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Sofia Kharissova 8 A #3 Triumphing paralyzed And now I am standing, in front of the stage waiting for the music to start playing so I can perform my dancing routine. As the milliseconds go by, I remember the accident I suffered… My name is Sarah Williams. I am 16 years old. My passion is the dance; ballet dancing, salsa, jazz and all types of dances. But three months ago I had a terrible accident. I was in the passenger’s seat of a car and a friend of mine was driving from a party. It was already past midnight. Nobody of us consumed alcoholic beverages, but still, the terror came. We were almost home. Suddenly, from nowhere, a big car appeared. The car was full of people, and surely, the driver was drunk. They all were drunk. It was obvious. In a dangerous curve, they hit our car and we crashed terribly. That was the last thing I remember. I opened my eyes and tried to say something. All my body hurt. It was a terrible pain. “She’s back” I heard my mother’s panicking voice. “Doctor, doctor!” “Mom. What happened?” I asked slowly. “Relax, baby, relax. A group of drunken people crashed you and your friend. She’s okey, but you…” my mother started crying.

Sofia Kharissova 8 A #3

Triumphing paralyzed

And now I am standing, in front of the stage waiting for the music to start playing so I can perform my dancing routine. As the milliseconds go by, I remember the accident I suffered…

My name is Sarah Williams. I am 16 years old. My passion is the dance; ballet dancing, salsa, jazz and all types of dances. But three months ago I had a terrible accident.

I was in the passenger’s seat of a car and a friend of mine was driving from a party. It was already past midnight. Nobody of us consumed alcoholic beverages, but still, the terror came.

We were almost home. Suddenly, from nowhere, a big car appeared. The car was full of people, and surely, the driver was drunk. They all were drunk. It was obvious.

In a dangerous curve, they hit our car and we crashed terribly. That was the last thing I remember.

I opened my eyes and tried to say something. All my body hurt. It was a terrible pain.

“She’s back” I heard my mother’s panicking voice. “Doctor, doctor!”

“Mom. What happened?” I asked slowly.

“Relax, baby, relax. A group of drunken people crashed you and your friend. She’s okey, but you…” my mother started crying.

I was in a hospital’s bed. A doctor came and examined me and told me that I was paralyzed from both of my legs.

I cried. I had a dancing exhibition in four months. I wanted to return home, to my everyday life, to my classes. But I had to be in bed. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life.

One day, I asked my mother if I could go home, even though I would be in a wheelchair.

The doctors said that there was a very small probability that I would walk again. At first I was upset all day, but then I realized that I could be an exception and maybe I could walk and dance again and make my dreams come true.

At home, when I was alone or when my parents weren’t looking, I tried to stand up, with my hands holding by the wall. Many times, I felt down, to the floor, but I tried, and tried, and tried.

Two or three weeks later, I could stand up with the help of my hands without falling.

“That’s good” I thought. “But not enough.”

So I continued.

My next goal was to walk with a stick. My parents were impressed by how much I recovered in this days.

I took a big walking stick and tried.

Again, I failed many times. I had bruises all over my body and they hurt.

There was a time that I wanted to give up, but something, that I still don’t know what was it, encouraged me to continue. Finally I did. I could walk normally! I could feel my legs again.

I thanked God and everyone for supporting me and to believe me. The doctor was surprised; he could not believe the miracle that happened to me. I returned to my dancing classes a few days later.

Time passed. And now I am standing, in front of the stage waiting for the music to start playing so I can perform my dancing routine. As the milliseconds go by, I remember the accident I suffered…

Sofia Kharissova 8 A#3

Juntos seremos felices…

Todo comenzó un típico lunes. Uno de esos lunes irritantes en los que lo único que quieres hacer es irte a tu casa, azotar la puerta de tu cuarto, prender la tele y echarte a dormir una siesta. Bueno, en ese lunes, iba caminando de la escuela. El clima estaba muy frio. Estábamos a unos 5º grados, había mucho viento y estaba comenzando a llover. Y para colmo mi casa estaba a unos veinte minutos caminando de la escuela.

“Genial” me dije a mí mismo. “No traje mi paraguas…”

Ese día en la escuela me habían mandado mucha tarea. Los libros ya no cabian en mi pesada mochila negra así que tuve que llevar algunos en mis manos.

Comenzó a llover pesadamente y corrí hacia un pequeño local que estaba abandonado. Nuestra pobre ciudad tenía muchas casas y edificios abandonados y nadie prestaba atención si personas entraban ahí.

Decidí esperar a que la lluvia pasara. Mis padres no se preocuparían si no llegaría a tiempo a casa, ellos sabían que fácilmente podía distraerme y tardar horas en llegar a casa o simplemente me podía quedar en tutoreo por las tardes en la escuela.

Me senté en el sucio y frio piso.

“Sniff, sniff” escuche detrás de mí.

Un miedo me invadió y sentí que el corazón me latía mil veces por segundo. La pequeña ciudad en la que vivía era muy conocida por sus robos y asesinatos.

Sin hacer movimientos bruscos, voltee lentamente mi cabeza y para mi sorpresa era un cachorro callejero que estaba temblando.

Un rayo en el cielo se escucho a lo lejos y el perrito ladro un par de veces.

“Oh! No te asustes, pequeño, solo es una tormenta eléctrica, no hay nada que temer.” le dije acercándome a la pobre criatura.

No parecía tener miedo, es más, se me acerco y dejo que lo acariciara.

“¿Cómo te llamaras?” pensé en voz alta. A lo que el pequeño respondió con un “guaf”.

Para no aburrirme mientras esperaba a que la lluvia pasara, empecé a hacerle preguntar al cachorro aunque era obvio que él no me contestaría.

Lo que más me sorprendió era que a cada pregunta que yo le hacía, el me contestaba con un ladrido.

Me dio hambre y saque un sándwich de mi mochila que me había hecho mi mama. No resistí mirar a esos tristes y hambrientos ojos del cachorro. Seguramente estaba muy hambriento. Tome mi sándwich, lo partí a la mitad y le di un pedazo al perrito.

Sonreí de felicidad al ver lo agradecidos que estaban sus ojos por darle algo de comer.

Media hora después, la lluvia termino. El cielo se estaba despejando y ya no había tanto viento.

Recogí mi mochila del suelo y con mi mano le dije adiós a mi pequeño acompañante.

Camine a casa con ganas de volver y llevarme al cachorro. No lo volvería a ver y lo más probable es que se lo llevara el Control Canino.

Di media vuelta para regresar al local y la criatura estaba detrás de mí, caminando con la cabeza baja siguiéndome.

Riendo, lo abrace y reí agradeciendo que me haya acompañado y seguido. Ahora sería mi mascota y lo cuidaría como nunca antes había cuidado a un animal. Juntos, éramos felices.
