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Stewardship Self Reflection Tool A ministry tool for forming and sustaining Christian stewards Version 2010.4.evaluation draft Copyright 2010, Author: Steven P. Monti All Rights Reserved. The right to reproduce this material for the exclusive use of The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, Raleigh, North Carolina, for the sole purpose of evaluation through June 30, 2010, is granted from Author. Any other use is prohibited. Proceed

Stewardship Self Reflection ToolA ministry tool for forming and sustaining Christian stewards

Version 2010.4.evaluation draft

Copyright 2010, Author: Steven P. Monti

All Rights Reserved. The right to reproduce this material for the exclusive use of The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, Raleigh,

North Carolina, for the sole purpose of evaluation through June 30, 2010, is granted from Author. Any other use is prohibited.



Our Journey

In the beginning... "God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good." - Genesis 1:31

And indeed it was very good, for man and women were created in the divine image, and in right relationship with the

Creator, with one another, and with the earth; and they enjoyed all that had been created, conversing easily with God as

they walked humbly in the cool evening breezes in the garden.

And indeed imprinted deep within the human heart is the memory of how very good it was -- an enduring echo of the very

goodness of the original gift, an echo that has sustained our hopes down through centuries of restless yearnings and

strivings, and which directs our journey even to this day as we look to make our way home. For as St. Augustine first

confessed, "You have made us to be toward yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

And indeed we are making our way home. For despite countless setbacks and challenges, the divine favor of human

progress is readily discernable when history is interpreted under the prism of Christian hope. For in the revelation of the

life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the aperture of our aspirations has advanced from an Old Testament paradigm of

divine justice to embrace a New Testament paradigm of self giving Christian love. Or even up to the present, who would

deny what Bread for the World President Reverend David Beckmann calls "the great exodus of our time" that has lifted

literally hundreds of millions in developing countries from persistent hunger and poverty to health and hope in recent


But what of us? How will we make an accounting of our stewardship, our role in the long chain of custody of all that is gift?

With so much yet to be done, what are we doing to hasten the reign of God -- to quicken the realization of our ancient

hopes and aspirations -- in our time and place, in our community, in our families, and in our own human hearts?

Stewardship: A Disciple's Response ** This title and following paragraphs are adapted from the US Bishops' pastor letter, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response

As Christians, we are called and invited to become disciples -- that is, to "make a conscious, firm decision, carried out in

action, to be followers of Jesus Christ, no matter the cost."

We are called and invited to experience conversion -- a "change of mind and heart [that] means committing one's very self

to the Lord."

And we are called and invited to stewardship -- an "expression of discipleship with the power to change how we

understand and live out our lives."

Stewardship thus entails much more than merely our relationship to the church or our use of our gifts of time, talent, and

treasure. Rather, it is an invitation to a way of life by which we recognize and receive everything as "gift", and by which we

make our journey home. And while it is our shared journey, it yet must begin in our each and every human heart.

The Stewardship Initiative at St. Francis of Assisi

Beginning in 2007, the pastoral council of our parish discerned the need to foster a culture of stewardship, and charged a

newly formed parish stewardship committee to flesh out this strategic initiative, which has taken shape in three parts. First,

the face of the initiative is a renewed parish program of Invitation and Hospitality . Second, the heart of the initiative is a

new program for forming and sustaining ourselves as Christian stewards, named Stewardship yoU . Third, the hands and

feet of the initiative is a renewed emphasis on stewarding our ministries, called Shared Ministry . Through these three ways

then, we hope to become wider in welcome, deeper in Spirit, and bolder in justice.

When fully realized, the formation component (Stewardship yoU ) will represent a significant realignment and/or

augmentation of many current and several new formation offerings, to focus and enhance our parish's capacity to form

and sustain one another as Christian stewards. For example, a Spiritual Gifts Discernment offering will be newly offered

beginning June 2010, while still other offerings are envisioned for introduction over 2010-2012.

Moreover, a Stewardship Self Reflection Tool (this tool) is being introduced at the outset of this initiative to assist

parishioners to make the most of these expanded opportunities -- by first reflecting on their own stewardship needs and

aspirations, to form their own "personalized" roadmaps for pursuing formation and ministry opportunities over the next

"leg" of their stewardship journey.

The Stewardship Self Reflection Tool

This tool is inspired by the people of The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, Raleigh, NC, and was developed to

meet a pastoral need as first perceived by its pastoral council and further discerned by its stewardship committee: the need

to create and foster a culture of stewardship.

Specifically, the Stewardship Self Reflection Tool is a ministry tool for forming and sustaining Christian stewards in a parish

based setting. It is intended to accomplish three aims:

(1) A teaching purpose: fostering a broad and common understanding of stewardship, by the way it presents reflections,

questions, and feedback

(2) A reflective purpose: offering parishioners a method and space for self reflection on their stewardship journey -- in a

companioned Small Christian Community context

(3) A directive purpose: offering parishioners individualized feedback to direct them to their strengths, gaps, and

aspirations for further formation and ministry; while offering the parish feedback to tailor and direct its formation,

ministry, and preaching focus in alignment with parishioners' needs

Your Invitation

Your invitation to participate in the piloting of this tool is an invitation to enter more deeply into your own stewardship

journey, to hasten the realization of your own deepest hopes and aspirations lovingly implanted by God in your own human

heart at the dawn of your own creation. How? By opening yourself to reflect on a series of powerful questions addressing

these eight dimensions of your own personal stewardship:

1.0 Theology of Stewardship

At the outset, we pause to consider our own understanding of stewardship; to "remember" that everything is "gift"; and to

realize that God invites on this journey not only our time, talent, and treasure, but really "our very selves" in our every walk

of life.

2.0 Spirituality

Next, we remember the simple pleasure and vital refreshment of conversing easily with God in the cool of the evening

breeze in the garden.

3.0 Intentionality

Here, we recall the wisdom of keeping our purpose, keeping things simple, keeping well, and keeping our balance for the


4.0 Gifts

Here, we consider how God invites us to discern, develop, and deploy our gifts toward the realization of our ancient hopes

and aspirations.

5.0 Treasure

Likewise, we consider God's invitation to align our treasure with these same hopes and aspirations, so we are not

undermining our investment of time and talent by investing our treasure carelessly in opposition to our hopes and dreams.

