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State of Alaska Weekly Status Report State of Alaska CGI ERP Implementation Weekly Status Report. *DISCLAIMERS: ALL INFORMATION AND FORMS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING AS TO THEIR LEGAL EFFECT AND COMPLETENESS. This document is for general purpose and should be modified by you, attorney or other professionals to meet your specific needs, and laws, as applicable. Use at your own risk. Docs4sale, Inc., its employees or contractors who wrote or modified any form, are NOT providing any legal, professional or any other kind of advice and are not creating or entering into a contract or Attorney-Client relationship. The information and forms are not a substitute for the advice of your own attorney or professional. Use of this document and our service are deemed to be your acknowledgement and agreement to the following: The disclaimers and links on this page; our Terms of Service, Copyright Policy & Privacy Policy (http://docs4sale.com/terms.php, http://docs4sale.com/copyright.php, http://docs4sale.com/privacy.php ). Entire document copyright © Docs4sale, Inc. 2009-2014 All Rights Reserved SOA Weekly Status Report Page 1-3 of 32 Revised 8/29/14 SOA

State of Alaska Weekly Status Report State of Alaska CGI ERP Implementation Weekly Status Report. *DISCLAIMERS: ALL INFORMATION AND FORMS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING AS TO THEIR LEGAL EFFECT AND COMPLETENESS. This document is for general purpose and should be modified by you, attorney or other professionals to meet your specific needs, and laws, as applicable. Use at your own risk. Docs4sale, Inc., its employees or contractors who wrote or modified any form, are NOT providing any legal, professional or any other kind of advice and are not creating or entering into a contract or Attorney-Client relationship. The information and forms are not a substitute for the advice of your own attorney or professional. Use of this document and our service are deemed to be your acknowledgement and agreement to the following: The disclaimers and links on this page; our Terms of Service, Copyright Policy & Privacy Policy (http://docs4sale.com/terms.php, http://docs4sale.com/copyright.php, http://docs4sale.com/privacy.php ). Entire document copyright © Docs4sale, Inc. 2009-2014 All Rights Reserved

SOA Weekly Status Report Page 1-3 of 32 Revised 8/29/14 SOA

State of Alaska IRIS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT Week ending November 22, 20XX

Period Covered Deliverable Name

November 18, 20XX to

November 22, 20XX

Weekly Status Report (D03)

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Project Status Summary .......................................................................................................... 4

2 Work Progress ........................................................................................................................ 5

3 Project Issues ......................................................................................................................... 7

4 Action Items .......................................................................................................................... 8

5 Project Deliverables .............................................................................................................. 10

6 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................... 11

7 Department Readiness ......................................................................................................... 12

8 Configurations ..................................................................................................................... 13

9 Conversions ......................................................................................................................... 14

10 Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 15

11 Enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 18

12 Forms .................................................................................................................................. 20

13 Reports ................................................................................................................................ 22

14 Test Execution – Integrated System Test ............................................................................... 25

15 Training / Change Management ........................................................................................... 27

16 Resources / Staffing ............................................................................................................. 31

17 Proposed Weekly Status Report Process ................................................................................ 32

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Replanning the remaining Phase 3 activities with the additional year for final configurations and build, department readiness and testing o Held working sessions to define department outreach for Security and Workflow, Cost Accounting and Fixed Asset

• Progressing development of all remaining areas of the platform for IST testing including: forms, interfaces, conversions, and crosswalk. • Delivery dates for modification drop 2 confirmed

o 11/30/XX: all but Procurement Card o 12/15/XX: Procurement Card with additional table columns

• Evaluating and designing additional modifications o Drop 3 final BCP submitted to Advantage Solutions for level of effort and confirmation on delivery date o Drop 3 will also include: demo grant backport from 3.10 o Drop 4 draft BCP for budget fiscal year inference/front end split submitted for review o Drop 4 may also include: DOT combination validations, Cost Accounting Backport Request (CAS/CAM) o *tentative* Drop 5 for custom budget modification to accommodate department appropriation detail

• IST execution progressing with 29% executed, with 17% passed, 66% conditionally passed and 18% failed. o 45 incidents are active with 1 urgent and 4 high priority o 6 incidents were opened and 17 closed in the period

• Data warehouse build continues with report design in progress. Report development has begun with populated fact tables, with vendor as the first area of reporting focus.

• Department Readiness and configurations continue with working sessions focused on completion of outstanding COAs. o COA table loads are in progress with: DMVA Org Unit; LEG Org Unit and Operating AR; DMVA Org Unit; DEC Org Unit; DOL

Capital Appropriations • Security and workflow efforts are focused on completing a pilot with DEED as example for other departments. Working sessions will be held

with departments in January and February, once COA sessions are completed. • Training material development continues. • Technical documentation in progress:

o Conversion Plan (D12) has been restarted and is targeted for completion in December. o Advantage Environment Certification (D11) is progressing and awaiting on disposition of two software components to finalize,

targeted for earlier December delivery. • Reminder, this week <SI> observes a Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday November 28 and Friday November 29.

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


This section includes the accomplishments for the current period and the plans for the next period.

Team Accomplishments This Period

Planned Activities Next Period

Project Management

• Weekly status report reviewed with revisions incorporated this week • Phase 3 WBS replan final review ongoing • Amendment 1 signed off (from last period) • Amendment 2 with pricing in progress

Financial • Drafted and reviewed the BFY Staging Concept Paper to address Issue 511. • Held meeting to address Accounts Receivable conversion Incident 169. • Executed IST test cases for the business areas and the modifications (Enhancement 68 and

69). • Converted and reviewed encumbered expenditures and the reversals of the encumbered

documents. • Converted and reviewed the RSA’s and the reversals of the RSA’s. • Held weekly issue review meeting and resolved the following issues: 558 – Changes to different environments. 561 – Data entered in QAT environment not logged. 546 – Procurement Location must be unique statewide • Created list of vendors and customers to use in IST and communicated it to all testers. • Submitted defect request patch for Incident 102. • Reviewed DOT SEF Interface design with DOT.

• Continuation of IST test case execution and incident resolution • Finalize configuration plan for remaining configurations • Continue solutioning priority issues. • Continue forms development and support. • Resolve the Cost Allocation issue related to Issue 527. • Continue working with DOT on their interfaces • Approval of BFY and FES Concept Paper • Accounts Receivable conversion ready to run in QAT environment • Continue executing IST test cases

Procurement • Continuation of IST test case execution for Procurement, Inventory, and Vendor Management. Activity is largely on schedule

• Test cases are being updated as required • Conducted shake down testing of FD29 – auto-calculation of preferences • Continuation of the DOA interface analysis. • Meeting with State equipment fleet to discuss vehicle procurement • Configuration of Procurement user preferences. • Onboarding and orientation of Division of General Services personnel to the team • Received and analyzed Procurement Location information from 12 departments leaving 6


• Continuation of IST test case execution and incident resolution

Technical • Interface development completed: DOA-86 – PRCUA update • Interface unit testing completed: DOA-100b • Loaded Forms templates for testing in QAT • Complete migration for TRNFIN, TRNVSS, TRNVSS • Multiple loads into CNV for conversion maps 34, (Remaining BSA) and 24 (Receivables).

