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STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER...

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Page 1: STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER TO HEAL AND FORGIVE WEEK 2 -IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH WEEK 3 -HE IS GOOD! WEEK 4 -DON’T
Page 2: STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER TO HEAL AND FORGIVE WEEK 2 -IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH WEEK 3 -HE IS GOOD! WEEK 4 -DON’T






This series is all about The Miracles of Jesus! Over the next four weeks we will

looking at four of the many miracles Jesus performed while He was here on earth.

Through His miracles we learn many things! We see His power, what it really means

to have faith and plenty fish!!

Week 1 looks at the story where a few friends let down their paralyzed friend through

a roof in order to get him to Jesus! They would stop at nothing to make sure their

friend got to Jesus and was healed.

Week 2 looks at the story of the Centurion who trusted Jesus to heal his servant

without even coming to his house. Jesus’ word was enough for him. His faith is an

example to all of us. We don’t have Jesus in person walking the earth anymore and

so we have faith that through our prayers He can heal.

Week 3 looks at the story of Jesus feeding the 5000! He feeds 5000 people with only

fives loaves of bread and 2 fish - that’s insane! This shows that nothing is too big a

request for our King!

Week 4 looks at the story of the miraculous catch of fish! This story shows us what it

means to press on and to keep on praying until something happens. Are we willing

for our faith to be stretched and to be patient to see God come through for us in

every situation?

Page 3: STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER TO HEAL AND FORGIVE WEEK 2 -IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH WEEK 3 -HE IS GOOD! WEEK 4 -DON’T

Week 1

Media Clip

Story: The Paralyzed man and his friends

Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

Characters: Narrator, Jesus & kids (friends, crowds)

The story begins with Jesus on stage with a whole bunch of people around him

listening to him preach. (Get some kids around Jesus).

Narrator: Our story today begins with Jesus preaching to a whole bunch of people.

Jesus had been going from town to town healing people and performing miracles

and so everyone wanted to see Him and see what he would do next. This day in

particular, Jesus was in a home in Capernaum. So many people came that there

wasn’t space for even one more person - it was packed!!

But now here’s where it gets interesting…

There were four men who heard that Jesus was in town who decided to carry their

paralyzed friend on a mat to him, to see if he could be healed. As soon as they got

to the house where Jesus was, they realized that they wouldn't be able to get

through to see him.

Stop right there… I need four men… (Select four kids - older)…

Okay, you will be the four friends carrying your friend…. Wait! That means we need

a paralyzed man too… (Select another kid - preferably someone small). Have them

lay the friend on a blanket and carry him across the stage to where Jesus was.

After realizing there was no way they would get inside, one of the friends suggested

lowering him down through the roof! They all agreed and made their way onto the

roof. These men knew that if this man got to Jesus he would be healed!

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Now just imagine, in the middle of Jesus preaching, this guy gets lowered down

through the roof! That’s crazy faith!

But here’s what happened… as soon as Jesus saw the man he said:

Jesus: Hey! Check this guy out! Son, your sins are forgiven.

Narrator: The man was probably a bit confused… He came to be healed and now

he’s being told his sins were forgiven? But Jesus knew

what this man needed most because he knew what was in his heart. Jesus knew

that being paralyzed would be difficult but it was even worse not to be forgiven.

Some of the teacher's of the law heard Jesus forgive the man and they began

thinking, "How dare this man forgive sins, only God can do that."

Immediately Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to them:

Jesus: I know what you’re thinking (He can point to some kids). But think about this;

which was easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up,

take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority

on earth to forgive sins."

Narrator: This might sound confusing, but Jesus was trying to tell them that He was

the Son of Man, and God has given him the power to forgive sins and heal

people. These things could not be done by just a regular person but only by God.

Then He said to the paralyzed man:

Jesus: Son, get up, take your mat and go home!

Narrator: And just like that, the man got up, took his mat and walked out in front of

everyone! He was so excited to be walking again! (Get the man to dance around and

even hug Jesus in all his excitement)

The people sitting around Jesus were amazed and they praised God saying, "We

have never seen anything like this!"

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Week 2

Media Clip

Story: Jesus heals a centurions servant - Matthew 8:5-15

SCENE 1 - Narrator, David & Sam. (You can act this out or narrate it)

Narrator: The house was filled with balloons… and streamers...

...and friends...and presents......lots and LOTS of presents!!! David met his best

friend Sam at the door when he arrived for the party.

Sam: Did you get it??

David: Not yet, but I will.

Sam: Maybe it’s that one? (points to a large box on the present table)

David: It could be...

Narrator: It was an awesome birthday party. They played games, ate pizza, and had

plenty of ice cream & cake. FINALLY, it was time to open the gifts. Sam watched as

David opened his gifts. He got some really cool things, but Sam was waiting to see

when he would open the gift that he had been waiting for most! But when he got to

the big box they had suspected, all it was, was a basketball… this was not at all what

his friend had been waiting for… Amazingly, David still smiled and seemed to be

enjoying himself.

