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STATE OF CALIFORNIA Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet DF-46 (REV 10/20) Fiscal Year Business Unit Department Priority No. 2021-22 0250 Judicial Branch Budget Request Name Program Subprogram 0250-054-BCP-2020-GB 0140 – Judicial Council 0140023 – Judicial Branch Facilities Program Budget Request Description Trial Courts and Courts of Appeal Facilities, Maintenance, and Leases Budget Request Summary The Judicial Council of California (JCC) requests 5.0 positions and $53.5 million ongoing General Fund to support facilities services costs for trial courts and Courts of Appeal. This total amount includes $52.4 million for trial court facilities program costs that provide for operations and maintenance at an industry standard level, unfunded leased trial court space, and additional staff to oversee the program, and $1.1 million for Court of Appeal facilities program costs to fund operations and maintenance at an industry standard level. Requires Legislation Yes No Code Section(s) to be Added/Amended/Repealed Does this BCP contain information technology (IT) components? Yes No If yes, departmental Chief Information Officer must sign. Department CIO Date For IT requests, specify the project number, the most recent project approval document (FSR, SPR, S1BA, S2AA, S3SD, S4PRA), and the approval date. Project No. Project Approval Document: Approval Date: If proposal affects another department, does other department concur with proposal? Yes No Attach comments of affected department, signed and dated by the department director or designee. Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date K. Baker 12/24/2020 S. Mirzaei 12/28/2020 Chief Administrative Officer Date Administrative Director Date John Wordlaw 1/4/2021 Martin Hoshino 1/4/2021 Department of Finance Use Only Additional Review: Capital Outlay ITCU FSCU OSAE CALSTARS Dept. of Technology PPBA Date submitted to the Legislature

STATE OF CALIFORNIA Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet DF-46 (REV 10/20)

Fiscal Year Business Unit Department Priority No. 2021-22 0250 Judicial Branch

Budget Request Name Program Subprogram 0250-054-BCP-2020-GB 0140 – Judicial Council 0140023 – Judicial Branch

Facilities Program Budget Request Description Trial Courts and Courts of Appeal Facilities, Maintenance, and Leases

Budget Request Summary The Judicial Council of California (JCC) requests 5.0 positions and $53.5 million ongoing General Fund to support facilities services costs for trial courts and Courts of Appeal. This total amount includes $52.4 million for trial court facilities program costs that provide for operations and maintenance at an industry standard level, unfunded leased trial court space, and additional staff to oversee the program, and $1.1 million for Court of Appeal facilities program costs to fund operations and maintenance at an industry standard level.

Requires Legislation ☐ Yes ☒ No

Code Section(s) to be Added/Amended/Repealed

Does this BCP contain information technology (IT) components? ☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, departmental Chief Information Officer must sign.

Department CIO Date

For IT requests, specify the project number, the most recent project approval document (FSR, SPR, S1BA, S2AA, S3SD, S4PRA), and the approval date. Project No. Project Approval Document: Approval Date:

If proposal affects another department, does other department concur with proposal? ☐ Yes ☐ No Attach comments of affected department, signed and dated by the department director or designee.

Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date K. Baker 12/24/2020 S. Mirzaei 12/28/2020

Chief Administrative Officer Date Administrative Director Date John Wordlaw 1/4/2021 Martin Hoshino 1/4/2021

Department of Finance Use Only

Additional Review: ☐ Capital Outlay ☐ ITCU ☐ FSCU ☐ OSAE ☐ CALSTARS ☐ Dept. of Technology

PPBA Date submitted to the Legislature

Analysis of Problem

A. Budget Request Summary The Judicial Council of California (JCC) requests 5.0 positions and $53.5 million ongoing General Fund to support facilities services costs for trial courts and Courts of Appeal. This total amount includes $52.4 million for trial court facilities program costs that provide for operations and maintenance at an industry standard level, unfunded leased trial court space, and additional staff to oversee the program, and $1.1 million for Court of Appeal facilities program costs to fund operations and maintenance at an industry standard level.

B. Background/History

The JCC Facilities Services program oversees the overall care and management of the judicial branch building assets, ensuring access to justice in California’s trial courts, Courts of Appeal, and the Supreme Court. The facilities program executes emergency, routine and preventive maintenance on building systems, portfolio and lease management, building system renovations, and many other functions required to produce a safe, secure building for the public, court staff, and judiciaries. Facilities Services administers a portfolio of 460 facilities. Roughly 45 percent of these facilities (209) are fully managed by the JCC; 29 percent (133) are managed by the county; 19 percent (88) are leased; and seven percent (30) are delegated by the JCC to either the county or the court. The portfolio includes a variety of building types: courthouses, jails, offices, parking structures and parking lots.

Transfer of Trial Courts Historically, the JCC serviced only the facility needs of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal. The 1997 Trial Court Funding Act (Chapter 850, Statutes of 1997, (AB 233)) began the process of shifting financial responsibility for support of trial courts from the counties to the state. The Trial Court Funding Act established the Task Force on Court Facilities to identify needs, options, and recommendations for funding court facility maintenance and improvements. In 2007, ten years after the passage of the Trial Court Funding Act, trial court facilities completed the process of transfer from counties to the JCC. This time lag in transfer led to some facility degradation due to postponed or decreased maintenance. Accordingly, the facilities throughout the portfolio all include an extensive backlog of deferred maintenance. This contributes to the challenge of bringing the facilities up to industry standards for security, energy efficiency, and systems maintenance.

Trial Court Funding Sources – County Facility Payments and Cost Growth Adjustments In 2002, the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002 (Chapter 1082, Statutes of 2002, (SB 1732)) was enacted. This legislation established both the State Court Facilities Construction Fund (SCFCF) and the Court Facilities Trust Fund (CFTF). The SCFCF funds planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, renovation, replacement, leasing, or acquisition of court facilities. The CFTF funds ongoing operations, repair, and maintenance of court facilities. The Act requires maintenance of effort payments by each county as a revenue source for operations. These payments are known as County Facility Payments (CFPs) and were based on the average amount each county historically expended for operations and maintenance from the period 1995-96 to 1999-00, inflated to the date of transfer. The corresponding CFPs have not been updated since that time to reflect current costs.

Prior to the economic downturn of 2009-10, statutorily required cost of living and growth adjustments to the CFPs that were tied to the state appropriation limits were provided to the JCC pursuant to Government Code 77202 (a) (1) (B) (iv). However, since 2009-10 these adjustments were suspended which left the JCC with no additional funding for cost escalations. In addition, since a majority of the facilities square footage had not transferred in the 2 preceding fiscal years required by statute to be eligible for an inflationary adjustment, the resulting growth adjustments that were provided were minimal. The resulting underfunded

Analysis of Problem

program has been unable to maintain the buildings at industry standards. The cost of living and growth adjustments required in Government Code 77202 remain suspended.

New Construction – Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Augmentation Senate Bill 1732 funded construction of new courthouses that were added to the JCC portfolio. In 2008, SB 1407 (Chapter 311, Statutes of 2008) authorized additional fee-based revenue for court facility construction and authorized bonded indebtedness of up to $5 billion for the most immediate and critical court facility construction projects. Since passage of these senate bills, the JCC has constructed 26 new trial court facilities with ten more courthouses underway.

The 2019 Budget Act included $20.2 million ongoing General Fund for operations and maintenance funding for a portion of the portfolio. This augmentation is specifically for an additional 2.9 million square feet of space in the current portfolio (net of retired space), which resulted from new construction projects authorized by SB 1732 and SB 1407. This augmentation is based on a 2017 industry standard combined rate of $6.90 per square foot for maintenance and utilities from the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA). However, trial court facilities from the original portfolio comprise 17.63 million square feet and are only funded at $4.15 per square foot. With no mechanism for increasing the funding level to industry standard levels for effective maintenance of the State’s assets, this portion of the portfolio will continue to deteriorate.

