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State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40...

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State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal Cancer Prof dr Chiricuta I Christian AMETHYST - Otopeni
Page 1: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal Cancer

Prof dr Chiricuta I Christian

AMETHYST - Otopeni

Page 2: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 3: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 4: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 5: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy



Page 6: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 7: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Divisions, terminology, and relationships of the esophagus. UES, upper esophageal sphincter; LES, lower esophageal sphincter. (Courtesy Dr. Dorothea Liebermann-Meffert; modified.)

Page 8: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 9: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 10: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 11: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 12: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 13: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Plan de radioterapie la un pacient cu o tumora atreimii craniale a esofagului iradiata pe un voluminsufficient si cu o doza insuficienta realizat intr-uncentru cu aparatura de ultima generatie si conformrecomandarile societatii americane de oncologie.

Page 14: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Exemplul cel mai elocvent cum intr-un centru de radioterapie cuaparatura de virf se foloseste o tehnica de iradiere din epocacobaltului si anume tehnica box (4 cimpuri). Aceasta tehnica faceimposibila aplicarea dozei necesare pentru a obtine un controltumoral. Din cei 66 Gy necesari au fost aplicati numai 50 Gy in 25fractiuni. Maduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. Oreiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66Gy la 2 luni de la finalizarea primei radioterapii este imposibila.

Page 15: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Acesti medici activi azi in multe centre “au cazut nepregatiti intr-oepoca “moderna” si nu pot face fata cerintelor. Cine raspunde desoarta pacientului mai sus prezentat: un protocol nefericit al uneisocietati recunoscute (NCCN), un medic ce vine din era cobalt-uluisi acum are pe mina un accelerator de ultima generatie. Underamine constiinta medicului ? De ce nu trimite acest pacient la uncentru ce ofera tratamentul necesar?

Exodul de medici cu specialitatea radioterapie si oncologie este orealitate cu consecinte dramatice asupra asigurarii unui supportadecvat pacientului oncologic. In anul 2007 a fost raportat unnumar de 100 de medici de radioterapie in reteaua de stat, azisunt numai 50-60 in toata tara la stat si privat. Necesitatileradioterapiei la o populatie de 18 -20 de milioane ar fi 80 deacceleratoare liniare ce trebuie sa fie inzestrate cu cite 3 medicide specialitate per fiecare accelerator. Deci 240 pina la 300 demedici de specialitate sunt necesari considerind si pe cei ce ies lapensie in urmatorii ani.

Page 16: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

This analysis demonstrates a marked downstaging and a significant survival benefit with combined neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy as compared to primary resection.

Page 17: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 18: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 19: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 21: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Target Volume DefinitionBased on Involvement of Regional Lymphatics in Dependence of the Localisation of

the Primary Tumor

Kiricuta 1992 based on data from Akiyama 1988

Incidence of involvement of the lower neck nodes of the mediastinal and upper abdominal lymphatics for the extrathoracal and the intrathorcal esophageal cancer

Page 22: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Esophageal Carcinoma

TNM Regional Nodes

Cervical esophagus:

- scalene, internal jugular, upper cervical

- periesophageal

- supraclavicular

- cervical

Intrathoracic esophagus (upper, middle, lower):

- tracheobronchial

- superior mediastinal

- peritracheal

- carinal

- hilar (pulmonary

- periesophageal

- perigastric

- paracardial

- mediastinal

Recommendation for Lymphadenectomy

6 or more LN

Page 23: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Lymph Node Staging MapEsophageal Cancer - Standardized Node Locations

Niegweg et al. Annals of Surgery 1999

Page 24: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 25: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 26: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 27: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 28: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 29: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 30: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy





Jun 9










Okt 98









Jan 9


Jan 9


Jan 9




Gewichtsentwicklung bei Pat. mit Oropharynx Ca u. Zweittumor

des Ösophagus





Tumorresektion I.

Strahlentherapie mit


Tumorresektion II




Strahlentherapie mit




Sondennahrung mit

3320-3528 kcal.

Page 31: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Ösophaguskarzinom im mittleren Drittel, mit ausgeprägtem extraluminären Wachstum ins Mediastinum (T4 NX M0) ED 11/98

Page 32: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Gleiches Karzinom nach Radiotherapie mit 70 Gy von 12/98 - 1/99

(distaler Anteil des Ösophagus)

Page 33: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 34: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

nach 70 Gy RT

nach 60 Gy RT

vor RTvor RT

nach 60 Gy RT

vor RTEsophagus


82 Jahre alte


Page 35: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Vor RT

Nach 60 Gy RT

Vor RT

Nach 70 Gy RT

Esophagus Karzinom

82 Jahre alte Patientin

Page 36: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

vor CHT

vor CHT

vor CHTTumorbettnach



LK Meta Supraclav.


Esophagus Tumordes oberen intrathorakalem Drittel

Page 37: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Esophagus Tumormit




Page 38: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 39: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 40: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 41: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 42: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Anatomy of the Esophagus:The lymphatic drainage Zones of Resano

Haagensen 1972

Page 43: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

PREOP RT + CHT, RTOG 94 – 05Minski et al. JCO 2002

Therefore, 50.4 Gy at 1.8 Gy per fraction 5 days per week is currently considered standardfor patients with esophageal cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy.56–58,66

Page 44: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 45: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 46: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Preop RT + CHT

Page 47: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 48: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 49: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 50: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 51: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

dupa iradiereFistula?

dupa iradiereFistula?

