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STEM TO STEAM - Hawaii Content & Performance...

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STEM to STEAM How the Sciences and Arts work together to enhance creativity and innovation


How the Sciences and Arts work together to enhance creativity and innovation

STEM to STEAM Welcome!

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begin, please type in the chat: Your name: Your school: Your position:

Hope Espinda • State STEM Resource Teacher • DOE Resource & Classroom Teacher since 1993 • K-6 Elementary, K-6 Science Coach, Hawai’i

Writing Project Consultant

Leslie Hamasaki • State STEM Resource Teacher • DOE Science Teacher since 1997 • National Board Certified Teacher

Jeanine Nakakura • State STEM Resource Teacher • DOE Science Teacher since 1987 • Biology, Physics, Science Resource Teacher

Who We Are

Desired Outcomes (Learning Targets)

• Review STEM

• Become familiar with STEAM

• Develop understanding of why STEM/STEAM education is important

• Provide examples of STEAM in the classroom

Webinar Reminders Close all other applications on your computer.

Please make sure to mute (red) your microphones and keep them muted unless otherwise instructed.

Please ask all questions through the chat box.

Make sure your chat box is set for “Everyone.”

Questions will be addressed during Q & A.

This session will be recorded.

Improving and advancing Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics education to prepare all students for the opportunities and challenges in our changing world.

Goals of the Hawaii STEM Learning Strategy & Network

• Transform and revitalize the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in grades K-12 by purposefully integrating technology and engineering with science and mathematics.

• Significantly increase the number of public school graduates who pursue STEM-related careers or attain two- or four-year degrees in STEM fields.

Goals of the Hawaii STEM Learning Strategy & Network

• Increase STEM-foundational academic achievement and STEM learning opportunities for all students.

• Cultivate partnerships to

expand and strengthen STEM education.





STEM Education • Integrates the study of Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

• Uses Scientific Inquiry and Engineering Design as unifying themes

STEM Education • Emphasizes 21st-Century Skills ◦ Critical thinking and problem solving ◦ Communication ◦ Collaboration ◦ Creativity and innovation

• Highly rigorous and relevant learning



Learning high-level

skills in context (RIGOR,


Working together to build and share



connections: cross-curricular, social,

neural… (RELEVANCE)



Preparation for post-secondary opportunities

What is STEAM?

• Science

• Technology

• Engineering

• Arts

• Mathematics

Engineering Math




Presentation Notes

What kind of art(s)? (arts)--- subjects of study primarily concerned

with the processes and products of human creativity and social life…

--Oxford American Dictionary

Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/madekla/4278163564/

Presentation Notes
(arts) subjects of study primarily concerned with the processes and products of human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects): the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible | the Faculty of Arts. (Mac dashboard: Oxford American Dictionary) n] studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills); "the college of arts and sciences" (hyperdictionary) Visual arts, music, drama, theatre, dance…

Other Variations of STEM • STREAM

• Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, Math

• STEAM GLASS • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math,

Geography, Language Arts, Social Studies

They are basically the same—

all involve integration of content areas!

(Maximizing connections and sensory experiences)

Question Was Leonardo da Vinci an

artist, scientist, or engineer?

Explain your answer. (Please type your answer in the chat box.)

Painter, Sculptor, Scientist, Engineer, and Inventor

The Renaissance figure who some view as

the personification of STREAM:

Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian painter and sculptor who also made a name for himself as a scientist, engineer, and inventor.

