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STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document...

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STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy ရွ႕သိ႔ ျမန္မာ - ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံရွိ ေ႐ြးေကာက္ပြျဖစ္စဥ္မားႏွင့္ ဒီမိုကေရစီအေရးအား ေထာက္ပံ့ကူညီျခင္း by Eva Maaten
Page 1: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracyေရ႕သ႔ ျမနမာ - ျမနမာႏငငရ ေ႐ြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥမားႏင ဒမကေရစအေရးအား ေထာကပကညျခငး

by Eva Maaten

Page 2: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein are those of the researcher, and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

ဤအစရငခစာက ဥေရာပသမဂၢ၏ ဘ႑ာေရးအကအညျဖင ျပစထတေ၀ျခငးျဖစသည။ ဤအစရငခစာတြင ေဖာျပထားေသာ ႐ႈျမငသးသပခကမားသည

သေတသနပညာရင၏ အယအဆမားသာျဖစေသာေၾကာင ဥေရာပသမဂၢ၏ တရား၀ငအယအဆႏင ဆကစပထငဟပဖြယအေၾကာငးမရႏငပါ။

Page 3: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

STEP Democracyေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥမားႏင ဒမကေရစအေထာကအပ

by Eva Maaten

Page 4: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views
Page 5: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

Ms Eva Maatenသည ဖြ႕ၿဖးေရးဆငရာ ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကျခငးႏင လ႔အခြငအေရးစမကနးမားႏင

ပတသက၍ ဥေရာပသမဂၢ၊ ကမၻာကလသမဂၢအဖြ႕အစညးႏင အျခားအလရငအဖြ႕အစညးမားစြာအတြက စမကနး

မား ျပနလညသးသပေပးျခငး၊ သေတသနမား၊ စမကနးဖြ႕ၿဖးေရးဆငရာႏင အရငးအျမစဖြြ႕ၿဖးတးတကေရးဆင

ရာကစၥရပတ႔အတြက ႏစေပါငးမားစြာ သးျခားလြတလပေသာ အၾကေပးအျဖစ လပကငခပါသည။

သမသည ဒမကေရစႏင လ႕အခြငအေရးက႑တ႔တြင မားစြာအေတြ႕အၾကရၿပး၊ ျမနမာႏငငဆငရာ

စမကနးမားတြငလညး ပါဝငခဖးသည။ ၂၀၁၀ ခႏစမတငခငက FNF Brussels ႏငင ရးခြတြင ၁၀ႏစတာမ

တာဝနထမးေဆာငခစဥက အေရ႕ေတာငအာရႏငငမားရ ဒမကေရစႏင လ႔အခြငအေရးစမကနးမားအတြက

ရနပေငြရာေဖြျမႇငတငရာတြင အဓကတာ၀နယခသည။

ထ႔အျပင မဒယာက႑တြငလညး ႏစေပါငးမားစြာ လပကငခဖးသည။ လနဒနအေျခစက BBC World

Service အျပင၊ အျခားမဒယာအဖြ႕အစညးမားတြငလညး တာဝနထမးေဆာငခဖးသည။

ဤသေတသနအား ဥေရာပသမဂၢ၏ အကအညျဖင STEP Democray Project ေအာကတြင

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom ၊ Naushawng Education Network၊ Scholar

Insititute၊ Hornbill Organization ႏင Myanmar Egress တ႔က Ms Eva Maaten ၏ အၾကေပး

ပပးကညမႈျဖင အေကာငအထညေဖာခပါသည။

FNF (ျမနမာ) ႐း

အမတ ၃၅ ဘ/ ၁၅၊ တကသလရပသာလမးသစ၊

ဗဟနးၿမ႕နယ၊ ရနကန၊ ျမနမာ။

၀၉ ၂၆၂၉၈၁၃၅၀၊ [email protected]



Page 6: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views
Page 7: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

မာတကာ၁။ အႏစခ႔ပ ...............................................................................................................................၁

၁-၁။ ေနာကခအေျခအေန .................................................................................................................၁

၁-၂။ ေတြ႔ရခကမား .........................................................................................................................၂

၁-၃။ အၾကျပတငျပခကမား ..............................................................................................................၃

၂။ အစရငခစာအေသးစတ ..............................................................................................................၅

၂-၁။ ေနာကခအေၾကာငးရငး ...............................................................................................................၅

၂-၂။ သေတသနျပပနညးစနစ.............................................................................................................၆

၂-၂-၁။ သေတသနပစပငးစနေခၚမႈမားႏင ကန႔သတခကမား ..........................................................၆

၂-၂-၂။ အခကအလကေကာကယျခငး .......................................................................................၇

၂-၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေတြ႔အႀကမား ..................................................................................................၁၂

၂-၃-၁။ လမႈပထ၀ဆငရာ ေဖာျပခက .......................................................................................၁၂

၂-၃-၂။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင .........................................................................................၁၄

၂-၃-၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြအႀကကာလအတြငး ၾကေတြ႕ရမႈမား ...........................................................၂၃

၂-၃-၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ အေတြ႔အၾကမား ................................................................................၃၁

၃။ ေနာကဆကတြမား .................................................................................................................၄၅

၃-၁။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၁။ အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမား ဆနးစစခက ........................၄၅

၃-၁-၁။ သေတသန နညးစနစ ................................................................................................၄၅

၃-၁-၂။ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနမႈမားမရရေသာ အသမား ........................................................................၄၅

၃-၁-၃။ အႀကျပခကမား .......................................................................................................၄၈

၃-၂။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၂။ ပမား၏ဇယား ..............................................................................................၄၉

၃-၃။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၃။ အတေကာကစာလးမားစာရငး ..........................................................................၅၁

၃-၄။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၄။ ေမးခြနးလႊာမား .............................................................................................၅၂

Page 8: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views
Page 9: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

jrefrmEdkifiH\ a0;vHacgifzsm;a'orsm;&Sd a&G;aumufyGJtvGef a&G;aumufyGJjzpfpOftm;avhvmoHk;oyfrI okawoepmwrf; 1

ဤအစရငခစာသည ၂၀၁၅-ခႏစ၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလအတြငး ျမနမာႏငငရ ျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမား၏ ေ၀းလ

ေခါငဖားေသာ အရပေဒသ (၉) ခတြင ေကာကခခေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြအား ျပနလေလလာသးသပမႈ ႏးေႏာဖလယပြမားတြင

ပါ၀ငတကေရာကသမား ၁၀၅၀ ၏ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားခကအေပၚတြင အေျခခ၍ ဆနးစစထားပါသည။ အဆပါတ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားခက

မားက ေလလာသးသပခကမားႏင အေတြ႔အၾကမားအား စျပတငးတာရန ပမ၍တ႔ျပနေသာ နညးစနစမားအျပင နက႐ႈငးစြာ

စစဥဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမတစဆင ရရေသာအျမငမားျဖင ျပညစေအာင ျဖညစြကထားသည။ အဆပါႏးေႏာ

ဖလယပြမားက ၂၀၁၅-ခႏစ၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလတြင ေရြးေကာကပြအလြန (၄) ပတအတြငးလပေဆာငခၿပး ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥ

မားႏငပတသက၍ မေပးခသမားႏင မမေပးခသမားထမ တ႔ျပနခကမားႏင သေဘာထားမတခကအေသးစတတ႔က ရရရန


ေရြးေကာကပြရလဒမားႏင ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတစရပလးက ဆနးစစသည အျခားေသာေဆာငးပါးမား၊

သေတသနအစရငခစာမားႏငမတဘ ဤအစရငခစာသည တရားဥပေဒဆငရာ မေဘာင သ႔မဟတ မေရတြကျခငး ဆငရာ

ပညာရပမားက အေလးေပးတငျပျခငးမဟတဘ မေပးမႈအေတြ႔အၾကက အေသးစတစေဆာငးေလလာရနသာ ျဖစပါသည။

ဤအစရငခစာသည ေ၀းလေခါငးဖားေသာ ေဒသမားႏင တငးရငးသားလမးစမား၏ မေပးရာတြင ေတြ႔ႀကရသည အေျခအေန

ကအေလးေပးထား ေဖာထတရန ျဖစပါသည။ ဤသေတသနမ ရညရြယေသာ ပရသတမာ သာမနျပညသလထျဖစေသာေၾကာင

အခကအလကမားအား အလြယတကဖတ႐ႈႏငေအာင ေရးသားတငျပထားပါသည။ ျမနမာဘာသာျဖငလညး ဖတ႐ႈႏငရန

ျပနဆထားပါသည။ သေတသနရလဒမားက အထးသျဖင ျမနမာႏငင၏ ေ၀းလေခါငးဖားေဒသမားတြင ျပလပမည ေရြးေကာကပြ

ႏင ႏငငသားဆငရာ အသပညာေပးေရးသငတနးမား၏ သင႐းၫႊနးတမးမားတြင အသးျပသြားမညျဖစသည။

၁-၁။ ေနာကခအေျခအေန

အျခားအစရငခစာမားႏင ေဆာငးပါးမားစြာတ႔တြင ေဖာျပခသကသ႔ ေရြးေကာကပြသည ျမနမာႏငင၏ သမငး၀င

ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစသည။ ၂၀၁၁ ခႏစ ျပျပငေျပာငးလေရးလပငနးစဥ စတငကတညးက ပထမဆးကငးပေသာ စစမနသည

ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစသညျပင ၁၉၉၀ ျပညႏစ ေရြးေကာကပြမစ၍ ၾကညပါကအပြငလငးဆး ေရြးေကာကပြလညး ျဖစသည။

“ယၾကညရေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမားေပၚေပါကေရး ျပညသမား ပးေပါငးလႈပရားမႈအဖြ႔”၏ (People's Alliance for Credible

Elections – PACE) ၂၀၁၅ အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြ ေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈ အၿပးသတအစရငခစာအရ “ႏငငေရးပါတ ၉၁ ခမ

ကယစားလယ ၆၀၀၀ ေကာသည ျပညသ႔လႊတေတာ၊ အမးသားလႊတေတာတ႔အျပင ျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးလႊတေတာ

မားႏင တငးရငးသားကယစားလယ ေနရာမားတြင ၀ငေရာကယဥၿပငခၾကသည။1” ဟေဖာျပထားသည။ တပမေတာကေရးဆြ

ခေသာ ၂၀၀၈ ဖြ႔စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒသည ၂၀၁၀ ပါတစေရြးေကာကပြမားအတြက အတျမစျဖစခေသာလညး ၂၀၁၀

ေရြးေကာကပြသည ျပနာမားစြာရခၿပး2 အဓကအတကအခပါတျဖစေသာ အမးသားဒမကေရစအဖြ႔ခပ (NLD) က

ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ပါ၀ငယဥၿပငျခငး မျပခေပ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ ႏ၀ငဘာလတြင ကငးပျပလပခေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြသည

ႏစေပါငး ၂၀ ေကာအတြငး ပထမဥးဆး လြတလပစြာယဥၿပငခေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစၿပး ယငး၏ရလဒက ျပညတြငး၊ ျပညပ

ေလလာသမားက ျမနမာႏငင၏အနာဂတအတြက မတတငတစချဖစခသညဟ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။

ျမနမာႏငငအေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြ ၂၀၁၅၊ ဥေရာပသမဂၢ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေလလာေစာငၾကညေရးအဖြ႔ (the EU

Election Obeservation Mission – EOM) ၏ အၿပးသတအစရငခစာအရ “ဥပေဒျပ လႊတေတာအသးသးတြင တပမေတာ

အတြက သးသနရာထားေသာ လႊတေတာအမတေနရာမား၏ ၂၅% က ထညသြငးစဥးၿပးေနာက NLD သည ေအာက

လႊတေတာတြင ေနရာမား၏ ၅၉%၊ အထကလႊတေတာတြင ၆၀%၊ ျပညနယႏငတငးေဒသႀကးလႊတေတာမားတြင ၅၆%

ရရခၿပး USDP က ေအာကလႊတေတာတြင ၇%၊ အထကလႊတေတာတြင ၅%၊ ျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးလႊတေတာမားတြင

1 “ယၾကညရေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမားေပၚေပါကေရး ျပညသမားပးေပါငးလႈပရားမႈအဖြ႔” ၏ (People's Alliance for Credible Elections – PACE) ၂၀၁၅ အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြ ေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈ အၿပးသတအစရငခစာ၊ စာ-၇။

2 အေသးစတအတြက ရစခတေဟာေဆး၏ ၂၀၁၀ ျပညႏစ၊ ျမနမာႏငင အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြမား ေလလာေရးအစရငခစာ။ အနာဂတအတြက သငယျခငး ႏငမေ၀ျခငး ၂၀၁၁ က ၾကညပါ။

Page 10: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

jrefrmEdkifiH\ a0;vHacgifzsm;a'orsm;&Sd a&G;aumufyGJtvGef a&G;aumufyGJjzpfpOftm;avhvmoHk;oyfrI okawoepmwrf;2

၉% ရရခသည”3 ဟသရရသည။ အဆပါရလဒသည ျမနမာႏငငေရး၀နးကငက ေျပာငးလေပးခၿပး အစးရတစရပက NLD က

ဥးေဆာငဖြ႔စညး ႏငေစခသည။ ၁၉၉၀ ျပညႏစ ေရြးေကာကပြရလာဒႏင ၂၀၀၇ ေရႊ၀ါေရာငေတာလနေရးတ႔ကသ႔ ျမနမာႏငင

တြင ဒမကေရစအစးရသ႔ ျပနလညထြနးကားေရး ေမာလငခကအခကအတန႔မား ယခငကရခေသာလညး ယခအခနတြငမ

“ပမေကာငးမြနၿပး ေရရညတညတႏငေသာ အေျပာငးအလသည NLD ေရြးေကာကပြ အႏငရမႈႏငအတ ေပၚထြနးလာဖြယရပါ

သည။”4 ဖြ႔စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒက ေဒၚေအာငဆနးစၾကညအား သမၼတမျဖစလာႏငေအာင ဟနတားထားေသာလညး သမ၏

အနးကပလယျဖစေသာ ဥးထငေကာအား NLD က အမညစာရငးတငသြငးကာ လႊတေတာသစက ျမနမာႏငင၏ သမၼတအျဖစ

နညးလမးတက ေရြးေကာကတငေျမႇာကခသည။ သ႔ရာတြင ေဒၚေအာငဆနးစၾကညအေနျဖင အစးရသစအေပၚတြင အဆး

အျဖတျပႏငေသာ ၾသဇာသကအာဏာရရေအာင ႀကးပမးမညဟဆခၿပးျဖစသည။ “ပါတမ ပထမဆးျပဌာနးမည ဥပေဒသည

“ႏငငေတာအတငပငခပဂၢလ” ရာထးဖနတးေရးျဖစကာ ထရာထးသည သမၼတႏင အစးရအဖြ႔၀ငအားလးက ထနးခပႏငေသာ

“သမၼတ၏အႀကးအက” ျဖစလမမညဟ”5 ဟ လႊတေတာကယစားလယ ဥးခငေမာငျမင ရငးျပခသည။

ေဖာျပပါ အျပသေဘာ ေပၚထြနးလာမႈမားရေသာလညး အစးရသစအတြက မားျပားလေသာ စနေခၚမႈမား ရေနပါ

သည။ အေၾကာငးမာ တပမေတာသည လႊတေတာေနရာ၏ ၂၅% က ခပကငထားေသာေၾကာင ဖြ႔စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒအား

ျပငဆငမည အဆျပခကအားလးက ပတဆ႔ႏငမည အေနအထားတြင ရပါသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင အပခပေရးပငးတြင တပမေတာ

ႏငဆကလက၍ ေပါငးစပညႈႏႈငးေဆာငရြကသြားရမည ျဖစသည။ ျမနမာႏငင၏အနာဂတအတြက ေဒၚေအာငဆနးစၾကညႏင

NLD အေနျဖင ျပျပငေျပာငးလေရးလပငနးမားက ေျဖးေျဖးႏငမနမန ေဖာေဆာငသြားရမညျဖစသလ တပမေတာႏင

ယၾကညမႈတညေဆာက၍ မရသညတငအဆငေျပေအာင ဆကဆသြားရလမမညဟ6 မနးဆထားၾကသည။ တငးရငးသား

အပစမား၏ အေရးကစၥရပမားကေျဖရငးေပးရနကနရေနၿပး တငးရငးသားအပစအားလးတြင အမးသားဒမကေရစအဖြ႔ခပထ

မ ေမာလငထားခကမားစြာရပါသည။ တငးရငးသာမဆႏၵရငမား လလားေတာငတသည အျမနႏႈနးၿမင အတငးအတာအထ

အေျပာငးအလမား၊ ေျဖေလာမႈမားကမ ျဖညဆညးေပးႏငမညပ မေပၚေပ။

၁-၂။ ေတြ႕ရခကမား

အပစခြေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားႏင ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ပါ၀ငေသာအဓကကေသာ အဖြ႔အစညး၊ ပဂၢ လမား (ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ပါ၀င

ေဆာငရြကခေသာ အဓကကသည အဖြ႔အစညးမား၊ ပဂၢ လမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားမ ထြကေပၚလာေသာ ရလဒမားက အစရင

ခစာ၏ ေနာကဆကတြ (၁) တြင ေဆြးေႏြးထားပါသည)မားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားအရ ညငညငသာသာျဖင ၿပးဆးသြားေသာ

လြတလပသညေရြးေကာကပြတစရပျဖစခသညဟ ပေဖာႏငပါသည။ သ႔ေသာ ေနရာမားစြာတ႔တြင မေပးသစာရငးမားယြငးမႈမား၊

မ႐ျပနာမား၊ ခတဆကမႈႏင ပ႔ေဆာငေရးကစၥရပမားကသ႔ေသာ စစဥဖြ႔စညးမႈႏင စမအပခပမႈ ျပနာတ႔ ရခပါသည။

အဖြ႔အစညးမားစြာတ႔မ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးမား ျပလပခသညတင မဆႏၵရငအမားစသည ေရြးေကာကပြတြင လကနာရ

မည လပထးလပနညးဆငရာ အေျခခဗဟသတ အားနညးခသည။ အထးသျဖင ေ၀းလေခါငးဖားသည ေဒသမားသ႔ အသပညာ

ေပးမား အခနမမေရာကရျခငးႏင သြားေရာကရန ရနပေငြမလေလာကျခငးတ႔ႏင ႀကေတြ႔ခၾကရပါသည။ မ႐၀နထမးမားမာလညး

စညးမဥးစညးကမးမားႏငပတသက၍ ရငးရငးလငးလငး မသထားၾကသညက ေတြ႔ရတတပါသည။

ေနာငလာမည အနာဂတေရြးေကာကပြမားအတြက ၿပးခသညေရြးေကာကပြတြင အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသည အဖြ႔

အစညး၊ ပဂၢ လမားထမ အႀကျပခကမားအရ ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတြင ပါ၀ငမည၀နထမးအားလးက ျပညျပည၀၀ ေလကင

သငၾကားေပးထားရန၊ မစာရငးအား အခနပယ၍ ႀကတငျပငဆငထားရနႏင မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးအား ပမအေလးေပး၍ ေဆာငရြက

ရန အၾကျပၾကပါသည။

3 ၂၀၁၅ ျမနမာႏငငအေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြ၊ EU ေလလာေရးအဖြ႔၊ အၿပးသတအစရငခစာ၊ စာ-၅။4 Transnational Institute၊ သးသပယဆခကစာတမး၊ ၂၀၁၅-အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြ နဒါနးသစေလာ?။ https://www.tni.org/en/article/the-2015-gen-

eral-election-a-new-beginning5 Doug Bandow ျမနမာႏငငတြင ဒမကေရစႏင အာဏာရငစနစအၾကား ဆညးဆာခန၊ ေကတဌာန၊ ၃-၅-၁၆။ http://www.cato.org/blog/burma-twi-

light-between-democracy-dictatorship6 ၎

Page 11: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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အဓကေတြ႔ရခကမား -

♦ အဖြ႔အစညးပငးႏင နညးပညာပငးတြင ေျဖရငးေဆာငရြကစရာ မေကနပခကမားစြာရေသာလညး တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသ

မား၏ အမားစ (၇၅%) သည အထးသျဖင ယခင ၂၀၁၀ ခႏစ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငႏႈငးယဥလင ၿပးခသည ေရြးေကာက

ပြအား ေကနပအားရမႈရၾကသည။ သ႔မဟတ အတငးအတာတစခအထ ေကနပမႈရၾကသည။

♦ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင လျခေရးတပဖြ႔မား သ႔မဟတ ပါတကယစားလယမားက မဆႏၵရငမားအား တစစတစရာ

အၾကမးဖကမႈ သ႔မဟတ ျပငးထနစြာၿခမးေျခာကမႈ ျဖစေပၚခသညဟ၍ ေဖာျပသမရခေပ။

♦ ေရြးေကာကပြအၿပးတြင ျပနာတစစတစရာ ျဖစခသညဟ မညသညေဒသမ တငျပေဆြးေႏြးချခငး မရေပ။

♦ မေပးခေသာ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၈၉% အနက ၂၃% က ၎တ႔သည ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျပနာအခ႕ ၾက

ေတြ႔ခသညဟ ေဖာျပခသည။

♦ ျပနာမားၾကေတြ႔ခရေသာ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၉၁% က အဆပါ ျပနာအား ေျဖရငးေပးရန အခန

အေတာၾကာ (ပမးမတစနာရ ၀နးကင) ေစာငဆငးခရသညဟ ေဖာျပခသည။

♦ ဒတယအထငရားဆး ျပနာမာ မ႐၀နထမးမား အကအည မေပးျခငးျဖစသည။ (၃၆ % က ေဖာျပခသည။)

♦ အျခားအစအရငခစာမားတြင ေဖာျပထားျပး သကသ႔ မ႐မား ေသးငယလြနးျခငး၊ လမား ျပညကပေနျခငး၊ မ႐

နညးပါးျခငးတ႔ႏင ဆကစပေနေသာ လ႕ဝကစြာမေပးျခငးမရျခငးႏင ပတသက၍ ၂၁ ရာခငႏႈနးက ေထာကျပ


♦ မမေပးေသာ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၁% အနက ၃၂% က ၎တ႔၏အမညမားသည ေနာကဆးထတျပနေသာ

မစာရငးတြင မပါ၀ငေသာေၾကာင မမေပးႏငခၾကေပ။

♦ မစာရငးကစၥမားသည မစာရငးခငးကငးျပသမႈႏင ပစတ႔ေၾကာငဟတသညျဖစေစ၊ မဟတသညျဖစေစ၊ မစာရငး

စစေဆးျခငးႏင အမနျပငဆငျခငးတ႔တြင အခကအခမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥ တစရပလးတြင အလပရ

ေဆြးေႏြး ပြ ပါ၀ငသမားက အစရငခခၾကသည ျပနာအားလး၏ ၂၄% ၿဖစခၿပး ဒတယအေရးႀကးဆး ျပနာ

နယပယအျဖစ မ႐ဆငရာျပနာက ၁၃ % ၿဖစခသည။

♦ မဆႏၵရငမားစြာ (၂၅ % ခန) က ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ အသေပးမႈမား မလေလာကဟ ခစားၾကၿပး အျခားမဆႏၵရင

မားစြာတ႔ကလညး မ႐၀နထမးမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ ဗဟသတသတငးအခကအလကမား ေကာငးစြာ

မသၾကဟ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင မဆႏၵရငမားနညးတ မ႐အရာရမားႏင မ႐၀နထမးမားကလညး ပမကယျပန

စြာ ေလကငသငၾကားေပးထားရန လအပေနပါသည။

၁-၃။ အၾကျပတငျပခကမား

ေနာငလာမည ေရြးေကာကပြတြင မဆႏၵရငမားအေနျဖင ဆႏၵမေပးရာတြင ပမအဆငေျပေခာေမြ႔ေစေရးအတြက

ေအာကပါအၾကျပခကမားက ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမရရပါသည။ အပစဖြ႔ေဆြးေႏြးသမားမ ထြကေပၚလာေသာ တကရကအၾကျပခက

မားႏင သေတသနရလဒမားအား ဆနးစစမႈမသြယ၀ကရရလာေသာ အႀကျပခကမားအရ -

(၁) မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးလပငနးမားက ကယကယျပနျပနႏင အရနအဟနျမငလပေဆာငရန အထးလအပပါသည။

အခငအမာလအပသည။ အထးသျဖင အလြနေ၀းလေခါငဖားေသာေဒသမားရ ေနရပစြနခြာတမးေရာငသမား

ႏင တငးရငးသားလမးစမားအတြက အထးအေလးေပးေဆာငရြကသငပါသည။ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀င

ေဆြးေႏြးေျဖၾကားသ ၂၅% သည လေလာကေသာ အသေပးမႈမရရခၾကသညက ၾကညျခငးအားျဖင မဆႏၵေပးမႈ

အသပညာတြင ကြာဟမႈမားရခသညက ေတြ႔ရသည။ မညသ႔မေပးရမညဟေသာ အေျခခအကဆးအခကကပင

မသရၾကေၾကာငးက အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားစြာတ႔မ ေတြ႔ရခရသည။

Page 12: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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(၂) ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင၏ အဆငမားအားလးတြင ပါ၀ငပတသကေသာ ၀နထမးအားလးအား ေလကငသငၾကား

ေပးထားရန လြနစြာလအပပါသည။ ၀နထမးအားလး ကြနပတာအသးျပ၍ မစာရငးမား ကငတြယေျဖရငးရန

ကြနပတာကြမးကငမႈ သငတနးမားႏင မ႐၀နထမးမား ႏင အရာရမားအတြက ေရြးေကာကပြစညးမဥးစညးက

မးဆငရာ သငတနးမားကလညး ျပညျပညစစသရေစရန အသပညာေပးထားရန လအပပါသည။

(၃) မဆႏၵရငစာရငးစနစသည ခကခေနခသျဖင ရငးလငးလြယကေအာင ေဆာငရြကသငသည။ ပထမစာရငးႏင

အၿပး သတစာရငးတ႔အၾကား အမညစာရငးမား စဥရာတြင အေျပာငးအလရခသျဖင ႐ႈပေထြးမႈမားက ျဖစေပၚေစ

ၿပး မဆႏၵရငမား၏ မေပးခြငကလညး ဆး႐ႈးေစႏငပါသည။

(၄) ႀကတငမေပးသညစနစအား ပမပြငလငးျမငသာေအာင ေဆာငရြကသငပါသည။ မညသတ႔က ႀကတငမေပးႏင

သည၊ ႀကတငမေပးသငသညဟေသာ ရငးလငးတကသည စညးမဥးမားပါ၀ငသငသညျပင၊ ေရြးေကာကပြ

ေလလာေစာငၾကညသမားကလညး ႀကတငမေပးသမားအား ေလလာေစာငၾကညႏငရန စစဥထားသငသည။

(၅) မ႐မား ပမေကာငးမြနလာေရးအတြက ေကာငးမြနစြာ ျဖညဆညးေဆာငရြကေပးရန လအပပါသည။ ေ၀းလ

ေခါငဖားေသာ ေဒသအားလးရမ႐မားတြင မးရရေအာင၊ သြားေရးလာေရးအဆငေျပေအာင၊ မ႐မားအား သငေတာ

သည အေနအထားျဖစေအာင ဖနတးေပးရနလအပပါသည။ အေထာကအထားမားအရ အခ႕ေသာ ေ၀းလ

ေခါငဖားေဒသမားတြင ေဖာျပပါအခကမားတြင အခကအခရသျဖင မမေပးႏငခၾကသညက ေတြ႔ရရပါသည။

Page 13: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၂-၁။ ေနာကခအေၾကာငးရငး

ေအာကပါသေတသနက ဥေရာပသမဂၢက ေငြေၾကးပပးေပးခၿပး ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ဇနန၀ါရလတြင စတငခေသာ “STEP

Democracy Project၊ ေရ႕သ႔ ျမနမာ - ျမနမာႏငငရ ေ႐ြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥမားႏင ဒမကေရစအေရးအား ေထာကပကညျခငး”

စမခက၏ အစတအပငးတစခ ျဖစပါသည။

ဤအစအစဥသည အားလးပါ၀ငခြငရေသာ ဒမကေရစနညးလမးကသည အငစတကးရငးမား ျဖစထြနးေပၚေပါက

လာေရးႏင ႏငငသႏငငသားမား၏ အသအျမငၾကြယၾကြယျဖင ေရြးေကာကပြမားတြင တကတကၾကြၾကြ ပါ၀ငလာေစေရး

အတြက ပစမားေဖာထတရာတြင ျမနမာႏငငရ မတကြျပားေသာ ႏငငေရးႏင ႏငငသားအေရး တကၾကြလႈပရားသမားအား

အေထာကအကျပေပးရန ရညရြယပါသည။ ေရးဥးစြာ အဆပါအစအစဥသည ၂၀၁၅ခႏစအကန ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးမား

ၿပးဆးသညအထ အထးအေလးထား ေဆာငရြကခသည။ ထ႔ေနာက ေရြးေကာကပြအလြနတြင ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥမားအား

ပမေကာငးမြနေအာင လပေဆာငရနႏင ေနာကထပအနာဂတအတြက ဒမကေရစေဖာေဆာငေရးလပငနးမားအား ေရရည

တညတေအာင ေဆာငရြကမညအစအစဥမား ပါ၀ငပါသည။

STEP ဒမကေရစ အစအစဥတြင ဥေရာပသမဂၢသည အဖြ႔အစညး ၈ ခအားျဖင အကအညမား ေပးအပပါသည။

ယငးအဖြ႔အစညးမားမ ႏငငတကာအဖြ႔အစညး (၄) ခမာ International Institute for Democracy and Electroal Assistance

– IDEA)၊ Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy – DIPD၊ (Democracy Reporting International – DRI ႏင

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom – FNF တ႔ျဖစၾကသည။ ျပညတြငးအဖြ႔ အစညး ၄ ခမာ Myanmar Egress

– ME၊ Hornbill Organization – HO၊ Scholar Institute – SI ႏင Naushawng Education Network – NSEN တ႔ျဖစၾကသည။

ထအဖြ႔အစညးမားသည FNF ႏငအတ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးေရးအစအစဥမားက အေကာငအထညေဖာလကရၾကသည။ STEP

