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Storm Drain Printable

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When it comes 10 str ength, dur a bility, and hydraulics,

r einf or ced concr ete pipe is unmatched in its r e putation for 

quality. nli! e other ty pes of  pipe, concrete gai ns str ength

o"er time. With a pr e"en #$$%year ser"ice life, concr ete pi pe is

durable under a &ide range of installation conditions.

ontr ast this &ith the performance oC other types of pipe under the gr ound. (le)ible pi pe pr oducts deri"e most of their str engthfr om the surr ounding cornpacted soil, Whether the r esult of 

 poorly compacted soil or insufflcient co"er , other ty pes of pipeare mor e susceptible to damage than concr ete  pi pe. *oor installation, poor results. It's thai simple.

l\IIOIJ'I'  Ill~I+l~O,-/

0~O+IlI~'#l''IIll'E  0ll0~l'/

1tr uctural *er formance

2 3igh inher ent str ength of concr ete pi pe

2 D % 4oad = Strength ver i fied

2 1u p porting str ength from pi pe

2 (i"e 05/ standar d strength c#asses and speeial designs

3ydraulic *erf or mance

2 onsistent 6anning's 7o7 "alue

2 igid pi pe maintains designed line & gr ade

• Labor ar ory t'n" = $.$#$

Design 7o7 stcrm = $.$#82 9a per ed inlet geometry rninimi:es cul"ert head&ater 

Design (le)ibilily

2 1tandard pipe si:es from #8%inch tO #;;%inch diamete

2 oint perf ormance matched to your pr o <ectrequir ernents

2 1 pecialty fittings pro"ide same structur al integrity asstr aighi run pipe

Dur a bility

2 Documented ser"ice li f e greater than #$$ year s

2 naffected by ultr a"iolet degradauon, corr osi=n, andthermal "ariations

is! 6anagement

2 9ime Pr even

2 -stablishcd Design *r ocedures

2 Installat>on?ontr actor (riendly

2 Inde pendent of contr actor s ability #$ build pipesu p potting str ucture in the tr ench


2 no&n long%term material pr o perties

2 A196 material standards f or A44 pipe si:es and

str engths

2 @ualily Assurance?ontr ol on all as pects of  *0ra& materials, testing, etc./ is "erified by physicaltests of materials and finished pr oduct


2  +arr o& trench &idths

2 6inimal field inspeetion and testing r equir ed

2 *r o"eo lo& O1&ith 4east O1I 04if e ycle/Analysis


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*l *ipeEeight.

Water Eeight.

 plirt(or ce,

a er r a b!n" b!n" lb"

RCP 524 F5G #C;

#$P CF ;;# 405

3D*- 1% 55; 5CF

PVC 54 ;GF ;C8


"rBY You 'fIN 'fI'I'B  IICI'!

1tructur al *erf ormanceou do not ha"e lO &orry about "nstatlarion anornalies"

since most of ihe pipe installauon's struciural inr egrityarri"es on the truc! . ompare the strucr ural capa bilitics

Durability9he 1 Army O- recogni:es the follo&ing pipelife cycle durationsH

ll t . I 4if e /'Ieipe a er r a O ura tlIon pr o"ided  by  * "er sus fle)ible products (ir h 10)* 

inhcr entstr engths+



,0 year s m>nimum

-0 years ma)imum

is! 6anagement, * requires rmrumal on%sue ins pection and po1linssallation tesiing. .ften il is the things lhal hnppen&hen no one is on/sir e that can cause problerns" (ore)ample during hca"y rainlhigh ground&ater situations, * stays p4 b. uoyancy is rnrely an issue. ompare ihe

uplifl f or ce on a CF7J storm sc&er in high ground&ater


3ydraulic *erf ormance * doesn't depend on 7s pira flo&7 or iruerior linerslO pro"ide superior hydraulics. 9be ans&er is simple %it's consistendy smoolh interior ensures that the capacity

you specif y is &hat Ihe o&ner is pro"ided.

 *H n K$.$#8 (le)i bleH n = L

Which &ould you chooseM

i  pe. I6 t

Wilh a bout one 0#/ f oot of co"er Ihe * stays p4.comparad lO the / feet of co"er required  by the

fle)ible products.

