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Stepping Beyond diversity

Date post: 07-Nov-2014
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  • 1. Whats beyond diversity Human Being=Yourself
  • 2. What does beyond diversity mean? Diversity means the differences between things or people; the variety or assortment that makes us unique. Every person has unique talents, characteristics, and challenges to share with the world. Beyond diversity means the more diverse the workplace, the more likely it is we wont have a fair and level playing field, not because of the diversity, but because of how we treat those who are different from ourselves. If you want to create more diversity, you have to shape attitudes and tendencies of people in the organization from the top down and the bottom up.
  • 3. How can diversity be described? Beyond Diversity is a powerful, personally transforming two-day seminar designed to help teachers, students, parents, and administrators understand the impact of race on student learning and investigate the role which racism plays in institutionalized academic achievement disparities. Participants engage in a thoughtful, compassionate exploration of race and racism and grapple with how each influences the culture and climate of our schools. Participants practice using strategies for identifying and addressing policies, programs and practices that negatively impact achievement for students of color and serve as barriers to ALL students receiving a world-class education.
  • 4. What are the components parts of beyond diversity? Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) Awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) Cross-cultural skills. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures.
  • 5. How is beyond diversity made or done? Disagreements and conflicts created on the basis of different cultural backgrounds arise even in the best teams. The ability to manage positively conflicts is a fundamental expertise, essential in the multicultural world. That is why managers and employees skills of positive conflict management created on the basis of different cultural backgrounds in SMEs seem to be very important. It is an essential element of managers knowledge because it helps to resolve conflicts and prevents from new ones. For that reasons the main aim of the project is to give beneficiaries effective and integrated tolls for positive conflict management in the SMEs sector and provide exchange of experiences between them.
  • 6. How should beyond diversity be made or done? Distribution of tasks and roles are made on the basis of organization experiences gained during their current activities and previous work involvement.
  • 7. What is the essential function of beyond diversity? The "business case for diversity" stem from the progression of the models of diversity within the workplace since the 1960s. The original model for diversity was situated around affirmative action drawing strength from the law and a need to comply with equal opportunity employment objectives. This compliance-based model gave rise to the idea that tokenism was the reason an individual was hired into a company when they differed from the dominant group. This primarily included race, ethnicity, and gender. Although affirmative action is the law, in most cases, U.S. employers are prohibited by federal and state laws from giving race or ethnicity any consideration in hiring or assigning employees, including hiring to fill diversity quotas. Beyond having a workforce that mirrors the changing demographics of the global consumer market and the ability to better understand their desires and preferences, productivity, and costs can be analyzed to assist in building the business case for diversity. In the deficit model, organizations that do not have a strong diversity inclusion culture will invite lower productivity, higher absenteeism, and higher turnover which will result in higher costs to the company.
  • 8. What are the causes of beyond diversity? Diversity in the workplace can be a financial benefit to a company, according to business expert Sharon Douglas writing on the Workforce Diversity Network website. Workforce diversity can help a company expand into new markets and it can also create differing points of view that can help the company devise more creative solutions to problems. In order to create a diverse workforce, a company needs to first understand what causes workforce diversity.
  • 9. What are the consequences of beyond diversity? The consequences of diversity could lead towards creating bad judgment that can cause a company business to fail. Also, there are many disadvantages that can be associated with diversity. People tend to collide in matters of opinion. Different cultures can come into play at a go causing confusion.
  • 10. What are the types of diversity? There are different types of diversity such as: capabilities and disabilities, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic backgrounds and sexual orientation. The acceptance of these diverse affiliations in a society ensures harmonious existence and peaceful relations .
  • 11. Continued. People live in all kinds of places around the world. Some people live in big cities. Others prefer to live in small towns or villages. Some people live in big houses; others live in apartments, or small homes. Some people don't have enough money for lodging and are homeless. Others are forced out of their homes and live in shelters or refugee camps.