Requirements are not finalized for 24.

• Interface designs complete: DOA-85b – One Card DOA-86 – PRCUA update DOA-94- Autopay DOA-100b - Disbursements DAO-100a - PTF

• Interface development complete:

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

Team Accomplishments This Period

Planned Activities Next Period

• Completed Cutover plan steps 352 thru 360 and 390 thru 396. Includes Remaining BSA balances(#34), and Security tables. Did not complete load of Accounts Receivables and Receivable Reversals as planned because requirements were still being determined.

• Began updates to DCD template to accommodate PDI map data. Modified comments in conversion maps for design documents.

• Additional updates to Interface Reconciliation process were made to integrate with Autosys and PSMAG’s operations processes.

DOA-85b • Interface unit testing complete:

DOA-86 – PRCUA update • Update Conversion Map 24 – Accounts Receivables with new

requirements; load and test in CNV environment. • Load Receivables (Map 24 and 26) in QAT, Cutover Plan steps 365

thru 385. Change Management

• Completed Video for IRIS Overview • Completed draft Solicitations training manual • Completed High Level Design for Management Overview training manual • Completed draft of November Newsletter

• Complete draft COA Management training manual • Continue work on the Online Help Reference Guide • Continue work on the draft Knowledge Transfer Plan • Continue work on the draft Cost Allocation training manual • Finalize and distribute November Newsletter • Complete IRIS Connect Plan • Continue work on the IRIS Getting Started video

Data Warehouse

• Physical DW: Fact base entity development in progress, exposing by business area based on completeness of design and availability of data.

• DW Load: IRIS to ALDER CDC triggers being exercised/tested • ETL development ongoing and focused on completed portions of the physical model. • Business area focus: Vendor CDC triggered load, ETL, Physical Model, Staging Tables,

Compress Tables, Base Tables, and Abstraction Layer (Materialized Views) are the first are of the data warehouse to be built out. Report development has begun.

• Continue development of ETL, Abstraction layer and Semantic layer development

• Begin development of the budget fact base entity and downstream integration.

• Continue DW Reports designs and development

Date of Report: 11/24/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: State of Alaska ERP > WRR_and_Status_Report > Weekly_Status

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


This includes a list of Urgent and High Priority Open or In Progress Issues. Please see Ensemble for complete list of all issues.

• Urgent Issues – 9 • High Priority Issues - 10

Issue ID

Issue Name Issue's Status

Issue Category Issue Priority

Owner Date Created

Target Res.

Revised Res. Date

482 Warrant Print Infrastructure Design In Process Technical Environment High 7/8/20XX 7/26/20X

11/29/20XX 486 DOT & PF Interface Enhancements/Functionality In Process Management High 7/18/20XX 7/19/20X


520 Department COA elements (including Appropriation) In Process Departmental High 8/28/20XX 9/3/20XX 12/31/20XX 535 Conversion of financial balances In Process Requirements / Business Rules High 9/26/20XX 11/22/20XX 537 Conversion of Fixed Assets & Depreciation Job In Process Requirements / Business Rules High 9/27/20XX 1/15/20X

540 DCTRL configuration In Process Requirements / Business Rules High 10/1/20XX 10/18/20

11/15/20XX 547 Payroll interface document code change to work with

DCTRL In Process Requirements / Business Rules High 10/8/20XX

552 Cost Accounting Backport Request (CAS/CAM) In Process Requirements / Business Rules High 10/23/20X


11/30/20XX 563 Crosswalks used in Conversions - Need Department

Data In Process Departmental High 11/XX/20

XX 12/20/20


511 BFY is not included in Front End Split Processing In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 8/17/20XX 9/15/20X

11/25/20XX 527 Differences in the structuring of appropriations in IRIS

versus AKSAS needs additional analysis In Process Departmental Urgent 9/19/20XX 9/27/20X

X 11/29/20XX

528 Difference in posting levels complicates conversion, interfaces and crosswalk

In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 9/19/20XX 9/27/20XX


531 Collocation Codes as Cost Pools for Cost Allocation In Process Departmental Urgent 9/26/20XX 11/22/20XX 532 Appropriation(s) on the Funding Line of Projects

funded by Grants In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 9/26/20XX 11/22/20XX

533 Reappropriation period in IRIS In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 9/26/20XX 11/20/20XX 551 DOT: Interface DOT-39a ICT Interface Questions In Process Technical Environment Urgent 10/XX/20


556 Required Budget (REQBUD) Setup In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 10/25/20X


11/8/20XX 565 Need to revisit interface designs and tasks based on

configuration issues In Process Requirements / Business Rules Urgent 11/XX/20

XX 11/18/20


564 O.F.A.C. Processing Open Scope High 11/XX/20

Date of Report: 11/24/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Issues Management

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


Action item list requires a strategy for review and update on items past due.

• Open Items = 33

ID Action Item Status Action Item Title Individual Assigned To Date Created Action Item Due Date

469 1 - Open D25 - Make sure tables that are cached are identified 11/XX/20XX 1/3/20XX 468 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Daily Disbursements - DOA #100b 11/12/20XX 11/19/20XX 467 1 - Open Add Internet access to Intranet LearnAlaska 10/23/20XX 11/1/20XX 466 1 - Open Environment for testing 3.10 authentication backport 9/30/20XX 10/4/20XX 465 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Fund Sufficiency - DOR #12 9/28/20XX 10/5/20XX 464 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Reconciliation - DOR #XX 9/24/20XX 10/1/20XX 463 1 - Open Determine what groups are impacted by the IRIS DR Test 9/23/20XX 10/18/20XX 462 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Interfund Posting - DOR #102 9/16/20XX 9/23/20XX 461 1 - Open Interface Design Review - JAS Payment Reconciliation Job - DHSS #1XX 9/3/20XX 9/10/20XX 455 1 - Open Confirm the ESS and VSS urls 8/21/20XX 7/9/20XX 454 1 - Open Interface Design Review - MRS - DOT #15 8/19/20XX 8/26/20XX 452 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Bank - OneCard (CH) - DOA # 85b 8/16/20XX 8/23/20XX 451 1 - Open Interface Design Review - Bank - OneCard Transactions - DOA # 85a 8/7/20XX 8/XX/20XX 439 1 - Open DHSS 118,118b,118c to replace DHSS 91 MMIS 7/10/20XX 7/12/20XX 433 1 - Open Meet with Marian about DOT 45 7/9/20XX 7/12/20XX 434 1 - Open Schedule meet and greet with ACS, LAA 7/9/20XX 7/19/20XX 435 1 - Open Schedule meet and greet with DEC 7/9/20XX 7/19/20XX 436 1 - Open Set up follow-up meeting with DHSS 7/9/20XX 7/19/20XX 425 1 - Open Clarification on interface files produced 5/3/20XX 5/3/20XX 422 1 - Open Confirm the non production server and VM backup and retention period 5/1/20XX 5/3/20XX 419 1 - Open submit updates to be made to environment overview Visio diagram 4/17/20XX 4/24/20XX 420 1 - Open request for IRIS environment resource allocation 4/17/20XX 4/19/20XX

