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STATION 1 FEDERALIST ERA - Jackson School District 1 – FEDERALIST ERA ... rights of Americans. ......

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STATION 1 – FEDERALIST ERA The Constitution established a system of government known as federalism. Federalism is when the people give some power to the national government, some power to the state governments, and keep some powers for themselves. Powers given to the national government are described in the Constitution and some examples include the power to create post offices, control interstate trade, declare and conduct war, and create a national currency. Powers given to the state governments are listed in the state constitutions and some examples include the power to control trade within the state, establish public schools, create motor vehicle laws, and control marriage and divorce laws. Powers kept by the people include the right to choose a religion, select careers, choose friends, raise a family, and travel.


The Constitution established a system of government known

as federalism. Federalism is when the people give some

power to the national government, some power to the state

governments, and keep some powers for themselves.

Powers given to the national government are described in

the Constitution and some examples include the power to

create post offices, control interstate trade, declare and

conduct war, and create a national currency. Powers given

to the state governments are listed in the state constitutions

and some examples include the power to control trade

within the state, establish public schools, create motor

vehicle laws, and control marriage and divorce laws. Powers

kept by the people include the right to choose a religion,

select careers, choose friends, raise a family, and travel.


There were many challenges facing the new country. Many

Americans disagreed about how to deal with those

challenges. In Washington’s cabinet, Alexander Hamilton

and Thomas Jefferson often disagreed as well. These

disagreements led to the forming of two political parties:

the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.

Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson


One challenge was deciding where the power should be,

with the national government or the state governments.

Hamilton and the Federalists wanted a strong national

government. They wanted a broad view of the meaning of

the Constitution that would give more power to the national

government. Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans

wanted stronger state governments so that the national

government wouldn’t become too powerful and threaten the

rights of Americans. They wanted a narrow view of the

meaning of the Constitution so that the power of the

national government would be limited.


Another challenge was dealing with the debt from the

American Revolution that the state governments and the

national government had. Hamilton and the Federalists

wanted to have the national government pay off all the war

debt for the states. They also wanted to create a national

bank called the Bank of the United States that would issue a

single type of money for all the states to use. Referring to

the Necessary and Proper Clause, they said that the bank

was necessary to help the government deal with taxes,

money, and debt. Jefferson and the Democratic-

Republicans said that creating this bank was not in keeping

with a narrow interpretation of the Constitution and should

not be allowed.


Another challenge was how to interact with foreign

countries. Hamilton and the Federalists believed the U.S.

should have a close relationship with England since many

Americans were of English descent. Jefferson and the

Democratic-Republicans wanted a close relationship with the

French since France had supported the U.S. during the

American Revolution. This became a bigger issue when

England and France went to war against each other and the

U.S. needed to decide who to support and with whom to

continue trade.


President Washington needed advisors to help him run the

new country, so Congress created four departments within

the executive branch. The leaders of those departments

served as his advisors. These advisors are also known as

the cabinet.






Other countries

Thomas Jefferson


Financial issues

Alexander Hamilton


Military defense

Henry Knox


Legal advice

Edmund Randolph


The First Two Political Parties



Leader: Alexander Hamilton Leader: Thomas Jefferson

Wanted: Wanted:

Strong national government Strong state governments

Broad interpretation of the Constitution

Narrow interpretation of the Constitution

National bank State banks

British alliance French alliance

Emphasis on manufacturing Emphasis on agriculture

Protective tariffs (taxes) Free trade



Precedents are things that are said or done that serve as

examples for others to follow in the future. As first

president of the U.S., George Washington knew that he

would be setting precedents for future presidents that would

determine the future of the country and the government.


Precedent #1

Washington believed that getting involved in the affairs of

other countries would be harmful to the U.S. This belief led

him to declare the Proclamation of Neutrality, which stated

that the U.S. would remain neutral and not get involved in

the war between England and France. Washington said the

U.S. should avoid all foreign entanglements.




Precedent #2

Washington warned against forming political parties.

He believed they would divide the country and cause people

to think about what was best for them, not the country as a




Precedent #3

Washington only served two terms as president because he

believed that was the most a person should serve. This was

to make sure that no one person gained too much power.


Precedent #4

Washington was the first to use force to enforce the law.

