic responsibility of paying

the owners for property seized from them should have been met.

Another distinction lies in the fact that the NIA collects fees for the use of the irrigation system

constructed on the petitioner's land. It does not have to await an express act of Congress to locate

funds for this specific purpose. The rule in earlier precedents that the functions and public

services rendered by the state cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion of

public funds from their legitimate and specific objects (Commissioner of Public Highways v. San

Diego, supra, at p. 625) is not applicable here. There is no showing of any public service to be

disrupted if the fees collected from the farmers of Iloilo for the use of irrigation water from the

disrupted property were utilized to pay for that property.

We must emphasize that nowhere in any expropriation case has there been a deviation from the

rule that the Government must pay for expropriated property. In the Commissioner of Public

Highways case, the Court stressed that it is incumbent upon the legislature to appropriate the

necessary amount because it cannot keep the land and dishonor the judgment.

This case illustrates the expanded meaning of "public use" in the eminent domain clause.

(Constitution, Article III, Section 9.) The petitioner's land was not taken for the construction of a

road, bridge, school, public buildings, or other traditional objects of expropriation. When the

National Housing Authority expropriates raw land to convert into housing projects

for rent or sale to private persons or the NIA expropriates land to construct irrigation systems

and sells water rights to farmers, it would be the height of abuse and ignominy for the agencies

to start earning from those properties while ignoring final judgments ordering the payment of just

compensation to the former owners.

Just compensation means not only the correct determination of the amount to be paid to the

owner of the land but also the payment of the land within a reasonable time from its taking.

Without prompt payment, compensation cannot be considered "just" for the property owner is

made to suffer the consequence of being immediately deprived of his land while being made to

wait for a decade or more before actually receiving the amount necessary to cope with his loss.

Thus, in the case of Provincial Government of Sorsogon v. Rosa E. Vda. de Villaroyo (153

SCRA 291), we ruled:

The petitioners have been waiting for more than thirty years to be paid for their

land which was taken for use as a public high school. As a matter of fair

procedure, it is the duty of the Government whenever it takes property from

private persons against their will to supply all required documentation and

Page 108: State Immunity Cases

facilitate payment of just compensation. The imposition of unreasonable

requirements and vexatious delays before effecting payment is not only galling

and arbitrary but a rich source of discontent with government. There should be

some kind of swift and effective recourse against unfeeling and uncaring acts of

middle or lower level bureaucrats.

Under ordinary circumstances, immediate return to the owners of the unpaid

property is the obvious remedy. ln cases where land is taken for public use, public

interest, however, must, be considered. The children of Gubat, Sorsogon have

been using the disputed land as their high school athletic grounds for thirty years.

(Emphasis supplied)

In the present case, the irrigation project was completed and has been in operation

since 1976. The project is benefitting the farmers specifically and the community

in general. Obviously, the petitioner's land cannot be returned to him. However, it

is high time that the petitioner be paid what was due him eleven years ago. It is

arbitrary and capricious for a government agency to initiate expropriation

proceedings, seize a person's property, allow the judgment of the court to become

final and executory and then refuse to pay on the ground that there are no

appropriations for the property earlier taken and profitably used. We condemn in

the strongest possible terms the cavalier attitude of government officials who

adopt such a despotic and irresponsible stance.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision and order of the respondent

appellate court dated November 25, 1987 and February 16, 1987 respectively are ANNULLED

and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City is ordered to immediately execute the

final judgment in Civil Case No. 10530 and effect payment of P200,000.00 as just compensation

deducting therefrom the partial payment already deposited by the respondent at the institution of

the action below with legal interest from September 21, 1985, plus P5,000.00 attorney's fees and

P2,500.00 litigation expenses.


Page 109: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines




G.R. No. 101949 December 1, 1994

THE HOLY SEE, petitioner,


THE HON. ERIBERTO U. ROSARIO, JR., as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court

of Makati, Branch 61 and STARBRIGHT SALES ENTERPRISES, INC., respondents.

Padilla Law Office for petitioner.

Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako for private respondent.


This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court to reverse and set

aside the Orders dated June 20, 1991 and September 19, 1991 of the Regional Trial Court,

Branch 61, Makati, Metro Manila in Civil Case No. 90-183.

The Order dated June 20, 1991 denied the motion of petitioner to dismiss the complaint in Civil

Case No. 90-183, while the Order dated September 19, 1991 denied the motion for

reconsideration of the June 20,1991 Order.

Petitioner is the Holy See who exercises sovereignty over the Vatican City in Rome, Italy, and is

represented in the Philippines by the Papal Nuncio.

Private respondent, Starbright Sales Enterprises, Inc., is a domestic corporation engaged in the

real estate business.

This petition arose from a controversy over a parcel of land consisting of 6,000 square meters

(Lot 5-A, Transfer Certificate of Title No. 390440) located in the Municipality of Parañaque,

Metro Manila and registered in the name of petitioner.

Said Lot 5-A is contiguous to Lots 5-B and 5-D which are covered by Transfer Certificates of

Title Nos. 271108 and 265388 respectively and registered in the name of the Philippine Realty

Corporation (PRC).

Page 110: State Immunity Cases

The three lots were sold to Ramon Licup, through Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., acting as agent

to the sellers. Later, Licup assigned his rights to the sale to private respondent.

In view of the refusal of the squatters to vacate the lots sold to private respondent, a dispute arose

as to who of the parties has the responsibility of evicting and clearing the land of squatters.

Complicating the relations of the parties was the sale by petitioner of Lot 5-A to Tropicana

Properties and Development Corporation (Tropicana).


On January 23, 1990, private respondent filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court, Branch

61, Makati, Metro Manila for annulment of the sale of the three parcels of land, and specific

performance and damages against petitioner, represented by the Papal Nuncio, and three other

defendants: namely, Msgr. Domingo A. Cirilos, Jr., the PRC and Tropicana (Civil Case No.


The complaint alleged that: (1) on April 17, 1988, Msgr. Cirilos, Jr., on behalf of petitioner and

the PRC, agreed to sell to Ramon Licup Lots 5-A, 5-B and 5-D at the price of P1,240.00 per

square meters; (2) the agreement to sell was made on the condition that earnest money of

P100,000.00 be paid by Licup to the sellers, and that the sellers clear the said lots of squatters

who were then occupying the same; (3) Licup paid the earnest money to Msgr. Cirilos; (4) in the

same month, Licup assigned his rights over the property to private respondent and informed the

sellers of the said assignment; (5) thereafter, private respondent demanded from Msgr. Cirilos

that the sellers fulfill their undertaking and clear the property of squatters; however, Msgr.

Cirilos informed private respondent of the squatters' refusal to vacate the lots, proposing instead

either that private respondent undertake the eviction or that the earnest money be returned to the

latter; (6) private respondent counterproposed that if it would undertake the eviction of the

squatters, the purchase price of the lots should be reduced from P1,240.00 to P1,150.00 per

square meter; (7) Msgr. Cirilos returned the earnest money of P100,000.00 and wrote private

respondent giving it seven days from receipt of the letter to pay the original purchase price in

cash; (8) private respondent sent the earnest money back to the sellers, but later discovered that

on March 30, 1989, petitioner and the PRC, without notice to private respondent, sold the lots to

Tropicana, as evidenced by two separate Deeds of Sale, one over Lot 5-A, and another over Lots

5-B and 5-D; and that the sellers' transfer certificate of title over the lots were cancelled,

transferred and registered in the name of Tropicana; (9) Tropicana induced petitioner and the

PRC to sell the lots to it and thus enriched itself at the expense of private respondent; (10) private

respondent demanded the rescission of the sale to Tropicana and the reconveyance of the lots, to

no avail; and (11) private respondent is willing and able to comply with the terms of the contract

to sell and has actually made plans to develop the lots into a townhouse project, but in view of

the sellers' breach, it lost profits of not less than P30,000.000.00.

Private respondent thus prayed for: (1) the annulment of the Deeds of Sale between petitioner

and the PRC on the one hand, and Tropicana on the other; (2) the reconveyance of the lots in

question; (3) specific performance of the agreement to sell between it and the owners of the lots;

and (4) damages.

Page 111: State Immunity Cases

On June 8, 1990, petitioner and Msgr. Cirilos separately moved to dismiss the complaint —

petitioner for lack of jurisdiction based on sovereign immunity from suit, and Msgr. Cirilos for

being an improper party. An opposition to the motion was filed by private respondent.

On June 20, 1991, the trial court issued an order denying, among others, petitioner's motion to

dismiss after finding that petitioner "shed off [its] sovereign immunity by entering into the

business contract in question" (Rollo, pp. 20-21).

On July 12, 1991, petitioner moved for reconsideration of the order. On August 30, 1991,

petitioner filed a "Motion for a Hearing for the Sole Purpose of Establishing Factual Allegation

for claim of Immunity as a Jurisdictional Defense." So as to facilitate the determination of its

defense of sovereign immunity, petitioner prayed that a hearing be conducted to allow it to

establish certain facts upon which the said defense is based. Private respondent opposed this

motion as well as the motion for reconsideration.

On October 1, 1991, the trial court issued an order deferring the resolution on the motion for

reconsideration until after trial on the merits and directing petitioner to file its answer (Rollo, p.


Petitioner forthwith elevated the matter to us. In its petition, petitioner invokes the privilege of

sovereign immunity only on its own behalf and on behalf of its official representative, the Papal


On December 9, 1991, a Motion for Intervention was filed before us by the Department of

Foreign Affairs, claiming that it has a legal interest in the outcome of the case as regards the

diplomatic immunity of petitioner, and that it "adopts by reference, the allegations contained in

the petition of the Holy See insofar as they refer to arguments relative to its claim of sovereign

immunity from suit" (Rollo, p. 87).

Private respondent opposed the intervention of the Department of Foreign Affairs. In compliance

with the resolution of this Court, both parties and the Department of Foreign Affairs submitted

their respective memoranda.


A preliminary matter to be threshed out is the procedural issue of whether the petition

for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court can be availed of to question the order

denying petitioner's motion to dismiss. The general rule is that an order denying a motion to

dismiss is not reviewable by the appellate courts, the remedy of the movant being to file his

answer and to proceed with the hearing before the trial court. But the general rule admits of

exceptions, and one of these is when it is very clear in the records that the trial court has no

alternative but to dismiss the complaint (Philippine National Bank v. Florendo, 206 SCRA 582

[1992]; Zagada v. Civil Service Commission, 216 SCRA 114 [1992]. In such a case, it would be

a sheer waste of time and energy to require the parties to undergo the rigors of a trial.

Page 112: State Immunity Cases

The other procedural question raised by private respondent is the personality or legal interest of

the Department of Foreign Affairs to intervene in the case in behalf of the Holy See (Rollo, pp.


In Public International Law, when a state or international agency wishes to plead sovereign or

diplomatic immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued

to convey to the court that said defendant is entitled to immunity.

In the United States, the procedure followed is the process of "suggestion," where the foreign

state or the international organization sued in an American court requests the Secretary of State

to make a determination as to whether it is entitled to immunity. If the Secretary of State finds

that the defendant is immune from suit, he, in turn, asks the Attorney General to submit to the

court a "suggestion" that the defendant is entitled to immunity. In England, a similar procedure is

followed, only the Foreign Office issues a certification to that effect instead of submitting a

"suggestion" (O'Connell, I International Law 130 [1965]; Note: Immunity from Suit of Foreign

Sovereign Instrumentalities and Obligations, 50 Yale Law Journal 1088 [1941]).

In the Philippines, the practice is for the foreign government or the international organization to

first secure an executive endorsement of its claim of sovereign or diplomatic immunity. But how

the Philippine Foreign Office conveys its endorsement to the courts varies. In International

Catholic Migration Commission v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 (1990), the Secretary of Foreign

Affairs just sent a letter directly to the Secretary of Labor and Employment, informing the latter

that the respondent-employer could not be sued because it enjoyed diplomatic immunity.