4XX 1 - Open ETS update on IRIS for public facing web services 4/6/20XX 4/10/20XX 402 1 - Open Console Access Authentication to use SOA credentials 3/10/20XX 3/15/20XX 397 1 - Open Provide instructions on how to access the DB server consoles 2/24/20XX 2/25/20XX 395 1 - Open DOT Issue List reconcilliation with Ensemble Issue List 2/23/20XX 3/1/20XX 376 1 - Open Update AAM's 1/4/20XX 12/30/20XX 352 1 - Open TTP: DOT Int 32/Structure Pull-Down Report 12/12/2012 12/31/2012 339 1 - Open TTP: DOA Microfiche Usage 12/11/2012 11/30/2012 303 1 - Open Firewall Rule Implementation Schedule 6/20/2012 7/11/2012 275 1 - Open RSA Misuse 4/5/2012 7/1/2012

XX4 1 - Open Determine how remote access by SOA clients will be tested 2/XX/2012 3/30/2012

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

108 1 - Open Travel England, Susan 1/11/2012 3/31/20XX

Date of Report: 11/24/20XX <SI> Link: http://ensemble-phx.ent.<SI>net/sites/1004066ERPEngagementDeliveryMgmt/Client/Lists/SPOTActnItem/AllItems.aspx

(>Action Items) SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Action Items

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


No update from last week

Deliverables Contract Date

Baseline Date

Current Date

Status Comment

(2) Project Status Reports Monthly (3) Weekly Risk Reporting System (WRRS) Monthly (8) Communication / Change Plan Monthly (1) Baseline Detailed Project Work Plan Apr-XX n/a Jul-XX Approved (6) Business Process Modification Recs Apr-XX n/a May-XX Approved (5) System Config / Workflow Reports May-XX n/a May-XX Approved (19) Training Plan Jun-XX Jul-XX Aug-XX Approved (17) Test Plan Jul-XX Jul-XX Aug-XX Approved (12) Data Conversion Plan Jun-XX Sep-XX Sep-XX WIP Deliver As Build based on Pass 1 IST cutover (10) Application Architecture Document Jul-XX Jul-XX Oct-XX WIP 4 Strategy components complete, architecture overview in progress (15) Interface Specifications Jul-XX May-XX Sep-XX WIP Include <SI> interface designs and doc specifications provided to departments. (7) Configured Software Ready for Test Aug-XX Oct-XX Oct-XX WIP Invoice in preparation for November (XX) Reports Oct-XX Mar-XX Apr-XX WIP (16) Tested Interfaces Apr-XX Apr-XX Apr-XX WIP (20) Training Materials Apr-XX Dec-XX Dec-XX WIP (18) Volume/Stress Testing Report May-XX Mar-XX Mar-XX WIP (23) Go-Live and Stabilization Plans Jun-XX Aug-XX Oct-XX WIP (25) Business User Manual Jun-XX (24) Technical Operations Manual Jun-XX Apr-XX May-XX (4) Satisfaction Surveys Jul-XX May-XX Jun-XX (XX) Validated Migrated Data Jul-XX Jul-XX Jul-XX (21) Training Jul-XX Jun-XX Jun-XX (22) Knowledge Transfer Plan and Activity Jul-XX May-XX Apr-XX WIP SOA operations model and target staff in progress and required to rework plan (27) Stabilization Services* Oct-XX (26) Configured Software in Productive Use Oct-XX

Date of Report: 11/XX/20XX <SI> Link: TBD SOA Path: TBD

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


Briefly document other issues that require action or attention (request for additional resources, scope change, logistical information, special comments, environment issues, risks, etc.

• None this period

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

7 DEPARTMENT READINESS • A revised dashboard will be developed in Dec-20XX and including status, by department on:

o Chart of accounts structures and crosswalk

o Accounts receivables reference data

o Cost accounting reference data and input for conversion

o Cost allocation reference data

o Fixed asset data for Interval 2 conversion

o Developed interfaces

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• In progress of assigning an owner for configuration to drive completion of all configurations • Configuration TBD due dates will be updated in association with the replanned WBS

Group 1 Total Entered Count

Verified Count

% Entered % Verified Due Date Revised Due Date


AP 38 38 38 100% 100% 8/19/XX AR XX XX 11 100% 79% 8/19/XX 12/20/XX BUD 8 8 8 100% 100% COA 46 36 35 78% 76% 8/19/XX 12/20/XX FA 7 7 7 100% 100% GA 39 36 11 92% 28% 8/19/XX 12/20/XX INVEN 3 3 3 100% 100% PROC 42 42 42 100% 100% VC 2 2 2 100% 100% 199 186 157 93% 79%

Group 2 AR 1 0 0 0% 0% 9/12/XX 12/20/XX CA 46 0 0 0% 0% 9/12/XX 5/1/XX 3 due dates: 5/1 sample 2 depts for I3; 8/1 sample all

depts for I4, ~6/1/15 production COA 24 0 0 0% 0% 9/12/XX TBD FA 3 0 0 0% 0% 9/12/XX 5/1/XX 3 due dates: 5/1 sample most depts for I3; 8/1 full file all

depts for I4, ~6/1/15 production full file GA 12 1 0 8% 0% 9/12/XX 12/20/XX INVEN 5 0 0 0% 0% 9/12/XX 12/20/XX

91 1 0 1% 0% Group 3

ADM 33 0 0 0% 0% 12/20/XX 3/XX/XX DEED pilot will occur starting late Dec-20XX COA/Mods 22 0 0 0% 0% 12/20/XX TBD CA XX 0 0 0% 0% 12/20/XX TBD GA 2 0 0 0% 0% 12/20/XX PROC/Mods 5 0 0 0% 0% 12/20/XX 75 0 0 0 0 CONV 61 61 61 100% 100% 10/17/XX IST baseline conversion completion date TOTAL 439 248 218 56% 50%

Date of Report: 11/23/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Configuration Tracking Version: 1.78

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• 97% of required for IST are ready for testing, AR and Budget maps have logged incidents • All % complete 63%













Conversion Sample File Percent Complete

Target Comp Date

Actual Comp Date

Vendor (1-9, 66, 67) 1 1 10 8/15 100% 9/3 9/10 Procurement Encumb.

Expend. (12,XX,16,17) 2 1 4 9/4 100% 9/16 9/30

Accounts Payable (18, 20) 3 1 2 9/3 100% 10/1 10/1 24 Accounts Receivable 4 1 1 Receivables 9/4 100% incident Accounts Receivable (26, 27) 4 1 2 N/A 100% 9/30 9/30 General Accounting 1 (30,32) 5 1 2 8/30 100% 9/30 9/30 General Accounting 2 (33, 34,

36 64, 35, 37) 6 1 4 9/17 100% 10/30 11/4

Budget(38, 39,40) 7 1 3 9/17 100% 10/9 10/9 41 Budget 7 1 1 Existing Capital Expense Budget -

Linking IRIS 100% incident

Fixed Assets (53, 54) 9 1 2 Capitalized Fixed Assets 8/28 100% 9/4 9/4 Inventory (56) 11 1 1 Stock Adjustment 9/23 100% 9/9 9/9

XX Procurement Encumb. Expend.