After everyone had left, David and Sam took all of David's presents upstairs to his

room. Sam felt bad for his friend

Sam: David, I'm sorry you didn't get it.

David: Don't worry, David, It's coming.

Narrator: Suddenly, they heard the front door open and close. David jumped up with


David: It's HERE!"

Narrator: He ran down the stairs as fast as he could with Sam following close

behind. When David reached the bottom of the stairs, there stood his father holding

a brand new puppy.

Sam: How did you KNOW it was coming?

David: Because my father gave me his word that I would get a puppy on my birthday

and my father ALWAYS keeps his word.

Narrator: With that, David and Sam raced outside to play with Tyler's new puppy.

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SCENE 2 - Narrator, Jesus, Centurion (officer in the Roman army).

(Once again you can act this out or narrate it).

Narrator: One day, Jesus was in the town of Capernaum. There was one man in

particular - a Roman Centurion - who was relieved to hear Jesus was in town. His

servant was paralyzed and sick, and ready to die, but he loved him dearly and

couldn’t bare to see that happen.

The Roman Centurion did not want to leave his servant in the state he was in and so

he sent some of the church leaders to find Jesus as ask Him to come heal his


When they found Jesus, they pleaded He come back with them to heal the

Centurion’s servant. Jesus said he would and then followed them back to the

Centurions home.

Not far from the home, friends of the Centurion arrived with a message for Jesus:

"Sir, do not trouble yourself to come to my home, for I am unworthy for you to enter

under my roof or even to come and meet you. Just speak a word, and I know my

dear servant will be healed," the centurion's message read. "I know how it is, for I

receive orders from my superior officers and I give orders to those under my

authority. All I have to say is, 'Go!' and they go, or 'Come!' and they come, and to my

servant, 'Do this or that' and he does it. So if you just say, 'Be healed,' my servant

will be made well."

When Jesus heard the centurion's words, he was totally amazed. Jesus marvelled at

the faith of the centurion. He turned around and said to the crowd that was following

Him, "Never among all the Jews in Israel have I met a man with faith like this." Then

the centurion came himself and Jesus turned to him and said, "Go your way. Just as

you have believed, it will be done."

When the centurion and his friends returned to the house, they found the servant

had been completely healed in the same hour that Jesus promised healing.

When Jesus gives His word, you can be sure He will keep His promise!


Compare these two stories. Both show us what it means to have faith. Just like the

boy knew his father would keep his promise, we can be sure that when Jesus says

something He means it. When He says He is our Healer, He means it! We need to

believe that He CAN do ALL things!

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Week 3

Media Clip

Story: The Feeding of the 5000

Scripture: John 6:1-15

Characters: Narrator, Jesus, Disciple, boy & kids (disciples, crowds)

Narrator: So by now you should be getting quite pumped with all these miracles

we’ve been seeing Jesus do. Today we’re going to see what went down one

afternoon on a river bank…

Jesus and His disciples had just returned from taking a break across the river, when

an entire crowd had gathered to wait for them. Jesus had a heart for these people

and so He spent hours teaching all the people. It started to get late in the day and

none of the people had supper yet. The disciples came to Jesus and said.

Disciple: Jesus, we seem to have a small problem. There is no food around here

and its getting late. I can even hear people stomachs growling - it’s scary! Maybe we

should send the people away so they can go to the surrounding towns and get

themselves something to eat?

Jesus: I see… Well why don’t you give them something to eat?

Disciple: Umm... How?? We would have to work almost a year to pay for all the

food. (They were shocked)

(While the disciples were talking to Jesus one of the disciples noticed a small boy

walking by with a small lunch. He stopped the boy and asked him what he had. The

other disciples and Jesus continue miming)

Disciple: Hey! Yes you! What do you have in there for lunch?

Boy: Five loaves and two fish. Just something small my mom packed me.

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Disciple: Come with me!

(They both head back over to where Jesus and the disciples were still talking)

Disciple: Jesus! I found this boy. He has five loaves and two fish… will that do??

(The other disciples look confused)

Jesus: Ask everyone to sit down.

(The disciples get everyone seated)

Narrator: After everyone - that being 5000 people - was seated, Jesus took the

loaves of bread and thanked God for it. Then the disciples passed around the bread

and everyone could take as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

Remember these were five small loaves of bread and two small fish, enough for a

boy to eat on his own. There were five thousand people all eating from this boy's

small lunch, and they could eat as much as they wanted. There are probably more

than five thousand people at your church or school, and your friend’s school, all

added together!

After everyone was full, Jesus asked the disciples to gather all the food that was

leftover so nothing would be wasted. After they gathered all the baskets of food they

counted them up. There were twelve baskets still full with some bread and fish from

the little boy’s small lunch.

His small lunch probably barely filled one of the baskets before Jesus touched

it. And that is a miracle!

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Week 4

Media Clip

Story: A Miraculous catch of fish

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Characters: Narrator, Jesus, Simon & kids (Fisherman and crowds)

Why not find a net to use in the story to make it really fun!

