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STEM Journey III Keynote Speakers and Event Description

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 STEM Journey III Keynote Speakers- FREE Admission April 2, 2016 at Cape Cod Community College 12-4 PM Theme: Transportation: Land- Dr. John Leonard, Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering at MIT-. Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Atono!os "ehicles. Tal#: $Autonomous Cars Additional in!ormation on "T#M $ourney 2016 %an &e !ound on'

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STEM Journey III Keynote Speakers- FREE Admission

April 2, 2016 at Cape Cod Community College 12-4 PM

Theme: Transportation:

Land- Dr. John Leonard, Professor of

Mechanical and Ocean Engineering at

MIT-. Interests: Artificial Intelligence,

Robotics and Atono!os "ehicles.

Tal#: $Autonomous Cars

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Dr. John J. Leonard is the %a!el &.

&ollins Professor of Mechanical and Ocean

Engineering and Associate De'art!ent

(ead for Research in the MIT De'art!ent

of Mechanical Engineering. (e is also a

!e!ber of the MIT &o!'ter %cience and

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 Artificial Intelligence Laborator) *&%AIL+.

(is research addresses the 'roble!s of

naigation and !a''ing for atono!os

!obile robots. (e holds the degrees of

.%.E.E. in Electrical Engineering and

%cience fro! the niersit) of Penns)lania

*/012+ and D.Phil. in Engineering %cience

fro! the niersit) of O3ford */004+. Prof.

Leonard 5oined the MIT faclt) in /006, after 

fie )ears as a Post-Doctoral 7ello8 and

Research %cientist in the MIT %ea 9rant

 Atono!os nder8ater "ehicle *A"+

Laborator). (e 8as tea! leader for MITs

DARPA rban &hallenge tea! *robotic

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ehicles+, and one of si3 tea!s to co!'lete

the race. (e sered as &o-Director of the

7ord-MIT Alliance fro! ;<<0 to ;</=. (e is

the reci'ient of an >%7 &areer A8ard

*/001+ and the ?ing-%n 7 Me!orial est

Transactions on Robotics Pa'er A8ard

*;<<6+. (e is an IEEE 7ello8 *;</4+. (e

teaches a corse on Atono!os &ars at


Air - MA "enator /an ol!, !ounder

and C#* o! Cape Air, Largest Regional

 Airline in %  Tal#: $Adan%es in


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In 1989 Daniel A. Wolf founded Cape Air

with one route between Boston and

Provincetown,eight e!'lo)ees and a first-

)ear total of 5st 1,<<< 'assengers. Toda),

&a'e Air, along 8ith sister airline >antc#et

 Airlines, is the largest co!!ter airline in

the nited %tates. &a'e Air>antc#et

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 AirlinesB fleet of &essna 4<;s, &essna

&araan A!'hibians, ritten->or!an

Islanders and ATR-4;s fl) to so!e of the

!ost beatifl destinations in the 8orld.

&a'e Air>antc#et Airlines is 'artl) an

e!'lo)ee-o8ned co!'an) 8ith a 8or#force

of a''ro3i!atel) /,;<< sering !ore than

616,<<< 'assengers a )ear.

Dan receied a bachelorBs degree in

Political Philoso'h) fro! Cesle)an

niersit) in Middleto8n, &onnectict and a

degree at the a#er %chool of Aeronatics

in Airfra!e and Po8er Plant Maintenance.

Dan contines to sta) crrent 8ith his Air

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Trans'ort Pilot license and flies as a 'ilot for 

&a'e Air on 8ee#ends dring the bs)

s!!er season.

In >oe!ber ;</<, ;</; and ;</4, Dan

8as elected to the Massachsetts %tate

%enate re'resenting &a'e &od and the

Islands.Dan seres on a n!ber of boards

inclding the Regional Airline Association,

the &a'e &od siness Rond Table, the

 Association for the Preseration of &a'e

&od,.. nder DanBs leadershi' &a'e Air has

receied recognition for being one of the

!ost 'hilanthro'ic co!'anies in

sotheastern Massachsetts. In Jne of

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;</< Dan receied an honorar) doctorate

degree fro! Daniel Cebster &ollege in

>asha, >e8 (a!'shire.

