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Steffy solutions kitchen repair guide

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Steffy Solution, Firm based on home development and home remodeling offer you services included Plumbing, electrical , Renovation etc from sevral years. Here Are tips For Kitchen Repairing..
Bathroom Remodel Project Guide Project Stages 2..... Initial Steps 3..... Find the Right Contractor 4..... Construction to Completion Understanding Cost 6..... Range of Cost 7..... Cost vs. Value 8..... Financing Your Project Design Ideas 9......Style Guide 10....Materials Guide 17....Going Green 19.... User Advice Appendices 20....A 21....B 22....C 23....D 24....E 25....F
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Bathroom Remodel Project Guide

Project Stages2..... Initial Steps3.....Find the Right Contractor4..... Construction to Completion

Understanding Cost6..... Range of Cost7..... Cost vs. Value8..... Financing Your Project

Design Ideas9......Style Guide10....Materials Guide17....Going Green19....User Advice



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2Your Home Improvement Connection

Scope & LayoutAre you looking to increase bathroom space, or just maximize current space? Does everything need to go, or will some items stay on? Can you add a window or skylight? Imagine your ideal, blow-away bathroom and how it will look.

•Startwithstyle.Areyoulookingforanexactstyleora general feel for how your bathroom will look? Go to our style guide on page (9) to get an idea of what you want orwhatwouldbestfitwithyouroverallhomestyle.

•Ifyourprojectisfairlyextensive,lookintohiringa bathroom designer. This professional can help bring your ideas to life, and will likely impress you with some ideas of their own.

•Determineyourlevelof“Green”.Youdon’thavetobe a tree-hugger to want to save money on energy bills or to make your remodeling choices safe for your family.

Research What’s Out ThereTake your raw ideas and give them some shape, color, and texturebyseeingwhat’soutthere.

•Spendtimewithourmaterialsguidepage(10)tosee what options are available.

•Getsomehomemagazinesandcutouteverything that appeals to you.

•Takeaspinthroughsomehomestores,showrooms, and Home Shows.

•Besuretocheckoutouruseradvicepage (19) for tips and advice from Contractors, Bathroom Designers, and Homeowners who have done this before.


•Ifyouneedsomeinspiration,gotothedesigngalleries under design ideas in your project guide.

Unleash Your Inner AccountantNowthatyouhaveeverythingyouwant,let’sstarttonarrowthefieldto what you can afford, or what you are willing to pay for.

Finishes & FixturesThe cost difference between marble and laminate counters can be significant,muchthesameasajettedtubandaone-personshower.Sothinkaboutallofthedetailswhereyoudon’tmindastandardoption,andtheplaceswhereyouarefirmonwhatyouwant.Ifyouprepare a range of options for each item in your bathroom remodel, you will give yourself some wiggle room on any budget.


The All Important BudgetYouneedabudget.Whetheryouareobtainingfinancingorifyouhave a rich uncle, budgets keep you, your designer, and your contractor on the right path. If you are changing the layout of your bathroom,youwillhikeupthepricesignificantly.Don’tforgetthatlabor will make up the majority of the remodeling cost, so using materials that are less expensive will shave the cost, even if the labor remains the same.

Your TimelineFinally, when do you want work to start, and when do you want your bathroom remodel to be completed? The below chart is the timeline for a typical bathroom remodel. If you need yours faster than below, or you have a very extensive remodel but need the samedeliverytime,youmightneedtomakesomesacrifices,such as allowing contractors to start early in the morning, work late at night, or on weekends.

Estimated Timeline for Bathroom Remodel

1-2 weeks

1-2 weeks

2-3 weeks

2-3 weeks

2-5 weeks

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 weeks

Idea Gathering

Design Stage

Hire the Right Pro

Prepare for Constructions



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3Your Home Improvement Connection

PROJECT STAGES: Find the Right Contractor

ServiceMagic’s 10-Point ScreeningServiceMagicisyoursourceforfindingprescreenedandtop-ratedserviceprofessionals.It’sourgoaltoprovide you with up to four professionals that have been 10-point screened, which means that we have done thefollowingtoensurethatyoufindtherightproforyourproject:

Choosing a Pro — The Interview Once you have your list of matching pros, you should make sure you are consistent when interviewing them. Use ourContractorComparisonWorksheet(AppendixA)completewitheverything you need to make sure you are comparing apples-to-apples,whichincludes:




Tips for Evaluating Bids and Avoiding “Low-Ball” Offers:

•Thereisaworldofdifferencebetweena“free”two-paragraphestimateandonethatisfivepages long with all aspects of the project spelled out. Get the details on paper!

•Thisisagreattimetoseeifyoucanwork harmoniously with your contractor – is he willing to spend the time to educate you on the process and all the options?

•Whatdidthecontractor’sreferencessayaboutcost overruns? Factor this in.


•Don’trelyon“Allowances”–ifthebidallows$4,000forcabinets,askyourProtoshowyouwhat$4,000 cabinets look like. This will prevent unpleasant surprises down the road.

•Priceisnoteverything!DoyoulikeandtrustthisPro?Istheresomethingfishyabouthim?Trustyour instincts and only hire someone who feels right for you.

Choosing a Pro — HiringYou’vedoneyourhomeworkandhavesettledontherightProforyou.Despiteappearances,there’sstillsomeworktodotomakesure you get off on the right foot. Use our 10 Steps for Hiring Service Professionals guide (Appendix B) to make sure you have youri’sdottedandyourt’scrossed. Choosing a Pro — ContractsNow you need to make sure that your expectations coincide with your Pros, and this is where the contract comes in. Check out our ContractswithContractors:TheBigIssuesarticle(AppendixC)for explanations of the various sections of a typical remodeling contract.Foraquicktakeonwhatyoushouldbethinkingabout,see our Contract Checklist below.

A Good Contract: £ Should be written on company letterhead

£Shouldcontainthecompany’sname,address, phone numbers, and license number

£ Includes a detailed description of the work that is going to be performed

£ Provides dollar amounts associated with each task included in the project


£ Provides a payment schedule

£ Includes a termination clause

£ Protects the homeowner from mechanics liens once you have paid the contractor in full

£ Clearly states whether permits will be pulled, and who will be responsible for pulling them

£ Details the process for change orders


2 Verify Insurance


4 Criminal Records Search

5 Sex Offender Search

6 Bankruptcy Search





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4Your Home Improvement Connection

PROJECT STAGES: Construction to Completion

During ConstructionOnceyou’vescheduledtheworkandnaileddownthegroundrules,nowyouneedtoputonyourprojectmanager’shat.Oneway to keep things on track and stay in the loop is to have prog-ress meetings with your project supervisor or contractor.