Design (le)ibility


#ombinations of Standard

lnstnllauons and *ipe1lrenglhllass


20 1

@uality9her e ar e o"er thrce 0C/ limes as rnany A196 ra&material, installation, and product specifications for  *"er sus 3O*- pipe.

Does one 0#/ option co"er a##site conditionsM -conomics

ompare the sa"ings in bac!fi##materials generated &henusing a standard installation &ilh  * and merecommended installation for plastic pipe gi"en on Ihef ollo&ing table.

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~~~CNHHH~~~ ~~~r%Fb


12"3 $$

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,# -A1f 1'l'l~I/1

#/ 1elect *ipe 1i:e based on *ro<ect 3ydraulic

 equirements.8/ 1elect 1tandar d Installation that meets your pro<ect's

requirements.C/ -"aluate 6a)imum and 6>nimum heights of co"er on

tbe pro<ect,;/ 1pecify *i pe 1i:e, *i pe lass, and reference tbe

appropriate A196 and AA139O specifications.

#/ -"aluate *r o<ect 3ydr aulics

 eference 9able I to determine tbe required pipe si4e+

8/ 1tandard Installations

Based on decades PNf full%scale testing and research,the concrete pipe industry, in con<unction &ilh

engineers, trans ponation officials, and contractors, bas

de"eloped lhe follo&ing f our standard trenc b


~ %  equires lhe use of compacted gra"eEsand inthe pipe hauoc b and outer bedding IOnes.

~ % Allo&s the use of in%sita sandy?silty soils inthe pipe haunch and outer bedding IOnes.

~ % Allo&s the use of in%situ silty?clay soils in pipe baunc b and outer bedding IOnes.

~ % AlIo&s tbe use of dum ped in%situ materials&ithout special compaction effons.

9able 8 pro">des a detailed description of thecompaction requirements associated &ith the 1tandardInstallations. 9able C pro">des descriptions ofQheacceptable bac!fill materials. (igure I pro">des adra&ing sbo&ing typical trench dimensions.

1elect (ill

#pell .... 2...... %6%r la l !l"B!!ll

H#/ -"aluate 6a)imum & 6inimum

3eig bts of o"er 

1elect tbe pipe class for your pro<ect's standard installation

and ma)?min co"ers. 9ypical ma)imum and minimum

recommended beigbts of co"er are pro"ided on 9a ble ;.

9he "alues pro"ided in tbese tables are meant to be used

onlyas a guideline. *ro<ect requirements may &arrant

further detailed analysis. onsult (ith your in!er

6aterials7'technical ser"ices represeotati"e for si:es

and bac!fill conditions not co"ered in Ibis brochure.

,#/ 1pecif y *i pe 1i:e & lass

ef erence the f ollo&ing A196 and AA139O

s pecifications as appropriateH

A196 MF 0AA139O 6 #M$/

 einf orced oncrete ul"ert, 1torm Drain, and 1e&er *ipe

A196 #;MR 0AA139O 1ection 8M/1tandard *racticc f or Installation of einforced oncrete

1e&er , 1torm Drain, and ul"ert *i pe for Direct Design

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B"!#$l%&ThiCtn. ••


Ou$"r (!#U%&Lo(r Sl"$o

%ryp.,DoI87 ............. % R5S ca6egory #

C'/.7.&" GH.gocy l"R5S G'ogoPy ##.OP

$$#'8 ............ 7'7 '$$S GH.gocy ###

9y pe8

#8 $.MG5 $.85$ ;F.; ;8.# CG.F


;G #8.5FF #.$$$ #,GFM #,FRG #,55F

5; #5.R$; #.#85 8.55M 8,C85 8,#C# 5

80 #R.FC5 #.85$ C,CG5 C,$MM 8,G8#

M8 8G.8M; #.5$$ 5,5$; 5,$$; ;,5GM



m 9 "

#5 #.88M

 T 77'7 M5 mm

8; C.#;8 $.5$$




9a ble # H (ul (lo& Discbar ge oefficients 9able 8 H 1tandar d Installations

n rocHI. 'oundiI%.... 9ilion '1O mm 0F7/.

$$f8' no# 7.'!to ologoPy # G5S Glegory #,.... tila. M5 mm #C7/. R$S G.ogory ##2## rocl: 'Out#0lolo'.use R5S e22 ogooy ## O( 

$$#.8 mlnltnum. 7'7R5S Glogory ###

#T #I$n '5$ mm 0F7/.

