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State's Exhibit 244 - PH August 5, 2004

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  • 8/3/2019 State's Exhibit 244 - PH August 5, 2004


    Thursday, August 5, 2004R17

    2:24 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of WhatHappened Through the Night

    You came home last night just before 8:00o 'clock p.m., did the reading and family prayerwith us - read two sermons of ather's on faith ofthe brother of Jared and also pride versushumility. You met with your daughters and gavethem a little training. You had a few snacks withthem and then everyone retired to bed. You werein bed by 11:000 'clock p.m.

    I could feel the heavenly powers approach. Icould feel you were trembling inwardly. Yourbody started to tremble at 11: 30 p.m. At first itwasn't' real severe. By about 11:40 p.m. it wasgetting more severe, until by 11:45 p.m. youtwisted onto your stomach for just a few minutesand then on to your right side. Your arm was bentback behind you. Your body started to tremblevery severely and shake, just rattle. Your headwastilted back to the right also. As your bodytrembled, it was like it twisted. You kept groaning.Your head was like it was twisted to the right intothe bed, tilted back. Your whole body wastrembling very severely. It lasted from about

    m. the severi 0 it. Then ouwent still and quiet for about ten minutes.

    At 12:25 a.m. you said, "The Lord is seeing ifwe are going to stay at it. He is showing me thatmany of he men are exerting great faith, reachingunto Him diligently, believing it can be done."You said, "There are very many sweet men herethat would give their lives for this cause to keep meprotected, to see this project through. "

    At 12:40 a.m. you groaned. You said, "What ishappening? What is happening to me? Somethingis happening inside of me. Your body wastrembling. At 1:00 0 'clock a.m. you said, "I amreaching unto the Lord to know what to do." Youwent quiet. At 1: 15 a.m. you started sayingsomething, but I couldn' t tell what you weresaying. You were talking in another language.You were shining so bright. I had moved awayfrom you because you were trembling so hard, alittle earlier before this. Your hand was reached

    out across the bed, so I put my hand on it. I couldfeel you were inwardly trembling still. The fireand majesty and glory of God I felt f lowed fromyou so strong. You said, "The Lord is taking methrough the fire, through an atonement. "

    At 1:30 a.m. you sat up on your elbow. Youlooked around. You looked at me and said, "Areyou ready to go through the fire? Are you readyfor what is just ahead ofus? You cannot and mustnot be distracted from your mission. You said,"Remember Naomie the experience you wentthrough. Don't be distracted. We just don't haveany time left. You know too much. I said, "Yes, sir.Yes, sir, I do know too much. I am so sorry." Youlaid back down and groanedand sighed. You said,"The Lord is going to see ifwe will stay at this rockproject and not give into the pressure. Who willstay at it no matter what, keep the fire burning inthem? I am reaching unto the Lord to know whatto do. "

    Your body jolted really hard. And again youtrembled so severely, so severely. I yearned untothe Lord that He would spare your life, as you werewrithing and twisting. I could hear your bonesgrinding and twisting and rubbing against eachother. I yearned the Lord would show you what todo. I could see the heavenly fire surrounding youas you twisted and olted and turned and trembled.Your head kept knocking up against the bed board.t wasn t 1 e It was noc zng It ar, ut 1 wasconstant. Your whole body just olted very hard. It

    was like you were picked up and thrown down.You said, "It feels like everything in me is going todissolve. There are daggers going through mybody, into my chest and abdomen. You said, "TheLord is allowing me to intervene and atone. Yousaid, "Don't be surprised at what happens tonight.Don't be surprised.