Narrator: Hey everyone! Okay, so we are on our last week of our series looking at

the miracles of Jesus. Are you ready to hear about one last EPIC miracle Jesus

performed?? Okay… here it goes

Todays story takes us to the shore of the sea of Galilee. Once again, there were

great crowds who gathered eagerly waiting to listen to the Word of God. While Jesus

was preaching, he noticed two empty boats on the water’s edge. Jesus got up,

stepped in one of the boats and asks Simon, the owner of the boat, to push it into the

water. He then proceeded to sit in the boat and teach the crowds from there.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon:

Jesus: Simon, go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.

Simon: Master, we worked really hard last night and didn’t catch a single fish. But if

you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.

Narrator: And so, Simon took a few of his men and they let their nets out into the

sea. This time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!! After much shouting

and excitement, the other boat came out and was also filled with fish and on the

verge of sinking!

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Narrator: When Simon realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before

Jesus and said,

Simon: Lord! I don’t even deserve to be around you!! This is incredible what you

have just done! I can hardly believe my eyes!

Jesus: Simon, I want you! From now on, I want you to fish for people! You will be my

fishers of men.

Narrator: As soon as they got back to shore, they were jumping around with joy and

exclaiming the miracle they had just witnessed! They left everything they had and

followed Jesus!!


Even when the disciples had very little faith themselves to catch any fish, they

trusted what Jesus told them. Their obedience led to a great reward! When we trust

Jesus, he always comes through for us.

Jesus used this miracle teach the people a lesson. And that same lesson applies to

us. We need to be fishers of men. That means that we need to tell people about

Jesus and get them excited about Him too.

The miracle would have got the people’s attention and then Jesus was able to teach

them what He really wanted to.

We need to share the miracles that we experience. Maybe it’s a healing or maybe it

was something you went through when you needed God’s help. When we share our

testimonies with others it helps them to believe in Jesus.

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Everyone runs around the room freely until the leader shouts a number. Everyone

must then try to get into groups of that number as quickly as possible. Whoever fails

is out.

You can also use different categories such as heights, shoe sizes, left-handed/right-

handed, etc.

Have a few practice rounds and then call people out if they don’t make it into a group

in time.


What you need:

-Each person needs to get a “Find Someone

Who Sheet” and something to write with.


-The aim is for all of them to find people who

fit the categories on the sheet. When they

find someone, that person needs to write

their name in the block.

The first person done WINS!

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Get everyone into groups of 5-10 people. The leader will call out different categories

and the group has to arrange themselves accordingly.

-Height order (shortest to tallest)

-Age (Youngest to oldest)

-Birthdays (January to December)

-Hair colour (Lightest to darkest)

-Anything else you can think of!


This is basically a large-scale version of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.

1. First split the group into two teams of equal size. Then, explain the different

actions for each character. Giants stand on their tip-toes and shout “Hah Hoo”; Bears

crouch slightly, and growl; and Dwarfs crouch down to the ground while waving their


2. Allow them to practice these actions for a while!

3. Each team should separate into different parts of the room, and decide together

what character they will be. Make sure a leader is present to create order. You want

to keep your decision a secret from the other team.

4. When they have decided, they line up opposite each other and the leader shouts,

“Three, two, one, GO!” At this point, each team acts out the action they have decided


5. The team which wins should attempt to tag or grab as many of the losing team as

possible; these players then join the winning side for the next round. The end of the

game happens when there is no one left on the losing side.

Giants beat Dwarfs, Dwarfs beat Bears and Bears beat Giants.

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Week 1 - POWER (0-1)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Paralyzed man and his friends

Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

Bottom Line: Jesus has the power to heal and to forgive our sins.

Activity Items Required

Colour in the picture.

-Cut strips of string and glue it to

the rope in the picture.

Colouring Materials


Wood Glue


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Talk About It


1. Why was it almost impossible for the men to get their friend to where

Jesus was? (Because it was so crowded.)

2. How did they solve this problem? (By cutting a hole in the roof and

lowering him down on his mat.)

3. Did Jesus heal the crippled man? (Yes.)

4. Did Jesus show compassion and provide comfort for this

man? (Yes.)

5. How would you feel if you were one of the people who saw this

miracle taking place?

6. Have you ever been sick, and prayed to God to make you better?

What happened?

7. If you were crippled like this man, and Jesus made you walk again,

what would you do?

Jesus saw their faith and was not at all angry that the men made a

hole in the roof! He was thrilled that they had such great faith and that

they wouldn’t go home without getting their friend in front of Him.

What need did Jesus see that was much greater than his need to be



-Jesus knew that the man was a sinner and not a child God.

-A person not part of God’s family is the saddest thing in the world!

-Jesus gave this man the greatest gift. It was FAR better than making

his legs work; it was the forgiveness of his sins. And when Jesus

forgave the man’s sins, he became a part of God’s family and was now

called a child of God

Today you need to pray for TWO things:

1.Have you asked Jesus to forgive you & are you part of His family?

