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Story of Harold Wilcoxon MC MBE1895-1968

Date post: 07-Aug-2018
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HAROLD WILCOXON 1895-1968 Harold was born at Coedpoeth on November 17 th  1895. He was the third son of Joseph and Annie. After attending Pengelli !"hool in the village# he went to the Co$nt !"hool for %os in &re'ham# later "alled (rove Par) %os !"hool. He was admitted on !eptember 15 th  as No.815# at the time he was living at *7 High !treet# Coedpoeth. +n leaving s"hool he went to the ,niversit College of %angor where he attended the Arm +ff i"er -raining Corps and while still at the ran) of Cadet# applied on J$ne *1 st  1915 for an appointment to a temporar "ommission in the arm . His home address at this time was -alwrn Ho$se/ 0leweln oad# Coedpoeth# where he lived with his parents and brothers -homas and Joseph +swald# 1
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Harold was born at Coedpoeth on November 17th 1895. He was the third son of Joseph and Annie.

After attending Pengelli !"hool in the village# he went to the Co$nt !"hool for %os in &re'ham# later "alled

(rove Par) %os !"hool.He was admitted on !eptember 15th as No.815# at the time he was living at *7 High !treet# Coedpoeth.

+n leaving s"hool he went to the ,niversit College of %angor where he attended the Arm +ffi"er -raining

Corps and while still at the ran) of Cadet# applied on J$ne *1 st 1915 for an appointment to a temporar

"ommission in the arm.

His home address at this time was -alwrn Ho$se/ 0leweln oad# Coedpoeth# where he lived with his parents

and brothers -homas and Joseph +swald#


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2$ring his time at %angor# Harold had learned to ride and re3$ested that he sho$ld serve in the 4nfantr

 preferabl with the oal &elsh $siliers.

-he ,niversit approved his appli"ation and he was a""epted as a "andidate for a Commission in the

15th &elsh egiment. He was so highl regarded that the Prin"ipal added an e'tra re"ommendation to the



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4n 191 he developed severe tonsillitis# whi"h saw him ret$rn home on si") leave in +"tober.

ore problems d$e to dental treatment# fatig$e and anaemia e'tended his leave $ntil he was de"lared fit

to res$me d$ties in 2e"ember 

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+n his ret$rn Harold had to see a edi"al %oard and the de"ided that he was $nfit to res$me d$ties for some

time. Apart from his throat he also had bad teeth that needed to be removed and had not been well for some

time. A f$rther e'amination later fo$nd that he was s$ffering from fatig$e and anaemia. After treatment at

o$nt (arret Hospital# Harold reoined his regiment on 2e"ember : th 191.


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  4n the Cambria 0eader iss$ed 1 ebr$ar 191 it was wrongl anno$n"ed that Harold had been )illed.

%etween J$l 1917 and ar"h 1919 the 0ondon (a;ette in"l$ded these anno$n"ements. Harold had an

o$tstanding militar "areer# he was awarded the C twi"e# and event$all attained the ran) of Captain.



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4n the late spring of 19*1 Harold married (ertr$de <vans in Cardiff. He oined the National Assistan"e %oard

and event$all be"ame assistant "ontroller $ntil his retirement. He was awarded the .%.<. for servi"es to the


(ertr$de died in 19:# at the age of :7. -he had no "hildren.

Harold lived at %rn Hfrd# New !treet# !o$thsea# Nr &re'ham $ntil he was 7*# he died at the &re'ham

(eneral Hospital on J$l th 198 and was b$ried at !o$thsea Ch$r"h ard with (ertr$de.

He left two sisters and one brother.

Harold=s medals were presented to the &elsh egiment $se$m whi"h is at Cardiff.

+n 1:


 !eptember 1918# Harold was appointedCaptain. He was released from d$t on Jan$ar

18th 1919.

% this time his parents had moved to live at *1

Ale'andra oad# &re'ham and he ret$rned

home to live with them there.

2$ring his time in the arm Harold=s brother 

Joseph was )illed in a"tion.

&hile he was waiting to be transported to

ran"e# Harold had spotted him amongst the

soldiers# b$t be"a$se of his ran) was not able to

spea) to him.

-hat was the last time that the brothers sawea"h other.

-his report was p$blished in the

0langollen Advertiser 5 April 1918