Progress MeetingsAprogressmeetingisatimetoreviewquestions,makedeci-sions, and talk about changes to the scope of the remodel. You canhavethesemeetingsasfrequentlyaseverydayoronceaweek for longer projects. Make sure your contractor is on board and knows that you want to have a forum for voicing concerns or making changes.

Schedule of PaymentsThere are no hard and fast rules as to how a contractor col-lectshisorherfees.Somedon’tcollectuntiltheworkiscom-pleted, while others ask for 50 percent upfront. The average is threepayments:

•Thefirstpaymentiscommonlyduewhenthebulkofthe materials are delivered

•Thesecondpaymentisduewhenthejobishalf complete

•Another20percentwhenthejobisessentially complete.

PayingyourProistricky-youdon’twanttopayandthenhavethemabsentforextendedperiods,butyoualsodon’twanttowithhold and have the same result. See our Arranging Payment ForHomeImprovementWorkarticle(AppendixD)formoreon how to manage this process so you and your contractor are both as happy as clams.

Prepare for Construction: Ground Rules

It’shardtohavesomeoneinthemostprivateroominyourhouse – especially if you only have one bathroom. Some things toconsiderwhentryingtomakethingsassmoothaspossible:

•Map out the path the contractors will take from your door tothebathroomandprotectthefloorwithcarpetscraps, old towels, or plastic.

•Decide when you want work to begin and end each day and if they can work weekends. Realize that being temporarily inconvenienced by workers arriving early and stayinglatewilllikelycompletetheprojectquickly.

•If you have pets, decide what you will do with them to stay outofthecontractor’sway.

•Decide if you want everything cleaned up at the end of each day. Remember that for longer projects, cleaning each day can extend the completion date.

•Think about where the contractor will park his vehicle and, if needed, where the dumpster will be placed.

• If walls are being opened or worked on, have a plan for minimizing dust and debris – taping some plastic over the door can help keep the dust contained.

•Remove anything you can from the bathroom – including soaps, trash cans, and other accessories. Designate a place outside where your Pros can wash off tools.

•Designate where they will draw their electrical power from.

•Decide if your contractor can use your bathroom and telephone.

•Offer water or a beverage to workers when possible.

•Briberyisn’tabadidea–donutsandcoffeecanearnyou points that you can cash in during the project.

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5Your Home Improvement Connection

PROJECT STAGES: Construction to Completion (Continued)

Punch List

A punch list is a checklist of all items related to the project that are incomplete.It’sagoodideatoupdateandbringthislisttoyourprogress meetings to make sure you and your contractor are on the same page. Now that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, thisdocumentservesasa“What’sLeft”list.OncethecontractorhasaddressedallofthePunchListitemstoyourmutualsatisfaction,youshould advance any balance owed and call it a day!

Final Inspection & Substantial CompletionWhentheprojectisclosetocomplete,youandyourProshouldschedule a Final Inspection in order to check off everything on thecontract,anychangeorders,andyourPunchList.It’snotuncommon that there will be minor outstanding items at this point,andtheseshouldbekeptonthePunchListandtiedtoafinalpayment.IfyouandyourContractorareinagreement,thisis the time to advance the last major payment and make plans for finishingyourPunchList.



Change OrdersAchangeorderisawrittenmodificationofthescopeofworkthatyoudefinedonyourcontractorblueprints.Therearetwokindsofchangeorders:thoseyouinitiateandthosethatarearesultofun-foreseenbuildingconditions.Whilethelattertypeofchangeordercan be frustrating, it is an inevitable part of home improvement, andhavingawell-definedchangeorderpolicyinyourcontractcan smooth this process.

A standard change order should include the following:



3. A complete description of new work to be performed

4. Total price for materials and labor to complete the change

5. Revised date of completion due to the change order

6. Signatures of the company representative

7. Signatures of the homeowners

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6Your Home Improvement Connection


Ifyou’rejustlookingforaballparkestimatetohelpcreateyourbudget, we have some numbers to get you started. Below is a nationwide average cost for bathroom remodels, based on feedback from ServiceMagic homeowners.

The Dreaded Hidden CostsAremodelingcontractorcan’tseebehindyour walls when estimating, so below are a fewhiddenthingsthatcandrivecostsup:






Average Bathroom Remodel Cost

What Our Service Pros Have to SayWesurveyedmorethan900BathroomRemodelingProsinournetworkaboutremodelinga5x7bathroom.Theupdatesrangedfrom low-end to high-end materials. See graphs for the details.

LowEndRemodel Mid-RangeRemodel HighEndRemodelFlooring: $506 $743 $1,213Sink: $247 $340 $550Shower/Bath: $1,134 $1,562 $2,694PlumbingFixtures: $386 $538 $988Toilet: $248 $342 $530Cabinets: $383 $569 $1,087Countertops: N/A $421 $925LightingFixtures: $192 $303 $541Total: $3,096 $4,818 $8,528

* The above bathroom remodel estimates are an average of responses provided by ServiceMagic contractors all over the country. The total figure represents an all inclusive cost for that type of remodel, and as such is not the sum of the broken out categories.

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7Your Home Improvement Connection

Where to FocusWeaskedournetworkofcontractorswherethebestplacewas to invest in a bathroom remodel. Here is the wisdom they hadtoshare:

Theaboveitemsarenotsurefirewinners,buttheyaregoodguides to get the money at closing.

* Source: Recent poll of more than 650 ServiceMagic home professionals.


