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Steven Rosas Themoelectric Temperature Controller Computer Interface Poster 2015

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Thermoelectric Temperature Controller Computer Interface Steven Rosas Multifunctional Electronic Materials and Devices Research Lab Department of Electric and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA Contact Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This research project aims to engineer a way to interface between a thermoelectric temperature controller and a personal computer. This device considered here is an exis;ng manufactured product, however it is limited to working independently for hea;ng or cooling thermoelectric modules. The new interface system will add digital interface to the temperature controller and allow data to be extracted, decoded, and send to a computer. INTRODUCTION The objec;ve is to interface a thermoelectric temperature controller by displaying the temperature shown on the front 7-segment display to the computer monitor. The device to be upgraded is an MTTC-1410 Thermoelectric Temperature Controller manufactured by Melcor of Laird Technologies. This instrument used to accurately control the temperature of a connected thermoelectric device. This device is not designed to connect with a computer. The purpose of this project is to find a way to expand the capabili;es of an exis;ng system using engineering knowledge. REFERENCES CITED i2c.info, “I2C Info – I2C Bus, Interface and Protocol,” i2c.info. 2015[Online]. Available: hTp://www.i2c.info. [Accessed: June 2015]. Melcor of Laird Technologies Technical Staff, Thermoelectric Handbook, Melcor a unit of Laird Technologies , 2009. Microcontrollers,” PIC 16F877A datasheet, 2001-2003. MicroChip, “PIC16F/LF1825/1829 14/20-Pin Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWaT XLP Technology,” PIC 16F1829 datasheet, 2010. MicroChip, “PIC16F87XA 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Na;onal Instruments Corpera;on, “Measure Temperature using a RTD, myDAQ, and LabVIEW,” Na;onal Instruments Corpera;on. Jul 23, 2010[Online]. Available: hTp://www.ni.com/example/31412/en/. [Accessed: June 2015]. Omega Engineering, “OMEGA® Thin Film DIN Class “A” RTD Elements,” F3141 datasheet, 2015 Paul. Morton. EE 3463. Class Lecture, Topic: “N-S12 & PIC Peripherals: I2C .” Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, May 2015. Paul. Morton. EE 3463. Class Lecture, Topic: “Q-S12 & PIC Peripherals: PWM .” Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, May 2015. Philips Semiconductors, “SAA1064 4-digit LED-driver with I2C-Bus interface,” SAA1064 datasheet, February 1991. PROCESS Started with MTTC-1410 Thermoelectric Temperature Controller from Melcor of Laird Technologies Disassembled the controller’s front interface. Iden;fied loca;on for modifica;on between the Phillips SAA1064T and the Microchip PIC 16F877A. Soldered 3 wires for I 2 C output. The Green is SDA data line, orange is clock line, and black is ground. A digital data analyzer was connected to each of the 3 wires to visualize output to find address needed for the program. Programmed code for PIC 16F1829 to transla;ng I 2 C data to ASCII for computer interface. Connected wires to assigned pins on the PIC 16F1829. RESULTS CONCLUSION The MTTC 1410 Thermometric Temperature Controller is now connected to the outside world. Temperature data can now be displayed and recorded on a computer. One important lesson this project experience shows are the fundamentals of electronic communica;on between devices. Acknowledgement: Financial support of Department of Navy joint program with the University of Texas at Aus;n and the University of Texas at San Antonio under Grant No. N00014-14-0690 (UTA14-000795), technical guidance of Dr. Paul Morton and program support of Dr. Ruyan Guo and Dr. Amar Bhalla, are acknowledged. Works with Windows. Download Proli?ic USB to Serial Comm Port Version Driver and TeraTerm application. Also with Mac OSX. Download Proli?ic USB to Serial Comm Port MAC Driver and SerialTools application. DISCUSSION The task of finding an output, then transla;ng the I 2 C transmiong data to ASCII to display on a computer was successful. Aper going over this hurdle, the possibili;es for the MTTC 1410 Thermometric Temperature Controller have greatly expanded. Sopware on a computer like a LabView plaqorm can use this data and display in graphic interfaces.
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ContactEmail:[email protected]