In World Health Organization v. Aquino, 48 SCRA 242 (1972), the Secretary of Foreign Affairs

sent the trial court a telegram to that effect. In Baer v. Tizon, 57 SCRA 1 (1974), the U.S.

Embassy asked the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to request the Solicitor General to make, in

behalf of the Commander of the United States Naval Base at Olongapo City, Zambales, a

"suggestion" to respondent Judge. The Solicitor General embodied the "suggestion" in a

Manifestation and Memorandum as amicus curiae.

In the case at bench, the Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Office of Legal Affairs

moved with this Court to be allowed to intervene on the side of petitioner. The Court allowed the

said Department to file its memorandum in support of petitioner's claim of sovereign immunity.

In some cases, the defense of sovereign immunity was submitted directly to the local courts by

the respondents through their private counsels (Raquiza v. Bradford, 75 Phil. 50 [1945];

Miquiabas v. Philippine-Ryukyus Command, 80 Phil. 262 [1948]; United States of America v.

Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990] and companion cases). In cases where the foreign states bypass

the Foreign Office, the courts can inquire into the facts and make their own determination as to

the nature of the acts and transactions involved.


The burden of the petition is that respondent trial court has no jurisdiction over petitioner, being

a foreign state enjoying sovereign immunity. On the other hand, private respondent insists that

the doctrine of non-suability is not anymore absolute and that petitioner has divested itself of

Page 113: State Immunity Cases

such a cloak when, of its own free will, it entered into a commercial transaction for the sale of a

parcel of land located in the Philippines.

A. The Holy See

Before we determine the issue of petitioner's non-suability, a brief look into its status as a

sovereign state is in order.

Before the annexation of the Papal States by Italy in 1870, the Pope was the monarch and he, as

the Holy See, was considered a subject of International Law. With the loss of the Papal States

and the limitation of the territory under the Holy See to an area of 108.7 acres, the position of the

Holy See in International Law became controversial (Salonga and Yap, Public International Law

36-37 [1992]).

In 1929, Italy and the Holy See entered into the Lateran Treaty, where Italy recognized the

exclusive dominion and sovereign jurisdiction of the Holy See over the Vatican City. It also

recognized the right of the Holy See to receive foreign diplomats, to send its own diplomats to

foreign countries, and to enter into treaties according to International Law (Garcia, Questions

and Problems In International Law, Public and Private 81 [1948]).

The Lateran Treaty established the statehood of the Vatican City "for the purpose of assuring to

the Holy See absolute and visible independence and of guaranteeing to it indisputable

sovereignty also in the field of international relations" (O'Connell, I International Law 311


In view of the wordings of the Lateran Treaty, it is difficult to determine whether the statehood is

vested in the Holy See or in the Vatican City. Some writers even suggested that the treaty created

two international persons — the Holy See and Vatican City (Salonga and Yap, supra, 37).

The Vatican City fits into none of the established categories of states, and the attribution to it of

"sovereignty" must be made in a sense different from that in which it is applied to other states

(Fenwick, International Law 124-125 [1948]; Cruz, International Law 37 [1991]). In a

community of national states, the Vatican City represents an entity organized not for political but

for ecclesiastical purposes and international objects. Despite its size and object, the Vatican City

has an independent government of its own, with the Pope, who is also head of the Roman

Catholic Church, as the Holy See or Head of State, in conformity with its traditions, and the

demands of its mission in the world. Indeed, the world-wide interests and activities of the

Vatican City are such as to make it in a sense an "international state" (Fenwick, supra., 125;

Kelsen, Principles of International Law 160 [1956]).

One authority wrote that the recognition of the Vatican City as a state has significant implication

— that it is possible for any entity pursuing objects essentially different from those pursued by

states to be invested with international personality (Kunz, The Status of the Holy See in

International Law, 46 The American Journal of International Law 308 [1952]).

Page 114: State Immunity Cases

Inasmuch as the Pope prefers to conduct foreign relations and enter into transactions as the Holy

See and not in the name of the Vatican City, one can conclude that in the Pope's own view, it is

the Holy See that is the international person.

The Republic of the Philippines has accorded the Holy See the status of a foreign sovereign. The

Holy See, through its Ambassador, the Papal Nuncio, has had diplomatic representations with the

Philippine government since 1957 (Rollo, p. 87). This appears to be the universal practice in

international relations.

B. Sovereign Immunity

As expressed in Section 2 of Article II of the 1987 Constitution, we have adopted the generally

accepted principles of International Law. Even without this affirmation, such principles of

International Law are deemed incorporated as part of the law of the land as a condition and

consequence of our admission in the society of nations (United States of America v. Guinto, 182

SCRA 644 [1990]).

There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign immunity, each widely held and firmly

established. According to the classical or absolute theory, a sovereign cannot, without its

consent, be made a respondent in the courts of another sovereign. According to the newer or

restrictive theory, the immunity of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or

acts jure imperii of a state, but not with regard to private acts or acts jure gestionis

(United States of America v. Ruiz, 136 SCRA 487 [1987]; Coquia and Defensor-Santiago,

Public International Law 194 [1984]).

Some states passed legislation to serve as guidelines for the executive or judicial determination

when an act may be considered as jure gestionis. The United States passed the Foreign Sovereign

Immunities Act of 1976, which defines a commercial activity as "either a regular course of

commercial conduct or a particular commercial transaction or act." Furthermore, the law

declared that the "commercial character of the activity shall be determined by reference to the

nature of the course of conduct or particular transaction or act, rather than by reference to its

purpose." The Canadian Parliament enacted in 1982 an Act to Provide For State Immunity in

Canadian Courts. The Act defines a "commercial activity" as any particular transaction, act or

conduct or any regular course of conduct that by reason of its nature, is of a "commercial


The restrictive theory, which is intended to be a solution to the host of problems involving the

issue of sovereign immunity, has created problems of its own. Legal treatises and the decisions

in countries which follow the restrictive theory have difficulty in characterizing whether a

contract of a sovereign state with a private party is an act jure gestionis or an act jure imperii.

The restrictive theory came about because of the entry of sovereign states into purely commercial

activities remotely connected with the discharge of governmental functions. This is particularly

true with respect to the Communist states which took control of nationalized business activities

and international trading.

Page 115: State Immunity Cases

This Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with private parties as

acts jure imperii: (1) the lease by a foreign government of apartment buildings for use of its

military officers (Syquia v. Lopez, 84 Phil. 312 [1949]; (2) the conduct of public bidding for the

repair of a wharf at a United States Naval Station (United States of America v. Ruiz, supra.); and

(3) the change of employment status of base employees (Sanders v. Veridiano, 162 SCRA 88


On the other hand, this Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with

private parties as acts jure gestionis: (1) the hiring of a cook in the recreation center, consisting

of three restaurants, a cafeteria, a bakery, a store, and a coffee and pastry shop at the John Hay

Air Station in Baguio City, to cater to American servicemen and the general public (United

States of America v. Rodrigo, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]); and (2) the bidding for the operation of

barber shops in Clark Air Base in Angeles City (United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA

644 [1990]). The operation of the restaurants and other facilities open to the general public is

undoubtedly for profit as a commercial and not a governmental activity. By entering into the

employment contract with the cook in the discharge of its proprietary function, the United States

government impliedly divested itself of its sovereign immunity from suit.

In the absence of legislation defining what activities and transactions shall be considered

"commercial" and as constituting acts jure gestionis, we have to come out with our own

guidelines, tentative they may be.

Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a foreign state with a private party cannot be the

ultimate test. Such an act can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question is whether the

foreign state is engaged in the activity in the regular course of business. If the foreign state is not

engaged regularly in a business or trade, the particular act or transaction must then be tested by

its nature. If the act is in pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it is an

act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken for gain or profit.

As held in United States of America v. Guinto, (supra):

There is no question that the United States of America, like any other state, will

be deemed to have impliedly waived its non-suability if it has entered into a

contract in its proprietary or private capacity. It is only when the contract involves

its sovereign or governmental capacity that no such waiver may be implied.

In the case at bench, if petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary course of a real estate

business, surely the said transaction can be categorized as an act jure gestionis. However,

petitioner has denied that the acquisition and subsequent disposal of Lot 5-A were made for

profit but claimed that it acquired said property for the site of its mission or the Apostolic

Nunciature in the Philippines. Private respondent failed to dispute said claim.

Lot 5-A was acquired by petitioner as a donation from the Archdiocese of Manila. The donation

was made not for commercial purpose, but for the use of petitioner to construct thereon the

official place of residence of the Papal Nuncio. The right of a foreign sovereign to acquire

property, real or personal, in a receiving state, necessary for the creation and maintenance of its

Page 116: State Immunity Cases

diplomatic mission, is recognized in the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (Arts.

20-22). This treaty was concurred in by the Philippine Senate and entered into force in the

Philippines on November 15, 1965.

In Article 31(a) of the Convention, a diplomatic envoy is granted immunity from the civil and

administrative jurisdiction of the receiving state over any real action relating to private

immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving state which the envoy holds on

behalf of the sending state for the purposes of the mission. If this immunity is provided for a

diplomatic envoy, with all the more reason should immunity be recognized as regards the

sovereign itself, which in this case is the Holy See.

The decision to transfer the property and the subsequent disposal thereof are likewise clothed

with a governmental character. Petitioner did not sell Lot

5-A for profit or gain. It merely wanted to dispose off the same because the squatters living

thereon made it almost impossible for petitioner to use it for the purpose of the donation. The

fact that squatters have occupied and are still occupying the lot, and that they stubbornly refuse

to leave the premises, has been admitted by private respondent in its complaint (Rollo, pp. 26,


The issue of petitioner's non-suability can be determined by the trial court without going to trial

in the light of the pleadings, particularly the admission of private respondent. Besides, the

privilege of sovereign immunity in this case was sufficiently established by the Memorandum

and Certification of the Department of Foreign Affairs. As the department tasked with the

conduct of the Philippines' foreign relations (Administrative Code of 1987, Book IV, Title I, Sec.

3), the Department of Foreign Affairs has formally intervened in this case and officially certified

that the Embassy of the Holy See is a duly accredited diplomatic mission to the Republic of the

Philippines exempt from local jurisdiction and entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities

of a diplomatic mission or embassy in this country (Rollo, pp. 156-157). The determination of

the executive arm of government that a state or instrumentality is entitled to sovereign or

diplomatic immunity is a political question that is conclusive upon the courts (International

Catholic Migration Commission v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 [1990]). Where the plea of immunity

is recognized and affirmed by the executive branch, it is the duty of the courts to accept this

claim so as not to embarrass the executive arm of the government in conducting the country's

foreign relations (World Health Organization v. Aquino, 48 SCRA 242 [1972]). As

in International Catholic Migration Commission and in World Health Organization, we abide by

the certification of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Ordinarily, the procedure would be to remand the case and order the trial court to conduct a

hearing to establish the facts alleged by petitioner in its motion. In view of said certification,

such procedure would however be pointless and unduly circuitous (Ortigas & Co. Ltd.

Partnership v. Judge Tirso Velasco, G.R. No. 109645, July 25, 1994).


Private respondent is not left without any legal remedy for the redress of its grievances. Under

both Public International Law and Transnational Law, a person who feels aggrieved by the acts

Page 117: State Immunity Cases

of a foreign sovereign can ask his own government to espouse his cause through diplomatic


Private respondent can ask the Philippine government, through the Foreign Office, to espouse its

claims against the Holy See. Its first task is to persuade the Philippine government to take up

with the Holy See the validity of its claims. Of course, the Foreign Office shall first make a

determination of the impact of its espousal on the relations between the Philippine government

and the Holy See (Young, Remedies of Private Claimants Against Foreign States, Selected

Readings on Protection by Law of Private Foreign Investments 905, 919 [1964]). Once the

Philippine government decides to espouse the claim, the latter ceases to be a private cause.