2. Are you sick or do know you know of anyone who is?

3. Do you believe Jesus can heal us from anything?

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Week 1 - POWER (2-3)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Paralyzed man and his friends

Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

Bottom Line: Jesus has the power to heal and to forgive our sins

Activity Items Required

Colour in the picture.

-Cut strips of string and glue it to the

rope in the picture.

-Then stick pieces of fabric over the

man’s blanket.

This is to remind you that when

Jesus healed the man he no longer

those things!

Colouring Materials


Pieces of fabric

Wood Glue


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Talk About It

Imagine your house was flooded with people and then next thing

some strange guys start digging a whole in your roof to let their

crippled friend down to where Jesus was… this is no ordinary story!!


1. Why was it almost impossible for the men to get their friend to

where Jesus was? (Because it was so crowded.)

2. How did they solve this problem? (By cutting a hole in the roof and

lowering him down on his mat.)

3. Did Jesus heal the crippled man? (Yes.)

4. What was the first thing Jesus said to the man? (“Son, your sins

are forgiven.” - Mark 2:5)

Jesus saw their faith and was not at all angry that the men made a

hole in the roof! He was thrilled that they had such great faith and that

they wouldn’t go home without getting their friend in front of Him.

What need did Jesus see that was much greater than his need to be



-Jesus knew that the man was a sinner and was separated from God

because of his sin (Isaiah 59:2).

-A person separated from God is the saddest thing in the world!

Jesus gave this man the greatest gift. It was FAR better than making

his legs work; it was the forgiveness of his sins. And when Jesus

forgave the man’s sins, he became a part of God’s kingdom

Why did Jesus heal the man? Was it because his friends had worked

so hard to get him inside?

-No, this was proof of the faith they had in Jesus. The man knew that

he was helpless. He put his trust in the only One who could heal him.

Today you need to pray for TWO things:

1.Have you asked Jesus to forgive you & are you part of His family?

2. Do you need healing for anything or have friends or family who do?

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Week 1 - POWER (4-5)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Paralyzed man and his friends

Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

Bottom Line: Jesus has the power to heal and to forgive our sins.

Activity Items Required

Make the paralyzed man!

-Colour in the templates of the

stretcher and the man.

-Stick the man into the stretcher using

prestick and stick the different faces

on to show how he felt before and

after being healed.

-Punch holes into the corners of the

stretcher and tie the string to it.





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Talk About It

What did Jesus says to the man? - “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

-What would YOU have said?? Keep in mind these guys had just

interrupted Jesus preach…

-How would you have felt being the friends?

Remember, they had brought their friend to be HEALED…..


-Jesus knew that the man was a sinner and was separated from God

because of his sin (Isaiah 59:2).

-A person separated from God is the saddest thing in the world!

Jesus gave this man the greatest gift. It was FAR better than making

his legs work; it was the forgiveness of his sins. And when Jesus

forgave the man’s sins, he became a part of God’s kingdom

Why did Jesus heal the man? Was it because his friends had worked

so hard to get him inside?

-No, this was proof of the faith they had in Jesus. The man knew that

he was helpless. He put his trust in the only One who could heal him.

We need to bring our FRIENDS to Jesus to be forgiven.

Although these men were more motivated by their friends physical

need, it shows us we must do all we can to bring our friends to Christ.

-Be creative! They used the roof to get their friend in.

-Urgency! They didn’t wait for the crowds to leave; they took him as

soon as they could. “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).

-Sacrifice! Be willing to give of your time and possessions to help

others who need Jesus. Maybe it means fetching them for church or

buying them a cool-drink afterwards so they feel welcome.

-Persistence! Do we give up after the first try or do we push on?

-Team effort! It took four men to get this one man to Jesus. We don’t

need to do it alone all the time. Working with our friends is great!

Today you need to pray for TWO things:

1. Have you asked Jesus to forgive you & are you part of His family?

2. Do you need healing for anything or have friends or family who do?

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Week 1 - POWER (6-7)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Paralyzed man and his friends

Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

Bottom Line: Jesus has the power to heal and to forgive our sins.

Activity Items Required


See who can make the best stretcher!

-Go outside and find a rock that will

act as the man.

-Put the guys into teams and have

them find things outside they can use

to build a stretcher to hold the rock.

-The only materials they will get from

you is some string; the rest is up to

their creative skills!


Make a love knot!

Follow the instructions!

The rope reminds us of the paralyzed

man and the heart reminds us that

Jesus loved this man by healing him.



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Talk About It

-What did Jesus says to the man?- “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

-What would YOU have said?? Keep in mind these guys had just

interrupted Jesus preach…

-How would you have felt being the friends?

Remember, they had brought their friend to be HEALED…..

The words Jesus speaks shows us a few things:

1. We all NEED forgiveness

It would seem the man’s main need was for physical healing. But first

Jesus said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” To heal his body would

have made life more comfortable. But without healing his soul, he

would have died & faced God’s righteous judgment. His main need

was forgiveness of sins, not physical healing. Forgiveness is the main

need of every person! All other needs are secondary.

-Matt 16:25 “What profit is it to gain the whole world & lose your soul?”

Yes, problems are real (health, financial, emotional) but these

problems should push us closer to God.

