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Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

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Bringing you the very best in local business, events and news free to your door. ISSUE 25 - Feb 2011
Page 1: Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

Bringing you the very best in local business, events and news free to your door.

ISSUE 25 - Feb 2011

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Page 3: Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

TThhee FFllyyeerr EExxppaannddss

February’s Flyer brings you a vastly increased distribution, we have increased from 7,500 copies ofthe Flyer to 13,000 copies. It’s something that I havebeen aiming for since I started in January 2010 andfinally we have hit the target.

The extra copies have been delivered into Combs,Stowupland, Onehouse and Old Newton. This editionhas been based around the changes in Stowmarketover the years and oh how it has grown.

There are so many long standing family businesses inthe town and surround-ing Villages, that peoplejust don’t know about. Ifyou work for or know anysuch business please getin contact with us.

We are looking for deliv-ery people once again,currently in Combs wehave 3 rounds available.

Have a fantastic Februaryand remember, spring ison its way.

Gary Rayner, Editor

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Please note, the copy deadlinefor next edition is the 25th February.Please send any

content to [email protected]

"Consult the professionals,choose the Flyer"

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The Flyer February 2010

The Stowmarket &District Flyer

email: [email protected]: www.stowmarketflyer.co.ukwww.flyeronline.co.uk

To advertise please contact:

01449 798 3339 Station Yard, Needham

Market, Suffolk, IP68AS

Printed by The Flyer PressUnit 9b-9c Bridge Rd, Felixstowe. IP11 7SLTel: 01394 283371e: [email protected]

Page 3 Editor’s NotesPage 4 Town Council

UpdatePage 5 HoroscopesPage 6 Local NewsPage 7 Suffolk

ConstabularyPage 8 Local NewsPage 9 Local NewsPage 10 Town 102Page 11 Local NewsPage 12 Regal Theatre

ListingsPage 13 Flyer Sports

NewsPage 14 What's On

GuidePage 15 Trader’s Guide

Page 4: Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

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Stowmarket TTownCouncil UUpdate

February 2011 Meeting Schedule2nd Planning, Consultation & StrategyCommittee2nd Operations & Services Committee16th Full Council16th Planning, Consultation & StrategyCommittee

Twice a month there are Council meetingsheld in the Council Chamber of StowmarketTown Council, with the first meeting starting at7pm, while the second meeting of the nightwill commence at 7.30pm. Members of thepublic and press are very welcome to attend.If you would like more information on how toattend, please contact Michelle Mackintoshon 01449 612060.

Town CCouncillors’ SSurgeriesThe Town Council runs Councillor Surgeryappointments to suit you, at any time duringthe month (Monday to Friday during officehours). Surgeries allow anyone from the com-munity to speak to a Town Councillor on a oneto one basis about any issues or concerns thatthey may have. To make an appointmentplease telephone Sarah Page on 01449776390. Stowmarket Street Market – Every Thursday andSaturdayThere are plenty of great quality products atexcellent prices on our twice-weekly streetmarket. We have been working to attract newstalls to the town and the Thursday market in

particular has developed into a bustling,vibrant market. You can pick up fresh fish, fruitand veg, meat, flowers, cards, clothing,watches, jewellery and much much more.

Stowmarket wwelcomes nnewTown CClerk

The New Year brings with it the start of a newera for Stowmarket following the appointmentof new Town Clerk, Mr David Blackburn. Davidtook up his new position at Stowmarket TownCouncil at the start of this month. He has over25 years experience working in senior man-agement during which time he has undertak-en various high profile roles in local govern-ment and also worked overseas supervisingelections on behalf of the United Nations. Mostrecently, David has been working atPeterborough City Council.Of his new role, David said, “This is a new chal-lenge for me and one that I am very excitedabout. I am looking forward to meeting peo-ple and working with them on matters thataffect their everyday quality of life. I havebeen very impressed with the enthusiasm andability of the staff here and the dedication ofthe Councillors in seeking to improve the Townand provide the best services possible.”So what brings David to Stowmarket? “I actuallydiscovered the vacancy by accident whilstsearching on line for a holiday cottage aroundthe Stowmarket area!” he said. “This is a part ofthe country that I really love and have visitedon holiday several times. On this occasion aone week break has suddenly turned into apermanent move!”David is married to Jennie and has 3 children

Tom (12), Alice (4) and Jessica (1). He is nowliving in Stowmarket, and his family will be join-ing him later in the year as soon as the familyhome in Leicestershire has been sold. Heacknowledges that it is going to be a chal-lenging move in the short term but is alreadyenjoying the new role. “Living in temporaryaccommodation is obviously not ideal butonce the family are settled I know thatStowmarket will a great place for my youngfamily to grow up. I had absolutely no hesita-tion in accepting the position when it wasoffered to me. I’m already enjoying the newrole and looking forward to the challengeahead. It will not be easy given the pressuresupon public expenditure but I am confidentthat we can develop a Town Council herewhich will stand comparison with any other inthe region.”

