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Steps in Conducting a Research

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  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research


    Steps in Conducting aSteps in Conducting a

    ResearchResearchDr. Sahar SabbourDr. Sahar Sabbour

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research


    This presentation shows aThis presentation shows asummarized form of thesummarized form of the

    different points in researchdifferent points in researchdesign and doesnt go intodesign and doesnt go into

    details of each step.details of each step.

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research


    Research Design StepsResearch Design Steps

    Main outlines:Main outlines: TitleTitle Background and Significance (Introduction)Background and Significance (Introduction) Hypothesis and Research questionsHypothesis and Research questions ObjectivesObjectives MethodsMethods ResultsResults DiscussionDiscussion RecommendationsRecommendations Conclusion and SummaryConclusion and Summary ReferencesReferences AppendixAppendix

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    Functions of the title:Functions of the title: Identifies the main topic and scope of the study.Identifies the main topic and scope of the study.

    Attracts readers.Attracts readers.

    Guidelines:Guidelines: Should be informative.Should be informative.

    Should be selfShould be self--explanatory to readers.explanatory to readers.

    Should not be too broad; tells the reader tooShould not be too broad; tells the reader toolittle.little.

    Avoid abbreviations.Avoid abbreviations.

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    Its purpose is to provide a starting pointIts purpose is to provide a starting point

    to the work which follows.to the work which follows.

    To convince the readers why this work isTo convince the readers why this work isdone.done.

    To show context of the problem, definesTo show context of the problem, defines


    To identify gaps in knowledge.To identify gaps in knowledge.

    Identifies the sources of information.Identifies the sources of information.

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    Guide in Contents:Guide in Contents: Information about the scope of the problem;Information about the scope of the problem;

    use statistics and rates.use statistics and rates.

    An explanation of why this study needs to beAn explanation of why this study needs to bedone and why it is necessary for the targetdone and why it is necessary for the targetpopulation.population.

    A critical review of the relevant literature.A critical review of the relevant literature.

    Point out how your proposed findings will helpPoint out how your proposed findings will helpresolve important issues in the field (possibleresolve important issues in the field (possiblebenefits).benefits).

    What did you aim to add?What did you aim to add?

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research



    Overall, it should provide a map for theOverall, it should provide a map for the

    reader to follow by outlining a structure.reader to follow by outlining a structure.

    Make it interesting.Make it interesting. Make certain that your backgroundMake certain that your background

    discussion remains focused on the issuesdiscussion remains focused on the issues

    your research will address.your research will address.

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    Hypothesis and ResearchHypothesis and Research

    QuestionsQuestions What are the questions that are outstanding and needWhat are the questions that are outstanding and needanswer?answer?

    Put a hypothesisPut a hypothesis::

    A hypothesis is a proposed explanation of aA hypothesis is a proposed explanation of aphenomenon. Generally hypotheses should proposephenomenon. Generally hypotheses should proposesome correlation e.g.:some correlation e.g.:

    Hormone intake may be associated with breast cancerHormone intake may be associated with breast cancer

    in women.in women.

    Research hypothesis will be tested in your study, itResearch hypothesis will be tested in your study, itmight be correct or incorrect.might be correct or incorrect.

    The hypothesis is always subject to further test..The hypothesis is always subject to further test..

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research



    Setting objectives: Clear statements of the aimsSetting objectives: Clear statements of the aims

    Objectives should beObjectives should be::

    SpecificSpecific Linked to general aimLinked to general aim

    Stated in terms of outcome to be achievedStated in terms of outcome to be achieved(attainable)(attainable)

    Limited timeLimited time

    Measurement specified: written in a measurableMeasurement specified: written in a measurableterm.term.

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    Flow between aims is important and helpsFlow between aims is important and helps

    background stays concise.background stays concise.

    Dont be over ambitious.Dont be over ambitious.

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    Subjects and MethodsSubjects and Methods

    This section outlines research methods to showThis section outlines research methods to showwhat will be done and how.what will be done and how.

    Research strategy (Study Design):Research strategy (Study Design):Will you use descriptive, analytic orWill you use descriptive, analytic or

    experimental strategies?experimental strategies?

    Study population:Study population:What will be the unit of observation?What will be the unit of observation?

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research


    Subjects and MethodsSubjects and Methods

    SamplingSampling : Is sampling needed?,: Is sampling needed?,

    What type of sampling is appropriate,What type of sampling is appropriate,

    What is the adequate sample size to test yourWhat is the adequate sample size to test your


    Are controls needed, how are they selected?,Are controls needed, how are they selected?,

    how will you ensure comparability of studyhow will you ensure comparability of studygroups.groups.

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    Subjects and Methods.Subjects and Methods.

    Study toolsStudy tools (study instruments):(study instruments):

    What measurements and procedures will youWhat measurements and procedures will you

    use in data collection?use in data collection?