2 1 Encumbered Expenditures - References 12/6

19 Accounts Payable 2 1 Warrants Outstanding Current Year - References


25 Accounts Receivable 2 1 Receivables - References 12/6 28 Accounts Receivable 5 1 Encumbered Revenue -References 12/6 31 General Accounting 1 2 1 RSAs - Reference 12/6

42 - 51 Budget 5 10 Annual Load from ABS TBD 51 - 62 Third Party Billing (TPBS) 12 4 GCD In progress TBD

63 Users XX 1 UDOC 12/6 3/1/XX

Date of Report: 12/10/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Conversion Tracking Version: 2.67

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Group 1 100% ready for IST (16 of 16), due 10/1/XX • Group 2 20% ready for IST (1 of 5), due 10/1/XX • Group 3 0% ready for IST/UAT (0 of 37), mix of 10/1/XX and 1/1/XX due dates • Group 5 0% ready for UAT (0 of 9), due 1/1/XX • Group 6 0% ready for UAT (0 of 6), due 1/1/XX • Group 7 0% ready for Post-UAT (0 of 6), pre-production • Group 8 15% ready for IST/UAT (2 of XX), mix of 10/1/XX and 1/1/XX due dates • Due Date assignment in progress—blue cell indicates pending target completion date • Note missing and escalated items highlighted in yellow below

Grp Full Name I S T

In/ Out

Design Complete

Design Sign-off

% Done

Code/ UT


Code / UT Sign-


% Don


Zone 1 Test

Zone 2 Test

Zone 3 Test

1 ACPE-15-Get Warrant Cash Dt Y OUT 5/22/XX 7/2/XX 100% 7/30/XX 8/28/XX 100% 1 DHSS-107-HESSAS2P - Extract Outstanding

Warrants and create file for AKSAS Y OUT 6/26/XX 7/29/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 9/XX/XX 100%

1 DHSS-108-HPA2038P - Matches O/S Warrants directly against AKSAS ADA BAS and creates file for H&SS

Y OUT 6/26/XX 7/29/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 9/XX/XX 100%

1 DHSS-XX3-MMIS Outstanding Warrant listing Y OUT 6/26/XX 7/29/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 9/XX/XX 100% 1 DHSS-XX4-Warrant Resolution Y OUT 5/22/XX 7/2/XX 100% 7/30/XX 8/28/XX 100% 1 DOA-101-Warrant Resolution Y OUT 5/22/XX 7/2/XX 100% 7/30/XX 8/28/XX 100% 1 DOA-103-Outstanding Warrants Y OUT 6/26/XX 7/29/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 9/XX/XX 100% 1 DOA-XX2-DRB - Redemption Y OUT 5/22/XX 7/2/XX 100% 7/30/XX 8/28/XX 100% 1 DOA-71int-LDF Y IN 8/26/XX 9/6/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 10/18/XX 100% 1 DOA-72a-Business Leave Bank Y IN 6/19/XX 7/29/XX 100% 10/16/XX 10/16/XX 100% 1 DOA-72b-Business Leave Bank Y IN 6/19/XX 7/29/XX 100% 10/16/XX 10/16/XX 100% 1 DOA-73-Payroll Warrants Y IN 6/19/XX 7/29/XX 100% 8/30/XX 10/29/XX 100% 1 DOA-76-IRS - 1099/W-2 Y OUT 7/XX/XX 8/XX/XX 100% 9/22/XX 10/8/XX 100% 1 DOA-81-Bank - Positive Pay Y OUT 8/5/XX 8/19/XX 100% 9/18/XX 10/8/XX 100% 1 DOA-99-Unclaimed Property (same as DOR 25-

UP) Y OUT 7/16/XX 8/XX/XX 100% 11/12/XX 11/12/XX 100%

1 DOR-34-Warrant reconciliation Y OUT 5/22/XX 7/2/XX 100% 7/30/XX 8/28/XX 100% 2.0 DOA-87-Bank - EDI Y OUT 8/21/XX 10/31/XX 100% 10/9/XX 10/9/XX 100% 2.5 DOA-85b-Bank - OneCard Transactions Y IN 10/21/XX Escalate 75% Late 50% 2.6 DOA-80-Bank - Warrant Redemption Y IN Missing Escalate 75% Late 0% 2.6 DOA-86-Bank - OneCard Accounts Y IN 11/6/XX Escalate 75% Missing 75% 2.6 DOA-94-Autopay Y IN 10/21/XX Escalate 75% Late 25% 3 ACPE-16-Warrant AKSAS Interface IN 25% 0%

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

3 ACPE-17-General Ledger AKSAS Interface IN 25% 0% 3 ACS-6-Jury Warrant Interface IN Missing Missing 100% 50% 3 DHSS-102-WIC Program IN 50% 0% 3 DHSS-105-HESSAS1P - Immediate Run Warrants

to AKSAS IN 25% 0%

3 DHSS-109-HESEBH1P = EBT History Extract IN 25% 0% 3 DHSS-110-HESCC40P - AKSAS Interface for

Childcare System IN 25% 0%

3 DHSS-112-HESJP40P - JAS Payments AKSAS Interface

IN 25% 0%

3 DHSS-1XX-HESHAS1P - Heating Assistance AKSAS Interface

IN 25% 0%

3 DHSS-118b New-Medical Assistance Warrants IN 25% 0% 3 DHSS-118c New-Medical Assistance Journal Entries IN 25% 0% 3 DHSS-118-Medical Assistance Journal Entries IN 25% 0% 3 DHSS-119a-ORCA IN05 AKSAS Interface IN 50% 0% 3 DOL-19-DVR interface to AKSAS IN 0% 0% 3 DOL-20-Fish Fund interface to AKSAS IN 0% 0% 3 DOR-24-Unclaimed Property IN 25% 0% 3 DOR-33-Warrant Pay IN Missing Missing 100% Missing 75% 3 DOR-35-Stop Pay/Cancel IN 25% 0% 3 DOT-1a-AIS 3 DOT-43b-EMS Asset Increase 3 DOT-43-EMS AKSAS Interface IN 25% 0% 3 DOT-50-RABS 3 DOT-51-Grants Management 3 DOT-53-PropWorks 3 DOT-54-Met Labs 3.6 CED-5-AKSAS Export IN 50% 25% 3.6 DHSS-103-HESP006P - Cash Immediate Run Job IN 25% 0% 3.6 DHSS-119c New-ORCA IN05 AKSAS Interface IN 25% 0% 3.6 DHSS-119d New-ORCA IN05 AKSAS Interface IN 25% 0% 3.6 DNR-7b New-Revenue & Billing (R&B) IN 25% 0% 3.6 DNR-7c New-Revenue & Billing (R&B) IN 25% 0% 3.6 DNR-7-Revenue & Billing (R&B) IN 25% 0% 3.6 DOA-XX1a-DRB - Benefits IN Missing Missing 100% 50% 3.6 DOA-XX1b-DRB - Benefits IN Missing Missing 100% 50% 3.6 DOA-XX1d-DRB - Refunds IN Missing Missing 100% 50% 3.6 DOA-XX1-DRB - PERS IN 0% 0% 3.6 GOV-New-Elections Interface IN Missing Missing 100% 50% 3.9 DFG-10-Vendor Quarterly Compensation IN 0% 0% 3.9 DFG-11-Vendor Year End Compensation IN 0% 0% 3.9 DFG-XX-Year End 1099 Processing IN 0% 0% 3.9 DFG-XX-License Customer Refunds IN 0% 0% 5 DHSS-111-HESCCWRP - AKSAS Interface