ဒမကေရစစမကနးသည ဒမကေရစေရးရာ ျပျပငေျပာငလေရးလပငနးမား လပေဆာငရာတြင လးသာလြငသာေသာ ခဥးကပ

မႈကကငသးရန ခငခငမာမာဆးျဖတထားပါသည။ အေျဖရာရာတြင ကညေပးျခငးသာျဖစၿပး အသးျပရန ဖအားေပးမည

မဟတေပ။ ျမနမာႏငင၏ ၾကြယ၀ေသာသမငးေၾကာငးႏင ယဥေကးမႈကြျပားျခားနားခကမားကလညး အေလးထားဂရျပသြား

မည ျဖစသည။

ဤစမခက၏ အစတအပငးတစရပ (အစတအပငး ၃) သည၊ အရပဘကအဖြ႔အစညးမားႏင လပငနးမား လပေဆာင

ရန ၿဖစပါသည။ ထအစတအပငးက DRI ႏင FNF အဖြ႔အစညးႏစရပက ဥးေဆာငသည။ FNF သည အရပဘကအဖြ႔အစညးမားႏင

အတတကြ ပးေပါငးကာ ႏငငအစြနအဖားရ ေဒသမားတြင မဆႏၵရငႏင ျပညသ႔နတ အသပညာေပးေရး အစအစဥမားက

လပေဆာငခသည။ ထ႔ျပင ျပျပငေျပာငးလေရးႏငပတသကသည ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင ျပညသလထ ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးေစျခငးျဖင

ဤေရြးေကာကပြအလြန ဆနးစစမႈသေတသနကလညး ျပလပခသည။ သေတသနက ေလလာခေသာ ေဒသမားမာ ပထ၀၀င

အေနအထားအရ ေ၀းလေခါငးဖားၿပး ဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကမႈႏင ပညာေရးအဆငအတနး နမက၍ ၿပးခေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငလညး

ဆႏၵမေပးသနညးပါးေသာေၾကာင ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ ေရြးေကာကပြအေတြ႔အႀကအတြက ေလလာရနအေရးပါၿပး အခကအခရေသာ

ေဒသမားျဖစသညမာ ျမငသာပါသည။

အစအစဥမားက ျပညတြငးပးေပါငးအေကာငအထညေဖာေရး မတဘကအဖြ႔အစညး ၄ ဖြ႔က ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ဇလငလမ

စ၍ တငးေဒသႀကးႏင ျပညနယ ၉ ခအား (၁) ရခငႏငမေကြး (၂) ဧရာ၀တႏင ကရင (၃) ခငးႏင စစကငး (၄) မြနႏင ကယား

(၅) ကခငဟ၍ အပစငယ ၅ ခအျဖစ ခြျခားသတမတကာ ႏငငသားႏင မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပးသငတနး ၁၇၁ ချဖင ျပညသ

ေပါငး အေယာက ၁၃၀၀၀ အထ အသပညာေပးႏငခသည။

ျပညသမားအေနျဖင ဒမကေရစလပငနးစဥတြင ဆကလကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကလာေရးႏင ေရြးေကာကပြအလြန ျပျပင

ေျပာငးလေရး အားထတမႈမားတြင ပါ၀ငလာေရးအတြက သငတနးမားက ၂၀၁၆ ခႏစ ေႏာငးပငးတြင စတငသငၾကားေပး

သြားမညျဖစသည။ ဤသေတသနတြင ေလလာခေသာေဒသမားမ ျပညသတ႔၏ အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ ထငျမင

ယဆခကမားႏင သးသပခကမားသည သငရးၫႊနးတမးမားျပစရာတြင အေထာကအကျပမညျဖစပါသည။

Page 14: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၂-၂။ သေတသနျပပ နညးစနစ

၂-၂-၁။ သေတသနပစပငး စနေခၚခကမားႏင ကနသတခကမား

ဤသေတသနစမခက၏ ရညရြယခကမာေ၀းလေခါငးဖားေဒသမားမ အခကအလကမားက စစညး႐မမက ျပညတြငး

ပးေပါငး အေကာငအထညေဖာေသာ မတဘကမား၏ သေတသနစြမးရညမားကပါ တညေဆာကေပးရနျဖစရာ သေတသန

ဒဇငးက အဆပါမတဘကေလးဥးျဖစေသာ Myanmar Egress၊ Scholar Institute၊ Hornbill Organization၊ Naushawng

Education Network တ႔ႏင အနးကပပးေပါငးေရးဆြခသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြသးသပမႈ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမတငမ ၄ ရကတာ

နညးျပသငတနး (TOT) အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြကာလအတြငး ၎အဖြ႔အစညးမား၏ ၀နထမးမားက သေတသနလပငနးမား ေဆာင

ရြကရနႏင ၎တ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမ အၿခားသမားကပါလကဆငကမးရန ေလကငေပးခသည။

ဤသေတသနပစအား ပေဖာေရးဆြရာတြင အထးသျဖင အခကအလကေကာကယျခငးတြင စနေခၚမႈမား ၾကရပါ

သည။ အခကအလကေကာကယေသာ ျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသၾကးမားက ကယစားျပေသာ ရညမနးနမနာ ရရလသညဆႏၵက

(ဥေရာပသမဂၢႏင သေဘာတစာခပတြင သတမတထားသကသ႔) ေရြးေကာကပြအား ျပနလညသးသပမႈ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမား

ပစမ ယေဆာငလာသာ ကနသတခကမားႏင ခနညစဥးစား ရမညျဖစသည။ နမနာေကာကယေသာ ေဒသအသးသးတြင သေတ

သနျပသမားအေနျဖင အခနကာလ အနညးငယသာရျခငး (ေနရာေဒသတစခလင ၂ ရကႏႈနးျဖင စစေပါငးေဒသ ၂၅ ခ)၊ သေတ

သနတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖဆသမားမာ စစတမးေကာကခဖးသည အေတြ႔အႀကမရျခငး၊ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ တကေရာကသအမားစမာ

စာတတေျမာကမႈနညးျခငး စသည အျခားျပနာမားလညး ရခသည။

၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ေအာကတဘာလ၊ ရနကနၿမ႕တြင ျပညတြငးမတဘကအဖြ႔အားလးႏင သေတသနဒဇငးအလပ႐

ေဆြးေႏြးပြကာလအတြငး သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငေစမည လဥးေရနမနာေရြးခယမႈႏင ေကာကယမည အခကမားသည ေ၀းလ

ေခါငးဖား ေဒသရလမားကကယစားျပႏငေအာင၊ တစၿပငတညးမာပင အထကတြငေဖာျပခေသာ ကနသတခကမားက

ထညသြငးစဥးစားရငး သေတသနဒဇငးပေဖာရာတြင အခနအမားဆး ကနခရသည။ သေတသနလပရာတြင ထပမေတြ႔ရခရ

သညစနေခၚမႈမာ အေတြ႔အႀကနညးေသာ ရပရြာမားမ လမႈကြနယကမားမ သငတနးသားမားစေဆာငးေပးၾကသည။ အေတြ႕

အၾကနညးေသာေၾကာင ကယစားျပစနစႏင စေဆာငးရသညက မသၾကပါ။ (အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတစခလင တကေရာက

ေဆြးေႏြးသ ၄၀ ဥးရၿပး) ေမးခြနးမားက အဂၤလပဘာသာမ ျမနမာဘာသာႏင အျခားတငးရငးသားဘာသာမားသ႔၊ ရရလာေသာ

အေျဖမားက အဂၤလပဘာသာသ႔ ျပညတြငးရ ပးေပါငးအေကာငအထညေဖာေရးမတဖကအဖြ႕မားႏင FNF ၀နထမးမားက

ျပနဆေပးရျခငး ျဖစသည။

Page 15: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

jrefrmEdkifiH\ a0;vHacgifzsm;a'orsm;&Sd a&G;aumufyGJtvGef a&G;aumufyGJjzpfpOftm;avhvmoHk;oyfrI okawoepmwrf; 7

သေတသနလပငနးျပလပၾကေသာ ျပညတြငးမတဖက အဖြ႔အစညးမားမ ၀နထမးမားသည အားလးအေတြ႔အႀကရေသာ

သေတသမား မဟတၾကပါ။ ေရြးေကာကပြ ျပနလညသးသပမႈ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမတငမ သငတနးဆရာျဖစသငတနး (TOT)

အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင အေျခခသငတနးအျပင ရနကနသ႔ အဆပါသငတနး လာမတကေရာကႏငၾကေသာ ေဒသခသေတသမား

အသးျပရန လအပသညစာရြကစာတမး၊ လမးၫႊနခကမား ျဖညဆညးေပးခသည။

အဆပါ စနေခၚမႈမားႏင ကနသတခကမားက ထညသြငးစဥးစားကာ ေအာကပါသေတသန နညးစနစကေဖာထတ


၂-၂-၂။ အခကအလက ေကာကယျခငး

၂-၂-၂-၁။ သငတနးသားေရြးခယပ နမနာ

သငတနးသား ေရြးခယပ နမနာတြင ေအာကပါအရပေဒသမား၏ ရပရြာလထမားပါ၀ငသည။ (၁) ရခငႏင မေကြး၊

(၂) ဧရာ၀တႏင ကရင၊ (၃) ခငးႏင စစကငး၊ (၄) ကယားႏင မြန၊ (၅) ကခင။ သေတသန၏ အရညအေသြးပငးေမးခြနးမား

အတြက ရပရြာမားမ အေျပာငးအလ၏ ကယစားလယမားဟ မတယရေသာ အေရးပါေသာ ပဂၢလမားျဖစေသာ ေကာငးအပ

မား၊ အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညး ေခါငးေဆာငမားႏင အဖြ႔၀ငမား၊ အမးသမးေခါငးေဆာငမား၊ ေကာငးဆရာမား၊ ဆရာ၀နမား၊

ေကးရြာ/ရပကြက လႀကးမား၊ လငယေခါငးေဆာငမားႏင ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမန ေဆြးေႏြးခၾကပါသည။

ေအာကပါဇယားသည ေရြးေကာကပြသးသပမႈ အလပရေဆြးေႏြးပြမား ျပလပခေသာ ၿမ႕နယမားက ေဖာျပထားသည။

ပ-၁။ ၿမ႕နယမားစာရငး

ျပညနယ/ တငးေဒသႀကး ၿမ႕နယ အေကာငအထညေဖာေသာ မတဘက

ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး ျမနေအာငၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး ေမာလၿမငကၽြနးၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး ပသမၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ခငးျပညနယ ဟားခါးၿမ႕နယ Hornbill Organization

ခငးျပညနယ ဖလမးၿမ႕နယ Hornbill Organization

ခငးျပညနယ ပလက၀ၿမ႕နယ Hornbill Organization

ကခငျပညနယ မးညၿမ႕နယ Naushawng Education Network

ကခငျပညနယ ပတာအၿမ႕နယ Naushawng Education Network

ကခငျပညနယ ဖားကနၿမ႕နယ Naushawng Education Network

ကခငျပညနယ ျမစႀကးနားၿမ႕နယ Naushawng Education Network

ကခငျပညနယ ၀ငးေမာၿမ႕နယ Naushawng Education Network

ကယားျပညနယ လြငေကာၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ကယားျပညနယ ဒေမာဆၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ကရငျပညနယ ျမ၀တၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ကရငျပညနယ ဖားအၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ကရငျပညနယ သေတာငၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး သေျပစမးေကးရြာ Scholar Institute

မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး ဘရားၿပေကးရြာ Scholar Institute

မြနျပညနယ ကကထၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

မြနျပညနယ ကကမေရာၿမ႕နယ Myanmar Egress

ရခငျပညနယ ေကာကေတာၿမ႕နယ Scholar Institute

Page 16: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

jrefrmEdkifiH\ a0;vHacgifzsm;a'orsm;&Sd a&G;aumufyGJtvGef a&G;aumufyGJjzpfpOftm;avhvmoHk;oyfrI okawoepmwrf;8

ရခငျပညနယ ေျမာကဥးၿမ႕နယ Scholar Institute

ရခငျပညနယ ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယ Scholar Institute

စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကး ကေလးၿမ႕နယ Hornbill Organization

စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကး ခႏးၿမ႕နယ Hornbill Organization

သငတနးသား ေရြးခယရာတြင အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြမတငမက ျပလပခေသာ မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပး

သငတနးမား (election preparedness seminars) တြင တကေရာကချပးသမားအျပင၊ သငတနးသားေရြးခယပစနစသည

သငတနးမတကေရာကခသမားပါ ပါဝငသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ၎တ႔သည အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမား ကငးပခသည ျပညနယႏင

တငးေဒသႀကးမား၏ လဥးေရတစခလးက လးလးလားလား ကယစားျပမည မဟတပ သာမာနျပညသမားထက ပမတကၾကြ

လႈပရားသမားက ပဥးစားေပးထားပါသည။

အဆပါျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမားတြင ေရြးေကာကပြသးသပမႈ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ၂၅ ခ ကငးပခၿပး အေထြေထြ

ေရြးေကာကပြအား အမားျပညသ၏ တ႔ျပနမႈႏငပတသက၍ သတငးအခကအလကမား ေကာကယခသည။ တကေရာက

ေဆြးေႏြးသ စစေပါငး ၁၀၅၆ ဥးက ေမးခြနးလႊာမားက ျပညစေအာငေျဖၾကားခၾကၿပး၊ ၎တ႔၏ အျမငမားႏင အေတြ႔အႀကမားက

အေမးအေျဖ အျပနအလန ေျပာဆေဆြးေႏြးမႈပစျဖင ေဝမခၾကသည။ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားစြာမာ စာတတသနညးပါးမညက

ေမာလငထားၿပး ေမးခြနးလႊာမားက ရးရးရငးရငး ျပစထားၿပး အျခားေသာ အပစဖြ႔ေလကငခနးမားကလညး လြယကေအာင

ဖနတးထားပါသည။ ထ႔ျပင ေရြးေကာကပြအား “ျပနေျပာငးေအာကေမသးသပရာတြင” ျပညစမႈရေစရနႏင၊ ရပရြာလထအဖြ႔မား

ထမ အႀကျပခကမား တကရကရရေစရန ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား၏ ၁၅ % ခနက ပစတကအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမား (structured

group discussions) တြင ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးရန ဖတၾကားခသည။ အဆပါ ၁၅% သည နမနာလဥးေရထမ ဗဟသတၾကြယ၀သ

ပဂၢလမားျဖစမညဟ ယဆရၿပး၊ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ မေရတြကမႈမားက ေလလာေစာငၾကညခၾကေသာေၾကာင ေရြးေကာကပြ

လပငနးစဥအား မညကသ႔ တးတကေကာငးမြနလာေအာင ျပငဆငႏငမည အစရသညတ႔ႏင ပတသကေသာ ေလးနကသည

သးသပခကမားက ပပးေပးႏငမညဟ ေမာမနးထားပါသည။

ေနာကဆးအေနျဖင သေတသမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတြင ပါ၀ငခသည အဓကကသအခ႕ႏင ၎တ႔၏

ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥႏင ပတသကေသာ အျမငမားကရယရန အကဥးခပေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမား ျပလပခပါသည။ ေဒသ

အသးသးတြင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင အဖြ႔ခြ႐း၏ ကယစားလယမား၊ အေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာန (GAD)၊ ေရြးေကာက

ပြေလလာေစာငၾကညသမားႏင ႏငငေရးပါတ ၄ ခ (အမးသားပါတ ၂ ခ + အဓကတငးရငးသားပါတ ၂ ခ) တ႔၏ အေတြ႕အၾက

မားက ေလလာခသည။

Page 17: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ျပညနယ/တငးေဒသႀကးတစခခငးစတြင ပစတက ေမးခြနး ၅ ချဖင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးခၿပး အျခားဘကမ ရရလာသည

အေျဖမားႏင ႏႈငးယဥၾကညရန ျဖစပါသည။ ဤကသ႔ ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးရာတြင ရလာဒမားအားႏႈငးယဥ၍ရေစရန ေဒသအားလး

အတြက တညသည ေမးခြနး ၅ ချဖင ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခပါသည။

၂-၂-၂-၂။ အခကအလကေကာကယမႈ နညးစနစ

ဤသေတသနက ေရြးေကာကပြသးသပမႈ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏင အျခားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြပစမားျဖင မေဘာငမား

အတြငး ေဆာငရြကချခငးျဖစသည။

ေအာကပါအခကအလကေကာကယမႈ နညးစနစမားက အသးျပခသည။

(၁) သတမတပစ ေမးခြနးလႊာမား။ ဤေမးခြနးလႊာက ေရြးေကာကပြ ျပနလညသးသပမႈ ႏးေႏာဖလယပြမားတြင ပါ၀င

ေဆြးေႏြးေျဖၾကားသမားက ျဖညစြကၾကရသည။

သေတသနမ ရညရြယေသာ လထက ကယစားျပႏငေသာ နမနာရရေစေရးအတြက ေမးခြနးလႊာမားအား ျပညတြငး

မတဘကမား၊ ျမနမာႏငငဆငရာ ကြမးကငသမားႏငအတတကြ ပးေပါငး၍ ဤေလလာမႈအတြက သးျခားျပစထားပါ

သည။ ကညပပးသမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးသမားက ေမးခြနးလႊာမားက ျမနမာဘာသာႏင/သ႔မဟတ ေဒသခဘာသာ

စကားျဖင ေမးျမနးၿပးအေျဖမားက အဂၤလပဘာသာသ႔ ျပနဆရသညအားေလာစြာ ဘာသာျပနအမားအယြငး

နညးေစရန အဖြငေမးခြနးမား ေမးျမနးျခငးမ သတထား၍ ေရာငၾကဥခရပါသည။

(၂) အပစဖြ႔ အျပနအလန ေမးျမနးေဆြးေႏြးသည နညးစနစမား။ အထကပါ ေမးခြနးလႊာပစသည ရးရငးကာ အေျဖေပးရာ

တြင ကန႕သတမႈရေသာေၾကာင အခ႕႐ႈပေထြးေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားက ေမးျမနးရနအတြက ဤအပစဖြ႕ အျပန

အလနေမးျမနးေဆြးေႏြးသညစနစက အသးျပရပါသည။ ဤစနစတြင ေဆြးေႏြးပြဥေဆာငသက တကေရာကေဆြးေႏြး

သမားထမ ေမးခြနးတစခစ၏ ေျဖၾကားခကမားက စစညးကာ၊ စာရြကႀကးတစရြကေပၚတြင ေရးခၿပး၊ အေျဖတစခ

ခငးစက ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ မညမကေထာကခေၾကာငး လကေထာင၍ျပရေသာ ေဆြးေႏြးပအစအစဥမားလညး


ဤစနစတြြင အသးျပေသာ အျခားပစတစခမာ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားအား အခကအလကမားစြာထမ ၎တ႔

ေရြးခယလသညအခက၏ ေနာကဘကတြင တနးစခငးျခငးပစျဖစသည။ ဤပစသည မမပအားသာသည ခယခက

အျမငတ႔က ေဖာျပရာတြင အသးျပရနသငေတာသည။ ဥပမာ - ဤပစက ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥတြင အဓကပါ၀င

ေဆာငရြကသမား၏ အျပအမ၊ ဆႏၵမေရတြကေသာ အရာရမား၏အကအညေပးႏငမႈ၊ လျခေရးတာဝနရသတ႔၏

ခးေဖာကမႈ ရ မရ စသညတ႔က ရာေဖြေဖာ ထတရန အသးျပသည။ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားအား တနးစသညအလက

ေရတြကကာ ဓာတပရကမတတမးတငထားပါသည။

အခ႕ေသာေမးခြနးမားအတြက အသးျပသည ေနာကဆပစတစခမာ စာရြကၾကးတစခစတြင ေမးခြနးတစခႏင

ေရြးခယရနအေျဖမားအား ေပးထားကာ ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးသမားက မမေရြးခယသည အေျဖေအာကတြင အမနျခစရ

ပါသည။ ဤေမးခနးတစခစတင ေရြးခယစရာအေျဖမားစြာ ပါဝငမညျဖစသည။ ဥပမာ - “ေရြးေကာကပြႏင ပတသက

ေသာသတငးက မညသညသတငးမဒယာအမးအစားမ လကခရရပါသနညး။”

အဆပါေမးခြနးမားမ ေပၚထြကလာေသာ အခကအလကမားသည အၾကမးဖငးအားျဖင ေရတြက၍ရႏငေသာ

အခကအလကမားျဖစေသာလညး ဤအထကပါ နညးစနစမားက အသးျပရာတြင အမားအယြငး ျဖစႏငေခလညး

ျမငမားတတသျဖင ထအခကအလကမားက ဤအစရငခစာအတြက နဂးခပသးသပခကမား ဆြယရာတြင သတ

ထား၍ အသးျပရသည။ မညသ႔ပငဆေစကာမ ရလဒမားက ပါဝငသတ႔၏ မတညေသာ ခစားခကမား၏ မတည

ေသာ အားသာခကမားကျပသၿပး ေမးခြနးလႊာမား၏ ရလဒခငမာမႈက အေထာကအကျပ ျဖညဆညးေပးသည။

(၃) ဖြ႔စညးစစဥထားေသာ အပစလကေဆြးေႏြးပြမား။ ဤေဆြးေႏြးပြမားက ေဒသအသးသးတြင ကငးပၿပး ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြး

သ ၆ ဥးမ ၇ ဥးအထ ပါ၀ငသည။ ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးသမားသည ပညာေရးအေျခချမငမားၿပး သ႔မဟတ ရပရြာတြင

Page 18: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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တကၾကြစြာ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကေသာသမားျဖစရမညဟ ရညရြယကာ၊ ေဆြးေႏြးပြမတငမ ပထမေန႔ကပင ႀကတင

ေရြးခယထားသည။ “မဆႏၵရငစာရငး မတပတငမႈ လပငနးစဥႏင ယငးလပငနးစဥတ႔က မညသ႔တးတကေအာငလ

ပေဆာငႏငသနညး” အစရေသာ ေမးခြနးမားကသ႔ ပမ႐ႈပေထြးသည ကစၥရပမားကလညး ေဆြးေႏြးအေျဖရာခ


(၄) ေရြးေကာကပြတြင အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားႏင လေတြ႔ေမးျမနးျခငး။ ထ႔အျပင ပငမသေတသနမ ခြထတကာ

ေရြးေကာကပြတြင အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကခသ ၆-၇ ဥးတ႔ႏင ေဒသအသးသးတြင သးျခားေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားက

လညး ျပလပခပါသည။ ရညရြယခကမာ ေဒသအသးသး၏ ေရြးေကာကပြႏင စပလဥးေသာ ၎တ႔၏ ထငျမငခက

မားႏင ႐ႈျမငသးသပခကမားက သရလာရနျဖစၿပး ဘကလကမႈမျဖစေစသည ရးရငးေသာေမးခြနး ၆ ခက အဖန

တလလ ေမးျမနးခပါသည။

Page 19: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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Hornbill Organization



Naushawng Education Network


Myanmar Egress



ကယားျပညနယ ႏင


Scholar Institute

ရခငျပညနယ ႏင


Page 20: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၂-၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေတြ႔အႀကမား

၂-၃-၁။ လမႈပထ၀ဆငရာ ေဖာျပခက

သေသသနတြင ပါဝငေျဖၾကားသမား

ေမးခြနးလႊာမားကေျဖၾကားသ ၁၀၅၆ ဥးက ျဖညစြကခၾကၿပး ၆ ဥးမာ ျပညျပညစစ မေျဖထားျခငးေၾကာင ထညသြငး

အသးမျပခပါ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင စစေပါငးေျဖၾကားခက ၁၀၅၀ က ဆနးစစခသည။

၁၀၅၆ ဥးအနက အမားစမာ အျပနအလန ေျပာဆေဆြးေႏြးရသည အစအစဥမားတြင ပါ၀ငခၾကၿပး၊ (ေဆြးေႏြးပြ၏

လႈပရားမႈအစအစဥအားလးတြင ရေနခသည လဥးေရမာ ေျပာငးလတတသျဖင အေရအတြက တတကကေျပာ၍ မရေပ)

၁၅၀ ဥးသည အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးခၾကသည။

အဆပါ ေမးခြနးလႊာမား၏ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားခကမားမာ ေအာကပါတငးေဒသႀကးႏင ျပညနယမားတြင ကငးပခေသာ

အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမ ထြကေပၚလာျခငးျဖစသည။

ပ-၂။ ေဒသအလက တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား

ျပညနယ/တငးေဒသႀကး တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသအေရအတြက ရာခငႏႈနး

ကခင ၂၂၃ ၂၁ %

ခငး ၁၃၂ ၁၃ %

ဧရာ၀တ ၁၂၉ ၁၂ %

ကရင ၁၂၁ ၁၂ %

ရခင ၁၂၀ ၁၁ %

ကယား ၈၅ ၈ %

မြန ၈၂ ၈ %

မေကြး ၈၁ ၈ %

စစကငး ၇၇ ၇ %

စစေပါငး ၁၀၅၀ ၁၀၀ %

သေတသနလပငနး ေဆာငရြကေသာ မတဖကအဖြ႔အစညးမားက ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးၾကမညသမားက ဖတေခၚရာတြင

သေတသနျပလပခသည နယေျမမားမ လဥးေရက အတတႏငဆး ကယစားျပရန ႀကးပမးၾကေသာလညး အခ႕ေသာ

ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင တကေရာကလာၾကသမား၏ အလပအကငမားသည မားစြာတညေနသညက သရႏငပါသည။ ဥပမာ

ေကာငးသားမားႏင အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညး၀နထမးမားက ပမားေနသညက ေတြ႔ရပါသည။ သေတသနျပ ေလလာခေသာ

နယေျမမားတြင ကပနးေရြးခယရန ေမာမနးထားသညထက ပညာတတမား၏ အခးအစား ပ၍မားေနခသည။ တကေသခာ

ေသာ သနးေခါငစာရငး ကနးဂဏနးမားလညးမရသျဖင နယေျမအလက တငးရငးသားလမးစမား၏ အခးအစား သ႔မဟတ

အသကအရြယအပငးအျခား အခးအစားေရြးခယရာတြင မညသညအတငးအတာအထ အမနလမႈပထ၀အား ထငဟပေပးႏငမႈ

ရ၊ မရ မသႏငေပ။ ဤအခကက အပငး၂-၂-၂-၁ တြင တငျပခသညတ႔က အတညျပေပးပါသည။ အပငး၂-၂-၂-၁ တြင ေဖာျပ

ချပးသကသ႔ပင၊ ဤသေတသနတြင ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးသမားသည ေဝးလေခါငးဖားေဒသမားမ လဥးေရက လးလးလားလား

ကယစားျပမညမဟတဘ၊ ထေဒသမပညာတတျပး တတကၽြမးသည ႏငငသားမားအမားစႏင ၎တ႔၏ေရြးေကာကပြ အေတြ႕

အၾကးမား တငျပေဆြးေႏြးၾကျခငးသာ ျဖစသည။

Page 21: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၁၈ - ၂၅ ႏစ ၂၆.၃ %

၂၆ - ၄၀ ႏစ ၂၈.၃ %

၄၁ - ၆၀ ႏစ ၃၅.၀ %

၆၀ ႏစအထက ၁၀.၅ %


ဗမာ ၃၀.၇ %

ကခင ၁၅.၇ %

ခငး ၁၅.၂ %

ရခင ၁၂.၅ %

ကရင ၁၀.၁ %

ရမး ၃.၉ %

ပေဒါင ၃.၇ %

ကယား ၃.၂ %

မြန ၂.၈ %

ပအ႔၀ ၁.၁ %

နာဂ ၀.၆ %

အျခား ၀.၅ %


ဗဒၶဘာသာ ၅၇.၅ %

ခရစယာနဘာသာ ၄၁.၉ %

အစၥလာမဘာသာ ၀.၃ %

အျခား ၀.၂ %

ဟႏၵဘာသာ ၀.၁ %

ဘာသာမရ ၀.၀ %


လယသမား/တငါ ၂၅.၈ %

အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညး ၁၇.၄ %

ေကာငးသား ၁၁.၀ %

ပဂၢလက စးပြားေရး လပငနး က႑ ၁၀.၆ %

ကာယလပသား ၉.၂ %

အျခား ၈.၄ %

မခ ၆.၀ %

အၿငမးစား ၄.၂ %

သငၾကားေရး ၄.၁ %

အစးရ၀နထမး/ၿမ႕ျပ၀နထမး ၃.၂ %


ကား ၅၇.၉ %

မ ၄၂.၁ %


ပမနအတနးပညာ မရသမား ၄.၅ %

မလတနးေကာငး ၁၅.၉ %

အလယတနးေကာငး ၂၃.၀ %

အထကတနး ၃၃.၁ %

ဘြ႔ရ ၁၈.၆ %

အျခား ၅.၀ %


ကခင ၂၀.၉ %

ခငး ၁၃.၀ %

ဧရာ၀တ ၁၂.၆ %

ရခင ၁၁.၆ %

ကရင ၁၁.၃ %

ကယား ၈.၀ %

မြန ၇.၇ %

မေကြး ၇.၇ %

စစကငး ၆.၉ %

အျခား ၀.၃ %

ပ-၃။ လမႈပထ၀ဆငရာ အခကအလက

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၂-၃-၂။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင

၂-၃-၂-၁။ ေဒသအားလးရမဆႏၵရငစာရငးႏင ဆႏၵမလကမတ

တ႕ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ အမားစသည ၎တ႔၏အမညက မဆႏၵရငစာရငးတြင ေတြ႔ရရေသာလညး၊ ၈% သည

မဆႏၵရငစာရငးတြင ပါဝငမႈမရဘ၊ ၃% ၏စာရငးမားမာ မားယြငးေနသညက ေတြ႔ရသည။ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၂% ခန

ကသာ လေလာကစြာစစေဆးမႈျပရန အေရးမစကၾကသျဖင သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ အမားစအၾကားတြင မဆႏၵေပး

ရန စတ၀ငစားမႈရၾကသညက ေတြ႕ရသည။

ပ-၄ ။ မဆႏၵရငစာရငးႏင မတပတငကတျပား

သ႔ရာတြင အပစဖြ႔၍ ပစတကေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတစေလာက စစညးရရေသာ တ႔ျပနမႈအရ မစာရငးမားသည ျပနာ

တစရပျဖစေၾကာငးသရပါသည။ ထျပနာသည မစာရငးတြငအမညမပါရေသာ သ႔မဟတ မားယြငးစြာပါရေသာ ၁၁% ထက၊

ေဆြးေႏြးပြသ႔ တကေရာကၾကေသာာ မဆႏၵရငမား၏ ေရြးေကာကပြအေတြ႔အႀကမားက ပမထခကေစခသည ျပနာတစရပ

ျဖစေၾကာငးေတြ႕ရသည။ ေဆြးေႏြးပြအပစ ၂၅ ခစလးက အဆပါ မစာရငးမားသည ၎တ႔ႏင ၎တ႔ရပရြာမေပးသမားအတြက

ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ထခကေစေသာ အဟနအတားမားအျဖစ တညတၫြတတညး ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ခငးျပညနယ၊ ပလက၀

ၿမ႕နယရ ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသတစဥးက “ၿမ႕ႏင အလမးေ၀းကြာလြနးလေသာ ေနရာမားတြင မစာရငးမားကပင မျပသထား

ေၾကာငး၊ ထ႔ေၾကာင အခ႕ေသာ ေကးရြာသ/ရြာသားမားသည ၎တ႔၏ အမညမား မစာရငးတြင ပါ၀ငျခငးရ၊ မရ မသၾကရ၍

မေပးခြငမရခၾကေၾကာငး ေဖာျပထားသည။7

မစာရငးဆငရာ ျပနာမားမာ မားျပားလြနးလသည။ မစာရငးမားက မနကနစြာ ခငးကငးျပသထားမႈ မရျခငး

သ႔မဟတ လအမားေနထငရာႏင အလမးေ၀းလြနးေသာ ေနရာမားတြင ခငးကငးျပသထားျခငး၊ ပထမအႀကမႏင ေနာကဆး

အႀကမ မစာရငးမားမာ ပစေျပာငးလ ေဖာျပမႈေၾကာင (အမေထာငစအလကစဥေသာ မစာရငးမသည မေပးသ အကၡရာအစဥ

အလကစဥေသာ မစာရငးပစသ႔ ေျပာငးလထားျခငး) ႐ႈပေထြးမႈမား ျဖစေပၚေစပါသည။ သတပမားေသာ အမညမားက ျပငဆင

ျခငး၊ မစာရငးတြငမပါ၍ ျဖညစြကရျခငးတ႔မာ မလြယကလဘယ။ အခနကနေစၿပး မထးျခားလာဟ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားစြာတ႔က

ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ အခ႕ေသာမစာရငးမားသည မကေမာကအေျခအေနႏင မကကညဘ (မစာရငးတြင ေသဆးသအမညမား

အေျမာကအမားပါ၀ငေနျခငးက မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးမ မဆႏၵရငအပစတစခက စတပကစြာ ေတြ႔ခၾကသည) အခ႕မစာရငး

မားတြင မဆႏၵရငမားစြာ ေပာကဆးေနသည။ ဥပမာ ကခငျပညနယ၊ မးညငးၿမ႕နယတြင အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြအတြငး ေဆြးေႏြးခ

ေသာ ျပနာမားမာ တငးရငးသားလမးစ အမညမားယြငးမႈေၾကာင“ လတစခ႕တ႔သည တငးရငးသားေရးရာ၀နႀကးေနရာ

7 ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလတြင ခငးျပညနယ၊ ပလက၀ၿမ႕၌ကငးပေသာ ပစတက အပစဖြ႔ေဆြးေႏြးပြမ အမညမသ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ။

မဆႏၵရငစာရငးတြင အမညပါရ/မရ


မစစေဆးခပါ။ ရသည။ မရပါ မေျဖၾကားမပါပါ။

ပါေသာလညး မမနပါ။

မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပားရရမႈ

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အတြက မေပးခြငဆး႐ႈးခေၾကာငး’’8 အခ႕ေကးရြာမားတြင “ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငသည မဆႏၵရငစာရငးမား ကပမထား

ေၾကာငး’’9 အလားတစြာပင “ကပထားေသာ မစာရငးမားအားလးတြင ေမြးဖြားသညရက တေနေၾကာငး’’10 ေဖာျပခၾကသည။

ဤအခကသည စမအပခပမႈစြမးရည လအပမႈ/အားနညးမႈက ေဖာၫႊနးေနသည။

အျပနအလနေဆြးေႏြးေျဖၾကားေသာ အပစဖြ႔ေလကငခနးမားတြင ပါ၀ငသမားက ေရြးေကာကပြအတြငး ႀကေတြ႔ခရ

ေသာ ျပနာမားတြင မစာရငးျပနာမားသည အေဆြးေႏြးဆးကစၥျဖစချပး၊ ျပနာမား၏ ၂၄ % ခနထ လႊမးမးခသည။

ဥပမာ မစာရငးပစႏင ခငးကငးျပသမႈက အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြပါ၀ငသ အားလး၏ ၁၅ % က ေ၀ဖနခၾကသည။

အျခားအေရးႀကးေသာ ျပနာတစရပမာ မဆႏၵရငမားသည ၎တ႔၏မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပား (မလကမတ)

လကခရရျခငးႏင သကဆငၿပး မဆႏၵရငစာရငးလပင အဆငမေျပမႈမား ႀကေတြ႔ခရပါသည။ ၈၈% သည မတပတငကတျပား

မားက လကခရရၾကၿပး ၁၁% က ရရျခငးမရဘ ၁% က ရ၊ မရ မေျဖခၾကေပ။ မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပားမရရေသာလညး

ႏငငသားစစစေရးကတျပားရေသာ မညသညႏငငသားမဆ မေပးခြငျပထားသျဖင မဆႏၵရငကတျပားမားသည မေပးႏငရန

အတြက မရမျဖစ လအပသညအရာမဟတေပ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ထကတျပားမရရသညအတြက ပဂၢလတစဥးတစေယာကအေနျဖင

မမေပးႏငသည အေနအထာမေရာာကေပ။ မညသ႔ပငဆေစကာမ ယငးသညစမအပခပမႈစြမးရည မရျခငး သ႔မဟတ စမ

အပခပမႈစြမးရည အားနညးျခငးက ေဖာၫႊနးပါသည။ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမားထမ ၁၁ % က မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပား

မရရျခငးသည ေရြးေကာကပြအႀက စမအပခပမႈအားနညးသည ျပနာက ၫြနျပပါသည။

၂-၃-၂-၂။ မဆႏၵရငစာရငးႏင မဆႏၵရင သကေသခလကမတမား ေဒသအလက ကြလြမႈ

ခငးျပညနယတြင ေဆာငရြကခေသာ သေတသနမားမ ေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၅ % က၊ မစာရငးမားတြင ၎တ႔၏

အမညမားကရာမေတြ႔ျခငး သ႔မဟတ စာလးေပါငးသတပမမနျခငးက ေတြ႔ရၾကရေသာလညး ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးတြင

အလားတျပနာက ၇ % ခနကသာ ေတြ႔ၾကရေၾကာငး ေအာကပါကားခပမားတြင ေဖာျပထားသကသ႔ ေဒသအလက

ကြလြမႈမားစြာ ေတြ႔ရခသည။ ထျပနာက အပစဖြ႔ ပစတကေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြငလညး ေဖာျပခၾကျပး၊ ခငးျပညနယတြင

အျခားေဒသမားထကပ၍ ျပနာျဖစခသည။ “ခငးအမညက ဗမာနာမညမားကသ႔ ေရးလကသညအခါ အသထြကႏင

စာလးေပါငးပါ မားယြငးေစသည။’’ 11 အျခားေဒသမားႏငမတဘ ကယားျပညနယတြင မဆႏၵရငမား၏ (၉%) သည

မစာရငးတြင ၎တ႔၏ အမညမနကနမႈ ရ၊ မရက မစစေဆးခၾကေပ။ ယငးအခကသည ကယားျပညနယ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏

၁၅ % က အတနးပညာေရးမရဘ ပညာေရးတြင အားနညးေနၿပး၊ ၇၆% က လယသမား၊ တငါမားအျဖစ အသကေမြးၾကသျဖင

နမနာ စစေပါငး၏ ပမးမအတနးပညာေရးပငဆငမႈ ၂၆ % ႏင ႏႈငးယဥလင နမ႔ကေနပါသည။

မဆႏၵရငမတပတငကတျပား အခကအလကမားသည ေဒသမားအၾကား အလားတကြလြမႈမားရသညက ေတြ႕ရ

သည။ ကရငျပညနယ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၂၀ % သည မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပားမရရခၾကေပ။ ကယားျပညနယတြငမ

၆ % သာ မတပတငကတျပား မရရခၾကေပ။ အဆပါျခားနားခကမားသည မလကမတမား ျဖနေ၀ေရး တာ၀နရၾကေသာ

ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငခြမားမ အရာရမား သ႔မဟတ ေထြအပအရာရမားအၾကား လပငနးကၽြမးကငမႈႏင စြမးေဆာငရညကြာ

ျခားမႈမားေၾကာင ျဖစေပၚခပရပါသည။

8 ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊န၀ငဘာလတြင ခငးျပညနယ၊ မးညငးၿမ႕နယရ ဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမ အမညမသ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ။9 ၎10 ၎11 ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလတြင၊ ခငးျပညနယ၊ ဟားခါးၿမ႕နယရ အပစခြ၍ ပစတကေဆြးေႏြးပြမ အမညမသ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ။

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ပ-၅။ မဆႏၵရငစာရငး ျပနာမား- ေဒသအလက

ပ-၆။ မဆႏၵရငမတပတငကတျပား-ေဒသအလက
















မစာရငး ျပနာမား - ေဒသအလကက














မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပား - ေဒသအလက

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၂-၃-၂-၃။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင

ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ အမားစ (၈၉ %) က ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ဆႏၵမေပးခၾကသည။ ဆႏၵမေပးျခငးအတြက မဆႏၵရင

စာရငးျပနာမားသည အႀကးမားဆးအေၾကာငးရငးအျဖစ ေပၚထြကလာခသည။ မမေပးခရသ မားစြာမာ ၎တ႔၏ အမညမား

မစာရငးတြင မပါ၀ငေသာေၾကာင သ႔မဟတ စာလးေပါငးမားယြငးေသာေၾကာင ျဖစခသည။ ထအခကက ဆႏၵမမေပးရသ ၁၁၁

ဥးအနက ၃၂% ေကာက ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ မေပးခၾကရေသာ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၂% ခနက ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျပနာ

မားၾကေတြ႔ခရေၾကာငး၊ မဆႏၵရငစာရငးတြင မနကနမႈမရျခငးေၾကာင အခကအချဖစခရေၾကာငး တငျပခၾကသည။ (ယငးက

အပငး ၂-၃-၄-၁ တြင အေသးစတ ေလလာေဖာျပထားပါသည။)

ပ-၇။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင

STEP ဒမကေရစ စမခက12 ၏ အစတအပငးျဖစေသာ IDEA Internationalမ ေကာကယေပးခေသာ ကနးဂဏနးမား

အရ သေတသနျပေလလာခေသာ ျပညနယမားႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမား၏ မေပးသည ပမာဏက ရရခသည။

ပ-၈ ။ မေပးသဥးေရ

ျပညနယ/တငးေဒသၾကး မဆႏၵရငပမာဏ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြက

သမားအၾကား မဆႏၵရင ပမာဏ

ကယား ၇၄% ၉၉%

ဧရာ၀တ ၇၅% ၉၄%

မြန ၄၁% ၉၄%

စစကငး ၇၅% ၉၄%

မေကြး ၇၇% ၉၃%

ရခင ၆၈% ၉၁%

ခငး ၆၈% ၈၅%

ကရင ၄၇% ၈၅%

ခငး ၇၉% ၈၂%

12 Richard Horsey ရလာဒမား ဆနးစစမႈ- ေဆြးေႏြးပြမတခကမား၊ IDEA၊ ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ေဖာေဖာ၀ါရလ-၇ ရက၊ ၀၈း၃၀ နာရ၊ ျပျပငၿပးေဆြးေႏြးပြ။




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အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားအၾကား မဆႏၵေပးသည ပမာဏသည အဆပါျပညနယမား၏ သာမန

ျပညသလထ မဆႏၵေပးသည ပမာဏထက ေနရာတငးတြင ပမားေနၿပး ကရငျပညနယကသ႔ အခ႕ေဒသမားတြငလညး

မားေနေၾကာငး အဆပါဇယားအရ ေတြ႕ရသည။ ထအခကက အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငသမားသည ပမးမမဆႏၵရငမားထက

ႏငငေရးအရ ပမစတပါ၀ငစား တကၾကြလႈပရားၾကသညက ေတြ႕ရသည။

ဆႏၵမမေပးသမာ၏ ၃၁% သည ႀကတငဆႏၵမ မေပးထားဘ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြငလညး ေနအမႏင ေ၀းေနၾကျခငး

ျဖစၿပး ၁၂ % မာ နာမကနး၍ျဖစေစ၊ အျခားေသာ အေၾကာငးတစခခေၾကာငျဖစေစ ဆႏၵမမေပးချခငး ျဖစသည။ ဆႏၵမမေပးသ

မား၏ ၅ % မသာ (စစေပါငးလ ၆ ဥးမသာ) ေရြးေကာကပြတြင စတမ၀ငစားေၾကာငး ေဖာထတေျပာဆရာ အဆပါေဒသမားမ

ေနထငသမားအတြက ေရြးေကာကပြသညအေရးႀကးသညက ေဖာျပေနပါသည။ ပဂၢလတစဥးသာၿခမးေျခာကမႈခခရသညဟ

ခစားရၿပး မညသတစဥးတစေယာကမ ေရြးေကာကပြကငပသညေန႔တြင မ႐ပတခသညဟ ေဖာျပထားျခငးမရေပ။

ပ-၉။ ဆႏၵမမေပးသည အေၾကာငးရငးမား

၂-၃-၂-၄။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင -- ေဒသအလကကြျပားခက

အနညးဆးမဆႏၵေပးႏႈနးက ခငးျပညနယတြငေတြ႔ၿပး ထေဒသတြင မဆႏၵရငမား၏ ၈၂% သာမေပးၾကၿပး ၁၈% မာ

မမေပးၾကေပ။ မမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမားမာ မစာရငးတြငအမညမန မေတြ႔ရျခငးႏင မဆႏၵရငလကမတတ႔ မရရျခငးတ႔

ျဖစၾကေသာလညး၊ မမေပးျခငး၏ အဓကအေၾကာငးရငးမာ မေပးသညေန႔တြင လမားသည ေနအမ၌မရၾကျခငးေၾကာငဟ

ေဖာျပၾကသည။ သ႔ရာတြင ၿခမးေျခာကမႈခရ၍ မဆႏၵမေပးပါဟ ခငးျပညနယမ တစဥးေျဖၾကားၿပး ၈% မာ ေမးခြနးက မေျဖဘ

ခနလပခၾကသည။ အဆပါ ကနးဂဏာနးမားသည စာရငးအငးအရ မခငမာေသာလညး၊ ခငးျပညနယရ မစာရငးႏင မဆႏၵရင

မတပတငကဒျပား ျပနာမားႏင ခနထးၾကညလင မဆႏၵမေပးမ အႀကကာလႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျဖစေပၚခေသာ

ျပနာမားသည ခငးျပညနယတြင အျခားေဒသမားထက ပမဆးရြားေၾကာင ေတြ႔ရရသည။ လၿခေရးတပဖြ႔မားထမ ႏႈတျဖင

ၿခမးေျခာကသညဟ ၂% က ေျဖၾကားၿပး၊ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔၀ငမားက အကအညမေပးဟ ၃၃% က အျပနအလန

ေမးျမနးေျပာဆသည ေလကငခနးမားမ ေျဖၾကားခကမားကလညး ခငးျပညနယ၏ ေရြးေကာကပြျပနာမားက အတညျပ

ေပးသည။ သ႔ရာတြင တတကက ခတဆကမႈေပးႏငရနအတြက သေတသနထပလပၿပး ပမျပညစေသာ အခကအလကမား

လညး လအပပါမည။






မမ ခ



















႔ မေရ















ဆႏၵမေပးျခငးအတြက အေၾကာငးရငးမား

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ပ-၁၀။ ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင တငး/ျပညနယ ေဒသအလက ကြျပားခက















ဆႏၵမေပးသည အမအကင - ေဒသအလက

အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတကေရာကလာသမားထမ ကယားျပညနယသည မဆႏၵအမားဆးေပးခၿပး ၉၉% က ဆႏၵမ

ေပးခၾကသည။ ဆႏၵမမေပးခေသာ ပဂၢလတစဥးမာ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ဖားေန၍ျဖစသည။ မေကြးတငးေဒသၾကးႏင

မြနျပညနယတ႔တြင ဆႏၵမမေပးသမား၏ ၈၀% ေကာသည မစာရငးျပနာမားေၾကာင မမေပးႏငၾကျခငး ျဖစသည။ အဆပါ

ေဒသႏစခလးမ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငသမားအၾကား မေပးသပမာဏမာ ၉၅% ရရာ၊ မမေပးသမား၏ အမနအေရအတြကမာ

နညးပါးသည။ ေျပာရလင ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသ မေကြးတငးေဒသၾကးမ ၆ ဥးႏင မြနျပညနယမ ၅ ဥးသာ မမေပးချခငး


ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးႏင ခငးျပညနယတ႔တြင၊ မမေပးသမား၏ ၅၀ % သည၊ မေပးသညေန႔တြင ေနအမမ

ခရးလြနေနၾကၿပး အျခားျပညနယမားႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမားထက မားလကရသည။ အျခားေသာ တငးေဒသႀကးႏင ျပညနယ

မားတြင မညသ႔မေပးရမညဆသည ဗဟသတရၾကေသာလညး ကရငျပညနယတြင မညသ႔မေပးရမညက မသေသာေၾကာင

မမေပးခဟ (၁၁ %) က ေဖာျပခသည။ ဤအခကသည သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငသမား၏ မေပးမႈအသျမငမားမႈက ထငဟပ

ေစသည။ သ႔ရာတြင ေဒသအသးသးမ ေရြးေကာကပြတြင အဓကပါ၀ငသမား (ေနာကဆကတြ - ၁ က ၾကညပါ) က မညသ႔

မေပးရမညက မသသမားအေၾကာငး မေ၀ေဖာျပၾကၿပး၊ လာမည ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးေရး လပငနးမား

တးျမႇငရန အၾကျပထားရာ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသညသမားက မေပးသအားလးက မညသညအတငးအတာအထ

ကယစားျပသညက အတအက မေျပာႏငေပ။

သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားမာမ ေရြးေကာကပြတြင စတ၀ငစားမႈျမငမားျပး၊ စတမ၀ငစားသ မရသေလာက

ပင ျဖစသည။ စစကငးတငးေဒသၾကး တစခတညးတြငသာ ဆႏၵမမေပးသမား၏ ၂၀ % က စတ၀ငစားမႈ မရေၾကာငးေဖာျပချပး၊

အျခားေသာေဒသမားတြင မေပးရနစတမ၀ငစားသ လး၀မရ သ႔မဟတ ၆ % ထကမပေပ။

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ပ-၁၁။ ဆႏၵမမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား-ေဒသအလက-၁။

ပ-၁၂။ ဆႏၵမမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား-ေဒသအလက-၂။

ဆႏၵမမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၁

ေနာကဆးမစာရငးတြင ကၽြႏပ၏အမညမပါပါ။

မေပးသညေန႔တြင ေနအမမခရးလြနေနသည။




မညသ႔မေပးရမညက မသပါ။








ဆႏၵမမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၂

ခငး စစကငး ကရင ကယာဒ

ေနာကဆးမစာရငးတြင ကၽြႏပ၏အမညမပါပါ။မေပးသညေန႔တြင ေနအမမခရးလြနေနသည။ဖား/မကနးမာ။



မညသ႔မေပးရမညက မသပါ။


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၂-၃-၂-၅။ ႀကတငဆႏၵမေပးျခငး။

မေပးခေသာ တနျပနေျဖၾကားသ အားလး၏ ၁၇ %

က ၾကတငမေပးခရေၾကာငး ေဖာျပခၿပး ၾကတငမေပးျခငးတြင

ေဒသဆငရာအလက ကြလြမႈမားစြာ ေပၚေပါကခသည။

စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကးမ မေပးသမား၏ ၃၁ % ႏင မြန

ျပညနယမ မေပးသမား၏ ၂၆ % တ႔သည ႀကတငဆႏၵမေပးခ

ၾကၿပး မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးတြင ၅ % ႏင ကယားျပညနယတြင

၇ % ကသာ ႀကတငမေပးခၾကသညက ႏႈငးယဥၾကညနငပါ

သည။ ထသ႔ျခားနားရျခင၏ အေၾကာငးအရငးတစခမာ ႀက

တငမေပးႏႈနးျမငသည ေဒသမားမ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင

ပါ၀ငသမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြေစာငၾကညေလလာသမား

အျဖစ ေဆာငရြကၾကေသာေၾကာင ႀကတငမေပးရျခငးသည။

ၾကတငမေပးရာတြင ေစာငၾကညေလလာသမား

အတြက ေလလာရနအကနအသတမားရၿပး အဖြ႔အစညးပငး

ႏင ႀကတငမေပးမႈလပငနးစဥ၏ ပြငလငးျမငသာမႈ ႏစရပစလးတြငလညး ေမးခြနးထတစရာျဖစေနရာ ၾကတငမသည

မစစေပါငးရာခငႏႈနးတြင ျမငမားစြာေတြ႔ရသညမာ စတ၀ငစားဖြယအခကျဖစသည။

ပ-၁၄။ ေဒသအလကႀကတငမေပးျခငး

ပ-၁၃။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး။


ငး မြန












ေဒသအလက ႀကတငမေပးျခငး

၂-၃-၂-၆။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးကစၥမားႏင ျပနာမား

အျပနအလနေဆြးေႏြးေသာ အပစဖြ႔ေလကငခနးမား (interactive group exercises) ႏင အပစဖြ႔ေဆြးေႏြးပြမား

(group discussions) တြင ႀကတငမေပးျခငးႏငပတသက၍ မားစြာေစာဒကတကခၾကသည။ အဖြငေမးခြနးမား ေမးျမနးရာတြင

ျပနာမား၏ ၅% မာ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးႏငသကဆငၿပး ယငးမာ တပမေတာ၏ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးစနစ ကငသးျခငးႏင

အဆပါႀကတငမမား ေရတြကျခငးတ႔ျဖစသည။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ျပနာအား အပစဖြ႔ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင မၾကာခဏဆသလ

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ေဖာျပၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ပါ၀ငေျပာဆသမားသည ၎တ႔ကယတင ေတြ႔ၾကရသညထက ၾကားဖးနား၀ကသာ ျပနေျပာသည

သေဘာ ပေဆာငပါသည။

အဖြငေမးခြနးမားေမးျမနးစဥ ႀကတငမမေပးသမား အပါအ၀င အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ တကေရာကသမား၏ ၅ % က

ႀကတငမေပးျခငးလပငနးစဥအား ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥအတြငး ၾကေတြ႔ရေသာ ျပနာမားအျဖစ ေဖာျပခၾကသည။

အမားဆးေဖာျပသညအခကမားမာ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးစနစ မရငးလငးမႈႏင တပမေတာ၏ႀကတငမေပးျခငးအား ျပနာ

အျဖစ ႐ႈ႕ျမငျခငးတ႔ျဖစျပး၊ ႀကတငမျဖနေ၀ျခငးႏင/သ႔မဟတ ေရတြကျခငးျပနာမားက တတယအမားဆး ေဖာျပျခငးခရ

ေသာ ျပနာျဖစသည။

ပ-၁၅။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ကစၥရပမား

မရငးလငးေသာ ႀကတငမေပးစနစ

တပမေတာ၏ ႀကတငမ



ႀကတငမ ျဖနေ၀ျခငးႏင ေရတြကျခငး

ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ကစၥရပမား

မညသ႔ပငျဖစေစကာမ၊ ေဒသအလကျခားနားခကမားေလလာရန အေရးၾကးပါသည။ ဥပမာ မေကနပမႈမားဖြငဟသ

မား၏ ၆၃ % မာ ကခငျပညနယမ ျဖစသည။ ထျပညနယမ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသမားအားလး၏ ၂၀ % က ဥပမာ

တပမေတာမ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးအား ႀကးမားေသာျပနာအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးႏင ကယား

ျပညနယတ႔တြင ႀကတငမေပးျခငးစနစသည ျပနာတစစတစရာ ျဖစေစသညဟ မေဖာျပထားေပ။ အဆပါေဒသႏစခလးတြင

ႀကတငမေပးသ အေရအတြက အနညးဆးျဖစေၾကာငးေတြ႔ရသညမာ တကဆငမႈသကသက မဟတေပ။

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ပ-၁၆။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငးႏင စပလဥး၍ ေဒသအလက ျပနာမား

၂-၃-၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြအႀကကာလအတြငး ၾကေတြ႔ရမႈမား

၂-၃-၃-၁။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလကႏင မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပးျခငး

မဆႏၵရငအားလး၏ ၈၅ % က ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသကေသာ သတငးမားကသရရၿပး/သ႔မဟတ မဆႏၵရင ပညာ

ေပးသငတနးမားတြင ပါ၀ငခၾကေၾကာငး ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ယငးသည အလြနျမငမားေသာ အခးအစားျဖစၿပး၊ အဖြ႔အစညး

အမးမးတ႔၏ မဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပးေရးႏင သတေပးေရးႀကးပမးအားထတမႈမားမာ ေအာငျမငမႈရေၾကာငးက ေဖာျပလကရ

သည။ သ႔ရာတြင ဤအခကအလက (Data) မားသည သကဆငရာ ေဒသမားက အားလးဥသန အျပညအဝကယစားျပမည

မဟတေပ။ တနျပနေျဖၾကားသမားအား ကပနးေရြးခယမႈမဟတချခငး၊ သတငးအခကအလကမားက တကၾကြစြာစးစမးရာေဖြ

မညဟ မနးဆႏငေသာ ပညာတတၿပး တကၾကြလႈပရားေသာ ႏငငသားမား အေတာအတနမားျပားစြာပါ၀ငေနျခငးတ႔ေၾကာင

ေကာကခရရခေသာ အခကအလကမားသည သေတသနျပေလလာခရာ ေဒသမား၏လထက အျပညအဝကယစားျပႏငမည

မဟတေပ။ အပစဖြ႔ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏင သကဆငသမားအား ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားမ တနျပနေျဖၾကားခကမားအရ မဆႏၵရငပညာ

ေပးမႈ မလေလာကျခငးႏင ဆႏၵမေပးျခငးဆငရာ အေျခခလပထးလပနညးမားႏငပတသက၍ သနားလညးမႈအားနညးျခငး

တ႔သည ေဒသအသးသးတြင ျပနာတစရပျဖစေၾကာငး သတမတခၾကသည။

ပ-၁၇။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလက








ငး ခငး




ႀကတငမေပးျခငးကစၥရပမား - ေဒသအလက

ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလတ



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တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမားေတာေတာမားမား(၄၀ %)

သည STEP ဒမကေရစမၿပလပေသာ မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပး

သငတနးမားတြင (ပ-၁၃ ကၾကညပါ) တကေရာကခၾက

သမား ျဖစၾကသည။ ဆလသညမာ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ

စစဥသမားသည ၎တ႔ႏင သကြမးၿပးသမားက စေဆာငး

ချခငးျဖစေၾကာငး ထငရားသည။ ယငးအခကေၾကာင

နမနာပဂၢလမားသည သာမာနလထထက ပညာပတတၿပး

ေရြးေကာကပြ သတငးအခကအလကမားက သရလၾက

ေသာေၾကာင ႏးေႏာဖလယပြမားက ပမတကေရာကၾကလမ႔

မညဟေသာ ယဆခကက ပမေသခာေစသည။

၂-၃-၃-၂။ သတငးအရငးအျမစမား

(အေျဖတစခထကမက ေျဖဆခြငေပးထားသည)

တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလကမားက သတငးရငးျမစမားစြာမ ညတညမ

ရရခၾကသည။ NGOs/CSOs လကကမးစာေစာငမား/ စာအပငယမားမ (၄၂ %)၊ မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပး သငတနးမားမ (၃၉ %)

ႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင လကကမးစာေစာငမားႏင စာအပငယမားမ (၃၆ %) အသးသးရရၾကသည။ ပမးမအားျဖင ၅ %

က ဘာသာေရးအဖြ႔အစညးမားမ ရရေသာလညး၊ ကယားျပညနယတြင ၂၇.၅% အထရခသည။

ပ-၁၉။ သတငးရငးျမစမား

ပ-၁၈။ မဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပး သငတနးမား


NGO လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပငယမား

မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးအလပ႐ ေဆြးေႏြးပြမား

UEC လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပငယမား

ေရြးေကာကပြယဥၿပငသမား/ ႏငငေရးပါတမား





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အျပနအလနေမးျမနးေျဖဆေသာ ေလကငခနးမားတြင (Interactive Exercise) ေရြးေကာကပြအတြက သတငးရယ

သည သတငးရငးျမစမားအေၾကာငးက ပ၍အေသးစတ ေလလာေဖာထတထားပါသည။

ေရြးေကာကပြျပနာမားႏငစပလဥးေသာ အဖြငေမးခြနး (Open-ended Questions) ကတ႔ျပနသည ပညာအသင

အတငတတၿပး အသၾကြယ၀သညဟ ယဆရသည အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတကေရာကသမား၏ ၂၅%က မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပးမႈ

မရျခငးႏင/သ႔မဟတ ပညာေပးမႈရရရနခကခၿခငးအား ေရြးေကာကပြကာလအတြငး ေတြ႔ႀကရေသာျပနာမားအနကမ

တစရပအျဖစ ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ဤကသ႔ေသာ ပညာအသငအတငတတၿပး အသၾကြယ၀သညဟ ယဆရသညပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ

မားကပင ဤၿပသာနာအားေထာကၿပသညကၾကညၿခငးၿဖင မေပးသညလပထးလပနညးအေၾကာငး ဗဟသတအလြနနညးပါး

ျခငးကေတြ႔ရသည။ အျခားတဖက၌ ေရြးေကာကပြတြင အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးရာတြင (Interviews

with electoral stakeholders) လေတြ႔ေမးျမနးခေသာ လအမားစက ပမေကာငးမြနေသာ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးလပငနး လအပ

သညဆသညအခကက ေတာငးဆေထာကခခၾကသည။ (အေသးစတအတြက ေနာကဆကတြဇယား ၁ - Annex 1 တြင


ေရြးေကာကပြ၀ငေသာ ကယစားလယမားႏင ပါတမားအေၾကာငး သတငးမရရမႈမာ ျပနာအနညးအကဥးသာရ

သည။ အေၾကာငးမာ အထကတြငရငးလငးၿပးသကသ႔ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသအမားစသည ေရြးေကာကပြအေၾကာငး၊

ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ၀ငေရာကယဥၿပငသည ပါတမားႏင ကယစားလယမား၏ ေယဘယသတငးအခကအလကက သရထား

