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Stem Cells Therapy in Delhi,India

Date post: 08-Mar-2016
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Clinicounselors.com is an online organisation that assists people in Stem cells therapy and also by informing them as to which healthcare organisation is the best for their health condition.

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Stem Cell Therapy in DelhiShowing stem cell as a pluripotent cell

What is a Stem CellA cell that has the ability to continuously divide and differentiate (develop) into various other kind(s) of cells/tissues.

Types of Stem cellsStem cell typeDescriptionExamplesTotipotentEach cell can develop into a new individualCells from early (1-3 days) embryosPluripotentCells can form any (over 200) cell typesSome cells of blastocyst (5 to 14 days)MultipotentCells differentiated, but can form a number of other tissuesFetal tissue, cord blood, and adult stem cellsDiseases cured by stem cell therapySpinal Cord injuriesDiabetes mellitusCancerStrokeTooth implantingDeafness & BlindnessBaldness etc.,Spinal Cord InjuriesThe stem cells after being extracted from the hipbone (iliac crest) post collected from a patients bone marrow is implanted once again into the body few days later.The stem cells that are re-injected are capable to transform into a number of cells which in turn have the capacity to regenerate the tissues destroyed.Treatment of StrokeA stroke is also known as cerebrovascular accident.Patients bone marrow is the source of stem cells.These cells are re-injected into the cells that are destroyed, are capable of changing into multiple cells and can regenerate the tissues destroyed.Cancer TreatmentTo treat cancer patients, umbilical cord blood stem cells are utilized for conditions such as leukemia and lymphoma.The inopportune side effect of the chemotherapy is given an attempt to be reversed by the Stem Cell TherapyTreatment of Heart DamageVarious experiments and clinical trials have proven that adult stem cell therapy is safe and effective for hear diseases.The adult stem cell therapy is available on commercial basis in at least 5 continents.Deafness & BlindnessSuccess has been achieved in re-growing cochlea sensory hair cell by stem cell therapy.With the use of embryonic stem cells, researchers have succeeded in growing a thin layer of totipotent stem cells in the laboratory. On transplanting these layers on the damaged retina, stem cell stimulate renewed repair, sooner or later restoring the vision.

To know more about Stem Cell Therapy Visit http://www.clinicounselors.com/ Today!