According to the Permanent Court of International Justice, the forerunner of the International

Court of Justice:

By taking up the case of one of its subjects and by reporting to diplomatic action

or international judicial proceedings on his behalf, a State is in reality asserting its

own rights — its right to ensure, in the person of its subjects, respect for the rules

of international law (The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, 1 Hudson, World

Court Reports 293, 302 [1924]).

WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is GRANTED and the complaint in Civil Case No. 90-

183 against petitioner is DISMISSED.


Page 118: State Immunity Cases


[G.R. No. 142396. February 11, 2003]


SCALZO, respondents.



Sometime in May 1986, an Information for violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 6425,

otherwise also known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, was filed against petitioner Khosrow

Minucher and one Abbas Torabian with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 151, of Pasig City. The

criminal charge followed a buy-bust operation conducted by the Philippine police narcotic agents

in the house of Minucher, an Iranian national, where a quantity of heroin, a prohibited drug, was

said to have been seized. The narcotic agents were accompanied by private respondent Arthur

Scalzo who would, in due time, become one of the principal witnesses for the prosecution. On 08

January 1988, Presiding Judge Eutropio Migrino rendered a decision acquitting the two accused.

On 03 August 1988, Minucher filed Civil Case No. 88-45691 before the Regional Trial

Court (RTC), Branch 19, of Manila for damages on account of what he claimed to have been

trumped-up charges of drug trafficking made by Arthur Scalzo. The Manila RTC detailed what it

had found to be the facts and circumstances surrounding the case.

"The testimony of the plaintiff disclosed that he is an Iranian national. He came to the

Philippines to study in the University of the Philippines in 1974. In 1976, under the regime of the

Shah of Iran, he was appointed Labor Attach for the Iranian Embassies in Tokyo, Japan and

Manila, Philippines. When the Shah of Iran was deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini, plaintiff

became a refugee of the United Nations and continued to stay in the Philippines. He headed the

Iranian National Resistance Movement in the Philippines.

He came to know the defendant on May 13, 1986, when the latter was brought to his house and

introduced to him by a certain Jose Iigo, an informer of the Intelligence Unit of the military. Jose

Iigo, on the other hand, was met by plaintiff at the office of Atty. Crisanto Saruca, a lawyer for

several Iranians whom plaintiff assisted as head of the anti-Khomeini movement in the


During his first meeting with the defendant on May 13, 1986, upon the introduction of Jose Iigo,

the defendant expressed his interest in buying caviar. As a matter of fact, he bought two kilos of

caviar from plaintiff and paid P10,000.00 for it. Selling caviar, aside from that of Persian carpets,

pistachio nuts and other Iranian products was his business after the Khomeini government cut his

pension of over $3,000.00 per month. During their introduction in that meeting, the defendant

gave the plaintiff his calling card, which showed that he is working at the US Embassy in the

Page 119: State Immunity Cases

Philippines, as a special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice,

of the United States, and gave his address as US Embassy, Manila. At the back of the card

appears a telephone number in defendants own handwriting, the number of which he can also be


It was also during this first meeting that plaintiff expressed his desire to obtain a US Visa for his

wife and the wife of a countryman named Abbas Torabian. The defendant told him that he

[could] help plaintiff for a fee of $2,000.00 per visa. Their conversation, however, was more

concentrated on politics, carpets and caviar. Thereafter, the defendant promised to see plaintiff


On May 19, 1986, the defendant called the plaintiff and invited the latter for dinner at Mario's

Restaurant at Makati. He wanted to buy 200 grams of caviar. Plaintiff brought the merchandize

but for the reason that the defendant was not yet there, he requested the restaurant people to x x x

place the same in the refrigerator. Defendant, however, came and plaintiff gave him the caviar

for which he was paid. Then their conversation was again focused on politics and business.

On May 26, 1986, defendant visited plaintiff again at the latter's residence for 18 years at

Kapitolyo, Pasig. The defendant wanted to buy a pair of carpets which plaintiff valued at

$27,900.00. After some haggling, they agreed at $24,000.00. For the reason that defendant did

not yet have the money, they agreed that defendant would come back the next day. The

following day, at 1:00 p.m., he came back with his $24,000.00, which he gave to the plaintiff,

and the latter, in turn, gave him the pair of carpets.

At about 3:00 in the afternoon of May 27, 1986, the defendant came back again to plaintiff's

house and directly proceeded to the latter's bedroom, where the latter and his countryman, Abbas

Torabian, were playing chess. Plaintiff opened his safe in the bedroom and obtained $2,000.00

from it, gave it to the defendant for the latter's fee in obtaining a visa for plaintiff's wife. The

defendant told him that he would be leaving the Philippines very soon and requested him to

come out of the house for a while so that he can introduce him to his cousin waiting in a

cab. Without much ado, and without putting on his shirt as he was only in his pajama pants, he

followed the defendant where he saw a parked cab opposite the street. To his complete surprise,

an American jumped out of the cab with a drawn high-powered gun. He was in the company of

about 30 to 40 Filipino soldiers with 6 Americans, all armed. He was handcuffed and after about

20 minutes in the street, he was brought inside the house by the defendant. He was made to sit

down while in handcuffs while the defendant was inside his bedroom. The defendant came out of

the bedroom and out from defendant's attach case, he took something and placed it on the table

in front of the plaintiff. They also took plaintiff's wife who was at that time at the boutique near

his house and likewise arrested Torabian, who was playing chess with him in the bedroom and

both were handcuffed together. Plaintiff was not told why he was being handcuffed and why the

privacy of his house, especially his bedroom was invaded by defendant. He was not allowed to

use the telephone. In fact, his telephone was unplugged. He asked for any warrant, but the

defendant told him to `shut up. He was nevertheless told that he would be able to call for his

lawyer who can defend him.

Page 120: State Immunity Cases

The plaintiff took note of the fact that when the defendant invited him to come out to meet his

cousin, his safe was opened where he kept the $24,000.00 the defendant paid for the carpets and

another $8,000.00 which he also placed in the safe together with a bracelet worth $15,000.00 and

a pair of earrings worth $10,000.00. He also discovered missing upon his release his 8 pieces

hand-made Persian carpets, valued at $65,000.00, a painting he bought for P30,000.00 together

with his TV and betamax sets. He claimed that when he was handcuffed, the defendant took his

keys from his wallet. There was, therefore, nothing left in his house.

That his arrest as a heroin trafficker x x x had been well publicized throughout the world, in

various newspapers, particularly in Australia, America, Central Asia and in the Philippines. He

was identified in the papers as an international drug trafficker. x x x

In fact, the arrest of defendant and Torabian was likewise on television, not only in the

Philippines, but also in America and in Germany. His friends in said places informed him that

they saw him on TV with said news.

After the arrest made on plaintiff and Torabian, they were brought to Camp Crame handcuffed

together, where they were detained for three days without food and water."[1]

During the trial, the law firm of Luna, Sison and Manas, filed a special appearance for

Scalzo and moved for extension of time to file an answer pending a supposed advice from the

United States Department of State and Department of Justice on the defenses to be raised. The

trial court granted the motion. On 27 October 1988, Scalzo filed another special appearance to

quash the summons on the ground that he, not being a resident of the Philippines and the action

being one in personam, was beyond the processes of the court. The motion was denied by the

court, in its order of 13 December 1988, holding that the filing by Scalzo of a motion for

extension of time to file an answer to the complaint was a voluntary appearance equivalent to

service of summons which could likewise be construed a waiver of the requirement of formal

notice. Scalzo filed a motion for reconsideration of the court order, contending that a motion for

an extension of time to file an answer was not a voluntary appearance equivalent to service of

summons since it did not seek an affirmative relief. Scalzo argued that in cases involving the

United States government, as well as its agencies and officials, a motion for extension was

peculiarly unavoidable due to the need (1) for both the Department of State and the Department

of Justice to agree on the defenses to be raised and (2) to refer the case to a Philippine lawyer

who would be expected to first review the case. The court a quo denied the motion for

reconsideration in its order of 15 October 1989.

Scalzo filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals, there docketed CA-G.R. No.

17023, assailing the denial. In a decision, dated 06 October 1989, the appellate court denied the

petition and affirmed the ruling of the trial court. Scalzo then elevated the incident in a petition

for review on certiorari, docketed G.R. No. 91173, to this Court. The petition, however, was

denied for its failure to comply with SC Circular No. 1-88; in any event, the Court added, Scalzo

had failed to show that the appellate court was in error in its questioned judgment.

Meanwhile, at the court a quo, an order, dated 09 February 1990, was issued (a) declaring

Scalzo in default for his failure to file a responsive pleading (answer) and (b) setting the case for

the reception of evidence. On 12 March 1990, Scalzo filed a motion to set aside the order of

Page 121: State Immunity Cases

default and to admit his answer to the complaint. Granting the motion, the trial court set the case

for pre-trial.In his answer, Scalzo denied the material allegations of the complaint and raised the

affirmative defenses (a) of Minuchers failure to state a cause of action in his complaint and (b)

that Scalzo had acted in the discharge of his official duties as being merely an agent of the Drug

Enforcement Administration of the United States Department of Justice. Scalzo interposed a

counterclaim of P100,000.00 to answer for attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation.

Then, on 14 June 1990, after almost two years since the institution of the civil case, Scalzo

filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that, being a special agent of the United

States Drug Enforcement Administration, he was entitled to diplomatic immunity. He attached to

his motion Diplomatic Note No. 414 of the United States Embassy, dated 29 May 1990,

addressed to the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and a Certification, dated 11

June 1990, of Vice Consul Donna Woodward, certifying that the note is a true and faithful copy

of its original. In an order of 25 June 1990, the trial court denied the motion to dismiss.

On 27 July 1990, Scalzo filed a petition for certiorari with injunction with this Court,

docketed G.R. No. 94257 and entitled "Arthur W. Scalzo, Jr., vs. Hon. Wenceslao Polo, et al.,"

asking that the complaint in Civil Case No. 88-45691 be ordered dismissed. The case was

referred to the Court of Appeals, there docketed CA-G.R. SP No. 22505, per this Courts

resolution of 07 August 1990. On 31 October 1990, the Court of Appeals promulgated its

decision sustaining the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo and ordering the dismissal of the

complaint against him. Minucher filed a petition for review with this Court, docketed G.R. No.

97765 and entitled "Khosrow Minucher vs. the Honorable Court of Appeals, et. al. (cited in 214

SCRA 242), appealing the judgment of the Court of Appeals.In a decision, dated 24 September

1992, penned by Justice (now Chief Justice) Hilario Davide, Jr., this Court reversed the decision

of the appellate court and remanded the case to the lower court for trial. The remand was ordered

on the theses (a) that the Court of Appeals erred in granting the motion to dismiss of Scalzo for

lack of jurisdiction over his person without even considering the issue of the authenticity of

Diplomatic Note No. 414 and (b) that the complaint contained sufficient allegations to the effect

that Scalzo committed the imputed acts in his personal capacity and outside the scope of his

official duties and, absent any evidence to the contrary, the issue on Scalzos diplomatic

immunity could not be taken up.

The Manila RTC thus continued with its hearings on the case. On 17 November 1995, the

trial court reached a decision; it adjudged:

WHEREFORE, and in view of all the foregoing considerations, judgment is hereby rendered for

the plaintiff, who successfully established his claim by sufficient evidence, against the defendant

in the manner following:

"`Adjudging defendant liable to plaintiff in actual and compensatory damages of P520,000.00;

moral damages in the sum of P10 million; exemplary damages in the sum of P100,000.00;

attorney's fees in the sum of P200,000.00 plus costs.