6.0 Personal Relationships

Moving beyond time, talent, and treasure, we now look to Jesus' invitation to really "love one another."

7.0 Social Relationships (Catholic Social Teaching)

Almost home now, we listen still more deeply here to recover from the ancient echo the joyous sounds of our original "right

relationships" with the garden, with our God, and with each other.

8.0 Eucharist

Finally, we gather together bringing our very selves -- our failings and strivings, fears and hopes; we give our thanks; we

receive gift; we "remember" in our Lord's presence who we are and whose we are; and refreshed, we journey on.

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Intended Use

In keeping with the highly personal nature of the topic areas, this tool is intended primarily for personal use by parishioners,

and primarily for their personal benefit. Simply stated, Christian stewardship is so intimately entwined with conversion of

the human heart that a tool such as this cannot avoid to infringe this sacred ground, but must rather merely do so

respectfully, by offering an option of privacy. For this reason the initial implementation of this tool is provided in an excel

file and not a networked or web based platform -- affording the user complete discretion regarding whether and with

whom they wish to share the exercise.

That said, we know that whenever we are graced with courage to open a door, to expose our human heart -- where the

weeds and the wheat are lovingly permitted to grow together for a time -- that there is God lovingly and tenderly

modulating the light to not overwhelm us but allowing only what is needed to inform, to heal, and to grow. So we can

entrust ourselves to God. In this same Spirit we sing, "Let no one walk alone, the journey makes us one." So let there also

be a place to be held by community on our stewardship journey. Thus the envisioned context for using this tool is properly

within small Christian communities -- providing the companionship of peers and/or a trained facilitator -- always subject to

the individual's discretion with respect to sharing their personal responses.

Finally, for the purposes of improving this tool, a parish's use of this tool, or assisting the parish in refining its formation,

ministry, and preaching focus -- the tool provides a facility for users -- at their option, upon completion -- to elect to share

their feedback under varying levels of anonymity or attribution. It is left for parish staff to determine which of these options

to offer in its deployment of the tool.

Method and Instructions

Each section and topic begins by presenting a brief reflection. Pause to give these short reflections your due attention to

allow the Spirit to open you to the topic; then proceed to the questions.

At root this process is a self assessment -- meaning that the assessment is driven by the user's responses to self assessment

questions more than by any logic or judgments encoded within the tool itself. The method of the assessment essentially

consists of four questions for each of the 29 topic areas.

Question 1 is always a data question. It serves to start you thinking on how you normally engage the topic in your everyday

life, and its primary use in the assessment is providing a data point for validating or invalidating the subsequent question


Question 2 is usually a pithy touch point question. It addresses the heart of the topic, and its primary use is to elicit your

self assessment for the topic. You are advised to not over reach on this question and to avoid answering it optimistically --

i.e. how you wish you could answer it if only for... some unfortunate truth. Rather trust that you will be best served in this

process by answering as candidly and accurately as you are able to discern the question.

Question 3 is usually worded the same as Question 2, except that now it is asking you to answer aspirationally -- i.e.

"regardless of my present realities, I believe that I should and/or desire that I would ... do xyz." You may tire of this

phrasing at some point so just remember the key here is eliciting any gaps between your self assessment (Question 2) and

your aspirations (Question 3) regarding an otherwise consistently worded question.

Question 4 by contrast usually presents one or more points of view and asks to what extent you find the statements

attractive or unattractive. It is intended to elicit how strong and how timely you are motivated and/or inspired by the

Spirit to pursue this topic over the next leg of your stewardship journey. So in any case in which you find the tool's choice of

statement(s) to be eliciting a diverging response from what you perceive is your actual attraction to the topic, you might

temper your response more with a view to your attraction to the topic than to the particular statement(s) presented.

In summary, as will become clear in the evaluation phase, these four responses are further combined in some interesting

ways to form the feedback for each topic and for the assessment as a whole. The evaluation phase provides further

instructions for interpreting this feedback after you have completed the question/response phase of the tool.

Instructions for using this (interactive) release of the tool

For expediency, this version of the tool is implemented as an excel spreadsheet. Thus you can use the tabs at the bottom to

navigate between sheets, or you can use the navigational buttons which the tool provides. For ease of use, all response

locations are clearly marked, and whenever the range of allowed responses is finite, they are available from a drop-down

menu as an option in place of typing. For readability, certain familiar spreadsheet features (e.g. column/row headings, etc.)

are turned off, and some worksheets are "protected" and/or "hidden" to preclude inadvertently disturbing their integrity.

Likewise, each topic sheet includes initially hidden columns and rows containing the calculations and topic level feedback

for that topic. Toggle buttons are provided to show and/or hide these ranges as appropriate. You are advised to leave

these ranges hidden until after you have completed all of the questions and are directed to examine these during the

evaluation phase. Likewise, you are advised to resist "looking ahead" to the evaluation instructions and subsequent sheets

until prompted to do so.

In general, try to maintain a reflective pace as you proceed. There is a certain tendency at a computer screen to proceed as

quickly as a program permits, but then you risk missing 2/3 or more of the value in this exercise (i.e. the teaching purpose

and the reflective purpose). You might do well to complete no more than one or two of the eight sections (each contains 1-

6 topics) at any one sitting. You can of course save the file and return to it as often as you wish to.

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1.0 Theology of Stewardship


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

think about stewardship most of the time?1 Stewardship primarily concerns contributing financially to the church.

2 Stewardship primarily concerns contributing my time, talent, and

treasure to the church.

3 Stewardship primarily concerns how I use my gifts of time, talent, and

treasure in every way: at home, at school, at work, at church, in the

community, etc.

4 Stewardship primarily concerns how I use my gifts of time, talent, and

treasure in every way, and equally – how I value and steward every

other gift: faith, family, friends, human life, justice, peace, creation, etc.


2 Which of the following statements most closely represents your

knowledge (knowledge, not practice) of the church's theology of


1 I have negligible exposure to the theology of stewardship.

2 I have a limited knowledge, based on my exposure to parish homilies,

campaign pledge materials, school stewardship covenants, etc.

3 I have a practical working knowledge to know stewardship when I hear

and/or see it in action, and to know how to strive towards practicing it,

even while I cannot well articulate the theology of stewardship.