ABSTRACT•  Thisresearchprojectaimstoengineerawaytointerfacebetweena


INTRODUCTION•  Theobjec;veistointerfaceathermoelectrictemperaturecontrollerby


•  ThedevicetobeupgradedisanMTTC-1410ThermoelectricTemperatureControllermanufacturedbyMelcorofLairdTechnologies.Thisinstrumentusedtoaccuratelycontrolthetemperatureofaconnectedthermoelectricdevice.

•  Thisdeviceisnotdesignedtoconnectwithacomputer.Thepurposeofthisprojectistofindawaytoexpandthecapabili;esofanexis;ngsystemusingengineeringknowledge.

REFERENCESCITED•  i2c.info,“I2CInfo–I2CBus,InterfaceandProtocol,”i2c.info.2015[Online].

•  Available:hTp://www.i2c.info.[Accessed:June2015].

•  MelcorofLairdTechnologiesTechnicalStaff,ThermoelectricHandbook,

•  MelcoraunitofLairdTechnologies,2009.

•  Microcontrollers,”PIC16F877Adatasheet,2001-2003.

•  MicroChip,“PIC16F/LF1825/182914/20-PinFlashMicrocontrollerswithnanoWaTXLPTechnology,”PIC16F1829datasheet,2010.

•  MicroChip,“PIC16F87XA28/40/44-PinEnhancedFlashNa;onalInstrumentsCorpera;on,“MeasureTemperatureusingaRTD,myDAQ,andLabVIEW,”Na;onalInstrumentsCorpera;on.Jul23,2010[Online].

•  Available:hTp://www.ni.com/example/31412/en/.[Accessed:June2015].

•  OmegaEngineering,“OMEGA®ThinFilm

•  DINClass“A”RTDElements,”F3141datasheet,2015

•  Paul.Morton.EE3463.ClassLecture,Topic:“N-S12&PICPeripherals:I2C.”DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,TheUniversityofTexasatSanAntonio,SanAntonio,TX,May2015.

•  Paul.Morton.EE3463.ClassLecture,Topic:“Q-S12&PICPeripherals:PWM.”DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,TheUniversityofTexasatSanAntonio,SanAntonio,TX,May2015.

•  PhilipsSemiconductors,“SAA10644-digitLED-driverwithI2C-Bus

•  interface,”SAA1064datasheet,February1991.

PROCESS•  StartedwithMTTC-1410ThermoelectricTemperatureControllerfromMelcorofLairdTechnologies•  Disassembledthecontroller’sfrontinterface.•  Iden;fiedloca;onformodifica;onbetweenthePhillipsSAA1064TandtheMicrochipPIC16F877A.•  Soldered3wiresforI2Coutput.TheGreenisSDAdataline,orangeisclockline,andblackisground.•  Adigitaldataanalyzerwasconnectedtoeachofthe3wirestovisualizeoutputtofindaddressneededfortheprogram.•  ProgrammedcodeforPIC16F1829totransla;ngI2CdatatoASCIIforcomputerinterface.•  ConnectedwirestoassignedpinsonthePIC16F1829.



•  TheMTTC1410ThermometricTemperatureControllerisnowconnectedtotheoutsideworld.

•  Temperaturedatacannowbedisplayedandrecordedonacomputer.

•  Oneimportantlessonthisprojectexperienceshowsarethefundamentalsofelectroniccommunica;onbetweendevices.





•  Thetaskoffindinganoutput,thentransla;ngtheI2CtransmiongdatatoASCIItodisplayonacomputerwassuccessful.Apergoingoverthishurdle,thepossibili;esfortheMTTC1410ThermometricTemperatureControllerhavegreatlyexpanded.

•  SopwareonacomputerlikeaLabViewplaqormcanusethisdataanddisplayingraphicinterfaces.