Wesson, K. (2011, June). Brain-ST2EM: A S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning [PowerPoint slides]. http://www.ndsta.k12.nd.us/newdocs/Wesson2.pdf

Presentation Notes
Dr. Kenneth Wesson, 19th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 2011

Leonardo da Vinci • Carried a drawing pad with him at all times • Drew constantly and sculpted models out of

clay • Collected everything—flowers, leaves, pieces

of wood

Wesson, K. (2011, June). Brain-ST2EM: A S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning [PowerPoint slides]. http://www.ndsta.k12.nd.us/newdocs/Wesson2.pdf

Presentation Notes
Dr. Kenneth Wesson, 19th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 2011 “…in 1515 when Leonardo had created a marvelous mechanical lion that actually walked a few steps. It may have been the world’s first robot” (p. 101, Krull). Quote: Krull, K. (2005). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Scholastic. p. 88-89

Spent hours observing: • Movement of birds’ wings in


• How a frog’s legs allowed it to leap so far

• Water running in a river which lead to a fascination with sciences like biology, botany, and geology

Wesson, K. (2011, June). Brain-ST2EM: A S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning [PowerPoint slides]. http://www.ndsta.k12.nd.us/newdocs/Wesson2.pdf

Krull, K. (2005). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Scholastic.

Presentation Notes
Images: Dr. Kenneth Wesson, 19th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 2011 “He drew parachutes, gliders made from silken reeds, wings with all combinations of strings and pulleys, and even a sort of helicopter with a whirling spiral of fabric above it…his flying devices anticipated sophisticated principles of aerodynamics…” “…in 1515 when Leonardo had created a marvelous mechanical lion that actually walked a few steps. It may have been the world’s first robot” (p. 101, Krull). Quote: Krull, K. (2005). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Scholastic. p. 88-89

Leonardo da Vinci

Wesson, K. (2011, June). Brain-ST2EM: A S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning [PowerPoint slides]. http://www.ndsta.k12.nd.us/newdocs/Wesson2.pdf

Presentation Notes
Dr. Kenneth Wesson, 19th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 2011 “Historians agree that his contraptions were probably not technically workable, but they disagree as to whether he actually made or tested any flying machine himself.” Quote: Krull, K. (2005). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Scholastic. p. 88-89

“Leonardo did not compartmentalize his interests. To him, all knowledge was related. What he could learn in one field would help shed light on others. This attitude allowed him to cross-fertilize ideas in unusually creative ways. He thought of architecture, for example, as related to human anatomy. Buildings resembled bodies; the more he could learn about anatomy, the better an architect, or “building doctor,” he would be.”

Krull, K. (2005). Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Scholastic.

Connection between the Arts & STEM Fields

“Nobel laureates in the sciences are seventeen times likelier than the average scientist to be a painter, twelve times as likely to be a poet, and four times as likely to be a musician.”

Pomeroy, S. (2012, August 22). From STEM to STEAM: Science and art go hand-in-hand. [Web log comment]. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2012/08/22/from-stem-to-steam-science-and-the-arts-go-hand-in-hand/

Presentation Notes
Notes from:  Arts & Education Webinar (2010, June 22). http://steam-notstem.com/��Arts Education Improves Cognitive Development--Arts strengthens attention and memory “muscles”�•Dance . . . observation skills�•Acting . . . memory and speech�•Music . . . reading and analytical thinking� From Learning, Arts, and the Brain. The Dana Consortium Report on Arts and Cognition. www.dana.org �

" The transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance included revolutions in the arts as well as the sciences. Clearly, something about art brings out creativity and innovation in ways different from but complementary to the sciences.”


Why is STEAM worth doing?

Presentation Notes
Image: http://www.google.com/search?as_st=y&tbm=isch&hl=en&as_q=bubble+chamber&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=strict&tbs=sur:fmc&biw=957&bih=529&sei=NaY_UaXLFcXaygHLwoGQDw#hl=en&safe=strict&as_st=y&tbs=sur:fm&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=bubble+chamber+tracks+&oq=bubble+chamber+tracks+&gs_l=img.3..0i24l2.3875.4314.15.5140.,or.r_qf.&cad=b&sei=E6c_Ue3lM42ayQGGuYFQ&imgrc=DG3PFRAzwJ4S1M%3A%3BPgkUEln5VfQnFM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252Fe%252Fe4%252FNeutrino_bubble_chamber_decay_overlay.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcommons.wikimedia.org%252Fwiki%252FFile%253ANeutrino_bubble_chamber_decay_overlay.png%3B902%3B748