4 I have studied the church's teachings, such as the US bishops' pastoral

letter, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response, and can articulate the

theology as well as strive towards its practice.

5 I have studied the church's theology of stewardship and can articulate it

and/or teach it to others.


3 Which of these statements most closely represents the level of

knowledge that you believe you should and/or would like to attain?1 I have negligible exposure to the theology of stewardship.

2 I have a limited knowledge, based on my exposure to parish homilies,

campaign pledge materials, school stewardship covenants, etc.

3 I have a practical working knowledge to know stewardship when I hear

and/or see it in action, and to know how to strive towards practicing it,

even while I cannot well articulate the theology of stewardship.

4 I have studied the church's teachings, such as the US bishops' pastoral

letter, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response, and can articulate the

theology as well as strive towards its practice.

5 I have studied the church's theology of stewardship and can articulate it

and/or teach it to others.


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

- excerpt from the U.S. bishops’ pastoral letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response

A Christian Steward is one who:

Receives God’s gifts gratefully;

Cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner;

Shares them in justice and love with others;

Returns them with increase to the Lord.

Mature disciples make a conscious decision to follow Jesus, no matter

what the cost.

2 Unattractive

Christian disciples experience conversion – life shaping changes of mind

and heart – and commit their very selves to the Lord.3 Somewhat Unattractive

Christian stewards respond in a particular way to the call to be a disciple.

Stewardship has the power to shape and mold our understanding of our

lives and the way in which we live.

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

- excerpts from the US bishops' pastoral letter,

Stewardship: A Disciple's Response5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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2.0 Spirituality

The fruit of SILENCE is prayer.

The fruit of PRAYER is faith.

The fruit of FAITH is love.

The fruit of LOVE is service.

The fruit of SERVICE is



1 Considering Mother Teresa’s simple path, where might you most often

find yourself on this path? In other words, what stage might you most

nearly be striving to aspire to at this time in your life?

1 SILENCE – For example, but not necessarily – “With all of the demands

on my time, I often struggle to find the quiet moments I need each day

to just collect my own thoughts.”

2 PRAYER – For example, but not necessarily – “I really wish I could be

more in daily, natural, everyday ongoing conversation with my God.”

3 FAITH – For example, but not necessarily – “I wonder if my praying really

makes a difference, and whether God really intends acting powerfully in

me and/or in our world today?”

4 LOVE – For example, but not necessarily – “I know that I love God, but

would that I might more often share Jesus’ compassion and committed

desire to love others.”

5 SERVICE – For example, but not necessarily – “My heart and my head are

aligned in committed desire to serve God’s people, but up until now I

know that I have done so very little in my life…”

6 PEACE – For example, but not necessarily – “While I pour myself out

faithfully each day, there remains so much to be done, and when will I

and/or we know God’s peace in our world?”

NOTE: There are no questions 2 - 4 for this 2.0 heading.

(The above question number 1 is in fact just a "bonus" question for this

heading, the use of which is made clear in the evaluation phase.)

- excerpt from the book, Mother Teresa: A Simple Path

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2.1 Silence


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

One way or another, by intention or otherwise – most days there are

quiet moments that daily refresh me.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

There is sufficient silence in my life to provide the opportunities I need

for my spirit to be at rest, at play, and in conversation with God and


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present realities, I believe that there should be, and/or

desire that there would be – sufficient silence in my life to provide the

opportunities I need for my spirit to be at rest, at play, and in

conversation with God and others.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

“Silence of the heart is necessary so you can hear God everywhere – in

the closing of the door, in the person who needs you, in the birds that

sing, in the flowers, in the animals.”

- Mother Teresa

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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2.2 Vocal Prayer


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I often find it natural and/or helpful to just talk to God, so I do so on

most days.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I usually feel that I have an ongoing conversation and/or relationship

with God.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would, have an ongoing conversation and/or relationship with


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be

opened to you."

- Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9

2 Unattractive

“Rejoice always, never cease praying, render constant thanks; such is

God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

"No one is so advanced in prayer that they do not often have to return to the beginning." - St. Teresa of Avila

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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2.3 Meditative Prayer


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I enjoy and/or find it helpful to read the daily readings (Scriptures), or

the Bible, or an edifying Sacred or secular text. So most days I do this in

the morning, or at day’s end, or another set time that seems to work

best for me.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I have a regular practice of reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture –

more so than just hearing the Sunday readings proclaimed at the

weekend mass.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would, have a regular practice of reading and reflecting on Sacred

Scripture – more so than just hearing the Sunday readings proclaimed at

the weekend mass.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Can there be a more fitting pursuit in youth or a more valuable

possession in old age than a knowledge of sacred Scripture? In the

midst of storms it will preserve you from the dangers of shipwreck, and

guide you to the shore of an enchanting paradise and the everlasting

bliss of the angels."

- St. Boniface

2 Unattractive

“The tree that is beside running water is fresher and gives more fruit.” - St. Teresa of Avila

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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2.4 Contemplative Prayer


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I regularly open my mind and heart to God, to simply rest in God’s

presence.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I am familiar with the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer, and I

have a committed practice of it in my life.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I am familiar with the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer, and I

aspire to practice it in my life.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

“For the first 1600 years, contemplation was the goal of all Christian

prayer.” - Fr. Thomas Keating

2 Unattractive

“The very best and utmost attainment in this life is to remain still and let

God act and speak in you.” - Meister Eckhart

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

"You have made us to be toward yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." - St. Augustine of Hippo

7 Strongly Attractive

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3.0 Intentionality

3.1 Purpose


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I have a personal and/or family mission statement (expressed in writing

or picture or song, etc.) that I periodically revisit, revise, and rely upon to

direct my life towards those ends which I believe that I and/or God


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I have a clarity of purpose in my life which helps me to prioritize and

focus on those things which really matter.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – have a clarity of purpose in my life to help me prioritize

and focus on those things which really matter.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." - Peter F. Drucker

"Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall see God." - Matthew 5:8

"The objective of our life is the kingdom of God, but we should carefully

ask what we should aim for, *…+ lest we wear ourselves out in useless

strivings. For those who travel without a marked road there is the toil of

the journey and no arrival at a destination."