Inainte de iradiereFara fistula


Page 52: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

dupa iradiereFistula?

Inainte de iradiereFara fistula


Page 53: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Inainte de iradieredupa iradiereFistula?

dupa iradiereFistula?


Page 54: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Ultima iradiere (la 50 Gy)

Prima iradiere (la 0 Gy)dupa iradiere



Page 55: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 56: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 57: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 58: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 59: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 60: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 61: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 62: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

54 ani

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Page 64: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 65: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

81 ani

Page 66: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 67: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 68: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 69: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 70: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 71: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

This patient is a 72-year-oldmale who presented withanemia.Esophagogastroduodenoscopy(“EGD”) revealed esophagealtumor extending from 29.0cmto 38.0cm. Endoesophagealultrasound staged this as T3 N0M0 carcinoma. CT scanrevealed abnormality involvingthe distal esophagus. The planwas for radiation therapycombined with chemotherapyand then definitive surgery.

A radiation-planning wholebody FDG PET/CT scan wasordered prior to onset oftreatment. This revealedintense increased uptake ofFDG in the distal esophagusand also two abnormal nodesin the anterior mediastinumsuperior to the primary mass.This was a surprise finding andvaluable in changing theradiation treatment volume soas to include these nodes.Both tumor staging andradiation treatment volumewere changed as a result ofthe PET/CT.

Page 72: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 73: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Whole body FDG-PET/CT MIP view (A), transaxial (B1) andsagittal (B2) fused images in a 64-year-old man withoesophageal carcinoma (thin arrows) and vertebralinvolvement (thick arrows), which rendered himinoperable.

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Page 75: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 76: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 77: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 78: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 79: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 80: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Preoperative Radiochemotherapy in Gastric Cancer: Another Ongoing Shift From Adjuvant to Neoadjuvant?

JCO 2005, 3870-3871

Abdelkarim S. AllalRadiation Oncology Service, Geneva University Hospital,

Geneva, Switzerland


Perez& Brady1996


palliation AdjuvantRT+CT



Page 81: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Postoperative chemoradiotherapy should be considered for all patients at high risk for recurrence of adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal

junction who have undergone curative resection.

Page 82: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

Greutate la inceput RT+CHT 65 kg, la sfirsit RT+CHT 65kg

66 ani

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Page 84: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 85: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 86: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

PREOP RT + CHT, RTOG 94 – 05Minski et al. JCO 2002

Therefore, 50.4 Gy at 1.8 Gy per fraction 5 days per week is currently considered standardfor patients with esophageal cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy.56–58,66

Page 87: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 88: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Computed tomography (CT) scan and positron emission tomography (PET) images of a 71-year-old man who presented with abdominal discomfort. A, Chest CT scan showing abnormalesophageal thickening extending from the midesophagus to the distal esophagus.Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed involvement with a moderately well differentiatedesophageal adenocarcinoma extending from 25 to 35 cm of the esophagus. B and C, PET scan(B) and combined PET-CT scans (C) show abnormal uptake in that area. D, Coronal PET imagesshow extent of the cancer. (Courtesy of Dr. Bohdan Bybel, Department of Radiology, ClevelandClinic.)

Page 89: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). A, EUS can assess enlarged lymph nodessurrounding the esophageal cancer. Using certain criteria and combining them withfine-needle aspiration of suspicious lymph nodes (B), the accuracy can reach almost95%. This is highly dependent on operator experience.

Page 90: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 91: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 92: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 93: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 94: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 95: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 96: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Squamous cell carcinoma

Page 97: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 98: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 99: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 100: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy














Bevor Ther. Begin RT End RT




in k


Pat.v.S. Pat.La. Pat.Jö. Pat.Kr.

Pat.Re. Pat. Ge. Pat. Wa. Pat. Fa.

Gewichts-Follow Up von Patienten mit Hochdosisstrahlentherapie bei


unter Immunonutrition


Page 101: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 102: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 103: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 104: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 105: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy

SCC Adeno Ca

Radiation was delivered in daily fractions of 1.8 Gy (days 1–5, 8–12, 15–19, and 22–26) to a total dose of 36 Gy using a multiple field technique. Surgical resection was carried out 4–5weeks following completion of chemoradiation

Page 106: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 107: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 108: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 109: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 110: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 111: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 112: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 113: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 114: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 115: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 116: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 117: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 118: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 119: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 120: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 121: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 122: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 123: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 124: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 125: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 126: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 127: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 128: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 129: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 130: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 131: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 132: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 133: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 134: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 135: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 136: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 137: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 138: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 139: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 140: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 141: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 142: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 143: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 144: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 145: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 146: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 147: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 148: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 149: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 150: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 151: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 152: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 153: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 154: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 155: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 156: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 157: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 158: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 159: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 160: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 161: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 162: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy


Page 163: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy




Page 164: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 165: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 166: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 167: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 168: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 169: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 170: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 171: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
Page 172: State of Art of the Radiotherapy of Esophageal CancerMaduva spinarii a obtinut deja 37 Gy din 40 posibili. O reiradiere cu doza necesare unui control tumoral adica cel putin 66 Gy