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Pest ccontrol service –– hhighquality sservice

continuesResidents in Mid Suffolk will see aslight change in the way theCouncil’s pest control service operates.

Following the cuts facing localauthorities, Mid Suffolk DistrictCouncil has been exploring howthey can continue to deliver thisservice but still meet the demand-ing savings they need to make.

The district council has been work-ing in partnership with SuffolkCounty Council to outsource thepest control service to MITIE. Thisnew way of working will mean thatcustomers will see an increasedservice, with an added opportunityto book appointments for week-ends and bank holidays in emer-gency situations.

Cllr Marilyn Curran, portfolio holderfor environmental health said: “Wehave been determined to do allthat we can to ensure we continueto provide a high quality service,

whilst meeting the demanding sav-ings we are required to meet. Thedistrict council can no longer con-tinue to deliver their pest controlservice in the same way as it hasfor many years now and we dorealise that our customers regardthis as an important service.”

The new, increased, service willtreat a range of 19 pests rangingfrom caterpillars to rodents.Previously, there was only a servicefor 12 pests.

MITIE will be able to provide a sitesurvey, undertake an insect identifi-cation service and be able to offeradvice about preventing re-infesta-tion and proofing works to yourproperty, as well as treating thepest infestation itself.

The revised service is scheduled tocommence from Wednesday 2February 2011.

To book an appointment, residentsliving in either Mid Suffolk orBabergh should contact MITIEeither via email:[email protected] or telephone:08443 350330. To find out moreabout the services offered by MITIEyou can check out their website atwww.mitie.com/pest-control

PRESS RELEASEStowmarket’s Regal Theatre has enjoyed a record breaking January.

January 2011 now hold the record for the most number of cinemaadmission in a month and a record smashing 2400 people visited in asingle week between 21st – 27th January, the record formally held byMamma Mia in July 2008.

Regal Manager David Marsh said: “Admissions have been growing for awhile now, but The King’s Speech has been a fantastic film for us andwith it’s help we have welcomed a lot of people to the back to theRegal, I spoke to one lady, who hadn’t been to the Cinema since 1952,when she saw The Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn classic TheAfrican Queen!”

The Regal first opened in 1936 and will be celebrating it 75th birthdaylater this year.

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Knife crime has been high profile in thenews of late both nationally and locallyhere in Suffolk.

We have been running an amnesty forknives to get these weapons, often car-ried for status, or a misguided sense ofprotection, off our streets.

It is hoped with each knife handed in fordestruction, a tragedy prevented. Initiallythere were static amnesty bins situated inBury St Edmunds, Ipswich and Lowestoft.This opportunity is being made mobilewith bins visiting police stations across thecounty. Stowmarket welcomes the arrivalof disposal bins to the police stationthroughout April and May. Please if youhave knives, know of anyone who may

carry a knife please do all you can to get it off our streets. Depositingitems here is anonymous.

On another note your local SNT have been active in getting out to vari-ous parts of the town with "Street meets" being held in Chilton Hall area,Combs ford Cedars and the Creeting Road area. Listening to what con-cerns you. A number of issues have been raised from parking, rowdybehaviour, poor driving and dog fouling. Each of these matters arebeing looked into.

We have been asked by colleges in the local council to mention dogfouling especially. This has been an increasing issue in Combs Ford inparticular and we ask please collect your dogs waste and use bin

provided. There are health issues with this and is not very nice to step in.

Stowmarket remains a really safe place to live and work. Thank you foryour on going support

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Growth iis aafoot!As well as the Stowmarket Flyer getting bigger and now covering 13,000Homes, so is Stowmarket itself. Above is the start of construction for oneof the last phases of building the Cedars Park Estate. More homes for usto cover in the future!The Recreation Ground Development work is also very much underway,the mid Suffolk update on this can be read below.Work continues on the play area at the Recreation Ground and this partof the project should be completed by the end of February – althoughsome areas may remain fenced off for a while to allow grass to growback. At the time of writing, work on the skate park and the ballpark hasnot started with the contractor’s schedule having been seriously hin-dered by the cold weather in November and December. Work on thesetwo elements of the project should have started before the end ofJanuary. The skate park will take around 12 weeks to build and thereforeshould hopefully open before the end of April. The ballpark will take 2-3weeks to build and the contractors hope to have this finished by the halfterm week during February, although a spell of bad weather would pre-vent this.