Trial Court Leases

The JCC assumed all county leases (other than storage leases) for trial court space as part of the property transfers outlined in the Trial Court Funding Act of 2002. As those leases matured or expired, their costs have increased beyond provided resources. The JCC is tasked with providing court facilities throughout the state but has no funding to cover additional leased space required for trial courts. The trial courts are covering these costs because the JCC cannot. The practice of trial courts covering lease costs from their operating budgets is in conflict with the Trial Court Funding Act. To correct this situation, the JCC requests ongoing funding of $7.6 million to cover unfunded lease expenses for 587,000 square feet of leased space.

Court of Appeal Facilities Management The Courts of Appeal occupy approximately 500,000 square feet of space in ten facilities and six districts. The Courts of Appeal do not have specifically identified funding for facilities operations and maintenance, minor repairs, or deferred maintenance for their buildings. As a result, the only source for funding facilities work is the Court of Appeals’ general operational budgets which are already strained with competing program costs.

In 2008-09, the Legislature approved the construction of a new appellate court facility in Santa Ana for the 4th District Court of Appeal. A budget change proposal was submitted at the time to request an ongoing $415,000 of General Fund for operations and maintenance. While funding was provided for the construction of the new facility, the Legislature removed the ongoing $415,000 requested for maintenance and deferred it to a future fiscal year. As the facility was relatively new, operations and maintenance costs were minor and absorbable within the court’s operating budget. As this facility has aged, insufficient funds exist to properly maintain the facility.

In 2015-16, the Courts of Appeal transferred $1.1 million in one-time funds from operational budgets to the Court Facilities Architectural Revolving Fund (CFARF) for the Fourth and Fifth District Court of Appeal facilities to support a small portion of deferred maintenance projects.

Analysis of Problem

The transferred funds ($607,000 for Fourth District and $480,000 for Fifth District) addressed projects such as the replacement of failing boilers, fire alarm systems, security cameras, light fixtures, upgrades to elevator controls for ADA compliance, and other building maintenance projects. These funds addressed some, but not all, of the most critical projects. It is not expected that the Courts of Appeal will regularly have funds available at year-end to support this workload in the future.

C. State Level Consideration Providing fair and equal access to justice for all Californians is the primary mission of the JCC. Court facilities are highly specialized and heavily used and are not comparable to regular office buildings due to the programmatic activities of these buildings. These specialized activities require extra measures to ensure the safety and security of the public, in-custody defendants, law enforcement, court employees, and judicial officers. Failures of court facilities systems negatively impact access to justice, a strategic goal of the judicial branch.

This request aligns with the Chief Justice’s Access 3D Initiative for a fully functioning judiciary— including the adequate funding needs of JCC facilities and supporting Goals, I, II, and VI, as follows:

• Goal I - Access, Fairness, and Diversity states, “All persons will have equal access to the courts and court proceedings and programs.” This goal supports adequate funding to ensure court users have access to the court facilities.

• Goal II - Independence and Accountability states, “…the judicial branch must also exercise its constitutional and statutory authority and responsibility to plan for, direct, monitor, and support the business of the branch and to account to the public for the branch's performance.” This goal secures sufficient resources to ensure accessible, safe, and efficient facilities for the public.

• Goal VI – Branch wide Infrastructure for Service Excellence states, “Infrastructure improvements needed to better serve the public include (1) acquisition, construction, renovation, and maintenance of adequate facilities.” This goal seeks to provide fully functional facilities that are safe and secure for conducting court operations for all court users.

D. Justification Facility management is foundational to the work of the judicial branch. The branch’s mission is to ensure that every courthouse be uniformly well-constructed and maintained. Without a fully functional court facility, there is no equal access to justice. This funding request will safeguard compliance with the originating legislative directives to ensure that courthouses are accessible and functional throughout the state.

These requests are needed to address an underfunded facilities program that is both noncompliant with current law and which operates at a level below industry standards. JCC Facilities Services systematically assessed the costs of an adequately funded facilities program using industry standard cost benchmarking measures. The resulting analysis produced multiple areas in facilities management that lack adequate funding for both trial courts and Courts of Appeal in the area of O&M. This request represents the identified funding gaps and ongoing needs.

The itemized funding requests for each of the facilities management program components are outlined below. The funding gap is the existing shortfall in the program needed to address each of these areas of identified needs. From a program management standpoint, it is important to convey that insufficiencies in one area of the program negatively impact other areas. For example, deferring regular maintenance increases emergency repairs and

Analysis of Problem

decreases asset life. Adequately funding operations and maintenance will help to prevent the growth in deferred maintenance.

The combined ongoing funding requests will improve the reliability, safety and longevity of judicial branch facilities.

Ongoing Program Request Funding Gap Trial Court Maintenance - JCC Responsible $24,390,000 Trial Court Utilities - JCC Responsible $18,670,000 Maintenance Oversight (5 FTE) $872,000 Trial Court Leases $7,613,000 Court of Appeal Maintenance - JCC Responsible $591,000 Court of Appeal Utilities - JCC Responsible $479,000 Indirect Administrative Cost $891,000

Total: $53,506,000

Trial Courts Trial Court Operations & Maintenance The JCC Trial Court O&M budget funds ongoing operations, repair, and maintenance of trial court facilities, inclusive of preventive maintenance, routine maintenance, utilities and lease costs that transferred pursuant to the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002. The existing O&M budget is based on 1995 to 2000 expenditures paid by counties, inflated to the date of transfer. Transfers concluded in 2009 leaving the O&M budget with none of the statutorily required cost and growth adjustments. Inflationary increases in costs for services continue to outpace the available funding and result in the budget being spread too thinly across the portfolio.

Regular, ongoing maintenance is also called Preventive Maintenance (PM) because it helps prevent premature system failures. The current JCC O&M allocation does not adequately fund a PM program that meets manufacturer-recommended maintenance and industry-standard service levels. An inadequate PM program results in a “run to failure” mode and negatively impacts the life of the asset. The JCC is paying for major repairs earlier than expected, when the life of the asset could have been prolonged with proper maintenance.

Failure to adequately fund O&M leads to further deterioration of the asset. Without recommended maintenance, major building systems fail. These premature asset failures are costly, but they are also disruptive to the administration of justice. When key HVAC, vertical transportation, and electrical equipment (major equipment) fail, it can force the closure of a courthouse. The presence of members of the public, in-custodies, and judicial branch staff make failures of this kind particularly disruptive and dangerous.

Three such examples of system failures which closed down court operations and may have been prevented are:

12/26/2018 Clara Shortridge Foltz Courthouse Eight floors of building flooded by valve failure

06/24/2019 El Monte Courthouse Main electrical breaker meltdown

07/02/2019 Edelman Children’s Courthouse Chiller failure – too hot to conduct court

Analysis of Problem

In addition to inadequate funding for PM efforts, rising utility costs are consuming increasingly larger shares of limited O&M resources. Since 2010-11, the JCC experienced an average annual increase of 12.3 percent in utility expenditures. Increases to utility costs are disproportionately higher than normal inflationary increases. Utility costs must be paid to keep the utilities on, and these expenses cannot be deferred. The result is fewer available funds for important aspects of O&M, such as PM.