- St. John Cassian

2 Unattractive

"My prayer is that your love may more and more abound [...] so that

with a clear conscience and blameless conduct you may learn to value

the things that really matter."

- Philippians 2: 9-10

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"Make up your mind to become a saint."

- St. Maria Mazzarello

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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3.2 Simplicity


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Like Saint Francis and his friars, most days I have time enough to pray, to

enjoy at least one nourishing meal with people dear to me, and weather

permitting to spend at least a few moments outdoors enjoying God's


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

My possessions and responsibilities are simple enough to allow me

adequate time each day to attend to my spirit, my loved ones, and my


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – limit my possessions and responsibilities to be simple

enough to allow me adequate time each day to attend to my spirit, my

loved ones, and my priorities.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"We are inspired by the simplicity of Saint Francis and his friars." - St. Francis of Assisi parish mission statement

“There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence… *and that is+

activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a

form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence. To allow

oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to

surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many

projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to


- Thomas Merton

2 Unattractive

"What is too sublime for you, seek not; into things beyond your strength

search not. With what is too much for you, meddle not, when shown

things beyond human understanding."

- Sirach 3: 20,22

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"Consider the sparrows. They neither sow nor reap; yet your heavenly

Father feeds them."

- Matthew 6:26, Luke 12:24

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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3.3 Integrity (wellness)

beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul."

- Psalm 23: 1-3


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I usually awake refreshed by adequate sleep, eat healthfully and in

moderation, exercise sufficiently, and can find the "free time" and/or

"play time" that I need.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I am generally well, and I often enjoy a "lightness of spirit" and/or a quiet

joy as I go about my day.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present realities, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – be generally well, and often enjoy a "lightness of spirit"

and/or a quiet joy as I go about my day.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"For disciples of Christ, the use of leisure may demand being


- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Economic Justice for All

2 Unattractive

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose;

"Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will

refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I

am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is

easy and my burden light."

- Matthew 11:28-30

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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3.4 Balance

- Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 In a typical week, I invest the following amounts of time attending to:


a) my spiritual life hrs / week ==========> a)

b) my family/relationships hrs / week ==========> b)

c) my work (or school work) hrs / week ==========> c)

d) my community hrs / week ==========> d)

e) my own needs hrs / week ==========> e)

2 I believe I am investing time in due proportion (neither too little nor too

much) to my priorities, with respect to:

1 Strongly Disagree


a) my spiritual life 2 Disagree a)

b) my family/relationships 3 Somewhat Disagree b)

c) my work (or school work) 4 Neither Agree nor Disagree c)

d) my community 5 Somewhat Agree d)

e) my own needs 6 Agree e)

7 Strongly Agree

3 Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – invest time in due proportion to my priorities, with respect


1 Strongly Disagree


a) my spiritual life 2 Disagree a)

b) my family/relationships 3 Somewhat Disagree b)

c) my work (or school work) 4 Neither Agree nor Disagree c)

d) my community 5 Somewhat Agree d)

e) my own needs 6 Agree e)

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm

between work and rest. A “successful” life has become a violent

enterprise. We make war on our own bodies, pushing them beyond their

limits; war on our children, because we cannot find enough time to be

with them… ; war on our spirit, because we are too preoccupied to listen

to the quiet voices that seek to nourish and refresh us; war on our

communities, because we are fearfully protecting what we have, and do

not feel safe enough to be kind and generous; war on the earth, because

we cannot take the time to place our feet on the ground and allow it to

feed us, to taste its blessings and give thanks.”

- Wayne Muller, author of Sabbath

2 Unattractive

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

"Stop drinking water only. Take a little wine..."

- I Timothy 5:23

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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4.0 Gifts

- the constitution of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)

4.1 Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

think about spiritual gifts most of the time?

1 I appreciate it whenever anyone makes a spiritual gift for the building up

of our community.

2 I admire those who seem to have received a special spiritual gift.

3 I am aware I have been given spiritual gifts, but to be honest it isn't

something I can say that I often give much attention to.

4 I appreciate the spiritual gifts I have been given, and I try to use these for

the building up of God's kingdom.

5 I appreciate and use my spiritual gifts for the building up of God's

kingdom, and I likewise value and try to notice and bring out the gifts

God has given to others.


2 Which of the following statements most closely represents your

knowledge of the church's teaching with respect to gifts and fruits of the


1 I have little or no familiarity with this topic.

2 I have a limited knowledge, based on my recall from my childhood

catechesis, sacramental prep, parish homilies, etc.

3 I have a practical working knowledge to recognize these concepts when I

hear or see them in practice, and to know how to strive to apply them in

my own life, even while I might be hard pressed to enumerate the

specific gifts, fruits, or charisms; or to articulate the teaching to others.

4 I have studied the church's teachings -- for example the relevant

Scriptures, the catechism, the US bishops' pastoral letter, Called and

Gifted -- and can articulate the teaching as well as strive towards its


5 I have studied the church's teaching and can articulate it and teach it to



3 Which of these statements most closely represents the level of

knowledge that you believe you should and/or would like to attain?

1 I have little or no familiarity with this topic.

2 I have a limited knowledge, based on my recall from my childhood

catechesis, sacramental prep, parish homilies, etc.

3 I have a practical working knowledge to recognize these concepts when I

hear or see them in practice, and to know how to strive to apply them in

my own life, even while I might be hard pressed to enumerate the

specific gifts, fruits, or charisms; or to articulate the teaching to others.

4 I have studied the church's teachings -- for example the relevant

Scriptures, the catechism, the US bishops' pastoral letter, Called and

Gifted -- and can articulate the teaching as well as strive towards its


5 I have studied the church's teaching and can articulate it and/or teach it

to others.

- I Corinthians 12: 4,7

"Blessed be God in all his gifts."

"There are different gifts but the same Spirit.

To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Now, I do not want to leave you in ignorance about spiritual gifts."

- I Corinthians 12: 1

2 Unattractive

*editor's note: need a stronger statement here…?+ 3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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4.2 Discerning Gifts

- Thomas Merton


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

When weighing a significant new direction (career move, new ministry,

course of study, etc.), I prayerfully consider how my spiritual gifts,

charisms, and natural talents might help to inform my discernment.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I have taken care to discern and reflect upon my spiritual gifts, charisms,

and natural talents.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – take care to discern and reflect upon my Spiritual gifts,

charisms, and natural talents.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"The Spirit we have received is not the world's spirit but God's Spirit,

helping us to recognize the gifts he has given us."