Reconciliation Job for Childcare Payments OUT Missing Escalate 75% 25%

5 DHSS-1XX-HESDRECP - AKSAS Interface Reconciliation job for JAS Payments

OUT Missing Escalate 75% 25%

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

5 DHSS-119b-ORCA IN05 AKSAS Interface OUT 11/12/XX Escalate 75% Missing 75% 5 DOA-100a-Interface Response File OUT 25% 25% 5 DOA-100b-Daily Disbursements OUT 11/12/XX Escalate 75% 75% 5 DOA-12-Budget Load IN 7/31/XX 7/31/XX 100% 0% 5 DOA-200-OPN OUT 0% 0% 5 DOT-10-eParcels OUT 0% 0% 5 DOT-9-Equipment Management System (EMS) OUT 0% 0% 6 CED-6-Business License System - GL Suites IN 0% 0% 6 DHSS-64-DS3 IN 0% 0% 6 DHSS-84-TCPS IN 0% 0% 6 DHSS-86a-eGrants IN 0% 0% 6 DOA-74-PMF Load IN 0% 0% 6 DOT-28-RMSIII IN 0% 0% 7.2 DOA-102-OFAC OUT 0% 0% 7.2 DOA-24int-CP2100 BNotice IN 0% 0% 7.2 DOA-88-GetThere / Sabre OUT 0% 0% 7.2 DOA-90-IRS - 1099-MISC OUT 0% 0% 7.6 DOA-3-LMS/LPS IN 0% 0% 7.6 DOC-8-1099 Forms IN 0% 0% 8.2 DOR-7-GeFonsi OUT 9/2/XX 9/10/XX 100% 9/XX/XX 9/16/XX 100% 8.2 DOT-15-Management Reporting System (MRS) OUT 0% 0% 8.2 DOT-45-Maintenance Management System (MMS)

Weekly Imports, includes Structure Extracts OUT 0% 0%

8.4 DOR-102-Inter Fund Posting Y OUT 9/16/XX 10/XX/XX 100% 10/28/XX 10/28/XX 100% 8.4 DOR-XX-Reconciliation Y OUT 9/24/XX Escalate 50% 0% 8.6 DOA-168-Cost Allocation Table Import IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOR-100-TMS Treasury JE Y IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOR-101-NRS IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOR-26-TMS Cash Receipts Y IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOR-27-TMS Treasury Interfund Postings Y IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOR-2-GeFONSI IN 25% 0% 8.6 DOT-39a-AKSAS T&E Data IN 0% 0% 8.6 DOT-43a-EMS AKSAS Interface IN 0% 0%

Date of Report: 11/23/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Interface Tracking Version: 0.245

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Drop 2 (except P-Card) delivery 11/30/XX; P-Card delivery 12/15/XX • Drop 3 LOE in progress target Apr-20XX delivery • Drop 4 BCP in State review • Drop 5 potential new modification needed to custom budgets for appropriation detail • HRM modifications added for tracking purposes

SC Ref

Enhancements Baseline Candidate

BCP Finalized with SM

LOE Due Date

FD Approval


Drop Due Date

Drop Received Date

Target Drop

31 31 - Proc Renewal CT doc pick up Yes Yes N/A 07/26/XX 10/07/XX 1

38 38 - Proc Schedule of Events Yes Yes N/A 08/02/XX 10/07/XX 1 42 42 - Proc Reopen by Doc Code Yes Yes N/A 08/08/XX 10/07/XX 1 69 69 - COA inference tables Yes Yes N/A 06/18/XX 10/07/XX 1 68 68 - COA combo validation Yes Yes N/A 06/18/XX 10/07/XX 1 83 83 - Small Procurement Yes Yes N/A 08/08/XX 10/07/XX 1 Budget Staging Modification, Setup of 2 Op, 2 Cap

Budgets No N/A N/A 08/12/XX 07/XX/XX 1

Backport 3.10 Enhanced Authentication (issue XX7/384) N/A N/A N/A N/A 10/07/XX 1 2 Operating, 2 Capital Budgets No Yes N/A N/A BS90/91, 05/10/XX

BS 92 /93, 06/11/XX


2 Additional Department Budgets No Yes N/A N/A 08/12/XX 08/12/XX 1 29 29 - Proc Auto Preference Yes 06/24/XX N/A 09/26/XX 2 39 39 - Proc Multi Vendor default off No Yes N/A N/A 2 41 41 - Proc Filter SOQA table Yes Yes N/A 09/12/XX 2 43 43 - Proc Enable Attach post-award Yes Yes N/A 09/10/XX 2 50 50 - Proc Issue Queue (ISSQ) Yes Yes N/A 09/26/XX 2 78 78 - Level 3 detail from USB Yes Yes N/A 10/09/XX 2 79 79 - Pcard daily EFT Yes Yes N/A 10/09/XX 2 44 44 - Proc Award Email Distro Yes Yes N/A 09/26/XX 2 55 55 - Add'l ref inquiry (option 2) No Yes N/A 09/11/XX 2

NEW DOT Time and Equipment Yes Yes 3 NEW DOT Combo Validation Tables (2) No 3 NEW DOT 3.10 backport of Demo Grants N/A N/A 3 NEW BFY inferences for front-end splits TBD 4

??? Custom Budget Modification for Appropriation Detail TBD TBD 5 04 Leave Accrual 11/27/XX HRM 1 XX Periodic Leave Balance Checking 11/27/XX HRM 1 15 Date Advance 2/28/XX HRM 2

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

Date of Report: 11/25/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Tracking Software Enhancements Version: 2.27

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Group 1: 54% complete (15 of 29 ready for test), no change • Group 2: 20% complete ( 2 of 10 ready for test), no change • State/<SI> addressing late forms, addition KT in progress

Form Group

Name Form ID Business Function Dev - % Complete

Unit Test - %


Due Date Deployed to QAT

Deployed to SYS

1 Solicitation - BAFO 1 Procurement 100% 25% 9/10/XX No No 1 Grants Given 7 Procurement 0% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Performance Evaluation 21 Procurement 100% 25% 9/10/XX No No 1 Renewal 24 Procurement 0% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Solicitation Label Printer 29 Procurement 100% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Termination 31 Procurement 100% 25% 9/10/XX No No 1 Stock Transfer Issue 38 Inventory 0% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Warrant 52 Accounts Payable 25% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Remittance Advice Email Attachment 53 Accounts Payable 0% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Customer past due invoice 57 Accounts Receivable 25% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Customer statement 59 Accounts Receivable 75% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Customer past due statement 60 Accounts Receivable 75% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Requisition (RQM) 15a Procurement 50% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Requisition (RQS) 15b Procurement 50% 0% 9/10/XX No No 1 Solicitation - ITB 1 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Solicitation - RFQ 1 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Master Agreement Modification / Memorandum of