`The Clerk of the Regional Trial Court, Manila, is ordered to take note of the lien of the Court on

this judgment to answer for the unpaid docket fees considering that the plaintiff in this case

instituted this action as a pauper litigant."[2]

Page 122: State Immunity Cases

While the trial court gave credence to the claim of Scalzo and the evidence presented by him

that he was a diplomatic agent entitled to immunity as such, it ruled that he, nevertheless, should

be held accountable for the acts complained of committed outside his official duties. On appeal,

the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court and sustained the defense of Scalzo

that he was sufficiently clothed with diplomatic immunity during his term of duty and thereby

immune from the criminal and civil jurisdiction of the Receiving State pursuant to the terms of

the Vienna Convention.

Hence, this recourse by Minucher. The instant petition for review raises a two-fold issue: (1)

whether or not the doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment, following the decision rendered by

this Court in G.R. No. 97765, should have precluded the Court of Appeals from resolving the

appeal to it in an entirely different manner, and (2) whether or not Arthur Scalzo is indeed

entitled to diplomatic immunity.

The doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment, or its kindred rule of res judicata, would

require 1) the finality of the prior judgment, 2) a valid jurisdiction over the subject matter and the

parties on the part of the court that renders it, 3) a judgment on the merits, and 4) an identity of

the parties, subject matter and causes of action.[3]

Even while one of the issues submitted in G.R.

No. 97765 - "whether or not public respondent Court of Appeals erred in ruling that private

respondent Scalzo is a diplomat immune from civil suit conformably with the Vienna

Convention on Diplomatic Relations" - is also a pivotal question raised in the instant petition, the

ruling in G.R. No. 97765, however, has not resolved that point with finality. Indeed, the Court

there has made this observation -

"It may be mentioned in this regard that private respondent himself, in his Pre-trial Brief filed on

13 June 1990, unequivocally states that he would present documentary evidence consisting of

DEA records on his investigation and surveillance of plaintiff and on his position and duties as

DEA special agent in Manila. Having thus reserved his right to present evidence in support of his

position, which is the basis for the alleged diplomatic immunity, the barren self-serving claim in

the belated motion to dismiss cannot be relied upon for a reasonable, intelligent and fair

resolution of the issue of diplomatic immunity."[4]

Scalzo contends that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, to which the

Philippines is a signatory, grants him absolute immunity from suit, describing his functions as an

agent of the United States Drugs Enforcement Agency as conducting surveillance operations on

suspected drug dealers in the Philippines believed to be the source of prohibited drugs being

shipped to the U.S., (and) having ascertained the target, (he then) would inform the Philippine

narcotic agents (to) make the actual arrest." Scalzo has submitted to the trial court a number of

documents -

1. Exh. '2' - Diplomatic Note No. 414 dated 29 May 1990;

2. Exh. '1' - Certification of Vice Consul Donna K. Woodward dated 11 June 1990;

3. Exh. '5' - Diplomatic Note No. 757 dated 25 October 1991;

4. Exh. '6' - Diplomatic Note No. 791 dated 17 November 1992; and

Page 123: State Immunity Cases

5. Exh. '7' - Diplomatic Note No. 833 dated 21 October 1988.

6. Exh. '3' - 1st Indorsement of the Hon. Jorge R. Coquia, Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign

Affairs, dated 27 June 1990 forwarding Embassy Note No. 414 to the Clerk of Court of RTC

Manila, Branch 19 (the trial court);

7. Exh. '4' - Diplomatic Note No. 414, appended to the 1st Indorsement (Exh. '3'); and

8. Exh. '8' - Letter dated 18 November 1992 from the Office of the Protocol, Department of

Foreign Affairs, through Asst. Sec. Emmanuel Fernandez, addressed to the Chief Justice of this


The documents, according to Scalzo, would show that: (1) the United States Embassy

accordingly advised the Executive Department of the Philippine Government that Scalzo was a

member of the diplomatic staff of the United States diplomatic mission from his arrival in the

Philippines on 14 October 1985 until his departure on 10 August 1988; (2) that the United States

Government was firm from the very beginning in asserting the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo

with respect to the case pursuant to the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic

Relations; and (3) that the United States Embassy repeatedly urged the Department of Foreign

Affairs to take appropriate action to inform the trial court of Scalzos diplomatic immunity. The

other documentary exhibits were presented to indicate that: (1) the Philippine government itself,

through its Executive Department, recognizing and respecting the diplomatic status of Scalzo,

formally advised the Judicial Department of his diplomatic status and his entitlement to all

diplomatic privileges and immunities under the Vienna Convention; and (2) the Department of

Foreign Affairs itself authenticated Diplomatic Note No. 414. Scalzo additionally presented

Exhibits "9" to "13" consisting of his reports of investigation on the surveillance and subsequent

arrest of Minucher, the certification of the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States

Department of Justice that Scalzo was a special agent assigned to the Philippines at all times

relevant to the complaint, and the special power of attorney executed by him in favor of his

previous counsel[6]

to show (a) that the United States Embassy, affirmed by its Vice Consul,

acknowledged Scalzo to be a member of the diplomatic staff of the United States diplomatic

mission from his arrival in the Philippines on 14 October 1985 until his departure on 10 August

1988, (b) that, on May 1986, with the cooperation of the Philippine law enforcement officials

and in the exercise of his functions as member of the mission, he investigated Minucher for

alleged trafficking in a prohibited drug, and (c) that the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs

itself recognized that Scalzo during his tour of duty in the Philippines (14 October 1985 up to 10

August 1988) was listed as being an Assistant Attach of the United States diplomatic mission

and accredited with diplomatic status by the Government of the Philippines. In his Exhibit 12,

Scalzo described the functions of the overseas office of the United States Drugs Enforcement

Agency, i.e., (1) to provide criminal investigative expertise and assistance to foreign law

enforcement agencies on narcotic and drug control programs upon the request of the host

country, 2) to establish and maintain liaison with the host country and counterpart foreign law

enforcement officials, and 3) to conduct complex criminal investigations involving international

criminal conspiracies which affect the interests of the United States.

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was a codification of centuries-old

customary law and, by the time of its ratification on 18 April 1961, its rules of law had long

Page 124: State Immunity Cases

become stable.Among the city states of ancient Greece, among the peoples of the Mediterranean

before the establishment of the Roman Empire, and among the states of India, the person of the

herald in time of war and the person of the diplomatic envoy in time of peace were universally

held sacrosanct.[7]

By the end of the 16th century, when the earliest treatises on diplomatic law

were published, the inviolability of ambassadors was firmly established as a rule of customary

international law.[8]

Traditionally, the exercise of diplomatic intercourse among states was

undertaken by the head of state himself, as being the preeminent embodiment of the state he

represented, and the foreign secretary, the official usually entrusted with the external affairs of

the state. Where a state would wish to have a more prominent diplomatic presence in the

receiving state, it would then send to the latter a diplomatic mission. Conformably with the

Vienna Convention, the functions of the diplomatic mission involve, by and large, the

representation of the interests of the sending state and promoting friendly relations with the

receiving state.[9]

The Convention lists the classes of heads of diplomatic missions to include (a) ambassadors

or nuncios accredited to the heads of state,[10]

(b) envoys,[11]

ministers or internuncios accredited

to the heads of states; and (c) charges d' affairs[12]

accredited to the ministers of foreign


Comprising the "staff of the (diplomatic) mission" are the diplomatic staff, the

administrative staff and the technical and service staff. Only the heads of missions, as well as

members of the diplomatic staff, excluding the members of the administrative, technical and

service staff of the mission, are accorded diplomatic rank. Even while the Vienna Convention on

Diplomatic Relations provides for immunity to the members of diplomatic missions, it does so,

nevertheless, with an understanding that the same be restrictively applied. Only "diplomatic

agents," under the terms of the Convention, are vested with blanket diplomatic immunity from

civil and criminal suits. The Convention defines "diplomatic agents" as the heads of missions or

members of the diplomatic staff, thus impliedly withholding the same privileges from all

others. It might bear stressing that even consuls, who represent their respective states in concerns

of commerce and navigation and perform certain administrative and notarial duties, such as the

issuance of passports and visas, authentication of documents, and administration of oaths, do not

ordinarily enjoy the traditional diplomatic immunities and privileges accorded diplomats, mainly

for the reason that they are not charged with the duty of representing their states in political

matters. Indeed, the main yardstick in ascertaining whether a person is a diplomat entitled to

immunity is the determination of whether or not he performs duties of diplomatic nature.

Scalzo asserted, particularly in his Exhibits 9 to 13, that he was an Assistant Attach of the

United States diplomatic mission and was accredited as such by the Philippine Government. An

attach belongs to a category of officers in the diplomatic establishment who may be in charge of

its cultural, press, administrative or financial affairs. There could also be a class of attaches

belonging to certain ministries or departments of the government, other than the foreign ministry

or department, who are detailed by their respective ministries or departments with the embassies

such as the military, naval, air, commercial, agricultural, labor, science, and customs attaches, or

the like. Attaches assist a chief of mission in his duties and are administratively under him, but

their main function is to observe, analyze and interpret trends and developments in their

respective fields in the host country and submit reports to their own ministries or departments in

the home government.[14]

These officials are not generally regarded as members of the

diplomatic mission, nor are they normally designated as having diplomatic rank.

Page 125: State Immunity Cases

In an attempt to prove his diplomatic status, Scalzo presented Diplomatic Notes Nos. 414,

757 and 791, all issued post litem motam, respectively, on 29 May 1990, 25 October 1991 and 17

November 1992. The presentation did nothing much to alleviate the Court's initial reservations in

G.R. No. 97765, viz:

"While the trial court denied the motion to dismiss, the public respondent gravely abused its

discretion in dismissing Civil Case No. 88-45691 on the basis of an erroneous assumption that

simply because of the diplomatic note, the private respondent is clothed with diplomatic

immunity, thereby divesting the trial court of jurisdiction over his person.

x x x x x x x x x

And now, to the core issue - the alleged diplomatic immunity of the private respondent. Setting

aside for the moment the issue of authenticity raised by the petitioner and the doubts that

surround such claim, in view of the fact that it took private respondent one (1) year, eight (8)

months and seventeen (17) days from the time his counsel filed on 12 September 1988 a Special

Appearance and Motion asking for a first extension of time to file the Answer because the

Departments of State and Justice of the United States of America were studying the case for the

purpose of determining his defenses, before he could secure the Diplomatic Note from the US

Embassy in Manila, and even granting for the sake of argument that such note is authentic, the

complaint for damages filed by petitioner cannot be peremptorily dismissed.

x x x x x x x x x

"There is of course the claim of private respondent that the acts imputed to him were done in his

official capacity. Nothing supports this self-serving claim other than the so-called Diplomatic

Note. x x x. The public respondent then should have sustained the trial court's denial of the

motion to dismiss. Verily, it should have been the most proper and appropriate recourse. It

should not have been overwhelmed by the self-serving Diplomatic Note whose belated issuance

is even suspect and whose authenticity has not yet been proved. The undue haste with which

respondent Court yielded to the private respondent's claim is arbitrary."

A significant document would appear to be Exhibit No. 08, dated 08 November 1992, issued

by the Office of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs and signed by Emmanuel C.