Hamilton asked Congress to put a tax on all whiskey made

and sold in the U.S. as a way to raise money to pay off the

war debt. Farmers didn’t like having to pay a tax on the

whiskey they produced from their corn. In Pennsylvania,

farmers refused to pay the tax, and attacked, tarred, and

feathered tax collectors. Washington responded to this

challenge to the national government’s authority by leading

over 13,000 soldiers to Pennsylvania to put down the revolt.

The farmers fled rather than fight. This became known as

the Whiskey Rebellion and showed that armed rebellion was

not acceptable.



In the 1796 presidential election, John Adams, a Federalist,

received the most electoral votes and became president. At

that time, the person with the second highest number of

electoral votes became the vice-president. Thomas

Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, received the second

most votes and became the vice-president. That meant that

the government had a Federalist president and Democratic-

Republican vice president, which made it more difficult to

run the government.


In the late 1700’s, the French and British were at war. The

French were worried that the U.S was helping the British in

the war against France so they captured U.S. ships that

were heading to England. In 1797, President Adams sent

ambassadors to France to address the issue of the French

attacking U.S. ships. Agents of the French government

demanded that the U.S. pay a bribe of $250,000 and lend

France several million dollars. The U.S. refused. When

Americans heard about the bribe attempt, they called for

war against France. This became known as the XYZ Affair,

named after the three French agents who’d suggested the




To avoid war, Adams sent new ambassadors to France to

meet with Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of France.

Napoleon agreed to stop capturing American ships so that

France would be able to focus on fighting the war with

England. A peace treaty was signed between the U.S. and

France in 1799.



These events led many Americans to become more

suspicious of aliens. Aliens are immigrants who have not

become citizens of the country in which they live. The

government passed laws called the Alien and Sedition Acts

which allowed the president to put aliens in prison and send

them out of the U.S. if he thought they were dangerous.

Sedition refers to activities that weaken the government.

The laws limited free speech and made it a crime to write or

say anything insulting about the president, Congress, and

the government in general. These laws were later

determined to be unconstitutional.




Southern states wanted to change the location of the

nation’s capital. Many Southerners thought that having the

capital in New York gave the Northern states too much

influence over national policy. Also, Southern states weren’t

happy with Alexander Hamilton’s plan to have the national

government repay each state’s debt from the American

Revolution. The Southern states had less war debt than the

northern states and felt they weren’t getting as much benefit

with Hamilton’s plan. So a compromise was reached.

Northern members of Congress agreed to move the capital

to the south and in exchange, the South agreed to

Hamilton’s plan to have the government repay debt the

states’ American Revolution war debt.


In 1791, the national capital was moved to Philadelphia for

10 years while the permanent capital was being built.

Washington chose a place on the Potomac River that

included part of Maryland and Virginia. The land was made

up of swamps and farms and would eventually become the

city of Washington D.C.


Benjamin Banneker was born to a free African American

family in rural Maryland. He attended a Quaker school but

was mostly self-educated. When he was young, he would

take apart his father’s farm tools and then reassemble then

so they would work better. His grandmother taught him to

read. He was an outstanding scientist, mathematician, and

surveyor. He was appointed by Thomas Jefferson to work

as a surveyor for the new capital.


President Washington had appointed a French architect,

Major L’Enfant, to draw up plans for the new capital. After

working on the plans for some time, L’Enfant was fired and

took all his maps and plans back to France. The plans for

the city would have been gone forever except for the

memory of Benjamin Banneker, who redrew all the maps

from memory.


George Washington was plagued by illness throughout his life. He

was officially reprimanded for being away from his military duties

so often during the French and Indian War. During his lifetime,

he suffered from smallpox, pneumonia, malaria, pleurisy,

dysentery, rheumatism, and influenza, as well as back pains,

dental problems, and recurring fevers. By the time Washington

was 29, he had survived four serious illnesses, any of which could

have proven fatal. He was a big man and possessed incredible

physical strength, which was probably what kept him alive.

During the American Revolution, he had an attack of malaria and

pneumonia. Ironically, he died of a sore throat. Even though he

was plagued by illness, Washington had enough strength to

become the Father of Our Country.