Mid SSuffolk DDistrict CCouncillors MMike NNoris& WWendy MMarchant RReporting BBack

BUS PASSES At the moment Mid Suffolk District Council issues theConcessionary Bus Passes which can be used at anytime any day of theweek. However from the 1st April, next year 2011, they will be issued bySuffolk County Council, and will only be able to be used after 9.30 a.m.in the morning and before 11 p.m.in the evening.SUFFOLK LINKS is a 12 seater mini bus and is a new extended version ofthe previously named Club 88, and can be used by telephoning:01449.616000 to book, upto a week ahead the journey you wish tomake, which is not covered by the normal service bus. The office isopen 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday. Journeys can be made 7a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays to Saturday. Concessionary bus passes andExplore cards will be valid on all journeys, otherwise you will be advisedof the fare when you book your journey and a ticket will be issued whenyou board. Suffolk Links is wheelchair accessible, with low steps andhand rails. So telephone 01449.616000 if you are interested in this serv-ice. (Mike and Wendy have been invited to the launch of the newSuffolk Links mini bus at Needham Market Community Centre on Tuesday30th November, 2010.)ACTIVE AT 60 Wendy attended an information session about this onFriday 26th November, 2010 at Needham Market Community Centre.

This is about the extended use of the Key Card, possible coach outings,and the 'Walking Challenge' with possibly pedometers available, andother things to help the elderly lead a full life. Contact 0845 299 6009for more information - office open 10 - 1, 2 - 5 Monday to Friday, or avoice mail message can be left at any time.BUS & TRAIN TIMETABLE INFORMATION Telephone Travel Line 0871 200 2233 for local or national bus or train timetable information.JOHN PEEL CREATIVE ARTS CENTRE STOWMARKET Thank you to those whotelephoned in support of this for the 'People's Millions' - which was suc-cessful. Mid Suffolk Officers Tom Barker and John Spitzer have beenworking for this.COMMMUNITY AUDITOR Mid Suffolk is promoting the concept of a localCommunity Auditor. A Community Auditor is someone who cares abouttheir local area. They want to become part of a wider solution to com-munity issues and inform people of what is good in their community.Who makes a good Community Auditor? Anyone who is willing to devote some time, and a desire to help andgive back - commitment, passion, initiative, willingness to share, andenergy. How does it work? The web site is open to any wishing to view oradd comments. Community Auditors are specifically identified inividualswho will commit to using the system. Services can add events onto thesystem. Benefits: Advertise what you are doing. See what residents aresaying. Improved awareness. Better Planning. Improved Localism.http:/communityaudito./zubed.com/

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Cedars PPark - next sstep ttowards

development ttakenPlans for a new community centre in CedarsPark, Stowmarket have taken the next stepfollowing the submission of a planning application by Crest Nicholson.

Mid Suffolk District Council, Crest Nicholsonand the Cedars Park Residents Associationhave been working together to develop proposals for a new community centre and tolook at what future development could bebrought into the future of Cedars Park.

An application has been submitted for 209one, two, three and four bedroom houses andflats, three commercial units within the villagecentre, a community hall and changing room,a football pitch, new access to the CedarsPark Primary School, public open space andimprovement works to the existing balancingpond, plus associated infrastructure and ancillary works.

Cllr Peter Woodley, Member for the local areasaid: “I am delighted that the application hasnow been presented to the Council. It hastaken a lot of work getting this application sorted. It really demonstrates what can beachieved when people work together.

He continued: “What is also very encouraging

is that the social facilities, community centreand the football pitch are to be totallyfinanced by the developers Crest and Bellwaysand there will be no cost to the tax payers.Although we are still not quite there yet, it's veryclose. Thanks must go to all the partiesinvolved - Developers, Officers and the CedarsPark Residents Association.”

Matthew Parsons, Senior Planning Manager forCrest Nicholson Eastern, said: "We are delighted to have submitted the PlanningApplication for the final stages of Cedars Park.Since the development's inception in 1995, wehave worked closely with the Council andlocal residents to ensure we deliver a schemethat meets the needs of the local residentsproviding a range of well-designed family housing and community facilities to support thedevelopment. The final phase will providecommunity facilities for the benefit of all residents at Cedars Park as well as a mix ofapartments and family houses in order tocater for a wide range of purchasers, from firsttime buyers and young professionals throughto growing families and couples looking todownsize once their children have flown thenest. A mixture of traditional materials anddetailing are proposed together with contemporary internal designs to create amodern interpretation of the Suffolk vernacular,which has proven popular with buyers.Cedar’s Park has been extremely popular,even during the current tough economic climate, which demonstrates that high qualityhomes in a good location will continue to beattractive to purchasers, regardless of the

market. We are looking forward building thefinal phase of Cedars Park and delivering adevelopment that Crest Nicholson, the localresidents and key stakeholders are proud of."

James McConnell, Regional Planning Directorfor Bellway Homes said: “Bellway Homes ispleased to contribute £500,000 towards theprovision of the community centre at theCedars Park development, which we are surewill provide a very valuable facility at the heartof the community. We are also pleased toprovide additional new housing at this development and welcome the positive comments that we have received from members of the Planning Control Committeewith regard to the quality of the design of thedevelopment.”