    At 2:00 0 'clock a.m. your body went into a moresevere trembling session, great distress upon you.You were trembling so severely, it was like yourwhole body was twisting in half, your armstwisting backwards, your legs twisting andgrinding, your body jolting so hard and severe.There was such a powerful burning ofpeace, yet agreat anxiousness to pray so hard that you wouldbe spared, that we would be spared. Your wholebody seemed to be twisting to where your bonesseemed like they were going to break off. As your

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    body trembled, you stayed in that position. I couldhear your neck grinding. You kept groaning. Yousaid, "Wow. Whatever it takes, I am willing, readyfor the greater sacrifice in the Lord's time. This issuch a marvelous experience, what I am goingthrough, the great yearnings ofmy heart, yet theLord is yearning that much greater. You said, "Iwill see what happens, what He does. We muststay at it and show Him we are willing to give ourvery lives. AndHe is showing me that many of hemen are willing to give their very lives. Theirsweetness is only increasing. They are qualifoing,reaching unto the Lord, yearning for forgiveness.The Lord is hearing their prayers. You groanedand went quietfor afew minutes. At 2:15a.m. yousaid, "There is still more to go through, still moreto go through. We must be ready to do whateverthe Lord tells us to do with rejoicing. We must stayat this project. Then you went quiet. You came toat 2:20 a.m. It is now ten minutes to 3:00 a.m.

    8:40 a.m.I last reported to you, finishing about tenminutes to 3:00 a.m. The Lord took you through agreat and severe time, after you had corrected meand told me I was being weighed in the balance,that I had sinned against knowledge and you wereatoningfor me, personally. The Lord took you intosession again at 6:00 0 'clock a.m., a little after

    600 1l 4f T l 1 ' ~ klQZdi1'1g)'QW k l ~ 1 ' 1 d , T C Q l l l d f ~ ' " such a power and a surge surging through you.At 6:30 a.m. your body jolted really hard. Youtrembled. Your body shook, like it has beenshaking just now, just rattling, jolting. Somethingshocks you. You said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. What ishappening? What is happening?" Your bodycontinued to jerk and jolt and tremble veryseverely, like you were being shocked. You twistedover onto your back and then back onto your side.At 7:10 a.m. you said, "Wow. This is greaterexperience than I have been through before. Mywhole being is affected. I don't know what is goingto happen to me. I am yearning the Lord will sparethis people andput it on me, and touch their heartsthis time. Your body continued to tremble.Something would touch you andjust shock you andyou wouldjustjolt and tremble. Each time you did

    it, it seemed to get stronger and harder. You kept

    saying, "We must stay at it. We must stay at it.This people here little realize what is happening.At 7:30 a.m. you said, "This people on this landhave treated me like a boy, though they haven'tdone it willfully, when they don't follow counsel,they are rejecting revelation and they don't evenrealize it. And I am no great person. The Lord is

    great and He hasput me in this position. You said,"They haven't realized this is how they aretreating me. They don't even realize that is whatthey are doing. They think they are obeying. Theyexpress their loyalty. You said, The Lord wantsthem to get two more saws here today. In orderforus to build the temple here, it is going to take suchexactness, that anyone willing to compromise willbe put aside, sent away. And it is a compromisewhen we are not reaching to be led. People are souninspired. Most people here just expect me to beinspired for them, and that is what has happened.The brethren have just expected me to be inspired.Though they have done it unknowingly, or in theirignorance, so-called, there just is no time, no timeleft. The judgments are upon us. You said, "If hebrethren will get two more saws here and show theLord they are yearning to repent, yearning to do itHis way, but who will do it? You said, "yes, it isn'twillful disobedience, and yet they have beentaught. If hey are not careful that is what it willbe.

    You body jolted very, very hard and shook andrattled, like it has been doing just now. You said,"They don't know what I go through. They don'teven realize what is being done for them. You said,"The Lord is showing me many things. Are we justdemanding hard experience here? Is that what ishappening? Every man is going to be left on theirown. They just don't realize what is going tohappen to their families. Theyjust don' t realize it.If here is any belief in them, they would hasten.You said, "They are according to what they havelearned and experience, but who is reaching forthat greater knowledge. You said again, "Theyhave just treated me like a boy." You said, "is mydream beingfuljilled. Are the older men becoming"Wait-and-see if it will happen? Some of theyoung men are doing the same. Some of theyounger men are yearning to know how to helpbetter, but through a lack of reaching for the

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    greater light, they are not inspired to come andask.