Hanley Wood’s Cost vs. Value Average

Upscale Bathroom Remodel •Expandanexisting5x7footbathroomto9x9ft within existing house footprint

•Addanotherwindow,relocate&replacetubwithcustom4x6dualshowerwithtop-of-linefittings and full body-wash shower wall, tile, and glass block surround

•Relocatedtoilettopartitionedareaandreplaceitwith one-piece color unit / add bidet




•Addgeneralandspotlightingandahumidistat controlled exhaust fan (electrical wiring to code)

AverageJobCost-USA: $37,097 ResaleValue: $24,455 Cost Recouped on Sale: 68.6%

Mid-Range Bathroom Remodel •Updateanexisting5x7ftbathroom

•Replaceallfixturestoinclude30x60inchporcelain on steel tub with 4 x 4 ceramic tile surround

•Newsinglelevertemperatureandpressurebalanced shower control

•Standardwhitetoilet,solid-surfacevanitycounterwith integral double sink


AverageJobCost-USA: $12,588 ResaleValue: $9,770 Cost Recouped on Sale: 77.6%

1. Visit www.remodeling.hw.net/costvsvalue/index.html to learn more.

Many homeowners get too focused on cost instead of focusing on value. Sure, your bathroom remodel is going to cost a few thousand dollars, but it is also going to add value back to your home. Our friendsatHanleyWoodproduceaCostvsValueReport1 every year that shows how much resale value you can expect from certain projects in certain cities. According to their 2007 Report, the average bathroomremodelcosts$15,789,butthatsamebathroomincreasedtheresalevalueby$12,366.Inthissituation,youactuallyonlypay$3,400foryournewlyremodeledbathroom.Belowistheirdetailedbreakdown of how they measure an Upscale Bathroom Remodel.







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PROJECT STAGES: Financing Your Project

Money Matters: How to Finance Your Bathroom Remodel Thereareseveralavenuesthatyoucanwalkdowntofinanceyourremodelagainstyourhome’sequity,and there are also routes to borrow against your earning potential. No matter what your situation, there is likelyafinancingoptiontofityourpistol.

• Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Thisisaverypopularmethodforfinancingremodels.HELOCsactlikeacreditcard,soyouareonly financingwhatyouspendinsteadofasetloanamount.Becarefulwiththesebecausetheytypically have variable interest rates.

• Home Equity Loan SimilartoHELOCs,exceptthattheseloansareforaone-timesetamount,thepaymentsandinterestratearefixed,andtheclosingcostsarehigher.Thegoodthingabouttheseisneitheryourinterestratenor payments will increase.

• Homeowner Loan Similar to the above methods except that you are borrowing against your income rather than the equityinyourhome.Yourhomewillstillbethecollateral,butthisisgreatforthosenewto homeownership with healthy incomes.

• Value Added Loans If you are making a substantial improvement, you can sometimes borrow against what your home is going to be worth after the project, rather than its current value.

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9Your Home Improvement Connection


TraditionalWithasolid foundationof furniture-styledcabinetsandvanities,the Traditional style is typically accented with ornate plumbing linesandfixturesandcomplementedbywarm,yetsubtle,colorsand ornate molding.

ContemporaryThis style is marked by clean, sharp lines, minimalism, and an overallEastern influence.AContemporarybathroomwillusuallyincorporate unique materials and sleek methods, such as con-crete, brushed steel, and vessel sinks.

CountryThis style pulls from the old school and uses nature to construct the feeling of yesteryear. From rough hewn wood flooring andstand-alone clawfooted tubs to wainscoting, floral designs, andearthy colors, Country is simple and down-to-earth.

TransitionalThe Transitional style occupies the space between Traditional and Contemporary by softening the sometimes industrial Contempo-rary feel with rounded corners and warm colors while retaining the sophistication of Contemporary design.

WorldWorldstyledrawsfromMediterraneanandAsian influencesandreally defies definition. The components of this style are pulledfrom many eras and locations to create the feel of another world, one you visited on vacation or imagine far away places to be.

Other StylesTransitionaltopsthelistof“Other”styleshomeownersarerequest-ing. This style is a mixture of traditional and contemporary, lean-ingtowardsamoremodernlook.OtherstylesthatarefrequentlyrequestedincludeUltraModern,Spa,Asian/Zeninfluenced,Arts&Crafts, Art Deco, and Shaker.

Tips from Bathroom Designers for developing your style:•Lookatthestyleandfeelof other rooms in your home.


•Thestyleofthebathroomshouldfitthestyleandera the home was built/decorated.

•Pictureyourselfsittingin that spot– what colors and objects do you imagine?

•Keepitsimpleandtasteful,anddon’tcutcornerswith detailing.

•Don’tgotoofaroutofyour comfort range.

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10Your Home Improvement Connection

DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide






Cabinets & StorageThesearethekeystoefficientbathroomspace,buttheydon’thavetoboreyoutotears,nor leave you standing in the soup line. From custom to stock, you have options.

95%ofbathroomcabinetswillfallintothebelowcategories.Wehaverankorderedthemfrom the most expensive to least, as well as noted their individual durability.

•CustomCustomcabinetryisbuilttoyourexactspecifications, out of the material of your choice, and is made by a skilled craftsman. For these reasons, it is the most expensive of the cabinetry options.

•Semi-CustomThesesitbetweencustomandstock.Youcan’t choose a style, cabinet design, material, or size that isn’tinasupplier’scatalog,butsincesupplierstypically offer an enormous selection in each area, the customerstillgetsa“custom”designedsetofcabinetsthathas that one-of-a-kind feel.

•Vanities Most vanities come with a detached sink, a mirror, and small shelving units or a modest countertop, allowing movementandsquarefootagewhileproviding storage space.

•Stock These cabinets are pre-manufactured in the factory in set designs, materials, and sizes, and then sold by big box home improvement stores and other suppliers.

•Medicine Bathroom medicine cabinets can make any space appear larger. Instead of using awkward cabinetry, shelving systems, or linen closets in other parts of the house, a medicine cabinet is like having a tiny pantry right above your sink.











Low High

Low High

Low High

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11Your Home Improvement Connection

DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)

•Stone Many prefer granite and marble stone slabs as an elegantcountertopfinish.Stoneissometimes sectioned down into smaller pieces for tile counters. Stone is nearly indestructible, easy to manage, and popular among homeowners.

•Concrete This material is new to the scene. It is molded into the exactshapetofityourneeds,anditcanbestainedifyoudon’tlikethegraylook.Concreteisveryheavyandsometimesneedsadditionalfortificationtosupport the weight.

•Solid Surface Solid Surface is the industry name for high-grade plastic counters that can be molded into different shapes and connect to sinks seamlessly. This is a high-endproductthatrequireslittlemaintenanceand repairs easily for any problems.

•Laminate This type is made of plastic and comes in a nearinfiniteamountofcolorsandpatterns.Agreatoptionforthebudgetconscious,andeasytofixifitgets damaged.





CountersFrom granite and marble to laminate and solid surface, there are just as many options for the bathroom as the kitchen.

Most countertops fall into the below categories. All of them are durable, though some more than others. The difference lies in the cost and style.