Roger Willison-Gray, Chair of the Cedars ParkResidents Association commented: “TheResidents association is delighted that wehave made such good progress and we arelooking forward to the day work starts on thelong awaited Community Centre. All of the residents of Cedars Park will be very pleasedthat the completion of the Village Centre andthe final building works will soon be finished.The cooperation between the Local Authorities,the Developers and those who live here hasbeen very successful”

The application is due to go to the Mid SuffolkPlanning Committee later this year.

Page 10: Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

Q Magazine described her as ‘2011's biggestnew voice’, The Observer said that she has ‘anextraordinary voice and song-writing talent’,and her debut album is out on the samerecord label as Take That and Lady Gaga.Town 102 has been chatting with rising starCLARE MAGUIRE.

Lots of people are saying some very nicethings about you – The Sunday Times says youare ‘the newest big voice on the block’ andmusic critics voted you into the top five of the‘Sound of 2011’ poll… but let’s go back to thestart – you’re of Irish ancestry and fromBirmingham… tell us about yourself.

I've been singing all my life – I grew up inBirmingham, and was part of big Irish family.They played a lot of folk music - so I was listen-ing to that from a young age – and I startedwriting songs when I was about seven. When Iwas about 13 years old, I started doing apaper round, collecting money, and goinginto record stores and asking them whatshould I be listening to! They started pointingme in the direction of Johnny Cash, SisterRosetta Tharpe, Prince, Madonna... I now loveso many genres of music; I have just beenobsessed with it all of my life – and now I’mlucky enough to be sitting here talking aboutmy album, ‘Light After Dark’!

It sounds a bit like a strange dream, perhaps?

Yes - some people tell me the story sounds likea Hollywood movie - it does sound verycheesy, but it’s true!

You hear about singers who have grown upwith music just all around them… you're fromquite a large family, so were you a bit of anoisy child when you were growing up to getyourself heard?

People say that, but I never tried to be louderthan anyone else! I remember being in aschool play when I was about five or six,singing Christmas carols, and all the parentslooking at me - I realised that my voice wasREALLY loud! I got very embarrassed and start-ed miming! But it's always been there - I canalmost remember singing earlier than talking.

It's somethingthat I've alwaysloved.

On your journeyto getting thisalbum released,you were drawnby the brightlights of London -is that where it allhappens, music-wise?

I think it's where the majority of things happenat the moment - but I don't want to say thatbecause there are so many great things hap-pening everywhere else in England, and I justthink people aren't given as much of anopportunity to showcase it. I dropped out ofschool and started working in Topshop in theday, and put music demos on MySpace everynight, sitting on there, trying to get people tolisten to me. Eventually, a producer fromLondon asked me to go and work with him,and from that I got a manager... I startedcommuting to London and writing there, purelybecause a lot of people go there to do it.

You make it all sound so easy! It must’ve beena lot of hard work, though?

The thing I always say to people is that it's a lit-tle bit of luck, and a hell of a lot of hard work!You have to really, really graft for it. It's like any-thing that you do - if you want to do well at it,you have to be obsessed with it and reallywork hard, and be excited about your job.Anyone who wants to get into music, or acting,or fashion, or anything artistic - you should real-ly use the internet: YouTube, Myspace,Facebook, Twitter - it's a brilliant tool.

Your album 'Light After Dark' is released at theend of February, with the single 'The LastDance' out already – what’s the song about?

It was triggered by the death of MichaelJackson - I was a huge, huge fan of his, and Iremember when he died that I looked on theinternet to see if it was true, because I didn'twant to believe it. I found out it was, and a lotof people were saying really horrible thingsabout him. I got upset, and angry, and wentinto the studio and wrote this song quite quick-ly; it was like a flood of emotion. The song rep-resents hellos and goodbyes, loves and losses.

How big a part does the music video play?

You know what, for me, singing is only a smallpart - you have to be so involved with every-thing - the production, the writing, the videos,the artwork, the shows - and I think that peopleappreciate it if you put a bit more into it. Agood example is Lady Gaga - she is reallyhands-on with everything she does.

So do you still believe in having physicalrecords to hold, or do you download all yourmusic?

I'm not going to lie, I do download loads ofmusic from iTunes - but when I really lovesomething, I will go out and get it [physically]. I

like to look at the artwork! I bought the newKanye West album to look at the artwork andto see what they write inside!

The Guardian wrote some very nice thingsback in October 2009 - over a year ago now -is that indicative of how long you've beenworking on the album?

I've been working on the album for aboutthree years! When I was writing it I wasn’t think-ing ‘this track’s for an album’ – that’s only beenreally recent! I was still in the studio earlier thismonth, spending time to properly finish it, andI've got all these other tracks I'm going to sing -I don't stop!

Would you say music is in your blood?

At school I was never good at anything, but Isure could write a good song and sing reallywell! Whoa, it was loud, but it was good!

Talk me through the album - how would youdescribe the songs?