    At 8:00 0 'clock your body jolted and youtrembled and trembled and trembled. Your wholebody jerking, going through that shock that rattlesyour whole being. You went quiet for a fewminutes. At8: 10 a.m. you said, "The Lord will stillwork with us. He is so patient. Ifwe stay at it withall the fervency and energy ofsoul.You said, "I have a message I want given toErnest. If he is not aware, though his family ishere, great things will happen to even them. Theywill go through fire like he has not witnessed. Yousaid, "The Lord hasn't told me to send him away,but to warn him strongly that if he doesn't reachand come up to this mark that I have told him - youmust be exact, the Lord will destroy him and hisfamily, totally destroy them. You said, "The Lord

    is still showing me to work with him because he hasbeen humble. He just isn't reaching to beinspired." And the way you said it, it was like theLord was speaking through you. Your voice wasvery penetrating. You said, "The Lord is showingme he has been a good relations man with thesherifand the people but he is just not reaching.He just expects me to do that for him. That is hiserror. He just expects me to be inspired for him,and itjust doesn't work that way. Ifhe is one withme, he is inspired and ahead. This is the lessonand training that every man here must know.

    You said, "And Uncle Allen has got to realizethat he is standing in my way and not letting meopen the door. And though I lift this load alone, hewon't let me open the door. You said, "If thesemen will just realize what they are doing. Ifsomehow the Lord will touch their hearts, He willwork with them still and allow me to intervene intheir behalf. He is already showing me this rockproject won't be done before midnight. Who isgoing to stop because they know it won't be? Yousaid, "If hey will stay at it the Lord will work withthis whole people still. If hey stop, a judgment willcome upon us. But they must stay at it until it isEvery man must stay at it and every manthat is working on the meadow house must stay at ituntil it is complete. The Lord will allow them torest at intervals, afew here while the others stay atthe work. But the men on the rock project muststay at it until it is complete. They must not lose the

    focus or else they will lose their lives, they will losetheir families and they will lose everything, both ofthe spirit and the body. But the Lord is stillstretchingforth His hand. Will we do it this time?Who will seek the strength ofheaven.

    Your body jolted again really really hard. Youcame too. You said, "What has been happening? Igot dressed and I came to tell you what had beenhappening. You had been going through such asevere time. I couldn't tell i fyou were consciousor not, but at 8:30 a.m. you said, "Am I going tohave to -" Then you stopped and you said, "Is theLord going to have to take someone's life beforewe will realize? Is that what we are demanding?"Your body kept jolting and jolting, trembling.Something was shocking you. Your whole beingwould rattle and tremble. You said, "The Lordwants me to tell the brethren if they don't stay atthis job and they are sent away, they will loseeverything and they will be sons ofperdition. Thatis how serious this is. You said, "How muchstronger does the rebuke have to be? You said,"The Lord wants every person on this land ofrefuge who is ofage to begin their fast today untilthe 10 th and all ofZion's Camp will start the fasttomorrow. This day the Lord wants all the peopleon this land of refuge to fast, starting the fasttoday. The brethren will eat a little, but onlyenough to keep up their energy. The Lord wants tosee vphut suc; ifice they vvillniukt. Get HI()Jl JttHJhere and they had better start working with afervent energy and not stop until it is done. Everytest will be presented before them to make themwant to stop, but if hey stop, it will be the end ofthem.

    At 8:40 a.m. your body jolted again. Youopened your eyes and said, "What has been goingon?" I said, "Son you have gone through such a-"I know it is only the Lord that preserves you andmakes it so you can live through what He takes youthrough to atone. Oh, Sweetheart, we need you.We need you desperately. I know by the burningpower ofpeace here, the Lord is so merciful to allof us. He only rebukes those He loves, andchastens us that we may do better. He is so kind,such a loving Father, just like you are. That iswhat you are.