Low High

Low High

Low High

Low High

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12Your Home Improvement Connection

•HardwoodThistypeofflooringneedsnointroduction.Thesedays hardwood comes in a wider variety of wood species, plank sizes, and stains to match nearly every homeowners demand. Hardwood is a very elegant, sturdyflooringoption.

•Tile Tile is a pretty straightforward choice for bathrooms and entries because tile stands up well to water anddirt.Withscoresofdifferentsizes,materials,patterns, and colors, tile is a choice for many areas. Be careful, though, tile usually remains cool and might not be the best choice in colder climates. Nobody likes cold feet!

•LaminateLaminateisthenewcomerandofferstheeleganceofhardwoodwithoutthescratchesanddents.Laminate is cheaper, easier to install, and stands up very well to water.

•Carpet Whilecarpetisastockflooringchoice,itisnotmanypeople’sfirstchoiceforbathrooms.Itcantrapwaterandiftheplumbingbacksup,itcanbeverydifficult to clean.





FlooringFlooring needs to stand up to water while keeping consistent with your style. Tile, lami-nate,andhardwoodarethebestoptions,butwewon’ttalkyououtofcarpet.


DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)









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Low High

Low High

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13Your Home Improvement Connection

•Travertine Best described as a cross between marble and limestone, travertine has been popluar for thousands of years, and was used to build the Roman Coliseum. Travertine ranges in color from an ivory shade to beige to reddish brown, and is a very classy tile.

•Stone From granite to marble, slate, and sandstone, stone tiles cover a lot of ground. Great for durability and appearance, stone can be pricey but worth it. You can buff it smooth for wall tile and leave it rough for flooring,whateveryouwish.

•Ceramic They come in an almost endless variety of styles, they are easy to maintain, they are cost-effective comparedtoothertilesonthemarket,andthey’rejustplaingoodlooking.Whateveryourtileneed,there’saceramictomatch.

•Saltillo Saltillo is the most common of the Mexican and Spanish tiles. It is made from raw clay traditionally pressed by hand, and has an earthy, rough, almost terra cotta look to it. Great for creating a Southwestern feel.





TileNobathroomiscompletewithouttile,butwhichtochoosefrom?Fromuniquestyles of Saltillo and Spanish to the elegance of Travertine, there is the perfect tile for your bathroom.

Tileisaverydurablematerial,butallmaterialsarenotcreatedequal.Somearehard,somestaineasily,andsomeonlyworkasflooring.Herewehavegatheredthe most popular ones.

DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)









Low High

Low High

Low High

Low High

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14Your Home Improvement Connection

•Console Table Sinks These look like a sink has been set in a table and the legs are usually prominent and showy. These can make small bathrooms appear bigger because they provide an open, airy feel.

•Vanity Sinks These sinks are installed right inside of a cabinet and are perfect if you are in need of storage space.

•Vessel Sinks Vessel sinks sit on top of a cabinet and look like a basin. These are relatively new and widely popular becasueoftheiruniquelook.Greatforguestrooms,butdifficultforshavingandtoothbrushing.

•Pedestal SinksJustasthenameimplies,thesesinksactasbasins that are sitting on top of a pedestal. These sinks offeropennesstotheroomwithauniquedesign.

•Wall-Mount Sinks A great space saver, wall mount sinks afford your bathroom a sink while using minimal space. The drawback is that these sinks are not typically very big.

Itwouldn’tbeasinkwithoutafaucet.Therearetoo many types, materials, functions to mention, but here are a few of the more common faucet types to consider.





Sinks & FaucetsTheamountofoptionsforfixturesisparalyzing.Withvesselandpedestalsinkstowater-fall faucets, you have some thinking to do.




DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)












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Low High

Low High

Low High

Low High

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15Your Home Improvement Connection

•Stand Alone TubTypically,theseare“clawfooted”tubsthatarenot connected to the wall. These give the feeling of older times, before showers, and are deeper than typical tubs for good, long stress-relieving soaks.

•Jetted TubWhodoesn’tlikethesoothingfeelofaJacuzzi? Here you get a bathtub and massaging pulse of jets all in one.

•Two Person Shower For larger bathrooms, for romantics, for effciency, these are great additions. You never have to wait in line for a shower, Typically installed with showerheads on both ends, but can be side-by-side if you prefer.

•Fiberglass Shell This is for a stand-up, one-person shower. The shell creates the entire shower in one, inexpensive piece. Great for 3/4 baths and smaller guest bathrooms.





Tubs & ShowersBathtubs can be the centerpiece of you bathroom, while the shower is usually hidden in the corner. Deep tubs for soothing baths or a two person shower? Decisions, Decisions.

These days, tubs and showers are less about getting clean and more about relaxation. So no matter what soothes you as you wash, we have the options here to help you decide.

DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)









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Low High

Low High

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16Your Home Improvement Connection

•Radiant FlooringThisismoreastyleofheatingthanflooring.Heatingcablesareinstalledbelowtheflooringasaheatingformat.Thisisgreatinbathroomswithtileflooring,becauseyoucanheattheflooringandnevergetcoldfeetonyourfloorinthemorning.

•Heated Towel RacksJustlikewhattheysoundlike,heatedtowelracks ensure that you have a toasty warm towel to dry off withafterashower.Adefinitebathroomluxury.

•Dual Flush Toilets These toilets have two buttons on the top where you can use one button for number one, and another for number two. They look just like regular toilets, they save water, and are a great Green addition.

•Bathroom Fans By building code, a bathroom must have either a fan or a window to reduce and impede mold growth. Though, sometimes having a bathroom fan is good to rid the bathroom of smells just as much as moisture.

•Steam Shower Steam showers are a transistional stall with regular headsandfixtures.Andthoughyoucantakea regular bath within the enclosure, you also have the ability to turn this space into a steamy sauna. This is a very healthy, two-for-one addition to your bathroom.






Trends & Other Cool StuffDon’tforgettheextras!Fromheatedtowelracksandsteamshowerstowallpanelshowerheadsanddualflushtoilets,herearethegizmosthatmakebathroomssizzle.

Some bathroom features defy category, and we have gathered those things in this sectionsothatyoudon’tmissoutonsomeofthecoolestpiecestofindtheirwayintothe bathroom.

DESIGN IDEAS: Materials Guide (Continued)











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Low High

Low High

Low High

Low High

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The Cost of Going GreenPlacing a price tag on the cost of going green with your bathroom remodel is easier said than done. After all, the level of green each hom-eowneriswillingtocommittoisdifferent,asaretheindividualspecifi-cationsofeachproject.Whatwecantellyouisthis:


•Greenremodelingisguaranteedtotranslateintolargeenergy savings over the life of your remodel.