I wanted to make sure each of the tracks hada really extreme emotion to them - there aresongs you can laugh to, cry to, and it's veryepic-sounding. It also appeals to all ages - itdoesn't really segregate people. I also like toget my singles remixed by really exciting peo-ple from different genres of music, so thateveryone can listen to it and appreciate it!

A lot of these music people have comparedyou to the likes of Annie Lennox, SineadO’Connor, Florence Welch (from Florence &The Machine) - I've also read you saying how‘it's important to be yourself’ – that sounds likea good motto for life!

Yes, especially for musicians - people alwayslike to say you're like other singers. You justhave to concentrate on your own project, andnot be too swayed by what people think youare – because then you'll start listening to it,and thinking about it too much. I try not tothink! You have to be unique.

You’re touring Europe with synth-pop duo Hurts- how well do you live out of a suitcase, anddo you travel light?

I don't, no! I like clothes, a lot! [laughs] I do try,because you travel with all men so you haveto try to not be the embarrassing woman withall the bags and all the shoes and not wantingto sleep rough - it's true! It's so difficult, peopledon't understand! I always want to have myhair done, but you can't because you're onthe bus, sleeping on the bus, or travelling…you have no time to stop.

Are you going to take any time out to see thesights?

It'll be non-stop gigging for me - the band will,but I'll have to do interviews and all that, andeven when I'm not working, I am - I'm still writ-ing!

Clare Maguire’s debut album ‘Light After Dark’is out now on Polydor Records.

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Page 11: Stowmarket Flyer Feb 2011

On 27 March 2011everyone in theUnited Kingdom willbe taking part in acensus.But why do we needa Census?We need a censusbecause a lot haschanged in the last

ten years. We need to know how the popula-tion has increased, where people live andwhat services they need. The best way to findout is to carry out a count and ask a few ques-tions – the responses will be completely confi-dential but the information collected is valu-able in planning for the future.

What will the information be used for?A census provides an excellent source of infor-mation about the population. This enablescentral and local government, police, health

authorities and many other organisations toplan housing, education, healthcare andpolice and emergency services for years tocome.The census statistics feed into resource alloca-tion for local authorities and play a major partin their ability to provide local services, so it iscrucial the population estimate is as accurateas possible. The level of funding for local serv-ices would not be as high as it could be if thecensus return rate from local people is low. Itis therefore important that you complete yourcensus questionnaire and encourage others todo so.What do I have to do?Your questionnaire envelope will come throughyour door in the middle of March. You’ll easilyrecognise it by the purple 2011 Census logo.The questionnaire includes details of how to fill

it in and how to get help if you need it. Youcan complete it as soon as you wish and sendit back in the envelope provided. If you wantto complete the questionnaire online, yourindividual internet code will be on the front ofthe questionnaire.

If you would like help completing the question-naire:, more information about the 2011Census is available online at:www.census.gov.uk Or telephone the helpline Monday to Friday9am-5pm: 0300 0201 101Minicom (for the deaf or hearing impaired):01329 444 517Don't forget that it is a legal requirement tocomplete the Census.

Exciting news, I am now offeringEyelash extensions and mainte-nance at a great price! Lash exten-sions are a growing in popularityand many celebrities cannot beseen without them. They have beenused in the cosmetic industry foryears to lengthen lashes, making them look fuller and thickertoo.The great thing about the treatmentis they can last up to two months ifcared for correctly and you onlythen need to top them up to keepthem looking full and healthy. Thetreatment means that you don’tneed to wear mascara as your eyeswill look defined, although it does

not restrict you from wearing it, if nonoily. The first treatment can take upto two hours for a full set which givesyou plenty of time to relax, or youhave an option of a partial set eglengthening the outer corner lashes.I use marvel lash glue which is trust-ed brand and the treatment is verysafe and very worthwhile. It onlycosts £690 for a full set and £25 tokeep them maintained.I am also offering a complimentarytreatment for you when you book afull set to either have a file and pol-ish or an eyebrow tidy; it’s yourchoice! Book now to take advan-tage of this great treatment and theoffer!

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RESERVES TO VISIT- Micklemere, near Bury StEdmundsMicklemere lays in a valley next to the riverBlack Bourne, part of what was once a corri-dor of grazing marshes running from Elmswellto Euston. The Ixworth Bypass constructed inthe early 1990's cuts across the north westcorner of the site and as a result the site now

regularly floods. This constant flooding has created a large area of bareground which when wet attracts large numbers of wetland birds.Shingle Islands have been created for nesting birds and a shallow