Agreement Amendment XX Procurement 100% 100% No No

1 Contract Modification 17 Procurement 100% 100% No No 1 Solicitation - RFI 1 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Solicitation - RFP 1 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Solicitation - IRFP 1 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Contract 2 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Master Agreement XX Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Over-the-Counter Stock Issue 33 Inventory 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Pick Tickets 36 Inventory 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Issue Confirmation 37 Inventory 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Customer regular invoice 56 Accounts Receivable 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Purchase Order (Simple) 22B Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 1 Delivery Order 4B Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 2 Backup Withholding Notices - 1st Notice 50 Accounts Payable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Backup Withholding Notices - 2nd Notice 51 Accounts Payable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Customer Collection letter 58 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Payment Plan Schedule 61 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Reminder notice of scheduled payment 62 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

2 Notification of Payment Plan cancellation 63 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Notification of Payment Plan completion 64 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Notice of Intent to Intercept form 65 Accounts Receivable 0% 0% 12/20/XX No No 2 Delivery Order (complex) 4 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes 2 Purchase Order (Complex) 22 Procurement 100% 100% Yes Yes

Date of Report: 11/21/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Forms Tracking Version: 0.89

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Group 1-IST: 50% design complete (16 of 32) • Group 2-UAT: XX% design complete (4 of 32) • Group 3-Post UAT: 0% design complete (0 of 21) • Report design document location: Team_Working_Directories>Technical Team> Data Warehouse> Enterprise Templates • Due dates for remaining designs need to be assigned

Rpt #

Business Function

Priority Name Target report design initial draft

Actual report design

initial draft

Target SME

Review and


Actual SME

Review and Acceptance

1 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Prompt Payment Discounts Received 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX 3 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Average Invoice Payment Time 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX 4 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Electronic Payment Percentage 1/31/20XX 10/1/20XX 5 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Vendors Using Electronic Funds Transfer 1/31/20XX 10/1/20XX 6 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Receivables Intercepted 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX 7 Accounts Payable Prod 2 Reconciled Procurement Card Transaction Rate 1/31/20XX 10/1/20XX 8 Accounts Payable IST Redeemed Warrants 10/15/20XX 9 Accounts Payable IST Open Item - Pre-Encumbrances 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/16/20XX

10 Accounts Payable IST Open Item - Encumbrances 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 10/15/20XX 11 Accounts Payable UAT Open Item - Accounts Payable 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 12 Accounts Payable Aging Log

XX Accounts Receivable Prod 2 Average Collection Time of Accounts Receivable 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX XX Accounts Receivable Prod 2 Measurement of Age of Outstanding Accounts Receivable 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX 15 Accounts Receivable IST Open Items - Accounts Receivable 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 10/17/20XX 16 Accounts Receivable RC Log 17 Budget Prod 2 Budget Line Adjustment Count 1/31/20XX 10/2/20XX 18 Budget IST Expense & Revenue Authorization vs. Actual Comparison 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/16/20XX 19 Budget IST Budget Analysis for Appropriation 10/15/20XX 10/30/20XX 20 Budget Expenditure/Revenue & Personal Services Tracking 21 Cost Accounting Prod Internal Costing Journal Report. 1/31/20XX 24 Cost Accounting IST Overhead Rate Output report 10/15/20XX 10/30/20XX 26 Cost Accounting Prod Cost Allocation Summary Journal Report 1/31/20XX 34 Cost Accounting UAT Cost Allocation Totals Report 11/15/20XX 70 Cost Accounting UAT Cost Allocation Expansion Results Report 11/15/20XX 71 Cost Accounting UAT Cost Allocation History Table Report 11/15/20XX

1XX Cost Accounting UAT Five Cost Allocation structural tables 11/15/20XX 27 Fixed Assets IST Acquisition/Betterment Report 10/15/20XX 10/30/20XX 11/8/20XX 28 Fixed Assets IST Inventory Record Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 29 Fixed Assets UAT FIN-FA-0001 Fixed Asset Property Accounting Addition 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 30 Fixed Assets UAT FIN-FA-0002 Fixed Asset by Type - Detail 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

31 Fixed Assets UAT FIN-FA-0004 Fixed Asset Replacement Forecast 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 32 General Accounting IST Open CRS by Reporting Code (Deposits) 10/15/20XX 10/30/20XX 11/8/20XX 35 General Accounting PROD 2 Re-Appropriation Duration 1/31/20XX 10/3/20XX 36 General Accounting PROD 2 CAFR Duration 1/31/20XX 10/3/20XX 37 General Accounting PROD 2 Manual Journal Voucher (JV) Count 1/31/20XX 38 General Accounting IST CAFR Reports - Balance Sheet 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 11/8/20XX 39 General Accounting IST CAFR Reports - Trial Balance 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 11/8/20XX 40 General Accounting UAT CAFR Reports - Trial Balance Real Accounts 11/15/20XX 72 General Accounting UAT CAFR Reports - Trial Balance Nominal Accounts 11/15/20XX 73 General Accounting IST RSA Open Items Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 41 General Accounting IST Cash Management Reports - Interest Allocations 10/15/20XX 11/15/20XX 46 General Accounting IST Cash Management Reports - Pool History 10/15/20XX 10/17/20XX 11/8/20XX 48 General Accounting IST Cash Management Reports - Previous Day Deposits 10/15/20XX 11/8/20XX 63 General Accounting IST RSA Payment History 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 64 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0001 Statement of Net Assets 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 65 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0002 Statement of Activities 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 66 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0004 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -

Government Funds 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX

67 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0005 Statement of Net Assets - Proprietary Funds 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 68 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0006 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -

Proprietary Funds 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX

69 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0007 Statement of Net Assets - Fiduciary Funds 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 50 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0008 Statement of Changes in Net Assets - Fiduciary Funds 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 51 General Accounting UAT FIN-CAFR-0009 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -

Budget and Actual 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX

87 General Accounting IST FIN-GA-0010 Detailed Transaction Listing 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 88 Inventory UAT Order Line Fill Rate Report 11/15/20XX 10/1/20XX 89 Inventory UAT Inventory Turn Rate by Item Report 11/15/20XX 10/2/20XX 52 Inventory UAT Theft/Damage Rate- Loss Ratio Per period 10/15/20XX 10/2/20XX 53 Inventory UAT Inventory Items On-Order 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 10/7/20XX 54 Inventory UAT Inventory Items on Backorder 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 10/7/20XX 57 Inventory IST Transaction Log 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 10/4/20XX

101 Inventory UAT Individual Item Usage 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 10/4/20XX 102 Inventory UAT ABC Analysis 11/15/20XX 103 Inventory IST Inventory Item Catalog 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 10/3/20XX 58 Inventory UAT Replenishment Receiving Report 11/15/20XX 10/11/20XX 10/11/20XX 59 Inventory IST Cycle Count 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 10/3/20XX 60 Inventory IST Inventory Value Analysis 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 10/4/20XX 61 Procurement IST Open PO/DO/CT Items Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/12/20XX 62 Procurement IST Spend by Commodity Code Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/12/20XX 79 Procurement IST Pending Delivery Tracking Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/12/20XX 80 Procurement IST Procurement Summary Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/12/20XX 81 Procurement IST Request for Alternative Procurement Information Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/XX/20XX 9/XX/20XX 82 Procurement UAT Procurement Cycle Time Report 11/15/20XX 10/2/20XX 83 Procurement IST Percentage of Spend from Contracts 10/15/20XX 10/1/20XX 84 Procurement UAT Percentage of Awards Where a Vendor Performance Evaluation has Been Undertaken 11/15/20XX 10/1/20XX 85 Procurement UAT Vendor Performance Evaluation Percentage Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 86 Procurement IST Requisition Assignment 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 9/XX/20XX