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    12:18 p.m. Calling Ernest Jessop - StrongWarning

    How far is the rock up on the house, thebuilding? How many sets of one hundred havebeen dedicated? The Lord told me He wanted twomore saws here today, like that saw we hadworking on the blocks. I hope you are pushing forthat. Ernest, I want to know if you have lost thefire? You do have what? You remember therevelation of he dream over a year ago in meeting,of the move? I would tell men to park the truckright next to the building, and they would not, theyhad a better idea, and I had to search for someoneelse, the young men, to carry the weight, becausethe middle-aged wouldn't listen, wanted to do ittheir way, and the young men made up thedifference? The Lord has shown me that you areone of those men. You won't park the truck close.You won't be implicitly obedient.I have been warning you and Uncle Allen eachstep of the way and it is as though you have to becommanded in all things, and that is the sign youmen are not inspired of heaven. I know you don'tfully understand when I say to you, "I f I wasn'there, you would already be destroyed." And I sayto you dear brother, you are dead weight, having tobe commanded in all things. The Lord loves youand I love you. You have treated me like a boy anddecided bow to do tbjoes your way as t b Q l l ~ b when I speak, you can hesitate and not respond.The Lord has shown me we won't meet thisschedule, and you men, the Lord has been pressingus to be ready to build a temple, and you weren'teven ready to do the stone on the meeting houseand if we weren't going through this experience,you wouldn't be awake to be ready for the greaterproject.

    Dear brother, you are on a dangerous groundnow with the Lord and ifyou don't turn this aroundand become an inspired man and thus a strength tome and the work of God, you being rejected willmean you lose Priesthood and you will loseeverything. How much more strong does the Lordhave to get with you? If you are sent away, youwill lose everything, dear brother, and you will godown with the wicked. You must develop a properrelationship with the Lord and me, which is, whenI speak His will and make even a suggestion, youplead unto the Lord for the revelations to fulfill

    that directive and don't let things stop you anddon't let distractions tum you away from what theLord directs.Now, I give you this warning. The Lord hasallowed me to be here to intervene, bear influence.Your example of having to be commanded in allthings and being uninspired, is affecting even the

    young men, and I say to you, the Lord has told methat ifyou men on this rock project don't stay at ituntil it is done, you will be scourged and you willfeel it, because when the Lord speaks, He expectsus to reach and be led and obey until it is done.And He doesn't set a deadline to bless us with afailure. If we properly seek the inspiration thesuccesses are within our reach weeks before. Butwhat happens with you and Uncle Allen? Youmen are standing in the doorway blocking me,brethren, and I have this great weight, as thatdream described. And not only will you not openthe door, you are blocking the door because youare not inspired. You are not a strength.

    You have been a blessing in many areas, withthe sherif, - in a physical way keep things going,be the money man - but the Lord is trying to makeof you a savior on Mount Zion, a strength, aninspired man to be a strength to me and Him. Themen must be told they have to get this done.Anyone who lightens up will be cast out. The Lordis through with this halfhearted effort - yes, aphysical push, but we haven't used the right keys.

    I have voiced the keys to you brethren, how toexert oneness, fervency is a key, the devotion ofreaching to be led is a key and you brethren are notpicking up the keys I am handing you, of the Lord.We received such a strong warning a couple ofdays ago. It wasn't until I pushed it that this rush tobe prepared with the right equipment was evensought after. And now by the 10 th we are supposedto have the rock for the temple just processing,processing. We should have saws, equipment,everything, and you brethren aren't even geared upto do the preparation training of he meeting house.The Lord loves you. I love you. This is direct talk.You are on dangerous ground. You had better stayat it for your very life's sake, dear brother. Do youunderstand?