2. We need to bring our FRIENDS to Jesus to be forgiven.

Although these men were more motivated by their friends physical

need, it shows us we must do all we can to bring our friends to Christ.

-Be creative! They used the roof to get their friend in.

-Urgency! They didn’t wait for the crowds to leave; they took him as

soon as they could. “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).

-Sacrifice! Be willing to give of your time and possessions to help

others who need Jesus. Maybe it means fetching them for church or

buying them a cool-drink afterwards so they feel welcome.

-Persistence! Do we give up after the first try or do we push on?

-Team effort! It took four men to get this one man to Jesus. We don’t

need to do it alone all the time. Working with our friends is great!

3. Only Jesus has authority to forgive sins.

Jesus used this miracle to prove His claim to have authority to forgive

sins. His power in the visible realm where he healed the paralysed

man confirmed for these religious leaders out to get him, His authority

in the spiritual realm to forgive sins.

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Week 2 - IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH (0-1)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: Jesus heals a centurion’s servant

Scripture: Matthew 8:5-15

Bottom Line: Jesus can perform miracles even when we can’t see Him.

Activity Items Required

Make a centurion's sword and


-Tear tin foil into small pieces.

-Stick these over the sword and

shield template.

This is to remind you that Jesus

healed the centurion’s servant

without going to his house!!


Tin foil


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Talk About It

Share your own story as an introduction… Tell your group about a time you were sick. Even the strongest people Can get sick. How do you feel when you’re sick? Weak? No one likes being sick! You can’t do anything, you have to stay in bed and usually you have to take really yucky medicine… Even though disease and sickness are very strong, Jesus is stronger and greater than any sickness! We see that in our story today… What miracle did we see Jesus do in the story we heard today? -He healed a centurions servant What is a centurion? -An officer in the Roman Army Did Jesus have to be at the centurion’s house to heal his servant? -No This shows us that nothing is too big for Jesus. He healed the servant without even being there! Jesus is greater than our sickness! What does this mean for us? -We can trust him when we pray. -We don’t have to be afraid, because Jesus is in charge. What does this story teach us about healing? -We need to care for others who are sick. -We need to pray to Jesus for those who are sick -We need to know in our hearts that when we pray Jesus hears us and can heal us. Just as Jesus could heal the centurions servant without even being there, Jesus can heal people we pray for even if we aren’t with them. Spend the rest of your small group time praying for anyone in the group who might be sick or any other family relatives and friends who might be sick.

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Week 2 - IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH (2-3)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: Jesus heals a centurion’s servant

Scripture: Matthew 8:5-15

Bottom Line: Jesus can perform miracles even when we can’t see Him.

Activity Items Required

Make a centurion's helmet!

-Follow the instructions on the

template to look like the picture


-Colour in, cut out, glue together

and size to your head.


Colouring materials



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Talk About It

Share your own story as an introduction… Tell your group about a time you were sick. Even the strongest people Can get sick. How do you feel when you’re sick? Weak? No one likes being sick! You can’t do anything, you have to stay in bed and usually you have to take really yucky medicine… Even though disease and sickness are very strong, Jesus is stronger and greater than any sickness! We see that in our story today… What miracle did we see Jesus do in the story we heard today? -He healed a centurions servant What is a centurion? -An officer in the Roman Army Did Jesus have to be at the centurion’s house to heal his servant? -No This shows us that nothing is too big for Jesus. He healed the servant without even being there! Jesus is greater than our sickness! What does this mean for us? -We can trust him when we pray. -We don’t have to be afraid, because Jesus is in charge. What does this story teach us about healing? -We need to care for others who are sick. -We need to pray to Jesus for those who are sick -We need to know in our hearts that when we pray Jesus hears us and can heal us. Just as Jesus could heal the centurions servant without even being there, Jesus can heal people we pray for even if we aren’t with them. Spend the rest of your small group time praying for anyone in the group who might be sick or any other family relatives and friends who might be sick.

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Week 2 - IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH (4-5)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: Jesus heals a centurion’s servant

Scripture: Matthew 8:5-15

Bottom Line: Jesus can perform miracles even when we can’t see Him.

Activity Items Required

Make a centurion's helmet!

-Follow the instructions on the

template to look like the picture


-Colour in, cut out, glue together

and size to your head.


Colouring materials



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Talk About It

RECAP THE STORY: 1. What miracle did we see Jesus do in the story today? -He healed a centurion’s servant 2. What was wrong with the centurion’s servant? -He was suffering terribly and could not move his arms, legs, or body. 3. What did the centurion ask Jesus? -To heal his servant The centurion was a Roman officer who was in charge of 100 soldiers. When he commanded someone to do something they would do it without question. He had faith that Jesus was in charge of EVERYTHING! Sickness too! And so he knew Jesus could heal his servant if he just said the word. Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith. What did Jesus say to him? -“I tell you the truth; I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Why do you think a statement like this would’ve shocked the people? -The Jews thought that Jesus was only coming to save them and now He is telling a Roman that he has more faith than any Jew?! -Read John 3:16 - Jesus came for everyone! Do you have faith, as the centurion did, that Jesus can heal anyone? Do you know someone who is very sick? How can you talk to Jesus about that person? (Pray.) Just as Jesus could heal the centurions servant without even being there, Jesus can heal people we pray for even if we aren’t with them. Spend the rest of your small group time praying for anyone in the group who might be sick or any other family relatives and friends who might be sick.