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

96 Procurement IST Open Solicitations 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 9/20/20XX 9/17/20XX 110 Procurement Prod Solicitation Tabulation Report 9/9/20XX 9/9/20XX 111 Vendor UAT Percentage of Vendors Activated in VSS Report 11/15/20XX 10/1/20XX 112 Vendor UAT Duplicate Payment 11/15/20XX 115 Vendor IST Non-Profit Organization 10/15/20XX #N/A 11/XX/20XX 116 Vendor IST OFAC 10/15/20XX 11/18/20XX 117 Vendor UAT IRS TIN Matching 11/15/20XX 11/XX/20XX 118 AKSAS Report # 246510 119 ALDER Import 119 Accounts Payable Due Diligence

Date of Report: 11/19/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Report Requirements Version: 0.42 Location of Report Designs

Team_Working_Directories>Technical Team> Data Warehouse> Enterprise Templates

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• IST Interval 1 29% executed with 17% pass rate, 66% conditionally passed rate, and 18% fail rate. • 45 current incidents with 1 urgent and 4 high. 6 new incidents were opened and 17 were closed in the period.

By Due Date 11/19/20XX

Due Total Not Executed Passed Passed

Conditionally Failed # Executed

% Executed % Pass % Cond % Fail

11/1/20XX 7 0 2 0 5 7 100% 29% 0% 71% 11/8/20XX 54 6 7 33 8 48 89% 15% 69% 17% 11/15/20XX 39 6 5 23 4 32 82% 16% 72% XX% 11/22/20XX 57 48 2 7 0 9 16% 22% 78% 0% 11/29/20XX 9 9 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 12/6/20XX 74 72 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

12/XX/20XX 20 20 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 12/20/20XX 60 60 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

blank 10 10 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 330 231 16 63 17 96 29% 17% 66% 18%

Executed Pass/Fail Rates By Business Area

Group Total Not Executed Passed Passed

Conditionally Failed #

Executed %

Executed % Pass % Cond % Fail

Accounts Payable 47 36 3 7 1 11 23% 27% 64% 9% Accounts Receivable 19 6 3 9 0 12 63% 25% 75% 0%

Budget XX 9 4 1 0 5 36% 80% 20% 0% Cost Accounting 12 5 0 7 0 7 58% 0% 100% 0% Cost Allocation 29 29 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

End-to-End 17 15 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% FHWA 3 3 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

Fixed Assets 16 4 1 11 0 12 75% 8% 92% 0% General Accounting 16 12 0 2 2 4 25% 0% 50% 50%

Inventory Management 36 22 5 4 5 XX 39% 36% 29% 36% Procurement 49 27 0 18 4 22 45% 0% 82% 18%

Security & Workflow 10 10 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% Vendor Management 15 6 0 4 5 9 60% 0% 44% 56%

283 184 16 63 17 96 Modifications 19 19 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0%

Interfaces 26 26 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 328 229 16 63 17 96 29% 17% 66% 18%

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

IST Incident Statistics **Includes Conversion**

Type Disposition 1-Urgent 2-High 3-Normal 4-Low Type # New Since Last

Closed Since Last

1 - Configuration 0 1 XX 1 1 - Configuration 16 2 XX 1 - Configuration 0 - Draft 0 0 2 0 1 - Configuration 1 - Active 0 1 11 1 1 - Configuration 2 - Ready for Retest 0 0 1 0 2 - Software Defect 1 2 17 2 2 - Software Defect 22 4 2 2 - Software Defect 0 - Draft 0 0 8 0 2 - Software Defect 1 - Active 1 2 8 2 2 - Software Defect 2 - Ready for Retest 0 0 1 0 3 - Procedural 0 1 0 0 3 - Procedural 1 - - 3 - Procedural 0 - Draft 0 0 0 0 3 - Procedural 1 - Active 0 1 0 0 3 - Procedural 2 - Ready for Retest 0 0 0 0 4 - Question 0 0 1 0 4 - Question 1 - - 4 - Question 0 - Draft 0 0 0 0 4 - Question 1 - Active 0 0 1 0 4 - Question 2 - Ready for Retest 0 0 0 0 5 - Other 0 0 3 2 5 - Other 5 - 2 5 - Other 0 - Draft 0 0 0 0 5 - Other 1 - Active 0 0 3 2 5 - Other 2 - Ready for Retest 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 45 1 4 35 5 TOTAL 45 6 17 1-Urgent 2-High 3-Normal 4-Low last = 11/XX/20XX Conversion Incidents 0 4 10 5 18

Date of Report: 11/19/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > IST Status Version: 11/XX

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• Tracking updated to include detail by groups DESIGN TEST MATERIALS FINALIZE VALIDATE

Group Training Module Name Design Planned Finish

Actual Finish

% Done

Planned Finsh

Actual Finish

% Done

Planned Finish

Actual Finish

% Done

Planned Finish

Actual Finish

Sign Off

% Done

1 IRIS Overview 7/5/XX 7/1/XX 100% 08/27/XX 9/5/20XX 95% 09/09/XX 90% 9/23/20XX 0% 1 IRIS Getting Started 6/24/XX 7/1/XX 100% 08/27/XX 9/4/20XX 95% 09/09/XX 90% 9/23/20XX 0% 1 IRIS Workflow and Approvals 6/27/XX 7/1/XX 100% 08/27/XX 9/4/20XX 95% 09/09/XX 90% 9/23/20XX 0% 2 IRIS Chart of Account 7/30/XX 8/2/XX 100% 09/18/XX 80% 09/30/XX 25% 10/XX/XX 0% 2 IRIS General Accounting 7/30/XX 8/XX/XX 100% 09/18/XX 0% 09/30/XX 0% 10/XX/XX 0% 2 IRIS Budget Control 7/30/XX 8/2/XX 100% 09/18/XX 0% 09/30/XX 0% 10/XX/XX 0% 2 IRIS Accounts Payable 7/30/XX 8/6/XX 100% 09/18/XX 25% 09/30/XX 0% 10/XX/XX 0% 2 IRIS Accounts Receivable 7/30/XX 8/8/XX 100% 09/18/XX 50% 09/30/XX 25% 10/XX/XX 0% 2 Procurement Overview 7/30/XX 8/7/XX 100% 09/18/XX 9/5/20XX 100% 09/30/XX 0% 10/XX/XX 0% 3 Procurement Card 8/16/XX 8/7/XX 100% 10/24/XX 75% 11/05/XX 0% 11/25/XX 0% 3 Requesting & Receiving