- I Corinthians 2:12

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

"It takes heroic humility to be yourself and to be nobody but the person that God intended you to be."

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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4.3 Developing Gifts

- moral theologian Jim Keenan


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

In any given year, I typically resolve to intentionally develop at least one

of my particular gifts, charisms, or natural talents.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Grateful for the gifts I have received, I take care to nurture their

development.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – be grateful for the gifts I have received and take care to

nurture their development.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Disciples who practice stewardship [...] are eager to cultivate their gifts

out of love for God and one another."

- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Stewardship: A disciple's response

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

"Stare via Dei recedere est." (To stand still in the way of the Lord is to step backwards.)

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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4.4 Deploying Gifts

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) I passionately believe in the mission of the primary workplace I engage


2 Disagreea)

b) I passionately believe in the mission of the parish ministries I engage


3 Somewhat Disagreeb)

c) I passionately believe in the mission of the community activities I

engage in.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree

2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) My chosen primary occupation (profession, home role, course of

study, etc.), roles/responsibilities therein, and the associated

organizational climate/culture, are well aligned to nurture and release my

greatest gifts.

2 Disagree


b) My chosen parish ministries, roles/responsibilities therein, and the

associated organizational climate/culture, are well aligned to nurture and

release my greatest gifts.

3 Somewhat Disagree


c) My chosen community activities, roles/responsibilities therein, and the

associated organization climate/culture, are well aligned to nurture and

release my greatest gifts.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree


5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree

3 Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would –

1 Strongly Disagree


a) Choose (as my primary occupation) work that is well aligned to nurture

and release my greatest gifts.

2 Disagreea)

b) Choose parish ministries that are well aligned to nurture and release

my greatest gifts.

3 Somewhat Disagreeb)

c) Choose community activities that are well aligned to nurture and

release my greatest gifts.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"You are the light of the world. People do not light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket. They set it on a stand where it gives light to all. In the same

way your light must shine before all so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your heavenly father."

- Matthew 14a, 15-16

"Our economic activity in factory, field, office, or shop [...] exercises our

talents -- or wastes them. It raises our hopes -- or crushes them."

- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Economic Justice for All

2 Unattractive

"If you are what you are meant to be, you will set the world on fire."

- St. Catherine of Siena

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.0 Treasure

- Luke 12:34

5.1 Allocating Treasure

- Luke 20:25

1 In a typical year, I/we allocate our (pre-tax) family income as follows



a) helping others [charitable contributions including any to parish] % of gross family income ==========> a)

b) savings/investments for the future % of gross family income ==========> b)

c) my family's present needs/lifestyle [include taxes and expenses] % of gross family income ==========> c)

d) my family's present wants/luxuries [distinct from "needs" above] % of gross family income ==========> d)

TOTAL should equal 100% ===========> TOTAL 0


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

When budgeting annual expenditures, I/we budget our charitable giving

first, our saving/investing needs next, and our current living expenses

from what remains -- with a determination to live within or below our


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – budget our charitable giving first, our saving/investing

needs next, and our current living expenses from what remains -- with a

determination to live within or below our means.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"I want you to observe that this poor widow contributed more than all

the others who donated to the treasury. They gave from their surplus

wealth, but she gave from her want, all that she had to live on." - Mark


2 Unattractive

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but give to God what is God's."

"Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be."

"Stop worrying, then, over 'What are we to eat, or what are we to drink,

or what are we to wear?' Your heavenly Father knows all that you need.

Seek first his kingship over you, his way of holiness, and all these things

will be given you besides."

- Matthew 6: 31-33

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.2 Charitable Intention

(Giving from your heart)

1 When considering a charitable contribution, which of the following

reasons are often a primary motivation for your gift? [select as many as

are often a primary, vs. secondary, motivation]


a) To make a difference / address a pressing need / care for others 1 Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> a)

b) To express my faith and/or gratitude to God Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> b)

c) To meet a religious obligation / satisfy a duty Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> c)

d) To memorialize or honor a loved one Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> d)

e) To continue a family giving tradition or teach children to give Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> e)

f) To meet a request (e.g. because I was asked, etc.) Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> f)

g) To give back (e.g. alumni giving, etc.) Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> g)

h) To feel good / generous / altruistic / enjoy giving Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> h)

i) To create a legacy and/or to be recognized for my gift Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> i)

j) To foster my relationship with the asking party (reciprocate a gift) Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> j)

k) To foster relationship with other givers (peer or social reasons) Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> k)

l) To access non-financial benefits such as membership, tickets, etc. Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> l)

m) To access financial benefits such as tax savings, match, etc. Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> m)

n) To access business benefits such as reputation, promotion, access Choose "1" to select, else <blank> to ignore ==========> n)


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Deeply grateful for what I have received, I give mostly to share my gifts

and to meet others' needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – give mostly to share my gifts and to meet others' needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Everyone must give according to what he has inwardly decided; not

sadly, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver."

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

2 Unattractive

"Do not live in fear, little flock. It has pleased your Father to give you the


- Luke 12:32

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"When you give alms, do not blow a horn before you in synagogues and streets like hypocrites looking for applause.

In giving alms you are not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."

- Matthew 6:2-3

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.3 Charitable Attention

(Giving with your head)


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

practice charitable giving?1 I mostly give according to where, when, or what I am asked to


2 I am thoughtful about budgeting my overall level of charitable giving --

but perhaps less so regarding how much I allocate to whom.

3 I take the same care allocating my charitable budget as I do allocating my

own spending budget -- and I align my giving to my values and to

perceived needs.

4 I take due care allocating my giving in alignment with my values,

perceived needs, and the demonstrated capacity of organizations to

meet needs and change systems.

5 I take due care allocating my giving, and (when possible) I engage with

those organizations I support to try to help ensure and/or drive the

desired change.


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I am prayerful and thoughtful in sharing my gifts -- making an effort to

understand various needs, opportunities, approaches, outcomes -- to do

the most good that I can addressing needs close to God's heart.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would, be prayerful and thoughtful in sharing my gifts -- making an

effort to understand various needs, opportunities, approaches,

outcomes -- to do the most good that I can addressing needs close to

God's heart.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish.