Fernandez, Assistant Secretary, certifying that "the records of the Department (would) show that

Mr. Arthur W. Scalzo, Jr., during his term of office in the Philippines (from 14 October 1985 up

to 10 August 1988) was listed as an Assistant Attach of the United States diplomatic mission and

was, therefore, accredited diplomatic status by the Government of the Philippines." No certified

true copy of such "records," the supposed bases for the belated issuance, was presented in


Concededly, vesting a person with diplomatic immunity is a prerogative of the executive

branch of the government. In World Health Organization vs. Aquino,[15]

the Court has recognized

that, in such matters, the hands of the courts are virtually tied. Amidst apprehensions of

indiscriminate and incautious grant of immunity, designed to gain exemption from the

jurisdiction of courts, it should behoove the Philippine government, specifically its Department

of Foreign Affairs, to be most circumspect, that should particularly be no less than compelling, in

Page 126: State Immunity Cases

its post litem motam issuances. It might be recalled that the privilege is not an immunity from the

observance of the law of the territorial sovereign or from ensuing legal liability; it is, rather, an

immunity from the exercise of territorial jurisdiction.[16]

The government of the United States

itself, which Scalzo claims to be acting for, has formulated its standards for recognition of a

diplomatic agent. The State Department policy is to only concede diplomatic status to a person

who possesses an acknowledged diplomatic title and performs duties of diplomatic


Supplementary criteria for accreditation are the possession of a valid diplomatic

passport or, from States which do not issue such passports, a diplomatic note formally

representing the intention to assign the person to diplomatic duties, the holding of a non-

immigrant visa, being over twenty-one years of age, and performing diplomatic functions on an

essentially full-time basis.[18]

Diplomatic missions are requested to provide the most accurate and

descriptive job title to that which currently applies to the duties performed. The Office of the

Protocol would then assign each individual to the appropriate functional category.[19]

But while the diplomatic immunity of Scalzo might thus remain contentious, it was

sufficiently established that, indeed, he worked for the United States Drug Enforcement Agency

and was tasked to conduct surveillance of suspected drug activities within the country on the

dates pertinent to this case. If it should be ascertained that Arthur Scalzo was acting well within

his assigned functions when he committed the acts alleged in the complaint, the present

controversy could then be resolved under the related doctrine of State Immunity from Suit.

The precept that a State cannot be sued in the courts of a foreign state is a long-standing

rule of customary international law then closely identified with the personal immunity of a

foreign sovereign from suit[20]

and, with the emergence of democratic states, made to attach not

just to the person of the head of state, or his representative, but also distinctly to the state itself in

its sovereign capacity.[21]

If the acts giving rise to a suit are those of a foreign government done

by its foreign agent, although not necessarily a diplomatic personage, but acting in his official

capacity, the complaint could be barred by the immunity of the foreign sovereign from suit

without its consent. Suing a representative of a state is believed to be, in effect, suing the state

itself. The proscription is not accorded for the benefit of an individual but for the State, in whose

service he is, under the maxim - par in parem, non habet imperium - that all states are sovereign

equals and cannot assert jurisdiction over one another.[22]

The implication, in broad terms, is that

if the judgment against an official would require the state itself to perform an affirmative act to

satisfy the award, such as the appropriation of the amount needed to pay the damages decreed

against him, the suit must be regarded as being against the state itself, although it has not been

formally impleaded.[23]

In United States of America vs. Guinto,[24]

involving officers of the United States Air Force

and special officers of the Air Force Office of Special Investigators charged with the duty of

preventing the distribution, possession and use of prohibited drugs, this Court has ruled -

"While the doctrine (of state immunity) appears to prohibit only suits against the state without its

consent, it is also applicable to complaints filed against officials of the state for acts allegedly

performed by them in the discharge of their duties. x x x. It cannot for a moment be imagined

that they were acting in their private or unofficial capacity when they apprehended and later

testified against the complainant. It follows that for discharging their duties as agents of the

United States, they cannot be directly impleaded for acts imputable to their principal, which has

not given its consent to be sued. x x x As they have acted on behalf of the government, and

Page 127: State Immunity Cases

within the scope of their authority, it is that government, and not the petitioners personally, [who

were] responsible for their acts."[25]

This immunity principle, however, has its limitations. Thus, Shauf vs. Court of



It is a different matter where the public official is made to account in his capacity as such for acts

contrary to law and injurious to the rights of the plaintiff. As was clearly set forth by Justice

Zaldivar in Director of the Bureau of Telecommunications, et al., vs. Aligaen, et al. (33 SCRA

368): `Inasmuch as the State authorizes only legal acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of

government officials or officers are not acts of the State, and an action against the officials or

officers by one whose rights have been invaded or violated by such acts, for the protection of his

rights, is not a suit against the State within the rule of immunity of the State from suit. In the

same tenor, it has been said that an action at law or suit in equity against a State officer or the

director of a State department on the ground that, while claiming to act for the State, he violates

or invades the personal and property rights of the plaintiff, under an unconstitutional act or under

an assumption of authority which he does not have, is not a suit against the State within the

constitutional provision that the State may not be sued without its consent. The rationale for this

ruling is that the doctrine of state immunity cannot be used as an instrument for perpetrating an


x x x x x x x x x

(T)he doctrine of immunity from suit will not apply and may not be invoked where the public

official is being sued in his private and personal capacity as an ordinary citizen. The cloak of

protection afforded the officers and agents of the government is removed the moment they are

sued in their individual capacity. This situation usually arises where the public official acts

without authority or in excess of the powers vested in him. It is a well-settled principle of law

that a public official may be liable in his personal private capacity for whatever damage he may

have caused by his act done with malice and in bad faith or beyond the scope of his authority and


A foreign agent, operating within a territory, can be cloaked with immunity from suit but

only as long as it can be established that he is acting within the directives of the sending

state. The consent of the host state is an indispensable requirement of basic courtesy between the

two sovereigns. Guinto and Shauf both involve officers and personnel of the United States,

stationed within Philippine territory, under the RP-US Military Bases Agreement. While

evidence is wanting to show any similar agreement between the governments of the Philippines

and of the United States (for the latter to send its agents and to conduct surveillance and related

activities of suspected drug dealers in the Philippines), the consent or imprimatur of the

Philippine government to the activities of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, however,

can be gleaned from the facts heretofore elsewhere mentioned. The official exchanges of

communication between agencies of the government of the two countries, certifications from

officials of both the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and the United States Embassy, as

well as the participation of members of the Philippine Narcotics Command in the buy-bust

operation conducted at the residence of Minucher at the behest of Scalzo, may be inadequate to

Page 128: State Immunity Cases

support the "diplomatic status" of the latter but they give enough indication that the Philippine

government has given its imprimatur, if not consent, to the activities within Philippine territory

of agent Scalzo of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. The job description of Scalzo

has tasked him to conduct surveillance on suspected drug suppliers and, after having ascertained

the target, to inform local law enforcers who would then be expected to make the arrest. In

conducting surveillance activities on Minucher, later acting as the poseur-buyer during the buy-

bust operation, and then becoming a principal witness in the criminal case against Minucher,

Scalzo hardly can be said to have acted beyond the scope of his official function or duties.

All told, this Court is constrained to rule that respondent Arthur Scalzo, an agent of the

United States Drug Enforcement Agency allowed by the Philippine government to conduct

activities in the country to help contain the problem on the drug traffic, is entitled to the defense

of state immunity from suit.

WHEREFORE, on the foregoing premises, the petition is DENIED. No costs.


Page 129: State Immunity Cases

Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court







HON. CESAR D. SANTAMARIA, in his official

capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 145,

Regional Trial Court of Makati City,

















G.R. No. 185572















REYES, and



February 7, 2012

x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



Page 130: State Immunity Cases

This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari with Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary

Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Preliminary Injunction assailing the 30 September 2008

Decision and 5 December 2008 Resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CAG.R. SP No.


On 14 September 2002, petitioner China National Machinery & Equipment Corp. (Group)

(CNMEG), represented by its chairperson, Ren Hongbin, entered into a Memorandum of

Understanding with the North Luzon Railways Corporation (Northrail), represented by its

president, Jose L. Cortes, Jr. for the conduct of a feasibility study on a possible railway line from

Manila to San Fernando, La Union (the Northrail Project).[2]

On 30 August 2003, the Export Import Bank of China (EXIM Bank) and the Department

of Finance of the Philippines (DOF) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (Aug 30

MOU), wherein China agreed to extend Preferential Buyers Credit to the Philippine government

to finance the Northrail Project.[3]

The Chinese government designated EXIM Bank as the

lender, while the Philippine government named the DOF as the borrower.[4]

Under the Aug 30

MOU, EXIM Bank agreed to extend an amount not exceeding USD 400,000,000 in favor of the

DOF, payable in 20 years, with a 5-year grace period, and at the rate of 3% per annum.[5]

On 1 October 2003, the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines, Wang Chungui (Amb. Wang),

wrote a letter to DOF Secretary Jose Isidro Camacho (Sec. Camacho) informing him of

CNMEGs designation as the Prime Contractor for the Northrail Project.[6]

On 30 December 2003, Northrail and CNMEG executed a Contract Agreement for the

construction of Section I, Phase I of the North Luzon Railway System from Caloocan to Malolos

on a turnkey basis (the Contract Agreement).[7]

The contract price for the Northrail Project was

pegged at USD 421,050,000.[8]

On 26 February 2004, the Philippine government and EXIM Bank entered into a

counterpart financial agreement Buyer Credit Loan Agreement No. BLA 04055 (the Loan


In the Loan Agreement, EXIM Bank agreed to extend Preferential Buyers Credit

in the amount of USD 400,000,000 in favor of the Philippine government in order to finance the

construction of Phase I of the Northrail Project.[10]

On 13 February 2006, respondents filed a Complaint for Annulment of Contract and

Injunction with Urgent Motion for Summary Hearing to Determine the Existence of Facts and

Circumstances Justifying the Issuance of Writs of Preliminary Prohibitory and Mandatory

Injunction and/or TRO against CNMEG, the Office of the Executive Secretary, the DOF, the

Page 131: State Immunity Cases

Department of Budget and Management, the National Economic Development Authority and


The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 06-203 before the Regional Trial Court,

National Capital Judicial Region, Makati City, Branch 145 (RTC Br. 145). In the Complaint,

respondents alleged that the Contract Agreement and the Loan Agreement were void for being

contrary to (a) the Constitution; (b) Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. No. 9184), otherwise known as

the Government Procurement Reform Act; (c) Presidential Decree No. 1445, otherwise known as

the Government Auditing Code; and (d) Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the

Administrative Code.[12]

RTC Br. 145 issued an Order dated 17 March 2006 setting the case for hearing on the

issuance of injunctive reliefs.[13]

On 29 March 2006, CNMEG filed an Urgent Motion for

Reconsideration of this Order.[14]

Before RTC Br. 145 could rule thereon, CNMEG filed a

Motion to Dismiss dated 12 April 2006, arguing that the trial court did not have jurisdiction over

(a) its person, as it was an agent of the Chinese government, making it immune from suit, and (b)

the subject matter, as the Northrail Project was a product of an executive agreement.[15]

On 15 May 2007, RTC Br. 145 issued an Omnibus Order denying CNMEGs Motion to

Dismiss and setting the case for summary hearing to determine whether the injunctive reliefs

prayed for should be issued.[16]

CNMEG then filed a Motion for Reconsideration,[17]

which was

denied by the trial court in an Order dated 10 March 2008.[18]

Thus, CNMEG filed before the CA

a Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for the Issuance of TRO and/or Writ of Preliminary

Injunction dated 4 April 2008.[19]

In the assailed Decision dated 30 September 2008, the appellate court dismissed the

Petition for Certiorari.[20]

Subsequently, CNMEG filed a Motion for Reconsideration,[21]


was denied by the CA in a Resolution dated 5 December 2008.[22]

Thus, CNMEG filed the

instant Petition for Review on Certiorari dated 21 January 2009, raising the following issues:[23]

Whether or not petitioner CNMEG is an agent of the sovereign Peoples

Republic of China.

Whether or not the Northrail contracts are products of an executive

agreement between two sovereign states.

Whether or not the certification from the Department of Foreign Affairs

is necessary under the foregoing circumstances.

Whether or not the act being undertaken by petitioner CNMEG is an

act jure imperii.

Page 132: State Immunity Cases

Whether or not the Court of Appeals failed to avoid a procedural limbo

in the lower court.

Whether or not the Northrail Project is subject to competitive public


Whether or not the Court of Appeals ignored the ruling of this

Honorable Court in the Neri case.

CNMEG prays for the dismissal of Civil Case No. 06-203 before RTC Br. 145 for lack of

jurisdiction. It likewise requests this Court for the issuance of a TRO and, later on, a writ of

preliminary injunction to restrain public respondent from proceeding with the disposition of Civil

Case No. 06-203.