Goods/Services 8/21/XX 9/5/XX 100% 10/24/XX 0% 11/05/XX 0% 11/25/XX 0%

3 Solicitations 8/28/XX 8/27/XX 100% 10/24/XX 0% 11/05/XX 0% 11/25/XX 0% 3 Contract Management 9/4/XX 8/27/XX 100% 10/24/XX 0% 11/05/XX 0% 11/25/XX 0% 3 Warehouse Inventory 8/21/XX 9/12/XX 100% 10/24/XX 0% 11/05/XX 0% 11/25/XX 0% 4 IRIS Fixed Assets 9/25/XX 8/2/XX 100% 11/15/XX 50% 12/02/XX 0% 12/16/XX 0% 4 IRIS Reporting 9/25/XX 9/12/XX 100% 11/15/XX 0% 12/02/XX 0% 12/16/XX 0% 4 IRIS Cost Accounting

(Projects/Grants) 9/25/XX 11/11/XX 100% 11/15/XX 0% 12/02/XX 0% 12/16/XX 0%

4 IRIS Cost Allocation 9/25/XX 11/7/XX 100% 11/15/XX 0% 12/02/XX 0% 12/16/XX 0% 4 Warehouse Inventory Management 9/25/XX 9/XX/XX 100% 11/15/XX 12/02/XX 12/16/XX 4 Construction in Progress 9/25/XX 9/11/XX 100% 11/15/XX 12/02/XX 12/16/XX 4 Management Overview 11/19/XX 100% 1 IRIS Overview - PowerPoint 7/12/XX 7/19/XX 100% 1 IRIS Overview - Instructor Notes 7/16/XX 7/19/XX 100% 1 IRIS Overview - Speaker Script 8/20/XX 7/31/XX 100% 1 IRIS Overview - Video Recording 8/20/XX 10/5/XX 100% 1 IRIS Getting Started - Training

Manual 7/19/XX 8/7/XX 100%

1 IRIS Getting Started - PowerPoint 7/24/XX 8/2/XX 100% 1 IRIS Getting Started - Instructor

Notes 7/26/XX 8/6/XX 100%

1 IRIS Getting Started - Training Data Setup

8/6/XX 8/2/XX 100%

1 IRIS Getting Started - Speaker Script 8/9/XX 50% 1 IRIS Getting Started - Video

Recording 8/16/XX 25%

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - Training Manual

7/18/XX 8/6/XX 100%

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - PowerPoint

7/24/XX 8/2/XX 100%

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - Instructor Notes

7/26/XX 8/7/XX 100%

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - Training Data Setup

8/6/XX 8/2/XX 100%

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - Speaker Script

8/XX/XX 25%

1 IRIS Workflow/Approvals - Video Recording

8/23/XX 0%

2 IRIS Chart of Account - Training

Manual 8/9/XX 11/11/XX 100%

2 IRIS Chart of Account - PowerPoint 8/15/XX 90% 2 IRIS Chart of Account - Instructor

Notes 8/15/XX 90%

2 IRIS General Accounting - Training Manual

9/4/XX 11/6/XX 100%

2 IRIS General Accounting - PowerPoint

9/4/XX 25%

2 IRIS General Accounting - Instructor Notes

9/4/XX 25%

2 IRIS Budget Control - Training Manual

9/4/XX 90%

2 IRIS Budget Control - PowerPoint 9/4/XX 25% 2 IRIS Budget Control - Instructor

Notes 9/4/XX 25%

2 IRIS Accounts Payable - Training Manual

9/4/XX 8/23/XX 100%

2 IRIS Accounts Payable - PowerPoint 9/4/XX 8/23/XX 75% 2 IRIS Accounts Payable - Instructor

Notes 9/4/XX 8/23/XX 75%

2 IRIS Accounts Receivable - Training Manual

9/4/XX 9/4/XX 100%

2 IRIS Accounts Receivable - PowerPoint

9/4/XX 75%

2 IRIS Accounts Receivable - Instructor Notes

9/4/XX 75%

2 IRIS Procurement Overview - Training Manual

9/4/XX 8/23/XX 100%

2 IRIS Procurement Overview - PowerPoint

9/4/XX 8/23/XX 100%

2 IRIS Procurement Overview - Instructor Notes

9/4/XX 8/23/XX 100%

3 IRIS Procurement Card - Training

Manual 10/2/XX 10/31/XX 100%

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

3 IRIS Procurement Card - PowerPoint 10/2/XX 75% 3 IRIS Procurement Card - Instructor

Notes 10/2/XX 75%

3 IRIS Requesting & Receiving - Manual 10/2/XX 11/12/XX 100% 3 IRIS Requesting & Receiving -

PowerPoint 10/2/XX 25%

3 IRIS Requesting & Receiving - Instructor Notes

10/2/XX 0%

3 IRIS Solicitations - Training Manual 10/2/XX 90% 3 IRIS Solicitations - PowerPoint 10/2/XX 0% 3 IRIS Solicitations - Instructor Notes 10/2/XX 0% 3 IRIS Contract Mgt - Training Manual 10/2/XX 11/11/XX 100% 3 IRIS Contract Mgt - PowerPoint 10/2/XX 0% 3 IRIS Contract Mgt - Instructor Notes 10/2/XX 0% 3 IRIS Fixed Assets - Training Manual 10/2/XX 9/5/XX 100% 3 IRIS Fixed Assets - PowerPoint 10/2/XX 9/5/XX 100% 3 IRIS Fixed Assets - Instructor Notes 10/2/XX 75% 4 IRIS Warehouse Inventory - Training

Manual 10/24/XX 9/17/XX 100%

4 IRIS Warehouse Inventory - PowerPoint

10/24/XX 50%

4 IRIS Warehouse Inventory - Instructor Notes

10/24/XX 0%

4 IRIS Reporting - Training Manual 10/24/XX 25% 4 IRIS Reporting - PowerPoint 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Reporting - Instructor Notes 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Cost Allocation - Training

Manual 10/24/XX 50%

4 IRIS Cost Allocation - PowerPoint 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Cost Allocation - Instructor

Notes 10/24/XX 0%

4 IRIS Cost Accounting - Training Manual

10/24/XX 90%

4 IRIS Cost Accounting - PowerPoint 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Cost Accounting - Instructor

Notes 10/24/XX 0%

4 IRIS Travel - Training Manual 10/24/XX 25% 4 IRIS Travel - PowerPoint 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Travel - Instructor Notes 10/24/XX 0% 4 IRIS Construction in Progress -

Manual 10/24/XX 9/19/XX 100%

4 IRIS Construction in Progress - PowerPoint

10/24/XX 25%

4 IRIS Construction in Progress - Instructor Guide

10/24/XX 25%

Date of Report: 11/20/20XX <SI> Link:

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Work Plans > Training Material Tracking Version: 0.47

SOA Weekly Status Report Page 30 of 32 Revised 8/29/14 SOA

State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status

16 RESOURCES / STAFFING • 11/29/XX is a <SI> holiday that will be marked in the future

Date of Report: 11/19/20XX <SI> Link: SOA Path: SOA ERP Engagement Delivery Mgmt > State of Alaska ERP > Team Working Directories Version: NA

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State of Alaska Integrated Resource Information System Project Weekly Status


• The process for updating the Weekly Status Report is below:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Status Report finalized (PMO);

Status Report reviewed (PMs, PMO)

Status posted by COB (PMO)

WBS updates / turnaround due;

Team status drafted (accomplishments, planned activities)

WBS Updated (PMs);

Team Status Reviewed and submitted (LEADS);

Status Report assembled (PMO)


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