•Determiningthevalueofgreenremodelingisn’talwaysbest served by focusing on the bottom line.

Thislastoneismaybethemostimportant.It’swhatgreenremodel-ingexpertDavidJohnstonreferstoas“avoidingthepaybacktrap.”Goinggreenisn’tjustaboutreducingyourmonthlyutilitycosts.It’sabout creating healthier living environments for you and your fam-ily,utilizinglonglastingandlowmaintenancematerialssothatyou’lllose less time in the future to maintenance chores and repairs, and emphasizing environmental responsibility, so you can rest easy know-ingthatyou’redoingeverythingyoucantopassabetterworldontoyour children and grandchildren. As you can see, assigning value in theworldofgreenremodelinggoesbeyondassessingafinalcostindollars and cents. How to Maximize Energy Savings in Your Green Bathroom RemodelReducing energy consumption, and in turn utility bills, is one of the most popular reasons homeowners choose to go green. In the bathroom, that meansreducingwaterusageandincreasingenergyefficiencyacrosstheboard.Here’sJohnston’slistofthingsyoucandotoensuremaximumefficiency,andinturn,lowertheoperatingcostsofyourbathroom.

•Install low flow faucets and showerheads. They can reduce waterusageatthesefixturesbyupto60%.

•Install low flush, high efficiency toilets. Older toilets use between3.5and7gallonsperflush.Newmodelsdothejobjust as well with 1.6 gallons of water or less.

•Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Homes lit with incandescent bulbs can attribute up to 25% of their electric bills tohomelighting.Compactfluorescentlightbulbsuse75%less energy, and last 10 times as long. •Install low-e, multiple paned windows, with vinyl or wood frames.Installingenergyefficientwindowsthroughoutyour home can reduce total energy costs by 30 to 50 percent, and they provide valuable natural light, ventilation, and passive solar heat.

•Install a skylight or solar tube(s) to increase natural lighting.

•Install radiant heating.It’smoreefficient,andhealthier,than forced air.

•Insulate plumbing, and remove it from outside walls. It reduces heat loss as water travels from your hot water heater to the faucet, and saves on water heating costs.

•Install an “On-demand” hot water circulation pump. These pumps send hot water to your faucet in seconds, and reducing the demands placed on your hot water heater.

•Consider replacing your old hot water heater with a newer, more efficient model. High-efficiencyfossilfuelwaterheaters, tankless water heaters, and heat pump water heaters, are all sound energy savings solutions. Or upgrade your present heater with an insulation jacket, heat traps, and a water heater timer.

•Insulate as much as possible. Ifyou’reguttingyourbathroom anyway, the more insulation you install in the walls, the better. Be sure to seal up other sources of air leaks as well, such as the small, hidden gaps where plumbing enters your bathroom.

Green Bathroom Remodeling Tips for a Healthier HomeUrea formaldehyde, chloride gasses, volatile organic compounds, and toxic mold might sound like the beginning of a toxicology report, but all are actually chemicals and byproducts commonly associated with building materials used in the bathroom. Their presence has been linked to everything from rising levels of childhood asthma to much more serious maladies like cancer, repressed immune systems, and nervous system damage. Green remodeling strives to reduce or eliminate the presence of these harmful elements, increasing your home’sindoorairquality,andinturn,thehealthofeveryonethatlivesunderyourroof.HereisDavidJohnston’slistofthingstolookfor,andto look out for, in pursuit of the healthiest bathroom possible.

• Investigate your local water supply and install filters on sink faucets and showerheads. Your water will be healthier, taste better, and be safer for bathing, especially for those with chemical sensitivities.Investigatelocalwaterqualityfirst,however,sincedifferentfiltersmeetdifferentneeds.

•Use formaldehyde free insulation, including recycled content fiberglass, cellulose, or rockwool insulation. Traditional insulation materials contain high levels of formaldehydethatcanoff-gasintoyourbathroom.That’sbadnews,considering the fact that formaldehyde is a documented carcinogen.

•Design with ventilation in mind. The high moisture levels in a bathroom make for the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, as well as rot and other moisture damage. Opening windows during warmer months, and installing a bathroom exhaust fan for the rest of the year, helps to keep moisture levels down.

•Only use water resistant wall and floor coverings. Avoid wallpaper and carpet, both of which can harbor moisture, foster mold growth, and offgas other indoor air contaminants.

•Select low-VOC paints, adhesives, and sealers. Most traditional paints, adhesives, and sealers emit volatile organic compounds(VOCs)foryearsafterbeingapplied.Low-orno- VOC paints, adhesives, grouts, and sealers help achieve higher indoorairqualitylevels.

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DESIGN IDEAS: Going Green (Continued)

GREEN BATHROOM CHECKLISTSolar Energy£ Install double-paned windows£ Install low-e (low-emissivity) windows£ Incorporate natural light

Plumbing£ Insulate pipes£ Remove plumbing from outside walls£ Install on-demand hot water circulation pump£Installlow-flushtoilets£Considergreywaterflushing£ Install high-performance showerheads£Installlow-flowfaucets£ Investigate your water supply£ Incorporate natural light£Installchlorinefiltersonshowerheads£Installactivatedcarbonfilters£ Install water distillers£ Install a reverse osmosis system

Electrical£Installcompactfluorescentlight(CFL)bulbs£ Install halogen lighting£ Install lighting controls£ Install sealed or airtight IC recessed lighting

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)£ Use duct mastic instead of duct tape£ Install ductwork windows for natural ventilation£ Install a bathroom exhaust fan£ Install a heat recovery ventilator (HRC)

Insulation£Useformaldehyde-free,recycled-contentfiberglassinsulation£ Use cellulose insulation£ Caulk, seal, and weatherstrip£ Increase insulation thickness

Interior Materials/Finishes£ Use formaldehyde-free materials£ Seal all exposed particleboard or MDF£Userapidlyrenewableflooringmaterials£ Use recycled-content tile£Replacevinylflooringwithnaturallinoleum£ Use low-or-no-VOC and formaldehyde-free paint£ Use solvent-free adhesives

Structural Framing£UseadvancedFramingTechniques(AFT)

* Green Checklist provided by “Green Remodeling: Changing the World One Room at a Time” by David Johnston

•Avoid MDF (medium density fiberboard) and particle board whenever possible. Both are common materials used in countertop and cabinet construction, and both off gas urea formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. If you do use MDF or particleboard, seal it with several coats of a low-or no-VOC paint or sealer.