ၾကေသာေၾကာင ျဖစသည။ တယလဗြးရငး၊ ပႏပမဒယာမားႏင ေရဒယတ႔သည အဓကသတငးရငးျမစမားျဖစၾကၿပး သတငး

ရငးျမစမားအားလး၏ ၆၈ % ျဖစသည။ အငတာနကႏင လမႈကြနယက/လမႈေရးမဒယာမားမ ရရေသာ သတငးသည သတငး

အားလး၏ ၂၅ % ျဖစသည။ မညသညသတငးရငးျမစမားက အသးျပသညႏငပတသက၍ ေဒသအလက ကြာျခားမႈမားက

စစေဆးရန ခယဥးပါသည။

ပ-၂၀။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးမားရရသည မဒယာရငးျမစမား

ေရဒယႏင TV သည သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားအတြက ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငမ သတငး

မားကရယသည အဓကမဒယာရငးျမစျဖစေသာလညး၊ အသခ႕စကမားကလညးအလားတပင အသးျပၾကရသည။ အသ

ခ႕စကသည ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငက သတငးမားၿဖနေ၀ရနအသးၿပေသာ နညးလမးတစချဖစေၾကာငး








ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးမားရရသည မဒယာရငးျမစမား

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ေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၆ % က ေဖာျပၾကသည။ ေျဖဆသ ၁၇ % မာမ ေရြးေကာကပြသတငးရရရန ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင၏

အငတာနက၀ကဘဆကက အသးျပခၾကသည။

၂-၃-၃-၃။ ေဒသအလက ရရေသာ မဆႏၵရငသတငး

ေဒသမားအၾကား သတငးအခကအလကရရေသာ မဆႏၵရငမား၏ရာခငႏႈနးမာ ေၾကာကခမနးလလကြာဟေနသည။

မေကြးႏင ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးကသ႔ေသာ ေဒသအခ႕တြင မဆႏၵရငမား၏ ၁၀၀ % နးပါး (၉၈ % ႏင ၉၉ % အသးသး) သည

သတငးအခကအလကမားက သတငးရငးျမစတစခခမရရၾကၿပး၊ ေျဖဆသအမားစမာ သတငးရငးျမစသးခမပင ရယခၾကသည။

ရခငျပညနယတြငမ ၅၃ % ကသာ သတငးအခကအလကရရသည။ အဆပါ ၅၃ % အနက ၃၇ % သည STEP ဒမကေရစ၏

မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပးသငတနး တကေရာကခၾကေသာလညး သေတသနတြင အနညးဆးထမ တစချဖစေနဆ။ ကယားျပညနယ

တြငသာ အဆပါႏးေႏာဖလယပြမားအား တကေရာကသ ၁၅ % ခနမ တကေရာကခဖးေၾကာငး မတတမးရရသည။

ပ-၂၁။ ေဒသအလက ရရေသာ မဆႏၵရငသတငး



ေဒသအလက ရရေသာ မဆႏၵရငသတငး





ငး ခငး


ား မြန




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ပ-၂၂။ ေဒသအလက မဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပးသငတနးမား

၂-၃-၃-၄။ ကယစားလယေလာငး ေရြးခယျခငး

ကယစားလယေလာငးအား ေရြးခယေသာအခါ ေျဖဆသအမားစ (၅၄ %)က ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ ပါတက

ၾကည၍ မေပးခၾကသည။ အျခားေသာ အေၾကာငးရငးခမားမာ ၾသဇာသကေရာကမႈအလြနနညးၿပး ကယစားလယေလာငး၏

ကးကြယသည ဘာသာ/တငးရငးသားက ၾကည၍ေရြးခယမႈက ၁၆ % ျဖင ဒတယျဖစကာ၊ အေၾကာငးျပခကတစမးမးျဖင

ေရြးခယမႈက ၁၁ % ျဖစကာၿပး၊ ကယစားလယ၏ ကတက၀တမားကၾကည၍ ေရြးခယမႈက ၈ % ျဖစသည။ မညသမ

ၿခမးေျခာကခရသညဟ မေဖာျပထားဘ ကယစားလယေလာငးတစဥးသာ ၿခမးေျခာကခခရသညဟ ေဖာျပသျဖင ၁ %

ေအာကသာျဖစပါသည။ အဆပါကနးဂဏနးမားအရလအမားစကလက၀ယရရေသာ သတငးအခကအလကမားက အေျခခ၍

လြတလပစြာေရြးခယႏငေသာ ေအးခမး၍ အစအစဥကသည ေရြးေကာကပြအႀကကာလအျဖစ ေဖာၫႊနးၾကသည။


ငး မြန












ေဒသအလက မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးႏးေႏာဖလယပြ တကေရာကမႈ

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ပ-၂၃။ ေရြးေကာကခ ကယစားလယေလာငး/ပါတအား ေရြးခယရသည အေၾကာငးရငးမား

ကယစားလယတစဥးအား ေရြးခယရန မဆႏၵရငမားအသးျပသည စႏႈနးမားႏငပတသကေသာ ေမးခြနးမားက

အျပနအလန ေျပာဆေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားျဖင အေသးစတေလလာခၿပး ေျဖဆသမား၏ ၁၁% က “အျခား” အေၾကာငးရငးက

ေဖာထတခသည။ အဖြငေမးခြနးမားေမးျမနးစဥတြင ကယစားလယတစဥးဥးအားေရြးခယရာ၌ အသငေတာဆးတစဥးအား

မညကသ႔ ေရြးခယသညက ေဆြးေႏြးသမားအေနျဖင အခနယစဥးစားႏငသလ ကယပငဟန (Own words) ျဖငလညး ေဖာျပ

ႏငခြင ရၾကပါသည။

ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားအား ကယစားလယေရြးခယရာတြင အသးျပသည စႏႈနးမားက မေ၀ေစၿပး၊ ေဆြးေႏြးပြအဆးတြင

အပစအေရအတြက မညမခနက စႏႈနးတစခစႏင ကကညမႈရသညကသရေစရန အခကတစခကစအတြကမခြေစသည။

ဤသ႔ လြတလပစြာေရြးခယခြင ေပးထားေသာေၾကာင ကနးကဏာနးမာ ၁၀၀ % ေကာထျဖစခၿပး၊ အဆပါရလာဒက တကမႈ

ရရေရးထက ေဖာၫႊနးမႈအေနျဖငသာ သတမတသငပါသည။ အဆပါေလကငခနးမားအရ မေပးရာတြင မညသညပါတ၏

ကယစားလယေလာငးျဖစသညကသာ (ကစၥမားစြာတ႔တြင ပါတ၏ ကယပငအမတတဆပ သကသကမသာ) အေရးႀကးဆး

အခကျဖစသည။ မညသ႔ပငျဖစေစ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၈% က ပါတ၏ မ၀ါဒသညသာ အေရးႀကးသညဟ ႐ႈျမငၾကၿပး၊

၁၈% က (NLD ၏ ေဆာငပဒျဖစေသာ) “ေျပာငးလခနတနၿပ” အဆက မေပးရသည အေၾကာငးရငးအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။

ပါ၀ငသ ၁၀% ခနက “ပါတ၏ ေခါငးေဆာငအေပၚ ယၾကညမႈ” က ေဖာၫႊနးၾကသည။ အျခား ၁၁% ကမ “တစႏငငလးက ဖြ႔ၿဖး

တးတကေအာငေဆာငရြကမည” ပါတအားမေပးရန အေရးႀကးသညဟ ယဆၾကသည။

အေျဖမား၏ ၃၇% သည ကယစားျပသညပါတက မၾကညဘ ကယစားလယေလာငးအား ေရြးခယရသည အေသး

စတအေၾကာငးရငးမားက ေဖာျပသည။ ၂၂% စျဖင ေဖာျပေလရေသာ အေၾကာငးရငးသးခမာ “လအမား/ ျပညသလထ

အကးအတြက ေဆာငရြကမည” ကယစားလယေလာငး၊ ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ “ကြမးကငမႈႏင စြမးေဆာငရည” ႏင

ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ “အရညအခငးမား” ျဖစၾကသည။ ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ ယၾကညခကမာ ၇ % ထ အေရးပါၿပး၊

“ေခါငးေဆာငမႈ စြမးရည” ႏင “မဟာဗဟာ ေမာမနးခက” တ႔မာ ၅% စ အေရးပါပါသည။




ကယစားလယကေပးေသာ ကတမား

မသားစ/ရြယတမား၏ အၾကေပးမႈ






ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခ ကယစားလယေလာငး/ပါတေရြးခယမႈအတြက အေၾကာငးရငးမား

Page 37: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ပ-၂၄။ ကယစားလယေလာငးေရြးခယသည စႏႈနးမား

၂-၃-၃-၅။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယမႈႏင စပလဥး၍ ေဒသအလကျခားနားမႈမား

ကနးဂဏနးမားက ေဒသတစခႏငတစခ ျခားနားမႈမားက ေဖာျပပါသည။ အထးျခားဆးမာ ရခငျပညနယမ ေျဖၾကား

သမားသည အျခားေဒသမားမ ေျဖၾကားသမားႏငယဥလင (ေဒသအားလး၏ ပဥးမ ၁၆% ႏင ရခငျပညနယ ၄၂ %)

ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ ဘာသာေရး သ႔မဟတ လမးစကၾကည၍ မေပးတတၾကသည။ ရခငျပညနယမ ေျဖၾကားသမား၏

၂၄% ကသာ ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ ပါတကအေျခခ၍ ေရြးခယခၾကသည။ ဆနကငဘကအားျဖင မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးမ

ေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၈၄% က ကယစားလယေလာငး၏ ပါတကသာၾကည၍ မေပးခၾကၿပး၊ ၈% က ကယစားလယေလာငး၏

ဘာသာေရး သ႔မဟတ လမးစေနာကခကၾကည၍ မေပးခၾကသည။ မေကြးမ ေျဖၾကားသအားလးသည ဗမာလမးႏင ဗဒၶ

ဘာသာ၀ငမား ျဖစၾကေသာလညး ဘာသာေရးႏင လမးေရးသည အျခားျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမားထကပ၍ လႊမးမးမႈ

နညးပရသည။ သ႔ရာတြင မေကြးမေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၄ % က ေရြးခယခကယစားလယေလာငးတစဥးသာ ရသညဟ ေဖာျပၾက


ျပညသလထအကးအတြက ေဆာငရြကသငသည

ကယစားလယ၏ ကၽြမးကငမႈႏင စြမးေဆာငရည

ကယစားလယ၏ အရညအခငး

ကယစားလယ၏ သေဘာထား/အကငစာရတ

ကယစားလယ၏ ယၾကညခက/အျမင

ကယစားလယ၏ ေခါငးေဆာငမႈ ကၽြမးကငမႈမား

ကယစားလယ၏ မဟာဗဟာ ေမာမနးခက

ကယစားလယ၏ ႏငငတကာ အေတြ႕အၾက

ကယစားလယ၏ စြနလႊတအနစနာခမႈ

ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခ ကယစားလယေလာငးေရြးခယမႈ စႏႈနးမား

Page 38: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ပ-၂၅။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၁။

ပ-၂၆။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငးအတြက အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၂။


ဘာသာေရး/တငးရငးသား လမးစအပစအျခား


ပဂၢ လေရး ဆကစပမႈ

မသားစ/ရြယတမားက အၾကေပးမႈမားမေျဖၾကားပါ


ၿခမးေျခာကမႈမေကြး စစကငး ကရင ကယား ဧရာ၀တ

ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငး - ေဒသအလက ၁


ဘာသာေရး/တငးရငးသား လမးစအပစအျခား


ပဂၢ လေရး ဆကစပမႈ

မသားစ/ရြယတမားက အၾကေပးမႈမားမေျဖၾကားပါ



ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငး - ေဒသအလက ၂

မြန ကခင ခငး ရခင

Page 39: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ကယစားလယေရြးခယရာတြင အခ႕ေဒသမား၌ တငးရငးသားလမးစ/ကးကြယသညဘာသာအား အေလးထား

ေရြးခယၾကေသာလညး အခ႕ေဒသမားတြငမ သပအေရးမပါေပ။ ရခငျပညနယရ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငတကေရာကသမား၏

၆၃% ႏင ကခငျပညနယ၏ ၃၅% တ႔က ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငးတြင အဆပါအခကက စႏႈနးတစခအျဖစ၊ ကယားႏင

ခငးျပညနယတ႔တြင ၁၂% ႏင ၁၁% အသးသးက ေဖာျပၾကၿပး၊ စစကငးႏင မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးတ႔တြင ေဖာျပသမရေပ။

ပ-၂၇။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယမႈ ႏႈနးစတစရပအျဖစ တငးရငးသားလမးစ/ကးကြယသညဘာသာအား ထညသြငးစဥးစားျခငး

၂-၃-၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ အေတြ႔အႀကမား

၂-၃-၄-၁။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ႀကေတြ႔ရေသာ


သေတသနတြင ပါ၀ငသမားထမ အေတာအတန

မားေသာ အခးအစား (စစေပါငး၏ ၂၃ %) သည ေရြးေကာက

ပြေန႔တြင အခကအခမား ႀကေတြ႔ရေၾကာငး ေဖာျပၾကသည။

ေဒသအလက ကြျပားျခားနားမႈမားရၿပး မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး

ႏင ကယားျပညနယတ႔တြင ၇% ႏင ၉% အသးသး အခက

အခေတြ႔ၾကၿပး၊ ကခငျပညနယတြင ၃၉% ႏင စစကငးတငး

ေဒသႀကးတြင ၃၄% တ႔က ျပနာမား ႀကေတြ႔ခၾကသည။

စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကးသည ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးေနထငသ

ဥးေရမားျပားၿပး တငးရငးသားလမးစ စလငလသျဖင

ထေဒသတြငေရြးေကာကပြ စစဥကငးပရန ပမခကခရသည

ပေပၚသည။ ထ႔ျပင ပဆးေစသညအခကမာ ထေဒသသည

၂၀၁၅ ခႏစတြင မးသညးထနစြာရြာသြနးၿပး ေရႀကးမႈမား

ေၾကာင ထခကခရမႈအမားဆး ေဒသတစချဖစသည အားေလာစြာ အခ႕ေကာမရင႐းမားမာလညး ေရလႊမးမးခခၾကရၿပး

ပ-၂၈။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား













ကယစားလယေရြးခယမႈ ႏႈနးစတစရပအျဖစ တငးရငးသားလမးစ/ကးကြယသညဘာသာအား ထညသြငးစဥးစားျခငး

Page 40: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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အေထာကအထား၊ စာရြကစာတမးမားလညး ဆး႐ႈးခသည။ အဆပါ အေျခအေနမားေအာကတြင ေရြးေကာကပြ ကငးပစစဥ

ရျခငးသည စနေခၚမႈတစရပျဖစသည အားေလာစြာ ထေဒသမေျဖၾကားသမား၏ သးပတစပခနမာ ဆႏၵမေပးသညေန႔တြင

အခကအခတစခ႕ ႀကေတြ႔ခၾကရသည။

အျခားတစဖက၌ ကခငျပညနယတြင ကခငလြတလပေရးတပဖြ႔ (KIA) ႏင ျမနမာတပမေတာတ႔အၾကား ပဋပကၡ

ျဖစပြားေနၿပး၊ စစျဖစရာအရပတြင ေရြးေကာကပြစစဥကငးပရျခငးမာ အခကအချဖစခသည။ ထျပညနယတြင ေနရပစြနခြာ

တမးေရာငသမား ေထာငေပါငးမားစြာရရာ မဆႏၵရငမတပတငျခငးႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ စမအပခပမႈႏစရပစလးတြင စနေခၚမႈ

ႏင ရငဆငခရသည။

ပ-၂၉။ ေဒသအလက ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား

၂-၃-၄-၂။ ေတြ႔ႀကရေသာ သးျခားအခကအခမား

(အေျဖတစခထကမက ေၿဖဆခြငေပးထားသည)

ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျပနာမား ႀကေတြ႔ခရသညဟ ေျဖဆသ ၃၂ % ထမ အမားစ (၉၁%)က အခနၾကာျမငစြာ

(အနညးဆး ၁ နာရခနမ) ေစာငဆငးေနခၾကရသညဟ ေဖာျပၾကသည။ အဖြငေမးခြနးမားျဖင (Open-ended Questions)

အေတြ႔အႀကမားက ေျပာၾကားရာတြင ေျဖၾကားသ မဆႏၵရငအားလး၏ ၂၀% သည မေပးသညေန႔တြငျဖစေစ၊ ႀကတငမေပးရာ

တြငျဖစေစ အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးခၾကရေၾကာငး တ႔ျပနၾကသည။ အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးရျခငးအား ႀကးမားေသာ

ျပနာအျဖစ မသတမတၾကေသာလညး၊ ျပနာတစရပအျဖစ စစတမးတြင ထညသြငးေဖာျပၾကသည။













ေဒသအလက ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား

Page 41: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ပ-၃၀။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ႀကေတြ႔ရေသာ ျပနာရပမား

မဆႏၵရငမားသည မ႐အလြနနညးပါးျခငး၊ မ႐အရြယအစားေသးငယလြနးျခငးႏင မ႐၀နထမးမားမာ လအပေသာ

အရညအခငးမား မျပညမေၾကာငး၊ မ႐လပငနးသဘာ၀က ေကာငးစြာမသၾကၿခငးတ႔ႏင ႀကေတြ႔ခရေၾကာငး အပစေလကငခနး

မား/ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမ အခကအလကမားအရ သရခရသည။ အဆပါ အခကမားထမ တစခခေၾကာင အခနၾကာျမငစြာ

ေစာငဆငးရေအာင ျဖစေစေၾကာငး၊ မေကနပမႈမား၏ ၁၃% က ေဖာျပထားသည။ အဆပါေဒသမားတြင ေရြးေကာကပြမား

စစဥမႈ၌ ပမေကာငးမြနလာေအာင ေဆာငရြကရနလအပေၾကာငးက ဤအခကက ေဖာျပလကရသည။ မဆႏၵရငမားက မေပး

ရာတြင အခနၾကာၾကာ ေစာငဆငးေနရျခငးေၾကာင သညးမခႏငျဖစကာ မမေပးခၾကဟ ေဖာျပခၾကၿပး ယငးက လေျပာသေျပာ

မားအျဖစသာ မတယရမညၿဖစေသာလညး၊ ရခငျပညနယ၊ ကခငျပညနယႏင စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကးတ႔မ အပစေလးခက

ဤၿပသနာအားအတအလငးေဖာၿပခၾကသည။ ဥပမာအေနျဖင ကခငျပညနယ၊ ပတာအၿမ႕နယတြင “မ႐တြင လမားအဆမတန

မားျပားကာ ထမရညလားေသာ လတနးက မေစာငႏင၍ မေပးသအခ႕ အမျပနခၾကသည”13 ဟ ေဆြးေႏြးသမားက ေျပာျပခ

သည။ ထၿမ႕နယမာပင “ေမာငခနေရာကလာသျဖင လ ၄၀ ခန မမေပးခရ”14 ဟ ေဖာျပခကအရ လပစစဓာတအားျပနာ

ရေၾကာငးက ရညၫႊနးေနေပသည။ ရညၾကာစြာေစာငဆငးရျခငးႏင လပစစမးမရျခငးကသ႔ေသာ "သးျခား"အခကအခမား

ေၾကာင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ ၁၂ % က မမေပးႏငခၾကေပ။ (ပ ၈ - က ၾကညပါ။)

ေနာကထပအေရးႀကးဆး ၿပသနာမာ (ျပနာမားႀကေတြ႔ခေသာ စစတမးေျဖဆသ မဆႏၵရင ၃၆% ၏ ေျပာၾကား

ခကအရ) မ႐၀နထမးမားက အကအညမေပးျခငးျဖစၿပး ၂၁% က မေပးရာတြင လ႕၀ကစာမမေပးႏငခၾကဟ ေဖာျပခသည။

သသသပသပ မမေပးႏငၾကျခငးမာ မ႐အရြယအစား ေသးငယလြနးျခငးႏင ဆကစပေနၿပး အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသမား

ေဖာျပသကသ႔ လမားျပညကပေနျခငးႏငလညး ဆကစပေနပါသည။

13 ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလတြင ကခငျပညနယ၊ ပတာအၿမ႕နယရ စစဥဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြ (Structured Group Discussion) မ အမညမသ ပါ၀င ေျဖၾကားသတစဥး

14 ၎


မ႐၀နထမးမားက အကအညမေပးျခငယး

သးျခားလြတလပမႈ မရျခငး


မစာရငးတြင အမညမပါျခငး

မလကမတ/တဆပတး/မင မရျခငး

မစာရငးတြငအမညပါေသာလညး မ႐အတြငးသ႔ ၀ငခြငမေပးျခင

မ႐သ႔သြားေသာလညး မေပးခြငမျပျခငး

အခ႕ပတအတြကမေပးရန ဖအားေပးျခငး/ၿခမးေျခာကျခငး

မေပးခနမားအတြငး မ႐ကပတျခငး

ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ရ သးျခားျပနာမား

Page 42: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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အျပသေဘာေဆာငသည အခကမားမာ ၂% မျပညေသာ (စစေပါငး လ ၃ ဥး) ကသာ အေႏာငအယကေပးခရသည

အတြက သ႔မဟတ ႏႈတျဖင ၿခမးေျခာကခခရသညဟ ေျဖၾကားၿပး ၂% ပငမရေသာ ေျဖဆသမားက မေပးသည သတမတခန

အတြငး မ႐မားပတထားျခငးက ႀကခရေၾကာငး ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ယငးေဖာျပခကမားမ မတသာစရာမာ ေရြးေကာကပြက

ပေကာငးေအာင စစဥသငခသညမာ မနေသာလညး လမားအားမမေပးႏငရန တမငသကသက အေႏာငအယကေပးမႈ မရ

သေလာကနညးပါးသညက ေတြ႔ရပါသည။

ေနာကဆးမဆႏၵစာရငးတြင အမညမပါသမား ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မေပးခြငမရဟသညအခကအား မေပးသ ၉%

က ျပနာအျဖစ ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ဤသတ႔တြင ပထမမစာရငးတြင အမညစာရငးပါ၀ငေသာလညး ေနာကဆးမစာရငးတြင

အေၾကာငးတစခခေၾကာင အမညမပါရေတာသညအျဖစက မေပးသညေန႔တြငမ သရပေပၚပါသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ၎တ႔၏

အမညက မ႐တြင မေပးသညေန႔မ လာေရာကရာေဖြေသာအခါ ေနာကဆးမစာရငးတြင မပါရေတာသညက ေတြ႔ၾကရသည။

ေဒသအခ႕တြင မ႐၀နထမးမားက အေျခအေနေပၚမတည၍ ကယပငဆးျဖတခြငျဖင အမညစာရငးတြင မပါ၀ငသအခ႕က

မေပးခြငျပခေသာလညး၊ အျခားေဒသမားတြင မေပးခြငမျပခေပ။ ထေၾကာင မေပးသအခ႕က ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ မစာရငးတြင

အမညမပါ၀ငျခငးအား ျပနာတစရပအျဖစေဖာျပၿပး အခ႕မေပးသမားက ျပနာတစရပအျဖစ မေဖာျပၾကေပ။

တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၆% က ျပနာမားစာရငးတြင ထညသြငးေဖာျပထားေသာ ျပနာမားအျပင

အျခားေသာျပနာမားက ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတစခလးတြင ႀကေတြ႔ရေသာ ျပနာမားက အျပန

အလနေဆြးေႏြးေသာ အပစဖြ႔ေလကငခနးမားႏင အစအစဥတက အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမတစဆင အကယတ၀င ပ၍အေသး

စတကက ေလလာေဖာထတခသည။ အဆပါေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင ၎တ႔၏ ကယပငအေတြ႔အႀကမားသာမက ၎တ႔၏

ပတ၀နးကငတြင ျပနာအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငေသာကစၥရပမားကပါ ေဆြးေႏြးေစခပါသည။ (ခငးျပညနယေဆြးေႏြးပြ၏ ပဂၢလ ၅ ဥးမ

လြ၍) ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသအားလးက ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတစရပလးတြင ျပနာျဖစဖြယကစၥ အနညးဆးတစခမက ေတြ႔ရ

ခၾကၿပး၊ အမားစက ျပနာမားစြာက ေဖာျပၾကသည။ တစခနတညးမာပင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ ေျမာကျမားစြာ (၇၇%) က၊

ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျပနာမားကေဖာျပျခငး မျပသညမာ စတ၀ငစားဖြယျဖစေနပါသည။ (အေသးစတက အပငး ၂-၃-၄-၅

တြင ေဖာျပေပးထားပါသည။) ေ၀ဖနခကမားစြာတ႔မာ ေရြးေကာကပြႀကတငျပငဆငေရးကာလႏင သကဆငေနေၾကာငးရငး

လငးေနသၿဖင မားစြာတးတကေအာင ေဆာငရြကရနလအပပါသည။

၂-၃-၄-၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ႀကေတြ႔ရေသာ ေဒသအလက အခကအခမား

မဆႏၵရငမား၏ ၂၀ % ေကာက အခကအခမားရသညဟ အစရငခေသာ ကခင၊ စစကငး၊ ဧရာ၀တ၊ ရခင၊ ကရငႏင

မြနစသည တငးေဒသႀကး/ ျပညနယမား ၆ ခက ပ၍ အနးကပေလလာေသာအခါ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသအမားစက “အခန

ၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးေနရျခငး” က ျပနာအျဖစ ေဖာျပၾကသညအတြက၊ ေဒသအလက ကြျပားျခားနားမႈမား နညးပါး

လသညမာ ထငရားသည။ ထသ႔ ေစာငဆငးရျခငးက စစကငးႏင ရခငတ႔မ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား၏ ၁၀၀ % က ျပနာ

အျဖစ တငျပခၾကသည။ ထအခကသည အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏင အဖြငေမးခြနးမားတြင ထငရားေပၚလြငလာခသည။ အထး

သျဖင သေတသနေမးခြနးမားၿဖညရာတြင “အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးေနရျခငး” ဟေသာ ကြကလပတြငအမန အမတ

အသားမျပေသာ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား အပါအ၀င၊ ကခငျပညနယမ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသအားလး၏ ၅၀ % သည အခန

ၾကာျမငစြာေစာငဆငးရမႈက ႀကေတြ႔ခၾကရသည။ ထအခကက ကခငျပညနယတြင မမေပးေသာလမား၏ အေရအတြက

ျမငမားေနျခငးက အေၾကာငးရငးတခက ေဖာျပေနသည။ ကခငျပညနယရ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၃၀ % က မမေပးေသာ

အျခားအေၾကာငးျပခကမားႏငအတ (ပ - ၇ ကၾကညပါ) အခနအလြနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးရျခငးက ထညသြငးေျဖၾကားၾက

သည။ အျခားေသာ ေလကငခနးမား/ ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြငလညး ထအခကက အေလးေပးေဖာျပၾကသည။

တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမားက ျပနာအမားဆးႀကေတြ႔ရေသာ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးတြင ျပနာ ႀကေတြ႔မႈအနညး

အကဥးသာရသညဟ ဆသမား၏ ၄၆ % က မ႐ရ အရာရမားႏင ၀နထမးမား၏ အကအညမေပးမႈကလညးေကာငး၊ ၃၉ %

က လ႕၀ကစြာ မေပးခြငမရျခငးကလညးေကာငး ျပနာအျဖစ ေျဖၾကားခၾကသည။ အဆပါကနးဂဏနးမားက ဆငျခငၾကည

လင ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၏ မဆႏၵရငအားလး၏ ၁၀ % သည လ႕၀ကစြာမေပးခြငမရဟ ခစားၾကရၿပး ယငးအခကသည

အခ႕ျပနာမား၏ အဓက အေၾကာငးရငးျဖစသည။ မြနျပညနယတြငလညး လ႕၀ကစြာမေပးခြငမရျခငးသည ႀကးမားေသာ

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ျပနာတစခအျဖစ ေပၚေပါကခၿပး၊ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၆၀% က ထျပနာက ႀကေတြ႔ခၾကသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင

မေပးေသာမြနျပညနယမ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသ အေရအတြကမာ နညးပါးၿပး (၅၈- ဥး) ယငးတ႔အနက ၁၂ ဥးကသာ ျပနာမား

ႀကေတြ႔ရသညဟ ေျဖၾကားၿပး၊ ၃ ဥးကသာ လ႕၀ကစြာမေပးခြငမရျခငးက ေျဖၾကားသျဖင အဆပါ အေရအတြက အနညးငယမ

တကေသာ ေကာကခကတစစတစရာက ဆြယရာတြင သတၿပရန လအပသည။

ပ-၃၁။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ရ သးျခားျပနာမား - ေဒသအလက ၁

ပ-၃၂။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင သးျခားျပနာမား - ေဒသအလက ၂









မစာရငးတြင အမညမပါျခငး

မစာရငးတြင အမညမပါျခငး



မလကမတ/တဆပတး/မင မရျခငး

မလကမတ/တဆပတး/မင မရျခငး







ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ရ သးျခားျပနာမား - ေဒသအလက ၁

ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ရ သးျခားျပနာမား - ေဒသအလက ၂

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၂-၃-၄-၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား၏ အမအကင

စတနးရေသာေလကငခနးမား (line-up exercises)ျဖင မေပးေသာေန႔တြင မ႐မားတြငရေနၾကေသာ ပါ၀င ေဆာင

ရြကသအမးမး၏ အမအကငႏင ပတသက၍ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား၏ အျမငမားကသရရန ႀကးပမး


ေပၚထြကလာေသာ ေျဖၾကားခကရလာဒမားအရ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသအမားစ၏ လပရပမားသည အျပသေဘာ

ေဆာငပါသညဟ ေဖာျပခသည။ ရတပဖြ႔/လျခေရးတပဖြ႔မား၊ ပါတကယစားလယမားႏင ေဒသခေရြးေကာကပြေစာငၾကည

ေလလာသမားက အမားအယြငးမရဘ၊ ရတပဖြ႔ ၂% ႏင ပါတကယစားလယမား၏ ၁% ကသာ ႏႈတအားျဖင ျခမးေျခာကမႈ

ျပခေၾကာငး ေယဘယအားျဖင ေဖာျပၾကသည။ မညသတစဥးတစေယာကမ အဖြ႔အစညးတစခခမ ကယထလကေရာက

အၾကမးဖကခရျခငး မရေပ။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မေပးခေသာ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၈၅ % က မ႐၀နထမးမား၏ အကအည