In the 1800’s, thousands of settlers moved westward across

the Appalachian Mountains into areas long inhabited by

Native Americans. Some of these areas became U.S. states.

Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio had become states by 1803.


There was activity further west, too. In 1800, France and

Spain were negotiating for ownership of the Louisiana

Territory, which was the vast region between the Mississippi

River and the Rocky Mountains. Also, along the Pacific coast

in Oregon Territory, Spain, Russia, England and the United

States were establishing settlements.


As the number of westerners grew, so did their political

power. An important issue for many settlers was the use of

the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans. The

Mississippi River served as a major transportation route for

people and goods. It was less expensive and faster to load

goods onto an ocean-going ship on the east coast, sail down

the eastern coast to New Orleans, off load the goods onto a

river boat, and sail up the Mississippi River rather than

transport goods by wagon across the Appalachian





Ownership of New Orleans had alternated between France

and Spain for several decades. In 1802, just before turning

the Louisiana Territory over to France, Spain closed New

Orleans to U.S. ships. Westerners called for war against

Spain and France since the closing of New Orleans cut off

their main transportation route. To avoid war, President

Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from France. He

received a surprising offer back. Napoleon, the leader of

France, offered to sell New Orleans and the entire Louisiana

Territory to the United States.


Napoleon had three reasons for making the offer.

First, France was at war with England and needed soldiers to

fight the war. In order to hold on to the Louisiana Territory,

French soldiers would have to be stationed there.

Second, there had been a slave revolt on the French island

of Hispaniola in the Caribbean and France needed to send

soldiers there to put down the revolt. Sending soldiers to

the Louisiana Territory would have stretched the army too

thin. Third, wars are expensive, so selling the Louisiana

Territory would give France some much needed money.


Jefferson wanted to accept the offer; however, the

Constitution said nothing about a president’s right to buy

land for the country. This troubled Jefferson because he

believed in the strict interpretation of the Constitution. But

he also believed in a nation of independent farmers, and

that required land. So, on April 30, 1803, the Louisiana

Purchase was approved for 15 million dollars which gave the

United States the port of New Orleans, the Louisiana

Territory and doubled the size of the country.


Jefferson planned an expedition to explore the Louisiana

Territory in order to learn about what he’d purchased for the

U.S. The expedition into the northern portion of the

Louisiana Territory was led by Meriwether Lewis and William

Clark. The trip became known as the Lewis and Clark

Expedition and lasted from 1804 to 1806.


Jefferson set four goals for the expedition:

1: find the headwaters of the Missouri River

2: find an all-water route across the continent

3: establish good relations with Native Americans

4: write accounts of the plants, animals, and landscapes





In 1806, another expedition, led by Zebulon Pike, was sent

to explore the southern portion of the Louisiana Territory.

Pike’s mission was to find the headwaters of the Arkansas

and Red Rivers. During the expedition, they crossed into

Spanish Territory and were arrested by Spanish troops.

Spanish officials released them in 1807. They returned with

important descriptions of the Great Plains and the valley of

the Rio Grande.





Foreign Policy:

the way a country deals with other countries


a foreign policy of avoiding political or economic

entanglements with other countries

When Thomas Jefferson became president, England and

France were at war. The U.S. wanted to remain isolationist

and not get involved in the war. This was not easy to do for

three reasons.


First, the U.S. couldn’t remain isolationist because it had

made the Louisiana Purchase. Now Americans were moving

westward and coming into contact with people from other

countries, which meant the governments needed to be in

contact as well in order to help settle problems.


Second, once a country starts trading with another country,

the government cares about what’s going on in that country

and gets involved in that country’s affairs in order to protect

trade. The U.S. couldn’t remain isolationist because

thousands of American merchant ships traded with the

English and French. America’s economy depended on

trading its excess food and raw materials to Europe.

America’s raw materials were vital to the war efforts of both

England and France, which led both countries to try to stop

the other from getting those raw materials. They didn’t

want America providing their enemy with food and supplies.

This put America in a difficult position. England and France

also used their navies to board American ships in order to

seize war materials bound for enemy ports.