Congressional Hearing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-


Why is STEAM worth doing? Rep. Suzanne Bonamici D-Oregon, 1st District Hillsboro, Astoria, McMinnville

Many of her constituents express the importance of STEAM education

Innovative companies across her district like Nike and tech giants like Intel rely on employees with a mind for science, but an eye for design

Richard Templeton, CEO of Texas Instruments

“It is one thing to have numbers and concepts, but if they cannot be brought together and visualized and turned into a product, it’s knowledge that will not lead to productive things.”

Congresswoman Bonamici Asks about the Importance of STEAM Education. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU425V3NSkE

Presentation Notes
More from Rep. Suzanne - Integrating arts and design education Into traditional science education can yield a creative, innovative workforce that many of you identified as essential Visited a STEAM elementary school in her district, that took STEM and add ARTS + DESIGN…those kids were engaged…acting things out…studying soil erosion and graphing things and drawing charts and planting a garden and playing with worms. They were really really engaged.

True or False? 1. Students who take more art classes have higher

SAT scores.

2. Low-income kids who participated in arts education were 3x more likely to have high attendance than those who didn’t

3. Children who practiced a specific art form developed attention skills and improved general intelligence. Training their attention and focus also leads to improvement in other cognitive domains.

4. Arts Integration techniques, which use multiple senses to repeat information, cause more information to be stored long-term--as opposed to short-term--memory, and may actually change the structure of the neurons.

Presentation Notes
2005 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report, The College Board, 2005, Table 3-3; SAT Scores of Students Who Study the Arts: What We Can and Cannot Conclude about the Association, Kathryn Vaughn and Ellen Winner (Fall 2000). 2-4) from PCAH Arts ED Report - President Committee on the Arts + the Humanities�

Student Achievement The research compendium Critical Links has identified 6 major types of benefits associated with study of the arts and student achievement: 1) Reading and Language Skills 2) Mathematical Skills 3) Thinking Skills 4) Social Skills 5) Motivation to Learn 6) Positive School Environment

[Deasy, Richard J., “Don’t Axe the Arts!.” National Association of Elementary School Principals, Volume 82, Number 3 (January/February 2003).]

Holistic Learning • Supports whole child

• Stimulates senses

• Deeper, more meaningful learning

• Multiple Intelligences—addresses diverse learning styles

• Integrated—allows many entry points for the learner

• Teachers do not transfer knowledge and skills to students in parts (learning not piecemeal)

• Learner reflects on experiences and interactions w/environment to build complex, systematic understanding of world

Music and Creativity http://science360.gov/obj/video/df225a25-caef-4878-9b8c-0a13f0c2e510/music-creativity

“Georgia Tech’s Parag Chordia believes music is a universal part of human culture, and his research shows music

education can inspire greater interest in math, physics, and computer science.”

Presentation Notes
From science 360 The Knowledge Network website: People & Society, Technology & Engineering, K-12 & Education “Chordia heads Georgia Tech’s “Music Intelligence Group.” With support from the National Science foundation, his goals are to program computers to understand music the way humans do naturally – anticipating what is coming up next. He’s also studying changes in the brains of professional musicians as they paly composed music versus when they improvise.”

Creativity can be nurtured Robert Root-Bernstein and his wife, Michele, co-authors of Sparks of Genius, conducted extensive research into the minds of inventive people and showed that creativity can be encouraged and enhanced through the exercise of thinking tools. Without exercising this other half of the brain with its ability to foster creativity it atrophies just as failure to do physical exercise does for other parts of the body.

Arts & Education Webinar (2010, June 22). http://steam-notstem.com/

How can I incorporate STEAM in my classroom?