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Week 2 - IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH (6-7)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: Jesus heals a centurion’s servant

Scripture: Matthew 8:5-15

Bottom Line: Jesus can perform miracles even when we can’t see Him.

Activity Items Required


Compete to see who can finish

the maze first!


Writing Materials

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Talk About It

Our faith needs to be grounded in truth! LESSONS FROM A CENTURION... 1. Faith -The centurion came to Jesus with faith and because of that Jesus gave the command and the servant was completely healed. He didn’t ask for a sign, he just had faith his servant will be healed. -True faith needs no visible sign. -Do we expect God to heal us or are we doubtful? 2. Caring and compassionate -Although the servant was a slave, he did not treat him like that. He had compassion for his servant. -Are we caring and compassionate to those around us? How are we helping those that most would see as being undeserving of any help? 3. Humility -He saw himself as an unworthy Gentile with no right to approach Jesus. He was aware of his sins and recognized the holiness of Jesus. -Do we come to Jesus with this same awe and do we realize that without Him we are actually nothing? -Also, he was a high ranking Roman official and yet had such great compassion for a man who was merely a servant. -Do we have compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves? -The centurion teaches us that the most faithful people consider themselves unworthy before God. This shows a humble person; realizing that we are sinful and are in need of a Saviour. Prideful people try justify their sin and fail to see their need for a Saviour. 4. God is not limited. -He believed God would heal his servant with just His word. He didn’t need to be by his servant in order to heal him. -Do we truly believe that nothing limits God? -Do we battle to believe in the things we cannot see? Why? -Do you doubt God’s Word is sufficient? (Read Hebrews 11:6)

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Week 3 - HE IS GOOD! (0-1)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Feeding of the 5000

Scripture: John 6:1-15

Bottom Line: Jesus takes our bad situations & turns them around.

Activity Items Required

Print the template. (Template)

-Colour and cut out each piece.

-Glue the two sides of the basket


-Put the fish and the loaves inside

the basket.


Template Colouring materials Scissors Glue

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Talk About It

Begin your small group by eating a packet of chips of biscuits. Wait for

one of the kids to ask you if they can have some…

-Do you think there would be enough here in my packet to share with

everyone here?

-Do you think we would all feel full after sharing my packet of


Share what you have with your group and then tell them that this

reminds you of the story they heard today…

What miracle did we see Jesus do in the story today??

-He fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish!

Could you imagine taking the bit of food I have here to feed everyone

here today? Do you think you would have any left over??

What was different about the miracle we see Jesus do??

-He shared the five loaves and two fish between 5000 people! The

craziest part if that he had so much food left over!

-How many baskets of food were left over once everyone had eaten

and was full? - 12 baskets!

-Can you even imagine 5000 people?

What can we learn from the story today?

-When we give what we have to God, he can take it, bless it and do

more with it than we can ever imagine!

-What can we give to God?



What else?

How was Jesus able to feed all these people with such little food??

It was a MIRACLE!! It shows us how big our God is and that there is

nothing He can’t do!

What is a miracle?

-It’s something extraordinary that happens which can’t be explained by

anything besides Jesus!

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Week 3 - HE IS GOOD! (2-3)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Feeding of the 5000

Scripture: John 6:1-15

Bottom Line: Jesus takes our bad situations & turns them around.

Activity Items Required

Print the template. (Template)

-Colour and cut out each piece.

-Glue the two sides of the basket


-Put the fish and the loaves

inside the basket.


Template Colouring materials Scissors Glue

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Talk About It

Begin your small group by eating a packet of chips of biscuits. Wait for

one of the kids to ask you if they can have some…

-Do you think there would be enough here in my packet to share with

everyone here?

-Do you think we would all feel full after sharing my packet of


Share what you have with your group and then tell them that this

reminds you of the story they heard today…

What miracle did we see Jesus do in the story today??

-He fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish!

Could you imagine taking the bit of food I have here to feed everyone

here today? Do you think you would have any left over??

What was different about the miracle we see Jesus do??

-He shared the five loaves and two fish between 5000 people! The

craziest part if that he had so much food left over!

-How many baskets of food were left over once everyone had eaten

and was full? - 12 baskets!

-Can you even imagine 5000 people?

What can we learn from the story today?

-When we give what we have to God, he can take it, bless it and do

more with it than we can ever imagine!

-What can we give to God?



What else?

How was Jesus able to feed all these people with such little food??

It was a MIRACLE!! It shows us how big our God is and that there is

nothing He can’t do!

What is a miracle?

-It’s something extraordinary that happens which can’t be explained by

anything besides Jesus!