Third, the U.S. had little control over the actions of other

countries. This meant that even though the U.S. might want

to be isolationist, it would need to react to the actions of

other countries. The British were interfering with U.S. ships

through the impressment of American sailors. Impressment

was the kidnapping of American sailors to work on British

ships. Between 1803 and 1812, over 6,000 U.S. sailors were

impressed by the British. The British claimed they were only

taking British citizens from the ships; however, many U.S.

citizens were taken. Since the British had the largest navy in

the world and they were at war with France, they needed a

steady supply of sailors. Few men enlisted in the British

navy, and many deserted, because of the horrible conditions

on British ships. Discipline was harsh, punishments were

brutal, food was maggot-filled, quarters were cramped, and

the pay was $7 per month.


In response to these issues, President Jefferson asked

Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807. This law

stopped all foreign trade. Without U.S. trade, it was

believed that England and France would suffer economically

and would agree to end impressment and interference with

U.S. ships. This policy was a disaster because it was more

harmful to Americans than anyone else. Farmers were

unable to sell their surplus food which caused them to lose

money and over 30,000 merchants were put out of work.




In 1809, James Madison became president of the U.S. and

he reopened trade with all countries except England and

France. He said trade with those countries would begin

again when they agreed to respect U.S. ships. This policy

was not effective either.


The Americans were also angry with the British because it

was believed that the British were pushing Native Americans

to fight against the westward expansion of American

settlements and also supplying the Native Americans with

weapons. The British did this as a way to keep friendly

relations with Native Americans. Tecumseh was a Shawnee

chief who wanted to stop the loss of land to the white

Americans. He believed that the Native Americans were

losing land because they were not united, with each tribe

making its own treaties with the U.S. He tried to organize

the Native Americans tribes to work together to fight the




Many Americans, who were already angry with the British for

interfering with shipping and impressing sailors, were even

angrier about the Native Americans allying themselves with

the British. Many called for war and became known as war

hawks. They thought that winning a war against the British

would stop shipping interference, impressments, aid to the

Native Americans, and would allow the Americans to take

over Canada. On June 18, 1812, Congress declared war on

the British.


England was already at war with France in 1812 and did not

want to fight a war against the U.S. at the same time.

British leaders announced that they would stop interfering

with U.S. shipping and stop the impressment of U.S. sailors.

In the 4-6 weeks it took that news to make its way to the

U.S. by ship, the U.S. had already declared war.

The British Army The French Army

Crossed in the mail!

No more impressment of

sailors! We declare war on


We will stop impressment of

sailors! We don’t want



At the beginning of the war, the U.S. army was weak. It

had less than 7,000 men who were poorly trained and poorly

equipped. They were led by officers with little experience.


The U.S. navy was small, with only 16 ships, compared with

England’s 1,017 ships. The U.S. naval officers, however,

had gained experience fighting pirates overseas and the

ships were the fastest afloat.


The War of 1812 had two main phases. The first phase

lasted from 1812-1814. During this phase, the British

focused most of their attention on their war with France.

The second phase lasted from 1814-1815. During this

phase, the British turned their attention to the war with the

U.S. since they had defeated the French in 1814.

The British Army The French Army


During the first phase of the war, the British partially

blockaded the American coast. There were several naval

battles won by the Americans, which boosted their



The war in Europe ended in April of 1814. After that, the

British concentrated on defeating the U.S. They attacked

the U.S. in three areas.


One area the British attacked was Washington D.C. They

believed that if they were able to defeat the country’s

capital, the war would be won. They marched into

Washington D.C. and burned several buildings, including the

President’s Mansion. James Madison and his wife Dolley

were about to have dinner when they were warned of the

attack. Before escaping, Dolley Madison saved many

valuable items from being destroyed in the fire. After the

war, the President’s Mansion was whitewashed to cover the

soot from the fire. It was then that the name was changed

to the White House.


The British then marched on to attack Fort McHenry at

Baltimore. Francis Scott Key, an American, was on a British

ship in the Baltimore Harbor working out the release of an

American Prisoner. He was trapped on the ship overnight

while the British bombarded Fort McHenry. It wasn’t clear

which side won the battle until the morning light. It was

then that he saw the American flag still flying over the fort,

indicating that the Americans had won. He was inspired to

write the poem “The Star Spangled Banner”. The words

were later put to the tune of a popular English drinking song

and, in 1931, became our official national anthem.