  • 12. Continued. Another factor is the education people receive. People can attend public or private schools. At a public school in the U.S., the government provides a free and appropriate education for children ages 3-18. At a private school in the U.S., people pay tuition for their schooling. If people want to further their education, they may choose to go to college. Some people attend trade school for training as well. Some people live in countries that place a high value on education. Some people live in countries that limit who is allowed to attend school. And in some countries there are few schools because there is so much poverty.
  • 13. Continued. There are so many different types of jobs for people to work and earn money. There are jobs where people can be leaders and manage companies or even countries. Some people work in jobs that teach or provide services for others. There are many jobs in which people help to keep others healthy and safe too. Some people work in jobs that entertain others. Some people work in manufacturing or trade jobs which provide goods and services to others. Also, some people work without getting paid; they volunteer their time and talents.
  • 14. Continued. People take pride in their family heritage. There are many different cultures around the world. Each is special in its own way. Many family traditions and customs are passed down from generation to generation. People are proud of their ancestors and have special foods, songs, holidays, and other traditions they celebrate with their families.
  • 15. Continued. Religion is important to many people. There are many different religions around the world. Some religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Many people base their beliefs and values upon things they have learned about in their religious teachings.
  • 16. Continued. Language is the way we talk to each other. There are so many different languages in the entire world. English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and Korean are just a few of the languages people speak. We can learn so much from other people by learning to communicate with each other.
  • 17. How does diversity compare to beyond diversity? The original well known factor for diversity is based on race, gender, religion and gender and beyond diversity is stepping out of the box by changing the mind process of creating equal treatment.
  • 18. What is the present status of beyond diversity? To find the greatness of oneself by expanding the mind thought process. Overall, building more equality and reducing less discrimination.
  • 19. How should beyond diversity be interpreted? Diversity can be generational differences, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or even sex. To communicate effectively, you must work to understand the context from which each group comes, without stereotyping all individuals from that particular group. Ineffective communication is spawned from conflict; if that conflict is not resolved, communication will break down further. Effective communication depends on the content and delivery from the communicator and how it is received and interpreted by the recipient.
  • 20. What are the facts about beyond diversity? Diversity, as a word or concept, can apply to rocks, plants, animals, people, systems of law, and much else. In the United States, since the 1970s, its immediate reference, if the word is presented with nothing more to specify it, is to the diversity of races, ethnic groups, and language groups that make the United States possibly the most diverse country in the world. But its import extends far beyond its use as a neutral descriptor of this variety: It rather refers to an ideology in which this diversity is prized, considered a benefit to the society, and is to be responded to positively in public policy and by major nongovernmental interests.
  • 21. How did beyond diversity happen? (Researched information: http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Diversity.aspx Before Diversity One kind of diversity, ethnic diversity among white Americans, is not much recognized in the current discourse on diversity, or in policies that recognize or respond to diversity. Yet before diversity became a prevailing concept to recognize and appreciate significant differences among Americans, other conceptssuch as the "melting pot" and "cultural pluralism"emerged to respond to and recognize ethnic differences among white Europeans (though they were then not all necessarily considered "white"). These concepts emerged because the large new immigrant groups of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuriesJews, Italians, Poles, Slavic groups, Greeks, and others from eastern and southern Europe and the Near Eastwere seen as different from and inferior to previous immigrants from Great Britain and northern and western Europe, and were subject to various degrees of discrimination.
  • 22. What kind of person is diversity? People have a great deal of diversity. Even though our basic body structure is the same (head, eyes, heart, arms, legs, feet, etc.), our physical characteristics are different. For instance, the color of our skin, hair, and eyes are different. Also, our height and shape provide some diversity too. Even our fingerprints are unique and different.
  • 23. Continued. People have to develop their own thoughts, opinions, feelings, and ideas about different topics and beliefs. It is important to make informed decisions. We are influenced by the people, places, and experiences in our lives. It is important to pay attention to this as a person forms an opinion about an issue. A person has to keep an open mind when developing an opinion. Gathering information is also crucial to making a decision. The more you know about a topic the easier it will be to make a good decision. As people grow up, they may even change their own opinions and have new ideas.