$.C#8 G;.# MF.5 M$.# 9ypeC Dof8; rninltnum. no# G5S G'ogooy r + G5S G#$g$ry ,. 9;han M5 mm0C7/. R$S G'ogooy ##. R$S Glegory ##.##rocl: +9

#G #.MFM $.CM5 #CM #8; ##;<r Ot

$$#'8 77.......m. T R5S G#$g$$y### R5S Glegoty 111 tan '1O mm #F7/

8# 8.;$5 $.;CM 8$F #GM #M8 lUpe' =o/g o> =o777'I'O#<on

~oT 'T7ed. e)77,,, +9"od" 9(

8R; 8FM 8;5 " #a/egooy m+ GH.gocy ###.

$$#'8 ............. % TG5S TG5S

C$  ;.R$R  $.F85  5CC  ;G5 

/+  c..T.#IIId

 T.,.T7 7

lO 7lI1'7 oIogooy,7 ...... '7 OtegOry,%

8M C.RMF $.5F8 0? CFF CC5 # T ... , ,1O mm 0F7/ ca..go,ylllGtegoPy '7

CF M.$FR $.M5$ GFM MGG M88 .....  T ..............'./d

8 n9" l.p o

il;/OObOnel 7-"""" s..@9

 be no O , 3 9'lnohod g > O'. lOP T ayo. 'ti 7'* T  be no T ... n en 9icn ot $.C m 0'~ bOlo& ... bottom

;8 RR8# $.GM5 #.C$G #,#GR #,$R$ eI7'7.  ma,otlo

%7##%1PV In bIddIng and tMtunch $o%OI *( +" COMptCted 10 .11 ... 1100 1,-(

eIT ...~..



 9 ""2"2 





+ lOP ...






'' b



"! l






 poco'7 .7.'n

 be T .... 7T ..

"+1td 9 n" ha777'lIIIdA:l 9 77.,$T'$ dogrT 




"' "' 9 d

..... 7,...T###T + 9 ""'1t9od


9 'Odogr6 ....... nlTelTnl.t>. 9 >td""

(igur e # H 1tandar d Installation 9r ench Detall


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9a ble C H 1tandar d lnstallation 1oil ategor ies

B"+9tt(SoC %ryp.. P(r#"%l Co-.#Uo%

17ndard 1tandonl $odlflodSC. So uses+ 6139O Proctor *roclO'

l#Iyolly 1~1*. AI.AC '$$ R1Sald .* R5 R$0Gtegory #/ R$ G5

G5 G$G$ M5F' 5R

6.16.6l.  pXY,6 lOO R5

>  DaoE#+se R5 R$0GtegoPy #/

 9 ?0FR$ G5

pust1g <I8O@ .... G5 G$G$ M5;R P#G

1lIty 4h'3. ZHX,AF lOO R$#oy oc.se R5 G50caIegory G3 R$ G$

G5 75

G$ 7045 40

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/+l" 0

9r ench H 6a)imum o"er , ft

#8%inc b t broug b CO%i.nc b Dtameter  * CF%inch through M8%inch Diameter ,O




9y pe

8 C

*i pe

> las[

Iustallatlon #/ pe

# 8 C >6uthnulI o"er ### r.~, N#ul7,u tll o"er In reel

0  +?A  +?A N I  A  +?A # 1 7 5 C

## 23 15 11 7   L1 15 11 7 5

Il 51 25 19 13 m 23 17 13 9

IE >100 >100 55 29 rv 43 29 23 17

E >100 >100 >100 >100 " >100 57 43 31

9tench Widrb

9r eneh Widlh K #.CC ) *ipe O.D.

-mban!ment H 6a)imum o"er , ft.