The second area the British chose to attack was in the

northeast. They sent forces through Canada in an attempt

to push south and cut off the northeastern states, with their

factories that supplied weapons and ammunition, from the

rest of the U.S. By September 1814, the plan had failed.


The third area the British chose to attack was New Orleans.

If the British were able to take over New Orleans, they

would cut off access to the Mississippi River, the main

transportation route in that section of the country. U.S.

General Andrew Jackson put together an army to defend

New Orleans. The battle lasted one hour. At the end of the

battle, 2,000 British soldiers had died and 71 U.S. soldiers

had died. The Battle of New Orleans made Andrew Jackson

a war hero.



The peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 was called the

Treaty of Ghent. Peace treaties are named after the place

they are signed and this treaty was signed in Ghent,

Belgium. The Treaty of Ghent been signed December 24,

1814, two weeks before the Battle of New Orleans on

January 8, 1815. News of the treaty that ended the war

didn’t reach New Orleans until after the battle because of

the slow speed of mail.

Peace treaty signed on December 24,


Battle of New Orleans fought January 8, 1815


The Treaty of Ghent showed that the war had no clear

winner. Neither side won territory, nor had the border and

trade disputes been resolved. The war did, however, have

four important consequences. First, the heroism of

Americans increased patriotism across the country. Second,

the war weakened the Native Americans, who had sided

with the British. This made westward expansion easier for

Americans. Third, because the war had interrupted trade,

Americans were forced to begin manufacturing many of the

goods they would normally have gotten from England. This

encouraged the growth of U.S. manufacturing. Finally, the

U.S. proved it could defend itself against the strongest

military power of the time, which increased the respect the

U.S. received from other countries.



President Vice President Years In Office



John Adams

1789 – 1797

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

1797 – 1801

Thomas Jefferson

Aaron Burr

George Clinton

1801 - 1809

James Madison

George Clinton Elbridge Gerry

1809 - 1817

James Monroe

Daniel Tompkins

1817 - 1825



a formally stated government policy

Monroe Doctrine:

an American foreign policy that warned European countries not to interfere in North and South America

By the early 1820s, most of the Spanish colonies in North and South America had declared independence. The circumstances surrounding these struggles for independence

reminded many U.S. leaders of the American Revolution. As a result, the U.S. supported these revolutions.


U.S. President James Monroe feared that rival European countries might try to take control of the newly independent countries in North and South America.

Monroe had a dilemma. On one hand, the U.S. was friendly with European powers and didn’t want to be involved in wars with them. On the other hand, the U.S. supported the newly independent countries in North and South America and didn’t want any European nation to try to take back its colonies.

On December 2, 1823, President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine and delivered it as part of his annual State of the Union Address speech to Congress.


The Monroe Doctrine had four main points.

Point #1

The United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations.

Point #2

The United States would recognize, and not interfere with, European colonies that already existed in North and

South America.


Point #3

The Western Hemisphere (North and South America) was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power. Point #4

The United States would consider any European nation’s attempt to colonize or interfere with nations in North and South America as a hostile act since it would be a serious threat to the peace and stability of the United States.


In 1844, when our town was being formed, it was originally

going to be named Johnson. This was after Richard

Johnson, the soldier who killed Tecumseh in battle during

the War of 1812. In the end, it was decided to use the

name Jackson, after Andrew Jackson, a hero of the War of

1812 who went on to become the 7th U.S. president.

Jackson was the 3rd most popular town name in the U.S.


John Adams, the second president of the U.S., and

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the U.S., both died

on the same day. It happened to be July 4, 1826, which

was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of



James Monroe, the 5th president of the U.S., died on

July 4, 1831, which was the 55th anniversary of the

signing of the Declaration of Independence.

XYZ Affair (on my youtube)



USA State and Federal Powers (on my youtube)



Whiskey Rebellion (on my youtube)



Station 10:

Brain Pop: Political Party Origins (4:00)


Lewis and Clark Rap (on my youtube) (3:33)



Star Spangled Banner (on my youtube) (1:32)


After as a class

Alexander Hamilton vs Thomas Jefferson Flocabulary (on my youtube) (4:27)