  • 24. Continued. Every person has unique talents, characteristics, and challenges to share with the world. Some people are good at reading and writing. Other people are talented at art and music. Some people are good at working with numbers or science. Others are talented by sharing their creativity. Some people have challenges to work with like being deaf, blind, or learning differently than others. It is important to remember that no matter what a person is good at or struggles with, we are all special in our own way. By accepting other people's differences, we are showing respect and tolerance throughout the world. We can learn about a variety of cultures, places, and different ways to look at the world. We might even make a new friend.
  • 25. What is my personal response to beyond diversity? I feel as if stepping beyond diversity is a great task to accomplish. My reason stated, is because in todays society most people still walks around with the same mindset of thinking that only race, religion, age, and gender are the only main factors of diversity, but in most cases it is much more than that. And by stepping out of the box and into beyond diversity, this will better expand the differences of how we see diversity as a whole.
  • 26. How are we diverse? Some other things that make us diverse are the places we live, the jobs we have, our education, our ethnic heritage, our religious beliefs, the languages we speak, our thoughts and feelings, our abilities, and our challenges.
  • 27. What is my memory of beyond diversity? The memory that I have of diversity is having the thought process of thinking that were all the same but in actuality we are all different due towards the ability of our skills, talents, strengths and how we think.
  • 28. What is the value of beyond diversity? Through this work and in several other classes I have taken I have come to realize that learning about diversity is a life-long endeavor. Through diversity--in the classroom and in life--I learned how to learn. I learned that no area of learning is limited to only one perspective. True learning occurs when problems are approached from many perspectives. The value of diversity in my education and in my life finally became clear to me only after having many of these sorts of experiences. Because I have experiences unique to the groups with whom I am affiliated, and because I recognize that no problem is ever isolated within one group of people, I am personally invested in matters of concern to groups other than my own. And, for the same reasons, members of these groups have become invested in addressing the needs of my community. Diversity is a multi-part citizenship: of smaller communities that define identity, of the university, of the nation, and of the world.
  • 29. Continued I have also realized that this is a peculiar strength of education in America. In America, I don't need to give up who I am to be American. I don't have to choose between being a Christian and being American, between being secular or religious. Affiliation does not mean separation. Distinctions among peoples ensure that we can approach life with a full palate of perspectives. This is the value of diversity for me.
  • 30. How can beyond diversity be summarized? An initial objection to the concept of "diversity" is that it defines our identity in terms of the groups we belong to, whether by choice or circumstance. But that is just what people do all the time. Diversity is often perceived in terms of a visual image - what we might call the "imaginary". Diversity is about empowering people.
  • 31. What case can be made for or against beyond diversity? Simply enforcing government regulations will not get you to the best. To obtain that competitive edge, you need to grow your work-force from groups into teams that use the full potential of every individual. Teams are much more than a group. A group is collection of individuals where each person is working towards his or her own goal, while a team is a collection of individuals working towards a common goal or vision. This helps to create a synergy effect with teams which is, one plus one equals more than one. An individual, acting alone, can accomplish much; but a group of people acting together in a unified force can accomplish great wonders. This is because team members understand each other and support each other. Their main goal is to see the team accomplish its mission.
  • 32. What are the benefits of beyond diversity? More and more, organizations are realizing that in order to be successful they must value the diversity of their employees and the clients they serve. Organizations must have clarity about the specific benefits of diversity to their success. It's important that employees are representative of their client base so they can understand their needs and know how to serve them. It does not mean that people of one culture, gender, age, etc. only work with those respective populations. It means that the organization as a whole is better able to relate to a larger population. This creates better working relationships, and helps avoid miscommunication based on cultural differences and ignorance about other groups. It saves time and money and having to do things over.