The International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) identifies an industry standard level of funding for an adequate O&M program in the facilities management industry. The JCC utilized the IFMA’s formula for estimating costs related to maintenance and utilities. Projected costs were calculated by applying 2017 IFMA average cost per square foot for maintenance and utilities. This funding request will bring trial courts funding up to the IFMA standards across the portfolio and help address current shortfalls in the maintenance program funding.

IFMA Total Current Portfolio IFMA Level Current Operations & 2017 JCC Funding Level funding for Available Maintenance

Average Managed Recommended new 2.92 Funding for Funding Gap Cost Per Trial Court by IFMA million SF remaining

SF Facilities SF (2019-20 16.85 million (net)(1) Governor's SF Budget)

a. b. c. d. e. = c - d - e I Maintenance $3.81 19.77 million $75.32 million $11.13 million $39.80 million $24.39 million

IFMA Total Current Portfolio IFMA Level Current Operations & 2017 JCC Funding Level funding for Available Maintenance

Average Managed Recommended new 2.92 Funding for Funding Gap Cost Per Trial Court by IFMA million SF remaining

SF Facilities SF (2019-20 16.85 million (net)(1) Governor's SF Budget)

a. b. c. d. e. = c - d - e I Utilities $3.09 19.77 million $61.09 million $9.02 million $33.40 million $18.67 million

[1] The JCC Portfolio may fluctuate from year to year as properties become inactive due to termination of leases, transfers and sales, etc.

This proposal requests 5.0 additional positions to provide oversight of the trial court facilities services maintenance. The JCC portfolio spans the state’s breadth, with courthouses in 57 of the 58 counties totaling 28 million gross square feet. The size of the state makes access to all the facilities in the portfolio time-intensive due to the extensive travel that is required. Currently 43.0 JCC positions are dedicated to facility operations.

JCC owned and managed facilities total 16.7 million square feet of the JCC portfolio. The JCC is responsible for implementing an adequate preventive maintenance program for those owned and managed facilities to extend the useful life of the assets in those facilities. The JCC employs the use of contract service providers to perform daily O&M services in the courts inclusive of the preventive maintenance program. Additional JCC staff are required to provide oversight of the preventive maintenance tasks essential to preventing further degradation of the portfolio. Staff oversight provides quality assurance and ensures contract compliance of the execution of the PMs.

FTE Annual Cost [2] Total

Staff Oversight [2] 5 $174,400 $872,000 [2] Positions would include Facilities Operations Supervisors, Facilities Administrators, and Facilities Specialists; Average

Analysis of Problem

The funding associated with an adequate PM program for the JCC owned and managed facilities represents a 25 percent increase to the program and requires the addition of 5.0 positions for PM oversight.

cost per year, per employee, inclusive of salary, health, benefits, and OE&E.

Trial Court Leases The JCC provides portfolio management of the trial court facilities throughout the State. The Court Facilities Trust Fund provides a source of funding for leases (other than court records storage) that were transferred from the counties to the State pursuant to SB 1732. As those transferred leases matured or expired, their costs have increased beyond provided resources. Over the last ten years, there has been no mechanism to fund increased lease space costs required for the trial courts. In fiscal year 2017-18 Facilities Services communicated to trial courts the need to reduce expenses from the Court Facilities Trust Fund. This reduction was recognized as a reduction in maintenance services, as well as, reduction in the available lease budget.

Facilities Services shifted the burden of the cost for new lease space to the trial courts due to inadequate facility program funding. Leased facilities encompass 19 percent of the JCC portfolio; however, 60 percent of those leases are being paid from the trial court operational budgets despite statutory restrictions (Trial Court Funding Act). Courts in need of lease space are currently required to budget for lease costs that would otherwise be allocated to court operations. The impact to the court is decreased funds available in general operating budgets used for daily court operations, resources, and for staff who support court services. Reallocating these funds to leases can impact access to justice if the reduced general operating budget cannot accommodate the workload of the court.

Providing safe, secure, and functional facilities to ensure equal access to justice is the responsibility of the JCC Facilities Services Office. The Court Facilities Trust Fund requires an increase of an estimated $7.6 million to appropriately budget for existing lease commitments. The JCC does not anticipate a reduction in these costs in the coming years.

Fiscal Year Lease Funding Need by Year*

Lease Budget from CFTF

Annual CFTF Budget Increase Need

FY 17/18 $18,776,407 $11,467,426 $7,308,981 FY 18/19 $18,555,191 $10,844,730 $7,710,461 FY 19/20 $17,830,001 $9,949,030 $7,880,971 FY 20/21 $18,785,588 $11,233,093 $7,552,495

Average Annual Budget Increase Need $7,613,227

*Existing leases in the portfolio. FY 2020-21 are a projection of expenses for existing leases

Lease Funding Increase Need Per County

Analysis of Problem

Trial Court 17/18 18/19 19/20 Estimated

20/21 Estimated

21/22 Contra Costa $342,979 $356,017 $370,058 $384,654 $363,427 Fresno $318,953 $334,574 $350,195 $365,816 $342,385 Glenn $110,378 $122,311 $122,311 $125,369 $120,092 Imperial $404,092 $303,513 $0 $0 $176,901 Inyo $13,151 $13,545 $13,952 $14,370 $13,754 Kern $724,598 $689,762 $629,088 $645,651 $672,275 Los Angeles $1,453,974 $1,501,326 $1,763,752 $1,305,497 $1,506,137 Mariposa $24,533 $25,562 $27,814 $28,720 $26,657 Merced $65,702 $65,702 $65,702 $67,016 $66,031 Nevada $30,648 $31,787 $32,741 $33,723 $32,225 Orange $37,685 $38,732 $39,982 $41,167 $39,391 Placer $86,464 $100,225 $103,785 $106,380 $99,213 Riverside $237,857 $270,475 $412,363 $365,684 $321,595 Sacramento $468,339 $472,896 $555,176 $589,343 $521,438 San Bernardino $1,259,553 $1,292,900 $1,325,127 $1,357,989 $1,308,892 San Diego $89,598 $92,107 $94,686 $97,337 $93,432 San Luis Obispo $0 $0 $551 $1,911 $615 Santa Barbara $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 Santa Clara $79,265 $108,933 $112,200 $115,567 $103,991 Santa Cruz $50,706 $52,191 $53,174 $54,458 $52,632 Solano $82,155 $91,179 $147,435 $156,974 $119,436 Sonoma $516,411 $794,418 $686,059 $692,936 $672,456 Stanislaus $830,726 $870,126 $891,510 $917,358 $877,430 Tulare $45,213 $46,179 $47,309 $48,575 $46,819 Total $7,308,981 $7,710,461 $7,880,971 $7,552,495 $7,613,227

Courts of Appeal Court of Appeal Operations & Maintenance The JCC Court of Appeal portfolio consists of DGS owned-managed and JCC owned-managed facilities. DGS owned-managed facilities are leases, and the cost of the leases include O&M costs. The JCC owned-managed Court of Appeal facilities do not include O&M costs (see Exhibit C for list of owned and leased facilities). Unlike the trial courts, the Courts of Appeal are required to fund O&M costs from their operational budgets. As the JCC owns and manages these facilities, appropriate funding should be allocated for proper maintenance of the JCC’s assets.

The IFMA identifies an industry standard funding level for an adequate O&M program in the facilities management industry. The JCC utilized the IFMA’s formula for estimating costs related to maintenance and utilities. Projected costs were calculated by applying the 2017 IFMA average cost per square foot for maintenance and utilities. This funding request will bring Court of Appeal funding up to the IFMA standards and help address shortfalls in the maintenance program funding.