The crux of this case boils down to two main issues, namely:

1. Whether CNMEG is entitled to immunity, precluding it from being sued

before a local court.

2. Whether the Contract Agreement is an executive agreement, such that it

cannot be questioned by or before a local court.

First issue: Whether CNMEG is entitled to


This Court explained the doctrine of sovereign immunity in Holy See v. Rosario,[24]

to wit:

There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign immunity, each widely

held and firmly established. According to the classical or absolute theory, a

sovereign cannot, without its consent, be made a respondent in the courts of

another sovereign. According to the newer or restrictive theory, the immunity

of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or acts jure

imperii of a state, but not with regard to private acts or acts jure

gestionis. (Emphasis supplied; citations omitted.)

xxx xxx xxx

The restrictive theory came about because of the entry of sovereign states

into purely commercial activities remotely connected with the discharge of

governmental functions. This is particularly true with respect to the Communist

states which took control of nationalized business activities and international


Page 133: State Immunity Cases

In JUSMAG v. National Labor Relations Commission,[25]

this Court affirmed the

Philippines adherence to the restrictive theory as follows:

The doctrine of state immunity from suit has undergone further

metamorphosis. The view evolved that the existence of a contract does not, per se,

mean that sovereign states may, at all times, be sued in local courts. The complexity

of relationships between sovereign states, brought about by their increasing

commercial activities, mothered a more restrictive application of the doctrine.

xxx xxx xxx

As it stands now, the application of the doctrine of immunity from suit

has been restricted to sovereign or governmental activities (jure imperii). The

mantle of state immunity cannot be extended to commercial, private and proprietary

acts (jure gestionis).[26]

(Emphasis supplied.)

Since the Philippines adheres to the restrictive theory, it is crucial to ascertain the legal

nature of the act involved whether the entity claiming immunity performs governmental, as

opposed to proprietary, functions. As held in United States of America v. Ruiz [27]

The restrictive application of State immunity is proper only when the

proceedings arise out of commercial transactions of the foreign sovereign, its

commercial activities or economic affairs. Stated differently, a State may be said

to have descended to the level of an individual and can thus be deemed to have

tacitly given its consent to be sued only when it enters into business contracts. It

does not apply where the contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign


A. CNMEG is engaged in a proprietary


A threshold question that must be answered is whether CNMEG performs governmental or

proprietary functions. A thorough examination of the basic facts of the case would show that

CNMEG is engaged in a proprietary activity.

Page 134: State Immunity Cases

The parties executed the Contract Agreement for the purpose of constructing the Luzon

Railways, viz:[29]

WHEREAS the Employer (Northrail) desired to construct the railways

form Caloocan to Malolos, section I, Phase I of Philippine North Luzon Railways

Project (hereinafter referred to as THE PROJECT);

AND WHEREAS the Contractor has offered to provide the Project on

Turnkey basis, including design, manufacturing, supply, construction,

commissioning, and training of the Employers personnel;

AND WHEREAS the Loan Agreement of the Preferential Buyers Credit

between Export-Import Bank of China and Department of Finance of Republic of

the Philippines;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree to sign this Contract for the

Implementation of the Project.

The above-cited portion of the Contract Agreement, however, does not on its own reveal

whether the construction of the Luzon railways was meant to be a proprietary endeavor. In order

to fully understand the intention behind and the purpose of the entire undertaking, the Contract

Agreement must not be read in isolation. Instead, it must be construed in conjunction with three

other documents executed in relation to the Northrail Project, namely: (a) the Memorandum of

Understanding dated 14 September 2002 between Northrail and CNMEG;[30]

(b) the letter of

Amb. Wang dated 1 October 2003 addressed to Sec. Camacho;[31]

and (c) the Loan


1. Memorandum of Understanding dated 14

September 2002

The Memorandum of Understanding dated 14 September 2002 shows that CNMEG

sought the construction of the Luzon Railways as a proprietary venture. The relevant parts

thereof read:

WHEREAS, CNMEG has the financial capability, professional

competence and technical expertise to assess the state of the [Main Line North

(MLN)] and recommend implementation plans as well as undertake its

rehabilitation and/or modernization;

WHEREAS, CNMEG has expressed interest in the rehabilitation

and/or modernization of the MLN from Metro Manila to San Fernando, La

Page 135: State Immunity Cases

Union passing through the provinces of Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac,

Pangasinan and La Union (the Project);

WHEREAS, the NORTHRAIL CORP. welcomes CNMEGs proposal

to undertake a Feasibility Study (the Study) at no cost to NORTHRAIL



interest in undertaking the Project with Suppliers Credit and intends to

employ CNMEG as the Contractor for the Project subject to compliance

with Philippine and Chinese laws, rules and regulations for the selection of

a contractor;

WHEREAS, the NORTHRAIL CORP. considers CNMEGs proposal

advantageous to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and has

therefore agreed to assist CNMEG in the conduct of the aforesaid Study;

xxx xxx xxx


2.1 As soon as possible after completion and presentation of the Study

in accordance with Paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4 above and in compliance

with necessary governmental laws, rules, regulations and procedures

required from both parties, the parties shall commence the preparation

and negotiation of the terms and conditions of the Contract (the

Contract) to be entered into between them on the implementation of the

Project. The parties shall use their best endeavors to formulate and

finalize a Contract with a view to signing the Contract within one

hundred twenty (120) days from CNMEGs presentation of the


(Emphasis supplied)

Clearly, it was CNMEG that initiated the undertaking, and not the Chinese government.

The Feasibility Study was conducted not because of any diplomatic gratuity from or exercise of

sovereign functions by the Chinese government, but was plainly a business strategy employed by

CNMEG with a view to securing this commercial enterprise.

2. Letter dated 1 October 2003

That CNMEG, and not the Chinese government, initiated the Northrail Project was

confirmed by Amb. Wang in his letter dated 1 October 2003, thus:

Page 136: State Immunity Cases

1. CNMEG has the proven competence and capability to

undertake the Project as evidenced by the ranking of 42 given by the ENR

among 225 global construction companies.

2. CNMEG already signed an MOU with the North Luzon

Railways Corporation last September 14, 2000 during the visit of Chairman Li

Peng. Such being the case, they have already established an initial working

relationship with your North Luzon Railways Corporation. This would

categorize CNMEG as the state corporation within the Peoples Republic

of China which initiated our Governments involvement in the Project.

3. Among the various state corporations of the Peoples

Republic of China, only CNMEG has the advantage of being fully familiar

with the current requirements of the Northrail Project having already

accomplished a Feasibility Study which was used as inputs by the North Luzon

Railways Corporation in the approvals (sic) process required by the Republic

of the Philippines.[34]

(Emphasis supplied.)

Thus, the desire of CNMEG to secure the Northrail Project was in the ordinary or regular

course of its business as a global construction company. The implementation of the Northrail

Project was intended to generate profit for CNMEG, with the Contract Agreement placing a

contract price of USD 421,050,000 for the venture.[35]

The use of the term state corporation to

refer to CNMEG was only descriptive of its nature as a government-owned and/or -controlled

corporation, and its assignment as the Primary Contractor did not imply that it was acting on

behalf of China in the performance of the latters sovereign functions. To imply otherwise would

result in an absurd situation, in which all Chinese corporations owned by the state would be

automatically considered as performing governmental activities, even if they are clearly engaged

in commercial or proprietary pursuits.

3. The Loan Agreement

CNMEG claims immunity on the ground that the Aug 30 MOU on the financing of the

Northrail Project was signed by the Philippine and Chinese governments, and its assignment as the

Primary Contractor meant that it was bound to perform a governmental function on behalf

of China. However, the Loan Agreement, which originated from the same Aug 30 MOU, belies

this reasoning, viz:

Page 137: State Immunity Cases

Article 11. xxx (j) Commercial Activity The execution and delivery of this

Agreement by the Borrower constitute, and the Borrowers performance of and

compliance with its obligations under this Agreement will constitute, private and

commercial acts done and performed for commercial purposes under the laws

of the Republic of the Philippines and neither the Borrower nor any of its

assets is entitled to any immunity or privilege (sovereign or otherwise) from

suit, execution or any other legal process with respect to its obligations under

this Agreement, as the case may be, in any jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the

foregoing, the Borrower does not waive any immunity with respect of its assets

which are (i) used by a diplomatic or consular mission of the Borrower and (ii)

assets of a military character and under control of a military authority or defense

agency and (iii) located in the Philippines and dedicated to public or governmental

use (as distinguished from patrimonial assets or assets dedicated to commercial

use). (Emphasis supplied.)

(k) Proceedings to Enforce Agreement In any proceeding in the Republic of

the Philippines to enforce this Agreement, the choice of the laws of the Peoples

Republic of China as the governing law hereof will be recognized and such law will

be applied. The waiver of immunity by the Borrower, the irrevocable submissions

of the Borrower to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples

Republic of China and the appointment of the Borrowers Chinese Process Agent is

legal, valid, binding and enforceable and any judgment obtained in the Peoples

Republic of China will be if introduced, evidence for enforcement in any

proceedings against the Borrower and its assets in the Republic of the Philippines

provided that (a) the court rendering judgment had jurisdiction over the subject

matter of the action in accordance with its jurisdictional rules, (b) the Republic had

notice of the proceedings, (c) the judgment of the court was not obtained through

collusion or fraud, and (d) such judgment was not based on a clear mistake of fact

or law.[36]

Further, the Loan Agreement likewise contains this express waiver of immunity:

15.5 Waiver of Immunity The Borrower irrevocably and unconditionally

waives, any immunity to which it or its property may at any time be or become

entitled, whether characterized as sovereign immunity or otherwise, from any suit,

judgment, service of process upon it or any agent, execution on judgment, set-off,

attachment prior to judgment, attachment in aid of execution to which it or its assets

may be entitled in any legal action or proceedings with respect to this Agreement or

any of the transactions contemplated hereby or hereunder. Notwithstanding the

foregoing, the Borrower does not waive any immunity in respect of its assets which

are (i) used by a diplomatic or consular mission of the Borrower, (ii) assets of a

military character and under control of a military authority or defense agency and

(iii) located in the Philippines and dedicated to a public or governmental use (as

distinguished from patrimonial assets or assets dedicated to commercial use).[37]

Page 138: State Immunity Cases

Thus, despite petitioners claim that the EXIM Bank extended financial assistance to

Northrail because the bank was mandated by the Chinese government, and not because of any

motivation to do business in the Philippines,[38]

it is clear from the foregoing provisions that the

Northrail Project was a purely commercial transaction.

Admittedly, the Loan Agreement was entered into between EXIM Bank and the Philippine

government, while the Contract Agreement was between Northrail and CNMEG. Although the

Contract Agreement is silent on the classification of the legal nature of the transaction, the

foregoing provisions of the Loan Agreement, which is an inextricable part of the entire

undertaking, nonetheless reveal the intention of the parties to the Northrail Project to classify the

whole venture as commercial or proprietary in character.

Thus, piecing together the content and tenor of the Contract Agreement, the

Memorandum of Understanding dated 14 September 2002, Amb. Wangs letter dated 1 October

2003, and the Loan Agreement would reveal the desire of CNMEG to construct the Luzon

Railways in pursuit of a purely commercial activity performed in the ordinary course of its


B. CNMEG failed to adduce evidence

that it is immune from suit under Chinese law.