    I am grateful for the good you have done, butyou have just become a money manager, a project

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    manager like on a gentile job, and the spiritualstrength isn' in you or the men, and that is what weare failing in. In your weak ways and ignorance,you are treating me like a boy, deciding how youwill do it and when you will do it, just like they didthe Prophet Joseph Smith, and this is the Lord'scorrection to you. Now, you go among all thepeople on this land, please, and tell them the Lordwants them this day, starting right now, to fast andpray from this moment until the 10 th fordeliverance and that they will stay at this job untilit is done. And also the First Presidency housemust continue. Give the men on that project somerest where they need.

    Dear brother, the Lord's message to youthrough me, this day, is you and these men aregoing to be destroyed if you do not respond and getthat job done. Ifwe lighten up, ifwe don't stay at itand if we turn to bad quality work, the Lord isthrough with us, those involved. He is offering usthe greatest blessings and we are just picking at it.The blessing of a temple represents His presence.Your error, dear brother, is you are dependingupon me to be inspired, and you don't realize thatoneness is inspiration. For you to be a strength tome and the work ofGod, you have to be as inspiredin your stewardship as I am in my stewardship,which is over all the people, and you in yourappointed place. I hope you can be shaken enough,let tlle Good Spilit LUdell yom lrcdrt litis LillIe mIdyet feel our love for you.

    I have been voicing to Uncle Allen and theother men and you that this equipment should behere. But what do I get, "Oh, we are looking at apiece of equipment far here and far there and it isnot available yet. You let things stop you and thenyou stop. You don't keep reaching where else toturn to be ready on time. And the Lord hasrequired me to carry this alone and you brethrenare blocking the door. Now, you go humbleyourself, dear brother, and when I see you, I wantto feel that heavenly fire, through repentance andinspiration and instead of me pushing you everylittle step you are reporting to me that the doors areopening up because of your faith, and that is what Iwant to feel in you, dear brother, for your verylife's sake, for your family's sake; and if you doright the blessing of everyone. You have got to

    stop being that old project manager, using yourlearned ways of doing things.Look back on the history of this project andhow you have had to be commanded nearly everystep of the way. This has to turn around now, dearbrother. We are at the crossroads now. If! have tosend you men away, you have lost it all -Priesthood and everything - so you don't have thatchoice, really. You only have the choice torespond the Lord's way and that is offered to youstill. So the Lord's word to me today, without evenknowing what you are doing, is those two biggersaws had better be here, working, and the men setapart on this mission better stay at this job until it isdone. And He said, "Do not let them bring forthbad quality work, where it is not exact size. Makesure it is the size, and no excuses. You need to gotell Fred that because the Lord is watching us.Why does the Lord have to bring us to suchsharp rebukes before we wake up, dear brother?Why isn't the joy of His offered blessingmotivating us to more and more inspiration? Youare being offered this one opportunity. Nowrespond. Will you do it? Will you do it? Desire iswonderful, but you stay at a prayer until the answercomes and stop letting earthly things block yourway. Now I am praying, bearing influence withthe Lord beyond what you can understand. TheLord is here and He is watching us and the very

    heavens are watchmg us. I he Lord wlil only allowme to intervene so many times before He renders ajudgment. This is His correction, combined withHis invitation. The blessing is within your reachstill, but with the strict and strong warning that youmust succeed in Him or be rejected. And I hopeand pray I never have to talk to you like this again.I love you, dear brother. I am praying the Lord totouch you with this sharp rebuke and awaken youto reach unto Him until the success is there.When He allows seeming roadblocks to arise infront ofyou, He expects you to seek unto Him foranother door of deliverance and not just sit thereand wait for me to tell you what to do next. When Ihave spoken, I have spoken. Don't wait for me tocommand again. Stay at it. The solution willcome. That is what you need to learn in yourlearning implicit obedience. I have sought unto theLord, "Is this all a result of willful disobedience?"And He says no, there is a degree of ignorance.