Analysis of Problem

IFMA 2017 Total Current JCC Available Portfolio Funding Level Average Managed Court of Funding for Recommended by

Cost Per SF Appeal Facilities SF Court of Appeal IFMA (net)(1) Maintenance

a. b. c. d. I Maintenance $3.81 155,000 $0 $590,550

IFMA 2017 Total Current JCC Available Portfolio Funding Level Average Managed Court of Funding for Recommended by

Cost Per SF Appeal Facilities SF Court of IFMA (net)(1) Appeal Utilities

a. b. c. d.

I Utilities $3.09 155,000 $0 $478,950

Indirect Administrative Costs As additional programmatic workload and funding drives the needs for additional administrative funding, an administrative overhead rate has been developed to derive the costs of additional administrative functions associated with each budget change proposal. An ongoing General Fund augmentation of $891,000 will be used to support successful implementation of this request.

E. Outcomes and Accountability The Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee (TCFMAC) provides ongoing oversight of the JCC Facilities Program and is regularly informed of facilities-related costs, inclusive of operations and maintenance, facility modifications, leases, and portfolio management. To ensure accountability, Facilities Services is obligated by the Rules of Court to provide regular reporting of facilities operations, maintenance, and leasing costs to the advisory committee.

As a best practice, JCC Facilities Services tracks the number of routine PM and unscheduled emergency maintenance work orders to assess the effectiveness of the court facilities O&M program. This reporting ensures adherence to performance standards, PM schedules and quality control requirements. The requested additional staff will enhance the quality assurance, field verification, and fiscal oversight of the funding.

The outcomes of a fully funded PM program are listed below:

• Reductions in the total cost of emergency maintenance.

• Fewer urgent and emergency interruptions to operations due to equipment breakdowns.

• Increases in the volume of work that can be planned and scheduled repetitively.

• Decrease in high priority, randomly occurring and unscheduled work.

• Reduced unnecessary damage to or replacement of facilities equipment.

The JCC’s existing control protocols for O&M assessments, approvals and ongoing reviews will ensure appropriate use of the requested funding. Funding the program at the IFMA industry standard level allows for the JCC to benchmark facility performance with similarly funded programs. Continued monthly review will contribute to the accountability and monitoring of activities—through monthly budget and financial reporting.

Analysis of Problem

An appropriately funded facilities program provides for longevity of the state’s assets, extending the useful life of building systems and replacing aged systems in a timely manner in order to reduce system failure rates. Premature failure of building systems results in an emergency event, creating higher building maintenance and repair costs, and diminishing access to justice due to court closures and impacted court operations. Approval of this request allows for the appropriate funding level to be applied to each component of the facilities program (preventive maintenance, utilities, leases, system replacements), resulting in improved access to justice and enabling the courts to apply general operating budgets to court staff and resources to support court services.

F. Analysis of All Feasible Alternatives Alternative 1: Approve 5.0 positions and $53.5 million ongoing General Fund to support facilities services costs for trial courts and Courts of Appeal.


• Allows for industry standard level funding for operations and maintenance and a preventive maintenance program aligned with manufacturer’s recommended system maintenance for trial courts and Courts of Appeal; and

• Allows proper portfolio management of the trial courts by funding trial court leases.


• Results in commitment of additional General Fund resources.

Alternative 2: Approve 5.0 positions and $45.9 million ongoing General Fund for trial courts and Courts of Appeal facilities support.


• Allows for industry standard level funding for operations and maintenance and a preventive maintenance program aligned with manufacturer’s recommended system maintenance for trial courts and Courts of Appeal.


• Does not provide a source of funding for trial court leases and does not allow proper portfolio management of the trial courts;

• Results in commitment of additional General Fund resources.

Alternative 3: Approve $45 million ongoing General Fund for trial courts and Courts of Appeal facilities support.


• Allows for industry standard level funding for operations and maintenance and a preventive maintenance program aligned with manufacturer’s recommended system maintenance for trial courts;


• Does not include the positions required to adequately maintain a portfolio the size;

• Does not provide a source of funding for trial court leases and does not allow proper portfolio management of the trial courts;

• Results in commitment of additional General Fund resources.

Analysis of Problem

G. Implementation Plan Upon receipt of funding, the JCC will be able to appropriately allocate funding to the underfunded components of the Facilities Services program (O&M and Leases) and provide the needed staff oversight for both trial courts and Courts of Appeal within the portfolio. Facilities Services is prepared to authorize options within existing service provider contracts to perform currently unsupported O&M work associated with maintaining the JCC’s portfolio of court facilities. A supplemented PM program will be implemented to extend the useful life and maintain the buildings: fire, life and safety systems; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment; elevators and escalators; and other essential building system components.

Funding of the currently unsupported O&M work will provide for system reliability, avoid adverse impacts to court operations and damaging neglect of infrastructure systems within the existing and newly constructed court facilities. The requested O&M funding will result in increased reliability and extended life cycles of existing and newly installed equipment and systems. The properly funded O&M program will mitigate the need to divert maintenance funds to cover larger shares of utility costs.

Funding for leases will be applied to existing ones that are currently inappropriately funded by the trial courts’ operational budgets and enable the JCC Facilities Services office to execute its mission of providing safe, secure, and functional facilities to ensure equal access to justice.

H. Supplemental Information Exhibit A: JCC Facility Portfolio

Exhibit B: JCC Facility Portfolio – Detailed

Exhibit C: Courts of Appeal Portfolio

Exhibit D: Government Code Section 77202 (excerpt)

I. Recommendation The JCC recommends approval of Alternative 1, 5.0 positions and $53.5 million ongoing General Fund to support facilities services costs for trial courts and the Courts of Appeal.

Analysis of Problem

BCP Fiscal Detail Sheet BCP Title: Trial Courts and Courts of Appeal Facilities, Maintenance, and Leases BR Name: 0250-054-BCP-2021-GB Budget Request Summary Personal Services Personal Services FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

Positions - Permanent 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Total Positions 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Salaries and Wages Earnings - Permanent

0 500 500 500 500 500

Total Salaries and Wages $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Total Personal Services $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Operating Expenses and Equipment Operating Expenses and Equipment FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

5301 - General Expense 0 372 372 372 372 372 5324 - Facilities Operation 0 32,594 32,594 32,594 32,594 32,594 5326 - Utilities 0 19,149 19,149 19,149 19,149 19,149 539X - Other 0 891 891 891 891 891 Total Operating Expenses and Equipment $0 $53,006 $53,006 $53,006 $53,006 $53,006 Total Budget Request Total Budget Request FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

Total Budget Request $0 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 Fund Summary Fund Source Fund Source FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

State Operations - 0001 - General Fund 0 53,506 53,506 53,506 53,506 53,506 Total State Operations Expenditures $0 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506

Analysis of Problem

Fund Source FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 Current Budget BY+1 BY+2 BY+3 BY+4

Year Year Total All Funds $0 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506

Program Summary Program Funding Program Funding FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

0135 - Courts of Appeal 0 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,070 0140010 - Judicial Council 0 891 891 891 891 891 0140023 - Judicial Branch Facility Program 0 51,545 51,545 51,545 51,545 51,545 Total All Programs $0 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506 $53,506

Analysis of Problem

Personal Services Details Positions Positions FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

VR00 - Various (Eff. 07-01-2021) 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Total Positions 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Salaries and Wages Salaries and Wages FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

VR00 - Various (Eff. 07-01-2021) 0 500 500 500 500 500 Total Salaries and Wages $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Total Personal Services Total Personal Services FY21

Current Year

FY21 BudgetYear

FY21 BY+1

FY21 BY+2

FY21 BY+3

FY21 BY+4

Total Personal Services $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Exhibit A - JCC Facility Portfolio

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Type Bldg. ID Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Courthouse 225 14,061,842 20,920,582

Jail 29 207,503 2,860,143

Modular 26 54,059 68,138

Multi-Use 67 1,118,493 3,466,277

Office 54 1,306,734 984,490

Other 2 0 0

Parking Lot 25 0 0

Parking Structure 13 369,489 369,489

Warehouse/Storage 19 124,691 217,601

Grand Total 460 17,242,811 28,886,720

Note: We are working to validate square footage data for several facilities, mostly

parking structures, which was previously not maintained.