They will not rest until they have revolutionized the entire fishing industry."

- Bill Drayton, founder, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public

"The man who had received the five thousand came forward bringing

the additional five. His master said to him, 'Well done! You are an

industrious and reliable servant. Since you were dependable in a small

matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs. Come, share your

master's joy.' "

- Matthew 25:20-21

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.4 Saving


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

balance saving and spending, most of the time?

1 I/we often spend in excess of household income --accumulating debt

into the future.

2 I/we try to save a little each year -- probably too little for our future


3 I/we save as much as we can -- probably far more than our future needs


4 I/we save prudently for the future -- while remaining mindful of others'

current needs.


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I/we use debt responsibly (for example, to finance investments such as a

home, education, or business), save prudently for the future, and live

simply -- in consideration of others' needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – use debt responsibly, save prudently for the future, and

live simply -- in consideration of others' needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Make it a point of honor to remain at peace and attend to your own

affairs. Work with your hands as we directed you to do, so that you will

give good example to outsiders and want for nothing."

- I Thessalonians 4:11-12

2 Unattractive

"We brought nothing into this world, nor have we the power to take

anything out. If we have food and clothing we have all that we need.

Those who want to be rich are falling into temptation and a trap. The

love of money is the root of all evil."

- I Timothy 6:7-11

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

"Children should not save up for their parents, but parents for children."

- 2 Corinthians 12:14b

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.5 Investing


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

invest surplus (i.e. savings) for the future?

[Or, if you have no current investments, how do you intend investing any

future savings when in a position to do so?]

1 I invest with a primary consideration for maximizing risk-adjusted

returns -- in other words, balancing safety of principal and potential for


2 I invest with primary consideration to socially responsible investments

(SRI) -- for example, funds which seek to maximize risk-adjusted returns

but which also screen investments for social impact, vote shares in

alignment with my/our values, and engage management on selected

social issues.

3 I invest with primary consideration to impact investing -- for example,

"triple bottom line" funds or companies explicitly purposed to maximize

positive social impacts, environmental benefits, and risk-adjusted

returns. (people, planet, profits)

4 I view an "equity" investment (e.g. ownership shares in a company or

fund) as conveying not only an ownership interest in future profits, but

also the strongest possible endorsement/alignment of my interests with

the values and practices of an organization. In other words, I view

purchasing shares of an investment as conveying that I so closely believe

in the mission, values, and practices of the organization that I wish to

align myself as closely as is possible -- by becoming an owner.


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I invest in alignment with my values by directing my investments to

primarily those companies and funds whose products, services, and

business practices align with my hopes and aspirations for the common


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – invest in alignment with my values by directing my

investments to primarily those companies and funds whose products,

services, and business practices align with my hopes and aspirations for

the common good.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

"Alongside profit-oriented private enterprise and the various types of public enterprise, there must be room for commercial entities based on mutualist

principles and pursuing social ends to take root and express themselves. It is from their reciprocal encounter in the marketplace that one may expect

hybrid forms of commercial behavior to emerge, and hence an attentiveness to ways of civilizing the economy. Charity in truth, in this case, requires

that shape and structure be given to those types of economic initiative which, without rejecting profit, aim at a higher goal than the mere logic of the

exchange of equivalents, of profit as an end in itself.”

- Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate (38)

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Spend your money for your brother and friend, and hide it not under a

stone to perish; Dispose of your treasure as the Most High commands,

for that will profit you more than the gold."

- Sirach 29:10-11

2 Unattractive

"We need to steer money *…+ toward life, toward enterprises that

enhance the quality of life, that preserve and restore fertility,

biodiversity, and the health of bioregions and communities and the

households that live in them, and away from enterprises that degrade

quality in the name of quantity."

- Woody Tasch, from Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: investing

as if food, farms, and fertility mattered

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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5.6 Consuming


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents how you

think about spending, most of the time?

1 What I have worked hard to earn, I have earned the right to spend.

2 I look to first meet my obligations -- for example to God, government,

family, future needs -- then look forward to enjoying what remains.

3 I try to balance my own needs/wants with a mindfulness for the needs

of others and a sensitivity for sustaining the earth.

4 I mostly "live simply, so that others may simply live".

5 I consider "it all belongs to God," so I think and act as a steward.


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I prayerfully and thoughtfully budget annual expenditures, thinking and

acting as a steward, and not from self-interest.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – prayerfully and thoughtfully budget annual expenditures,

thinking and acting as a steward, and not from self-interest.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"All of us must examine our way of living in the light of the needs of the

poor. Christian faith and the norms of justice impose distinct limits on

what we consume. Americans are challenged today as never before to

develop the inner freedom to resist the temptation constantly to seek


- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Economic Justice for All

2 Unattractive

"affluenza, noun. a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more."

- excerpt from the book, Affluenza , by John De Graaf, David Wann, Thomas Naylor

"Too many people are starving. It's not that God hasn't given enough to

go around, but that too many people are [...] keeping more than their

fair share. We have to look at our own selves and see all of the stuff we

have and ask do we need all of that stuff? The answer is no, I don't. If

everyone does that then we are off to a new world. That is what the

Lord is calling on us to do."

- Bishop John J. McGraith of Owensboro, Kentucky

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"None of you can be my disciple if he does not renounce all his


- Luke 14:33

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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6.0 Personal Relationships

- John 13: 33-34

6.1 Marriage

NOTE: Skip this section if not applicable

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) I find ways to express my lifelong, unconditional commitment to love

my spouse.

2 Disagreea)

b) I listen with my whole self when my spouse speaks from the heart. 3 Somewhat Disagreeb)

c) I readily forgive my spouse's failings and am quick to affirm his/her


4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

d) I look for daily opportunities to serve my spouse in his/her needs. 5 Somewhat Agreed)

e) I pray for my spouse, encourage his/her prayer, and encourage we

pray together.