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    They desire to succeed, and yet there is a sin here.And the sin is you don't keep reaching to be led.You accept circumstances and stop. It wasn't untilI came to your house yesterday and fired you upand directed Fred and Uncle Allen and said, "Weare fostering a failure. We know it. We see it. Weare doing nothing. We think our outward keepingsweet qualifies us. "Oh, we will keep sweetthrough a failure," we say. But when is the successthat earns the redemption of Zion in fulness? Sothe word of he Lord to me about you is you are oneof those in that revelation who won't respond, andyet it is the young men with there energy keepingthings going and some of them are not respondingbecause of the example they ,see. Now, the Lord'sjudgment is about to strike anyone of us and all ofus. So with a yearning for you and all ofyou, I amreaching for you. I hope I can see the heavenly firein you stronger than ever when I see your eyesagain and this day, at least, respond to what I havesaid. Get those saws here and working. Keep themen on the project until it is done. Will you do it?

    When you try to do the right thing the wrongway, it doesn' t work. And the wrong way is youhave just been living on borrowed light, leaning onme to direct every detail, until the Lord had to sendme here and say, "You stay there until this isdone." That is what He told me because themanagers on the job were finding reasons to not doit and the doors were not opening up. Yet evenwith me here, you brethren hadn't responded.

    Oh, dear brother, ifyou could see what is aboutto strike, with rejoicing you would learn the Spiritof God and stay at it in oneness with me. Bewarethe distractions. Stay at what you are directed todo until the Lord opens the doors of deliverance.Who is going for these saws?

    Well, the cutting of the rock with the rock rightin place isn 't really working is it? So let 's notdestroy the good rock. I have a correction forUncle Allen, in connection with you on this, and Isay again, The Lord and I love you, but from thispoint on when I voice something you go seek therevelations ofheaven and the faith of he brother ofJared until the doors open up. The Lord will showyou what the challenges will be and how to beready for them long beforehand. And yet we haveknown for months, since April, that we had to begeared up to do this rock project for the temple,

    and we weren't even ready and we are not ready.And the Lord keeps sending me to rebuke andcorrect and say let 's get this done on time, becauseif you are successful on the meeting house thenyou ready to do the temple. Do you see? Do yousee that? And when we are not ready on ehmeeting house, that means we are not ready for thetemple and that is how we have rejected thisopportunity, but the Lord wants it done.

    Now lets take the steps and work day and nightuntil it is done, acceptable to him. I am still herewith you. He hasn't rejected us. The Lord is readyto do something to us if we don't respond. Turnfrom your fallen ways, dear brother. Return to theLord through His servant and respond. You are onthe precipice. There is jus t no turning back. Wemust succeed in the Lord. He wants to bless us.Okay, dear brother. Be an inspiration and beinspired to be an inspiration.

    Yesterday, I went to the families that are on thisland and asked if they had everything they neededand discovered they needed certain things. This isthe job of you and the storehouse keeper, but Iwent and did it yesterday, and had some of he menthat I brought run errands to fill people's needs. Itdispleases the Lord that we are not searching to fillpeople's needs. So make sure Joseph, every fewdays is going to the families and seeing what theypeed and harE be can help, and commllPicate jfthose needed items are within our reach or whenthey can be, and thereby report to you. You need tobe a better Bishop. You are a presiding Elder now.You are being trained to receive that office. Youshould be living that way right now. You also havethe cement project. The Lord wants you to refine.It can be done, dear brother. The Lord has placedhelpers within your reach. He wants to bless youwith the heavenly gifts. And you can still be astrength beyond measure to this mission and youcan draw from the heavens through me the answersthrough you faith. If you can just get past this roadblock in your way of whatever it is - doubtingyourself or fearing or just blind pride where youdon't keep reaching until the answer comes.Whatever it is, let's reach now, dear brother.