Exhibit B - JCC Facility Portfolio Detailed

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Alameda 661,924 1,778,698

Berkeley Courthouse 11,708 11,708

County Administration Bldg. 33,329 208,146

County Probation Center 11,808 0

Fremont Hall of Justice 61,632 124,100

George E. McDonald Hall of Justice 17,844 25,850

Hayward Hall of Justice 116,563 184,785

John George Psychiatric Pavilion 1,706 2,615

Juvenile Justice Center 35,841 450,000

New East County Hall of Justice 153,351 209,432

Rene C. Davidson 102,040 284,120

Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse 109,780 196,277

Winton Bldg. 6,322 81,665

Alpine 2,552 7,326

Alpine County Courthouse 2,552 7,326

Amador 20,346 20,346

Amador Superior Court 20,346 20,346

Butte 143,406 180,007

Butte County Courthouse 72,474 72,474

Carnegie Library - SHARP 690 0

Juvenile Hall 1,292 25,784

North Butte County Courthouse 65,096 73,882

Paradise Courthouse 3,854 7,867

Calaveras 44,629 44,629

Calaveras Superior Court 44,629 44,629

Colusa 9,015 52,990

Courthouse Annex 5,339 26,700

Family Law (the Bunker) 605 2,090

Historic Courthouse 3,071 24,200

Contra Costa 376,501 409,509

2020 North Broadway 5,506 17,500

Bray Courts 33,861 48,883

Concord Courthouse 7,938 7,938

Contra Costa Records and Training 30,000 0

Family Law Center 39,224 39,224

File Unit 5,223 20,892

George D. Carroll Courthouse 40,976 76,462

Jail Annex 10,895 0

Juvenile Hall 4,268 0

Post Office Parking 0 0

Richard E. Arnason Justice Center 73,454 73,454

Wakefield Taylor Courthouse 100,687 100,687

Walnut Creek Courthouse 24,469 24,469

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Del Norte 15,437 76,226

Del Norte County Sheriff's Building 1,800 47,218

Del Norte County Superior Court 13,637 29,008

El Dorado 62,515 149,276

Bldg. C 11,745 70,211

Cameron Park 5,618 7,834

Johnson Bldg. 22,974 37,453

Juvenile Hall 3,618 15,218

Main St. Courthouse 18,560 18,560

Fresno 514,697 700,833

2424 Ventura Street - 5 DCA 61,000 61,000

5th DCA Fresno Parking 0 0

B.F. Sisk Courthouse 191,886 191,886

Clovis Court 3,360 5,025

Firebaugh Court 4,759 9,105

Fresno County Courthouse 153,887 213,687

Fresno Juror Parking 0 0

Juvenile Delinquency Courthouse 61,936 121,076

M Street Courthouse 26,035 26,035

North Annex Jail 8,144 66,811

Reedley Court 3,690 6,208

Glenn 35,586 44,480

110 S. Plumas Avenue 2,000 0

Historic Courthouse 22,330 30,603

Historic Courthouse Addition 0 0

Historic Courthouse Parking 1 (Murdock Parcel) 0 0

Historic Courthouse Parking 2 (Lassen Parcel) 0 0

Orland Superior Court 2,252 9,845

Resource Center 4,972 0

Swing Space Modular 4,032 4,032

Humboldt 51,189 221,721

Hoopa Courthouse 2,171 5,042

Humboldt County Courthouse (Eureka) 46,970 210,847

John Hayes Memorial Veterans Hall 1,652 5,100

Juvenile Courtroom 396 732

Imperial 68,257 83,263

Brawley Court 5,897 20,903

Imperial County Courthouse 60,260 60,260

New El Centro Family Courthouse 0 0

Winterhaven Court 2,100 2,100

Inyo 12,625 22,633

Bishop Courthouse 5,223 0

Inyo Historic Courthouse 5,615 20,846

Jail-Adjacent Courthouse Ground Lease 0 0

Superior Court 2 1,787 1,787

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Kern 293,535 569,468

1022 12th Avenue 7,680 0

3131 Arrow Street 20,400 20,400

Arvin/ Lamont Branch 13,263 26,027

Bakersfield Justice Bldg. 56,923 125,783

Bakersfield Juvenile Center 27,605 82,680

Bakersfield Superior Court 118,198 223,650

Bakersfield Superior Court Modular 0 0

Delano/North Kern Court 9,397 14,377

East Kern Court-Lake Isabella Branch 4,730 14,347

Mojave Superior Court Modular 0 0

Mojave-County Administration Bldg. 2,782 8,538

Mojave-Main Court Facility 4,612 12,112

Ridgecrest - Division B Courtroom 2,345 2,345

Ridgecrest-Main Facility 6,251 15,419

Shafter/Wasco Courts Bldg. 12,465 16,719

Taft Courts Bldg. 5,966 6,111

Taft Superior Court Modular 918 960

Kings 147,232 150,602

Avenal Court 3,813 7,183

Hanford Courthouse 143,419 143,419

Lake 26,298 64,666

Gateway Business Park 2,362 0

Lakeport Court Facility 15,480 56,210

New Lakeport Courthouse 0 0

South Civic Center 8,456 8,456

Lassen 45,434 49,326

Hall of Justice 42,320 42,320

Lassen County Courthouse Annex 3,114 7,006

Los Angeles 4,788,291 8,182,568

300 S. Spring Street - 2 DCA 1-5, 7-8 and Sup Ct 126,735 0

312 North Spring Street 201,167 0

333 S. Spring Street - Parking 0 0

Airport Courthouse 121,448 286,212

Alfred J. McCourtney Juvenile Justice Center 19,595 36,861

Alhambra Courthouse 56,327 99,123

Bellflower Courthouse 35,825 68,510

Beverly Hills Courthouse 37,859 184,882

Burbank Courthouse 44,404 58,608

Catalina Courthouse 1,479 0

Central Arraignment Courts 41,902 65,494

Central Civil West Court 70,291 0

Chatsworth Courthouse 153,009 302,436

Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 355,151 1,020,266

Compton Courthouse 170,103 344,027

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

County Records Center 57,953 0

Downey Courthouse 64,450 100,628

East Los Angeles Courthouse 52,854 105,627

East Parking Structure 0 0

Eastlake Juvenile Court 19,022 46,064

Edmund D. Edelman Children's Court 143,669 263,623

El Monte Courthouse 45,993 114,829

Glendale Courthouse 31,795 55,821

Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse 550,215 550,215

Hall of Records 26,700 447,000

Hollywood Courthouse 23,820 57,772

Inglewood Courthouse 66,721 174,041

Inglewood Juvenile Court 10,801 16,043

Los Padrinos Juvenile Court 6,786 34,167

Malibu Courthouse 17,161 51,661

Mental Health Court 14,786 27,617

Metropolitan Courthouse 128,980 250,000

Michael D. Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse 172,231 415,562