Image: http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/feynman-diagram/

Ikebana |ˌikəˈbänə| Noun the art of Japanese

flower arrangement, with formal display according to strict rules.

Oxford American Dictionaries

HCPS III Standards Gr. 4 Science Strand: Life and Environmental Sciences Topic: Unity and Diversity SC.4.5.3: Describe how different organisms need specific environmental conditions to survive Fine Arts Strand: Visual Arts Topic: How the Arts are Organized FA.4.1.1: Use the elements and principles of art and design, such as emphasis, proportion, complementary colors, positive and negative space, and depth, to communicate an idea or mood. Career & Technical Education Strand: Technological Design Standard 1: TECHNOLOGICAL DESIGN: Design, modify, and apply technology to effectively and efficiently solve problems

Common Core Math Standards Gr. 4

Measurement and Data Geometric measurement- understand concepts of angle and measure angles. 4.MD.5: Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint, and understand concepts of angle measurement.

Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Fractal_Broccoli.jpg/640px-Fractal_Broccoli.jpg

Ikebana Science:

• parts of plants (stem, bud, leaf) • types of plants • catalog plants on campus • grow plants on campus


• electronic journal (Edmodo) to document learning • virtual ikebana website: http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/virtual/ikebana/ikebana04.html

Ikebana Engineering: design an arrangement that can be

easily transported Art: form and function

Math: measurements, ratios, fractions, angles, and

other aspects of geometry Language Arts: reading diagrams in books and following steps; writing

down what they learn in their ikebana journal; vocabulary words

(supple, oasis, harmony)

Ikebana • It is calming and takes focus,

planning, and pragmatism.

• They will have to prepare ahead, look at possibilities, and know where to cut branches for balance (center of gravity).

• Ikebana takes concentration, observation, and making decisions to reach desired results.

Presentation Notes
(e.g., look at resources carefully; pruning and cutting branches appropriately)

Ikebana at Aiea Elementary

Ikebana at Aiea Elementary

UH School of Architecture Students are addressing elements common to both architecture and Sogetsu Ikebana, including lines, angles and organic asymmetry. The workshop demonstrates how design terms like 3D form, space, dynamic, balance and fluidity apply to both architecture and ikebana.

(2012, October 24). Aspiring architects learn art of ikebana, will incorporate into designs. [Web log comment]. http://www.manoa.hawaii.edu/news/article.php?aId=5379

Spalding House

2411 Makiki Heights Drive Honolulu, HI 96822

Presentation Notes
January 11-May 22, 2013 “The second installment of Spalding House’s education-driven exhibition arc is Finding X, which explores the yin-yang-like relationship between mathematics and art through five smaller exhibitions.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Interview with Aaron Padilla https://vimeo.com/61307384

The Tally

Presentation Notes
The Tally “Humans have been counting for thousands of year. First, verbally (out loud or mentally), or with fingers, and then with some kind of marking tabulation to track, measure in increments, or to assign value. This exhibition looks at ways contemporary artists use numerals and counting practices in their wok. Included are works by Jonathan Borofsky, Micah Lexier, Deborah Nehmad, and Thomas Woodruff.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Mole Poster

To No End/Show Your Work

Presentation Notes
“There is proof that infinity exists, but what does it look like? We turn the gallery into a workspace where students from the University of Hawai’i-Manoa math and art departments wrap their collective minds around the question and collaborate to create infinity in the flesh.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Lesson Idea What does infinity look like? How could it be represented in a work of


Presentation Notes
“Infinity is when something never ends.”