6 Agreee)

f) I encourage my spouse to identify, develop, and share his/her gifts. 7 Strongly Agreef)

g) I am vulnerable with my spouse, and encourage my spouse to be


h) I create opportunities for my spouse and I to laugh, play, and celebrate

together. h)


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Most days, I love my spouse in ways that foster each of us to grow in

holiness: to grow ever more deeply in love with our God, and with each


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I believe that I should, and/or desire that I would – love my spouse in

ways that foster each of us to grow in holiness: to grow ever more

deeply in love with our God, and with each other.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

"Observe that no one ever hates his own flesh; no, he nourishes it and takes care of it as Christ cares for the church – for we are members of his body. 'For

this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cling to his wife, and the two shall be made into one.' "

- Ephesians 5:29-31

"My children... I give you a new commandment: Love one another."

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Clare would listen to Francis preach and speak, and his words became

God's words for her. And over the years whenever he was troubled or in

doubt Francis would send to Clare for her words. Her words were not

only balm to his spirit, but he immediately acted upon them as spirit and

life from the Lord.

2 Unattractive

In a way she did not fully understand, the Lord Jesus became tangible in

their midst whenever they spoke together. They met, bringing from

separate caves the Christ each had found in solitude, and the Word

became flesh in their sharing him. He became the Lord of their union,

and he was the same Christ each had found in the silence of prayer and


Each was so intimately united in mind and heart with Christ that their

union with each other was made perfect in him..."

3 Somewhat Unattractive

- from Clare, a Light in the Garden , by Murray Bodo, OFM 4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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6.2 Parenting


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Alongside my God and my spouse, my children are THE priority in my

daily life.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Most days, I love my children in ways that foster them to grow in

holiness, to grow in love with our God, towards becoming the person

that God and we hope/dream they will become.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I believe that I should, and/or desire that I would – love my children in

ways that foster them to grow in holiness, to grow in love with our God,

towards becoming the person that God and we hope/dream they will


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Do not anger your children. Bring them up with the training and

instruction befitting the Lord."

- Ephesians 6:4

2 Unattractive

"Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?"

- from the Rite of Marriage of the Roman Catholic church

NOTE: Skip this section if not applicable, i.e. if either:

(a) you have no children, or (b) you have only adult children no longer living within your daily household

"Since parents have given children their life, they [...] must be

recognized as the primary and principal educators. Parents are the ones

who must create a family atmosphere animated by love and respect for

God and man... It is particularly in the Christian family, enriched by the

grace and office of the sacrament of matrimony, that children should be

taught from their early years to have a knowledge of God according to

the faith received in Baptism, to worship Him, and to love their


- Vatican II Declaration on Christian Education

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"The first and best gift that two parents can give to their children is to

love one another."4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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6.3 Extended Family


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Most weeks, I make it a priority to reach out to at least one member of

my extended family.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I demonstrate love for my extended family (my parents especially) – by

communicating with tender respect, extending and receiving generous

hospitality, fostering our mutual affection, and being available to them in

their needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I believe that I should, and/or desire that I would – demonstrate love for

my extended family (my parents especially) – by communicating with

tender respect, extending and receiving generous hospitality, fostering

our mutual affection, and being available to them in their needs.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"How can God's love survive in one who has enough of this world's

goods yet closes his heart to his brother when he sees him in need?

Little children, let us love in deed and in truth and not merely talk about


- I John 3: 17-18

2 Unattractive

" 'Honor your mother and father' is the first commandment to carry a promise with it -- 'that it may go well with you, and that you may have long life on

the earth.' "

- Ephesians 6: 2-3

"Friends, how long must I keep telling you, Love your enemies? See that

you don't do what is much worse and hate your own brothers and

sisters! If these are the only people you love, you aren't perfect yet; but

what are you if you [fail to love] them? [...] Look into your own hearts."

- St. Augustine's homily on the first letter of John

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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6.4 Friendships


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Most months I find opportunity to cultivate at least one of the significant

friendships that sustain me in my life.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I cultivate cherished friendships by being available to others in their

need.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I believe that I should, and/or desire that I would – cultivate cherished

friendships by being available to others in their need.2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Love one another with mutual affection. Outdo one another in

showing respect."

- Romans 12:9

2 Unattractive

"Love one another as I have loved you. There is no greater love than

this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

- John 15: 12-13

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

"Cherish your friend, keep faith with him."

- Sirach 27: 17

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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6.5 Peers


1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

At my primary workplace (employer, school, home or neighborhood,

etc.), most of my peers and/or subordinates speak well of me, most of

the time.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I am essentially the same person at work (among colleagues, classmates,

or peers) as I am in my personal life -- i.e. my parent, spouse, child, or

pastor would not be disappointed were they to observe how I conduct

my relationships in the world.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I believe that I should, and/or desire that I would – be essentially the

same person at work (among colleagues, classmates, or peers) as I am in

my personal life -- i.e. my parent, spouse, child, or pastor would not be

disappointed were they to observe how I conduct my relationships in

the world.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"Jesus remarked: 'Here is a true Israelite. There is no guile in him.' "

- John 1: 47

2 Unattractive

"Treat others the way you would have them treat you."

- Matthew 7: 12

"Be compassionate, as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and

you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be

condemned. Pardon, and you shall be pardoned. Give, and it shall be

given to you. Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running

over, will pour into the fold of your garment. For the measure you

measure with will be measured back to you."

- Luke 6: 36-38

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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7.0 Social Relationships

(Catholic Social Teaching)

- Micah 6: 8

7.1 Integrity of Creation

- St. Francis of Assisi parish mission statement

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) I make food choices with a primary concern for fostering health and

nutrition, environmentally sustainable and humane agricultural practices,

and the safety and economic welfare of those providing the food.

2 Disagree


b) I tend my yard with a primary concern for sustaining a healthy "live"

soil, conserving natural resources, and avoiding chemicals and/or

environmental impacts.

3 Somewhat Disagree


c) I make energy conservation a high priority when choosing vehicles,

housing, appliances, electronics, etc.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

d) I am making a conscientious effort to reduce my material consumption

and to increase my practice of recycling, composting, etc.

5 Somewhat Agree


6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I cultivate a "right relationship" with the earth, enjoying its benefits while

lovingly sustaining it for future generations.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my current practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – cultivate a "right relationship" with the earth, enjoying its

benefits while lovingly sustaining it for future generations.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree

"You have been told what is good, and what the Lord requires of you:

Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God."

"We believe that our earth and all life is sacred."