Monrovia Training Center 8,306 19,440

Monrovia Warehouse 20,000 39,900

Norwalk Courthouse 117,157 197,309

Norwalk Judges Parking Structure 0 0

Parking Lot 77-Alhambra Courthouse- 0 0

Parking Lot 78-Pomona Court Public Parking 0 0

Parking Lot West Los Angeles Courthouse 0 0

Parking Lot-San Fernando Courthouse Employees 0 0

Parking Lot-San Fernando Courthouse Jury- 0 0

Parking Lot-San Fernando Courthouse Public- 0 0

Parking Lot-West Covina Court/Pub Health- 0 0

Parking Structure Lot 48 Van Nuys Court Complex 0 0

Parking Structure Lot 59- Whittier Admin CTR 0 0

Parking Structure Lot 67 Long Beach 369,489 369,489

Parking Structure Lot 94 Airport Courthouse 0 0

Parking Structure-Edelman Court 0 0

Parking Structure-El Monte Courthouse- 0 0

Parking Structure-Lot 53 Pasadena Court 0 0

Parking Structure-West Covina Court/Pub Health- 0 0

Parking-Burbank Courthouse 0 0

Pasadena Courthouse 88,008 193,054

Pomona Courthouse North 33,183 44,102

Pomona Courthouse South 106,339 194,000

S. Bay Muni Court Jury Assembly Trailer 2,874 2,874

S. Bay Municipal Traffic Court Trailer 2,891 2,891

San Fernando Courthouse 110,212 187,874

Santa Clarita Administrative Center 2,796 20,668

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Santa Clarita Courthouse 18,229 32,124

Santa Monica Court Annex 0 13,736

Santa Monica Courthouse 76,222 122,565

Santa Monica Courthouse Civic Auditorium Parking 0 0

Stanley Mosk Courthouse 475,865 736,200

Sylmar Juvenile Court 10,981 36,692

Torrance Annex 5,110 15,126

Torrance Courthouse 84,710 126,145

Van Nuys Courthouse East 104,502 169,566

Van Nuys Courthouse West 134,551 264,268

West Covina Courthouse 64,204 101,573

West Los Angeles Courthouse 38,345 38,345

West Parking Structure 0 0

Whittier Courthouse 45,085 77,538

Madera 128,928 131,390

Madera Modular 1 8,020 8,020

Main Courthouse 115,804 115,804

Main Courthouse Parking Garage 0 0

Sierra Division - Bass Lake Courthouse 5,104 7,566

Marin 65,548 254,059

820 B Street 0 0

Civic Center Courthouse 63,248 251,759

Juvenile Detention 2,300 2,300

Mariposa 6,018 8,231

Court Administration - Main Building 1,583 1,583

Mariposa County Courthouse 3,119 5,920

Self Help Center 728 728

Storage Space #10 0 0

Storage Space #5 294 0

Storage Space #9 294 0

Mendocino 37,251 86,476

County Courthouse 28,120 57,979

Ft. Bragg Justice Center 4,225 12,286

Justice Center 419 0

New Ukiah Courthouse 0 0

Superior Court (Willits) 4,487 16,211

Merced 122,685 171,640

720 West 20th Street 5,117 5,117

810 West Main Street 4,300 0

Iris Garrett Juvenile Justice Correctional Complex 4,808 58,063

Main Merced Courthouse 57,900 57,900

Old Court 17,716 17,716

Robert M. Falasco Justice Center 32,844 32,844

Modoc 13,530 16,964

Barclay Justice Center 7,800 8,482

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Modoc County Courthouse 5,730 8,482