    Smile and thank the Lord for this correctionbefore it was too late, will you? What if this wasthe phone call that said, "You are rejected. Youlose everything. What if this was that call? YouRecord of President Warren Jeffs Page 49 Thursday, August 5, 2004

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    should thank the Lord with all your might, withrejoicing that He loves you so much and I love youso much to correct you, firmly, but I am reachingfor you for you to succeed in the Lord.Did you send Abraham Draper Barlow away?Is he off the property? Okay. He had to be gone,and it was his request. He still holds Priesthood,

    but I am telling you, these men who have receivedthis mission, if hey have to be sent away, they willlose Priesthood now. That is how serious this is.May the fire ofheaven be in you now, and not justa fear of judgment, but the love of the Father,exerted, until it is perfected to be a heavenlystrength, that you will be a strength. You areaffecting so many people right now, dear brother.That is why this correction, and you are blockingthe door for me. I would rather have you walkingwith me instead of stand in the way. Okay, dearbrother. Let's go forward.The Lord can even bring forth that equipment ata very cheap price. We have used money as anexcuse to not do things, and yet I have had otherbusinesses assist. But, for instance, on this rockproject, you brethren keep saying there is a sawhere and there and it is this many weeks away, andthe Lord doesn't work that way. He doesn't give adirective and then say, "You cant do it." There hasto be something else somewhere else, maybesmaller maybe more useful. whatever. We needgreater inspiration if the doors aren't opening upand they will open up because this is His project.So even in seeking this expensive equipment, let'sstay at it, the way will open up. If I don' t get youthe money immediately, there could be anotherdoor open up. It can happen, dear brother. It can.We haven't been given a project the Lord wants tofail just to teach us a lesson. This project is part ofthe survival of the work of God on the earth. Wehave been favored with all the threatenings, but theenemy has been held back.Okay, I will go over those details with you aswe go. I am grateful you will counsel with me.ow, come with inspiration, okay? And who canou use to get that saw? And who would you use tourchase it? Okay. Alright. Ifhe can finance it andwe put part of he down payment ifneeded, let's gofor it, but look at your other needs and keep thisroject going. If this isn't met, men slow down orget discouraged, we will incur the judgment of

    God upon us. I have asked Brother Jim Oler to findthat for me, the oak logs. And then because of ourfailure thus far the last few days, the Lord hadstopped directing the temple project. We have gotto have more revelation and we need to earn it. Hewas giving it daily. So let 's succeed in what we aredoing, alright? And I will tell you the woodrequired for the structural, oak for the finish. Let'searn the blessing. Go before the Lord, repent dearbrother and let's get going. I hope to see you soon.Thank you. And I love you, dear brother.

    9: 15 p.m. Family prayer R17SingingEvery man, woman and child living on this landtoday is sent here to become a strength in Zion. InZion there are no lazy minded people, there are nolazy physical people. The way you can tell you are

    Zion is you can feel the lively increase of theburning peace every day. So I ask you again, areyou Zion? It is way past the time when you want tobe Zion. This is the time to be Zion. All of usknow we can do better we need the Heavenlyincrease to be Zion, the increase of the Spirit ofGod that Spirit is the burning peace. You are notwaiting for a time to prepare for the presence ofGod, it is here and now every minute. You canonly stand in His presence and survive if you arefilled with the Spirit of God. Every minute youllave UIe pelsollai job to do to live ill ti,e livel,increase of that Heavenly Power.

    Heaven and earth meet where Priesthood rules,Heaven and earth meet and Heaven grows whereobedience to Priesthood is fervent. All ofyou canunderstand there are no halfhearted people in theCelestial Kingdom. Zion is Celestial people onearth. So the Lord is training us even in our earthlyhabits how to be clean, neat, organized. Here wemeet for family prayer, every person should havegone to their areas to make sure things are cleanbefore we kneel down. So I dismiss you all to godo that and return in a few minutes, make sureeverything in this house is clean so when we kneeldown we can present ourselves honorable beforethe Lord. Go ahead, kitchen, laundry room,everything.The men did not meet their schedule, on thisproject. The Lord has stopped giving them aschedule right now. We have greatly displeased