•Avoid vinyl flooring.Vinylflooringputsoffchloridegas, another known carcinogen.

•Replace lead plumbing in older homes.

Environmental Responsibility in the BathroomAny discussion of green remodeling would be incomplete without talking about environmental responsibility. After all, at its heart, green remodeling is about living more harmoniously with our environment. Our present way of doing things, including how we build and remodel ourhomes,isdetrimentaltotheenvironment.Thatbeingsaid,here’sDavidJohnston’sadviceonhowtoshiftyourthinkinggreenfromanenvironmentalstandpoint,andreasonswhyit’sagoodideatodoso.

•Use recycled building materials. Old lumber, trim, and door and window casings can all be re-used if removed carefully. Andifyou’rewillingtobeflexiblewhenitcomestodesign, perfectly good sinks, cabinet hardware, and ceramic and stone tile, for example, can all be purchased from retailers who specialize in reclaiming and recycling old building materials.

•Use materials manufactured with recycled content. Be it cellulose insulation made from recycled paper and cardboard, or recycled content glass and ceramic bathroom tile, building materials made from recycled content help to reduce waste, requirelessenergytomanufacture,andareequalto,orofhigherquality,thanmostproductsmadefromvirginmaterials.

•Recycle construction and jobsite waste. Old porcelain toilets and other ceramics can be ground up and used to make concrete, steel tubs can me melted down for the metal, and that ‘70s era sink that you think is hideous might be exactly what a homeowner across town has been looking for all along.

•Increasing Efficiency Isn’t Just Good for Your Pocketbook. Whetherit’sreducingtheamountoffossilfuelsneededtoheat and light your bathroom, or eliminating wasteful use of a valueable natural resource like water, any steps you take to cut your homeutilitycostsarebeneficialfortheenvironmentaswell.

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Homeowner Bathroom Advice

Ifacontractorstateshecandothejobinaspecificnumberofdays,thatdoesNOTmeancontinuousdays.Youmustbuild in time to apply for permits and obtain them, days lost waiting for the inspections, and getting on and off the contrac-tor’scalendarwhileyouarewaitingforpermitsandinspections.Also,youmayneedtobuildintimeforyourpurchasestobedelivered;someitemscanbereceivedwithinthreedaysofordering;somerequireseveralweeks.- Susan K. Parsippany, NJ

Haveagoodideaaboutwhatyouwantdone.Dosomeresearchtogetahandleonthecosts.Getmorethantwoquotesand interview all of the contractors. Before any work is done, clearly explain your budget with your contractor; set your ground rules (Debris removal, cleaning--what does clean mean? who does it?) Draw up an agreement to cover all of your groundrules&havebothsidessignitalongwithawitness.- Michael s. Hummelstown, PA

Contractor Bathroom Advice

Rememberthatwhenremodelingyourbathroom,itemslikelightingfixtures,faucets,oraccessories(i.e.towelrings,toiletpaper holders, towel bars, etc.) can be changed inexpensively down the road. Put more money in your budget to get the tub/shower,toilet,vanity,andflooryouwantnow!Youcanalwaysputlessexpensivefaucetsinnowandupgradedowntheroadforless.Ialwaysencouragemyhomeownerstopickneutralcolorsforthefloor,vanity,countertop,andshower(iftile).Theseitemsarethemostexpensiveandyoucanchangetheentirelookofabathroomwithnewpaint,faucets&fixtures,bathroomaccessories,andlighting.Thishelpstosavemoneydowntheroadandstillallowyoutochangethe“look”ofyourbathroomwithoutkillingyourwallet!- Scott Shamburger Orange Beach, AL

Thinkaboutwhatyourneedsare;yourpreferences;andhowthedesignwillfitintotheoveralldecorofyourhome.Abath-room is the second most expensive room in your house and, obviously, one of the most used and viewed. For a point of ref-erence:Avehicletypicallycostsbetween$16Kto$40K.Aownerusuallykeepsthiscar3-5years.Yourbathroomisgoingtoout-last your car by 15-20 years. Therefore, the initial investments are extremely worthwhile and should be well thought-out.- Daniel Lapointe Kennebunk, ME

Designer Bathroom Advice

Visitshowroomsandbathroomfixturesandaccessoriessupplierstodrawinspirationwhenyougettheideathatabath-roomneedstoberenovated.Lookcloselyatthefunctionandthepricepointoftheproductstogainaroughideaforatotal budget needed.- Eric Lam New York, NY

Getmeasurementsoftheroombeforeyoushopforfixtures.Knowyoursizelimitsforvanities,linencabinets,andshowerstalls.Walkthroughyourdailyactivityinthebathroom;youmayfindtheperfectvanitythatwilllookgreatbutmaybetoolargeforthesizeofyourroom.Sacrificingfloorspacefordesignisneveragoodplan.- Judy Harty Battle Lake, MN

Below are just a few pieces of advice from homeowners, contractors, and designers on how to deal with a bathroom remodel. For more user advice comments, go to the user advice tab on your project guide.

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20Your Home Improvement Connection

Appendix A

Contractor Comparison WorksheetUse this Contractor Comparison form for a side-by-side comparison of every professional you are interviewing for your bathroom project.Company #1:Contact Name:Phone Number:Notes:

Company #2:Contact Name:Phone Number:Notes:

Company #3:Contact Name:Phone Number:Notes:

Company #4:Contact Name:Phone Number:Notes:

Use this checklist as a way to properly interview Home Pros about their business and methods. Include references here as well.Questions you should always ask your contractor:•Areyoulicensedforthisparticularwork?CanIhaveacopyofthelicenseformyrecords?


Optional Questions to ask your Contractor•Howlonghaveyoubeenabathroomcontractor?








Questions for references•Wereyouhappywiththeproject?





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21Your Home Improvement Connection

Appendix B

10 Steps for Hiring Service Professionals1. Confirm the sales person works for the company. • Verify that the individual with whom you are speaking is an authorized agent of the company that was referred by ServiceMagic.

2. Ask for a copy of the company's license. • Itisimportantthatyouverifythelicenseisstillingoodstanding.Alsokeepinmindthatcertainstatesorprovincesdonotrequire licensingifthejobisunderacertaindollaramount.Rememberthatyoucanfindalistofyourstate'slicensingrequirementson the ServiceMagic website.