*i pe Iustallation 9ype

lass I 8 C ~

6uimum o"er in 0eef 

10 M 5  +?A

G 14 ## 7 4

C 23 16 12 8

IE 36 25 19 13

* 56 39 30 21

6inimum o"er 04ess than I foot/

#8%#nch through C$%inch diameler H lass ID

CF%inch through M8%inch diamcter H lass l2

~ 9y pe; InslllI.,ions &ith O1 8$ loading no'

recommended ror 6nimumo"er a ppllcatio6Wll boulconsulling  in! er 6alcrials7'.

 * *ipe Dimensions

*ipe *ipe linilllum

*i pe Outer Wci~ht. 9r cl#ch

Dia.2in. Dia.2in. Ih?ft. idth, in.

12 16.0 93 21.3

15 19.5 127 25.9

18 23.0 168 30.6

21 26.5 214 35.2

24 30.0 264 39.9

27 33.5 322 44.6

30 :17.0 384 49.2

36 44.0 524 58.5

42 51.0 686 67.8

48 58.0 867 77.1

54 65.0 1068 86.5

F$ 72.0 1295 95.8

,? 86.0 1811 114.4


#/ Bac!fill nit Weight #8$ lbs?IE8/ ln%1itu 1oil is Saturated lay 0onser"ati"o/

C/ 9r eneh Width % #.CC ) *i pe $.$,;/ 3igh&ay 4oading X 31 8$ 04e. 8$ 9on "e 4oad/

S) lnstalled per A196 #;MR 0AA139O 1ection 8M/

F/ Weigbt of Water lneluded in the -anh D%4oad 1trength

M/ *ipe Outer Diameter  based $$ "  B" Wall 9hic!ness

G/ lass #  pipe I1 nOI a"ailable in diameter s smaller than F$7;#

~ X  *0A196 MF/ has t.hefOllo&ing standardD%4oadstrengths, onslllt &itb in!cH6r lle\al.about otherpipestreagths,

4 lQQ=G$$ IblfEfi4 rv s 8.$$$IblfEft

4 u1 #,$$$ 

Iblftlfi4 v 1C,$$$


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ci. ro 1 #.C5$ lblftlft

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#/llonl0~r l'1% /##~lr l'I +0 !Ol"U

l/no.II~cXI  + I~I~I/1Q

in! cr 6alcrial,'7pro"idcs the produc>s Ibat meet the challenges ofyour pro<ect. Uou do not ha"e to changc a thingabout your design % &e pro"ide products that confonn toY Oll r requir e ments for  superior stonn drainage performance.

onsider the follo&ing questions on your ne)t pro<ectH

2 Am l confident that a fle)ible pipe &ill be

 properly installed 10 ensure long tenn performance, or docs concr ete pipe pr o"idemor e pe\ormance confl dence, if Iher e isimpr o per installalionL

2 an l afford 10 inspect e"cry foot of a fle)ible pipeinstatlntion, or is concr ete pi pe the &lser use ofmy customer s ins peclion dollar sL

• Am I comfortablc specifying nnd profcssionnllyccnif ying a plastic material that has a highly "ar iablescr "ice life, or should I go &lth lile reliable bistor yof concr ete pi peL

2 Arn I con">nced Ibat material certification sheets pr o"ided by plastic pipe producers are adcquate r oensur e compliance to AA139O specifications, orshould I go &ith a concr ete pipe that comes &ith post manufaeturing test r esults confir ming finished pr oduct complianeeL

• an l ensure that the hydraulics of my deslgn &illnot be impacted by fle)ible pipe dcflection,corrugation gro&th, separated <oints. ormisalignment, or should l count en concr ete pipe'ssr a ble str uctur e f or hydr aulic per f or manceL

ontact your  egional 9echnical 1er ">ccs e pr esentati"e f or the f ollo&ingH

2 9echnicallnfo Bricf s?1eries• Design Data 1eries

• 1oft&are 0Design & 9ypical Der ails/

• -l*DI*D3 1erninars

2 A*A 6anuals 0&&& .concrere%pipc.org/

Or other pr oduct inf or matiooH

2 1anitary 1e&er *ipe

2 oncrete *ipe 0non%reinforced/

2 einforced oncrete Bo)es

• -lliplical & Arch *ipe


2 9hree 1ided Bridges

• 6ege%Bo) ul"erts

2 1tcrmceptor 

2 1pecialty (ittings

2 6anholes