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    the Lord. Even this family has been toolight-minded, social, visiting and thus distractedfrom the needed faith exerted to strengthen thisproject. So the workers will receive a correctiontonight. We still have not learned that constantdevotion which is required for the love of theFather perfected in us. So do not stay up late,everyone, socializing, being distracted from themission. You were sent here to be a strength to thismission. If you would always check in you wouldnever find yourself displeasing Heavenly Father.That is where we fall short, we do not reach to beled, we do sometimes, we are rewarded by anincrease of the sweet spirit then we relax ourprayers and tum to our old habits. If I am able tocome talk to you after the 9:00 call, I will see whathappens.8:52 p.m. Talking to Uncle Merril Jessop, His

    Wife Lydia and Daughter Ruleen.Present here is Uncle Merril Jessop, his wifeLydia and daughter Ruleen Jessop.You have heard most of the training and youwill need to hear the rest. But to come to this land

    of rejoice where the Lord is establishing Zion, youhave to enter into sacred promises with HeavenlyFather and that is why a record is being kept. Youhave a faithful father and mother here. What youare doing when you come here is you arepromising to live the fulness of the United Orderby living the first two great commandments untoperfection. Perfection means every minute.Perfection also means "do better." We can all dobetter, so perfection is a condition of increasing.You are also receiving a mission to help build Zionin fulness.

    In coming here, the ladies really don't leave theland. You don't call and talk to relative. But youare coming here to build Zion. The Lord namedyou to come. I am asking you, do you receive thatmission to help build Zion?

    Ruleen Jessop: Yes.Are you willing to live the fulness of the UnitedOrder, the Celestial Law?Ruleen Jessop: Yes, sir.Let the record show she has agreed.

    In Zion there is no gossiping, or shouldn't be,and we work hard and pray constantly. And youare here to be a strength.Have you talked to her about the other issue?Uncle Merril: No, just the training, is all.Okay. The Lord has also sent you here to getmarried. What is your age?Ruleen Jessop: Sixteen.Okay.

    11:40 p.m. Naomie's TestimonyYou came back into your room last night afteryou did the sealing and talked to Isaac and yourguards. The Lord took you right into hand. Yourbody started to go through that, I don't really knowwhat to call it, only like your body is shocked, iswhat it looks like from the outside. Since you havebeen unconscious you haven't hardly moved,outwardly. Every once in a while your body wouldjerk. It was like the Lord was showing yousomething and you were mostly very still. Youwere quiet until about 11:10p. m. I could eel such

    afire here. The presence ofGod was here. Fatheris here. As you had me touch your feet, as Itouched you, I couldfeel that surge ofenergy of heall-consuming fire. I know the heavens arewatching us so closely, taking note of what ourthoughts qnd3(pe1ings qnddesires are our actions.

    At 11:10 p.m. you said, "Something ishappening in Short Creek. I am yearning tounderstand what it is, if t is amongst the ladies orif t is something else. Some ofmy ladies, if heyare not aware, they will turn against me andaccuse me of not loving them, rejecting them,forsaking them, when in reality my whole soulyearns for their success. It weighs on me so heavythat more are not here. It weighs on me so heavythat those that are here, most of them, are notprepared for the greater training. You groaned.You said, "The Lord is warning me so strong aboutsomething. I am being warned about the family inShort Creek. Something is not right there. I amreaching to know. Will I have to remove somefrom that place? What do I need to do? Yougroaned and said, "Okay, okay.

    At 11:20 p.m. you said, "The Lord is showingme more concerning the temple. Oh, we must

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    succeed that the Lord's house, this holy temple canbe built. The blessing is so great that is beingoffered, how can we be slow? You said, "This is atime that everyone should be anxious to know theirstate and standing before the Lord, reaching untoHim that their hearts will be opened and receivethe word that the Lord has to offer. He is stilloffering everyone ofus here on this place of efugethe opportunity and He is revealing moreconcerning the temple and will continue to do so aswe exert ourselves. You didn't say what, out loud.That was the last thing you said before you cameto. You came to about 11:30 p.m. It is now 11:50p.m.

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