ရရခ/အလြနရရခေၾကာငး ေဖာျပထားၿပး၊ ၁၅ % ကသာ အကအညမရရခေၾကာငး ေဖာျပၾကသည။

ပ-၃၃။ မ႐၀နထမးမားထမ အကအညရရမႈ

ပ-၃၄။ ရတပဖြ႔ႏင လျခေရးတပဖြ႔မား၏ အျပအမ








မ႐၀နထမးမား၏ အကအညရရမႈ

ရတပဖြ႔/လျခေရးတပဖြ႔မား၏ အျပအမ

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ပ-၃၅။ ပါတကယစားလယမား၏ အျပအမ

ပ-၃၆။ ျပညတြငးေစာငၾကညေလလာသမား၏ အျပအမ

သ႔ရာတြင ရပကြက/ေကးရြာအဆင ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမားႏငပတသက၍ ေ၀ဖနမႈမား ပမထြကေပၚခသည။ ေရြး

ေကာကပြေန႔တြင မေပးရန တနးစစဥကာလအတြငး ပါ၀ငေျဖဆသမား၏ ၂၈% က ေကာမရငခြအရာရမား၏ အကအညမရဟ

ခစားခၾကရၿပး၊ ၁၈% က ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမားအား ေရြးေကာကႏငပကသက၍ ဘာမမသၾကဟ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။ ဤအခကက

ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားႏင ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမ ရရခေသာအျမငျဖစသည မဆႏၵရငမားကသာမက ေရြးေကာကပြကငးပရာတြင

ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကေသာ မညသ႔ကမဆ ေလကငသငၾကားေပးျခငးႏင ပညာေပးလပငနးမားမားစြာလပေဆာငရနလအပသည

ဆသညအခကက ထပေလာငးအားၿဖညေပးသည။ ေဆြးေႏြးပြအပစ ၂၅ ခအနက ၈ စသည မစာရငးနငပတသက၍ ျပည

ေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငႏင ေကာမရငခြမားအား ေမးျမနးဆကသြယရာတြင ေတြ႔ၾကခရေသာျပနာမားက

ေဆြးေႏြးခၾကသည။ မၾကာခဏၾကားရေလရေသာ မေကနပခကတစခမာ ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြအရာရမားသည ေကာငးစြာေျဖ

ၾကား ျခငးမျပသညအျပင မဆႏၵရင ပညာေပးလပငနးလညး မေဆာငရြကၾကေၾကာငး၊ ၎တ႔သည ေရြးေကာကပြက သတ႔ႏင

မသကဆငသလ ေနၾကရကာ၊ မစာရငးျပနာႏင အမနျပငဆငေရးတ႔တြငလညး စတ၀ငစားပမရၾကဟ ေဖာျပၾကသည။

ကခငျပညနယ၊ ၀ငးေမာၿမ႕နယအပစမ အမားေဖာျပသညမတခကမာ “ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမားက ေကာငးစြာေလကငေပးထားျခငး





ပါတကယစားလယမား၏ အျပအမ





ျပညတြငးေစာငၾကညေလလာသမား၏ အျပအမ

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မရသညအျပင ကၽြမးကငစြာေဆာငရြကႏငစြမးလညး မရၾကပါ။’’15 ဟ၍ ျဖစသည။ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ပသမၿမ႕နယမ

ေဆြးေႏြးသတစဥးကလညး “ေကးရြာ/ရပကြကေကာမရငသည ေကာငးမြနစြာတ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားျခငးမျပၾကဘ၊ တစခါတစရ

မဆႏၵရငမား သလသညသတငးအခကအလကမား ေမးျမနးေသာအခါ ၎တ႔က ရန႔ရငးၾကမးတမးကာ

ရနပငျပတတၾကသည”16 ဟေျဖၾကားခသည။ အေကာငးဘကတြငမ စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ခႏးၿမ႕နယမ

ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသတစဥးက “ေကာမရငသည အမညမားအား အမနျပငရာတြင အကအညေပးၿပး၊ မေပးသညစနစမားက

အေသးစတရငးျပကာ၊ မစာရငးစစေဆးသမားကလညး အကအညေပးသည”17 ဟေဖာျပထားရာ၊ အေတြ႔အၾကတငးသည

အဆးႀကးေတာ႔ မဟတၾကေပ။ ပဂၢလတစဥးခငးစ၏ အေပၚတြငမားစြာ အေျခခပါလမ႔မည။

ပ-၃၇။ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမားထမ အကအညရရမႈ

ပ-၃၈။ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင အဖြ႔ခြ၏ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ ဗဟသတအဆင

15 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာ၊ ကခငျပညနယ၊ ၀ငးေမာၿမ႕နယရ၊ ဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမ အမညမသပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ။16 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ၊ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမ အမညမသပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ။17 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာ၊ စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ခႏၼတးၿမ႕နယရ ဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင အမညမသပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ။







ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမား၏ အကအညရရမႈ

ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင အဖြ႔ခြ၏ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ ဗဟသတအဆင

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၂-၃-၄-၅။ေရြးေကာကပြ လပငနးစဥတစေလာကလးတြင ေတြ႔ၾကခရေသာ အခကအခမား

အဖြငေမးခြနးမားမ (Open-ended Questions) ေဖာျပလာၾကေသာ ျပနာမားသည အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတစခ႕တြင

ပ၍ ကယကယျပနျပန ေဆြးေႏြးရသညအထ ျဖစေပၚေစခသည။ လအမားစက ၎တ႔အား ပဂၢလေရးအရ ထခကေစေသာ

ျပနာမားက ေဖာထတ႐သာမက ၎တ႔၏ ပတ၀နးကငတြင ျပာနာဟ ယဆေသာ ကစၥရပမားကပါ ေဖာျပေပးၾကပါသည။

ထ႔ေၾကာင ရလဒမားသည ျပနာတစရပရပအား ၾကေတြ႔ခရေသာ လအေရအတြကအတအကအား တငျပျခငးထက

ျပနာတစရပရပအျဖစ သတမတသညဟ ရညၫႊနးရာေရာကေပသည။ ေဖာျပထားေသာ ျပနာခြေပါငး ၆၀ တြင

“ေရြးေကာကပြက တနဂၤေႏြေန႔တြင ကငးပျခငး” က အထးသျဖင ခငးႏင ကခငျပညနယတ႔မ ခရစယာနဘာသာ၀င ေျဖၾကား

သမား၏ ၁၉ % က ျပနာအျဖစယဆျခငး၊ “ေရြးေကာကပြမလကမတေပၚတြင ပႏပအရညအေသြးညဖငးမႈက ႐ႈပေထြးမႈ

ျဖစေစခသည” ဟ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၃ % က ျပနာအျဖစ တငၿပၾကၿခငးတ႔ကသ႔ေသာ ကစၥရပမားပါ၀ငသည။

အခ႕ေသာ ျပနာမားမာ ေနရာအေတာမားမားတြင ျဖစပြားခသညတငေအာင ၎ျပနာမားက အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတစခ၏

ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားကသာ ျပနာအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငခၾကသည။ ၎တ႔မာ “မဒယာမားႏင ေကာၾကားသမားက ပါတတစခကသာ

ေထာကခအားေပးျခငး၊” “မ႐၀နထမးမားသည အစးရဌာန၀နထမးမားျဖစေနျခငး၊ (ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ျမနေအာငၿမ႕နယ

က ထအခကႏစရပစလး)" ႏင "အခ႕ေသာမ႐မား၏ မပးတြင တငးရငးသားကယစားလယအတြကမပါရျခငး (ဧရာ၀တတငး

ေဒသႀကး၊ ပသမၿမ႕နယ)” တ႔ျဖစသည။ ခငးျပညနယမ ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ ငါးဥးကသာ ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥႏင

ပတသက၍ ျပနာတစစတစရာ မေတြ႔ရပါဟ ထးထးျခားျခားေဖာျပခၾကသည။

မညသ႔ဆေစကာမ ေမးခြနးလႊာမား (Questionaires)တြင ေဆြးေႏြးေမးျမနးခသည ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ ျပနာမားမ

အပ၊ အထကတြငေဆြးေႏြးခေသာ အဖြငေမးခြနးမား(Open-ended Questions)တြင တဆပတးရကႏပျခငးႏင မငမထငသည

ျပနာမားက ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသ ၈% က မေပးသည လပငနးစဥအတြငး ျပနာအျဖစ ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ ထကစၥသည မမား

အား တရားမ၀ငျဖစေစႏငေသာေၾကာင၊ ပယမျဖစသြားေစႏငေသာေၾကာင လာမညေရြးေကာကပြအတြက ထညသြငးစဥးစား

ေဆာငရြကရမည အေရးႀကးေသာ အခကျဖစသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏင ပတသကစပဆငသမားအား ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငးမား

(ေနာကဆကတြ ၁ တြငၾကညပါ) အရလညး အဆပါျပနာမာ မ႐မားစြာတ႔တြင ၾကေတြ႔ခၾကသညဟ အတညျပခၾကသည။

ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမကာလအတြငး ျဖစပြားခေသာ ကစၥရပအားလး၏ ၅၃ % က အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀င

သမားက ျပနာအျဖစယဆခၾကၿပး၊ ၎တ႔၏ ၂၅ % က “မဆႏၵရင သတငးအခကအလက/ အသပညာေပးမရရျခငး’’ က

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ျပနာအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငခၾကသည။ အဆပါ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသမားအပစသည အသၾကြယ၀ေသာအပစဟ

ယဆထားရာ၊ ဤအပစမားကပင မဆႏၵရငသတငးအခကအလကႏင အသပညာေရးလပငနးမား၏ လအပခကကတငၿပၾက

သညကၾကညၿခငးၿဖင မညမပ၍ လပေဆာငရနလအပေၾကာငးကေပၚလြငေစပါသည။

ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမ ေတြ႔ၾကရေသာ ျပနာအားလး၏ ၄၄% သည မစာရငးႏငပတသကေသာ ျပနာမးစပင

ျဖစၿပး ဤေရြးေကာကပြအတြက ႀကတငျပငဆငရာတြင အဓကျပနာျဖစေၾကာငး ထငရားေနသည။ မစာရငးျပနာမားအား

အနးကပေလလာၾကညရာတြင အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ တကေရာကသအားလး၏ ၁၆% က “မစာရငးပစႏင ခငးကငးျပသမႈ’’ က

လညးေကာငး၊ ၁၂% က “မစာရငး အမနျပငဆငျခငး’’ ကလညးေကာငး၊ ၇% က မစာရငးတြင ၎တ႔၏အမည မပါရျခငး

ကလညးေကာငး၊ ၉%က မစာရငးတြင ၎တ႔အမည မားယြငးျခငးကလညးေကာငး၊ အခကအခအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငၾကသည။ ရခငႏင

မေကြးတ႔၏ မစာရငးတြင ေသဆးသမား၏ အမညစာရငးမား ပါ၀ငေနျခငးေၾကာင အဆပါေဒသမားမ ေျဖဆသ ၂% က

စတပကမေၾကာငး ေဖာျပၾကသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမကာလအတြငး ျဖစပြားခေသာကစၥရပအားလး၏ ၅၃ % က အလပ႐

ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငသမားက ျပနာအျဖစယဆခၾကၿပး ၎တ႔၏ ၂၅ % က “မဆႏၵရင သတငးအခကအလက/ ပညာေရး

မရျခငး’’ က ျပနာအျဖစ ႐ႈျမငခၾကသည။ အဆပါအပစသည ေကာငးစြာေလလာသရၿပး ျဖစေသာအပစျဖစရာ မဆႏၵရင

သတငးအခကအလကႏင ပညာေရးလပငနးမညမ ေျမာကမားစြာလအပေၾကာငး သေတသနတြင တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားခကမားက

ေပၚလြငထငရားလာခသည။ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမ ေတြ႔ၾကရေသာ ျပနာအားလး၏ ၄၄% သည မစာရငးႏငပတသကေသာ

ကစၥမးစပငျဖစသည။ ဤေရြးေကာကပြ ႀကတငျပငဆငရာတြင ယငးသည အဓကျပနာျဖစေၾကာငး ထငရားသည။

မစာရငးကစၥမားအား အနးကပေလလာၾကညရာတြင အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ တကေရာကသအားလး၏ ၁၆% က “မစာရငးပစႏင

ခငးကငးျပသမႈ’’ ကလညးေကာငး၊ ၁၂% က “မစာရငး အမနျပငဆငျခငး’’ ကလညးေကာငး၊ ၇% က မစာရငးတြင အမည

မပါျခငးကလညးေကာငး၊ ၉% က မစာရငးတြင ၎တ႔အမည မားယြငးျခငးကလညးေကာငး၊ အခကအခအျဖစ ယဆေၾကာငး

ေပၚထြကလာခသည။ ရခငႏင မေကြးတ႔မ ၂% ကမ မစာရငးတြင ေသဆးသမား၏ အမညစာရငးပါ၀ငျခငးက စတပက

မေၾကာငး အထးသျဖငေဖာျပၾကသည။

ပ-၃၉။ မစာရငးကစၥမား





မစာရငးတြင အမညမားျခငး




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၂-၃-၄-၆။ ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥ တစေလာကလးတြင ေတြ႔ၾကခရေသာ အခကအခမား - ေဒသအလကျခားနားမႈမား

အဖြငေမးခြနးမားအား တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားရာတြင ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥႏင ပတသကေသာ ကစၥရပမား၏ ပမးမ

၂.၅ ခက ျပနာမားအျဖစ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြအသးသးတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမားက ေဖာျပၾကေသာလညး၊ ေဒသအလက

ကြျပားျခားနားမႈ ရပါသည။ ဥပမာ ကခငျပညနယရ မေပးသမားသည စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကးရ မေပးသမားထကျပနာ ၄ ဆ

နးပါး (ျပနာ ၄.၁ ႏင ျပနာ ၁.၁ ခ) တငျပၾကၿပး၊ အထးအေလးေပးေဖာျပေသာ ျပနာမားမာ မေပးစဥတြင အခန

ၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးရျခငးႏင မဆႏၵရငသတငးအခကအလက/ အသပညာေပးသငတနးမားရရရန ခကချခငးတ႔ျဖစသည။

ကခငျပညနယမ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၂၀% က တငးရငးသားမားႏင တငးရငးသားပါတမားအၾကား ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈ

မရျခငးက ျပနာအျဖစ ယဆၾကရာ ထအခကသည အဆပါျပညနယတြင အေရးႀကးေၾကာငး မးေမာငးထးျပလကရသည။

မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသတငးက ပမးမအားျဖင ျပနာ ၄ ခခနက တငျပခၾကရာ အထးသျဖင

မစာရငးကစၥသည ထပပငးျပနာျဖစၿပး ၄၅% အထ ေဖာျပခသည။ ဘာသာစကားျပနာက ခငးႏင ကယားျပညနယမ

ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးသမားက တငျပၾကၿပး၊ မ႐တြငလမားျပညကပေနျခငးက ရခငျပညနယမ ပါ၀ငေဆြးေႏြးသမား၏ ၅၂% က

မေကနပၾကေပ။ အျပနအလနေဆြးေႏြးသည ေလကငခနးမားတြင တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၃၀% က မ႐မားအေရအတြက

နညးပါးျခငးက အေရးႀကးကစၥအျဖစ ေျဖၾကားၾကၿပး၊ မ႐မားမာ အဓကျပနာျဖစေၾကာငးေဖာျပေသာ တစခတညးေသာ

ျပညနယျဖစပါသည။ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၁၅% က ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင

သ႔မဟတ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြြ႔ခြတြင ႏငငေရးဘကလကမႈရခသညက ႀကေတြ႔ခရၿပး ယငးက ျပနာအျဖစတငျပ

သည တစခတညးေသာ တငးေဒသႀကးျဖစသည။ ကယားျပညနယမ ပါ၀ငေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၄၆% က လႊတေတာကယစားလ

ယေရြးခယေရးမာ မလြယကဟ ေဖာျပခၿပး၊ ယငးက အျခားျပညနယႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမားမ ျပနာတစရပအၿဖစ မေဖာၿပခ


ပ-၄၀။ ေဖာျပၾကေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြ ျပာနာမား

ေဖာျပေသာေရြးေကာကပြ ျပာနာမား၏ အေရအတြက













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၂-၃-၄-၇။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မေရတြကမႈ ေလလာခက

တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ရာခငႏႈနး အေျမာကအမား

က (၅၅%) က ၎တ႔သည ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ညတြင မ

ေရတြကမႈက ေလလာရန ေရာကရခၾကသညဟ ဆခၾက

သည။ သ႔ေသာ ထသမားသည အဆပါေဒသမားရ လဥးေရ

တစရပလးအားကယစားျပဖြယမရေပ။ အေၾကာငးမာ သေတ

သနတြင ပါ၀ငေျဖဆသအမားစသည ႏငငေရးတြင ပမပါ၀င

ၿပး စတ၀ငစားသမား ျဖစၾကေသာေၾကာင ျဖစသည။

သ႔ရာတြင အဆပါစတအားထကသနမႈသည ေဒသ

အလကကယျပနစြာ ကြျပားျခားနားသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔

တြင ျပနာမား ရခသညဟ ပမတငျပသည ေဒသမားတြင

မေရတြကမႈအား ေစာငၾကညေလလာသည အေရအတြက

မာလညး ပမမားျပားေၾကာငး ေတြ႔ရရသည။ ဧရာ၀တတငး ေဒသႀကးမ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသ ၇၁% သည မေရတြကျခငးက

ေလလာခၾကၿပး မြနျပညနယတြင ၆၈% ျဖစသည။ ထသ႔ျဖစရျခငး၏ အေၾကာငးတစရပမာ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကးမ အလပ

႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြပါ၀ငသမားမာ ဘြ႔ရမား (၃၄%) ႏင အရပဘကအဖြ႔အစညးမားတြင လပကငသမား (၂၉%) ျဖစ၍ ႏငငေရး

ကစၥမားတြင မားစြာပါ၀ငၾကေသာေၾကာငျဖစသည။ အလားတပင မြနျပညနယမ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၃၇% သည

အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမားတြင အလပလပၾကသမားျဖစသည။ အျခားတစဖကတြငမ ကယားျပညနယမ အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ

ပါ၀ငသမား၏ ၁၁% ကသာ မေရတြကမႈ ေစာငၾကညေလလာရန စတ၀ငစားၿပး သ႔မဟတ လအပသညဟယဆၾကၿပး၊

ယငးသည အဆပါျပညနယမ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ ျပနာမားတငျပမႈ အေရအတြကနညးပါးျခငးနင မစာရငးစစေဆးရန

စတ၀ငစားမႈနညးျခငးတ႔ႏင ဆကစပေနသည။

ပ-၄၂။ မေရတြကမႈေလလာခက - ေဒသအလက






ငး ခငး









မေရတြကမႈေလလာခက - ေဒသအလက

ပ-၄၁။ မေရတြကမႈ ေလလာခက

Page 51: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၂-၃-၄-၈။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏင ပတသက၍ အေထြေထြေကနပမႈ

ေနာကဆးေမးခြနးမာ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသတ၍ အေထြေထြေကနပမႈအေၾကာငးျဖစၿပး စတ၀ငစားဖြယ ေကာငး

သညမာ အျပနအလနေလကငခနးမားႏင အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားအတြငး မားျပားလေသာ မေကနပခကမားႏင ေ၀ဖနခကမား

ေပၚထြကလာခသညၾကားမပင တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား၏ ၅၀% က ၎တ႔၏ ကယပငေရြးေကာကပြ အေတြ႔အၾကႏငပတသက၍

ေကနပမႈရၾကၿပး အျခားေသာ ၂၅% က အတငးအတာတစခအထ ေကနပၾကေၾကာငး ေဖာျပျခငးပငျဖစပါသည။ ၁၃% ကသာ

ေကနပမႈမရဘ၊ ၉% က မညသညထငျမငခကမ မေပးၾကေပ။ အပစခြ ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင ေရြးေကာကပြသည ၿပးျပညစမႈ

မရလငကစား ၂၀၁၀ ျပညႏစ ေရြးေကာကပြထက မာစြားတးတကလာသညဟေသာအခကက မၾကာခဏေဖာျပၾကသည။

ထအခကသည ဤေရြးေကာကပြကာလတြင မဆႏၵရငမားစြာတ႔အတြက စငးလးေခာ ေရြးေကာကပြမျဖစေအာင ဟနတားထား

သည နညးပညာနင စစဥမႈဆငရာအားနညးခကမားက အနာဂတေရြးေကာကပြမားအတြက အခနမျပျပငႏငလင ျပညစသည

ေရြးေကာကပြမား ျဖစလာမညဟ အျပသေဘာအဓပၸာယသကေရာကေစသည။

ပ-၄၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသတ၍ ေယဘယေကနပမႈ


အတငးအတာတစခထ ေကနပမႈရ




ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသတ၍ ေယဘယေကနပမႈ

ေရြးေကာကပြအေတြ႔အၾကႏငပတသက၍ ေဒသအလက ကြျပားျခားနားမႈ ရပါသည။ မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကးတြင

ေနထငသမား၏ ၉၂% က အေကနပဆးျဖစၿပး စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကးတြင ေနထငသမား၏ ၈၁% ကေကနပမႈရၾကသည

သ႔မဟတ အတငးအတာတစရပအထ ေကနပၾကသည။ ကခငျပညနယမ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမားမာမ ေကနပမႈ အနညးဆးသာ

ရေၾကာငး ေတြ႔ရရသည။

Page 52: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ပ-၄၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ ေကနပအားရမႈ - ေဒသ ၁

ပ-၄၅။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ ေကနပအားရမႈ - ေဒသ ၂





မြန ခငး ဧရာ၀တ ကခင

စစကငး ကယား ကရင ရခင








ေရြးေကာကပြႏင ပတသက၍ ေကနပမႈ-ေဒသအလက ၁

ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသတ၍ ေကနပမႈ-ေဒသအလက ၂

Page 53: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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၃-၁။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၁။ အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားဆနးစစခက

(Interviews with Electoral Stakeholders)

၃-၁-၁။ သေတသန နညးစနစ

ၿမ႕မားနင ေကးရြာမားတြင ေရြးေကာကပြျပနေျပာငးသးသပေရး အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏင ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ

အဓကသကဆငသမားအား ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားက တစၿပငတညးလပေဆာငခသည။ သ႔ေသာ တစခႏငတစခ အေႏာင

အယက မျဖစေစရနအတြက တစသးတစျခားစ ေတြ႔စေမးျမနးခသည။ ရညရြယခကမာ ပါတကယစားလယမား၊ ေရြးေကာကပြ

ေလလာသမား၊ အေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာန (GAD) ႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမားထမ ေရြးေကာကပြျပနာ

အမးမးက သျမငလာႏငရန ျဖစသည။

ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈ စစေပါငး ၁၅၆ ချပလပခၿပး၊ ေနရာေဒသအသးသးတြင ပဥးမအေရအတြက ၆.၂ ခခနၿပလပခသည။

ေဒသတခစတြငျပလပခေသာ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈအေရအတြကမာ အနညးဆး ၄ ခမ အမားဆး ၉ ခအထျဖစသည။ ေဒသ

အားလးတြင အေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာန (GAD) ႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြ ကယစားလယမားက ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနး

ခြငရခၿပး ပါတကယစားလယအေရအတြကမာ တစေနရာႏင တစေနရာကြျပားသည။ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးခြငရသအားလးက

ေအာကပါေမးခြနးမား ေမးျမနးခသည။

၁။ မမ၏ ရပကြက သ႔မဟတ ေကးရြာအပစတြင ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔၌ မဆႏၵေပးရာတြင အဆငေျပေျပျဖစခသညအရာ

မားက ေဖာျပပါ။

၂။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ျပနာမား တစစတစရာ ျဖစပြားခပါသလား။

၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔မတငမတြင မညသညအခကအခမား ၾကခရသနညး။

၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မညသညအခကအခမား ၾကခရသနညး။

၅။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင လျခေရးကစၥမား သ႔မဟတ အျခားကစၥမားေၾကာင ပတထားခရေသာ မ႐မား ရပါသလား။

၆။ လာမညေရြးေကာကပြမားအတြက ယခေရြးေကာကပြမ သငခနးစာမားရရပါသလား။ ရရလင မညသညသငခနး


အဆပါ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားက သေတသနလပငနးစစတမးေကာကယၿခငး၏ အစတအပငးအျဖစ မသတမတ

ထားဘ၊ အဆပါ ေမးခြနးအေျဖမားက အေထာကအထားမားအျဖစ မထညသြငးမေစရနေဆာငရြကားပါသည။ ဤေတြ႔ဆ

ေမးျမနးမႈမား၏ ရညရြယခကမာ သေတသနရလဒမားအတြက ေနာကခအေၾကာငးျခငးရာမား ရရေစရနႏင အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ

ကငးပေသာ နယေျမမားရ အေျခအေနမားႏငပတသက၍ ျပညစေအာငပေဖာေရးက အေထာကအကၿပေစရနျဖစသည။

၃-၁-၂။ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားမရရေသာ အသမား

အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမ သရရေသာ အသြငသ႑ာနမာ ၿငမးခမး၍ လြတလပေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစခသညက ခငမာ

ေစသည။ စမအပခပမႈပငး၊ နညးပညာပငးႏင ဆကသြယခတဆကမႈပငး ျပနာမားေၾကာငသာ ေရြးေကာကပြအား အတငး

အတာ တစခအထ ထခကေစခသည။ မညသညပါတ၀ငျဖစေစ၊ ေထြအပမ ျဖစေစ၊ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမ ျဖစေစ၊

ေရြးေကာကပြေစာငၾကညေလလာသမားျဖစေစ ေရြးေကာကပြတြငအဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမား/သကဆငသမား အားလးက

ယခ ေရြးေကာကပြသည ယခငေရြးေကာကပြမားထက ပ၍လြတလပၿပး ပ၍ပြငလငးျမငသာေၾကာငး တညတၫြတတညး


Page 54: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မ႐ပတထားေၾကာငး အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ မညသတစဥးတစေယာကကမ ေဖာျပျခငး

မရေပ။ ေရြးေကာကပြၿပးေနာက အၾကမးဖကမႈတစစတစရာ ျဖစခသညဟလညး မညသကမ ေဖာျပချခငးမရသညျပင ေရြး

ေကာကပြမဆြယစညး႐းမႈကာလအတြငးတြငလညး ကေတာကဆျဖစပြားမႈမား ရခသညဟေဖာျပသ အလြနတရာ နညးပါ

သည။ သ႔ရာတြင သသယျဖစဖြယ ႏငငေရးဘကလကမႈ ျဖစရပအနညးအကဥးရခသညဟ ေထြအပ သ႔မဟတ မ႐၀နထမးမား

က ေဖာျပခၾကသည။ အခ႕ေနရာမားတြင ႏငငေရးအေျခအေနသည အျခားေနရာမားထက ပမျပငးထနခသညဟ ေဖာျပ

ၾကသည။ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈ ျပလပခေသာ အရပေဒသ ၆ ခတြင သးပတစပခနက အေသးအဖြျဖစရပမားက ေဖာျပခၾကရာ

“ရပကြက ၁၀ ခတြင ဘာသာေရးအပစမားက NLD ကယစားလယမားအား ေႏာငယကခၾကသညဟ"18 သ႔မဟတ “တစသး

ပဂၢလကယစားလယမား၏ မဆြယေရးဆငးဘတမားႏင USDP ဆငးဘတအခ႕က ဖကဆးခခၾကရသညဟ”19 “USDP က

ေကးရြာရ လအားလးနးပါးအား ၎တ႔ပါတက မေပးရန ေတာငးဆခၾကသညဟ”20 ေဖာျပၾကသည။

ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ပသမၿမ႕နယရ အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသမားက ႀကတငမေပးမႈစနစက ေ၀ဖနခၾကသည။

အဆပါေဒသမ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင အဖြ႔ခြဥက႒က “ႀကတငမအခ႕ ေပာကဆးခေၾကာငး”21 ႏင ခငးျပညနယ၊ ပလက၀

ၿမ႕နယမ ရခငအမးသားပါတ၏ ေရြးေကာကပြ၀င ကယစားလယေလာငးတစဥးက “ႀကတငမေပးရာတြင မေပးသမား၏ဆႏၵက

မေမးဘ ေဒသခ ေထြအပ၀နထမးမားႏင မ႐အရာရမားက NLD ေပၚတြင တဆပရကႏပခသည။”22 ဟ ေျဖၾကားခၾကသည။

သ႔ရာတြင ေနရာအမားစ၌ ျပနာေလးရပ ျဖစေပၚခသည။ မစာရငး၊ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးေရး၊ ေရြးေကာကပြ

အရာရမား/ ၀နထမးမားအား သငတနးေပးေရးႏင မ႐မား၏ အေရအတြက၊ တညေနရာႏင အေျခအေနတ႔ပငျဖစသည။

ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငႏင အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမားမ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးေရး အစအစဥမားျဖင

မဆႏၵရငမားအား တတႏငသမအသပညာေပးရန ႀကးပမးၾကေသာလညး မဆႏၵရငမားစြာတ႔သည မညသ႔ဆႏၵမေပးရမညဆ

သည အေျခခအကဆး ဗဟသတကပင မသရၾကသျဖင နယေျမမားစြာတ႔တြင တရားမ၀ငမမား ျဖစသြားခရသညက တည

တၫြတ ေဖာျပၾကသည။ ထအခကက ကယားျပညနယ၊ ဒေမာဆၿမ႕နယမ အေထြေထြအပခပေရးအရာရက “အဓက

ျပနာမာ မဆႏၵရငအမားစက မဆႏၵေပးပအဆငဆငက နားမလညၾက”23 ဟ ေ၀ဖနခကေပးခသည။ ရခငျပညနယ၊

ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယရ ရပကြကအပခပေရးမးကလညး ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ အဓကျပနာမာ “မဆႏၵရငမားက တဆပတးအား

အသးျပ၍ မညသ႔မေပးရမနးပင မသ”24 ဟေျဖၾကားခသည။ မေပးရာတြင သရလကနာရမည ဗဟသတအားနညးမႈ နမနာ

တစခမာ ကခငျပညနယ၊ မးညငးၿမ႕နယတြင “ပထမ အသတမေပးသမားက မတဆပတးေပၚရ ပလတစတစကမခြာဘ

တဆပခတႏပၾကေသာေၾကာင မမားမာ ကြကလပမားျဖစေနခသည ကခငျပညနယ ဒမကေရစပါတမ ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခ