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good."

- Genesis 1: 31

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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7.2 Human Rights

- Genesis 1: 27

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) I value the sanctity of human life from the time of conception to

natural death -- a consistent ethic of life which I practice personally and

find opportunity to advance publicly.

2 Disagree


b) I value human rights (civil, political, economic), and I make it a priority

of my charity and justice to unconditionally foster those essential

economic rights enumerated by John XXIII: rights to life, food, clothing,

shelter, rest, health care, education, and employment.

3 Somewhat Disagree


c) I join my voice and the witness of my life to the task of innovating to

redeem and transform our culture -- from a culture fostering egoism,

wealth, gratification, competition, violence, even death -- towards a

culture fostering life: lives fully lived with purpose, passion, joy, integrity,

balance, and perfect love.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree


5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I cultivate a "right relationship" with humanity -- I assent to church

teaching regarding the sanctity of life and dignity of the human person;

and I practice this in my personal life, relationships, and politics.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my current practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – assent to church teaching regarding the sanctity of life and

dignity of the human person; and practice this in my personal life,

relationships, and politics.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"God created mankind in his image; in the diving image he created them; male and female he created them."

"Love is our origin, love is our constant calling, love is our destiny."

- from the Rite of Marriage of the Roman Catholic church

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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7.3 The Economy

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) In my work, I value receiving appropriate opportunities and fair

compensation more than looking to maximize my opportunities for

advancement and compensation.

2 Disagree


b) At tax time, I value paying my fair share more than paying the lowest

possible tax.

3 Somewhat Disagreeb)

c) At a store, I value paying a fair price more than paying the lowest

possible price.

4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

d) When investing, I value a just return more than just seeking to

maximize returns.

5 Somewhat Agreed)

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I cultivate a "right relationship" with the economy -- building an economy

that invites wide participation; treats people fairly; fosters family,

community, and the common good; shows a preferential concern for the

poor; and bequeaths a sustainable foundation to future generations.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my current practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – cultivate an economy that invites wide participation;

treats people fairly; fosters family, community, and the common good;

shows a preferential concern for the poor; and bequeaths a sustainable

foundation to future generations.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"The nation continues to pile up debt, burdening both our economy and our children. Government deficits, corporate speculation and excessive consumerism

contribute to an ethic of "buy now -- pay later" which violates principles of stewardship and responsibility."

- Nov 1995, the US bishops' pastoral letter, A Decade After "Economic Justice for All"

"Every perspective on economic life [...] must be shaped by three

questions: What does the economy do for people? What does it do to

people? And how do people participate in it?"

- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Economic Justice for All

2 Unattractive

"The pursuit of greater economic justice is not carried out primarily by

the statements of religious bodies, but in the broader marketplace --

where investments are made, contracts are negotiated, products are

created, workers are hired, and policies are set."

- the US bishops' pastoral letter,

A Decade After "Economic Justice for All"

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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7.4 Citizenship

1 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree


a) At the local level, I value providing good schools for all children more

than I value providing the best possible school for just my children and

their classmates.

2 Disagree


b) At the state and national levels, I vote for policies fostering the

common good rather than voting my pocketbook according to my own or

my family's self-interest.

3 Somewhat Disagree


c) In the foreign policy arena, I find which of the following statements to

be most attractive (choose only one):

4 Neither Agree nor Disagreec)

1) A strong (globally superior) defense is vital to assuring our

national security.

5 Somewhat Agree

2) An effective diplomacy is vital to fostering our national

interests and global economic competitiveness.

3) An effective international development program is vital to

fostering the development and welfare of all peoples.

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

I cultivate a "right relationship" with the public sector -- fostering a

faithful citizenship that invites wide participation; treats people fairly;

fosters family, community, and the common good; shows a preferential

concern for the poor; and bequeaths a sustainable foundation to future


2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my current practices, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – cultivate a faithful citizenship that invites wide

participation; treats people fairly; fosters family, community, and the

common good; shows a preferential concern for the poor; and

bequeaths a sustainable foundation to future generations.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


"The Church calls for a different kind of political engagement: one shaped by the moral convictions of well-formed consciences and focused on the dignity of

every human being, the pursuit of the common good, and the protection of the weak and vulnerable."

- the US bishops' pastoral letter, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

"If you want peace, work for justice."

- Paul VI, World Day of Peace Message , Jan 1, 1972

2 Unattractive

"We are one human family, whatever our national, racial, ethnic,

economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers' and sisters'

keepers, wherever they may be."

- the US bishops' pastoral letter,

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

3 Somewhat Unattractive

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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8.0 Eucharist


1 Which of the following statements most closely represents your practice

of participation in weekly liturgies?

1 I attend masses infrequently or not at all.

2 I attend masses frequently but less than weekly.

3 I attend masses weekly to fulfill my obligation and/or for the sake of my

family or for similar practical motivations.

4 I attend masses at least weekly to experience community, receive Word

and Eucharist, give thanks, and pray for my needs and the needs of all

God’s people.

5 I offer my “full, conscious, and active” participation at weekly masses

with the best of intentions, and frequently find this to be a prayerful,

joyful, edifying experience.


2 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Celebrating Eucharist is both the source and summit of my everyday

experience of life in Christ.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


3 Consider the following statements and express your level of agreement. 1 Strongly Disagree

Regardless of my present practice, I believe that I should, and/or desire

that I would – experience celebrating Eucharist as both the source and

summit of my everyday experience of life in Christ.

2 Disagree

3 Somewhat Disagree

4 Neither Agree nor Disagree

5 Somewhat Agree

6 Agree

7 Strongly Agree


4 Consider the following statements and express your level of attraction. 1 Strongly Unattractive

“Liturgy is not an option nor merely an obligation, not a bonus, but a

need – like food and drink, like sleep and work, like friends.

We need to gather, listen, give praise and thanks, and share communion.

Otherwise we forget who we are and whose we are; and we can have

neither the strength nor the joy to be Christ’s

body – present in the world today.”

- Joseph Cardinal Bernadin

2 Unattractive

3 Somewhat Unattractive

"Do this in remembrance of me."

-Luke 22:19

4 Neither Attractive nor Unattractive

5 Somewhat Attractive

6 Attractive

7 Strongly Attractive

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