We recommend before working with a service professional, that you verify information presented is still current and/or acceptable to you. While ServiceMagic may be notified of changes in member service professional insur-ance coverage which are then confirmed with insurance agents or companies, we cannot guarantee that insurance information is still valid at time of presentation. We recommend that you obtain a copy of the service profession-al's insurance certificate where applicable.

3. Ask for proof of insurance. • Askthecompanytoprovideacopyoftheirinsurancecertificate.Werecommendthatyouverifywiththeinsuranceagencyor carrier that the policy is still in good standing. • GeneralLiabilityinsurancetypicallycoversacontractorforaccidentsthatoccurwhilethecontractorisworking.However,thereareexclusionstocoverage,andyoushouldconfirmtheactualscopeofthecontractorscoveragedirectlywiththecontractor.

4. Finalize the contract before starting on a project.A good contract... • Should be written on company letterhead • Shouldcontainthecompany'sname,address,phonenumbers,andlicensenumber(ifapplicable) • Shouldcontaintheconsumer'sname,address(whereworkistobeperformed),andphonenumbers • Is dated when it is written • Includes a detailed description of the work that is going to be performed • Provides dollar amounts associated with each task included in the project • Includesananticipated/estimatedstartandfinishdate • Provides a payment schedule • Includes a termination clause • Contains a clause that protects the homeowner from any potential mechanics liens once you have paid the contractor in full • Clearly states whether permits will be pulled, and who will be responsible for pulling them.

5. Make payments to the company that was referred. • Do not pay an individual.

6. Avoid paying with cash. • Check and credit cards are preferable, and be sure to get a receipt for all payments.

7. Withhold final payment until you are satisfied with the project. • Don'tpayinfulluntiltheprojectiscompletelyfinishedandyouhavecompletedyourfinalinspection. • If sub-contractors were used, be sure to get signed releases from all subcontractors clearly indicating that they have been paid in full by the general contractor. • Forlargerprojects,don'tmakethefinalpaymentuntilyouhavepassedthefinalbuildinginspection.8. Don't advance money for materials. • If absolutely necessary, make sure the materials are delivered to your house with a receipt showing that they have been paid in full.

9. Check multiple references. • Inadditiontoreadingthecompany'sServiceMagicRatings&Reviews,considercheckingadditionalreferencesfortheservice professional.

10. Document all changes to the contract. • Make sure all changes to the original contact, no matter how small, are documented and signed off by both parties.

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22Your Home Improvement Connection

Appendix C

Contracts with Contractors: The Big IssuesA contract is a legally binding document that details the expectations and responsibilities of all parties involved in a home improvement project. It clari-fiesthegoalsofbothhomeownerandcontractor,anditprotectseachparty’srightsregardingtheproject.

The Big StuffThisarticleaddressesthebroadstrokesofdevelopingacontractbetweenyouandyourcontractor.Thefinerpointsareaddressedinanotherarticle,butkeepinmindthatthisissimplyaguide-contractsvarysignificantlyfromprojecttoproject.

Contact InformationItseemsobvious,butmakesurethatyouincludeinthecontractthecontractor’sname,physicaladdress,phonenumber,insurancecompanyandaccountandlicensenumbers.Ifthereisadispute,youneedtoknowwherethecompanyislocated(youcan’tserveasubpoenaifyoudon’thaveaphysicaladdress-apostofficeboxnumberwon’tdo!),thecompanyowner,thenameoftheinsuranceandbondingcarriersandthe way by which you can reach all involved parties.

Scope of WorkRequireacompletedescriptionoftheworktobedone.Thisincludestheoverallscopeoftheworkaswellasindividualaspectsoftheproject:electrical,plumbing,finishcarpentry,masonry,etc.Thetypeandqualityofallmaterialsshouldbespelledout.Makeallowancesforfixtures,floorcoverings,etc.thataresufficienttoprovidethelevelofqualityyourequire.

Inaddition,indicatealllargeequipmentthatwillremainonsiteforextendedperiods,suchasscaffoldingorcementmixers.Ifyouhavearchitec-tural plans, include them in this section as well.

If you decide to change the scope of the work during the job by either adding or subtracting items, you should make sure there is a written change order, with project cost and timing changes signed off on by both the contactor and homeowner.

Project ScheduleDefinetheproject’sstartdate,andsecurefromyourcontractortheapproximatelengthoftimeitwilltaketocomplete.Askwhatpotentialcon-flictsmightariseduetootherprojectswithwhichyourcontractorisconcurrentlyinvolved.Youwillfindthatmostcontractorsarereluctanttosigna contract that includes late penalty clauses, but it still may be an item that you care to pursue. Finally, specify the time that workers will arrive and depart each day, and mention the days, if any, that they are not to work.

Schedule of PaymentsTherearenohardandfastrulesastohowacontractorcollectshisorherfees.Somedon’tcollectuntiltheworkiscompleted,whileothersaskfor50%upfront.Theaverageisthreepayments;thefirstwhenthebulkofmaterialsaredeliveredorwhenafoundationispoured;asecondpayment when the job is half complete; and 20% when the job is essentially complete.

Certainlyyoudon’twanttopayandthenhavethemabsentforextendedperiods,butyoualsodon’twantwithholdandhavethesameresult.Remem-berthatthisisasymbioticrelationship.Itisunderstandabletowanttobepaidandlikewiseunderstandabletowantyourworkdonewellandquickly.Try to be as accommodating as your budget will allow. Your contractor has probably dealt with a variety of different payment structures; perhaps what youhaveinmindisjustfinewithhim.Ifyoudon’thaveoneinmind,therearetwocustomarywaysofpayingforalargejoblistedbelow:

A) Costplusflatfee:usuallytherewillbedrawssetupwiththehomeowner.Thecontractorusesthedrawtopayactualvs.estimatedcosts,and submits all receipts and accounting on a regular basis. Flat fees average 13% to 20% and are usually paid, along with the draws, as the job progresses.Thismethodallowsgreatflexibilitytomakechangesasthejobproceeds,butitismoredifficulttoestimatethefinalcost.

B) Bidbasis:Yourcontractorestimatesthejob,andprovidesacontractwithallmaterialsandfeesincluded.Youandyourcontractoragreeonapayment schedule, referencing stages of completion in the work.

Inbothcasesabove,itisyourresponsibilitytobecertainthateachstageiscompletedbeforecuttingacheck.Ifyou’renotfamiliarenoughwithelectri-cal or plumbing work, for example, to know if the proper stage has been completed to make the payment, ask a knowledgeable outside source.