Even assuming arguendo that CNMEG performs governmental functions, such claim does

not automatically vest it with immunity. This view finds support in Malong v. Philippine National

Railways, in which this Court held that (i)mmunity from suit is determined by the character of the

objects for which the entity was organized.[39]

In this regard, this Courts ruling in Deutsche Gesellschaft Fr Technische Zusammenarbeit

(GTZ) v. CA[40]

must be examined. In Deutsche Gesellschaft, Germany and the Philippinesentered

into a Technical Cooperation Agreement, pursuant to which both signed an arrangement promoting

the Social Health InsuranceNetworking and Empowerment (SHINE) project. The two governments

named their respective implementing organizations: the Department of Health (DOH) and the

Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) for the Philippines, and GTZ for the

implementation of Germanys contributions. In ruling that GTZ was not immune from suit, this

Court held:

Page 139: State Immunity Cases

The arguments raised by GTZ and the [Office of the Solicitor General

(OSG)] are rooted in several indisputable facts. The SHINE project was

implemented pursuant to the bilateral agreements between the Philippine and

German governments. GTZ was tasked, under the 1991 agreement, with the

implementation of the contributions of the German government. The activities

performed by GTZ pertaining to the SHINE project are governmental in

nature, related as they are to the promotion of health insurance in the Philippines.

The fact that GTZ entered into employment contracts with the private respondents

did not disqualify it from invoking immunity from suit, as held in cases such as

Holy See v. Rosario, Jr., which set forth what remains valid doctrine:

Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a foreign

state with a private party cannot be the ultimate test. Such an act

can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question is whether

the foreign state is engaged in the activity in the regular course of

business. If the foreign state is not engaged regularly in a business

or trade, the particular act or transaction must then be tested by its

nature. If the act is in pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident

thereof, then it is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not

undertaken for gain or profit.

Beyond dispute is the tenability of the comment points (sic) raised by GTZ

and the OSG that GTZ was not performing proprietary functions notwithstanding

its entry into the particular employment contracts. Yet there is an equally

fundamental premise which GTZ and the OSG fail to address, namely: Is GTZ, by

conception, able to enjoy the Federal Republics immunity from suit?

The principle of state immunity from suit, whether a local state or a

foreign state, is reflected in Section 9, Article XVI of the Constitution, which

states that the State may not be sued without its consent. Who or what consists of

the State? For one, the doctrine is available to foreign States insofar as they are

sought to be sued in the courts of the local State, necessary as it is to avoid unduly

vexing the peace of nations.

If the instant suit had been brought directly against the Federal Republic of

Germany, there would be no doubt that it is a suit brought against a State, and the

only necessary inquiry is whether said State had consented to be sued. However,

the present suit was brought against GTZ. It is necessary for us to understand

what precisely are the parameters of the legal personality of GTZ.

Counsel for GTZ characterizes GTZ as the implementing agency of

the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, a depiction similarly

adopted by the OSG. Assuming that the characterization is correct, it does not

automatically invest GTZ with the ability to invoke State immunity from

suit. The distinction lies in whether the agency is incorporated or unincorporated.

xxx xxx xxx

Page 140: State Immunity Cases

State immunity from suit may be waived by general or special law. The

special law can take the form of the original charter of the incorporated

government agency. Jurisprudence is replete with examples of incorporated

government agencies which were ruled not entitled to invoke immunity from suit,

owing to provisions in their charters manifesting their consent to be sued.

xxx xxx xxx

It is useful to note that on the part of the Philippine government, it had

designated two entities, the Department of Health and the Philippine Health

Insurance Corporation (PHIC), as the implementing agencies in behalf of the

Philippines. The PHIC was established under Republic Act No. 7875, Section 16 (g)

of which grants the corporation the power to sue and be sued in court. Applying the

previously cited jurisprudence, PHIC would not enjoy immunity from suit even in the

performance of its functions connected with SHINE, however, (sic) governmental in

nature as (sic) they may be.

Is GTZ an incorporated agency of the German government? There is

some mystery surrounding that question. Neither GTZ nor the OSG go

beyond the claim that petitioner is the implementing agency of the

Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. On the other hand, private

respondents asserted before the Labor Arbiter that GTZ was a private

corporation engaged in the implementation of development projects. The Labor

Arbiter accepted that claim in his Order denying the Motion to Dismiss, though

he was silent on that point in his Decision. Nevertheless, private respondents

argue in their Comment that the finding that GTZ was a private corporation was

never controverted, and is therefore deemed admitted. In its Reply, GTZ

controverts that finding, saying that it is a matter of public knowledge that the

status of petitioner GTZ is that of the implementing agency, and not that of a

private corporation.

In truth, private respondents were unable to adduce any evidence to

substantiate their claim that GTZ was a private corporation, and the Labor Arbiter

acted rashly in accepting such claim without explanation. But neither has GTZ

supplied any evidence defining its legal nature beyond that of the bare

descriptive implementing agency. There is no doubt that the 1991 Agreement

designated GTZ as the implementing agency in behalf of the German

government. Yet the catch is that such term has no precise definition that is

responsive to our concerns. Inherently, an agent acts in behalf of a principal,

and the GTZ can be said to act in behalf of the German state. But that is as

far as implementing agency could take us. The term by itself does not supply

whether GTZ is incorporated or unincorporated, whether it is owned by the

German state or by private interests, whether it has juridical personality

independent of the German government or none at all.

Page 141: State Immunity Cases

xxx xxx xxx

Again, we are uncertain of the corresponding legal implications under

German law surrounding a private company owned by the Federal Republic

of Germany. Yet taking the description on face value, the apparent equivalent

under Philippine law is that of a corporation organized under the

Corporation Code but owned by the Philippine government, or a

government-owned or controlled corporation without original charter. And it

bears notice that Section 36 of the Corporate Code states that [e]very

corporation incorporated under this Code has the power and capacity x x x to

sue and be sued in its corporate name.

It is entirely possible that under German law, an entity such as GTZ or

particularly GTZ itself has not been vested or has been specifically deprived the

power and capacity to sue and/or be sued. Yet in the proceedings below and before

this Court, GTZ has failed to establish that under German law, it has not

consented to be sued despite it being owned by the Federal Republic of

Germany. We adhere to the rule that in the absence of evidence to the

contrary, foreign laws on a particular subject are presumed to be the same as

those of the Philippines, and following the most intelligent assumption we can

gather, GTZ is akin to a governmental owned or controlled corporation

without original charter which, by virtue of the Corporation Code, has

expressly consented to be sued.At the very least, like the Labor Arbiter and the

Court of Appeals, this Court has no basis in fact to conclude or presume that GTZ

enjoys immunity from suit.[41]

(Emphasis supplied.)

Applying the foregoing ruling to the case at bar, it is readily apparent that CNMEG cannot

claim immunity from suit, even if it contends that it performs governmental functions. Its

designation as the Primary Contractor does not automatically grant it immunity, just as the term

implementing agency has no precise definition for purposes of ascertaining whether GTZ was

immune from suit. Although CNMEG claims to be a government-owned corporation, it failed to

adduce evidence that it has not consented to be sued under Chinese law. Thus, following this

Courts ruling in Deutsche Gesellschaft, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, CNMEG is to

be presumed to be a government-owned and -controlled corporation without an original charter. As

a result, it has the capacity to sue and be sued under Section 36 of the Corporation Code.

Page 142: State Immunity Cases

C. CNMEG failed to present a

certification from the Department of Foreign


In Holy See,[42]

this Court reiterated the oft-cited doctrine that the determination by the

Executive that an entity is entitled to sovereign or diplomatic immunity is a political question

conclusive upon the courts, to wit:

In Public International Law, when a state or international agency wishes to

plead sovereign or diplomatic immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign

Office of the state where it is sued to convey to the court that said defendant is

entitled to immunity.

xxx xxx xxx

In the Philippines, the practice is for the foreign government or the

international organization to first secure an executive endorsement of its

claim of sovereign or diplomatic immunity. But how the Philippine Foreign

Office conveys its endorsement to the courts varies. In International Catholic

Migration Commission v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 (1990), the Secretary of

Foreign Affairs just sent a letter directly to the Secretary of Labor and

Employment, informing the latter that the respondent-employer could not be sued

because it enjoyed diplomatic immunity. In World Health Organization v.

Aquino, 48 SCRA 242 (1972), the Secretary of Foreign Affairs sent the trial court

a telegram to that effect. In Baer v. Tizon, 57 SCRA 1 (1974), the U.S. Embassy

asked the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to request the Solicitor General to make, in

behalf of the Commander of the United States Naval Base at Olongapo City,

Zambales, a suggestion to respondent Judge. The Solicitor General embodied the

suggestion in a Manifestation and Memorandum as amicus curiae.

In the case at bench, the Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Office

of Legal Affairs moved with this Court to be allowed to intervene on the side of

petitioner. The Court allowed the said Department to file its memorandum in

support of petitioners claim of sovereign immunity.

In some cases, the defense of sovereign immunity was submitted directly

to the local courts by the respondents through their private counsels (Raquiza v.

Bradford, 75 Phil. 50 [1945]; Miquiabas v. Philippine-Ryukyus Command, 80

Phil. 262 [1948]; United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990] and

companion cases). In cases where the foreign states bypass the Foreign Office, the

courts can inquire into the facts and make their own determination as to the nature

of the acts and transactions involved.[43]

(Emphasis supplied.)

Page 143: State Immunity Cases

The question now is whether any agency of the Executive Branch can make a determination of

immunity from suit, which may be considered as conclusive upon the courts. This Court, inDepartment

of Foreign Affairs (DFA) v. National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC),[44]

emphasized the DFAs

competence and authority to provide such necessary determination, to wit:

The DFAs function includes, among its other mandates, the

determination of persons and institutions covered by diplomatic immunities,

a determination which, when challenge, (sic) entitles it to seek relief from the

court so as not to seriously impair the conduct of the country's foreign

relations. The DFA must be allowed to plead its case whenever necessary or

advisable to enable it to help keep the credibility of the Philippine government

before the international community. When international agreements are

concluded, the parties thereto are deemed to have likewise accepted the

responsibility of seeing to it that their agreements are duly regarded. In our

country, this task falls principally of (sic) the DFA as being the highest

executive department with the competence and authority to so act in this

aspect of the international arena.[45]

(Emphasis supplied.)

Further, the fact that this authority is exclusive to the DFA was also emphasized in this

Courts ruling in Deutsche Gesellschaft:

It is to be recalled that the Labor Arbiter, in both of his rulings, noted that it

was imperative for petitioners to secure from the Department of Foreign Affairs a

certification of respondents diplomatic status and entitlement to diplomatic

privileges including immunity from suits. The requirement might not necessarily

be imperative. However, had GTZ obtained such certification from the DFA, it

would have provided factual basis for its claim of immunity that would, at the

very least, establish a disputable evidentiary presumption that the foreign

party is indeed immune which the opposing party will have to overcome with

its own factual evidence. We do not see why GTZ could not have secured such

certification or endorsement from the DFA for purposes of this

case. Certainly, it would have been highly prudential for GTZ to obtain the same

after the Labor Arbiter had denied the motion to dismiss. Still, even at this

juncture, we do not see any evidence that the DFA, the office of the executive

branch in charge of our diplomatic relations, has indeed endorsed GTZs

claim of immunity. It may be possible that GTZ tried, but failed to secure such

certification, due to the same concerns that we have discussed herein.

Would the fact that the Solicitor General has endorsed GTZs claim

of States immunity from suit before this Court sufficiently substitute for the

DFA certification? Note that the rule in public international law quoted in

Holy See referred to endorsement by the Foreign Office of the State where

Page 144: State Immunity Cases

the suit is filed, such foreign office in the Philippines being the Department

of Foreign Affairs. Nowhere in the Comment of the OSG is it manifested

that the DFA has endorsed GTZs claim, or that the OSG had solicited the

DFAs views on the issue. The arguments raised by the OSG are virtually the

same as the arguments raised by GTZ without any indication of any special and

distinct perspective maintained by the Philippine government on the issue. The

Comment filed by the OSG does not inspire the same degree of confidence

as a certification from the DFA would have elicited.[46]

(Emphasis supplied.)

In the case at bar, CNMEG offers the Certification executed by the Economic and

Commercial Office of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, stating that the Northrail

Project is in pursuit of a sovereign activity.[47]

Surely, this is not the kind of certification that can

establish CNMEGs entitlement to immunity from suit, as Holy See unequivocally refers to the

determination of the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued.