Textile 10101

Presentation Notes
“When the dizzying patterns of a Filipino Tinguian shaman blanket and other textiles are interpreted through simple binary codes, the connection between the modern-day computer and traditional woven textiles becomes crystal clear.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Binary Code Weaving

Presentation Notes
Weaving: Weavers use simple bitmaps and codes to map out patterns for their textiles. These codes can be repeated, reversed or rotated to create different patterns and effects. Textile patterns become more and more complex when the code becomes larger, or is more frequently repeated. Weaving patterns can be done in three steps: Create a design: Create an image or design by coloring in squares on a grid. This image is called a bitmap Turn a bitmap into a binary code: Read the grid as you would a book, from left to right, row by row. Replace each square in the grid with a number. A blank square gets a “1” and a colored square gets a “”0”. 3. Use the binary code to weave your pattern. The series of “ones” and “zeros” tell you how to weave the pattern. A “one” tells you to pass the weft thread (white thread) over the warp thread (black thread). A “zero” tells you to pass the weft thread under the warp thread. Follow the code until you reach the end of the row. Begin a new row of binaries with a new weft thread. Binary Code: Students create their own visual representation of binary code

Faces and Places

Presentation Notes
“See how artists like portraitist Susanna Coffey, sculptor Elie Nadelman, and painter Charles Bartlett employ mathematic formulas to render people and places in works from the museum’s collection.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Common Core Math Standards Gr. 8

Domain: Expressions + Equations

Cluster: Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.

Code 8.EE.5: Graph proportional relationships, interpreting…

HCPS III Standards Gr. 6-8 Fine Arts Strand: Visual Arts Topic: How the Arts are Organized Benchmark FA.6-8.1.1 Create an original integrated

art product or performance and explain how this process enhances a specific art work

Science Strand: The Scientific Process Topic: Science, Technology, and Society Benchmark SC.8.2.1 Describe significant

relationships among society, science, and technology and how one impacts the other

Egg Heads

Faces and Places

Presentation Notes
“See how artists like portraitist Susanna Coffey, sculptor Elie Nadelman, and painter Charles Bartlett employ mathematic formulas to render people and places in works from the museum’s collection.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x From a photo of a display

STEAM Lesson Example

Presentation Notes
Photograph STEAM found in the world (S from science, T from tech, E from engineering, A from art, M from math), and the word STEAM is ART!!

HCPS III Fine Arts Standards Gr. 9-12

Fine Arts Strand: Visual Arts Standard 1: Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences. Topic: How the Arts are Organized FA.9-12.1.1: Create original works of art using a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes.

The Shape of Things

Presentation Notes
“Triangles, squares, and circles serve as building blocks to the visual world. The Shape of Things bring together work by artists who utilize these elemental forms in their work. The exhibition features work by Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers, Ilya Bolotowsky, Larry Bell, Donald Judd, Agnes Denes, John McCracken, and others.” https://honolulumuseum.org/art/exhibitions/13241-finding_x

Greg Tang

Presentation Notes
From Math-terpieces: The Art of Problem-Solving Front cover jacket: “Math and Art History? Of course! Best-selling author Greg Tang knows that kids need to develop a variety of skills in order to think creatively when it comes to problem-solving. With Math-terpieces, the firth in his acclaimed series of mind-stretching math challenges, Tang creates his most revolutionary learning environment yet. These visually oriented problems- inspired by artwork of twelve great masters…give children ages five to seven fascinating ways to practice adding. Kids up to ten years old will be stimulated to solve math problems in entirely new ways. And all readers will take away a new understanding and appreciation of the ways we look at art. Greg Tang’s intuitive approach to teaching combines poems and playful illustrations to inspire kids to embrace the challenges of problem-solving. Math will never be the same!” Back cover jacket: “Greg Tang’s mission is to make math and problem-solving a part of every child’s life. Teachers across the country have praised his approach as fresh, insightful and a much-needed extension of the math curriculum.”