    Check reliability and validity of yourCheck reliability and validity of your

    instrument, quality control.instrument, quality control.

    How are your instruments preHow are your instruments pre--tested, howtested, how

    will you train interviewers, what facilities arewill you train interviewers, what facilities are


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    Subjects and Methods.Subjects and Methods.

    Plans for Data processing, tabulation andPlans for Data processing, tabulation and

    analysis: what statistical tests will you apply?analysis: what statistical tests will you apply?

    Plans for Budget, Funds, Time table.Plans for Budget, Funds, Time table.

    Ethical committee approval.Ethical committee approval.

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    Literature ReviewLiterature Review

    This section is a summary of all theThis section is a summary of all the

    significant information that has alreadysignificant information that has alreadybeen written on your subject existingbeen written on your subject existing


    It usually contains a lot of referencing asIt usually contains a lot of referencing asyou are citing ideas from other authors.you are citing ideas from other authors.

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    This section presents data.This section presents data. It can be done in a range of ways such asIt can be done in a range of ways such as

    tables, graphs, diagrams, flow charts.tables, graphs, diagrams, flow charts.

    Use tables when details of data are needed.Use tables when details of data are needed. Use graphs when only impressions are needed.Use graphs when only impressions are needed.

    Comparisons and associations: use tests ofComparisons and associations: use tests of

    significance, correlations. as statistical tools.significance, correlations. as statistical tools. Interpret your results:Interpret your results:

    e.g. Data:e.g. Data: 3737..88 cc

    What is the information ?: MildF

    ever What is the information ?: MildF


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    In this section you should:In this section you should:

    Interpret and analyze results and data.Interpret and analyze results and data.

    Make comparisons.Make comparisons. Draw together concepts, facts, policies,Draw together concepts, facts, policies,


    Link different sections of the discussionLink different sections of the discussiontogether, use a topic sentence that introducestogether, use a topic sentence that introducesthe section that follows.the section that follows.

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    Discuss methods, and their limitations,Discuss methods, and their limitations,

    Discuss your results in light of confirmatory andDiscuss your results in light of confirmatory andconflicting reportsconflicting reports

    Discuss possible mechanisms or explanations.Discuss possible mechanisms or explanations.

    Discuss implications.Discuss implications.

    State points which needs further studies.State points which needs further studies.


    What is the message?What is the message?

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    It should be a brief summary of theIt should be a brief summary of the

    main points developed in themain points developed in the


    Restate arguments developed in theRestate arguments developed in the

    main body of the report.main body of the report.

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    The purpose of the research is to ultimatelyThe purpose of the research is to ultimately

    recommend a course of action.recommend a course of action.

    Recommendations may involve:Recommendations may involve: Methods, procedures or approaches forMethods, procedures or approaches for

    solving particular problems,solving particular problems,


    urther work or actions or research to beF

    urther work or actions or research to becompleted.completed.

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    There should be a reference list.There should be a reference list.

    Follow guidelines in writing the references.Follow guidelines in writing the references.


    ame of author/editorN

    ame of author/editorTitle of journal/bookTitle of journal/book

    Year of publicationYear of publication

    Volume no./publisherVolume no./publisher

    Title of article/ chapterTitle of article/ chapter

    First and last pagesFirst and last pages

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    It includes any supplementary material as:It includes any supplementary material as:

    Long tablesLong tables


    Letters, extracts from other reportsLetters, extracts from other reports

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    AbstractAbstract It is a summary of the whole report; a shortIt is a summary of the whole report; a short

    indication of the paper content.indication of the paper content.

    Also called an executive summary.Also called an executive summary.

    Structured abstract should include all the mainStructured abstract should include all the main

    points of the report: Background, Methods,points of the report: Background, Methods,Results, Conclusion (Results, Conclusion (usually not exceed 250 wordusually not exceed 250 word).).

    Does not include quotes, examples or details.Does not include quotes, examples or details.

    Usually written in a smaller font or with a singleUsually written in a smaller font or with a singlespace between lines.space between lines.

    Follow specific guidelines of each journal,Follow specific guidelines of each journal,

    conference or others.conference or others.

  • 8/9/2019 Steps in Conducting a Research


    AcknowledgementAcknowledgement Research Design check list : Dr. AbdelResearch Design check list : Dr. Abdel--Rehiem OmranRehiem Omran

    Prof. of Epidemiology, USAProf. of Epidemiology, USA for his soul).(for his soul).

    Grant writing workshop 14Grant writing workshop 14--17 Nov. 2005 held in WHO17 Nov. 2005 held in WHO--

    EMRO Cairo, Egypt (quoted from the presentation of Dr.EMRO Cairo, Egypt (quoted from the presentation of Dr.

    Christopher Loffredo) Prof. of Cancer Genetics andChristopher Loffredo) Prof. of Cancer Genetics andEpidemiology. Georgetown University, School of Medicine,Epidemiology. Georgetown University, School of Medicine,