Mono 27,039 35,365

Bridgeport County CH Annex 0 0

Bridgeport County Courthouse 3,729 12,055

Mammoth Lakes Courthouse 23,310 23,310

Mammoth Lakes Courthouse Parking Lot 0 0

Monterey 160,743 190,474

599 El Camino Real 925 0

Gabilan Street Annex 5,781 0

Juvenile Courthouse 1,179 0

King City Courthouse 6,654 12,163

Marina Courthouse 15,347 15,347

Monterey Courthouse 33,463 65,334

New South Monterey County Courthouse 0 0

Salinas Courthouse- North Wing 97,394 97,630

Napa 84,634 97,854

Criminal Court Building 47,296 47,296

Historic Courthouse 33,569 43,204

Napa Juvenile Court 3,769 7,354

Nevada 29,907 84,818

Joseph Center 5,850 19,954

Nevada City Courthouse 11,304 24,840

Nevada City Courthouse Annex 12,753 40,024

Orange 796,557 1,310,295

1015 N. Main Street 230 0

27559 Puerta Real 910 0

27573 Puerta Real 5,206 5,206

520 West South Street 0 0

601 W. Santa Ana Blvd - 4 DCA 3 51,960 51,960

Betty Lou Lamoreaux Justice Center 127,655 248,676

Central Justice Center 322,724 719,974

Central Justice Center Annex 7,727 0

Civil Complex Center ("CXC") 28,766 28,766

Computer Systems Trailer 5,381 10,710

Flower Street Parking Lot 0 0

Harbor Justice Center-Newport Beach Facility 73,166 0

HJC Newport Beach Parking License 0 0

North Justice Center 89,544 131,843

West Justice Center 83,288 113,160

Placer 161,431 320,435

4075 Cincinnati Avenue 10,980 0

Arraignment Court Facility 10,080 10,080

County Jail 4,437 119,910

Historic Courthouse 17,057 24,918

Hon. Howard G. Gibson Courthouse 110,700 110,700

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Juvenile Hall 6,055 43,526

Tahoe City Courthouse 2,122 11,301

Plumas 23,114 52,032

Chester Civic Complex 1,260 4,421

Greenville Justice Court 945 1,778

Plumas/Sierra Regional Courthouse 7,312 7,312

Portola Court Facility 1,056 2,334

Quincy Courthouse 12,541 36,187

Riverside 906,590 1,051,019

1903/1933 Courthouse 108,043 138,551

3389 12th Street - 4 DCA 2 42,251 42,251

3535 Tenth Street 15,168 0

47th and Oasis 0 0

Banning Justice Center 68,584 68,584

Blythe Courthouse - Superior Court 11,016 11,016

Corona 20,517 47,068

Family Law Court 75,640 75,640

Hall of Justice 167,386 167,386

Hemet 26,511 26,511

Indio Juvenile Court 15,303 15,303

Larson Justice Center 148,995 152,990

Moreno Valley 16,872 0

New Indio Juvenile and Family Courthouse 0 0

New Mid-County Civil Courthouse (formerly New Hemet Courthouse) 0 0

New Southwest Justice Building 14,371 14,371

Palm Springs Courts 15,878 51,020

Riverside Juvenile Court 14,400 38,309

Riverside Juvenile Justice Trailers 0 0

Simons Building 6,000 0

Southwest Justice Center 130,756 191,032

Temecula 8,899 10,987

Sacramento 880,539 1,271,109

2850 Gateway Oaks - JCC North 29,512 0

2860 Gateway Oaks - JCC North 28,263 0

2890 Gateway Oaks - 3 DCA 2,301 0

520 Capitol Mall - JCC Sac OGA 5,079 0

813 6th Street 31,195 47,510

914 Capitol Mall - 3 DCA and Sup Ct 55,821 0

Carol Miller Justice Center Court Facility 96,834 99,060

Credit Union Bldg. 9,488 0

Finance-Payroll-HR 7,220 0

Gordon Schaber Sacramento Superior Court 291,083 291,083

Juvenile Courthouse 100,360 101,815

Lorenzo E. Patino Hall of Justice 17,167 490,947

New Sacramento Criminal Courthouse 0 0

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

OCIT 4,817 75,713

Records Center 36,418 0

William Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse 164,981 164,981

San Benito 42,039 42,039

Juvenile Courtroom 700 700

New Hollister Courthouse 41,339 41,339

San Bernardino 873,031 1,238,976

766 S. Gifford 4,869 0

776 S. Gifford 4,812 0

780 S. Gifford 8,240 0

790 S. Gifford 12,423 0

9607 Business Center Drive 3,095 0

Barstow Courthouse 20,185 35,702

Barstow Juvenile Traffic 711 9,107

Big Bear Courthouse 4,011 23,547

Central Courthouse 60,715 88,064

Distribution Center 19,302 0

Family Law Court - DCSS 24,435 0

Fontana Courthouse 49,100 60,997

Fontana Jury Assembly Building 3,390 3,557

Joshua Tree Courthouse 10,867 38,353

Joshua Tree Modular 4,183 4,320

Juvenile Delinquency Courthouse 5,412 11,943

Juvenile Dependency Courthouse 10,712 32,052

Mental Health Office and Courtroom 2,326 94,253

Needles Court Clerk's Offices (Bldg A) 2,583 12,574

Needles Courthouse (Bldg B) 1,915 4,758

Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse 138,225 261,155

San Bernardino Courthouse - Annex 53,423 82,731

San Bernardino Justice Center 379,717 379,717

Temporary Parking Lot 0 0

Victorville Courthouse 48,380 96,146

San Diego 1,425,762 1,991,409

750 B Street - 4 DCA 1 64,379 0

Banks Street (storage) 5,200 0

Central Courthouse 704,380 704,380

Department 10 Trailer 1,440 1,440

Department 9 Trailer 1,440 1,440

East County Regional Center 137,824 442,672

East County Regional Center - Overflow Parking 0 0

Hall of Justice 121,100 393,007

Juvenile Court 30,738 46,759

Kearny Mesa Court 39,897 41,450

Kearny Mesa Traffic Court KM3 Trailer 960 960

Kearny Mesa Traffic Court KM4 Trailer 960 960

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Kearny Mesa Traffic Court KM5 & KM6 Trailer 1,040 1,040

North County Regional Center - Annex 18,164 22,231

North County Regional Center - North 95,212 110,296

North County Regional Center - South 96,355 219,354

South County Regional Center 101,253 0

Trailer - Dept 34 1,440 1,440

Trailer - Dept 35 1,440 1,440

Trailer - Family Support 1,680 1,680

Trailer - Storage A 860 860

San Francisco 752,127 996,058

303 Second Street - HCRC 41,664 0

350 McAllister - Sup Ct and 1 DCA 182,093 0

455 Golden Gate - JCC Bay Area 197,954 0

Civic Center Courthouse 189,575 189,575

Family Justice Center 0 0

Family Justice Center Site - Bldg 1 2,442 10,504

Family Justice Center Site - Bldg 2 0 0

Family Justice Center Site - Bldg 3 0 0

Hall of Justice 118,247 711,889

Polk St. Annex 8,870 0

Youth Guidance Center 11,282 84,090

San Joaquin 500,111 726,031

French Camp Juvenile Justice Center 11,497 143,479

Lodi Branch- Dept. 1 7,648 0

Lodi Branch Dept. 2 6,844 6,844

Manteca Branch Court 15,010 15,010

Stockton Courthouse 447,732 549,318

Tracy Agriculture Building 1,600 1,600

Tracy Branch Courthouse 6,900 6,900

Tracy Modular 1: Support 1,440 1,440

Tracy Modular 2: Courtroom 1,440 1,440

San Luis Obispo 81,123 233,859

1070 Palm St. 2,528 2,528

999 Monterey Street 1,198 0

Camp Storage 3,167 50,119

Courthouse Annex 40,867 112,000

Grover Beach Branch 3,137 3,137

Grover Beach Clerk's Office 1,795 1,795

Juvenile Services Center 1,539 0

Paso Robles Courthouse 22,300 22,300

Records Storage 2,155 17,982

Veterans Memorial Bldg. 2,437 23,998

San Mateo 208,602 925,998

Central Branch 17,507 17,507

Hall of Justice 141,227 316,515

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Juvenile Branch, Paul Scannell Drive 15,043 591,976

Northern Branch Courthouse 34,825 0

Santa Barbara 215,130 305,002

1019 Garden Street 0 0

Figueroa Division 47,370 47,370

Lompoc Division 8,106 25,587

New Santa Barbara Criminal Courthouse 0 0

Santa Barbara County Courthouse 64,704 134,729

Santa Barbara Court Trailer 1,500 3,000

Santa Barbara Jury Assembly Bldg. 8,157 8,157

Santa Barbara Juvenile Court 2,565 2,880

Santa Maria Clerks, Bldg E 18,650 18,650

Santa Maria Courts Bldgs C + D 16,054 30,443

Santa Maria Courts, Bldg F 3,344 3,344

Santa Maria Courts, Bldg G 32,433 0

Santa Maria Courts, Bldgs. A + B 2,024 8,932

Santa Maria Juvenile Court (new) 6,177 11,639

Solvang Superior Court 4,046 10,271

Santa Clara 816,729 1,008,161

333 W. Santa Clara - 6 DCA 43,758 0

64 N. Market Street 0 0

Downtown Superior Court 126,005 126,005

Hall of Justice (East) 138,900 138,900

Hall of Justice (West) 70,100 70,100

Historic Courthouse 30,600 30,600

Juvenile Delinquency Court 5,693 198,310

Morgan Hill Courthouse 73,336 73,336

New Santa Clara Family Justice Center 233,906 233,906

Palo Alto Courthouse 40,878 83,451

Santa Clara Courthouse 33,559 33,559

Sunnyvale Courthouse 19,994 19,994

Sunnyvale Parking Facility 0 0

Santa Cruz 97,142 250,741

County Administration Bldg. 14,775 206,400

Jail Courtroom 2,176 0

Jury Assembly Room 0 6,756

Juvenile Court 3,643 0

Main Courthouse 36,087 37,585

Watsonville Courthouse 40,461 0

Shasta 57,163 237,204

Courthouse Annex 20,261 35,445

Justice Center 9,807 126,289

Justice Center Court Modular 4,320 4,320

Juvenile Hall 1,127 21,755

Main Courthouse 20,005 44,528

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

New Redding Courthouse 0 0

Shasta County Superior Court/Sheriff's Station 1,643 4,867

Sierra 5,440 17,958

Courthouse/Sheriff Station-Jail 5,440 17,958

Siskiyou 11,096 54,118

Dorris 1,647 2,585

New Yreka Courthouse 0 0

Siskiyou County Courthouse 9,449 51,533

Solano 191,461 580,319

Hall of Justice 65,932 111,148

Law and Justice Center 32,200 258,850

Old Solano Courthouse 29,930 29,930

Solano Justice Building 51,399 72,391

Solano Superior Court Storage 12,000 108,000

Sonoma 129,242 546,833

3055 Cleveland Avenue 36,550 36,550

City Hall Annex 1,932 0

Empire Annex 10,194 0

Hall of Justice 58,099 180,188

HOJ Trailers 1,440 1,440

Juvenile Justice Center 9,823 36,166

Main Adult Detention Facility 11,204 292,489

New Santa Rosa Criminal Courthouse 0 0

Stanislaus 132,860 198,261

Ceres Superior Court 2,700 2,985

Hall of Records 21,207 45,343

Modesto Civil Court 25,282 0

Modesto Juvenile Court 2,085 81,106

Modesto Main Courthouse 63,957 64,092

Modesto Traffic Court 13,157 0

New Modesto Courthouse 0 0

Turlock Superior Court 4,472 4,735

Sutter 94,119 100,123

Courthouse West 20,249 26,253

Sutter County Superior Courthouse 73,870 73,870

Tehama 73,473 81,343

Annex No. 2 10,595 15,588

Juvenile Justice Center 3,420 0

Tehama County Courthouse 59,458 65,755

Trinity 9,493 42,789

Hayfork Courthouse 0 0

Trinity County Courthouse 9,493 42,789

Tulare 215,240 498,803

707 West Acequia 0 0

Adult Pre-Trial Court 2,548 0

Sum of Exclusive Sum of Building

Facility Court Space (SF) Gross (SF)