Greg Tang MATH-terpieces https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uUQyLscCIjsbin53GrJcKX_ZCv3alCk5LTBq7skOsbk/edit#slide=id.p

Presentation Notes
From Math-terpieces: The Art of Problem-Solving Page 20: Composition with red, yellow and blue (ca. 1930) – Piet Mondrian “Square Deal -From Mondrian the art’s abstract with lines all painted straight and black. His color choices are so few- he paints with yellow, red, and blue. 7’s made from SQUARES are great, the different groupings number EIGHT.” Page 21: Image with label – ABSTRACTION Quote from Greg Tang Website:  http://www.gregtang.com/artfinal.html�“For kids of every age, the problems offer an introduction to art history. I have combined math and art with several objectives in mind. The first is to create visually interesting problems. When teaching children, we need to communicate in ways that are engaging and clear. Here I use famous paintings to add graphical interest and appeal. The second objective is to create a learning environment that stimulates both analytical and creative thinking. Being good in math requires not only good technical skills, but also the ability to apply them in innovative ways. Finally, I hope to encourage a lifelong appreciation and love of the arts. Developing happy, well-rounded kids is my ultimate goal.”

Science Concepts via Art

Science Concepts via Art

Art with Science Concepts

Presentation Notes
2013: Animal Sciences 2012: Energy & Transportation 2011: Computer Science 2010: Environmental Management This poster is from 2009: Space & Exploration, third place, Janet Tran

Hawaii Academy of Science Annual Poster Contest


Presentation Notes
Judging Criteria The poster should reflect the designated theme and will be judged on visual quality, artistic skill and originality. Any scientific symbols, formulas, illustrations and icons should be accurate.

Dance vs. PowerPoint www.ted.com/talks/john_bohannon_dance_vs_powerpoint_a_modest_proposal.html

View from 4:15-6:00

Presentation Notes
From TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)

HCPS III Fine Arts Standards Gr. 6-8

Fine Arts Strand: Drama and Theatre Standard 3: Understand and apply the skills of

acting, design, and technical theatre and understand the role of drama in various cultures throughout history

Topic: How the Arts Communicate

FA.6-8.3.5: Demonstrate how theatre can be used to communicate concepts from another content area

Examples from beyond the classroom

Camouflage for US soldiers inspired by painter Abbott Thayer

Pacemaker by Earl Bakken based on metronome

Medical stents and vehicle airbags inspired by origami

Steve Jobs from Apple described himself & colleagues as artists

Pomeroy, S. (2012, August 22). From STEM to STEAM: Science and art go hand-in-hand. [Web log comment]. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2012/08/22/from-stem-to-steam-science-and-the-arts-go-hand-in-hand/

STEM to STEAM Tomorrow’s innovators are artists and designers

STEAM is a pathway to increase U.S. economic competitiveness.

Art + Design provide real solutions for our everyday lives, distinguish American products in a global marketplace, and create opportunity for economic growth.

Design is increasingly becoming a key differentiator for technology startups and products.


"After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest

scientists are always artists as well.”

—Albert Einstein

Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Einstein_1921_portrait2.jpg

Presentation Notes

Big Idea

STEM and STEAM both involve best practices such as:

• integration • collaboration • critical thinking • creativity • project-based learning

My STEM Hawaii https://sites.google.com/site/hawaiistem/home

Review of Today’s Agenda Overview of STEM & STEAM

• What is STEM and STEAM? • Why STEM? Why STEAM? • What does STEM/STEAM look like in the


You should now have a: • Familiarity with STEM and STEAM • Understanding of why STEM/STEAM education

is important

Presentation Notes
Reminder: Students need a strong foundation in the basics. “We have to be mindful of the basics, be it the math and science principles, because if we don’t have that foundation in place, you can never get to the higher level concepts as well. So I think keeping those in balance is a wonderful thing.” Quote: Richard Templeton, Texas Instruments President & CEO. From Congresswoman Bonamici Asks about the Importance of STEAM Education. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU425V3NSkE

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following

individuals for their contributions to this webinar:

Aaron Padilla, Curator of Education, Spalding House

Greg Tang, author of MATH-terpieces

Janet Tran, UH Architecture student

Any Questions?