ကယစားလယေလာငးတစဥးက ေဖာျပခသည။ ေနာကဆးတြင အခ႕မဆႏၵရငမားက တဆပတးတြင ပလတစတစဖးထား

သညက သတျပမၿပး အရာရမားက ပလတစတစက ခြာေပးခရသည။”25 ဟေျပာၾကားခသည။ မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ဘရားၿပ

ေကးရြာရ ေရြးေကာကပြေလလာသတစဥးကလညး “မစာရငးအမန ျပငဆငျခငးလပငနးက ရြာသရြာသားမား၏ ၂၀% ကသာ

နားလညသေဘာေပါကၾကသည။”26 ဟ အစရငခခသည။ ထ႔ၿမ႕နယတြင မစာရငးျပနာက ေရြးေကာကပြက လႊမးမးေသာ

ၿပသနာတစခၿဖစခသညမာ အၾသဖြယမဟတေပ။ ထေဒသမမဆႏၵရငမားသည မစာရငးက စစေဆးျခငးမျပသညမာ ၿပသနာ


ေထြအပ၀နထမးမားႏင မ႐၀နထမးမား/ေရြးေကာကပြအရာရမားအတြက သငတနးေပးေရးကစၥကလညး မၾကာ

ခဏေဖာျပၾကသည။ ထကစၥႏငပတသက၍ ေထြအပႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးခရသမားက ၀နထမး

18 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး ေမာလၿမငကြနးၿမ႕နယရ အမညမသေရြးေကာကပြေလလာသ တစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမး ျမနးျခငး။19 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ရခငျပညနယ၊ ေျမာကဥးၿမ႕နယမ USDP ဥက႒ႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။20 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ မြနျပညနယ၊ ကကထၿမ႕နယမ ဖကဒရယျပညေထာငစပါတမ ကယစားလယတစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။21 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ဧရာ၀တတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ပသမၿမ႕နယရ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမ ဥက႒ႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။22 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ခငးျပညနယ၊ ပလကဗၿမ႕နယရ ရခငအမးသားပါတမ ကယစားလယတစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။23 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ကယားျပညနယ၊ ဒေမာဆၿမ႕နယရ အမညမသအေထြေထြအပခပေရးအရာရတစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။24 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ရခငျပညနယ၊ ေကာကျဖၿမ႕နယ၊ ရပကြက အပခပေရးမးတစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။25 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ ကခငျပညနယ၊ မးညၿမ႕နယရ ကခငျပညနယ ဒမကေရစပါတမ အမညမသယဥၿပငေရြးခယမည ပဂၢလ တစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆ ေမးျမနးျခငး။26 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ဘရားၿပေကးရြာမ ေလလာသတစဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။

Page 55: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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မားအား ေလကငေပးရန ေငြေၾကးလေလာကမႈမရသလ အခနလညးမရရေၾကာငး ညညးျငၾကသည။ အျခားတစဖကမလညး

မ႐းေစာငၾကပေသာ ပဂၢလမားအား ေကာငးစြာေလကငသငၾကားေပးထားျခငးမရေၾကာငး ေရြးေကာကပြေလလာသမားႏင

ပါတကယစားလယမားက ေစာဒကတကၾကသည။ အဆပါကစၥမာ အေစာတလင ေျဖရငးေဆာငရြကရန လအပေသာ အသ

ကြာဟမႈတစရပ ျဖစသည။ မြနျပညနယ၊ ကကထၿမ႕နယမ ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြဥက႒က မ႐၀နထမးမားအား

သငၾကားေပးရန ၫႊနၾကားခကသည ေနာက ကမေရာကရလာေၾကာငး “သငတနးမားမာလညး တေတာငးလြနးေသာေၾကာင

မ႐၀နထမးမားသည ၎တ႔၏တာ၀နမားက ေဆာငရြကရန အဆငသငမျဖစခၾကေၾကာငး”27 ရငးျပခသည။ စစကငးတငး

ေဒသႀကး၊ ခႏးၿမ႕နယရ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြ၏ ကယစားလယသးဥးက “မ႐၀နထမးမားသည မရလဒေရတြကသည

လပငနးစဥအေၾကာငး ရငးရငးလငးလငးမသၾက”28 ဟ၀နခခၾကသည။

ထ႔ေၾကာင ေနာကထပေရြးေကာကပြ မတငခင မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးေရးအား လအပခကအလက လပေဆာငျခငး၊

ေရြးေကာကပြ၀နထမးမားႏင အရာရမားအားလးအား ေရြးေကာကပြ ႀကတငျပငဆငျခငး၊ ကငးပျခငးဆငရာ သငတနးမား

ေပးျခငးတ႔သည ေနာငလာမညေရြးေကာကပြအား ပမေကာငးမြနေအာင ေဆာငရြကႏငသည နညးလမးအျဖစ အႀကျပထားၾက

သညမာ အ႔ၾသစရာ မဟတေပ။

ေဒသအားလးမ ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈအစရငခစာမားႏငပတသက၍ မ႐မား၏အေရအတြက၊ အရြယအစားႏင အေျခ

အေနတ႔အေပၚ ေ၀ဖနခကမားစြာ ေပၚထြကခသည။ ယငးတ႔မာ မ႐းအမားးအျပားမာ ေသးငယလြနးျခငး၊ မ႐မားအလအေလာက

မရျခငး၊ လမားျပညကပေနေသာေၾကာင အခနၾကာျမငစြာ တနးစေစာင ဆငးေနရျခငးတ႔ပငျဖစသည။ မ႐သ႔ သြားလာေရးမာ

လညး ျပနာတစရပအျဖစ ေဖာျပေလရၾကသည။ အဆပါ ေရြးေကာကပြစစဥေပးမႈဆငရာကစၥရပမားသည ဤေရြးေကာကပြ

၏ အဓကျပနာမားထမတစခ ျဖစသည။

ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားမ သရလာရေသာ စတ၀ငစားစရာ အေကာငးဆးအခကမာ ေရြးေကာကပြျပနလညသးသပမႈ

အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြမားမ သရလာေသာ မစာရငးျပနာမားက အနစတကက ပမသရလာရျခငးပင ျဖစသည။ အဆပါမစာရငး

ျပနာအား ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးရာတြင ေရြးေကာကပြ၌ အဓကပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကခသမား/သကဆငသမား၏ ေဖာျပခကမားမာ

ကြျပားပါသည။ မစာရငးမားက ေဆာငရြကေသာ ေထြအပႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမား၏ မစာရငးကစၥမားလပေဆာငပ

က ပါတကယစားလယေလာငးမားႏင ေရြးေကာကပြေစာငၾကညေလလာသမားက ေ၀ဖနၾကၿပး၊ မစာရငးမား တကမနကနမႈ

မရျခငးက စတပကၾကကာ မစာရငးအမားမားက ျပငဆငေပးရာတြငလညး စြမးေဆာငႏငစြမး ရပမေပၚဟ ေ၀ဖနၾကသည။

တစဘကတြင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမား၊ ေထြအပမားႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးရာတြင ေဆာဖ၀၏အလြမား၊ ကြနပတာ

အခကအလကထညသြငးေရး သငၾကားေပးမႈ မရျခငး၊ မစာရငးမားက ရတတရက အစအစဥေျပာငးရန (ပထမစာရငးတြင

အမေထာငစအလကျပစၿပး ဒတယစာရငးတြင အကၡရာစဥအလကျပစျခငး) အထကမ ၫႊနၾကားၿပး၊ မဆႏၵရငမားကလညး

မစာရငးမားအား စစေဆးရန စတမ၀ငစားမႈတ႔က ေ၀ဖနေထာကျပခၾကသည။ ထသ႔ေသာ မစာရငးကစၥမားေၾကာင အတငး

အတာတစခအထ မေပးခြငလကလြတဆး႐ႈးရသည မဆႏၵရငမားရသညဆသညအခကက ေဖာျပလကရသည။

27 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ မြနျပညနယ၊ ကကထၿမ႕နယရ၊ ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြဥက႒ႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။28 ၂၀၁၅၊ ႏ၀ငဘာလ။ စစကငးတငးေဒသႀကး၊ ခႏးၿမ႕ရ၊ ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြမ ကယစားလယ ၃ ဥးႏင ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးျခငး။

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၃-၁-၃။ အၾကျပခကမား

ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသအမးမးက မဆႏၵရငႏင ၀နထမးမားအား အသပညာေပးေရး၊ မ႐မား၏

တညေနရာႏင အေျခအေနတ႔အား ပေကာငးေအာငလပေပးေရးတ႔အျပင၊ မစာရငးစနစအား အေျပာငးအလလပရမညဟ

အဓကထား အၾကျပထားၾကသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကသ မညသမဆ သကဆငသအားလးက အဆပါကစၥ

သးရပအား တးတကမႈရလာရန ျမငလၾကသည။ ထ႔ျပင မ႐တညေနရာေပၚတြငမတည၍ ျပနာမာ မတညၾကသျဖင အၾက

ျပခကမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ ျမငသည ႐ႈေထာငအားလးက ေဖာျပေပးသည။ ဥပမာ မြနျပညနယ ကကထၿမ႕နယမ

ေရြးေကာကပြမဆြယစညး႐းမႈမားက ပ၍ နးနးကပကပေစာငၾကပသငေၾကာငး အၾကျပထားၿပး ကရငျပညနယ ဖားအၿမ႕နယ

USDP ပါတထပတနးအဖြ႔၀ငတစဥးကမ နယျခားေစာငတပဖြ႔မား၏ မဆႏၵမားအေပၚ စးရမသညဟ ေျပာၾကားခသည။ စစကငး

တငးေဒသႀကး ခႏးၿမ႔နယအပါအ၀င ေဒသမားစြာတ႔က ႀကတငမေပးျခငးအား ပမလြယကရငးလငးေအာင ေဆာငရြကေပးေရး

အေလးအနက ေတာငးဆထားၾကသည။ ျပညနယမားႏင တငးေဒသႀကးမားမ ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခ ကယစားလယမားက

မဆြယစညး႐းေရး ကာလအား တးျမငသတမနရန လအပသလ ႏငငေရးပါတမားအား ခြငျပသည ရနပေငြပမာဏကလညး

တးျမငသငသညဟ ယဆၾကသည။

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၃-၂။ ေနာကဆကတြ ၂။ ပမား၏ဇယား

ပ-၁။ ၿမ႕နယမားစာရငး ၇

ပ-၂။ ေဒသအလက တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားသမား ၁၂

ပ-၃။ လဥးေရဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလက ၁၃

ပ-၄။ မစာရငးႏင မဆႏၵရငမတပတငကတျပား ၁၄

ပ-၅။ မစာရငးျပနာမား - ေဒသအလက ၁၆

ပ-၆။ မဆႏၵရငမတပတငကတျပား ၁၆

ပ-၇။ မေပးျခငးဆငရာ အမအကင ၁၇

ပ-၈။ မေပးသအေရအတြက ၁၇

ပ-၉။ မမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား ၁၈

ပ-၁၀။ မေပးျခငးဆငရာ အမအကင - ေဒသအလက ၁၉

ပ-၁၁။ မမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၁ ၂၀

ပ-၁၂။ မမေပးရျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက ၂ ၂၀

ပ-၁၃။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ၂၁

ပ-၁၄။ ေဒသအလကႀကတငမေပးျခငး ၂၁

ပ-၁၅။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ကစၥရပမား ၂၂

ပ-၁၆။ ႀကတငမေပးျခငး ကစၥရပမား -ေဒသအလက ၂၃

ပ-၁၇။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလက ၂၃

ပ-၁၈။ မဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပး သငတနးမား ၂၄

ပ-၁၉။ သတငးရငးျမစမား ၂၄

ပ-၂၀။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးမားရရသည မဒယာရငးျမစမား ၂၅

ပ-၂၁။ ေဒသအလက မဆႏၵရငသတငး ၂၆

ပ-၂၂။ ေဒသအလက မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးသငတနးမား ၂၇

ပ-၂၃။ ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခသ/ပါတေရြးခယျခငးအတြက အေၾကာငးရငးမား ၂၈

ပ-၂၄။ ယဥၿပငေရြးခယခသ ေရြးခယေရးမႈ စႏႈနးမားမား ၂၉

ပ-၂၅။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက-၁ ၃၀

ပ-၂၆။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယျခငး အေၾကာငးရငးမား - ေဒသအလက-၂ ၃၀

ပ-၂၇။ ကယစားလယေရြးခယမႈ ႏႈနးစတစရပအျဖစ တငးရငးသားလမးစ/ ကယကြယသညဘာသာအား ၃၁


ပ-၂၈။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား ၃၁

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ပ-၂၉။ ေဒသအလက ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား ၃၂

ပ-၃၀။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား အကဥးခပ ၃၃

ပ-၃၁။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား အကဥးခပ - ေဒသအလက - ၁ ၃၅

ပ-၃၂။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ျပနာမား အကဥးခပ - ေဒသအလက - ၂ ၃၅

ပ-၃၃ ။ မ႐၀နထမးမားထမ အကအညရရမႈ ၃၆

ပ-၃၄။ ရတပဖြ႔ႏင/သ႔မဟတ လၿခေရးတပဖြ႔မား၏ အျပအမ ၃၆

ပ-၃၅။ ပါတကယစားလယမား၏ အျပအမ ၃၇

ပ-၃၆။ ျပညတြငးေလလာသမား၏ အျပအမ ၃၇

ပ-၃၇။ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြထမ အကအညရရမႈ ၃၈

ပ-၃၈။ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြ၏ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ ဗဟသတအဆင ၃၈

ပ-၃၉။ မစာရငးျပနာမား ၄၀

ပ-၄၀။ ေဖာျပၾကေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြျပနာမား အေရအတြက ၄၁

ပ-၄၁။ မေရတြကမႈ ေလလာျခငး ၄၂

ပ-၄၂။ မေရတြကမႈ ေလလာျခငး - ေဒသအလက ၄၂

ပ-၄၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသက၍ ေယဘယေကနပမႈ ၄၃

ပ-၄၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသက၍ ေယဘယေကနပမႈ - ေဒသအလက - ၁ ၄၄

ပ-၄၅။ ေရြးေကာကပြႏငပတသက၍ ေယဘယေကနပမႈ - ေဒသအလက - ၂ ၄၄

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၃-၃။ ေနာကဆကတြ ၃ ။ အတေကာကစာလးမားစာရငး

CSO အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညး

DIPD Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy

DRI Democracy Reporting International

EC ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင

EU ဥေရာပသမဂၢ

FNF ဖ႐ကဒရစခေနာမနးလြတလပမႈေဖာငေဒးရငး (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)

GAD အေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာန

HO ေအာကခငးငကအဖြ႔ (Hornbill Organization)

ID သတေသခအေထာကအထား

IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

IDP ေနရပစြနခြာတနးေရာငသမား

KIA ကခငလြတလပေရးတပဖြ႔

ME Myanmar Egress

NEN Naushawng Education Network

NGO အစးရမဟတေသာအဖြ႔အစညး

NLD အမးသားဒမကေရစအဖြ႔ခပ

SI ပညာရငအဖြ႔ (Scholar Institute)

Sub-EC ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႔ခြ

TOT နညးျပသငတနး

UEC ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြြေကာမရင

USPD ျပညေထာငစၾက႕ခငေရးႏင ဖြ႔ၿဖးေရးပါတ

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၃-၄။ ေနာကဆကတြ-၄။ ေမးခြနးလႊာမား

STEP - ဒမကေရစ၊ ျမနမာႏငငရ ေ႐ြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥမားႏင ဒမကေရစအေရးအား ေထာကပကညျခငး


သေတသန ေမးခြနးလႊာမား

ေတြ႔ဆေမးျမနးမႈ နပါတ ………

ေရြးေကာကပြကငးပသည ကာလအတြငး သင၏ အေတြ႔အႀကမားႏငပတသက၍ ေမးခြနးအခ႕က ေျဖၾကားေပးရန

ဖတေခၚပါသည။ အဆပါေမးခြနးမားမာ ျမနမာႏငငတြင ေဒသအစမ လပဂၢလမားက ေရြးေကာကပြတြင ႀကေတြ႔ခရသညက

ေဖာထတရနႏင ေနာငလာမည ေရြးေကာကပြမားအတြက လပငနးစဥအဆငဆငတြင တးတကလာေစရန အႀကျပခကမား

ထြကေပၚလာေရး သေတသနလပငနး၏ အစတအပငးျဖစပါသည။

သင၏ တ႔ျပနေျဖၾကားမႈသည မမတ႔အေနျဖင တကခငမာေသာ အစရငခစာတစရပျပစရာတြင အေထာကအက

ျပမညျဖစၿပး ထအစရငခစာအား ျမနမာႏငငမ ဆးျဖတခကခမတသမားႏင မေ၀သြားမညျဖစၿပး ျမနမာႏငင၏ ေရြးေကာကပြ

ကငးပပနညးလမးတြင အျပသေဘာ အေျပာငးအလမား ျဖစလာေအာင အႀကဉာဏမားထြကေပၚလာေစရန ျဖစပါသည။

သင၏ အမညကေဖာျပမည မဟတဘ အမညမေဖာလသ တစဥးအေနျဖငသာ သးစြသြားပါမည။


ေမး-၁။ သင၏ အသကအပစက ေရြးခယပါ။

☐ ၁၈ – ၂၅ ႏစ ☐ ၂၆ – ၄၀ ႏစ ☐ ၄၁ – ၆၀ ႏစ ☐ ၆၀-ႏစအထက

ေမး-၂။ အမးသားလား၊ အမးသမးလား။

☐ အမးသား ☐ အမးသမး

ေမး-၃။ သင ဆညးပးခေသာ အျမငဆးပညာေရးအဆငက ေရြးခယပါ။

☐ အသအမတမျပေသာ အရညအခငးမား ☐ မလတနးေကာငး

☐ ဒတယအဆင/အလယတနးေကာငး ☐ အထကတနးေကာငး

☐ ဘြ႔ရ ☐ အျခား …………………………………………………

ေမး-၄။ မညသညတငးေဒသႀကး/ျပညနယတြင ေနထငပါသလ။

☐ ရခင ☐ မေကြး

☐ ခငး ☐ စစကငး

☐ မြန ☐ ကရင

☐ ကခင ☐ ကယား

☐ ဧရာ၀တ ☐ အျခား …………………………………………………

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ေမး-၅။ သင၏ တငးရငးသားအမညက ေရြးပါ။

☐ ကခင ☐ ကယား

☐ ကရင ☐ ခငး

☐ မြန ☐ ရခင

☐ ရမး ☐ ဗမာ

☐ ပေဒါငး ☐ ပအ၀

☐ နာဂ ☐ အျခား …………………………………………………

ေမး-၆။ မညသည ဘာသာက ကးကြယပါသလ။

☐ ဗဒၶဘာသာ ☐ ဟႏၵ

☐ အစၥလာမ ☐ ခရစယာန

☐ မရ ☐ အျခား ……………………………………………………

ေမး-၇။ မညသည က႑တြင အလပလပပါသလ။

☐ အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညး ☐ သငၾကားေရ (ေကာငး သ႔မဟတ တကသလ)

☐ ပဂၢလကလပငနးက႑ ☐ အျခား အစးရ၀နထမး/အရပဘက၀နထမး

☐ လယသမား/တငါသည ☐ အၿငမးစား

☐ လကလပလကစား ☐ ေကာငးသား

☐ အျခား ………………………………………… ☐ မခ (အမေထာငရငမ/အလပလကမ)

ေမး-၈။ မစာရငးတြင သငနာမညပါ ပါသလား။

☐ ပါ။ ☐ မပါ။

☐ မစစေဆးမပါ။ ☐ ပါသည။ သ႔ေသာ မမနပါ။

ေမး-၉။ မဆႏၵရင မတပတငကတျပား ရရပါသလား။

☐ ရရသည။ ☐ မရရပါ။

ေမး-၁၀။ ၂၀၁၅ အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြမာ မေပးခပါသလား။

☐ ေပးသည။ ☐ မေပးခပါ။

(ေမးခပါက၊ ေမးခြနး ၁၂-ကသြားပါ။)

ေမး-၁၁။ မမေပးခလင မမေပးရသည အဓကအေၾကာငးရငးက ေဖာျပပါ။

☐ မေပးသညေန႔တြင ခရးလြနေန၍ ☐ ဖားနာ/မကနးမာ၍

☐ ေရြးေကာကပြက စတမ၀ငစား၍ ☐ ေရြးေကာကပြျပလပမနးမသ၍

☐ မညသ႔မေပးရမညက မသ၍ ☐ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင ကၽြႏပ၏ ေဒသကပတထား၍

Page 62: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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☐ အၿပးသတမစာရငးတြင အမညမပါ၍ ☐ မ႐က မေရာကႏင၍

☐ ၿခမးေျခာကခရ၍ ☐ အျခား …………………………………………………

ေမး-၁၂။ ႀကတငမေပးခပါသလား။

☐ ေပးခသည။ ☐ မေပးခပါ။


ေမး-၁၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလက ႏင/သ႔မဟတ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပး သတငးမား ရရခပါသလား။

☐ ရရ ☐ မရရ

(မရရပါက ေမးခြနး ၁၈ ကသြားပါ။)

ေမး-၁၄။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေၾကာငး ဘယက အမားဆး သရခရပါသလ။

(အကြကတစခတြင အမနျခစပါ။)

☐ UEC လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဒယာမားမတစဆင ေရြးေကာကပြသတငး

☐ NGOs/CSOs/INGOs မားမ လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးအလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငခ

☐ အေရြးခမည ကယစားလယမားႏင ႏငငေရးပါတမားမတစဆင သတငးရရ

☐ ရပရြာေခါငးေဆာငမား/ရြယတမား/မသားစ

☐ ဘာသာေရးအဖြ႔အစညး/အသငးအဖြ႔

☐ အျခား

ေမး-၁၅။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေၾကာငး ဒတယအမားဆး သရခသည သတငးရငးျမစက ဘာလ။

(အကြကတစခတြင အမတျခစပါ။)

☐ UEC လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဒယာမားမတစဆင ေရြးေကာကပြသတငး

☐ NGOs/CSOs/INGOs မားမ လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးအလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငခ

☐ အေရြးခမည ကယစားလယမားႏင ႏငငေရးပါတမားမတစဆင သတငးရရ

☐ ရပရြာေခါငးေဆာငမား/ရြယတမား/မသားစ

☐ ဘာသာေရးအဖြ႔အစညး/အသငးအဖြ႔

☐ အျခား

Page 63: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ေမး-၁၆။ ေရြးေကာကပြအေၾကာငး သရေသာ တတယ သတငးရငးျမစက ဘာလ။

(အကြကတစခတြင အမတျခစပါ။)

☐ UEC လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဒယာမားမတစဆင ေရြးေကာကပြသတငး

☐ NGOs/CSOs/INGOs မားမ လကကမးစာေစာင/စာအပမား

☐ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးအလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြတြင ပါ၀ငခ

☐ အေရြးခမည ကယစားလယမားႏင ႏငငေရးပါတမားမတစဆင သတငးရရ

☐ ရပရြာေခါငးေဆာငမား/ရြယတမား/မသားစ

☐ ဘာသာေရးအဖြ႔အစညး/အသငးအဖြ႔

☐ အျခား

ေမး-၁၇။ ေအာကခငးငကအဖြ႔၊ ျမနမာထြကရပလမး၊ ေနာရႊမးပညာေရးနကတ၀ပခ သ႔မဟတ ပညာရငအဖြ႔တ႔က စစဥ

ကငးပေသာ မဆႏၵရငပညာေပးႏးေႏာဖလယပြမားတြင ပါ၀ငခပါသလား။

☐ ပါ၀ငခ ☐ မပါ၀ငခ

ေမး-၁၈။ မေပးခသညဆပါက မေပးမည ကယစားလယေလာငးအား ေရြးခယသညအခါ သငအတြက မညသညအခကက


☐ သ သ႔မဟတ သမ ပငဆငေသာပါတ

☐ သ သ႔မဟတ သမပငဆငေသာ ဘာသာေရး သ႔မဟတ တငးရငးသားအပစ

☐ ကယစားလယႏင ပဂၢလေရးအရ ဆကႏြယမႈ

☐ မသားစ/ေရြးတမားက အႀကေပးျခငးမား

☐ ကယစားလယကေပးေသာ ကတမား

☐ ကယစားလယကေပးေသာ မကလးမား

☐ ၿခမးေျခာကခရျခငး

☐ ကယစားလယတစဥးတညးသာရျခငး

☐ အျခား


(ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မ႐သ႔သြားေရာကခသမားသာ ေျဖၾကားရန)

ေမး-၁၉။ မ႐တြင အခကအခ တစစတစရာ ႀကေတြခပါသလား။

☐ ေတြ႔ခသည ☐ မေတြ႔ပါ

(မႀကေတြ႔ခလင ေမးခြနး ၂၃ က ေျဖဆပါ။)

Page 64: STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy … · 2018-07-03 · This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views

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ေမး-၂၀။ သငေတြ႔ႀကခရတ႔ အဓကအခကအခက ဘာလ။

(ကြကလပတစခတြငသာ အမတျခစပါ။)

☐ မစာရငးတြင ကၽြႏပ၏ အမည မပါရပါ။

☐ ကၽြႏပ၏ အမညသည မစာရငးတြင ပါရေသာလညး ကၽြႏပအား မ႐အတြငးသ႔ ၀ငခြငမျပပါ။

☐ မ႐သ႔သြားခေသာလညး မေပးခြငမျပခပါ။

☐ အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးခရသည။

☐ မလကမတ သ႔မဟတ တဆပတးမား/မင မရပါ။

☐ မေပးရာတြင သးျခားလြတလပမႈမရပါ။

☐ ပါတတစခအတြက မေပးရန ဖအားေပးျခငး/ၿခမးေျခာကျခငးက ႀကေတြ႔ခသည။

☐ မ႐အရာရမားႏင ၀နထမးမားက အကအညမရပါ။

☐ မေပးခနမားအတြငး မ႐က ပတထားသည။

☐ အျခား၊ အေသးစတေဖာျပပါ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

ေမး-၂၁။ သငေတြ႔ႀကခရတ႔ ဒတယ အခကအခဆးက ဘာလ။

(ကြကလပတစခတြငသာ အမတျခစပါ။)

☐ မစာရငးတြင ကၽြႏပ၏ အမည မပါရပါ။

☐ ကၽြႏပ၏ အမညသည မစာရငးတြင ပါရေသာလညး ကၽြႏပအား မ႐အတြငးသ႔ ၀ငခြငမျပပါ။

☐ အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးခရသည။

☐ မလကမတ သ႔မဟတ တဆပတးမား/မင မရပါ။

☐ မေပးရာတြင သးျခားလြတလပမႈမရပါ။

☐ ပါတတစခအတြက မေပးရန ဖအားေပးျခငး/ၿခမးေျခာကျခငးက ႀကေတြ႔ခသည။

☐ မ႐အရာရမားႏင ၀နထမးမားက အကအညမရပါ။

☐ မေပးခနမားအတြငး မ႐က ပတထားသည။

☐ အျခား

ေမး-၂၂။ သငေတြ႔ႀကခရတ႔ တတယအခကခဆးက ဘာလ။

(ကြကလပတစခတြငသာ အမတျခစပါ။)

☐ မစာရငးတြင ကၽြႏပ၏ အမည မပါရပါ။

☐ ကၽြႏပ၏ အမညသည မစာရငးတြင ပါရေသာလညး ကၽြႏပအား မ႐အတြငးသ႔ ၀ငခြငမျပပါ။

☐ အခနၾကာျမငစြာ ေစာငဆငးခရသည။

☐ မလကမတ သ႔မဟတ တဆပတးမား/မင မရပါ။

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☐ မေပးရာတြင သးျခားလြတလပမႈမရပါ။

☐ ပါတတစခအတြက မေပးရန ဖအားေပးျခငး/ၿခမးေျခာကျခငးက ႀကေတြ႔ခသည။

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☐ မေပးခနမားအတြငး မ႐က ပတထားသည။

☐ အျခား

ေမး-၂၃။ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မေရတြကမႈက ေလလာခပါသလား။

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ေမး-၂၄။ သငေနထငရာ ေဒသတြင ေရြးေကာကပြကငးပခပက ေကနပမႈရပါသလား။

☐ ေကနပမႈရသည ☐ ေကနပမႈမရပါ

☐ အတငးအတာတစခအထ ေကနပမႈရသည ☐ ယဆခကမရ

ဤသေတသနတြင သင၏ ပါ၀ငေျဖဆေပးမႈအတြက ေကးဇးအထး တငရပါသည။

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STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy

Post-Election Reflection Research in Remote Areas of Myanmar

by Eva Maaten

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About the Research Consultant

Ms Eva Maaten has been working as an independent consultant for project evaluation, research projects, project development and capacity building projects for many years, for EU, UN and other donor organizations on development cooperation and human rights projects.

She has extensive experience in the areas of democratization and Human Rights, and has worked on Myanmar topics numerous times.

Before 2010, she worked for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation's office in Brussels for more than 10 years, with responsibility for fundraising for human rights and democratization projects worldwide. Moreover, she has worked in the media field for many years, working, among others, for the BBC World Service in London.

This research has been conducted by Friedrich Naumann Foundation For Freedom Myanmar Office, Naushawng Education Network, Myanmar Egress, Scholar Institute and Hornbill Organization with the consultation support of

Ms Eva Maaten and with the financial assistance of the European Union under the STEP Democracy Project.

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Myanmar Office

No. 35 B/15, New University Avenue Road,

Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

09 262981350; [email protected]



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Table of Content

1. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 65

1.1 Context ............................................................................................................................. 65

1.2 Findings ............................................................................................................................. 66

1.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 67

2. Detailed Report .................................................................................................................... 69

2.1 Background.......................................................................................................................... 69

2.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 70

2.2.1 Research Design Challenges and Limitations ............................................................. 70

2.2.2 Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 71

2.3 Election Experiences ............................................................................................................. 76

2.3.1 Demographic Overview ........................................................................................... 76

2.3.2 Voting Behaviour .................................................................................................... 78

2.3.3 Experiences during the Pre-Election Period ............................................................... 87

2.3.4 Experiences on Election Day .................................................................................... 95

3. Annexes ........................................................................................................................... 109

3.1 Annex 1: Analysis of Interviews with Key Stakeholders .......................................................... 109

3.1.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 109

3.1.2 Impressions Gained from the Interviews ................................................................. 109

3.1.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 112

3.2 Annex 2: Table of Figures .................................................................................................... 113

3.3 Annex 3: List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 115

3.4 Annex 4: Questionnaire ...................................................................................................... 116

Post-Election Reflection Research in Remote Areas of Myanmar

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1. ExecutiveSummaryThis report analyses the responses to 1050 questionnaires completed by participants of election reflection seminars that took place in 9 remote states and regions of Myanmar during November 2015. The data is complemented by insights acquired through more interactive methods to gauge participants’ views and experiences as well as in-depth structured group discussions. These seminars took place within four weeks of the election in November 2015 and were designed to gain detailed feedback and reflections from voters and non-voters on various aspects of the election process.