Dinuba Division of the Tulare Superior Court 8,817 20,606

Porterville Courthouse 8,147 17,502

South County Justice Center 96,532 96,532

Tulare Division 9,837 20,083

Tulare Family Law Facilitator 2,313 0

Visalia Superior Court 67,804 185,111

William Silveria Jr. Juvenile Justice Center 19,242 158,969

Tuolumne 25,930 28,920

Historic Courthouse 20,160 23,120

New Sonora Courthouse 0 0

Washington St. Branch 5,770 5,800

Ventura 312,567 485,230

200 E. Santa Clara - 2 DCA 6 24,129 0

East County Courthouse 41,416 82,480

Hall of Justice 193,044 348,772

Juvenile Courthouse 53,977 53,977

Juvenile Courthouse Parking Lot 0 0

Yolo 179,448 221,523

Family Support 3,301 20,569

Old Jail (Department 9) 6,737 31,544

Yolo Superior Court 169,410 169,410

Yolo Superior Court Parking 0 0

Yuba 29,500 184,294

Yuba County Courthouse 29,500 184,294

Grand Total 17,242,811 28,886,720

Bldg. Type (Multiple Items)

Exhibit C - Courts of Appeal Portfolio

Sum of Exclusive Court Space (SF) Column Labels

Facility Owned Leased Grand Total

Exclusive Court Space (SF)

Appellate 155,211 317,123 472,334


2424 Ventura Street - 5 DCA 61,000 61,000

Los Angeles

300 S. Spring Street - 2 DCA 1-5, 7-8 and Sup Ct 126,735 126,735


601 W. Santa Ana Blvd - 4 DCA 3 51,960 51,960


3389 12th Street - 4 DCA 2 42,251 42,251


2890 Gateway Oaks - 3 DCA 2,301 2,301

914 Capitol Mall - 3 DCA and Sup Ct 55,821 55,821

San Diego

750 B Street - 4 DCA 1 64,379 64,379

Santa Clara

333 W. Santa Clara - 6 DCA 43,758 43,758


200 E. Santa Clara - 2 DCA 6 24,129 24,129

Grand Total 155,211 317,123 472,334

Exhibit D - Government Code Section 77202











State of California


Section 77202

77202. (a) The Legislature shall make an annual appropriation to the Judicial Council for the general operations of the trial courts based on the request of the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council’s trial court budget request, which shall be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature, shall meet the needs of all trial courts in a manner that ensures a predictable fscal environment for labor negotiations in accordance with the Trial Court Employment Protection and Governance Act (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 71600) of Title 8), that promotes equal access to the courts statewide, and that promotes court fnancial accountability. The annual budget request shall include the following components:

(1) Commencing with the 2006–07 fscal year, annual General Fund appropriations to support the trial courts shall be comprised of both of the following:

(A) The current fscal year General Fund appropriations, which include all of the following:

(i) General Fund moneys appropriated for transfer or direct local assistance in support of the trial courts.

(ii) Transfers to the State Trial Court Improvement and Modernization Fund. (iii) Local assistance grants made by the Judicial Council, including the Equal

Access Fund. (iv) The full year cost of budget change proposals approved through the 2006–07

fscal year or subsequently approved in accordance with paragraph (2), but excluding lease-revenue payments and funding for costs specifcally and expressly reimbursed through other state or federal funding sources, excluding the cost of one-time or expiring programs.

(B) A cost-of-living and growth adjustment computed by multiplying the year-to-year percentage change in the state appropriation limit as described in Section 3 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution by the sum of all of the following:

(i) The current year General Fund appropriations for the trial courts, as defned in subparagraph (A).

(ii) The amount of county obligations established pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 77201.1 in effect as of June 30, 2005, six hundred ninety-eight million sixty-eight thousand dollars ($698,068,000).

(iii) The level of funding required to be transferred from the State Trial Court Improvement and Modernization Fund to the Trial Court Trust Fund pursuant to subdivision (k) of Section 77209, thirteen million three hundred ninety-seven thousand dollars ($13,397,000).










(iv) Funding deposited into the Court Facilities Trust Fund associated with each facility that was transferred to the state not less than two fscal years earlier than the fscal year for which the cost-of-living and growth adjustment is being calculated.

(v) The court fling fees and surcharges projected to be deposited into the Trial Court Trust Fund in the 2005–06 fscal year, adjusted to refect the full-year implementation of the uniform civil fee structure implemented on January 1, 2006, three hundred sixty-nine million six hundred seventy-two thousand dollars ($369,672,000).

(2) In addition to the moneys to be applied pursuant to subdivision (b), the Judicial Council may identify and request additional funding for the trial courts for costs resulting from the implementation of statutory changes that result in either an increased level of service or a new activity that directly affects the programmatic or operational needs of the courts.

(b) The Judicial Council shall allocate the funding from the Trial Court Trust Fund to the trial courts in a manner that best ensures the ability of the courts to carry out their functions, promotes implementation of statewide policies, and promotes the immediate implementation of effciencies and cost-saving measures in court operations, in order to guarantee access to justice to citizens of the state.

The Judicial Council shall ensure that allocations to the trial courts recognize each trial court’s implementation of effciencies and cost-saving measures.

These effciencies and cost-saving measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) The sharing or merger of court support staff among trial courts across counties. (2) The assignment of any type of case to a judge for all purposes commencing

with the fling of the case and regardless of jurisdictional boundaries. (3) The establishment of a separate calendar or division to hear a particular type

of case. (4) In rural counties, the use of all court facilities for hearings and trials of all types

of cases and the acceptance of fling documents in any case. (5) The use of alternative dispute resolution programs, such as arbitration. (6) The development and use of automated accounting and case-processing systems. (c) (1) The Judicial Council shall adopt policies and procedures governing practices

and procedures for budgeting in the trial courts in a manner that best ensures the ability of the courts to carry out their functions and may delegate the adoption to the Administrative Director of the Courts. The Administrative Director of the Courts shall establish budget procedures and an annual schedule of budget development and management consistent with these rules.

(2) The trial court policies and procedures shall specify the process for a court to transfer existing funds between or among the budgeted program components to refect changes in the court’s planned operation or to correct technical errors. If the process requires a trial court to request approval of a specifc transfer of existing funds, the Administrative Offce of the Courts shall review the request to transfer funds and respond within 30 days of receipt of the request. The Administrative Offce of the Courts shall respond to the request for approval or denial to the affected court, in


writing, with copies provided to the Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst’s Offce, the Legislature’s budget committees, and the court’s affected labor organizations.

(3) The Judicial Council shall circulate for comment to all affected entities any amendments proposed to the trial court policies and procedures as they relate to budget monitoring and reporting. Final changes shall be adopted at a meeting of the Judicial Council.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 41, Sec. 55. (SB 1021) Effective June 27, 2012. Conditionally inoperative as provided in Section 77400.)