scrape has been excavated that provides an important feeding habitatfor waders in the spring and autumn. In the summer the Mere can dryout as ground water and river levels fall. Vegetation quickly colonises theopen ground and when the Mere re-floods this creates an ideal habitatfor wildfowl and provides great feeding opportunities.In 2007 the Trust purchased a further 6.8 ha of adjoining land. The newacquisition is a delightful mix of rough pasture and dykes and includesthe river and mill stream. The new land has made Micklemere into aviable grazing unit and we have recently introduced cattle. Native blackpoplar trees have been planted along the river Black Bourn.The end result of all this work is a wonderfully diverse wetland naturereserve in the middle of Suffolk. The river Black Bourne acts as a corridoralong which birds and wildlife move between areas of rich habitat.A bird-watchers paradise Micklemere constantly attracts a rich variety ofbird life. Species such as breeding redshank, lapwing as well as migrantwaders including green sandpiper and greenshank can be seen. It isthe sort of site that has always has something of interest and can occa-sionally turn up a rarity. Barn owls are becoming a regular sight at theMere breeding in an artificial box on the Reserve. To cater for this interesta hide has been erected on the edge of the reserve, in addition on-siteinterpretation explains the wildlife interest of the reserve.

1st SStowmarket GGuidesOn Sunday 16th January 2011 1st Stowmarket Guides held a fundraisingday at ROOM2 Hairdressers for their upcoming trip to the WorldAssociation of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) Our Chalet inSwitzerland. Debbie Balfour, owner of ROOM2, and her two stylists, Chloeand Kerry, were assisted by 1st Stowmarket Guide members Ada, Grace,Annie and Abby for the day. Over £500 was raised to help the GuideUnit get closer towards their dream trip.

1st Stowmarket Guides would like to thank Debbie and her team and allthe parents, Guides and regular customers who helped make the day asuccess.

Jill Geaney Guide Guider at 1st Stowmarket Guides says “Grant fundingis almost non-existent in today’s economic climate and it is only thanksto the brilliant efforts of our fundraising parents that we have been ableto get the trip going.”Our Chalet is one of the four World Centres of the WAGGGS. Situatedhigh up in the mountains of Switzerland it offers accommodation andactivities and is open all year round for all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts inthe world to share. Our Chalet was formally opened on 31 July 1932, bythe first World Chief Guide, Olave Baden-Powell. Most of the village ofAdelboden was present along with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts fromaround the world. The Chief Scout, Lord Baden-Powell, challenged OurChalet to become a school of goodwill and understanding among thefuture women of the world. Other fundraisers so far have included a Quiz night, a quiz and puzzlesheet, carol singing and a cake stall at the Christmas tree lights eveningin town. The Guides are planning many more events in the comingmonths so if you know a member of 1st Stowmarket Guides who is goingon the Swiss trip, please sponsor them.

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Black SSwan ––DirectorDarren

AronofskyRated 115

Black Swan is the latest offeringfrom director Darren Aronofskybest known for The Wrestler(2008) and Requiem for a Dream(2000). Black Swan is describedas a Physiological Thriller or aPhysiological horror film. I wouldsay I am in the camp of Thrillerrather than horror. Yes there are bitsthat made me jump out of myseat but I think this film is one tomake you think and concentrate.

The film is based around a NewYork Ballet company putting onSwan Lake with a twist. The WhiteSwan and the Black Swan will beplayed by the same ballerina.Natalie Portman playing the role

of Nina is perfect for the part ofthe White Swan but can she playthe seductive Black Swan too? MilaKunis who plays Lily is the clearly theperfect fit for the Black Swan, she issexy and rebellious and when theyare both chosen to

audition for the part Portman is forced tofind her dark side.

Portman plays the innocence of this rolevery well but I found myself confused as tohow old Nina is meant to be. I believe sheis meant to be in her early 20’s but attimes I found myself thinking of her as15/16 year old girl. This confusion isbrought on more by her mother Ericaplayed by Barbara Hershey but you understand why she is so overbearing, asshe herself was a dancer and gave up hercareer for Nina.

Kunis is brilliant in the role of the seductiveLily. She is not your stereotypical balletdancer, massive tattoo on her back, smok-er, drinking and eating cheeseburger’s thenight before a show. But this influence inNina’s life proves to be her down fall.

I didn’t see the point ofthe highly mentioned sexscene between Portmanand Kunis, I felt it was put inthere to get bums on seatsslightly but it did give anunderstanding to how Ninawas loosing control. I felt thesame about the scenebetween Portman and Casselwhere he is explaining to herthat she is perfect for theWhite Swan but she needs toprove herself for the BlackSwan.

I had been looking forward toBlack Swan since I saw the trailerlast year and I must say it did notdisappoint me. But as I saidthere where moments where Ithought why has this been put inthe film and the innocence ofNina confused me at times. Ifyou like other films by Aronofskythen I fully recommend you seethis latest offering. Portmangives an outstanding perform-ance and very much deservedher Golden Globe win for BestActress.