Unlike other articles and research reports that analysed the election results and the entire election process, this report concentrates on the immediate experiences of the workshop participants with particular emphasis on small details of the voting experience rather than the legal framework or the technicalities of vote counting. The focus was specifically on the situation in the remote areas and amongst ethnic groups. The target audience for this research is the general public, therefore care has been taken to present that data in an easily accessible way; a Burmese translation is also available. The results will feed into curricula for further electoral and civic education, particularly in remote areas of Myanmar.

1.1 Context

As pointed out in numerous reports and articles, this was a historic election for Myanmar, the first election to be held since the reform process had started in 2011 and the most open since the 1990 election. According to the 2015 Election Observation Report by the People’s Alliance for Credible Elections (PACE), “more than 6000 candidates from 91 political parties contested seats in the national Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw, as well as state and region Hluttaw and ethnic representatives.”1 While the constitution that was drawn up by the Military in 2008 already formed the basis for multi-party elections in 2010, there were numerous problems with these elections2 and the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), had decided not to participate. The poll in November 2015 was therefore the first openly contested election in more than two decades and its result is seen as significant for the future of the country by observers both within and outside Myanmar.

According to the Final Report of the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) Myanmar General Elections 2015, “taking into consideration the 25% of seats reserved for the Military in each legislature the NLD holds 59% of the seats in the Lower House, 60% in the Upper House and 56% in the State/Region Assemblies, while the USDP holds 7% of the Lower House, 5% of the Upper House and 9% of State/Region Assemblies.”3 The result, therefore, presents an enormous change in Myanmar’s political landscape and has led to the formation of a national government led by the NLD. While there had been moments of hope for Myanmar’s return to a democratic

1 People’s Alliance for Credible Elections (PACE), 2015 Election Observation Report, page 72 For details see Richard Horsey, Observation Report, 2010 Myanmar General Elections: Learning and Shar-

ing for Future, 20113 EU Election Observation Mission Myanmar General Elections 2015, final report, page 5

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government before, such as the NLD’s 1990s election victory and the 2007 Saffron Revolution, this time around there is a sense that “a sustainable change for the better should be possible in the landscape of national politics following the NLD victory.”4 While the constitution prevents Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming President, a close advisor to her, U Htin Kyaw, was nominated by the NLD and duly elected President of Myanmar by the new parliament. Suu Kyi has, however, ensured that she will have a decisive influence over the new government: “the party’s first legislative act was to create the position of ‘state adviser’, which, explained MP Khin Maung Myint, would be ‘the president’s boss’ who ‘can control the president and all the Cabinet members.”5

However, despite this positive picture, there are numerous challenges for the new government, not least because the Military is guaranteed 25% of parliamentary seats, giving it the ability to block all amendments to the Constitution. It is predicted, therefore, that “governing will remain a cooperative process. Myanmar’s future requires Suu Kyi and the NDL to push steadily for moderate reform while winning the military’s confidence if not trust.”6 Issues of and with ethnic groups are not yet resolved and voters of all ethnic groups have high expectations of the NLD government, expecting quick change and liberalisation that is unlikely to happen at the speed and the extent voters desire.

1.2 Findings

The picture that emerges, especially also through the group discussions and the supplementary interviews with key election stakeholders (the results of the interviews with key election stakeholders are discussed in annex 1 to the report) is one of a fundamentally peaceful and free election, marred in places, however, by organisational and administrative problems, such as voter list issues, polling station problems, logistical and transportation issues.

Many voters lacked basic knowledge of electoral procedures; despite efforts at voter education from various stakeholders it seems that many places could not be reached in the time and with the funding available, particularly in remote areas. Polling station staff was also often found to be unsure of all the rules and regulations.

Recommendations from electoral stakeholders for future elections focus on better training for all staff that form part of the election process, a longer time period to prepare voter lists and a higher emphasis on voter education.

Key findings are:

● Despite numerous complaints about organisational and technical issues, the majority of respondents (75%) were satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their subjective election experience, especially in comparison to the previous election in 2010;

4 Transnational Institute, Commentary, The 2015 General Election: A new beginning?,https://www.tni.org/en/article/the-2015-general-election-a-new-beginning

5 Doug Bandow, Burma in the Twilight between Democracy and Dictatorship, Cato Institute, 3.5.16, http://www.cato.org/blog/burma-twilight-between-democracy-dictatorship

6 ibid

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● There were no reports of violence or serious intimidation of voters through security forces or party agents on Election Day;

● No area canvassed reported problems after the election;

● Of the 89% of respondents who voted, 23% reported that they encountered some problems on Election Day;

● 91% of the respondents that encountered problems reported that they had to wait a long time (more than one hour);

● The second most significant problem reported was unhelpfulness of polling station staff (by 36%);

● 21% complained about a lack of privacy which tied in with many reports of polling stations being too small, overcrowded and too thin on the ground;

● Of the 11% of respondents who did not vote, 32% were not able to vote because their name was not on the final voter list;

● Voter list issues, whether it was voter list display and format, difficulties in checking and/or correcting them accounted for nearly 24% of all problems with the whole election process reported by workshop participants, with the second most important problem area, polling station issues, accounting for 13% of all problems;

● Many voters (nearly 25%) felt that they were not well enough informed, with many also indicating that they felt that polling station staff was not very knowledgeable; there seems to be a need for more and better training of officials and staff as well as voters.

1.3 Recommendations

The following recommendations for improving the electoral experience for voters in the next election emerged, both directly, i.e. given as recommendations by participants in structured group discussions, and indirectly through the analysis of the research results:

1) There is a strong need for more intensive and widespread voter education, especially in very remote areas, amongst IDPs and ethnic groups. A serious knowledge gap became apparent, with 25% of workshop participants not feeling well enough informed. Reports of people not having even the most basic knowledge of how to vote emerged from many workshops and interviews.

2) Training for all staff involved on all levels and stages of the election process is urgently needed, including training in computer skills to ensure that staff are well equipped to handle the computerised voting lists, and more intensive training on election rules and regulations for polling station staff and officers.

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3) The voting list system proved very difficult and should be simplified. Changing the way in which names were arranged between the first and the second display led to confusion and possibly disenfranchised voters.

4) The advance voting system should be made more transparent, which should include clear rules as to who could and should vote in advance and the possibility for election observers to also observe the advance voters.

5) The infrastructure needs to be improved, with more and better-equipped polling stations. While it is obviously difficult to ensure electricity, transport and appropriate conditions in the polling stations in all remote areas, evidence emerged that the difficult conditions in some remote areas put some people off voting.

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2. Detailed Report2.1 Background

The following research results are part of the project ‘STEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy’ (STEP Democracy programme) funded by the European Union (EU), that began operation in January 2015.

This programme is supporting Myanmar’s diverse political and civil actors to seize historic opportunities to explore models for the design of inclusive, democratic institutions and the active, informed participation of citizens. It first concentrated on activities up to elections at the end of 2015 and has significant programming opportunities after the election to work on reform of the electoral process and the sustainable implementation of further democratisation.

In the STEP Democracy programme, the European Union provides support via eight organisations; four international organisations, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF); and four local organisations, Myanmar Egress (ME), Hornbill Organization (HO), Scholar Institute (SI) and Naushawng Education Network (NEN), which are implementing voter education programmes with FNF. STEP Democracy has a strong commitment to a flexible approach to democratic reform which does not impose solutions, mindful of the rich history and cultural diversity of Myanmar.

One of the components of this project (Component III) focuses on civil society. This component is led by both DRI and FNF. FNF worked with CSOs to deliver voter and civic education programmes in targeted marginalized areas of the country and has conducted this post-election reflection research to engage the public in discussions about reforms. These target areas were highlighted as important and challenging areas for the 2015 election, with low voter turn-out in previous elections, combined with geographic marginalization and low levels of development and education.

Programmes have been implemented through these four local co-implementation partners since July 2015 and 13,000 members of the general public were reached through 171civic and voter education trainings in the target nine Myanmar regions and states which are clustered in 5 areas of implementation: 1) Rakhine and Magway, 2) Ayeyarwaddy and Kayin, 3) Chin and Sagaing, 4) Mon, and Kayah, and 5) Kachin.

Additional trainings will commence in late 2016 that strive to further engage the general public in the democratic process, and encourage post-election reform efforts. The research presented here will help to formulate the training curriculum by having captured the general public’s opinions and reflections from the general election in the target areas.

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2.2 Methodology2.2.1 ResearchDesignChallengesandLimitations

Since the aim of this research project was not only to gather data from remote areas, but also to build the research capacities of the local co-implementing partners, the research design was developed in close cooperation with these four partners: Myanmar Egress (ME), Naushawng Education Network (NEN), Scholar Institute (SI), and Hornbill Organization (HO). Staff of these organisations were trained to act as researchers and to pass on their training to colleagues during a four-day training of trainers (TOT) workshop prior to the election reflection workshops.

The process of designing this research, especially of the data collection element, proved challenging; the desire to have a target sample that is representative of the state and regions where the data is collected had to be weighed against the limitations that the format of ‘election reflection workshops ’ (as was stipulated in the contract with the EU) brings. There were also other issues to be considered such as the limited time that researchers would be able to spend in each sampling location (2 days per location, 25 locations in total), the reported inexperience of the population when it comes to taking part in surveys and the expected illiteracy of a large proportion of the workshop participants.

During the research design workshop with all the local partners that took place in Yangon in October 2015, therefore, most of the time was spent on devising a method of sample selection and types of data collection that would lead to representative results while at the same time taking into account the above-mentioned limitations. Additional research challenges included the fact that the sample selection in each location (40 participants per workshop) was done through local grassroots networks who were not necessarily experienced with the concept of quota sampling and that the questions were translated from English into Burmese and/or local languages and the answers translated back into English by the local co-implementing partners/FNF staff.

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It also has to be noted that not all of the staff members of the local partners carrying out the research were experienced researchers. The TOT workshop prior to the election reflection workshops provided basic training, as well as materials to use for the training of the local researchers who were not able to attend the training in Yangon.

Keeping in mind these challenges and limitations, the following methodology was devised.

2.2.2 DataCollection Target Sample

The target sample consisted of members of the community in the following areas: 1) Rakhine and Magway, 2) Ayeyarwaddy and Kayin, 3) Chin and Sagaing, 4) Kayahand Mon and 5) Kachin. For the qualitative element of the research, the focus was on the change agents with in the selected sample, such as school principals, CSOs leaders and members, women leaders, teachers, doctors, village/award heads and youth leaders.

The following table shows the specific townships where the election reflection workshops had taken place:

Figure 1: List of Townships

State/Region Township Implementing partner

Ayeyarwaddy Region MyanAung Township, Myanmar Egress

Ayeyarwaddy Region MawlamyineKyunTownship Myanmar Egress

Ayeyarwaddy Region Pathein Township, Myanmar Egress

Chin State Hakha Township Hornbill Organization

Chin State Falam Township Hornbill Organization

Chin State Paletwa Township Hornbill Organization

Kachin State Monyein Township Naushawng Education Network

Kachin State Puta OTownship Naushawng Education Network

Kachin State HpakhantTownship Naushawng Education Network

Kachin State MyitgyinaTownship Naushawng Education Network

Kachin State WaimawTownship Naushawng Education Network

Kayah State Loi Kaw Township, Myanmar Egress

Kayah State Demoso Township Myanmar Egress

Kayin State Myawaddy Township, Myanmar Egress

Kayin State Pha-an Township Myanmar Egress

Kayin State Thantaung Township, Myanmar Egress

Magway Region ThaByae San Village Scholar Institute

Magway Region PhayarPyo Village Scholar Institute

Mon State KyikeHto Township Myanmar Egress

Mon State Kyije Ma Yaw Township Myanmar Egress

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Rakhine State Kyauk Taw Township Scholar Institute

Rakhine State Mrauk U Township Scholar Institute

Rakhine State KyaukPhyu Township Scholar Institute

Sagaing Region Kalay Township Hornbill Organization

Sagaing Region Khamtii Township Hornbill Organization

The target sample deliberately included people who already took part in the election preparedness seminars that were organised before the general election, as well as non-participants from the general population. They were therefore not entirely representative of the population of the states and regions were the workshops took place, but more geared towards people who are more interested and engaged than the average population.

25 Election Reflection Workshops took place in these nine states and regions to collect information regarding the general public’s reaction to the general elections. In total 1056 participants completed questionnaires and took part in non-written interactive ways of eliciting their views and experiences. Since it was expected that many of the participants would be illiterate, care was taken to keep the questionnaire simple and to include other group-based exercises that do not require literacy. In addition – to ensure that the element of ‘reflection’ was addressed adequately and to gain recommendations directly from community members– around 15% of the participants were invited to take part in structured group discussions. This was the better educated segment of the target sample who were expected to have been well informed about the election, perhaps even have observed the counting on Election Day, and were therefore considered to be able to contribute more nuanced views on how the electoral process can be improved.

Finally, the CSOs carrying out the research conducted short interviews with a small number of electoral stakeholders to gain their perspective on the election process. In each location, the views of representatives of the election sub-commission offices, the General Administrative

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Department (GAD), election observers and four political parties (2 national parties + 2 main ethnic parties if applicable) was sought. These were structured interviews with five identical questions in each state/region to make the results comparable.

This research took place within the framework of election reflection workshops and other types of group discussions.

The following data collection mechanisms were used:

1) A standardised questionnaire that was completed by the participants at the election reflection seminars.

The questions were designed specifically for this survey, working with local partners and other experts on Myanmar to ensure the relevance for this particular target sample. Taking into account that the facilitators and interviewers were administering the questionnaire in Burmese and/or local languages and then translated the answers back into English, care was taken to avoid open-ended questions to keep the margin of error through translation issues as low as possible.

2) Interactive group techniques were employed to elicit responses to more complex questions where the format of a simple questionnaire was found to be too restrictive or suggestive. These included exercises in which the responses from participants to a question were gathered and written down on a large sheet of paper, with the facilitator asking for a show of hand afterwards to establish how many of the participants identified with each answer.

Another technique used was to ask participants to line up behind a statement that they identified with, which was useful for gauging strength of opinion and views. This was used, for example, to find out how the behaviour of the different electoral stakeholders was perceived – were polling officers helpful, was security intrusive etc. Participants were counted and pictures were taken to capture the number of people in each line.

Finally, for some questions, participants were invited to tick boxes on large sheets of paper that had been prepared with a question and a variety of answer options beforehand. These will be questions where it is expected that many of the options apply, for example: through which type of media did you receive information about the election.

All these techniques produced data that was roughly quantifiable, though has been used cautiously in drawing conclusions for this report, since the potential for human error in conducting the exercises was high. However, the results show trends and strength of feelings and give interesting supporting evidence to the results of the questionnaire.

3) Structured group discussions were held in each location, consisting of 6-7 participants of the workshops on the previous day that have been identified beforehand as having a higher educational background and/or being actively engaged in the

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community. More complex issues such as the process of voter list registration and how this could be improved were discussed there.

4) Interviews with electoral stakeholders: In addition, but separate from the actual research, interviews with 6-7 electoral stakeholders were conducted with the aim to gain the opinion of these stakeholders on how they perceived the election went in each location. Six neutral and simple questions were developed which were identical at each interview.

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Map of Myanmar

Hornbill Organization:Sagaing Division and Chin State

Naushawng EducationNetwork: Kachin State

Myanmar Egress: Ayeyarwaddy Region, Kayin State, Kayah State, Mon State

Scholar Institute: Rakhine State, Magway Region

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2.3 ElectionExperiences2.3.1 DemographicOverview

Total Sample Size:

1056 respondents completed the questionnaires, six of which were incomplete and therefore invalid. Therefore a total of 1050 responses was analysed.

Most of these 1056 people took part in interactive exercises (the precise number varied, not all people stayed in the room for all exercises) and 150 participated in the group discussions.

These questionnaire responses came from workshops that took place in the following regions and states:

Figure 2: Respondents by region

State/Region Number of respondents Percentage

Kachin 223 21 % Chin 132 13 % Ayeyarwaddy 129 12 % Kayin 121 12 % Rakhine 120 11 % Kayah 85 8 % Mon 82 8% Magway 81 8 % Sagaing 77 7 % Total 1050 100%

While attempts were made by the organisations carrying out the survey to make the sample as representative as possible for the population in the target areas, it is clear from the figures below that, for example, certain professions are over-represented, such as students and CSO workers. The survey also has a higher share of well-educated respondents than could reasonably be expected to be chosen randomly in the areas surveyed. It is also not clear, since there are no reliable census figures, to what an extent the survey matches the ethnic composition in the areas or the age distribution. This confirms the view, outlined in section Target sample, that this should rather be seen as a snapshot of the election experiences of groups from these remote areas which include a disproportionally high number of well educated and engaged citizens.

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Figure 3: Demographic information

Age Group

18 – 25 years 26,3%26 – 40 years 28,3%41 – 60 years 35,0%Above 60 years 10,5%

Ethnic background

Bama 30,7%Kachin 15,7%Chin 15,2%Rakhine 12,5%Kayin 10,1%Shan 3,9%Padaung 3,7%Kayah 3,2%Mon 2,8%Pa-O 1,1%Naga 0,6%Other 0,5%


Farmer/ Fisherman 25,8%CSO 17,4%Student 11,0%Private business sector 10,6%Manual labourer 9,2%Other 8,4%Dependent 6,0%Retired 4,2%Teaching 4,1%Government staff/civil servants 3,2%


Male 57,9%Female 42,1%


No formal qualifications 4,5%Primary school 15,9%Secondary /middle school 23,0%High school 33,1%Graduate 18,6%Other 5,0%


Buddhist 57,5%Christian 41,9%Islam 0,3%Other 0,2%Hindu 0,1%None 0,0%


Kachin 20,9%Chin 13,0%Ayeyarwaddy 12,6%Rakhine 11,6%Kayin 11,3%Kayah 8,0%Mon 7,7%Magway 7,7%Sagaing 6,9%Other 0,3%

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2.3.2 VotingBehaviour

The great majority of respondents found their name on the voter list, though a sizeable minority of 8% were not registered and 3% were entered incorrectly. Only 2% of respondents did not care enough to check which suggests that the interest in voting was high among the survey participants.

Figure 4: Voter list and voter registration card

However, the feedback gathered through the structured group discussions confirmed the impression that voter lists were a problem that was more substantially affecting the election experiences of the people surveyed than is apparent by the figure of 11% who were not registered or registered incorrectly. All 25 discussion groups without exception mentioned these lists as a stumbling block that made the election more difficult for them and people in their community. One participant at a discussion in Paletwa Township, Chin State, even reported that “in some places that were far from the town the voter lists were not displayed… so some villagers did not have the opportunity to vote as they did not check their names and did not know their name was on the list or not.”7

The issues surrounding these voter lists were numerous: Many participants reported that it was difficult to check the voter lists because they were not displayed correctly or too far away from where people lived; the way that the order of names displayed changed between the first and the last display (from household list to alphabetical name list) was very confusing; correcting misspelt names or adding names was complicated and time-consuming and not always successful. Some voter lists were very much out of date (one group from Magway Region was particularly upset about large numbers of dead people being included), others missed many voters. In Monyein Township, Kachin State, for example, issues aired during the group

7 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Paletwa Township, Chin State, November 2015.

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discussions included the changing of ethnic identity, “so that some people lost the opportunity to vote in ethnic affairs minister candidates”8 and reports that in some villages “the UEC did not display voter lists”9 as well as the fact that “all birthdates of voters were the same on voter lists displays.”10 This points to a lack of administrative competence.

Voter list issues also dominated the list of problems during the election process brought up by participants in the interactive group exercises with nearly 24% of problems encountered being voter-list related. The voter list format and display, for example, came in for criticism by 15% of all workshop participants.

The other important issue was whether voters received their voter registration card (voter slip) and a very similar picture to the voter list emerged: 88% had received their cards, 11% had not, with 1% declining to answer. These voter cards were not essential to vote, since any citizen with a valid ID other than voter registration cards was allowed to vote; not having received such a card did therefore not automatically mean that an individual was barred from voting. However, it gives an indication of administrative competence or lack thereof and the fact that 11% of respondents did not receive a card is indicative of the kind of administrative problems that occurred in the pre-election period.

As the chart below shows, there were rather large regional variations, with 15% of respondents from the surveys carried out in Chin State not finding their name on the voter list or finding it spelled incorrectly, while in Ayeyarwaddy only 7% of respondents had these problems. This was also mentioned during the structured group discussion and seemed more of a problem in Chin State than elsewhere: “Writing a Chin name in Myanmar changed the pronunciation and spelled it wrong.”11 An unusual high percentage of voters in in Kayah State (9%) did not check the voter list to see if their name was on it correctly. This might be related to the fact that the respondents from Kayah State were less well educated than the average participant with 15% possessing no formal education and 76% working as farmer/fishermen, compared to 26% of the total sample.

The voter registration card data showed similar large variations between regions, ranging from the surveys carried out in Kayin state where 20% of respondents did not receive voter registration cards to Kayah State where this affected only 6% of the sample. These variations are most likely explained by various degrees of competency and efficiency amongst the officials of the sub-election commission or the GAD who were responsible for the distribution of these voter slips.

8 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Monyein Township, Kachin State, November 2015

9 ibid10 ibid11 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Hakha Township, Chin state, November 2015

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Figure 5: Voter list problems - regional

Figure 6: Voter registration card - regional

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The overwhelming majority of participants (89%) voted. Voter list problems emerged as the biggest reason for not voting, with many of the non-voters being prevented from voting because their names were not at all on the voters list or spelt incorrectly. This was given as an explanation by more than 32% of the 111 no-voters. Slightly confusingly, 2% of the participants who reported that they voted, but faced problems on Election Day, also gave not being correctly on the voter list as one of their problems (this is explored in more detail in section below).

Figure 7: Voting behaviour

Figures collected for IDEA International as part of the STEP Democracy project12 gave the following figures for voter turnout for the states and regions covered by these surveys:

Figure 8: Voter turnout

State/Region Voter turnout Voter turnout amongst workshop participants

Kayah 74% 99% Ayeyarwaddy 75% 94% Mon 41% 94% Sagaing 75% 94% Magway 77% 93% Rakhine 68% 91% Kachin 68% 85% Kayin 47% 85% Chin 79% 82%

12 Richard Horsey, Results analysis - notes for discussion, IDEA, 07 February 2015, 08:30hs; revised following discussion

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This table shows that the voter turnout amongst the workshop participants was consistently higher than among the general population of these states, in some places such as Kayin State substantially so. This supports the theory that workshop participants were more engaged and politically interested than the average voter.

Another 31% of no-voters were away from home on Election Day without having voted in advance while roughly 12% each were either ill or had other unspecified reasons. Interestingly, only 5% of no-voters (a total of only six people) professed not to be interested in the election, which shows how important these elections were for the population in these regions. Only one person felt intimated and nobody reported that their area was shut down on Election Day.

Figure 9: Reasons for not voting–regionalvariations

The lowest voting rate was reported in Chin State where 82% of voters voted, i.e. 18% did not; this figure chimes with the reported problems in that state of not finding the correct name on the voter list and not receiving voter registration cards, though the main reason given for not voting was simply that people were not at home on voting day. However, the one respondent who reported intimidation was from Chin State and 8% from that state did not answer the question. These figures are too small to be statistically relevant, but – looked at together with the high incidence of voter list and voter registration card problems reported from Chin State – they would suggest that problems in the pre-voting period and on Election Day were higher in Chin State than elsewhere. Results from the interactive exercises back up this finding, with more than 2% reporting verbal intimidation from security forces and 33% finding the sub-

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election commission members unhelpful. More research and a fuller set of data would be needed, however, to establish a clear link.

Figure 10: Voting behaviour - regional

The highest rate of voter participation was in Kayah State where 99% of participants voted; the one person who did not vote was ill on Election Day. In both Magway Region and Mon State, more than 80% of non-voters were unable to vote because of voter list problems; again, the actual numbers are small, since both regions saw a voter turnout of nearly 95% amongst the workshop participants, i.e. there were only six (Magway Region) and five (Mon State) respondents who did not vote.

In the Ayeyarwaddy Region and in Chin State, 50% of the people who did not vote were away from home on voting day which is much more than in the other states and regions. Kayin State was the only place where several people (11%) gave ‘did not know how to vote’ as a reason for not voting, everywhere else the level of knowledge about voting procedures was high. This reflects on the high level of knowledge of the survey participants; it is unclear to what an extent this is representative, since electoral stakeholders in all regions (see appendix 1) shared stories about voters who did not know how to vote and recommended an increase in voter education efforts before the next election.

At least amongst the survey participants, the interest in the election was substantial, with hardly anybody not interested. Only in Sagaing Region a lack of interest was displayed by 20% of non-voters, everywhere else it was less than 6% or not at all.

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Figure 11: Reasons for not voting – regional 1

Figure 12: Reasons for not voting – regional 2

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Of all the respondents that voted, 17% reported that they voted in advance, an average that again hides quite large regional variations. 31% of voters in the Sagaing Region and 26% in Mon State voted in advance compared to only 5% in the Magway Region and 7% in Kayah. This difference is partly explained by the fact that a relatively high proportion of workshop participants in the regions where advance voting was high were election observers who had to vote in advance.

Since there has been concern about both the organisation and the transparency of the advance voting process, with limited access for observers to be present at the point of voting, it is interesting to see that advance voting accounted for such a high percentage of votes cast.

Figure 14: Advance voting by region

There were also numerous complaints surrounding the advance voting process during the interactive group exercises and group discussions, with roughly 5% of issues mentioned during the open-ended questions concerning aspects of advance voting, from the system being unclear to concern about the military’s use of advance voting and problems of counting these votes.

Figure 13: Advance voting

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Advance voting issues were also frequently mentioned during the group discussions, though more as something the participants had heard about being problematic rather than experienced themselves.

During the open-ended questions, issues surrounding the advance voting process were listed as problems experienced during the election process by 5% of all workshop participants, including those that did not vote in advance. The issues mentioned most often were that the advance voting system was unclear and that advance voting by the military was seen as problematic, closely followed by problems with the delivery and/or counting of advance votes.

Figure 15: Advance voting issues

However, regional variations are important again: 63% of complaints about the advance voting system came from Kachin State, where the issue of military advance voting, for example, was seen as a grave concern by about 20% of all workshop participants from the State. Magway Region and Kayah State, on the other hand, did not mention advance voting at all amongst the issues that affected the participants’ election experience. It is probably not a coincidence that these two states had the lowest numbers of advance voters in the survey.

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Figure 16: Advance voting issues regional

2.3.3 ExperiencesduringthePre-ElectionPeriod

85% of all voters claimed to have received information about the election and/or participated in voter education seminars. This is a very high share and shows that efforts made by various agencies to educate and inform voters had been successful. However, the data is not completely representative, since, as outlined in the methodology section, respondents were not selected randomly and included a relatively high proportion of well-educated and engaged citizens who could be expected to actively seek out information. Feedback from the group discussions and interviews with stakeholders suggests that insufficient voter education and a lack of knowledge of basic voting procedures were identified as problematic in all the areas canvassed here.

Figure 17: Information about election

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It is clear that a large proportion of respondents (40%) had attended the STEP Democracy Voter Education trainings (see figure 13), i.e. were recruited from a pool of people already known to the organisers. This reinforces the perception that the sample consisted of a more educated and interested spectrum of the population than average who were also more likely to attend seminars and seek out information on the election.

(More than one answer was possible)

The respondents received their information about the election in equal measure through media and NGOs/CSOs leaflets and brochures (42% of respondents respectively), closely followed by voter education seminars (39%) and UEC leaflets/brochures (36%). Only 5% of the information on average was gained from religious organisations, though that figure was as high as 27.5% in Kayah.

Figure 19: Information sources

Figure 18: Voter education seminars

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During the interactive exercises, the topic of sources of information for the election was explored in more detail.

25% of workshop participants mentioned a lack of voter education and/or difficulties to receive education as one of the problems encountered during the election in reply to the open-ended question about election problems, which, considering these participants represented a relatively well-educated and informed segment of the population, suggests that there was a serious lack of knowledge about voting procedures; interviews with electoral stakeholders support that view since a demand for more and better voter education was made by most people interviewed (see Annex 1 for more details).

Receiving information about candidates and parties presented less of a problem, though, and, as explained above, the great majority of the workshop participants received general information on the election, the parties and candidates. Television, print media and radio were the main information sources, together accounting for 68% of all information sources used. News sources on the internet and social media were responsible for 25% of all information received. It was hard to detect regional variations on the use of information sources.

Figure 20: Media sources for information on election

Radio and Television was also the main media through which participants received information from the UEC, though the use of loudspeakers to convey information was also frequent – 16% of participants mentioned this as one of the ways the UEC communicated with them. 17% actually used the UEC website to gain information on the elections.

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The variations between the percentage of voters that received information in the different regions are striking: while in some areas, such as Magway and Ayeyarwaddy nearly 100% of voters (98% and 99% respectively) received information from at least one source with most of them mentioning three different sources, in Rakhine State only 53% reported receiving any information at all. Of these 53% only 37% had attended a STEP Democracy Voter Education training, again one of the lowest figures in the survey. Only Kayah State recorded fewer participants of these seminars with only 15% having attended one.

Figure 21: Voter information by region

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Figure 22: Voter education seminars by region

When it came to choosing a candidate, the majority (54%) of respondents were guided by the party the candidate belonged to. All other reasons they could choose from were much less influential, with the religion/ethnic group a candidate belonged to coming in second with 16%, other non-specified reasons being given by 11% and promises made by candidates by 8%. Nobody reported intimidation and less than 1% stated that there was only one candidate. These figures point to a relatively peaceful and orderly pre-election period with most people feeling free to make up their own minds based on information available to them.

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Figure 23: Reasons for choosing a candidate/party

The interactive exercises explored the question which criteria people used to choose a candidate in more detail and thereby also threw some light on the ‘other’ reasons, given by 11% of respondents. During the open-ended questions exercise, participants were provided with space and time to formulate their own thoughts and express in their own words what was most relevant for them when choosing a particular candidate.