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Week 3 - HE IS GOOD! (4-5)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Feeding of the 5000

Scripture: John 6:1-15

Bottom Line: Jesus takes our bad situations & turns them around.

Activity Items Required

Print the template. (Template)

-Colour and cut out each piece.

-Glue the two sides of the basket


-Put the fish and the loaves inside

the basket.


Template Colouring materials Scissors Glue

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Talk About It

-Has anyone here ever eaten a small fish?

-How big was it?

-Where did you eat it? (Camping? Home? Restaurant?)

-Who has ever caught their own fish and eaten it??

-Would you be full by only eating the small fish? Probably not.

Let’s take a look at our story today…

-What miracle did we see happen in the story?

Jesus feeds 5000 people with only five loaves and two fish.

-How many people do you think five loaves and two fish could

realistically feed?

-So then how did Jesus feed 5000 people?

IT WAS A MIRACLE! It shows us how powerful Jesus is!

Think about this…

-Why do you think Jesus wanted to feed the 5,000 families?

(Think about how you feel when you are hungry? Can you concentrate

very well? Not really...)

-What do you think the little boy was feeling when he saw Jesus use

his gift for the miracle?

(He was probably left speechless! He probably never expected a

miracle to come from his packed lunch his mom had sent with him.

Imagine sharing your lunch your mom gives you for break time with

your entire school?)

-What does this story tell you about whom Jesus really was?

(Jesus cared for the people. He cared for the hungry. These people

were not only hungry for food, they were also hungry to hear the Word

of God.)

-When we give what we have to God, he can take it, bless it and do

more with it than we can ever imagine!

-What can we give? (Tithes, talents, time, our heart, what else?)

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Week 3 - HE IS GOOD! (6-7)

Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: The Feeding of the 5000

Scripture: John 6:1-15

Bottom Line: Jesus takes our bad situations & turns them around.

Activity Items Required


Chat about WHY Jesus

performed miracles.

GIRLS… Get creative!

Make Key ring fish

-Bend a pipe cleaner into a fish

shape as seen alongside.

-Before you join the two ends,

slide beads onto the pipe

cleaner to look like the picture.

-Slip a key ring on as well.

-Then join the two ends by

twisting them together.

Pipe Cleaners


Key Ring

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Talk About It

Situation: Large crowd follows Jesus up the mountain.

Problem: No food for all the people.

Complication: Jesus tells his disciples to feed the crowd.

Answer: A young boy shares his lunch – but it’s not enough

Resolution: Jesus performs a miracle by multiplying a small boys gift.

How do you feel when you’re hungry?

-Can you concentrate?

-Can you eve hear what your teacher is saying over the grumbling of

your stomach?

-Maybe you get irritated or moody??

Jesus probably realized this and didn’t want to be caught in the middle

of 5000 starving people!

What can we learn from this story?

1. Our God is powerful and can do miracles that blow our minds!

There is no way to explain a miracle as it goes against everything we

see in the physical.

2. Do you ever doubt the bigness of our God and the things he can do

for you?

3. When we give what we have to God, he can take it, bless it and do

more with it than we can ever imagine.

What are things we can give to God that we can trust Him to do great

things with?

Our Dreams

Our Talents

Our Tithes

Our Time

Our heart

Pray into these things and trust God to do BIG things with them.

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Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: A Miraculous catch of fish

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to keep praying for miracles even when we don’t

see the results.

Activity Items Required

Colour in the picture and then

stick fish stickers in the net


Colouring materials

Fish stickers

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Talk About It

-Who has ever gone fishing before?

-Did you catch anything?

-How long did you have to wait before you caught something?

-What did you catch?


Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen; they knew what

they were doing. They had fished all night without catching a single

fish. So when Jesus told him to row to a deeper part of the lake and

lower his net it took a lot of trust from Peter. The trust and faith he had

for Jesus led him to obey. Trusting God leads to obedience.

How long were the men fishing?

Did they catch any fish at first?

Who stood on the shore?

Did the disciples know that it was Jesus?

Which side did Jesus tell the men to throw over the net?

Jesus loved Peter and his friends and so he wanted to help them. But

here’s the really cool part, there was something he wanted them to do

even more than to fish… he wanted them to be FISHERS OF MEN!

What does it mean to be a fisher of men?

Do we walk around with fishing rods trying to hook people??

Of course not!

-It means we follow Jesus and do as He does.

-It means we encourage others to follow them too and tell them about

Jesus so that they can also be a part of his family.

How should fishers of men act?

-They read their Bibles and pray

-They don’t fight with others but instead are kind to everyone

-They put others first and do all they can to help others when they are

in need.

Let’s pray God would help us to be the best fishers of men we can be!

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Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: A Miraculous catch of fish

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to keep praying for miracles even when we don’t

see the results.

Activity Items Required

Colour in the picture and then

stick fish stickers in the net


Colouring materials

Fish stickers

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Talk About It

-Who has ever gone fishing before?

-Did you catch anything?

-How long did you have to wait before you caught something?

-What did you catch?


Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen; they knew what

they were doing. They had fished all night without catching a single

fish. So when Jesus told him to row to a deeper part of the lake and

lower his net it took a lot of trust from Peter. The trust and faith he had

for Jesus led him to obey. Trusting God leads to obedience.

How long were the men fishing?

Did they catch any fish at first?

Who stood on the shore?

Did the disciples know that it was Jesus?

Which side did Jesus tell the men to throw over the net?

Jesus loved Peter and his friends and so he wanted to help them. But

here’s the really cool part, there was something he wanted them to do

even more than to fish… he wanted them to be FISHERS OF MEN!

What does it mean to be a fisher of men?

Do we walk around with fishing rods trying to hook people??

Of course not!

-It means we follow Jesus and do as He does.

-It means we encourage others to follow them too and tell them about

Jesus so that they can also be a part of his family.

How should fishers of men act?

-They read their Bibles and pray

-They don’t fight with others but instead are kind to everyone

-They put others first and do all they can to help others when they are

in need.

Let’s pray God would help us to be the best fishers of men we can be!

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Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: A Miraculous catch of fish

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to keep praying for miracles even when we don’t

see the results.

Activity Items Required

Make a fishing rod.

-Trace about three fish onto

coloured cardboard and cut out

them out.

-Punch holes near their mouths

and tie string/ribbon through them.

-Then wrap them onto the stick and

tape them on tightly

Stick (sosati stick)

Coloured card board

Ribbon (Girls)

String (Boys)

Sticky Tape



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Talk About It

In verse 5:10, Jesus says “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching


What does this mean to you?

(Allow for some discussion as to what it means to be a fisher of men)


Catch = to capture alive.

The fish these men caught would die after being out of the water for a

while, but the men that they would catch would be given life after they

had been spiritually dead. They would become alive for Jesus.

What does this story how us?

-Jesus transforms everyday people into his children

-The greatest purpose we have in life is to follow Jesus in catching men

for Him.

-Our focus needs to be on catching people and not on all our own


-What things were distracting Peter and his friends?

(Their fishing business)

-What things distract you or get in the way of you being fishers of men?

-What is successful in the world’s eyes versus what is successful in

God’s eyes? Read Matthew 6:19 & 33

-Whatever you do to make a living, your main goal should be to glorify

God and your main focus should be to be a witness for Jesus Christ

through your behaviour, your attitudes, and your words.

-How do we do this?

-We need to see people how Jesus sees them and view ourselves as

His representative wherever he has placed us. (family, school… etc)

Are you living for Christ’s purpose for your life?

When we accept Christ as our Saviour it means that our lives are no

longer our own. We live to glorify HIM and to use the gifts HE has given

us to help in the great commission of being fishers of men.

Page 43: STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER TO HEAL AND FORGIVE WEEK 2 -IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH WEEK 3 -HE IS GOOD! WEEK 4 -DON’T


Memory Verse: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim

the year of the Lord’s favour.” Luke 4:18

Story: A Miraculous catch of fish

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to keep praying for miracles even when we don’t

see the results.

Activity Items Required


Make a fish mobile.

-Cut out the fish templates.

-Punch holes at their mouths and tie

different lengths of string to them as

seen in the picture.

-Tie the string to a stick/dowel rod.

-Tie an extra piece of string on each

side of the rod to enable you to hang

it up on your wall.


Chat about their previous fishing

experiences and get them to share

stories with each other. Those that

know more can teach others what

they know. Make sure you brush up

on your fishing knowledge ;)

Fish templates


Dowel rod/stick



Page 44: STEP OUT - One Life Churchstatic.ncfchurch.org.za/childrenschurch/2015... · STEP OUT WEEK1 -POWER TO HEAL AND FORGIVE WEEK 2 -IT’S ALL ABOUT FAITH WEEK 3 -HE IS GOOD! WEEK 4 -DON’T

Talk About It

In verse 5:10, Jesus says “Do not fear, from now on you will be

catching men.”

What does this mean to you?

(Allow for some discussion as to what it means to be a fisher of men)


Catch = to capture alive.

The fish these men caught would die after being out of the water for a

while, but the men that they would catch would be given life after they

had been spiritually dead. They would become alive for Jesus.

What does this story how us?

-Jesus transforms everyday people into his children

-The greatest purpose we have in life is to follow Jesus in catching

men for Him.

-Our focus needs to be on catching people and not on all our own


-What things were distracting Peter and his friends?

(Their fishing business)

-What things distract you or get in the way of you being fishers of


-What is successful in the world’s eyes versus what is successful in

God’s eyes? Read Matthew 6:19 & 33

-Whatever you do to make a living, your main goal should be to glorify

God and your main focus should be to be a witness for Jesus Christ

through your behaviour, your attitudes, and your words.

-How do we do this?

-We need to see people how Jesus sees them and view ourselves as

His representative wherever he has placed us. (family, school… etc)

Are you living for Christ’s purpose for your life?

When we accept Christ as our Saviour it means that our lives are no

longer our own. We live to glorify HIM and to use the gifts HE has

given us to help in the great commission of being fishers of men.