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Stowmarket CCricket CClub NNewsfrom CChilton FFields

Although the ice has only just about gone at the time of writing,Stowmarket Cricket Club’s 2011 season is only a few weeks away. The fullfixture list for two Saturday teams, and one on Sundays and Wednesdaysis complete; junior fixtures for both boys and girls will be published closerto the season.The club’s commitment to provide professional coaching to localschools, delivered on a voluntary basis, will continue. The appointment ofthis year’s coach will be confirmed shortly; we hope to build on JamesMokonyama’s splendid work in 2010.With this in mind, a reminder that thejunior coaching programme, under the direction of First Team captainand Level 2 coach Kevin Holland, will begin with three indoor sessions atStowmarket LeisureCentre:27th February, 3 to 4pm13th March, 3 to 4pm20th March, 3 to 4pmCost is £2 per ses-sion or £5 for allthree.

Stowmarket Volleyball 15:19a correction to last months printed infomation

(no sessions on 21st Feb or 7th March).

ITFC CChildren’sBirthday PParties

Celebrate your child’s birthday in stylethis year with Ipswich Town FootballClub! ITFC children’s birthday parties offerchildren aged 5 – 13 years an unfor-gettable and action packed 2 hourbirthday party experience at the home

of the ‘Super Blues’, Ipswich Town Football Club.The celebrating youngsters will get to take part in a fun football sessionoutside on the ITFC practice pitch, a behind the scenes tour of the sta-dium and will also enjoy a delicious birthday party tea. Each child willalso receive a party bag as a memento of the special day and thebirthday child will be given a special gift and signed birthday card fromthe ITFC First Team. Full coloured party invitations are also included inthe party package.A personalised ITFC birthday cake can also be purchased at an addi-tional cost of £10.The ITFC Charitable Trust will literally take care of everything for you,leaving you to sit back, relax and enjoy your child’s special day. Eachparty comes with its own designated party host who will look after thebirthday child and his/her guests ensuring your child and friends havean incredible birthday party experience.

ITFC children’s birthday parties are offered every non matchdaySaturdays with 3 different time slots to choose from; 11am – 1pm,1.30pm – 3.30pm and 4pm – 6pm. We also offer mid week partieswhich run on non matchday Wednesdays, 4.15pm – 6.15pm.

Prices will be frozen until March 31st despite the VAT rise with the costper child just an amazing £12! A minimum number of 10 guests perparty is required.To make a booking or for further information contact ITFC CharitableTrust on 0845 1369333, email [email protected] or visit itfccha-ritabletrust.org.uk.

Army LLook ttothe FFuture

Salvation Army FC have shown further evi-dence of their desire to have an activerole in the local community with the

announcement that they are to offer freefootball training sessions for those in school

years 1 and 2. It is a venture that has been adesire of the club for some time and the organis-

ers are excited at the prospect of adding to the club’s list of ventures.The sessions will begin on Saturday 5th March 2011 at Chilton Fields,their home ground, and the one hour sessions will begin at 9.30 forboth boys and girls. All coaches are FA qualified and CRB checked toboth Salvation Army and Suffolk Football Association standards.The children should all have football boots and shin pads, a bottle ofwater and must wear weather appropriate clothing. Please register yourinterest by speaking to either Mark on 01449 677539, or Ian on 01449614805. Alternatively, you can contact the club [email protected].

On the pitch the First XI continued to show signs of promise under newmanager, Sam Dickie. Despite three consecutive defeats, there havebeen encouraging improvements in the recent games. There was anarrow 1-0 defeat to Somersham, in which Army deserved much betterand only a last gasp equaliser prevented the side from taking all threepoints against Hoxne. It was an important point for the Army and itended a poor run of results. Even more importantly it was anotherexcellent, hard working performance from all the players involved. Onanother day, Army would have scored five but all the signs are therethat a good run is just around the corner.The Reserves have also shown signs of improvement; they are begin-ning to score goals again, which has been difficult since the unfortu-nate retirement of Mike Walsh due to injury. The defensive unit has alsoimproved and hopefully some more positive results will be the rewardfor the hard work being put in.For more information go to www.salvationarmyfc.co.uk

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EEvveerryy TTuueessddaayyKnit 'n' Natter Group'Bags of Handles'Walton, Felixstowe,6pm - 9pm, knit, natterand browse through

hundreds of knitting magazines available to

the group.