Participants were encouraged to share their criteria for candidate selection, with a vote at the end to gather an impression of how many of the group identified with each criterion. The figures, therefore, add up to more than 100% and need to be treated as indicative rather than precise. The exercises confirmed that the party a candidate belonged to (in many cases simply the party logo) were by far the most important factor in choosing who to vote for. There were, however, important differentiations in what mattered about the party, with the party policy seen as important by 18% of participants, with 18% as well simply giving ‘the change’ (the motto of the NLD) as an influencing factor in their decision making. The phrase ‘belief of the party leader’ was suggested by and/or resonating with nearly 10% of the sample. Another 11% felt it was important to vote for the party that would ‘develop the whole of the country’.

37% of answers revolved around the detailed reasons for choosing a particular candidate apart from the party he or she represented. The three reasons stated most often with 22% each were that a candidate should ‘work for the people/the public’s sake’, ‘the competence and ability’ of a candidate and his/her ‘qualifications’. A candidate’s beliefs mattered to 7% of the participants who gave detailed reasons for choosing a candidate and 5% each cared about his/her ‘leadership skills’ and ‘strategic vision’.

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Figure 24: Criteria for selecting a candidate

These figures show again variations across the different regions with the most notable being that respondents from Rakhine State were much more influenced by the religion or ethnic group of the candidate than respondents from other states (42% as opposed to the average of 16% from all regions). Only 24% of Rakhine respondents chose the candidate on the basis of the party s/he belonged to. On the other end of the spectrum, 84% of survey participants from the Magway Region were influenced by the candidate’s party with only 8% giving religious or ethnic affiliations of the candidate as a reason. Since all respondents from Magway were Bama and Buddhist, religion and ethnicity seemed to have played less of a role than in other states and regions. However, 4% of survey respondents from the Magway Region also stated that there only was one candidate.

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Figure 25: Reasons for choosing a candidate – regional 1

Figure 26: Reasons for choosing a candidate – regional 2

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Ethnicity/religion played a large role in the selection of candidates in some regions, while it was negligible in others: 63% of workshop participants in Rakhine State and 35% in Kachin State gave this as one of their criteria in choosing a candidate, whereas only 12% and 11% respectively found this important in Kayah and Chin State and nobody in Sagaing and Magway Region and Mon State.

Figure 27: Ethnicity/Religion as criteria for candidate selection

2.3.4 ExperiencesonElectionDay

A rather large proportion of participants (23% of the total) reported having encountered difficulties on Election Day, with yet again substantial regional variations: in the Magway Region and Kayah State only 7% and 9% respectively of the respondents encountered any problems while in Kachin State 39% did so and in Sagaing Region 34%.

Figure 28: Election Day problems

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Sagaing Region is one of the most diverse regions with a variety of ethnic groups and a large number of migrants, which goes some way towards explaining why it seemed to be more difficult to organise the election there; in addition, and probably more importantly, this region was the most heavily affected one by the rains and floods in 2015 with some election commission offices having lost their documents and some offices flooded. Organising the election under these circumstances proved challenging and this goes some way to explaining why one third of the participants from this region experienced some kind of problem on polling day.

Kachin State, on the other hand, faced the challenge of organising the election in an area of conflict between the Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and the Myanmar Military. There are thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the state, which made both voter registration and the administration on Election Day challenging.

Figure 29: Election Day problems by region/state

(more than one answer was possible)

Of the 23% of respondents that did encounter problems on Election Day, the vast majority (91%) complained that they had to wait a long time (defined as waiting for at least one hour). If one looks at the responses that emerged from the open-ended questions where participants were encouraged to reflect on their experience, it becomes clear that 20% of all voters experienced a long wait either on Election Day or during advance voting, even if they did not see it as such a serious issue that they ticked it as a problem on the survey.

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Figure 30: Precise Election Day problems

Data from the group exercises/discussions confirmed that many voters found that there were too few polling stations and that polling stations were too small, polling station staff not well qualified/knowledgeable – 13% of all complaints made were about one of these factors that contributed to a long wait. This suggests that there is room for improvement in organising elections in these regions. During the group discussions it emerged that there were voters who were so affected by the long wait that they did not vote at all; while this needs to be treated as anecdotal evidence, it was mentioned as a specific problem in four groups from Rakhine and Kachin State as well as Sagaing Region. In Puta O Township in Kachin State, for example, discussants reported that “some people went back home because too many people were in the polling station and they could not wait that long.”13 Also in that township, “about 40 people could not vote because it was getting dark” 14, suggesting that there was a problem with electricity as well. The long wait and other complications such as a lack of electricity may well have been one the ‘other’ factors that had prevented 12% of a participants from voting (see figure 8).

The next most important complaint (made by 36% of the voters surveyed who had experienced problems) was that staff at the polling station was not helpful, while 21% of respondents had no privacy while voting. The latter problem might again be linked to the issue of polling stations being experienced as too small and overcrowded as this was mentioned by some of the group discussant as a reason for a lack of privacy.

13 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Puta O Township, Kachin State, November 201514 ibid

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On a positive note, less than 2% (a total of 3 people) experienced pressure or verbal intimidation and less than 2% made the experience that the polling station was closed during polling hours which confirms the impression that while the election could have been organised better, there were few if any deliberate attempts to discourage people from voting.

The fact that the name was not on the final voter list, which should under the voting regulations have prevented people from voting, was nonetheless given as a problem on Election Day by 9% of people who encountered problems while voting; it is not unlikely that these people were ones whose name was on the first voter list display and then disappeared for some unknown reason so that they arrived at the polling station only to find that their name was not on the final list after all. Depending on the discretion of the polling station staff, some of these people were then allowed to vote while others in different places were not – this would explain why some no-voters gave ‘name not on the voting list’ as Election Day problem, while it was also seen as a problem by some who did vote.

Other problems than the ones that had been included in the list to choose from were reported by 16% of respondents. The issue of problems surrounding the entire election process was explored in more depth through the interactive group exercises and structured group discussions which included open-ended questions and discussions within the group about not just their personal experience, but also issues seen as problematic within their environment. It is interesting that all participants (apart from five individuals from Chin State) found at least one thing problematic with the whole election process, with most participants listing several problems, while at the same time the great majority (77%) did not report problems on Election Day (more details in section below). Clearly, much of the criticism concerned the election preparation period and it looks as if various processes could still be improved.

Looking more closely at the six regions/states, Kachin, Sagaing, Ayeyarwaddy, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon where more than 20% of voters reported difficulties, it becomes clear that there are hardly any regional variations, with ‘having to wait long’ being reported as a problem by a vast majority of respondents – in Sagaing and Rakhine it was even reported as problematic by 100% of the participants that experienced any problems. In fact, it became clear in the group discussions and the open-ended questions that especially in Kachin State a long wait was experienced by 50% of all respondents, including those that had not ticked the box for ‘having to wait long’ in the survey. This might have contributed to the high number of people not voting in that state; 30% of Kachin respondents to the survey had given ‘other’ reasons for not voting (see figure 7) with some of them adding as an explanation that the waiting time had been too long and also emphasising this in the other exercises/discussions.

Interestingly, it was in the Ayeyarwaddy Region that respondents encountered most problems, i.e. nearly all of them encountered several problems, with unhelpfulness of officers and staff at the polling station emerging as a problem for 46% of the ones that had any problems at all and a lack of privacy bothering 39%. To put these figures into perspective, this means that 10% of the voters canvassed in the Ayeyarwaddy Region felt that they were lacking privacy, which is a matter of some concern. No privacy also emerged as a big issue in Mon State, with 60% of

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respondents who encountered any problems giving this as one of them. However, since the number of respondents from Mon State voting on Election Day was small (58 people) and only 12 of them reported encountering problems, there were only three people lacking privacy and one needs to be cautious before drawing any definite conclusions from such small numbers.

Figure 31: Precise Election Day problems – regional 1

Figure 32: Precise Election Day problems – regional 2

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Through line-up exercises, it was attempted to gauge workshop participants’ views on the behaviour of various stakeholders that were present at the polling station on polling day.

The picture that emerged was very positive about the majority of stakeholders: there was general agreement that police/security forces, party agents and local observers behaved impeccable, with only 2% of police and 1% of party agents behaving verbally intimidating. Nobody experienced physical violence from any source. 85% of participants that had voted on Election Day had experienced polling station staff to be helpful or even very helpful, with only 15% finding them unhelpful.

Figure 33: Helpfulness of polling station staff

Figure 34: Behaviour of police and/or security forces

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Figure 35: Behaviour of party agents

Figure 36: Behaviour of local observers

However, the sub-election commission officials on the ward/village level came in for more criticism: 28% of the participants during the line up exercise that had voted on Election Day perceived them to be unhelpful and 25% felt that they were not knowledgeable. That reinforces the impression gained through interviews and other exercises that there is a strong need for more training and education, not just for voters, but also for anybody involved in organising the election. Eight of the 25 discussion groups shared problems encountered when communicating with the UEC and the sub-UEC, mainly, but not only, regarding voter lists. A frequently aired complaint was that the sub-EC officers were not communicating well and not offering any voter education; they were also seen as distant and not very interested in correcting voter lists and dealing with problems. A typical comment was “Sub-UEC were not well trained and

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professional”15 from the group in Waimaw Township, Kachin State. A discussant from Pathein Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region even reported that “the village/ward commission… did not respond properly and sometimes were even aggressive and physically abusive when people asked for voters information.”16 On the positive side, a participant from Khamtii Township, Sagaing Region said that “the Commission helped with correcting names, explained voting systems in detail and also helped people check the voter list,”17 so not all experiences were negative. Clearly much depended on the individuals on the ground.

Figure 37: Helpfulness of sub-election commission

Figure 38: Level of knowledge of sub-election commission

15 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Waimaw Township, Kachin State, November 2015

16 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region, No-vember 2015

17 Anonymous participant of structured group discussion in Khamtii Township, Sagaing Region, November 2015

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The list of difficulties encountered that emerged from the open-ended question exercise, which turned into more of a brainstorming session in some workshops, was extensive and it is clear from the figures that people not only identified problems that affected them personally, but were also reporting issues that they perceived as problematic within their environment. The results are therefore indicative of a problem, rather than giving a precise figure of the number of people who encountered a particular problem. The 60 different problems mentioned include issues such as ‘the election was held on a Sunday’, which was seen as problematic by 19% of the Christians respondents, specifically in Chin and Kachin State, and ‘bad quality of printing on election form/ballot paper leading to confusion’ which 3% of respondents named as problematic. Some of these issues were seen as problematic only by participants of one workshop respectively, even if they might have been more wide-spread, such as ‘media and celebrities supporting only a certain party’, ‘polling station staff were government staff’ (both in Myan Aung Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region) and a ‘lack of ethnic representative polling box in some polling stations' (in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwaddy Region). Remarkably, there were five participants from Chin State who stated explicitly that they found nothing problematic about the election process, which makes them a very small minority.

However, these exercises showed that, apart from the Election Day problems that were asked about specifically in the questionnaire and were discussed above, the issue of stamping and ink proved problematic during the voting process for 8% of participants; since this could easily lead to votes being seen as invalid, this is an important point to consider for the next election. The stakeholder interviews (see Annex 1) confirmed the impression that this was a problem encountered in many polling stations.

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53% of all the issues seen as problematic by the workshop participants occurred during the pre-election period, with ‘lack of voter information/education’ being seen as problematic by 25% of them. Considering that this group was a well-informed one, as had become clear from the responses in the survey, this shows how much more voter information and education is needed.

Various issues surrounding voter lists accounted for 44% of all the pre-election problems encountered; clearly that was the main problem in the preparations for this election. Looking more closely at what these voter list issues were, it emerged that the ‘voter list format and display’ was seen as difficult by 16% of all workshop participants, followed by ‘correcting voter list’ (12%). 7% encountered the problem that they were not included in the voter list, while 9% found their name incorrectly on the voter list. The fact that there were dead people on the voter list upset 2%, specifically in Rakhine State and Magway Region.

Figure 39: Voter list issues–regionalvariations

While on average every workshop participant reported 2.5 difficult issues surrounding the election process as response to the open-ended question, regional variations are large. Voters in Kachin State, for example, reported nearly 4 times as many problems as voters in Sagaing Region (4.1 problems as opposed to 1.1), with the problems focusing particularly on having to wait long to vote and finding it hard to get hold of voter information/education. The lack of cooperation between ethnic parties was seen as problematic by 20% of participants from Kachin State, which highlights the importance of this issue in the state.

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In the Magway Region, where every participant reported on average nearly 4 problems, voter list issues where particularly high on the list, accounting for 45% of difficulties mentioned. Language issues were reported by participants from Chin and Kayah State and overcrowded polling stations inconvenienced 52% of respondents in Rakhine State. This was the only state where polling stations came up as a serious issue during the interactive exercises, with 30% of respondents also reporting that there were too few polling stations. In the Ayeyarwaddy Region, 15% of participants had encountered political bias in the UEC or sub-election commission –the only region where this was reported as a problem. 46% of participants from the Kayah State identified candidate selection as difficult, which is an issue that did not really feature in other states and regions as problematic.

Figure 40: Number of election problems mentioned

An impressive percentage of respondents (55%) felt such a stake in the election that they turned up to observe the vote count at the end of the Election Day. This is unlikely to be representative of the whole population in these regions and confirms that many of the survey participants belonged to a more engaged and politically interested segment of the population

Figure 41: Observation of vote count

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However, this enthusiasm varied widely by region, and it is notable that the regions that reported more problems on Election Day also reported a higher turnout for observing the count, with a staggering 71% of respondents in Ayeyarwaddy attending the count and 68% in Mon State. This can be partly explained by the fact that a disproportionally high number of workshop participants from Ayeyarwaddy were graduates (34%) and worked for CSOs (29%), suggesting a high level of engagement with political issues. 37% of respondents from Mon State worked for CSOs as well. At the other end of the extreme, only 11% of workshop participants from the Kayah State were interested enough or felt the need to observe the count which correlates with the small number of problems on Election Day reported from that State and a relative lack of interest in checking voter lists.

Figure 42: Observation of vote count - regional

The final question was about the general satisfaction with the election at a purely subjective level, and it is interesting to see that, despite the numerous complaints and criticisms that emerged especially during the interactive exercises and group discussions, 50% of the respondents were satisfied with their own election experience with another 25% at least somewhat satisfied. Only 13% were unhappy with it, with 9% not having much of a view either way. During the group discussions, the point was frequently made that, despite its imperfection, this election was a vast improvement on the 2010 election. This gives ground for optimism that the technical and organisational issues that made it a less than perfect election experience for many voters this time around, can be solved in time for future elections.

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Figure 43: General satisfaction with election

The regional variations show that people from the Magway and Sagaing Region were most satisfied overall, with 92% and 81% respectively being satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their overall election experience. Respondents from Kachin State emerged as the least satisfied.

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Figure 44: Satisfaction with election – regional 1

Figure 45: Satisfaction with election – regional 2

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3. Annexes3.1 Annex1:AnalysisofInterviewswithKeyStakeholders3.1.1 Methodology

At the same time and in the same towns and villages that the election reflection workshops took place, electoral stakeholders were interviewed in an entirely separate process to ensure that there was no interference between the two exercises. The aim was to also get a view on various election issues from party representatives, election observers, the General Administrative Department (GAD) and the sub-election commission.

A total of 156 interviews took place, i.e. on average 6.2 per locality. The minimum number of interviews that had taken place was four, the maximum was nine. In all locations, representatives of the GAD and the sub-election commission were available for interviews; the number of party representatives varied. All interviewees were asked the following questions:

1) What went well on the Election Day in your ward or village tract regarding the voting process?

2) Were there any problems that occurred on the Election Day?

3) What were challenges faced before the Election Day?

4) Were challenges faced on Election Day?

5) Were there any polling stations shut down on the Election Day due to security issue or others?

6) Are there any lessons learnt for the next Elections? If yes, what are they?

Since these interviews do not form part of the survey as such, care has been taken not to treat the answers as evidence; their purpose was to gain some background to the survey results and to help complete the picture on the situation in the areas the workshops took place.

3.1.2 ImpressionsgainedfromtheInterviews

These interviews confirm the picture that emerged from the workshop data of a largely peaceful and free election, marred up to a point by administrative, technical and logistical problems. All stakeholders, irrespective of which party they belonged to or whether they were from the GAD, sub-election commission or were observers, were surprisingly unanimous in describing this election as freer and more transparent than the previous one.

No stakeholder reported a shutdown of polling station on Election Day; nobody mentioned violence after the election and even reports of incidences during the campaign period were few and far between. There were, however, a few cases of suspected political bias by the GAD or polling station staff mentioned, and in some places the political climate was more heated and

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competitive than in others. In six areas of interviews, i.e. nearly a third, minor incidences were mentioned, such as “there was an issue that religious groups disturbed the representatives of NLD in 10 wards,”18 or “campaign boards were destroyed, especially independent candidates’ signboards and also some USPD’s signboards”19 and “USDP came and asked for almost all the people in the village to vote for their party.”20

The advance vote system also came in for criticism by some of the stakeholders, notably in Pathein Township in Ayeyarwaddy Region, where the Chairman of the sub-election commission admitted that “some of the advance votes were lost”21 and in Paletwa Township, Chin State where a candidate of the Arakan National Party told the interviewer that “the polling officer and the local GAD staff stamped on NLD without asking the voters’ opinions in advance voting.”22

There were four issues, however, that emerged as problematic in most places: voter lists, voter education, training of staff/election officers, and number, location and condition of polling stations.

There was general agreement that, while there had been valiant attempts to reach as many voters as possible with voter education projects from the UEC and CSOs, too many voters did not possess even the most basic knowledge of how to vote, leading to invalid votes in many areas. This comment, by the General Administrative Officer of Demoso Township in Kayah State, was typical for many: “The main problem was that most voters did not understand the voting process.”23 The Quarter Administrator in Kyauk Phyu Township, Rakhine State, reported that the main challenge on Election Day was that voters “did not know how to vote using the stamp.”24 A graphic example of this lack of knowledge was given by a candidate of the Kachin State Democracy Party in Monyein Township, Kachin state: “The first flock of voters stamped without uncovering of the plastic on the voting stamp, so that the votes were blank. Finally, some voters noticed that the stamp was covered with plastic and the official uncovered it.”25 An election observer in Phayar Pyo Village, Magway Region, reported that “only 20% of villagers knew and understood the voting list correction process.”26 Not surprisingly, voting list issues dominated the election in that township, with people not checking voter lists being mentioned as a large problem by the GAD there.

The issue of training for personnel of the GAD and for polling station staff/election officers was also mentioned frequently, with interviewees from the GAD and the sub-election commission

18 Interview with an anonymous election observer in Mawlamyine Township, Ayayerwaddy Region, Novem-ber 2015

19 Interview with Chairman of USDP ,Mrauk U Township, Rakhine State, November 201520 Interview with Candidate of Federal Union Party, KyikeHto Township, Mon State, November 201521 Interview with Chairman of the sub-election commission in Pathein Township in Ayeyarwaddy Region,

November 201522 Interview with, a candidate of the Arakan National Party in Paletwa Township, Chin State, November 201523 Interview with anonymous General Administration Officer in Demoso Township, Kayah State, November

201524 Interview with a Quarter Administrator, Kyauk Phyu Township, Rakhine State, November 201525 Interview with anonymous candidate of Kachin State Democracy Party in Monyein Township, Kachin

State, November 201526 Interview with an Observer, Phayar Pyo Village, Magway Region, November 2015

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bemoaning the fact that there had been neither enough money nor time available to train staff properly and – from the other perspective – election observers and party candidates complaining about polling station personnel not being well trained for the job. It seems as if this is a knowledge gap that needs to be addressed urgently. In Kyike Hto Township, Mon State, the Chairman of the Township sub-election commission explained that instruction to train polling officers came late and “the trainings were too short. As a result, the polling station staff were not that ready to do their duties.”27 In Khamtii Township, Sagaing Region, three representatives of the sub-election commission admitted “the polling station staff was quite confused about the results counting process.”28

Not unsurprisingly, therefore, more and better-targeted voter education and training for all staff and officials concerned with preparing and conducting the election was the recommendation most frequently given when asked what could be improved before the next election.

The number, size and condition of the polling stations also came in for much criticism with interview reports from all areas mentioning either that the polling stations were too small, that there were not enough of them, that the conditions were cramped and/or that people had to wait a long time. Transport to the polling station was also often mentioned as problematic. These organisational issues seemed to have been some of the main problems of this election.

The most interesting findings of the interviews, however, relate to the issue of voter lists with a more nuanced picture of the problems and pitfalls of the system emerging from the interviews than from the election reflection workshops. On this issue, stakeholders were divided: Party representatives and election observers were critical of the GADs’ and the sub-election commissions’ procedures in dealing with voter lists and complained about the inaccuracies of the lists and the seeming incompetence of the administration in correcting them; interviewees from the sub-election commission and the GAD, on the other hand, complained about faulty software, a lack of training for data entry, a sudden change in the way the voter lists were arranged (from household in the first list to alphabetical in the second display) that had been imposed from above and a lack of interest in checking the voter list on the side of the voters. Clearly, there was more than meets the eye to the voter list issue, which – all were in agreement again – disenfranchised a sizeable number of voters.

27 Interview with Chairman of Township sub-election commission in Kyaik Hto, Mon State, November 201528 Interview with 3 representatives of the election sub-commission in Kahmtii Township, Sagaing Region

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3.1.3 Recommendations

The recommendations given by the various stakeholders focus on the areas of voter and staff education, location and conditions of polling stations as well as a reform to the voter list system. A desire to see these three issues improved was shown by a large majority of stakeholders, irrespective of their role in the election. In addition, however, the recommendations touched on all aspects of the election, depending on what had proved problematic in each polling location. For example, there was a suggestion that campaigning should be supervised more closely coming from Kyaik Hto in Mon State whereas in Pha-an Township, Kayin State, a senior member of the USDP party was concerned about the votes from the border guards. Heartfelt pleas for making advance voting simpler and clearer were made in several areas, including in Khamtii Township, Sagaing Region. Many candidates in various states and regions felt that the campaign period should be longer and funding to political parties for campaigning increased.

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3.2 Annex2:TableofFigures

Figure 1: List of Townships 69

Figure 2: Respondents by region 74

Figure 3: Demographic information 75

Figure 4: Voter list and voter registration card 76

Figure 5: Voter list problems - regional 78

Figure 6: Voter registration card - regional 78

Figure 7: Voting behaviour 79

Figure 8: Voter turnout 79

Figure 9: Reasons for not voting 80

Figure 10: Voting behaviour - regional 81

Figure 11: Reasons for not voting – regional 1 82

Figure 12: Reasons for not voting – regional 2 82

Figure 13: Advance voting 83

Figure 14: Advance voting by region 83

Figure 15: Advance voting issues 84

Figure 16: Advance voting issues regional 85

Figure 17: Information about election 85

Figure 18: Voter education seminars 86

Figure 19: Information sources 86

Figure 20: Media sources for information on election 87

Figure 21: Voter information by region 88

Figure 22: Voter education seminars by region 89

Figure 23: Reasons for choosing a candidate/party 90

Figure 24: Criteria for selecting a candidate 91

Figure 25: Reasons for choosing a candidate – regional 1 92

Figure 26: Reasons for choosing a candidate – regional 2 92

Figure 27: Ethnicity/Religion as criteria for candidate selection 93

Figure 28: Election Day problems 93

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Figure 29: Election Day problems by region 94

Figure 30: Precise Election Day problems 95

Figure 31: Precise Election Day problems – regional 1 97

Figure 32: Precise Election Day problems – regional 2 97

Figure 33: Helpfulness of polling station staff 98

Figure 34: Behaviour of police and/or security forces 98

Figure 35: Behaviour of party agents 99

Figure 36: Behaviour of local observers 99

Figure 37: Helpfulness of sub-election commission 100

Figure 38: Level of knowledge of sub-election commission 100

Figure 39: Voter list issues 102

Figure 40: Number of election problems mentioned 103

Figure 41: Observation of vote count 103

Figure 42: Observation of vote count - regional 104

Figure 43: General satisfaction with election 105

Figure 44: Satisfaction with election – regional 1 106

Figure 45: Satisfaction with election – regional 2 106

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3.3 Annex3:ListofAbbreviations

CSO Civil Society Organisation

DIPD Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy

DRI Democracy Reporting International

EC Election Commission

EU European Union

FNF Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

GAD General Administrative Department

HO Hornbill Organization

ID Identification Document

IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

IDP Internally displaced people

KIA Kachin Independent Army

ME Myanmar Egress

NEN Naushawng Education Network

NGO Non-Governmental Organisation

NLD National League for Democracy Party

SI Scholar Institute

Sub-EC Election sub-commission

TOT Training of Trainers

UEC Union Election Commission

USPD Union solidarity and Development Party

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3.4 Annex4:QuestionnaireSTEP Democracy - Support to Electoral Processes and Democracy in Myanmar

Election Reflection

Survey Questionnaire

Interview number: ………

We invite you to answer some question on your experiences during the election process. This is part of a research project to find out how people in different regions of Myanmar experienced the election and to reach some recommendations for an improvement of the process in time for the next elections.

Your feedback will help us to provide an accurate report that will be shared with decision-makers in the country and to make suggestions for changes in the way elections are held in Myanmar. Your name will not be recorded, i.e. the feedback you give will be anonymous.


Q1) What age group are you in?

☐ 18 – 25 years ☐ 26 – 40 years ☐ 41 – 60 years ☐ above 60 years

Q2) Are you male or female?

☐ male ☐ female

Q3) What is the highest level of education you received?

☐ No formal qualifications ☐ Primary school

☐ Secondary/Middle school ☐ High school

☐ Graduate ☐ Other …………………………………………………

Q4) Which region/state do you live in?

☐ Rakhine ☐ Magway

☐ Chin ☐ Sagaing

☐ Mon ☐ Kayin

☐ Kachin ☐ Kayah

☐ Ayeyarwaddy ☐ Other …………………………………………………

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Q5) What is your ethnic background?

☐ Kachin ☐ Kayar

☐ Kayin ☐ Chin

☐ Mon ☐ Rakhine

☐ Shan ☐ Bama

☐ Padaung ☐ Pa-O

☐ Naga ☐ Other………………..………………………………

Q6) What is your religion?

☐ Buddhist ☐ Hindu

☐ Islam ☐ Christian

☐ None ☐ Other……………………………………………………

Q7) Which sector do you work in?

☐ Civil Society Organization ☐ Teaching (School or university)

☐ Private business sector ☐ Other government staff/civil servant

☐ Farmer/Fisherman ☐ Retired

☐ Manual labourer ☐ Student

☐ Other………………………………………… ☐ Dependent (Housewife/Unemployed)

Q8) Was your name on the voter list?

☐ yes ☐ no

☐ I did not check ☐ yes , but incorrect

Q9 did you receive voter registration cards?

☐ yes ☐ no

Q10) Did you vote in the 2015 general election?

☐ yes ☐ no

(if yes, go to question 12)

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Q11 )If you did not vote, what was the main reason for not voting?

☐ Away from home on voting day ☐ Ill/Sick

☐ Not interested in election ☐ Did not know election was taking place

☐ Did not know how to vote ☐ My area was shut down on election day

☐ My name was not on the final voter list ☐ Could not reach polling station

☐ Intimidated ☐ Other…………………………………………………

Q12) Did you vote in advance?

☐ yes ☐ no


Q13) Did you receive information about the elections and/or voter education?

☐ yes ☐ no

(if no, please go to question 18)

Q14) How were you mainly informed about the elections?

(tick one box)

☐ UEC leaflets/brochures

☐ Election information through media

☐ Leaflets/brochures from NGOs/CSOs/INGOs

☐ Took part in voter education workshops

☐ Received information from candidates and political parties

☐ Community leaders/peers/family

☐ Religious organization/association

☐ Other

Q15) What was the second most important information source about the election?

(tick one box)

☐ UEC leaflets/brochures

☐ Election information through media

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☐ Leaflets/brochures from NGOs/CSOs/INGOs

☐ Took part in voter education workshops

☐ Received information from candidates and political parties

☐ Community leaders/peers/family

☐ Religious organization/association

☐ Other

Q16) What was the third most important information source about the election?

(tick one box)

☐ UEC leaflets/brochures

☐ Election information through media

☐ Leaflets/brochures from NGOs/CSOs/INGOs

☐ Took part in voter education workshops

☐ Received information from candidates and political parties

☐ Community leaders/peers/family

☐ Religious organization/association

☐ Other

Q17) Did you take part in voter education seminars organized by Hornbill Organization, Myanmar Egress, Naushawng Education Network or Scholar Institute?

☐ yes ☐ no

Q18) If you voted, what was most important for you when you chose the candidate to vote for?

☐ The party he or she belonged to

☐ Which religion or ethnic group he or she belonged to

☐ Personal affiliation to the candidate

☐ Suggestions by family/peers

☐ Promises made by candidate

☐ Incentives given by candidate

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☐ Intimidation

☐ There was only one candidate

☐ Other


(only to be answered by interviewees went to the polling station on election)

Q19) Did you encounter any difficulties at the polling station?

☐ yes ☐ no

(if not, go to question 23)

Q20) What was the main difficulty you encountered?

(tick one box)

☐ My name was not on the voter list

☐ I was not allowed inside polling station, even though my name was on the list

☐ I went to the polling station, but was not allowed to vote

☐ I had to wait a long time

☐ There were no ballot papers or stamps/ink

☐ I had no privacy while voting

☐ I experienced pressure/intimidation to vote for a certain party

☐ The polling station officers and staff were not helpful

☐ The polling station was closed within the polling hours

☐ Other, please specify ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Q21) What was the second most important difficulty you encountered?

(tick one box)

☐ My name was not on the voter list

☐ Was not allowed inside polling station, even though my name was on the list

☐ Had to wait a long time

☐ There were no ballot papers or stamps/ink

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☐ I had no privacy while voting

☐ Experienced pressure/intimidation to vote for a certain party

☐ The polling station officers and staff were not helpful

☐ The polling station was closed within the polling hours

☐ Other

Q22) What was the third most important difficulty you encountered?

(tick one box)

☐ My name was not on the voter list

☐ Was not allowed inside polling station, even though my name was on the list

☐ Had to wait a long time

☐ There were no ballot papers or stamps/ink

☐ I had no privacy while voting

☐ Experienced pressure/intimidation to vote for a certain party

☐ The polling station officers and staff were not helpful

☐ The polling station was closed within the polling hours

☐ Other

Q23) Did you observe the vote count on election day?

☐ yes ☐ no

Q24) Were you satisfied with how the election was conducted where you live?

☐ yes ☐ no

☐ somewhat satisfied ☐ no opinion

Thank you very much for participating in this research!

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