Note: Iffinancingisnecessary,becertainthataclauseisaddedstatingthatthecontractisvoidunlessanduntilfinancingisobtained.Building Plans & PermitsBe sure the contractor states in writing that he/she will submit any building plans needed to the city code compliance department, obtain all necessarypermitsandarrangeforallinspectionsrequired.

*If the work does not pass inspection, the contractor must bear the cost of corrections.

Licensing & InsuranceDoyourhomeworkonyourcontractor’slicensingandinsurance.Contractorlicensingrequirementsvarybystate.Researchtheseregulationspriortobeginningyourproject,andrequirethatyourcontractorprovideproofofcurrentlicensingifrelevant.


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Appendix D

Arranging Payment for Home Improvement WorkHomeownersalwayshavequestionsinregardstohowmuchtopayacontractorwhenhomeimprovementworkfirstbegins.Whatisanappro-priatedownpayment?Shouldmoneybepaidduringconstruction,butbeforetheworkiscomplete?Andwhenisthefinalpaymentdue?

In paying for home improvement projects, every consumer has heard stories about contractors receiving cash payments and not coming back.


• Small Maintenance or Repair Projects• Custom Projects• LargerRenovationProjects

Small Maintenance or Repair ProjectsA plumbing or electrical repair is an example of a small maintenance or repair project. Fixing a door, window, or mending a fence are additional examples.Thesetypesofprojectsusuallytakelessthanadaytocomplete,andarebilledaseitheranhourlycharge,orfixedfeetothehom-eowner.Withsmallprojectssuchasthese,paymentsareusuallymadeuponsuccessfulcompletionoftheproject.Uponsuccessfulcompletionofthework,thecontractorispaidinfull.Withsmalljobslikethese,downpaymentsarenotnecessarybecausethecontractorhastheabilityto“finance”theworkandpayforthematerialsuntilpaymentisreceived.Asprojectsstarttogrowinscopeandcomplexity,however,mostcontrac-torsdon’thavetheflexibilitytoprovidethiskindofprojectfinancing.

Custom ProjectsCustomprojectsprovideahomeownerwithspecializedworkwhereproductsandservicesaretailoredforuniqueapplications.Customkitchensandbaths,countertops,built-incabinetryandshelving,andevencustompaintingprojectsfallunderthiscategory.Withthiskindofcustomwork,materialsarebeingpurchasedthatarecreatedspecificallyfortheseprojects.Withthiskindofwork,somekindofdownpaymentisusu-allyrequiredtoorderthecustommaterials.Forexample,acustomkitchenorbathcabinetorderrequiresa30%to50%downpaymenttogetthe cabinets built. The cabinet manufacturer knows that if the homeowner were to change his mind after making the order, that the manufac-turercouldbe“stuck”withthiscustomcabinetrythatwascreatedfortheirspecificapplication.Duetothiscustomapplication,themanufacturerprotectstheirinvestmentoftimeandmaterialsbyaskingforuptohalfofthepaymenttoproducethecabinets,andmayrequiretheremaininghalf upon delivery of the cabinetry to the jobsite.


Withcustomworksuchasthis,thehomeownerandcontractorneedtoworkoutapaymentplanthatprovidesthecontractorwiththerequireddeposits to order materials, and additional payments are made as the custom installations are completed. Payments should not exceed the workthathasbeencompleted.Workwithyourcontractortoarriveatapaymentplanthatpaysforallcustommaterialsuponorder,butpaysthebalance of the contract upon completion of the custom work.

Large Renovation ProjectsAnylargeprojectshouldcontainadetaileddrawschedule.Thehomeownerpaysthesedrawsor“progresspayments”whencertainpartsorphasesoftheprojectarecompleted.Adrawschedulefora$100,000second-storyadditionmightlooklikethis:

Payments to be made as follows:1stDRAW 10%DEPOSIT $10,00010%2ndDRAW SecondFloorDeckInstalled $15,00015%3rdDRAW WindowsInstalled $15,00015%4thDRAW Close-InandInspection $10,00010%5thDRAW DrywallTaped $10,00010%6thDRAW PrimePaint $10,00010%7thDRAW PlumbingFixturesSet $10,00010%8thDRAW HardwoodFinished $10,00010%9thDRAW FinalInspection $5,000 5%10thDRAW PunchListCompleteandFinalReleaseofallliens $5,000 5%TOTAL: $100,000 100%

Onlargerenovationprojects,makesureyouandthecontractorareclearaboutwhenthefinalpaymentisdue.Defineinwritingwhenthelastdraw is due. In many large projects, there is always some outstanding work to be completed, as you may still be waiting for a custom faucet or lightfixture.It’snotfairtowithholdtheentirefinaldrawifsomepartormaterialisonback-order,andthecontractorcan’tcontroldeliveryandcompletion. In cases such as this, agree with the contractor to withhold the cost of the labor and materials for the outstanding work, but if the restoftheprojectiscomplete,paythebalanceofthefinaldraw.Thistypeofcooperationandagreementallowsyouandyourcontractortoworktogether to complete your project to the satisfaction of everyone involved.

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Sample Change Order FormGet matched to 10-point screened pros at www.servicemagic.com









Ownersherebyauthorizethefollowingchangesintheplansandspecificationsoftheabovedescribedconstruction project, and/or order the additional materials, supplies, services, labor and other items listed belowand/orrequirestocompletethisChangeOrdertoallothertermsandconditionsinthecontractwith_______________________________


Payment for this Change Order is due upon completion of the change order work. All provisions of contracts between the above parties pertaining to the above job are applicable to this agreement. This change order may extendthetimerequiredtocompletethisproject.Pleaseseeparagraph“ExtraTime”inyourcontract.






DisclaimerThis form is provided for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice. You should have a licensed attorney review any legal documents to ensure that they are adequate for your needs and are valid and in conformity with any applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Appendix E

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Sample Punch List FormGet matched to 10-point screened pros at www.servicemagic.com

A punch list is a record of all items withing a project that a contractor must correct or complete to the satisfactionofthehomeownerbeforethejobisconsideredfinalized.

Priortotheprojectcloseoutandfinalpayments,homeownerandcontractororarchitectshouldjointlyconduct a project walk-through to observe all items that need correcting or completing.

All parties understand that when the homeowner agrees that the punch list details itemized below have been completed to his or her satisfaction, the project is entirely complete and all outstanding payments are due to the contractor and /or architects.

Punch list items Date Approved



Appendix F

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