EEvveerryy WWeeddnneessddaayy Open Drum Group. Djembes, samba drums,bells and shakers, Henley Community Centre,Ipswich 7.30pm -9.30pm. £5 or £3 concs.Drums available to borrow, beginners welcome,Eddie 07948 359405

EEvveerryy TThhuurrssddaayy Ipswich Country Market - Rushmere Village Hall,Humber Doucy Lane, 10.15am to 11:30am,Local Food, Handmade Crafts Open to all,Free Entry

TTuueessddaayy 1155 FFeebbrruuaarryy10am start, Woodland Ramble with the HeadForester at Ickworth Park £8 - Members, £12 -Non Members. Includes Park and Gardenadmission. Booking essential on 01284 769505

TTuueessddaayy 1155tthh FFeebbrruuaarryyBacton & Cotton Local History SocietyThe song and dance men of Mid-Suffolk.After a hard days work they sang the traditionalsongs and step-danced to relax. Did CharlieStringer sing at Cotton's Trowel & Hammer pub?Katie and John Howson of the East AnglianTraditional Music Trust will tell us their stories withmusic and song.7.30 pm Bacton Village Hall. Members £ 2Non-members £ 3. Bacton & Cotton LocalHistory Society

1199 FFeebbrruuaarryy 19:30 - 22:30Location Hillside Community Centre CombsFord. Back by popular demand! Quiz Nightteams of up to 6 people. Prizes for winners, 2ndand last place. £10 per head to include fishand chip supper. Good Raffle on the night. AllProfits to Stowe Carnival 2011.

SSuunnddaayy 66tthh MMaarrcchhSEASIDE REMEMBRANCE SERVICE AND WALK FORST ELIZABETH HOSPICEWalkers can register in advance or on the dayat 10.30am. Registration fees in advance are£6 for adults and £4 for under 16s. On the dayit will be £7 for adults and £5 for under 16s.Walkers are invited to raise as much sponsor-ship money as possible. call 01473 723600 formore infomation

MMoonnddaayy 2211sstt FFeebbrruuaarryy,, 2200111119.30 'The History and the Natural History of the

Gipping Riverpath'.By: - Ron Godbold and Pauline..At: - Salvation Army Hall, Violet Hill Road,Stowmarket. Cost: - Members £1, NonMembers £3. On the door.For further information Ring, 01449 615665.

Friday 44th MMarchStowmarket farmers market

1122tthh MMaarrcchh ttoo 1166tthh AApprriill 22001111St John The Baptist Church, Needham MarketLent Soup Lunches, Every Saturday from 12thMarch to 16th April 2011 from 12noon to 2pmThe ARK King William Street.Soup & Roll £3.00 inc tea/coffeeAll proceeds to Pastors Children’s EducationFund in our link Diocese in Kagera - All wel-come

Held on the fourth Sunday of every month,Lavenham Farmers’ Market really has estab-lished itself as one of the best Farmers’ Marketsin the region. Over thirty traders come to the beautiful VillageHall to sell a fantastic range of some of thehighest quality, local produce. Stalls includelocal pork, game & beef, home baked cakes& pies, jams, pickles & chutneys, fresh fish,bread, eggs, fruit & veg and lots more. TheFarmers’ Market Cafe offers delicious soup,quiches, cakes, coffee and Farmers’ Breakfastsand in the foyer there are local artists & potters. Lavenham Village Hall, Church St, Lavenham,CO10 9QTFREE ENTRY, FREE PARKING. 10am until 1.30pm

Sunday Feb 27thSunday March 27th

January’s Answers, Good Luck!


Adventurous people from the Stowmarket areaare wanted to “get lost” for charity.St Elizabeth Hospice’s popular Great Xscapefundraising event is back – this time with moretwists than ever before.Teams of three or four people will meet at theMaybush pub in Waldringfield then be blindfold-ed, put on a coach and dropped off some-where deep in the Suffolk countryside onSaturday 9th April.From there they will have the challenge of find-ing their way back to the pub by any meansthey can – in the quickest time.With them they will have little more than theclothes or fancy dress they are in – all mobilephones, money and maps are banned. Acompass is allowed and systems are in placeto ensure participants are safe throughout theevent. They will have to follow the clever cluesset for them to make it back to the pub.Teams will be sponsored and prizes will begiven to those who return first and those wear-ing the best fancy dress. Afterwards there will befree food and refreshments laid on in the pub.Rachael Mittell, of St Elizabeth Hospice, who isorganising the Great Xscape, said: “This will beour third Great Xscape and our toughest oneever. Almost anything goes and we will ensure agood time is had by all. This will test people tothe limit, but it is also a great fun way of sup-porting St Elizabeth Hospice.”To sign up contact 01473 723600. Alternativelyemail [email protected] is £20 per person (non-refundable)and participants are asked to raise as muchsponsorship as possible. For more details visitwww.stelizabethhospice.org.uk

Have Your sayOn The future of the Suffolk

librariesRead the proposal and complete

the questionnaire www.suffolk.gov.uk/LibrariesCon

sultation23011Or call into your nearest branch

for a paper copy

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The Stowmarket & District Flyer 2010. Views and opinions mentioned are not necessarily those of the editor or proprietor and no responsibility will be taken for the accuracy of information contained herein. For further information on advertising in the Flyer, please call: 01449 798 333 or email: [email protected]

All advert layouts & design are property of The Stowmarket & District Flyer / The Flyer Franchising Ltd. - Typesetting, design & print: The Flyer Press Ltd (01394) 283371.The standard charge for unauthorised reproduction is £250