Further, CNMEG also claims that its immunity from suit has the executive endorsement of

both the OSG and the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC), which must be

respected by the courts. However, as expressly enunciated in Deutsche Gesellschaft, this

determination by the OSG, or by the OGCC for that matter, does not inspire the same degree of

confidence as a DFA certification. Even with a DFA certification, however, it must be remembered

that this Court is not precluded from making an inquiry into the intrinsic correctness of such


D. An agreement to submit any dispute

to arbitration may be construed as an implicit

waiver of immunity from suit.

In the United States, the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 provides for a waiver

by implication of state immunity. In the said law, the agreement to submit disputes to arbitration in

a foreign country is construed as an implicit waiver of immunity from suit. Although there is no

similar law in the Philippines, there is reason to apply the legal reasoning behind the waiver in this


The Conditions of Contract,[48]

which is an integral part of the Contract




33.1. Amicable Settlement

Page 145: State Immunity Cases

Both parties shall attempt to amicably settle all disputes or controversies

arising from this Contract before the commencement of arbitration.

33.2. Arbitration

All disputes or controversies arising from this Contract which cannot be

settled between the Employer and the Contractor shall be submitted to arbitration in

accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules at present in force and as may

be amended by the rest of this Clause. The appointing authority shall be Hong

Kong International Arbitration Center. The place of arbitration shall be in Hong

Kong at Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC).

Under the above provisions, if any dispute arises between Northrail and CNMEG, both

parties are bound to submit the matter to the HKIAC for arbitration. In case the HKIAC makes an

arbitral award in favor of Northrail, its enforcement in the Philippines would be subject to the

Special Rules on Alternative Dispute Resolution (Special Rules). Rule 13 thereof provides for the

Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral Award. Under Rules 13.2 and 13.3 of the

Special Rules, the party to arbitration wishing to have an arbitral award recognized and enforced in

the Philippines must petition the proper regional trial court (a) where the assets to be attached or

levied upon is located; (b) where the acts to be enjoined are being performed; (c) in the principal

place of business in the Philippines of any of the parties; (d) if any of the parties is an individual,

where any of those individuals resides; or (e) in the National Capital Judicial Region.

From all the foregoing, it is clear that CNMEG has agreed that it will not be afforded

immunity from suit. Thus, the courts have the competence and jurisdiction to ascertain the validity

of the Contract Agreement.

Second issue: Whether the Contract Agreement is

an executive agreement

Article 2(1) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna Convention) defines

a treaty as follows:

[A]n international agreement concluded between States in written form and

governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two

or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation.

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In Bayan Muna v. Romulo, this Court held that an executive agreement is similar to a

treaty, except that the former (a) does not require legislative concurrence; (b) is usually less formal;

and (c) deals with a narrower range of subject matters.[50]

Despite these differences, to be considered an executive agreement, the following three

requisites provided under the Vienna Convention must nevertheless concur: (a) the agreement must

be between states; (b) it must be written; and (c) it must governed by international law. The first

and the third requisites do not obtain in the case at bar.

A. CNMEG is neither a government nor a

government agency.

The Contract Agreement was not concluded between the Philippines and China, but

between Northrail and CNMEG.[51]

By the terms of the Contract Agreement, Northrail is a

government-owned or -controlled corporation, while CNMEG is a corporation duly organized and

created under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.[52]

Thus, both Northrail and CNMEG

entered into the Contract Agreement as entities with personalities distinct and separate from the

Philippine and Chinese governments, respectively.

Neither can it be said that CNMEG acted as agent of the Chinese government. As

previously discussed, the fact that Amb. Wang, in his letter dated 1 October 2003,[53]


CNMEG as a state corporation and declared its designation as the Primary Contractor in the

Northrail Project did not mean it was to perform sovereign functions on behalf of China. That label

was only descriptive of its nature as a state-owned corporation, and did not preclude it from

engaging in purely commercial or proprietary ventures.

B. The Contract Agreement is to be

governed by Philippine law.

Article 2 of the Conditions of Contract,[54]

which under Article 1.1 of the Contract

Agreement is an integral part of the latter, states:


The contract shall in all respects be read and construed in accordance with

the laws of the Philippines.

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The contract shall be written in English language. All correspondence and

other documents pertaining to the Contract which are exchanged by the parties shall

be written in English language.

Since the Contract Agreement explicitly provides that Philippine law shall be applicable,

the parties have effectively conceded that their rights and obligations thereunder are not governed

by international law.

It is therefore clear from the foregoing reasons that the Contract Agreement does not

partake of the nature of an executive agreement. It is merely an ordinary commercial contract that

can be questioned before the local courts.

WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is DENIED. Petitioner China National Machinery &

Equipment Corp. (Group) is not entitled to immunity from suit, and the Contract Agreement is not

an executive agreement. CNMEGs prayer for the issuance of a TRO and/or Writ of Preliminary

Injunction is DENIED for being moot and academic. This case is REMANDED to theRegional

Trial Court of Makati, Branch 145, for further proceedings as regards the validity of the contracts

subject of Civil Case No. 06-203.

No pronouncement on costs of suit.


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[G.R. No. 125865. January 28, 2000]


PHILIPPINES, respondent.



Petitioner is an economist working with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Sometime in

1994, for allegedly uttering defamatory words against fellow ADB worker Joyce Cabal, he was

charged before the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Mandaluyong City with two counts of

grave oral defamation docketed as Criminal Cases Nos. 53170 and 53171. Petitioner was

arrested by virtue of a warrant issued by the MeTC. After fixing petitioners bail at P2,400.00 per

criminal charge, the MeTC released him to the custody of the Security Officer of ADB. The next

day, the MeTC judge received an "office of protocol" from the Department of Foreign Affairs

(DFA) stating that petitioner is covered by immunity from legal process under Section 45 of the

Agreement between the ADB and the Philippine Government regarding the Headquarters of the

ADB (hereinafter Agreement) in the country. Based on the said protocol communication that

petitioner is immune from suit, the MeTC judge without notice to the prosecution dismissed the

two criminal cases. The latter filed a motion for reconsideration which was opposed by the DFA.

When its motion was denied, the prosecution filed a petition for certiorari and mandamus with

the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City which set aside the MeTC rulings and ordered the

latter court to enforce the warrant of arrest it earlier issued. After the motion for reconsideration

was denied, petitioner elevated the case to this Court via a petition for review arguing that he is

covered by immunity under the Agreement and that no preliminary investigation was held before

the criminal cases were filed in court.

The petition is not impressed with merit.

First, courts cannot blindly adhere and take on its face the communication from the DFA that

petitioner is covered by any immunity. The DFAs determination that a certain person is covered

by immunity is only preliminary which has no binding effect in courts. In receiving ex-parte the

DFAs advice and in motu proprio dismissing the two criminal cases without notice to the

prosecution, the latters right to due process was violated. It should be noted that due process is a

right of the accused as much as it is of the prosecution. The needed inquiry in what capacity

petitioner was acting at the time of the alleged utterances requires for its resolution evidentiary

basis that has yet to be presented at the proper time.[1]

At any rate, it has been ruled that the mere

invocation of the immunity clause does not ipso facto result in the dropping of the charges.[2]

Second, under Section 45 of the Agreement which provides:

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"Officers and staff of the Bank including for the purpose of this Article experts

and consultants performing missions for the Bank shall enjoy the following

privileges and immunities:

a.).......immunity from legal process with respect to acts performed by

them in their official capacity except when the Bank waives the


the immunity mentioned therein is not absolute, but subject to the exception that the act was

done in "official capacity." It is therefore necessary to determine if petitioners case falls within

the ambit of Section 45(a). Thus, the prosecution should have been given the chance to rebut the

DFA protocol and it must be accorded the opportunity to present its controverting evidence,

should it so desire.

Third, slandering a person could not possibly be covered by the immunity agreement because our

laws do not allow the commission of a crime, such as defamation, in the name of official


The imputation of theft is ultra vires and cannot be part of official functions. It is well-

settled principle of law that a public official may be liable in his personal private capacity for

whatever damage he may have caused by his act done with malice or in bad faith or beyond the

scope of his authority or jurisdiction.[4]

It appears that even the governments chief legal counsel,

the Solicitor General, does not support the stand taken by petitioner and that of the DFA.

Fourth, under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a diplomatic agent, assuming

petitioner is such, enjoys immunity from criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state except in the

case of an action relating to any professional or commercial activity exercised by the diplomatic

agent in the receiving state outside his official functions.[5]

As already mentioned above, the

commission of a crime is not part of official duty.

Finally, on the contention that there was no preliminary investigation conducted, suffice it to say

that preliminary investigation is not a matter of right in cases cognizable by the MeTC such as

the one at bar.[6]

Being purely a statutory right, preliminary investigation may be invoked only

when specifically granted by law.[7]

The rule on criminal procedure is clear that no preliminary

investigation is required in cases falling within the jurisdiction of the MeTC.[8]

Besides, the

absence of preliminary investigation does not affect the courts jurisdiction nor does it impair the

validity of the information or otherwise render it defective.[9]

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.


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[G.R. No. 125865. March 26, 2001]


PHILIPPINES, respondent.



This resolves petitioners Motion for Reconsideration of our Decision dated January 28,

2000, denying the petition for review.

The Motion is anchored on the following arguments:















This case has its origin in two criminal Informations[1]

for grave oral defamation filed

against petitioner, a Chinese national who was employed as an Economist by the Asian

Development Bank (ADB), alleging that on separate occasions on January 28 and January 31,

1994, petitioner allegedly uttered defamatory words to Joyce V. Cabal, a member of the clerical

staff of ADB. On April 13, 1994, the Metropolitan Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, acting

pursuant to an advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs that petitioner enjoyed immunity

from legal processes, dismissed the criminal Informations against him. On a petition for

certiorari and mandamus filed by the People, the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 160,

annulled and set aside the order of the Metropolitan Trial Court dismissing the criminal cases.[2]

Petitioner, thus, brought a petition for review with this Court. On January 28, 2000, we

rendered the assailed Decision denying the petition for review. We ruled, in essence, that the

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immunity granted to officers and staff of the ADB is not absolute; it is limited to acts performed

in an official capacity. Furthermore, we held that the immunity cannot cover the commission of a

crime such as slander or oral defamation in the name of official duty.

On October 18, 2000, the oral arguments of the parties were heard. This Court also granted

the Motion for Intervention of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Thereafter, the parties were

directed to submit their respective memorandum.

For the most part, petitioners Motion for Reconsideration deals with the diplomatic

immunity of the ADB, its officials and staff, from legal and judicial processes in the Philippines,

as well as the constitutional and political bases thereof. It should be made clear that nowhere in

the assailed Decision is diplomatic immunity denied, even remotely. The issue in this case,

rather, boils down to whether or not the statements allegedly made by petitioner were uttered

while in the performance of his official functions, in order for this case to fall squarely under the

provisions of Section 45 (a) of the Agreement Between the Asian Development Bank and the

Government of the Republic of the Philippines Regarding the Headquarters of the Asian

Development Bank, to wit:

Officers ands staff of the Bank, including for the purpose of this Article experts and consultants

performing missions for the Bank, shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities:

(a) Immunity from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity

except when the Bank waives the immunity.

After a careful deliberation of the arguments raised in petitioners and intervenors Motions

for Reconsideration, we find no cogent reason to disturb our Decision of January 28, 2000. As

we have stated therein, the slander of a person, by any stretch, cannot be considered as falling

within the purview of the immunity granted to ADB officers and personnel. Petitioner argues

that the Decision had the effect of prejudging the criminal case for oral defamation against

him. We wish to stress that it did not. What we merely stated therein is that slander, in general,

cannot be considered as an act performed in an official capacity. The issue of whether or not

petitioners utterances constituted oral defamation is still for the trial court to determine.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Motions for Reconsideration filed by

petitioner and intervenor Department of Foreign Affairs are DENIED with FINALITY.