The &o!!terRegional Airline >e8s

na!ed Dan Trbo'ro' E3ectie of the

ear. Dan resides 8ith his 8ife in (ar8ich,


"ea- Ms aitlyn Tradd,, Research

Engineer, A''lied Ocean Ph)sics F

Engineering De't., Coods (ole

Oceanogra'hic Institte- Tal#:-

35nderater 7ehi%les - uman

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*%%upied, emotely *perated, and


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Ms. ?aitl)n Tradd gradated fro! MIT in

;<<0 8ith a bachelorBs degree in

Mechanical and Ocean Engineering and

has been a fll-ti!e e!'lo)ee at Coods

(ole Oceanogra'hic Instittion since

;</<. C(OI is ho!e to doHens of

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nder8ater ehicles, a fact 8hich dre8

?aitl)n to 'rse a career at the 8orldBs

leading non-'rofit organiHation for ocean

research and e3'loration. Dring her

e!'lo)!ent at C(OI, ?aitl)nBs 8or#

has s'anned n!eros endeaors the

!echanical design and strctral

anal)sis of the recent !a5or (O"  Alvin 

'grade 'ro5ect, seeral scientific

research crises 8ith RO" Jason II and

 A" %entr), and a !ltitde of s!aller-

scale engineering 'ro5ects inoling

!an) of C(OIBs sb!ersible ehicles.

%he is crrentl) 8or#ing on the design

of a ne8 erticall) 'rofiling atono!os

ehicle for global ocean biogeoche!ical

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!a''ing, 8hile contining 8or# in

s''ort of the arios e3isting

nder8ater ehicles, hel'ing to frther

scientific achiee!ents at C(OI.

?aitl)n first beca!e interested in ocean

e3'loration as a child 8hen she cli!bed

inside of a !oc#-' of the

  Alvin 'ersonnel s'here, 8hich still is in

residence at the e3hibit center toda). In

high school, she attended >itsch

Engineerings GIntrodce a 9irl to

Engineering Da)G at Logan Air'ort and

set her sights on a career as an


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"T#M $ourney ))) !or -12 students- Theme: TransportationAir, Land 8 "ea-9## Admission

  The third %TEM Jorne) eent

consists of the follo8ing: enthsiastic

olnteers, #e)note s'ea#ers, hands on

science de!onstrations and earning

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o) %cot Merit adges. This )ear

*A'ril ;, ;</6+, or the!e 8ill be

Trans'ortation and the title is $%TEM

Jorne) III: Trans'ortation: Air, 9rond

and %ea@. One of or ?e)note s'ea#ers

8ill be discssing Atono!os "ehicles.

Ce do e3'ect to hae < organiHations,

/< olnteers and /,<< isitors on

 A'ril ;, ;</6 at &a'e &od &o!!nit)


Mission "tatement  The %TEM Jorne) 'rogra! 8as

organiHed in ;</4 to 'roide a sti!ls

and introdction to the sciences for ?-/;

stdents fro! the &a'e and Islands and

%oth %hore. Ce feel that the % needs

to i!'roe science, technolog),

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engineering and !ath *%TEM+

edcation to re!ain co!'etitie 8ith the

rest of the 8orld. This 8ill not be trl)

effectie nless 8e can ins'ire )ong

stdents throgh 'rogra!s li#e %TEM


In ;</ *%TEM Jorne) II+, 8e had

!ore than //<< isitors, /<< olnteers,

=< organiHations and << 'eo'le 8ho

signed ' to hear or #e)note s'ea#ers.

#hi&its ill in%lude:

(ands on che!istr) e3'eri!ents

Earth Da)-hands on e3'eri!ents

Cal# along gliders

=D 'rinters !a#ing 'arts

LE9O Lab

 Air &raft %i!lators

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(a! Radios

nder8ater "ehicle %i!lator 

>atical Ro'e T)ing

 And !an) !ore e3hibits for ?-/;


#hi&itors ill in%lude:

&a!bridge %cience in the %treets

(eritage 're ? %TEM Progra!

&a'e F Islands %TEM Region

&a'e &od &o!!nit) &ollege

Mass Mariti!e &ollege

&a'e F Islands &oncil o) %cots of


 A!erican &he!ical %ociet)

Light (ose &harter %chool (a! Radio

9reenbriar >atre &onserator)

 And !an) !ore

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KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK/r; $a%< /ris%oll, AC"9 $enni!er Ma%la%hlan,

"T#M $ourney Committee; =otheastern

"e%tion o! the Ameri%an Chemi%al "o%iety
